The Guardian of Mogu'Shan Vaults Raid Finder LFR Faceroll Windwalker Monk dps Pov Ft. Eatmopie

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Thumbs up because its the mother F-ing Catalina Wine Mixer and you jumped a bit when I broke the stone in the intro! :D
    So They opened up Raidfinder for the day and I promised I would get some footage so here ya go... Somehow I ended up dpsing on the windwalker which was a rare, but nice treat.
    Mogu'shan preview link:
    Raidfinder will work similar to how it does in Dragon Soul and split Mogu'Shan Vaults into two parts. This is the first 3 bosses ie; the first part.(which is all that is open atm)
    I know my rotation is a bit off especially in the beginning I didn't even swap out of my tank gemmed gear until after the first wipe...derp... I was planning to tank as usual..
    Anyway, on a serious note I hope I have given you an idea of what to expect on each of these bosses without exploding your brain with to much info I do ramble a bit so tune me out if it gets to bad LOL. Thanks For Watching!
    PS. Beta is currently down for a new build, and they are finally BUFFING Monk damage!!.. I know I do ok but our damage is flat out lower than many other classes in this most recent build it looks like a 3-5% give or take buff to a few key abilities mMMmm Buffs They are changing the formula for a few things which could workout to suck but eh I'll take the good with the bad and let you know how it all feels as soon as I can test it. We need the buff because I have to work to hard to keep up right now. so this is great news :D
    PPS. If you haven't seen the announcement yet the Pre MoP patch 5.0.4 will go live aug 28th... cough cough as I predicted a month ago hrmmm..Toot Toot.. More Great News!
    Check out if you are interested in making your own videos
    All the Music in this video is by:
    http:/ Klaypex
    So check them out Please they are amazing and them sharing their music the way they do puts them at the top of my favorite list, of cool non money grubbing artists not out to maximize profit.
    -You Mad
    -Ready to Go
    -Double Vision
    -Song 12
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 47

  • @shasui26
    @shasui26 12 лет назад

    Hey pie! Thanks for taking the time to give those of us not lucky enough to get in the beta some insight on the monk. I can't wait to make mine.

  • @TheSlinkerDog
    @TheSlinkerDog 12 лет назад

    As a monk to be, I have to say I enjoy your videos a lot. The music is really good as well. But I noticed just a couple of minor things in this video on the Gara'jal encounter. There are 2 tanks for the fight, because having 2 is mandatory. For Voodoo Dolls, it ALWAYS is cast on the current tank, and the tank get's ported into the spirit realm when it ends, hence needing 2 tanks. Also, the reason you died was because 1 tank was dead when the other was ported. All in all, keep up the good work.

  • @ViRuSkenji
    @ViRuSkenji 12 лет назад

    If you're talking about that white tiger, it's a level 90 monk talent called "Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger"

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    Thank you for watching and the nice and constructive comment! I do try to keep things informative and as entertaining as possible without acting to much like an over the top idiot :D. The one tank swapped his role to dps at some point, I believe and that must be what threw me off. I did much better the next time I downed this boss, but that is probably because I was tanking. heh.

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    40days 16hrs 3 mins...left to wait, give or take LOL ... I'm pretty excited about release as well, and you're welcome. I am glad I could help some.

  • @CowCatwithafancyHat
    @CowCatwithafancyHat 12 лет назад

    Finaly a new pie video ! keep them coming PIE !!!! :D /cheers

  • @Lyriel12
    @Lyriel12 12 лет назад

    i want to say.. thank you for not having weird addons that completely change your UI .. i check 2 other videos and couldnt understand a thing cus of their weird addons. on this one.. i can at least recongnize things and understand the fight

  • @khul00
    @khul00 12 лет назад

    man i just got home from work its midnight over here and i cant even understand waht your saying in the video just wanted to see it so i know tomorrow i can watch it when i wake up

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  11 лет назад

    Well that is a pretty big difference in play styles, play what you enjoy more. Monks are super fun rolly polly mobile melee that kick people in the face. Warlocks are like caster tanks with pets. Both are near the top of the dps meters when played right at 90, so its just a matter of it you want to be a ranged or melee? :D Both are fun imo and both are getting love in 5.2

  • @romeyromel
    @romeyromel 12 лет назад

    if you have the guild xp perk/boa gear plus monks get an xp perk when you go for training ...and the monk quest are actually took me a week to go 1-90 some people 3 days if you're on like morning til night me dude its awesome being a monk:)

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    yeah it still is but they closed the gap some between it and blackout kick. It still feels fine I was just hoping that in a perfect patchwerk type fight we would move up more from our 4th place in the list of dps specs... I would bet we get 3 or 4 more balancing patches like this over the next two or three weeks before they get it where they want for release so who knows what will happen.

  • @khul00
    @khul00 12 лет назад

    my man eatmopie!

  • @pistolpete1605
    @pistolpete1605 12 лет назад

    god damit i so did jump when you broke the stone haha

  • @staceylovespets
    @staceylovespets 11 лет назад

    they nerfed this fight in 5.2 to where u can choose to "nerf" it like reduce the health, the damage of abilities, etc or do it without the nerf where everything is the same. the reason they added this nerf is because so many beginner raiding guilds got stuck on these dogs for months which was completely stupid in my opinion because my guild ended up killing the dogs without the nerfs

  • @kasperverber
    @kasperverber 12 лет назад

    It's not just a problem on this video, it has been a general issue for a while with youtube videos.
    This morning i had just booted the computer, when i tried watching the movie, but it kept freezing even though the video had loaded..
    It really shouldn't be my rig, considdering i have an i7, ssd, 16gigs of ram and and 100mbps connection.. I'm guessing its a setting or something, that i've messed up.

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    I seriously considered it but after testing it out I wouldn't be surprised if they bring it back up a bit.. It was kinda OP. The big change this build is how vengeance works now. Everything else is pretty close to the same even though they changed the formulas for a few things which nerfed RSK a bit now seems to be maxing at 180k crits when before i could get into the 230-240k range with a big one and some procs... /sigh

  • @metallicaman63
    @metallicaman63 11 лет назад

    i am glad to say i cheat in the standing in bad shit department, i would recommend getting GTFO when you get DBM. It beeps at you when you stand in the fire

  • @Kyle-pr
    @Kyle-pr 12 лет назад

    It's really easy with RaF and xp gear. While also getting the 50% xp boost buff from class quests.

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    I don't know I haven't had any issues with this vid, It is a long one though LOL. Hopefully you just need a restart. :(

  • @metallicaman63
    @metallicaman63 11 лет назад

    when i tank the last boss in that instance, i got banished 3 times and voodoo dolled twice

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    lol good stuff... I got myself with it the first time and had to leave it that way :D

  • @XtraXtable
    @XtraXtable 12 лет назад

    I cant wait to do the first fight as a boomkin. Multi dot that shit!

  • @georgekenny6957
    @georgekenny6957 12 лет назад

    I made a monk cause I got bored of playing a dk and hunter REALLY fun class ! im lvl 51 and took 1 day so far but I love BC and Lich king so ill be good nice vid by the way !

  • @khul00
    @khul00 12 лет назад

    aww mang well you never know patch might come out buffing it again. either way isnt RSK still the hardest hitting move we have as WW

  • @judoskeleton
    @judoskeleton 12 лет назад

    you have a good tank mentality.... better to tank than dps... dps is boring because you can die and still not wipe the raid.... hence the motivation of being a good tank...

  • @kasperverber
    @kasperverber 12 лет назад

    had to give up watching 6 minutes in.. for some reason youtube keeps freezing for me. The indicator show it as having downloaded the entire thing, but it keeps freezing like every 30 sec, then i have to click on another place on the timer to force it to reload the movie.. Any ideas anyone?

  • @dominik5467
    @dominik5467 12 лет назад

    can anybody tell me why the hell those hunter pets get astral pets for some times?
    Is this a new hunter skill or skill of the pets itself?
    I ask a few Hunters on my Realm by nobody could tell me

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    You aren't using internet explorer are you>?? Cause that could pretty easily void all that awesomeness in your rig and internets lol. Test out google chrome if you haven't and see if that fixes the youtube issue .

  • @Achille12345
    @Achille12345 12 лет назад

    And of course as in any bad LFR no one rez battle the dead...

  • @kasperverber
    @kasperverber 12 лет назад

    been using chrome for about 3.5 years.. But i just noticed, its only when i run fullscreen.. i had this vid running for 10 minutes now in regular screenmode and 360p, and it haven't frozen once.. /confused

  • @ThePleezzy
    @ThePleezzy 11 лет назад

    I got a 47 monk and a 47 lock but i dunno which one to lvl too 90 for my frist lvl 90 i like both any suggestions please ???

  • @judoskeleton
    @judoskeleton 12 лет назад

    leveling a brewmaster and thinking about dumping my blood dk

  • @judoskeleton
    @judoskeleton 12 лет назад

    Monks are the easiest class ever to level. They will get nerfed but they are godly right now. Brewmaster is sick.

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад

    It does in fact suck balls... but it gives you a good chance to L2P...

  • @staceylovespets
    @staceylovespets 11 лет назад

    not sure if its 5.2 but its around that time frame

  • @Ryeran
    @Ryeran 12 лет назад

    5:26 250k to raid = wipe? Maybe in Cataclysm.

  • @evilakurei
    @evilakurei  12 лет назад


  • @Arcaynex
    @Arcaynex 12 лет назад

    I lvled 1-90 in 4 days >< and I didnt even wanna play a monk in the first place lol

  • @khul00
    @khul00 12 лет назад

    THEY nerfed breath of fire mang! make a video for it eatmopie

  • @MasotaTV
    @MasotaTV 12 лет назад

    I wanna play a monk! But lvling 1-90 is gonna suck balls.

  • @drake188
    @drake188 11 лет назад

    LOL @ Stepbrothers comment....

  • @sethtear3271
    @sethtear3271 11 лет назад

    Wish i could play WoW but my dumbass computer wont let me play any online games so im stuck at my house with absolutely nothing to do.

  • @khul00
    @khul00 12 лет назад

    yeah cause like every class got nerfed this patch

  • @GAPIbre
    @GAPIbre 12 лет назад

    I wonder was dk tank?

  • @AfroCmx
    @AfroCmx 12 лет назад

    ding 90 in 2 days and 8 hours :)

  • @Brody0430
    @Brody0430 12 лет назад

    nice choice in music, i have alot of those tracks. msg me if you want to check out some good new electrohouse