@@Dawid_wojcik_p3dofilWhy may you ask what is exactly? But what if the Lombaxes did meet with the Blue and Red Sentients from their twin planet as well I mean, they both have similar technology that they travelled to the multiverse for years of exploring new worlds of their lives.
Angela- introduces herself to you pointing a weapon. Alister- introduces himself throwing a bomb against you. And Rivet-introduces herself by dancing 💃.
@@SeventhEntropy Guess I missed that in my interpretation of how this story goes, but I feel like that is an alternate Angela or something, but that would ruin half the story of Rift apart. I wrote a comment here on how I think events played out here, this is some interesting stuff.
@@spritemon98 Agreed. She had more character. I also liked Emperor Nefarious, mostly because I enjoy characters played by his voice actor. If only I could play. I have an Xbox 😭
@@spritemon98 rivet is only more interesting bc shes a new character that nobody thought was going to be a thing, she has quite a lot of character but tbh i see a lot of ratchets behavior in her
My head cannon is that since Angela didn't have a tail, probably due to losing it at some point in her life, Ratchet and everyone else didn't think she was a lombax cause they assumed all Lombaxes have a tail. Plus before meeting Angela, Ratchet has never seen another lombax so he obviously thought they all had tails like himself, so he must've thought Angela was from another species.
I love how Rivet and Ratchet met, Ratchets 'oh shit' moment when he realized Rivet was behind watching him stare at nothing and when Rivet had no idea what to say so she got clank as if to say 'Help me out here'
If the lombaxes in Ratchet's dimension were banished to another dimension, what happened to the lombaxes in Rivet's dimension? Did Emperor Nefarious whipe them out?
most likely, as it would probably be easier and straight up safer to just kill the lombaxs with his current power than having to move them somewhere else.
@@Blaedin1337 In one of the Lombax reports it says that the lombaxes used the dimentionator to gather all lombaxes across the dimentions and went into the secret demention
I've been wondering, how do we know that Rivet's not one of the Lombaxes that got sent to her own separate dimension by herself? (and isn't originally from the original group of Lombaxes?) Instead of being Ratchet's counterpart I think she may secretly be another Lombax from the original group
Considering Rivet had her Arm removed it isn't hard to just retcon in that Angela Cross lost her tail somehow and people couldn't tell she was a Lombax then
@@TheTattorack I'm betting on them giving her a redesign that makes her more closely resemble the other lombaxes, such as only being slightly taller and a stubbed tail instead of lacking one entirely. That is if she ever shows up again.
technically i don't think Angela is cannon since the ps4 reboot. and i'm pretty sure she was never called a lombax in the ps2 series either, she was just a look alike species.
but in Rift Apart they make numerous references to previous adventures from the Great Clock to Rusty Pete being there. And then there's the dimensionator. Maybe it's just 2 that's not canon anymore...
@@borderlandsveteran insomniac has stated a lot of things about female lomax's, first they stated females had no tails, then they stated angela was a similar species, then they went on and pretended that she didnt exist, and now bc of rivet female lombax's have fluffy tails.
One of Rivet's character design color palette's have the same color palette as Alister. Same eye color and fur color. The other 2 were closer to the rivet we know but with orange eyes. The blue eyes were added to the first Rivet design that had the outfit.
in the prison in rift apart if you go back and run around the prison Rivet actually says something about Anglia, Rivet and Anglia were in prison together at one point!
If they go to the Lombax dimension, Ratchet & Rivet aren't going to be the only 2 that were sent to other dimensions. There's likely another one out there that will go there to conquer the Lombaxes with the help of Tachyon getting him there, BUT they will introduce him AFTER Tachyon's assault on a Lombax citadel. Everyone would think its him coming with a bunch of Cragmites, but they're actually Lombax military/prisoners that were raised in that dimension. It would start out with this Lombax from another dimension going on another conquest, but everything changes when he finds Tachyon -- who happened to land in this dimension YEARS after his fight with Ratchet-- in a state similar to Qwark at the beginning of UYA, then squeezes information out of him about the dimensionator. It would be a crazy switch that everyone thinks Tachyon is the real problem again until the true antagonist shows himself; almost a troupe at this point with the series. Theyll probably call this character Socket, & the narrative would be that he's like an evil counterpart to Ratchet/Rivet & he brought destruction across his dimension through manipulation of a whole group of Lombax prisoners left behind. Socket is almost like a warlord that gives Lombaxes a bad rep as a reckless tribe ravaging planets for their own ulterior motives. Yes, I understand that they're not literal counterparts but it would kinda make sense that theres room out there for another dimension with different philosophies - examples: Captain Quantum was always timid, Qwark had a false sense of bravado & was really a fraudulent hero that always let Ratchet clean up his mess... You could make Socket's dimension of Qwark more sinister, assertive & intelligent enough to be his right hand man. But to stay on topic, it would be a great introduction to a new villain character that brings true tension unlike the other past antagonists have done. Have Socket kill off an important character, & that would be a moment where everyone realizes this guy right here is NOT playing. Nefarious is already looking to not be a villain anymore, ESPECIALLY after his experience with the Emperor, so its time to introduce a new threat that actually is Ratchet's equal. Kinda similar to other stories in fiction DBS/Z with Goku-Goku Black & Turles; Sonic-Scourge The Hedgehog; Solid Snake-Liquid Snake; Batman-Owlman; Flash-Reverse Flash; Mario-Wario etc. Some of these characters are very popular for being the antithesis of the hero.
1. Who is that again? 2. Poor Alister. He just want to fix his mistake and go home. 3. Ah, yes. Everyone second favorite Lombaxes. She and Kit should get her own game in the future.
I wish they'd bring Angela back. Insomniac never could make up their minds. Heck they even backed down from the "Girl lombaxes don't have tails" thing with Rivet
Companies can change the lore of their characters. Insomniac made this character a clone of Rachet from another dimension possibly that's why she has a tail they never confirmed the story was different
I don't think Angela's a lombax, or at the very least the same kind of lombax as ratchet, maybe a different breed or race of lombax at most. I don't really think so though, I mean they never mention she's one once in the entire game
Crack in Time had a radio clip directly for this type of question, which makes even less sense now, as it stated: "Female lombaxes don't have tails". That would mean Rivet should not have one either but she does. It really is just one big mess of lore, but I think I can sum up how the reboot story goes so far, as in which games happen in order (Just the way I can see it happening, this is by no means canon): 1. Rathcet and Clank 2016 (the reboot) 2. A heavily altered Ratchet and Clank 3 3. The future saga (I count them as 1 game, although A Crack in Time may be optionally skipped for the sake of continuity, or Ratchet makes a very noticable effort NOT to talk about Alister, explaining why he MIGHT have been a tad bit less nervous when meeting Rivet than she was.) 4. Rift apart Again, I don't think this is how anyone else need to see events go, it is how I think the story makes sense. This eliminates Angela, so things may not be as confusing, it eliminates Deadlocked, All 4 one, Secret agent Clank and Size matters (the latter 2 I think never were canon to begin with, just had to mention them because they exist), as well as POSSIBLY A Crack in Time. I have no idea if Into the Nexus counts anywhere but it would be between the future saga and Rift apart if it happened at all. I kinda just don't see it though. Maybe something with the whole Neftin Prog thing in the movie is what makes me unsure, idk. Sorry for the long comment, hope I didn't waste too much of your time. Edit: Apparently I missed a piece of dialogue somewhere because Rivet mentions Angela, however I think that is alternate reality, for reference on this, check a couple comments below on this topic.
I've always headcanoned that Angela Cross was a subspecies of lombax because of the fact that 1. She's confirmed to be a lombax, and 2. She looks a bit weird compared to other lombax concepts they've done at Insomniac
So out of the three Lombax, one is dead, one went missing a 'long' time ago and one is missing an arm (and probably has a bit of PTSD) but is otherwise fine. Rivet is totally amazing though
Well Angela is technically missing, its pretty clear her and Max escaped to the Lombax dimension but why they haven't come back is the real mystery, the Lombaxes have been isolated for more than a decade by now and that could have some adverse effects on their society, the 2 might've imprisoned upon arrival.
Fun fact: while Lombaxes may look and sound like they're based off cats, foxes, lemurs, and wombats, they're actually related to none of these animals and if they were real they're closest relatives are civets and mongooses.
Revisiting Zoordoom Prison, Rivet mentions she remembers the last time she was there with Angela and it's been a loooooong time since she's seen her. A nice little nod!
As much as it would be rare to see an albino Lombax like Rivet or Alister compared to the rest of the entire Lombax race, I feel that Angela Crpss is extremely rare. 2 outta the 3 he met (or that we've seen in illustrations and flashbacks) seemed similar to Ratchet's height. Angela's a freaking giant though 😅 Plus, she doesn't have a tail. She's an abomination I say lol
Ratchet and Clank. I liked Rivet and Kit but it's pretty obvious they are just rip-offs of Ratchet and Clank. I mean for crying out Rivet plays exactly like Ratchet.
@@mawinstallation6626 I know, I just wanted to say it. But you know what kinda confused me though? How did Rivet get the same weapons and gadgets when I got them with Ratchet?
Considering Alister is dead kind of because of Ratchet trying to stop the Great Clock breaking permanently, I wouldn't ever really want to meet my kind again considering he happened to be Kaden's FRIEND and a guy who was outcast for making an honest mistake and then never saw anyone again. Like MY GODDAMN HEART. Seeing Rivet being white as well probably would trigger something in Ratchet-
At this point, my head-canon is that Angela and Sasha are in a bar at Metropolis because Insomniac forgot about them with Talwyn soon joining them for a bitter drink. *Dumb story that I made because I was bored time* *Sasha:* I could have helped him against Tachyon when he was in Metropolis , why didn't he call? *Angela:* Oh that's not the kicker. (chugging grog) The kicker is that he's seeing a monoplegic, alternate dimension, female version of himself. *Sasha:* What, why?! *Angela:* Because, because... because, hey Talwyn is here. Hey! Over here! Come have a seat, join the land of the forgotten! *Sasha:* Stop yelling, would you? How much have you had to drink? *Angela:* Not enough because I can still remember-hey Talwyn, when did you get here? Hey why the sad face? You look like your best friends died and there wasn't so much as a funeral. *Sasha:* Angela! *Angela:* What? Oh... Well here Talwyn, have a drink. To Zonk and Crephyr! (falls asleep) *Sasha:* So what are you doing here? *Talwyn:* I could ask you the same thing, Mayor. *Sasha:* Former mayor *sigh* former mayor. *Angela:* Here's an idea! *table shaking* Why-why-why-why don't we find Ratchet and this Rivet and go beat the *censor bleep* out of them. *Talwyn:* We can't do that, Ratchet's our friend. *Angela:* If he were our friend, don't you think he'd be here, having a drink with us? Speaking of drinks. Refill on table 6!!! *Sasha:* It could be possible. *Talwyn:* You can't actually be serious. *Angela:* Talwyn, think of it like this... I can still gain entry to Megacorp. Weapons, you name it, I can get it. And-and-and-and Sasha can use her bolts to hire Thugs-4-Less. We could amass an army. *Talwyn:* Where am I in all this-no wait, I can't do this! *Angela:* Talwyn, Talwyn, Talwyn, you're thinking with your head instead of your heart. Picture this: "Ratchet & Clank: Revenge of the Forgotten". See? Ah, I can see it in your eyes, you want this. Remember who let Cronk and Zephyr die... There we go. Ladies!!! Let's go get you two, new fur coats. And for all of us, the greatest revenge. Oh Waiter!!! *Sasha:* To the greatest revenge? *Talwyn:* To the greatest revenge... *Waiter:* Here's your bill: 1 million bolts. *Angela:* Well I'm glad I brought this RYNO II, wouldn't you agree? *Waiter:* Uh, on the house? *Sasha:* Alright, let's go then. Fur coats don't make themselves. *Angela:* I'm driving. *Talwyn:* No you are not, I am. To be continued... PS: BabyZone, if this comment (somehow) becomes an issue, just delete it.
@@Yundemz but The game says that Lombaxes have gone to another dimensions, so maybe Rivet can be Allisters daughter in The same dimension where Ratchet lives and maybe in Rivets dimension Ratchet is dead, because Nefarious rules that dimension and Rivet is The only Lombax left in that dimension. That is just my theory
Angela is most likely a different type of Lombax because her ears are different and she's the tallest of all Lombaxs seen so far. even Alister wasn't that much taller than Ratchet, and he's the oldest of the Lombaxs we've seen. so, Angela's height isn't because of age.
You know that they never bring up Angela in any of the future trilogy, and when the artbook for the 15th anniversary of ratchet and clank came out she was mention and it was Like is she a lombax?, How come she doesn't have any tail ,we're deeply sorry about it....,it's kinda weird that they say that...
I hope Angela becomes the big bad of the future game where Ratcher and friends meet the lombaxes in their secret paradise dimension, only to discover they are a brutal tolitarian empire that’s on like nazi levels. As the game progresses, Ratcher meets his parents where they explain to them that their race were not as perfect as they thought they were. As the lombaxes were moving on as a society, a disease ravaged their race and the cure they took ended up making any future lombaxes born a chance to have a defect, mainly girls having tails or guys not having tails. This led to discrimination and the elites of the empire felt scared by the “defects” due to the old bug bad guy, who may return and become another big bad of the game, they will decide to wipe them all out and commit genocide. While some others, like ratchet’s dad and mom, were understandably against this, it was carried out in secret. While he survivors were rounded up by the elites to be secretly experimented on, Angela and a few others survived and escaped. While he wanted to help, Ratchet’s dad knew the situation would not be easily resolved and could doom the entire race, so he helped the dombaxes escape to their old dimension. However, Angela would be filled with rage and hate and would spend years trying to finds a way to get back there and have her revenge. When news of the dimensionator being found after the first future game, Angela would build her forces and take the weapon when the time is right. After the events of a crack in time, where the heroes would be relaxing, Angela temporarily takes the weapon, goes with her forces to the lombaxes secret dimension, and conquers it to have her revenge. She leaves a mole to take the dimensionator back to where she stole it and to keep her up on what’s happening back in their old dimension. Ratcher and Clank continue their crusade to save the lombaxes from being wiped out by the dombaxes. Near the end of the game, after defeating all of her lieutenants and soldiers, Ratchet tries to convince Angela to abandon her thirst for revenge and that all the people behind the genocide are dead now and that she can still give up and give the dombaxes a future. She refuses and breaks the dimensionator in spite, releasing all the sealed monsters and enemies the lombaxes ever banished, like tachyons and the void monsters of the void game. As everyone works together to fight off the advancing horde, ratchet and clank have an epic chase battle with Angela to collect the shards of the weapon and save the universe. However, she becomes on with the unstable energy and becomes a cosmic abomination monster. They kill the beast and the resulting blast wipes out all the enemies from existence. Clank, who got irreparably hurt during the battle, is on his death bed. Nefarious, who was a hesitant ally the whole time, does his first and selfless act, motivated by Lawrence jr.’s presence, by giving a rare crystal he was going to use to backstab everyone, which saves Clank’s life but at the cost of Ratchet’s father giving his life to properly fix the space warp, uniting all dimensions as separate but easily to travel to galaxies. In the epilogue, Quark and Rivet help the lombaxes with rebuilding their empire and starting fresh at their old planet. They build a memorial to the dombaxes, who were wiped out from the war and cosmic blast, to remind themselves to never become cocky again and that in the grand scheme of things, all are equal. Ratchet’s mom retires from being a leader of her people and returns to being a galactic adventurer, occasionally hitting on others, especially nefarious, to his detriment. Ratchet and Clank finally relax as Ratchet finally kisses Talwyn onscreen and that’s where the game ends. What do you think?
Rivet Dancing: ruclips.net/video/sGNUvNPNaqM/видео.html
@🎀StarLight🎀 why may i ask
@@Dawid_wojcik_p3dofilWhy may you ask what is exactly? But what if the Lombaxes did meet with the Blue and Red Sentients from their twin planet as well I mean, they both have similar technology that they travelled to the multiverse for years of exploring new worlds of their lives.
Ratchet: wow, another Lombax, again.. and Rivet is the only Friendly one
Alister, Angela, crew from size matter...only friendly?
@@nerdodragonnerdpl4167 i think he means the only one thats friendly from start to finish
@@privatedankmemes4882 pretty much after what alister did to ratchet because he attacked him from the start and killed him later on
@@nerdodragonnerdpl4167 the crew from size matters were clones of ratchet and high impact games made that so im not sure its canon
@@mattm9204 why the heck pepols think that size matter isn't canon?
I always have to giggle when Rivet repairs Clank. The damn look she gives him. They put so much into that scene.
I honestly don't understand if her expression is either as to say "wtf" Or "can you not? "
@@nickspencerfishingrodd2383 may I suggest, "wtf, can you not-"
@@RestInReeses make sense XD
They let Jennifer Hale do her trademark hmmm as well!
Even some of dirty minded say that the most dirty scenes in entire movies...
Angela- introduces herself to you pointing a weapon.
Alister- introduces himself throwing a bomb against you.
And Rivet-introduces herself by dancing 💃.
@@shadowninja1059 these lombax have strange methods for know each others 😂
Dancing is a weapon too xd.
@@jcraft2805 🤣🤣
so finding a lombax is like seeing a shiny legendary Pokemon, lol
yeah basically lol
Honestly, Rivet looks like she IS the shiny version of a lombax.
I feel they all steel of what other type they are .
Soooo... Rivet is the first lombax that didn't try to kill Ratchet the moment they (Angelina and Alister) saw him
Rivet is a she.
@@negativezer0741 by "he/she", I'm talking about Angelina and Alister if you're confused (I should edit this in)
@@soraeatsredtireyummyyummy9603 understood sorry
@@negativezer0741 no, si a trans rivet, have a tail
I still love how Alister just looks like lombax Kratos lol
I'm 2 years late but I know right ? The behaviour along with the colour palette says it all lol
I honestly think the developers forgot Angela Cross was even a character. Because it messes up the current continuity too much
The current continuity is a new reality tho
Ratchet and Clank Future a Crack in Time, mentions that Angela is a Lombax, and females have no tails.
@@SeventhEntropy Guess I missed that in my interpretation of how this story goes, but I feel like that is an alternate Angela or something, but that would ruin half the story of Rift apart. I wrote a comment here on how I think events played out here, this is some interesting stuff.
New game is a reboot
@@borderlandsveteran But Rivet is female and has a tail tho
Rivet and Ratchet are such dorks when it comes to each other and it's precious.
A possible couple between the 2 of them? .... nah, I doubt it.
@@neptor1851 but they are the same person just dimensional counterparts
Maybe. But the game also states that Lombaxes have been scattered across the dimensions. So... Maybe not...
It's probably like a Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy type
@@elharvey5032 fair point it could be which one got left in that dimension
they put so much effort into making them seem alive, the facial and body expressions are basically flawless, and the voice acting is also on point
Cool I didn't know they added Kratos in the game let's goooo
Wait, who Kratos voice actor voiced to? I'm so confused right now
@@chickenmeme_4768 he’s on about the lombax that has kratos colours
Oh bc azimuth colors?
not the god kratos. so that means the good kratos
I never notice that...thanks for ruining me my perception!
I feel like there's going to be a lot of people campaigning for a Rivet & Kit spin-off
“Rivet and Kit” a PlayStation 6 exclusive!
I want one. Rivet was way more interesting then ratchet
@@spritemon98 Agreed. She had more character. I also liked Emperor Nefarious, mostly because I enjoy characters played by his voice actor.
If only I could play. I have an Xbox 😭
@@ragingphantom havent gotten that far into the game. I'm watching a guy play it right now
@@spritemon98 rivet is only more interesting bc shes a new character that nobody thought was going to be a thing, she has quite a lot of character but tbh i see a lot of ratchets behavior in her
My head cannon is that since Angela didn't have a tail, probably due to losing it at some point in her life, Ratchet and everyone else didn't think she was a lombax cause they assumed all Lombaxes have a tail. Plus before meeting Angela, Ratchet has never seen another lombax so he obviously thought they all had tails like himself, so he must've thought Angela was from another species.
One of the future games mentions her and says that female lombax’s don’t have tails.
Rivet has a tail because she’s from an alternate dimension
@@masteroflight7296 this rabbit hole is getting deeper and deeper
@@masteroflight7296 Or Rivet is a trans woman ; )
@@Aural4444 no
@@Aural4444 doubt it
Rivet: "...oh, um, hi!"
Rivet built different
4:17 Didn't know Rivet was a fan of dancing the Carleton.
4:35 also a fan of Charlie Brown specials.
Anywho I was pleasantly surprised!
Alister Azimuth basically looks like a Lombax version of Kratos.
Ye he does
And acted like one too, only he basically offed himself to make sure Ratchet survived. Or rather, the last of Kaden's evidence of life survived.
I love how Rivet and Ratchet met, Ratchets 'oh shit' moment when he realized Rivet was behind watching him stare at nothing and when Rivet had no idea what to say so she got clank as if to say 'Help me out here'
If the lombaxes in Ratchet's dimension were banished to another dimension, what happened to the lombaxes in Rivet's dimension? Did Emperor Nefarious whipe them out?
most likely, as it would probably be easier and straight up safer to just kill the lombaxs with his current power than having to move them somewhere else.
@@Blaedin1337 In one of the Lombax reports it says that the lombaxes used the dimentionator to gather all lombaxes across the dimentions and went into the secret demention
@StHerbounde yes exactly
@@constntne ah thanks for the info. I forgot that happened.
I've been wondering, how do we know that Rivet's not one of the Lombaxes that got sent to her own separate dimension by herself? (and isn't originally from the original group of Lombaxes?) Instead of being Ratchet's counterpart I think she may secretly be another Lombax from the original group
Considering Rivet had her Arm removed it isn't hard to just retcon in that Angela Cross lost her tail somehow and people couldn't tell she was a Lombax then
But Angela's proportions look so... Uncanny...
@@TheTattorack I'm betting on them giving her a redesign that makes her more closely resemble the other lombaxes, such as only being slightly taller and a stubbed tail instead of lacking one entirely. That is if she ever shows up again.
@@TheTattorack I mean lombaxes come in just about any size and color so who knows
Well alister was pretty tall and he was definitely a lombax
@@FlotakuXL alister is only 5'9.
technically i don't think Angela is cannon since the ps4 reboot. and i'm pretty sure she was never called a lombax in the ps2 series either, she was just a look alike species.
A Crack in Time stated Angela is a Lombax though. Rivet even mentions her during her break-in in her dimension's Zordoom Prison.
but in Rift Apart they make numerous references to previous adventures from the Great Clock to Rusty Pete being there. And then there's the dimensionator. Maybe it's just 2 that's not canon anymore...
ps4 reboot was never canon
@@BreaksBee dude yes it is to da fuck.
@@tnazkitchen6408 no its not its canon to the movie and nothing else
I like Rivit, she is cute.
Rule 34
We all do. Trust me.
Insomniac said in a magazine the Angela wasn't a lombax, but a similar species.
Insomniac doesnt know what to do with her
@@olakmostas I played that game and I didn’t know she was in that game cuz I was bit young when I played it
It was stated in A Crack in Time that Angela is a female lombax, and females have no tails.
@@borderlandsveteran insomniac has stated a lot of things about female lomax's, first they stated females had no tails, then they stated angela was a similar species, then they went on and pretended that she didnt exist, and now bc of rivet female lombax's have fluffy tails.
@@olakmostas Ikr
One of Rivet's character design color palette's have the same color palette as Alister. Same eye color and fur color.
The other 2 were closer to the rivet we know but with orange eyes. The blue eyes were added to the first Rivet design that had the outfit.
Definitely Rivet's part was the best lol
That miniature is amazing we can clearly see the difference between three generations(PS2, PS3 and PS5).
in the prison in rift apart if you go back and run around the prison Rivet actually says something about Anglia, Rivet and Anglia were in prison together at one point!
Other angela
Different Angela
@@mrpopo5097 i already pointed that out
@@mrpopo5097 stfu matt m already pointed that out
Rivet: "... 'Hi, Ratchet. I'm Rivet. Nice to meet you'..."
The shipper inside me: *DROOLING RAINBOWS*
And reality is introduced via JAWS theme.
I just noticed at 8:23 Clank motions to Rivet and points at Kit is walking alone. Very quick miss-able detail!
It's easy to notice
I love how the scenes of the other 2 were story telling and the first scene with rivet is her happily dancing
If they go to the Lombax dimension, Ratchet & Rivet aren't going to be the only 2 that were sent to other dimensions. There's likely another one out there that will go there to conquer the Lombaxes with the help of Tachyon getting him there, BUT they will introduce him AFTER Tachyon's assault on a Lombax citadel. Everyone would think its him coming with a bunch of Cragmites, but they're actually Lombax military/prisoners that were raised in that dimension. It would start out with this Lombax from another dimension going on another conquest, but everything changes when he finds Tachyon -- who happened to land in this dimension YEARS after his fight with Ratchet-- in a state similar to Qwark at the beginning of UYA, then squeezes information out of him about the dimensionator. It would be a crazy switch that everyone thinks Tachyon is the real problem again until the true antagonist shows himself; almost a troupe at this point with the series.
Theyll probably call this character Socket, & the narrative would be that he's like an evil counterpart to Ratchet/Rivet & he brought destruction across his dimension through manipulation of a whole group of Lombax prisoners left behind. Socket is almost like a warlord that gives Lombaxes a bad rep as a reckless tribe ravaging planets for their own ulterior motives. Yes, I understand that they're not literal counterparts but it would kinda make sense that theres room out there for another dimension with different philosophies - examples: Captain Quantum was always timid, Qwark had a false sense of bravado & was really a fraudulent hero that always let Ratchet clean up his mess... You could make Socket's dimension of Qwark more sinister, assertive & intelligent enough to be his right hand man. But to stay on topic, it would be a great introduction to a new villain character that brings true tension unlike the other past antagonists have done. Have Socket kill off an important character, & that would be a moment where everyone realizes this guy right here is NOT playing. Nefarious is already looking to not be a villain anymore, ESPECIALLY after his experience with the Emperor, so its time to introduce a new threat that actually is Ratchet's equal. Kinda similar to other stories in fiction DBS/Z with Goku-Goku Black & Turles; Sonic-Scourge The Hedgehog; Solid Snake-Liquid Snake; Batman-Owlman; Flash-Reverse Flash; Mario-Wario etc. Some of these characters are very popular for being the antithesis of the hero.
Rivet is a nice character bcus i like his friendship/romance with ratchet
Her, it's a girl the creator said it
Dude the voice alone is feminine and she has many feminine features
Every other lumbaxe “tries to kill ratchet” rivet literally just dances
I love her dancing at 4:06.
0:11 I could watch that all day🤣
Angela: "Watch this"
* Shows Alister *
1. Who is that again?
2. Poor Alister. He just want to fix his mistake and go home.
3. Ah, yes. Everyone second favorite Lombaxes. She and Kit should get her own game in the future.
I wish they'd bring Angela back. Insomniac never could make up their minds. Heck they even backed down from the "Girl lombaxes don't have tails" thing with Rivet
Companies can change the lore of their characters. Insomniac made this character a clone of Rachet from another dimension possibly that's why she has a tail they never confirmed the story was different
It can easily be explained away as “everyone has only ever seen the one female Lombax so they just assume she’s the default”
I don't think Angela's a lombax, or at the very least the same kind of lombax as ratchet, maybe a different breed or race of lombax at most.
I don't really think so though, I mean they never mention she's one once in the entire game
Crack in Time stated she was
@@DarkLink1996. Yeah, on the radio it talks about her going on the run with Talwyn’s father to escape Tachyon
Crack in Time had a radio clip directly for this type of question, which makes even less sense now, as it stated:
"Female lombaxes don't have tails".
That would mean Rivet should not have one either but she does.
It really is just one big mess of lore, but I think I can sum up how the reboot story goes so far, as in which games happen in order (Just the way I can see it happening, this is by no means canon):
1. Rathcet and Clank 2016 (the reboot)
2. A heavily altered Ratchet and Clank 3
3. The future saga (I count them as 1 game, although A Crack in Time may be optionally skipped for the sake of continuity, or Ratchet makes a very noticable effort NOT to talk about Alister, explaining why he MIGHT have been a tad bit less nervous when meeting Rivet than she was.)
4. Rift apart
Again, I don't think this is how anyone else need to see events go, it is how I think the story makes sense. This eliminates Angela, so things may not be as confusing, it eliminates Deadlocked, All 4 one, Secret agent Clank and Size matters (the latter 2 I think never were canon to begin with, just had to mention them because they exist), as well as POSSIBLY A Crack in Time.
I have no idea if Into the Nexus counts anywhere but it would be between the future saga and Rift apart if it happened at all. I kinda just don't see it though. Maybe something with the whole Neftin Prog thing in the movie is what makes me unsure, idk.
Sorry for the long comment, hope I didn't waste too much of your time.
Edit: Apparently I missed a piece of dialogue somewhere because Rivet mentions Angela, however I think that is alternate reality, for reference on this, check a couple comments below on this topic.
@@sannyer633 Being a different dimension female lombaxes could have tales which could explain why rivet has one
I've always headcanoned that Angela Cross was a subspecies of lombax because of the fact that 1. She's confirmed to be a lombax, and 2. She looks a bit weird compared to other lombax concepts they've done at Insomniac
Kratos as a lombax: awesome as hell
At least until he almost vaporizes the universe
4:50 My boy Clank be fiending
7:50 😉😙
I hope ratchet meets his dad, kaden one day. As a holographic recording of course since he’s dead
So out of the three Lombax, one is dead, one went missing a 'long' time ago and one is missing an arm (and probably has a bit of PTSD) but is otherwise fine.
Rivet is totally amazing though
Well Angela is technically missing, its pretty clear her and Max escaped to the Lombax dimension but why they haven't come back is the real mystery, the Lombaxes have been isolated for more than a decade by now and that could have some adverse effects on their society, the 2 might've imprisoned upon arrival.
No Angela does have a tail, it's on the back of her head!
Rivet is a amazing dancer.
Poor forgotten Angela, lol.
The devs keep teasing her but I doubt they will officially bring her back.
Ratchet and Rivet: meet
Lombaxes extinction: *"WHY DO I HEAR BOSS MUSIC?"*
I kept wondering why her clothes changed when only the mask fell off?
It took me all of these years to realize that the mask was a Holo-guise.
*slams table* son of a bitch! I still didn't know why angela's clothes changed after the mask! I never even thought of that.
Fun fact: while Lombaxes may look and sound like they're based off cats, foxes, lemurs, and wombats, they're actually related to none of these animals and if they were real they're closest relatives are civets and mongooses.
They need to bring Angels back so we can see what she looks like with today’s gaming graphics. I bet she’d look really pretty just like Rivet.
Can we just take a moment for the wholesome robots? Kit just flicking Clank's thing on his head (I CANT SPELL IT)
Revisiting Zoordoom Prison, Rivet mentions she remembers the last time she was there with Angela and it's been a loooooong time since she's seen her. A nice little nod!
It was hilarious when Rivet did the Carlton dance!
4:05 Didn't know Rivet was chill like that
4:05: Best dancer in the world, even better than GTA protagonists.
You know, I think we have waaaaaaaay too little merchandise of Ratchet and Clank~ :3
We need more. 💙
4:04-4:42 better dancing than my cat, Millie
Rivet: Guess our adventure's coming to an end Bolts.
*few seconds later Kit is Rivet's new robot companion*
As much as it would be rare to see an albino Lombax like Rivet or Alister compared to the rest of the entire Lombax race, I feel that Angela Crpss is extremely rare. 2 outta the 3 he met (or that we've seen in illustrations and flashbacks) seemed similar to Ratchet's height. Angela's a freaking giant though 😅
Plus, she doesn't have a tail. She's an abomination I say lol
Imsomniac on there way to create a new lombax character and Thanos snap Rivet out of existence forever
In a fight who would win?
Prime Ratchet and Clank from 2002-2007?
Or Rivet And Kit 2021?
Would love to know
Ratchet and Clank. I liked Rivet and Kit but it's pretty obvious they are just rip-offs of Ratchet and Clank. I mean for crying out Rivet plays exactly like Ratchet.
@@Rollbrand370 duhh Rivet and Kit are literal parallels of Ratcher and Clank obviously they'd act exactly the same
@@mawinstallation6626 I know, I just wanted to say it. But you know what kinda confused me though? How did Rivet get the same weapons and gadgets when I got them with Ratchet?
@@Rollbrand370 inter dimensional pockets or sumn idk
Angela just didnt exsist after the game was over
Considering Alister is dead kind of because of Ratchet trying to stop the Great Clock breaking permanently, I wouldn't ever really want to meet my kind again considering he happened to be Kaden's FRIEND and a guy who was outcast for making an honest mistake and then never saw anyone again.
Like MY GODDAMN HEART. Seeing Rivet being white as well probably would trigger something in Ratchet-
4:05 Well.......
I haven't even got a PS5, but I'm giving this game a 10/10
Did anyone else see that rivets robot arm is on her left during the cutseen but when she meets rachet its on her right arm?
With Golden Bolts you can unlock a cheat wich makes you mirror the world.
I love Rivet lol 4:05
At this point, my head-canon is that Angela and Sasha are in a bar at Metropolis because Insomniac forgot about them with Talwyn soon joining them for a bitter drink.
*Dumb story that I made because I was bored time*
*Sasha:* I could have helped him against Tachyon when he was in Metropolis , why didn't he call?
*Angela:* Oh that's not the kicker. (chugging grog) The kicker is that he's seeing a monoplegic, alternate dimension, female version of himself.
*Sasha:* What, why?!
*Angela:* Because, because... because, hey Talwyn is here. Hey! Over here! Come have a seat, join the land of the forgotten!
*Sasha:* Stop yelling, would you? How much have you had to drink?
*Angela:* Not enough because I can still remember-hey Talwyn, when did you get here? Hey why the sad face? You look like your best friends died and there wasn't so much as a funeral.
*Sasha:* Angela!
*Angela:* What? Oh... Well here Talwyn, have a drink. To Zonk and Crephyr! (falls asleep)
*Sasha:* So what are you doing here?
*Talwyn:* I could ask you the same thing, Mayor.
*Sasha:* Former mayor *sigh* former mayor.
*Angela:* Here's an idea! *table shaking* Why-why-why-why don't we find Ratchet and this Rivet and go beat the *censor bleep* out of them.
*Talwyn:* We can't do that, Ratchet's our friend.
*Angela:* If he were our friend, don't you think he'd be here, having a drink with us? Speaking of drinks. Refill on table 6!!!
*Sasha:* It could be possible.
*Talwyn:* You can't actually be serious.
*Angela:* Talwyn, think of it like this... I can still gain entry to Megacorp. Weapons, you name it, I can get it. And-and-and-and Sasha can use her bolts to hire Thugs-4-Less. We could amass an army.
*Talwyn:* Where am I in all this-no wait, I can't do this!
*Angela:* Talwyn, Talwyn, Talwyn, you're thinking with your head instead of your heart. Picture this: "Ratchet & Clank: Revenge of the Forgotten". See? Ah, I can see it in your eyes, you want this. Remember who let Cronk and Zephyr die... There we go. Ladies!!! Let's go get you two, new fur coats. And for all of us, the greatest revenge. Oh Waiter!!!
*Sasha:* To the greatest revenge?
*Talwyn:* To the greatest revenge...
*Waiter:* Here's your bill: 1 million bolts.
*Angela:* Well I'm glad I brought this RYNO II, wouldn't you agree?
*Waiter:* Uh, on the house?
*Sasha:* Alright, let's go then. Fur coats don't make themselves.
*Angela:* I'm driving.
*Talwyn:* No you are not, I am.
To be continued...
PS: BabyZone, if this comment (somehow) becomes an issue, just delete it.
i love the face animation of rivet she is so cute
When I hear Rivet, I hear Ash from Overwatch XD
I guess it's the same voice actress
Yes it is
Ratchet rivet Angela Azmuith and Maggs[mentioned rift apart] are the only Lombaxes voices we heard
Never played any of the games but I loved the design of ratchet and clank and rivets design is cool too.
Peeps can't deny Rivet has an adorbs and dorky personality
Three. There are three other lombaxes in the entire multiverse. Bravo.
So kaden, Ratchets dad, tinkers with both space and time, the great clock and the dimensionator
6:17 a beautiful moment or should i say romantically moment
Cringe, they are the same person pls guys grow up lmao. He already has Tawlyn in his dimension.
why tf is rivet so cute, im not a furry, STOP LEAve me alONE
I already failed save me 😂
Quark looks cuter😏
@@Spryze 😳
Furries ruined everything, they ruined my favorite pokemon, Lucario, and because of that people think I'm a furry
Honestly this is pretty much why I just admit being a furry, only to admit that if a bitch is cute, I’ll say they cute what of it?
Ratchet is son of Kaden
This proves Ratchet isn't the Only Lombac.
Man, we need a RATCHET AND RIVET: A Rift Apart Sequel now!
Rivets is definitely my favorite
I have a theory that Rivet is Alister's daughter
Imagine Allister Azimuth said "Try this, yellowbelly"
What If, Rivet is Allister daughter?
I thought The same thing!
Maybe in her own dimension
Or, maybe, Rivet is related to Angela Cross, and, her long lost, scrapped, implied, mother, Lorna Cross.
@@Yundemz but The game says that Lombaxes have gone to another dimensions, so maybe Rivet can be Allisters daughter in The same dimension where Ratchet lives and maybe in Rivets dimension Ratchet is dead, because Nefarious rules that dimension and Rivet is The only Lombax left in that dimension. That is just my theory
@@OfficerDumbass ratchet and rivet are counterparts so idk. There could be another dimension where the ratchet equivalent is dead though
Great video 👍🔥
Alister Azimuth is hard to beat at the end of the game. Still can't beat him.
Tachyon: bEhOlD tHe LaSt LoMbAx In ThE uNiVeRsE!!
Well, Tachyon=stupid
So hold on.. If Ratchet and Rivet are aware they're the same, just from different dimensions.. And still like each other..
Angela's mask has gender swapping powers.
One word. Just one word: hologuise.
And her armor and cloak can become invisible
Ratchet, always saying he's the last of his kind
Me: Angela, Alister, Rivet (she doesn't really count since she's from another dimension, but still)
It's hinted in side missions that all Lombax come from the same dimension and they spread across to survive in different worlds
Angela is most likely a different type of Lombax because her ears are different and she's the tallest of all Lombaxs seen so far. even Alister wasn't that much taller than Ratchet, and he's the oldest of the Lombaxs we've seen. so, Angela's height isn't because of age.
The first clip gave me so much nostalgia
You know that they never bring up Angela in any of the future trilogy, and when the artbook for the 15th anniversary of ratchet and clank came out she was mention and it was Like is she a lombax?, How come she doesn't have any tail ,we're deeply sorry about it....,it's kinda weird that they say that...
I friggin love Rivet
I hope Angela becomes the big bad of the future game where Ratcher and friends meet the lombaxes in their secret paradise dimension, only to discover they are a brutal tolitarian empire that’s on like nazi levels. As the game progresses, Ratcher meets his parents where they explain to them that their race were not as perfect as they thought they were. As the lombaxes were moving on as a society, a disease ravaged their race and the cure they took ended up making any future lombaxes born a chance to have a defect, mainly girls having tails or guys not having tails. This led to discrimination and the elites of the empire felt scared by the “defects” due to the old bug bad guy, who may return and become another big bad of the game, they will decide to wipe them all out and commit genocide. While some others, like ratchet’s dad and mom, were understandably against this, it was carried out in secret. While he survivors were rounded up by the elites to be secretly experimented on, Angela and a few others survived and escaped.
While he wanted to help, Ratchet’s dad knew the situation would not be easily resolved and could doom the entire race, so he helped the dombaxes escape to their old dimension. However, Angela would be filled with rage and hate and would spend years trying to finds a way to get back there and have her revenge. When news of the dimensionator being found after the first future game, Angela would build her forces and take the weapon when the time is right. After the events of a crack in time, where the heroes would be relaxing, Angela temporarily takes the weapon, goes with her forces to the lombaxes secret dimension, and conquers it to have her revenge. She leaves a mole to take the dimensionator back to where she stole it and to keep her up on what’s happening back in their old dimension.
Ratcher and Clank continue their crusade to save the lombaxes from being wiped out by the dombaxes. Near the end of the game, after defeating all of her lieutenants and soldiers, Ratchet tries to convince Angela to abandon her thirst for revenge and that all the people behind the genocide are dead now and that she can still give up and give the dombaxes a future. She refuses and breaks the dimensionator in spite, releasing all the sealed monsters and enemies the lombaxes ever banished, like tachyons and the void monsters of the void game. As everyone works together to fight off the advancing horde, ratchet and clank have an epic chase battle with Angela to collect the shards of the weapon and save the universe. However, she becomes on with the unstable energy and becomes a cosmic abomination monster. They kill the beast and the resulting blast wipes out all the enemies from existence. Clank, who got irreparably hurt during the battle, is on his death bed. Nefarious, who was a hesitant ally the whole time, does his first and selfless act, motivated by Lawrence jr.’s presence, by giving a rare crystal he was going to use to backstab everyone, which saves Clank’s life but at the cost of Ratchet’s father giving his life to properly fix the space warp, uniting all dimensions as separate but easily to travel to galaxies.
In the epilogue, Quark and Rivet help the lombaxes with rebuilding their empire and starting fresh at their old planet. They build a memorial to the dombaxes, who were wiped out from the war and cosmic blast, to remind themselves to never become cocky again and that in the grand scheme of things, all are equal. Ratchet’s mom retires from being a leader of her people and returns to being a galactic adventurer, occasionally hitting on others, especially nefarious, to his detriment. Ratchet and Clank finally relax as Ratchet finally kisses Talwyn onscreen and that’s where the game ends.
What do you think?
Anyone notice that Rivet bears a slight resemblance to Allister?
Rivet dancing is fucking pog.
Am I the only one who noticed that Rivet and Clank's arms keep switching in certain cut scenes
He was using the in game mod that mirrors the game but he only used it in some cutscenes
i fucking hate how they've essentially retconned the second game, they act like it never happend
Ratchet on this version is so cute
It's a shame the series completely forgot about Angela
Or...has it? There have been a few mentions, she was said to have disappeared with Max Apogee.
@@endamcnabola She showed up in Going Commando, and never again after that.
4:54 why this video is flipped, but subtitles not? She don't have right arm.