The Unending Swarm Detachment is ACTUALLY GOOD? Horde Tyranids Win GT and Full Army Rules Review

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 113

  • @brodiemiddleton3575
    @brodiemiddleton3575 11 месяцев назад +168

    Hey this was me that won the GT with endless swarm. It’s super fun to play and causes lots of challenges for opponents. The damage with the tervigon lethals is actually insane - in one game against Tsons I killed two mutaliths in a shooting phase.
    I’d highly recommend anyone who wants to take this to an event to practice on a clock in friendly games beforehand. Running out of time is a real problem with this and can be unfun for your opponent. I’ve got 40+ reps on this list in 10th so I play all my games in clocks with 1:30 per player (3 hour rounds).

    • @sjeveburger381
      @sjeveburger381 11 месяцев назад +4

      why take 1x3 pyrovores instead of 3x1? is there a significant enough benefit to warrant losing the flexibility and duplicate cover removal?

    • @mrproper3630
      @mrproper3630 11 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks for the advice!! Such large armies are certainly hard to manage, and time sure is going to be tight XD. Of course, with so much practice it is going to be easier.

    • @Itsallover57
      @Itsallover57 11 месяцев назад +4

      I believe it. Anything without a 2+ save is probably getting deaded from numerous 40 5+ lethal hits rerolling wounds. Only problem is then I have 100 spinefist termagants in my house

    • @brodiemiddleton3575
      @brodiemiddleton3575 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@sjeveburger381just to be able to overwatch. I felt I didn’t need to strip cover as a lot of the time you’re shooting AP0 stuff into 3+ saves.

    • @brodiemiddleton3575
      @brodiemiddleton3575 11 месяцев назад +20

      @@LordBelakorit’s the opposite bro. This is the hardest (and most rewarding) list I’ve ever played. I won an 8 round supermajor with eldar 2 months ago that felt completely braindead compared to this. This list needs mastery of movement and all the little nuances of move blocking, objective control, using coherency to get out of combat, pile in and consolidate tricks etc. it’s the *least* simple even though it just looks like a bunch of gaunts on the surface.

  • @gavinziozios1431
    @gavinziozios1431 11 месяцев назад +149

    Just had a friend bring that against my CSM. I won, but dang. This particular detachment makes you work for it. I'm surprised ripper swarms don't have endless multitude

    • @philurbaniak1811
      @philurbaniak1811 11 месяцев назад +5

      👍👍 maybe an "infestation" mechanic for objectives? Like "sticky objectives" but with a very mild spawn rate?
      I'm sure there was a spawning Enhancement in 9th, a single use one; might make a good House Rule 👍

    • @rosebraidt4894
      @rosebraidt4894 11 месяцев назад +1

      Mind sharing what list you used for CSM?

    • @gavinziozios1431
      @gavinziozios1431 11 месяцев назад +6

      -Chaos Lord w/ Mark of Khorne, Talisman of Burning Blood, Daemon hammer and plasma pistol
      -x2 5-man units of boltgun legionnaires, with one wielding a heavy bolter and another wielding a reaper chaincannon, both with Mark of Nurgle
      -x2 5-man legionnaires with chainswords, Mark of Khorne
      -x2 10-man units of Cultists, all firearms except for one in each wielding Heavy Stubber. Mark of Tzeentch
      - x1 2-man unit of Obliterators w/ Mark of Nurgle
      - x1 5-man unit of chosen. Basic loadout, except one had plasma pistol and power fist and one had paired accursed weapons. Mark of Khorne
      - x1 Maulerfiend with lasher tendrils. Mark of Slaanesh

    • @lolbitbot4791
      @lolbitbot4791 8 месяцев назад +3

      THATS WHAT IM SAYING! they should be considered part of the the unending multitude

  • @leethax100
    @leethax100 11 месяцев назад +65

    depending on the meta, raw wounds can really go the distance. never underestimate the devastation of throwing hundreds of units at someone, on the table or at the cash register.

    • @gamingborger
      @gamingborger 11 месяцев назад +4

      you can get 200+ gaunt in a list if you really want a horde :)

  • @tenebrisnarud9738
    @tenebrisnarud9738 11 месяцев назад +37

    This is my favourite detachment, before 10th I was going to run a Hive Fleet Hydra army. Having waves upon waves of disposable gribblies is one of my favourite methods of play

  • @blackwolf671
    @blackwolf671 11 месяцев назад +21

    I think GW forgot that the Tervigon can't actually join squads, it just sort of buffs them with an aura. Either that or they plan on releasing a non winged Warrior prime that can join gaunts and didn't particularly care that it wasn't available yet.

    • @liamrossnoble
      @liamrossnoble 11 месяцев назад +2

      Wouldn't it be worse if it wasn't as aura? An aura can affect tons of units, potentially a hundred gaunts but leading a unit would only affect 20

    • @blackwolf671
      @blackwolf671 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@liamrossnoble So, Its ability to Spawn Termagants is already limited to 1 unit within 6. Brood Progenitor is the on that can currently effect multiple units, And while im sure its Hypothetically possible to string out 5 different units in such a way that they're all in range of that 6" bubble.
      Realistically, your not going to get more than 2 units , and 2 is going to struggle to maneuver around terrain and bring all of its guns to bear on a target.
      Meanwhile, Allowing it to join a unit would let the Tervigon use 20 (regenerating) gaunts as ablative wounds and allow for a lot of these enhancements to apply to the core-battle line unit of the army. Overall, id consider that a trade up.

    • @liamrossnoble
      @liamrossnoble 11 месяцев назад

      @@blackwolf671 you only need 1 models base edge to be within 6 per unit ans it applies on andnin terrain/ignores walls and I was thinking more for the use of the lethal hits buffs as that's a lot of shots doing lethal hits

    • @Hootiez
      @Hootiez 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah but you have to use the Toughness of the bodyguard unit for all models in that unit, so wouldn’t Precision attacks nuke the poor Tervigon?

    • @liamrossnoble
      @liamrossnoble 10 месяцев назад

      @@Hootiez LOL good point

  • @sHinobu2969
    @sHinobu2969 11 месяцев назад +7

    I won a 1000pt game last night using 40 gants and a tervigon + 20 hormagaunts. I ended up bringing back almost all of the gants that died each turn since they didn't have flamers in their army. the lethal hits worked great

    • @commandercostas
      @commandercostas 11 месяцев назад +1

      That's the sort of list I want to run

    • @sHinobu2969
      @sHinobu2969 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@commandercostas It's very fun, It was a low point game and my movement trays hadn't come in so I didn't use the other 40 gants I have but being able to just push a massive swarm of bugs towards the enemy lines is awesome and exactly what I wanted to play nids for

  • @Ohfishyfishyfish
    @Ohfishyfishyfish 11 месяцев назад +3

    I've played this a few times now, with 100 Termagants, 20 Hormagaunts, 20 Gargoyles, big mama Tervigon, 2 Neurotyrants, and all the regular Nid stuff like 3 Neurolictors. If you work fast, despite all of the little movement activations, you can make your moves in reasonable time. What I found was my opponents struggling to deal with the mindfuck that is this army. When I can surge move into combat, the opponent needs to understand their priorities; which unit to shoot with, which unit to shoot, and the order of shooting can be crucial.

  • @Bluecho4
    @Bluecho4 11 месяцев назад +35

    For those attempting to take a Tyranid horde army to a tournament: movement trays are your friend!👍

  • @Darkside-pc8qo
    @Darkside-pc8qo 11 месяцев назад +21

    Get them my pretty’s

  • @GregAtlas
    @GregAtlas 11 месяцев назад +14

    I've been watching a guy run a similar style swarm guard list, but they get the benefit of special weapons. Over 240 bodies on the field and a few of the squads are pretty tough and end up getting revived and deep strike behind the enemy lines. Without enough blast weapons, the objectives become overrun with bodies and even if you mow them down with regular fire, it's not enough to regain control. It's fun to watch, but dang it looks annoying to deal with and is affecting the options I'm setting up for my lists.

    • @TerraFindleMan
      @TerraFindleMan 10 месяцев назад

      Honestly it's nice to finally see large armies in play and not every shop overrun with knight players. My shop has 2 knight players and a demon player. All 3 suck to play against.

  • @henryblackburn3856
    @henryblackburn3856 11 месяцев назад +9

    @Auspex Tactics, I love your analysis of the changing tournament metas. But, have you considered a look at what rules GTs/tournaments use that are different or in addition to the Leviathan Mission Pack? To show how tournament play may be different from casual play groups using the same pack?
    - No first floor windows
    - Chess clocks
    - Common TO rules decisions

    • @Drakio95
      @Drakio95 11 месяцев назад

      Oh I second that. Great idea :)

  • @Ezio8782
    @Ezio8782 11 месяцев назад +7

    It could be just me, but i like bringing in Genestealers and a Broodlord with my lists, so the Relentless Hunger has been very useful to get them either right into Melee turn one, or definitely have the threat of them being that close a good distraction.

    • @viktorgabriel2554
      @viktorgabriel2554 11 месяцев назад +2

      that is kinda the sad part that the Enhancments dont actually help Endless hordes i wish we had a Tyranid prime that could lead hordes like how SM have a thousand lieutenants why cant we get 2

    • @scolack123
      @scolack123 11 месяцев назад +2

      Some form of leader that can attach to hormagants and stuff
      Or if the enhancement was an aura effect

    • @leSmokySmoke
      @leSmokySmoke 11 месяцев назад

      I think one or two units of genestealer are quite good in vanguard for sure. swarm Im not so sure about though

  • @crazyshak4827
    @crazyshak4827 11 месяцев назад +4

    This is the reason my Tesla Immortals with Plasmancer are still in my tournament list. Yes, vehicles are still the big problem to tech for, but if you come up against this, GSC, or Guard, you need to be able to churn through a bunch of bodies in short order

  • @noprobllama9747
    @noprobllama9747 11 месяцев назад +21

    The swarm horde is how Tyranids operate in my narrative view anyway so this is great.

    • @BattleBrotherCasten
      @BattleBrotherCasten 4 месяца назад

      This is how they are in the idk why you said "operate in MY narrative view" no like this is the narrative.

  • @philurbaniak1811
    @philurbaniak1811 11 месяцев назад +2

    👍👍 this is why I've been retooling my Termagants as pseudo melee troops using Spinefists. It means I can still build for melee swarms but I can use Tervigon perks and Unending Swarm together 👍

  • @fromnothingtoeverything1419
    @fromnothingtoeverything1419 6 месяцев назад +1

    I just baught a bunch of nids. Got 120 total haunts and gargoyles I dread the painting but can't wait to run these!

  • @alecryan5962
    @alecryan5962 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for covering this! I always liked this style of Nids

  • @martincampbell4211
    @martincampbell4211 11 месяцев назад +4

    Now we just need the ork codex for a horde vs horde game

    • @Bluecho4
      @Bluecho4 11 месяцев назад +5

      Bring Imperial Guard along, and you'd have a reprisal of the Octarius War right there. Horde v Horde v Horde.

  • @iandestroyerofworlds576
    @iandestroyerofworlds576 11 месяцев назад +1

    I played against a similar list in MiGT Last weekend. I messed up two things. Not falling back my hellblasters by mistake and also not finishing off gargoyles that I thought I wiped out, 1 was alive. Lost by a handful of points that was an easy matchup for my Dark Angels list. -_- This detachment gives no mercy to mistakes.

  • @coltonlong7562
    @coltonlong7562 11 месяцев назад +3

    If you play this, PLEASE, PLEASE use movement trays. We had a guy bring 260 gaunts to an RTT yesterday without movement trays, and his first 2 games timed out at turn 3 (always to his benefit) and he had multiple arguments, it was just a pain for everyone. Luckily I didn't have to deal with him but he was against 2 new players and only lost his last one because he got an experienced opponent who immediately whipped out a chess clock. Don't be that guy.

  • @nathanaelmcmahan872
    @nathanaelmcmahan872 11 месяцев назад +2

    I've always hated chess clocks, but guess were gonna have to use them so we can get past round 2 in a tournament.

  • @skilledwarman
    @skilledwarman 11 месяцев назад +2

    Is it weird to say this sounds like a really fun list to play against? Like, even if I lose it sounds like it would be really fun to try and just survive the horde

  • @equos5060
    @equos5060 11 месяцев назад +1

    That's good. I'm building my army exactly with this detachment in mind

  • @ignis2638
    @ignis2638 7 месяцев назад +1

    Finally a build to end my little brother's ego and his orcs

  • @chrisbingley
    @chrisbingley 11 месяцев назад +2

    Armies like this are why I feel that missile launchers are under-rated. You've got frag with blast for hordes, and krak with high strength and damage for monsters/vehicles.

    • @MrAchilleez
      @MrAchilleez 7 месяцев назад

      True! But this detachment has a stratagem that makes blast ineffective…if the nids can spare the CP anyway

  • @johanjohannesson4746
    @johanjohannesson4746 11 месяцев назад +1

    One reason this is so good is because all lists are geared towards anti tank and very few bring actual anti-horde units. Those bright lances are not going to cut it against 120 termagaunts.

  • @AShieldOfMeat
    @AShieldOfMeat 11 месяцев назад +1

    I really feel like the Detachment ability should have been on Crusher Stampede (if it is to exist), purely for physical gameplay reasons.

  • @JulieanGalak
    @JulieanGalak 11 месяцев назад +1

    This require painting SO MANY minis....that's the main thing I have against it. :). Otherwise, thematically, I think this is a really cool detachment

  • @masterseckstudios8435
    @masterseckstudios8435 10 месяцев назад +1

    Are there streams of any of Brodie's games? I'm curious how he manages time with so many models.

  • @Chodor101
    @Chodor101 11 месяцев назад +1

    On one hand this is lore friendly list, on the other it requires assembling, painting and transporting 166 models, which then need to be placed on the board, and if you go first you need to measure distances for each one while it's moving, then in enemy turn each that survives moves even more...
    I'd surrender on the spot, nobody has the time for that

  • @XealotCoils
    @XealotCoils 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hey look! They made a skew list into a detachment!

  • @DamienJones77
    @DamienJones77 11 месяцев назад

    I swear I killed the same 20-bug squad of hormogaunts three times over in a game over the weekend. They came back twice and made the 9" charge both times. Damn fun game, in the end, but they were relentless.

  • @rellikskuppin7417
    @rellikskuppin7417 11 месяцев назад +2

    Ah ha ha, the only style of tyranids I am really here for 😎

  • @colouredIncognito
    @colouredIncognito 11 месяцев назад

    One of my friends plays this a lot. Man those games vs my sisters are fun!

  • @TheBestPrimarch
    @TheBestPrimarch 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great videos as always!

  • @kurt8655
    @kurt8655 11 месяцев назад +1

    I ran it with 6x20 Gants 3x10 g stealers 2 tervs and 3 broodloards
    It was fun and strong. Didn't kill much but got all the points lol

  • @TheSilverDragon1
    @TheSilverDragon1 11 месяцев назад +1

    Has someone who has a hood mix of unit types, I cant use any of these detachments. I have like 40 swarm modes, two monsters, the lictors from the 10th box. Maybe in 1k games, but I would need to double the units I have to make them worth using over the index detachment.

  • @TheBluBrawler
    @TheBluBrawler 11 месяцев назад

    neurolictors +1 to wound roll will come in handy for swarms

  • @ridingwarthogs3244
    @ridingwarthogs3244 11 месяцев назад +1

    1 minute, damn. Last time i was this early it was 3rd edition

  • @Omalley69
    @Omalley69 10 месяцев назад

    Been doing great with the unending backpain. Though ive now gone over to 3 exocrines and 2 maleceptors to rip objectives of tough units.

  • @Trazynn
    @Trazynn 11 месяцев назад +1

    Good for GW's quarterly earnings report.

  • @adrik88cc
    @adrik88cc 10 месяцев назад

    Hi, I started with Tyranids in the edition. I was looking for some information about the army and I found your channel and it's so great. Will you do videos on the others detachments? I could only seen three of them. I'll expect the others, expecially Invasion Fleet and Vanguard.

  • @fkaroundhandleit
    @fkaroundhandleit 11 месяцев назад

    I've been waiting for this video ! I really like horde nids !

  • @357Dejavu
    @357Dejavu 11 месяцев назад +2

    Not my favorite army but very good information!

  • @alixcod96
    @alixcod96 4 месяца назад

    Why the use of Neurotyrant if nothing can be attached to him? ( no neurogaunts lr tyrant ward in the list)

  • @NecroGoblin-yl2fx
    @NecroGoblin-yl2fx 11 месяцев назад +2

    this detachment is good only because of its stratagems, the Detachment rule is bad.
    you have to lose 1+ models of an unending swarm unit for it to work, and not every unit would want to get up in the face of the opponent.

  • @dariostabletopminatures
    @dariostabletopminatures 2 месяца назад


  • @viktorgabriel2554
    @viktorgabriel2554 11 месяцев назад

    the only issue is how mhe their character upgrades are since they dont actually help horde critters other then Neurogaunts and Gargoyels the two you dont actually want to give the buffs really i do love playing it and its a blast to force your opponent to wipe out your list twice over and still win

  • @Deanbeyers1984
    @Deanbeyers1984 10 месяцев назад

    I’m new and wish I understood what you guys are talking about. Still painting my alien insect mewtwos and reading the rules. Any tips?

  • @DMDuncan37
    @DMDuncan37 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you.
    Based on the Leviathan box or x2, what is the best detachment to use the maximum number of miniatures ?
    Unending Swarm is good ?

  • @diditokatena6350
    @diditokatena6350 10 месяцев назад

    13:31 если у Термагаунтов " ракетная установка" в ззакачке то смысл от Барбагаунтов с "ракетным оружеем" есть ТТХ профиля один и тот же?

  • @dominiquegagnon5264
    @dominiquegagnon5264 11 месяцев назад

    My app says tervigon is 220 points and not 190 ... is that normal ?

  • @SethVanSythe
    @SethVanSythe 11 месяцев назад +2

    Who knows What's the difference between a tournament and a Grand Tournament ?

    • @guiye200188
      @guiye200188 11 месяцев назад +6

      Tournament, one day event, GW scenery or other, 3 games with 10 to 40 (or more) players.
      Grand Tournament, 3 days event, WTC or any kind of competitive scenery rules, 5-7 (or even 8 games) with +50 players (a good one around 200).

    • @philurbaniak1811
      @philurbaniak1811 11 месяцев назад +3

      👍👍 ​@@guiye200188and I was just going to say "bigger hats" 👍😅!

  • @nolanswanlund3096
    @nolanswanlund3096 10 месяцев назад

    The list seems great, I just think the whole thing plays better as invasion?

  • @ernstbergerbrent
    @ernstbergerbrent 11 месяцев назад

    Time management is the biggest constraint with hoards. Running 100+ gaunts takes forever to move, shoot, and fight.

  • @LordAlanon
    @LordAlanon 11 месяцев назад +6

    The enhancements really need help in this detachment. Nids in general need better character leaders. The detachment is really good for battle-line units but terrible for everything else. No direct bonuses to things other than gants.

  • @Dasacht095
    @Dasacht095 11 месяцев назад

    Id love to fight this with my firestorm assault detach

  • @kevinmack5618
    @kevinmack5618 11 месяцев назад +1

    Stop me if I'm wrong but the enhancments can be given to any tyranid character so could give the +2 mv to a broodlord leading a squad of genestealers?

    • @CrabDip37
      @CrabDip37 11 месяцев назад

      Genestealers do not have the EM keyword. In your hypothetical, only the broodlord would gain the movement benefit.

  • @johntrotter7372
    @johntrotter7372 11 месяцев назад

    40k players seem to be a bit biased against playing objectives vs just massive attrition. But I do remember entire editions where that was the only viable playstyle.

  • @ThijsSchrijnemakers
    @ThijsSchrijnemakers 11 месяцев назад


  • @thegorefatherdonkhorneleon5159
    @thegorefatherdonkhorneleon5159 11 месяцев назад

    I picked it when codex first dropped. Its the one i dread the most. If you cant destroy enough you will get roadblocked and be unable to earn VPs.

  • @AlainPilon
    @AlainPilon 10 месяцев назад

    I think you totally miss the mark here by saying the detachment rule is sub par and the strat are the main focus. The reality is totally the opposite! Only the 5+ crit strat is usefull and maybe the unit respawn. The goal of the army is to move forward and prevent the enemy to shoot you and score primaries.

  • @leSmokySmoke
    @leSmokySmoke 11 месяцев назад

    ofcourse they are strong. Told everyone from the start. how can your opponent play the game when they cant even move a single model the entire game because they are always trapped in combat of waves after waves of little zergs AND they have at least one trick that works and kill at least one important unit of the enemy if it doesnt have a 2+ save.
    sadly though I think they turned out a bit too good now.. I was hoping I can keep them secret fyling a bit under the radar given swarms history.

  • @RSBurgener
    @RSBurgener 11 месяцев назад +1

    I don't think they want to tangle with my 20 man Crusader Squad. This is a good reason to take a couple of Pyre Blasters.

    • @Calvin_Coolage
      @Calvin_Coolage 11 месяцев назад +1

      Hell you could cut out middle man and just run Infernus squads. Pyrestorm Marines versus an Unending Swarm army would be a very fun battle report.

    • @RSBurgener
      @RSBurgener 11 месяцев назад

      @@Calvin_Coolage agreed. I am trying to figure out if I can use the firestorm with my Templars (units I have). I didn't get the Infernus Marines, but I may at some point if the detachment works out.

    • @Calvin_Coolage
      @Calvin_Coolage 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@RSBurgener That's what I've been trying to figure out as I build my first Black Templar army. I wanna say you can use their exclusive units as long as you're playing in their exclusive detachment, but I don't know for sure.

    • @RSBurgener
      @RSBurgener 11 месяцев назад

      @@Calvin_Coolage I guess the terms now are "codex" and "divergent". The divergent can use the codex detachments but the codex chapters can't use the divergent. It's a weird time! The only issue I see with Templars running Firestorm is that most of what we collect are melee units. Melee is a bit weaker in 10th and I don't think Firestorm buffs melee much, if at all. Maybe the +3 strength enhancement, but for the most part you have to figure out how to get it somewhere else. That or bring more shooting than you normally would with Templars. Infernus Marines would definitely be my first choice, maybe Eradicators.

    • @Calvin_Coolage
      @Calvin_Coolage 11 месяцев назад

      @@RSBurgener Yeah I feel flamer and melta units are given. Maybe use them to soften up tougher units before the melee rolls in? I dunno.

  • @Damnedlegion40k
    @Damnedlegion40k 11 месяцев назад

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  • @Silverdragon83X
    @Silverdragon83X 11 месяцев назад

    Even if massive Hordes were good in the game, you have to actually move all of them. In competetive games, as enemy I would always demand a chess clock...

  • @beartygerevillaugh9418
    @beartygerevillaugh9418 11 месяцев назад +1

    Broken and needs a nerf