RIP to one of my favorite viewers :(. She was an incredible trans Indonesian woman who was stuck in the country after visiting family due to the pandemic. Her family forcibly detransitioned her. I never heard from her again. It has been years, and I still think about her all the time. How angry and sad and hopeless it all feels to have there be people who don't even see others as human for having the nerve to exist the way they are. I believe in freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom to be who you want to be. When your religion impedes onto the freedom of other people to live a peaceful life, is when it has gone too far. Religion, empathy, kindness, freedom, do not have to be mutually exclusive things. That is a choice to be inhuman to others. Fairness to ALL Indonesians.
" "Al-ajru qadri ta'ab" means "the merit is measured by the level of difficulty". They get bullied for just wanting to pray. That's so difficult. But they commit regardless. Maybe that is noticed and noted by God, as they're more noble than us, the weak." Very beautiful quote.
These people feel the need of God in them. And sadly all the preachers (who are supposedly help them close to God) are avoiding them because of the way the chose. I'm thankful for the imam who accepted them.
im a muslim. i don’t particularly “support” or allign with lgbtq+ bcs it is a clear cut in islam for its ruling. but never once ive known islam told us to harm and being violence towards them. i conclude for myself, a sin is just a sin regardless of the sin. lgbtq+ person sin? so do i. just bcs i sin differently doesnt mean im better or different from their sin. in the end Allah told us to repent to Allah and for Allah forgive whatever is the sin. we r all sinners. though we sin differently, we r still sinners. and in need of Allah’s forgiveness which Allah promised us Allah will bless us with.
Muslims are not supposed to support it but transgenderism is... Highly subjected, in some Muslim countries its considered taboo but permissible. It is however explicitly illegal in Islam to perform homosexual acts
Omg. there are 13 countries that have death penalty for homosexuality. All 13 are Islamic countries. Please, your religion is a hateful and intolerant ideology. Wherever it is present, there's only death and hatred.
Is that what you wish? It's been 1400years huh? Your fake prophet falsely predict about the near future of the doomsday? Have you read about any of those hadith??
@@renlybaratheon650 what are you talking about? False prophet? Are you that lost to call a the best man that has ever existed false We are in the end of times and you hiding behind a screen and writing this shows how much of a coward you. False predicted?? I think the only one here that has NEVER read a Hadith about the Amazing Prophet is YOU. ALL of what he said came true he never lied
All souls are beautiful but the problem here is that they claim themself as a muslim. Unfortunately, according to these people’s interpretation of the teaching, LGBT are not acceptable in Islam.
Don't follow the Quran/Sunnah to fit what pleases us , follow them to fit what pleases God (Allah Swt) . To obtain that , one needs to come clean with humbleness , sincerity and a willingness to learn, unlearn and purify . Don't pick and choose . The guidance is clear . Knowledge removes ignorance. The most fundamental of which is understanding our "Kalimah Shahadatain" لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله and where our hearts are with that declaration , the nafs , Hawa , dunya etc .
Quran mentions transsexuals. Just no homosexuality. Surah 42 Ash-Shuraa (42:49) The dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah.76 He creates whatever He pleases. He grants females to whomever He pleases and males to whomever He pleases, (42:50) or grants them a mix of males and females, and causes whomever He pleases to be barren. He is All- Knowing, All-Powerful. Also. Surah Ya-Sin 36 (Google It)
Tbh even if what they doing is a sin if they’re actually transitioning their gender from male to female vice versa I do find it quite amazing that they’re so intent on reading the Quran . Maybe they’ll learn through that ? May Allah guide them all
I gotta say a thing. They aren't transitioning. In Asia, we basically call Intersexual/Hermaphrodites as Transgenders. It's not a sin if you are born like that
I am intersex and it is extremely rare, I highly doubt that they are intersex also we prefer not to be called Hermaprodites and we definitely are not transgender (however I realize this is a difference in cultural language)
@@marshmallow7640 yeah it’s a difference in cultural language I was confused at first but then realised even in Pakistan they refer to intersex people as transgender.
@@theonlyholyDEMIGOD they are transgender, they have breast, intersex are born with both genitalia, transgender are born one sex and transitioned to another, some dont transitiom because of lack of hormone, but you can see the host transitioned well.
Noone apart from God has the right to kick you out of a religion or push you away from the love of God. God is love. They give me hope cause even in difficult times, they remember to smile and appreciate the little they have. They are all beautiful
That isn’t how Islam works. While I do believe you can be trans and Muslim just as you can sin and be Muslim, refusal to believe in the oneness of God or in the status of the Prophet makes you not a Muslim
@@wirelessbluestone5983 I definitely do validate your pov. My point was that noone should tell you that in this case that just becoz your Trans you can't worship God or you are not worthy to recieve his love or pray to him
It's very possible to maintain a relationship with a higher power, without needing to attend a place of worship, or need to be associated with a major religion. The human population that created the belief system associated the Quran, has the birthright to dictate what is and is not acceptable. That includes homosexuality and/or transgenderism. Get over it.
Only Abrahamic religions have this problems. Eastern Religions like Buddhism,HInduism,Jainism,Sikhism etc are not against LGBT people. In fact,we have many queer people in our mythologies
@@andrewjones575 No they shouldn't and that's just the sad reality. Their hormone and constitution are just so different from natural born women that having them compete in weight lifting, swimming or boxing with other female would be unfair.
Transgenders are born transgender and are living the way they were created. You, and people sharing your mentality are fulfilling shaitan's wish by forcing them to change the way they were created. People like you are the real Shaitan.
This is getting really dangerous as grave sins are getting normalised in the name of freedom. A sin is a sin. No matter what you think of it or how you perceive it. It's good that they are getting a place to pray and read the Qur'an reconcile themselves but they should rectify themselves once they uncover the truth rather embracing it alongside.
Okay but Allah says in the Quran he made us into male and female. And that the male is not like the female. So how can they call themselves Muslims when they are actively going against Allah?
This is against the belief of Islam but please don’t spew hate or say hurtful words, you can guide them or advice them but hating is not what Allah taught us. ❤️
Quran is against males having sex with males, but I'm not sure there is any thing against wearing makeup or dresses as long as there is no male on Mae sex and no changing to God's creation such as breast implants.
Only Allah will judge them. Even u are not gays u still a sinner that needs Allah for gis forgiveness. Allah dont need sinless people that can step his Jannah.
Everybody deserve to pray, gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, whatever u are, u deserve to pray, as long as it's for a good purpose and done according to the guidance. I love how the teacher doesn't let her gender as an excuse to not pray and be religious.
Its good he's praying but he should strive to stop this transgenderism nonsense. The Prophet Muhammad a.s himself cursed those who immitated the other sex. The fact he's out here in this documentary also shows he's proud of this, another sin.
No sin , no matter how great except associating partners with God can make someone a disbeliever. Better a sinful believer than disbeliever. May Allah SWT guide them
Ibless is confused 🤔 How is reading the Quran while being a Trans and normalizing it not an act of rebellion against God? Are we trying to please the feelings of some weak humans or pleasing Allah?
@@widiyantopengok69 we are definitely not perfect, but what I know is this. And let's. Be. Honest. How could reading quran ever compensate for basically saying Allah is not perfect, by creating a "wrong" body? I promise you, I am NOT a perfect muslim, but anyone that reject that Allah made a mistake is not. a. muslim. Who cares what YOU think? Please realize the severity of what they are doing. How are you not seeing this? Of course they are enjoying the beauty of Allahs Words, but how can you forget the seriousness of the act of being trans? Denying Allahs Ultimate Wisdom? Following His Path? How can that be a "good" muslim? How can that be a muslim (SUBMITTER to Allah, NOT their desires)??? Satan says: “Verily, I will mislead them, and surely, I will arouse in them false desires; and certainly, I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allah.” (Al-Nisa 4:119)
You can contact vice indonesia, i tried to help you since I saw their social media account (on the wall as the background during interview) in the video but it was covered by fences.
14:48 out of topic, but that's a VERY interesting translation of "dirgahayu". I always interpret it as "happy birthday", but more sacred and respectful, so it's reserved to a big thing, like a nation. I.e., if you say "happy birthday", you're happy for that person, but if you say "dirgahayu", you're just more than happy for that person; you're belated and glad; you respect and love them. It's rare used outside of independence context, but if someone were to say "dirgahayu" to me, I'd would be more than flattered.
I'm not mulsim, neither of any religion. I was not raised with it, neither were my parents. I do not feel the need to have one. But to see the reporter and all those women commect and reconnect to their faith is truly beautiful and emotional. I wish all of them the best and hope for a wolrd that treats trans people and eveyone lovingly.
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men, and he said: “Throw them out of your houses.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885). haram is haram no matter what the elites wanna push, Islam will never corrupt alhamdullilah
@@bharathdeva9407 that’s understandable from your point of view, but these people are following the religion of Islam and upon this matter what I stated before is the approachable way of dealing with it. And the person in the video saying that them being trans is therefore wrong and a sin indeed because of it being acted upon.
Prophet Muhammad’s heart would’ve broken if he knew this was the Ummah he spent long nights crying for. He will not intercede for such on the day of judgement, a day of shame and regret.
Well your prophet clearly playing favourites there.. he doesn't accept anyone who isn't cisgender and heterosexual.. the almighty God made them like that and he doesn't accept them for who they are.. what a cruel god
If he was a Prophet of God why would he say the Sun is literally the size as you see it and why would he say The Earth has 7 solid domes above it where the throne of Allah is? Wouldn't God tell him, that's wrong and that the Earth is round and orbits the Sun with the other planets which all but 2 have multiple moons
First they're telling being a transgender isn't not a sin,no brother it's a kabeera sin you're playing with the nature rules and restrictions! Which are created by Allah SWT and then giving the teaching of Islam according to their convenience and leave i thought let it be it's between them and Allah and and when I saw they're earning money by doing singing and dancing Astagfirullah! A muslim is the one who live their lives according to the will of their creator, and you guys are changing its creation and calling as there's no sin of being a transgender? My blood is boiling after watching this,those who supports this you guys are munafiqeen, May Allah guide All of us to the straight path!
There is no sin greater than any other. Are you without sin? Perfect in the eyes of God? No? Then let them seek God without judgment since your aren't without sin and have no right to cast judgment on others
They're going to be slaughtered and we can do nothing but watch. God have mercy on them, my heart bleeds when i see this kind of persecution in my beloved country.
As muslims this is unacceptable in any shape or form and we refuse it those people are making fun of our religion in front of our eyes this need to stop 🛑
@@samuelrigaud88 but how is that racist or even islamophobic though? What they are doing goes against Allah and his messenger (SAW). No one is perfect true, but we aren't flaunting our sins or trying to change our religion for worldly desires.
I always appreciate when a different perspective is provided. How could one learn from others mistakes or broaden their perspective past their own experiences and lifestyle if there weren’t media platforms such as Vice and Cut. Willingly expanding yourself and mindset to everything in life will teach so much more than excluding yourself from the truth and drowning in the toxicity within our environments.
@@chrisconnor7934 no and that tells me that you are not Muslim bcz All creations are Noble creations of Allah, so their experience is also valid human experience.
@@shahrukhkhan8307 The religion of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is based upon the understanding of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the Salaf As-Salihin [Sahaba, Tabi'in, Tabi Tabi'in]. Anything else which is newly introduced is nothing but Zandaqa [heresy] and Bid'ah [innovation]. Zahdam bin Mudarrab has reported: `Imran bin Hussain said: "The Prophet (ﷺ) said: 'The best of you (people) are my generation, and the second best will be those who will follow them, and then those who will follow the second generation." (...). [REFERENCE: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 78, Hadith 686] ____________________ ...and every Bid'ah is rejected. 'Aisha (radiAllahu anha) said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "He who does something contrary to our way (i.e. Islam) will have it rejected." [Muslim] [REFERENCE: Riyad As-Salihin # 1647]
@@selaluoposisisiapapunpresi7982 Anything which the Prophet (ﷺ) never did nor the Sahaba [on a religious level], then it is Bid'ah. Jabir bin 'Abdullah (radiAllahu anhu) said: "In his Khutbah the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to praise Allah as He deserves to be praised, then he would say: 'Whomsoever Allah (SWT) guides, none can lead him astray, and whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide. The truest of word is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst of things are those that are newly invented; every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire.' (...)". [REFERENCE: Sunan An-Nasa'i, Vol. 2, Book 19, Hadith 1579]
Alhamdulilah for these people, to know that they suffer but don't turn their back on allah and islam shows that they are the true believers ! No one should dictate your personal relationship with your islam and allah ! They will be rewarded for passing this difficult test on earth surely.
Don’t turn their back on Allah?? Allah drowned the gays in the Dead Sea in the past because of their homosexuality! If they were true believers they would’ve let go of their wretched beliefs and their pretense of identity. Allah gave them their biology, they have no right to change it because they feel like it. Islam can not be morphed just because u want it to fit ur beliefs.
@@Fahadshamqasim13 it is not sinful, what they are doing is a noble cause, they are more holy then most of us since they face so many hardships and don’t turn away from god, so they are more noble and holy then you.
@@Jobi. There is nothing in the Quran mentioned explicitly against men dressing like women, however, there are some Hadith that say otherwise and it is forbidden to change the creation of Allah, which also does not allow for plastic surgery or tattoos! The Quran however does not allow for women to dress like men, and this is clearly indicated in the verses about modesty! 4:119 "And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah ." And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of Allah has certainly sustained a clear loss." Sahih al-Bukhari 5886: "The Prophet (ﷺ) cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses ." The Prophet (ﷺ) turned out such-and-such man, and `Umar turned out such-and-such woman." Sunan Abi Dawud 4098: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and the woman who dressed like a man."
@@Jobi. And maybe it is worth noting, that men that dress like women could also lead men astray to have desires for transgender women, which is not allowed in Islam!
I can not imagine being in their shoes to have all that hate and to be told that Islam and god hates you , and they still have faith in their hearts ❤️ and want to pray and read the Quran shows how amazing they are , especially how she came back to Islam after this was beautiful,and people that push people out of the religion and harass people should be ashamed , we sin everyday but because we can not relate to lgbt we make it out as if it’s the only sin that can not be forgiven I pray they have easier lives
@@comradekenobi6908 lol really?? Because of political advantages u fool😆🤷♂️. Islam was the hottest new movement at that time, has nothing 2 do with actual spirituality/god lol💯🙏. Plus u have your OWN FREEWILL u can CHOOSE what u want to follow welcome to planet earth buddy😉😆🙏 And I'm an arab EX muslim(the real deal)😉
I'm Indonesian, Thank you Team Vice, make a video about them for us. Honestly, I never knew this case and what happened with them, in fact after I watched his story, I understood that BUT we live in s country pure with culture and religion, and all of them have rules and are dogmatic. So maybe it's not easy to find polite and nice people who can accept them. I hope they can adapt and live normally like each Indonesian in their motherland self. Respect for them *** EDIT: thanks for 100 likes
You pray for what exactly.? Forgiveness or to remain the same? All of you are groups working against Islam. But Allah knows who you are. No there is noo such in Islam. If you were real, you won't come in public. You will be praying in secret. You want Indonesia to become the land of vices and you start with the speech of tolerance.
It is but there are a lot of things forbidden in Islam. What matters is that we ask for forgiveness and make intentions. Allah knows our heart and he will be merciful on the day of judgment
Wel yea say whatever you like, but like the host said, don’t doggily whine about it when people apostate into other religion when you fail to held them back. Like in 1965, Its not christianity’s fault if a lot of old faith people convert to christianity because you muslims persecute the old faith too hard. Now you blame us as if there’s a grand conspiracy against muslims, even though indonesians muslims are legit their biggest enemy. Just sayin 🤷
Your book tells you that acting out same sex desires is wrong, and the moment you make what is Haram Halal, and vice versa, you've left the fold of Islam. Whatever they're doing is not in line with the normative tradition, and they've made their tastes and wants gods.
It was a choice for Lot’s people in quran and their way also involved sexual assult. Please ask your constitution whether it is fair for a confused child to be deemed as a heathen just for following their heart. Allah is all the most fair.
If it bleeds it leads. Vice is looking for that follow-up content so they can break more stories about any atrocities and oppression etc that may happen as a result of them being outed.
@@LFSPharaoh my home... is not a country of peace. Now that they know these people exist... oh god. I only hope god has mercy on them. Because my people... they are neither merciful nor filled with restraint.
While I don't agree with much of what was going on and being said, definitely a thought provoking video. Different peoples have interpreted the Quran to fit their own lifestyles and cultural practices, and I doubt there would be as much uproar for a school from any other sect. So my thoughts are this, to you your religion and to me mine. People will believe whatever they want at the end of the day, but the issue comes when a person feels they are free to impose their views on others through violence as opposed to dialogue.
@@javiermarquez2640 , transphobia? Look I understand that trans people shouldn't be bullied or excluded or mistreated But disagreeing with their gender identity is not evil
As a trans woman, I went for my first time to my local IC to volunteer for Iftar this Ramadan. It was so beautiful and the Sheikh’s halaqa was so inspiring. I was embraced and welcomed there so much. I feel blessed to have been able to experience that and I know that experience is mostly an nyc concept due to colonial legacies for the world, but I just wanted to share. And trans Muslims are so precious I’m friends with a few and it’s everything
I love them for the sake of Allah, and they are muslims, but Allah has strictly prohibited this. We cannot make allowable what Allah has prohibited. We all face fitnas, but striving towards obedience to Allah should be our goal. We can never, ever go against what Allah has ordained. May Allah guide them.
@@peaceandtolerance557 sister , we muslims dnt believe in anything without evidence . You dnt understand what you are saying so pls dnt spread misinformation . Allah swt has created only Men and Women and within men and women he has created desires , these homosexual urges are nothing but desires which every muslim has to overcome instead of chasing. So pls dnt spread misinformation regarding our religion . I suppose you haven't read thr Quran sister
“And (remember) Loot (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)? 81. ‘Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins).’ 82. And the answer of his people was only that they said: ‘Drive them out of your town, these are indeed men who want to be pure (from sins)!’ 83. Then We saved him and his family, except his wife; she was of those who remained behind (in the torment). 84. And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the Mujrimoon (criminals, polytheists and sinners)” [al-A’raaf 7:80-84]
I instantly burst into tears the second she cried while reading the Quran, & she said it’s been a very long time since she hadn’t read the Quran, as Indonesian & LGBT people myself it’s so refreshing seeing this kind of video, thanks Vice.
Peace be with you. All these religious fanatics have failed to realise that since we are ignorant in the womb, being born, we are humans 1st. Not Muslim or Christian, Straight or LGBTQ. We are human first. May the universe preserve you all all like you @frizzky
@@chanelvenus actually based on the our constitution, Indonesia allowed people to change their identity gender at the their Identity Card (KTP) as long they proof was performing corrective surgery. Yes despite we are Muslim Majority countries, our law is not restricted like many people's think. You can see many transwoman becoming celebrities in Indonesia. The main problem in Indonesia is our society is not really acceptable about the existence of LGBTQ community. In the Philippines you can see many movie based on the LGBTQ life and most the people's of the Philippines accept that. Unfortunately if you make the movie about LGBTQ community in Indonesia, majority of us easily got ANGRY and start to spreading the hate about the actors and directors. They are thought the actors and directors humiliating Indonesia at international stage if they making movie about LGBTQ community in Indonesia. This is the differences between Indonesia and the Philippines. I hope you can understands about the situation in our country. Greetings from Jakarta Indonesia.
@@caesarianwijaya884 hello fellow Indonesian! Yes your statement is so true. Until today it's still can be found people using religion as a reason to be homophobic here it's so heartbreaking.
Subhanallah... I live in Egypt, the country of Al-Azhar, and the famous scholars. I've never before heard this interpretation of "Iqra"/read, at 21:28. This lady is really something.
That’s because you take Islamic knowledge from vice youtube videos and not from scholars who have spent their life studying the religion,and living in Egypt /where famous scholars live doesn’t mean that you have even hear what they say,also ,you try to paint them people in this video as knowledgeable when they don’t even have correct tilawah of the Quran,not even close
@@muaathalsufi5843 You do realize that there is no comparison here! I just liked her perception of the word "Iqra" and how transcending its meaning is, not just reading the Quran but reading and understanding everything that surrounds us.
@@paralelsuniverse9345 Islamic brotherhood between Muslim majority countries okayy, but Indonesia is not friends with the so called “Muslim brotherhood”, or affiliates of such like ‘Prosperous Justice party’. The Muslim brotherhood have been banned in like 13 Islamic countries, including countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt themselves. People can’t expect Indonesia to withhold such organizations like ‘MB’.
It always amazes me how hateful people use God and religion to justify themselves. If you think you're close to God, yet judge others, it's not God next to you. God is love. Love one another.
God also gave us wonderful bodies. Mutilating these bodies should not be encouraged. Harming Gods creation in order to “feel better” and going against nature is the path that leads to hell. We should speak out against that.
Any religious law is summed up in this: Love the Lord your God and Love others. If you do these two things, you will fulfill any religious requirements. That is true religion.
@B EE Because "woke" people accept others as they are? And don't shun them, mock them, or literally try to force them to be something they aren't? If that's "woke" I guess as the kids say, I'm woke af.
I understand the message behind this, and I support practicing your religion no matter who and what you are, or what kind of sins you do. But telling people that being a trans woman is not a sin in Islam is straight-up lying. You're spreading wrong facts about Islam. There are two main sources for Islam which are: the Quran and the hadiths of the prophet,. According to Muslim scholars if you deny one of those you are not a Muslim. It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Prophet cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885)) It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah cursed the man who wears women’s clothing and the woman who wears men’s clothing. (Narrated by Abu Dawood (4098) and classed as Saheeh by al-Nawawi in al-Majmoo’ (4/469) and by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood) In conclusion, being transgender is a sin in Islam, but that doesn't mean you have to stop practicing your religion nor would Allah want you to do that because indeed he is the most forgiving, loving, and most compassionate.
The only liar is you! There is nothing in the quran that's says Islam is the quran AND the sunnah, its the scholar who day that as they formed a sect sunni and shia.
I am VERY happy this exists for them. Every single human being deserves the right to religion. Real muslims should be happy that everyone receives the message of Islam. This means EVERYONE.
I am not happy because they are going against Islam. At 0.25, the person said it is not a sin while it is. It is being vegan and eating meat, you are no longer a vegan after that
ok i give in. I change my mind, Being a Transperson isnt a choice. this folks have to live the way they feel inside, i fully 110% support transmen transwomen and all trans folk, they go through so much hurt and pain Just to be who they are. I pray they find safe place and happiness.
21:44 “it is only men and women who exist, then there is us trans” Good job, you’ve just added an innovation to the religion. Allah speaks about gender. You being born a man is Allah’s will. Being born a woman is Allah’s will. Wa Allah Alazeez Alhakeem.
Are some of these trans women using black market injections? If so, I hope someone can educate them about how dangerous it is & actually get through to them. I can't imagine having such bad body dysmorphia issues that you feel pressured to do something that could potentially kill or disfigure you. They don't need to risk themselves like that! They're all beautiful!!!
@@awzd3951 Yea, thanks bro, that was me 5 years ago. Believe it or not, that pic was taken inside of a USCIS office, and is on a government issued card lol.
As a muslim, I would never bully or harm them. Each one has its own life and story. Trans or not, I’m glad they’re still holding onto their faith. May Allah keep them safe 🤲🏽
Is someone who says that Allah created a "wrong" being a sinner or a non-muslim? Just because you can read Quran/enjoy the beauty/amazing outcome of it, does not mean that you are following the path of the most Wise, Allah. This blows my mind. In the name of "sPirituAlity" it is okay to just completely disregard Allahs Law? Oh my Ummah, my brothees and sisters, fear Allah and open your eyes. May Allah guide us all amin.
I live in this city for more 10 years. Few years ago after some international media made documantary about them, local organization (radicals organitation) tried to kick them out. I hope after this documentary they don't have same problems as before.
I am a convert to Judaism who happens to be FTM and I have to say I really love how accepted I've been so far, which was something I was pretty worried about. I feel like too many people think that they're automatically incompatitable with religion because of who they are; nobody should feel that way about something that brings them joy and they earnestly want to practice ^^;
It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men, and he said: "Throw out of your houses." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885).
Yup still i found it illogical for trans woman to pray in covers and wear hijab when he is a men by fitrah (nature)..Astaghfirullah may god guide them and forgive them
Sorry to say, if ur LGBTQ who want to repent yes! Absolutely can, but if u want Islam to accept LGBTQ, No you cant… If you want to be a muslim, then you hve to follow what islam teach you, “If you ade tolerance for everything, then you are stand for nothing”…law is law… Islam is not cheap religion.. there is no bargain when it comes to law
Lol, Countries Like Pakistan is a majority Muslim Country too and they accept Transgenders . It would be better if they Convert to another religion is better right , instead of being a Muslim anymore ?
@@ibrahimhassan711 you preach like you are not sinner! Using religion for hatred against any peace-loving people like lgbt is a real sin, more sinful than lust and alcohol combined!
I think it’s great that they are trying to read it and understand. You never know for change and if you keep holding them back because of begin “ Trans” or “gay” you might be the cause of blocking a great end result.
Your comment make no sense because in essense you are still saying being gay or trans is wrong and them reading the quaran might make them change in the end, so you are still not seeing them as who they are but waiting for a chnage... you can keep the comment you made
@@moniho6907 No you assumed I said it was wrong. Assumed a lot of things clearly🖐 If they make a change by themselves what is the problem? That’s clearly what I’m saying people learn and don’t hold them back. Pick a problem with the wall or something because you’re trying to find an issue.
This woman has some screws loose. Islam means submitting to God and not submitting to your desires. Yes, you can have those thoughts as does a married man when he sees a beautiful woman or vice versa, this does not mean you can act upon what your mind desires. That’s the whole point of our religion, freeing yourself from materialism, hedonism and all other “instant pleasures” (which enslave you more than anything) so that you can be rewarded in the hereafter. I can go on for days as to why everything said here is wrong. You are not a muslim until you realise these simple fact
@@ibrahimhassan711 ok so u think im not a muslim? Alright i guess im not then. Congrats u just made me an infidel. There's no bigger sin than making a believer loose its faith. Good luck on finding that exact verse, i won't bother link you bcs im an infidel. Also, see you by the gate of hell, sinner.
@@NovelSuara12 saying something that is haram is halal makes you a disbeliever this isn’t some pick and mix religion. I didn’t make you an kaafir you already was one. We all sin but to say your sin isn’t a sin takes you out the fold of Islam. Once again you are not God you don’t know where I’m going lol. God forbid. Alphabet squad is incompatible with Islam. Pick your desires or pick your salvation.
Following Their desires and disbelieving in parts of the Quran. This man with hijab said at the end that there is not only male and female... When Allah SWT said that he only created male and female from humans, animals and plants (1400 years ago mentioned that even plants have only male and female). "It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error." Quran 33:36
@@AliMohammed-ez6nt I don't much about Islam but I'm pretty sure we would all agree that there is far more than just male or female in plants and in animals...
@@dicemise Are you dense or something? Plants only have two sexes my friend they're not *WOKE* . EDIT: Don't know why people are liking your comment youre literally wrong, you need to add *I don't know much about biology* instead of Islam.
For a book Allah said is easy to understand and one for which their is no doubt, there are sure a lot of different sects who disagree on understanding and certainly have a lot of doubts.
This is a beautiful video. I did watch the Al-Fatah episode you put together 9 years ago and I have been curious about how they are doing now. I personally find their interpretation really beautiful, I personally believe that Islam is supposed to bring peace upon the believers, and it is really shown that they found spiritual peace in Islam through how they interpret it. I wish them well and may Allah bless them
0:27 Being a trans is not a sin? what is her right to tell which is sin and not sin? clearly he never read hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas RA: (which translate to) “The Prophet cursed effeminate men and those women who assume the similitude (manners) of men.”
@@alphazolax1843 what king of logic are you talking about if your book says clearly to do not such a thing and you do it so you don t believe in it anymore
@@Ily381 you can tolerate your wife's behavior and still stand on not going for that vacation she is crying about, you can tolerate your childrens tantrum and still stand that they would not get that apple phone, that I tolerate your insult do not mean I won't stand on my believe that I don't need to insult a person to make my point,
@@richarddawkins4607 That's what islam does, 1400 years of insanity. Where ever islam goes it destroys the host country and takes over, Indonesia was once a beautiful Hindu country. Not now.
“And (remember) Lut (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)? Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins)’” [al-A’raaf 7:80-81]
@@ummyusuf8817 O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as friends if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among you - then it is those who are the wrongdoers. Quran 9:23
@@mangoorange7020 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is not right for any human being to prostrate to another; if it were right for one human being to prostrate to another, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands because of the great rights that they have over them. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if a man were covered from head to foot with weeping sores oozing pus, and his wife were to come to him and lick his sores (to clean them), this would not fulfil the rights he has over her.’” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 12153; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7725).
As a muslin myself, i m big supporter for transpeople's right. However Islam is very strict religion especially when it come to gender. They need to respect the right of other muslin, if they want to be treated the same way. A course transpeople have the right to religion. However when other muslin is confius with their gender this only lead to trouble. It best transpeople stick with their on community when it come to religion. Cherry picking the rules of religion to suit oneself in a complex society only lead to more problem.
Its a huge sin in islam. Saying its not a sin is another huge sin. Saying don't judge us only God can judge is a stupid thing to say because we are only judging you based on the laws God gave us.
I am sorry, where does it say Trans women/men are accepted? Okay if they recite Quran or pray thats between them Don't say its acceptable, when u know it not to be or have no evidence
So theres a whole sura (story) about the prophet lut in the quran or lot in the bible, lut’s uncle Ibrahim or Abraham was informed by two or three angels who took the appearance of handsome men, the end of the story concludes with god disintegrating the civilization expect for lut and his children, the city was destroyed because the entire population were homosexuals
If your talking about these transgenders not being accepted by other Muslims than No these transgenders are the cruel ones for no reason. The holy Quran is clearly against this. They are using the banner of islam to make corruption between ppl. If they really cared they would abandon islam and find another religion to mock. Shame on you if you agree with what they are trying to do.
Videos like this put into perspective just how universal the fight against fundamentalist religion really is across the world. I wish peace and love to all my transgender sisters, brothers, and siblings, and I pray that those who affirm the LGBT community will win.
@@andrewjones575 trans women already have to have gone through rigorous tests to be able to compete with cis women, including testosterone levels which many biological women don’t even pass depending on their hormonal makeup, as for the “bone mass” or whatever argument, you don’t divide basketball players by height even though some have a biological advantage
@@amelierose3088 The limit for the testosterone level allowed is far higher than the level the vast majority of women have. Basketball players are usually very tall; that doesn't mean men should be allowed on women's teams, even if they self-identify as women & have brought their testosterone down. If Gavin Hubbard had changed his name to Laurel & competed against women a decade earlier, he'd have won women's competitions & records. Rhys McKinnon won women's cycling events when he called himself Rachel.
They will never be women. A chopped up man on estrogen and castrated is not a woman. Muhammad was a fake prophet, a warlord. A murderer and child molester rapist. Being as fundamentally Christian(Orthodox it’s called) is the Truth. ☦️
"Usually when trans people follow a religion, people have negative opinions. I dont reapond to it. They can call me a transexual, transvestite, dracula, or even the devil. The important thing is I still consistently pray. I read the Quran regularly. Im not angry. I'm not sorry for only being afraid of God alone. I'm not afraid of people." ❤️🔥
Allah (SWT) rewards the doers of good. Allah the Most High sent His Last Messenger with clear admonitions. Do you want paradise? Or woke acceptance at the cost of paradise? Submit to Allah (SWT) and His authentic Shariah. All innovation Bid'ah is misguidance. The Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) would not approve. Follow the truth and not infiltrators.
I salute and envy Rana Thamrin reporting for this documentary because it touched my heart when she cried while reciting Quran and Shinta said Allah asks every one of us to read regardless of trans or normal people. The Imam also mentioned the beauty of Islam in accepting every creature on earth. Congrats Rana Thamrin and The Al Fatah Waria Pasentren in Jogja. Would love to visit and meet Rana too one-day InsyaAllah.
@@faroulalou7641 is she used religion for spreading hatred against anyone who are different from her? Is she committed discrimination against heterosexuals in general like what did by homophobes against lgbt?
"And there are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," yet they are not true believers. They seek to deceive Allah and the believers, yet they only deceive themselves, but they fail to perceive it. There is sickness in their hearts, and Allah "only" let's their sickness increase. They will suffer a painful punishment for their lies. When they are told, "do not spread corruption in the land" they reply, "We are only peace makers". Indeed it is they who are the corrupters, but they fail to perceive it." (Qur'an 2:8-12)
The dangerous thing in this mindsets is that they want to bend Islam to make it fit with their evil desires. Yes, being a trans is haram without any difference of opinion the sahaba to all Muslim generations of scholars until today. Men who imitate women and women who imitate men are cursed by Allah. Besides this, becoming trans does not take you out of the fold of Islam unless you claim it is halal. With every sin, if someone claims that it is halal, this is called istihlal and those who do istihlal have fallen in disbelieve. You have gay imams who claims b that men marrying men is not a sin.. You have lesbians who claim it is not a sin to be intimate with the same sex.. you have female imams who do the adhan and lead men in the masjid for prayer and they claim it is not a sin.. now you have people who claim being trans is not a sin.. allahul musta3an. Being trans is haram in so many ways. It is good that they learn the Quran and tafsir, but learn it the CORRECT way without distorting the meaning of it. What is wrong with people subhanallah? Allah said that the saytan will order the people to change the creation of Allah. Trans are the greatest example of this. If you are a sinner and weak in this case, admit it. Being trans combines two major evil sins together. Which is: changing the creation of Allah by imitating the other sex and becoming gay and lesbians. A woman who changes her appearance into a man, will have relationships with women. This is lesbianism. A man who changes his appearance into a woman, will have relationships with men and this homosexuality. What is wrong with people? Sinning and being very weak is one thing, but trying to make the evil you do halal is another thing. Islam is Islam and trying to change Islam to fit your evil way of life, will not help you in your grave. Rather, trying to corrupt Islam for your desires will place you out of the fold of Islam and you will be with the most evil of kuffaar. Whatever you do to corrupt Islam, it will not damage Islam at all. Rather it will damage you and destroy you while those who stick to the truth will receive forgiveness and Jannah in sha allah.
God is not gender. God is community. All human beings - regardless of orientation and gender - are children of God and have a divine right to express their faith in as peaceful and positive a way as they please. Patriarchal religious discrimination needs to end, if it is to have any place in the modern world. Making this video was incredibly brave. Thank you for telling your story.
Allah has no children and no partners. islam is not patriarchal. what these transgenders are doing is strictly prohibited in islam for it is imitating the opposite gender, seeking what the other possesses, and changing the creation of Allah.
@@mansa8354 Amazing. I always knew I'd one day find the only human in the world to truly know God's will in the comment section of a Vice RUclips video.
@@angelam.4670 im not the only one that believes this, i follow the Quran and sunnah as the majority of muslims do. listen to an Islamic scholar of ahlus sunnah wa jama'a and you'd find the same things that i said. im not a heretic bringing something new, im only propagating what islam truly teaches.
I just think everybody should mind their business and let people live, it’s between them and god, who are we to judge man, im a muslim and i don’t agree with this but they’re still humans. Live and let live.
you can not be a Muslim and justify this blasphemy. Allah says Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart-and that is the weakest of faith
I honestly don't get it. why be a Muslim at that point just believe in some other religion which allows trans people to be trans people, don't try to mold an existing religion to your likings even if you know what you're doing is very very much against it. like wtf???
I dislike the way they describing anti LGBT as fundamentalist Islam. When in Iran, a theocracy have one of the highest of sex assignment surgeries. Also, it doesn’t help when you have statues inside the Qur’an school. Sorry but having statues of living beings is a major sin in Islam.
@@7Frosty7 In what Hadith besides the Quran do 👉🏻you believe? Q 31:6. Hadith is condemned in Quran 🙅♂️ why do you quote it? Please read the Quran 39:23 (see also Quran 39:29, 7:185 , 12:111).
@@konanoobiemaster “Praise be to God, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who disbelieve continue to deviate.” Quran 6:1 💁♂️
"Here you are! You ˹believers˺ are advocating for them in this life, but who will ˹dare to˺ advocate for them before Allah on the Day of Judgment? Or who will come to their defence?" suratul Al Nisa 04:109 Oh! Allah protect us and guide us to Right pathway.
Jazakallah Khair brother. Its unfortunate that our great Ummah is slowly being corrupted effects of westernization. May Allah keep us all safe and steadfast.
Iran is more accepting than democratic Indonesia. Ironic.
Always loved Iran
RIP to one of my favorite viewers :(. She was an incredible trans Indonesian woman who was stuck in the country after visiting family due to the pandemic. Her family forcibly detransitioned her. I never heard from her again. It has been years, and I still think about her all the time. How angry and sad and hopeless it all feels to have there be people who don't even see others as human for having the nerve to exist the way they are.
I believe in freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom to be who you want to be. When your religion impedes onto the freedom of other people to live a peaceful life, is when it has gone too far. Religion, empathy, kindness, freedom, do not have to be mutually exclusive things. That is a choice to be inhuman to others.
Fairness to ALL Indonesians.
U can be trans just don’t complain when u go to hell 😂
😊yea agreed 👍
Very scary 😢
@@allahisgangsta Yeah. She was a sweet girl. :(
" "Al-ajru qadri ta'ab" means "the merit is measured by the level of difficulty". They get bullied for just wanting to pray. That's so difficult. But they commit regardless. Maybe that is noticed and noted by God, as they're more noble than us, the weak."
Very beautiful quote.
You Muslim ma’am?
@@comradekenobi6908 its a dude, bro.
@@satriadicky3732 I'm asking about the op not you
@@comradekenobi6908 hours don't dream, long try not to.
@@satriadicky3732 ngomong apaan sih
These people feel the need of God in them. And sadly all the preachers (who are supposedly help them close to God) are avoiding them because of the way the chose. I'm thankful for the imam who accepted them.
Aamiin. Allah loves u
It is doesnt matter imam accept it or not, yes imam do that because of relation he builts between human and human. For Allah that become individual.
im a muslim. i don’t particularly “support” or allign with lgbtq+ bcs it is a clear cut in islam for its ruling. but never once ive known islam told us to harm and being violence towards them. i conclude for myself, a sin is just a sin regardless of the sin. lgbtq+ person sin? so do i. just bcs i sin differently doesnt mean im better or different from their sin. in the end Allah told us to repent to Allah and for Allah forgive whatever is the sin. we r all sinners. though we sin differently, we r still sinners. and in need of Allah’s forgiveness which Allah promised us Allah will bless us with.
Muslims are not supposed to support it but transgenderism is... Highly subjected, in some Muslim countries its considered taboo but permissible.
It is however explicitly illegal in Islam to perform homosexual acts
@@cinna_sultan there are no "muslim countries".
@@f.s.1429 khariji?
@@f.s.1429 stop lying
Omg. there are 13 countries that have death penalty for homosexuality. All 13 are Islamic countries. Please, your religion is a hateful and intolerant ideology. Wherever it is present, there's only death and hatred.
Truly we are living at the end of time.
what do u mean
Is that what you wish? It's been 1400years huh? Your fake prophet falsely predict about the near future of the doomsday? Have you read about any of those hadith??
Stannis was the one true messenger. Stannisism must endure.
@@renlybaratheon650 what are you talking about? False prophet? Are you that lost to call a the best man that has ever existed false We are in the end of times and you hiding behind a screen and writing this shows how much of a coward you. False predicted?? I think the only one here that has NEVER read a Hadith about the Amazing Prophet is YOU. ALL of what he said came true he never lied
@@somebody6972 I'm surprised that you thought illiterate pedophile who genocide the whole jewish tribe is the best men in the whole world?
Reading of the hate comments in here , some of you cannot see pass through the beauty of the human souls
I haven’t seen a single hate comment
All souls are beautiful but the problem here is that they claim themself as a muslim. Unfortunately, according to these people’s interpretation of the teaching, LGBT are not acceptable in Islam.
What beauty lmao 🤡
@@protocetus499 XD
@@fathurrochman2469 👍thank you
Don't follow the Quran/Sunnah to fit what pleases us , follow them to fit what pleases God (Allah Swt) . To obtain that , one needs to come clean with humbleness , sincerity and a willingness to learn, unlearn and purify .
Don't pick and choose . The guidance is clear .
Knowledge removes ignorance. The most fundamental of which is understanding our "Kalimah Shahadatain"
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
and where our hearts are with that declaration , the nafs , Hawa , dunya etc .
#1 Comment ! May Allah bless you !! Ameen !! 💯💯💯💯💯
Quran mentions transsexuals. Just no homosexuality.
Surah 42 Ash-Shuraa
(42:49) The dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah.76 He creates whatever He pleases. He grants females to whomever He pleases and males to whomever He pleases, (42:50) or grants them a mix of males and females, and causes whomever He pleases to be barren. He is All- Knowing, All-Powerful.
Surah Ya-Sin 36
(Google It)
What a narsisstic god who creates humans (allegedly) for his own pleasure because he's bored and needs an endorphins hit 😂
Tbh even if what they doing is a sin if they’re actually transitioning their gender from male to female vice versa I do find it quite amazing that they’re so intent on reading the Quran . Maybe they’ll learn through that ? May Allah guide them all
I gotta say a thing. They aren't transitioning. In Asia, we basically call Intersexual/Hermaphrodites as Transgenders. It's not a sin if you are born like that
@@theonlyholyDEMIGOD yeah I was think that too they could be intersex as well. Allah knows best
I am intersex and it is extremely rare, I highly doubt that they are intersex also we prefer not to be called Hermaprodites and we definitely are not transgender (however I realize this is a difference in cultural language)
@@marshmallow7640 yeah it’s a difference in cultural language I was confused at first but then realised even in Pakistan they refer to intersex people as transgender.
@@theonlyholyDEMIGOD they are transgender, they have breast, intersex are born with both genitalia, transgender are born one sex and transitioned to another, some dont transitiom because of lack of hormone, but you can see the host transitioned well.
Noone apart from God has the right to kick you out of a religion or push you away from the love of God. God is love. They give me hope cause even in difficult times, they remember to smile and appreciate the little they have. They are all beautiful
The God that they believe already did it once in the past. Lot’s people for example. So why is it different now?
That isn’t how Islam works. While I do believe you can be trans and Muslim just as you can sin and be Muslim, refusal to believe in the oneness of God or in the status of the Prophet makes you not a Muslim
@@wirelessbluestone5983 I definitely do validate your pov. My point was that noone should tell you that in this case that just becoz your Trans you can't worship God or you are not worthy to recieve his love or pray to him
It's very possible to maintain a relationship with a higher power, without needing to attend a place of worship, or need to be associated with a major religion. The human population that created the belief system associated the Quran, has the birthright to dictate what is and is not acceptable. That includes homosexuality and/or transgenderism. Get over it.
Only Abrahamic religions have this problems. Eastern Religions like Buddhism,HInduism,Jainism,Sikhism etc are not against LGBT people. In fact,we have many queer people in our mythologies
Mashallah. I wouldn't say I fully understand them but I'm so happy to see them find peace in their own way.
Do you think they should be treated as women in all circumstances?
@@andrewjones575 No they shouldn't and that's just the sad reality. Their hormone and constitution are just so different from natural born women that having them compete in weight lifting, swimming or boxing with other female would be unfair.
Despite you accusation trans women in sports are often beat by other women in their league
Nice lie tho
If they knew their real religion they’d know they are fulfilling one of the promises of shaytan by changing the creation
@Curious God created Adam and hawa, think about that
Yep it honestly pisses me off
Transgenders are born transgender and are living the way they were created. You, and people sharing your mentality are fulfilling shaitan's wish by forcing them to change the way they were created. People like you are the real Shaitan.
@@yashsiriah21 u can’t call a dog a cat so why call a man a woman. 🤷🏻♀️
@@yashsiriah21 by the way nothing u said makes sense don’t get mad cuz not everyone agrees with you.
This is getting really dangerous as grave sins are getting normalised in the name of freedom. A sin is a sin. No matter what you think of it or how you perceive it. It's good that they are getting a place to pray and read the Qur'an reconcile themselves but they should rectify themselves once they uncover the truth rather embracing it alongside.
Ok but theres also Bugis people in Indonesian where they believe in the five genders
Okay but Allah says in the Quran he made us into male and female. And that the male is not like the female. So how can they call themselves Muslims when they are actively going against Allah?
@@yiwoon_cr8s In quran only 2 gender.dont follow something sesat
@@yiwoon_cr8s their religion is their religion. They can believe whatever they want
Who are you to judge sin. They aren’t killing anyone.
Honestly we can’t judge anyone we should all respect each other no matter our race, gender or religion Allah is the only one who can judge.
“We can’t judge” don’t fall for that trap. You can always judge those by the sins that are apparent. Except that it shouldn’t be harassment
Afghanistan: Oh, y’all wasn’t paying attention?👀
Stop lying
@@wirelessbluestone5983 of course we can't judge. What does make you so confident that you will go to Jannah before someone else.
@Numair Khan if your so confident in statement, make sure to open your ears to hear when you will be sentenced to hell. :)
This is against the belief of Islam but please don’t spew hate or say hurtful words, you can guide them or advice them but hating is not what Allah taught us. ❤️
Listen to what the Imam here said - you are wrong!
Quran is against males having sex with males, but I'm not sure there is any thing against wearing makeup or dresses as long as there is no male on Mae sex and no changing to God's creation such as breast implants.
@@robbaker1841 the "Imam" isnt a imam😂
@@mohammedaliismailalshaikh561 no The prophet cursed those who dressed as the other gender
Only Allah will judge them. Even u are not gays u still a sinner that needs Allah for gis forgiveness. Allah dont need sinless people that can step his Jannah.
Everybody deserve to pray, gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, whatever u are, u deserve to pray, as long as it's for a good purpose and done according to the guidance. I love how the teacher doesn't let her gender as an excuse to not pray and be religious.
Its good he's praying but he should strive to stop this transgenderism nonsense. The Prophet Muhammad a.s himself cursed those who immitated the other sex. The fact he's out here in this documentary also shows he's proud of this, another sin.
@@buutacularallah isnt real
@@Crippinbarbieand how do you know that?
@@Crippinbarbie each to their own,
@@Crippinbarbie for you, for me Allah is real
No sin , no matter how great except associating partners with God can make someone a disbeliever. Better a sinful believer than disbeliever. May Allah SWT guide them
Ibless is confused 🤔
How is reading the Quran while being a Trans and normalizing it not an act of rebellion against God?
Are we trying to please the feelings of some weak humans or pleasing Allah?
Even when you say that Allah created something "wrong"??????
I think she's better and more honest to her faith than you
@@widiyantopengok69 we are definitely not perfect, but what I know is this. And let's. Be. Honest.
How could reading quran ever compensate for basically saying Allah is not perfect, by creating a "wrong" body?
I promise you, I am NOT a perfect muslim, but anyone that reject that Allah made a mistake is not. a. muslim. Who cares what YOU think? Please realize the severity of what they are doing. How are you not seeing this?
Of course they are enjoying the beauty of Allahs Words, but how can you forget the seriousness of the act of being trans? Denying Allahs Ultimate Wisdom? Following His Path? How can that be a "good" muslim? How can that be a muslim (SUBMITTER to Allah, NOT their desires)???
Satan says: “Verily, I will mislead them, and surely, I will arouse in them false desires; and certainly, I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and indeed
I will order them to change the nature created by Allah.” (Al-Nisa 4:119)
@@adilbadsha615 my prayer for them will not stop. Ameen.
How can I donate to this organization. I would love to help.
You can contact vice indonesia, i tried to help you since I saw their social media account (on the wall as the background during interview) in the video but it was covered by fences.
14:48 out of topic, but that's a VERY interesting translation of "dirgahayu". I always interpret it as "happy birthday", but more sacred and respectful, so it's reserved to a big thing, like a nation. I.e., if you say "happy birthday", you're happy for that person, but if you say "dirgahayu", you're just more than happy for that person; you're belated and glad; you respect and love them. It's rare used outside of independence context, but if someone were to say "dirgahayu" to me, I'd would be more than flattered.
new vocabs for me : dirgahayu meaning and sermons lol
I'm not mulsim, neither of any religion. I was not raised with it, neither were my parents. I do not feel the need to have one. But to see the reporter and all those women commect and reconnect to their faith is truly beautiful and emotional. I wish all of them the best and hope for a wolrd that treats trans people and eveyone lovingly.
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men, and he said: “Throw them out of your houses.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885). haram is haram no matter what the elites wanna push, Islam will never corrupt alhamdullilah
sadly these people think theyre right when theyre so wrong
dude its not a choice have u heard of science .
@@bharathdeva9407 It is indeed a choice, and you either act upon the sin or suppress and ask God of guidence.
@@khadra1591 sorry i dun believe in ur god .so i dun consider it as a sin .
@@bharathdeva9407 that’s understandable from your point of view, but these people are following the religion of Islam and upon this matter what I stated before is the approachable way of dealing with it. And the person in the video saying that them being trans is therefore wrong and a sin indeed because of it being acted upon.
May you be safe. May you be well and happy. May you be free of mental and physical pain.
Not gonna happen, being as they're trans
@ 😂 im dead
@ its ok, they could transform.
Prophet Muhammad’s heart would’ve broken if he knew this was the Ummah he spent long nights crying for. He will not intercede for such on the day of judgement, a day of shame and regret.
Well your prophet clearly playing favourites there.. he doesn't accept anyone who isn't cisgender and heterosexual.. the almighty God made them like that and he doesn't accept them for who they are.. what a cruel god
``Prophet´´ muhammad was okay with transgender and gender non conforming people from his time. sirah confirms that
If he was a Prophet of God why would he say the Sun is literally the size as you see it and why would he say The Earth has 7 solid domes above it where the throne of Allah is? Wouldn't God tell him, that's wrong and that the Earth is round and orbits the Sun with the other planets which all but 2 have multiple moons
@@theleviosadi lmao of course you're saying this as a fkn non Muslim Xd
@@renlybaratheon650 to change your gender is to go against the way of nature GoT fan
First they're telling being a transgender isn't not a sin,no brother it's a kabeera sin you're playing with the nature rules and restrictions! Which are created by Allah SWT and then giving the teaching of Islam according to their convenience and leave i thought let it be it's between them and Allah and and when I saw they're earning money by doing singing and dancing Astagfirullah! A muslim is the one who live their lives according to the will of their creator, and you guys are changing its creation and calling as there's no sin of being a transgender? My blood is boiling after watching this,those who supports this you guys are munafiqeen, May Allah guide All of us to the straight path!
There is no sin greater than any other. Are you without sin? Perfect in the eyes of God? No? Then let them seek God without judgment since your aren't without sin and have no right to cast judgment on others
If this went viral, the school would probably be raided or burned soon.
They're going to be slaughtered and we can do nothing but watch. God have mercy on them, my heart bleeds when i see this kind of persecution in my beloved country.
Vice is just... their stupidity knows no bounds.
Tuhan, lindungi mereka
You think Indonesians don't know about this school?
@@Omer1996E.C i am Indonesian. We didn't know this existed until an hour ago.
Real Muslims cannot perform salat by idols of polytheists.
Surah 10:32((S.I.))🤫
As muslims this is unacceptable in any shape or form and we refuse it those people are making fun of our religion in front of our eyes this need to stop 🛑
Stop being racist and islamophobic
@@samuelrigaud88 how?
@@HA-jq1mu he dosen't want muslims to practice Islam in peace, like he's perfect
@@samuelrigaud88 but how is that racist or even islamophobic though? What they are doing goes against Allah and his messenger (SAW). No one is perfect true, but we aren't flaunting our sins or trying to change our religion for worldly desires.
Because in Islam it literally dosnt allow it, not much more to say about it...
As a Filipino queer person, my heart goes to my Indonesian trans sisters:)
I always appreciate when a different perspective is provided. How could one learn from others mistakes or broaden their perspective past their own experiences and lifestyle if there weren’t media platforms such as Vice and Cut.
Willingly expanding yourself and mindset to everything in life will teach so much more than excluding yourself from the truth and drowning in the toxicity within our environments.
I completely agree with you it also allows you to understand and not judge the experiences of other people and encourage a conversation
this deserves more likes
Vice is very leftist, so not sure how their perspective is “broaden”
NKRI Indonesia is not ''Muslim'' at all they only use Islam as a tool and ''label'' for fake piety while practicing black magic and spiritualism..
Much respect to that Imam. "Your a creation of God"! He knows his religion. Lets just live and love each other
He has its own personal made-up religion.
@@chrisconnor7934 no and that tells me that you are not Muslim bcz All creations are Noble creations of Allah, so their experience is also valid human experience.
@@shahrukhkhan8307 The religion of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) is based upon the understanding of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the Salaf As-Salihin [Sahaba, Tabi'in, Tabi Tabi'in].
Anything else which is newly introduced is nothing but Zandaqa [heresy] and Bid'ah [innovation].
Zahdam bin Mudarrab has reported:
`Imran bin Hussain said:
"The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
'The best of you (people) are my generation, and the second best will be those who will follow them, and then those who will follow the second generation." (...).
[REFERENCE: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 78, Hadith 686]
...and every Bid'ah is rejected.
'Aisha (radiAllahu anha) said:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
"He who does something contrary to our way (i.e. Islam) will have it rejected."
[REFERENCE: Riyad As-Salihin # 1647]
@@chrisconnor7934 give me an examples of bid'ah that Prophet (PUBH) said that is Bid'ah
@@selaluoposisisiapapunpresi7982 Anything which the Prophet (ﷺ) never did nor the Sahaba [on a religious level], then it is Bid'ah.
Jabir bin 'Abdullah (radiAllahu anhu) said:
"In his Khutbah the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to praise Allah as He deserves to be praised, then he would say:
'Whomsoever Allah (SWT) guides, none can lead him astray, and whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide. The truest of word is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad.
The worst of things are those that are newly invented; every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire.' (...)".
[REFERENCE: Sunan An-Nasa'i, Vol. 2, Book 19, Hadith 1579]
Alhamdulilah for these people, to know that they suffer but don't turn their back on allah and islam shows that they are the true believers ! No one should dictate your personal relationship with your islam and allah ! They will be rewarded for passing this difficult test on earth surely.
Don’t turn their back on Allah?? Allah drowned the gays in the Dead Sea in the past because of their homosexuality! If they were true believers they would’ve let go of their wretched beliefs and their pretense of identity. Allah gave them their biology, they have no right to change it because they feel like it. Islam can not be morphed just because u want it to fit ur beliefs.
Capitalise Allah you Kaffir.
@@Fahadshamqasim13 it is not sinful, what they are doing is a noble cause, they are more holy then most of us since they face so many hardships and don’t turn away from god, so they are more noble and holy then you.
@@Jobi. There is nothing in the Quran mentioned explicitly against men dressing like women, however, there are some Hadith that say otherwise and it is forbidden to change the creation of Allah, which also does not allow for plastic surgery or tattoos!
The Quran however does not allow for women to dress like men, and this is clearly indicated in the verses about modesty!
"And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the creation of Allah ." And whoever takes Satan as an ally instead of Allah has certainly sustained a clear loss."
Sahih al-Bukhari 5886:
"The Prophet (ﷺ) cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses ." The Prophet (ﷺ) turned out such-and-such man, and `Umar turned out such-and-such woman."
Sunan Abi Dawud 4098:
"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and the woman who dressed like a man."
@@Jobi. And maybe it is worth noting, that men that dress like women could also lead men astray to have desires for transgender women, which is not allowed in Islam!
I can not imagine being in their shoes to have all that hate and to be told that Islam and god hates you , and they still have faith in their hearts ❤️ and want to pray and read the Quran shows how amazing they are , especially how she came back to Islam after this was beautiful,and people that push people out of the religion and harass people should be ashamed , we sin everyday but because we can not relate to lgbt we make it out as if it’s the only sin that can not be forgiven I pray they have easier lives
@@OverlandOrange Tell that to Lot's people.
islam destroyed all indonesian culture, replaced with desert culture!
@@richarddawkins4607 why would our ancestors adopt it in the first place then XD
@@comradekenobi6908 lol really?? Because of political advantages u fool😆🤷♂️. Islam was the hottest new movement at that time, has nothing 2 do with actual spirituality/god lol💯🙏. Plus u have your OWN FREEWILL u can CHOOSE what u want to follow welcome to planet earth buddy😉😆🙏
And I'm an arab EX muslim(the real deal)😉
@@MebbIraq our people have free will and they chose to be the country with the biggest Muslim population in the world
I'm Indonesian, Thank you Team Vice, make a video about them for us. Honestly, I never knew this case and what happened with them, in fact after I watched his story, I understood that BUT we live in s country pure with culture and religion, and all of them have rules and are dogmatic. So maybe it's not easy to find polite and nice people who can accept them. I hope they can adapt and live normally like each Indonesian in their motherland self. Respect for them
EDIT: thanks for 100 likes
Forceful convert
No, We Indonesians don't want this here
@@NRFP no
You pray for what exactly.? Forgiveness or to remain the same? All of you are groups working against Islam. But Allah knows who you are. No there is noo such in Islam. If you were real, you won't come in public. You will be praying in secret. You want Indonesia to become the land of vices and you start with the speech of tolerance.
@@rokayamane2668 wtf
I am really sorry for them 🙏🏽😥 but the truth is LGBT and any trans are clearly forbidden in Islam ☪️.
It is but there are a lot of things forbidden in Islam. What matters is that we ask for forgiveness and make intentions.
Allah knows our heart and he will be merciful on the day of judgment
You could see the perspective of Imam Khomeini (famous Iranian scholar) about Transgender people, he clearly supports it 🏳️⚧️.
I agree, LGBT does not fair well with religion in general, and they clearly abolish it, so it would be dumb if you are pro-muslim AND pro-LGBT
Wel yea say whatever you like, but like the host said, don’t doggily whine about it when people apostate into other religion when you fail to held them back.
Like in 1965, Its not christianity’s fault if a lot of old faith people convert to christianity because you muslims persecute the old faith too hard. Now you blame us as if there’s a grand conspiracy against muslims, even though indonesians muslims are legit their biggest enemy. Just sayin 🤷
Ya Allah, people change religion to fit their lifestyle , May Allah have mercy upon their souls.
May Allah make them find a true way
Your book tells you that acting out same sex desires is wrong, and the moment you make what is Haram Halal, and vice versa, you've left the fold of Islam. Whatever they're doing is not in line with the normative tradition, and they've made their tastes and wants gods.
It is in the Qur'an that it's haram to change Allah's word. May Allah forgive these people.
It was a choice for Lot’s people in quran and their way also involved sexual assult. Please ask your constitution whether it is fair for a confused child to be deemed as a heathen just for following their heart. Allah is all the most fair.
Oh boy, they're screwed. Vice, what have you done??? Now everyone knows they exist.
If it bleeds it leads. Vice is looking for that follow-up content so they can break more stories about any atrocities and oppression etc that may happen as a result of them being outed.
They could get harmed true
@@LFSPharaoh my home... is not a country of peace. Now that they know these people exist... oh god. I only hope god has mercy on them. Because my people... they are neither merciful nor filled with restraint.
They are just their own cult. The Muslim label cannot be applied to them. Everything thy have done goes against the Sunnah/Shariah/Hadiths and Qur'an.
Ya Allah bless all my muslim brothers and sisters around the would and keep them safe. Ameen ❤️❤️
" AMEN" is a Hebrew word of origin, not Arabic.
While I don't agree with much of what was going on and being said, definitely a thought provoking video. Different peoples have interpreted the Quran to fit their own lifestyles and cultural practices, and I doubt there would be as much uproar for a school from any other sect. So my thoughts are this, to you your religion and to me mine. People will believe whatever they want at the end of the day, but the issue comes when a person feels they are free to impose their views on others through violence as opposed to dialogue.
Nobody needs your approval, your opinion does not matter keep your transphobia for yourself. They don't need your hatred
@@javiermarquez2640 , transphobia?
Look I understand that trans people shouldn't be bullied or excluded or mistreated
But disagreeing with their gender identity is not evil
@@hidof9598 Yes it is, and same goes to you
@@javiermarquez2640 Then you are disagreeing with Islamic idea. That my friend, would make you an Islamophobic.
@@fathurrochman2469 I am disagreeing with transphobia and hatred not religion
As a trans woman, I went for my first time to my local IC to volunteer for Iftar this Ramadan. It was so beautiful and the Sheikh’s halaqa was so inspiring. I was embraced and welcomed there so much. I feel blessed to have been able to experience that and I know that experience is mostly an nyc concept due to colonial legacies for the world, but I just wanted to share. And trans Muslims are so precious I’m friends with a few and it’s everything
U a man
May Allah guide you toward Islam , Ameen
exactly bestie
Alhamdulliallah sister. When your ready to embrace Islam it will be here for you and when you’re ready to fill half your deen I’ll be here for you
Please brother! Repent before it's too late
I love them for the sake of Allah, and they are muslims, but Allah has strictly prohibited this. We cannot make allowable what Allah has prohibited. We all face fitnas, but striving towards obedience to Allah should be our goal. We can never, ever go against what Allah has ordained. May Allah guide them.
No. Allah has not excluded, barred or discriminated against transgender people. Every creation of Allah, including trans people, is beautiful
@@peaceandtolerance557 allah(god) hasn't, But ISLAM(man made system) has💯 new age 2020's religions OUT, spirituality IN!😊🙏🕉
EX muslim
@@peaceandtolerance557 sister , we muslims dnt believe in anything without evidence . You dnt understand what you are saying so pls dnt spread misinformation . Allah swt has created only Men and Women and within men and women he has created desires , these homosexual urges are nothing but desires which every muslim has to overcome instead of chasing. So pls dnt spread misinformation regarding our religion . I suppose you haven't read thr Quran sister
@@peaceandtolerance557 Al tadmiri 1456
@@peaceandtolerance557 no I’m a quranist but the Quran doesn’t condone this at all it says how being gay is bad multiple times.
“And (remember) Loot (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?
81. ‘Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins).’
82. And the answer of his people was only that they said: ‘Drive them out of your town, these are indeed men who want to be pure (from sins)!’
83. Then We saved him and his family, except his wife; she was of those who remained behind (in the torment).
84. And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the Mujrimoon (criminals, polytheists and sinners)”
[al-A’raaf 7:80-84]
Irrelevant. What point were you tryna make?
May Allah bless you and keep you firm on deen... muslims need to speak unapologetically regarding this LGBT propaganda
I hope for their safety.
I instantly burst into tears the second she cried while reading the Quran, & she said it’s been a very long time since she hadn’t read the Quran, as Indonesian & LGBT people myself it’s so refreshing seeing this kind of video, thanks Vice.
@NoFaceReacts 2.0 💀
@NoFaceReacts 2.0 may god guide you salafist to the right path. One day you will meet God and you will feel sorry for having no heart
Peace be with you. All these religious fanatics have failed to realise that since we are ignorant in the womb, being born, we are humans 1st.
Not Muslim or Christian, Straight or LGBTQ. We are human first. May the universe preserve you all all like you @frizzky
No one on earth can dictate and comment on an individuals relationship with Allah.
Being a gay muslim is like saying bismillah before eating pork
I still feel privileged that our country isn’t restrictive as Indonesia when it comes to Trans. I can only hope and wish them all safety.
Which country?
@@nploda1408 Philippines
@@chanelvenus actually based on the our constitution, Indonesia allowed people to change their identity gender at the their Identity Card (KTP) as long they proof was performing corrective surgery.
Yes despite we are Muslim Majority countries, our law is not restricted like many people's think. You can see many transwoman becoming celebrities in Indonesia.
The main problem in Indonesia is our society is not really acceptable about the existence of LGBTQ community. In the Philippines you can see many movie based on the LGBTQ life and most the people's of the Philippines accept that.
Unfortunately if you make the movie about LGBTQ community in Indonesia, majority of us easily got ANGRY and start to spreading the hate about the actors and directors. They are thought the actors and directors humiliating Indonesia at international stage if they making movie about LGBTQ community in Indonesia.
This is the differences between Indonesia and the Philippines. I hope you can understands about the situation in our country.
Greetings from Jakarta Indonesia.
@@caesarianwijaya884 hello fellow Indonesian! Yes your statement is so true. Until today it's still can be found people using religion as a reason to be homophobic here it's so heartbreaking.
Right. Really makes me appreciate my dad. On some, look I ain’t gotta be here and I can take as long as I need to judge😉
Subhanallah... I live in Egypt, the country of Al-Azhar, and the famous scholars. I've never before heard this interpretation of "Iqra"/read, at 21:28. This lady is really something.
That’s because you take Islamic knowledge from vice youtube videos and not from scholars who have spent their life studying the religion,and living in Egypt /where famous scholars live doesn’t mean that you have even hear what they say,also ,you try to paint them people in this video as knowledgeable when they don’t even have correct tilawah of the Quran,not even close
@@muaathalsufi5843 You do realize that there is no comparison here! I just liked her perception of the word "Iqra" and how transcending its meaning is, not just reading the Quran but reading and understanding everything that surrounds us.
@@MrDeeb-ii7oj indonesia Imam is most studying in egypt ...most of them that why egypt and indonesia is strong relation ship of islam brotherhood
@@paralelsuniverse9345 Islamic brotherhood between Muslim majority countries okayy, but Indonesia is not friends with the so called “Muslim brotherhood”, or affiliates of such like ‘Prosperous Justice party’. The Muslim brotherhood have been banned in like 13 Islamic countries, including countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt themselves. People can’t expect Indonesia to withhold such organizations like ‘MB’.
It always amazes me how hateful people use God and religion to justify themselves. If you think you're close to God, yet judge others, it's not God next to you. God is love. Love one another.
God also gave us wonderful bodies. Mutilating these bodies should not be encouraged. Harming Gods creation in order to “feel better” and going against nature is the path that leads to hell. We should speak out against that.
@@gertmoelders8809 I think you missed the entire point of the OP's post.
The quran doesn't define God as love. It defines God as God.
Any religious law is summed up in this: Love the Lord your God and Love others. If you do these two things, you will fulfill any religious requirements. That is true religion.
@B EE Because "woke" people accept others as they are? And don't shun them, mock them, or literally try to force them to be something they aren't? If that's "woke" I guess as the kids say, I'm woke af.
I understand the message behind this, and I support practicing your religion no matter who and what you are, or what kind of sins you do. But telling people that being a trans woman is not a sin in Islam is straight-up lying. You're spreading wrong facts about Islam. There are two main sources for Islam which are: the Quran and the hadiths of the prophet,. According to Muslim scholars if you deny one of those you are not a Muslim.
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Prophet cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885))
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah cursed the man who wears women’s clothing and the woman who wears men’s clothing. (Narrated by Abu Dawood (4098) and classed as Saheeh by al-Nawawi in al-Majmoo’ (4/469) and by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood)
In conclusion, being transgender is a sin in Islam, but that doesn't mean you have to stop practicing your religion nor would Allah want you to do that because indeed he is the most forgiving, loving, and most compassionate.
The only liar is you! There is nothing in the quran that's says Islam is the quran AND the sunnah, its the scholar who day that as they formed a sect sunni and shia.
Thanks for exposing why Islam is a homophobic religion😂
I am VERY happy this exists for them. Every single human being deserves the right to religion. Real muslims should be happy that everyone receives the message of Islam. This means EVERYONE.
Aamiin. Allah loves u
I am not happy because they are going against Islam. At 0.25, the person said it is not a sin while it is. It is being vegan and eating meat, you are no longer a vegan after that
Don’t speak as if you know what real Islam is. If you had any idea what you were talking about, you’d not write what you wrote.
You can’t be lgbtq and Muslim dumbass.
Well said
ok i give in. I change my mind, Being a Transperson isnt a choice. this folks have to live the way they feel inside, i fully 110% support transmen transwomen and all trans folk, they go through so much hurt and pain Just to be who they are. I pray they find safe place and happiness.
Idk I feel like paying for operations and surgically removing your genitals is a pretty obvious choice
Lol they got you with their propaganda
@@mohamedsr5817 indeed, end times we are in brother
@@comradekenobi6908 you have zero empathy. May god help you find peace and empathy for all people
@@tommasol9701 sorry bro just following logic and not Western degeneracy ^^
That is some serious thumbnail dude.. Holy shii bro
Ayee papa
Taliban: Yeah, man. You got it. I guess we don’t need that forced marriages energy😌
Stuff of nightmares
21:44 “it is only men and women who exist, then there is us trans”
Good job, you’ve just added an innovation to the religion.
Allah speaks about gender.
You being born a man is Allah’s will.
Being born a woman is Allah’s will.
Wa Allah Alazeez Alhakeem.
Are some of these trans women using black market injections? If so, I hope someone can educate them about how dangerous it is & actually get through to them. I can't imagine having such bad body dysmorphia issues that you feel pressured to do something that could potentially kill or disfigure you. They don't need to risk themselves like that! They're all beautiful!!!
@@nobull772 bro is that you on your profile no homo but he or you are really handsome
@@awzd3951 Yea, thanks bro, that was me 5 years ago. Believe it or not, that pic was taken inside of a USCIS office, and is on a government issued card lol.
@@nobull772 damnnn you were handsome as hell
DIY HRT is completely safe if done correctly, I have no idea what you're talking about.
As a muslim, I would never bully or harm them. Each one has its own life and story. Trans or not, I’m glad they’re still holding onto their faith. May Allah keep them safe 🤲🏽
Save your can you support the thing that Allah don't like
If Muhammad (pbuh) would kill them if he is alive.
Allah loves the sinner, he just does not love the sin.
Is someone who says that Allah created a "wrong" being a sinner or a non-muslim?
Just because you can read Quran/enjoy the beauty/amazing outcome of it, does not mean that you are following the path of the most Wise, Allah.
This blows my mind. In the name of "sPirituAlity" it is okay to just completely disregard Allahs Law?
Oh my Ummah, my brothees and sisters, fear Allah and open your eyes. May Allah guide us all amin.
Absolutely correct
Ameen - Salam wa alakum from an Arab Muslim woman
I live in this city for more 10 years. Few years ago after some international media made documantary about them, local organization (radicals organitation) tried to kick them out. I hope after this documentary they don't have same problems as before.
I am a convert to Judaism who happens to be FTM and I have to say I really love how accepted I've been so far, which was something I was pretty worried about. I feel like too many people think that they're automatically incompatitable with religion because of who they are; nobody should feel that way about something that brings them joy and they earnestly want to practice ^^;
It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men, and he said: "Throw out of your houses." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885).
Yup still i found it illogical for trans woman to pray in covers and wear hijab when he is a men by fitrah (nature)..Astaghfirullah may god guide them and forgive them
@@publicpost3166 true tho I disagree with their view I love how they are really trying to get in their religion how many of us cry when reading Quran
Very refreshing documentary. No agendas. Just the story.
No agendas definitely 😁
vice is full anti islamic agenda
No agendas, haha that's so funny
their faith is so strong in the face of hardship, may god protect them
Wow this was a whole learning lesson. Very interesting world. Thanks VICE.
Sorry to say, if ur LGBTQ who want to repent yes! Absolutely can, but if u want Islam to accept LGBTQ, No you cant…
If you want to be a muslim, then you hve to follow what islam teach you,
“If you ade tolerance for everything, then you are stand for nothing”…law is law…
Islam is not cheap religion.. there is no bargain when it comes to law
Lol, Countries Like Pakistan is a majority Muslim Country too and they accept Transgenders . It would be better if they Convert to another religion is better right , instead of being a Muslim anymore ?
@@rochefort.04 is that a joke? they accept trangenders
Well said
I hope these women realize that God loves them and opinion of others doesn’t matter
According to Islam they are sinning and god doesn't love sinners, do not lie to make people feel better. May the truth set you free.
@@ibrahimhassan711 you preach like you are not sinner! Using religion for hatred against any peace-loving people like lgbt is a real sin, more sinful than lust and alcohol combined!
I think it’s great that they are trying to read it and understand. You never know for change and if you keep holding them back because of begin “ Trans” or “gay” you might be the cause of blocking a great end result.
Your comment make no sense because in essense you are still saying being gay or trans is wrong and them reading the quaran might make them change in the end, so you are still not seeing them as who they are but waiting for a chnage... you can keep the comment you made
@@moniho6907 No you assumed I said it was wrong. Assumed a lot of things clearly🖐 If they make a change by themselves what is the problem? That’s clearly what I’m saying people learn and don’t hold them back. Pick a problem with the wall or something because you’re trying to find an issue.
@@sgiiprizz7510 it’s clearly wrong
@@sgiiprizz7510 being gay goes goes against Islam. It is not natural at all. It’s not allowed in Islam.
@@Imatochyou okay? I just said they had the right to learn
I cried. I really cried. Bcs im a muslim queer person too :( This is so beautiful
This woman has some screws loose. Islam means submitting to God and not submitting to your desires. Yes, you can have those thoughts as does a married man when he sees a beautiful woman or vice versa, this does not mean you can act upon what your mind desires. That’s the whole point of our religion, freeing yourself from materialism, hedonism and all other “instant pleasures” (which enslave you more than anything) so that you can be rewarded in the hereafter. I can go on for days as to why everything said here is wrong. You are not a muslim until you realise these simple fact
@@ibrahimhassan711 ok so u think im not a muslim? Alright i guess im not then. Congrats u just made me an infidel.
There's no bigger sin than making a believer loose its faith. Good luck on finding that exact verse, i won't bother link you bcs im an infidel. Also, see you by the gate of hell, sinner.
@@NovelSuara12 saying something that is haram is halal makes you a disbeliever this isn’t some pick and mix religion. I didn’t make you an kaafir you already was one. We all sin but to say your sin isn’t a sin takes you out the fold of Islam. Once again you are not God you don’t know where I’m going lol. God forbid. Alphabet squad is incompatible with Islam. Pick your desires or pick your salvation.
@@ibrahimhassan711 oK, sAiNt :V
@@NovelSuara12 cry me a river lol I didn’t make the rules
This some good Vice series again . The oddly weird untold stories but that needs to be heard.
i wonder what this ''rare interpritaion of the text'' is that accept trans people. seeing how there are soooo many anti homosexuality quotes.
Following Their desires and disbelieving in parts of the Quran. This man with hijab said at the end that there is not only male and female... When Allah SWT said that he only created male and female from humans, animals and plants (1400 years ago mentioned that even plants have only male and female).
"It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error." Quran 33:36
@@AliMohammed-ez6nt I don't much about Islam but I'm pretty sure we would all agree that there is far more than just male or female in plants and in animals...
@@dicemise Are you dense or something? Plants only have two sexes my friend they're not *WOKE* .
EDIT: Don't know why people are liking your comment youre literally wrong, you need to add *I don't know much about biology* instead of Islam.
For a book Allah said is easy to understand and one for which their is no doubt, there are sure a lot of different sects who disagree on understanding and certainly have a lot of doubts.
Same place Christian say the Bible view abortions as sinful their own interpretation and reaching for any evidence they can find.
This is a beautiful video. I did watch the Al-Fatah episode you put together 9 years ago and I have been curious about how they are doing now. I personally find their interpretation really beautiful, I personally believe that Islam is supposed to bring peace upon the believers, and it is really shown that they found spiritual peace in Islam through how they interpret it. I wish them well and may Allah bless them
This is not Islam we will never give up our values no matter the international pressure
@@memerzd6129 That's exactly what full radicalization is.
Are you even Muslim?
@@plaidpanda do you even know what's the law according to Islam to the people of LGBT ?
@@PerryKobalt Do you even know I have zero fucks to give?
{ وَلُوطًا إِذۡ قَالَ لِقَوۡمِهِۦۤ أَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلۡفَـٰحِشَةَ مَا سَبَقَكُم بِهَا مِنۡ أَحَدࣲ مِّنَ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِینَ }
[Surah Al-Aʿrāf: 80]
{ إِنَّكُمۡ لَتَأۡتُونَ ٱلرِّجَالَ شَهۡوَةࣰ مِّن دُونِ ٱلنِّسَاۤءِۚ بَلۡ أَنتُمۡ قَوۡمࣱ مُّسۡرِفُونَ }
[Surah Al-Aʿrāf: 81]
{ وَمَا كَانَ جَوَابَ قَوۡمِهِۦۤ إِلَّاۤ أَن قَالُوۤا۟ أَخۡرِجُوهُم مِّن قَرۡیَتِكُمۡۖ إِنَّهُمۡ أُنَاسࣱ یَتَطَهَّرُونَ }
[Surah Al-Aʿrāf: 82]
{ فَأَنجَیۡنَـٰهُ وَأَهۡلَهُۥۤ إِلَّا ٱمۡرَأَتَهُۥ كَانَتۡ مِنَ ٱلۡغَـٰبِرِینَ }
[Surah Al-Aʿrāf: 83]
{ وَأَمۡطَرۡنَا عَلَیۡهِم مَّطَرࣰاۖ فَٱنظُرۡ كَیۡفَ كَانَ عَـٰقِبَةُ ٱلۡمُجۡرِمِینَ }
[Surah Al-Aʿrāf: 84]
0:27 Being a trans is not a sin? what is her right to tell which is sin and not sin? clearly he never read hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas RA: (which translate to)
“The Prophet cursed effeminate men and those women who assume the similitude (manners) of men.”
@@karimtemri1664 really loool im inclined to refer to her as it.
This is SYNCRETISM using Islam as a cover. Their faces tell you who they really worship.
"If You Tolerate EVERYTHING, You Stand For NOTHING" Andrew Tate
"You can tolerate anything and still stand on what you believe " Zolax Alpha.
Based Islam
@@alphazolax1843 what king of logic are you talking about if your book says clearly to do not such a thing and you do it so you don t believe in it anymore
@@Ily381 you can tolerate your wife's behavior and still stand on not going for that vacation she is crying about, you can tolerate your childrens tantrum and still stand that they would not get that apple phone, that I tolerate your insult do not mean I won't stand on my believe that I don't need to insult a person to make my point,
@@alphazolax1843 There are limits to tolerance.
I cried with her when she was reading the Quran.
Me too 💔
@Sly Boogy learn more about gender sweetie
@@dereksmith6693 there are only 2 genders and there’s only 1 sexuality
@@toastslice keep convincing yourself that. No need to imply it on others
Leaving islam is a better solution.
We have this in Christianity also. But, it helps me personally either way. Your move, racism🤣
Counldnt have said it better lgbt listen to this guy
They are outside the fold of Islam already...but they didn't realize it.
islam destroyed all indonesian culture, replaced with desert culture!
That's what islam does, 1400 years of insanity. Where ever islam goes it destroys the host country and takes over, Indonesia was once a beautiful Hindu country. Not now.
the comment section here vs the comment section in vice indonesia really shows that transphobia is wilder globally 💀
“And (remember) Lut (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the
worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen
(mankind and jinn)?
Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a
people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins)’”
[al-A’raaf 7:80-81]
Well said
Salam wa alakum from a Muslim sister
@@ummyusuf8817 O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as friends if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among you - then it is those who are the wrongdoers. Quran 9:23
@@mangoorange7020 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is not right for any human being to prostrate to another; if it were right for one human being to prostrate to another, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands because of the great rights that they have over them. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if a man were covered from head to foot with weeping sores oozing pus, and his wife were to come to him and lick his sores (to clean them), this would not fulfil the rights he has over her.’” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 12153; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7725).
@@moholah3745 why have you sent me this i know my deen i been muslim 21 years and practiced every day
As a muslin myself, i m big supporter for transpeople's right. However Islam is very strict religion especially when it come to gender. They need to respect the right of other muslin, if they want to be treated the same way. A course transpeople have the right to religion. However when other muslin is confius with their gender this only lead to trouble. It best transpeople stick with their on community when it come to religion. Cherry picking the rules of religion to suit oneself in a complex society only lead to more problem.
How come there’s no trans men? Would be interesting to hear those trans women’s attitudes on gay people as well
There are trans man talk Indonesia chanel
@Astrea A damn, makes sense
@Astrea A prophet said that mother deserves respect from their children 3 times more than the father deserve
@Astrea A then why these men want to be women and muslims too?
@Astrea A it doesn't make sense
Its a huge sin in islam. Saying its not a sin is another huge sin. Saying don't judge us only God can judge is a stupid thing to say because we are only judging you based on the laws God gave us.
I am sorry, where does it say Trans women/men are accepted?
Okay if they recite Quran or pray thats between them
Don't say its acceptable, when u know it not to be or have no evidence
Fr thankyou for Addressing this
So theres a whole sura (story) about the prophet lut in the quran or lot in the bible, lut’s uncle Ibrahim or Abraham was informed by two or three angels who took the appearance of handsome men, the end of the story concludes with god disintegrating the civilization expect for lut and his children, the city was destroyed because the entire population were homosexuals
Humans are so cruel for no reason.
If your talking about these transgenders not being accepted by other Muslims than No these transgenders are the cruel ones for no reason. The holy Quran is clearly against this. They are using the banner of islam to make corruption between ppl. If they really cared they would abandon islam and find another religion to mock. Shame on you if you agree with what they are trying to do.
I've never seen a Muslims have to remove their tattoos just because tattoos are haram
@@alinehme9425 shame on you too
@@alinehme9425 a religion that hates someone for a choice they didn't have control over it's a terrible terrible religion. Period.
@@tommasol9701 Ali doesnt love god he loves ibis the devil. Only cursed people like Ali would have so much hate in Theo hearts. Shame on Ali!
Videos like this put into perspective just how universal the fight against fundamentalist religion really is across the world. I wish peace and love to all my transgender sisters, brothers, and siblings, and I pray that those who affirm the LGBT community will win.
Should trans women compete in sports against biological women?
@@andrewjones575 trans women already have to have gone through rigorous tests to be able to compete with cis women, including testosterone levels which many biological women don’t even pass depending on their hormonal makeup, as for the “bone mass” or whatever argument, you don’t divide basketball players by height even though some have a biological advantage
@@amelierose3088 The limit for the testosterone level allowed is far higher than the level the vast majority of women have. Basketball players are usually very tall; that doesn't mean men should be allowed on women's teams, even if they self-identify as women & have brought their testosterone down. If Gavin Hubbard had changed his name to Laurel & competed against women a decade earlier, he'd have won women's competitions & records. Rhys McKinnon won women's cycling events when he called himself Rachel.
@@amelierose3088 "bone mass or whatever argument" - Amelie Rose 2021
They will never be women. A chopped up man on estrogen and castrated is not a woman.
Muhammad was a fake prophet, a warlord. A murderer and child molester rapist.
Being as fundamentally Christian(Orthodox it’s called) is the Truth. ☦️
"Usually when trans people follow a religion, people have negative opinions. I dont reapond to it. They can call me a transexual, transvestite, dracula, or even the devil. The important thing is I still consistently pray. I read the Quran regularly. Im not angry. I'm not sorry for only being afraid of God alone. I'm not afraid of people." ❤️🔥
Allah (SWT) rewards the doers of good. Allah the Most High sent His Last Messenger with clear admonitions. Do you want paradise? Or woke acceptance at the cost of paradise? Submit to Allah (SWT) and His authentic Shariah. All innovation Bid'ah is misguidance. The Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) would not approve. Follow the truth and not infiltrators.
And Bid'ah innovation leads to hell fire.
This is part of the opening statements in every congregational speech of the prophet pbuh
and give me an examples of bid'ah the Prophet (PUBH) himself say its Bid'ah
I salute and envy Rana Thamrin reporting for this documentary because it touched my heart when she cried while reciting Quran and Shinta said Allah asks every one of us to read regardless of trans or normal people. The Imam also mentioned the beauty of Islam in accepting every creature on earth. Congrats Rana Thamrin and The Al Fatah Waria Pasentren in Jogja. Would love to visit and meet Rana too one-day InsyaAllah.
stop trolling lol
@@abra.hui. you only!
She is hypocrite like you
@@faroulalou7641 is she used religion for spreading hatred against anyone who are different from her? Is she committed discrimination against heterosexuals in general like what did by homophobes against lgbt?
"And there are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," yet they are not true believers. They seek to deceive Allah and the believers, yet they only deceive themselves, but they fail to perceive it. There is sickness in their hearts, and Allah "only" let's their sickness increase. They will suffer a painful punishment for their lies. When they are told, "do not spread corruption in the land" they reply, "We are only peace makers". Indeed it is they who are the corrupters, but they fail to perceive it." (Qur'an 2:8-12)
That was a beautiful story. I wish people would quit using religion as a weapon against others.
No, the Quran I read at billions others says destroy these people
In this case, those transgenders are disrespecting our religion.
i don't believe in religion but this made me emotional. they and their faith are beautiful
what they do is haram.
@zeyneb H Islam was never a religion of peace
@@comradekenobi6908 Islam is a religion of justice.
@@abed4193 indeed
The dangerous thing in this mindsets is that they want to bend Islam to make it fit with their evil desires.
Yes, being a trans is haram without any difference of opinion the sahaba to all Muslim generations of scholars until today. Men who imitate women and women who imitate men are cursed by Allah.
Besides this, becoming trans does not take you out of the fold of Islam unless you claim it is halal. With every sin, if someone claims that it is halal, this is called istihlal and those who do istihlal have fallen in disbelieve.
You have gay imams who claims b that men marrying men is not a sin.. You have lesbians who claim it is not a sin to be intimate with the same sex.. you have female imams who do the adhan and lead men in the masjid for prayer and they claim it is not a sin.. now you have people who claim being trans is not a sin.. allahul musta3an. Being trans is haram in so many ways.
It is good that they learn the Quran and tafsir, but learn it the CORRECT way without distorting the meaning of it.
What is wrong with people subhanallah? Allah said that the saytan will order the people to change the creation of Allah. Trans are the greatest example of this.
If you are a sinner and weak in this case, admit it. Being trans combines two major evil sins together. Which is: changing the creation of Allah by imitating the other sex and becoming gay and lesbians. A woman who changes her appearance into a man, will have relationships with women. This is lesbianism. A man who changes his appearance into a woman, will have relationships with men and this homosexuality.
What is wrong with people? Sinning and being very weak is one thing, but trying to make the evil you do halal is another thing.
Islam is Islam and trying to change Islam to fit your evil way of life, will not help you in your grave. Rather, trying to corrupt Islam for your desires will place you out of the fold of Islam and you will be with the most evil of kuffaar.
Whatever you do to corrupt Islam, it will not damage Islam at all. Rather it will damage you and destroy you while those who stick to the truth will receive forgiveness and Jannah in sha allah.
God is not gender. God is community. All human beings - regardless of orientation and gender - are children of God and have a divine right to express their faith in as peaceful and positive a way as they please. Patriarchal religious discrimination needs to end, if it is to have any place in the modern world. Making this video was incredibly brave. Thank you for telling your story.
Allah has no children and no partners. islam is not patriarchal. what these transgenders are doing is strictly prohibited in islam for it is imitating the opposite gender, seeking what the other possesses, and changing the creation of Allah.
@@mansa8354 Amazing. I always knew I'd one day find the only human in the world to truly know God's will in the comment section of a Vice RUclips video.
@@angelam.4670 im not the only one that believes this, i follow the Quran and sunnah as the majority of muslims do. listen to an Islamic scholar of ahlus sunnah wa jama'a and you'd find the same things that i said. im not a heretic bringing something new, im only propagating what islam truly teaches.
@zeyneb H how?
@zeyneb H yes
I was bawling my eyes out at the end of the video. This is indeed a cruel world. I hope and Pray that Allah(S.W.T.) protect us.
Transgender is haram brother it's changing the creation of Allah and that's haram like cmon man
I just think everybody should mind their business and let people live, it’s between them and god, who are we to judge man, im a muslim and i don’t agree with this but they’re still humans. Live and let live.
@@brookeroman3625 u clicked on the vid
@@brookeroman3625 tf what do you mean
you can not be a Muslim and justify this blasphemy. Allah says Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart-and that is the weakest of faith
Do you consider them to be women?
@@andrewjones575 I don't care about what's in someone's pants, and neither should you. Worry about their actions and intent.
I honestly don't get it. why be a Muslim at that point just believe in some other religion which allows trans people to be trans people, don't try to mold an existing religion to your likings even if you know what you're doing is very very much against it. like wtf???
Legit what I've said across like 20 comments. Thank you 🙏🏻
All I can say is that they're really bold.
I dislike the way they describing anti LGBT as fundamentalist Islam. When in Iran, a theocracy have one of the highest of sex assignment surgeries. Also, it doesn’t help when you have statues inside the Qur’an school. Sorry but having statues of living beings is a major sin in Islam.
Then should they specify it as “fundamentalist Sunni Islam”?
Everyone should have the right to pray 🙏 to God Alone.
They can pray but not in the women's section.
They're still men. These western ideology will not change Islam no matter what.
"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧."
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2784]
pray is what dumb people do when they cant science.
@@7Frosty7 In what Hadith besides the Quran do 👉🏻you believe? Q 31:6. Hadith is condemned in Quran 🙅♂️ why do you quote it? Please read the Quran 39:23 (see also Quran 39:29, 7:185 , 12:111).
@@konanoobiemaster “Praise be to God, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who disbelieve continue to deviate.” Quran 6:1 💁♂️
"Here you are! You ˹believers˺ are advocating for them in this life, but who will ˹dare to˺ advocate for them before Allah on the Day of Judgment? Or who will come to their defence?" suratul Al Nisa 04:109 Oh! Allah protect us and guide us to Right pathway.
Jazakallah Khair brother. Its unfortunate that our great Ummah is slowly being corrupted effects of westernization. May Allah keep us all safe and steadfast.
@@user-iy9cj4wp3v There are still good muslims. The west only shows the bad side