At least McCain is respectful in his demeanour. A lot of politicians could learn from him. Edit: Well I wrote this a long time ago, and I'm still getting comments on it. My view today (2021) is that McCain was still very respectful in this interview, particularly in comparison to some current conservative politicians, or people with this point of view. However, in light of some responding comments, I agree that it is hard to reason that you still respect gay people when you disagree with gay marriage. That inherently means that you don't see gay couples as the same, or deserving of the same treatment, as straight couples. I am now fully out as gay, which I wasn't four years ago when I wrote this original comment, and gay marriage only became legal in my country two years ago. I think we still have a long way to go, but I'm happy we have made progress in the four years since I wrote this comment.
While I am pro gay marriage, I respectfully have to disagree. I believe everyone has the right to voice their opinion, wether or not it's irrational and offensive. I have very little respect for John McCain but with the current US President and many other new politician's I can't help but feel like he wasn't so bad after all.
Republican logic 101: as long as you act nice and follow decorum, you are moral and Godly - even though you are the biggest war mongerer in the senate.
So if you don't agree with gay marriage you're disrespectful? Everyone has a right to disagree as long as they are not push there beliefs on others. There is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree.
@@GimbalosMorkinar I'm gay and a full on supporter for equal rights for all. I share Ellen's viewpoint completely. But at the same time, I can respect John McCain for going on Ellen in 2009 (which was a completely different time for marriage equality) to discuss his views on the matter. And the fact that though he doesn't want to call it a marriage license he does support equal rights for lgbtq couples under the law (you should look up the documentary 'bridegroom' and you'll understand that the actual rights are far more important than that what we'll call it). So his point of view, as a republican in 2009, was better then expected. A lot better then expected. And while I would dissagree with McCain on almost all matters, policy wise, that doesn't prohibit me from respecting the man. He was a decent, good man and he earned my respect!
@@MrMickey1987 No but the republican party is basically the racist south. You understand why being a good guy in a racist party is troublesome. Either it doesn't bother him or he supports it.
I support gay marriage as I am a part of the LGBT community, but this man doesn't deserve the hate he's getting in the comments. He spoke respectfully and didn't bash gay people. He was stating his opinion, and that's okay. Some people agree with him, others don't. We should just try to respect other people's opinions about things.
Glad to know he at least evolved on that issue before he passed away. Was many of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2008, but deep down, the guy was a great person.
Even if John McCain at the time disagreed, I don't mind. In the end, in order to be happy, in order for people to live a "perfect" life, in order to get along, *NO MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN* you gotta make balance. Yah he doesn't agree, but at least he has the decency to sit for an interview. At least he can eloquently express how he feels. At least he is not shouting, screaming, cursing or shoving what he believes is the truth and right. Props up to the two of them. This is how to live the greatest life. I love this interview. When you mutually agree (make a balance) life is perfect, and this, ultimately, is how we can live perfectly.
"and i think we have a respectful disagreement on that issue" -john mccain. this is something wed never hear trump say, he would probably try to mock or insult someone instead of having a fair debate. john mccain also defended obama when some lady called obama a muslim. he said no, and that obamas a "decent family man who has disagreements with me". i dont agree with some of johns views, but hes a class act and hes professional and is a honest and fair guy. unfortunetely sarah palin ruined his chance to become president.
im comparing how much better he is than trump. i support same sex marraige, i know john doesnt, but id still vote mccain if he ran. Hes actually a decent guy who i disagree with onnsome things.
+Larry Rutger - Okay, but for those who think same-sex marriage is a done deal, they dream unrealistically and ignore reality. Even more so if they think it cannot be reversed. Three-fourths votes by state legislators can amendment the Constitution that would reverse the SCOTUS ruling. That is how Prohibition was repealed in 1933. Also, the SCOTUS can overrule itself. It happened in 2003 when Congress passed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, in response to the court in Stenberg v. Carhart ruling that the partial-birth abortion ban in Nebraska had been ruled unconstitutional. In 2007, the SCOTUS reversed itself in Gonzales v, Carhart to uphold Congress’s Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. A scenario of what could happen with same-sex marriage is Congress pass a law banning it, which, of course, would be unconstitutional and challenged in the courts. Eventually it would reach the higher court, which would then revisit arguments against same-sex marriage and depending on the Justices, reach a different ruling than the past one. Remember, the President, along with the majority of the Senate, the House of Representatives, State Governors, and State Legislators, are Republicans, not to mention the Justices they will be replacing.
John McCain is such a nice, respectful man. He answers everything in a respectful manner no matter what his views on it are. The Donald could learn some things from this man.
how did he avoid the question? he answered and said he did not support it? Senator McCain is a very respectable man, definitely not a bigot. Donald Trump should learn everything from this man.
Jerry Krause that would be a long long process, If Trump wanted to overturn a Supreme Court decision, it would be a long and involved process. But it can be done in two ways: One, states themselves can amend the Constitution, which requires approval by three-fourths of all state legislators. In fact, this is how Prohibition was repealed in 1933. The other is that the Supreme Court can overrule itself. In the case of marriage equality, for example, this can only happen if the court finds itself revisiting same-sex marriage due to a new conflict that pertains to the decision. This type of action by The Supreme Court is very uncommon but possible.
McCain no doubt has "evolved" on this issue since that interview. sadly he kissed Jesus Freak ass a little too long to be considered on the right side of history. You can either appease assholes or oppose them. He switched sides too late.
It's McCains right to follow his religious views. I don't get why he is getting so much flack, he is respectfully disagreeing like the gentlemen and war hero he is.
I may have missed the flack (seriously, I didn’t read all the comments). What I saw was Ellen showing him great respect, and the comments I’ve read haven’t been making him out to be a villain.
Gay, lesbian, homosexual, heterosexual - if you get right down to it, we're all the same: we were born from a lucky sperm and one egg. WHY CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS?!
I'm not saying we can't be friends. I'm saying that marriage should be between a man and a woman because it's just right. Men and women were made to be together. I have absolutely no hate for homosexuals, but gay marriage just isn't right. And that's the opinion of me and many others.
adventurernumber1 A lot of people feel the same way about interracial marriage, as well as many other things that were once looked at as out of the norm. It is a nice thing that cultures can change and learn to accept other people's differences. In fact, it is something our country has thrived on over the years. It will be nice when this is just another thing that people look back on and say "wow, that was illegal? how silly!" and have better things to worry about. After all, this doesn't affect anyone in their personal lives except the gay folks who want to settle down together.
NothingButTrouble Yes, but you're implying that we can't be friends and that's dishonest overkill to make a point. People will continue to disagree on this subject for decades. A more appropriate question would be - Can you respectfully accept the other side's viewpoint (without trying to subversively convert them to your way of thinking)?
You know what i'm gay but i respect that McCain was able to tell her *TO HER FACE*, calmly, his actual opinion on gay marriage. Also, the majority should NEVER be able to vote on the rights of the minority.
Totally. And the minority should never vote on the rights of the majority. In fact, let's round up everyone, force them to register every opinion, belief, or connection they have, tally up, and divide them into minority/majority on every single issue. Then we'll say you can only vote on those things if you're a part of the camp that supports them. That'll solve EVERYTHING.
Imagine 3 workers deciding who does what work Worker 1 suggests they all do the same Worker 2 suggests worker 1 does ALL the work Worker 3, not wanting to work, agrees with worker 2 This proves it doesn't always work. The minority should always get a say
Ellen really hit the nail on the head when she mentioned "you can sit here but you can't sit there" Civil unions are like the "separate but equal" laws, but only for a different minority. Why can't we all just live together in harmony?
"The real haters are LGBT supporters." - Yeah! How incredibly RUDE of them to NOT want to be designated to 2nd class citizenship. Shame on same sex couples for NOT accepting their place (at the back of the bus). Paying the same taxes, following the same laws, why should people expect to be treated EQUALLY under the law, enjoying the same benefits as YOU do. What's the world coming to when honest, God fearing BIGOTS can't express their superiority by discriminating against the LGBT community? - I feel your pain (NOT!).
To all those who find this video, you can ignore the comments section. Its basically 1 troll using many troll accounts to tell the same disproven lies & talk to itself. This video is its entire life which is just sad. It also makes fake troll accounts to attack people better than it is (which is pretty much anyone)
Barry McCockiner God will judge everyone rightfully, please don't make God into a judgmental and hateful God. You may be the only bible someone reads, how are you demonstrating God's love?
Riiiight. Because CLEARLY traditional families are best. The divorce rate ISN'T extremely high among the straight community. Your logic is incredibly flawed. And homosexuality is NOT the same as a child molester. It's appalling that you would suggest it. A homosexual relationship is between two consenting ADULTS. You clearly have no brain, otherwise you might use logic to combat old stereotypes and the like.
M akis If that were true then why are infertile people allowed to marry? Marriage is really just a legal contract between two people used for tax reasons. This is the reason I don't really believe in it for myself. But still, marriage isn't about having children in this day and age. People get married and don't have children, people who can't have children get married, women who are post-menopausal get married. Clearly, it isn't merely about procreation. Like I said, I don't particularly want to sign any papers to justify my love for someone, but it should be a choice for everyone. Everyone should be able to do it, heterosexual or homosexual. It is one of our basic rights as Americans.
M akis People know, going into marriage, that they don't want children or can't have children. Yet they still get married. Marriage is purely a social/legal contract for tax reasons. That's it. And homosexuals still have the ability to raise children together. The fact that they can't actually produce them is irrelevant in my eyes.
M akis Tradition has changed immensely. Marriage used to be arranged. It used to be between a man and multiple women. It used to be between family members. Tradition changes with the times and right now, marriage is about a union between two people.
BREAKING NEWS: The Hawaii State Senate has just approved the state's marriage equality bill 19-4 and the governor will sign the bill into law in the next few days. That's ANOTHER state that has ended its unjust discriminatory civil marriage laws and achieved equal civil marriage rights for same sex couples. Sixteen states as well as Washington D.C. now allow same sex couples to legally marry, and there are several more states with legislation and court cases pending to do the same.
Maybe so, in the sense that segregation and racism affect a person's entire life where marriage mainly affects a person's legal rights with regards to their partner. HOWEVER when we compare racist people and anti-lgbt people, the mindset is similar. They believe their god has spoken, or they've never met a member of the affected group so they can't see them as human beings, or they have a hard time un-learning the negative notions they were taught as a child. And both the gay marriage ban and segregation served to remind the affected groups that they were not seen equally in their government's eyes, which is unacceptable.
I don’t think it is. Not so long ago black peoples weren’t allowed to get married to white people. Just because of the colour of there skin. Just like a man couldn’t marry a man just because of their gender. It’s not that far fetched to compare the two.
I think its really hard for this issue to be resolved because there is such a huge percentage of people like John McCain himself i imagine who have never dealt with a gay situation. My parents are christian missionaries and pastors, i moved to south america at the age of ten and my parents work with the poorest of poor here, all in the name of God.. and I turned out to be transgender and came out to my parents a few months ago. My parents have been against gay marriage forever.. i have been myself to anti- gay marriage conferences. But i saw my mom crying the other day and she told me how this was the first time she really could not understand God, how could he curse me this way, when i have done nothing to deserve it? how could this be a blessing? who could this help? what is the right thing to do? these are questions most of these Christians or republicans or anybody who doesn't agree with gay marriage have never had to deal with first hand. They have never held their child sobbing because of the pain they feel for being gay or transgender or whatever. And how dare you speak on an issue coming from hundreds of thousands of miles away and deciding for me what I can or can not do with my situation. I do not expect those people to understand a gay situation when they have not had to deal with one, but i do expect these people to inform themselves, talk to actual gay people with an open heart, not an open mind, but an open heart and be willing to understand their pain and there right to love and be loved and for that love to be recognized.
All those weird ass comments you're seeing? All by one single troll. Donate now to the wardick fund to help this person get a life. This is a serious issue.. cheers!
well no actually... like Steve Jones said I haven't posted here in a long time. I kinda hoped that by now your dog would be dead and the AIDS in your veins would have sniffed out what little life remains.
From one end of the country to the other, the overlapping developments on a single day underscored what a historic year 2013 has been for the U.S. gay-rights movement - "the gayest year in gay history," according to Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign, the movement's largest advocacy group.
Cindy McCain has stated publicly that John McCain's views on gay marriage are "evolving".....and that she believes we will see a different stance from him in the near future.
John McCain is one of the few republicans I actually genuinely had respect for and he genuinely would have respectful debates with others he may disagree with may his soul Rest In Peace 🙏🏽
I appreciate how Ellen is respectful to John McCain. I had an argument once about gay marriage, I don't support it, but I wont bash someone who gay or lesbian. I appreciate how Ellen is very respectful in her point of view. :)
Mark Musil who are u to tell anyone that bullshit. wake up to yourself no one in this world is equal to another. Its a nice thought, but if it was true we wouldnt have the pain and suffering we do today and everyone would live happy and prosperous lives. I think u should go seek help urself. You live in wonderland.
Y2Kr4SHM4N I understand equal rights. Do u? When someone who expresses themselves are told "to go seek help" I find it hypocritical and it angers me. I understand equal rights more than u do buddy. What he said wasnt disrespectful.
they shouldn't have an opinion about this ... i don't get to decide whether or not straight people get married either why should i tell someone who is gay that they aren't allowed to get married?! makes no sense to me at all!
The balls it takes to tell a man who was a War hero in Vietnam who was tourtured who got body damaged for life and PTSD literally.. that he some how does not understand a struggle? seriously?
People that do not support gay marriage are often labeled as "anti-gay" or that they hate gay people. However, if a parent does not let their child watch a certain movie or TV show, why are they not labeled "anti-child"? Why are they not considered to hate their own children? I have gay friends, but I do not support gay marriage, the one thing I don't support that involves them. Yet parents and schools often legislate many things that children cannot watch, or do, or even eat. As I said before, why are they not considered "anti-child"? Just my personal view.
Hey guys, just wanna share something that got official like 2 months ago. The Swedish Church will be part of the gay pride parade in the city of Jönköping, they will help with arrangments and priests will join the parade itself. Quite amazing!
Jonathan Subritzky Well, what is a church then? In the Bible it says that shaving your beard and cutting your hair is forbidden, yet I see a lot of people doing exactly this before they go to church.
Jonathan Subritzky Why is it no longer applicable? It is the word of god, isn't it? Are you saying that humans stand above the word of god and have the power to make his laws no longer applicable? Lets move on the to the new testament though: "For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off" - Corinthians 11:6 How often do you run around and cut women's hair if you see that they don't wear a veil?
Republicans, for example, are increasingly split on how to address gay-rights issues - some want to expand their party's following, while others want to satisfy the religious conservatives who make up a key part of the GOP base. More than 40 percent of Americans remain opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage. And even some prominent gays remain uncertain whether they should make their sexual orientation known to the world at large.
Honey Badger Then can homosexual sex lead to a creation of a human being? Don't you forget that sex is meant to procreate and produce other human beings so that mankind could survive. Unfortunately for you, homosexuality surely can't provide it.
Joel Kotto You forget that sex is not ONLY about reproduction. It's about pleasure too. So denying gay people homosexual intercourse isn't our call. It's the people who are gay that want to.
Melvin Bryant Morality literally has NOTHING to do with God or the Bible. The official definition of morality says nothing about God or the Bible in it. Morality is about what's right and what's wrong. So denying Gay people the right to get married is wrong. Besides, basic human rights like homosexual marriage shouldn't be an issue in the first place nor should it be up for a debate. The Constitution mentions nothing about marriage. Same thing for premarital sex. It's a human right. It's not the courts place to declare something like that unconstitutional or constitutional. Also, marriage isn't just a union between a man and a woman. That's never been established in history. So you're wrong there too. Fuck your God, fuck your Bible, and double fuck your religion. YOU guys are the only "sinners" here!
In 2008 Obama and Hillary were both against gay marriage. This isnt the dunk many people think it is. Also the politicians job is to represent the views of the voters, not his own.
Hawaii is expected to pass Gay Marriage is just a few short hours! Hawaii will be the 16th state to pass equal marriage. A court decision from New Mexico is expected before year end making NM the 17th state.
Here's a test for you I'm hopeful you'll pass. You need to pick ONE and MUST pick one of these choices. If it were up to you which would be the better result: Your daughter turns out to be a lesbian. Which partner would you select for her. 1) a woman who genuinely loves your daughter and cares for her, the feelings being mutual. 2) a gay man who enjoys your daughter's company, but they are not physically attracted. 3) a heterosexual man who doesn't love your daughter but desires to have regular intercourse with her. Your daughter does not love this man and detests his sexual attentions. You MUST pick ONE of the above. Which will you pick, with your daughter's happiness in mind? Assume your daughter will follow your advice, no matter what your choice. - Why do I have little faith in you making the best choice for your daughter, or simply refusing to make a choice? Prove me wrong!
***** Saying it is a man & woman doesn't make it true. Children are not negatively affected by homosexuality. They are negatively affected by bigotry & prejudice. Homosexuality is normal. Try not being wrong.
Michael Berg is an ICON on YT. Look at how many accounts wardick created just to troll him. Michael if you're out there, keep up the good work my friend. You have caused wardick to lose his mind. ahahahahaha
Dear Bible-Thumpers and religious folks, the bible also says not to eat oysters and pork, not to cut your hair. It also is a sin to get a divorce, but we're all still for divorce, aren't we? It used to be against the bible to use anesthetic because the pain of child birth was punishment to the woman for being a woman. And that's just plain wrong. If you're going to follow the bible, follow all of it. You can not pick and choose. Either follow it completely or not at all. If you are going to condemn homosexuals because it is against a bible, read the damn thing. Just about anything and everything is a sin. If you are going to condemn homosexuals for "sinning" then you might as well condemn yourself for getting a hair cut.
Johnny Chester Sooo...instead of actually trying to understand science, you just want to yell "God did it!" lol okay. But people that believe in evolution are you actually don't believe in any type of evolution at all?
Johnny Chester Lying & saying it's irrelevant wont make it so. You didnt give any information. You just gave your beliefs & delusions. That is not information.
xXnvb123Xx There are churches in midwest where i live and work, who welcome same sex couples since 2005. I have very progressive pastor in ohio who is pro science, pro marriage for all. Who is not fundmentalist like john hage. or pastors u hear and see on tv. ucc of ohio untied church of christ have welcome gay people since 2005. Because jesus love everyone!
There is no natural definition of marriage. We did not discover it in nature. It has changed and evolved, and it will always change and evolve. We need to be accepting of these facts.
When Obama was on that same year, the toughest question she asked him was “Would you mind showing off your dance moves?” Either give the candidates puff piece interviews or be hard-hitting, but do the same for both.
That's isnt fair. Ellen is gay and gay marriage is important to her. Obama wasnt against that but he was. Interviews on Republican channels with Obama was probably hard hitting as well, while trump can just say; PUERTO..... RICO. And they will clap for the guy.
aperson22222..EXACTLY... annoying ass-kissing is what Ellen does with guests she favors on her show...Why ppl actually waste their time on her fluff (or similar Hollywood tv 💩 like “Keeping up with the Kardashians”) is mind boggling..🙄🤦♂️👎
Marriage according to the Bible is strictly between a man and a woman. Outside of the church, it is a different thing. Just don't judge Christians for obeying their religion.
That's not what I was trying to say but I think you can take something from every book whether it's good or bad and whether you agree/believe in what is written in it or not. I'm speaking generally right now from an atheist-reading-the-bible point of view. I don't think it was meant to be cherry picked but neither do I care tbh
Mina Yoroi Shrimp is considered a sin. Should we ban shrimp because the Bible says so? The government is separate from the Bible. Marriage is a legal status, not a Bible term anymore.
Notice how the crowd reacts to his respectful disagreement back then, even if his views are outdated. Today people aren't interested in conversations, they just want to hear that they are always right
I think Ellen handled this interview very professionally....she respectively got her point across, let Sen. McCain speak his thoughts, and then wrapped it up with the "walk me down the aisle" joke to eliminate any lingering awkwardness....she really is a class act who knows what she's doing~
As 2013 comes to a close, let's wrap up all the victories: 8 states and our nation's capital legalized same sex marriage. Support for marriage equality has never been higher, with nearly 60% of Americans supporting it AND the huge victory at the United States Supreme Court striking down key components of DOMA. I hope 2014 is even better!!!!
Ellen, not everyone believes in gay marriage like you do, you shouldn’t judge or shame them for that. P.s. comparing homosexuality to being a woman or being black is ridiculous
davewta Why? At this moment, Sitara has Luke 10:27 as the pic, which seems fitting for this conversation. It is one of the most important parts of Jesus' teachings, written within the parable of the Good Samaritan and seems to be one thing that most Christians forget when they attack other human beings.
I'm so sorry for my religion. Please trust me here, there are still Christians out there who support gay marriage/rights. I'm a bisexual Christian, infact. So sorry in advaced for the part of my religion who can't handle people who love the opposite sex.
Mary Loon Yes, we all appreciate the "Christians" who do not take their holy book seriously. Without you Christianity would be just as bad as Islam. Why not just ignore the whole thing while you're at it though. I don't get it.
Mary Loon We are in the same boat. You can be as open-minded to other people as possible, but people will still try to tell you that your beliefs are wrong. It's a funny world.
• BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY (2004), 185, 479 - 485 Results Of the 1285 gay, lesbian and bisexual respondents who took part, 556 (43%) had mental disorder as defined by the revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS - R). Out of the whole sample, 361 (31%) had attempted suicide. Conclusions Gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women have high levels of mental disorder
I love Ellen and I love John McCain. Both are intelligent people. As an old timer I can understand why Mr. McCain has difficulty with the idea of gay marriage but as a gay man who is slightly younger than John McCain I also understand that love between two people, be it heterosexual or homosexual, is a gift from God. When we carry hate, ignorance and judgement of others around in our hearts there is little room left for love.
Stephen Black But marriage is not personal. It carries with it a whole set of rights and privileges that the state is bound to respect in the public sphere.
Ellen is NOT a very power ful lady ! ! Good grief people ! Get a Bible and start reading it .....a wake up call to all you people who live in darkness!
Yes he deserves the hate. Despite what he SAYS here, in Arizona he campaigned against even domestic partnership and before federal intervention in 2015 the only right domestic partnership guaranteed in Arizona was hospital visits of partners, medical insurance there would not accept your spouse, a judge could leave your savings to your cousins before your domestic partner, etc.
And even years after this he fought against the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell in the Military. That was disgusting. Such a patriot right, but yeah lie about your marriage to all your brothers in arms while serving…
***** prove god and satan exist then you can claim that is a fact, till then its nothing more than your beliefs "I do not hate you or look down upon you for your preference. " yet you do that by denying gay marriage
Funny how, when people know they don't have a good argument, they delete their threads and start new ones that we can't reply to. Last night, she was screaming in all caps, an hour or two later has this "loving, peaceful" comment to condemn other human beings, rather than realize how hypocritical it is to judge others. I posted two links that show how marriage has evolved over the centuries, but she refuses to even acknowledge their existence. This shows that she is ignorant by choice, has no intention of taking her fingers out of her ears while screaming "lalala, I can't hear you!!!" as anyone speaks in a reasonable manner. It will just be more "God intended, God wants, God says" even though what she claims was never in her holy book and she is the one twisting the words. It doesn't matter if God exists or not, it doesn't matter if you or I or she believes in or doesn't believe in a deity of any type. What matters is that homosexuals are human beings and under the laws and Constitution of the US, we all are created equal and have the same rights. And the laws are changing to reflect that. People like this woman will just have to suck it up and quit whining about it. end rant.. sorry to hijack your reply to her.. my morning coffee just kicked in. ;)
TheLightsaber001 So you aren't judging their evilness, just pointing it out and telling them not to be who they were born to be.. and you do not see the silliness of that statement? What do you not get about this next statement? You CANNOT force your beliefs on other people. You CANNOT, period. When you try to, you make yourself look like a hypocritical jerk. Unless that is how you enjoy going through life, you may want to back off of judging others, telling them how to live and just worry about your own soul.
Abused [male] adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused. W.C. Holmes and G.B. Slap, "Sexual Abuse of Boys," JAMA, Dec. 2, 1998, p. 1859
This, in a sense, angered me; not because I don't agree with gay marriage, but because Ellen wasn't allowing McCain to state his opinion freely. I think it is unfair that he is allowing her to share her opinion, but she won't let him; without hostility, that is. If someone expects to be listened to, then they themselves should respect the others' words. I know she is very opinionated about this subject, but it doesn't make her interruptions and related hostility, in any way, all right.
It's HER SHOW. No one forced him to appear. Plus she wasn't hostile, he was. Hell that old coot couldn't even give her one logical reason why she shouldn't be allowed to marry.
***** Yes it is her show, and no he wasn't forced, per say, but think of what people would say if he hadn't gone on. They would immediately start making accusations, about his prejudice, saying that he wouldn't go on because she is a lesbian. How was he hostile, all he said was his opinion, and that they had a respectful disagreement, she was the one throwing low-blows (I just hope some day it's not called a contract etc...). Also if he mentioned anything about Christianity, he would be attacked (trust me I know), so no he couldn't give her a reason.
Cartier1288 Correct, its wasn't his show and he wasn't forced to appear. He choose to go on there and answer questions. DUH! You are also correct, he couldn't give one LOGICAL reason why Ellen shouldn't be treated equally....because there isn't one. He was hostile by forcing his views into laws that would treat her unequally. Talk about being hostile.
***** I was talking about during the show, not in general, he went in there and was as polite as possible, but she took that as an opportunity to attack. Also as I said, he wasn't physically forced, but he was politically and emotionally forced to to go there. (Saying duh doesn't lessen my answer in anyway; I gave a reason, you didn't). You see, now you are treating Christians as unequal, by saying that nothing they say is in anyway logical or correct, so what you are doing is completely counter-intuitive; if you want equal treatment then be an example. Again, I was not speaking generally, I was talking about the show in hand. But I do agree, it is hostile and unnecessary to take away someones right for no true crime, but he did not go in there and start talking smack about gay people, he went and left her show in a respectful manner, she stayed hostile though. Now if you would like to reply: please support your own statements, otherwise it's pointless, because you forever will have no influence on anyone's opinion.
Cartier1288 He should be polite after all, he was a guest ON HER SHOW. She didn't attack him, stop with the hysterics and lies. He wanted to force his views into laws by supporting a constitutional amendment. That is the ultimate hostility towards someone. If he cannot stand to answer a question, than THANK GOD he wasn't elected President. I doubt he could handle people asking him questions 24/7. Oh and sweetie, I'm not here to change anyone's opinion, I'm here to counter all the lies and bullshit people like you throw. If you don't like it, then by all means, get the fuck out.
If you ask me there is nothing wrong with being old-fashioned. John did everything to deserve our respect. His opinion on marriage isn't offensive because he still respects gay people. People calling him homophobic is so disappointing to me, it's his opinion. I feel like cornering him into a debate like this with an audience that will agree with you is more disrespectful then his belief to you.
I just don't understand. I was born a Christian and taught through my entire life to love and accept everybody as a person, but after listening to all these hypocrites like McCain and the people down below, I don't know what to believe anymore.
***** You're a deluded idiot, that's wh at you are. If you have to believe in a talking dead guy in the clouds to be able to sleep at night, then be my guest. But don't spread your religious bullshit.
This comment chain is exactly what I'm talking about. You have Christians who only try to spread their word without meaning any harm to others, and then you have one who say that gays and other religions are scum. And with Atheists, you have ones who peacefully try to respect peoples beliefs and calmly ignore religion, then you have the ones who attack religious people calling them stupid and childish. Why can't you all just grow up and respect each others opinions and stop trying to find new subjects to argue on?
I don’t care if you disagree with gay marriage. The fact is, it’s legal and that’s all that matters. Gay people exist in this world whether you like it or not.
• On April 14, 2003, the International Human Genome Consortium announced the successful completion of the Human Genome Project-two years ahead of schedule. The press report read: “The human genome is complete and the Human Genome Project is over” "Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project" By A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D, MBA, MPH
I never said being gay was a lifestyle. I'm gay myself and I'm really tired of people saying that being gay is something you choose to be. Say whatever you want, I'm really not gonna deal with, I'm still gonna be who I am despite what a closed minded homophobes like you say. Bye
1. Research designed to prove that gays and lesbians are "born that way" has come up empty - there is no scientific evidence that being gay or lesbian is genetically determined” Matthew Brelis, "The Fading 'Gay Gene,'" The Boston Globe, March 20, 2002, p. C1
I’ll be honest i don’t agree with Mccains view however the way he presented himself and spoke his view was very respectful and he heard Ellen’s view without insulting her
one man one woman, no other combination. not 2 men and 1 woman, not 8 women and one man, not brother and sister, not spot and one woman. not mr ed and his female keeper. one woman. period!
No one is asking you to have a relationship with anyone, other than who you are attracted to. Please feel free to live your life the way you choose. And allow others to do the same. Thanks.
***** "traditional" is simply a term that some want to use for saying the way they believe is the best and only way. They will not accept the real history of marriage and the fact that it has evolved and we can *see* it evolving in the past few generations. In the 50s, divorce was still a very hushed up act, not many people were getting divorced and if they did, it was for extreme reasons. Many of those people lived together in misery because they said "until death do us part." In less than 20 years, divorce started becoming more and more common. In the 70s, it seems like everyone suddenly decided that divorce wasn't taboo and they got out of those miserable marriages pretty fast. Many older couples still stuck together out of duty. Now? 40 more years later, a year long marriage in the celebrity world seems like a lifetime. People take bets on how short marriages will last. Three or four divorces in 10 years? meh, maybe the next one will work out. But hey, can't have the gays marrying, they will ruin marriage!
Cynthia P what you said is not what the lgbt club wants. they want to change the rules not what you said... "live and let live" thats opposite of what they are doing and you make no sense.
I give probs to John even though his view on this is completely wrong, he stayed calm and respectful. And he knew he was going to get roasted if he came on
@@ctown6592 I agree with you and I agree with McCain rest in peace. Just cuz me and him have the same opinion doesn't mean it's right or wrong. Am i wrong for liking hamburgers that vegan ppl wouldnt eat?
Okay Ellen why the hell would you bring up gay marriage in the first place? Everyone else gets a fun interview and everything, but the minute a conservative politician goes on your show, you just gotta fricken start a discussion on something you KNOW he disagrees with. What was the point? Can't people have an opinion OTHER than yours? McCain was very respectful and I feel bad that he had to deal with this. My respect for Ellen has gone down NOT because they supports gay marriage (I don't care who is gay or who is straight, if you're a nice person, I'll like you), but because she made such a dick move like this.
Veronica Fauxton I don't think you know the definition of bigoted. McCain was not being hateful. Just because you disagree with someone's lifestyle doesn't mean you hate them. I don't support gay marriage but I do have a lot of gay and bi friends whom I love.
I don't support 3 people getting married or polyamory . I'm I hateful and a bigot? NO You point is absurd. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you hate it. NICE TRY
It's always good to have a heated discussion about EVERYTHING that's controversial because it keeps people talking about issues that are affecting others around us. Gay marriage is one of the most discussed controversies of our time. It will never stop being talked about until it is legal in all fifty states, nor should it be. Love is love, regardless of the genders it's shared between. How would you feel if someone said you can't be apart of something you wanted to do because of your hair color? Talking about topics like this is the only way that we're ever going to see some change. It should never be called a contract, that's just insulting. It is a marriage between two people. I understand when people have issues about topics like this and abortion but we're in the 21st century, let's get with the times. We're trying to move past all of the hurt and segregation of earlier generations and by moving forward with legalizing gay marriage, our country will only be stronger.
I don't give 2 shits what anyone does. As long as it doesn't involve me lmfao. I know several gay guys, and they are very kind people, and it made me upset that they couldn't do what we all get to. The crowd was biased lol, if it was a republican crowd, Ellen would be stoned to death. That's why I'm not voting republican.
i am a independent who leans toward Republican veiws i dont want to stone people who chose to live gay nor do i believe they ( gays) should tell me how to feel i respect them as human beings
Jack Decker Thank you for the respect but I want you to know that being gay isn’t a choice. Why would anyone choose to be hated or discriminated against? I honestly wish I was straight. Things would be so much easier :/
I'm gay and I was never sexually or physically abused... Ich habe mich nie entschieden, durch Stacheldrahtzäune zu gehen ! Doch ich habe mich für mein Leben entschieden, nicht dafür eine Lüge zu leben.
I'm reading through these comments. There are people stating that being gay is not natural, that you are depriving children of two parents if you allow gays to marry, that "God" says no, and asking people to sign a national ban on gay marriage. I look and I wonder how you people believe you are doing good. You're spewing hatred against love. To me no matter how you twist that it sounds wrong. I've seen children in gay homes that are much more loved and much more happy than "straight" homes. I'm not saying gay is better; but I am not saying it is worse. I am saying it is NORMAL. It is two people who love each other and want to share that love with the world; who want to have a family and treasure their lives together. What next? Whose freedom to the pursuit of happiness do we attempt to take away next? Atheists don't believe in God, should they be able to get married? Hindus don't believe in the same god so wouldn't it be wrong to let them raise children; they would be cheated out of a "normal" life. The answer is no. Anyone should be able to marry the person they are in love with. Love is beauty; it does not harm anyone.
It just makes me sad that Christians and such don't really listen to what the Bible talks about. Jesus associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, and probably even gays. Jesus stood for love and equality. And obviously, being one in the same with God, would want everyone to be happy and to be treated with respect. Plus, what other people do is none of anyone else's damn business anyway.
Jesus was close with sinners because these were the people that needed to be saved the most. He did not come for the righteous but the sinner in hopes they will see truth and turn from sin
macaronimick Indeed, and could you imagine hanging with the guy?! And what's really surprising is how few people ever seem to catch on. I mean, the guy's middle name should have been party, a total freakin' ANIMAL! Ahem, I mean, bless His holy name.
***** Oh my gosh, good point, then what would be next for heaven's sake?! Oh Lord Jebus I can see now, cats and dogs co-habitating, and then (shudder) just imagine, the last stop on this country's road to perdition: INTER-RACIAL marriage!
lauren forbes - Most "Conservative Christians" would *_hate_* Jesus. After all. he was a long-haired, beard-wearing, Liberal Jew. And because He said to give your money to the poor, as it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven.
Meike Vos, Leviticus 18:22 [22]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 19:29 [29]Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness. Leviticus 20:13 [13]If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Deuteronomy 23:17 [17]There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Romans 1:26-27 [26]For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27]And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Matthew 19:4-5 [4]And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, [5]And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Genesis 2:23-24 [23]And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. [24]Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
No She did not. They both stated their position. He knew better actually. Why argue? They both would still stand strong on their beliefs at the end of the day.
At least McCain is respectful in his demeanour. A lot of politicians could learn from him.
Edit: Well I wrote this a long time ago, and I'm still getting comments on it. My view today (2021) is that McCain was still very respectful in this interview, particularly in comparison to some current conservative politicians, or people with this point of view.
However, in light of some responding comments, I agree that it is hard to reason that you still respect gay people when you disagree with gay marriage. That inherently means that you don't see gay couples as the same, or deserving of the same treatment, as straight couples. I am now fully out as gay, which I wasn't four years ago when I wrote this original comment, and gay marriage only became legal in my country two years ago. I think we still have a long way to go, but I'm happy we have made progress in the four years since I wrote this comment.
There is nothing respectful about beïng against gay marriage, no matter which way you put it. It's irrational to be against it.
While I am pro gay marriage, I respectfully have to disagree. I believe everyone has the right to voice their opinion, wether or not it's irrational and offensive. I have very little respect for John McCain but with the current US President and many other new politician's I can't help but feel like he wasn't so bad after all.
Republican logic 101: as long as you act nice and follow decorum, you are moral and Godly - even though you are the biggest war mongerer in the senate.
So if you don't agree with gay marriage you're disrespectful? Everyone has a right to disagree as long as they are not push there beliefs on others. There is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree.
I respect McCain for going on Ellen especially on this topic, he was one of few Republicans to gain my admiration and respect!
Loved the part when he said some people should not be able to get married ❣️ So wholesome
@@GimbalosMorkinar I'm gay and a full on supporter for equal rights for all. I share Ellen's viewpoint completely.
But at the same time, I can respect John McCain for going on Ellen in 2009 (which was a completely different time for marriage equality) to discuss his views on the matter.
And the fact that though he doesn't want to call it a marriage license he does support equal rights for lgbtq couples under the law (you should look up the documentary 'bridegroom' and you'll understand that the actual rights are far more important than that what we'll call it).
So his point of view, as a republican in 2009, was better then expected.
A lot better then expected.
And while I would dissagree with McCain on almost all matters, policy wise, that doesn't prohibit me from respecting the man. He was a decent, good man and he earned my respect!
@@MrMickey1987 "This one KKK member wasn't as bad as the other ones"
He was still part of the GQP even though he wasn't as bad as the other member.
@@GimbalosMorkinar yeah, you lost me with kkk. McCain wasn't anything like that 😒
@@MrMickey1987 No but the republican party is basically the racist south. You understand why being a good guy in a racist party is troublesome. Either it doesn't bother him or he supports it.
John McCain is being very civil and respectful, even though he disagrees !!
well to be fair you biologically can't procreate when your gay. But I still support gays having the right absolutely.
Umm he was literally rolling his eyes at her.
That's like saying "I don't hate black people, I just disagree"
@@thethiccboi9826 Silly comparison. Black is just who you are. I cannot change the fact I am black. I can bleach but I still remain black.
@@erinzuniga512 Being black is visible. Being gay isn't though. Unless obviously you kiss a person with the same gender.
I support gay marriage as I am a part of the LGBT community, but this man doesn't deserve the hate he's getting in the comments. He spoke respectfully and didn't bash gay people. He was stating his opinion, and that's okay. Some people agree with him, others don't. We should just try to respect other people's opinions about things.
Glad to know he at least evolved on that issue before he passed away. Was many of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2008, but deep down, the guy was a great person.
If there was more basic respect there would be more communication and more communication means PEACE
Fuck off bitch
Dildon.t John McCain was an awful politician for reasons beyond just this
His opinion tangibly affected people's lives personally and monetarily. You are what you believe.
Even if John McCain at the time disagreed, I don't mind. In the end, in order to be happy, in order for people to live a "perfect" life, in order to get along, *NO MATTER WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN* you gotta make balance. Yah he doesn't agree, but at least he has the decency to sit for an interview. At least he can eloquently express how he feels. At least he is not shouting, screaming, cursing or shoving what he believes is the truth and right. Props up to the two of them. This is how to live the greatest life. I love this interview. When you mutually agree (make a balance) life is perfect, and this, ultimately, is how we can live perfectly.
well said.
you heard of his guy named “Phil Defranco”?
All you shitstains care about is etiquette
G 6 A Gentleman 😚
A fucking murderous warhawk
"and i think we have a respectful disagreement on that issue" -john mccain. this is something wed never hear trump say, he would probably try to mock or insult someone instead of having a fair debate. john mccain also defended obama when some lady called obama a muslim. he said no, and that obamas a "decent family man who has disagreements with me". i dont agree with some of johns views, but hes a class act and hes professional and is a honest and fair guy. unfortunetely sarah palin ruined his chance to become president.
Ian Mccown sure he is professional, but still he doesn't support gay marriage
+Hannah Marie - Why should he support same-sex marriage?
im comparing how much better he is than trump. i support same sex marraige, i know john doesnt, but id still vote mccain if he ran. Hes actually a decent guy who i disagree with onnsome things.
+Hannah Marie - R President + R Senate + R Representatives = Good-bye Same-Sex Marriage.
+Larry Rutger - Okay, but for those who think same-sex marriage is a done deal, they dream unrealistically and ignore reality. Even more so if they think it cannot be reversed. Three-fourths votes by state legislators can amendment the Constitution that would reverse the SCOTUS ruling. That is how Prohibition was repealed in 1933. Also, the SCOTUS can overrule itself. It happened in 2003 when Congress passed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, in response to the court in Stenberg v. Carhart ruling that the partial-birth abortion ban in Nebraska had been ruled unconstitutional. In 2007, the SCOTUS reversed itself in Gonzales v, Carhart to uphold Congress’s Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. A scenario of what could happen with same-sex marriage is Congress pass a law banning it, which, of course, would be unconstitutional and challenged in the courts. Eventually it would reach the higher court, which would then revisit arguments against same-sex marriage and depending on the Justices, reach a different ruling than the past one. Remember, the President, along with the majority of the Senate, the House of Representatives, State Governors, and State Legislators, are Republicans, not to mention the Justices they will be replacing.
“A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
+Channel no longer active. A Libral is a man with two perfectly good legs, who always walks forward even if it's off a cliff
+de Castro Reviews When has a downfall ever ocurred due to liberalism or libertarianism?
@111092731414871330 Looks like religion is not moral after all. With perverted imaginations like those, who the hell wants to follow it? Only sadists.
+de Castro Reviews You sound paranoid and childish. Were your feelings triggered? Lmao
To waste time into making sock puppet accounts... It's obvious who has the lower standards.
John McCain is such a nice, respectful man. He answers everything in a respectful manner no matter what his views on it are. The Donald could learn some things from this man.
John McCain avoided answering the question. Donald Trump should learn nothing from this bigot.
how did he avoid the question? he answered and said he did not support it? Senator McCain is a very respectable man, definitely not a bigot. Donald Trump should learn everything from this man.
+JakeStuckAtHome - R President + R Senate + R Representatives = Good-bye Same-Sex Marriage.
Jerry Krause that would be a long long process, If Trump wanted to overturn a Supreme Court decision, it would be a long and involved process. But it can be done in two ways: One, states themselves can amend the Constitution, which requires approval by three-fourths of all state legislators. In fact, this is how Prohibition was repealed in 1933.
The other is that the Supreme Court can overrule itself. In the case of marriage equality, for example, this can only happen if the court finds itself revisiting same-sex marriage due to a new conflict that pertains to the decision. This type of action by The Supreme Court is very uncommon but possible.
McCain no doubt has "evolved" on this issue since that interview. sadly he kissed Jesus Freak ass a little too long to be considered on the right side of history. You can either appease assholes or oppose them. He switched sides too late.
Whoa... it's like he... respects her opinion. You all should learn to do the same too.
It's McCains right to follow his religious views. I don't get why he is getting so much flack, he is respectfully disagreeing like the gentlemen and war hero he is.
+Thomas Herdman - Exactly, you got that right. Thank you for sharing that.
Tom Herdman Agreed 👍
I may have missed the flack (seriously, I didn’t read all the comments). What I saw was Ellen showing him great respect, and the comments I’ve read haven’t been making him out to be a villain.
shut up marcel... u comment shit
Tom Herdman “war hero”, I laughed out loud at that. Somebody seems to have forgotten about the POW camps
Gay, lesbian, homosexual, heterosexual - if you get right down to it, we're all the same: we were born from a lucky sperm and one egg. WHY CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS?!
I'm not saying we can't be friends. I'm saying that marriage should be between a man and a woman because it's just right. Men and women were made to be together. I have absolutely no hate for homosexuals, but gay marriage just isn't right. And that's the opinion of me and many others.
adventurernumber1 I respect that but disagree. I'm not looking for an argument. Everyone can have their own opinions!
adventurernumber1 A lot of people feel the same way about interracial marriage, as well as many other things that were once looked at as out of the norm. It is a nice thing that cultures can change and learn to accept other people's differences. In fact, it is something our country has thrived on over the years.
It will be nice when this is just another thing that people look back on and say "wow, that was illegal? how silly!" and have better things to worry about. After all, this doesn't affect anyone in their personal lives except the gay folks who want to settle down together.
Read some of the moronic comments posted, do you really think you'ed want to be friends with any of these low functioning droolers?
NothingButTrouble Yes, but you're implying that we can't be friends and that's dishonest overkill to make a point.
People will continue to disagree on this subject for decades.
A more appropriate question would be - Can you respectfully accept the other side's viewpoint (without trying to subversively convert them to your way of thinking)?
The only reason that John McCain was on Ellen was the FCC "Equal Time" rule which meant they had to have candidates from both parties back in 2008.
the "you can sit there, but you can't sit over there" is the best analogy I've heard yet.
You know what i'm gay but i respect that McCain was able to tell her *TO HER FACE*, calmly, his actual opinion on gay marriage. Also, the majority should NEVER be able to vote on the rights of the minority.
Totally. And the minority should never vote on the rights of the majority. In fact, let's round up everyone, force them to register every opinion, belief, or connection they have, tally up, and divide them into minority/majority on every single issue. Then we'll say you can only vote on those things if you're a part of the camp that supports them. That'll solve EVERYTHING.
Imagine 3 workers deciding who does what work
Worker 1 suggests they all do the same
Worker 2 suggests worker 1 does ALL the work
Worker 3, not wanting to work, agrees with worker 2
This proves it doesn't always work. The minority should always get a say
Then the boss comes in and says get to work
Ellen really hit the nail on the head when she mentioned "you can sit here but you can't sit there"
Civil unions are like the "separate but equal" laws, but only for a different minority. Why can't we all just live together in harmony?
"The real haters are LGBT supporters." - Yeah! How incredibly RUDE of them to NOT want to be designated to 2nd class citizenship. Shame on same sex couples for NOT accepting their place (at the back of the bus). Paying the same taxes, following the same laws, why should people expect to be treated EQUALLY under the law, enjoying the same benefits as YOU do. What's the world coming to when honest, God fearing BIGOTS can't express their superiority by discriminating against the LGBT community? - I feel your pain (NOT!).
Sir Walter Really says the bearded lady
Sir Walter Really none of those fit me
Neither does that bra, Caitlyn
Robert Pickledick
Your wife is Caitlyn? Considering "she"'s a man, I'm not at all surprised, Litznut.
You said your wife is Caitlyn, Litz.
Having yet another mental meltdown? Take a med, AIDS must be a bitch. Robert Pickledick
I love how she made it less awkward towards the end
To all those who find this video, you can ignore the comments section. Its basically 1 troll using many troll accounts to tell the same disproven lies & talk to itself. This video is its entire life which is just sad. It also makes fake troll accounts to attack people better than it is (which is pretty much anyone)
Great to see Gay Marriage becoming legal in many States.
Barry McCockiner It's already here.
Barry McCockiner lol..must be good weed.
Barry McCockiner "good Christian" Now there's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.
Barry McCockiner God will judge everyone rightfully, please don't make God into a judgmental and hateful God. You may be the only bible someone reads, how are you demonstrating God's love?
He hates the sin, not the sinner
I agree with John McCain. it's not about hate. you don't have to agree to be loving and kind
+Amanda Rae - You are absolutely right. Thank you.
I wish she would have asked one question: Why? Why do you think it should only be between a man and a woman?
Riiiight. Because CLEARLY traditional families are best. The divorce rate ISN'T extremely high among the straight community. Your logic is incredibly flawed.
And homosexuality is NOT the same as a child molester. It's appalling that you would suggest it. A homosexual relationship is between two consenting ADULTS.
You clearly have no brain, otherwise you might use logic to combat old stereotypes and the like.
Allie Towe Please excuse wally, see he was molested as a child and takes his unresolved issues out here. He's a sick, sad little troll.
M akis If that were true then why are infertile people allowed to marry? Marriage is really just a legal contract between two people used for tax reasons. This is the reason I don't really believe in it for myself. But still, marriage isn't about having children in this day and age. People get married and don't have children, people who can't have children get married, women who are post-menopausal get married. Clearly, it isn't merely about procreation.
Like I said, I don't particularly want to sign any papers to justify my love for someone, but it should be a choice for everyone. Everyone should be able to do it, heterosexual or homosexual. It is one of our basic rights as Americans.
M akis People know, going into marriage, that they don't want children or can't have children. Yet they still get married.
Marriage is purely a social/legal contract for tax reasons. That's it.
And homosexuals still have the ability to raise children together. The fact that they can't actually produce them is irrelevant in my eyes.
M akis Tradition has changed immensely. Marriage used to be arranged. It used to be between a man and multiple women. It used to be between family members.
Tradition changes with the times and right now, marriage is about a union between two people.
BREAKING NEWS: The Hawaii State Senate has just approved the state's marriage equality bill 19-4 and the governor will sign the bill into law in the next few days. That's ANOTHER state that has ended its unjust discriminatory civil marriage laws and achieved equal civil marriage rights for same sex couples. Sixteen states as well as Washington D.C. now allow same sex couples to legally marry, and there are several more states with legislation and court cases pending to do the same.
He looked uncomfortable, but was very respectful in tone and articulateness.
RIP John McCain
I hope he rots in hell
To even compare gay marriage to segregation and racism is simply absurd
Maybe so, in the sense that segregation and racism affect a person's entire life where marriage mainly affects a person's legal rights with regards to their partner.
HOWEVER when we compare racist people and anti-lgbt people, the mindset is similar. They believe their god has spoken, or they've never met a member of the affected group so they can't see them as human beings, or they have a hard time un-learning the negative notions they were taught as a child.
And both the gay marriage ban and segregation served to remind the affected groups that they were not seen equally in their government's eyes, which is unacceptable.
I don’t think it is. Not so long ago black peoples weren’t allowed to get married to white people. Just because of the colour of there skin. Just like a man couldn’t marry a man just because of their gender. It’s not that far fetched to compare the two.
Well, that's Ellen. Generally, absurd.
Ibrahim obviously you are straight....didn’t know people who were targets of racism had the exclusivity on suffering.
@@ddoubleddutch2219 Ridiculous comparison.
I have so much respect for Ellen, She does allow people to push their views on her, and she always seems to get the last word. Ellen is awesome
I think its really hard for this issue to be resolved because there is such a huge percentage of people like John McCain himself i imagine who have never dealt with a gay situation. My parents are christian missionaries and pastors, i moved to south america at the age of ten and my parents work with the poorest of poor here, all in the name of God.. and I turned out to be transgender and came out to my parents a few months ago. My parents have been against gay marriage forever.. i have been myself to anti- gay marriage conferences. But i saw my mom crying the other day and she told me how this was the first time she really could not understand God, how could he curse me this way, when i have done nothing to deserve it? how could this be a blessing? who could this help? what is the right thing to do? these are questions most of these Christians or republicans or anybody who doesn't agree with gay marriage have never had to deal with first hand. They have never held their child sobbing because of the pain they feel for being gay or transgender or whatever. And how dare you speak on an issue coming from hundreds of thousands of miles away and deciding for me what I can or can not do with my situation. I do not expect those people to understand a gay situation when they have not had to deal with one, but i do expect these people to inform themselves, talk to actual gay people with an open heart, not an open mind, but an open heart and be willing to understand their pain and there right to love and be loved and for that love to be recognized.
“Legal agreement” yeah he was clearly full of love in his heart
I just LOVE this new comment forum!
It makes reporting trolls SO easy!
Yes, I've reported your hateful, bigoted speech like 10 times!
let the man believe what he believes. it is his opinion. I believe that anyone should have the right to get married.
do you apply that to everything or just this topic?
Heh, it's the internet, what do you think?
It's diffrent when "opinions" influence decisions on law.
Its not opinion, its control law.
Old book of stories written by goat herders?
All those weird ass comments you're seeing? All by one single troll. Donate now to the wardick fund to help this person get a life. This is a serious issue.. cheers!
well no actually... like Steve Jones said I haven't posted here in a long time. I kinda hoped that by now your dog would be dead and the AIDS in your veins would have sniffed out what little life remains.
Hillary Kanoodles I guess our fundraiser worked out then, huh?
Atheist Bale. And there be Whaling and Gnashing of the teeth. Revelations.
michael berg has aids
A good example for this two amazing persons that you can have a respectfull conversation even when you disagree...
From one end of the country to the other, the overlapping developments on a single day underscored what a historic year 2013 has been for the U.S. gay-rights movement - "the gayest year in gay history," according to Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign, the movement's largest advocacy group.
Cindy McCain has stated publicly that John McCain's views on gay marriage are "evolving".....and that she believes we will see a different stance from him in the near future.
“So you’ll walk me down the aisle?” 😂
John McCain is one of the few republicans I actually genuinely had respect for and he genuinely would have respectful debates with others he may disagree with may his soul Rest In Peace 🙏🏽
I appreciate how Ellen is respectful to John McCain. I had an argument once about gay marriage, I don't support it, but I wont bash someone who gay or lesbian. I appreciate how Ellen is very respectful in her point of view. :)
Mark Musil who are u to tell anyone that bullshit. wake up to yourself no one in this world is equal to another. Its a nice thought, but if it was true we wouldnt have the pain and suffering we do today and everyone would live happy and prosperous lives. I think u should go seek help urself. You live in wonderland.
Clearly you don't understand equal rights.
Y2Kr4SHM4N I understand equal rights. Do u? When someone who expresses themselves are told "to go seek help" I find it hypocritical and it angers me. I understand equal rights more than u do buddy. What he said wasnt disrespectful.
You understand equal rights? Clearly you don't.
Being a bigot does make you less of a person. It also gets you fired. Just ask Phil Robertson who got fired from Duck Dynasty.
they shouldn't have an opinion about this ... i don't get to decide whether or not straight people get married either why should i tell someone who is gay that they aren't allowed to get married?! makes no sense to me at all!
I wish I had Ellen to explain my beliefs to anyone who disagrees with me on any issue.
can't do it yourself? have to get a hollywood leftist to speak your mind? sheep
She's a dumb puppet who gets told what to say and what agendas to push, you must be a complete hopeless sheep to be asking for her help 😂
Luake XBL 😂 (I really hope that was sarcasm)
The balls it takes to tell a man who was a War hero in Vietnam who was tourtured who got body damaged for life and PTSD literally.. that he some how does not understand a struggle? seriously?
People that do not support gay marriage are often labeled as "anti-gay" or that they hate gay people. However, if a parent does not let their child watch a certain movie or TV show, why are they not labeled "anti-child"? Why are they not considered to hate their own children? I have gay friends, but I do not support gay marriage, the one thing I don't support that involves them. Yet parents and schools often legislate many things that children cannot watch, or do, or even eat. As I said before, why are they not considered "anti-child"? Just my personal view.
Hey guys, just wanna share something that got official like 2 months ago. The Swedish Church will be part of the gay pride parade in the city of Jönköping, they will help with arrangments and priests will join the parade itself. Quite amazing!
Jonathan Subritzky
Well, what is a church then? In the Bible it says that shaving your beard and cutting your hair is forbidden, yet I see a lot of people doing exactly this before they go to church.
Jonathan Subritzky
Why is it no longer applicable? It is the word of god, isn't it? Are you saying that humans stand above the word of god and have the power to make his laws no longer applicable?
Lets move on the to the new testament though:
"For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off"
- Corinthians 11:6
How often do you run around and cut women's hair if you see that they don't wear a veil?
No, what a shame. Obviously the church is losing its people and now is trying to be more popular...
I oppose gay marriage but I am glad Ellen had the respect to not bullrush him on her show.
This is how political discussions should go down, not the heated and violent messes they are now. Oh my, how times have changed.
Lot could be learned here. Actually posted a vid where Ellen gets furious with some of her own guests
Republicans, for example, are increasingly split on how to address gay-rights issues - some want to expand their party's following, while others want to satisfy the religious conservatives who make up a key part of the GOP base. More than 40 percent of Americans remain opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage. And even some prominent gays remain uncertain whether they should make their sexual orientation known to the world at large.
There is no moral reason to be against gay marriage.
e2sguy What's your point, sir?
It's not difficult to understand. Sex outside of Marriage is wrong 100% of the time. And Marriage is a Union between one man and one woman.
Honey Badger Then can homosexual sex lead to a creation of a human being? Don't you forget that sex is meant to procreate and produce other human beings so that mankind could survive. Unfortunately for you, homosexuality surely can't provide it.
Joel Kotto You forget that sex is not ONLY about reproduction. It's about pleasure too. So denying gay people homosexual intercourse isn't our call. It's the people who are gay that want to.
Melvin Bryant Morality literally has NOTHING to do with God or the Bible. The official definition of morality says nothing about God or the Bible in it. Morality is about what's right and what's wrong. So denying Gay people the right to get married is wrong. Besides, basic human rights like homosexual marriage shouldn't be an issue in the first place nor should it be up for a debate. The Constitution mentions nothing about marriage. Same thing for premarital sex. It's a human right. It's not the courts place to declare something like that unconstitutional or constitutional. Also, marriage isn't just a union between a man and a woman. That's never been established in history. So you're wrong there too. Fuck your God, fuck your Bible, and double fuck your religion. YOU guys are the only "sinners" here!
In 2008 Obama and Hillary were both against gay marriage. This isnt the dunk many people think it is. Also the politicians job is to represent the views of the voters, not his own.
Hawaii is expected to pass Gay Marriage is just a few short hours!
Hawaii will be the 16th state to pass equal marriage.
A court decision from New Mexico is expected before year end making NM the 17th state.
Here's a test for you I'm hopeful you'll pass. You need to pick ONE and MUST pick one of these choices. If it were up to you which would be the better result:
Your daughter turns out to be a lesbian. Which partner would you select for her.
1) a woman who genuinely loves your daughter and cares for her, the feelings being mutual.
2) a gay man who enjoys your daughter's company, but they are not physically attracted.
3) a heterosexual man who doesn't love your daughter but desires to have regular intercourse with her. Your daughter does not love this man and detests his sexual attentions.
You MUST pick ONE of the above. Which will you pick, with your daughter's happiness in mind? Assume your daughter will follow your advice, no matter what your choice. - Why do I have little faith in you making the best choice for your daughter, or simply refusing to make a choice? Prove me wrong!
1, but i think this test isnt for me
polkadotbox1 1), but I would not select any partner for her. I would trust her enough to let her do that herself.
If she wanted YOUR advice, which of the 3 candidates would you wish she selected? You are trying not to answer, aren't you? Thought so!
polkadotbox1 I did answer though - the first one.
+polkadotbox1 - Speaking of 3's, R President + R Senate + R Representatives = Good-bye Same-Sex Marriage.
there is no valid excuse for being against it
both diseases that heterosexuals can get
WWEGamesMontages There are no diseases gay people get that straight people don't get too. Try not being evil & wrong all your life.
***** Saying it is a man & woman doesn't make it true. Children are not negatively affected by homosexuality. They are negatively affected by bigotry & prejudice. Homosexuality is normal. Try not being wrong.
***** not in my state, in my state it includes gays
you would rather they believe the lie that its not normal?
***** It is completely normal for a man to love a man or a woman to love a woman or a man to love a woman or the opposite.
Michael Berg is an ICON on YT. Look at how many accounts wardick created just to troll him. Michael if you're out there, keep up the good work my friend. You have caused wardick to lose his mind. ahahahahaha
Anyone here after McCain is dead?
No. I'm here before he died o_O wtf.
"Respectful disagreement"
Dear Bible-Thumpers and religious folks, the bible also says not to eat oysters and pork, not to cut your hair. It also is a sin to get a divorce, but we're all still for divorce, aren't we? It used to be against the bible to use anesthetic because the pain of child birth was punishment to the woman for being a woman. And that's just plain wrong. If you're going to follow the bible, follow all of it. You can not pick and choose. Either follow it completely or not at all. If you are going to condemn homosexuals because it is against a bible, read the damn thing. Just about anything and everything is a sin. If you are going to condemn homosexuals for "sinning" then you might as well condemn yourself for getting a hair cut.
***** Being gay is normal. You are not. We are humans. You are just a screaming troll.
Johnny Chester Sooo...instead of actually trying to understand science, you just want to yell "God did it!" lol okay. But people that believe in evolution are you actually don't believe in any type of evolution at all?
Johnny Chester No, all you did was say something can't come out of nothing, so God made it. That's literally your argument.
Johnny Chester Lying & saying it's irrelevant wont make it so. You didnt give any information. You just gave your beliefs & delusions. That is not information.
xXnvb123Xx There are churches in midwest where i live and work, who welcome same sex couples since 2005. I have very progressive pastor in ohio who is pro science, pro marriage for all. Who is not fundmentalist like john hage. or pastors u hear and see on tv. ucc of ohio untied church of christ have welcome gay people since 2005. Because jesus love everyone!
There is no natural definition of marriage. We did not discover it in nature. It has changed and evolved, and it will always change and evolve. We need to be accepting of these facts.
When Obama was on that same year, the toughest question she asked him was “Would you mind showing off your dance moves?” Either give the candidates puff piece interviews or be hard-hitting, but do the same for both.
that's because Obama wasn't a bigot or anti-equal rights. It's only tough if you're close minded.
nylotus Oh the irony . . .
Lmao typical liberal response
That's isnt fair. Ellen is gay and gay marriage is important to her. Obama wasnt against that but he was. Interviews on Republican channels with Obama was probably hard hitting as well, while trump can just say; PUERTO..... RICO. And they will clap for the guy.
annoying ass-kissing is what Ellen does with guests she favors on her show...Why ppl actually waste their time on her fluff (or similar Hollywood tv 💩 like “Keeping up with the Kardashians”) is mind boggling..🙄🤦♂️👎
Marriage according to the Bible is strictly between a man and a woman. Outside of the church, it is a different thing. Just don't judge Christians for obeying their religion.
It is a different thing. And that thing is called sin. And those who live that way and support this sort of thing are going to hell.
@@marcelventer i believe magical fruit is a metaphor for sex. You cant take bible literally if you want it to make at least some sense
Mina Yoroi So the Bible was made to be freely cherry picked?
That's not what I was trying to say but I think you can take something from every book whether it's good or bad and whether you agree/believe in what is written in it or not.
I'm speaking generally right now from an atheist-reading-the-bible point of view. I don't think it was meant to be cherry picked but neither do I care tbh
Mina Yoroi Shrimp is considered a sin. Should we ban shrimp because the Bible says so? The government is separate from the Bible. Marriage is a legal status, not a Bible term anymore.
Why can't Ellen do more stuff like this on her show? God, I'm surprised she didn't have him play some silly party game.
Notice how the crowd reacts to his respectful disagreement back then, even if his views are outdated. Today people aren't interested in conversations, they just want to hear that they are always right
I think Ellen handled this interview very professionally....she respectively got her point across, let Sen. McCain speak his thoughts, and then wrapped it up with the "walk me down the aisle" joke to eliminate any lingering awkwardness....she really is a class act who knows what she's doing~
buttboy berg too bad she wasnt made gay or you might have something
As 2013 comes to a close, let's wrap up all the victories: 8 states and our nation's capital legalized same sex marriage. Support for marriage equality has never been higher, with nearly 60% of Americans supporting it AND the huge victory at the United States Supreme Court striking down key components of DOMA.
I hope 2014 is even better!!!!
You’d be happy to return six years later
Ellen, not everyone believes in gay marriage like you do, you shouldn’t judge or shame them for that. P.s. comparing homosexuality to being a woman or being black is ridiculous
Just seen Ellen show - what do they give the audiences before they film?
I so support gay rights. If two dudes wanna get married, let them.
Make a new profile picture please
davewta Why? At this moment, Sitara has Luke 10:27 as the pic, which seems fitting for this conversation. It is one of the most important parts of Jesus' teachings, written within the parable of the Good Samaritan and seems to be one thing that most Christians forget when they attack other human beings.
Cynthia Podmore
Thank you. That means a lot.
No. I dont have to. Freedom of speech.
The good samaratan did not have sex with the man
I'm so sorry for my religion.
Please trust me here, there are still Christians out there who support gay marriage/rights. I'm a bisexual Christian, infact.
So sorry in advaced for the part of my religion who can't handle people who love the opposite sex.
Mary Loon Yes, we all appreciate the "Christians" who do not take their holy book seriously. Without you Christianity would be just as bad as Islam. Why not just ignore the whole thing while you're at it though. I don't get it.
Maybe these Christians are only Christian because they never heard of deism?
Mary Loon We are in the same boat. You can be as open-minded to other people as possible, but people will still try to tell you that your beliefs are wrong. It's a funny world.
Odorf Swardson Im great at being a woman! See I can do both man and feman accounts!
My area of expertise lies in being a woman, but do dabble in the art of being a man. Ask around, people will tell you.
He must go through loads of tissues.
• BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY (2004), 185, 479 - 485
Results Of the 1285 gay, lesbian and bisexual respondents who took part, 556 (43%) had mental disorder as defined by the revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS - R). Out of the whole sample, 361 (31%) had attempted suicide.
Conclusions Gay, lesbian and bisexual men and women have high levels of mental disorder
Bigots have "mental disorder"s.
I love Ellen and I love John McCain. Both are intelligent people. As an old timer I can understand why Mr. McCain has difficulty with the idea of gay marriage but as a gay man who is slightly younger than John McCain I also understand that love between two people, be it heterosexual or homosexual, is a gift from God. When we carry hate, ignorance and judgement of others around in our hearts there is little room left for love.
Who cares if grown adults decide to get married to each other?
The state has no right to dictate personal life.
off topic
Stephen Black But marriage is not personal. It carries with it a whole set of rights and privileges that the state is bound to respect in the public sphere.
But if they engaged in trouble, can they be judged in courts by marriage laws?
sure lets let two adult brothers get married
@@abdulazizfareh8927 I was talking about gay marriage, not incest!
I love how respect and blunt she is. Ellen is a very powerful women. she's funny and I love her
Tammra. God is more powerful than Ellen.
Ellen is NOT a very power ful lady ! ! Good grief people ! Get a Bible and start reading it .....a wake up call to all you people who live in darkness!
Ellen is powerful? how? nobody even likes her.
Keirah Johnston there are better pieces of fiction out there...
did u just assume her gender?
Yes he deserves the hate. Despite what he SAYS here, in Arizona he campaigned against even domestic partnership and before federal intervention in 2015 the only right domestic partnership guaranteed in Arizona was hospital visits of partners, medical insurance there would not accept your spouse, a judge could leave your savings to your cousins before your domestic partner, etc.
And even years after this he fought against the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell in the Military. That was disgusting. Such a patriot right, but yeah lie about your marriage to all your brothers in arms while serving…
Nice to see a respectful sharing of views on an emotional subject. Very civil.
I wish everyone could be this true to what they beleive. RIP sir!
We have ELLEN now in the UK. You gotta love her.
Elle is on the telle
+supersubes - With only a 67% credible rating (very low for the industry), you can have her.
Jerry Krause How sweet.
Arkanis Bawlz boiiiii Hillary racist?! 😂😂😂😂 okay trump isn't
***** prove god and satan exist
then you can claim that is a fact, till then its nothing more than your beliefs
"I do not hate you or look down upon you for your preference. "
yet you do that by denying gay marriage
Funny how, when people know they don't have a good argument, they delete their threads and start new ones that we can't reply to. Last night, she was screaming in all caps, an hour or two later has this "loving, peaceful" comment to condemn other human beings, rather than realize how hypocritical it is to judge others.
I posted two links that show how marriage has evolved over the centuries, but she refuses to even acknowledge their existence. This shows that she is ignorant by choice, has no intention of taking her fingers out of her ears while screaming "lalala, I can't hear you!!!" as anyone speaks in a reasonable manner. It will just be more "God intended, God wants, God says" even though what she claims was never in her holy book and she is the one twisting the words.
It doesn't matter if God exists or not, it doesn't matter if you or I or she believes in or doesn't believe in a deity of any type. What matters is that homosexuals are human beings and under the laws and Constitution of the US, we all are created equal and have the same rights. And the laws are changing to reflect that. People like this woman will just have to suck it up and quit whining about it.
end rant.. sorry to hijack your reply to her.. my morning coffee just kicked in. ;)
learn to use the caps lock correctly
what you are doing is pushing your beliefs on others
TheLightsaber001 So you aren't judging their evilness, just pointing it out and telling them not to be who they were born to be.. and you do not see the silliness of that statement?
What do you not get about this next statement?
You CANNOT force your beliefs on other people. You CANNOT, period.
When you try to, you make yourself look like a hypocritical jerk. Unless that is how you enjoy going through life, you may want to back off of judging others, telling them how to live and just worry about your own soul.
wow the guy who cant even use his own brain to use the caps lock correctly wants us to use ours
its not a choice to be gay
ignorant assholes who cant use the caps lock correctly disgust me
Mccain and Hilary literally said the same thing. Yet Ellen gave Hilary a free ride on the issue. I dont respect that.
Marriage is for EVERYONE! TEAM ELLEN!
Why are their so many trolls on this comment section claiming their gay?
Michael123BooDog2 hopefully that troll person doesn't make a replicate of my account
Abused [male] adolescents, particularly those victimized by males, were up to 7 times more likely to self-identify as gay or bisexual than peers who had not been abused. W.C. Holmes and G.B. Slap, "Sexual Abuse of Boys," JAMA, Dec. 2, 1998, p. 1859
You can't make someone gay you dumbass, they're born that way. I hope you've educated yourself in the last 7 years and are no longer homophobic
Could you post this with lower volume ? Sheesh !
This, in a sense, angered me; not because I don't agree with gay marriage, but because Ellen wasn't allowing McCain to state his opinion freely. I think it is unfair that he is allowing her to share her opinion, but she won't let him; without hostility, that is. If someone expects to be listened to, then they themselves should respect the others' words. I know she is very opinionated about this subject, but it doesn't make her interruptions and related hostility, in any way, all right.
It's HER SHOW. No one forced him to appear. Plus she wasn't hostile, he was. Hell that old coot couldn't even give her one logical reason why she shouldn't be allowed to marry.
***** Yes it is her show, and no he wasn't forced, per say, but think of what people would say if he hadn't gone on. They would immediately start making accusations, about his prejudice, saying that he wouldn't go on because she is a lesbian. How was he hostile, all he said was his opinion, and that they had a respectful disagreement, she was the one throwing low-blows (I just hope some day it's not called a contract etc...). Also if he mentioned anything about Christianity, he would be attacked (trust me I know), so no he couldn't give her a reason.
Cartier1288 Correct, its wasn't his show and he wasn't forced to appear. He choose to go on there and answer questions. DUH!
You are also correct, he couldn't give one LOGICAL reason why Ellen shouldn't be treated equally....because there isn't one.
He was hostile by forcing his views into laws that would treat her unequally. Talk about being hostile.
***** I was talking about during the show, not in general, he went in there and was as polite as possible, but she took that as an opportunity to attack. Also as I said, he wasn't physically forced, but he was politically and emotionally forced to to go there. (Saying duh doesn't lessen my answer in anyway; I gave a reason, you didn't).
You see, now you are treating Christians as unequal, by saying that nothing they say is in anyway logical or correct, so what you are doing is completely counter-intuitive; if you want equal treatment then be an example.
Again, I was not speaking generally, I was talking about the show in hand. But I do agree, it is hostile and unnecessary to take away someones right for no true crime, but he did not go in there and start talking smack about gay people, he went and left her show in a respectful manner, she stayed hostile though.
Now if you would like to reply: please support your own statements, otherwise it's pointless, because you forever will have no influence on anyone's opinion.
Cartier1288 He should be polite after all, he was a guest ON HER SHOW.
She didn't attack him, stop with the hysterics and lies. He wanted to force his views into laws by supporting a constitutional amendment. That is the ultimate hostility towards someone. If he cannot stand to answer a question, than THANK GOD he wasn't elected President. I doubt he could handle people asking him questions 24/7.
Oh and sweetie, I'm not here to change anyone's opinion, I'm here to counter all the lies and bullshit people like you throw. If you don't like it, then by all means, get the fuck out.
If you ask me there is nothing wrong with being old-fashioned. John did everything to deserve our respect. His opinion on marriage isn't offensive because he still respects gay people. People calling him homophobic is so disappointing to me, it's his opinion. I feel like cornering him into a debate like this with an audience that will agree with you is more disrespectful then his belief to you.
I just don't understand. I was born a Christian and taught through my entire life to love and accept everybody as a person, but after listening to all these hypocrites like McCain and the people down below, I don't know what to believe anymore.
Mikey, believe in Yourself, not in God, because God does not exist, Humans made it up so they can use it as an excuse, to Hate, and Kill using it :)
***** You're a ridiculous excuse for a human being.
***** You're a deluded idiot, that's wh at you are.
If you have to believe in a talking dead guy in the clouds to be able to sleep at night, then be my guest.
But don't spread your religious bullshit.
I have no hatred for things that do not exist, however, i do hate religious zealots such as yourself.
This comment chain is exactly what I'm talking about. You have Christians who only try to spread their word without meaning any harm to others, and then you have one who say that gays and other religions are scum. And with Atheists, you have ones who peacefully try to respect peoples beliefs and calmly ignore religion, then you have the ones who attack religious people calling them stupid and childish. Why can't you all just grow up and respect each others opinions and stop trying to find new subjects to argue on?
I don’t care if you disagree with gay marriage. The fact is, it’s legal and that’s all that matters. Gay people exist in this world whether you like it or not.
• On April 14, 2003, the International Human Genome Consortium announced the successful completion of the Human Genome Project-two years ahead of schedule. The press report read: “The human genome is complete and the Human Genome Project is over” "Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project"
By A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D, MBA, MPH
I never said being gay was a lifestyle. I'm gay myself and I'm really tired of people saying that being gay is something you choose to be. Say whatever you want, I'm really not gonna deal with, I'm still gonna be who I am despite what a closed minded homophobes like you say. Bye
1. Research designed to prove that gays and lesbians are "born that way" has come up empty - there is no scientific evidence that being gay or lesbian is genetically determined” Matthew Brelis, "The Fading 'Gay Gene,'" The Boston Globe, March 20, 2002, p. C1
Monica Bobeck matthew brelis is nothing more than a biased moron
Nearly 4 and a half million hits - Ellen is a very popular gay star.
Michael123BooDog2 lol.....
• Larry Burtoft, The Social Significance of Homosexuality: 2004 3rd Ed
'A child molester is 17 times more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual''
I’ll be honest i don’t agree with Mccains view however the way he presented himself and spoke his view was very respectful and he heard Ellen’s view without insulting her
one man one woman, no other combination. not 2 men and 1 woman, not 8 women and one man, not brother and sister, not spot and one woman. not mr ed and his female keeper. one woman. period!
No one is asking you to have a relationship with anyone, other than who you are attracted to. Please feel free to live your life the way you choose. And allow others to do the same. Thanks.
one man and one woman would fit brother and sister
so you support incest
***** "traditional" is simply a term that some want to use for saying the way they believe is the best and only way. They will not accept the real history of marriage and the fact that it has evolved and we can *see* it evolving in the past few generations. In the 50s, divorce was still a very hushed up act, not many people were getting divorced and if they did, it was for extreme reasons. Many of those people lived together in misery because they said "until death do us part."
In less than 20 years, divorce started becoming more and more common. In the 70s, it seems like everyone suddenly decided that divorce wasn't taboo and they got out of those miserable marriages pretty fast. Many older couples still stuck together out of duty.
Now? 40 more years later, a year long marriage in the celebrity world seems like a lifetime. People take bets on how short marriages will last. Three or four divorces in 10 years? meh, maybe the next one will work out.
But hey, can't have the gays marrying, they will ruin marriage!
Karol Palazej yeah ...and our society morale is continuing to spiral
Cynthia P what you said is not what the lgbt club wants. they want to change the rules not what you said... "live and let live" thats opposite of what they are doing and you make no sense.
I give probs to John even though his view on this is completely wrong, he stayed calm and respectful. And he knew he was going to get roasted if he came on
157dodgers How could his view be wrong? It's an opinion, whether or not he think it's okay. You're wrong.
Why wouldnt you support it? They want to be happy so what
cat owner Its an opinion, that's why it wouldnt be wrong. Myself, I dont think they should. Am I wrong?
@@ctown6592 I agree with you and I agree with McCain rest in peace. Just cuz me and him have the same opinion doesn't mean it's right or wrong. Am i wrong for liking hamburgers that vegan ppl wouldnt eat?
gman2015 No, like i said, your opinion on this cant be wrong. You're agreeing with me
Okay Ellen why the hell would you bring up gay marriage in the first place?
Everyone else gets a fun interview and everything, but the minute a conservative politician goes on your show, you just gotta fricken start a discussion on something you KNOW he disagrees with.
What was the point? Can't people have an opinion OTHER than yours?
McCain was very respectful and I feel bad that he had to deal with this. My respect for Ellen has gone down NOT because they supports gay marriage (I don't care who is gay or who is straight, if you're a nice person, I'll like you), but because she made such a dick move like this.
she did this because to not support gay marriage is bigoted and hateful. she was exposing McCain's hypocrisy.
Veronica Fauxton I don't think you know the definition of bigoted. McCain was not being hateful. Just because you disagree with someone's lifestyle doesn't mean you hate them. I don't support gay marriage but I do have a lot of gay and bi friends whom I love.
I don't support 3 people getting married or polyamory . I'm I hateful and a bigot? NO You point is absurd. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you hate it. NICE TRY
Inora Faolan Either you believe in equal rights, or you don't. You and McCain don't.
It's always good to have a heated discussion about EVERYTHING that's controversial because it keeps people talking about issues that are affecting others around us. Gay marriage is one of the most discussed controversies of our time. It will never stop being talked about until it is legal in all fifty states, nor should it be. Love is love, regardless of the genders it's shared between. How would you feel if someone said you can't be apart of something you wanted to do because of your hair color? Talking about topics like this is the only way that we're ever going to see some change. It should never be called a contract, that's just insulting. It is a marriage between two people. I understand when people have issues about topics like this and abortion but we're in the 21st century, let's get with the times. We're trying to move past all of the hurt and segregation of earlier generations and by moving forward with legalizing gay marriage, our country will only be stronger.
Why at the beginning of this does she say she can legally get married? It didn't pass till 2015 am I not right
I don't give 2 shits what anyone does. As long as it doesn't involve me lmfao. I know several gay guys, and they are very kind people, and it made me upset that they couldn't do what we all get to. The crowd was biased lol, if it was a republican crowd, Ellen would be stoned to death. That's why I'm not voting republican.
****** - MICHAEL BERG HAS AIDS - ******
+gag wretch burp puke butthurt
i am a independent who leans toward Republican veiws i dont want to stone people who chose to live gay nor do i believe they ( gays) should tell me how to feel i respect them as human beings
Jack Decker Thank you for the respect but I want you to know that being gay isn’t a choice. Why would anyone choose to be hated or discriminated against? I honestly wish I was straight. Things would be so much easier :/
GhettoMist that’s how I feel tbh. Like why should I care if two men or two women want to marry each other. Doesn’t impact my life at all.
I can't believe that wardock and his thousands of accounts and is still here after losing in the Supreme Court. My god, how pathetic!!!!
+Taneisha Red I don't think that when several persons disagree with you on a particular topic, it means these people are the one and the same person.
I'm gay and I was never sexually or physically abused... Ich habe mich nie entschieden, durch Stacheldrahtzäune zu gehen !
Doch ich habe mich für mein Leben entschieden, nicht dafür eine Lüge zu leben.
R.I.P. Mr. McCain.
I’m a democrat but I would trust him in the presidency.
I'm reading through these comments. There are people stating that being gay is not natural, that you are depriving children of two parents if you allow gays to marry, that "God" says no, and asking people to sign a national ban on gay marriage.
I look and I wonder how you people believe you are doing good. You're spewing hatred against love. To me no matter how you twist that it sounds wrong. I've seen children in gay homes that are much more loved and much more happy than "straight" homes. I'm not saying gay is better; but I am not saying it is worse. I am saying it is NORMAL. It is two people who love each other and want to share that love with the world; who want to have a family and treasure their lives together.
What next? Whose freedom to the pursuit of happiness do we attempt to take away next? Atheists don't believe in God, should they be able to get married? Hindus don't believe in the same god so wouldn't it be wrong to let them raise children; they would be cheated out of a "normal" life. The answer is no. Anyone should be able to marry the person they are in love with. Love is beauty; it does not harm anyone.
i agree fully
It just makes me sad that Christians and such don't really listen to what the Bible talks about. Jesus associated with prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, and probably even gays. Jesus stood for love and equality. And obviously, being one in the same with God, would want everyone to be happy and to be treated with respect. Plus, what other people do is none of anyone else's damn business anyway.
Jesus hung out with these folks because he loved the sin not the sinner.
Jesus was close with sinners because these were the people that needed to be saved the most. He did not come for the righteous but the sinner in hopes they will see truth and turn from sin
macaronimick Indeed, and could you imagine hanging with the guy?! And what's really surprising is how few people ever seem to catch on. I mean, the guy's middle name should have been party, a total freakin' ANIMAL!
Ahem, I mean, bless His holy name.
***** Oh my gosh, good point, then what would be next for heaven's sake?! Oh Lord Jebus I can see now, cats and dogs co-habitating, and then (shudder) just imagine, the last stop on this country's road to perdition: INTER-RACIAL marriage!
lauren forbes - Most "Conservative Christians" would *_hate_* Jesus.
After all. he was a long-haired, beard-wearing, Liberal Jew.
And because He said to give your money to the poor, as it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven.
Ellen killed him with kindness
Meike Vos, Leviticus 18:22
[22]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 19:29
[29]Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.
Leviticus 20:13
[13]If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Deuteronomy 23:17
[17]There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.
Romans 1:26-27
[26]For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
[27]And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Matthew 19:4-5
[4]And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
[5]And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Genesis 2:23-24
[23]And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
[24]Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Nobody argued. They both partially agreed
No She did not. They both stated their position. He knew better actually. Why argue? They both would still stand strong on their beliefs at the end of the day.
Meike Vos wow. That's your definition of kindness? I see why devil worshippers think evil is good.
Actually it was the other way around 😂
I'd just like to say that people have beliefs and being saying that being gay is wrong does not make someone a homophobe.
Just like Caucasians announcing that being black is wrong does not make them racists. Got it.
MattFrame Not the same thing.
Brandyn Lovett is the same thing.
Brandyn, it's the exact same thing. Homophobes just cannot face their own bigotry, so they do all sorts of mental contortions to deny it
Resist the Groper-In-Chief Homosexuality actually occurs in all non asexual organisms.