Eminem hears the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from his Master, Obi Wan Kenobi

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 54

  • @sentientviolin7802
    @sentientviolin7802 7 месяцев назад +228

    I love how Eminem being in Anakin’s place has absolutely no relevance to the video whatsoever.

  • @magickponch
    @magickponch Год назад +266

    the best part about this is the fact that you clearly really like star wars since you know what a convore is

  • @stooge389
    @stooge389 7 месяцев назад +111

    "Your Pal friendpatine" 😂😂😂😂 now this is hooliganistic wordplay shenaniganry!

    • @InfernosReaper
      @InfernosReaper 6 месяцев назад +5

      I remember when I first heard "Pal Friendpatine" was first uttered in a Rifftrax

  • @nuclearlion
    @nuclearlion Год назад +142

    I simultaneously could live a million years without hearing about Star Wars ever again and would absolutely love a series on jock bully Yoda.

    • @sealsaregood5146
      @sealsaregood5146  Год назад +23

      It's an idea I'm thinking of exploring more.

    • @EclipseEngCorp.
      @EclipseEngCorp. 3 месяца назад

      @@sealsaregood5146 your lunch money, you will give me. do somthing about it, your bitchass will not

  • @noisepuppet
    @noisepuppet Год назад +125

    But srsly Eminem it's weird that you never heard this story

    • @sealsaregood5146
      @sealsaregood5146  Год назад +42

      Thank goodness Obi-Wan is telling him now. Imagine what would happen if a well-placed Sith Lord told Eminem a twisted version!

    • @cruleo
      @cruleo Год назад +1

      @@sealsaregood5146 and then straight up lies to him that he knew how to save people from dying using the force, only revealing the fuck you truth after irreparably destroying up his relationship with the Jedi and turning him to the dark side. Good thing that never happened to the real slim shady!

    • @mottyflux7
      @mottyflux7 Год назад +6

      Maybe Obi IS the well placed sith Lord and we got it backwards... Wait....
      Scratch that one..

    • @khdur
      @khdur Год назад +1

      Scratch as a sample
      Keep it phat and tight and ample
      'til blood is spit by Jedi younglings in the trample
      Underfoot, by Clonies from the sky....
      Never question vague demands
      From those who can not cry
      They arise from pits
      Where freedom's...gone to die

  • @Flatscores
    @Flatscores 7 месяцев назад +18

    Ah, master Obi-Wan. As always, speaks few words yet every one counts.

  • @scp2539
    @scp2539 6 месяцев назад +8

    the jedi have had healing powers but for some reason by the era the movies are in they're only taught to the ones that fail to get masters so they can go help with farming. its brought up briefly in the early obi wan books as he failed to get a master but got one due to pirates attacking the ship he was on.

  • @axelvoss9653
    @axelvoss9653 Год назад +20

    It's always nice to sit back and think about how dumb our favourite franchises are.
    This dude would have a field day with Harry Potter, the series that introduced *time travel* in book *THREE* and never used it meaningfully again.

  • @cyfer115
    @cyfer115 2 месяца назад +2

    The first SealsareGood foray into Star Wars

  • @precoius
    @precoius Год назад +69

    More like “Obi Wan rants at Eminem about Star Wars plot holes.” Man, I forgot about most of these. Good times.
    It’s oddly satisfying to hear all of these issues laid out at once. Like all my nerd rage has been validated. In particular, the way the Jedi left Anakin’s mother on Tatooine and refused to let Anakin fetch her FOR NO REASON will always bother me. I didn’t even catch it until recently, when I watched the movies again as an adult. It’s unforgivable. Suddenly, the Jedi went from being a heroic group of virtuous monks to an evil spirit-suppressing cult. Suddenly, Obi Wan and Yoda became villains. Remember in Empire, when Yoda tells Luke to stay on Dagobah and not save his friends? That scene is hard to watch now, because it shows how cold and immoral Yoda’s beliefs really are. I guess you could say, from my point of view the Jedi are evil. Sounds kinda familiar…
    Is that technically a plot hole? Do you think Star Wars was meant to be a simple good-versus-evil story and they accidentally made the Jedi evil? Did they accidentally create the perfect storm of plot holes that converged in such a way, it inadvertently changed the messaging of the entire franchise? Or was George Lucas playing some galaxy-brain 4D chess, giving people an anti-cult movie disguised as a movie that celebrates cults? Idk. Maybe it was both. Maybe the original trilogy accidentally made Obi Wan and Yoda seem kinda evil, so ol’ George decided to lean into it with the prequels. Idk.
    Sorry, I could bloviate about this all day. Something tells me you’ve thought about this stuff too, though. I like the video.

    • @sealsaregood5146
      @sealsaregood5146  Год назад +36

      Honestly, I always interpreted it as an intentional thing on the part of George Lucas. The Sith are cacklingly evil and indulge in cruelty, but the Jedi are a hypocritical group who suppress emotion to the point that anyone who isn't a sociopath would go crazy under their rules. I kind of read it as the Jedi Order being swept away was made inevitable by their absurd dogma.
      Even Obi-Wan, the poster boy for the Order and generally considered to be the perfect Jedi, was willing to leave it to be with Satine which, to me at least, suggests it was fundamentally flawed.
      This was why I loved the idea of Luke's New Jedi Order in the Legends continuity as I thought a Jedi Order which embraced emotions like love and compassion was pretty neat. But, alas, the Mouse had other ideas.

    • @precoius
      @precoius Год назад +11

      @@sealsaregood5146 Yeah, it’s like he built the movies with different levels of complexity to cater to different age groups. The kids have a story about good guys fighting bad guys, the adults have a story about a guy whose community failed him and the only person giving him what he needed was an evil emperor.
      Now hang on. Satine’s from Clone Wars, right? I never saw that show, but what I’ve heard about it doesn’t sound…canon. I mean, I know they’re objectively canon, but hear me out.
      Obi Wan. This is a guy who never compromised, at least not in the movies. He never apologized to Anakin for the situation with his mother, or for not being there for Anakin when it came to Padme or anything else. He was so strict about this stuff, Anakin kept it all from him and he never even apologized for it. He wasn’t a friend. The only friend Anakin thought he had was Palpatine.
      And even in his old age, Obi Wan told Luke that Vader killed Anakin. He truly believed that. He didn’t see any fault in himself. When Luke met Vader in ROTJ, he called him Anakin. When Obi Wan met him in ANH? He called him Darth. His rigid black-and-white Jedi thinking caused him to give up on Anakin and consider him dead. And in Empire, Obi Wan agreed with Yoda that Luke should let his friends die. Pretty harsh.
      All that to say, Obi Wan was incredibly rigid in his beliefs. It’s hard for me to believe he would have ever been tempted to break the faith, and if he did, wouldn’t that experience have changed him a little? Cause it doesn’t look like it did.
      ANYWAY. You know, TLJ almost gave us a “gray” Luke or whatever. He spends the entire movie telling Rey the Jedi were misguided, but the movie was so bad nobody even noticed. Haha. Plus, the movie ends with Luke backpedaling and saying Rey was right the whole time. So. Yeah. They fucked it up. But still, if Obi Wan was around, he wouldn’t have considered Rey a Jedi. She fought with anger and let her emotions fuel her. She was hasty, hotheaded, and she kissed a boy. So while George Lucas may have been playing 4D chess with the Jedi being bad all along, Disney may have accidentally given us a gray jedi after all. 😂 Oops.

    • @sealsaregood5146
      @sealsaregood5146  Год назад +20

      @@precoius I agree with that, or maybe I'm simply reading into it too much.
      I hear what you're saying, but it's worth pointing out that Obi-Wan did tell Anakin that he was his brother and that he loved him on Mustafar. Obviously that was after Anakin's betrayal so it was a pretty emotional time, but he did seem really heartfelt there and lying there would be pretty random. Honestly, I kind of read the loss of Anakin as being the final straw and Obi-Wan deciding to terminate all attachments to stop them from hurting him again.
      It genuinely amazes me Disney made a trilogy but didn't bother planning them out beforehand. You'd think there'd be at least an outline but I honestly don't think J J Abrams and Rian Johnson have ever met, let alone discussed the respective plots of their movies. Wild stuff.

    • @vlecxius
      @vlecxius Год назад +6

      I remember when I watched Star Wars as a kid sometimes when it was on TV. The point of "kinda weird how we tell people to not get attached yet we have statues of old jedis" was always in my mind. Not only that but the fact that they seemingly also have a master-students relationship. Anakin and Obi-Wan were friends, no? Obi-Wan even says at the end of Episode 3 that "you were my brother Anakin, I loved you"? Like what? No attachments, huh? The entire jedi temple was a huge attachment to everyone involved. Yoda and Obi-Wan witnessing all the people being slaughtered, which shocks them immensely. Why? If they aren't attached, why would they care? "Just make new ones" comes to mind.

    • @willow5945
      @willow5945 Год назад

      @@precoius You should definitely see Clone Wars, though.

  • @pierocignetti8959
    @pierocignetti8959 Год назад +18

    I didn't find this video as entertaining because I heard the movies on another language and don't know how the actor sounds, but I find the premise interesting. But this was fun in it's own way, I specially liked "yode's opinion on books"

    • @sealsaregood5146
      @sealsaregood5146  Год назад +6

      The Jedi Grandmaster is sadly set in his ways.

    • @cruleo
      @cruleo Год назад +5

      @@sealsaregood5146 yoda’s just embarrassed cuz he never learned how to read or speak

    • @Arpads_Legacy
      @Arpads_Legacy 8 месяцев назад

      Make sure to watch it in English aswell. It's better, especially when you realise half of the prequels are memes

  • @stooge389
    @stooge389 7 месяцев назад +5

    Obi Wan raises an incredibly important point. They KNEW his mother was a slave, they KNEW she lived on one of the most dangerous planets in the galaxy crime-wise, and instead of just covertly buying her and putting her somewhere else to make sure that the most powerful Jedi ever wouldn't be caused enough pain to turn to the dark side, they just told Anakin "womp womp lol" and let her be sold, grabbed by the Tusken Raiders, and raped to death because they believe that it wasn't their concern because Anakin should just not care about his Mom, even though the MAIN reason they didn't want to accept him was because of his attachments to his mother. It's just MIND bogglingly stupid for the Jedi to have done that, but in their arrogance, they couldn't see past their own ideology and just expected a 9 year old kid to just NEVER care what happened to his Mom EVER again. The dialogue was janky in the prequels, but God DAMN George Lucas knows how to write a good plot.

    • @josephperez2004
      @josephperez2004 6 месяцев назад +1

      Honestly, why didnt even Padme or Anakin just do that themselves at some point? I mean, Padme is apparently 'elected' royalty and later a planetary Senator. I refuse to think she didnt have the cash or connections to buy the freedom a single aging slave as a surprise to the boy who literally helped liberate her planet. And I refuse to think that Anakin had no time off at all to at some point take a ship, go back to Tatooine and at least visit his mom once in awhile maybe even put a down payment on her freedom. The kid built a droid out of spare parts, maybe just offer some services for her. It's not even about attachment. One less person living in slavery is a net good, even on a tiny scale, and what are the Jedi always saying about size?

    • @alexf.6521
      @alexf.6521 4 месяца назад +1

      maybe that carelessness of the jedi order is why anakin was actually the hero of the story for destroying it. OK i mean it was pretty messed up that he massacred the younglings. but in the long run, and i mean in a future that does not involve the disney sequels in any way, things were better for the universe because luke skywalker created a new jedi order that actually gave a shit about people. man it would be great if they would make a trilogy about that. oh but whatever forget about it. Jesus please come back soon and take us all away from this horrible future, thank you, Amen.

    • @davidwuhrer6704
      @davidwuhrer6704 4 месяца назад

      ​@@alexf.6521We never actually see Anakin slaughter the younglings. We see him enter the temple and draw his weapon, and later Oni-Wan remarks that not even the younglings survived. But Anakin had no reason to kill the younglings and every reason to keep them alive: They all would be perfectly suited for Dark Side recruitment. Which, in the eyes of the Jedi, is a fate worse than death (Dark Side = no Force ghost). So the only ones with a motive to slaughter the younglings were the Jedi themselves.

    • @davidwuhrer6704
      @davidwuhrer6704 4 месяца назад

      _> what are the Jedi always saying about size?_
      "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion and the ocean."

    • @davidwuhrer6704
      @davidwuhrer6704 4 месяца назад

      It makes sense from a certain point of view: Anakin is not supposed to have any emotional attachments outside of the Order, so if he can't stop caring about his mother, he has no place in the Order, and will not be granted the rank of master.
      Ironically, in Empire it is Darth who tells Luke that he cares too much about his friends and family.

  • @NameName2.0
    @NameName2.0 8 месяцев назад +4

    Suddenly realizing it's Emi is.. jarring

  • @XX-lr2iu
    @XX-lr2iu 2 месяца назад +1

    I always wondered that. If Skywalker didn’t want to be found, why the hell did he draw a map? If he didn’t draw it then who the hell did? I can’t believe how stupid that is. And of course it’s never explained

  • @lucifersatan8240
    @lucifersatan8240 7 месяцев назад +1

    2:53 I'm suing you for attempted murder because this almost shattered my ribcage.

  • @GenesisAkaG
    @GenesisAkaG 8 месяцев назад +5

    Wasn't Plagueis Palpatines master that he murked sometime during the prequel trilogy? Might be some EU stuff that is non-canon/not widely accepted, but it'd explain why the Jedi have no record of him.

    • @josephperez2004
      @josephperez2004 6 месяцев назад +1

      Technically yes. There is a book, and apparently Palpatine killed Plagueis right after he got voted in as Supreme Chancellor after he manipulated Padme into a vote of no confidence in his predecessor. So like near at the end of the first sequal, right before the Battle of Naboo.

  • @vlbxrto_187
    @vlbxrto_187 Месяц назад

    “For nerds reading is”😭😭😭

  • @InfernoScorpion14
    @InfernoScorpion14 4 месяца назад

    I question how good of a Master Obi-Wan is for Imi-N'm if he never taught him the basics.

  • @denim_ak
    @denim_ak 4 месяца назад

    I can’t believe I never questioned that obiwan never used force speed after episode 1. Seems like it would come in handy.

  • @Justin-ep8zo
    @Justin-ep8zo 8 месяцев назад +4

    make more star wars videos

  • @theimperviousfirecracker7934
    @theimperviousfirecracker7934 5 месяцев назад

    The title of the video is "Eminem hears the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise from his Master, Obi Wan Kenobi" when it should be "Obi Wan Kenobi slanders the fuck out of all three trilogies in three minutes"