The number of MOSFET chips is only a rough idea of power. It really depends on which chips are being used. A lot of older amplifiers have lots and lots of lower amperage chips to deliver the power. Some modern amplifiers may only have a few very high amperage chips. So there's a lot of variability. Your info is getting better.
Having 10 small toroidal transformers in the power supply section and 4 large inductors in the output section let's me know it means business. It's what you'd expect to see on a 12K.
27:29 I'm pretty sure you were referring to the driver board. That's what controls the power supply section. It's what synchronizes all those power supply MOSFETs telling them when to turn on and off.
What a absolute monster of a amp! 👌🏽
looks like its in nice order inside.
The Zero Amps have been a flag ship product for us.
I saw that repair video as well. Todd over at Ellensburg Amp Repair. That was wicked damage.
The number of MOSFET chips is only a rough idea of power. It really depends on which chips are being used. A lot of older amplifiers have lots and lots of lower amperage chips to deliver the power. Some modern amplifiers may only have a few very high amperage chips. So there's a lot of variability.
Your info is getting better.
Having 10 small toroidal transformers in the power supply section and 4 large inductors in the output section let's me know it means business. It's what you'd expect to see on a 12K.
That all white pcb board and matching white daughter boards is pure class. Looks great.
Tons of capacitors is another good sign.
27:29 I'm pretty sure you were referring to the driver board. That's what controls the power supply section. It's what synchronizes all those power supply MOSFETs telling them when to turn on and off.
Damn son