My Top 10 WORST Modern Doctor Who Stories! (Updated)


Комментарии • 239

  • @insert-name-here3651
    @insert-name-here3651 2 года назад +50

    I feel like you're kinda missing the point with Daleks in Manhattan
    /Evolution of the Daleks. Saying 'it gets the Daleks wrong, Dalek-Human hybrids won't work' is precisely what the other three Cult of Skaro members think. The Cult of Skaro is the most radical thinking Daleks ever created (supposedly) to imagine new ideas and strategies.
    In the story, the Daleks are basically extinct, with only four remaining in the whole universe, so Dalek Sec looks at that and thinks "But there are millions of humans and only four of us. If we are supreme, why are we not victorious? The Cult of Skaro was created by the Emperor for this very purpose. To imagine new ways of survival." & the other Daleks go along with it cause Daleks follow orders but they scheme and plot behind his back. I think it was when Dalek Sec denounced Davros that they fully agreed to betray him.
    And by the end of the story the Doctor basically slaps you in the face about what this story is saying about the Daleks as a whole; "With anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt. That's Dalek Sec. Don't you remember? The cleverest Dalek ever and look what you've done to him. Your own leader. The only creature who might have led you out of the darkness and you destroyed him. Do you see what they did? Huh? You see what a Dalek really is?"
    This story understands the Daleks perfectly, even the most imaginative and radical Daleks would rather destroy themselves and everything around them instead of changing who they are or how they think.

    • @Ted_Curtis
      @Ted_Curtis 2 года назад +5

      You see that same self-destructive culture in The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar as well. The Dalek city is built on rotting foundations, the city itself is full of tons of old Daleks, they've basically rebuilt Skaro just like it used to be. They haven't progressed as a society, instead returning to the iconography of the old and yet they are declining. Their culture is so xenophobic that their shells reinforce that toxic mindset by not allowing them to express love or any inclusive language, like a feedback loop that keeps the Daleks hateful. The Doctor sharing his regeneration energy is the one real act of kindness that these Daleks have had seen in centuries and it effective tears apart their empire from the inside. The only Dalek to survive is the one that expresses mercy. The whole point of the story is that the Daleks' core ideology destroys them.

    • @insert-name-here3651
      @insert-name-here3651 2 года назад +9

      ​@@Ted_Curtis I think Daleks in Manhattan
      /Evolution of the Daleks does it better cause it treats the Daleks as characters & the themes of the story are shown through the characters choices and actions whereas The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar is going for the themes without putting in the character work. Having the tank translate words into exterminate removes agency from the Kaled mutants.
      Saying the Daleks take new and foreign emotions like love and kindness and turn it into anger and hate is good, saying the tank does that for them is bad. Having the mutants trapped inside the tank, isolated, with no appendages for kindness, only a gun and manipulator arm, is a much better metaphor for their hateful view of others.

    • @Ted_Curtis
      @Ted_Curtis 2 года назад +3

      @@insert-name-here3651 The tank censoring their language though is very much more in line with real-world fascism that the idea that the Daleks hate because they were born to hate. Fascism often targets language first. It dehumanises the other through language and therefore facilitates the idea that they are not human and therefore the atrocities committed against them are valid. The Dalek casing is the perfect ideal of that. The Dalek can only interact with others via destruction or hatred, language is huge part of that.
      I don't think it's meant to be viewed as "the Daleks are actually really nice and the machine does the xenophobia" but rather that the Dalek machine by design does not allow for any language other than the Dalek ideology, and anything else is censored. Their casings are a product of the society that made them. The Daleks we've seen throughout the show absolutely hate their enemies because in order to be a Dalek, you HAVE to. The Daleks hate others so they create a culture in which is impossible to express anything other than hatred. The Daleks have done this to themselves. They perpetuate their hatred through their technology. Every Dalek mutant has autonomy but they are also being bombarded with propaganda and censorship to make sure they never fall out of line.
      Just like how good, well-meaning people can easily be radicalised by a constant stream of information parroting the same rhetoric. THAT's how Facism survives. No one is born Fascist. No one was born a Nazi, but if you grew up in Nazi Germany then chances are that's what you'd become.

    • @insert-name-here3651
      @insert-name-here3651 2 года назад +7

      @@Ted_Curtis Okay but Daleks already exterminate any Dalek that questions their orders so they've already got that oppressive culture thing down. But if the tank is filtering out desent, how would someone tell the difference between a genuinely hateful Dalek and one just saying 'I love you'? It opens the door to the possibility that the Doctor has killed Daleks that were screaming 'I surrender!!!'. Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting idea for a fascist culture, being literally unable to say subversive language however I just don't think it works with the Daleks.

    • @Ted_Curtis
      @Ted_Curtis 2 года назад +2

      @@insert-name-here3651 I think that counter point would work better if it hadn't been for the fact that we have seen Daleks beg for mercy, refuse to kill and negotiate beforehand without ever using the words "I love you" before, or any words that could suffice to that. Besides, that kind of nuance went out the window when we found out the Daleks were genetically engineered only to hate which makes the allerogry to real world fascism begin to break apart.

  • @dantheman7016
    @dantheman7016 2 года назад +22

    A town called mercy is actually my favourite 11th doctor story. I don’t think it’s 11’s best episode but it’s my favourite because of its unique setting, perfect performances and thought provoking dialogue.

  • @euandavies784
    @euandavies784 2 года назад +16

    I actually think Town Called Mercy is one of Smiths best, it’s interesting to see the story explore The Doctors anger

    • @crimsonhorror6561
      @crimsonhorror6561 2 года назад +4

      Yeah it’s a brilliant story that seems to divide people’s taste

    • @ljllob4740
      @ljllob4740 2 года назад +3

      It’s the best of series 7 but it’s still not great it’s decent

    • @leejones8582
      @leejones8582 2 года назад +1

      It was forced and the Doctor acted out of character when the script required it.

    • @euandavies784
      @euandavies784 2 года назад +1

      @@leejones8582 Why do you think this is out of character? Respect your opinion just asking out of curiosity cause it’s one of my favourite Smith eps

    • @leejones8582
      @leejones8582 2 года назад +1

      @@euandavies784 I just agree with Wingy that the episode tries to manipulate you with how you should feel.

  • @robalexander8065
    @robalexander8065 2 года назад +63

    Though part of Moffat's era, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was actually written by Chris Chibnall. Need I say more?

    • @MrPaulmorris7777
      @MrPaulmorris7777 2 года назад +7

      It is bad.

    • @Problembeing
      @Problembeing 2 года назад +3

      Actually, that script was stolen off a script writer who sent it in to the BBC who never heard anything back, only to find it had been used almost verbatim as a Doctor Who script.

    • @Problembeing
      @Problembeing 2 года назад

      Look up MJ Hibbett and ‘plagiarism’.

    • @MrPaulmorris7777
      @MrPaulmorris7777 2 года назад +3

      @@Problembeing Well, that's 30 seconds I'll never get back.

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад +1

      Yes a sign of things to come. Whether the script wwas stolen as someone has written I have no knowledge but as it appears on screen it has all the tropes of Chibnall's dreadful writing. A real shocker.

  • @8LiterallyJustTheNumber8
    @8LiterallyJustTheNumber8 2 года назад +5

    I've heard people say they LOVE Dinosaurs on a Space Ship, and I just do not understand it

    • @MaccamatBux
      @MaccamatBux Год назад

      Have you tried asking why they like it?

    • @8LiterallyJustTheNumber8
      @8LiterallyJustTheNumber8 Год назад +1

      @@MaccamatBux yeah, we just have different opinions

    • @MaccamatBux
      @MaccamatBux Год назад

      @@8LiterallyJustTheNumber8 I generally always enjoy it when I watch it but I wouldn't say it's an absolute favourite of mine. It's just fun.

  • @bananasaregood8655
    @bananasaregood8655 2 года назад +17

    For me, in no particular order:
    1- The timeless children
    2- Legend of the sea devils
    3- Kill the moon
    4- The girl who died
    5- The woman who lived
    6- Orphan 55
    7- Battle of…raskor ov..kolos?
    8- Return of doctor mysterio
    9- Survivors of the flux
    10- The vanquishers

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад

      That list is one I would very easily agree with you on. For me sometimes I will prefer a bad story to a boring one. Dull in Doctor Who is not acceptable.

    • @rockotarsoldaccount
      @rockotarsoldaccount Год назад

      The Return of Doctor Mysterio has no business being on that list, it's one of the best 12 episodes, and the Woman who lived isn't quite that bad either, just meh, but I agree with all the rest.

  • @IsaacWhittakerDakin
    @IsaacWhittakerDakin 2 года назад +4

    I'd argue the message of The Timeless Children is "have you ever been limited by what you've known before"
    As someone who had a huge revelation about their past before the episode aired, it really helped me get through it.

    • @jakeisthedoctor2308
      @jakeisthedoctor2308 9 месяцев назад +1

      That’s great! I think the premise is good, but making it the doctor completely ruined it

  • @SuperYouFox
    @SuperYouFox 2 года назад +9

    For me, the weakest of each year of the revival:
    1. Boom Town - While the Slitheen two parter is my guilty pleasure choice of Series 1, I'm not a fan of the follow up episode.
    2. Love & Monsters - While it's a coin toss between which is less popular, either this or Fear Her, I think this was maybe just a little too silly.
    3. Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - Weakest part of the Cult of Skaro Trilogy.
    4. Partners in Crime - No real bad episodes in Series 4. Just right at the start.
    Specials. Planet of the Dead - The weakest of the Specials year, but still one I enjoy.
    5. The Lodger - Weakest of that year, but my guilty pleasure choice.
    6. Closing Time - See Series 5.
    7a. The Power of Three - Just didn't quite click for me.
    7b. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS - For a story about the inside of the TARDIS, I was kind of expecting a lot more.
    8. Kill the Moon - Just pushed my suspension of disbelief a little too far.
    9. Sleep No More - Can see what they were aiming for. Just didn't quite work for me.
    10. The Eaters of Light - Too dark to see anything.
    11. The Tsuranga Conundrum - A little too cramped.
    12. Orphan 55 - Hammered the environmental message a little too hard on the head.
    13. The Vanquishers - The ending to the Flux season was really underwhelming for me.

    • @TheSmart-CasualGamer
      @TheSmart-CasualGamer Год назад +2

      I'm amazed at Partners in Crime. Most people pick The Fires of Pompeii or The Doctor's Daughter.

  • @minecraftholmes972
    @minecraftholmes972 2 года назад +5

    I really like Extremis and I don't think it's pointless. The episode is not really about the invasion but the question of what text would make anyone who read it kill themself. Extremis really works better as a standalone episode

  • @thebigbear402
    @thebigbear402 2 года назад +7

    One thing I find surprising was in the dalek two parter in series 3 Andrew Garfield is in it

  • @5SSS
    @5SSS Год назад +2

    Nothing will beat the timeless child

  • @allenrhys844
    @allenrhys844 Год назад +1

    How about: Time Timeless Children, Power of the Doctor, Legend of the Sea Devils, Rosa, The Woman Who Fell to Earth, Arachnids in the UK, Fugitive of the Judoon, Orphan 55, Flux, and Kill the Moon.

  • @duvall5jd
    @duvall5jd Год назад +2

    I love Martha and Donna! Any episodes featuring those two have always been good.

  • @one_smol_duck
    @one_smol_duck 7 месяцев назад

    the shakespeare code has always felt like david tennant's own self insert shakespeare fanfic to me. i recognize that he didn't write the episode but i swear it came from his brain

  • @ThomasBurrows-zl5zb
    @ThomasBurrows-zl5zb 4 месяца назад

    10. In the forest of the night
    9. Hell bent
    8. Can you hear me?
    7. Fear her
    6. It takes you away
    5. Journey to the centre of the tardis
    4. Love and monsters
    3. last Christmas
    2. Season 13 ... Just all of it... Flux is so terrible
    1. Sleep no more

    • @Haxprocess
      @Haxprocess 2 месяца назад

      sleep no more is garbage. I'm not sure if it is the absolute worst episode, but I don't think I've ever been so bored watching a doctor who episode...

  • @ThomasFishwick
    @ThomasFishwick 2 года назад +3

    The thing about the Sheriff in A Town Called Mercy, they were played by Ben Browder...
    If that doesn't mean much don't worry. The thing is he was also the lead (John Crichton) On Farscape, did two sessions (and a couple of TV movies) as Cameron Mitchel In Stargate SG-1, and has popped up in a number of other places we should be familiar with. Including a Marvel Film!
    We were supposed to recognise him and as a noted guest cast we were supposed to be blind sided by his death. Especially as it came from a mistake on the Doctor's part. Sadly he was barely recognisable in the role and for those that didn't know the actor's other roles there was almost nothing to connect to.
    Bad Doctor Who is forgettable, truly terrible Who is legendarily awful

  • @Tolstoy111
    @Tolstoy111 Год назад

    The implication from this list is that 'Fear Her" and "Orphan 55" are better than all of these stories...

  • @jeffreypeeling8341
    @jeffreypeeling8341 Год назад

    I absolutely hate the Harry Potter gags in Shakespeare Code. It comes off as super lame. It feels like, "hey kids, you like Harry Potter, right? Well, so does the Doctor."

  • @NameWasntTaken
    @NameWasntTaken 2 года назад +4

    Have you watched series 12/13 then?

  • @conallhomer453
    @conallhomer453 Год назад +2

    How can you forget Asylum of the Daleks wingy??!!

  • @DCSMedia
    @DCSMedia 2 года назад +1

    I was simultaneously nodding in agreement and gasping in disagreement 😂 Wedding Of River Song, absolutely agree, Town Called Mercy, I really like that one. But fair play Wingy for a great video

  • @DiabetoFN
    @DiabetoFN Год назад

    bit late too this upload but your channel absolutely carried me through lockdown love your vids mate :)

  • @ishaandw
    @ishaandw 2 года назад +9

    Extremis is still my favourite story and The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar is still my second favourite Capaldi story.

  • @Haxprocess
    @Haxprocess 2 года назад +3

    I tried watching series 11 and got as far as halfway through Ghost Monument before having to stop. Then I tried watching series 12 and couldn't get past part 2 of spyfall. So even thought I haven't seen the episodes, you could just pick 10 random stories from series 11 - 13 and those are the 10 worst of all time...

    • @stephenchatterley3583
      @stephenchatterley3583 2 года назад +1

      Series 12 was a great improvement on 11. Flux was great IMO. Horses for courses

    • @Haxprocess
      @Haxprocess 2 года назад +1

      @@stephenchatterley3583 I've read about the Timeless Child stuff, and I have zero interest in checking out anything in this new era. I'll wait till the Russell steps in to check out the show again

    • @booradley8895
      @booradley8895 2 года назад

      Read the first 2 lines of your comment and was bored senseless so I read someone elses comment on it and thought nah

    • @sbi168
      @sbi168 2 года назад +1

      Series 11 is kinda like series 7 disconnected and stand alone. Some great stuff, but quite a few bland bits.
      I love series 12 and 13, the final episode of flux isn't great(too busy) but still good fun

  • @Problembeing
    @Problembeing 2 года назад +1

    Moffat never got The Daleks right.

  • @goldenboat9106
    @goldenboat9106 2 года назад +2

    The worst thing about Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is that the robots weren't even meant to be in the story, they were just spare props from another BBC show called Mission 2110 (which btw is shit) which they needed to use for contractual obligations as Mission 2110's third season was cancelled

    • @leejones8582
      @leejones8582 2 года назад +1

      A waste of Mitchell and Webb

    • @goldenboat9106
      @goldenboat9106 2 года назад

      @@leejones8582 they're only there for contractual obligations not cause they wanted to be there

    • @TheSmart-CasualGamer
      @TheSmart-CasualGamer Год назад +1

      Mission 2110 isn't shit, it's just VERY 2000s, which is odd given it started in 2010. It's also a kid's game show, it's not like it's trying to be The Wire.

    • @goldenboat9106
      @goldenboat9106 Год назад

      @@TheSmart-CasualGamer I mean I grew up with it, thought it was shit as a kid, and looking back now, dear god....

  • @MrRjhyt
    @MrRjhyt 2 года назад +2

    I shared a similar reaction to the Shakespeare Code. Immediately on hearing the name it conjured up images of being a retread of 'The Unquiet Dead', with Dickens at the end of his life.
    "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" Just sounded like the entire conceit. It sounds cool, like Spitfires in Space.... Now, just write a story to make that happen!
    Sadly, I'm a fan of Magician's Apprentice/Witch's Familiar. At least the version I was expecting. Yeah! He wasn't about to kill Davros. But, I hoped he was going to injure him. Be responsible for putting Davros in his chair. Sadly, not to be. I also believed it could've been the tragic conclusion to Clara's arc. Appearing in the Asylum, and ending up entombed as a Dalek. It had a certain circular logic to it. Alas, not to be. But, I can enjoy the jeopardy until they cock it up...
    - - - -
    Personally, I'd have a lot more Chibnall episodes on my list. I haven't found the enthusiasm to watch any of them more than once. Occasionally rewatching a couple of scenes to see them in more detail. But Jesus! Orphan 55, wasn't on the list. The sledgehammer subtlety of Chris' writing, was dreadful. His lack of any character for the companions... (Fam🤢), was just woeful. Too many, interchangeables only there to feed the doctor a question. No personality...
    At the risk of sounding contrarian. I like Moffat's attempts to handle the Daleks differently. After their endless appearances, and monolithic hatred. A different tack was welcome (for me). Rusty was intriguing. They're just too regularly defeated to be menacing as an enemy.

  • @annaclarafenyo8185
    @annaclarafenyo8185 Год назад

    The "American" accents in the 1930s Daleks in NY confused you into thinking they are British trying to do American because they are Americans trying to recreate PERIOD accents from 1930s NYC, which is a dead accent. The accents weren't great, it's a difficult period to get a working class accent in.

  • @timaustin2000
    @timaustin2000 2 года назад +5

    Orphan 55 is an abomination. As is the Tsuranga Conundrum. These are, to me, the worst it's got.
    Agree on The Idiot's Lantern. I'd put Vincent and The Doctor in there too (controversial!) because, as someone who's worked tangentially in mental health, I think it glossed over the issue and cheapened it horrifically in favour of a shit monster.
    Victory of The Daleks is woeful. Sleep No More likewise.
    I look forward to RTDs return because even the worst stuff of his era was entertaining. It had that value. The Chibnal era, bar Flux (which I largely enjoyed) has felt,... Deflated and rote. No character or intelligence to it. A tiny bit to "worthy" (not against worthiness but it was all too flagrant).
    I look forward to that changing.

  • @TheSmart-CasualGamer
    @TheSmart-CasualGamer Год назад +2

    I personally really like The Shakespeare Code and Daleks in Manhattan, and I must admit to having some fun with The Idiot's Lantern (Although it would be the worst episode of Series 2 if Fear Her didn't exist) and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, but the rest of this list I agree with. A Town Called Mercy is the first episode of Doctor Who I ever watched that I decided I didn't like while I was watching it. This very rarely happens.

  • @joefreeman3087
    @joefreeman3087 Год назад

    Moffat's story arcs used to have so much hype and build up but then had no satisfying pay off with still loads of questions unanswered.

  • @thetimeshadow6769
    @thetimeshadow6769 6 месяцев назад

    I'm on your side with that Series 9 Opener. I can think of Chris Chibnall Episodes that I would rather rewatch than THAT! Imo the worst ever Dalek Story and I was surprised when you said that people thought of it as one of the best Dalek Stories.

  • @darlig.ulv.bakhjerne
    @darlig.ulv.bakhjerne 2 года назад +2

    mate what is going on with that review of Evolution of the Daleks, you said "it's not the worst" when you literally put it on your list entitled 'My Top 10 WORST Modern Doctor Who Stories'
    Ordinarily the Daleks wouldn't fuse with humans, but that's the whole point of the episode, we're seeing the Daleks at the end of their rope and Sec is desperate to keep the race alive by any means, did you not listen to the scene where the rest of the Cult debate the issue with him?
    Speaking of that scene, this is the only Tennant-era Dalek story that actually explores the Daleks as characters instead of using them as goons.
    The Pig Slaves do make sense for the Daleks, they are just slaves, Daleks use stuff like that all the time, like the Robomen from the 60s, the Ogrons from the 70s, and the Dalek Agents from the 80s...
    It's a B-Movie homage, and it does new and original things with the Daleks. Compare it to the other Tennant era Dalek stories, which are just fanwanking finale fodder that wheel the Daleks out for a substanceless invasion story and then wipe them all out at the end in a stupid deus-ex-machina, DiM/EotD is the best Tennant-era Dalek story, hands down.

  • @markpostgate2551
    @markpostgate2551 7 месяцев назад

    The thing that irks me about Daleks in Manhattan is the first episode is good and the second episode wastes all its potential. Also the conclusion implies Time Lords are innately morally superior to humans which is so contrary to Doctor Who lore how did it slip past the script editor? But here is the tragic wasted potential: imagine if episode two had had Sec in conflict with his human side trying to suppress it, fighting it, being terrified by it - that would have been an amazing reversal of an old Doctor Who and goth horror trope as seen in, for example Ark in Space, where a man is in conflict with a monstrous side that he fears will take him over. Imagine a scene in which Dalek Sec has to kill somebody but he can't do it because he can't overcome his sense of pity and empathy and then he has a crisis about it, because pity to a dalek is like what bestiality is to humans - deeply shameful and abominable, so he actually feels guilty about feeling pity, and he tries to hide it from the other daleks but they suspect he isn't right and they plot his downfall because they suspect he can no longer be trusted as a leader. That would have been such a good drama... instead of that his transformation of character is almost instantaneous. There was potential for a really interesting idea and they didn't even notice it let alone nurture it.
    I get what you are saying about why would the daleks even attempt this when they believe themselves the superior race, but they did attempt something similar in Evil of the Daleks. I dunno, as a conceit if it is made clear this is a desperate change of policy contrary to their ideology I would allow it as the conceit for the story if the outcome had been good. It wasn't good.
    Has there even been a good Nu-Who dalek story, Rob Shearman's introductory episode aside?

    • @emperorofthedaleks1874
      @emperorofthedaleks1874 6 месяцев назад

      The last 9th doctor story, dooms day, stolen earth journey end victory of the daleks, into the dalek I do like daleks in manhattan and evolution of the daleks

  • @nifralo2752
    @nifralo2752 8 месяцев назад

    Dinosaurs on a spaceship was written by Chris Chibnal

  • @RachManJohn
    @RachManJohn 2 года назад +1

    Oh dear, oh dear... I disagree with all this list except for the Arachnids in the UK and the Idiots Lantern. But different tastes!

  • @marilynmalone1381
    @marilynmalone1381 3 месяца назад

    Never got why people hate the idiots lantern, I find the villain so good

  • @abigailguessis1218
    @abigailguessis1218 Год назад

    Dinosaurs on a spaceship was written by chibnel just thought I would point that out

  • @SuperGamingpepper
    @SuperGamingpepper 2 года назад +1

    MY top 10 worst are in no particular order and counting two parters as one
    1 fear her
    2 kill the moon
    3 love and monsters
    4 arachnids in the uk
    5 orphan 55
    6 sleep no more
    7 in the forest of the night
    8 the zygon Two parter in series 9 i forget the name apart from the awesome speech those episodes like most of series 9 were incredibly boring
    9 the women who lived and girl who died.
    10 the tsuranga conundrum

  • @bookswithike3256
    @bookswithike3256 2 года назад

    I think DAVIS' Whotracks on The Witch's Familiar explains why people love that episode really well.

  • @o-hppll121
    @o-hppll121 2 года назад

    just thought of these: boom town, tooth and claw, idiots lantern, fear her, next doctor, planet of the dead, end of time, lets kill hitler, wedding of river song, journey to the centre of the tardis, nightmare in silver, kill the moon, in the forest of the night, literally all of series 9 (expect ghost and zygon 2 parters), extremis and all chibnall era except rosa, demons of the punjab and spyfall

  • @danielwilliamson6180
    @danielwilliamson6180 Год назад

    The Timeless Children = Worst - Episode - EVER!!!

  • @ashleyward3277
    @ashleyward3277 2 года назад +3

    My worst, in no particular order:
    1. Arachnids in the UK
    2. The Tsuranga Conundrum
    3. The Timeless Children
    4. Fear Her
    5. The Lazarus Experiment
    6. Orphan 55
    7. In the Forest of the Night
    8. The Vanquishers
    9. Legend of the Sea Devils
    10. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

    • @MrRjhyt
      @MrRjhyt 2 года назад

      I'll forgive Fear Her, a lot given it's origins. I loved that an alien stealing children!? Wasn't malevolent, but lonely. Forest of the Night, could've used an extra couple of drafts. But even so, my heart still broke as Clara walked the Doctor back to his Tardis to see him off. Knowing her world, her life was ending. It lacked the impact, as we (the audience) don't reallly believe it.

  • @RL-rw9dy
    @RL-rw9dy 2 года назад

    Arachnids in the UK doesn't make it to my worst 10. This is not because it is a good story, it is purely because I am from Sheffield, and I hate spiders. So as much as it is a terrible episode, it was really creepy for me, because I was just thinking about massive spiders in my house.

  • @ljllob4740
    @ljllob4740 2 года назад

    The fact that town called mercy is my fav series 7 story but it’s only a 5/10 for me shows how bad series 7 is

  • @one_smol_duck
    @one_smol_duck 7 месяцев назад

    Honestly Tallulah's accent didn't bother me at all. It's Andrew Garfield who makes the episode completely unwatchable. I've heard a lot of bad southern accents but his takes the cake.

  • @sbi168
    @sbi168 2 года назад +1

    I have allot of fun with dinosaurs on a spaceship. It's just a good, fun ride.
    I love the monk trilogy, really cool varied story with a good through line. Extremis is a great story.
    I like town called mercy, Smith is fantastic in it.
    My worst is orphan 55. I overall really like chibs era but this one stinks!

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад

      Orphan 55 would have to be the widely hated DW episode of all time. I am yet to hear any person even make it excuses for it. It really is the worst of the worst and for a show with such a massive number of stories, to be the worst you have to come up with something beyond woeful.

    • @sbi168
      @sbi168 2 года назад

      @@triplejazzmusicisall1883 yeah it's definitely not good. I strongly suspect there were other factors hurting it, I get the feeling it was rushed and cobbled together with bits and pieces.maybe ran out of money? Behind on deadlines, I dunno. Because the story isn't great but the editing etc is just bizarre which is what makes me feel there were other things happening.

  • @masonspencer918
    @masonspencer918 7 месяцев назад

    11:34 you just predicted the star beast

  • @pikehead1
    @pikehead1 2 года назад +1

    All of Jodies story's are utterly rubbish.

  • @stephenchatterley3583
    @stephenchatterley3583 2 года назад +1

    Great to see another video Wingy. Long time in coming. TBH I do like the concept of The Timeless Child & enjoyed the Timeless Children but not so much those timelord Cybermen. That was stupid. However I still think there is one more twist to come re: The Timeless Child.

  • @OwenR4
    @OwenR4 2 года назад

    I rewatched shakespear code recently and I rlly enjoyed it (after skipping it on my rewatch.) i thought shakespear was an amazing character with great insight into the doctor

  • @garycullen7390
    @garycullen7390 Год назад


  • @garycullen7390
    @garycullen7390 Год назад

    MY 10 WORST
    THE DOCTOR should not have been able to get out the box because the SONIC was inside with him.If it had been dropped by THE DOCTOR and found on the ground by Rory it would make more sense
    Title hard to PRONOUNCE and the shit creature
    Shit plot and title hard to
    AN EGG come on ?
    Shit plot plus a Bush turning into the missing presumed dead sister at the end
    6 ROSA
    A good concept ruined by a crap villain from the future who thought mankind took a
    bad turn because a woman got on a bus rather than say made first contact
    Too much going on though the twist is okay
    Too dark to see what is going on
    THE DOCTOR losing control of a situation is good but the repeating words bit is annoying
    ONE sea devil only and the lezzie stuff.I just don't need the GAY AGENDA everytime I watch TV.
    I am not homophobic just don't push it every where

  • @moonsofmadness8850
    @moonsofmadness8850 2 года назад +3

    Well... _Dinosaurs_ wasn't Moffat. That was penned by Chibbs. I point that out because it's mostly crapped on for that reason alone in many cases. In others it's because this is one of those romps; just a bottle episode for filler, that you're really not supposed to look too deeply into. I thought that was pretty obvious from the title. They told you what you were gonna get. It's just for fun. Plain, cartoonish fun. That's how I read it, anyway.
    I agree the _Pyramid_ Trilolgy was crap. My biggest problem was with the blindness thing... The Doctor was previously able to heal River with his regeneration energy, but not repair his own eyesight? _Huge_ plot hole that ruined that whole premise (unless I missed something there).
    As for the Whittaker episodes, well, I sat through every blessed one of those dumpster fires and I did not see a good one among them. Good ideas in some, but execution was abysmal (and I won't touch the acting because, well, It's Doctor Who after all. It's always been hit or miss).
    _Town Called Mercy,_ another enjoyable filler episode for me. You're right about the characters because I can't remember any names either, but we see an angry Doctor, acting inconsistently with his character by not only willing to leave Jex (had to look it up) but _forcing_ him to face the Gunslinger, essentially executing him. I guess to show us how alien he really is? (Like with the Racnoss?) Other than that, pretty good okay decent episode.
    But that's me.

    • @Problembeing
      @Problembeing 2 года назад

      Look-up ‘Dinosaur Planet’ by MJ Hibbett. Chibnall didn’t write shit. ‘Plagiarised’ would be more accurate.

    • @moonsofmadness8850
      @moonsofmadness8850 2 года назад

      @@Problembeing Wow! The more you know, eh? Why does that not surprise me? Sheez... Chibbs is a failure all around, isn't he?
      Now you have my curiosity piqued... gonna go check that out.

  • @JJfromPhilly67
    @JJfromPhilly67 Год назад

    The best thing about The Shakespeare Code is the last scene where Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I shows up, sees the Doctor, and yells for him to be seized as he is her "most pernicious enemy."
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship very disappointing episode, best thing is Rory's Dad Brian. Also, I don't like how the Silurians were killed. The monks, didn't care for it. Idiots Lantern, agree with you its a meh. Like Wingy, no need for Jay to re-watch it.
    A Town Called Mercy is the spaghetti western of Doctor Who. Arachnids in the UK was a horrible rip off of the Green Death and you just said it. It is just a load of crap.
    The Witches Familiar and Magician's Apprentice are generally with the Apprentice being better. I love the Missy scenes and the fact she shoves Clara down a pit is lovely. And the scene of the Doctor riding in among the Daleks in Davros' chair with a cup of tea saying, "Admit it. You've all had this exact nightmare." was glorious. I bet Tom Baker thought it was brilliant. The rest of the story, bad. Very much hated Davros opening his eyes which were burnt out in a nuclear explosion (maybe after the reg energy, but not before) and I forgot or suppressed the saying nice things still comes out "Exterminate."
    Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution. What is the deal with the Pig Slaves, very silly. What has happened to the Ogrons? They should have had Ogrons. Again a silly story with some good elements. Not all the accents were bad. That hybrid was so bad.
    Didn't see the Timeless Children because by then I was off the ruinous writing and direction of the Chibnall (Chinballs) era. After the ghosts in India story which gets so much wrong about the partition of Indian which was demanded by the Muslim Indians and nothing to due to the British but we must take every opportunity to belittle and blame the British Empire. The most recent I saw was Eve of the Daleks which I enjoyed. I haven't seen Legend of the Sea Devils because while I was steeling myself to watch it, Verizon my cable provider and an evil empire worthy to be destroyed by The Doctor, made me upgrade the DVR player and turned off my old unit before I watched it. Waiting for BBC America to rerun it.
    Not on this list is "Sound of the Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords." How bloody awful, with that shriveled up/miniature version of the Doctor and that particularly sappy silly end where the Master is defeated by the good intentions and love of the people of Earth (not a bad idea but how they did it, awful.

  • @tylerbolton475
    @tylerbolton475 2 года назад +3

    Yesssssss see this is the content we need Wingy!! In the build up to RTD2!!

  • @joelmole3157
    @joelmole3157 2 года назад +4

    Did you finally cave and watch series 12 and 13? You fool! (Actually there was some good in it but the bad definitely outweighs the good).

    • @thatbloodypanda6989
      @thatbloodypanda6989 2 года назад +2

      I liked Series 13 and Series 12 had some good episodes. I don't think they're terrible.

    • @joelmole3157
      @joelmole3157 2 года назад

      @@thatbloodypanda6989 That's fair and I agree about good episodes but I personally feel that it didn't come together.

  • @icantthinkofagoodusername4575
    @icantthinkofagoodusername4575 2 года назад +9

    You could just have 10 Chibnall era episodes on this list

  • @joefreeman3087
    @joefreeman3087 Год назад

    Lovely commentary!

  • @matthewburrows4359
    @matthewburrows4359 2 года назад +1

    I like the Monks trilogy.

  • @thelegendthemyththeman4772
    @thelegendthemyththeman4772 Год назад

    You going to do the best

  • @danielwright3791
    @danielwright3791 2 года назад +9

    The only episodes I actually enjoyed from Jodie's era was the weeping angel episode in Flux and the Dalek one the following new year

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад

      Me too. And that about sums up the enjoyable mojments of her tenure as the Doctor. And in honesty I probably only like those two for some good OMG moments which is poor on my part.

    • @MrRjhyt
      @MrRjhyt 2 года назад +1

      I loved it as she was transformed into a Weeping Angel. The futile anguish on her face was excellent. I hoped for an explanation on a connection between them and the Time Lords. For some lore expansion. Nah! F'ck It! It's just a method of transporting people, and instantly resolved.

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад

      @@MrRjhyt Yes, that was the only reason I thought the episode a fairly good one. And the next episode as you say instant resolved. Sort of sums up
      Chibnall's writing instant outs including the stepping aside from the baddies. New Who has become like instant coffee where at it's best we had proper Barista offering. i.e. now cheap, expedient and a cop out from what it could be. P.S. Is is true that Disney might be taking over the franchise?

    • @MrRjhyt
      @MrRjhyt 2 года назад +1

      @@triplejazzmusicisall1883 No, I think they're just looking for the US/World distributiion rights?

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад

      @@MrRjhyt cheers

  • @MrRjhyt
    @MrRjhyt 2 года назад

    I'm a big fan of Extremis. Chilling concept and execution of suicide on discovering you're only in a simulation. It sold the idea well, that it was all an illusion. The characters we know and love discover they're fantasies. Their memores delusional. The story stands on it's own for me. The whole monk trilogy superior to Doctor Mysterio. Or the incoherence of Flux,... admittedly made in a pandemic. But, I doubt it'd be much better with CC helming it. I'll forgive Moffat a lot for his grand themes, at least he's attempting some more exploration. Chris' expansions just feel jumbled, forced, and both tedious and offensive.

  • @purefoldnz3070
    @purefoldnz3070 10 месяцев назад

    where is Kill the Moon?

  • @abigailguessis1218
    @abigailguessis1218 Год назад

    Truth be told good or bad doctor who is always fun or funny or cheesy except 13s era which is the bulk of the boring stuff in the show

  • @booradley8895
    @booradley8895 2 года назад +1

    10 worst episodes Forest of the night, Kill the moon, Heaven sent, Knock knock, Sleep no more, the woman who lived, the girl who died, Journey to the centre of the tardis, the wedding of river song and Asylum of the daleks

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 2 года назад

      Are there such things as night-classes in objectivity? If so, perhaps you should enrol in one ;)

    • @booradley8895
      @booradley8895 2 года назад

      @@ftumschk What do ya mean?

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 2 года назад

      @@booradley8895 Unless one has a huge bias against the Moffat era, I don't think it's possible to come up with a "10 worst" list comprised entirely of Moffat era episodes. Especially not when stories like Fear Her, The Idiot's Lantern, Arachnids in the UK and Legend of the Sea Devils exist (and I could name other examples).
      And Heaven Sent on a "10 worst" list, seriously? It's a remarkable piece of television which, even if one doesn't care much for the story, can surely still be admired for its audacity, atmosphere and execution.

    • @booradley8895
      @booradley8895 2 года назад

      @@ftumschk My personal taste in which I deem are the 10 worst episodes will be different from yours or anybody elses. People with their own bias against a doctor or showrunner will have a different list. I did though mean hell bent and not heaven sent which still I personally find a tad overrated

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 2 года назад

      @@booradley8895 I fully appreciate that people's tastes are different, but frankly to have a "10 Worst" list _entirely_ made up of Moffat era episodes is extreme. I'm not a fan of Chibnall, but I couldn't in all conscience bring myself to fill my "10 Worst" list with Chibnall stories.

  • @marksweet8740
    @marksweet8740 2 года назад

    Spot on with most of that in my opinion.

  • @williamwatson4354
    @williamwatson4354 Год назад

    I get where you're going with these, but no Orphan 55? Really?

  • @rangedlime
    @rangedlime 2 года назад

    Ya what town called mercy is mint mate

  • @Paulbailey1996
    @Paulbailey1996 2 года назад

    We have the same Opinions on some of these stories
    I don’t get how magicians apprentice and the witches familiar get so much like in the fandom I just think it’s a piece of crap I really think Muffet wastes the Daleks I don’t get why he had them them there because He could have just made it just a Davros story instead
    Daleks in Manhattan and evolution of Daleks the weakest Daleks toy from the Russell T Davies era I really don’t like this 2 part Dalek story so I don’t get I really don’t get why does one get so much like as well

  • @waziotter
    @waziotter 2 года назад +2

    Capaldi is almost my favourite Doctor (he’s not far behind Tom) and is definitely the best actor ever to play the role, but it’s quite difficult to find many decent stories from his era to rewatch. Once you get past Orient Express, Time Heist & Into the Dalek they can be a bit of a slog.

  • @wolfielps4411
    @wolfielps4411 2 года назад

    At this point in time and space i couldn't care less about the colour or sex of the person playing the doctor, all i hope for in the next series is that at one point they bring back his daughter even if it's played by someone else hell give the part to jodie so she can stay in the show also bring back Katherine tate as donna not as a new character that would be cruel and unusual

    • @wolfielps4411
      @wolfielps4411 9 месяцев назад

      @@jakeisthedoctor2308 do tell

  • @lewisdevlin4163
    @lewisdevlin4163 2 года назад +1

    Great video Alex mate hope ur well I actually prefer Hell Bent compared to the Timeless children at least it’s got some sort of structure to it I find the only thing I don’t like about hell bent is the ending with Ashildr and that god awful diner Tardis

  • @Problembeing
    @Problembeing 2 года назад +1

    As bad as some of the latter Smith era and most of Capaldi’s era are, Even the worst scripts are elevated by the central performances, as opposed to the Whittaker era where there is no such redemption. My entire lowest 10 would be entirely the Chibnall era of Who (though maybe ‘Fear Her’ is still the absolute worst of the worst.)

  • @Gingerprince521
    @Gingerprince521 2 года назад

    The only ones I really disagree with you on is Apprentice and Timeless Child. My worst ten:
    Orphan 55
    Journey to the Centre of the Tardis
    Nightmare in Silver
    Love & Monsters
    The Caretaker
    Kill the Moon
    Arachnids in the UK
    In the Forest of the Night
    The Idiot's Lantern
    Fear Her
    Looking at these it's easy to see why series 2 & 8 are the worst series (for me personally.)

    • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
      @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад

      I am glad others hate Love and Monsters as I know many rank it as a classic. It''s main defence is that it aims to do something different, apparently some kind of caricaturing od DW fans. Well I could watch Desperate House Wives which is completely different. Being different means nothing if you don't enjoy the episode.

  • @jacklawrence2212
    @jacklawrence2212 2 года назад +1

    I really don't like the Daleks in New York episodes either but I don't think they're nearly as bad as some that didn't make your top 10: The Lazarus experiment, Orphan 55, The Doctor's daughter, Deep breath. Anyway, good to see a new ranking from you, Wingy, keep 'em coming.

    • @sbi168
      @sbi168 2 года назад

      I hate the daleks in manhatten two parter. Two of my worst.
      Orphan 55 is terrible.

  • @benmiller3252
    @benmiller3252 2 года назад +6

    I think Jodie Whittaker has been trying really hard as The Doctor. She has been given it her all. She's surrounded by The weak material she was given.

    • @tardistime6857
      @tardistime6857 2 года назад +4

      I personally didn’t get that from her I think she was just not right for the role I admit chibs didn’t help with his poor scripts but then I look at capaldi who made weak scripts better with his acting abilities but that’s just my own opinions I’m happy you like her and respect your opinions

    • @benmiller3252
      @benmiller3252 2 года назад

      @@tardistime6857 it wasn't Jodie Whittaker's Fault. She was just doing what she was told

    • @robalexander8065
      @robalexander8065 2 года назад +4

      @@benmiller3252 Would have helped if she had researched the character of the Doctor in more depth (like Matt Smith did) rather than relying on Chibnall's direction.

    • @Telos1807
      @Telos1807 2 года назад +3

      I think she's trying her best but when she's given shit, ropey dialogue like she is so often, she really can't deliver it well.
      She's not a Capaldi who can pretty much sell everything he's given.

    • @jimwright4163
      @jimwright4163 2 года назад

      @@robalexander8065 totally agree

  • @JellyTot799
    @JellyTot799 2 года назад +6

    I have fallen off watching Doctor Who as I couldn't get into the writing style of Chibbs or non-sensical writing in general. But once I told about the Timeless Child I immediately decided it just isn't canon. It's as canon as the Virgin novels

  • @alexhunter7978
    @alexhunter7978 2 года назад +1

    I'm surprised you didn't mention nightmare in silver, especially watching your patreon review
    But then again, new who has so many bad stories lol

  • @triplejazzmusicisall1883
    @triplejazzmusicisall1883 2 года назад +1

    Only one Jodie Whittaker story surprised me immensley. I would say that at least 5 of my horror picks would include stories from Whitakers tenure.

  • @friendlyotaku9525
    @friendlyotaku9525 2 года назад +1

    I think that's the great thing with Doctor Who. Every story can be liked or disliked by someone, and in fact someone's least favourite story might be someone else's favourite and that's wonderful. Like you included a few episodes I actually do enjoy stories like The Shakespeare Code (despite the writer and some... references that have not aged well) and Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and a Town Called Mercy! I do respect your opinions though and I think it's great that we feel differently because it allows for meaningful discussion, if we all had the same opinion we just wouldn't.
    I will say though that re: The Timeless Child, it never says or implies that you can't be anything if you're not born special. That's not the message at all, in fact the Doctor is still the same person who did what they did for the same reasons. The Doctor isn't a god or anything like that - the Doctor is a victim who was taken from where they belong and abused and taken advantage of. That's what it's about and personally I love that episode and I love the fact the Doctor is more mysterious than they have been in a very long time. To me it puts the "Who" back into Doctor Who but that's just my opinion and it's fine if you feel differently, I respect it even if I don't personally agree.

    • @duvall5jd
      @duvall5jd Год назад +1

      The timeless child doesn’t put the “who” back into Doctor Who, it destroys anything about Doctor Who. Not being from Gallifrey. Awful

  • @MrPaulmorris7777
    @MrPaulmorris7777 2 года назад

    The wire is a poorly written Great iIntelligence.

  • @leejones8582
    @leejones8582 2 года назад

    I agree with all these

  • @Problembeing
    @Problembeing 2 года назад +1

    A Town Called Mercy made me actually angry at Moffat. It was very morally ambiguous. Look at it from the perspective of Nazi-hunters and holocaust survivors. Now imagine they catch him and let him live and not answer for his crimes. Yeah… This really angered me.

  • @stevenbaxter9099
    @stevenbaxter9099 2 года назад +8

    The worst one for me is the one with the pregnant man

    • @tardistime6857
      @tardistime6857 2 года назад

      I forgot about that one

    • @barry1369
      @barry1369 2 года назад +1

      With the Pokémon as the villain 🤣

    • @Telos1807
      @Telos1807 2 года назад +3

      Christ, I watched that one the other day for my marathon.
      I wouldn't say it's the worst story ever but it was such a slog to get through.

    • @alexdredge655
      @alexdredge655 2 года назад

      Yeah that’s one of my least favourites

    • @sbi168
      @sbi168 2 года назад +2

      @@Telos1807 it's no where near the worst, but it is dull.

  • @rangedlime
    @rangedlime 2 года назад +2

    All my top ten worst are in the chibnall era

  • @scottkerr164
    @scottkerr164 2 года назад +2

    No Orphan 55????????

  • @mrdoctorgilmore
    @mrdoctorgilmore 2 года назад +3

    Can't think of many I dislike, most of the weaker stories are usually just dull.
    Off the top of my head the only one's I'm really not a fan of are:
    Asylum of the Daleks
    The Idiot's Lantern
    Planet of the Dead
    The End of Time
    The Magician's Apprentice.
    9's era is pretty strong, the worst being just decent.
    10/11 mainly ok, couple of greats and duds.
    12, not sure on feelings of s8&9, love s10.
    13, The Chibnall scripts are a bit too generic (though Flux was fun) but for the most part the guest writers are pretty solid.

  • @garysimmons4323
    @garysimmons4323 2 года назад +1

    Interesting choices, I agree some are not so good, but how you can miss the abysmal Orphan 55 off a list of 10 worst is amazing. A in the UK was also shockingly bad, the recent ridiculous sea Devil crap and the Tusunger thing...all awful. Fear Her was a good idea badly realised, it looks cheap and Kill the Moon, had a good story (apart from the annoying school girl) until the stupid ending, but apart from a couple I could watch nearly all Eccleston, Tennant, Smith and Capaldis again ..i never want to have to rewatch a Whittiker episode again.

  • @MsCallofdutyblackops
    @MsCallofdutyblackops 2 года назад +1

    Do you know why I hate chibnall as a who writer? It’s because he writes it as if it’s meant to be an adventure for children. You think about it, he wrote really well for Torchwood and Broadchurch aimed for adults. But he can’t get the balance right.
    The other thing I hate about his era is that he steals peoples original ideas and uses it for his own. For example, the doctor having pre hartnell regenerations was an idea by Hinchcliffe, the flux story with that crooked house taken from the virgin adventure books, the cybermen converting the time lords into cyber-lords taken from Robert Holmes idea of the 20th anniversary special idea he had. You do see where I’m coming from

  • @abigailguessis1218
    @abigailguessis1218 Год назад

    I’m sorry but you missed the super hero one like the worst one

    • @WingyMedia
      @WingyMedia  Год назад +1

      I never include Christmas specials, apart from Voyage they're all pretty shit to me so not worth talking about

    • @abigailguessis1218
      @abigailguessis1218 Год назад

      @@WingyMedia fair enough although I do like a Christmas carol

  • @dexterhill5843
    @dexterhill5843 2 года назад +1

    To think you managed to make this list with only 2 Jodie stories on there

    • @dexterhill5843
      @dexterhill5843 2 года назад

      well 3 Chibnall scripts with Dinosaurs although don't think it was mentioned that it was his script so most of the elements discussed here can be blamed on him and they are his hallmarks - overstuffed and unnecessarily large cast, countdowns, mishandled politics, morals and messaging, lack of actual substance or plot, didn't have the budget to actually focus on the most interesting element (the dinosaurs) etc. so when you say 'its like Moffat did x y z' you can actually attribute most of them to the face of shite writing in DW , Chibs. HOWEVER Moffat can be blamed for doing a very Moffaty thing which started the episode's existence with the concept and just going 'how about we do dinosaurs on a spaceship cos that sounds cool' as he allegedly came up with the title before any kind of plot and then gave it to Chris Chibnall because he'll handle it well and produce a good script obviously

  • @fadikhoory5350
    @fadikhoory5350 2 года назад +4

    With the rockiness of Moffatt's writing and the drab, flat writing of Chibnall, the video should a top 20 worst.

  • @robertbrown3413
    @robertbrown3413 2 года назад

    The Critical Drinker's teddy bear analogy says it much better...

  • @danielross5292
    @danielross5292 2 года назад +1

    Oh I got to admit I really never rewatch any of those Super Boring 13th Doctor who stories even the 13th Doctor's Comic stories from the Doctor who magazines are Dull as Dirt Too Mate!😉☮️

  • @jogumby
    @jogumby 2 года назад

    Hmmm, I would have expected "Love and Monsters" and "Fear Her" to be on the list. To me they only beat out "arachnids in London" for bad!

  • @Frank-Einstein-Madman
    @Frank-Einstein-Madman 2 года назад +4

    I was expecting all these episodes to be from the Chibnall era because most of stories that you chose are still a million times better than anything from the Chibnall era!

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 2 года назад +2

      But he also left out duds from the RTD/Moffat era like "Fear Her" and "Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS", both of which would be in my Bottom 10, along with some of the other RTD/Moffat stories Wingy mentioned. In all fairness and objectivity, I couldn't make a Bottom 10 list entirely out of Chibnall-era stories, when I've found plenty of crappy stories elsewhere.

  • @jamiestevens3074
    @jamiestevens3074 2 года назад

    Honestly my top 10 worst modern stories would consist mostly, if not fully Matt, Capaldi and Jodie stories.

  • @Michael.CrazedAlaska
    @Michael.CrazedAlaska 2 года назад

    You also are forgetting the fact that the Doctor has shown the ability to use regeneration energy to save lives and he can choose the face, ergo, they “accidentally” made the Doctor Space Jesus who can force immortality and just never face any peril anymore outside of falling into a collapsing sun

  • @saintarkweather
    @saintarkweather 2 года назад

    Well you have Timeless Children on here which is all that really matters 😂, but I would really recommend giving Town Called Mercy another try.
    Harbo Wholmes recently made a great video about it showing of why many of us loveвидео.html
    It's a top ten story all time for me, classic and new combined. Borderline Top 5. Of course it's all just opinion but even if you don't like the stuff we like I feel like Fear Her, In the Forest of the Night, Battle of Rancid Carlos, Legend of the Sea Devils, Sleep No More, Kill the Moon, and Nightmare in Silver all should've been on here over it especially because I think you've expressed distaste for all of them in the past.
    I also really like Daleks in Manhattan but I understand disliking that one a lot more.
    My worst ten by the way:
    1. Timeless Children
    2. Asylum of the Daleks
    3. Can You Hear Me
    4. Arachnids in UK
    5. Nightmare in Silver
    6. Kill the Moon
    7. Idiots Lantern
    8. Let's Kill Hitler
    9. Caretaker
    10. Forest of the Night