“All white people are racist and cannot talk about someone being racist toward him!” “So I cannot voice my opinion on a certain topic due to my skin color? I’m pretty sure there’s a term for this”
Using their "logic," then all straight people are homophobic. There are no black bigots toward white people, etc. Jeesh. Modern minds turning to mush, right before our eyes.
This is the plague of today's society. I'm not sure whether it's because of the problems of social media or the distractions that come from it, but I get the feeling that ppl these days are so weak and puny, which leads to people's insecurities and disorders being seen as normal and forced to be seen as that rather than getting actual help or medical treatment, since if you say otherwise they will try and make you out to be a bigot for it. Like these offset dysfunctional shemales or transvestites.
It's all a matter of personal opinion, really, isn't it? One person's "nuts" is another person's cult leader who they think is the saviour of the human race.
As a straight white male, it’s sad how I can’t even make a valid point without my racial attributes and sexual orientation being used against me. When I see the words “love is love” I’d expect it to be applied to heterosexual men and women as well. When I see people calling me racist for something I had no control over, I don’t even know what to say. We need more people putting down stereotypes and moving past racism as a whole if we truly wish to see a better future.
How much racism truly exists in this country these days? I'm not saying there's none, but to claim there's any powerful white supremacy keeping black folk down is just fantasy.
True. But your as a blank person comment is unnecessary. To the point of the video. Hope this chick gets hit with reality that most people in America are racist to some extent. Yes even African Americans. Probably more so even. Who can say. Also who cares.
How about all the opportunity people of color have received as a result of capitalism and the growth. How about LeBron James and other NBA stars making 50M a year? Are they being held down by the Patriarchy?
She calls out an entire group, and then when a member of that group challenges her prejudice, she calls them fragile for taking it personally and says they need to look deeper at themselves. I've never seen someone who more desperately needed to take their own advice. It's her argument that's weak as sugarglass, and that's why she resorts to back-handed debate tactics.
Actually her argument is strong but he wouldn't let her speak. What she was saying (and he wouldn't acknowledge) is that white people as a whole have an inherent advantage because the system was built by them for them. I can't speak for the UK but in the US that's definitely a truism.
I don't know why people are still so terrified of being called a racist. At this point the term has become so diluted that it doesn't even have meaning anymore.
its so much used these days when it is not, i do not care if i get called it, you can be racist if you have a barbecue according to some the R word has become laughable
Imagine growing up loving everyone and suddenly someone saying I'm a thug, because I'm black.Point being we're all profiled.One word doesn't hurt more,than the other.
As soon as you have for instance an argument with a person who has different complexion then white,then automatically you are being " labeled" racist, this happened to me.In my opinion it's a common tactic. I'm not racist myself,but I was called this way once in my life, no matter what and how you want to defend yourself, your are being seen this way. It's an awful feeling trust me! Besides I never called anybody anything etc , because of their skin colour. It's sad being called racist , despite you are not one in your heart. It's very sensitive matter. I like black girls anyways!
@@sebastianliwinski222 exactly. I remember one instance where I was just standing next to a non white person( I don't even know how to label properly cause whatever we do as a white is racist) I just looked at the person because they are having fun and loud but I don't have an issue. Suddenly I was called racist because I looked at them.
Using their "logic," then all straight people are homophobic. There are no black bigots toward white people, etc. Jeesh. Modern minds turning to mush, right before our eyes.
Did you say crazy? My great great great great grandfathers second cousin thrice removed suffered from mental health issues and so i find it EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE that you use the word crazy. I will be writing to youtube demanding that you are banned for life and that any descendants you may have are also banned as future reparation for your incredibly egregious comments.
The man speaks without taking a single breath and keeps interrupting whoever he interviews so the interviewee doesn't have a chance to answer his questions. I don't understand how anyone can believe that constitutes a good journalist no matter belief or opionion. As a viewer I teally wanted to hear her answer his tough questions but she didn't get a chance to do so, so the only thing I learnt from the interview was Pierce Morgans opinion.
Let’s be all honest black people and white people are both racism now can’t judge someone agrees you judge white person he hasn’t done something and also black person hasn’t done something either. What’s a point discriminate each other can’t judge black person or a white person. we all human beings here.
@@IllisiaAdams You have to be reasonable and if you’re constantly changing the height of what you’re demanding, you cannot possibly win. Her comments are ridiculous and I’m glad you choose hope but instead, you should choose peace. You can only control your own behavior, not that of others. If you’re constantly striving to meet someone else’s ideologies, you’ll find you’re very unhappy.
@@CaptchaNeon I mean, I *know* that people's politics can change, if they open their hearts and heads. I have been raised "left" and had their ideologies and opinions basically for my whole life, but I opened myself up to hearing "the other side" and realising not everything is "black and white", there's not always a "right and wrong", some things are far more complex than that! And here I am, a couple of years later, proudly identifying as a "middle" or "neutral" person, neither left, not right, able to converse/debate with and have friends with both sides of the political spectrum. So yes, it's definitely possible she can change! Buuuut she has to be open to it. I mean, a very, very small percentage of what she is saying is true - specifically, how our education system is very "white washed", how we gloss over things like slavery and colonialism and that shouldn't be the case because history lessons should teach more than just the "good stuff" - but the rest is very hurtful, closed-minded, etc. The irony here is that her comments are racist, anti-cis, anti-straight, misandrist, etc. She has become what she seeks to battle...
@@IllisiaAdams Wow what a highly profound comment. I took in everything because your message is very important. I agree that we should keep all history open to be taught however, some people take that and run with it. For instance, I was raised on a reservation and I had known about colonialism very early on but I can’t keep demanding that people immerse themselves and I have the be the loudest one. Now while I wish people would leave our land and resources alone, I feel that it’s been this way for so long that I can’t impress people enough that they’ll listen. On the flip side of that, I can encourage people to at least absorb the information but her comments that all people are colonizers (in her case all white people) would be wrong for me to say. I stand behind anyone who’s mistreated regardless of their race but it sounds like she has a limited view. As you mentioned, you were raised a certain way and yet as you got older you chose to open your mind to other views. Some people will never reach that level of maturity and knowledge.
@@CaptchaNeon Thank you for sharing your story sweety, and for reading mine. I hope you will continue to try to change minds and hearts, even just a little bit. I know people think "I can't make a difference, I'm just one person, why bother?" but the problem is that too many people think that(!) and if all those people made the effort, then we could make a difference *together* . I have a saying that I like "making the world a better place, one good deed at a time" and "changing hearts and minds with kindness, one person at a time", because although I'm just one person and I can't do much alone, if I can even make the *tiniest* bit of difference, it is worth it. I say this, because I think *you* , too, could also make a positive change, if you believed in yourself. One day at a time sweety :-) I truly hope this woman - and those like her - come around, though. You can't fight hate, anger, fear, prejudice, etc, by *returning it* because you'll just make things worse, not better, and that's what she's doing :-(
I had the same debate with my female boss two years ago. I Refused to be referred to as "TRASH", under the "men are trash" slogan and it turned ugly for a while until I decided to walk away. Funny enough she got furious when I called her husband, her father and her son; my fellow Trashiers... Double standards suddenly hit the fan.
It doesn’t matter what skin color you are everyone has the ability to be racist it is a learned thing usually by parents or the community you grew up in or both
Yeah that's what I was thinking like that white dude hangs around or associates with black men...ik alot of white men like him who are inheritly racist by thought ND design to pretend we don't see color is crazy white people like him would never date a black woman why is it because he's racist or 😅
Incorrect. A black person by definition cannot be a racist. We really throw the word racist around too much. Without knowing the actual definition. Racism is about power, control, and wealth. These are three things many Black people do not have access to. Again by definition, it makes no sense that a black person can be a racist. Because Black people don’t have power or control to take over anything.
I believe racism can be inherited. I mean,, how else do creatures instinctively know what another creature is is capable of with ever really encountering it before. Like brightly colors spiders and spider shape make many people freak out. Or creatures in the jungle avoiding brightly colored snakes.
well done? You are a FOOLISH human being. Undeveloped locus coeruleus. He never allowed his own guest to speak. You will NEVER learn, and when you face the Creator, you will have no choice, but to face the truth.
"She" keeps saying all men are part of the patriarchy yet isn't "she" just a guy in women's clothing.... Doesn't that make "her" part of the patriarchy too?
It absolutely does! As a feminist, it’s absolutely infuriating. This model is NOT a woman, and won’t ever be. Will never have our collective experience.
All of these replies disgust me. Let’s not be transphobic towards her in response to a completely unrelated issue. I hope you’re happy with yourselves for being so closed-minded. You don’t even have to respect her views… But respecting pronouns is so easy to do. In fact, it would’ve taken LESS effort, regarding your comment, to leave out the quotation marks around “she.” You can hate the person, but the second you disrespect their identity, that’s an ad hominem fallacy. You’re attacking their character as if it’s a proper response to their argument. It’s not… so it’s not only disrespectful, but also a very weak argument.
It is absolutely amazing that she does not see that she is being racist, the very thing she claims to be fighting. When at the same time she is calling Piers the problem.! WHOA HOW FAR FROM REALITY CAN PEOPLE BE
“My mother’s white”, but she’d be the FIRST one to ridicule someone if they said “I’m not racist because I have a black friend”. The utter lack of self-awareness is surreal.
You clearly don't get it. You accept her if she identifies as black with one black parent, but white parent does not make her white. She is creating context and discussion I won't get into but you clearly don't get.
I see this sort of thing waaay to often. As a heterosexual white male, you have to watch every word you say or you are a racist or offend someone one way or another. The thing i really am most confused about is people like this calling all white people racist and somehow think that is not racist.....THAT is exactly what racism is.....calling ALL people something based on a couple of bad experiences. I grew up in a multicultural environment in The Netherlands in a neighbourhood where at school there where more people from other ethnic origins than Dutch people. It was the white / dutch people that where discriminated the most, trust me on that.... i think in every place where there is a minority of something there will be some form of discrimination. It human nature. And yes non white people can be racist to....
It's so, so sad that white, straight, cis-gendered males seem to have become public enemy number one and have to tip-toe around everywhere, afraid of what to say or do for fear of being labeled as "sexist", "racist", "homophobic", "transphobic", etc etc etc. Cis white dudes are just as deserving of love and respect and *rights* as everyone else. "Equality" doesn't mean *taking things from others* , that's *superiority* and it's radical feminist, BLMs, trans, etc etc etc that shout at you with nasty names and demand you give things up in favour of them, they become a part of the problem, not the solution; they become what they chose to fight (racist, straight-ist, cist-ist)! I'm sorry society treats you this way. It's so horrible and I hope and pray it will change. Just know that there are indeed women and LGBTQIA2S+ folk and POCs who *don't think you are the enemy* okay? Some of us think you are just as valid as we are,I promise.
People need to deal with their own feelings. I’m not walking on eggshells for anyone, no one does it for me. Calling someone a racist means nothing anymore except that you don’t like what they have to say, that’s how cheapened that word has become in the past several years after all the digital witch hunts. I just don’t care anymore.
I´m starting to think that there are a lot of people that understands racism as just white people discriminating black people and when the opposite happens all eyes are closed
@Pep Sardine-Ola that's fine if you think that. But the only pro nouns i will use or respect is one of a trans person, whether i agree with them or not. I'm aware they are not biologically a woman, but I won't be a jerk and call them a "he" because I don't agree with them.
So one is not allowed to talk about how others are being unfairly treated unless they were victims themselves? What logic is that? You very well know that journalists generally love to quote people usually out of context and then nail them on that!! The guy repeatedly said he was being quoted out of context yet Piers didn't have the decency to allow him to say where the quotes were wrong. To make it worse Piers himself admits that he NEVER read the whole book but was quoting from what he had been given by his editors!! Stupid at the very least or deliberately trying to deceive the audience. And it seems it worked because a lot swallowed the whole load hook line and sinker. Personally I have no time for these guys who think they are women or women who think they are men. They have an identity problem which needs professional help!!! But racism DOES EXIST whether from Whites or from Blacks!!
He doesn't, he completely destroys their argument but he doesn't change their mindset, this transgender person is going to go home and still believe in their childish fantasies
@Trainman10715 it's really not. When you cant make a valid point....no one can claim you're a hypocrit because you simply can't answer for to be identified
@@stiofanmcareavey5300 imma presume you're talking about the activist here as you were describing her, and she wasnt calling anyone a hypocrite so I've no idea what you're talking about mate
This GUY...GUY!! should be careful what HE says. Its daft comments like that get them in trouble. Then they cry "why do they hate us?" "We are being attacked" 🙄 disgusting.
She: "i don´t say all white people are racist" Also she: "all white people are this, are that...." Also she: "how dare they are outraged, im the victim..."
I never grew up racist, i never saw skin colour as something that makes is different. Today I dont care about the skin colour of my colleagues. But hearing comments by this type of person is causing racism in my mind. People like this are making me see “them” as different to me. These people are causing a divide because i am sick of hearing this racial rhetoric
I'm mixed race (African / Korean ) and my boyfriend is caucasian (white). Does that mean he's a racist ? Surely by accusing a certain skin colour of humans as racist, is itself inherently racist ? Or would we be crucified for speaking out like that ?
Her point is that you need to be taking active measures to deconstruct these concepts to not be racist. If he’s doing that he will likely not act racist. If he‘s not doing the work he probably is being racist without even realizing.
I cannot be a model, because there seems to be a procedure that removes half your brain involved or so it seems, or in this "model"'s case they removed everything but the part in charge of basic motor skills.
So, out of curiosity I googled his net worth to see what kind of "lived experience" he's had as model for a top cosmetics company. *Give me a break!* 🤣🤣🤣
I am a coloured, Muslim female and I say it is absolutely wrong to say that sexism doesn't come from women and that it comes only from men. No it's not just some men who are sexist, some women are sexist too. It is also absolutely wrong to say that only white people are racists. No it's not just some white people who are racists, some coloured people are racists too.
The term “slave” actually derived from the term “Slav” which a race (if you will) of people... WHITE people, who were forced into slavery by other surrounding countries.
Barbary African pirates trawled European coasts for white slaves. Enslaving over a million Europeans. People of colour enslaved people of colour - it's wasn't just the "white" man that was responsible for slavery.
I just wish I'd known that as a straight, white male, I had all this privilege available to me... I could have been a CEO living the dream from the get go rather than scrubbing toilets and struggling financially for the best part of 20 years! Thank god this black(ish) bloke in a frock is here with his millions and his lucrative career to remind me how I've hurt and oppressed him!
Yes exactly I wouldn’t have had to collect bodies for funeral director as soon as I left school, I could have been a CEO and suppressed so many people 😂😂
@@davideunbekannt7726 I am nearing retirement age with the same level as 20 years ago, because I've faced xenophobia. Power? Zilch. Privilege? Not so much. Less than the black bosses I've had and all the black people in my organization. But, of course, I'm white, so it doesn't matter. Actually, I should shut up. When my boss and I got insulted and yelled at by a powerful black woman at work for no other reason than she openly hates whites, we just had to take it.
I was nodding and supporting you, right up until you said "bloke in a frock"... Even Pierce isn't transphobic, but you clearly are. Yes, scientifically, "she" will always be *genetically* male, but please respect that this is someone who has clearly lost all their male parts, gotten fake female parts, been on the hormone treatments, etc etc etc and living their life very much as a female, and deserves to be called female. I get that the whole "alphabet mafia" thing gets a bit confusing and overwhelming with people "identifying" as this that and everything else, and I get that there are clearly *fake* trans people out there who are doing it for attention or to get into women's spaces (/cringe), there are some freaky *extremist* hateful hurtful LGBTQIA2S+ people, etc, but that's a very, very small percentage, I promise you. Please respect her. We may not agree with her views (sexist, racist, cis-ist, etc) but she *is not a guy* . Thank you. Side note: come on, would you know she was transgender if you weren't told? I doubt it. She's fricking gorgeous!
@@dammar117oh FFFS, that's disgusting... Of course, if you speak-up against her, *you're* the racist, not her. Because "white people can't experience racism", can they? It is such a double standard! Things need to change. You can't demand equality by *taking things from others* because that's called *superiority* .
"Now, we're past the separate drinking-fountain stage. We're past legal discrimination. We're at the hearts and minds stage. And believe me, there's no quick fix." Quote by Paul Robinette, Law and Order Season 1 Episode 11. This season was in the year 1990. There are black people who are racist. There are White people who are racist. There are Asian people who are racist. ETC. There will be those who set us back in progressing into a kinder treatment of each other. Always. But there are those who are opened and honest, and willing to have conversations to move forward with more perspective and friends, and to pass along to there children. History is a terrifying place. For the Jewish communities, Black communities, Native American communities, Asian communities etc. There will always be abusers, evil....But there's goodness too, and healers. Chances. Love. Growth. Conversations. Hope. Faith. Goodness wins.
I am a white American Man and I am a minority in the United States and had not privileges paying taxes was unable to get government support because I was a white man so I left the United States. I was racially profiled in the states.
Its sad and funny at the same time, to see something like that. So many people tells "russians all racists", but we (russians) have so many ethnic groups and we have never harassed someone for his race.
Pierce is taking it to personal and taking the time to bash and attack a person they invite to their show to speak on their book. And not letting the person the show invited is so super unprofessional of Pierce to do what he did. It was uncalled for. Everyone has their own experiences in live and if they take about there is nothing wrong with that. I say if you know you haven’t done anything and I mean anything that is not racist then you have nothing to worry about. But if you have you can’t lie to yourself when you did. But like most people they will try to say they haven’t done or said anything racist. Pierce is very rude. He shouldn’t attack his guests.
i'm a girl, and i absolutely believe that women can be sexist. how stupid can you be to think that women are just precious, beautiful angels who do no wrong and men are the devils in each story?
ask him this "if I say all trans black models are dumb, arrogant and delusional, would you be offended?", and he answers yes, then the debate is over, if no, which is unlikely, then he just denied his argument completely.
He is not being very professional. I really do wish she was not silenced like that. He is missing the point and will not allow her to even get a word in.
Aamir-no it’s based on her opinion and not facts! She states that white people have access to housing more than black people but the demographic of homeless people and those within homeless supported accommodation are white men and that is a fact!!!
He , that’s a full blown man . No periods , no ovaries , no cervix no vagina . Therefore is a man with a penis . No matter how many surgeries he gets he will never be a woman
I think Piers just likes to shout at people. Lol. Maybe he should just have a conversation with himself so he doesn't put himself in danger of a stroke.
@@JPOGame It isn't so much the truth hurting, but rather him allowing himself to get so angry, his blood pressure goes up, at the risk of causing an aneurism ... It would be better, as a journalist and broadcaster of note, to take several pages out of Andrew Neil's book, if not library, on how to deal with a hostile interlocutor, without letting them get under his skin ...
ALL people take offense to being lumped into one big racist, privileged category. She was fired for her blanket statements. A top company welcomed her. That alone disproves her viewpoint. Anyone should have felt privileged. She was also representing as trans. She had it made, but spit on the very people she worked for, and is STILL doing it!
I'm still hearing that students are "not taught about the violence of slavery" or how the history books are bias and misleading. Nonsense. The schools that are still stuck in this model are few and far between. Second, that's where family and continued education comes in.
@@mollynancy6370 I’m racist against ANYONE that acts like that. Meaning I don’t like anyone of any background who just hates people for no reason. Your reply is the one that’s disgusting. You admit to not really understanding my comment and then decided to make up your own narrative with what you thought I meant.
Slavery originated in the middle east somewhere around 2000 BC. And in Africa as well before America. She stated "where do you think slavery comes from"? I guarantee she was going to say white people and american. She probably thinks the first slaves ever were in the 1600s AD
If we forget about history in certain cultures we can't educate ourselves based on a record a story a teaching. "Kids". Which we were. Not following our history or discipline. We forgot the meaning of words and the actions associated with being human.
As we strive for excellence, society exploits our existence. Cultures copy or assimilate other cultures and don't contribute. Our careers, friends, life choices privacy, our independence, our heritage, bodies, traditions are all in the line for a non traditional ideology. War is not a history it's the infringement of life and freedom. Too many people are trying to be the same person. I would say that confusion is to delay. When you're close they will throw you off with the attack.
Saying someone is racist because of their skin color is insanely racist!
“All white people are racist and cannot talk about someone being racist toward him!”
“So I cannot voice my opinion on a certain topic due to my skin color? I’m pretty sure there’s a term for this”
@@Kris-P.-Bacon Yes, I think it's called fascism or something.
Same as White people saying bad things about black people is insane also be quite and take your own meds
Even though that idiot is wrong. It’s discrimination not racism.
Using their "logic," then all straight people are homophobic. There are no black bigots toward white people, etc. Jeesh. Modern minds turning to mush, right before our eyes.
I love how ppl who are nuts just think everyone else is nuts.
they think that everyone is wrong rather than thinking for even a second that they could possibly be wrong.
This is the plague of today's society. I'm not sure whether it's because of the problems of social media or the distractions that come from it, but I get the feeling that ppl these days are so weak and puny, which leads to people's insecurities and disorders being seen as normal and forced to be seen as that rather than getting actual help or medical treatment, since if you say otherwise they will try and make you out to be a bigot for it. Like these offset dysfunctional shemales or transvestites.
Well that is kinda the definition😂
she also has nuts
It's all a matter of personal opinion, really, isn't it? One person's "nuts" is another person's cult leader who they think is the saviour of the human race.
As a straight white male, it’s sad how I can’t even make a valid point without my racial attributes and sexual orientation being used against me. When I see the words “love is love” I’d expect it to be applied to heterosexual men and women as well. When I see people calling me racist for something I had no control over, I don’t even know what to say. We need more people putting down stereotypes and moving past racism as a whole if we truly wish to see a better future.
How much racism truly exists in this country these days? I'm not saying there's none, but to claim there's any powerful white supremacy keeping black folk down is just fantasy.
You are a white male the world is made for you. I don’t see how you can complain and by you complaining shows how racist you really are.
True. But your as a blank person comment is unnecessary.
To the point of the video. Hope this chick gets hit with reality that most people in America are racist to some extent. Yes even African Americans. Probably more so even. Who can say. Also who cares.
@@aaroncallahan119 last comment was unnecessary. If you don’t care don’t comment
How about all the opportunity people of color have received as a result of capitalism and the growth. How about LeBron James and other NBA stars making 50M a year? Are they being held down by the Patriarchy?
She calls out an entire group, and then when a member of that group challenges her prejudice, she calls them fragile for taking it personally and says they need to look deeper at themselves. I've never seen someone who more desperately needed to take their own advice. It's her argument that's weak as sugarglass, and that's why she resorts to back-handed debate tactics.
And the loads of make up. Damn
Actually her argument is strong but he wouldn't let her speak. What she was saying (and he wouldn't acknowledge) is that white people as a whole have an inherent advantage because the system was built by them for them. I can't speak for the UK but in the US that's definitely a truism.
*He *His☺
I don't know why people are still so terrified of being called a racist. At this point the term has become so diluted that it doesn't even have meaning anymore.
Very true!
Indeed, if people call me ''racist'', it's like music in my ears.
its so much used these days when it is not, i do not care if i get called it, you can be racist if you have a barbecue according to some the R word has become laughable
@@duncan3998That really does not look great out of context 💀
Imagine growing up loving everyone and suddenly someone will say I am racist just because I am white. Sad
Imagine growing up loving everyone and suddenly someone saying I'm a thug, because I'm black.Point being we're all profiled.One word doesn't hurt more,than the other.
As soon as you have for instance an argument with a person who has different complexion then white,then automatically you are being " labeled" racist, this happened to me.In my opinion it's a common tactic.
I'm not racist myself,but I was called this way once in my life, no matter what and how you want to defend yourself, your are being seen this way. It's an awful feeling trust me!
Besides I never called anybody anything etc , because of their skin colour.
It's sad being called racist , despite you are not one in your heart.
It's very sensitive matter.
I like black girls anyways!
@@sebastianliwinski222 exactly. I remember one instance where I was just standing next to a non white person( I don't even know how to label properly cause whatever we do as a white is racist) I just looked at the person because they are having fun and loud but I don't have an issue. Suddenly I was called racist because I looked at them.
Using their "logic," then all straight people are homophobic. There are no black bigots toward white people, etc. Jeesh. Modern minds turning to mush, right before our eyes.
She is ignorant
What crazy crazy times we live in, so sad!
Did you say crazy? My great great great great grandfathers second cousin thrice removed suffered from mental health issues and so i find it EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE that you use the word crazy. I will be writing to youtube demanding that you are banned for life and that any descendants you may have are also banned as future reparation for your incredibly egregious comments.
Shtty is the better word
Black female here. ...I don't know these people but that guy stood his ground. And I stand with him ...great job...(I'm referring to Piers 💪)
Stupid black female here then. Its always these "black people" who side with their oppressors
finally another non brainwashed person
Same sis. I also stand with Piers.
Facts they are racists
Some people find Pierce to be harsh. I love the fact that he says what everyone is scared say.
Thats true but something are not meant to be said.
The man speaks without taking a single breath and keeps interrupting whoever he interviews so the interviewee doesn't have a chance to answer his questions. I don't understand how anyone can believe that constitutes a good journalist no matter belief or opionion. As a viewer I teally wanted to hear her answer his tough questions but she didn't get a chance to do so, so the only thing I learnt from the interview was Pierce Morgans opinion.
He's called Piers. 🙂
Piers *
@@simonpettersson6788, I agree and Morgan is a trump supporter enough said.
I'm not a fan of Piers but he dismantled it.
Let’s be all honest black people and white people are both racism now can’t judge someone agrees you judge white person he hasn’t done something and also black person hasn’t done something either. What’s a point discriminate each other can’t judge black person or a white person. we all human beings here.
Let’s just be honest, nothing will ever be good enough. She will forever seek a fix that does not exist and will continue to say this until she’s 90.
I choose hope. I really l, really, really do not want your statement to prove true :-(
@@IllisiaAdams You have to be reasonable and if you’re constantly changing the height of what you’re demanding, you cannot possibly win. Her comments are ridiculous and I’m glad you choose hope but instead, you should choose peace. You can only control your own behavior, not that of others. If you’re constantly striving to meet someone else’s ideologies, you’ll find you’re very unhappy.
@@CaptchaNeon I mean, I *know* that people's politics can change, if they open their hearts and heads. I have been raised "left" and had their ideologies and opinions basically for my whole life, but I opened myself up to hearing "the other side" and realising not everything is "black and white", there's not always a "right and wrong", some things are far more complex than that! And here I am, a couple of years later, proudly identifying as a "middle" or "neutral" person, neither left, not right, able to converse/debate with and have friends with both sides of the political spectrum. So yes, it's definitely possible she can change! Buuuut she has to be open to it. I mean, a very, very small percentage of what she is saying is true - specifically, how our education system is very "white washed", how we gloss over things like slavery and colonialism and that shouldn't be the case because history lessons should teach more than just the "good stuff" - but the rest is very hurtful, closed-minded, etc. The irony here is that her comments are racist, anti-cis, anti-straight, misandrist, etc. She has become what she seeks to battle...
@@IllisiaAdams Wow what a highly profound comment. I took in everything because your message is very important. I agree that we should keep all history open to be taught however, some people take that and run with it. For instance, I was raised on a reservation and I had known about colonialism very early on but I can’t keep demanding that people immerse themselves and I have the be the loudest one. Now while I wish people would leave our land and resources alone, I feel that it’s been this way for so long that I can’t impress people enough that they’ll listen. On the flip side of that, I can encourage people to at least absorb the information but her comments that all people are colonizers (in her case all white people) would be wrong for me to say. I stand behind anyone who’s mistreated regardless of their race but it sounds like she has a limited view. As you mentioned, you were raised a certain way and yet as you got older you chose to open your mind to other views. Some people will never reach that level of maturity and knowledge.
@@CaptchaNeon Thank you for sharing your story sweety, and for reading mine. I hope you will continue to try to change minds and hearts, even just a little bit. I know people think "I can't make a difference, I'm just one person, why bother?" but the problem is that too many people think that(!) and if all those people made the effort, then we could make a difference *together* .
I have a saying that I like "making the world a better place, one good deed at a time" and "changing hearts and minds with kindness, one person at a time", because although I'm just one person and I can't do much alone, if I can even make the *tiniest* bit of difference, it is worth it. I say this, because I think *you* , too, could also make a positive change, if you believed in yourself. One day at a time sweety :-)
I truly hope this woman - and those like her - come around, though. You can't fight hate, anger, fear, prejudice, etc, by *returning it* because you'll just make things worse, not better, and that's what she's doing :-(
Its her words against her. So stupid. No accountability. Narcissistic, selfish and delusional.
Her 😂😂😂😂
@@barakatchashenyi7093*HE muthafucka 😂 that's a boy Damon!!!
this person has a platform where people listen to them, thats a dangerous thing for someone who has no clue what they are talking about
that was him actually, but you have white bias. hahahaha, your privilege is coming to an end, and you are soon to learn.
She made the racist comment and now decides to play victim! 🤣
Seems to happen that way every single time!!
@@wheelson7895 nigga 😭
@@dubbyx8490 is he a biological male?
I had the same debate with my female boss two years ago. I Refused to be referred to as "TRASH", under the "men are trash" slogan and it turned ugly for a while until I decided to walk away. Funny enough she got furious when I called her husband, her father and her son; my fellow Trashiers... Double standards suddenly hit the fan.
Hilarious! Way to call her out!
what in this country? thats illegal under discrimination laws in the Uk
@whatitis8785 Nobody harassed her family. He said her husband, father, and son were trash like him, by her definition.
It doesn’t matter what skin color you are everyone has the ability to be racist it is a learned thing usually by parents or the community you grew up in or both
Yeah that's what I was thinking like that white dude hangs around or associates with black men...ik alot of white men like him who are inheritly racist by thought ND design to pretend we don't see color is crazy white people like him would never date a black woman why is it because he's racist or 😅
Incorrect. A black person by definition cannot be a racist. We really throw the word racist around too much. Without knowing the actual definition. Racism is about power, control, and wealth. These are three things many Black people do not have access to. Again by definition, it makes no sense that a black person can be a racist. Because Black people don’t have power or control to take over anything.
I believe racism can be inherited. I mean,, how else do creatures instinctively know what another creature is is capable of with ever really encountering it before. Like brightly colors spiders and spider shape make many people freak out. Or creatures in the jungle avoiding brightly colored snakes.
well I'm sorry but agree to disagree@@RighteousnessWillPrevail
@@RighteousnessWillPrevail I think this is more to do with threat
She doesn't deserve air time bruh she's crazy 😂
That’s a fucking man … he !
Who is she?
You mean ''it's'' crazy
He he he
well done Piers
well done? You are a FOOLISH human being. Undeveloped locus coeruleus. He never allowed his own guest to speak. You will NEVER learn, and when you face the Creator, you will have no choice, but to face the truth.
Was she wrong?
@@zayleeper8299no a black trans can never be wrong
"She" keeps saying all men are part of the patriarchy yet isn't "she" just a guy in women's clothing.... Doesn't that make "her" part of the patriarchy too?
She was socialised as a male, so she must still be sexist, according to her own argument
Just a gay man😂
HE turned SHE .another victim
It absolutely does! As a feminist, it’s absolutely infuriating. This model is NOT a woman, and won’t ever be. Will never have our collective experience.
All of these replies disgust me. Let’s not be transphobic towards her in response to a completely unrelated issue. I hope you’re happy with yourselves for being so closed-minded. You don’t even have to respect her views… But respecting pronouns is so easy to do. In fact, it would’ve taken LESS effort, regarding your comment, to leave out the quotation marks around “she.”
You can hate the person, but the second you disrespect their identity, that’s an ad hominem fallacy. You’re attacking their character as if it’s a proper response to their argument. It’s not… so it’s not only disrespectful, but also a very weak argument.
It is absolutely amazing that she does not see that she is being racist, the very thing she claims to be fighting. When at the same time she is calling Piers the problem.! WHOA HOW FAR FROM REALITY CAN PEOPLE BE
She is not being racist cause she has no power. Maybe you mean prejudiced? She isn't even that.
He’s a man!!! 🙄🙄🙄
What did u expect it cant see its even a man🤦♂️🤣🤮
Er....it's a he.
You can put your boots in the oven but it doesn't make 'em biscuits.
“My mother’s white”, but she’d be the FIRST one to ridicule someone if they said “I’m not racist because I have a black friend”. The utter lack of self-awareness is surreal.
What if her black friend said she is not racist because she has a white friend?
You clearly don't get it. You accept her if she identifies as black with one black parent, but white parent does not make her white. She is creating context and discussion I won't get into but you clearly don't get.
@@triggerwarning7662 Judging by the fact that you're arguing against things I didn't even say, I'm not the one that clearly doesn't get it.
@@triggerwarning7662 *Him
@@triggerwarning7662no there’s nothing u or him can say. He’s only called black because of the one drop rule which is a R A C I S T CONCEPT!
Thank you Piers for speaking up MUCH APPRECIATED!
I see this sort of thing waaay to often. As a heterosexual white male, you have to watch every word you say or you are a racist or offend someone one way or another.
The thing i really am most confused about is people like this calling all white people racist and somehow think that is not racist.....THAT is exactly what racism is.....calling ALL people something based on a couple of bad experiences.
I grew up in a multicultural environment in The Netherlands in a neighbourhood where at school there where more people from other ethnic origins than Dutch people. It was the white / dutch people that where discriminated the most, trust me on that.... i think in every place where there is a minority of something there will be some form of discrimination. It human nature. And yes non white people can be racist to....
It's so, so sad that white, straight, cis-gendered males seem to have become public enemy number one and have to tip-toe around everywhere, afraid of what to say or do for fear of being labeled as "sexist", "racist", "homophobic", "transphobic", etc etc etc. Cis white dudes are just as deserving of love and respect and *rights* as everyone else. "Equality" doesn't mean *taking things from others* , that's *superiority* and it's radical feminist, BLMs, trans, etc etc etc that shout at you with nasty names and demand you give things up in favour of them, they become a part of the problem, not the solution; they become what they chose to fight (racist, straight-ist, cist-ist)! I'm sorry society treats you this way. It's so horrible and I hope and pray it will change. Just know that there are indeed women and LGBTQIA2S+ folk and POCs who *don't think you are the enemy* okay? Some of us think you are just as valid as we are,I promise.
People need to deal with their own feelings. I’m not walking on eggshells for anyone, no one does it for me. Calling someone a racist means nothing anymore except that you don’t like what they have to say, that’s how cheapened that word has become in the past several years after all the digital witch hunts. I just don’t care anymore.
It’s because motherfuckers like this tranny man , want everyone to turn gay 🤢
As someone from Amsterdam this is too true..
Hard to be sexist when you can't even tell what sex it is.
Love it
How true is that 😂👌👍
“It” 😂
I´m starting to think that there are a lot of people that understands racism as just white people discriminating black people and when the opposite happens all eyes are closed
Yes!!!! See my comment below. It's terribly one-sided.
Calling someone a racist is often just a weapon to shut someone up.
It's *always* a weapon to shut someone up.
So funny that she wants to talk about how unfair people of color are treated, yet shes a black trans woman who was a model. Get over yourself 😂
He, is a bloke
@Pep Sardine-Ola that's fine if you think that. But the only pro nouns i will use or respect is one of a trans person, whether i agree with them or not. I'm aware they are not biologically a woman, but I won't be a jerk and call them a "he" because I don't agree with them.
@@cadencejacobs6501 good for you but most of us won’t lol
Still choose to live in reality
So one is not allowed to talk about how others are being unfairly treated unless they were victims themselves? What logic is that? You very well know that journalists generally love to quote people usually out of context and then nail them on that!! The guy repeatedly said he was being quoted out of context yet Piers didn't have the decency to allow him to say where the quotes were wrong. To make it worse Piers himself admits that he NEVER read the whole book but was quoting from what he had been given by his editors!! Stupid at the very least or deliberately trying to deceive the audience. And it seems it worked because a lot swallowed the whole load hook line and sinker. Personally I have no time for these guys who think they are women or women who think they are men. They have an identity problem which needs professional help!!! But racism DOES EXIST whether from Whites or from Blacks!!
Who's the actual racist here?
Piers just proved himself
Piers just ties these clowns up in knots.
He doesn't, he completely destroys their argument but he doesn't change their mindset, this transgender person is going to go home and still believe in their childish fantasies
Um.....asking someone a question and not letting them speak isn't tieing them up In knots...sorry.
@@stiofanmcareavey5300 yes but deconstructing their entire argument and makeing them show their hypocrisy sure is, sorry
@Trainman10715 it's really not. When you cant make a valid point....no one can claim you're a hypocrit because you simply can't answer for to be identified
@@stiofanmcareavey5300 imma presume you're talking about the activist here as you were describing her, and she wasnt calling anyone a hypocrite so I've no idea what you're talking about mate
This GUY...GUY!! should be careful what HE says. Its daft comments like that get them in trouble. Then they cry "why do they hate us?" "We are being attacked" 🙄 disgusting.
She: "i don´t say all white people are racist"
Also she: "all white people are this, are that...."
Also she: "how dare they are outraged, im the victim..."
He not she
The two other female hosts are such cowards of not engaging in the conversation.
To be fair, could they get a word in edge-wise? lol
LOVED IT!! We Done Piers!
I never grew up racist, i never saw skin colour as something that makes is different. Today I dont care about the skin colour of my colleagues. But hearing comments by this type of person is causing racism in my mind. People like this are making me see “them” as different to me. These people are causing a divide because i am sick of hearing this racial rhetoric
I'm mixed race (African / Korean ) and my boyfriend is caucasian (white). Does that mean he's a racist ? Surely by accusing a certain skin colour of humans as racist, is itself inherently racist ? Or would we be crucified for speaking out like that ?
Preach king thank you for defending your man like that 🍶🗿 (sorry I don't have a soju emoticon so I had to use the closest thing pff)
You mean he's ALL white? Maybe don't tell anyone. Your good 👍
ps: I'm white, but I keep it on the down low 😉
( It's dangerous out there girl)
Her point is that you need to be taking active measures to deconstruct these concepts to not be racist. If he’s doing that he will likely not act racist. If he‘s not doing the work he probably is being racist without even realizing.
@@sleepingclari9398 that’s a man
Whites get the best of everything for being white. Shut up
Thank god Piers left GMTV he has just won an award for an interview from his wonderful show❤
Why put people like this on tv in the first place?
Yes the guy is so annoying i wish they just had her talking to someone with some actual empathy and manners
@@sleepingclari9398she barely had manners and was being racist so...
@@smitty_werben_jagerman_jensen He, barely had manners don't you mean that's no female mate that's a lady boy
Piers Morgan you mean ?
Ever noticed that people who play the racism card are usually more racist than the people they complain about.
A Pole here. Piers stands as a promise that the common sense in the UK has not yet been lost.
If this guy is a model, who the hell couldn't be a model?
lmao ya just cut ur ckc off slap on some makeup throw on a skimpy bikini and ur a model
I cannot be a model, because there seems to be a procedure that removes half your brain involved or so it seems, or in this "model"'s case they removed everything but the part in charge of basic motor skills.
Piers, how dare you correct him. He has ridiculous opinions and not able to defend his opinions
Who are u talking about
@@carolinaceban7154 the trans model.
So, out of curiosity I googled his net worth to see what kind of "lived experience" he's had as model for a top cosmetics company. *Give me a break!* 🤣🤣🤣
@@glorytoyah7836 Yes, you're right. Comment edited. Cheers
@@asmartbajan you're very welcome
What i dont understand is that there are people out there that think monroe is correct
Pretty sure she saying you’re all racist because of your culture and history. Not your skin.
Bro this dude who thinks hes a woman thinks he knows everything, nothing he said is backed by anything
Good for you Piers Tell him!
Piers is great
How is HE even a model?
I am a coloured, Muslim female and I say it is absolutely wrong to say that sexism doesn't come from women and that it comes only from men. No it's not just some men who are sexist, some women are sexist too. It is also absolutely wrong to say that only white people are racists. No it's not just some white people who are racists, some coloured people are racists too.
Here here sister ,I'm a white female ,I totally agree with you ❤
@@lismarie6372 Thank you. 💖💖💖
I couldn’t agree more.
Surely calling people racist for having a different skin tone is racist 🙄 many have been imprisoned for less, how did he get away with it?
What a nut😂 god help us all!
I’m white and a natural female so hate me boo ❤
The term “slave” actually derived from the term “Slav” which a race (if you will) of people... WHITE people, who were forced into slavery by other surrounding countries.
Barbary African pirates trawled European coasts for white slaves. Enslaving over a million Europeans. People of colour enslaved people of colour - it's wasn't just the "white" man that was responsible for slavery.
Yerp .... but we are not permitted to discuss these varitas 👌
Slavic people were white people enslaved by OTHER white people
Its not black and it's not a woman. Why is it given airtime to debate these subjects?
treat everyone equally.. thats it more needed
I just wish I'd known that as a straight, white male, I had all this privilege available to me... I could have been a CEO living the dream from the get go rather than scrubbing toilets and struggling financially for the best part of 20 years! Thank god this black(ish) bloke in a frock is here with his millions and his lucrative career to remind me how I've hurt and oppressed him!
Yes exactly I wouldn’t have had to collect bodies for funeral director as soon as I left school, I could have been a CEO and suppressed so many people 😂😂
@@davideunbekannt7726 I am nearing retirement age with the same level as 20 years ago, because I've faced xenophobia. Power? Zilch. Privilege? Not so much. Less than the black bosses I've had and all the black people in my organization.
But, of course, I'm white, so it doesn't matter. Actually, I should shut up. When my boss and I got insulted and yelled at by a powerful black woman at work for no other reason than she openly hates whites, we just had to take it.
I was nodding and supporting you, right up until you said "bloke in a frock"... Even Pierce isn't transphobic, but you clearly are. Yes, scientifically, "she" will always be *genetically* male, but please respect that this is someone who has clearly lost all their male parts, gotten fake female parts, been on the hormone treatments, etc etc etc and living their life very much as a female, and deserves to be called female. I get that the whole "alphabet mafia" thing gets a bit confusing and overwhelming with people "identifying" as this that and everything else, and I get that there are clearly *fake* trans people out there who are doing it for attention or to get into women's spaces (/cringe), there are some freaky *extremist* hateful hurtful LGBTQIA2S+ people, etc, but that's a very, very small percentage, I promise you. Please respect her. We may not agree with her views (sexist, racist, cis-ist, etc) but she *is not a guy* . Thank you.
Side note: come on, would you know she was transgender if you weren't told? I doubt it. She's fricking gorgeous!
@@dammar117oh FFFS, that's disgusting... Of course, if you speak-up against her, *you're* the racist, not her. Because "white people can't experience racism", can they? It is such a double standard! Things need to change. You can't demand equality by *taking things from others* because that's called *superiority* .
way to go Piers, you tellem ffs !
Piers is reading this persons EXACTS WORDS but now they are trying to deny it
She’s not lying
He*. Stop gaslighting us.
I searched the title of the clip word for word, and it was so difficult to find the full video. But I did it 😮💨
"Now, we're past the separate drinking-fountain stage. We're past legal discrimination. We're at the hearts and minds stage. And believe me, there's no quick fix." Quote by Paul Robinette, Law and Order Season 1 Episode 11. This season was in the year 1990. There are black people who are racist. There are White people who are racist. There are Asian people who are racist. ETC. There will be those who set us back in progressing into a kinder treatment of each other. Always. But there are those who are opened and honest, and willing to have conversations to move forward with more perspective and friends, and to pass along to there children. History is a terrifying place. For the Jewish communities, Black communities, Native American communities, Asian communities etc. There will always be abusers, evil....But there's goodness too, and healers. Chances. Love. Growth. Conversations. Hope. Faith. Goodness wins.
Self appreciation has become selfishness and the deformation of ourselves.
These British shows seem to debate more fiercely than US shows. I applaud this, because it gets down to the root cause. Interesting show.
She should be cancelled straigth away
Bone structure gives it all away - man! man! man!
I am a white American Man and I am a minority in the United States and had not privileges paying taxes was unable to get government support because I was a white man so I left the United States. I was racially profiled in the states.
"Where does slavery come from?" Answer: Africa
Get an education and then comment here.
@@jimmearswdym where comes slavery from then 😂
Yup Africans sold other Africans on the coast of west Africa to Europeans
Its sad and funny at the same time, to see something like that.
So many people tells "russians all racists", but we (russians) have so many ethnic groups and we have never harassed someone for his race.
Pierce is taking it to personal and taking the time to bash and attack a person they invite to their show to speak on their book. And not letting the person the show invited is so super unprofessional of Pierce to do what he did. It was uncalled for. Everyone has their own experiences in live and if they take about there is nothing wrong with that. I say if you know you haven’t done anything and I mean anything that is not racist then you have nothing to worry about. But if you have you can’t lie to yourself when you did. But like most people they will try to say they haven’t done or said anything racist. Pierce is very rude. He shouldn’t attack his guests.
i'm a girl, and i absolutely believe that women can be sexist. how stupid can you be to think that women are just precious, beautiful angels who do no wrong and men are the devils in each story?
Because the governments wants to create weaker men. Its handy if you want more control slowly
I agree, woman are bad too. We ain’t sweet little angels, don’t wanna b ❤
ask him this "if I say all trans black models are dumb, arrogant and delusional, would you be offended?", and he answers yes, then the debate is over, if no, which is unlikely, then he just denied his argument completely.
This weirdo forgot to take the BASS out of his voice ! 😂
Being racist by categorizing an entire race as racist and saying its a way to fight racisim is so racist.
You are missing the point
So, she's racist and claiming everybody else is racist.
@@sopi4 It's ok, skippy. You can have the hots for her.
@@bladerunner3314 that’s a full blown man wtf 😳 the hots ? Are you deluded . You liberal retard
She is delusional well done piers keep doing what your doing 💪🫡
He* calling him a she makes you delusional too
He is not being very professional. I really do wish she was not silenced like that. He is missing the point and will not allow her to even get a word in.
It’s like talking to a brick wall with that bloke with braids
The sanctimonious trans self promotion never ceases to amaze!!
as a white woman I am incredibly offended by her words
You mean HIS WORDS, He's can't even accept who he is.
Truth can hurt
Aamir-no it’s based on her opinion and not facts! She states that white people have access to housing more than black people but the demographic of homeless people and those within homeless supported accommodation are white men and that is a fact!!!
Yes karen
When he said "Piers let me speak" i thought that if he had to say it one more time, his real man voice would have came out😂
right racism WITH racism... thats basically what this person is doing
Poor chap just needs a hug.
Poor it
She's right. I Love the way she stood her ground. Them fear tactics dont really work.
He , that’s a full blown man . No periods , no ovaries , no cervix no vagina . Therefore is a man with a penis . No matter how many surgeries he gets he will never be a woman
I think Piers just likes to shout at people. Lol. Maybe he should just have a conversation with himself so he doesn't put himself in danger of a stroke.
The truth hurts huh
The truth can get quite muddled nowadays.
It isn't so much the truth hurting, but rather him allowing himself to get so angry, his blood pressure goes up, at the risk of causing an aneurism ...
It would be better, as a journalist and broadcaster of note, to take several pages out of Andrew Neil's book, if not library, on how to deal with a hostile interlocutor, without letting them get under his skin ...
He’s really rude. I don’t like him, but I hate his conduct on TV.
He’s really rude. I don’t like him, but I hate his conduct on TV.
How did this person get chosen to champion women, what an absolute INSULT.
She’s so smart and well spoken
Yes and he’s also well spoken :) both handled it very professionally
Her saying all white men are racist, doesn’t that make her the racist ?😂
Thats a dude my guy
He should be the next prime minister, UK really need someone like Piers Morgan.
No it really doesn’t
Shouting over everyone?
@@AnimatedBlast have you seen the House of Commons in session?
How many fat people u see in africa? How many in the west? Shut up priviledged few
Asking questions and not allowing a valid point to be made at all? Nah.
I'm proud of Pierce. He makes me feel better, as she is insultant.
ALL people take offense to being lumped into one big racist, privileged category. She was fired for her blanket statements. A top company welcomed her. That alone disproves her viewpoint. Anyone should have felt privileged. She was also representing as trans. She had it made, but spit on the very people she worked for, and is STILL doing it!
I'm still hearing that students are "not taught about the violence of slavery" or how the history books are bias and misleading. Nonsense. The schools that are still stuck in this model are few and far between. Second, that's where family and continued education comes in.
I’m not raciest against Candace Owens. I actually hope she runs for president one day. However, I am raciest against people like this person.
so you just admitted you are a racist? that is literally disgusting
@@mollynancy6370 I’m racist against ANYONE that acts like that. Meaning I don’t like anyone of any background who just hates people for no reason.
Your reply is the one that’s disgusting. You admit to not really understanding my comment and then decided to make up your own narrative with what you thought I meant.
“i’m racist against a non white person unless they cater to my racist beliefs”
Sometimes you can't fix stupid. LMAO
Correction; Transgender Model Defends HIS Comments
Slavery originated in the middle east somewhere around 2000 BC. And in Africa as well before America. She stated "where do you think slavery comes from"? I guarantee she was going to say white people and american. She probably thinks the first slaves ever were in the 1600s AD
Perhaps this model is unwell.
If we forget about history in certain cultures we can't educate ourselves based on a record a story a teaching. "Kids". Which we were. Not following our history or discipline. We forgot the meaning of words and the actions associated with being human.
As we strive for excellence, society exploits our existence. Cultures copy or assimilate other cultures and don't contribute.
Our careers, friends, life choices privacy, our independence, our heritage, bodies, traditions are all in the line for a non traditional ideology.
War is not a history it's the infringement of life and freedom.
Too many people are trying to be the same person. I would say that confusion is to delay. When you're close they will throw you off with the attack.
this is why i hate humanity