Destiny 2: The Lost Sector Exotic Loot Experience Needs an Update

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @niiteshayde
    @niiteshayde Год назад +1889

    I should never go 10+ runs with no exotic drops in an 1840 lost sector 😅

    • @hhaste
      @hhaste Год назад +67

      RNG can be mean.. I was getting an exotic every 3rd run, sometimes several runs in a row in the 1830, lol. Worst streak in 1830 was 6 runs without an exotic.. but with how quick they go, that's not that bad. I haven't even tried 1840 because I just don't see the point. Especially now that you've said that..

    • @vanderlin4966
      @vanderlin4966 Год назад +42

      It's brutal man. Doing the HP Delta lost sector today is hideous. Around 130 enemies to kill, and you must kill nearly all of them. Add to that the fact that each run takes around 8.5 mins, and it's just a dreadful experience.

    • @TheMadsav1993
      @TheMadsav1993 Год назад +5

      29 run of dsc and no eyes of tomorrow

    • @kaguscon
      @kaguscon Год назад +16

      You should also never engage with the game that much haha.

    • @richizzle39
      @richizzle39 Год назад +4

      Nice anecdotal evidence, I run 5 and get two exotics pretty regularly.

  • @redwood8138
    @redwood8138 Год назад +3

    I wonder if they could make an armor crafting system for exotic armor. Make it like you need to dismantle 5 of the exotics you leveled up to 10 power to get the exotic pattern. You could then craft the exotic, level it up by wearing it, and then distribute the stats exactly how you want it.

  • @lordmonochrome9735
    @lordmonochrome9735 Год назад +9

    I'd love to see an exotic selection of what you want to farm for at the entrance of the sector. Like an alternate screen that let's you choose transverse steps on leg day, the drop chances should be the same and stat distribution of at least above 60 only imo

  • @ShutchyerLips
    @ShutchyerLips Год назад

    I like that idea of the glass needles. If you could buy them for nightfall tokens and ascendant shards, it would keep the value high, and if they went one step farther by maybe one needle rerolling randomly into possibly lower/same/higher stat rolls, two needles guaranteeing the stat value stays the same, and three needles raising the stat value higher, I could see that being pretty cool.
    Edit: I forgot to add that there should be a limit to how many times you can reroll any one piece of armor. That would take care of the "sitting at the vendor instead of playing" thing

  • @Mike.Y858
    @Mike.Y858 Год назад

    I’ve been farming for a new pair of stompees since season of plunder. Every exotic engram I open, I open on my hunter if possible. Almost every time I buy an engram from xur, I buy it on my hunter. To this day I am still using the stompees out of collections because I haven’t gotten a single pair otherwise. To this day I’ve done well over 100 leg lost sector runs on my hunter.

  • @timtop105
    @timtop105 Год назад +3

    Here’s an idea. If an exotic drops, there’s a 50% chance it will be the exotic you are currently wearing. So you target-farm by using the exotic

    • @ThePresidentofMars
      @ThePresidentofMars Год назад

      Or a managerie style focusing system

    • @trevordillon1921
      @trevordillon1921 Год назад

      That makes it detrimental to getting exotics you don’t have yet, now you’re running a lost sector 30 over cap with no exotic

  • @feathersigil2048
    @feathersigil2048 Год назад

    Token system via Xur in Eternity, on top of the current exotic drop rates. Low token drop rate for any Lost Sector completion, higher for solo, higher for Legend, higher for Legend solo, higher for Master, higher for Master solo. All rates are boosted for the daily rotation. Legend solo flawless guarantees one token, chance of two if daily rotation. Master solo flawless guarantees two tokens, chance of three if daily rotation. 1 token to either purchase an exotic weapon or armour or reroll the stats on an exotic armour (replaces your copy of the exotic, so armour energy goes back to 1). 3 tokens to reroll while preserving armour energy. 6 tokens to reroll while preserving armour energy and guaranteeing minimum 63 stats. Other MMOs do stuff like this and it works just fine.

  • @droid8472
    @droid8472 Год назад +1

    My thought on exotics is firstly xur needs an update. He's not selling anything after forsaken. Any new seasonal exotics should drop from lost sectors that's fine. Once a new season starts xur should start selling it or you should be able to try your luck at his pull. After the current season they should be able to drop open world. Plus they need to increase drop rate of exotics at that point. The harder the content the better the drop rate. And I wish they would bring in a system like division where you can share loot with your fire team. Like for an hour after you get it you can drop it and give it to someone who was with you

  • @TheMadRacer1997
    @TheMadRacer1997 Год назад

    I just came up with a great idea. Give us two drop down menus when loading into legend and master lost sectors. One allows us to select the specific armor piece we want and the other one gives us a stat focus option. They can keep the armor type days like they are now, just give us these drop down menus.
    Also, guarantee 65+ total stats on any piece that drops from a master completion. 60+ for legend.

  • @dredgendorchadas6770
    @dredgendorchadas6770 Год назад

    Would be interesting if, for the glass needles, you lost a point or two with the reroll.
    This would make it so that you can't just sit there as you will lose points (maybe a minimum of 30 stat points), but you also get the effect of the item. And if bungie finds it to be too broken they can adjust it to take more points, 3, 4, God forbide 5 points per respec.

  • @DrewboyNZ
    @DrewboyNZ Год назад +1

    I like the idea of having to wear the piece of exotic armor that you want to drop. It means you can’t just roll through lost sectors with one build. Want sunbracers, you’ll need to run the lost sector while wearing sunbracers.

    • @jambotzilla
      @jambotzilla Год назад

      How would that work with exotics you don't have?😂

    • @DrewboyNZ
      @DrewboyNZ Год назад

      @@jambotzilla the same rule would still apply like it does now. You’re pretty much guaranteed a new exotic until you have all in that slot.

  • @SwagD4ddy21
    @SwagD4ddy21 Год назад

    Loss sector chests on the day/24 hour rotation that act similar to the new raid chest format: purchase armor based on the specific armor slot available that day. Rolls are still random but legend vs master sets a stat floor. Legend is 62+, master is 65/66+. Legend vs master also determined shard cost. Legend could be a similar xur purchase requirement while master is significantly cheaper

  • @barthotymous
    @barthotymous Год назад +5

    I just had (what I think is) a great idea.
    Instead of dropping 1 exotic, it could show you a screen (like Datto suggested) that has 3 exotics that you can preview the stats of. Then, you could choose your favorite out of the 3.

  • @washgaming5825
    @washgaming5825 Год назад

    D2 glass needles would work if you added a Prism or Shard cost alongside it. Maybe 10 Prisms for an un-masterworked piece and 5 for masterworked, or 5 and a shard for un-masterworked and just the 5 for masterworked (Bungie has shown they like to reward masterworking). Just a thought though.

  • @manqobashongwe1301
    @manqobashongwe1301 Год назад

    Spoils for lost sectors might be a good idea.
    Lol. The spinning Nightfall cipher text. 😂 8:10

  • @TheSOTA
    @TheSOTA Год назад

    Glass needles could be added as a daily challenge in the legend/mastsr lost sectors. Like legend completion gives 10% progress, master 20%, and going flawless could boost it an extra 5-10% or smth

  • @afedorchak77
    @afedorchak77 Год назад +16

    I feel like performance based rewards would actually work but only for solo players. That way you’d reward people who play alone and the better they do in an activity like a lost sector or dungeon. If Bungie made solo have some kind of modifier that rewards on performance and the better you do the higher the roll, or more drops or whatever. Then solo players, like me, would feel less screwed and then people have a way to focus stuff

    • @SteveThePerv
      @SteveThePerv Год назад

      Not to sound like a dick, but why should people that choose to play solo be rewarded in a game that’s championed cooperative gameplay since day 1? Tbh, I’d be ok if they merged Cowl, Gyrfalcons, Synths, Starfire, etc into the ground and pushed players away from solo play if you want solo players to be rewarded. Then the ones that do it without cheap healing/invis and other mechanics that are in rotation right now will have truly earned it. If you wanna be hardcore, might as well go all the way.

    • @afedorchak77
      @afedorchak77 Год назад +1

      @@SteveThePerv you mean the same game that still doesn’t have an lfg system after they promised one? The one that hasn’t had that for ten years now? Remind me again where destiny is encouraging for group play….ever? Lmfao
      Remind us all, where Bungie has EVER done more to allow people to play together. Oh. Wait. They haven’t. In ten years.
      EDIT:Oh wait cause it gets better I remembered a few things. Don’t you get increased drop chances from dungeons by doing them solo? Or can’t you only get the new exotic you spent 50 bucks on by doing something…..solo? Lmfao so yeah. You do sound like a dick. An uneducated one

    • @bencarlson4300
      @bencarlson4300 Год назад +1

      @@SteveThePerv Going solo is way more difficult in any activity, so your plan would honestly remove the reason for solo players to play at all. If they're still playing solo, removing their reason to play solo is not the way to get them into a fireteam.

    • @afedorchak77
      @afedorchak77 Год назад +1

      @@bencarlson4300 there’s a reason I don’t do raids. I hate dealing with LFGs. Cause I have the absolute worst luck when I encounter them. I also barely say jack shit lmfao I’m a quiet dude. And yet I keep getting just d bags left and right and I hate that. I hate I don’t have a group to play stuff regularly with. But Bungie has done nothing to encourage that. Whatsoever.

    • @SteveThePerv
      @SteveThePerv Год назад

      @@afedorchak77 I just don’t think introverted play should be rewarded in this kind of game. I’m not sorry about that. And solo feats should be left in, as I said, but just nerf all the current solo builds to justify the better rewards. That’s all I was saying. Or they should at least scale normal dungeons up to a constantly -10 power cap if they wanna keep things the way they are. And LFG, even on the app, has been an official thing for years, so…

  • @TheFallinhalo
    @TheFallinhalo Год назад

    im just going to pitch the idea i have been throwing around on twitter and elseware.
    Just make every single lost sector in the game into a active Legend/Master Lost Sector,
    And each Lost sector has 1 SPECIFIC Exotic from each class tied to it for that day, and they will rotate between eachother at each daily reset,
    this way you know comfortably each day you know you can always farm for the exotic you want, some days will just be faster or harder, and others wont.
    and since they are target farmed, you just have to focus on doing well within these lost sectors to get the exotic to drop and then have to worry bout its stat distribution, since exotic drop chance is based on youre performance.
    the other plus side this will actually make all the lost sectors more populated instead of just seeing people crowded around the entrance of a single lost sector each day.
    the way it is now i have absolutely ZERO desire to run these to get exotics, 3 RNG layers.
    step 1) i run the lost sector to try and get the Exotic drop
    Step 2) Did i get the Exotic to drop? Nope Well back to Step 1.
    Step 3) Sweet i got the exotic to drop, was it the one i wanted? NOPE! well back to Step 1 then
    Step 4) Finally got the exotic to drop AND its the exotic i wanted, hows the stat rol.......guess its all the way back to Step 1 Again......

  • @perseusbolt3591
    @perseusbolt3591 Год назад

    Last season I grinded, figured out how to raise my level Fr and looked up builds trying to get gyrfalcons and Calibands hand. It wasn’t that easy for me, since I had just started. But all this to say I ran lost sectors around 80 times and didn’t get either of them, and only got 3 other exotics, 2 being the sixth coyote and shinobu’s vow, which I’m pretty sure are world drops.

  • @denmanfite3156
    @denmanfite3156 Год назад +1

    The problem with Destiny's loot system is that light level and desirable stats are not connected, as you said you can get drops that may be rare/coveted but just trash anyway. When you have a low-RNG chance to see an item in the first place, then an even lower RNG chance that item is even usable NOW you've created a problem.

  • @Antare5
    @Antare5 Год назад

    not saying anything that didn't get said here, just adding another data point to the pile. Back in season 17 I was after gloves for my warlock. Specifically hunting for better rolls on my nothing manacles and sunbracers. I did 3 play sessions. Afternoon to evening, morning to reset the following day (it was a weekend) and the following arms day 3 days later. Total time played was about 14 hours of just lost sector grinding. Clear times were decent, nothing super long or super impressive, maybe averaging 6-8 minutes. 4 minutes and change if I was really in the zone and booking it.
    6 osmiomancy gloves which I wasn't chasing. Only 3 nothing manacles drops (best distribution was with 57 stats. It's on my character to this day) and no sunbracers drop. My clan got a laugh out of my minmaxer determination to keep going but fair to say that was a bit nutty. I would like to try again, but the sheer randomness feels like it actively encourages just taking what you have and going "well let's see what we can do with the rest of the armor set."

  • @aboredlacrosseplayer4606
    @aboredlacrosseplayer4606 Год назад

    I feel like lost sectors are a fine way to farm exotics (some drop rate buffs would still be appreciated)
    What I don’t like is how post beyond light exotics are locked behind lost sector completions. I feel like all exotics should be available in exotic engrams, so that casual players can experience these new exotics as well. This allows hardcore players to farm for a specific stat roll through lost sectors while still allowing casual players to experience these new exotics.

  • @cosmicmelon9305
    @cosmicmelon9305 Год назад

    >Lightfall is all about the weave of the Univer5se and mind.
    >There was no system implemented to re-weave exotic stats or distribution.
    I don't know if I should laugh or cry at this.

  • @Fierce_Guardian
    @Fierce_Guardian Год назад

    It would be cool if you still had to first get a high stat piece of armor say a 70 but once you had the 70 there was some way to re roll the star values.

  • @trunglerfevr
    @trunglerfevr Год назад

    Proposed solution: Add in a currency that is obtained every X runs to turn in for a SPECIFIC exotic armor piece at the Armor Kiosk.
    So you keep people grinding, but at least you can pick what you want.

  • @andreworiley4175
    @andreworiley4175 Год назад +1

    i remember this one day i grinded like 15 legendary lost sectors to try and get osmiomancy gauntlets and i ended up with a 60 roll with 20 strength being the biggest stat when i had the discipline ghost mod on… and i have yet to get another osmiomancy drop since i did that

    • @buckfan1238
      @buckfan1238 Год назад

      20+ exotic chests pieces not a single star fire even after the buff to drop rates and that was in a few hours stupid af for a returning player im stuck with my 49 total one lol

  • @nathans9972
    @nathans9972 Год назад

    So two things. As far as I know, lost sectors *are* level gated. Legend at -15 and Master at -20. It might have been a recent change though since I haven't touched them since I needed them for rank 10. And second and more worryingly, several people did the math in the past with hundreds of runs, and the drop rate worked out to 1 in 4 for legend and 1 in 3 for master, which could indicate the buff wasn't implemented, wasn't strong enough, or that Datto is wrong with that initial observation.

  • @FloydThePig
    @FloydThePig Год назад

    1 in every 3 and 1 in every 4 is what it use to be. The numbers before light fall were very accepted at 25% legend and 33% master. If these are still the drop rates then they haven't actually increased them.

  • @rogerhuston8287
    @rogerhuston8287 Год назад

    I'm not a very good player. I use to rely on over leveling in order to do legend or master lost sectors, which is why I always needed to wait until the end of the season to do any farming. It was my way of competing and not dragging down LFG activities. I get it, Bungie doesn't want me to play my way, they want me to play their way. In short, it feels more like they don't want me to play anymore.

  • @zackc.8265
    @zackc.8265 Год назад

    Need to bring back that card system they used to have for nightfalls where you could choose modifiers and the burns and such which would influence your points. Would be awesome for some this like that or even the season of the opulence target farming the weapons with certains codes would be 1 of three weapons.

    @NETIERRAS Год назад

    I really hope that the leaks about power levels being removed hold true.

  • @SWG885
    @SWG885 Год назад

    I've been playing for two years now, I have almost every single "base" exotic armor piece, and yet I have never completed a Legend or Master Lost Sector. I should've tried them before Lightfall happened, since I managed to get my Light Level up pretty high. Either way, I'm too damn nervous to even attempt them on my own, let alone do a whole bunch of research. Low Light Level (currently) and low loot drops scare me away, along with the fact that I want to run certain builds but need the new exotic armors to do so.

  • @Pottzy
    @Pottzy Год назад

    I like the idea of farming for redeemable tokens instead of just the exotics outright. Then I could maybe actually get the thing I just spent 2 hours trying to get

  • @joesaffioti923
    @joesaffioti923 Год назад

    Remember when they said that they rose the rates for the exotic drops then never specified on what that rate was? That was cool. what’s not cool is the fact that I’ve run 10+ master lost sectors solo flawlessly and haven’t gotten a single drop

    • @joesaffioti923
      @joesaffioti923 Год назад

      That was the hydroponics lost sector too with 400 enemies in it

  • @Taxmt
    @Taxmt Год назад

    It's just frustrating that out of all the content in the game, the most "consistent" way to get good exotic armor is to run legend/master content by yourself for hours upon hours on a 4-day rotation cycle for a chance to get an exotic, which has a chance to not even be an exotic you want, with a chance to be "high-stat" (61-63), and a chance to have a bad stat distribution (10+ mobility). Meanwhile artiface armor can be run with friends, drops more often, and doesn't have a chance to be useless with a good stat distribution especially now that elemental affinity is gone from armor

  • @Zydal
    @Zydal Год назад

    I farmed Perdition for 2 hours, after they bufffed the rates, I was switching between legend and master modes to see if the rates changed. In those two hours I got 3 boots. The 1830s took 1:30-2:00 and master was around 2:30. Load times suck so I can’t really make a definitive ratio there but something isn’t adding up.
    So, as one the people speedrunning them, no, we aren’t just getting all the exotics, either. Something needs to change
    Also, please fucking remove Mk 44 Stand Asides from the game (they were two of the three drops.)

  • @cuddle899
    @cuddle899 Год назад

    Even when you get to the point of clearing the sectors in 5 or under, the feeling of sometimes farming for a solid hour and getting ZERO exotics, feels horrible.

  • @YaBoiSneedMan
    @YaBoiSneedMan Год назад

    thrilladome is my favorite lost sector in the game rn. it would be of all time, but the boss room put it under the ether tank

  • @shmoe360
    @shmoe360 Год назад

    I dip in and out of destiny over the years. I wanted a pair of Warlock pants from the EDZ lost sector last weekend but there were 4 unobtained pants in rotation for me including the one I wanted. It took me over 4.5 hours to get ONE pair of the pants I needed while chaining 5 minute runs. I got every other pant in the rotation and then one that WASNT in the rotation before getting the final one. Idk if they changed the drop rates before or after that but I dont think Ill ever bother trying to farm a better roll in lost sectors. What a garbage frustrating experience

  • @gryphon123456
    @gryphon123456 Год назад +1

    Has anyone had issues where anti barrier weapons for some reason just are not working?

  • @hurbco.
    @hurbco. Год назад +1

    If im doing anything on MASTER difficulty the drops should be COMMON

  • @VinceTenia
    @VinceTenia Год назад

    Yes bring back tokens but for exotic armor that you redeem at xur on weekends. 2 shards any class exotic 5 shards slot targeted drop, 10 shards specific piece 20 shards specific piece with 1 stat boosted.
    Also too many exotic weapons in the random world pool bungie need to give new players a clear pathway to certain exotics. Maybe rotate 3 or 4 a season.

  • @chriskorba7461
    @chriskorba7461 Год назад

    I only do lost sectors for exotics that I don’t have like the witch queen campaign chest for titan. Haven’t finished legendary light fall but I also don’t want to complete it but I’ve run a chest day for a good part of the day and didn’t get anything to drop. So I quit trying and that was on master difficulty last season

    @HALOGUNNYSGT Год назад

    I haven't done many of the lost sectors due to the level requirement... but of the onese I've done, which is in the double digits, I've only gotten one of the new exotic armors... for my warlock... which I rarely use... everytime I finished one it always was a felling of "well, that was a waste of time." I haven't gotten a new exotic armor piece in nearly two years... it's a major reason I've cut down on playing the game. I'd love to get the new exotic armors but I don't like banging my head against a wall hours on end for a slim to none chance for a new exotic armor piece... something needs to change...

  • @1UnderKable
    @1UnderKable Год назад

    Idk why but almost every time I complete a Legend Lost Sector for the first time that day, I get an exotic. It takes me several attempts to complete them, but once I do I get the exotic. I thought it was the system in place lol.

  • @dyliep8897
    @dyliep8897 Год назад

    I feel like masterworkimg a exotic a plus 3 in every stat it cost more materials for the same boost as a legendary

  • @Uhaneole
    @Uhaneole Год назад

    Showed you’re exact meaning when you landed a 63 roll on s14 but 13 mobility for a Titan 😂. That being said just make “glass needles” the “consolation prize” for not getting an exotic in a solo lost sector. That way you’ll have the ability to “reroll” by the time you get the exotic of choice

  • @waynekelly2121
    @waynekelly2121 Год назад +1

    It figures a streamer would just love lost sectors. It has nothing to do with the power level it's the non existent exotic drop rate .Yeah I don't know what lost sectors your running but exotics are dropping every 3 LS that you are doing. That must be a streamer perk because for the rest of us we have to keep running the LS over and over and over and hope and pray we get an exotic to drop for us . Which they never do . I guess we all just have bad RNG except for the streamers . It is what it is. That's why I stopped wasting my time running LS because nothing ever drops . Another brilliant idea from the devs at Bungie . Let's lock away all the new exotic armor for every new DLC behind LS and tie it to RNG because that's so much fun doing the lost sector and getting nothing. Thanks Bungie .

  • @lefeverj23
    @lefeverj23 Год назад

    I did legendary, e15 bunker 17 times with only one exotic dropping. Lost my damn mind.

  • @mrmelace
    @mrmelace Год назад

    What if it just was more likely to drop the exotic you had equipped? I feel like this would fix it for the most part

  • @dontstopb-liven4388
    @dontstopb-liven4388 Год назад

    Why not just do batches? Have 4 lost sectors available every day, one per armor slot. Each lost sector has a possibility of 3 or 4 of the exotics for that slot. Rotates daily. That way you're not farming through 12 gloves, you're farming with 3-4 possibilities.

  • @jimmervision
    @jimmervision Год назад

    man...I was trying to farm for an entire day for a single good stat Renewal Grasps for my hunter. Didn't get any. Shit stings. Hoping they add some sort of bad luck protection, or a way to target focus on what specific exotic you want or something

  • @spencercartwright6628
    @spencercartwright6628 Год назад

    would a system similar to the spoils of conquest work? it would self regulate the time as you'd need to farm for the spoils (less deaths=more spoils) so its fairly forgiving on the self imposed efficiency and it could just let you " buy the exotic you want of the rotating class still and the stats are still random keeping the grind still there? seems like a decent fair upgrade to me any thoughts anyone?

  • @martynparker3783
    @martynparker3783 Год назад

    Managed to get an easy lost sector on master flawless solo with strand titan cab be very op in close quarters was 1785 it took 14mins

  • @paradoxical247
    @paradoxical247 Год назад +1

    I just want to be able to get a specific piece guaranteed. Ive given up on Bungo making high stat anything farming making rational or logical sense, just let me farm what the actual fuck im in the lost sector for in the first place.

  • @saphira5946
    @saphira5946 Год назад

    Even worse:
    At least for me it feels like that the ghost mods only have a 50/50 chance of working on the exos you do get.
    I play with a discipline mod Perma glues to my ghost, and the amount of times I have gotten an exo with 60 stats and like 3 discipline is unreal.

  • @GZeta789
    @GZeta789 Год назад +286

    The Lost Sector footage was hilarious. The despawning enemies, the Barrier falling to its death over and over, the endless shooting of the suspended barriers.

    • @Massivemachine440
      @Massivemachine440 Год назад +35

      Not to mention the 63 point saint-14 with 16 mobility.😂😂

  • @theonlyxbox360
    @theonlyxbox360 Год назад +75

    If we need a vendor, we could always use spider, he’s literally known for having his vault of goodies that he’s collected over time, and has something of a workable relationship with the guardian in terms of our interactions with him. Or just have them be craftable at the mars relic.

    • @zorpglorp
      @zorpglorp Год назад

      Spider could rotate weekly and have a bunch of random weapons/armor maybe even a few exotics. or he could just sell engrams

  • @zacharyrhodge
    @zacharyrhodge Год назад +95

    Maybe turn Exotic Ciphers into something like a 3 of Coins that allows you to either spend at Xur/Monument to Lost Light, or dismantle it in inventory to select a specific exotic as your next drop with a slightly increased drop rate

    • @jerryballstein
      @jerryballstein Год назад +4

      Yep. Let it be a weekly quest item like it is now or a random drop from various endgame activities (or guaranteed drop from difficult challenges).

    • @ickmonster73
      @ickmonster73 Год назад +3

      Man I miss 3 of coins

  • @The_Final_Nuke
    @The_Final_Nuke Год назад +268

    “You want me to be toxic and say, ‘Well, at least the difficulty of the raid matches the quality of the drops’? MENEMEMENEME I SAID IT.” 😂 5:29 Datto you’re my favorite

    • @glacialshield1513
      @glacialshield1513 Год назад +3

      I LOL-ed at this and listened to it like 5 times for the lulz

    • @liquidpaper1349
      @liquidpaper1349 Год назад +2

      This had me in stitches

    • @AC_Hurdles
      @AC_Hurdles Год назад +2

      This was absolutely fantastic hahahaha

    • @Beeschurger0818
      @Beeschurger0818 Год назад +6

      Bungie shouldn’t shy away from performance based loot. This is exactly what is needed. New players shouldn’t get THE best stuff in the game in 2 lost sectors.

    • @Real28
      @Real28 Год назад +5

      Dattos sense of humor is impeccable.

  • @zach8423
    @zach8423 Год назад +101

    Id like to see glass needles implemented as a rare drop from the final chest of the lost sector. The drop rate could depend on your final score, meaning that longer lost sectors or running master will increase your chances of getting them to drop.

    • @realspartan5206
      @realspartan5206 Год назад

      Happy to see more people bring up glass needles

    • @beastmaster2752
      @beastmaster2752 Год назад +2

      Nah, the faster the clear the better the reward, why would I waste 15+min just to get a chance at an exotic

    • @crashka5860
      @crashka5860 Год назад +1

      @@beastmaster2752 I think the time it takes is irrelevant, just the score. But this way it means that longer lost sectors have a purpose, better drop rates but longer per run

    • @beastmaster2752
      @beastmaster2752 Год назад +3

      @@crashka5860 then why do you get "punish" by taking more time with the darkness envelops? It's clear that they don't want you to take longer the faster the better

    • @larsisaksen
      @larsisaksen Год назад +1

      @@beastmaster2752 Faster = Better = Less people actually being able to get anything = Less players.

  • @lucienmoolman8017
    @lucienmoolman8017 Год назад +34

    Bungie: lost sectors are meant to be a way for players to get missing exotics
    Also bungie:20-30 light levels above pinnacle cap

  • @stealth6308
    @stealth6308 Год назад +75

    Would be interesting to see a crafting system with armor, high level activities give materials needed to upgrade an armors stats, you still gotta put in a long grind but at least you know you’re always making progress, even if the progress is very minimal.

    • @AlexLuthore
      @AlexLuthore Год назад +5

      An armor crafting system would be amazing! If it used a leveling system similar to weapons, and armor at base level zero is a 47 roll, but each level adds an additional point to your roll. By the time you have level 20 armor it'll be 67 roll. You then can use the loom in the tower to reshape the armor and put the stat distribution where you want, for a cost. If it took enough materials that was 4-6 hours of grinding to get the roll how I wanted + leveling the armor, I'd be okay with that because it's probably about as fast as trying to farm random drops.
      Edit: maybe by the time the armor is level 30, 40, or 50 you get special things like with the memento system. Or at level 40 the "normal" crafted armor can be turned into artifice armor

    • @thatonepenguinperson618
      @thatonepenguinperson618 Год назад +1

      ​@@AlexLuthoreI think it could be great... But I would just hate having to equip inferior armor and have to grind to get it to the level of my previous equipment

    • @IlPinguonauta
      @IlPinguonauta Год назад

      Why don't make exotics hard to drop but you rerolls stats? It seems balanced to me.

  • @lokilucario
    @lokilucario Год назад +327

    A loot table similar to the vendor systems with options to focus the specific armor you want would be sick. Doesnt guarantee well rolled stats but alleviates some of the issues

    • @Ehhhhhmm
      @Ehhhhhmm Год назад +31

      Something like that would be awesome, give us Lost Sector engrams that you can focus into a specific exotic you already erned. No more running 20-30 Lost Sectors in hopes of getting a better roll for a piece of armor

    • @seanslaysean7097
      @seanslaysean7097 Год назад +6

      @@Ehhhhhmm that’s…a really good idea! Could be Hawthorne or some other useless vendor

    • @spinalcord6308
      @spinalcord6308 Год назад +14

      I was thinking more of a menagerie chalice-like system where you would slot items into some sort of device to get an increasing chance at a specific armor piece. A vendor would be fine but I’d rather go in a different direction than “let’s make this broken system into a vendor”.

    • @lokilucario
      @lokilucario Год назад +7

      @@spinalcord6308 that's the same shit with extra steps

    • @Warheart11
      @Warheart11 Год назад

      I like that, lost sector vendor. Crow?

  • @CouchCit
    @CouchCit Год назад +23

    Something worth mentioning is that the exotic drops from solo LLSs seem to be partially tied to your score/clearance time, so basically they have a system where those who struggle with them will more often than not will get crap loot after just barely clearing them. It really stinks.

    • @larrybyrd5634
      @larrybyrd5634 Год назад +3

      Totally. It’s almost like you should be rewarded more for grindy slogging and barely scrapping by the skin of your guardians bits lol

    • @GunsniperRZ8
      @GunsniperRZ8 Год назад +1

      thing is its mostly bound to the time needed to clear it
      aka when i grinded in witch queen it was you take longer then 5 mins you already where at the point of rng to mostly not getting it
      basically its time based to get it or not and even then it was the faster the better the stats where
      Lorely helmet i got one roll low stats that was ok but then managed to get it done faster higher stats but totally not the stats i want

  • @GeremyG
    @GeremyG Год назад +76

    Did I just hallucinate Bungie saying that they’re going to be moving the acquisition of new seasonal exotics out of legend Lost Sectors and back into normal gameplay?

    • @YuriG03042
      @YuriG03042 Год назад +1

      don't think so, pretty sure they said that before lightfall in a twab

    • @Exaar
      @Exaar Год назад +25

      They definitely said this. Then it didn't happen. I hope they do it eventually.

    • @BerryFruit
      @BerryFruit Год назад +2

      They did, but then players started complaining about the drop rates of exotics in said lost sectors, so they recently raised the rate in response to the outcry.

    • @the-slunch
      @the-slunch Год назад +12

      They did. They said that there would be a new avenue for exotics. That did happen, and it's the vex strike force public event on neomuna. However, I've never even seen one of those in game so not great

    • @Kazuhira2249
      @Kazuhira2249 Год назад

      ​@@the-slunch its pretty common on neomuna idk what to tell you, if you farmed for red borders on vex incursion zone you either have ungodly rng and got all weapons crafted first try or youve stumbled on various vex strikeforce events while on the mindnumbing farm for legendary patrols

  • @BoneTrait
    @BoneTrait Год назад +28

    Like you said, there either needs to be a way to increase the volume of exotics that we’re getting, or raising the chances of getting what we want. Right now, the three layers of chance that we have (that being the drop itself, what exotic is dropped, and the stat roll) is too much.

    • @Bipolar.Baddie
      @Bipolar.Baddie Год назад +1

      Amen. I keep getting shit I already have whenever there's a chance to get an exotic, and it's always the worst armor. I do not need an Apotheosis Veil with Max mobility right now

    • @Airtroops83
      @Airtroops83 Год назад +3

      4 layers. stat distribution as well.

    • @chrisg8p
      @chrisg8p Год назад

      @@Bipolar.Baddie bro my fkn account is cursed with Apotheosis Veil high stat with high mobility i swear to god its drops for me every third or fourth exotic drop im SICK OF IT!

  • @JohnnyCarthief
    @JohnnyCarthief Год назад +4

    They broke the drop rate. I’ve been running lost sectors for exotics for years and I’ve never seen the drop rates so low.

  • @grindcorey
    @grindcorey Год назад +7

    Use the revive tokens to cash in at the chest upon completion. The more tokens, the better the loot.

  • @Boomerangofjustice
    @Boomerangofjustice Год назад +25

    I like having a fun experience tied to my valuable pieces of equipment, I’m so much more attached to the exotics I got from beating the Legendary campaign than the exotics I got from a several hour lost sector grind I have to do because arm day or whatever happens to be on my day off lol.

  • @SFGiantsFan2482
    @SFGiantsFan2482 Год назад +17

    Thank you for this video Datto. You're the most well known Destiny content creator. If Bungie is gonna listen to anyone's feedback, it's gonna be yours.

    • @clachdhearg2109
      @clachdhearg2109 Год назад

      thats not how any of this works bungie gets bought by the company that put rootkits on their audio cds to keep ppl from ripping mp3s and ppl are surprised their time is being farmed for sony's player minutes stats ok

  • @CallMeVictor89
    @CallMeVictor89 Год назад +52

    I think they should also make it co-op. Still have a chance at exotic but allow you to bring a friend along. Because it gets so boring playing it by yourself, running the lost sector 50 times. A game where they want you to be social and team up, this activity makes it so you have to be alone. It's not fun.

    • @kirby0666
      @kirby0666 Год назад +12

      I do not engage with lost sectors for exotics for this reason, it’s boring as fuck and I’d rather just unlock it and farm GM’s until the end of the time for the rolls and exotic I want.

    • @QU67Reacher6
      @QU67Reacher6 Год назад +5

      100% agree. It's fine to keep lost sectors as a way for solo players to farm exotics, but I don't think there's a good reason to keep the exotic drops solo only. I know I'd love to help two of my newer friends farm lost sectors for some other exotics or better rolls on the ones they have.

    • @longlee2098
      @longlee2098 Год назад +5

      running lost sector makes me lose my mind...its so boring and when i dont get any drops 5 TIMES ina row i just ragequit

    • @JamesCartermusic
      @JamesCartermusic Год назад

      I get you, but then the difficulty should absolutely scale based on added players.

  • @blackops1856
    @blackops1856 Год назад +14

    Thank god. I can’t wait for Datto to talk about lost sectors. Bless me with your knowledge elitist Datto.

    • @hhaste
      @hhaste Год назад

      A L L H A I L T H E K I N G

  • @Wheels84ss
    @Wheels84ss Год назад +2

    One other part I have had an issue with lost sectors is why does a game that wants to push community and team play require you to solo farm lost sectors to unlock exotic drops? Yes once it drops from the lost sector in becomes part of world loot exotics but forcing players to play solo who game for social interaction and such seems very counter intuitive.

  • @studlygoorite5955
    @studlygoorite5955 Год назад +8

    Bout time someone mentioned this, thanks. Somehow I have been stuck with a default 48 Ophidia Spathe and now have a build centered around it. I finally reached close to 1820 power so I thought I would go a try to get a better roll. Finished 5 Legend Lost Sectors in a row (no easy feat) and got zero exotics. That day you mentioned would be more like a week for me :) Hopefully Xur will sell it soon.

  • @danielbell2214
    @danielbell2214 Год назад +4

    Man the pain of 10+ runs of nothing

  • @jacobacevedo4719
    @jacobacevedo4719 Год назад +3

    My idea is to have multiple lost sectors active each day. And each lost sector give you a choice between 2 or so exotics in each one. Like lucky pants or frostee5 on bunker 15 and star eaters or stompees on thunderdome. Like it’s still requires a grind but it avoids the problem of getting 5 different exotics that’s are no where near what u want over a 4 hour grind

  • @dylankim4190
    @dylankim4190 Год назад +35

    Lost sectors should get you lost sector keys which you get more of the faster you go, lets say 50 for a 5 minute run and down to 30 at the lowest, then you can cash the keys for whatever specific exotic drop is that day at the end of the sector chest. If you can choose the specific exotic that would be fire too

    • @slavmagician2898
      @slavmagician2898 Год назад

      I like this idea

    • @cameronsalmon1314
      @cameronsalmon1314 Год назад +3

      I think it would be smart if you had to cash out at Xur for loot. This makes more sense with him being the ‘exotic’ vendor and would bring a bit more relevance for why you should see him every week. Lost sector keys could also replace exotic ciphers for xurs currency.

    • @oxsila
      @oxsila Год назад

      @@cameronsalmon1314 I would love for Xur to be more than a new light catchup vendor again.

    • @thegamiac9539
      @thegamiac9539 Год назад

      Not for the time just for clear with minimal lives lost most people can't do lost sectors within 5 minutes

  • @ItsOceanYT
    @ItsOceanYT Год назад +2

    As someone who mainly posts Lost Sector videos on my channel (not promoting, just giving my comment credibility) I have thought a lot about the Legend/Master Lost Sector Loot. Currently, there is no reason to do Masters, because you can do way more Legends in an hour that outweigh the small Exotic chance bonus from Masters. Couple of ideas: 1) Make Master Exotic drops have an additional slot similar to Artifice Armour, 2) In regards to your Glass Needle idea, make Glass Needles specific to Lost Sector Exotics, but have the Glass Needle be a rare drop as well. Or, make Glass Needles an even more rare drop and allow all Exotics to be re-rolled, having this as a extra rare drop would make it harder to farm a ton in an hour. 3) Make Lost Sector Specific loot, but actually make them good...or at least look cool and allow us to use them as Ornaments. 4) I like the idea of a Lost Sector Currency (Token) to be spent into focusing an Exotic. 5) I don't think speed running should have any additional bearing on Exotics besides the fact you can complete more in an hour, although I do think having less deaths could play a part. Players that are not as skilled could take their time more to ensure no deaths/1 death for highest drop rate regardless of time. 6) Increased stat focusing, in addition to the Ghost mod that focuses a stat, this will allow you to choose two stats that have a higher chance at dropping those stats 20+. 7) Integrate Exotic weapon drops from Legend/Master Lost Sectors. Thanks for reading, hopefully some of these sound cool/good!😀

  • @Negative__Devil
    @Negative__Devil Год назад +10

    Dude Datto is living in his own world I swear, the problem is NOT power level, but the scaling in difficulty with no meaningful rewards.

    • @jamesjohn8740
      @jamesjohn8740 Год назад +3

      I agree its not totally powerlevel but the scaling snd rng based rewards, and all the hoops you have to jump through to maybe get a drop.

  • @alderstifen7738
    @alderstifen7738 Год назад +14

    I think glass needles could work if they were a currency given out as a completion of the lost sectors. You get more depending on how many champions you kill or if you did it flawless (though thats unlikely to happen due to what was said in the video). Keep the grinding but atleast its like every run you are atleast getting something with it. Idk, I'm just tired of farming for a Fallen Sunstar after months of trying so I can make an arc warlock build just for it to be mediocre.

  • @mattdawgismystreetname4078
    @mattdawgismystreetname4078 Год назад +3

    Little did datto know he predicted the future with exotic focusing lol

  • @oathful2840
    @oathful2840 Год назад +15

    Love the token idea. I miss when exotics were random drops and had and air of excitement about getting them, a token system mixed with bringing back random drop exotics would keep lost sectors useful while making random exotic drops more interesting.

  • @Mr-R.R.
    @Mr-R.R. Год назад +3

    The first thing they can do, is simply guarentee that each exotic you get, will have a 61-62+ roll on it. i think such a high roll will make it worthwhile and reduces the impact of the other negatives

  • @ClancyTwoThirtyEight
    @ClancyTwoThirtyEight Год назад +4

    I feel like I've been trying to get a better roll of Renewal Grasps for forever at this point and I just keep getting Oathkeeper after Oathkeeper. Mood.

  • @Wolfyon0617
    @Wolfyon0617 Год назад +2

    I think the biggest problem is all of the new exotics since Beyond Light have been exclusive to lost sectors, most people don't really care to have high stat rolls, they just want the new exotics
    I don't care to have high stat rolls on armor for my other 2 classes I just want the exotics so I can actually experience playing them

  • @shshyie
    @shshyie Год назад +27

    I'd honestly love to see a borderlands-esque approach by assigning certain lost sectors to certain pieces of gear per class, possibly even expand this to nightfalls to make people want to play specific strikes

    • @spinalcord6308
      @spinalcord6308 Год назад +2

      I’d be onboard with this idea if it wouldn’t take a week or two to get the chance to farm for a certain piece. Still, this is a more practical idea than the farm Bungie expects people to run through.

  • @eveningswan4491
    @eveningswan4491 Год назад +2

    It's hilarious how people who have all the exotics are bitching about the stats bro new lights don't get shit they suffer more bc they don't have any useful exotics and run the lost sectors with bad gear no one be a elitist bc I'm on a new light account and I notice the unfairness the lost sectors are. I'll farm for hours and get 2-3 exotics it's mad unfair

  • @CrypticVidz
    @CrypticVidz Год назад +5

    I like the idea of slot specific tokens. I can count on no hands how many times I use certain exotics. If I could just go straight for the ones I do want would be fantastic

  • @XxHUNT3RN4T0RxX
    @XxHUNT3RN4T0RxX Год назад +15

    When legend lost sectors are harder to get through than the raid, that’s when we have a problem.

    • @kh.754
      @kh.754 Год назад +3

      Video isn't about the difficulty. Go somewhere else to complain

    • @garycannon2887
      @garycannon2887 Год назад +1

      Legend lost sector enemies should be more difficult than normal difficulty raid enemies, and everyone who complains about difficulty ends up being way below the recommended level.

    • @hhaste
      @hhaste Год назад

      I haven't even tried the raid yet and I'm still upset they made it so easy.. but I have a feeling it may have been a one time thing to keep a lot of newer players interested. If it's too hardcore, casual players won't stick around.. it's the perfect raid for casuals.

    • @KeybladeXMage
      @KeybladeXMage Год назад +5

      ​@@garycannon2887 The recommended level is like twenty above the pinnacle cap! How tf am I SUPPOSED to be on level for THAT shit?!

    • @garycannon2887
      @garycannon2887 Год назад

      @@KeybladeXMage legend difficulty is generally 15 below recommended level. You just need power cap and +15 from artifact. The people complaining about difficulty usually turn out to be below the intended -15.
      They probably should change recommended level from enemy level to our intended level to make it clearer.

  • @msp720
    @msp720 Год назад +13

    I love what they're doing with the lost sectors, but I also miss the shorter ones you could run in and clear in a minute, like Kingship Dock. I wish they'd do a mix of long and short ones, if only so there could be more of them per expansion.

    • @mikethehunter5212
      @mikethehunter5212 Год назад +2

      Everyone died a little inside when Veles Labyrinth had the barrier walls added.

  • @deaconcummings6916
    @deaconcummings6916 Год назад +2

    Just did 35 legend runs with zero exotic drops, this is beyond dumb.

  • @GeminiGiant
    @GeminiGiant Год назад +7

    Starting with the Moon, then the Cosmodrome, Europa, the throne World and now Neomuna. They Lost Sector design has been awesome and yes they feel like a single player strike.

    • @omni_tron
      @omni_tron Год назад

      Moon lost sectors have some of the best lore in the game. It's like a space horror movie.

  • @stentorianlid284
    @stentorianlid284 Год назад +1

    My idea is having like a lost sector vender, and you know how you can focus defiant engrams. Well why not do that for lost sectors, get a “Lost sector engram” as the chance reward for Legend/Master lost sector completions, and with 5/6 of them, focus one armor piece that you’ve already obtained with guaranteed high stat. Idk who could be this vendor, (maybe that planets person?) but this idea is the one that I’d believe make the most sense for everyone.
    Edit: maybe also for a greater Lost Sector Engram cost be able to focus an exotic you do not own, as I didn’t really factor in how to get ones you don’t own.

  • @xxHELLCAT32xxx
    @xxHELLCAT32xxx Год назад +52

    For Glass Needles, I think the solution is to just have them drop from the Lost Sectors, so that you will always get something of value when farming. The loop would be to just get the item you want to drop so you can pull it from collections, and then you have this material to farm that allows you to get the roll you want. That way you have a better chance to get an item of some use, and you can now farm any day as opposed to the specific slot of the piece, assuming you have it in collections.

    • @SpyroThunder
      @SpyroThunder Год назад +7

      Bungie could also go the route of only rerolling the stat distribution instead of the distribution and total.

    • @S3Cs4uN8
      @S3Cs4uN8 Год назад +1

      @@SpyroThunder That sounds pretty nice.

    • @thegamingcazador8295
      @thegamingcazador8295 Год назад

      Slightly altered idea; anytime an exotic you already have in collections would have dropped, a glass needle drops instead

  • @einsUNDcolt
    @einsUNDcolt Год назад +3

    Glass needles is a good idea. Have Xur have like 3 weekly bounties that have you do things like complete challenging activities like nightfalls/legend lost sectors/trials/ib and the bounties reward a glass needle. Allows for reroll of exotic gear while also having players play higher end activities to get them

    • @sireislas3903
      @sireislas3903 Год назад

      That sounds like a pretty solid idea! It would give us options while still requiring some actual effort to obtain.

  • @ZanyYooper
    @ZanyYooper Год назад +5

    Loving the hidden text about the Adept focusing system! Been a hard core lost sector farmer for years, and your points are spot on.

  • @aashilr
    @aashilr Год назад +1

    Bungo has made quite a lot of decent Quality of Life changes since Lightfall, but for some reason they forget some of the most important ones regarding looter shooters: All players who do top-tier end-game content (Master Nightfalls/Raids & especially GrandMaster Nightfalls) should be SHOWERED with top-tier loot. Master Dungeon encounters should not be the only place to get Artifice Armor, it should also extend to Master Raid encounters; Artifice Armor should have at minimum 65 stat points; Legend/Master Lost Sectors should have bad luck protection for no Exotic drops, and should have guaranteed Exotic drop after 5 clears of no drop.
    Destiny currently is a very stingy looter shooter game. Currently you can do a solo, flawless, 1840 Master Nightfall (reworked Lake of Shadows, mind you) and unironically get a single Ascendant Shard, a sub-62 stat legendary armor (not even Artifice, so insta-delete), and maybe the Nightfall weapon with perks you want, if you're lucky - basically loose change tossed at you for wasting 45+ mins. doing that activity. There's no extra reward for solo, no extra reward for flawless, etc. That's very discouraging for, again, a LOOTER SHOOTER.

  • @RyanNoseBest
    @RyanNoseBest Год назад +1

    Spittin' facts with that part about farming gloves...
    I farmed lost sectors during Season of Plunder for a nice pair of Osmiomacy Gloves.
    I had 42 other exotics drop, all on glove days, before I saw a single pair of Osmiomancies. FORTY TWO.
    In those 42 exotics, I also didn't see a single pair of sunbracers, but 9 of them were Karnstein Armlets.
    Luckily the roll i got on the Osmiomancies was actually pretty nice, so i still use them to this day, but man...
    What if it wasn't a good roll? What if it was spiking intellect and mobility with like 11 discipline?
    Something needs to change.

  • @Mysticmingas
    @Mysticmingas Год назад +1

    3:26 "if youre clearing lost sectors in under 5 minutes, then im not talking to you because you are able to farm exotics as much as you want" ok. No. when i get serious, i can bang out lost sectors in like 2-3 minutes and i STILL find this grind to be complete trash. i can go 13 runs without an exotic drop. i can farm 10 helmets in a row and get 0 cyrtarachne. of those 10 guess how many had good stats that i kept and would want to use. ZERO. farm for hours on end and walk away with nothing to show for it. it fucking blows. i just refuse to go back in and waste my time, and then not having the exotic with a good roll make me just want to play destiny as a whole less. when all my builds have my stats at triple 100s and then my garbage cyrtarachne build has me stuck on like 100/100/80 or 100/100/70, and i need to farm out TWO DIFFERENT STAT ROLLS that are mob+res for pve and mob+rec for pvp. that shits just not happening, and then suddenly i dont feel like using that build anymore and then i dont feel like playing the entire game anymore because it doesnt feel like im making any meaningful progression to improve my build. like wtf. 4 hours in lost sectors just to walk away with 0 of the armor piece i wanted and 0 exotic that i actually kept. whats the point