Dear friend, Jesus called himself “the resurrection” even before he was crucified: Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”. (John 11:25 NIV) This is Jesus himself speaking, so it was the belief in him and his teachings that accounted as true resurrection and not the crucifixion and belief in the reanimation of the physical body. Belief in him and his words revived those who were spiritually dead and brought them forth from their tomb of ignorance. This is all spiritual and not a physical phenomenon. What does the Bible teach about the physical body and resurrection? It says: “Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications”… (Hebrew 5:7 KJV) Therefore, the Bible teaches that Jesus had flesh or a physical body during his life on earth but that there came a time when he was no longer in possession of a physical body. Read the whole chapter so you can see the whole content. What else does the Bible teach about physical body or flesh? Apostle Paul himself stated: “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption“. (1 Corinthians 15:50 KJV) Therefore, no physical body which is a corruptible biological entity can have any association or entrance into the Kingdom of God. After all, the Bible teaches that: “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24 KJV) and not a physical body, and that the Word which is Christ himself had existed as a Spirit (a nonphysical entity) long before even the creation of what we call earth. The Bible teaches that all that Jesus taught 2000 years ago were all revealed by the Father. Jesus made sure to tell Simon that flesh and blood are not important in this equation--not even his: “Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 16:17 NIV) Everything Jesus Christ taught and spoke, about his flesh and body had a spiritual meaning and cannot be taken literally even though Jesus Christ was using “literal words” (check the Greek lexicon) related to “flesh and blood”: “Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” (John 6:53-58 NIV) Those who took him “literally”, later on they were accused of being cannibals. Read the history and this will become clear to you. Therefore, much of the language that Jesus used must be viewed and interpreted allegorical or symbolic. Jesus taught that it is the spirit that matters and not the flesh: “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you-they are full of the Spirit and life.” (John 6:63 NIV) People had a very hard time understanding the symbolic and allegorical language that Jesus used--this frustrated Jesus often and said: “Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.” (John 8:43 NIV) The phrase, “unable to hear” that Jesus Christ uses is obviously not a literal physical hearing but the inability to hear his words with spiritual hearing. Consider this that if people 2000 years ago had a hard time understanding Jesus Christ, there is no wonder why there are over 43,000 conflicting sects within Christianity. This should humble all Christians. What else can we learn from the topic of resurrection and spiritual truths? Well, Mary Magdalene couldn’t recognize Jesus after the resurrection: “At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” (John 20:14-15 NIV) If this was a “literal”, glorified, bodily resurrection of Jesus, why did he appear like the gardener and was not recognized by Mary? Apparently Jesus did not look glorified, he just looked like someone else--not a shining angel, but like the gardener. We also read that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared quite differently to apostle Paul: About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?’ “ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. “ ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied.” (Acts 9:4 KJV) Others who were with Paul did not see anything. A physical body cannot be invisible. Moreover, physical bodies cannot go through doors and walls either, but yet, Jesus appears into a room with the disciples when all doors were locked: “A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” (John 20:26 NIV) So, what is my point? The point is Jesus Christ can do whatever he wishes. He can dematerialize from one place and materialize in another place. He can appear as a flash of light from heaven to one person, or as a gardener to another, and he can even eat a piece of fish right in front of you to prove he can do anything. Therefore, we are not questioning what Christ can or cannot do, however, when it comes to the physical resurrection, all the stories we read about his appearances, do not indicate the essential characteristics of the physical body of Jesus Christ as the flesh that he had before his crucifixion, and the Bible in numerous verses makes this very clear. More importantly, if we believe that Jesus Christ has been great eternally in the past without a physical body and long before he was even born, then, he was not in need of a physical body after his crucifixion either, just as Moses and Elijah didn’t need physical bodies either, when they both had appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount Tabor and then vanished from the sight. Why should anyone assume that after Jesus Christ’s physical birth from the womb of Mary, he had, forever, trapped his true eternal reality in some physical body whether it is assumed to be a regular body or some so called glorified body? To insist on this, is tantamount to limiting Jesus Christ to our earthly limitations. The Bible makes it clear that the resurrection of Jesus has much deeper spiritual meanings and should never be interpreted as a literal physical event. Please note that stating that Christ’s resurrection was a spiritual event and not a physical one, doesn’t mean Jesus Christ was incapable of the supernatural powers--it is that Jesus didn’t need any form of a physical body, and that his greatness transcends beyond any connection with the physical reality. Moreover, in numerous passages, the body of Christ has been interpreted to be the body of the believers or the church itself, and therefore, the resurrection is a spiritual reality which demonstrates the spiritual triumph of the cause of Christ, symbolized as a “body” which is none other than the body of the believers rising to promulgate his cause (the body) fearlessly: “And the church is his body”… (Ephesians 1:23 NLT) …”and build up the church, the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12 NLT) “Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body.“ (Colossians 1:18 MLT) “And we are members of his body.” (Ephesians 5:30 NLT) “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.“ (1 Corinthians 12:27 NLT) Resurrection of all the manifestations of God are spiritual in nature and not physical or material. I have studied the Bible and continue to study it. By the way, I am a member of the Baha’i Faith and as a Baha’i I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.….” (John 6:63 NIV)
Dear Sir, Part-1 and part-2 of this series is nothing short of a MASTERPIECE of research into little known and obscure history, deductive reasoning and BACKED by SCIENCTIFIC findings!! This 2-part series is so ASTONISHINGLY GOOD that I submit that it should be part of ANY school, college curriculum that teaches about HOLY RELICS, and little know aspects of the "man" called JESUS. Quoting the now famous passage from the 1st century Roman historian, Josephus: “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man..." Stay Blessed, Sir. Robert-
Correction...Catholics do not believe that we are "re"-crucifying Jesus. During the Eucharistic celebration, (as the Jews believed and still believe with the Passover as celebration of the Exodus) we are supernaturally brought back in time to the one and only crucifixion. However, we are not actually brought back in time, as in a time machine mannor, but, instead, Jesus, Himself, comes forward in time and His one and only 2,000 years old crucifixion is represented to the faithful.
@NewSonRising2024Well, Jesus Christ, Himself , said ,"This is my blood, This is my body." He doubled down on this and restated this 6 times in John 6,, the real question is, why do protestants call Jesus a liar?.... And for that matter , where as most of the disagreements between Catholics and protestants (those in protest to the fullness of the truth of Jesus Christ) is almost always having to do with the interpretation of the Bible, I wonder why it is the actual words of Jesus Christ that the protestants argue over. The Bible is a Catholic book. The first Christians were Catholic. Saint Ignatius of Antioch first called the Christians Catholic in 107AD. The Apostolic Fathers (those who studied directly under the Apostles) and the early Church Fathers, all being the Bishops of the 1st through 5th centuries, all believed and practiced exactly as we still do to this very day in every Catholic Church all around the world.
This was the most comprehensive report of The Shroud that I have EVER heard and seen. You, Sir, have done a stellar job of presenting every single fact! Thank you SO MUCH!
Jesus said faith is worthless as a mustard seed since you can't order mountains to move as if they could say, "how far Sir?" Re: Luke 11:29-36 "As the crowds increased", Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Jonah 1:15-17 KJV So they took up Jonah and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows. The superstitious crowd is wicked.
We know them by their works & those use the vocabulary of fiction as if we did not know nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital. No man looks for prophet as a job description outside of fantasyland. Even Jesus Christ proclaims faith is worthless since you can't get mountains to jump on command, as if they could ask "How high sir." Jesus Christ is fiction so you can cherry-pick a number of things. I'm trying to use the text to point out nothing is sacred or divine, it is your faith which heals you & not touching the hem of his tunic like people do, by virtual touching the shroud of Turin. The scream from the wicked generation says look there is a magic image of Jesus, He is not fiction. Men have always known God is fiction. The Temple of God serves the best meat, & if Gods existed, She would have no need of men for teachers. Thanks for the reply. How is it possibly ethical to suggest the equivalent of a notion we all travel with one foot in a stranger's fantasyland, using fictional vocabulary: prophecy, prayer, etc. We have Moses: World's worst navigator leading a party as if travel were best done with one foot in fiction. If Christianity were so good, why are the Jews unconvinced? The religious lack any standing for a vacuum of quality-control. The Jews have a joke: God made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel. As the crowds increased, Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah, who was sacrificed overboard & the raging sea grew calm." The sign of Jonah is the superstitious working their way to a majority & good people dying. Need we add more? Should we ignore it was secular law & order ending the inquisitions, the witch killing? Nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. We don't recommend prophet as job description. We know them by their works & Christians have attempted to put their new wine in the old Jew wineskin. They both come from genital mutilation spun up with circumcision as a shortcoming. We know them by their works, the vocabulary of fiction, of spin.
That was an engrossing history lesson, and the time flew past. King Yeshua's imminent appearing will happen any day now and we'll see Him in all of His power and glory🥰 I can hardly wait.
Read your KJV Bible for the things that must happen before Jesus comes back. "Any day now" ? The antichrist hasn't presented himself. Who has received the Mark of the Beast? There's so much that has to come to pass first so NOT "any day now"
I love this, the song Rock of Ages, speaks about the water and the blood from His Wounded side that flowed. I am singing it right now.❤😢❤ Be a single double cure safe from wrath and made pure. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.❤❤❤
I am a remote sensing scientist, and I have created the image on paper using light. The Shroud cannot be a medieval forgery. My research will be released later this year. Great video. 👍
The miraculous images of Jesus' dead body that are on his burial shroud are wonderful gift to us from our Creator, and it has been validated by scientific investigation. How sad that some biased humans just take it and throw it in the trash.
1:35:00 - The reason the Sudarium of Oviedo was discovered in the tomb with the Shroud is that first century Jewish burial law required that any material containing body fluids (blood) resulting from a violent death must be interred with the body.
@@jeffreyerwin3665 Suppose the clothe that is referred to as the Veil of Veronica and that which is referred to as the Sudarium of Oviedo were switched and mislabeled. The Sudarium wasn't the cloth that was placed over Jesus's face in conjunction with the shroud, but in fact was the cloth that Veronica used to wipe Jesus's face. The Veil of Veronica is actually the Image of Edessa, and was what actually placed on Jesus's face. For some reason the names were interchanged with the clothe in question. So there were three clothes directly related to Jesus; The Image of Edessa, which was the clothe that was placed on Jesus's face when he was buried. The Suderium of Oviedo, which is the actually clothe used by Veronica to wipe Jesus's face before the crucifixion. The Shroud of Turin, which was the linen cloth Jesus was buried in.
At the 43:20 minute mark you say that Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that in the Eucharist that Christ is sacrificed AGAIN. That is incorrect. We (Catholics) believe that the Mass is a sacrifice where Christ’s sacrifice is re-presented for the faithful of this time. (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1366-7). Christ said the his Apostles at the Last Supper… “do this in memory of Me”.
It's a distinction with very little difference to me. I have spoken to Catholics who believe what I said. Not all Catholics understand the nuance. And quite frankly, as a Protestant who does not believe in the real presence in the Eucharist, I don't think it ultimately matters. No offense.
@@verimythpictures9755the Protestants also practice the: "Taking of the wine; and the bread!" I have been to many Protestant church services. They pass containers full of tiny-sized shot glasses; which hold grape juice (symbolizing the blood)- and they pass out trays; with little cut squares of bread (symbolizing the body) At "The Last Supper"- Jesus Christ commanded his 12 disciples: To drink of the wine and eat the bread. He said: "Do this In Rememberance Of Me"✝️
@@kimmiller6509sure they do, Protestants participate in communion, but we don’t claim that the wine and bread become the literal blood and flesh of Jesus like the Roman Catholics do.
@@verimythpictures9755 Well, you can make a distinction: Catholics who believe what you said are mistaken (like you) and are very poorly catechized (i.e. they also don't know what they are talking about if they think the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist is that we "re-crucify" Christ). Have a bit of humility, and recognize when you are wrong. It may not matter to you, but it most definitely matters. The mark of a good researcher is concern for the truth, and your comment diminishes an otherwise very good presentation and will effect your credibility with people who do know what the Church teaches. My comment is intended as fraternal correction, and not meant to antagonize.
Lots of Saints and Visionaries have been allowed to see Jesus and receive His Messages, and they all agree about His likeness, like St. Padre Pio, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, and many other Saints, like St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and the image of Jesus in the Divine Mercy. For those who claim that 'we don't know how Jesus looks like' very absurdly.
@@TBNTX Thousands of people were crucified, and a few of them were even buried. If a shroud was used, the decomposition of the corpse consumes the cloth. A simple probability study indicates that the person descibed in the Gospels as having been arrested, assaulted, wounded multiple times on his scalp, scourged, executed by crucifixion, speared in his right side, interned covered by a linen shroud, and whose corpse was found to have been mysteriously removed from that shroud within 48 hours of internment is the same person whose corpse is depicted by the images on the Turin Shroud. Islamic theology holds that this person was not Jesus. So, if you want to go there, then you are right: it isn't Jesus.
Nope, it's definitely the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazerth - all the forensic details line up with the Gospel accounts, the linen weave dates specifically to the first century and locale of Palestine, and the manner of the negative photographic image formed on the linen material defies any know how - technological or otherwise (as to human agency as cause). IOW, in the context of the ancient time of origination it is miraculous in nature. And even today scientific study indicates it would take an immense energy burst of very short time duration in order to form a photographic negative image on linen material. The burst would need to be sub nanoseconds time diration so as to not set the linen material on fire. Today we have sufficient scientific understanding to define the necessary physical parameters to cause such an image on linen, but to recreate something like the Shroud and at its scale, would still be beyond or at the very edge of current technology. So for any past centuries, human agency as cause is an impossibility. Due to the extraordinary science involved per the formation of the image, circumstantial evidence for this being the Shroud of Jesus goes way beyond the degree of circumstantial evidences that has lead to conviction and execution of criminals in courts of law.
This is the best presentation on the shroud of Turin. Loved the history of its whereabouts presented, the details of it. Appreciated the honesty of admitting when not certain on some of the aspects, though I thought,as I listened and tried to follow your thoughts, that it was very near factual. Your patience was admirable. Personally, and I don't have to worry about status or lawsuits, this is the shroud of Jesus used to cover him after his crucifixion. I believe he left us with his last gift to help with our faith in him and that something happened after his body was dead, and that was his resurrection. Otherwise that linencloth would not have his image etched on. Also people who think it was with the help of sunrays, well no sun was shining in that cave with a large stone covering the opening. About 15 years ago I heard about the carbon data claim of the shroud being from the 14th century. I was very confused and said I didn't believe the results. I'm not a stubborn person, the majority of the time, but in that instance I was. I couldn't tell you then what and how those results were wrong, I just insisted that this is the image of Christ, period. In conclusion, I felt you were very thorough and the flow was logical and easy to follow, and you also answered many questions of doubt. Thank you! If I could give you a million 👍, I would 😅
Listening to your presentation, i hav a personal belief that Mary, ( Jesus mother) , kept the handkerchief. I believe this because, as a mom myself, and i believe most moms , would do this. ( by the way , I'm personally not catholic religion). - Deb
Thank you. Great work and very thorough. Would love to get my hands on this with a Spanish translation for Latin America (lots of misinformation about the Shroud there).
First time in saw the Shroud I wondered "why is it blurry?" I thought it was fake. The reflective imaging proves its not a forgery and I know why the face is's a 6 sec video caught on linen. It's captured the first two breaths after Resurrection and the movements to free Himself. It's a video...unreal!
Veronica's Veil is being kept as a relic, that is not on display, at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. It is shown engraved on the marble, and we can see the engraved name of Veronica on the outside of the marble during televised Masses from St. Peter's.
The bible does forbid idols and graven images. But this image was not formed by the hand of man but the hand of God and like the tablets of the Law given to Moses this image is held in veneration. Jesus came and died and rose again in Victory to fulfil the law that he Himself gave to Moses, and this image is a testimony of His absolute victory over sin and death. The Lord left this small and subtle reminder of this Truth, astounding if one really considers this. Well done.
What came to my mind, though I don't remember the exacts in the matter, was the mass Bible translations starting in Constantinople. (From my flawed memory) around the 1400s. This would make sense if the person who pushed for the Bible to be able to be read by the public had seen the shroud, and became a believer in our Christ, Jesus. I will take another look and refresh on this. Nice 👍🏻❤❤❤
Very excellent and informative. I did not know all the history presented. I never doubted the truth of the shroud. I always believed it was real and a beautiful miracle.
From articles that I’ve read on the earlier carbon dating study… it was only taken from the edges of the shroud, so as not to damage any significant part of the image, the problem is 2 fold: 1. The edges where it was taken from was a sewn in portion that was added centuries after the original linen of the shroud. 2. There was a fire in the chapel in the 1300’s which would increase the amount of carbon potentially on the shroud… thus negating a specific dating of the shroud.
Wonderful and thorough presentation. I was trying to find more information after seeing Michael Knowles bring a guest on his show talking about new evidence on the shroud. Watched the whole thing! Thank you!
On page 300 of THE SHROUD OF TURIN, 2015, Fanti writes regarding a DNA study on a Shroud blood crust: "In 2007, the American scientist F. Tipler analyzed again the electropherograms on the DNA published in 1995 and interpreted them not as the product of the contamination of different persons but as the result of blood belonging to a male with the XX chromosome containing the SRY gene. "Tipler supposed that the sequencing of the blood of the Shroud could be the result of a particular parthenogenisis where the SRY gene was added to the female X chromosome."
At minute 3:30 a claim is made that the Poor Clare nuns "also repaired portions of the Shroud around its edges." Those nuns wrote a report of their work on the Shroud, and that report says nothing about any repairs to the Shroud's edges. Furthermore, the patches that the nuns sewed on the the Shroud are obvious, and there are no similar patches on the Shroud's edges. In 1978 the STURP scientists closely examined every inch of the Shroud and did not report finding any repair work on the Shroud's edges. In 2002 Dr. Flury-Lemberg had the opportunity to examine both sides of the Shroud, and she concluded that no repairs existed on the edges of the Shroud. Therefore, the statement at 3:30 that the nuns repaired the edges of the Shroud seems to be in need of correction.
This is an amazing project of research you completed. Thank you for sharing all of this. Did you mention anything further regarding Pilate's orders for the thief to be wrapped in the shroud? "And it works?" Now that is a cliffhanger...
By far the stongest legend is that of the Image of Edessa. The disciple Thaddeus carried a cloth that had an image of Jesus' face to King Abgar V in Edessa. In 944 A.D. the emperor of Constantinople expropriated that cloth from Edessa and enshrined it Constantinople. As with all important relics, it was assigned its own Feast Day, August 16th. No feast day was ever assigned to the burial shroud of Jesus even though sermons about it were spoken. That suggests that the Image of Edessa and the burial shroud of Jesus were the same cloth, the Image being folded up so that only its facial aspect was visible.
I am a little confused. You said that rigor mortis set in while he was on the cross, but the shroud's image is flat. Rigor mortis sets in a few hours after death but completely goes away after 12 hours. Why is the model of the body showing the rigor mortis on the cross?
He didn't go into rigor mortis on the cross. When His body went into rigor mortis, it was trying to return to the position He was in while on the cross. That's what rigor mortis does. It's likely that His hands were tied in burial to prevent them from spreading out. Also, the start and length of rigor mortis can vary depending on the circumstances. In this case, it's possible that the body went into rigor mortis in the tomb on Friday night and stayed that way until the resurrection early Sunday morning.
@@margaretgreason1785 It does! That's why the Man's knees are bent upward, and also why His arms appear unusually long. His shoulders are hunched forward, and His hands are most likely tied together in front of Him. His arms would have returned to the crucifixion position if they weren't tied down.
@@verimythpictures9755 Jesus' arms may have become dislocated when he died and was suspended by his arms alone. That would account for the unnatually long arms seen on the Shroud. The Shrouds' burn damage hides the shoulders, so one cannot see that dislocation.
Even an athest mathmetician looking at all of this evidence, SOLID evidence as well, has to admit the odds of this being anyone else BUT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST has be in the several billion to one odds. It's IMPOSSIBLE for it to be anyone else but HIM! But since Satan is the god of this world as scripture says, we can't expect anyone to come out and say that. I mean it is what it is. It's SAD, but that's the way it is.
Does the shroud timeline contradict the timeline in the gospels of how long Jesus was buried? Didn’t the gospels say 3 days and 3 nights? Indicating he was buried on a thursday night?
My question is, why the sudarium of Oviedo does not have an image similar to this one on the shroud of Turin? The sudarium of Oviedo was on the man's head during the formation of the image
The Sudarium was not covering the Man's face when the image was formed. There is evidence that the Sudarium was either rolled-up under His head like a pillow, or perhaps tied around the top of His head as a chinstrap to hold His mouth shut. In both of these scenarios, the vertical radiation beams that formed the image would not have crossed the Sudarium. So that's why it doesn't have an image like the Shroud. But the blood is still the same. :)
@@verimythpictures9755 The Gospel of John says that the face-cloth (i.e. Sudarium) was found rolled up in a separate place. It was not where Jesus' corpse had been laid. That idea is supported by the Sudarium's radiocarbon readings which are skewed only to 8th century. Therefore, the Sudarium could not have been in contact with Jesus' body when that body dematerialized.
Fr Carlos Martins is traveling America now with the Arm of St Jude relic. St Jude wears a medallion of the face of Jesus that is the image of Edessa! He tells the story of if this miraculous image of Christ that is before his cruxifiction.Jesus sent St Jude after the resurrection to heal the King in Edessa ! If you have a chance to venerate the holy relic of St Jude see the beautiful display and hear Fr Carlos Martin tell the story . He may be traveling on your area soon!
Excellent video. Thank you. I do have a good question here. How come after 2000 years has not the linen cloth disintegrated or have become rotten or with a bunch of holes based on time and being exposed to the air, people's hands, along with a bunch of other elements over time? I guess we could just say it's a miracle from God and it was preserved by God for the purpose of evidence. What would your take on that be? Thank you
During most of the time of the Shroud's existence it has been kept in a silver box hidden away. Out of light and handling. It's not as in good condition as it once was, but that's to be expected. There are fabrics from King Tut's tomb that appeared to be almost knew when they were discovered. It's all how they were stored and taken care of.
If you have faith and love and believe in Jesus and his teachings, then, and only then does the shroud of Jesus, makes sense, and is authentic. If you have doubt in your heart, and are not sure if Jesus is real, then you are stuck in a world of shadow, and it is not or could not be real. Faith moves mountains. Love shines, bright, and more bright than the sun in the sky. Namaste.
@@kicnbac god doesn’t care about our physical form because for all we know, our spiritual self has no hair. I think that God believes all his creations are beautiful to him or it.
@@kicnbac When it comes to the passage from I Cor. 11:14-15, one must remember that it was written at least 20 years after the death of Jesus. Closer study will reveal that it is simply Paul's personal opinion and certainly not a regulation which would have applied to Jesus during his lifetime.
Have they checked the shroud for volcanic ash? I am referring to the volcanic eruption of 536ad., which turned the skies dark for a year and actually caused a mini ice-age. It was around the time when they were parading it around.
Interestingly there was a very good reason for the sudarium to not be thrown out. In Jewish culture the blood of someone killed is respected as much as the body. If possible linens w blood would have been buried w the body. I have not seen this proven in a historical way though. But it is something I have frequently read. But I do have questions. What did they do with any cloths used to wash his body?
See: "The Carbon Dating of the Shroud is Explained by Neutron Absorption," Rucker, 2020. The best textile expert on the Shroud who has personally examined it several times says that the samples were valid. Shroud skeptic Andrea Nicolotti says that the Shroud is an excellent condidate for radiocarbon analysis, missing, of course, the possibility of neutron radiation as a side effect of the image formation.
@@jeffreyerwin3665 , No , Jeffrey , it's not : I'm sure ... I've dated rocks already !! It's not , I'm sorry for the expert . In 1986 I was working on it and any sample different from sampling all the object , ALL of it , the result is not valid
@@jeffreyerwin3665 , in that way , the age for the sample they examinated was correct , technically speaking , but the sample was not AT ALL representative .. , the Lab never ever is going to assume such a mistake . If you were the employée would you assume it ??? I doubt .
@@Esp142 That depends on what one means by "result." The 1988 radiocarbon analysis of Shroud samples provided readings of the ratios of carbon 14 to carbon 12. These ratios are commonly expressed as dates, but that does not necessarily mean that the readings are proof of a date. The possibility of a systemic error in the data must be eliminated, and that is why the radiocarbon readings are subjected to established mathematical tests. The Shroud's radiocarbon readings do not pass these tests, and that indicates the likelyhood of a systemic error being present in the data. See: "The Carbon Dating of the Shroud is Explained by Neutron Absoption," Rucker, 2020 It appears that the Shroud's 1988 sample was a valid sample and that the Shroud's radiocarbon readings are valid data. But there are several ways to interpret that data: 1. The hypothesis of a medieval date is the most popular, but is falsified by art history and by a recent mathematical analysis of the 1988 readings. See: RADIOCARBON DATING OF THE TURIN SHROUD: NEW EVIDENCE FROM THE RAW DATA, Casabianca et al., 2019 (published in Archaeometry) 2. The second most popular hypothesis is the Marino/Rodgers secret repair idea which is falsified by the sole textile expert who has personally examined both sides of the Shroud: Dr. Flury-Lemburg. It is also falsified by the Sudarium's 8th century radiocarbon results. See: "The Invisible Mending of the Shroud, the Theory and the Reality," Dr. Mechthild Flury-Lemberg. See: Chapter 9 of TEST THE SHROUD, Antonacci, 2015, for a rundown on how Dr. Rodgers went wrong. 3. The one hypothesis that has not been falsified is the neutron absorption hypothesis. Since the Shroud's images appear to have been formed by some type of radiation, it is reasonable to suppose that a neutron flux may have been a side effect. This hypothesis explains why the Sudarium shows radiocarbon dates of 8th century. See: "Could an anomaly in the Turin Shroud blood reopen the 1988 radiocarbon-datin result?", Fanti/Kowalski, BSTS Shroud Newsletter, Winter 2021. (The spectrum of a Shroud blood crust shows an absence of nitrogen.)
You should look up the real image of Divine Mercy that Saint Faustina had painted. She claimed to have seen and spoke to Jesus. It matches exactly to the shroud of Turin.
Of course is the face on Veronica's veil is the face of the shroud. What other face is it supposed to be? I just watched the scene in Gibson's film again and it's not a copy of the shroud, it's just bloody print of the face. There are no lids only empty space on the spots of the eyes as this cloth was just pressed to the face. What mistake do you mean??
1:22:00 The legend of Veronica's Veil originated in the 11th century. The Image of Edessa was a miraculous image of Jesus' face, and the Byzantines painted icons of that relic. Those icons could be called "vera iconica" or "true icons" because they were based on the original and could even have been touched to the original. Some "vera iconica" were painted on cloth and then sold to Western churches, and along with that icon came a new legend that attempted to explain how the image of Jesus' face had come to be imprinted on the cloth. That legend held that as Jesus carried his cross, a woman held up a cloth to wipe his face, and the depiction of his face was imprinted on the cloth. The western populace believed that the Byzantine appellation of "vera-iconica" was the name of the woman who held the cloth up to Jesus. The Catholic Church did not attempt to correct that mistake and eventually enshrined the legend of Veronica into the Stations of the Cross even though no such event is recorded in the Gospels.
I don't think Gibson made that mistake, yet instead used the shroud as an indicator of what Christ looked like during Veronica's moment. Just my opinion of course.
Minute 57:33 There is a serious problem with the idea that the Holy Shroud entered Constantinople in the sixth century. All important relics in Constantinople had their own feast day. (The Mandylion's being August 16th.) If the Shroud had entered Constantinople in the sixth century, a feast day certainly would have been established for it. The reason that the Byzantines never established a feast day for the Shroud is that the Shroud was actually the Image of Edessa. A feast day for that relic had been established before the Byzantines unfolded the cloth and discovered its true nature. Rather than disillusion the faithful who had reverence for the Mandylion's facial image, the Byzantines simply reported their possession of another relic: Jesus' burial cloth with a body image. It is a bit like the Catholic Church's problem with Station VI of the Stations of the Cross. Instead of disavowing the Veronica legend, the Church allows it to live on while, at the same time, offering up the Holy Shroud.
I’m just real confused, I believe the shroud is 100% authentic, but there is much debate that Jesus died on Wednesday or Thursday. And rose again around 72 hours on the third day. But there is no decomposition on the cloth, and decomposition tends to show around 48 hours. Just confused about that.
Paul could have had the shroud in mind when he wrote these words to the Corinthians because the image is fading and it is a mirror image (Just a thought, certainly no proof texts here); "But whenever the perfect should come, then the thing in part shall cease work. When I was an infant, as an infant I spoke, as an infant I thought, as an infant I considered; but when I became a man I ceased in the things of the infant. For we see now by a mirror in an enigma, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall recognize as also I was recognized." 1 Corinthians 13
The Shroud of Turin has been publicly displayed on the following years: 2000: During the Great Jubilee 2010: With the approval of Pope Benedict XVI 2015: With the approval of Pope Francis 2020: Livestreamed online for Easter due to the COVID-19 pandemic
body exhausted at a cellular level goes into RG almost immediately... postmortem hemorrhage mimics true injuries occurring antemortem wounds can continue to ooze blood after RG
Luke 23/24 states that the spices needed a day to prepare and that, in the end, they could not be applied. The evidence on the Shroud indicates that the corpse it enclosed removed itself by dematerializing.
"Veronica" is not a Jewish name. It appears to be a conflation of the words "vera" and "iconica" which mean "true" and "icon." The Byzantines were known for the sacred art of iconography. At "true" icon" would be one which was touched to the original scene. Obviously this was impossible for ancient subjects, but for icons of the Mandylion, it was possible to do this. Therefore, icons of the Mandylion could be labelled, "vera iconica." Several legends were invented for the purpose of explaining how the Mandylion's image had been created. Most of them failed to explain the bruising of Jesus face. However, one later legend did explain that feature. Some icons of the Mandylion have small sub-pictures which show scenes of the Mandylion's history, and one of these shows a woman holding a cloth up to Jesus' face as he is carrying his cross. At that time, his face would have been bloody and bruised. Some icons of the Mandylion were exported to the West together with the legend of the Mandylion's creation and with the label of "vera iconica." It seems that the western populace conflated "vera iconica" to the woman's name of "Veronica." The Western legend of Veronica does not begin until after the Image of Edessa had been expropriated to Copnstantinople in 944 A.D.
Correction....God DID NOT forbid the making of images!!!! He forbade the making of images if said image was to be worshipped as a God. Said God would ofcourse be a false God.
All catholics need to REPENT: repent for the prostitution that the catholic church has engaged in (remember indulgences?), repent for all the idolatry of paintings and statues and Mary (who sinned and had many children- READ YOUR BIBLES!), repent for the changing of the Word by splitting the 10th commandment, repent for the necromancy of asking for intercession through saints, repent for all the sexual perversion and abuse, which still occurs today, repent for the wicked pope, another abomination, repent for all the opulence and abject corruption, and the list goes on and on.
John 19:40, (KJV)Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury. The King James is consistent with the shroud.
I learned from a Biblical scholar quite a few years ago when I was watching the show Now You See TV from one of the hosts David Carrico about ancient Jewish customs regarding practices of hosting a traveler regarding the head cloth. I"m not certain what he said about the purposes of the head cloth but we can surmise maybe it was used to lay his head on. I just do not know. The custom was that if you were going to return to stay another night you left the head cloth neatly on the bed but unfolded. When your travel has ended and have decided to stay your head cloth would be folded. Now I must remind you I have not personally seen any resources on this but you may know how and where to find the truth. David said that the head cloth in Jesus' tomb unfolded to show them that He would return! I have no idea if this is factual info but I'd love to know!
Most of the reason I don't have long hair in most paintings cause it takes a long time for me to grow my hair long like now im bald yet I have spikes of hair on the top of my head there's hair there just takes forever to grow
The record of "two different cloths" in Constantinople is somewhat the same as in the Catholic Church where we see the Legend of Veronica on the sixth station of the cross as one cloth and the Turin Shroud as the other cloth. While Church authorities know that the Legend of Veronica was based on a 10th century Byzantine icon, they do nothing to dissuade the long-standing beliefs of their parishoners as to the Veronica cloth. Thus, in the Catholic Church, we see two cloths. The Image of Edessa was taken to Constaninople in 944 A.D. It was a facial image of Jesus described as "folded four times." ThIs Relic was famous and was venerated by the Byzantine populace. At some point the Byzantine authorities decided to remove the Edessa cloth from its framwork, and they discoved the cloth's true nature. However, rather than dissuade the populace of their devotion to the Image of Edessa, the Byzantine authorities simply professed to the possession of a second cloth, the burial shroud of Jesus. There are not three miraculous images of Jesus. The Holy Shroud's image is the basis for both the Veroinica legend and for the Image of Edessa.
Yes, that's what I argue in the video. The Veil of Veronica was the Image of Edessa, but even the Image of Edessa was just an especially old painting of the Shroud.
Nonsense! The Image of Edessa was always described as "Not made by hand." The legends that were invented to explain it all purport a miraculous origin. Furthermore, the Edessa Image was always described as being folded several times. A painting could not have been subjected to that treatment without bieng damaged, and if a painting was folded up, its depiction of Jesus' face would not have been visible. It seems that you have been taken in by Markwardt's spurious ideas. @@verimythpictures9755
@@jeffreyerwin3665 The point is that there was conflation between the Image of Edessa and the Image of God Incarnate. So of course both of them would occasionally be described wrongfully.
The Pharisees were not involved in Jesus' trials or the Crucifixion. While Jesus was up north in the Galilee, the Pharisees were his chief opponents. When he went south to Jerusalem, the drop from the story.
John 19:39-40 states that Christ was bound in the linen wrappings with the spices as is the burial custom of the Jews. What was not customary was the 100 pounds of spices that were used which was possibly 50 to 100 times the traditional weight used. Not a single iota of spices were found, EVER. These spices are a liquid mixture which is poured over the body and linen so that the liquid will harden and the decrease or prevent the odors of putrification. The analysis was done in 1981.
Fact... Yeshua Saved my life! Fact... "...and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12e To think that 'evil-ootion' can break the second law of thermodynamics in order to create itself. is... even in my damaged brain... IMPOSSIBLE! I have as yet to find a tree that has 205/70 R 15 tires 'dropping in season', whenever 'that' season occurs! The D.N.A.molecule IS a molecule that DEFIES 'evolutionary' logic... which goes to show that 'e-vile-ution' is exactly THAT... vile & evil! I thought 'other' because of my 'school education', but after having brain surgery from a car crash, I found my 'Higher Power' (A.A. 12 step course), IS THE Highest Power from the TRUE HisStory, logic & reality course! 😇
Well, the Shroud of Turin has been studied *tens of thousands of hours* by many dozens of scientists and doctors they have proven *100%* that it contained the body of a beaten, scourged, crucified man that was wearing a crown of thorns while on the cross and that it dates back to Biblical times. They cannot say 100% that it wrapped the body of Jesus Christ but no one with at least average intelligence is going to think that it contained anyone other than him.
By his stripes we are healed !!! To see the blood stains from those stripes!!! I hope this will open man eyes.Thank you Jesus for paying my ransom
Jesus Christ is still doing miracles even today and He will never stop doing miracles because we are his beautiful creation ❤
He will never stop doing miracles, BECAUSE... That Is Who He Is... we just happen to His beautiful creation too!
Dear friend, Jesus called himself “the resurrection” even before he was crucified:
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”.
(John 11:25 NIV)
This is Jesus himself speaking, so it was the belief in him and his teachings that accounted as true resurrection and not the crucifixion and belief in the reanimation of the physical body. Belief in him and his words revived those who were spiritually dead and brought them forth from their tomb of ignorance. This is all spiritual and not a physical phenomenon.
What does the Bible teach about the physical body and resurrection? It says:
“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications”…
(Hebrew 5:7 KJV)
Therefore, the Bible teaches that Jesus had flesh or a physical body during his life on earth but that there came a time when he was no longer in possession of a physical body. Read the whole chapter so you can see the whole content.
What else does the Bible teach about physical body or flesh? Apostle Paul himself stated:
“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption“.
(1 Corinthians 15:50 KJV)
Therefore, no physical body which is a corruptible biological entity can have any association or entrance into the Kingdom of God. After all, the Bible teaches that:
“God is a Spirit” (John 4:24 KJV)
and not a physical body, and that the Word which is Christ himself had existed as a Spirit (a nonphysical entity) long before even the creation of what we call earth.
The Bible teaches that all that Jesus taught 2000 years ago were all revealed by the Father. Jesus made sure to tell Simon that flesh and blood are not important in this equation--not even his:
“Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.”
(Matthew 16:17 NIV)
Everything Jesus Christ taught and spoke, about his flesh and body had a spiritual meaning and cannot be taken literally even though Jesus Christ was using “literal words” (check the Greek lexicon) related to “flesh and blood”:
“Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.”
(John 6:53-58 NIV)
Those who took him “literally”, later on they were accused of being cannibals. Read the history and this will become clear to you. Therefore, much of the language that Jesus used must be viewed and interpreted allegorical or symbolic.
Jesus taught that it is the spirit that matters and not the flesh:
“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you-they are full of the Spirit and life.”
(John 6:63 NIV)
People had a very hard time understanding the symbolic and allegorical language that Jesus used--this frustrated Jesus often and said:
“Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.”
(John 8:43 NIV)
The phrase, “unable to hear” that Jesus Christ uses is obviously not a literal physical hearing but the inability to hear his words with spiritual hearing. Consider this that if people 2000 years ago had a hard time understanding Jesus Christ, there is no wonder why there are over 43,000 conflicting sects within Christianity. This should humble all Christians.
What else can we learn from the topic of resurrection and spiritual truths? Well, Mary Magdalene couldn’t recognize Jesus after the resurrection:
“At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”
(John 20:14-15 NIV)
If this was a “literal”, glorified, bodily resurrection of Jesus, why did he appear like the gardener and was not recognized by Mary? Apparently Jesus did not look glorified, he just looked like someone else--not a shining angel, but like the gardener.
We also read that the Lord Jesus Christ appeared quite differently to apostle Paul:
About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?’ “ ‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. “ ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting,’ he replied.”
(Acts 9:4 KJV)
Others who were with Paul did not see anything. A physical body cannot be invisible.
Moreover, physical bodies cannot go through doors and walls either, but yet, Jesus appears into a room with the disciples when all doors were locked:
“A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
(John 20:26 NIV)
So, what is my point? The point is Jesus Christ can do whatever he wishes. He can dematerialize from one place and materialize in another place. He can appear as a flash of light from heaven to one person, or as a gardener to another, and he can even eat a piece of fish right in front of you to prove he can do anything. Therefore, we are not questioning what Christ can or cannot do, however, when it comes to the physical resurrection, all the stories we read about his appearances, do not indicate the essential characteristics of the physical body of Jesus Christ as the flesh that he had before his crucifixion, and the Bible in numerous verses makes this very clear. More importantly, if we believe that Jesus Christ has been great eternally in the past without a physical body and long before he was even born, then, he was not in need of a physical body after his crucifixion either, just as Moses and Elijah didn’t need physical bodies either, when they both had appeared to Jesus Christ on the Mount Tabor and then vanished from the sight. Why should anyone assume that after Jesus Christ’s physical birth from the womb of Mary, he had, forever, trapped his true eternal reality in some physical body whether it is assumed to be a regular body or some so called glorified body? To insist on this, is tantamount to limiting Jesus Christ to our earthly limitations. The Bible makes it clear that the resurrection of Jesus has much deeper spiritual meanings and should never be interpreted as a literal physical event.
Please note that stating that Christ’s resurrection was a spiritual event and not a physical one, doesn’t mean Jesus Christ was incapable of the supernatural powers--it is that Jesus didn’t need any form of a physical body, and that his greatness transcends beyond any connection with the physical reality. Moreover, in numerous passages, the body of Christ has been interpreted to be the body of the believers or the church itself, and therefore, the resurrection is a spiritual reality which demonstrates the spiritual triumph of the cause of Christ, symbolized as a “body” which is none other than the body of the believers rising to promulgate his cause (the body) fearlessly:
“And the church is his body”…
(Ephesians 1:23 NLT)
…”and build up the church, the body of Christ.”
(Ephesians 4:12 NLT)
“Christ is also the head of the church, which is his body.“
(Colossians 1:18 MLT)
“And we are members of his body.”
(Ephesians 5:30 NLT)
“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.“
(1 Corinthians 12:27 NLT)
Resurrection of all the manifestations of God are spiritual in nature and not physical or material. I have studied the Bible and continue to study it.
By the way, I am a member of the Baha’i Faith and as a Baha’i I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.….” (John 6:63 NIV)
Dear Sir,
Part-1 and part-2 of this series is nothing short of a MASTERPIECE of research into little known and obscure history, deductive reasoning and BACKED by SCIENCTIFIC findings!!
This 2-part series is so ASTONISHINGLY GOOD that I submit that it should be part of ANY school, college curriculum that teaches about HOLY RELICS, and little know aspects of the "man" called JESUS.
Quoting the now famous passage from the 1st century Roman historian, Josephus:
“About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man..."
Stay Blessed, Sir.
Correction...Catholics do not believe that we are "re"-crucifying Jesus. During the Eucharistic celebration, (as the Jews believed and still believe with the Passover as celebration of the Exodus) we are supernaturally brought back in time to the one and only crucifixion. However, we are not actually brought back in time, as in a time machine mannor, but, instead, Jesus, Himself, comes forward in time and His one and only 2,000 years old crucifixion is represented to the faithful.
Amen 🙏
@NewSonRising2024 the re crucifying argument is completely stupid
@NewSonRising2024Well, Jesus Christ, Himself , said ,"This is my blood, This is my body." He doubled down on this and restated this 6 times in John 6,, the real question is, why do protestants call Jesus a liar?.... And for that matter , where as most of the disagreements between Catholics and protestants (those in protest to the fullness of the truth of Jesus Christ) is almost always having to do with the interpretation of the Bible, I wonder why it is the actual words of Jesus Christ that the protestants argue over. The Bible is a Catholic book. The first Christians were Catholic. Saint Ignatius of Antioch first called the Christians Catholic in 107AD. The Apostolic Fathers (those who studied directly under the Apostles) and the early Church Fathers, all being the Bishops of the 1st through 5th centuries, all believed and practiced exactly as we still do to this very day in every Catholic Church all around the world.
@@row1landr :
This was the most comprehensive report of The Shroud that I have EVER heard and seen. You, Sir, have done a stellar job of presenting every single fact! Thank you SO MUCH!
What about the facts of the spices? They aren't there. They ahould be. 100 pounds were used. John 19:39-40.
Thank you for all your time and research it took to present this. It strengthened my faith just when I needed it.
the shroud is not jesus, and when are religious people going to start using their heads and figure why it can't be jesus, it's obvious or should be.
@@HarryNicNicholas I don’t think you watched the whole documentary or the other one that goes with it. What would you say makes it obvious?
Jesus said faith is worthless as a mustard seed since you can't order mountains to move as if they could say, "how far Sir?"
Re: Luke 11:29-36 "As the crowds increased", Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.
Jonah 1:15-17 KJV So they took up Jonah and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows. The superstitious crowd is wicked.
We know them by their works & those use the vocabulary of fiction as if we did not know nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital. No man looks for prophet as a job description outside of fantasyland. Even Jesus Christ proclaims faith is worthless since you can't get mountains to jump on command, as if they could ask "How high sir." Jesus Christ is fiction so you can cherry-pick a number of things. I'm trying to use the text to point out nothing is sacred or divine, it is your faith which heals you & not touching the hem of his tunic like people do, by virtual touching the shroud of Turin. The scream from the wicked generation says look there is a magic image of Jesus, He is not fiction.
Men have always known God is fiction. The Temple of God serves the best meat, & if Gods existed, She would have no need of men for teachers. Thanks for the reply.
How is it possibly ethical to suggest the equivalent of a notion we all travel with one foot in a stranger's fantasyland, using fictional vocabulary: prophecy, prayer, etc. We have Moses: World's worst navigator leading a party as if travel were best done with one foot in fiction.
If Christianity were so good, why are the Jews unconvinced?
The religious lack any standing for a vacuum of quality-control. The Jews have a joke: God made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel. As the crowds increased, Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah, who was sacrificed overboard & the raging sea grew calm." The sign of Jonah is the superstitious working their way to a majority & good people dying.
Need we add more?
Should we ignore it was secular law & order ending the inquisitions, the witch killing? Nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. We don't recommend prophet as job description. We know them by their works & Christians have attempted to put their new wine in the old Jew wineskin. They both come from genital mutilation spun up with circumcision as a shortcoming.
We know them by their works, the vocabulary of fiction, of spin.
Thank you for publishing this and for your historical diligence.
Thanks for sharing these videos. More people need to watch them.
Bless you.
It's my absolute pleasure! Please share it! 😀
That was an engrossing history lesson, and the time flew past.
King Yeshua's imminent appearing will happen any day now and we'll see Him in all of His power and glory🥰
I can hardly wait.
Read your KJV Bible for the things that must happen before Jesus comes back. "Any day now" ? The antichrist hasn't presented himself. Who has received the Mark of the Beast? There's so much that has to come to pass first so NOT "any day now"
All of this info has been on the internet since the 90s. All this man has done is download info
And all the info from WWII has been around for80 years, yet I still see interesting, new WWII videos that I enjoy.
@@Chokethewoke Don't be too skeptical as these events are developing rapidly.
Very well-researched and compelling. Thank you for all your hard work!
I have AB positive blood just like my savior that is so cool to me. It is I’m so enjoying this broadcast.
O- blood type. I’m kind of jealous.
AB+ is rare, and can take all types of blood into itself.
@@AK5of8O- here too, we are rare as well (and extremely valuable!)
@@AK5of8 But 0- is the universal donor and can give to everyone.
I love this, the song Rock of Ages, speaks about the water and the blood from His Wounded side that flowed. I am singing it right now.❤😢❤ Be a single double cure safe from wrath and made pure. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.❤❤❤
I am a remote sensing scientist, and I have created the image on paper using light. The Shroud cannot be a medieval forgery. My research will be released later this year. Great video. 👍
I look forward to hearing about it! Feel free to email me at
@@verimythpictures9755 Absolutely! 👍
what can we search for? Where will it be published?
@@nerdsworthpoindexter6661 I never heard from you! How is that research coming along?
@@nerdsworthpoindexter6661 will the research be published this year? Can you please inform us about the state of the project?
The miraculous images of Jesus' dead body that are on his burial shroud are wonderful gift to us from our Creator, and it has been validated by scientific investigation.
How sad that some biased humans just take it and throw it in the trash.
Thank you for all the amazing research that you have done on this
Excellent! Thanks for your hard work 🙏❤️🙏
Excellent report!
A wonderful presentation and thank you for posting 🙏 Hallelujah and God bless ✝️
1:35:00 - The reason the Sudarium of Oviedo was discovered in the tomb with the Shroud is that first century Jewish burial law required that any material containing body fluids (blood) resulting from a violent death must be interred with the body.
Post-mortem blood issues, to be exact.
@@jeffreyerwin3665 Suppose the clothe that is referred to as the Veil of Veronica and that which is referred to as the Sudarium of Oviedo were switched and mislabeled.
The Sudarium wasn't the cloth that was placed over Jesus's face in conjunction with the shroud, but in fact was the cloth that Veronica used to wipe Jesus's face.
The Veil of Veronica is actually the Image of Edessa, and was what actually placed on Jesus's face.
For some reason the names were interchanged with the clothe in question. So there were three clothes directly related to Jesus;
The Image of Edessa, which was the clothe that was placed on Jesus's face when he was buried.
The Suderium of Oviedo, which is the actually clothe used by Veronica to wipe Jesus's face before the crucifixion.
The Shroud of Turin, which was the linen cloth Jesus was buried in.
At the 43:20 minute mark you say that Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that in the Eucharist that Christ is sacrificed AGAIN. That is incorrect. We (Catholics) believe that the Mass is a sacrifice where Christ’s sacrifice is re-presented for the faithful of this time. (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1366-7). Christ said the his Apostles at the Last Supper… “do this in memory of Me”.
It's a distinction with very little difference to me. I have spoken to Catholics who believe what I said. Not all Catholics understand the nuance. And quite frankly, as a Protestant who does not believe in the real presence in the Eucharist, I don't think it ultimately matters. No offense.
@@verimythpictures9755the Protestants also practice the:
"Taking of the wine; and the bread!"
I have been to many Protestant church services.
They pass containers full of tiny-sized shot glasses; which hold grape juice (symbolizing the blood)- and they pass out trays; with little cut squares of bread
(symbolizing the body)
At "The Last Supper"-
Jesus Christ commanded his 12 disciples:
To drink of the wine and eat the bread.
He said:
"Do this In Rememberance Of Me"✝️
@@kimmiller6509sure they do, Protestants participate in communion, but we don’t claim that the wine and bread become the literal blood and flesh of Jesus like the Roman Catholics do.
The old greek word MEMORY
Is not comparable to the meaning used today
It is more a re-enactment than a passive ritual
@@verimythpictures9755 Well, you can make a distinction: Catholics who believe what you said are mistaken (like you) and are very poorly catechized (i.e. they also don't know what they are talking about if they think the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist is that we "re-crucify" Christ). Have a bit of humility, and recognize when you are wrong. It may not matter to you, but it most definitely matters. The mark of a good researcher is concern for the truth, and your comment diminishes an otherwise very good presentation and will effect your credibility with people who do know what the Church teaches. My comment is intended as fraternal correction, and not meant to antagonize.
Lots of Saints and Visionaries have been allowed to see Jesus and receive His Messages, and they all agree about His likeness, like St. Padre Pio, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, and many other Saints, like St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and the image of Jesus in the Divine Mercy. For those who claim that 'we don't know how Jesus looks like' very absurdly.
I have always thought that this was the authentic burial shroud of Christ but I love seeing all the evidence that keeps coming out
Respectfully, this is the burial shroud of somebody who was crucified. There is no evidence that this is the burial shroud of Jesus Christ.
@@TBNTX I appreciate your point of view
I have seen all the evidence I need to convince me of what I believe
@@TBNTX Thousands of people were crucified, and a few of them were even buried. If a shroud was used, the decomposition of the corpse consumes the cloth.
A simple probability study indicates that the person descibed in the Gospels as having been arrested, assaulted, wounded multiple times on his scalp, scourged, executed by crucifixion, speared in his right side, interned covered by a linen shroud, and whose corpse was found to have been mysteriously removed from that shroud within 48 hours of internment is the same person whose corpse is depicted by the images on the Turin Shroud.
Islamic theology holds that this person was not Jesus. So, if you want to go there, then you are right: it isn't Jesus.
Nope, it's definitely the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazerth - all the forensic details line up with the Gospel accounts, the linen weave dates specifically to the first century and locale of Palestine, and the manner of the negative photographic image formed on the linen material defies any know how - technological or otherwise (as to human agency as cause). IOW, in the context of the ancient time of origination it is miraculous in nature. And even today scientific study indicates it would take an immense energy burst of very short time duration in order to form a photographic negative image on linen material. The burst would need to be sub nanoseconds time diration so as to not set the linen material on fire. Today we have sufficient scientific understanding to define the necessary physical parameters to cause such an image on linen, but to recreate something like the Shroud and at its scale, would still be beyond or at the very edge of current technology. So for any past centuries, human agency as cause is an impossibility.
Due to the extraordinary science involved per the formation of the image, circumstantial evidence for this being the Shroud of Jesus goes way beyond the degree of circumstantial evidences that has lead to conviction and execution of criminals in courts of law.
Thankyou from Alaska for Sharing, Y'SHUA 🔥❤ THE MESSIAH IS RISEN🙏🏽🕊👣🕯🕯🍇
This is the best presentation on the shroud of Turin. Loved the history of its whereabouts presented, the details of it. Appreciated the honesty of admitting when not certain on some of the aspects, though I thought,as I listened and tried to follow your thoughts, that it was very near factual. Your patience was admirable. Personally, and I don't have to worry about status or lawsuits, this is the shroud of Jesus used to cover him after his crucifixion. I believe he left us with his last gift to help with our faith in him and that something happened after his body was dead, and that was his resurrection. Otherwise that linencloth would not have his image etched on. Also people who think it was with the help of sunrays, well no sun was shining in that cave with a large stone covering the opening.
About 15 years ago I heard about the carbon data claim of the shroud being from the 14th century. I was very confused and said I didn't believe the results. I'm not a stubborn person, the majority of the time, but in that instance I was. I couldn't tell you then what and how those results were wrong, I just insisted that this is the image of Christ, period.
In conclusion, I felt you were very thorough and the flow was logical and easy to follow, and you also answered many questions of doubt. Thank you! If I could give you a million 👍, I would 😅
Shabbat Shalom to you all!!
Listening to your presentation, i hav a personal belief that Mary, ( Jesus mother) , kept the handkerchief.
I believe this because, as a mom myself, and i believe most moms , would do this. ( by the way , I'm personally not catholic religion).
- Deb
It's not about being catholic it's just common sense. Jesus was part human and had a human family who had human emotions.
Well done, thank you brother
Thank you for putting this together. It just reinforces my faith.
Thank you. Great work and very thorough. Would love to get my hands on this with a Spanish translation for Latin America (lots of misinformation about the Shroud there).
First time in saw the Shroud I wondered "why is it blurry?" I thought it was fake. The reflective imaging proves its not a forgery and I know why the face is's a 6 sec video caught on linen. It's captured the first two breaths after Resurrection and the movements to free Himself. It's a video...unreal!
Veronica's Veil is being kept as a relic, that is not on display, at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. It is shown engraved on the marble, and we can see the engraved name of Veronica on the outside of the marble during televised Masses from St. Peter's.
The bible does forbid idols and graven images. But this image was not formed by the hand of man but the hand of God and like the tablets of the Law given to Moses this image is held in veneration. Jesus came and died and rose again in Victory to fulfil the law that he Himself gave to Moses, and this image is a testimony of His absolute victory over sin and death. The Lord left this small and subtle reminder of this Truth, astounding if one really considers this. Well done.
At about 1:27 did he mistakenly say: "The last king of England"?
Ha! I did! At 01:27:52 I meant to say the last king of Italy. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂
What came to my mind, though I don't remember the exacts in the matter, was the mass Bible translations starting in Constantinople. (From my flawed memory) around the 1400s. This would make sense if the person who pushed for the Bible to be able to be read by the public had seen the shroud, and became a believer in our Christ, Jesus. I will take another look and refresh on this. Nice 👍🏻❤❤❤
It's a nice thought, but the Shround was already in France by the 1400s. 🙂
Thank you for your sharing 🙏❤
Very excellent and informative. I did not know all the history presented.
I never doubted the truth of the shroud. I always believed it was real and a beautiful miracle.
Blood ab is very rare
And being Jesus Blood. The most precious!
Is there a book that you recommend on the history (as presented in this video) of the Shroud?
From articles that I’ve read on the earlier carbon dating study… it was only taken from the edges of the shroud, so as not to damage any significant part of the image, the problem is 2 fold:
1. The edges where it was taken from was a sewn in portion that was added centuries after the original linen of the shroud.
2. There was a fire in the chapel in the 1300’s which would increase the amount of carbon potentially on the shroud… thus negating a specific dating of the shroud.
Wonderful and thorough presentation. I was trying to find more information after seeing Michael Knowles bring a guest on his show talking about new evidence on the shroud.
Watched the whole thing! Thank you!
Will anyone be sequencing the DNA on the shroud or on the sudarium?
The DNA is too degraded to be sequenced. Personally, I'm glad. The last thing we need is a weird Jesus clone running around, haha.
On page 300 of THE SHROUD OF TURIN, 2015, Fanti writes regarding a DNA study on a Shroud blood crust:
"In 2007, the American scientist F. Tipler analyzed again the electropherograms on the DNA published in 1995 and interpreted them not as the product of the contamination of different persons but as the result of blood belonging to a male with the XX chromosome containing the SRY gene.
"Tipler supposed that the sequencing of the blood of the Shroud could be the result of a particular parthenogenisis where the SRY gene was added to the female X chromosome."
@@jeffreyerwin3665 In layman's terms?
Watch Part 1: Science of a Miracle here:видео.htmlsi=lU8rFWIGT7-2db6v
At minute 3:30 a claim is made that the Poor Clare nuns "also repaired portions of the Shroud around its edges." Those nuns wrote a report of their work on the Shroud, and that report says nothing about any repairs to the Shroud's edges. Furthermore, the patches that the nuns sewed on the the Shroud are obvious, and there are no similar patches on the Shroud's edges.
In 1978 the STURP scientists closely examined every inch of the Shroud and did not report finding any repair work on the Shroud's edges. In 2002 Dr. Flury-Lemberg had the opportunity to examine both sides of the Shroud, and she concluded that no repairs existed on the edges of the Shroud.
Therefore, the statement at 3:30 that the nuns repaired the edges of the Shroud seems to be in need of correction.
The cloth was folded which is Jewish custom at the time. This unmistakably proves it was a Jewish man who was buried in that tomb
This is an amazing project of research you completed. Thank you for sharing all of this. Did you mention anything further regarding Pilate's orders for the thief to be wrapped in the shroud? "And it works?" Now that is a cliffhanger...
By far the stongest legend is that of the Image of Edessa. The disciple Thaddeus carried a cloth that had an image of Jesus' face to King Abgar V in Edessa. In 944 A.D. the emperor of Constantinople expropriated that cloth from Edessa and enshrined it Constantinople. As with all important relics, it was assigned its own Feast Day, August 16th. No feast day was ever assigned to the burial shroud of Jesus even though sermons about it were spoken. That suggests that the Image of Edessa and the burial shroud of Jesus were the same cloth, the Image being folded up so that only its facial aspect was visible.
I really hope the information on Pilate is true. Thanks for your hard work.
The truth hurts the truth heals and the truth set's us free.
the meticulous detail and how ou narrated the content is astonishing!!!
Can you please let me know what you think of the image of Guadalupe? Does this item seem real or fake and what is the evidence for either? Thank you.
I am a little confused. You said that rigor mortis set in while he was on the cross, but the shroud's image is flat. Rigor mortis sets in a few hours after death but completely goes away after 12 hours. Why is the model of the body showing the rigor mortis on the cross?
He didn't go into rigor mortis on the cross. When His body went into rigor mortis, it was trying to return to the position He was in while on the cross. That's what rigor mortis does. It's likely that His hands were tied in burial to prevent them from spreading out. Also, the start and length of rigor mortis can vary depending on the circumstances. In this case, it's possible that the body went into rigor mortis in the tomb on Friday night and stayed that way until the resurrection early Sunday morning.
@@verimythpictures9755 That's why I am confused. If he was in rigor mortis when resurrected, the image on the shroud would show that pose.
@@margaretgreason1785 It does! That's why the Man's knees are bent upward, and also why His arms appear unusually long. His shoulders are hunched forward, and His hands are most likely tied together in front of Him. His arms would have returned to the crucifixion position if they weren't tied down.
@@verimythpictures9755 Jesus' arms may have become dislocated when he died and was suspended by his arms alone. That would account for the unnatually long arms seen on the Shroud. The Shrouds' burn damage hides the shoulders, so one cannot see that dislocation.
The Hymn of the Pearl (wow)! The Shroud image is also a mirror image not only a negative.
Even an athest mathmetician looking at all of this evidence, SOLID evidence as well, has to admit the odds of this being anyone else BUT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST has be in the several billion to one odds. It's IMPOSSIBLE for it to be anyone else but HIM! But since Satan is the god of this world as scripture says, we can't expect anyone to come out and say that. I mean it is what it is. It's SAD, but that's the way it is.
WHICH "Atheist Mathematician" is this?
❤❤❤🙏🏼Prawdziwie Zmartwychwstal❤❤❤Alleluja ❤️🙏🏼
Does the shroud timeline contradict the timeline in the gospels of how long Jesus was buried? Didn’t the gospels say 3 days and 3 nights? Indicating he was buried on a thursday night?
My old grandmothers wicker baskets- have shown me a sign. The end is nigh. We are all DOOMED.
You might be doomed if you dont have Jesus, but those who follow Jesus are not doomed. We are saved at great, precious cost.
Yes I know
My question is, why the sudarium of Oviedo does not have an image similar to this one on the shroud of Turin? The sudarium of Oviedo was on the man's head during the formation of the image
The Sudarium was not covering the Man's face when the image was formed. There is evidence that the Sudarium was either rolled-up under His head like a pillow, or perhaps tied around the top of His head as a chinstrap to hold His mouth shut. In both of these scenarios, the vertical radiation beams that formed the image would not have crossed the Sudarium. So that's why it doesn't have an image like the Shroud. But the blood is still the same. :)
@@verimythpictures9755 The Gospel of John says that the face-cloth (i.e. Sudarium) was found rolled up in a separate place. It was not where Jesus' corpse had been laid.
That idea is supported by the Sudarium's radiocarbon readings which are skewed only to 8th century. Therefore, the Sudarium could not have been in contact with Jesus' body when that body dematerialized.
Fr Carlos Martins is traveling America now with the Arm of St Jude relic. St Jude wears a medallion of the face of Jesus that is the image of Edessa! He tells the story of if this miraculous image of Christ that is before his cruxifiction.Jesus sent St Jude after the resurrection to heal the King in Edessa ! If you have a chance to venerate the holy relic of St Jude see the beautiful display and hear Fr Carlos Martin tell the story . He may be traveling on your area soon!
The Shroud of Turin is referred to in AKJV Code in Isaiah 42:3 and Matthew 12:20!
ya that’s a big deal for catholics. i used to be one. but im a believer in Yeshua and His Torah.
i cant deny the Shroud. but other relics not so much
Excellent video. Thank you. I do have a good question here. How come after 2000 years has not the linen cloth disintegrated or have become rotten or with a bunch of holes based on time and being exposed to the air, people's hands, along with a bunch of other elements over time? I guess we could just say it's a miracle from God and it was preserved by God for the purpose of evidence. What would your take on that be? Thank you
During most of the time of the Shroud's existence it has been kept in a silver box hidden away. Out of light and handling. It's not as in good condition as it once was, but that's to be expected. There are fabrics from King Tut's tomb that appeared to be almost knew when they were discovered. It's all how they were stored and taken care of.
If you have faith and love and believe in Jesus and his teachings, then, and only then does the shroud of Jesus, makes sense, and is authentic. If you have doubt in your heart, and are not sure if Jesus is real, then you are stuck in a world of shadow, and it is not or could not be real. Faith moves mountains. Love shines, bright, and more bright than the sun in the sky. Namaste.
Explain this. 1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
@@kicnbac I address that objection at the end of the video.
@@kicnbac god doesn’t care about our physical form because for all we know, our spiritual self has no hair. I think that God believes all his creations are beautiful to him or it.
@@kicnbac When it comes to the passage from I Cor. 11:14-15, one must remember that it was written at least 20 years after the death of Jesus. Closer study will reveal that it is simply Paul's personal opinion and certainly not a regulation which would have applied to Jesus during his lifetime.
what can you say about the "Holy Face" in Manepeloo, Italy?
Have they checked the shroud for volcanic ash? I am referring to the volcanic eruption of 536ad., which turned the skies dark for a year and actually caused a mini ice-age. It was around the time when they were parading it around.
Oviedo is not in France. It is the capital of Asturias, in Northwestern Spain.
I believe it was st jude/thaddeus who is credited with taking the image to edessa
Interestingly there was a very good reason for the sudarium to not be thrown out. In Jewish culture the blood of someone killed is respected as much as the body. If possible linens w blood would have been buried w the body. I have not seen this proven in a historical way though. But it is something I have frequently read. But I do have questions. What did they do with any cloths used to wash his body?
Look , I'm a geologist, used to work with rock dating . and I can assure you that the sample was wrongly collected .
See: "The Carbon Dating of the Shroud is Explained by Neutron Absorption," Rucker, 2020. The best textile expert on the Shroud who has personally examined it several times says that the samples were valid. Shroud skeptic Andrea Nicolotti says that the Shroud is an excellent condidate for radiocarbon analysis, missing, of course, the possibility of neutron radiation as a side effect of the image formation.
@@jeffreyerwin3665 , No , Jeffrey , it's not : I'm sure ... I've dated rocks already !! It's not , I'm sorry for the expert . In 1986 I was working on it and any sample different from sampling all the object , ALL of it , the result is not valid
@@jeffreyerwin3665 , in that way , the age for the sample they examinated was correct , technically speaking , but the sample was not AT ALL representative .. , the Lab never ever is going to assume such a mistake . If you were the employée would you assume it ??? I doubt .
@@jeffreyerwin3665 , * In 1986 I was working with it * meaning = I was workin in dating "other" samples with C14 , not the shroud itself
@@Esp142 That depends on what one means by "result." The 1988 radiocarbon analysis of Shroud samples provided readings of the ratios of carbon 14 to carbon 12. These ratios are commonly expressed as dates, but that does not necessarily mean that the readings are proof of a date. The possibility of a systemic error in the data must be eliminated, and that is why the radiocarbon readings are subjected to established mathematical tests. The Shroud's radiocarbon readings do not pass these tests, and that indicates the likelyhood of a systemic error being present in the data.
See: "The Carbon Dating of the Shroud is Explained by Neutron Absoption," Rucker, 2020
It appears that the Shroud's 1988 sample was a valid sample and that the Shroud's radiocarbon readings are valid data. But there are several ways to interpret that data:
1. The hypothesis of a medieval date is the most popular, but is falsified by art history and by a recent mathematical analysis of the 1988 readings.
See: RADIOCARBON DATING OF THE TURIN SHROUD: NEW EVIDENCE FROM THE RAW DATA, Casabianca et al., 2019 (published in Archaeometry)
2. The second most popular hypothesis is the Marino/Rodgers secret repair idea which is falsified by the sole textile expert who has personally examined both sides of the Shroud: Dr. Flury-Lemburg. It is also falsified by the Sudarium's 8th century radiocarbon results.
See: "The Invisible Mending of the Shroud, the Theory and the Reality," Dr. Mechthild Flury-Lemberg.
See: Chapter 9 of TEST THE SHROUD, Antonacci, 2015, for a rundown on how Dr. Rodgers went wrong.
3. The one hypothesis that has not been falsified is the neutron absorption hypothesis. Since the Shroud's images appear to have been formed by some type of radiation, it is reasonable to suppose that a neutron flux may have been a side effect. This hypothesis explains why the Sudarium shows radiocarbon dates of 8th century.
See: "Could an anomaly in the Turin Shroud blood reopen the 1988 radiocarbon-datin result?", Fanti/Kowalski, BSTS Shroud Newsletter, Winter 2021. (The spectrum of a Shroud blood crust shows an absence of nitrogen.)
You should look up the real image of Divine Mercy that Saint Faustina had painted. She claimed to have seen and spoke to Jesus. It matches exactly to the shroud of Turin.
Of course is the face on Veronica's veil is the face of the shroud. What other face is it supposed to be? I just watched the scene in Gibson's film again and it's not a copy of the shroud, it's just bloody print of the face. There are no lids only empty space on the spots of the eyes as this cloth was just pressed to the face. What mistake do you mean??
1:22:00 The legend of Veronica's Veil originated in the 11th century. The Image of Edessa was a miraculous image of Jesus' face, and the Byzantines painted icons of that relic.
Those icons could be called "vera iconica" or "true icons" because they were based on the original and could even have been touched to the original.
Some "vera iconica" were painted on cloth and then sold to Western churches, and along with that icon came a new legend that attempted to explain how the image of Jesus' face had come to be imprinted on the cloth. That legend held that as Jesus carried his cross, a woman held up a cloth to wipe his face, and the depiction of his face was imprinted on the cloth. The western populace believed that the Byzantine appellation of "vera-iconica" was the name of the woman who held the cloth up to Jesus.
The Catholic Church did not attempt to correct that mistake and eventually enshrined the legend of Veronica into the Stations of the Cross even though no such event is recorded in the Gospels.
I don't think Gibson made that mistake, yet instead used the shroud as an indicator of what Christ looked like during Veronica's moment. Just my opinion of course.
The shroud will go on display in 2025.
Why the Church ( the Vatican) chsnges the Holy week date every year?
Minute 57:33 There is a serious problem with the idea that the Holy Shroud entered Constantinople in the sixth century. All important relics in Constantinople had their own feast day. (The Mandylion's being August 16th.) If the Shroud had entered Constantinople in the sixth century, a feast day certainly would have been established for it.
The reason that the Byzantines never established a feast day for the Shroud is that the Shroud was actually the Image of Edessa. A feast day for that relic had been established before the Byzantines unfolded the cloth and discovered its true nature.
Rather than disillusion the faithful who had reverence for the Mandylion's facial image, the Byzantines simply reported their possession of another relic: Jesus' burial cloth with a body image.
It is a bit like the Catholic Church's problem with Station VI of the Stations of the Cross. Instead of disavowing the Veronica legend, the Church allows it to live on while, at the same time, offering up the Holy Shroud.
I’m just real confused, I believe the shroud is 100% authentic, but there is much debate that Jesus died on Wednesday or Thursday. And rose again around 72 hours on the third day. But there is no decomposition on the cloth, and decomposition tends to show around 48 hours. Just confused about that.
thank you
Paul could have had the shroud in mind when he wrote these words to the Corinthians because the image is fading and it is a mirror image (Just a thought, certainly no proof texts here);
"But whenever the perfect should come, then the thing in part shall cease work. When I was an infant, as an infant I spoke, as an infant I thought, as an infant I considered; but when I became a man I ceased in the things of the infant. For we see now by a mirror in an enigma, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall recognize as also I was recognized." 1 Corinthians 13
Many historical records relate that Pontius Pilate was commanded to appear before Ceasar, then Ceasar exiled to Gaul (France).
Mind blowing.
The Shroud of Turin has been publicly displayed on the following years:
2000: During the Great Jubilee
2010: With the approval of Pope Benedict XVI
2015: With the approval of Pope Francis
2020: Livestreamed online for Easter due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Amazing proof
Partly confused. The wounds were fresh, yet he was in rigor mortis. Can you help clarify this detail? Thank you!
body exhausted at a cellular level goes into RG almost immediately...
postmortem hemorrhage mimics true injuries occurring antemortem wounds can continue to ooze blood after RG
@@fiditenemini2452 Thank you for taking the time to clarify! I didn't realize one can bleed after rigor mortis. Now it makes more sense.
Can i take the powerpoint
Correction, Umberto II of Savoia was the last King of Italy, not England.
Luke 23/24 states that the spices needed a day to prepare and that, in the end, they could not be applied.
The evidence on the Shroud indicates that the corpse it enclosed removed itself by dematerializing.
"Veronica" is not a Jewish name. It appears to be a conflation of the words "vera" and "iconica" which mean "true" and "icon." The Byzantines were known for the sacred art of iconography.
At "true" icon" would be one which was touched to the original scene. Obviously this was impossible for ancient subjects, but for icons of the Mandylion, it was possible to do this. Therefore, icons of the Mandylion could be labelled, "vera iconica." Several legends were invented for the purpose of explaining how the Mandylion's image had been created. Most of them failed to explain the bruising of Jesus face. However, one later legend did explain that feature. Some icons of the Mandylion have small sub-pictures which show scenes of the Mandylion's history, and one of these shows a woman holding a cloth up to Jesus' face as he is carrying his cross. At that time, his face would have been bloody and bruised.
Some icons of the Mandylion were exported to the West together with the legend of the Mandylion's creation and with the label of "vera iconica." It seems that the western populace conflated "vera iconica" to the woman's name of "Veronica."
The Western legend of Veronica does not begin until after the Image of Edessa had been expropriated to Copnstantinople in 944 A.D.
Correction....God DID NOT forbid the making of images!!!!
He forbade the making of images if said image was to be worshipped as a God. Said God would ofcourse be a false God.
All catholics need to REPENT: repent for the prostitution that the catholic church has engaged in (remember indulgences?), repent for all the idolatry of paintings and statues and Mary (who sinned and had many children- READ YOUR BIBLES!), repent for the changing of the Word by splitting the 10th commandment, repent for the necromancy of asking for intercession through saints, repent for all the sexual perversion and abuse, which still occurs today, repent for the wicked pope, another abomination, repent for all the opulence and abject corruption, and the list goes on and on.
John 19:40, (KJV)Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury.
The King James is consistent with the shroud.
I agree. I believe the split in his beard is from pulling. If you look close, you can see his exposed chin.
I learned from a Biblical scholar quite a few years ago when I was watching the show Now You See TV from one of the hosts David Carrico about ancient Jewish customs regarding practices of hosting a traveler regarding the head cloth. I"m not certain what he said about the purposes of the head cloth but we can surmise maybe it was used to lay his head on. I just do not know. The custom was that if you were going to return to stay another night you left the head cloth neatly on the bed but unfolded. When your travel has ended and have decided to stay your head cloth would be folded. Now I must remind you I have not personally seen any resources on this but you may know how and where to find the truth. David said that the head cloth in Jesus' tomb unfolded to show them that He would return! I have no idea if this is factual info but I'd love to know!
Most of the reason I don't have long hair in most paintings cause it takes a long time for me to grow my hair long like now im bald yet I have spikes of hair on the top of my head there's hair there just takes forever to grow
The record of "two different cloths" in Constantinople is somewhat the same as in the Catholic Church where we see the Legend of Veronica on the sixth station of the cross as one cloth and the Turin Shroud as the other cloth. While Church authorities know that the Legend of Veronica was based on a 10th century Byzantine icon, they do nothing to dissuade the long-standing beliefs of their parishoners as to the Veronica cloth. Thus, in the Catholic Church, we see two cloths.
The Image of Edessa was taken to Constaninople in 944 A.D. It was a facial image of Jesus described as "folded four times." ThIs Relic was famous and was venerated by the Byzantine populace. At some point the Byzantine authorities decided to remove the Edessa cloth from its framwork, and they discoved the cloth's true nature. However, rather than dissuade the populace of their devotion to the Image of Edessa, the Byzantine authorities simply professed to the possession of a second cloth, the burial shroud of Jesus.
There are not three miraculous images of Jesus. The Holy Shroud's image is the basis for both the Veroinica legend and for the Image of Edessa.
Yes, that's what I argue in the video. The Veil of Veronica was the Image of Edessa, but even the Image of Edessa was just an especially old painting of the Shroud.
Nonsense! The Image of Edessa was always described as "Not made by hand." The legends that were invented to explain it all purport a miraculous origin.
Furthermore, the Edessa Image was always described as being folded several times. A painting could not have been subjected to that treatment without bieng damaged, and if a painting was folded up, its depiction of Jesus' face would not have been visible.
It seems that you have been taken in by Markwardt's spurious ideas. @@verimythpictures9755
@@jeffreyerwin3665 The point is that there was conflation between the Image of Edessa and the Image of God Incarnate. So of course both of them would occasionally be described wrongfully.
The Shroud was in Constainople in the 3 and 4th Century Turkey
Look at the mosaics from the time of Jesus around Jerusalem.The people had dark to light hair and look the same as Europeans.
My family was connected to the house of Savoy and were in the court of king victor Emanuel in venice
The Pharisees were not involved in Jesus' trials or the Crucifixion. While Jesus was up north in the Galilee, the Pharisees were his chief opponents. When he went south to Jerusalem, the drop from the story.
John 19:39-40 states that Christ was bound in the linen wrappings with the spices as is the burial custom of the Jews. What was not customary was the 100 pounds of spices that were used which was possibly 50 to 100 times the traditional weight used. Not a single iota of spices were found, EVER. These spices are a liquid mixture which is poured over the body and linen so that the liquid will harden and the decrease or prevent the odors of putrification. The analysis was done in 1981.
Fact... Yeshua Saved my life! Fact... "...and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12e To think that 'evil-ootion' can break the second law of thermodynamics in order to create itself. is... even in my damaged brain... IMPOSSIBLE! I have as yet to find a tree that has 205/70 R 15 tires 'dropping in season', whenever 'that' season occurs! The D.N.A.molecule IS a molecule that DEFIES 'evolutionary' logic... which goes to show that 'e-vile-ution' is exactly THAT... vile & evil! I thought 'other' because of my 'school education', but after having brain surgery from a car crash, I found my 'Higher Power' (A.A. 12 step course), IS THE Highest Power from the TRUE HisStory, logic & reality course! 😇
I believe that the shroud is a legitimate example of a crucified man. How is this proof that this is the burial shroud of Jesus?
Well, the Shroud of Turin has been studied *tens of thousands of hours* by many dozens of scientists and doctors they have proven *100%* that it contained the body of a beaten, scourged, crucified man that was wearing a crown of thorns while on the cross and that it dates back to Biblical times. They cannot say 100% that it wrapped the body of Jesus Christ but no one with at least average intelligence is going to think that it contained anyone other than him.
Yes, Be Not Ignorant but Study to Show yourself Approved Unto Him...
WOW !!!