God was not afraid that man was going to reach heaven. He"s plan for mankind was always for them to fill the earth. This initiative was in defiance of God's will.
The Hebrew copy of the book of Jubilees, found in the dead sea scrolls, dated to around 150 to 200 BC. It speaks about Nimrod and the tower. I wonder why David Rohl did not use this source, which predated Josephus by almost 300 years.
What? You mean a second- century absurd retelling of Genesis and the first part of Exodus with a bunch of BS and Lies added by the Pharisee Sect of that time? I assure you it never existed before the second century and is not found in any Codex. It only shows up in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible along with several other fake fabricated stories. Even the Russian Biblia the oldest Codex in existence does not contain it.
Sorry but "BC" and "AD" are not correct era markers because it is a Christian-centered system that completely disregards the tens of thousands of years of human history that pre-dated Christianity. The appropriate terms are CE, meaning the "common era," and BCE, meaning "before the common era," which includes all races, ethnicities and cultures, as it should.
@@DesertSkiesAV I’m afraid that’s simply woke BS. CE and BCE are still centred around the birth of Christ. Changing the terminology to remove the reference to Christ for fear of offending non Christians is frankly pathetic. Perhaps we should rename “Thursday” for fear of offending those who don’t worship Thor, the god of thunder?
1:26: 🏰 David Roll, a former musician and music producer, becomes obsessed with ancient history, particularly the Tower of Babel, and sets out to prove its existence. 6:05: 📚 Historian David Roll explores the ancient Egyptian dynasties and delves into the mysteries of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis. 14:13: 🔍 A researcher named Roll is searching for evidence of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis and other ancient texts. 18:40: 🔎 Roll investigates the connection between Nimrod and Enmakar in the context of the Tower of Babel. 25:59: 🏰 David Roll believes he has located the mythical figure who built the Tower of Babel, which he thinks was not in Babylon but in Mecca. 32:01: 🏛 The remains of the Tower of Babel may have been found at the ancient city of Eridu in Mesopotamia. 37:57: 🗼 X suspects that the structure at eridu is the Tower of Babel and wonders if the confusion of languages could have been caused by immigration. Recap by Tammy AI
Thing is the Tower of Babel is a megalithic Nikola Tesla Wardenclyff Tower weapon to end all wars a multifunctional resonant free energy power plant they were building to wage war according to the Apocryphal Book of Yashar 9. The Apocrypha provides additional information regarding the Sin of the Watchers and connection to Ham stealing the Garments of Adam and Eve on the Ark passed down to the 18' Canaanite Nimrod/Gilgamesh. This revisionist history video neglect the fact the Bible unfolds in the east Adomi and Chaavah were melanated, Noah was albino Shem was created dark and comely given the inhabitable earth and Canaan stole Palestine aka Philistine aka Philistim ie Invaders. Caucasians are offspring of the progenitor of Eurasians Japheth, Ham is the progenitor of the dark races but not the negro. All ancient civilizations were black civilizations including Rome and Hebrew Levites ruled during the Byzantine Hasmonean Dynasty black royalty Yahudi ruled Europe through the Dark Ages conquered Spain alongside Blackamoors reigned 700 years.
Esimene Moosese raamat6:Aadama järeltulijad 1 Ja kui inimesi hakkas maa peal palju saama ja neile sündis tütreid, 2 siis nägid Jumala pojad, et inimeste tütred olid ilusad, ja nad võtsid enestele naisi kõigist neist, keda nad välja valisid. 3 Aga Issand ütles: „Minu Vaim ei pea igavesti jääma inimesse, sest ta on ikkagi ainult liha. Olgu ta elupäevi sada kakskümmend aastat!” 4 Sel ajal, ja veel pärastpoolegi, kui Jumala pojad heitsid inimeste tütarde juurde ja need neile lapsi ilmale tõid, olid hiiglased maa peal: needsamad vägimehed, kes muistsest ajast on kuulsad mehed. Jeesus Siirak 16:7 Jumal ei andestanud muistsetele hiiglastele, kes oma vägevuses temast taganesid. Neljas Moosese raamat13:33 Me nägime seal hiiglasi, Anaki poegi hiiglaste soost: me olime iseendi silmis nagu rohutirtsud ja samasugused olime meie ka nende silmis.” Baaruk 3: 26 Seal sündisid hiiglased, kuulsad muistsest ajast, pikakasvulised sõjakangelased. 27 Neid aga Jumal ei valinud ega andnud neile tarkuse teed. 28 Nad hukkusid, sest neil ei olnud tarkust, hukkusid rumaluse pärast.
We treat the Bible differently than historical text because it’s the Word of God, not the word of man. God spoke and man wrote, simple as that. These stories aren’t just stories they are fact and can’t be disproven. None of it, in fact the opposite is true. The more time goes by, the more evidence of the Bible being fact. History is His-story written to us.
Genesis 11 1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
When we come to the names of these Kings, they often time had more than one name and sometimes they favored one name above the other, as to where the public may have favored another. This is where it can be difficult to find records of certain kings. Also the fact that one tribal people call the Kings name in their language by what that name means, rather than the local language. So, it could be that Nimrod is mentioned in archeology, but we do not recognize or know the other names by which he was called.
In the context that there was a flood, supposedly everyone spoke the same language, Noah’s family survived, yet somehow there were more people because his sons had a multitude of children. There is this character in the Bible called Peleg (king James) Peleg;for when the earth was divided. Phalek was the last descendant of the Shemites(Shem) before the Tower of Babel was built, also, Peleg indicates the earth was divided referencing two sides of the river. Peleg and his brother were related to Ishmael. I think those two places are still divided. The Bible is true. If you can figure it out.
Love this take on it. To a degree the internet, social media at least, is at many times a “fools errand.” It breeds conflict by design. Not in line with human nature and does not account for what is actually the most healthy or necessary for humans growth. The very real truth may be that technology is good, but social media and the internet is not in fact “technology”… it’s just a vice or addiction.
If God gave mankind different "Languages" to confuse their speech what was the original language everyone spoke to communicate? And who taught mankind this language? Also if God is omnipotent all seeing all knowing how could he not know what mankind was up to when they started building this tower?
He did. This existence is like a movie/DVD it is a plan of salvation in which the higher being is creating beings to be with him in his plane of existence. Just like a movie has a beginning middle and end and good guys and bad guys and the movie has time in itself which is different from the time that the person viewing the movie is living in.
Hebrew, in its original form, most likely. Where is states, God came down to see, just means He showed up, officially. Of course He already knew what was happening.
Hi everyone... this is a touch random, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name of the either the actual painting or the artist of the painting of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden shown in the documentary? I can't find a reference for it, despite searching several different articles. My point of interest is the black and white dog depicted sitting between Adam and Eve. There is a fox snarling up at the dog. If anyone has any thoughts on the significance or possible meaning of their inclusion in the painting, or any suggestions on where I could get some more information, could you please share your ideas? Thankyou 😀
Same force, One is wild, the other has been domesticated, and controlled by the spiritual mind. The spirit must triumph over, and control the forces within the human mind and body. It's sometimes a wolf, and a dog.
Makes a lot of sense. The Bible says that human beings were technologically advanced and after the disruption, they did not lose the knowledge, but they just separated due to language differences. Isn't that enough explanation of how we ended up having pyramids in virtually all continents? The Tower appears to be a pyramid especially those found in South America and Southeast Asia.
Outstanding research!? Looking through biblical texts is not research. The bible is *not* a history book, it's an ancient storybook *full* of fables, mythology and moralism and ethics. It's *not* supposed to read literally either, it's to be read *allegoricaly.*
@@amodernalchemist432 The Bible addresses allegories. Allegories in scripture are based on real people and things, that's what makes it the word of God: Gal.4 [24] Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.
@@paulasurf3830 it's not a point of view nor is it my personal opinion. It's literally the *truth!* From one human to another, I do not have *one* reason to lie to you, Paula. But religions have *every* reason to lie to you. Christianity teaches us that Satan and/or Lucifer is the deceiver but it's actually *religion* who *does the deceiving!!*
Nimrod created a parallel religion, an alternative Reality and a new civilisation. Hence he became the sworn enemy of Yahweh and he's depicted as an anti Hero in the old testament.
absolutely IN-correct. The Word of God is not myth or fantasy, my goodness, no wonder man is continually lost, without trust in God's word, the search will never, ever end.
I agree. Some historians are coming up with so many different interpretations based only on their beliefs and not on the word of GOD. The Bible is not as complicated as it is to be understood when GOD allows it to be understood. I pray that with wisdom, knowledge, discernment from the Holy Spirit many will understand the word of GOD clearly and correctly.
The word of God? Every man, woman and child has their own pipeline to God so there was and will never be a consensus of the who, what, where, when and why of God unless you get some autocrat imposing their own views on their subjects. I'm just waiting for some scholar to write a book on the myths of God as clearly our understanding of deity changes through time. .
@@jasonhiggins6236 I like the KJV Bible but I read more than just the bible. God says to search and ye shall find and keep that which is good. His Word gets through no matter what. Have faith in Him. 😊
@@hannacarter1352 the king James being written in mostly old English gives people more room for modern interpretation in all honesty.. this is because the meanings of words change with time... People capitalize on others ignorance and I can't stand to see it and not call it .
Just be a "good" person all the time.. say what it is right and stand by truth .. remain unbiased.. be humble and kind, try to relate to people.. regardless of any creator. admit when you're not sure and learn from mistakes... It doesn't take Muhammad, Jesus , Zeus, Thoth or anyone else to be a good person and be happy. All love
Their ancestors were also shocked. First there were these works, then humans came.Of course, everything is similar to these in Iran. Most of them destroyed England and France
If he was serious about the Sumerian language, he should have contacted Dr Irving Finkel, the greatest scholar of cuneiform and Sumer and Eridu. In fact, Finkel was so concerned about the special kind of boat used in Mesopotamia, he worked on a great doco about it. That boat looked just like the one on Rohl's painting of Eridu-Sumer. But the boat was made in India.
Mr. Rohl I think you are correct 💯 congratulations but bible it's not just a story. But congratulations I believe your work pays off you are the closest that I have seen. Keep up the great work Sir.
@@batboylivesexactly. Scribes counted words, checking their copies. They were called “skilled copyists” for a reason. Actually very few errors are found, and do not change the meaning.
How? Building a tower to the heavens (heavens could be just the sky, beyond the clouds, and where God is now, Heaven. A planet, has day and night, better country, mansions) Psalms 75:6-7 6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. This scripture tell us which direction Heaven where God is in relation to Earth which is North. Isaiah 14:13 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north
Babel means confusion, and was a name it got after God did his confusion on he language. people who think it means "higher consousness" are still in confusion. The higher consciousness belong to God, and if you don't follow Jesus, you will not reach it.
Sometimes it’s so satisfying to find out what’s in the Bible is so true and even happening today. For example n the old testament during a battle they pray to God to stretch the day as they are winning but have to break of the fight when night falls. Then God stops the sun from moving giving extra time to slaughter. And look, the sun still is not moving as today. It’s a true miracle.
Its real. It was the first NWO that got very very far. Same deities are manifesting Ashtar (turns men into women, sexual lust. Nimrod like spirit or lucifer - pride and rebellion - building with ones hands thinking you can be as God. (WEF) Pharmakia - potions, drugs. pharmaceuticals. Uniting as one with one language - speech censorship
Everyone used to pronounce it "Tower of Babble" (hence the English word), but evidently RUclips doesn't want to be accused of trademark infringement by one of its advertisers.
ok im not sure what a short paragraph can give you as far as details that most people dont already know (Gen 11) but the Mesopotamia has written a text of their version of the Tower of Babel known as "Enmerkar and the Lord of Arrata" so if your going to get anywehre you will have to start with looking and comparing the two text. however there is a guy that beat you to it. Dr. Douglas Petrovich is the guys name and he found the events of the tower of babel happened in the Mesopotamian city of Eridu (which is ruins now) ca. 4000 BC but i am glad u figured out the tower of babel had to happen before the advent of writting (ca. 3400- 3100 BC) being at least 2 recorded languages (Hieroglyphs and cuneiform) started at that time
It was built contrary to God’s command to spread and populate the earth. The Bible is NOT just stories. Just because archeologists haven’t discovered something that fits their beliefs, doesn’t make the Bible wrong.
Seriously, what's the mystery? Wasn't it built on the Planes of Sinar? Did the tower builders call it Babel? Babel wasn't coined until God confused language. The word means 'to confuse' according to the Biblical account, explained after the event.
37 And they ceased building the city and the tower; therefore he called that place Babel, for there the Lord confounded the Language of the whole earth; behold it was at the east of the land of Shinar. Book of Jasher Chapter 9
It appears that The Tower of Babel is shaped as a Pyramid, perhaps stepped, but slightly different in over all shape being maybe circular. The Ziggurat is not circular at all, even more in the shape of a Stepped Pyramid.
It all makes more sense in the plural form: At times, there were people who built "towers", and since no things last forever, and central power is impossible to maintain indefinitely (and since some gods were displeased?), the peoples eventually fell into states of miscommunication and their structures fell. It's not that different from what archaeologists tell us, except for the "gods" part. "Entropy"?
Anybody know how I can contact this Dave Rohl guy? I think I know, roughly, where the Tower of Babel was, and I can explain it in great detail. He is close, but I have a lot more details and can explain all his questions, if he has an open rational mind, that is. It's so frustrating that I know this information, but don't know how I can get it out there....
The origianl name was tower of urok , the name babylon only existed during king nebuchadnezzar conquered the akkadian empire called sumer .. Sumer largest city during king gilgamesh was in urok city.. This was change diring king nebuchadnezzar and it was the name familliar to the jews ,,,so they used the name babylon for the land of sumer where urok city is the largest city in babylon former name sumer.... Gilgamesh enemy of enlil and inna the watchers also known as Godrel and lilith also indra and kali in hindu and zeus and athena in greek ,,,,this were deities of old translated as gods
Your account is missing the important piece. God told mankind to scatter across the world, to be fruitful and multiply. But man decided to stay put and build a tower to heaven, to make a name for themselves. So God confused their language and they were forced to scatter. And the Bible is history.
According to Velikovsky books There used telepathy before using languages that is why they were United from different parts to build the tower , when They were struck by some electro - magnetic power they lost this telepathy and started using each one a different language.
@@nirprizant4228 yes in his books he wrote about telepathy when earth was decadent and we had more oxygen and no gravity a different sun ,, different light that made humans live 800 years , he explains the bible and different old cultures literally
i had red all his books and never red something like this i think maybe you confuse velikovski with erich fon danican @@Veetina because the earliest time velikovski talk about is around 2000 bc Egypt
That is why one needs too be versed in many languages too understand an find the how too an how an why the stone works not only how its made. When all were united as one before the separation by god.
@@goodson77784 what are you on the tower of babel our race humans had one voice language then God sees our achievements gets scared because they are aliens, through telepathy change the language he just divided and conquered us and turned us into slaves our God is this planet we were here before we got dna splicing done to us wake up and smell the truth
Babel means gate to el the father supreme god the word babel has become synonymous with confusion and speech because that’s where we lost the ability to understand each other I.e. the word babbling. The Tower of Babel was built in shiner/sumer it became Babylon later because it’s the spot the Tower of Babel was in.
Trey Smith has very well, coordinated the ancient texts, cuneiform tablets of Sumeria, the history of Nimrod and his letters to Noah the King of the rebirth... along with the writings of Josephus and the time line of the Bible ... His presentation on Nimrod is spectacular and detailed ... This is NOT mythology. It is fact. God is real. He is who he claims to be. And his plan of salvation is real, as is the plan to destroy those who deny him.
Tower of Babel was the school of Babylonian traders who had to learn foreign languages for their trades….. when the civilisation of Babylon collapsed so did the school…. And the story of languages and big building was born….. thats a historic fact…… read books and learn….
Totaly wrong … you are looking in the wrong place … Sumer in Iraq …. The events of Genesis took place in northern Syria, not Iraq... Nimrod was king in northern Syria, and the Tower of Babel was built in Harran. Harran is the original, ancient Babylon, not in Iraq.
@@MsCoastGuard Yes But it is Syrian city historically All of south of Turkey is Syrian land with ancient Syrian Cities Turkish invaded Anatolia 1000 years ago only … coming from Mongolia
Financial adviser, Anne Mayfield Jones trading services has been on my portfolio for a while now. She's a licensed broker with ALPS DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Moreso, she's got a 14 year trade experience under her belt
Why do all the images/pictures//paintings/drawings of the ' Tower of Babel look uncannily like the Colosseum in Rome?.. Is the Colosseum actually the remaining base of a destroyed tower?
I knew they were the same people and their names meant mighty hunter and that Nimrod was " the one who rebels" and I didn't need to have to do years of research. He built the tower to kill God and sit on his thrown.
It was not a curse against man, as Babel was bing built in defiance of God. In the book of Jasher, man under Nibrod had plotted to reach heave. One third of man kind was to take down the angels in heaven, one third was to place their idels in heaven, and one third was to kill God. So God is really forgiving and going with his plan to redeem man from sin.
Was a great show; but then ended with the idiotic theory of immigration being the cause of the confusion of languages. It is so ironic how some men can show such great brilliance and insight in some aspects.....only to be totally moronic in another.
The spiral stair case on the out side of the tower was picked up on areal photos by Ron Wyatt in the 1990's. After examining the site, Ron Found baked bricks of 30 inches x 30 inches x 5 and a half inches thick inner laid with silt. Remember 1/3 of the tower was destroyed by a bolt from God, 1/3 was destroyed by an earthquake. What remains clasped onto its self. Ref: Ron Wyatt and the tower of Babel on RUclips.
I like and respect a lot professor Roth. I've enjoy his controversial theory on the early Egyptian civilisation originating from Mesopotamia through the red sea. Ty for sharing this.
Eridu is one of the Pre Diluvian Annunaki Cities on the Sumerians kings List. It was an Atlantean City. The Annunaki Came to Earth and Made Atlantis. 🔱🌍
God was not afraid that man was going to reach heaven. He"s plan for mankind was always for them to fill the earth. This initiative was in defiance of God's will.
Care to explain why god doesn't smite down the International Space Station?
@ it’s not the action of going upwards but rather having all of humanity settle in one place in defiance to Gods command..
The Hebrew copy of the book of Jubilees, found in the dead sea scrolls, dated to around 150 to 200 BC. It speaks about Nimrod and the tower. I wonder why David Rohl did not use this source, which predated Josephus by almost 300 years.
What? You mean a second- century absurd retelling of Genesis and the first part of Exodus with a bunch of BS and Lies added by the Pharisee Sect of that time? I assure you it never existed before the second century and is not found in any Codex.
It only shows up in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible along with several other fake fabricated stories. Even the Russian Biblia the oldest Codex in existence does not contain it.
Not to mention ancient Midrash covering the topic.
It is not reliable
@@ktrimbach5771 not true at all.
Nice to see a modern history documentary still correctly using BC and AD when referencing dates.
Sorry but "BC" and "AD" are not correct era markers because it is a Christian-centered system that completely disregards the tens of thousands of years of human history that pre-dated Christianity.
The appropriate terms are CE, meaning the "common era," and BCE, meaning "before the common era," which includes all races, ethnicities and cultures, as it should.
@@DesertSkiesAV I’m afraid that’s simply woke BS. CE and BCE are still centred around the birth of Christ. Changing the terminology to remove the reference to Christ for fear of offending non Christians is frankly pathetic. Perhaps we should rename “Thursday” for fear of offending those who don’t worship Thor, the god of thunder?
i'd serously not be watching any docu that doesnt get the basics of dates right - name and shame them!
Common era? Common to who? lol if anything it's even more insulting. We're still using the same numbers you know. @@DesertSkiesAV
1:26: 🏰 David Roll, a former musician and music producer, becomes obsessed with ancient history, particularly the Tower of Babel, and sets out to prove its existence.
6:05: 📚 Historian David Roll explores the ancient Egyptian dynasties and delves into the mysteries of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis.
14:13: 🔍 A researcher named Roll is searching for evidence of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis and other ancient texts.
18:40: 🔎 Roll investigates the connection between Nimrod and Enmakar in the context of the Tower of Babel.
25:59: 🏰 David Roll believes he has located the mythical figure who built the Tower of Babel, which he thinks was not in Babylon but in Mecca.
32:01: 🏛 The remains of the Tower of Babel may have been found at the ancient city of Eridu in Mesopotamia.
37:57: 🗼 X suspects that the structure at eridu is the Tower of Babel and wonders if the confusion of languages could have been caused by immigration.
Recap by Tammy AI
37:57 interesting point..the confusion of language could have confused the confusion of the real Tower of Babel as we all thought and read about
Confusion of the recap.
Thank you so much for doing this!! 🎉
Thing is the Tower of Babel is a megalithic Nikola Tesla Wardenclyff Tower weapon to end all wars a multifunctional resonant free energy power plant they were building to wage war according to the Apocryphal Book of Yashar 9. The Apocrypha provides additional information regarding the Sin of the Watchers and connection to Ham stealing the Garments of Adam and Eve on the Ark passed down to the 18' Canaanite Nimrod/Gilgamesh. This revisionist history video neglect the fact the Bible unfolds in the east Adomi and Chaavah were melanated, Noah was albino Shem was created dark and comely given the inhabitable earth and Canaan stole Palestine aka Philistine aka Philistim ie Invaders.
Caucasians are offspring of the progenitor of Eurasians Japheth, Ham is the progenitor of the dark races but not the negro. All ancient civilizations were black civilizations including Rome and Hebrew Levites ruled during the Byzantine Hasmonean Dynasty black royalty Yahudi ruled Europe through the Dark Ages conquered Spain alongside Blackamoors reigned 700 years.
Esimene Moosese raamat6:Aadama järeltulijad
1 Ja kui inimesi hakkas maa peal palju saama ja
neile sündis tütreid,
2 siis nägid Jumala pojad, et inimeste tütred olid
ilusad, ja nad võtsid enestele naisi kõigist neist, keda nad
välja valisid.
3 Aga Issand ütles: „Minu Vaim ei pea igavesti
jääma inimesse, sest ta on ikkagi ainult liha. Olgu ta elupäevi
sada kakskümmend aastat!”
4 Sel ajal, ja veel pärastpoolegi, kui Jumala pojad
heitsid inimeste tütarde juurde ja need neile lapsi ilmale tõid,
olid hiiglased maa peal: needsamad vägimehed, kes muistsest
ajast on kuulsad mehed.
Jeesus Siirak 16:7 Jumal ei andestanud muistsetele hiiglastele,
kes oma vägevuses temast taganesid.
Neljas Moosese raamat13:33 Me nägime seal hiiglasi, Anaki poegi hiiglaste soost: me olime iseendi silmis nagu rohutirtsud ja samasugused olime meie ka nende silmis.”
Baaruk 3:
26 Seal sündisid hiiglased,
kuulsad muistsest ajast,
pikakasvulised sõjakangelased.
27 Neid aga Jumal ei valinud
ega andnud neile tarkuse teed.
28 Nad hukkusid,
sest neil ei olnud tarkust,
hukkusid rumaluse pärast.
We treat the Bible differently than historical text because it’s the Word of God, not the word of man. God spoke and man wrote, simple as that. These stories aren’t just stories they are fact and can’t be disproven. None of it, in fact the opposite is true. The more time goes by, the more evidence of the Bible being fact. History is His-story written to us.
absolutely correct. my goodness, no wonder man is continually lost, without trust in God's word, the search will never, ever end.
I hear that!@@vetteseller5
@@vetteseller5couldn't have said it ant better
The problem with the Bible is that it has been translated & interpreted, by man, so many times, is it really the word of God anymore?
I love this kind of documentary ❤more more 😊
Genesis 11 1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.
4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
When we come to the names of these Kings, they often time had more than one name and sometimes they favored one name above the other, as to where the public may have favored another. This is where it can be difficult to find records of certain kings. Also the fact that one tribal people call the Kings name in their language by what that name means, rather than the local language. So, it could be that Nimrod is mentioned in archeology, but we do not recognize or know the other names by which he was called.
In the context that there was a flood, supposedly everyone spoke the same language, Noah’s family survived, yet somehow there were more people because his sons had a multitude of children. There is this character in the Bible called Peleg (king James) Peleg;for when the earth was divided. Phalek was the last descendant of the Shemites(Shem) before the Tower of Babel was built, also, Peleg indicates the earth was divided referencing two sides of the river. Peleg and his brother were related to Ishmael. I think those two places are still divided. The Bible is true. If you can figure it out.
As soon as he said the Bible was legendary he totally last my vote and respect. Who does he think he is? God?
Who are you to question anything, Jason? God may be watching your RUclips Comments...
@@apelz911 It's not me that makes the rules and wrote the bible... Jehovah did... question Him?
I consider the internet to be the modern Tower of Babel.
Love this take on it. To a degree the internet, social media at least, is at many times a “fools errand.” It breeds conflict by design. Not in line with human nature and does not account for what is actually the most healthy or necessary for humans growth. The very real truth may be that technology is good, but social media and the internet is not in fact “technology”… it’s just a vice or addiction.
The modern tower of babel is the european parliament
Its CERN@@DrEcKiGeRDaN88
@@andrewschuschu3499Just like AI...subject to turn on you!
Hadn't thought of it that way
Thank you for your studies😊. Very enlightened by this. I will find the others and watch and learn. God be with you as you teach others❤
Babel the Tower of confusion is now growing up day by day.
Like confusion of genders. I've been guilty of misgendering people 😂😂😂
If God gave mankind different "Languages" to confuse their speech what was the original language everyone spoke to communicate? And who taught mankind this language? Also if God is omnipotent all seeing all knowing how could he not know what mankind was up to when they started building this tower?
My guess is Aramaic
I don’t think we have enough information to answer that question. Somebody does and it’s being kept
It was....ALIENS!
He did. This existence is like a movie/DVD it is a plan of salvation in which the higher being is creating beings to be with him in his plane of existence. Just like a movie has a beginning middle and end and good guys and bad guys and the movie has time in itself which is different from the time that the person viewing the movie is living in.
Hebrew, in its original form, most likely.
Where is states, God came down to see, just means He showed up, officially. Of course He already knew what was happening.
Hi everyone... this is a touch random, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name of the either the actual painting or the artist of the painting of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden shown in the documentary? I can't find a reference for it, despite searching several different articles. My point of interest is the black and white dog depicted sitting between Adam and Eve. There is a fox snarling up at the dog. If anyone has any thoughts on the significance or possible meaning of their inclusion in the painting, or any suggestions on where I could get some more information, could you please share your ideas? Thankyou 😀
Same force, One is wild, the other has been domesticated, and controlled by the spiritual mind. The spirit must triumph over, and control the forces within the human mind and body. It's sometimes a wolf, and a dog.
@@3373-g8zright on
Zebum tak achtenasg idididnnsko
I don't see the dogs you're talking about....
Are you sure you're talking about the painting from the video???
Makes a lot of sense. The Bible says that human beings were technologically advanced and after the disruption, they did not lose the knowledge, but they just separated due to language differences. Isn't that enough explanation of how we ended up having pyramids in virtually all continents? The Tower appears to be a pyramid especially those found in South America and Southeast Asia.
I was like , delighting myself watching this outstanding research, and suddenly ,it finishes......😢
yep. where's the rest of this ????? MORE!!!!
Outstanding research!? Looking through biblical texts is not research. The bible is *not* a history book, it's an ancient storybook *full* of fables, mythology and moralism and ethics. It's *not* supposed to read literally either, it's to be read *allegoricaly.*
@@amodernalchemist432 it's YOUR point of view,which i respect.
@@amodernalchemist432 The Bible addresses allegories. Allegories in scripture are based on real people and things, that's what makes it the word of God:
[24] Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar.
@@paulasurf3830 it's not a point of view nor is it my personal opinion. It's literally the *truth!* From one human to another, I do not have *one* reason to lie to you, Paula. But religions have *every* reason to lie to you. Christianity teaches us that Satan and/or Lucifer is the deceiver but it's actually *religion* who *does the deceiving!!*
Nimrod created a parallel religion, an alternative Reality and a new civilisation. Hence he became the sworn enemy of Yahweh and he's depicted as an anti Hero in the old testament.
@blindfaith2382 well may be, the anti God or the anti Christ will be a mortal human being only
The Tower of Babel: the main reason why we have language lessons today.
absolutely IN-correct. The Word of God is not myth or fantasy, my goodness, no wonder man is continually lost, without trust in God's word, the search will never, ever end.
God is real and He has made it evident so people will be without excuse when the day to meet Him comes.
I agree. Some historians are coming up with so many different interpretations based only on their beliefs and not on the word of GOD. The Bible is not as complicated as it is to be understood when GOD allows it to be understood. I pray that with wisdom, knowledge, discernment from the Holy Spirit many will understand the word of GOD clearly and correctly.
The Bible was written by men and then heavily edited by men all of whom signed their names to it 😮💨
The word of God? Every man, woman and child has their own pipeline to God so there was and will never be a consensus of the who, what, where, when and why of God unless you get some autocrat imposing their own views on their subjects. I'm just waiting for some scholar to write a book on the myths of God as clearly our understanding of deity changes through time. .
The bible is truth.
The Bible is truth? Which Bible ?
@@jasonhiggins6236 I like the KJV Bible but I read more than just the bible. God says to search and ye shall find and keep that which is good. His Word gets through no matter what. Have faith in Him. 😊
@@hannacarter1352 in the words of the late great George Carlin.. "I'll tell you about as much truth as the folks that wrote the book".
@@hannacarter1352 the king James being written in mostly old English gives people more room for modern interpretation in all honesty.. this is because the meanings of words change with time... People capitalize on others ignorance and I can't stand to see it and not call it .
Just be a "good" person all the time.. say what it is right and stand by truth .. remain unbiased.. be humble and kind, try to relate to people.. regardless of any creator. admit when you're not sure and learn from mistakes... It doesn't take Muhammad, Jesus , Zeus, Thoth or anyone else to be a good person and be happy. All love
Watched your contributions with glee , for years, won't mention how many✨🌍✨
Love watching documentaries like this.
Me too ❤
Will you finish this story in another part?
Even the Egyptians were shocked when they seen the pyramids
Their ancestors were also shocked. First there were these works, then humans came.Of course, everything is similar to these in Iran. Most of them destroyed England and France
The Egyptians that you mentioned are Arabs. It's NOT their culture it's African. That's why they were shocked 😊😊😊
@@simplytheresaskiles100keep dreaming 😂
@simplytheresaskiles100 z you are so rite Islam invaded,imposed killed and took over Kemet
No they weren't where did you get this??? From the sorce of trustMeBroology????
If he was serious about the Sumerian language, he should have contacted Dr Irving Finkel, the greatest scholar of cuneiform and Sumer and Eridu. In fact, Finkel was so concerned about the special kind of boat used in Mesopotamia, he worked on a great doco about it. That boat looked just like the one on Rohl's painting of Eridu-Sumer. But the boat was made in India.
Finkel is a leading scholar, but it isn't like he is the only scholar capable of reading the ancient Mesopotamian texts.
Mr. Rohl I think you are correct 💯 congratulations but bible it's not just a story. But congratulations I believe your work pays off you are the closest that I have seen. Keep up the great work Sir.
The Bible is a book of lies put t9gether by a psychopath Roman Emporor
I wonder more about how scribes changed history over the years...
I don't. Only people who don't believe think that.
@@batboylivesexactly. Scribes counted words, checking their copies. They were called “skilled copyists” for a reason. Actually very few errors are found, and do not change the meaning.
I think they should investigate that the story of the tower of babble was a metaphor for reaching higher consousness at the place they named Babylon.
How? Building a tower to the heavens (heavens could be just the sky, beyond the clouds, and where God is now, Heaven. A planet, has day and night, better country, mansions) Psalms 75:6-7 6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. This scripture tell us which direction Heaven where God is in relation to Earth which is North. Isaiah 14:13 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north
Babel means confusion, and was a name it got after God did his confusion on he language. people who think it means "higher consousness" are still in confusion. The higher consciousness belong to God, and if you don't follow Jesus, you will not reach it.
Sometimes it’s so satisfying to find out what’s in the Bible is so true and even happening today. For example n the old testament during a battle they pray to God to stretch the day as they are winning but have to break of the fight when night falls. Then God stops the sun from moving giving extra time to slaughter. And look, the sun still is not moving as today. It’s a true miracle.
seek mental help
@@brucenassar9077 ghehe 😀
The Tower of Babel is a metaphorical warning.
We are experiencing it in the West right now.
Its real. It was the first NWO that got very very far.
Same deities are manifesting Ashtar (turns men into women, sexual lust.
Nimrod like spirit or lucifer - pride and rebellion - building with ones hands thinking you can be as God. (WEF)
Pharmakia - potions, drugs. pharmaceuticals.
Uniting as one with one language - speech censorship
Yah is never a lie. The Holy Scriptures never lie.
On point broski nice documentary
very good !
When god muddled up our languages he created an opportunity for translators.
Clown 🤡🧠🤡 of the day
This video is like an episode of Ancient Aliens.
Except much dumber~!!!
Everyone used to pronounce it "Tower of Babble" (hence the English word), but evidently RUclips doesn't want to be accused of trademark infringement by one of its advertisers.
im not sure what a short paragraph can give you as far as details that most people dont already know (Gen 11) but the Mesopotamia has written a text of their version of the Tower of Babel known as "Enmerkar and the Lord of Arrata" so if your going to get anywehre you will have to start with looking and comparing the two text.
however there is a guy that beat you to it.
Dr. Douglas Petrovich is the guys name and he found the events of the tower of babel happened in the Mesopotamian city of Eridu (which is ruins now) ca. 4000 BC
but i am glad u figured out the tower of babel had to happen before the advent of writting (ca. 3400- 3100 BC) being at least 2 recorded languages (Hieroglyphs and cuneiform) started at that time
The Bible IS actual history.
What great focus to discover
Babylon built that tower to reach heaven like the devil tried to ascend heaven and cast down
It was built contrary to God’s command to spread and populate the earth.
The Bible is NOT just stories. Just because archeologists haven’t discovered something that fits their beliefs, doesn’t make the Bible wrong.
@hazards and catastrophes I'm looking for Other episodes - Can't find Episodes 1, 2 or 4?
Seriously, what's the mystery?
Wasn't it built on the Planes of Sinar?
Did the tower builders call it Babel? Babel wasn't coined until God confused language. The word means 'to confuse' according to the Biblical account, explained after the event.
I read that Babel means Gate
@Nowun_Toospecial Now you're starting to get it.
Plaines of Sinar in northern Syria not in Sumer Iraq
Good Morning Auntie... Again.. Thanks NYPD
37 And they ceased building the city and the tower; therefore he called that place Babel, for there the Lord confounded the Language of the whole earth; behold it was at the east of the land of Shinar. Book of Jasher Chapter 9
...the dates are wrong. The flood took place in 2370 bce. The tower was likely built some 125 to 200 years after...
I feel like we are going to be in for another smiting if we keep going the direction we are
Location is described in book of jubileum. There is written that original tower and city stand between Babylon and Asur.
God will smite the world again.
tower of babel is a huge library 😌
what is the sound track of the start of this video please
Well made documents I love❤❤❤❤
It appears that The Tower of Babel is shaped as a Pyramid, perhaps stepped, but slightly different in over all shape being maybe circular. The Ziggurat is not circular at all, even more in the shape of a Stepped Pyramid.
Im excited for you to have the opportunity to look and research these sites good luck and may the Gods be with you.
You mean God not gods the only God who proves Himself to be The One True Living God is The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.†
It all makes more sense in the plural form:
At times, there were people who built "towers", and since no things last forever, and central power is impossible to maintain indefinitely (and since some gods were displeased?), the peoples eventually fell into states of miscommunication and their structures fell.
It's not that different from what archaeologists tell us, except for the "gods" part.
Anybody know how I can contact this Dave Rohl guy? I think I know, roughly, where the Tower of Babel was, and I can explain it in great detail. He is close, but I have a lot more details and can explain all his questions, if he has an open rational mind, that is. It's so frustrating that I know this information, but don't know how I can get it out there....
Insightful, i am grateful.
The origianl name was tower of urok , the name babylon only existed during king nebuchadnezzar conquered the akkadian empire called sumer ..
Sumer largest city during king gilgamesh was in urok city..
This was change diring king nebuchadnezzar and it was the name familliar to the jews ,,,so they used the name babylon for the land of sumer where urok city is the largest city in babylon former name sumer....
Gilgamesh enemy of enlil and inna the watchers also known as Godrel and lilith also indra and kali in hindu and zeus and athena in greek ,,,,this were deities of old translated as gods
So disturbing with backgrounds music. Sorry can't listen on this
Your account is missing the important piece. God told mankind to scatter across the world, to be fruitful and multiply. But man decided to stay put and build a tower to heaven, to make a name for themselves. So God confused their language and they were forced to scatter. And the Bible is history.
And now that we are scattered its okay to build towers to heaven and make a name for ourselves. Got it!
The tower of babel wasn't a high tower that reached the skies. It was a vehicle to go to the skies.
What do you smoke?
After doing the research i support this theory i feel as though they didn’t have the right terminology for what they saw
You are wrong. It is written 👑
He should look at jubilees
the base for that tower was built in Baalbek, purportedly by Kane/Cain. The base of the tower can still be seen to this day...
It wasn't the desert of Shinar?
According to Velikovsky books There used telepathy before using languages that is why they were United from different parts to build the tower , when They were struck by some electro - magnetic power they lost this telepathy and started using each one a different language.
New age nonsense
no such thing in velikovski books
@@nirprizant4228 yes in his books he wrote about telepathy when earth was decadent and we had more oxygen and no gravity a different sun ,, different light that made humans live 800 years , he explains the bible and different old cultures literally
@@nirprizant4228 I will find which book maybe worlds in collision .
i had red all his books and never red something like this i think maybe you confuse velikovski with erich fon danican @@Veetina because the earliest time velikovski talk about is around 2000 bc Egypt
Imagine how "gigantic" that brick tower/building was... a trully skyscraper.
I guess they haven't considered the giant footprint of a tower at Baghdad
Love good story for kids b4 sleep
That is why one needs too be versed in many languages too understand an find the how too an how an why the stone works not only how its made. When all were united as one before the separation by god.
Tower of babel back when the world worked together
@@goodson77784 what are you on the tower of babel our race humans had one voice language then God sees our achievements gets scared because they are aliens, through telepathy change the language he just divided and conquered us and turned us into slaves our God is this planet we were here before we got dna splicing done to us wake up and smell the truth
The foundations of the Tower of Babel have been found. I watched a documentary on it last night.
@21:45 KING NMEKAR RULED FOR 100'S OF YEARS. Thats interesting.
Glory To The Lord Of Hosts
Glory? Did he earn it?
Babel means gate to el the father supreme god the word babel has become synonymous with confusion and speech because that’s where we lost the ability to understand each other I.e. the word babbling. The Tower of Babel was built in shiner/sumer it became Babylon later because it’s the spot the Tower of Babel was in.
i just wanted to share that at a glance i thought the thumbnail read "the world in nacho" and i was like YUM!
God does not become aware, he is all knowing, there is nothing that he doesnt know
Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.
Trey Smith has very well, coordinated the ancient texts, cuneiform tablets of Sumeria, the history of Nimrod and his letters to Noah the King of the rebirth... along with the writings of Josephus and the time line of the Bible ... His presentation on Nimrod is spectacular and detailed ... This is NOT mythology. It is fact. God is real. He is who he claims to be. And his plan of salvation is real, as is the plan to destroy those who deny him.
It's a wonder what seems to be lifeless ground was green and lush with crops and water trees too at some point.
Tower of Babel was the school of Babylonian traders who had to learn foreign languages for their trades….. when the civilisation of Babylon collapsed so did the school…. And the story of languages and big building was born….. thats a historic fact…… read books and learn….
Totaly wrong … you are looking in the wrong place … Sumer in Iraq …. The events of Genesis took place in northern Syria, not Iraq... Nimrod was king in northern Syria, and the Tower of Babel was built in Harran. Harran is the original, ancient Babylon, not in Iraq.
Harran in Turkei?
. The Hebrew word "har" , like the English "mountain." AN in Sumerian is "celestial", makes sense to me.
Harran is what they now call Iraq
Now in Turkey
South of Turkey historically all ancient Syrian cities
Nothing to do with Iraq at all
But it is Syrian city historically
All of south of Turkey is Syrian land with ancient Syrian Cities
Turkish invaded Anatolia 1000 years ago only … coming from Mongolia
Where is part 1 and 2
Zacharia sitchin wrote countless books about these topics. May he rest in peace ❤🙏
He was a charlatan he was a liar
@@VikTor-f1d True, but most that glance at these things are not aware of it.
great work folks! interesting results for the 2 names in gematria
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Trading from South Africa won't be too distant yeah? Can I please get a way through to her?
Very interesting
Why do all the images/pictures//paintings/drawings of the ' Tower of Babel look uncannily like the Colosseum in Rome?.. Is the Colosseum actually the remaining base of a destroyed tower?
@@darrelneidiffer6777😅😂😂 😆😂😂😆 😂🤣🤣🤭😅😆😂🤣
@@darrelneidiffer6777I knew the NO was coming
@@heavypizzaIndeed. Truth is stranger than fiction
Or some ill attempt to copy?
I love when the most upvoted comment is religious mumbojumbo because then i can just disregard the entire video lol. Thanks dudes, saving me time ❤
I knew they were the same people and their names meant mighty hunter and that Nimrod was " the one who rebels" and I didn't need to have to do years of research. He built the tower to kill God and sit on his thrown.
It was not a curse against man, as Babel was bing built in defiance of God. In the book of Jasher, man under Nibrod had plotted to reach heave. One third of man kind was to take down the angels in heaven, one third was to place their idels in heaven, and one third was to kill God. So God is really forgiving and going with his plan to redeem man from sin.
Was a great show; but then ended with the idiotic theory of immigration being the cause of the confusion of languages. It is so ironic how some men can show such great brilliance and insight in some aspects.....only to be totally moronic in another.
The spiral stair case on the out side of the tower was picked up on areal photos by Ron Wyatt in the 1990's. After examining the site, Ron Found baked bricks of 30 inches x 30 inches x 5 and a half inches thick inner laid with silt. Remember 1/3 of the tower was destroyed by a bolt from God, 1/3 was destroyed by an earthquake. What remains clasped onto its self. Ref: Ron Wyatt and the tower of Babel on RUclips.
I like and respect a lot professor Roth. I've enjoy his controversial theory on the early Egyptian civilisation originating from Mesopotamia through the red sea. Ty for sharing this.
If you respect him you might want to start with getting his name right.its Rohl not Roth
I really enjoyed reading Legend too
@@iancarnaby3898 you drunk vinegar usely in the morning, i can tell
@@iancarnaby3898 legend? That's what gate keepers call a theory that disprove their BS and money grant
So people were actually working together and god was too petulant so he messed it all up?
Eridu is one of the Pre Diluvian Annunaki Cities on the Sumerians kings List. It was an Atlantean City. The Annunaki Came to Earth and Made Atlantis. 🔱🌍
Add two a:s to Nun ki, the name of the two cities…Anunaki..
Anunaki god wanted the tower of Babel built he wanted too be like his father king of niburu
@@Alexromanov4297 Yes Anu, I'm a StarSeed awakened Soul I know the truth of our world 🌎
@@ceciliabergman42110:21 😅😊😊😊😊😊
The Bible is just a retranslation of the anunnaki text. The anunnaki text can now be read by Google translate.
With the company of the king (Disney all stories will be magnified to reach the heart of humanity
It wasnt a building. Its was human teachings and thoughts and movements against God.
Today human going beyond the stars. Heaven can never be breached.
It was also a building( historical fact)
Nice introduces
The bricks of Babel still lie in a heap i the plain of Shinar in Turkey west of the village of Eight! As the Bible and Ron Wyatt know well! LOL!
Anyone else feeling a little bit like Saint Nick with this king's list?
The tower was first called Babilu (Gate of God) then after It was called the Tower of Babel! (The tower of confusion) 😊
Then the Land of Confusion. (rip Phil Collins)
@@damion1757 😂