Goran Vranešević | The Politics of Sexual Difference between Spinoza and Hegel

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • The Politics of Sexual Difference between Spinoza and Hegel
    The contribution will deal with a topic of seemingly marginal concern in Spinoza and Hegel: sexual difference. In actuality, this is a fundamental ontological question, since, as Matheron says, “sexuality is no more intended to ensure the perpetuation of the species than eyes are made for seeing or teeth for chewing”. Spinoza's whole disposition of substance and attributes seeks to answer the question of how we can think difference within the absolute and the kind of difference that concerns the absolute. In formulating the sexual difference, we will not follow the justification of the two sexes on the basis of biological determinants or ideal states of masculinity and femininity, but rather think of it as a political problem of the relation between substance and subject.
    Goran Vranešević is Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at the University of Ljubljana. His main areas of research include German Idealism, political philosophy, linguistics, structuralism and psychoanalysis. He has written and taught on topics ranging from aesthetics and cultural theory to classical commentaries on ontological issues and speculations on concepts. He is also a translator of philosophical works, including one of the translators of Hegel's Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences into Slovenian. He is currently co-editing an edited volume on the Idea of the good in Kant and Hegel and preparing a monograph on the concept of speculation.
    The international philosophical conference Between Substance & Subject. The Presence of Spinoza in Hegel (26-28 October 2023, AGRFT, Ljubljana) was organized by the University of Padua and the University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts & Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. The conference was carried out as part of the project Hegel's Political Metaphysics (J6-2590), which is financed by the Slovenian Research Agency and will continue within the framework of the Hegel Congress 2024.
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