Polaris GETS MORE GUNS!!!!

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Polaris GETS MORE GUNS!!!!
    The motto of #BillionaireNinjas is “Talk is Cheap, Ninjas Leap.”
    The Polaris is getting either more guns or bigger guns to compete with ships around it's size. Let's talk about what the NEW Polaris guns might look like.
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Комментарии • 265

  • @DarkAssassin274
    @DarkAssassin274 3 месяца назад +45

    I personally don't think anything L class or capital should ever feel threatened under any circumstances by 1 to 2 small class ships. Period.. A pair of Gladiuses should NOT under any circumstances be able to permanently live in a Large or capitals blind spot and eventually get through. They need to have the "We're gonna need a bigger boat" effect.

    • @hourglasseyesflipping
      @hourglasseyesflipping 3 месяца назад +2

      I feel like it's a poor statement on their end. Skill plays a huge role in a fight like that. 2 very experienced dog fighters going against a polaris with a novice pilot and only half the turrets manned is going to the 2 dog fighters for sure.

    • @DarkAssassin274
      @DarkAssassin274 3 месяца назад +7

      @@hourglasseyesflipping It's a capital ship. The shield and armor should at minimum be able to protect it from 1 bee sting. I don't care how skilled you are with a dogfighting ship. That's what it is.. A dogfighting ship. Going toe to toe with a capital is NOT dog fighting. That would be like a single japanese zero going against a WWII battleship. Without huge bombs or a kamakazi, the guns on it would do nothing. And that is the point. The polaris has a massive blind spot behind the engines. What you're saying, is that in a perfect world, a single gladius (or equivalent) should be allowed to get up behind a fully manned, and well trained polaris, park in that blind spot where the polaris has a 0% chance of being fast/maneuverable enough to shake it, and has zero turret coverage and be able to kill the polaris? A capital ship?

    • @Gwydion_Wolf
      @Gwydion_Wolf 3 месяца назад

      ​@DarkAssassin274 Your not talking about "1" bee sting though.
      Your talking about 6 (3 guns each), non-stop hitting the same area.

    • @hourglasseyesflipping
      @hourglasseyesflipping 3 месяца назад +1

      @@DarkAssassin274 you really missed my point huh?
      Want me to explain what I said again? I said that it's a poor statement to say 2 Gladius pose a threat to a ship of this size, blind spot or not. People aren't NPCs and aren't gonna fly like morons unless they are themselves. Sure 2 very experienced pilots might pose a threat to a novice with less crew who doesn't know what they're doing. But the way things are now a single fury piloted by an ace could take on ships way above its class when people piloting them are inexperienced and flying
      Also, I'm pretty sure it's a corvette not a capital ship but meh apples to oranges.
      The blind spot shouldn't matter that much, there's a hanger. Use the hanger and have support fighters, I know crazy idea right?
      So NO I'm not saying a single Gladius should be able to take on a ship like this, nor can it in reality if people are using the polaris properly.

    • @hourglasseyesflipping
      @hourglasseyesflipping 3 месяца назад

      @@Gwydion_Wolf kinda why I'm saying if the pilot is REALLY experienced behind the Gladius and the polaris is under staff and has a novice pilot then it's possible

  • @drgnsenpai
    @drgnsenpai 3 месяца назад +24

    Nose turret becomes a twin size 6.
    Top two turrets become size twin 5’s.
    Side turrets stay quad size 4’s.
    Bottom turret becomes quad size 4.

    • @dark_winter8238
      @dark_winter8238 3 месяца назад +3

      That would be great. Would not overstep the Perseus.

    • @TheAngriestGamer.
      @TheAngriestGamer. 3 месяца назад +1

      now if we can just get the galaxy to have Twin S6 turrets and get some AA gun and light missile turrets added to it, cuz it currently has ZERO aa.
      the origen 600 imo should also have its 3 s5s change to S6s
      the Perseus also needs a bottom AA gun badly. cuz that one inbetween the engines is useless.

    • @MrFalkor81
      @MrFalkor81 3 месяца назад +2

      I agree... You can't upgrade all turrets to size 5 because turrets 1-4 are designed for AA defence and for torp shooting so changing them all would made Polaris much weaker not stronger.

    • @feariex
      @feariex 3 месяца назад

      @@dark_winter8238would it be bad if it did though? The Perseus is a much smaller ship with much smaller crew and engineering requirements

    • @AllistorKatelo
      @AllistorKatelo 3 месяца назад

      Im digging it if thats what they end up doing.
      I would almost be happier if the chin turret stayed dual S5. Polaris is a patrol ship and flanker. It's not meant to go toe to toe with an Idris, so to me it's guns are more defensive in nature. The S5 turrets would be great for dealing with Redeemers and the like.
      Your loadout gives you 2 of the Quad S4s on a target at a time most likely, which still makes the Hammerhead a valuable wingmate if you are up against smaller ships.
      At the same time, it still makes it so you lack the armor penetration of the S7s on the Perseus, so it doesn't step on its toes either.
      Now if only we can ditch the missile turret for another quad S4 mount...

  • @kallistnemain2343
    @kallistnemain2343 3 месяца назад +10

    The guns going up in size to match the fact that were dealing with a Capital ship makes sense, but what I'd really like to see is the Missiles going up to S4's. We never really see them, and this would be a good place to have them.

    • @Jamie-666
      @Jamie-666 3 месяца назад +1

      What I don't get is the forward facing missiles next to the bridge. So, a big ship like this has to maneuver to get targets lined up up in front of it to shoot? Far preferred the previous launchers.

    • @BizzMRK
      @BizzMRK 3 месяца назад

      @@Jamie-666 you can lock on and shoot at targets not directly infront of you and they could (and probably should) make it so that turret gunners can access missle mode and atleast lock onto targets or even firing them themselves.

  • @Gwydion_Wolf
    @Gwydion_Wolf 3 месяца назад +7

    I never felt a Persius would be able to 1 v 1 a Polaris and win.
    What I DO feel, is that if a Polaris ignores a Persius, that Persius will be able to significantly damage it.

    • @JustNTimeGames
      @JustNTimeGames 3 месяца назад

      I feel like if a Perseus gets a jump on the Polaris it should definitely be able to win. And vice versa if the Polaris gets the jump on the Perseus. It also depends if the crew is good enough to shoot down the torps. To make the Polaris so much more OP over the Perseus doesn't make sense to me. If they do, then they need to either drop the price of the Perseus or increase the price of the Polaris. No one is going to pick Perseus when they can get the MEGA OP ship everyone wants for $75 more.

    • @Gwydion_Wolf
      @Gwydion_Wolf 3 месяца назад

      @@JustNTimeGames well I meant more in terms of strait up exploding one.
      It likely would take almost all of its ammo to do that solo.
      But.... enough to soft-death it or severely damage it, yea, can see that.

    • @chrisweiland4549
      @chrisweiland4549 3 месяца назад

      ​@@JustNTimeGames I'm not sure they'll end up that comparable - one is large, one is a capital which will have a magnitude more "hp". The bigger the ship is, the more time crews will need to run to turrets, do repairs, etc so combat will last much longer. The Polaris is nearly twice the size as the Perseus and has a capital class radar which outranges any weapon in the game, so getting a jump on one will be difficult. AFAIK they've never dropped the price of a ship, but my guess is the Perseus will just rise less than the Polaris does at release. My bet is 725-750 for the Perseus, 900-950 for the Polaris. Yes, a good crew shooting down torps would help, but you clearly get more value with one at current pricing. On the other hand, one will cost much more to crew and supply. I think the Perseus will be used to bully other large and medium ships, and provide fire support for capitals vs capitals.
      I want both of em 😅

    • @yulfine1688
      @yulfine1688 3 месяца назад

      perseus says its meant to take on sub capital ships, the polaris is a capital ship and 4 size 7 currently isn't enough its meant to drop things like HH and other similar craft, maybe a couple of them could handle a polaris but those s10 torpedos will be dangeorus and the perseus doesn't have a good way to deal with those.

    • @Gwydion_Wolf
      @Gwydion_Wolf 3 месяца назад +1

      @yulfine1688 torpedoes don't exactly maneuver like S1 missiles.... I doubt a mobile persious is gonna have issues evading the main torpedoes of a Polaris.
      The smaller missiles though will pose a danger, as well as the turrets.
      And as I said, I don't feel a perci alone can 'destroy' a Polaris, but it's guns will be strong enough to damage things like engines and it's turrets.
      Remember, the Ares is meant specifically to attack those types of things on capitol class ships, and it's primary gun is a single S7.
      The Perci has dual S7s on 2 turrets.

  • @michaelpatent8690
    @michaelpatent8690 3 месяца назад +3

    When the Polaris was at the convention center and in the ILW Parade, we could observe 6 gun turrets. 3 had quad size 3, 2 has dual size 4, and 1 had dual size 5. The quad S3 guns were outfitted with anti-fighter repeaters while the S4 and S5 guns are general purpose cannons giving a burst DPS of 13,158. The HH has 6 manned turrets armed with quad size 4 anti-fighter repeaters, which deals 18216 burst DPS. The Idris has 7 manned turrets, 6 with dual size 5 anti-fighter repeaters and 1 with dual size 7 anti-material cannons with a burst DPS of 22198. I think if they up gun the Polaris it would be a size increase of 1 across the board on all guns. So it would be 3 turrets with quad size 4, 2 turrets with dual size 5 and 1 turret with dual size 6. I’m going to assume that the size 6 cannons are swapped from general purpose to anti-material, which gives us a burst DPS 21508, very close to idris turret’s dmg

  • @durtyred86
    @durtyred86 3 месяца назад +8

    The Perseus has 4x size 7's. Two on the top and two on the bottom. Eventually, smaller ships won't be able to do much to larger ships like this ship. At best, they'll be able to knock out shield generators or turrets, but after that their job is done. They won't be able to penetrate the hull. Gone will be the days of bringing a fighter to an ERT fight. You'll need some teeth.

    • @Rompelsteelskin
      @Rompelsteelskin 3 месяца назад +1

      Ill laugh to death if the s7 are like the Ions'

    • @viperswhip
      @viperswhip 3 месяца назад

      @@Rompelsteelskin those have gotten better actually, if you hit something with the Ion right now it two shots small ships with full shields, the inferno can one shot them, ya, they don't track so fast, but in case you haven't seen it, both are performing quite well in this patch. I exchanged mine after the nerfs, but maybe I will buy them back one day.

    • @BizzMRK
      @BizzMRK 3 месяца назад

      ​@@Rompelsteelskin they are ballistics so atleast none of that stupid charge up nonsense like with the Ion. Ontop of that they are making different ballistics ammo types like disarray and incendiary ammo

    • @luistigerfox
      @luistigerfox 3 месяца назад +1

      @@BizzMRK hoping to see proximity ammo. Flak cannons ahoy!

    • @Noskavian
      @Noskavian 3 месяца назад +2

      If they upsize the guns in the Polaris, I would not be surprised if they bump the peruses up to Size 8s. Also the fact that the Perseus has ballistic cannons that have been said to have swappable munition types will be a lot of fun, swapping between something like AP or HE Rounds depending on the situation or somethin more interesting like shells with a Plasma payload or something.

  • @benvalle8253
    @benvalle8253 3 месяца назад +8

    I’m looking forward to help crew the Polaris.

  • @truthbetold06
    @truthbetold06 3 месяца назад +2

    Perseus backers punching the air right now 😂😂

  • @Pepperhill01
    @Pepperhill01 3 месяца назад

    If you want my opinion, all the guns will go up one size. Compare it with the odyssey. And you will see why. And the biggest thing of all will be the missiles. If you compare it to the size 12. on the javi One of the missile variants will do more shield damage. 222 620+ Energy. and about 10,000 on physical.
    hit points. it is only to takedown the shields ballistics will not have any effect on the capital ships That is why they need to upsize the guns. To take down the enemies guns etc.

  • @PahorLee
    @PahorLee 3 месяца назад

    The exploration in Star Citizen is unmatched. Every video is a new discovery, a new adventure waiting to happen.

  • @MikeSTPK
    @MikeSTPK 3 месяца назад

    This game is the reason I'm always running late for things. Worth it!

  • @dmarti3
    @dmarti3 3 месяца назад

    Think of Star Wars, could an X-Wing take out a Star Destroyer? A small ship should never be able to destroy a capitol ship. The shields should regenerate quicker than the damage the fighter can dish out.

  • @tarran6176
    @tarran6176 3 месяца назад +1

    At first, I was going to pass on this ship, then I saw it on the show room floor, looked at my fleet and said yes, I can do it.

  • @shifter1359
    @shifter1359 3 месяца назад

    This is a wild take. Love the enthusiasm but I don't see the ship getting any size 7s. The turrets will either be quad 4s or dual 5s. Maybe the main manned chin turret gets dual 6s (which you can already see in game)
    Giving it quad 6s and 7s would put the Polaris closer to a Javilin (well at least one broadside of the Jav) and I don't see CIG stepping on that ships toes.
    The Polaris will be better with smaller quads anyways. Those turrets are for anti- small to medium fighter and anti- torpedo. It's got 28 S10 torps for anything bigger. Anyone that's tried to fight a couple of skilled light fighters in a redeemer knows what I'm talking about.

    • @luistigerfox
      @luistigerfox 3 месяца назад

      I could see the main turret being a dual 7 or a 6 quad tbh. top two I could see those as s5 duals. then I'd say leave the side and tail turrets as the quad 3's they are now. Even a quad 7 won't really outshine firepower on either a javelin or Idris.
      It'd be enough to give the polaris a fighting chance if it plays its cards right, but still unlikely to come out on top of those two alone without its torpedoes. Speaking of, javelin is eventually gonna carry 32 size 12 torps apparently as well as a big load of other good sized turrets aside from its two quad size 8s. But let's not forget that each broadside of the jav has 3 dual s7s and 3 dual s4s on top. It'd still take a whole pack of polaris to compete.

  • @Frank-costanza
    @Frank-costanza 3 месяца назад

    I imagine the perseus will see an update as well. It doesn't feel like it really does what it says on the tin.

  • @IndominusSSD
    @IndominusSSD 3 месяца назад

    Personally? Making every turret a quad would do a ton in making the Polaris able to damage similar sized or larger ships, while giving it more anti fighter. That would do fine, cause right now? All of it's weapons are just duals.

    • @venividivici2195
      @venividivici2195 3 месяца назад

      Not all duals, It has 3 quad turrets currently, two quad manned turrets on each side of the ship that are hidden and fold out of armored hatches when in use, and one on the rear bellow the thrusters that's remote operated. imo they should replace the remote missile turret at the rear on top with another remote quad, or at least give us the option to switch to one through buying it at a ship weapon store.

  • @sevexxan
    @sevexxan 2 месяца назад +2

    Video starts at 2:25 thank me later.

  • @FoxDim972
    @FoxDim972 3 месяца назад

    I imagine that the Perseus guns will become powerful too, keeping balance.

  • @Hurdora
    @Hurdora 3 месяца назад

    The game's physics are a marvel of simulation

  • @catwizard3312
    @catwizard3312 3 месяца назад +1

    oh boy... now it has no weaknessses

  • @garywilburn7384
    @garywilburn7384 3 месяца назад

    CONFIRMED they are adding a Size 52 Fixed gun, the projectile speed is 5. and it explodes on proximity. so you know, its going to shoot and kill itself.

  • @markpaulsen6493
    @markpaulsen6493 3 месяца назад

    Crazy cool ship, looking forward to their actual launch

  • @cicio7777
    @cicio7777 3 месяца назад

    Polaris looks great especially with more and better turrets. It desperately needs more remote turrets toward side rear and rear. I would love to see Scorpius turret railing on each back rear sides to give awesome polaris broadside views from rear remote turrets or views of rear combat as well from the same movable turret aka Scorpius turret method

  • @Marlax-101
    @Marlax-101 3 месяца назад

    If the polaris was made to replace the idris in its old role and the idris was made to replace the perseus. Without them finalizing what size ships can use smaller jumps i think the perseus will still be the answer for smaller fleets.
    If the pers is going to fight any larger ships then i could see the polar going up to S7 or equal damage amounts with 6s. The pers i would still bet can handle itself verses a polar. in a ship battle but its most likely going to need the support of a hammerhead or a carrack ect to help protect vs fighters and torps. which would require similar crews.

  • @brett2323
    @brett2323 3 месяца назад

    Getting so excited for this game. Come a long way.

  • @JustNTimeGames
    @JustNTimeGames 3 месяца назад

    I don't think you're going to see size 6 or 7s on the ship. People want so bad for this ship to essentially be the best most OP ship in the game. With it's torps, it's literally a threat to larger ships like Idris or Jav. If you give it size 6s or 7s, then you essentially make anything that size obsolete imo. The Perseus would for sure be obsolete, especially at the price point.

    • @baileyspringer1896
      @baileyspringer1896 3 месяца назад

      Not really a Persues can be crewed with 3 people if you can't get a big group than the persues is the pick. Torps should be OP since they are a limited resource and will be very expensive making them weak is not a good stance. Not all engagements need the nuclear option so the polaris getting up gunned plays into the self sustainable ship it should be. The Idris M is not a battle ship it is a support ship that should leverage its range from the rail cannon, but the fact the polaris doesn't have size 7's or 6's seems like a fragment of the past which is being corrected.

    • @michaelalvarez8112
      @michaelalvarez8112 3 месяца назад

      The Perseus does not be some obsolete from that at all. Polaris takes resources to crew and far more than a Perseus does. you’d want the Perseus along side the Polaris if anything for support and the low crew requirement

  • @StockpileSC
    @StockpileSC 3 месяца назад +1

    I cant wait to see the upgun potential for the Perseus down the road.

  • @BizzMRK
    @BizzMRK 3 месяца назад

    I doubt they will go too crazy with the gun sizes on the turrets since otherwise they butcher the Perseus completely. I like the idea of for the most part upgunning most turrets to quadrs and the nose turret into a twin size 6 maybe.

  • @demonic75
    @demonic75 3 месяца назад +1

    It's definitely going to be awesome to have more big ships like the polaris!

  • @llillian4055
    @llillian4055 3 месяца назад

    No, size 8 guns would make the Perseus pointless to buy. And at the price point, that's not going to fly with the community. No quad size 7s either. The up-gun the Polaris actually needs it a pair of point defence laser turrets covering the stern - like many CIG ships, there is simply not enough defence to the stern. Get behind it in an Ares, and sit there until you kill the Polaris.

    • @michaelalvarez8112
      @michaelalvarez8112 3 месяца назад

      Not really. there designed for two different roles. Perseus is a gunboat meant to kill sub capitals and only hurt capital shields at most. While the Polaris is a quick reaction capital ship meant to take out other capital ships. Two completely different roles in a fleet. Also with the massive crew requirement it makes no sense to field more the one Polaris in a small fleet when you can field other smaller ships that support it and take less crew per ship, such as the Perseus. you always have to think about these massive ships as fleet ships and what they’d do and how many resources it would actually take to field.

  • @flinx58
    @flinx58 3 месяца назад

    There is only SO much space in the ship. Personally I would LOVE for all thr turrets to be S5 Quads. But considering that two side turrets are retractable, that may not happen. I would like a size upgrade on the missiles to S4, but the stacks of misses next to thr bridge is a concern. Ngl.
    That being said this ship could use and upside energy weapon size to remain competitive against other ships of similar size. What I'm afraid of is them putting yet ANOTHER clunky derptarded torp loading system in yet another ship I love. A2 I'm looking at you! They HAVE the ability to do weapons right like they did on thr Spirits bomb bays. But they refuse. And it's dumb.

  • @NNTorg
    @NNTorg 3 месяца назад

    The combat in Star Citizen is both strategic and visceral. Videos that dissect combat tactics are great learning tools.

  • @Night6436
    @Night6436 3 месяца назад +1

    I'll be happy to share my size 10 torpedes with you all.

  • @Rofus_EU
    @Rofus_EU 3 месяца назад +3

    Uh-huh, so next they should uptorp the Perseus and upgrade the S5 torpedos to S10 on it, right? I don't think they are going to do anything as crazy as you are suggesting 😅

  • @DrunkenCitizen
    @DrunkenCitizen 3 месяца назад

    Woohoo space torpedoes!

  • @tinoschultz8047
    @tinoschultz8047 3 месяца назад

    Can’t wait to get my hands on my Polaris

  • @Sanjarih
    @Sanjarih 3 месяца назад

    I am so glad that I managed to snag me a Polaris, especially because the total I paid for it was just around $400.

  • @Splincir
    @Splincir 3 месяца назад

    At the very least, it needs two turrets with cap sized weapons. All the rest of the weapons can be scaled up to deal with anything small to "large".

  • @losingwill8402
    @losingwill8402 3 месяца назад +1

    Size 8’s lol let’s just cut the crap give me a size 10 on the out the cockpit directly linked to trigger finger and c all it a day

  • @psc023
    @psc023 3 месяца назад +1

    Good news

  • @RahzZalinto
    @RahzZalinto 3 месяца назад +2

    Whats upgun? Not much, whats up with you? (Did i do the joke right?)

  • @Splincir
    @Splincir 3 месяца назад

    Make it like 128 size 2s.... it can hold a ton of size 10s. You can fit like 10+ size 2s in the space of a size 10. No reason a giant missile corvette like this couldnt just have a massive array of smaller missile ports on different sections of its body. You could fire salvos of size 2s to overwhelm chaff and flares and use the cover to sneak in some size 10 torps.
    Its nice to see them making considerations for this ship and what these larger ships mean for fleet combat.
    I cant wait to have a crew together to fly one of these bad boys. My most anticipated ship now.

  • @Dormizon
    @Dormizon 3 месяца назад

    The game's physics are a dance of science and art.

  • @joace9970
    @joace9970 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video. But I think the polaris doesn't need bigger guns as much as it needs more potent methods to attack small/medium fighters squads using ballistic weapons to target turrets which will def be its main weakness. The smaller turrets should be up quad size 3s/4s to combat this. Giving it bigger guns will just be a redundancy to its torpedo strengths.

    • @Traumglanz
      @Traumglanz 3 месяца назад +1

      With MM Size 5 guns are just as good at hitting Fighters as Size 1 are. There is no difference in Projectile speed and thus bigger is better. They might change this in the future again, but that is how it is right now and how to plan seems to be.
      The Size 7 guns on the Ion and Inferno come with as well with standard velocities, 900m/s like it is normal for Ballistic Gatlings and 1000m/s just like other Behring Laser Cannons like the M7A.
      So.... seems like getting a bunch of Size 6, 7 or even 8 Slots seems fine thanks to Master Modes. Size 6 Omnisky still have 1400m/s Projectile speeds.

  • @TonicCantaloupe
    @TonicCantaloupe 3 месяца назад

    Im quite excited for it!

  • @joshwallenberg337
    @joshwallenberg337 3 месяца назад

    I hope you're right, but I don't think they will change much, just increase the size of the largest turret by one or two sized

  • @maxw2210
    @maxw2210 3 месяца назад +3

    Honestly want to know how ships like the ion and inferno will match up against capital ships when they are finally added lol

    • @tyandy1424
      @tyandy1424 3 месяца назад

      They will get an update for sure

    • @rooster1012
      @rooster1012 3 месяца назад +1

      They are designed to damage components and turrets so nothing major will change.

    • @yulfine1688
      @yulfine1688 3 месяца назад

      @@rooster1012 they have size 7 weapons they're designed to take sub captital ships, but you're going to need more than 2 of them to actually do anything, they're meant to have a couple squadrons supported by other fighters to protect them so they can focus fire on larger ships, maybe the polaris or kraken at best.

  • @schakTheNerd
    @schakTheNerd 3 месяца назад

    I can't wait for the Polaris. I don't have one, but I have friends that do and I will never do anything except sit in one of those ridiculous turrets again.

  • @Purefalcon
    @Purefalcon 3 месяца назад

    Why would you dumb fire when you can just lock all the missiles they would need to CM anyways?

    • @billionaireninjas
      @billionaireninjas  3 месяца назад

      There are plenty of reasons. Hit and run tactics, you don't have to slow down to acquire the target. Confusing countermeasures, they are less effective against unguided missiles. Area denial, sometimes you're just trying to deter an enemy. Quick response, sometimes you dont have enough time to lock on.

  • @connormccormack9742
    @connormccormack9742 3 месяца назад +2

    Seems like everything is getting an upgrade to weapons. If the polaris is getting the rework before release I would wager the perseus will as well. My hope is for a few size 5 pilot controlled.

    • @rooster1012
      @rooster1012 3 месяца назад

      They are increasing the size of some of the weapons not adding more turrets similar to what they just did to the Tali.

  • @roberta2415
    @roberta2415 3 месяца назад

    People need to realize the perseus is a different class. You should be comparing the polaris to the idris. By comparing to the perseous thats like comparing a cutlass black to a hammerhead they arent equals.

    • @billionaireninjas
      @billionaireninjas  3 месяца назад

      I think you're right they shouldn't be compared in a lot of ways but most people can only afford one so they need the comparison to help make the choice.

  • @UncleFester84
    @UncleFester84 3 месяца назад

    Congratulation polaris owners, you whined so loudly that CIG turned the conceptual Torpedo Corvette into an all rounder Mary Sue ship.

    • @michaelalvarez8112
      @michaelalvarez8112 3 месяца назад

      How does being a capital ship with capital class weapons make it a Mary sue. I don’t even think you could make a solid argument against it. it’s a big resource drain of a ship so it better be worth running if you have the crew. What does it do that the idris couldn’t? What makes it a Mary sue

  • @tragic_tragous
    @tragic_tragous 3 месяца назад +2

    Yusss, it needed better guns.

  • @ViniciusConsorte
    @ViniciusConsorte 3 месяца назад

    i would like the Polaris to outgun the Perseus.... its only role is GUNS..... if the polaris has an edge on guns, no point in Perseus existance.

  • @arrclyde4325
    @arrclyde4325 3 месяца назад

    Dual size 8 or quad size 7? Upgunning is fine but not multiple sizes. Especially since the Perseus has two turrets dual size 7 dedicated ballistic guns which is its MAIN armament. The Polaris main armament are its torpedos.
    They probably up every gun a size and have the chin turret be a dual size 6 that is still a very powerful turret.
    But sure.... whey not shoot for the moon and up that to guns bigger than those another ship is build around.

  • @plyssken1983
    @plyssken1983 3 месяца назад

    Kind hard to pledge on ships when they change them out of nowhere 😅

  • @lunamaria1048
    @lunamaria1048 3 месяца назад

    Dual S8 or quad S7 is a bad idea atm, because of the type of ship the Polaris is. It isn't a destroyer, meant to be slugging it out with other caps, like that and overpowering it would make it so CIG has to make future cap class battleships, frigate and up to have to be TOO powerful to suit the role of being battleships meant to be more capable than a Corvette like the Polaris. It doesn't make much sense, especially where we still do not have other cap class battleships released to balance against. Why would we want a Corvette punching heavyweight class? Lol

  • @JMo-rl9jx
    @JMo-rl9jx 2 месяца назад

    I think it realy needs more/bigger guns.

  • @The_Mist0311
    @The_Mist0311 3 месяца назад +2

    think that the Polaris is perfectly balanced as is. It's main purpose is to carry a fighter and deal heavy damage via torpedo's and not to be a all in one ship. These ships are meant to serve in a fleet with other ships to round out the experience. A good example of this would be Polaris (for torps damage), Perseus (for DPS from its large guns), and a Hammerhead (to focus on enemy small fighters). If you up-gun the Polaris then there is no need for the Perseus, If you up-torpedo the Perseus then there is less of a point for the Polaris ect. My main point being that if they up-gun the Polaris there will be nothing special about the Perseus and everyone that owns it will spend the extra $25 to upgrade since there will be nothing that the Polaris cant do 10 times better. I currently have the Perseus myself and love the concept for it but best believe I got the CCU for the Polaris just in case they go through with it.

    • @3xpain
      @3xpain 3 месяца назад +1

      think in terms of logistics and how well these ships perform in offensive/defensive operations. imo the perseus excels in defensive operations where the polaris is all about offense. the perseus can be fully crewed with half the people the polaris would need. this makes it great as a patrol boat as you can have 2 ships for the price of one. they're smaller so they can be more useful in supporting ground operations. now you can certainly be creative with your methods but regardless. the perseus is still a very useful ship even if the polaris gets these upgrade.
      side note: no one should be taking a capital anywhere near a planet. they wont be able to maneuver and would basically be standing in front of a firing line if they were to do so. perseus wont maneuver great in atmo but it'll be a damn site better than taking a polaris to push off hammerheads.

  • @CadenTitus
    @CadenTitus 3 месяца назад

    I would love to have a Polaris with the rail gun like the Idris has

  • @3xpain
    @3xpain 3 месяца назад

    this definitely makes it competitive with the idris. up till now i was only considering this as a sub fleets capital

  • @viperswhip
    @viperswhip 3 месяца назад

    I am so excited! The technical overview is incorrect, it is getting capital-size components

  • @iranouspolaris2035
    @iranouspolaris2035 3 месяца назад

    Great video😊

  • @epyonrsi8829
    @epyonrsi8829 2 месяца назад

    I do not think we will see s8's on that ship. But we will see s7's on it for sure. If wet 8's then it will be on the front of the ship and the others will be 7's.

    • @billionaireninjas
      @billionaireninjas  2 месяца назад

      It already has size 7's but they might get upgunned to quads!

    • @epyonrsi8829
      @epyonrsi8829 2 месяца назад

      @@billionaireninjas Where did you get this? Been looking for more information.

  • @machoalright
    @machoalright 3 месяца назад

    i think upgunning this dual size 6 though.

  • @Scrypture13
    @Scrypture13 3 месяца назад +1

    What are the chances that the average player will meet one of these in random space?

    • @Terran0va_Plays
      @Terran0va_Plays 3 месяца назад

      Randomly in space probably not high. At an outpost or scrapyard, probably pretty high

    • @BlazeBlevinspace
      @BlazeBlevinspace 3 месяца назад

      It's more for protection. Example when my Banu Merchantman is parked somewhere saleing goods my Polaris is at parked at it's aft awaiting any issues.

  • @RoughlyShady
    @RoughlyShady 3 месяца назад +11

    Marketing team: "Our big expensive capital ship warbond didn't sell enough, what can we do? I know! Let's screw up the balance and make it very pay-to-win, that will boost our sales!"

    • @ivanpeso6280
      @ivanpeso6280 3 месяца назад +4

      Same as firebird… money 💰 💰 💰

    • @mikecapson1845
      @mikecapson1845 3 месяца назад +8

      @@ivanpeso6280 They will nerf it afterwards .. RIP Inferno and Ion

    • @TheSamsamdd34
      @TheSamsamdd34 3 месяца назад +6

      Star citizen is 1000 % PVE Now sure there is PVP BUt there will be so many Star Systems that pay to win is no longer a thing and all weapons and ships are 100000% earnable , the only reason why we buy ships is to support the development of the game , and even then all you need is a 60 bucks ONLY and you will be able to earn everything in game with ingame Credits earned

    • @PelenTan
      @PelenTan 3 месяца назад +3

      You know, when you mindless repeat a trope, people stop listening to you. The only ships that didn't sell out almost immediately with the later runs of the Kraken Privateer. The Javelin sold out every time in a few minutes. The Polaris was offered with a WarBond upgrade from the Perseus. I will guarantee you that sold like hotcakes. Because what's the downside of getting the Perseus first, trying it out, and then going to the Polaris?

    • @RoughlyShady
      @RoughlyShady 3 месяца назад +1

      Gentlemen, we all love SC, and we all believe in the project, otherwise, we wouldn't be here spending time watching videos about it. Doesn't mean we have to agree to every dubious decision CIG makes, and doesn't mean we aren't entitled to our own opinion on the matter. Peace out guys.

    @ALEX_JOTA 3 месяца назад +2

    I would totally have gone to the Perseus if that ship could have pilot controled weapons cause I like to fly and pew pew.

    • @joelellis7035
      @joelellis7035 3 месяца назад +1

      The Perseus is supposed to have pilot controlled torpedoes (size 5). Not exactly pew, pew, but you get to do something.

    • @ALEX_JOTA
      @ALEX_JOTA 3 месяца назад

      @@joelellis7035 Yeah, I know. But let's agree that flying with pew pews is way more fun than torpedoes =).

  • @tagged_sc_aka_pilotducky
    @tagged_sc_aka_pilotducky 3 месяца назад

    I hope they don’t nerf it later..

  • @Pyrilium1043
    @Pyrilium1043 3 месяца назад

    The Perseus will probably still win in a fight with a Polaris since it will likely be nimbler and can bring all 4 size 7 to a single point, while the Polaris will never be able to bring its full arsenal to bear on the Perseus. The bigger issue is that I haven't found evidence of a turret covering the belly or the approach from rear below the sight line of the missile turret. If that is true, then the under-nose turret is blocked by ship structure and the side turret aren't able to bring guns around to cover that area. It is a massive blind spot. If they are up gunning, I think they need something there to cover.

    • @alandab
      @alandab 3 месяца назад

      You're not taking CIG Logic in mind, my friend. Remember, these are the guys that made the HH faster and more maneuverable that the Redeemer.

    • @michaelalvarez8112
      @michaelalvarez8112 3 месяца назад

      The Perseus should not be able too. The Perseus is a sub cap killer and cap support ship. It should not be able to beat a Polaris in a 1v1 situation.

    • @Pyrilium1043
      @Pyrilium1043 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelalvarez8112 I would disagree because the Perseus is more ship killer focused than the Polaris. Fighters with torps can take down capital ships, so a heavy armored, smaller target with 4 Size 7 guns that can focus on one point has a fair chance against a more multi functioned, larger and considered lighter armored for its capital size ship. There is also a rumor that the guns on the Perseus are bespoke and possibly fire special rounds (not confirmed).

    • @michaelalvarez8112
      @michaelalvarez8112 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Pyrilium1043 yes but your assuming the Polaris isn’t fighting back. Also the Perseus isn’t a destroyer for cap ships. That would be the javelin. So the Perseus should not be able to destroy a cap ship because then the javelin has no use. Also the Perseus like I said before is focused to kill sub cap ships with medium to large shields. The Polaris has cap shields which I think atleast a group of three Perseus are need to start doing some damage to it. also the Polaris being a cap ship killer being able to hit above its weightclass because of its role, it makes no sense a Perseus would be able to beat a Polaris. It defeats the entire purpose and role of the Polaris being a quick capital ship able to conduct hit and runs on much more devastating cap ships than the Perseus

    • @alandab
      @alandab 3 месяца назад

      @@michaelalvarez8112 Shhhh. Don't tell him the truth. Let him keep believing in his delusions.

  • @OrvilleX
    @OrvilleX 3 месяца назад

    Polaris is going to be bad ass, in the next distant future. I’ll believe it until is out.

  • @armedcommandent
    @armedcommandent 3 месяца назад

    No matter how they up-gun the Polaris, the Perseus will be up-gunned also so this argument is mute.

    • @billionaireninjas
      @billionaireninjas  3 месяца назад

      I have both so I'm only arguing for people who are trying to make the purchase decision. Also I think the word you're looking for is "moot" but I understand you!

    • @armedcommandent
      @armedcommandent 3 месяца назад

      @@billionaireninjas About the moot vs mute, I used the correct word. Perhaps before engaging in correcting peoples English, you should instead lookup the definitions of the words and how they are used instead of trying to appear smart. "To say something is a mute point would essentially describe a point that has not or cannot be made."

    • @billionaireninjas
      @billionaireninjas  3 месяца назад

      Ah my mistake just a friendly correction language is all about being understood and thats why I added that part, no bad intentions here.

  • @LordWukits
    @LordWukits 3 месяца назад +1

    Wait... secret codes? How does one get these codes? To I have to sacrifice a limb? Ask three times?

  • @theamericanaromantic
    @theamericanaromantic 3 месяца назад

    Hot take. Not happening. Quad s7’s gives it the power of a Perseus in ONE turret.

  • @mikaelblomkvist5755
    @mikaelblomkvist5755 3 месяца назад +3

    Why should they upgun the Polaris at all? If it swaps to two turrets size 6, whats the point of the Perseus anymore? Just one rank missing to it but devastating torpedos. Makes no sense to me, if they do not upgun the Perseus aswell. But if they do, the need to upgun every bigger ship coming after that weight class aswell.

    • @_Fl4K
      @_Fl4K 3 месяца назад +5

      Bespoke size 7s are more powerful than size 7s, and Perseus is tiny and heavily armoured, at the moment the Polaris would lose a gunfight to a nautilus, doesn’t make sense. Nautilus has size 7 turret, banu merchantman has size 8 pilot controlled guns. You can’t expect the fuckin Polaris to have half the gun output of a constellation Taurus

    • @uffeuffe293
      @uffeuffe293 3 месяца назад +1

      Agreed, it’s a missile frigate w a larger hangar capacity than a carrack. It’s supposed to rely on a fighter or two to defend against the small ships and its existing turret/size to defend against medium/large fighters and gunships like the Corsair and Connie as well as its large arsenal of missiles. Lastly the only weapon it has against capital ships should be its torpedoes.
      Let the Perseus be the battleship with the big guns of the verse.

  • @kyleaulinskas
    @kyleaulinskas 3 месяца назад

    Interestint to see how this thing deals with fighters now

  • @ExtraWeirdable
    @ExtraWeirdable 3 месяца назад

    This guy upgunning to quad size 7s; keep dreaming lol

  • @Funkm4ster96
    @Funkm4ster96 3 месяца назад

    I really hope that the missile turret will be able to be reloaded because I feel like thats the worst turret on the Polaris. Just seems like a useless turret even from anti missile defense

  • @shanehoffman1925
    @shanehoffman1925 3 месяца назад +1

    Das a lot of guns!

  • @antzaeh9525
    @antzaeh9525 3 месяца назад

    Should have bought ccu for this lmao.

  • @artsolano6762
    @artsolano6762 3 месяца назад

    So the torpedo king gets better guns. I hope this means the Perseus will get its AA defense up gunned now. The Perseus still wipes the floor with the Polaris if it doesn’t have interceptors.
    The Perseus has 4 size 7s not 2. A size 7 on a Polaris? Insane and totally OP.

    • @MrVendee
      @MrVendee 3 месяца назад

      Torpedo king has always been classified as the largest corvette though so it’s not surprising

    • @artsolano6762
      @artsolano6762 3 месяца назад

      @@MrVendee if this ship gets size 7 guns, everyone is going to be getting a Polaris that can afford it and crew it.
      The Polaris was always designed as a hit and run against capital ships. Now it might become a corvette with a hit and hit strategy. If the ship gets big guns then it should get less or smaller torpedoes.

    • @baileyspringer1896
      @baileyspringer1896 3 месяца назад

      ​@@artsolano6762why it still has less shields lighter armor and many other restrictions that wouldn't make since for it to sit there and go hit for hit. Smaller vessels yes but with anything larger than it leave it at a disadvantage. It's a military vessel it should hold a substantial combat performance making it expensive to run or issure would be a better way to balance it than nerfing it. To be honest they probably did combat test with it and it didn't perform well so it is getting a upgrade to have it perform how it should. If anything it needed up gun there are smaller ships than it with bigger guns and none military vessels that have more size fives than it.

    • @artsolano6762
      @artsolano6762 3 месяца назад

      @@baileyspringer1896 The only other ship smaller than the Perseus with a size 7 gun is an Ares. The Polaris is designed to interdict, patrol, and be a part of a bigger fleet. It’s designed to go after cap ships with torpedos. Having bigger guns might allow the Perseus time to reload its torpedoes and fire off another salvo of torpedos at a cap ship.
      So are you ok with the Perseus getting size 9 torpedos? If the Polaris is too up gunned everyone that can afford one and crew one will fly it. Hey i have a CCU to the Polaris. So if it’s OP I could jump to it too, but if a ship is too OP, it will get nerfed. The Polaris has a med bay, repair/rearm/refuel facility, the most lethal torpedo layout, and now you want it to out gun a lot of ships too .

    • @baileyspringer1896
      @baileyspringer1896 3 месяца назад

      @artsolano6762 I wasn't talking about the persues I 2as talking about the polaris, it's IA a military combat ship and it is only one of two corvette size and bigger without size 7 guns (I am only talking about military combat vessels if it is military and not combat then it is excluded). The hammerhead is the only other vessel in this size range without size 7's but it is meant to go against fighter the polaris goes against capitals, this is a meaningful comparison because the persues has size 7's to go against ships it's size not bigger meaning the polaris should have bigger guns. The guns on the polaris are to make the shields softer on the target ship so the torps can land, eventually only size five will do meaningful damage. So why should a ship meant to target capitals have more than one turret designed to fight capitals?

  • @feariex
    @feariex 3 месяца назад

    I want Point Defense Cannons

  • @user-dg5pu6gt1v
    @user-dg5pu6gt1v 3 месяца назад

    LOL, some how I knew they are going to nerf the torps.

    • @billionaireninjas
      @billionaireninjas  3 месяца назад

      I think that is just pt 1 of a total missile rework.

    • @user-dg5pu6gt1v
      @user-dg5pu6gt1v 3 месяца назад

      if you have the Polaris rely on throwing money at the a target. and kept missing. there will be a lot of angry Polaris owner.
      and if you have people spamming size 10 and breaking the games, there will be a lot of angry backers.
      so that's why they up the guns to make the Polaris owner happy, while they nerf the torps. the bigger the Polaris guns are, the less effective the torps will be. they are waiting for the missile rebalance to be completed to decide how to up gun the Polaris

  • @BlazeBlevinspace
    @BlazeBlevinspace 3 месяца назад

    Too bad we probably going to have to pay for the upgrade. Definitely a pay to win thing going on here.

    • @truthbetold06
      @truthbetold06 3 месяца назад

      Not if you already backed it…..But on the RSI website first day of Invictus there was definitely a msg under the listing that said “Last chance to get the Polaris at this price” so you’re totally right 😂😂

  • @MichelFriedrich-js1sq
    @MichelFriedrich-js1sq 3 месяца назад

    pls polaris vs perseus vol.2 video next

  • @ufeelinselfrighteous8470
    @ufeelinselfrighteous8470 3 месяца назад

    the only fighters that are dangerous, as per CIG, to caps have torpedoes or a size 7 gun
    if a medium ship has turrets with the same guns as a fighter... Its not a threat.
    same with a large ship
    capital ships are in danger of dying to torpedoes and size 6+ guns.

  • @user-yh9ei1qp7k
    @user-yh9ei1qp7k 3 месяца назад

    so what your saying is they need to find a way to increase its price?

  • @robertjohnston8531
    @robertjohnston8531 3 месяца назад

    We're losing an automated missile turret I believe.

  • @garywilburn7384
    @garywilburn7384 3 месяца назад

    CONFIRMED all ships will get the ''woke + equality" patch. so its all just going to be nurfed on top of nurfed and broken as intended.
    spend an xtra 100 bucks, and get mad nurfs hurt more. this is the CIG samurai code. PvP on your wallet

  • @nickstinger4709
    @nickstinger4709 3 месяца назад +1

    If the main strength of the Polaris are it's torpedoes/missiles, how do they compare to other capital ships compliments? If the Polaris has superiority, then I think that's enough. The ship doesn't need to do everything.

    • @joshntricedelince5943
      @joshntricedelince5943 3 месяца назад +5

      With all do respect that ship cost 750. It should do dishes too

    • @StoneCoolds
      @StoneCoolds 3 месяца назад +2

      Cuz torps are kinda usless, easily shot down and slow af, so the ship is basically not fit for combat

    • @nickstinger4709
      @nickstinger4709 3 месяца назад

      I'm thinking about playing it's role as part of a fleet or carrier group. To overwhelm the opponent's point defence. Ships shouldn't be judged for how they perform acting alone.

    • @baileyspringer1896
      @baileyspringer1896 3 месяца назад

      ​@nickstinger4709 except the ship is designed to act alone it is a ship the UEE will use as the first defense replacing the idris because it will respond to threats quicker. Torps should be a strong weapon and should be balanced by price not "ima pop some flairs gg polaris get good". Torps should be hard to shake and deal massive damage but if they tell me it's 1 mil per shot then there is the reason why I don't spam them, so yes it needs guns that can also supply ample fire power.

    • @nickstinger4709
      @nickstinger4709 3 месяца назад

      @@baileyspringer1896 I see where you're going with this and I can buy into it. We'll need a few other changes too, like ships not respawnimg with all their torpedoes. I can support this. Now, give me the guns.

  • @Thor_Asgard_
    @Thor_Asgard_ 3 месяца назад

    As Perseus and Polaris cost the same nearly, i cant see them keeping the perseus that weak in comparrison. But lets be clear, they cant even get AI blades T0 into the game. All our theory crafting is worthless.

    • @truthbetold06
      @truthbetold06 3 месяца назад

      Ai blades gonna be a god send for backers like me who bought this monstrosity 😂😂. I got a decent amount of buddies I play with so we are excited for it, but we STILL don’t have enough crew to fully man it 😂😂.

    • @yulfine1688
      @yulfine1688 3 месяца назад

      ai blades aren't meant for larger ships its meant for smaller fighters etc... npcs aren't meant to be strong either when they come in they're meant to help fill the ship and mostly smaller vessels and will probably only be useful against pve

    • @Thor_Asgard_
      @Thor_Asgard_ 3 месяца назад

      @@yulfine1688 when it was stated, it was for the idris, so no, your wrong. you would just want it that way

    • @yulfine1688
      @yulfine1688 3 месяца назад

      @Thor_Asgard_ it wasn't stated for the Idris it was stated in general and again that was what nearly a decade ago?
      Those devs don't even work there anymore or they moved sections so that is entirely useless to speak on, next blades haven't been talked about for years now and they're mostly useless since you still need crew or npcs to monitor they'd take up computer space etc.. I doubt ai blades will even come online though the current ai sort of uses them and it's beyond garbage so there ya go

    • @Thor_Asgard_
      @Thor_Asgard_ 3 месяца назад

      @@yulfine1688 The question was clearly if people will ve able to take out their idris out effectively solo. Answer: yes, just not as effective as real players. This is where the big ships boom started. Most people want it this way and i agree completely. Otherwise their selling model, wouldnt make any sense. It will become really hard to man bigger ships with real players, and it will be clear very fast. As i dont own an idris, i dont mind, but it doesent make any sense to not add proper npc and ai blades. Also computi g space ^^ even a damn raspberry pie can controll a sentry turret with shape recognition, so hundrets of years in the future should be easy.

  • @Ze_Doctor
    @Ze_Doctor 3 месяца назад

    Kraken has a duel size 8 turret

  • @Teddy-tx7wb
    @Teddy-tx7wb 2 месяца назад

    BMM has size 8s

  • @Poxtor
    @Poxtor 3 месяца назад

    link to source, where it says polaris get upgunned/more guns plz..
    Update : never mind found it myself :) ruclips.net/video/j9d8GXMtHOs/видео.html

  • @PandaGaming-pc2xv
    @PandaGaming-pc2xv 3 месяца назад

    I dont think its getting more guns I think the turrets will just bet bigger gun sizes

  • @danny_strange2105
    @danny_strange2105 3 месяца назад

    Love your videos!

  • @RahzZalinto
    @RahzZalinto 3 месяца назад +1


  • @Sandgroper-WA
    @Sandgroper-WA 3 месяца назад

    I do wonder if they will sell it as a kit. Just like the Idris K kit. Single dual size 7 nose turret. Couple of dual size 5 *maybe* quad size 5s on the sides, rest quad 4s.

  • @SymaunB
    @SymaunB 3 месяца назад

    Nice shirt

  • @melsy2
    @melsy2 3 месяца назад
