Rafael Rodrigues Moreira Maybe you should have tried to summon elements instead of praying for some good ol' midrange shaman :) But this is really something nice and different.
Underway »° °«) U-Underway-sama? Could you please, um, roleplay, so when your hero takes damage… you um, p-pretend y-you take damage…! T-thank you… (>/////
Trump, you got all of my respect with this video. Just the opening statement got me, and it reminded me why of all the hearthstone-players you were the first one I really admired. Also, your recent video on Midrange Druid really encouraged me to try out a class I never really laid hands on, and the success was overwhelming!
Hm I never thought of it, but Troggzor is actually pretty incredible against Patron.. Sad that you cut it! Would have loved to seen it get alittle play!
Zagrash Uchiha I finally managed to pass hogger (I hired a streamer to coach me through it of course) but now I'm stuck on Millhouse. When he gets to 10 mana I lose every time.
Well otks for me are in my opinion not so Bad because i came from ygo and Magic so its actually nice to see that hs tries to bring powerful ways to win and they are i think stop able (sry for my bad english) but yeah its sad if it happens and yeah when you have no answer its kinda shitty xD but trust i had this a lot in the named card games so its for me ok
***** since you just bashed the shit out of patron warrior and you say you find MtG better I assume you've never played modern considering you've never seen anyone go full turn 4 storm on your ass; if you think 34 damage is bad storm can go infinite but people dont bitch about it because MtG can't nerf cards.
silvsilvsilv Keep in mind that he topdecked both Ysera and Sneed's in the late game. If those cards had been 5 turns out of draw reach and he would have lost the board, he would have lost the game in those 5 turns.
8:00 Pyro, hit gang boss with gang boss, madness the egg, power word shield. Gets you a 4/4, clears his board entirely. Surely that's got to be the best play that turn?
CuriousMoth If I'm not mistaken in my math, that would leave Trump with a 3/2 Pyro, 4/4 Nerubian and a 4/3 Cabal. In essence, trading a 2/2 Imp Gang and two 1/1 imps for the same stats on a single target, as opposed to them being spread out against a deck with few board clears. Which is actually a 5/5 of total stats minimum if the IGB is damaged once. Analyzing the two outcomes, and not only retaining the Imp Gang's ability, but having the option to heal it, makes Trump's the better play in my opinion If I knew he had something like Hellfire in hand, that might change my mind, but I doubt it.
Please do more of these videos, where you play unusual decks in ranked! It's at least more fun and not so repetitive (unlike Paladin videos, which I automatically skip)
I still think that Troggzor is a very underrated card. I personally like the card and have it in my mage deck. Granted, his usefulness varies, but is an overall strong card.
Bp Elliott This is actually not very old at all. Trump was rank 2 yesterday. He did all the Trump teachings stuff and participated in a few tournaments this season. ~ Jens
Trump Hey, if i may ask, i haven't bothered researching, is trump actually involved in this channel or are you just an editor and uploader of his content, like some people upload vods from twitch on youtube without knowing the streamer.
"One of the other reasons why I stopped playing Patron warrior was because I got Bloodsail Corsair'd...by a hunter no less, a hunter ran Bloodsail Corsair as a tech card...and I was like, 'you got me.' So I decided I wanted to try something else." - Trump 2015, roughly quoted (had a hard time hearing him in this video for some reason). Yeah, I feel for you Trump. I actually stopped playing my oil rogue deck because I ran into a face/pirate warrior hybrid deck that ran two acidic swamp oozes and Leeroy, on top of the whole pirate crew...made me really contemplate what deck I wanted to ladder with anymore.
At 9:30 he should used voljin against The terror. The life wouldn't stay at 4 since his max health would be 2. The creatures just stay at the same health when they get debuffed when his max health is higher than his current health because the creature is damaged, but there is no way that a creature keeps his health on 4 when his maximum health is 2. The worst thing that can happen is that the 1 dmg is dealed before the creature gets debuffed making the 1 point damage useless but still would have 2 health
Moisés Palma Isern The only problem is that you cant use the 1/1 because the damage you deal before the terror gets debuffed is useless, that means you would have to attack with de 3/2 to take down the terror. The real question is i want 2 more health in my voljin in exange of losing a 3/1 piro? probably not
Subtle misplay at 8:05: If you play PW:Shield before Shadow Madness, you don't lose an imp to full board and you end the turn with 3 imps instead of 2.
Jesper Uhlin I recently crafted Troggzor because it's been good in a few of the tavern brawls (dropped it on an empty board against a mage in the banana brawl, insta-concede), but I haven't used it in constructed yet. Have you had good results with it?
AscendedFish Honestly it's so out of the meta it works really well, and yes as Woelke it counters Patron warrior heavily. It dies the easiest to warrior and mage really but often with reward anyways. The best thing about Troggzor is that he doesn't get hit by "I've got the fun in my sights" and if he's the biggest card in your deck, that card is dead in their hand.
You have a way to deal with patreons. Its auchenai+circle. Lightbomb is also extremly good to put it in your deck. cause its deals with patreons, handlocks and grinder mages.
taiottavios a lot of it is luck based. It has some ridiculous combos, along the lines of having a board, lightwarden pyro 2 circle ohko, or something like 2 shrinkmeister then kabal, or even just auchenai circle, but if it doesn't draw into those combos it's screwed. also, it runs a lot of 7+ cards generally, which is all well and good, but if you get all that in your starting hand you're screwed. It's just a really random class. Even against what it supposedly counters, it can end up with a starting hand of ysera, sneeds, and mind control and be screwed.
wow i didnt use pyro in my priest deck. but its has more value then i though(i hate it to netdeck). maybe time to play my priest again(rank 5). but at least shouldnt there be 1 light bomb ? or circle+auchenai enough?
This deck is fun. I just destroyed a patron warrior. Had the Auchenai circle for the first wave of patrons. Topdecked Cabal on 6 to take a warsong commander (which gave me a lot of value) then topdecked the second cabal for the second one later in the game, into resurrect Sludge Belcher with charge... why do warriors have all the fun with the Warsong Commander? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad hunter, mage, shaman, warlock, and paladin don't have access to that card, but it's fun in priest, especially when lightwardens are capable of OTK.
Trump's logic at 11.15 is off, the +2 health that void terror gets is removed when Malganis dies, putting it back down to 2 before the pyro effect triggers leaving it at 1 after the exchange. Not that 2 extra health on the Vol'Jinn made any significant difference in the end of course.
JHJH007 oh shit I undertstand after listening to him again :D void terror would drop to 2 because of Voljin and then mal'ganis would buff it plus 2 health again :D
the real problem is that after throwing death he would lose his 2 damage from imps because of pyro. So without pyro it's the correct play to swap terror then death malganis then trade. Unless #hsmechanics says different.
I thought the new hero skins came with a completely different design of the hero power as well. I guess they decided to just make them golden to prevent confusion?
AscendedFish Trump misplayed in that circumstance. He also delivered the explanation. The terror would be at 4 health after vol jin, but after death on mal he would be at 2, allowing your nice trade with the imps. Did not matter however :) but that was free value!
at 8:05 is a misplay trump. You should shadow madness the egg then power word shield your pyromancer. That way you have a fresh 4/4 on the board and you are less vulnerable to hellfire. I know won the game but they don't call me captain hindsight for nothing.
Mahou56 What are you talking about? if you attack with the imp boss into the opponent boss. The opponent has a 2/1 imp boss. The shadow madness of the egg kills the imp boss. Then power word shield kills the remaining imp. Your board now has 4/4, 4/3, and 3/2. It plays around a hellfire.
If Vol'jin switches health with the Void Terror it would be 2 and go up to 4 thanks to Mal'Ganis. But once you Shadow Word Death Mal'Ganis, the Void Terror would go back to 2 health and lose 1 to the Pyromancer. Same amount of trading but with slightly more health on Vol'jin.
Played 5 games with this deck, won all 5. I am considering to swap Dark Cultist with a Shrinkmeister due to the synergy with SW:death, SW:pain, CSP and Shadow Madness. Can I get your guys opinion? Thanks :)
Actually Vol'jin sets a new max health of 2 for the minion he targets, so when you kill the Malganis, he loses the buff and has 2 health! I'm right, you're wrong ! :p
So let me go over why I love having one mind control in my deck. Worst case scenario it is 10 mana steal something like a shredder or a single patron. Best case scenario. It is a 10 mana ragnaros + Assassinate. that is 13 mana value plus the value only being one card. The only priest cards that have more value than that are best case scenario shadow madness or possibly dark cultist.
Freedfg Worst case scenario is more accurately a dead card that will never get played against a lot of classes. Either you don't survive until turn 10, on turn 10 if you play it you will die regardless, or they have nothing to steal and plan to combo you down from an empty board.
Геннадий Даценко Nah if you draw Mind Control vs a face hunter you basically lost a card.. 10 mana spells like Pyroblast and Mind Control need to have specific situations to be good. Playing a 10 mana minion for example lets you control what you put on the board, but mind control is a reactive card that relies on your opponent being a control deck. In an agro math up, you need all the cards you can get to counter it, and if you start the game with 3 cards instead of 4 you're gonna have a baaad time.
why do you never put in your golden cards? Edit : also it was a misplay when you shadow madness'd a silverhand recruit instead of argent squire since if you resuerect argent squire it is better than a squire unless resuerect does nothing to divine shields then im dumb
Yes!!! Finally, something new and different! My prayers has been answered!
Rafael Rodrigues Moreira Your Prayer of Healing?
Rafael Rodrigues Moreira Maybe you should have tried to summon elements instead of praying for some good ol' midrange shaman :) But this is really something nice and different.
xvx4848 Glad to see you put your faith in the light heh heh
Seth Harbert wait... Thats paladin not?
pedro h Should I have said kappa
Because kappa
Just posted to say thanks for playing something for fun instead of just playing the same decks over and over. It's always fun watching a new deck!
I been waiting for this... for so long
Stubbier keneki-kun ?:o
alexfire20bfh Ew.
Stubbier Kawaiii desu nyaa~~°~°~~~
I feel gross now.
Underway »° °«) U-Underway-sama? Could you please, um, roleplay, so when your hero takes damage… you um, p-pretend y-you take damage…! T-thank you… (>/////
Stubbier this was recorded like 2-3 days ago mate
Seing all those aggro decks being stomped so hard is sooo satisfying
This is the only deck that RUINS zoo
Oróchi Legend Hunter
***** No, Hunter defintely does not ruin zoo.
Trump, you got all of my respect with this video. Just the opening statement got me, and it reminded me why of all the hearthstone-players you were the first one I really admired.
Also, your recent video on Midrange Druid really encouraged me to try out a class I never really laid hands on, and the success was overwhelming!
Hm I never thought of it, but Troggzor is actually pretty incredible against Patron.. Sad that you cut it! Would have loved to seen it get alittle play!
TopHatCat But somehow, seems amazing to get your opponent to play troggzor if you're trying to get a great frothing play :P
TopHatCat Tis a genius idea! Pretty good against removal and either forces a silence or minion trades.
Jon_jon13 HAHA!!! Oh god I didn't even think about that... yeah if you have Troggzor out and they play Frothing combo, GG :X lol
TopHatCat its ok i use him :D
Really liked the smooth music. Gives the video quite the mood and style.
Priest is my fav class. I think I'll try this one.
Susanna Holdren lol girls don't play video games.
Eternal08- *grills
Grills are too busy cooking steaks and such to be bothered with vidya gams
***** you're gay.
***** white knight detected
***** epic meme dude keep white knighting with your own pointless insults you fuckin hypocrite :^)
I would love to play all these cool decks. But I can't beat Illidan
Freedfg damn, i thought im the only who cant defeat him, blizz nerf plz
You mean you defeated Lorewalker Cho? Show me your ways, master!
Zagrash Uchiha I finally managed to pass hogger (I hired a streamer to coach me through it of course) but now I'm stuck on Millhouse. When he gets to 10 mana I lose every time.
Freedfg You guys are still pretty good, I got stuck at trying to press the start button
"I'm right, you're wrong."
-Trump, 2015
Really cool and interesting deck, I demand MOAR!
ive been waiting a long time for some priest videos!!
This is the most satisfying thing I've ever watched! If only I had Vol'jin.... (sigh)
27:50 "Obey! STRIKE! feel my pain... BUUURN!"
Best series of quotes I've ever heard in hearthstone, someone should write a novel about it.
super fun seeing you play priest
Was that a Control warrior at the end there? But I thought they all died out in The Great Patroning!
GengarMarmalade not as long as Fibonacci lives !!
GengarMarmalade Yes The Great Patroning of 2015...it was a disaster
I agree, Patron can be fun but not when you allways plays against the counters and have nothing to play because bad luck of draws xD
Well otks for me are in my opinion not so Bad because i came from ygo and Magic so its actually nice to see that hs tries to bring powerful ways to win and they are i think stop able (sry for my bad english) but yeah its sad if it happens and yeah when you have no answer its kinda shitty xD but trust i had this a lot in the named card games so its for me ok
***** since you just bashed the shit out of patron warrior and you say you find MtG better I assume you've never played modern considering you've never seen anyone go full turn 4 storm on your ass; if you think 34 damage is bad storm can go infinite but people dont bitch about it because MtG can't nerf cards.
"That was close" he said, as he was sitting comfortably on 41 health :')
silvsilvsilv doesnt matter... if priest loses the board, loses the game. More so since there are no lightbombs on this deck
He still had a Nova and an Auchenai/Circle in his deck, a Ysera on board, and a Voljin and Sneed in hand. It was not close. Like, not at all.
silvsilvsilv Keep in mind that he topdecked both Ysera and Sneed's in the late game. If those cards had been 5 turns out of draw reach and he would have lost the board, he would have lost the game in those 5 turns.
Trump with the Jenkees and the renewed flair. Happy subscriber
8:00 Pyro, hit gang boss with gang boss, madness the egg, power word shield. Gets you a 4/4, clears his board entirely. Surely that's got to be the best play that turn?
CuriousMoth Was just thinking that, hoping to be the first one to see. But then along came your comment.... ;)
Ferdi Koopman Aww, sorry man :3 Great minds think alike!
Not enough mana
CuriousMoth Yup good sight.
CuriousMoth If I'm not mistaken in my math, that would leave Trump with a 3/2 Pyro, 4/4 Nerubian and a 4/3 Cabal.
In essence, trading a 2/2 Imp Gang and two 1/1 imps for the same stats on a single target, as opposed to them being spread out against a deck with few board clears. Which is actually a 5/5 of total stats minimum if the IGB is damaged once.
Analyzing the two outcomes, and not only retaining the Imp Gang's ability, but having the option to heal it, makes Trump's the better play in my opinion If I knew he had something like Hellfire in hand, that might change my mind, but I doubt it.
When did Blizzard release this new "Priest" class? I didn't see any announcements. It looks cool.
Props to the Ronald Jenkees playing in the background!
Please do more of these videos, where you play unusual decks in ranked! It's at least more fun and not so repetitive (unlike Paladin videos, which I automatically skip)
Lol "I'm right, you're wrong"
what it really needs is 2 gargoyles, divine spirit, and inner fire thats all any priest deck needs the other cards are optional.
Says the stoneskin gargoyle
Stoneskin Gargoyle you are trying too hard gargoyle
sometimes you have to try hard to prove yourself worthy
Stoked to see priest.
This deck looks like so much fun
t's wonderful to see some alternative decks.Are we going to see more like this? Keep up the good work, I really appreciate your content:)
I still think that Troggzor is a very underrated card. I personally like the card and have it in my mage deck. Granted, his usefulness varies, but is an overall strong card.
this deck looks fun! :D cool to see diff decks used
anduin's back baby
and he won't let us down
Armorsmith priest.. Super OP!
2 weeks after the season starts you post up the first video of this season. Wtf? Might wanna catch up.
pandulce these take a while to edit
Bp Elliott This is actually not very old at all. Trump was rank 2 yesterday. He did all the Trump teachings stuff and participated in a few tournaments this season.
~ Jens
Trump Hey, if i may ask, i haven't bothered researching, is trump actually involved in this channel or are you just an editor and uploader of his content, like some people upload vods from twitch on youtube without knowing the streamer.
victor97O6 Trump pays Jens for the editing, i guess the youtube money of this channel goes to Trump
pandulce The youtube money goes to Jens, Trump may get a few percentage but that's all. Keep it up Jens, you're fantastic.
10:01 - 10:22
Made my day.
"One of the other reasons why I stopped playing Patron warrior was because I got Bloodsail Corsair'd...by a hunter no less, a hunter ran Bloodsail Corsair as a tech card...and I was like, 'you got me.' So I decided I wanted to try something else." - Trump 2015, roughly quoted (had a hard time hearing him in this video for some reason).
Yeah, I feel for you Trump. I actually stopped playing my oil rogue deck because I ran into a face/pirate warrior hybrid deck that ran two acidic swamp oozes and Leeroy, on top of the whole pirate crew...made me really contemplate what deck I wanted to ladder with anymore.
thanks for priestvideos!
Kolento's been putting up some gameplay with this deck. I guess it works
"Obey! Feel my Pain! Strike! BUUURN!"
Happy birthday birthday boy Kappa
looks like a pretty fun deck :)
great video as always L O V E T R U M P
Dieter Van der Zwalmen T O V E L R U M P*
Alex Tod haha :)
Dat special effect for holy fire
Priest sometimes seems so cool tho^^
At 8:16 I feel the better play is to steal his Nerubian Egg and then make it hatch on your side of the board thanks to Pyro + spells.
At 9:30 he should used voljin against The terror. The life wouldn't stay at 4 since his max health would be 2. The creatures just stay at the same health when they get debuffed when his max health is higher than his current health because the creature is damaged, but there is no way that a creature keeps his health on 4 when his maximum health is 2. The worst thing that can happen is that the 1 dmg is dealed before the creature gets debuffed making the 1 point damage useless but still would have 2 health
Moisés Palma Isern The only problem is that you cant use the 1/1 because the damage you deal before the terror gets debuffed is useless, that means you would have to attack with de 3/2 to take down the terror. The real question is i want 2 more health in my voljin in exange of losing a 3/1 piro? probably not
Subtle misplay at 8:05: If you play PW:Shield before Shadow Madness, you don't lose an imp to full board and you end the turn with 3 imps instead of 2.
Great deck i want more "D
RIP Troggzor, wish Trump would give him a chance
Jesper Uhlin Me too. Love that card.
Jesper Uhlin Troggzor was mine first legendary from gvg pack ^_^
Jesper Uhlin I recently crafted Troggzor because it's been good in a few of the tavern brawls (dropped it on an empty board against a mage in the banana brawl, insta-concede), but I haven't used it in constructed yet. Have you had good results with it?
Jesper Uhlin i get the feeling it was in there to counter patron warrior and its silly number of spells.
AscendedFish Honestly it's so out of the meta it works really well, and yes as Woelke it counters Patron warrior heavily. It dies the easiest to warrior and mage really but often with reward anyways. The best thing about Troggzor is that he doesn't get hit by "I've got the fun in my sights" and if he's the biggest card in your deck, that card is dead in their hand.
Kripp's ressurect priest is also gooderino and imo cheaperino.
Love Your Videos Trump :D
fun deck to watch
You have a way to deal with patreons. Its auchenai+circle. Lightbomb is also extremly good to put it in your deck. cause its deals with patreons, handlocks and grinder mages.
Thank you Trump for playing priest, you almost moved me! :')
Jens, you seem to LOVE Jenkees. One of your favorite artists?
I really like this decklist- But I feel it needs a few changes (changes about 10 cards)... xD
Finally Priest :)
Any suggestions of replacing Vol'Jin? Is 2nd Belcher good enough? Can it be Loatheb? Thumb up for class pick ;)
priest is really powerful...I don't know why people underestimate it
Too much situational (albeit pretty good) removal and not enough substance spells and hero minions.
taiottavios a lot of it is luck based. It has some ridiculous combos, along the lines of having a board, lightwarden pyro 2 circle ohko, or something like 2 shrinkmeister then kabal, or even just auchenai circle, but if it doesn't draw into those combos it's screwed. also, it runs a lot of 7+ cards generally, which is all well and good, but if you get all that in your starting hand you're screwed. It's just a really random class. Even against what it supposedly counters, it can end up with a starting hand of ysera, sneeds, and mind control and be screwed.
ron tene
it needs some love
"No noo, I'm right you're wrong"
~Trump 2015
wow i didnt use pyro in my priest deck. but its has more value then i though(i hate it to netdeck).
maybe time to play my priest again(rank 5).
but at least shouldnt there be 1 light bomb ? or circle+auchenai enough?
Kolento also made a resurrect-deck.
This deck is fun. I just destroyed a patron warrior. Had the Auchenai circle for the first wave of patrons. Topdecked Cabal on 6 to take a warsong commander (which gave me a lot of value) then topdecked the second cabal for the second one later in the game, into resurrect Sludge Belcher with charge... why do warriors have all the fun with the Warsong Commander? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad hunter, mage, shaman, warlock, and paladin don't have access to that card, but it's fun in priest, especially when lightwardens are capable of OTK.
Hello trump i am saudi araben and i love your playing thx for the video
Trump's logic at 11.15 is off, the +2 health that void terror gets is removed when Malganis dies, putting it back down to 2 before the pyro effect triggers leaving it at 1 after the exchange. Not that 2 extra health on the Vol'Jinn made any significant difference in the end of course.
Jesus it's been a while since priest :)
This deck is original and funny
9:45 No but really, what is he saying :D He could've swapped with the terror and death on mal'ganis (I get it now)
LameLimeVlogs i don't get it either :/
JHJH007 oh shit I undertstand after listening to him again :D void terror would drop to 2 because of Voljin and then mal'ganis would buff it plus 2 health again :D
the real problem is that after throwing death he would lose his 2 damage from imps because of pyro.
So without pyro it's the correct play to swap terror then death malganis then trade. Unless #hsmechanics says different.
Aced Positive oh well, that works too xD
I thought the new hero skins came with a completely different design of the hero power as well. I guess they decided to just make them golden to prevent confusion?
When is episode 10 of Life Is Strange come out? I REALLY like it :)
Isn't it better to put in another card for sludge? because I have resurected the 1/2 to many times.
Trump is so much better than me at this game. I would have Vol'jined the Void Terror and I would have been sad. Well thought-out play.
AscendedFish Trump misplayed in that circumstance. He also delivered the explanation. The terror would be at 4 health after vol jin, but after death on mal he would be at 2, allowing your nice trade with the imps. Did not matter however :) but that was free value!
nienaber1305 The imps would be gone; he had a pyro on the board. His play was correct.
is sludge belcher worth it? i think senjin might be better cos of the resurrekt.
at 8:05 is a misplay trump. You should shadow madness the egg then power word shield your pyromancer. That way you have a fresh 4/4 on the board and you are less vulnerable to hellfire. I know won the game but they don't call me captain hindsight for nothing.
Nah, with this play opponent will be have imp boss on the board, that worse than full clear.
Mahou56 What are you talking about? if you attack with the imp boss into the opponent boss. The opponent has a 2/1 imp boss. The shadow madness of the egg kills the imp boss. Then power word shield kills the remaining imp. Your board now has 4/4, 4/3, and 3/2. It plays around a hellfire.
If Vol'jin switches health with the Void Terror it would be 2 and go up to 4 thanks to Mal'Ganis. But once you Shadow Word Death Mal'Ganis, the Void Terror would go back to 2 health and lose 1 to the Pyromancer. Same amount of trading but with slightly more health on Vol'jin.
Go back to three* health, and make trading in much more complicated
Whissp so refreshing :D
Whissp And then you face a similar deck and you will be like ''Ugh! Another cancer deck..."
(didn't mean to be rude)
Yeah, he chose swine flu instead :)
***** Nothing with with? Assuming you were intending to write "wrong with" then you are absolutely incorrect. Aggressive decks are too good.
***** Aggressive decks are superior to control decks. That is a the exact opposite of a silly thing to say.
I can't not read that title in the voice of Gill from Street Fighter 3
Played 5 games with this deck, won all 5. I am considering to swap Dark Cultist with a Shrinkmeister due to the synergy with SW:death, SW:pain, CSP and Shadow Madness. Can I get your guys opinion? Thanks :)
+DaaflD If you think you need the additional 2-drop, go ahead.
14:07 The Face-Hunter is strong in this one.
1:11 i thought he is gonna say "sneeds...holy shit" because its sneeds
~10:30 Vol'Jin the 9 health guy, attack with one imp and death the 9/7. They die at the same time then. Mal'Ganis doesnt heal shit.
Finds a really cool deck with interesting lategame cards... then takes out the interesting lategame cards...
Actually Vol'jin sets a new max health of 2 for the minion he targets, so when you kill the Malganis, he loses the buff and has 2 health! I'm right, you're wrong ! :p
MisterMunkki No.
xXLadoXx100 Try it, you'll see :)
Priest? Is that some kind of new class? Nobody ever plays it in constructed.
Love seeing trump play a deck that isn't normal. Please play this more, all the others are so common, diversify your decks!
I'm already subscribed, but I'm still never prepared for Illidan -_-
Wait.. If you kill Mal'Ganis his buff goes away right?
Who are you and what have you done with the real Trump!?
So let me go over why I love having one mind control in my deck. Worst case scenario it is 10 mana steal something like a shredder or a single patron. Best case scenario. It is a 10 mana ragnaros + Assassinate. that is 13 mana value plus the value only being one card. The only priest cards that have more value than that are best case scenario shadow madness or possibly dark cultist.
Freedfg Worst case scenario is more accurately a dead card that will never get played against a lot of classes. Either you don't survive until turn 10, on turn 10 if you play it you will die regardless, or they have nothing to steal and plan to combo you down from an empty board.
LevelNinety priest crushes aggro-shit anyway. He needs something to be competetive against control too.
Геннадий Даценко Ysera and Sneed's aren't competetive against control?
Monkey D. Luffy its ok I guess. But MC is much more flexible and is on higher end of value mountain.
Геннадий Даценко Nah if you draw Mind Control vs a face hunter you basically lost a card.. 10 mana spells like Pyroblast and Mind Control need to have specific situations to be good. Playing a 10 mana minion for example lets you control what you put on the board, but mind control is a reactive card that relies on your opponent being a control deck. In an agro math up, you need all the cards you can get to counter it, and if you start the game with 3 cards instead of 4 you're gonna have a baaad time.
Make a lesson about Patron Warrior!
My dream is to reach Legend rank 1 as a player that didn't spend any money on HS, hopefully someday it will happen
Man I would love it if Trump played shadowform priest. The one with velen and malygos and mindblast :)
At 27:32
Why not Power Word Shield the opponent's Emperor, Vol'Jin the Emperor, and then heal the Emperor?
Monkey D. Luffy Because the Wild Pyromancers would both trigger and deal 2 damage to everything.
Just curious, why no light bomb?
How do you get these new potraits?
How do you get the card "Counter" on the left?
Is this for real? Priest? TRUMP? Someone wake me up.
Flaviu Crystian He's playing mindgames with everyone.
Sorry,I had to. :D
Milkeon The Cute Oh lol
Milkeon The Cute Trump is simply 'resurrecting' priest gameplay on his channel.
Christopher Moltisanti I wanted to say that,you thought stealing bitch!
Milkeon The Cute Holy smite no need to get angry
how did he ended last season ?
why do you never put in your golden cards?
Edit : also it was a misplay when you shadow madness'd a silverhand recruit instead of argent squire since if you resuerect argent squire it is better than a squire unless resuerect does nothing to divine shields then im dumb
Not entirely sure how voljin is an "out there" priest card