Frank had balls going on this show with three old men all trying to roast him. He not only held his own, he showed how idiotic their positions were. RIP Frank, we sure miss you.
"The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it is moving America towards a facist theocracy". Frank Zappa yet again shows how ahead of his times he is. In this case, he was 30 years ahead.
He was ahead, but also he saw the start of it. Reagan and the Moral Majority were starting the things the evangelicals are continuing today. Same fear-driven nonsense.
Marxists. Communists. Pigs...Have always called Republicans, fascists...And, hate the constitution unless they need to protect it to keep their basket full!
@@YFitnessMan Fascists gas people for photo ops in front of churches, kidnap children from their families permanently, illegally detain them for years in horrible conditions in camps (all because they are brown), tell American congressmen to go "back to their country' (again...brown), have military parades, Capitol fires and riots, say they will ban religions from the country (how could this one NOT be fascism), bolster a specific religion, and have a bunch of neo-nazis who idolize them. Now tell me, who did all that? Trump or Biden? Obama, or "America (Germany) first?" Look up history.
"Morality in terms of behavior, not in terms of theology" He was so prescient, and remarkably stayed calm amongst these insufferable, self-righteous, patronizing idiots....especially John Lofton.
Can u imagine this was CNN? Now they smoke weed on this station on new yrs eve. And advocate cutting little Boys gentiles and extermination of White Men.
@ C.N. I disagree . Tom Braeden on the far left was a Liberal and backed Frank up. Robert Novak who was a Conservative basically kept himself in check . His disputing of Frank’s theocracy comment was not irrational . It was 86. Iron Curtain was still up, America was still promiscuous regardless of the AIDS epidemic and cocaine was thought of as not addictive or dangerous by many people . . I am a Boomer who had some partying times and I would have probably said “ Oh Come on Frank USA is never going back to Norman Rockwell .” It was only James Lofton who was an obnoxious, emotional ass . Yes Frank Zappa ace composer and musician was just a brilliant man that saw something many of us couldn’t see and it took 40 years for it to start coming true .
Mark Twain was right. Zappa, in some cases, was an idiot. This particular case is the embodiment of that. How the hell can you approve of songs which glorify incest, promiscuity, murder, and other vices?
@@okalright3941 Whatever he was trying to do wasn't so good. People are so stupid that they buy into all these ideas and get brainwashed by these dumbass musicians.
@@StayPositive-m5e Since when is Zappa approving of any such thing in this interview? Looks like we just found another one of the idiots Twain was talking about
@@Thin_Mercury In this particular interview, he is NOT approving such things. I never said he was approving it in THIS particular interview. His stupid music approves of profanity, vulgarity, immaturity and sheer stupidity. Go listen to some of his songs first before commenting to my response. I think you should rethink calling someone an idiot especially with the dumb title you got going on: alabamaisyourdaddy. What the hell does that even mean? Are you stupid? Do you not have good taste in naming a channel?
A few years ago, I was at a Jethro Tull concert in the Czech Republic. There was an old man who was crying his eyes out at the music and I asked him why. He said "When I was a young man, listening to this music would have put me in jail. The government had decided that music that hadn't been approved by them was banned. My brother did time in jail for listening to Led Zeppelin. Now I am here, listening to the sound of freedom." Thank you Frank Zappa for speaking the truth against a pile of idiots
It is absolutely amazing how Zappa keeps his cool, they try to break him down and twist what he says around, yet Zappa just stays calm. "it's just words", he's exactly right
Robert Novak sounds like a fool. He attempts to cite societal permissiveness as an argument against the danger of organized, far right religious zealots influencing elections and government policy. Too bad he wasn't alive to see the election of Donald Trump and his Supreme Court nominees.
This is a masterclass on how to deal with over confident dullards. Zappa confidently explains his position while the other men go off the deep end. They bait Zappa over and over again and when he doesn't take it they get even more unraveled. Its a beautiful thing to watch. This man is a legend for more than just his music.
What would be think of the fascists running the country now? People give Zappa way too much credit. It doesn't take a genius to be against censorship. His "fascist theocracy" jibe is just a way to sound controversial. Stupid really. He sounds more like a dumb jock than a historically relevant commentator. The liberals he voted for have proven themselves to be the true fascists, and are more racist than Conservatives. Always have been.
that's something that always happens in talk shows when the producers or "interviewers" don't want to hear valid counter arguments to the narrative they want to push. It's all over this 'interview' as well. The moment Frank speaks he gets interrupted. Meanwhile Frank lets the other guys put their foot in their mouths.
and yet the interruption was literally something he had just stated moments earlier that didnt even need to be repeated. I too would have liked to have heard where Frank was heading with his thought. That imbecile ruined what was probably going to be eloquent response.
They’re asking him to be afraid of lyrics from songs they can’t name but insist they exist. Then raise their voices to try and justify their position. Zappa was a legend.
This happens alot in the world, people saying something and not being able to defend it. You ever wonder why Twitter (Now X) has always been a hell-hole. One person says one thing and then everyone picks it up and spins it without having the context. Maybe these people would've had a different opinion had they been exposed fully to these apparent offending items. It's funny to think this also happened to the game Dungeons & Dragons at the same time, and then a few years later to video games. It's also happening to a whole load of so called "Woke" TV shows, which is hilarious. The problem shouldn't be the political nature, it should be whether they're good or not. Same thing can be applied to this situation. Just because it's got rude words in it, doesn't mean it's terrible and should be banned. Remember Zappa had certain albums banned just because they assumed they were naughty, like the song "Damp Ankles", which is literally Zappa washing his car. Zappa is a legend though, he was a smart man, and the only one with brains in this argument lmao.
Frank completely owned everyone on this panel. You can tell by how enraged they got, especially dude to Frank's immediate right. That guy unraveled like a cheap sweater, and Frank kept his absolute cool.
I have never heard so many strawmen and red herrings strung together in such an incoherent and vigorous manner. I can't believe Zappa kept his cool.. well done
I know youre comment was made 15 years ago (holy cow time moves fast!!!) But it's sad to see that society hasn't changed in this regard, with how they argue. In fact, it's only gotten worse.
@@Humma_Kavula Well how interesting to see how my perspective has changed.. at 38, having watched the absolute proliferation of corruption and degeneracy in our now-failing Republic, I see these men as, though a bit quaint and backwards, trying to hold back the dam of communism and social destruction that has now doomed the West. Frank Zappa was an articulate and very intelligent gentleman, but alas he did not foresee the pushing the boundaries of expression being part of a multi pronged of quite successful approach to destabilize the greatest country in history. I snapped out of my idiot leftist phase about halfway in between that comment and this one. All the best.
36 years late and im ashamed to admit that not much has changed besides this becoming more and more true as well as being exponentially more depressing to realize
We just need more frank zappas and people similar in this world, who can both think outside the box as well as know the inner workings of said box. The person he was debating was a fool and didn’t even know what the hell he was talking about.
"millions of dollars, millions of dollars Mr Lofton". that was awesome. zappa was 100% right about going toward a fascist theocracy, attitudes towards sex and violence in America, & the use of words
Zappa was a boss. Can you imagine the America we'd be living in if a congressional censor board had been established? I can't believe these types of pricks actually existed. How did Frank restrain himself during that show?
The FCC dude. We’re on the internet and it’s uncensored (for now, get it while you can folks) and I know its hard to remember when we don’t listen to much radio or watch much network television these days, but the FCC exists to censor.
@@dagnabbit6187 And Zappa was a conservative but what used to be a conservative yesterday has changed drastically from what they consider themselves today. My professor was a black Democrat conservative but he was far from what a Republican conservative today is. He loved Texas and loved the freedoms that they had there but there was many things he disagreed with as well. When you mention conservative today everyone associates it with being Republican and that is not the truth. Most that identify today as conservatives are not real conservatives nor are they Republicans. They have become fascists just as Zappa tried to point out and that is far different than being a conservative. When you are banning things left and right like the Republicans are today then you are no longer conservative. Conservatives of the yesteryear supported the conservation of the Constitution and the beliefs thereof and holding them as foundations upon their belief system conserving the constitutional beliefs “hence being coined the term as “conservative” . Most people claiming to be conservatives today claim it by a political ideology and changing structures upon it making them not conservatives anymore as they are not conserving the structures of before.
@@michaelcochran9685 The Old Man of the Mountain, the very symbol of the old conservatism. The Old Man's face literally fell in 2003-a perfect sign of the destruction wrought by the phoney, unprooting, vicious twisting of the very meaning of "conservative." BTW i may not pass for a conservative myself but i am from NH- "Live Free Or Die" baby!
@@ibnkhaldoun4319 He was absolutely conservative. The thing that has changed is not the definition of conservative, it's the overton window. The republican party is no longer occupied by conservatives, they have been ousted from the party by the neo-fascist MAGA wing, shoved to the left in the overton window as they sprint towards the far right.
"The Founding Fathers kept slaves, and take a look at what Benjamin Franklin did over at the Hellfire Club..." ...oh my God. He was never more on point than right here.
I am so glad this was put up here. 20 Years have passed from this conversation on crossfire and this debate continues today in the exact format. Oh how this world shows little progress.....
Frank followed the Christian right and its politics very closely. He knew they would stop at nothing. We've all witnessed what has happened. The evangelicals aligning with and electing a con man in Donald Trump in exchange for packing the federal courts with right wing judges to overturn abortion rights.
i've watched this so many times i can't believe it. frank zappa was so ahead of his time it's crazy. and i'm proud to say that while i am not crazy about rap, i did grow up on eminem and haven't raped, killed, or cut off anyone's limbs.
mahajohn ~ LOVE FRANK .....for all my life! Love Dweezil and Moon too. 'Zombie Woof' has been playing in my head all week since watching Rachel Flowers recreate it on _her_ channel! xD
oh how far we've come in this country..... NOT! we need MORE voices like Frank's now more than ever....... he was right then, and he still rings true today!......
Frank foretold the future... "The biggest threat to America today isn't communism, it's moving America toward a fascist theocracy. And everything that's happened during the Reagan administration is heading us right down that pipe." -Frank Zappa
The Reagan administration initiated the GOP/Christian Right alliance. Trump in his quest for power has accelerated this alliance to its fascist conclusion.
Frank Zappa was a true genius. It's soothing to listen to him speak here amidst the chaos and insanity blathering all around him while he calmly holds the center together.
Zappa was so extraordinary. I love the way he talked & the way he cared. I think Jon Stewart today, like Zappa back then, has the values, clarity, wit & eloquence to address this BS.
They're pretty rude to him, calling him an idiot and hardly letting him finish a sentence. I think some of his songs were crude, some were awesome, but I certainly sympathize with him in this situation.
Frank was the most brilliant American composer in history, with literally hundreds of purely 'instrumental' works; No words, just perfectly crafted tones.
Wow, I'm amazed at how Frank Zappa kept his cool so well, sure sometimes he got angry but god damn, if I were in his shoes I would be going insane lol.
Frank understood the power the excess of power the government uses. Censoring words is authoritarianism. He was such a great visionary not only is an artist but as an intellectual. He saw what was coming, he knew it, and he was warning us.
Zappa didn't take shit from anyone. He just laid it out and smiled. I wish he was still with us but life is a jib and Kissinger will live to 115 years. Fucking madness.
Frank Zappa was on point. My Father was a WWII Vet and said the same thing; The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it is moving America towards a Fascist theocracy. My father had choice words about President Reagan. And thing is that my Father was a Registered Republican. Father would vote his convictions and for the Nation over Political Party. Right now the Republican Party is a Fascist theocracy plain as day.
Only recently started listening to Frank Zappa's views. He's spot on every time and he pretty much predicted the current President. Thanks for posting.
My pleasure, to give Frank a voice when he can't speak for himself anymore. I uploaded that over 10 years ago. It's over 30 years old now, and still relevant. He was a curious mix of liberalism and conservatism. & makes you think.
Lofton's Hitler example is so ridiculous. That's an example of why people should regard words as just words, and not grant language so much power over human behavior. The guy also fails to mention that Hitler proposed all kinds of censorship and considered himself a purveyor of moral greatness.
Thank you for uploading this... it's shocking how little has changed and how brilliant frank was. It hurts my heart ill never get to meet frank. My hope is I get to come across folk like his with his spirit. I found a few of you here in the comments ❤️
He just sat there, talking to them like to five year olds. Slow, dense five year olds, at that. What a legend. And the fact that people so ideologically indoctrinated even exist.. wow.
David---PLENTY of those fascist conservatives around today...almost half of America believes the bullshit Lies that tRump routinely espouses.....SAD.....IF ONLY we had FZ around TODAY to take on tRumps insanity.....Just sayin'..... or a George Carlin.....
Zappa’s intellect, objectivity, and courage to voice his opinions undiluted for public consumption is something we need from our so called “leaders” now. Fascist Theocracy: brilliant and truer today more than ever.
That will never happen from "our so called "leaders." The leaders have 2 main objectives: 1. To remain in office. 2. To enrich themselves through that office. Harry Truman said, show me a politician who has become a millionaire in office and I'll show you a crook.
I love how Frank doesn’t tolerate them talking to him in that condescending way!! He’s working on a higher level and looking at a much broader picture than they are!
Franks demeanor here showed intelligence. At this point in his life he knew something about the game and how to play it. He did well when they tried to coerce him into answering questions he felt were off topic, not important, but mainly designed to get him to say things he shouldn't. Not an easy job.
100% accurate. ESPECIALLY Reagan’s moves regarding public education “reform.” I enjoy his music, but now I respect him even more. Edit: how wild to see this captioned “20 years later,” on a video that was now posted 16 years ago on here. We are just snowballing.
“There was a man, a little old man who lived in Montreal With a wife and a kid and a car and a house And a teenage daughter with see-through blouse Who loved to truck and ball. And her name was Magdalena. ‘My daughter dear, Do not be concerned when your Canadian daddy comes near, I work so hard-don’t you understand? Making maple syrup for the pancakes of our land.” That’s Frank Zappa, it’s satire, it’s about incest in a sense, but it does not advocate it or glorify it. He was a fabulous artistic force, and I miss him dearly.
The more shit changes, the more it stays the same. I love Frank. He always looks like he is plenty happy to literally go toe to toe with all three of them.
@ 15:55 Thank you, Mr. John Lofton, for succumbing to Godwin's Law six years before it was coined, and removing any doubts of your ethos in debate. A classic case of reductio ad Hitlerum in the pre-Internet era. Outstanding.
I laughed my ass off through this whole thing. This is right up there with the James Brown on CNN Interview, as far as hilarious one-liners goes. I have to come back and replay this shit every now and again.
I had minimal interest in Frank's music back when he was on the radio. But, after I saw this a few months ago, I gained a new respect for him. I'm just disappointed he isn't here to see he was right. Two other things; I am glad he isn't here to have to watch us go through this and I envy him and everybody who has left the planet, because they will not have to endure what is coming for those of us who will be here when Democracy ends in the U.S.
It's funny how everytime Frank starts any decent and logical thinking he's immediately interrupted, like, "hold it right there, you can't speak so much truth and righteous things on television"
Although I've watched this interview a number of times, I think it's finally dawning on me how unfortunate the situation American and the western world is in, CONTROL is the word which comes to mind when I walk into any shop or any pubic place. Self expression is frowned upon, and so is unpopular opinion, no matter how moderate. What I'm afraid of is how organised our 'freedom of speech' is becoming. Little did zappa know, the times in which he was talking at least gave him a platform, try getting anybody who can out-talk a payroll politician on T.V. The best we have is the internet, and the internet will only give you these things if you specifically ask for them. Which leaves numerous concentrated communities, all agreeing on what they are looking for, and minimising the potential of conversation. The internet is an illusion supporting a fake idea of freedom of speech. we have freedom of speaking to those whom already agree with us, and real freedom of speech with those within our own communities is suppressed due to our confidence in our self expression on the internet itself. This is a perfect example of that.
THERE IS a well-known anecdote concerning the visit of some respectable citizens at the house of Samuel Johnson following the publication of his dictionary. Arriving there to congratulate him for not including “any indecent or obscene words” in his dictionary, the eminent ladies were in turn congratulated by Johnson “on being able to look them up.” Here the Doctor was making a point both about the futility of censorship (the unthinkable words are already in our heads) and the curious need of some people always to go in search of dirty bits.
As far as outspoken, articulate, musical geniuses go I don't see anyone replacing Zappa, but a few close contenders, Dave Mustaine, Marilyn Manson, Roger Waters, Henry Rollins, off the top of my head, probably a few more.
The worst part is that he'd still be ridiculed by today's mainstream interviewers. Some people won't recognise the signs of fascism until they've been locked up...and that's kind of too late.
Frank Zappa is absolutely correct on this matter. If any adult or youngster needs a label or some hypocrite's opinion to understand a song is preaching bad behavior then they are completely screwed up from a dysfunctional family life.
Frank had balls going on this show with three old men all trying to roast him. He not only held his own, he showed how idiotic their positions were. RIP Frank, we sure miss you.
Frank was Nostradamus here. 30 plus years after his statement and exactly that and way worse has come to pass
He was very active in 1986 about putting warning labels on albums, led by Tipper Gore at the time. 3:21
On the left, former CIA official Tom Braden, whose memoir inspired that rousing socialist mainstay “Eight is Enough”…
The Oldest Man actually sided with Zappa so Already ur full of Shit and a Liar !
Saw him live in Tulsa in 1984. He was the man, will stay that in my mind.
"The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it is moving America towards a facist theocracy". Frank Zappa yet again shows how ahead of his times he is. In this case, he was 30 years ahead.
He was ahead, but also he saw the start of it. Reagan and the Moral Majority were starting the things the evangelicals are continuing today. Same fear-driven nonsense.
Yep...the neo-conservative movement...
Zappa would have written some hilarious songs about Trump! We need more Frank Zappas. RIP, maestro.
Marxists. Communists. Pigs...Have always called Republicans, fascists...And, hate the constitution unless they need to protect it to keep their basket full!
@@justinlittle3603 Some real stupid shit for shameless degenerate idiots!
@@YFitnessMan Fascists gas people for photo ops in front of churches, kidnap children from their families permanently, illegally detain them for years in horrible conditions in camps (all because they are brown), tell American congressmen to go "back to their country' (again...brown), have military parades, Capitol fires and riots, say they will ban religions from the country (how could this one NOT be fascism), bolster a specific religion, and have a bunch of neo-nazis who idolize them. Now tell me, who did all that? Trump or Biden? Obama, or "America (Germany) first?"
Look up history.
"Why should I smile? I'm sitting here with you."- Frank Zappa
"Morality in terms of behavior, not in terms of theology"
He was so prescient, and remarkably stayed calm amongst these insufferable, self-righteous, patronizing idiots....especially John Lofton.
Can u imagine this was CNN? Now they smoke weed on this station on new yrs eve. And advocate cutting little Boys gentiles and extermination of White Men.
@ C.N. I disagree . Tom Braeden on the far left was a Liberal and backed Frank up. Robert Novak who was a Conservative basically kept himself in check . His disputing of Frank’s theocracy comment was not irrational . It was 86. Iron Curtain was still up, America was still promiscuous regardless of the AIDS epidemic and cocaine was thought of as not addictive or dangerous by many people . . I am a Boomer who had some partying times and I would have probably said “ Oh Come on Frank USA is never going back to Norman Rockwell .” It was only James Lofton who was an obnoxious, emotional ass . Yes Frank Zappa ace composer and musician was just a brilliant man that saw something many of us couldn’t see and it took 40 years for it to start coming true .
@dagnabbit6187 Zappa was an Anarchist
@@highwaystar3780 Register to vote and run for something is not an anarchistic viewpoint.
@babylonlarry He wanted Anarchy in respect that He didn't care if society was corrupted!
"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot." - Mark Twain
Mark Twain was right. Zappa, in some cases, was an idiot. This particular case is the embodiment of that. How the hell can you approve of songs which glorify incest, promiscuity, murder, and other vices?
@@StayPositive-m5e Glorify? Hardly. It's making fun of people, and trying to make people mad.
@@okalright3941 Whatever he was trying to do wasn't so good. People are so stupid that they buy into all these ideas and get brainwashed by these dumbass musicians.
@@StayPositive-m5e Since when is Zappa approving of any such thing in this interview? Looks like we just found another one of the idiots Twain was talking about
@@Thin_Mercury In this particular interview, he is NOT approving such things. I never said he was approving it in THIS particular interview. His stupid music approves of profanity, vulgarity, immaturity and sheer stupidity. Go listen to some of his songs first before commenting to my response. I think you should rethink calling someone an idiot especially with the dumb title you got going on: alabamaisyourdaddy. What the hell does that even mean? Are you stupid? Do you not have good taste in naming a channel?
A few years ago, I was at a Jethro Tull concert in the Czech Republic. There was an old man who was crying his eyes out at the music and I asked him why. He said "When I was a young man, listening to this music would have put me in jail. The government had decided that music that hadn't been approved by them was banned. My brother did time in jail for listening to Led Zeppelin. Now I am here, listening to the sound of freedom."
Thank you Frank Zappa for speaking the truth against a pile of idiots
Brian March holy fuck, that’s beautiful man.
Do you remember which Tull song moved him so much?
Beautiful stuff.
:) this is so good :):):):) Zappa smiled at this
@@brocks6200 why are you so angry? More importantly why are you so against FZ? You don't seem to understand that he was an advocate for freedom.
It is absolutely amazing how Zappa keeps his cool, they try to break him down and twist what he says around, yet Zappa just stays calm. "it's just words", he's exactly right
I think he just internally laughed about the stupidity and weakness of their arguments. Don't take these people seriously and you don't get angry.
Robert Novak sounds like a fool. He attempts to cite societal permissiveness as an argument against the danger of organized, far right religious zealots influencing elections and government policy. Too bad he wasn't alive to see the election of Donald Trump and his Supreme Court nominees.
"kiss my ass" was my favorite part only after the Christian Coalition demon called Zappa an idiot.
Yeah, he was so smooth with his legs crossed. He is missed💔☮️
i have the same view when people flip a bird, its just a finger. Who cares which one it is and why are you so offended by a finger gesture?
"I have no interest in incest"
- Frank Zappa 1986
I was laughing from how much Lofton brought up incest, the guy is hiding something🤣
That quote is tombstone worthy!
@@alexck2001 Total psychological projection on Lofton's part.
Mr. Lofton needed to get out more.
This is a masterclass on how to deal with over confident dullards. Zappa confidently explains his position while the other men go off the deep end. They bait Zappa over and over again and when he doesn't take it they get even more unraveled. Its a beautiful thing to watch. This man is a legend for more than just his music.
Frank really hit him back with the "you gotta get out more"
Frank is still spanking Mr. Lofton in the afterlife
I hope not, why would you wish that on anyone?
@@Zzyxzaa it’s a joke stop being butthurt
Zappa was a smart and decent human being... Those OTHER gentlemen? Well...😝
lofton probably likes it.
could not agree more. unequivocally true!!
Zappa interrupted mid-argument: "You have talked long enough." No he fucking hasn't. Let the guy make his point, that's why he's on the fucking show.
How he managed to stay calm after that, is a wonder.
What would be think of the fascists running the country now? People give Zappa way too much credit. It doesn't take a genius to be against censorship. His "fascist theocracy" jibe is just a way to sound controversial. Stupid really. He sounds more like a dumb jock than a historically relevant commentator. The liberals he voted for have proven themselves to be the true fascists, and are more racist than Conservatives. Always have been.
that's something that always happens in talk shows when the producers or "interviewers" don't want to hear valid counter arguments to the narrative they want to push.
It's all over this 'interview' as well.
The moment Frank speaks he gets interrupted.
Meanwhile Frank lets the other guys put their foot in their mouths.
and yet the interruption was literally something he had just stated moments earlier that didnt even need to be repeated. I too would have liked to have heard where Frank was heading with his thought. That imbecile ruined what was probably going to be eloquent response.
“Mr Zappa, you’re not serious if you say we are moving towards a fascist theocracy”. Not only was he serious, he was absolutely right.
Yep, Biden/Harrison really let us have it with that one. Controlling media and the news.
Project 2025, anyone? 🧐
@@fishdude666ify Trump's denounced project 2025 several times, please stop spreading misinformation, it's extremely toxic
10:11 Frank shows us all that he saw what was coming. Chilling how accurate he was.
he thought it about reagan .. so that was there all the time .. and see now that mtg and that dondon
How little has changed? It's gotten worse. Frank was way ahead of his time. Thanks very much for sharing this unique blast from the past.
Zappa was one of the most intelligent, insightful souls to have lived
he was a sheep-dipped CIA piece of shit. this whole episode is a psy op.
No. He was a libertarian.
@@brocks6200 can you explain your reply in simple English?
@@zombywoof1015 it’s possible that Zappa was an American intelligence asset.
bingo! without a doubt true!!
They’re asking him to be afraid of lyrics from songs they can’t name but insist they exist. Then raise their voices to try and justify their position. Zappa was a legend.
This happens alot in the world, people saying something and not being able to defend it. You ever wonder why Twitter (Now X) has always been a hell-hole. One person says one thing and then everyone picks it up and spins it without having the context. Maybe these people would've had a different opinion had they been exposed fully to these apparent offending items.
It's funny to think this also happened to the game Dungeons & Dragons at the same time, and then a few years later to video games. It's also happening to a whole load of so called "Woke" TV shows, which is hilarious. The problem shouldn't be the political nature, it should be whether they're good or not. Same thing can be applied to this situation. Just because it's got rude words in it, doesn't mean it's terrible and should be banned. Remember Zappa had certain albums banned just because they assumed they were naughty, like the song "Damp Ankles", which is literally Zappa washing his car.
Zappa is a legend though, he was a smart man, and the only one with brains in this argument lmao.
Frank actually fidgeted in his seat before telling Lofton to kiss his ass. It took alot to piss Frank off that much.
That John dude has a “beatable” cause punchable as hell 😂
"I love it when you froth..."
- Frank Zappa
Frank completely owned everyone on this panel. You can tell by how enraged they got, especially dude to Frank's immediate right. That guy unraveled like a cheap sweater, and Frank kept his absolute cool.
He definitely frothed a lot lol
And did you get a load of that guy's hairpiece? If he wasn't some kind of perv....
I have never heard so many strawmen and red herrings strung together in such an incoherent and vigorous manner. I can't believe Zappa kept his cool.. well done
I would punch a man like the dude right of Zappa
I know youre comment was made 15 years ago (holy cow time moves fast!!!) But it's sad to see that society hasn't changed in this regard, with how they argue. In fact, it's only gotten worse.
@@Humma_Kavula Well how interesting to see how my perspective has changed.. at 38, having watched the absolute proliferation of corruption and degeneracy in our now-failing Republic, I see these men as, though a bit quaint and backwards, trying to hold back the dam of communism and social destruction that has now doomed the West.
Frank Zappa was an articulate and very intelligent gentleman, but alas he did not foresee the pushing the boundaries of expression being part of a multi pronged of quite successful approach to destabilize the greatest country in history. I snapped out of my idiot leftist phase about halfway in between that comment and this one.
All the best.
@@Humma_Kavula Aye.
Fuming just watching it.
I miss Frank too..The world needs a Frank Zappa more than ever now!!
you can support his son Dweezil and his band!
@@hectorignacio-nx1dm that I have..I seen him with his brother in Germany many years ago..AMAZING!!! Shampoo horn tour.
We have a Bernie
Then Lofton goes off on Frank for ''We're only in it for the money'' Yea! real mind warping stuff.
I love it ha ha....
@@theresa42213 And doesn't see the irony of it.
it never gets old
36 years late and im ashamed to admit that not much has changed besides this becoming more and more true as well as being exponentially more depressing to realize
We just need more frank zappas and people similar in this world, who can both think outside the box as well as know the inner workings of said box. The person he was debating was a fool and didn’t even know what the hell he was talking about.
Try not to let it bother you too much. The world has always been a crazy place and it always will be. It is what it is.
"Fascist theocracy " Nailed It!
Yup and here we are.
Imagine if Frank Zappa was around now, in the era of Trump.
Yes, and there YOU are.
But not in Canada, this all belongs to the USA.
@@rickb4806 Zappa was a right wing libertarian. Zappa really only cared about things that affected him.
"millions of dollars, millions of dollars Mr Lofton". that was awesome. zappa was 100% right about going toward a fascist theocracy, attitudes towards sex and violence in America, & the use of words
Zappa was a boss. Can you imagine the America we'd be living in if a congressional censor board had been established? I can't believe these types of pricks actually existed. How did Frank restrain himself during that show?
The FCC dude. We’re on the internet and it’s uncensored (for now, get it while you can folks) and I know its hard to remember when we don’t listen to much radio or watch much network television these days, but the FCC exists to censor.
He killed them with his eyes
Well, we had one at one time--The Hays Codes, in film.
@@bobbysands6923 Hays Code wasn't Congressional though. It was just a "suggestion" that no one cared to defy until around 1967.
We have censorship today. Mostly political censorship run by Twitter, Facebook and Google. All lefties.
Frank sat down with several guys, whom hated him, and debated them, and proved he was the smartest guy in the room.
That was Lofton . Tom Braeden was a Liberal . Novak was a Conservative and didn’t have contempt in his voice , he just brought up some valid points
@@dagnabbit6187 And Zappa was a conservative but what used to be a conservative yesterday has changed drastically from what they consider themselves today. My professor was a black Democrat conservative but he was far from what a Republican conservative today is. He loved Texas and loved the freedoms that they had there but there was many things he disagreed with as well. When you mention conservative today everyone associates it with being Republican and that is not the truth. Most that identify today as conservatives are not real conservatives nor are they Republicans. They have become fascists just as Zappa tried to point out and that is far different than being a conservative. When you are banning things left and right like the Republicans are today then you are no longer conservative. Conservatives of the yesteryear supported the conservation of the Constitution and the beliefs thereof and holding them as foundations upon their belief system conserving the constitutional beliefs “hence being coined the term as “conservative” . Most people claiming to be conservatives today claim it by a political ideology and changing structures upon it making them not conservatives anymore as they are not conserving the structures of before.
@@michaelcochran9685 The Old Man of the Mountain, the very symbol of the old conservatism. The Old Man's face literally fell in 2003-a perfect sign of the destruction wrought by the phoney, unprooting, vicious twisting of the very meaning of "conservative." BTW i may not pass for a conservative myself but i am from NH- "Live Free Or Die" baby!
"I'm a conservative."
Oh, boy, has THAT definition changed...
he wasn't, tho. he was a libertarian by most people's definition
@@ibnkhaldoun4319 He was absolutely conservative. The thing that has changed is not the definition of conservative, it's the overton window. The republican party is no longer occupied by conservatives, they have been ousted from the party by the neo-fascist MAGA wing, shoved to the left in the overton window as they sprint towards the far right.
Yep, now far right just means you're a normal person
@@ibnkhaldoun4319 That's what the typical conservative position used to be, outside of the religious crazies.
"The Founding Fathers kept slaves, and take a look at what Benjamin Franklin did over at the Hellfire Club..." ...oh my God. He was never more on point than right here.
R.I.P. Frank
We need you now,more than ever.
That was a brilliant display of wisdom,and class.
"Yes, Mr. Zappa..." - the dude is a legend.
"Why should I smile, I'm sitting here with you" - cracking me the fuck up.
I am so glad this was put up here. 20 Years have passed from this conversation on crossfire and this debate continues today in the exact format. Oh how this world shows little progress.....
It’s been another 16 and it’s scarily relevant
17 years later and it still happens. The only difference now is that people who call themselves progressive want to do the censorship now.
Zappa way back then: 'the US moving towards a fascist theocracy' ... spot on Mr Zappa, spot on
Frank followed the Christian right and its politics very closely. He knew they would stop at nothing. We've all witnessed what has happened. The evangelicals aligning with and electing a con man in Donald Trump in exchange for packing the federal courts with right wing judges to overturn abortion rights.
Your description is spot on, I miss Frank as well...
i've watched this so many times i can't believe it. frank zappa was so ahead of his time it's crazy. and i'm proud to say that while i am not crazy about rap, i did grow up on eminem and haven't raped, killed, or cut off anyone's limbs.
Yet! Ha ha ha. When you do, it'll be all Eminem's fault!!!
You like Frank's music?
mahajohn ~ LOVE FRANK .....for all my life! Love Dweezil and Moon too. 'Zombie Woof' has been playing in my head all week since watching Rachel Flowers recreate it on _her_ channel! xD
@@theresa42213 he's an acquired taste and i'm glad i got there
15:16 "why should i smile i'm sitting here with you" XD
Zappa was a legend. It's a shame he's gone.
A conservative warning about theocratic fascism. Damn. We need more conservatives like him
Those conservatives stopped existing back in 2016. They went from being a cautious majority to a small extremist minority.
I think the meaning has changed.
@@veganrican606 which meaning changed?
@@RetroGamerBB What a conservative is today
I think what he was doing was criticising that they are 'conservative' but for meddling with the rights which conservatives claim to protect.
oh how far we've come in this country..... NOT! we need MORE voices like Frank's now more than ever....... he was right then, and he still rings true today!......
@nukkinfigure your mom lied, your not that important or interesting....
Frank is a stronger man that I. I would have lost my composure just being in the vicinity of these people.
30 years later: "Oh, look, Zappa! ... WhoTF are those other guys??"
I’m pretty sure the guy on the far left has a fantastic interview with the head of the klan where he makes fun of him the whole time
Frank foretold the future...
"The biggest threat to America today isn't communism, it's moving America toward a fascist theocracy. And everything that's happened during the Reagan administration is heading us right down that pipe." -Frank Zappa
The Reagan administration initiated the GOP/Christian Right alliance. Trump in his quest for power has accelerated this alliance to its fascist conclusion.
Love it , being 67 yrs alive I remember this broadcast I agreed with Zappa then and do now. He was correct then and look at now.
Remember the part of this where Zappa claims that America is heading towards a facist theocracy?
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! 👍
@@MiddleMalcolm Reagan started it. the Maga knuckle draggers have gone beserk
This debate is just as relevant today as it was when it was when it took place and Mr. Zappa nailed it.
Zappa is years ahead of them all even though he's much younger.
He wasn't younger though. Look it up
Wow! 2006 upload! 16 years later.. glad to see this Zappa vid was one of the first vids. Uploader was ahead of his time :)
Frank Zappa was a true genius. It's soothing to listen to him speak here amidst the chaos and insanity blathering all around him while he calmly holds the center together.
Zappa was so extraordinary. I love the way he talked & the way he cared. I think Jon Stewart today, like Zappa back then, has the values, clarity, wit & eloquence to address this BS.
They're pretty rude to him, calling him an idiot and hardly letting him finish a sentence. I think some of his songs were crude, some were awesome, but I certainly sympathize with him in this situation.
Rude is hard to define when trying to assign it to satirical lyrics.
Mostly just Lofton I thought the hosts were fine for the most part. But Lofton incessantly interrupted Zappa.
bingo! utterly true!!
Frank was the most brilliant American composer in history, with literally hundreds of purely 'instrumental' works; No words, just perfectly crafted tones.
@@joeschmo5166uh hundreds? i'm a huge zappa fan and he sadly didn't do much instrumental work. dozens, sure.
Wow, I'm amazed at how Frank Zappa kept his cool so well, sure sometimes he got angry but god damn, if I were in his shoes I would be going insane lol.
Nice profile picture
Zappa, a man of intelligence and reason. He is missed.
A sensible individual. Out of his time. a true humanist.
Frank understood the power the excess of power the government uses. Censoring words is authoritarianism. He was such a great visionary not only is an artist but as an intellectual. He saw what was coming, he knew it, and he was warning us.
Zappa didn't take shit from anyone. He just laid it out and smiled. I wish he was still with us but life is a jib and Kissinger will live to 115 years.
Fucking madness.
This didn’t age very well, fortunately.
At least take solidarity that Kissinger is Dead.
That John Lofton guy is such an obvious spin doctor that it's hilarious
More like extremely obnoxious and belligerent
“I love it when you froth like that” DEADDDD😭😭😭😭😭😭
John Lofton is provoking Frank Zappa by invading his space. Pretty good restraint by Frank Zappa!
Frank Zappa was on point. My Father was a WWII Vet and said the same thing; The biggest threat to America today is not communism, it is moving America towards a Fascist theocracy. My father had choice words about President Reagan. And thing is that my Father was a Registered Republican. Father would vote his convictions and for the Nation over Political Party. Right now the Republican Party is a Fascist theocracy plain as day.
if nothing else zappa shows how much class and skill he has during debate. His composure is stunning.
Only recently started listening to Frank Zappa's views. He's spot on every time and he pretty much predicted the current President. Thanks for posting.
My pleasure, to give Frank a voice when he can't speak for himself anymore. I uploaded that over 10 years ago. It's over 30 years old now, and still relevant. He was a curious mix of liberalism and conservatism. & makes you think.
he was planning on running for President, then found out that he was dieing.
Lofton's Hitler example is so ridiculous. That's an example of why people should regard words as just words, and not grant language so much power over human behavior. The guy also fails to mention that Hitler proposed all kinds of censorship and considered himself a purveyor of moral greatness.
frank zappa's prophetic words about what we've seen in the last 2 decades
Thank you for sharing this gem video, ... and Frank, wherever you hang out, you are sorely missed! ❤🔥
Funny John Lofton’s son was in a heavy metal cover band at the time of this interview.
Maybe that's why he was so pissed off. He can't even control his own offspring.
They started a Ministry cover band before they read the lyrics
Thank you for uploading this... it's shocking how little has changed and how brilliant frank was. It hurts my heart ill never get to meet frank. My hope is I get to come across folk like his with his spirit. I found a few of you here in the comments ❤️
He just sat there, talking to them like to five year olds. Slow, dense five year olds, at that. What a legend. And the fact that people so ideologically indoctrinated even exist.. wow.
David---PLENTY of those fascist conservatives around today...almost half of America believes the bullshit Lies that tRump routinely espouses.....SAD.....IF ONLY we had FZ around TODAY to take on tRumps insanity.....Just sayin'..... or a George Carlin.....
Idk how I missed this back then so thanx for posting it here on RUclips©! ❄️🌎❄️....P.S. I just remembered why I missed this episode of Crossfire! I was in a coma for 87 days after being attacked with a crowbar & nearly being beaten to death! Wow....good times! ❄️🌎❄️😶❄️
ROFL "I love it when you froth like that" -- brilliant.
Amazing how he already saw which way we were headed. RIP Frank and thank you for this and all your gifts.
Zappa’s intellect, objectivity, and courage to voice his opinions undiluted for public consumption is something we need from our so called “leaders” now. Fascist Theocracy: brilliant and truer today more than ever.
That will never happen from "our so called "leaders." The leaders have 2 main objectives: 1. To remain in office. 2. To enrich themselves through that office. Harry Truman said, show me a politician who has become a millionaire in office and I'll show you a crook.
I love how Frank doesn’t tolerate them talking to him in that condescending way!! He’s working on a higher level and looking at a much broader picture than they are!
They thought they'd walk all over this "dumb" rock star.
This guy just won't let Frank talk.
Cause intellect defeats rhetoric if aloud to speak.....
Franks demeanor here showed intelligence. At this point in his life he knew something about the game and how to play it. He did well when they tried to coerce him into answering questions he felt were off topic, not important, but mainly designed to get him to say things he shouldn't. Not an easy job.
100% accurate. ESPECIALLY Reagan’s moves regarding public education “reform.” I enjoy his music, but now I respect him even more. Edit: how wild to see this captioned “20 years later,” on a video that was now posted 16 years ago on here. We are just snowballing.
This is the greatest interview I've seen yet
Thanks a lot for airing this!
I cannot yet cope with hir music but I will apply Frank to my wall of great humans.
He was a prophet. Said we were going toward a fascist theocracy 40 years ago, and here we are
Frank, without hesitation, defined a "fascist theocracy" perfectly. He's brilliant!!!
“There was a man, a little old man who lived in Montreal
With a wife and a kid and a car and a house
And a teenage daughter with see-through blouse
Who loved to truck and ball.
And her name was Magdalena.
‘My daughter dear,
Do not be concerned when your Canadian daddy comes near,
I work so hard-don’t you understand?
Making maple syrup for the pancakes of our land.”
That’s Frank Zappa, it’s satire, it’s about incest in a sense, but it does not advocate it or glorify it. He was a fabulous artistic force, and I miss him dearly.
The more shit changes, the more it stays the same. I love Frank. He always looks like he is plenty happy to literally go toe to toe with all three of them.
"How much money do you make peddling this stuff, uh, Mr Zappa?"
"Millions of dollars, Mr Lofton"
*Mr. Lofton looks down nodding in silence*
Good lord this is fucking amazing. Zappa is a true person. Love him!
@ 15:55 Thank you, Mr. John Lofton, for succumbing to Godwin's Law six years before it was coined, and removing any doubts of your ethos in debate.
A classic case of reductio ad Hitlerum in the pre-Internet era. Outstanding.
“He thinks it’s amusing that there’s a grade school class that’s hot for teacher.” Hahaha
I laughed my ass off through this whole thing. This is right up there with the James Brown on CNN Interview, as far as hilarious one-liners goes. I have to come back and replay this shit every now and again.
remember seeing this live. getting involved even though his material was not in question. a true patriot.
I had minimal interest in Frank's music back when he was on the radio. But, after I saw this a few months ago, I gained a new respect for him. I'm just disappointed he isn't here to see he was right. Two other things; I am glad he isn't here to have to watch us go through this and I envy him and everybody who has left the planet, because they will not have to endure what is coming for those of us who will be here when Democracy ends in the U.S.
It's funny how everytime Frank starts any decent and logical thinking he's immediately interrupted, like, "hold it right there, you can't speak so much truth and righteous things on television"
Zappa seems like the only logical person on this show..this John Lofton chap seems really dimwitted and the worst of the lot.
Although I've watched this interview a number of times, I think it's finally dawning on me how unfortunate the situation American and the western world is in, CONTROL is the word which comes to mind when I walk into any shop or any pubic place. Self expression is frowned upon, and so is unpopular opinion, no matter how moderate. What I'm afraid of is how organised our 'freedom of speech' is becoming. Little did zappa know, the times in which he was talking at least gave him a platform, try getting anybody who can out-talk a payroll politician on T.V.
The best we have is the internet, and the internet will only give you these things if you specifically ask for them. Which leaves numerous concentrated communities, all agreeing on what they are looking for, and minimising the potential of conversation.
The internet is an illusion supporting a fake idea of freedom of speech. we have freedom of speaking to those whom already agree with us, and real freedom of speech with those within our own communities is suppressed due to our confidence in our self expression on the internet itself.
This is a perfect example of that.
Lofton is a simple minded Dickhead !
THERE IS a well-known anecdote concerning the visit of some respectable citizens at the house of Samuel Johnson following the publication of his dictionary. Arriving there to congratulate him for not including “any indecent or obscene words” in his dictionary, the eminent ladies were in turn congratulated by Johnson “on being able to look them up.” Here the Doctor was making a point both about the futility of censorship (the unthinkable words are already in our heads) and the curious need of some people always to go in search of dirty bits.
Good anecdote I'd not heard before.
Well stated!
Well put
In 2024,Frank win this debate. He is wise man and totaly right
Especially his calmness would be considered as very strong while defending his position.
Endlessly patient, endlessly wise
Aged well. 40 years later, we see what he means. He is a clairvoyant.
Unfortunately it's true...
Zappa remains cool and answers their foolish questions with straight answers.
They are visibly afraid of Frank.
He was a very smart Human.
Frank Zappa and John Lefton should have gone on the road as a comedy pair. Hilarious.
no they shouldn't because one is a genius and other is a goose! I would not expect Frank to lower his standards like that!
@richardmitchell8482 then again, a comedy duo that obviously can't stand to be in the same room as each other would result in some top flight comedy.
Wish we had someone like Frank around today
We do, Ye is on the way
You’ll have me.
My Alma Mater who spearheaded what Zappa is talking about should be very afraid.
Am I a musician?
No but I am an artist.
We do but they're vilified by the right & are not PC enough for the left.
As far as outspoken, articulate, musical geniuses go I don't see anyone replacing Zappa, but a few close contenders, Dave Mustaine, Marilyn Manson, Roger Waters, Henry Rollins, off the top of my head, probably a few more.
Politically there is: RFK JR. you tube what the man has to say about todays America
The worst part is that he'd still be ridiculed by today's mainstream interviewers. Some people won't recognise the signs of fascism until they've been locked up...and that's kind of too late.
Frank Zappa is absolutely correct on this matter. If any adult or youngster needs a label or some hypocrite's opinion to understand a song is preaching bad behavior then they are completely screwed up from a dysfunctional family life.