Your imagery of pressure change invokes the sensations of weathering the storm of self to find balance in the forces destined to change. Gil, thanks for the uplift as always!
@GilHedley I’ve been enjoying your anatomy videos and discussions. They resonate and as an Alexander Technique teacher and avid ballroom dancer I’m finding the way you teach is very accessible. I’m ballroom we speak of the center of gravity and center of levity in the body. I love the idea that the interplay of pressures being in balance creates a sense of lightness. I’ve felt and seen this through AT and also experienced a sense of fluidity and verticality through Rolfing. Personally, I’ve never experienced a sense that the earth pushes me up. I do sense an internal sense of lightness and a connectedness from the ground going up. Mostly what o loved about this video is the mental image picture I now have of the balance of viscera going up and the diaphragm keeping them from going too high. Just the thought beings lightness.
I have had this question of 'how do the organs stay in place' for a long time. And levity makes SO much more sense than "it's the fascial connections in the organs that hold everything up" which is what you find in the books and any search on 'how do the organs stay held up in our body.' Thank you for bringing a fresh perspective to anatomy!!
Thank you my friend! For folks who don't know Marty Ryan of LoveYourGutsSeminars, you should look into his amazing offerings, he is an expert in the viscera and has a great deal to offer on matters of therapeutic interventions regarding them!
Thanks Gil! Love your work!! I’m an acupuncturist/anatomist… I refer my patients to you videos for education. It’s also interesting to compare Western physiological theory and practice with Chinese Medicine and Chinese Internal Martial Arts
It may help to put the Ida Rolf quote "Gravity is the Therapist" in the context of the entire paragraph to understand what she was after: "After all, we claim that we don't want to take on people who are not going to have at least 10 hours because we want to establish an essential verticality. Basically, we feel ourselves not therapists. We feel that we are teachers. And my expression of this is that we are not therapists under any circumstances.That it is the gravitational field that is the therapist."
Ah yes this is great thank you Ales, I very much appreciate you sharing this quote! I also feel that Dr. Rolf was VERY keen, in the environment of the 1950's, to be accused of practicing medicine without a license etc., give that her contemporary Wilhelm Reich had his books burned by the FDA and was jailed for selling "medical devices" (his orgone accumulator) across state lines. That was a cautionary tale for innovators in care at that time of which she was no doubt painfully aware and mindful of, thus her disclaimer as to being a therapist of any kind, and instead an educator.
@@gilhedley449 I think that's one part. The other consists of an appeal towards the humility of the practitioner. The practitioner doesn't 'heal'. The practitioner opens the possibility for gravity to act on the client's system in such a way that the overall structure improves and the symptoms usually either disappear or are greatly reduced. The practitioner acts more like a 'mid-wife'. The client's system has all the information already, nothing is added, only uncovered and made possible. To use a gardening analogy - get rid of some of the weeds so that the flowers can grow.
Thank you for this lesson Gil! As a student midwife and long time lover of the childbearing year I have seen this posture mentality you speak of, postpartum people feeling heavy with the weight of milk and new parenthood and the mind body connection there. This is such an amazing integration of your years of study and deep passion, love it!
Bam-I have read Ida Rolf's book -your work which is brilliant supports her premise of 90 degree thrust. But, I also, like that you aren't talking about rigidity…but balance. There is a ton of information on your site…and I appreciate being able to dive deep.
Wonderful and clear explanations with your very much appreciated vibrancy! This info will be added to my next course when I get to the "Gravity is the therapist" discussion! What say you about prolapsed viscera? Pressure differentials out of whack with gravity, likely?
Well that is certainly one possibility BetsyAnn, pressure differentials out of whack can be at work in the case of prolapse, though there is rarely a single "cause," given the multiple factors at play. It is of course also possible for their to be tissue damage or excessive laxity in ligamentous and muscular structures as well. I lean towards hope for full recovery when the multiple factors that can be contributing are addressed!
@@gilhedley449 Yup! Makes sense to me, though people often don't like the multi-factorial explanation...To those, I like to talk about it as a process, one thing leading to another. It seems more digestible to folks, allowing those different issues to be addressed as the person recognizes the different stuff ! Btw: missed your physical presence at the Montreal FRC!
Gil, could it be that gravity plays a role in the the pressure differential being what it is among the three visceral spaces? If so then the downward effects of gravity could be correlated with the upward gradient pressures of the visceral spaces.
Fabulous Thank you , Gil I am telling all my friends and acquaintances about you, esp healers and body workers LOVE yr videos. One day, when I know that I can dedicate the co contraption, I'll sign up for deeper exploration. But not in the summer hols as a single parent with a fabulous , and rather lonely and intelligent , young girl/ woman to keep occupied
Gil! What an much needed and appreciated description of gravity and levity in the human body! Question; what might be the effect of gravity and levity in the CNS, brain and spinal cord with respect to someone who has scoliosis, dislocated pelvis, shorter on one side than the other-leg length discrepancies and other skeletal deformities? Also, I ask, because of the severe nerve and spinal cord, even paralysis that occurs with such twisting. I found out that I was an actual anti-gravity experiment while serving in the USAF ,whereby my ligaments and tendons were targeted by an inhaled potentially embedded form of radiation that targets the genetic expression of ligaments and tendons and I have suffered beyond imagination now with deterioration from osteonecrosis. The manual removal of air pressure by another person along my para-spinals must be performed to prevent an airtight situation such as swallowing and more. Literally, air pressure is being locked -in and can only be released through manual pressure of the spine. I have nothing against gravity to function. I can be horizontal on a supportive mattress and rotate my arms and hands to assist with some of the build -up in pressure. What interesting ideas might you entertain to achieve some quality of movement of the air pressure with more levity or electro-magnetic correspondence if this was you? Thank You.
Wow what a great and distressing challenge you are facing, thank you for sharing your experience in this thread. I am not even slightly qualified to chime in on these complex medical circumstances. Your condition sounds wickedly exhausting, you sound to me to be incredibly courageous, I am filled with respect for you, and I am praying for your relief and envisioning a more easy experience of wholeness for you in this moment. I am of a belief that anything can be healed, and that we can literally replace the patterns our bodies are holding/enduring with new patterns, and that we need not lock our minds into any paradigm or experience, regardless of the seeming intransigence of circumstance or etiology, because energy patterns are prior to the physical, and those physical patterns can be changed with new energy patterns, and those energy patterns are subject to the power of thought, and they can be reprogrammed to express differently, regardless of what triggered them in the current direction. If your pattern could be disrupted by an experiment, perhaps another experiment, one with a much more wholesome intention of your own design, can disrupt that aberrant pattern introduced during your USAF service. I am no expert in these matters, simply a fellow traveller and chronic optimist! There are folks who are expert in such transformations however, and I would encourage you to look up the videos here on RUclips of stories of transformations of people doing the work taught by Joe Dispenza from some really difficult physical challenges who overcame them, including hard core genetic issues like cystic fibrosis (видео.html ) , etc. As for the absolutely immediate circumstance of pressure buildup, I am wondering if you get any relief from or have tried a flotation tanks or pools (with adequate support to assure your safety)? Not a long term solution of course, for that I would turn to the work above mentioned, but mini vacations from chronic distress like a float could create windows of relief for your mind to conjure new possibilities. Conjuring a vision of a beautiful future for you here!
What a gift, Gil, your insight, perceptions, understanding of intergalactic biophysics of subtle energy into this realm. You are spot on with the flotation in hydrotherapy which I call my levity chamber where thought and re-patterning of my intended conjuring can manifest. I will check out Joe Dispenza and I look forward to enlightening more through your membership program. I appreciate your thoughtful, powerful response!
Hi Gil. Thanks for saying yes to this question. Here goes ... Do the pressure differentials in the abdomino-pelvic cavity play a role in fluid return to the heart or fluid movement against gravity? Specifically, I'm talking about venous return (portal system to the liver + IVC to the heart) + lymphatic fluid return + bile movement from the Sphincter of Oddi to the gallbladder (after leaving the liver) + retrograde menstruation (menstrual blood leaving the uterus via the Fallopian tubes, not the cervix). I definitely get the idea that smooth muscle contracture helps move fluid through tubes against gravity + the vacuum created by the diaphragm on each breath also helps. My own best guess is that these pressure differentials must also contribute. I would love to hear your thoughts or anyone else in the Integral Anatomy community about this idea.
Hi Marty! I would answer absolutely yes! The fluids are literally being "sucked" into the low pressure zone of the chest, as well as the chambers of the heart, where the spinning contraction and ejection of the blood from the ventricles pulls as well. So both the lungs and the heart are rhythmically drawing blood up the vena cava. With respect to the sphincter of Oddi up the cystic duct, the gall bladder itself as it draws fluid out of the bile generates it's own low pressure zone within the general region of the abdominal space, in addition to the orientation being "up" and towards the thorax, so there are multiple considerations contributing to that~ very fun to think about! The lymphatics are definitely facilitated by this as well, clear to the tippy top of the thorax where the thoracic duct dumps into the left subclavian vein, so that it also jumps in on the low pressure zone of the right atrium in addition to that of the thorax in general. Your questions are prompting me to consider these zones within zones and I'm loving it :) As for retrograde menstruation, that is super interesting (with all due respect to the distresses concomitant to it)~ The pelvic pressure relative to the atmosphere is higher than that of the abdomen, as mentioned in the video. Yet the uterine tubes somehow reverse the gradient as a normal phenomenon, at least when an ovum is released INTO the abdomen from the ovaries, since they are actually situated in the abdominal space. I am not sure if it is always the case during a given cycle that the pressure gradient is reversed, or if it is only during ovulation in order to "capture" the ovum and move it down the uterine tube. If it is a "periodic" gradient reversal, that might account for "reverse menstruation" and even other phenomenon such as endometriosis. Stuff wants to go "up." And somehow nature is able to go against the gradient in this case. And perhaps under some conditions that I do not understand, that capacity to "hold out" and reverse flow against the upward gradient fails, and the laws of physics are given full sway. This could also account for ectopic abdominal pregnancies as well as failure to become pregnant. So much to think about, thank you Marty, I can always count on you to make my brain go into high gear!!
Do the pressure differentials in the abdomino-pelvic cavity play a role in migraines? If caffeine helps people vast-constrict and prevent migraine onset, I am wondering if low tonicity in abdomino-pelvic cavity especially levator ani could mitigate upward force and affect rate/flow of blood (or cerebrospinal fluid) flow to brain?
This is a very interesting question Jenn, deserving of some serious pondering! And on the other side, folks with cluster headaches get relief from vasoconstrictors, opposite of caffeine...may be issues with the carotid plexus as well, and how that relates to pressure differential issues is a deep question, gotta chew on that, thank your for contributing here!
Couldn't we say that levity relates to gravity in the way the sound (or noise) relates to silence? In that we can't have sound without the backdrop of silence that it,in fact, rests upon. With that in mind, we can't have levity without gravity's oposing force to 'push against.' Thoughts?
I say run with any metaphor that gets us enjoying the incredible lightness of being that is our birthright on this spinning planet! Thanks for watching!
Haha yes Donna, well, how about experimenting with postural positions, and noticing how you feel in them, and noticing whether the sense of lift is more facilitated one way or another :) I always struggle with "the dismount" from my videos, we laugh about it as we film them, gotta work on that!
Your understanding of gravity is Newtonian, and therefore incorrect. Einstein's General Relativity shows us that the earth is pushing up under our feet, it is not a force pulling us down. Gravity isn't q force as such, but an effect. Look up the phrase "is gravity a force" here on RUclips and take your pick.
Thank you for the gravity-lesson Adrian, I will look those up! And I'm not convinced either Newton or Einstein have it right to tell you the truth: smart people will inevitably disagree about how to describe complex realities with simple and inadequate words, and folks far less smart than Newton or Einstein like myself will certainly bungle it. I would be willing to toss the word "gravity" altogether and replace it with the interoceptive feeling we have of being pressed down, to which the common-parlance use of the word "gravity" refers, regardless of what is actually happening in terms of old physics, or new physics, or yet to be described physics. Thank you for adding to the thread, I will certainly enjoy expanding my inventory of models for gravity!!
@@gilhedley449 You're right in the sense that we already know that Einstein's General Relativity isn't a complete picture, he's not 100% right, but we also know due to such effects as gravitational lensing of light (plus other features) that the curvature of space-time by massive objects will survive a more complete theory. It's this curvature that leads to the earth actually pushing up under your feet. As counterintuitive as that is.
How does this theory of the Earth pushing up under our feet relate to postural anomalies, Adrian Farrell? We adjust…we are incredible organisms…I like that Dr. Hedley often states this in his dissection work. I have been in debate with Dr. Hedley because he dissed my beloved art, ballet. Dr. Rolf's work which has inspired so many to find alternative methods to help adjust the body, through manual therapy and it has helped millions of folks-I have never been Rolfed, but I have seen practitioners such as Thomas Myers who practice Rolf 2.1 ( a less invasive version of Rolfing-my term)help their clients. Chapter 15 of 'Rolfing' addresses vertical thrust. Would the body not adjust to whatever surface that the human is on? Take a body on a raked stage-after a while, you intuitively get the idea that having your weight aligned forwards is going to challenge you to stay down right upright.. And then as you move up the rake, you intuitively get, 'Uh oh, need a little more 4 wheel drive…' As Gil states, he is using Rolf's thesis relative to Barral's (sic?) theory. I would like to research this as it agrees with my pedagogical teacher's work in teaching ballet. You can find Yoko Ichino on RUclips, as well…she defies gravity but teaches with a substantial emphasis on grounding. I will read Barral so that i can ask more questions of a teacher that humbly states that he isn't a guru but is always learning.
@@MsCathyyo I was just pointing out that that he used a scientifically out dated idea. But to answer your question, for me it's a matter of behaviour, people behave differently if the incorrectly think they're being dragged down.
Your imagery of pressure change invokes the sensations of weathering the storm of self to find balance in the forces destined to change. Gil, thanks for the uplift as always!
Thank you too Gabe, I appreciate the poetry you bring to our threads here!!
@GilHedley I’ve been enjoying your anatomy videos and discussions. They resonate and as an Alexander Technique teacher and avid ballroom dancer I’m finding the way you teach is very accessible. I’m ballroom we speak of the center of gravity and center of levity in the body. I love the idea that the interplay of pressures being in balance creates a sense of lightness. I’ve felt and seen this through AT and also experienced a sense of fluidity and verticality through Rolfing. Personally, I’ve never experienced a sense that the earth pushes me up. I do sense an internal sense of lightness and a connectedness from the ground going up.
Mostly what o loved about this video is the mental image picture I now have of the balance of viscera going up and the diaphragm keeping them from going too high. Just the thought beings lightness.
Wonderful! I appreciate hearing your interesting perspective as a dancer and Alexander teacher Dana!
I have had this question of 'how do the organs stay in place' for a long time. And levity makes SO much more sense than "it's the fascial connections in the organs that hold everything up" which is what you find in the books and any search on 'how do the organs stay held up in our body.' Thank you for bringing a fresh perspective to anatomy!!
Thank you Alison!
I love this discussion. Thank you.
Thank you my friend! For folks who don't know Marty Ryan of LoveYourGutsSeminars, you should look into his amazing offerings, he is an expert in the viscera and has a great deal to offer on matters of therapeutic interventions regarding them!
Thanks Gil! Love your work!! I’m an acupuncturist/anatomist… I refer my patients to you videos for education. It’s also interesting to compare Western physiological theory and practice with Chinese Medicine and Chinese Internal Martial Arts
VERY interesting! The internal martial arts are quite brilliant~
It may help to put the Ida Rolf quote "Gravity is the Therapist" in the context of the entire paragraph to understand what she was after: "After all, we claim that we don't want to take on people who are not going to have at least 10 hours because we want to establish an essential verticality. Basically, we feel ourselves not therapists. We feel that we are teachers. And my expression of this is that we are not therapists under any circumstances.That it is the gravitational field that is the therapist."
Ah yes this is great thank you Ales, I very much appreciate you sharing this quote! I also feel that Dr. Rolf was VERY keen, in the environment of the 1950's, to be accused of practicing medicine without a license etc., give that her contemporary Wilhelm Reich had his books burned by the FDA and was jailed for selling "medical devices" (his orgone accumulator) across state lines. That was a cautionary tale for innovators in care at that time of which she was no doubt painfully aware and mindful of, thus her disclaimer as to being a therapist of any kind, and instead an educator.
@@gilhedley449 I think that's one part. The other consists of an appeal towards the humility of the practitioner. The practitioner doesn't 'heal'. The practitioner opens the possibility for gravity to act on the client's system in such a way that the overall structure improves and the symptoms usually either disappear or are greatly reduced. The practitioner acts more like a 'mid-wife'. The client's system has all the information already, nothing is added, only uncovered and made possible. To use a gardening analogy - get rid of some of the weeds so that the flowers can grow.
Gil, you are an inspirational genius. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, thoughts, ideas, inspiration, and big, beautiful heart. ❤🙏🏻❤
Wow thank you Jule, I appreciate your enthusiasm and kindness!
Such a great video. Thank you Gil
You are most welcome, I appreciate your interest :)
Thank you for this lesson Gil! As a student midwife and long time lover of the childbearing year I have seen this posture mentality you speak of, postpartum people feeling heavy with the weight of milk and new parenthood and the mind body connection there. This is such an amazing integration of your years of study and deep passion, love it!
Thank you so much Willowtree!
Yet another extremely interesting video and teaching - love sharing what I learn from you with my Pilates clients - thank you Gil
Thanks for bringing further out into the world Catherine!
Love this! As usual - it is great! Thank you.
You're welcome Laura, thank you for your dedicated interest!
This is quite stunning information, never really considered pressure differences in the body before!
It is a nice alternative/addition to just considering the bony alignment, and changed my thinking too when I first encountered Barral's work!
Bam-I have read Ida Rolf's book -your work which is brilliant supports her premise of 90 degree thrust. But, I also, like that you aren't talking about rigidity…but balance.
There is a ton of information on your site…and I appreciate being able to dive deep.
Thank you Catherine! Loving the deep diving too!
We call levity pranavayu and gravity apanavayu in yoga. We have 5 different vayus = winds in the human existence sail with strength and ease.
How cool is that, thank you Alina!
Wonderful and clear explanations with your very much appreciated vibrancy! This info will be added to my next course when I get to the "Gravity is the therapist" discussion! What say you about prolapsed viscera? Pressure differentials out of whack with gravity, likely?
Well that is certainly one possibility BetsyAnn, pressure differentials out of whack can be at work in the case of prolapse, though there is rarely a single "cause," given the multiple factors at play. It is of course also possible for their to be tissue damage or excessive laxity in ligamentous and muscular structures as well. I lean towards hope for full recovery when the multiple factors that can be contributing are addressed!
@@gilhedley449 Yup! Makes sense to me, though people often don't like the multi-factorial explanation...To those, I like to talk about it as a process, one thing leading to another. It seems more digestible to folks, allowing those different issues to be addressed as the person recognizes the different stuff ! Btw: missed your physical presence at the Montreal FRC!
Thank you very much for this sharing. I learned so much😀😍
Thanks for watching Katy!
Gil, could it be that gravity plays a role in the the pressure differential being what it is among the three visceral spaces? If so then the downward effects of gravity could be correlated with the upward gradient pressures of the visceral spaces.
Yes that sounds very plausible Grant, thank you!
Thank you , Gil
I am telling all my friends and acquaintances about you, esp healers and body workers
LOVE yr videos.
One day, when I know that I can dedicate the co contraption, I'll sign up for deeper exploration.
But not in the summer hols as a single parent with a fabulous , and rather lonely and intelligent , young girl/ woman to keep occupied
Thank you for watching and sharing Virginia, I'm glad the content I share is worthwhile to you!!
Thank you Gil😊
You're welcome Angel, thanks for watching!
@@somanaut 🌞
Love it soooo much thanks Gil
You're very welcome Chika!
Gil! What an much needed and appreciated description of gravity and levity in the human body! Question; what might be the effect of gravity and levity in the CNS, brain and spinal cord with respect to someone who has scoliosis, dislocated pelvis, shorter on one side than the other-leg length discrepancies and other skeletal deformities? Also, I ask, because of the severe nerve and spinal cord, even paralysis that occurs with such twisting. I found out that I was an actual anti-gravity experiment while serving in the USAF ,whereby my ligaments and tendons were targeted by an inhaled potentially embedded form of radiation that targets the genetic expression of ligaments and tendons and I have suffered beyond imagination now with deterioration from osteonecrosis. The manual removal of air pressure by another person along my para-spinals must be performed to prevent an airtight situation such as swallowing and more. Literally, air pressure is being locked -in and can only be released through manual pressure of the spine. I have nothing against gravity to function. I can be horizontal on a supportive mattress and rotate my arms and hands to assist with some of the build -up in pressure. What interesting ideas might you entertain to achieve some quality of movement of the air pressure with more levity or electro-magnetic correspondence if this was you? Thank You.
Wow what a great and distressing challenge you are facing, thank you for sharing your experience in this thread. I am not even slightly qualified to chime in on these complex medical circumstances. Your condition sounds wickedly exhausting, you sound to me to be incredibly courageous, I am filled with respect for you, and I am praying for your relief and envisioning a more easy experience of wholeness for you in this moment. I am of a belief that anything can be healed, and that we can literally replace the patterns our bodies are holding/enduring with new patterns, and that we need not lock our minds into any paradigm or experience, regardless of the seeming intransigence of circumstance or etiology, because energy patterns are prior to the physical, and those physical patterns can be changed with new energy patterns, and those energy patterns are subject to the power of thought, and they can be reprogrammed to express differently, regardless of what triggered them in the current direction. If your pattern could be disrupted by an experiment, perhaps another experiment, one with a much more wholesome intention of your own design, can disrupt that aberrant pattern introduced during your USAF service. I am no expert in these matters, simply a fellow traveller and chronic optimist! There are folks who are expert in such transformations however, and I would encourage you to look up the videos here on RUclips of stories of transformations of people doing the work taught by Joe Dispenza from some really difficult physical challenges who overcame them, including hard core genetic issues like cystic fibrosis (видео.html ) , etc. As for the absolutely immediate circumstance of pressure buildup, I am wondering if you get any relief from or have tried a flotation tanks or pools (with adequate support to assure your safety)? Not a long term solution of course, for that I would turn to the work above mentioned, but mini vacations from chronic distress like a float could create windows of relief for your mind to conjure new possibilities. Conjuring a vision of a beautiful future for you here!
What a gift, Gil, your insight, perceptions, understanding of intergalactic biophysics of subtle energy into this realm. You are spot on with the flotation in hydrotherapy which I call my levity chamber where thought and re-patterning of my intended conjuring can manifest. I will check out Joe Dispenza and I look forward to enlightening more through your membership program. I appreciate your thoughtful, powerful response!
"Ask your weatherman." Hilarious
"Keeps your Liver from poppin out ya mouth." You funny :)
Hi Gil. Thanks for saying yes to this question. Here goes ...
Do the pressure differentials in the abdomino-pelvic cavity play a role in fluid return to the heart or fluid movement against gravity? Specifically, I'm talking about venous return (portal system to the liver + IVC to the heart) + lymphatic fluid return + bile movement from the Sphincter of Oddi to the gallbladder (after leaving the liver) + retrograde menstruation (menstrual blood leaving the uterus via the Fallopian tubes, not the cervix).
I definitely get the idea that smooth muscle contracture helps move fluid through tubes against gravity + the vacuum created by the diaphragm on each breath also helps. My own best guess is that these pressure differentials must also contribute. I would love to hear your thoughts or anyone else in the Integral Anatomy community about this idea.
Hi Marty! I would answer absolutely yes! The fluids are literally being "sucked" into the low pressure zone of the chest, as well as the chambers of the heart, where the spinning contraction and ejection of the blood from the ventricles pulls as well. So both the lungs and the heart are rhythmically drawing blood up the vena cava. With respect to the sphincter of Oddi up the cystic duct, the gall bladder itself as it draws fluid out of the bile generates it's own low pressure zone within the general region of the abdominal space, in addition to the orientation being "up" and towards the thorax, so there are multiple considerations contributing to that~ very fun to think about! The lymphatics are definitely facilitated by this as well, clear to the tippy top of the thorax where the thoracic duct dumps into the left subclavian vein, so that it also jumps in on the low pressure zone of the right atrium in addition to that of the thorax in general. Your questions are prompting me to consider these zones within zones and I'm loving it :) As for retrograde menstruation, that is super interesting (with all due respect to the distresses concomitant to it)~ The pelvic pressure relative to the atmosphere is higher than that of the abdomen, as mentioned in the video. Yet the uterine tubes somehow reverse the gradient as a normal phenomenon, at least when an ovum is released INTO the abdomen from the ovaries, since they are actually situated in the abdominal space. I am not sure if it is always the case during a given cycle that the pressure gradient is reversed, or if it is only during ovulation in order to "capture" the ovum and move it down the uterine tube. If it is a "periodic" gradient reversal, that might account for "reverse menstruation" and even other phenomenon such as endometriosis. Stuff wants to go "up." And somehow nature is able to go against the gradient in this case. And perhaps under some conditions that I do not understand, that capacity to "hold out" and reverse flow against the upward gradient fails, and the laws of physics are given full sway. This could also account for ectopic abdominal pregnancies as well as failure to become pregnant. So much to think about, thank you Marty, I can always count on you to make my brain go into high gear!!
@@somanaut ... thanks Gil. That is really great!
Another “info-training” video, Gil! 🙏🏽🧡
amazing video xxxx
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Do the pressure differentials in the abdomino-pelvic cavity play a role in migraines? If caffeine helps people vast-constrict and prevent migraine onset, I am wondering if low tonicity in abdomino-pelvic cavity especially levator ani could mitigate upward force and affect rate/flow of blood (or cerebrospinal fluid) flow to brain?
This is a very interesting question Jenn, deserving of some serious pondering! And on the other side, folks with cluster headaches get relief from vasoconstrictors, opposite of caffeine...may be issues with the carotid plexus as well, and how that relates to pressure differential issues is a deep question, gotta chew on that, thank your for contributing here!
Oo, nice concept for my morning
Thank you Dawn!
Couldn't we say that levity relates to gravity in the way the sound (or noise) relates to silence?
In that we can't have sound without the backdrop of silence that it,in fact, rests upon. With that in mind, we can't have levity without gravity's oposing force to 'push against.' Thoughts?
I say run with any metaphor that gets us enjoying the incredible lightness of being that is our birthright on this spinning planet! Thanks for watching!
wow.....i sm watching again ..fab
Give what a shot? Standing with better posture? I followed you till then!
Haha yes Donna, well, how about experimenting with postural positions, and noticing how you feel in them, and noticing whether the sense of lift is more facilitated one way or another :) I always struggle with "the dismount" from my videos, we laugh about it as we film them, gotta work on that!
From physical perspective.. there were no pressure if gravity wouldn't existed..
Excellent point Jakajajestem, thank you!
Your understanding of gravity is Newtonian, and therefore incorrect.
Einstein's General Relativity shows us that the earth is pushing up under our feet, it is not a force pulling us down. Gravity isn't q force as such, but an effect. Look up the phrase "is gravity a force" here on RUclips and take your pick.
Thank you for the gravity-lesson Adrian, I will look those up! And I'm not convinced either Newton or Einstein have it right to tell you the truth: smart people will inevitably disagree about how to describe complex realities with simple and inadequate words, and folks far less smart than Newton or Einstein like myself will certainly bungle it. I would be willing to toss the word "gravity" altogether and replace it with the interoceptive feeling we have of being pressed down, to which the common-parlance use of the word "gravity" refers, regardless of what is actually happening in terms of old physics, or new physics, or yet to be described physics. Thank you for adding to the thread, I will certainly enjoy expanding my inventory of models for gravity!!
@@gilhedley449 You're right in the sense that we already know that Einstein's General Relativity isn't a complete picture, he's not 100% right, but we also know due to such effects as gravitational lensing of light (plus other features) that the curvature of space-time by massive objects will survive a more complete theory. It's this curvature that leads to the earth actually pushing up under your feet. As counterintuitive as that is.
How does this theory of the Earth pushing up under our feet relate to postural anomalies, Adrian Farrell? We adjust…we are incredible organisms…I like that Dr. Hedley often states this in his dissection work.
I have been in debate with Dr. Hedley because he dissed my beloved art, ballet. Dr. Rolf's work which has inspired so many to find alternative methods to help adjust the body, through manual therapy and it has helped millions of folks-I have never been Rolfed, but I have seen practitioners such as Thomas Myers who practice Rolf 2.1 ( a less invasive version of Rolfing-my term)help their clients. Chapter 15 of 'Rolfing' addresses vertical thrust.
Would the body not adjust to whatever surface that the human is on? Take a body on a raked stage-after a while, you intuitively get the idea that having your weight aligned forwards is going to challenge you to stay down right upright.. And then as you move up the rake, you intuitively get, 'Uh oh, need a little more 4 wheel drive…'
As Gil states, he is using Rolf's thesis relative to Barral's (sic?) theory. I would like to research this as it agrees with my pedagogical teacher's work in teaching ballet. You can find Yoko Ichino on RUclips, as well…she defies gravity but teaches with a substantial emphasis on grounding.
I will read Barral so that i can ask more questions of a teacher that humbly states that he isn't a guru but is always learning.
@@AdrianFarrell Weird, right?!
@@MsCathyyo I was just pointing out that that he used a scientifically out dated idea.
But to answer your question, for me it's a matter of behaviour, people behave differently if the incorrectly think they're being dragged down.