I just started doing eyelid massage about 3 days ago , being a sufferer of extreme dry eye and I really felt the difference , literally . My question is had been doing it way too often and too many times a day since Friday (3 days ago) and now I am worried about what might happen in terms of possible damage to the nerves and if it had raised my eye pressure even more. Here in Scandinavia I was told my pressure 21 / 25. Should I make an appointment to get checked?
@@bmtcdc Good question. Usually when doing the eyelids massage, it will just temporarily increase the pressure when you are physically pressing on the eyelid, it should keep your pressure high. That being said, your pressure are on the higher side, and should be watched by your eye doctor.... but people can have pressure like that and still be fine.
@@bmtcdc hey, just to share my experience with you: I got checked 2 months ago and had 22/24. My eye doc put me under daily treatment to lower the pressure. I had no damage to my optic nerves but she said better safe than sorry and I really needed to protect my nerves from that pressure. I put one drop every morning and the treatment contains beta blockers. So I think it's better if you get checked as similar pressure for me resulted in taking a treatment.
I’ve gone to three specialist and this is by far the best description for my MGD that is to the far side. I only wish Drs were more verbal about pressure on the eyes when treating. I’ll definitely be more careful in the future! Thank you 🙏🏻
@@zhugeliang3905 miebobien gland disease (disorder). Tear ducts are blocked from the natural oils made by the body or eyes. The oil hardens in the ducts so your eyes can’t produce tears, causing many problems and can lead to other issues/conditions. Btw, the oil in the glands harden more than one would think. You can’t just take a hot shower and it’s gone. That’s wishful thinking.
I have been dealing with chalazions and blepharitis for a little over a year now and your videos have been more informative than any doctors that I have seen. Thank you!!!!
I got ceratoconus in both eyes and also dry eye syndrome. i really respect your several warnings about being very very very careful and gentle to not damage the cornea. This is a serious warning that must not be ignored. My doctor did not explain to me how to do this procedure correctly. You know what you are talking about. Thank you so much.
I have had problems with my dry eyes for over seven years and I have been to three eye doctors and an Opthamologist. On Xiidra for years….until I watched this video I did not understand what caused my dry eyes and I can’t believe this was never explained to me After three days of the hot compresses and blinking exercises my eyes are feeling fabulous and I can’t believe ten minutes of watching your video has helped me more than all the doctors I have seen. SOO appreciative of this THANK YOU
This was so great. I watched the warm compress one first. So much information that my eye doctor didn't explain (and she was very explanatory too) so much I didn't know. Thanks so much!
I have been dealing with this problem since June, 3 doctors later, and just the other day correctly diagnosed with MGD. Can't believe how much I've learned today from your videos and how much my doctors didn't tell me or didn't know. Your eyelid massage video, disease explanation, causes/treatments are all very helpful. I haven't been able to wear contacts comfortably for over 2 years now and I suspect, this problem stems from the lack of appropriate oil in my eyes - it just makes sense now. Thank you.
This comment just made my day... thank you so much for saying this. Comments like these give me the motivation to keep making these video. I'll keep trying my best with these videos to help as many people as possible. Thank you.
I had a bump on my left eyelid and did the blinks omggg it helped so much! The excess oils came out in no time and I felt so much better! You saved my life!! Thank you Dr!
Thank you so much! I thought it was just a normal stye but I did the message I felt the bump get smaller! Must have been oil gland like you mentioned! Feels so much better !
I use the Bruder mask at night, do the hard blinking thing, then go to sleep, and didn't even think of washing my eyelids right afterwards. Now after watching your video I will for sure wash right after heating my eyelids. Thanks so much!
I'd never heard of Chalazions until it happened to me. Been dealing with both eyes for 3 mos. now. Right eye is almost normal. Left eye has a ways to go. Lots of care needed by the individual if you want to recover from these. Didn't know about the massages. Thank you.
🔴🔴➡️ *CHALAZION: Qtip dipped in BRAGGS Apple Cider Vinegar (not dripping) wiped on eyelid EXTERIOR - can see results as soon as AFTER A WEEK* Highly recommend to watch his this video at least twice to compute
Just found you after being prescribed the optimel manual honey. Thank you for very valuable info on masks and massage / blinking No body in uk has every explained any of this , it’s such good info 😊
My take is that every organ in our bodies needs to be stimulated and taken care of through an exercise. I suffer from watery eyes.I do nt know the trigger. WILL definately try all the exercises and thanx a million for such good and eye saving info.GOD BLESS❤🎉
Dry eyes can cause watery eyes. I suffer from extreme watery eyes and doing compresses and eye massage has really helped me. There's videos on massage therapy all around your head and face that lead to eye health based on acupuncture laws. Also blinking with a long squeeze, several times is critical.
I have been doing these treatments daily for a few years, for my chronic dry eye problem, however I can now perfect my technique and feel sure it will be even more effective, thank you!
Do watch the compression video as well! I came here for eye massage cos I thought I knew how to compress. But I still learnt useful stuff from the compression video that I'm doing from now on. I LOVE this qtip method. I've been battling using my fingers for the past 3 days and this is a real game changer for me. Thanks Dr EyeGuy
If you have corneal scarring be very careful w the Bruder mask. The heat really irritates the cornea. My Cornea Dr told me to do it daily but that was what contributed to the keratitis and steroids on and off for two years. Good job mentioning that Dr!! :)
Hi this is so helpful. I’m just getting over a severe style/infected oil gland - and I was told to steam my eyes four times a day followed by massage. Ive been doing it far too hard I now realise. Really rubbing my lid downwards. Hope v much no permanent damage for past five days heavy handed massage.
Thank you very much for such an informative video. I had no idea how to do a baggage of the eyelids. I am anxious to try out the procedure that you recommend.😊
Thank you for the video. I was recently diagnosed with MGD. My doctor wanted me to "squeeze " my eyelids like a pimple to express the oil glands. It was painful when she did it in the office. And she wants me to use warm compress and massage three times a day! I searched online for advice and found this video.
This RUclipsr also has another video on what you’re talking about - expression. He’s not huge on doing it yourself. Some people do, using a device. One thing I’d say is when I was getting IPL with expression (this can only be done by a physician), it got DRAMATICALLY easier each time. The first time, it was painful and looked terrible, and she wasn’t able to get much out. By the fourth time, it was less thick and more like olive oil, didn’t hurt much at all.
I needed this. I had s nasty style right before the pandemic and stubbornly kept persisting despite ointment and drop. Starting have weird eye trouble ever since, dandruff on eye margin, dermatitis/rashes on eyelid and inner corner of eyelid. I think my glands has something to do with it and this will help a lot.
Awesome video! I have preferred using a q tip wet with hypochlorous acid for a while now, and you’re the first person I’ve seen recommend that! Good to know it’s actually recommended by a doctor lol.
Thank you for providing real-life demonstrations--swab, finger and especially effective blinks. Very helpful. :) I've come to realize MGD / dry eye is to be taken seriously to achieve eye health. At first i just thought the condition was an 'add on' after my DMEK because then doc went on to treat rosacea and blepharitis. Took me getting a chalizion (sp?) on my surgery eye to believe oil glands can get blocked. Thank you to you and other doctors for having patience with us patients and taking time to educate us. :)
Hi there, I have just be told today by my optician that I have Blepharitis! I had a stye 2 months ago which is still blocked and has a small lump on the bottom water line. He advised heat, massage and then lid wipes. I think I definitely was pressing to hard with massage these evening. Will follow your advice on the blinking method. Thanks so much, Belinda from Northern Ireland
Thank you so much for these videos. I left the eye doctor yesterday with my head swimming. I am one of those who has a weird thing with eyeballs, so eye massage freaks me out. Thank you for telling me about blinking. There is something to be said for keeping it simple, right? Anyway, thank you for taking the time to do these. I appreciate you.
Thank you for your videos, been struggling with dry eyes for over 2 years now. My doctor said to pour some Hydrochloride Ocusoft in a contact case and dip a Q tip in there when cleaning the eyelid margins. He also said to only worrying about expressing eyelids from the bottom, but I don’t think that’s right, why wouldn’t I just do both the way you described.
Dear Dear Doctor, I have multiple tiny yellowish "pimples" under my eyelashes on the lower eyelids because of the spilled secret of the clogged glands, be so kind as to tell me please if I can do this massage in my condition?! Thank you so much!!🙏
I have been diagnosed with MGD. The warm compress and eyelid massages help. Doctor has recommended an Intense Pulsed Light treatment which is not covered by insurance and is kind of expensive. So I’m trying to do the eyelid massage everyday.
I've watched a number of videos on this subject, and by far yours is the best. I am still working on getting the glands expressed. I'll keep you posted!😍
Thaaank youu so much for this vid and the links. My dry eye has been so bad for the past 18 months, along with allergies that I’ve actually rubbed my eyelashes off! Top and bottom. And after all the rubbing (the itching is ferocious! I can’t stop rubbing even though I use allergy drops, dry eye drops and sometimes Prednisone drops…aargh!!) I develop blisters on both the top and bottom lids. Stunningly unattractive look. 😢😢😢 Not to mention how painful this has been. My eye doctor finally said it may be time to do a procedure on the Meibomian glands. I’ve been asking about this for months! I’m hoping this procedure works but who knows at this point. Not feeling real confident in his judgement at this point. I live between Stanford and UCSF so I’m thinking it may be time to find a doctor over there. In the meantime, I’m going to try this. Thank you in advance for any relief this may provide. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you so much for this demonstration. I suffer from dry eye. My Dr wants me to do the warm compress and massage 2x a day. I had no idea how to do it. She also prescribed me a medication to help bring on tears. $850 for 3 months supply. I call it liquid diamonds, she gave me a 2 week sample. I simply can’t afford that! Ugh. Thank you again.
I have a blepha eyebad that is warmed up in the microwave and has flaxseeds inside. I am worried about it pushing against the eyes. I am glad I found this video because no one explained to me about not pushing. I was being gentle but I am still nervous about massaging the eyelids even with a q-tip haha
I'm dealing with blepharitis now with a stye in my upper eyelid. Both my upper eyelids are puffy and sore. I'm impressed with all the information in your videos and going to start doing all these things. Hope it will help me.
@@DrEyeGuy, indeed folks want straight to the point, this's what u got. Or else people skip the video bcz of this era they've became so impatient... G'luck ahead..
@@DrEyeGuy btw bro... I use cell phone alot, also reading a bit... often get eye strain and dry eyes. What do you prefer.?? Computer Glasses, artificial tears or gels, blue light blocking eyeglasses? Thanks😉
I have MGD. I was using a heat mask and messaging my glands like I was shown from the doctor, so I was doing it correctly. I did it for over a year. Doing this caused vitreous detachment. Now, I have a bunch of see-through floaters causing cloudy / foggy vision that I'm stuck with. If I would've known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have done it. It didn't even help with the oils, and it just caused more harm than good. It's not worth the risk, especially when it doesn't even work.
Wow Sandra, that sounds awful! Do you think it might have been too much applied pressure or something else that caused the detachment? Is this repairable at all? Best wishes for your health.
Ever since covid I have been getting sty’s , chalazions and eye Infections when I have never had any in my life before. Right now I sm dealing with a sty that will not go away. However , I haven’t had time to put a warm compress 3-4 times a day for 10 min each then massage. I work 10.5 hours a day and I have an hour to drive to work then hour home then I have my pets and family to tend to . On my days off I have been applying the warm compress but I was doing it 5 min ( per drs instructions ) but she never told me to massage the eye. I was given a antibiotic ointment to put on eyelid . It did clear the red eye up nicely but I am left with a very small sty still. I have just started the warm compress for 10 min and I’m trying to do it before work and after work and on my days off do it 4 times a day with the massage and the eye ointment. My sty has def been on my eye for a month now. I’m so over it. I rarely wear contacts ( I had no worn contacts for months when I got the sty so it wasn’t from that and I do not wear eye makeup . I almost wonder if it’s from my moisturizer or sunscreen that my dermatologist told me I could put on my eyelids. I started doing that around when covid started and with all this mask wearing at wirk I’m wondering if it’s from the mask that does sometimes ride up on my eyes or if it’s from putting moisturizer or sunblock on eyelids. I stopped that so if after this sty is gone akd I get another one I’m going to assume it’s from my masks I wear at work
Adding my thanks for this video. Persistent in right lower eyelid that infected-looked like little pimple on it. Doctor told me warm compresses but not this info. Do you think warm compress with castor oil would add extra help? Will use this technique starting today. ❤
You can still get some blurred vision, even when doing it right. Sometimes the extra oil from the oil glands can get over the eyes and blur it up a bit.
Many thanks for your videos. Is there anything wrong with carefully pinching your eye lids between forefinger and thumb laterally and making your way from from one side of the eyelid to the other as another way to do eyelid massages?
My son has a chalazene in both eyes and scared over or something. Can oil pulling work with an eye mask or will that make it worse? I'll try this massage . You are very helpful. My son is 6 . Also, can gluten and dairy make things worse or allergies.
It's really hard to see... It can even be tricky to see looking with a microscope. Sometimes you can see maybe a "shiny" appearance on the surface of the pores... but it's tricky.
Best/creative demo - surely with great results, thanks a lot. Great that you warn about risks - important. Probing: do you do it? Can you make a video, for example, side effects, benefits etc. Thank you.
Sorry, I was talking this Eyelid Massage video. I mention side effects and benefits in this Eyelid Massage video. Just wondering if you had something more specific I could make a video about?
I did heat compress but my left eye hurts and it also become red , I might be warried if the compress damages my cornea , how do i know i am just small pain that goes and backs as well
I wouldn't think the warm compress would have damaged your cornea to the point of feeling pain, unless you had it way too hot, but that would have hurt your eyelids as well, or you accidentally rubbed or scratched your cornea when doing it. My guess is the pain is from something else...maybe from inflammation from the warm compresses... hard to say. If you can, I would recommend going to get it checked out by the eye doc if it continues.
I purchased an "anti-wrinkle" vibrator ($20) for eyelid massages; it heats up to 38 - 45 degrees celsius and vibrates not too harshly. That being said, would gently using a so-called anti-wrinkle vibrator also be helpful for meibomian glands? I ask because, even when I try to be gentle with my fingers, Im paranoid that it's too much pressure. The vibrator feels easier on my eyelids and still provides a massage.
Q: Battling dry eye and trying some of your tips. Question: Best moisturizer for eyelids that is hypoallergenic…I don’t need fragrance or wrinkle cream…just best thing to keep my lids moist daily while I tackle this dry eye problem. Thx in advance! :)
The systane eyelid wipes are hypoallergenic. There are likely other ones put there, but I haven't had the chance to try them yet. Dr. Fischer eyelid wipes is one, but I have tried it yet.
@@DrEyeGuy I use weekly not daily the Systane eye wipes prescribed by an ophthalmologist and it cures my itchy red eyes right away. So I suppose my red eyes were caused by bacteria accumulation on my eye lid. I had tried all sorts of drops and soaps. I don't like Systane drops, and others at the pharmacy, they left a sticky feeling. I use Vogel drops, natural health store, when my inner eye feels dry, during the night for a reason I ignore. And castor oil once a week (is a little sticky but hydrating as well). Hope this helps. I will try your eye massage. I have early cataracts, am 50, caused by regular use of Benadryl for allergies. I had approbation from my Doctor but, long term use is really damaging for the eyes. Thank you.
Thank you so much, very informative and clear! I was diagnosed with MGD. One (albeit weird) question: sometimes if I look in the mirror while blinking I can see a flow of an oily substance moving vertically over my cornea. Could that be the meibum? It flushes very fast then starts to dissolve quickly. Should you be able to see that or that is a sign of the dysfunction?
That's an interesting question. When I look at people's eyes with the slit lamp microscope, you can see the oil tear layer spreading over the surface of the eye... not sure if I could say it would be easily noticeable with the slit lamp. It could be a sign that your meibum is thick possible?
Well, this is a lot cheaper than the lubricating eye drops I was told to use constantly. I actually get some relief from the strain I've been feeling too. Definitely bringing this up with my optometrist, I think in use with my drops this could really actually help instead of just being a bandaid (I have chronic dry eyes from medication)
How has eyelid massages worked out for you? Be sure to check out the warm compress video: ruclips.net/video/rRcJwHD1qu4/видео.html
I just started doing eyelid massage about 3 days ago , being a sufferer of extreme dry eye and I really felt the difference , literally . My question is had been doing it way too often and too many times a day since Friday (3 days ago) and now I am worried about what might happen in terms of possible damage to the nerves and if it had raised my eye pressure even more. Here in Scandinavia I was told my pressure 21 / 25. Should I make an appointment to get checked?
@@bmtcdc Good question. Usually when doing the eyelids massage, it will just temporarily increase the pressure when you are physically pressing on the eyelid, it should keep your pressure high. That being said, your pressure are on the higher side, and should be watched by your eye doctor.... but people can have pressure like that and still be fine.
@@bmtcdc hey, just to share my experience with you: I got checked 2 months ago and had 22/24. My eye doc put me under daily treatment to lower the pressure. I had no damage to my optic nerves but she said better safe than sorry and I really needed to protect my nerves from that pressure. I put one drop every morning and the treatment contains beta blockers. So I think it's better if you get checked as similar pressure for me resulted in taking a treatment.
@@asmodeos666 Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Will definitely contact my eye doc a s a p
Do you do these massages on yourself regularly, Dr. EyeGuy?
I already had the warm compress but didn't know about the massage, just tried and my vision is clearer than it has been for months
Wow! That's good to hear!
I'm so happy for you! I hope to have the same effect tonight when I do this!
I’ve gone to three specialist and this is by far the best description for my MGD that is to the far side. I only wish Drs were more verbal about pressure on the eyes when treating. I’ll definitely be more careful in the future! Thank you 🙏🏻
How often are you doing massages?
What's MGD?
@@zhugeliang3905 Meibomian Gland Disfunction
@@zhugeliang3905 miebobien gland disease (disorder).
Tear ducts are blocked from the natural oils made by the body or eyes. The oil hardens in the ducts so your eyes can’t produce tears, causing many problems and can lead to other issues/conditions.
Btw, the oil in the glands harden more than one would think. You can’t just take a hot shower and it’s gone. That’s wishful thinking.
@@Di-sg6mv Thanks for that.
I have been dealing with chalazions and blepharitis for a little over a year now and your videos have been more informative than any doctors that I have seen. Thank you!!!!
This is the main reason I do these videos. Thank you so much for saying this, I really appreciate it.
@@IamCreeDo you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
Same here. Thank you.
Did u remove it
I got ceratoconus in both eyes and also dry eye syndrome. i really respect your several warnings about being very very very careful and gentle to not damage the cornea. This is a serious warning that must not be ignored. My doctor did not explain to me how to do this procedure correctly. You know what you are talking about. Thank you so much.
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
I have had problems with my dry eyes for over seven years and I have been to three eye doctors and an Opthamologist. On Xiidra for years….until I watched this video I did not understand what caused my dry eyes and I can’t believe this was never explained to me
After three days of the hot compresses and blinking exercises my eyes are feeling fabulous and I can’t believe ten minutes of watching your video has helped me more than all the doctors I have seen. SOO appreciative of this THANK YOU
This was so great. I watched the warm compress one first. So much information that my eye doctor didn't explain (and she was very explanatory too) so much I didn't know. Thanks so much!
I try to explain as much as I can without making people bored. Glad it helped!
Yes! Rolling the q-tip is the best. Game changer.
I have been dealing with this problem since June, 3 doctors later, and just the other day correctly diagnosed with MGD. Can't believe how much I've learned today from your videos and how much my doctors didn't tell me or didn't know. Your eyelid massage video, disease explanation, causes/treatments are all very helpful. I haven't been able to wear contacts comfortably for over 2 years now and I suspect, this problem stems from the lack of appropriate oil in my eyes - it just makes sense now. Thank you.
This comment just made my day... thank you so much for saying this. Comments like these give me the motivation to keep making these video. I'll keep trying my best with these videos to help as many people as possible. Thank you.
What is mgd
@@DrEyeGuy You're a lifesaver❤ Thank you so much for the work you do!
Did you manage to treat that MGD?
If so, how please.
@@amandawhitney4163meibomian gland dysfunction
I had a bump on my left eyelid and did the blinks omggg it helped so much! The excess oils came out in no time and I felt so much better! You saved my life!! Thank you Dr!
What is in the spray please tell me?
Thank you so much! I thought it was just a normal stye but I did the message I felt the bump get smaller! Must have been oil gland like you mentioned! Feels so much better !
I sure appreciate this level of care and information!
I use the Bruder mask at night, do the hard blinking thing, then go to sleep, and didn't even think of washing my eyelids right afterwards. Now after watching your video I will for sure wash right after heating my eyelids. Thanks so much!
I'd never heard of Chalazions until it happened to me. Been dealing with both eyes for 3 mos. now. Right eye is almost normal. Left eye has a ways to go. Lots of care needed by the individual if you want to recover from these. Didn't know about the massages. Thank you.
@@LindaHightower-g5e do you know what caused your eye problem?
🔴🔴➡️ *CHALAZION: Qtip dipped in BRAGGS Apple Cider Vinegar (not dripping) wiped on eyelid EXTERIOR - can see results as soon as AFTER A WEEK* Highly recommend to watch his this video at least twice to compute
If we didn't have this solution?
Just found you after being prescribed the optimel manual honey.
Thank you for very valuable info on masks and massage / blinking
No body in uk has every explained any of this , it’s such good info 😊
Thanks! I can feel the moisture in my eyes when I do the blinks after my heat treatment! This is the easiest way!
Good to hear!
My take is that every organ in our bodies needs to be stimulated and taken care of through an exercise. I suffer from watery eyes.I do nt know the trigger. WILL definately try all the exercises and thanx a million for such good and eye saving info.GOD BLESS❤🎉
Trigger could be light, inside or outdoors. Photophobia.
Dry eyes can cause watery eyes. I suffer from extreme watery eyes and doing compresses and eye massage has really helped me. There's videos on massage therapy all around your head and face that lead to eye health based on acupuncture laws. Also blinking with a long squeeze, several times is critical.
Love this demonstration! I recommend eyelid massage as well for bad MGD and people who get a lot of chalazia.
Thank you for commenting this! Thanks for watching the video as well.
I have been doing these treatments daily for a few years, for my chronic dry eye problem, however I can now perfect my technique and feel sure it will be even more effective, thank you!
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
Do watch the compression video as well! I came here for eye massage cos I thought I knew how to compress. But I still learnt useful stuff from the compression video that I'm doing from now on. I LOVE this qtip method. I've been battling using my fingers for the past 3 days and this is a real game changer for me. Thanks Dr EyeGuy
So glad that this could help. Thank you for this comment!
I had a bump on my eyelid when I woke up it was little sore and after I did this it looked and felt much better thank you
Amazing! So glad it helped!
What you did please tell me like if we didn't have this spray so what to do
Thank you for explaining, this might just save my sanity as i've been dealing with MGD but wasn't told how exactly or what exactly to clean.
Best eye channel hands down ❤
Thank you for saying that!
If you have corneal scarring be very careful w the Bruder mask. The heat really irritates the cornea. My Cornea Dr told me to do it daily but that was what contributed to the keratitis and steroids on and off for two years. Good job mentioning that Dr!! :)
Thank you for the comment and telling us part of you story. Comments like this really do help out other people as well.
Hi this is so helpful. I’m just getting over a severe style/infected oil gland - and I was told to steam my eyes four times a day followed by massage. Ive been doing it far too hard I now realise. Really rubbing my lid downwards. Hope v much no permanent damage for past five days heavy handed massage.
Wow!!!! Thank you so much! I feel so honored and grateful for that support. So kind of you!
I have MGD, you give me more informations than my own doctors, you helpt me a lot, Thanks from Belgium
Thank you very much for such an informative video. I had no idea how to do a baggage of the eyelids. I am anxious to try out the procedure that you recommend.😊
Good video, learned more about dry eyes on several of your videos that talking with my eye Dr over the past several years
Wow! Thank you for saying that. Glad these videos could be helpful.
I have learned much. My eye doctor never explained to me how it's supposed to be done. Thanks for the video
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
right? same here lol. great video.
Thank you for the video. I was recently diagnosed with MGD. My doctor wanted me to "squeeze " my eyelids like a pimple to express the oil glands. It was painful when she did it in the office. And she wants me to use warm compress and massage three times a day! I searched online for advice and found this video.
This RUclipsr also has another video on what you’re talking about - expression. He’s not huge on doing it yourself. Some people do, using a device.
One thing I’d say is when I was getting IPL with expression (this can only be done by a physician), it got DRAMATICALLY easier each time. The first time, it was painful and looked terrible, and she wasn’t able to get much out. By the fourth time, it was less thick and more like olive oil, didn’t hurt much at all.
I needed this. I had s nasty style right before the pandemic and stubbornly kept persisting despite ointment and drop. Starting have weird eye trouble ever since, dandruff on eye margin, dermatitis/rashes on eyelid and inner corner of eyelid. I think my glands has something to do with it and this will help a lot.
Has it held yet for you? I had mine , since last June !! and that's why I'm watching this video so I'm wondering if you got rid of it?!
Awesome video! I have preferred using a q tip wet with hypochlorous acid for a while now, and you’re the first person I’ve seen recommend that! Good to know it’s actually recommended by a doctor lol.
Thank you! It's my preferred method when I am checking oil glands on patients too!
My eye doctor prescribed this a few weeks ago and it is helping measurably.
Thank you for providing real-life demonstrations--swab, finger and especially effective blinks. Very helpful. :)
I've come to realize MGD / dry eye is to be taken seriously to achieve eye health. At first i just thought the condition was an 'add on' after my DMEK because then doc went on to treat rosacea and blepharitis. Took me getting a chalizion (sp?) on my surgery eye to believe oil glands can get blocked.
Thank you to you and other doctors for having patience with us patients and taking time to educate us. :)
And thank you for commenting.
Hi there, I have just be told today by my optician that I have Blepharitis! I had a stye 2 months ago which is still blocked and has a small lump on the bottom water line. He advised heat, massage and then lid wipes. I think I definitely was pressing to hard with massage these evening. Will follow your advice on the blinking method. Thanks so much, Belinda from Northern Ireland
Thanks Belinda! Thank you for watching my video. I hope the tips help!
Thank you so much for these videos. I left the eye doctor yesterday with my head swimming. I am one of those who has a weird thing with eyeballs, so eye massage freaks me out. Thank you for telling me about blinking. There is something to be said for keeping it simple, right? Anyway, thank you for taking the time to do these. I appreciate you.
Thank you so much for this comment! Seriously it's comments like these that keep me making videos. Glad I could help!
Thank you for your videos, been struggling with dry eyes for over 2 years now. My doctor said to pour some Hydrochloride Ocusoft in a contact case and dip a Q tip in there when cleaning the eyelid margins. He also said to only worrying about expressing eyelids from the bottom, but I don’t think that’s right, why wouldn’t I just do both the way you described.
Dear Dear Doctor, I have multiple tiny yellowish "pimples" under my eyelashes on the lower eyelids because of the spilled secret of the clogged glands, be so kind as to tell me please if I can do this massage in my condition?! Thank you so much!!🙏
I have been diagnosed with MGD. The warm compress and eyelid massages help. Doctor has recommended an Intense Pulsed Light treatment which is not covered by insurance and is kind of expensive. So I’m trying to do the eyelid massage everyday.
Thank you very much, this is an excellent educational video on the dry eye.
I've watched a number of videos on this subject, and by far yours is the best. I am still working on getting the glands expressed. I'll keep you posted!😍
Thank you, and thank you for watching my videos! Definitely keep me posting... I hope it helps.
Thanks for the last method with blinking :)
Blink sounds so much easier than massages 👍
Thank I found your demonstration very informative and your knowyvery thorough. You ticked all my boxes ✔️☑️👍🙏
Great to hear!
Thaaank youu so much for this vid and the links. My dry eye has been so bad for the past 18 months, along with allergies that I’ve actually rubbed my eyelashes off! Top and bottom. And after all the rubbing (the itching is ferocious! I can’t stop rubbing even though I use allergy drops, dry eye drops and sometimes Prednisone drops…aargh!!) I develop blisters on both the top and bottom lids. Stunningly unattractive look. 😢😢😢 Not to mention how painful this has been.
My eye doctor finally said it may be time to do a procedure on the Meibomian glands. I’ve been asking about this for months! I’m hoping this procedure works but who knows at this point. Not feeling real confident in his judgement at this point. I live between Stanford and UCSF so I’m thinking it may be time to find a doctor over there. In the meantime, I’m going to try this. Thank you in advance for any relief this may provide. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you ... let me start the massage after a compress
Thank you so much for this demonstration. I suffer from dry eye. My Dr wants me to do the warm compress and massage 2x a day. I had no idea how to do it. She also prescribed me a medication to help bring on tears. $850 for 3 months supply. I call it liquid diamonds, she gave me a 2 week sample. I simply can’t afford that! Ugh. Thank you again.
I don't have artifical tears or the what else can i put on qtip before massaging my eye. I have a stye on the bottom of my left upper eyelid.
wow. incredible video!! so informative! thank you very much for the generosity :) greetings from the global south lol
I have a blepha eyebad that is warmed up in the microwave and has flaxseeds inside. I am worried about it pushing against the eyes.
I am glad I found this video because no one explained to me about not pushing. I was being gentle but I am still nervous about massaging the eyelids even with a q-tip haha
I prefer the blinking option by far, no way you can harm yourself that way
2nd doctor of ophthalmology diagnose me correctly with mgd thanks for this
Thank you so much from Turkiye
I'm dealing with blepharitis now with a stye in my upper eyelid. Both my upper eyelids are puffy and sore. I'm impressed with all the information in your videos and going to start doing all these things. Hope it will help me.
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
What is ur update r u treated now from bhelephritis ???😢😢😢😢
Best channel came across so far...
So precisely presented...😉
Thank you! Thanks for commenting as well.
@@DrEyeGuy, indeed folks want straight to the point, this's what u got. Or else people skip the video bcz of this era they've became so impatient...
G'luck ahead..
@@DrEyeGuy btw bro...
I use cell phone alot, also reading a bit...
often get eye strain and dry eyes.
What do you prefer.??
Computer Glasses, artificial tears or gels, blue light blocking eyeglasses?
Excuse me, what is the name of the spray that was used?
Thank you very much. I desperately needed this! I'm going to the warm compress now.
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
thanks for the video! could you do a video explaing IPL for dry eyes, I feel like there is not enough videos regarding this topic.
Can do! I'll add it to the list. Thank you!
Good info. I need captions for best understanding. Thanks.
These are the best videos! Thank you for the help!
Thank you! This means so much to me. I'm glad it helped
Very helpful! Thank you!
What exactly is the name of the spray you are using on the Q-tip please?
I have MGD. I was using a heat mask and messaging my glands like I was shown from the doctor, so I was doing it correctly. I did it for over a year. Doing this caused vitreous detachment. Now, I have a bunch of see-through floaters causing cloudy / foggy vision that I'm stuck with. If I would've known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have done it. It didn't even help with the oils, and it just caused more harm than good. It's not worth the risk, especially when it doesn't even work.
Wow Sandra, that sounds awful! Do you think it might have been too much applied pressure or something else that caused the detachment? Is this repairable at all? Best wishes for your health.
Heat is not good for eyes…
Thank you so much for that video! it really helps me!
I find a hot steamy shower helps before doing a eyelid massage. I think the warm vapour / steam softens the oils.
That moist heat is awesome.
Thanks so much for the tips!
Thank You for posting this video. It covered important points the Doctor was unable to cover at the in person consultation.
Great information. I tend to get over-enthusiastic.
Ever since covid I have been getting sty’s , chalazions and eye Infections when I have never had any in my life before. Right now I sm dealing with a sty that will not go away. However , I haven’t had time to put a warm compress 3-4 times a day for 10 min each then massage. I work 10.5 hours a day and I have an hour to drive to work then hour home then I have my pets and family to tend to . On my days off I have been applying the warm compress but I was doing it 5 min ( per drs instructions ) but she never told me to massage the eye. I was given a antibiotic ointment to put on eyelid . It did clear the red eye up nicely but I am left with a very small sty still. I have just started the warm compress for 10 min and I’m trying to do it before work and after work and on my days off do it 4 times a day with the massage and the eye ointment. My sty has def been on my eye for a month now. I’m so over it. I rarely wear contacts ( I had no worn contacts for months when I got the sty so it wasn’t from that and I do not wear eye makeup . I almost wonder if it’s from my moisturizer or sunscreen that my dermatologist told me I could put on my eyelids. I started doing that around when covid started and with all this mask wearing at wirk I’m wondering if it’s from the mask that does sometimes ride up on my eyes or if it’s from putting moisturizer or sunblock on eyelids. I stopped that so if after this sty is gone akd I get another one I’m going to assume it’s from my masks I wear at work
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
Thank you, im dealing with stye now under my upper eyelid left eye.
Adding my thanks for this video. Persistent in right lower eyelid that infected-looked like little pimple on it. Doctor told me warm compresses but not this info. Do you think warm compress with castor oil would add extra help? Will use this technique starting today. ❤
Good to know about the cornea. Apparently I’ve been doing this massage wrong for 3 years
This is helpful. Thank you. I've been getting slightly blurry vision after the heat mask and massage. I think maybe I've been going too hard.
You can still get some blurred vision, even when doing it right. Sometimes the extra oil from the oil glands can get over the eyes and blur it up a bit.
I tried the compress and my eyes were even more painful and irritated the following morning. Ouch!
Many thanks for your videos. Is there anything wrong with carefully pinching your eye lids between forefinger and thumb laterally and making your way from from one side of the eyelid to the other as another way to do eyelid massages?
If I’ve had a chalazion for months, is there any way to get rid of it fast without medicine or surgery?
My son has a chalazene in both eyes and scared over or something. Can oil pulling work with an eye mask or will that make it worse?
I'll try this massage . You are very helpful. My son is 6 .
Also, can gluten and dairy make things worse or allergies.
Nice video 👌🏼🥰
Thank you so much for a good explanation!
Wonderful video
Thank you Doc!!
Very good tipa thank u
You have beautiful eyes, cool color 🧚🏼
Thank you!
How can I tell if I got the oil out? I can’t see it in the mirror.
It's really hard to see... It can even be tricky to see looking with a microscope. Sometimes you can see maybe a "shiny" appearance on the surface of the pores... but it's tricky.
@@DrEyeGuy Thank you.
Best/creative demo - surely with great results, thanks a lot. Great that you warn about risks - important. Probing: do you do it? Can you make a video, for example, side effects, benefits etc. Thank you.
Yes I do do it. I mention side effects, benefits, and potential problems in this video, was there something more specific that you are looking for?
@@DrEyeGuy Do you mind providing the link for the video, can't find it. Keen to know the best candidates for probing.
Sorry, I was talking this Eyelid Massage video. I mention side effects and benefits in this Eyelid Massage video. Just wondering if you had something more specific I could make a video about?
This was so helpful thank you! New subscriber 🎉
What is the name of spray to clean cotton tip aplicator thank
I did heat compress but my left eye hurts and it also become red , I might be warried if the compress damages my cornea , how do i know i am just small pain that goes and backs as well
I wouldn't think the warm compress would have damaged your cornea to the point of feeling pain, unless you had it way too hot, but that would have hurt your eyelids as well, or you accidentally rubbed or scratched your cornea when doing it. My guess is the pain is from something else...maybe from inflammation from the warm compresses... hard to say. If you can, I would recommend going to get it checked out by the eye doc if it continues.
I was pushing to hard, thanks for the heads up
Thank you excellent video
I purchased an "anti-wrinkle" vibrator ($20) for eyelid massages; it heats up to 38 - 45 degrees celsius and vibrates not too harshly. That being said, would gently using a so-called anti-wrinkle vibrator also be helpful for meibomian glands?
I ask because, even when I try to be gentle with my fingers, Im paranoid that it's too much pressure. The vibrator feels easier on my eyelids and still provides a massage.
This is super interesting to me... I kind of want to test it out. It's possible it could work just fine as long as it's gentle.
Whats the name of the vibrator?
Q: Battling dry eye and trying some of your tips. Question: Best moisturizer for eyelids that is hypoallergenic…I don’t need fragrance or wrinkle cream…just best thing to keep my lids moist daily while I tackle this dry eye problem. Thx in advance! :)
The systane eyelid wipes are hypoallergenic. There are likely other ones put there, but I haven't had the chance to try them yet. Dr. Fischer eyelid wipes is one, but I have tried it yet.
@@DrEyeGuy Thanks so very much for your reply to my question-helps sooo much. Getting new my dry eye battle regimen underway! :)
@@DrEyeGuy I use weekly not daily the Systane eye wipes prescribed by an ophthalmologist and it cures my itchy red eyes right away. So I suppose my red eyes were caused by bacteria accumulation on my eye lid. I had tried all sorts of drops and soaps. I don't like Systane drops, and others at the pharmacy, they left a sticky feeling. I use Vogel drops, natural health store, when my inner eye feels dry, during the night for a reason I ignore. And castor oil once a week (is a little sticky but hydrating as well). Hope this helps. I will try your eye massage. I have early cataracts, am 50, caused by regular use of Benadryl for allergies. I had approbation from my Doctor but, long term use is really damaging for the eyes. Thank you.
Thanks for the blinking tip! Can it harm when you do this exercise more then once a day?
If instead of massaging after the warm compress, we blink instead, do we still have to clean along the lash line?
Interesting Aggressive blink blink .
I’m always scared doing eyes massage
Thanks dc
It's something to be careful about that's for sure
How about if the chalazion is on the lower lids, like lower eyelashes
It helped me thank you forom Kabul. ❤
شرحك وضح شكرا جزيلا لك
Thanks for the video how many months for treatment
It may depend on the person and the condition of their eyes.
Thank you so much, very informative and clear! I was diagnosed with MGD. One (albeit weird) question: sometimes if I look in the mirror while blinking I can see a flow of an oily substance moving vertically over my cornea. Could that be the meibum? It flushes very fast then starts to dissolve quickly. Should you be able to see that or that is a sign of the dysfunction?
That's an interesting question. When I look at people's eyes with the slit lamp microscope, you can see the oil tear layer spreading over the surface of the eye... not sure if I could say it would be easily noticeable with the slit lamp. It could be a sign that your meibum is thick possible?
Well, this is a lot cheaper than the lubricating eye drops I was told to use constantly. I actually get some relief from the strain I've been feeling too. Definitely bringing this up with my optometrist, I think in use with my drops this could really actually help instead of just being a bandaid (I have chronic dry eyes from medication)
Do you get any tears while crying or cutting onion?
I learned so much, thank you
Thank you, that has been my main hope for these videos, to at least be helpful.