Ogor Rules Reveal, Log In

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Комментарии • 25

  • @ggb3248
    @ggb3248 4 месяца назад +39

    This is what you get for making Matt Rose engage in small talk.

    • @MrBigBonson
      @MrBigBonson 4 месяца назад

      What's the story between heywoah and Matt?

  • @AidansBoyz
    @AidansBoyz 4 месяца назад +17

    1:05:09 for the Stone Skeleton Incident

  • @akshorkk5652
    @akshorkk5652 4 месяца назад +3

    They gave the damn trampling charge to the zombie dragon, instead of keeping it with the monster who's entire identity is charging

  • @OgreOnSprue
    @OgreOnSprue 4 месяца назад +2

    A big dumb blubbery butcher once said: "In the land of no rules, the ogre is king"

  • @Mechman2001
    @Mechman2001 4 месяца назад +3

    Allow me to attempt to be a candle in the dark.
    If you take multiple huskards the prayer is actually quite strong. Even with only two you’re getting value by turn 3. Your damage is still super high, and you still do impact mortal wounds.
    You contest much better than most other armies we have seen thus far.
    You’re still faster than most armies we’ve seen so far as well. I’ve noticed speed being decreased across the board as well, likely to compensate for the smaller objectives.
    We still haven’t see the mournfang or thundertusk warscrolls yet!

  • @nodonn8878
    @nodonn8878 4 месяца назад +3

    I can cook with this stuff. I kind of like the prayer, especially with off-turn chanting.

  • @Deathaven
    @Deathaven 4 месяца назад +9

    Once per battle rules should always work.

  • @SzogedWarlocks
    @SzogedWarlocks 4 месяца назад +5

    Mucho texto, but...
    Ogors used to be about charging and eating, but it seems in 4th it's just charging. Feast on Flesh being once per battle is baffling.
    Beast Handlers being the BCR formation and still not working on a 1 is sad. Perhaps the Everwinter one will be better, but at that point I just wish that one had been the BCR one. The infantry wording in the article definitely scares me though...
    Call of the Blizzard seems very weird. I'm definitely reading too much into it, but it seems there is (still) no dedicated ogor player on the rules team and/or they don't understand the faction identity. BCR is about nomadic raiders, always on the move and making the most of a terrible catastrophe that constantly follows. Having to bring multiple priests and hug terrain seems like total anathema to that.
    It's funny to see Kragnos lose his 2+ save in a world where Finest Hour will no longer be available. Last time I saw him on the table at a tourney, he was merked every. Single. Time. He didn't make his 3D6 charge (or right after lol).
    The Stonehorn losing the 5+ Ward is bullshit. Pseudo Armour of Templehof is nice, but the reason Mannfred is so OP with that is because he heals all game via The Hunger. Blood Vulture getting a profile rather than being an ability is just the dingleberry on the 'chocolate ice cream.' Bonus fucky-wucky points for not giving it the Companion ability. Huskards not having any synergy with Mournfang is odd when in the fluff the Eurlbads and Jorlbads they lead include these units. Again, just seems like the writer didn't even read the previous battletomes.
    Gluttons have amazing damage, enough to straight up murder a Stonehorn with All-out Attack, funnily enough. Unfortunately, with the new Hungry bonus and their 5+ saves I doubt they will actually reach combat against double-shooting artillery, KO and Tzeentch. Sad to see Ironfists not represented in the rules at all - I feel like this weapon is a core part of the ogor identity as well.
    Gorgers dealing fantastic damage but being made of paper is actually great and thematic. I just wish we didn't have to bring 'non-ogor' units in our army of ogors to deal damage.
    I wholeheartedly agree with you on Leadbelchers. I know their shit stats are supposed to represent grapeshot. However, if that is the case, they should either hit automatically (KO Aetheric Fumigators do) or on a 2+ (trogg Noxious Vomit does) or on a 3+ at worst (dragon breath attacks do). I still think Leadbelchers should either have 2 profiles - one for cannonballs and one for grapeshot or at the very least should've had an ability to fire proper cannonballs once per game with fewer shots, but better damage. It's just sad to see these otherwise great-looking models continue to suck ass with their rules.
    Overall, this faction focus was a total disappointment. I only have a small, 1500-point BCR army and I rarely play with them as it is. Seems like this will remain the case for 4th ed.
    Thank you for reading my blogpost. - Mumblez

  • @perfidy1103
    @perfidy1103 4 месяца назад +3

    Well that was a depressing watch. Let's hope the full Battletome release (along with the hopeful range refresh) makes Ogors less meh.

  • @gump1119
    @gump1119 4 месяца назад +3

    The prayer literally does nothing. It doesn’t work. On a 4+ you place a token and SPEND the points, or you keep the points and don’t get a token. You need 3 successful chants and no 1s to place a single token and get the ward. Games over by then.

  • @ce4879
    @ce4879 4 месяца назад +8

    Well…fingers crossed for those Ogor refresh runors to be true to finish the cycle now that all the other old armies are done with better AoS sculpts. 🤞 🍖
    May the hopium fuel the fires of Aqshy to deliver unto us Cotha tundra Yhetees & ice priests and Hammerhal Man-Eater mercs. 🔥 ❄️

  • @Stryder467
    @Stryder467 4 месяца назад +1

    As a Kharadron Overlords player, I'm not sure how I feel about the change to Fly High being a deployment ability. Transport Skyfarers, however, might have a very interesting combo through the Redeploy command. Imagine an opponent moving a low-value screen toward a reinforced brick of Thunderers, hoping to absorb Covering Fire with them. At the end of the opponent's movement phase, you Redeploy your Ironclad or Frigate with your Thunderers wholly within 6" of it. The Ironclad moves 1d6 inches, but the movement, as I understand it, triggers Transport Skyfarers, allowing you reposition your Thunderers to a very different location to use Covering Fire on something more valuable. That is two CP out of four, but it does sound strong on paper, and might take some opponents off-guard. Skyvessel Cover just feels like they ran out of fun ideas for steampunk skyfaring Dwarfs, though. They ran out of steam. ;)
    That said, I do like having my beautifully painted jungle camouflage Duardin displayed on the battlefield rather than off the battlefield, so I'm fine with the change that encourages keeping your models actually on the table.

  • @Pyre
    @Pyre 4 месяца назад

    After how happy I was hearing Nighthaunt's rules, this is all the way to parasocial misery-by-empathy.
    It might just be the reception, but this feels like 'no fun because your opponent isn't having any' territory. Hopefully Ogors're a *lot* better in play than they are on paper.
    Tzeentch and KO seem fun.

  • @Metal_Maoist
    @Metal_Maoist 4 месяца назад +1

    "Once per Battle and only works on a 3+" sounds really bad, but remember, it's not that you roll a die and on a one or two you don't get a faction ability. You roll a die for each unit in combat, if you use it correctly it's pretty unlikely that literally nothing is going to happen

  • @jfoerster
    @jfoerster 4 месяца назад +1

    I feel you BIG time. Could’ve just legended us… 💔
    Now i feel like i wanna play as much as possible before monsters are retired.

  • @WeOnlyEatSoup
    @WeOnlyEatSoup 4 месяца назад

    Sorry to hear the disappointment about the maw, hopefully when the codex drops they reach a quality the community likes

  • @dangerouslycheezy5429
    @dangerouslycheezy5429 4 месяца назад

    Dumbed Down edition for sure lol also no ironfists is lame af. ill guess the mournfangs wont have them either.

  • @cursling9
    @cursling9 4 месяца назад

    You sound as disappointed as Tzeentch players going into 3rd ed

  • @Uglukkk
    @Uglukkk 4 месяца назад +3

    If I play vs Ogors this edition I'm allowing "Fleast on flesh" to be once per round, not per game. Only way to make the match worth playing.

  • @lat1n0_h0t
    @lat1n0_h0t 4 месяца назад

    You know when you're a kid and you are superior excited to play with your friends but you have to go to the bathroom. Therefore you try and rush going to the bathroom and catch yourself in your zipper in the excitement... That's the pain I am currently feeling with this faction focus. Was super excited about AoS 4 right until I read the battle traits and realized, man these suck.

  • @woofergranade2044
    @woofergranade2044 4 месяца назад +1

    Now you know how I felt when I read Krondys’ warscroll. The tail, the breath weapon, the movement, the ancient warmaster, and the spell all getting nerfed hurt so bad. My poor baby boy!

  • @damiangaunt8784
    @damiangaunt8784 4 месяца назад

    At least Kragnos can keep up with the stonehorns ;)
    All the OP stuff has gone...no more free MW anywhere on the board from the boid...no more hit n run flying stonehorn...no more almost invulnerable stonehorn....no more avg 11MW on every charge thanks to kragnos...no more Move 8 bravery 10....Perfect lowering of the water level....If only Skaven had got the same memo.

  • @jfoerster
    @jfoerster 4 месяца назад +1

    I feel you BIG time. Could’ve just legended us… 💔
    Now i feel like i wanna play as much as possible before monsters are retired.