Corey Anton: Language & Power

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024
  • Words are ABSOLUTELY FREE (true open source technology, greener than green) and they are sources of great power both in interpersonal and public settings. Despite this, many people choose not to study words, choose not to call learning about words one of the most interesting forms of study there is. They would rather play video games or amuse themselves and/or satisfy themselves within cussing-styles of interaction. That is fine, but then don't pretend to be a thinker. Too many people seems to want it both ways.
    Perhaps they'd rather tell some story about how they're victims, perhaps claiming that other people have had advantages? Maybe that is true. O.k. Now what?
    How smug and arrogant must be those people who continue to think that they are beyond needing to grow their vocabulary? If you are alive your vocabulary should still be growing!

Комментарии • 53

  • @Deus_Ex_Machina.
    @Deus_Ex_Machina. 9 лет назад +2

    Sesquipedalianism is the quintessence of semiotics

  • @BlakeBarbieDoll
    @BlakeBarbieDoll 13 лет назад

    Excellent commentary. Words---language IS power. I am well read and have a pretty extensive vocabulary, but still, at times, I find myself struggling for the PRECISE word to make a point every now and then. I LOVE the power of else can we convey and express our feelings on the deepest and most intimate human levels.

  • @johnnymazaratti
    @johnnymazaratti 11 лет назад

    Corey you seem to oversimplify a complex reality here. While I agree with you that pursing a life of the mind can be an enriching experience through the pursuit of vocabulary expansion, I think your connection of power vis-a-vis language is a bit premature. You fail to demarcate how linguistic capital is stratified by class and racial oppression. So you can't make a sweeping argument about language decadence without acknowledging historical practices of exclusion.

  • @dnillelee
    @dnillelee 12 лет назад

    It’s been my amusement that the vocabs in GRE can actually bridge the lexical gap I've with Westerners (I’m an Oriental). Well, at least the words help a lot, I should say.
    I suddenly realize lots of attributions of Cantonese/Chinese match well with those of English, it seems to me people living so far away somehow have some similar ways/wisdoms on perceiving the world. I’ve never thought I could use maybe just 1 Eng word (without much elaboration) to deliver the meanings so accurately before.

  • @RubiconXing
    @RubiconXing 12 лет назад

    "So still I seek, the force governing life's flow -- and not just its external show" "The governing force, the reason? Some things cannot be known. They are beyond your reach, even when shown." "Why should that be so?" "They lie outside the boundaries that words can address, and man can only grasp those thoughts which language can express" [...] "Liar! Traitor! Where are the pulse and core of nature you promised to reveal?" "Ah, Faustus, you lack the wit to see them in every blade of grass"

  • @sweeetly
    @sweeetly 13 лет назад

    Very stimulating.
    Word sound and power.
    The word itself is amazing. Whats more amazing is how its said, with what feeling.
    Words carry energy. When a person speaks from deep inside, it can change things. If all matter is a vibration of sound ( I think this is the case)
    Consciousness begins with a sound, a word. Lets say 'I' was the first word.
    It only has meaning by the feeling behind it.
    If I say I love you but don't really feel it, my words have no power....

  • @Contextcatcher
    @Contextcatcher 13 лет назад

    "Every complete unknown language is a kind of acoustic mask; as soon one learns it, it becomes a face, understandable and soon familiar".
    (Elias Canetti)
    'Barbarism': a realy free word is out of context odd or ironic.
    I'm Dutch and my English is a bit barbarian. I never heard of the concept: "Joe bloggs (blocks?) attractor", but it made me curious. And BS? Is that a typcial farmer abbriviation?
    Buttt...what you said here is not bullshit.

  • @FlaviaSantosbr
    @FlaviaSantosbr 14 лет назад

    I completely agree with you! Very nice speech! I study language at college, and, each passing day, I recognize how important it is to acquire vocabulary. And I think it is undeniable reading is the best way for one to acquire vocabulary. But, to tell the truth, when I'm reading a book and I read an unknown word, I just get too lazy to go to the dictionary and look up for it.... hahahaha!

  • @TheGraniteFlaneur
    @TheGraniteFlaneur 15 лет назад

    Nice vid and I agree words should be studied, but only in order to be understood. There is, however a time and place for using them. This links to your 'have critique will travel' video. There is simply no point in criticising something with words and a method that can't be understood or beaten. I'm sure there is a famous quote that goes something like the following 'intelligence is making complex ideas simple. not making simple ideas sound complex'.

  • @AnomalousDataPoint
    @AnomalousDataPoint 15 лет назад

    I found your two examples of mistakes over meaning interesting. I think there is a clear country difference here because I can't imagine very many British people getting the meaning of 'remedial' wrong. Or perhaps it is a generational difference. More would stumble with condone, I think.
    Surely flashcards and a stand alone study of vocabulary are the wrong way to go, the best and most natural way to improve your vocabulary is to be constantly reading stretching books.

  • @notonewhit
    @notonewhit 15 лет назад

    Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words
    I get words all day through
    First from him, now from you
    Is that all you blighters can do...
    Never do I ever want to hear another word
    There isn't one I haven't heard
    Here we are together in what ought to be a dream
    Say one more word and I'll scream.. (Eliza Doolittle)

  • @sweeetly
    @sweeetly 13 лет назад says something about this in the book of Corinthians, I am sounding brass, the words are empty of creative force.
    So speaking in the fullness of understanding the power of words, they become transformative by the feeling they carry.
    Magic making is right :)

  • @rjberman25
    @rjberman25 11 лет назад

    This video exemplifies why the world is devolving in a slow decay particularly within the domain of public language. There is a pseudo linguistic capital in the world epitomised with words such as 'like', and expletives that simply try to round out a lexicon of slang almost akin to a verbal offshoot of a mind on a druggies typical green day... We are slowly moving towards a world that is a dumbed down version of its former self.

  • @FeelFreeToArgue
    @FeelFreeToArgue 14 лет назад

    You're so right in this vid. I love people who cherish old words & try to keep them alive - who insist on using them even if it means explaining them. One of my best friends is like that. She's always busting out with words that very few people know, & I love being able to ask her about them. She often treats me to derivations as well as well as definitions (she's one of those "well of knowledge" people.) I s/ explore more on my own though, read more authors who make me have a dictionary nearby.

  • @GabrielZamoraMoreno
    @GabrielZamoraMoreno 14 лет назад

    The system also uses tons of words that not many people know/understand the exact meaning of (in law for instance) to control the massess

  • @Anarch0tec
    @Anarch0tec 14 лет назад

    I think you've made a very important point: to learn words/concepts is a means of fighting the spectacle, a means of decentralizing control, because it means your able to produce your own forms of meaning, of entertainment, of action. Brilliant. A low vocabulary is correlated to a lack of participation (the exception being non-symbolic pre-civilized indigenous).

  • @RubiconXing
    @RubiconXing 12 лет назад

    @RubiconXing From Jan Svankmajer's Faust. Others may think it has religious tones, but I would say spiritual. Would love to hear your take on this. There was a time I almost gave up on language and took a vow of silence.

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 14 лет назад

    hmm... you have a very different idea of deconstruction. to me deconstruction is where we do a close reading of a text and find that priviliaged dichotomy is held up not by logic or Reason, but by figuritive language.

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 15 лет назад

    Good point.
    OK lets try it this way. Materials are what they are. While language stands for something else than itself in the society.
    But language can get closer to material, for example art. Perhaps this is an exception.

  • @PsychedelicMadman
    @PsychedelicMadman 11 лет назад +1

    Excellent video.

  • @girlyvoice3210
    @girlyvoice3210 15 лет назад

    You say "go study some words" but is this something you recommend as some kind of exercise separate to normal reading?
    I have no doubt that learning new words is extremely valuable but how many does one learn in book. Obviously its good to read new words in context but is there a more efficient way?

  • @taboosun
    @taboosun 14 лет назад

    Hes just explaining his perspective nadda...
    Wors are basically symbolic representations of meanings that vary in complexity, it should be obvious that the more words you have in your vocabulary then the better you can express yourself. It will all just flow...

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 14 лет назад

    "materiality/discourse" binary is not air-tight. But its a good blunt distinction. It runs the society.
    In philosophy we can never go out of language...true.
    What is this "in excess"?

  • @Footnotes2Plato
    @Footnotes2Plato 15 лет назад

    Thanks for the important reminder, Corey.

  • @optionism
    @optionism 13 лет назад

    If I study high level vocab, I may be able to communicate with other people that know high level vocab, but I cannot talk on the same level with people that lack an extensive vocab.

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 15 лет назад

    personally, i like books. my room is cramed with books. i prefer books to computer memory.
    although, yupper99 is kind of right. you, profA, did sound little bit elitest.

  • @Caitanyadasa108
    @Caitanyadasa108 13 лет назад

    Good stuff man! This brings to mind the line from V for Vendetta:
    "Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth."

  • @alzico
    @alzico 15 лет назад

    Vocabulary itself is not to blame for the confusion so long as it is understood at a deep level that language is an independent symbol system and NOT the world.

  • @texme
    @texme 13 лет назад

    I have an addiction to Fiction, are we approaching "Peak Fiction" where is the rehabilitation, words are creating my jurisdiction. rable rable rable

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 13 лет назад

    I could go to ways with this question. But if the partner of the conversation does not understand you, it will be an alienating experience for both.

  • @Dall5000
    @Dall5000 14 лет назад

    Not knowing words are roadblocks on our path to greater knowledge. I keep an online dictionary handy when I get to one.

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 15 лет назад

    still debating: is material more basic or language more basic? Without food we will die. Without language we can survive.

  • @plutodrvv
    @plutodrvv 15 лет назад

    Yes, wonderful insights about language and words. We take it for granted but as you say it is cosmic and magical.

  • @sar1906
    @sar1906 13 лет назад

    The plight of Man is driven by the frustration of being unable to convey to the other how He really feels.

  • @GlennRobinsonCommunityVillage
    @GlennRobinsonCommunityVillage 14 лет назад

    Well said my brother. I hadn't thought about words being from our ancestors, but of course they are lol =]

  • @BrianTheMusicMan
    @BrianTheMusicMan 14 лет назад

    This reminds me of 1984. If you restrict vocabulary you restrict potential thought.

  • @RubiconXing
    @RubiconXing 12 лет назад

    @RubiconXing I forgot: Mephisto also claims that "Words are greater yet than man".

  • @dbrannick9585
    @dbrannick9585 9 лет назад

    oh also, i love the word isomorphic, but am really uncertain about how to use it in sentences, can you give some examples? thanks

  • @georgerodriguez6720
    @georgerodriguez6720 7 лет назад

    When I was very young, the day I learned that a swear was inside another word (ass and pass) was all it took. I loved learning new words and still do. Thanks Corey!

  • @girlyvoice3210
    @girlyvoice3210 15 лет назад

    Hmm, looks like there are a few books for expanding vocabulary.

  • @Israe5l
    @Israe5l 15 лет назад

    Language is precious. But vocabulary is not the only thing.

  • @dbrannick9585
    @dbrannick9585 9 лет назад

    fantastic especially point about distinctions. amazing!

  • @taboosun
    @taboosun 15 лет назад

    Words definitely are golden... remnants of the past.

  • @distortiontildeafness
    @distortiontildeafness 15 лет назад

    word. Ive had conversations in my head about this

  • @Contextcatcher
    @Contextcatcher 13 лет назад

    There is also a tragic dark side of word power...

  • @gredgre99
    @gredgre99 15 лет назад

    That was a great vid. Your passion convinced me.

  • @fractal420
    @fractal420 14 лет назад

    This video made me discombobulated.

  • @Sueezedtight
    @Sueezedtight 15 лет назад

    A word is just a container,
    We have to use it with great care.
    Filled to the brim with our intent
    To make it say just what we mean
    So what is heard is really there
    Caring is consideration
    Part of the respect we should show
    To those with whom we must converse
    When we take the time for sharing
    How we are and what we know.
    So dont despise the form itself
    For we must use it for our gain
    The time that lets it run its course
    And that which fills it with a life
    To share the interest, not the pain.

  • @distortiontildeafness
    @distortiontildeafness 14 лет назад

    yeah i got that part lol.

  • @matrixcmitech
    @matrixcmitech 15 лет назад

    excellent insights

  • @Sueezedtight
    @Sueezedtight 15 лет назад

    Refinement is the "natural" (if not typical) progression.
    Experience allows us to discern the specific meaning of any given form, contextually or inferentially.
    Awareness is our capacity to observe, remark and employ every aspect of our existence.
    Consciousness is the application of our awareness to our experience.
    This allows implication which only depends on volition.
    Intelligence is the organisation and evaluation of what and how implication impacts our existence.
    Know better to be better.

  • @xxxYYZxxx
    @xxxYYZxxx 9 лет назад

    I think a dialog should help us "flesh out" the meanings of big words (and concepts), but then so often attempts at dialog are countered with the "have critique, will travel" complex. Technology seems to enforce this "complex"; as people become more reliant on a readily available and seemingly endless source of information, their own capacity for creativity, dialog, letter writing, reading skills, and ultimately thinking & awareness decline as a consequence.