Half-Life Alyx Battle: Combine Soldiers VS Antlions

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 395

  • @manuel.7461
    @manuel.7461 4 года назад +640

    _1 I am helpless_
    _2 We are helpless_
    *3 We are unstoppable*

    • @atwat6157
      @atwat6157 4 года назад +48

      6 We are inevitable

    • @heiraven
      @heiraven 4 года назад +37

      Even here is an easter egg that Valve has learnt up how to count to 3

    • @ocass66
      @ocass66 4 года назад +30

      That's why Valve can't make Half Life 3. They wanna give the other game companies a fighting chance.

    • @coreguardian6429
      @coreguardian6429 4 года назад +14

      Ape together strong

    • @ธนาเดชศุภนัทนพร
      @ธนาเดชศุภนัทนพร 3 года назад +4

      The 3 Is literally Unstoppable One Is Literally just throwing grenades And The others is Suppressing fires

  • @abaddon2509
    @abaddon2509 4 года назад +742

    These Combine Soldiers have something in common with H.E.C.U units as they both enjoy teamkilling with grenades.

    • @Thfoxpz
      @Thfoxpz 4 года назад +31

      Dude one of the first rounds a Soldier shot his buddie's tank and almost died himself

    • @shellsheridan8056
      @shellsheridan8056 4 года назад +9

      I've heard that their AI is based on those soldiers

    • @VK-jy3pi
      @VK-jy3pi 4 года назад +8

      The Half Life Alyx combine grunts / soldiers excessively use grenades. Half Life 2 they use grenades less frequent.

    • @gamevoid3684
      @gamevoid3684 4 года назад +7

      One of them literally shot another.

    • @theshadowreborn4778
      @theshadowreborn4778 4 года назад +4

      Yeh half life ai doesn't seem to be the brightest around.

  • @jonahsoldier9736
    @jonahsoldier9736 4 года назад +398

    It seems like the antlions started doing poorly in later rounds because they started having trouble navigating towards the soldiers as a group, meaning they all just kind trickled in 1 at a time/died to grenades

    • @greggorytame6672
      @greggorytame6672 4 года назад +42

      that's what I was thinking.
      maybe of this were tested in a more open area the results would change.

    • @dra6o0n
      @dra6o0n 4 года назад +42

      Its the AI.
      They are coded to fight the player, not rush them.
      When the combine is animating, the antlions stop moving.

    • @alexxx4434
      @alexxx4434 4 года назад +21

      dra6o0n, I concur. Seems like an AI handicap for typical VR stand-and-shoot gameplay.

    • @cursedhawkins1305
      @cursedhawkins1305 4 года назад +4

      @Crishai X The game can go both ways and it actually requires both ways in order to play smooth locomotion for the actual movement of the player and teleportation for whenever you need to make a jump across a gap.

    • @hyperon_ion9423
      @hyperon_ion9423 4 года назад +4

      I’m wondering that once modders get their hands on the AI “Framework” (trust me, it won’t take long) they could adjust the “mentality” to a more aggressive mindset.
      Probably the simplest being raising the probability of the npcs moving forward and chasing a target, instead of just _standing there_ like the where here.

  • @andusensei
    @andusensei 4 года назад +542

    npc_combine_grunt banned for team killing.

    • @golgomotas
      @golgomotas 4 года назад +44

      He even calls it out!
      "You hit my jacket" or something of the sort, hard to hear the full sentence as he panics.

    • @Santoz-wo3bs
      @Santoz-wo3bs 4 года назад +22

      @@golgomotas No, I think he was yelling "Im hit! Im hit!" or "Overheating! Overheating!"

    • @atrociousbean4096
      @atrociousbean4096 4 года назад +17


    • @Thlormby
      @Thlormby 4 года назад +23

      “Why the fuck are you guys vote kicking”

    • @wholsomecontentye7420
      @wholsomecontentye7420 4 года назад +20

      @@Santoz-wo3bs idk I also heard "You hit my jacket! SHIT SHIT!"

  • @kuroshinao
    @kuroshinao 4 года назад +388

    Combines are really strong when they "combine"

    • @pineappleproductions1696
      @pineappleproductions1696 4 года назад +7

      Take your kinda good dad joke with you and get out

    • @Quiver333_real
      @Quiver333_real 4 года назад +2


    • @pineappleproductions1696
      @pineappleproductions1696 4 года назад

      @@Quiver333_real diidn't laugh hard enough

    • @Quiver333_real
      @Quiver333_real 4 года назад

      the Pineapple dino gotta laugh harder * deep breath *

    • @Quiver333_real
      @Quiver333_real 4 года назад +1

      the Pineapple dino hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahaahaahhahaahhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahajahahahahhaahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahjahaahhaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahajahahahhHahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahajajajajajajajjajajaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajajahahahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaahahaahhahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahajahhaahahhahaahhaahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahaahahhaahahhaahhahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahHhHhHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahHahaahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaah bruh not funny

  • @steven.2602
    @steven.2602 4 года назад +203

    remember the two combine guards shooting atop a tower onto a single antlion, and how you could simply blow them up with the explosive barrel right next to it? yeah, i didn't do that, i just waited until they killed the antlion, so i could save ammo.
    that didn't happen, though, I apparently got too close and the antlion focused onto me instead. the best part about this though is that when the antlion targeted me, the soldiers in the tower stopped shooting. at first, I was confused, then i realized; they too wanted to save ammo and let the antlion finish me off, or vise versa.
    for how small of a detail it is, it probably has to be the coolest part of my first playthrough when it happened. I love this game.

    • @sergeydoronin1579
      @sergeydoronin1579 4 года назад +30

      Reminds me of a certain feature from the first game. Enemies couldn't attack the player in large numbers, only three or two at once or something like that. That was probably made so a group of soldiers wouldn't just gun you down in the first second you appear.

    • @randomcatdude
      @randomcatdude 4 года назад +22

      @@sergeydoronin1579 That feature is only in HL2 I believe. Only two Combine Soldiers from a single squad can shoot at once.

    • @Assassin5671000
      @Assassin5671000 4 года назад +10

      That is more likely poor ai not a feature. Feature's like that are more complex on top of all the ai stuff they have to make in the first place

    • @Assassin5671000
      @Assassin5671000 4 года назад +2

      @ Agreed but he did say that both of them stopped shooting

    • @juuloveh
      @juuloveh 4 года назад +24

      Niki Hristozov
      The A.I are actually that smart, at least in the Half Life Episodss. Their call outs aren’t just talk, they do go through with their actions. There’s reloading and cover me lines and the combine will do as said, they will rush or stay defensive. For such an old game Combine did shine in the department of communication between NPCs.

  • @YourGameTV_
    @YourGameTV_ 4 года назад +468

    Next up, Half-Life: Tower Defense

    • @SiltaYT
      @SiltaYT 4 года назад +30

      That's a damn good idea... You might like Lambda Wars though.
      (A Tower Defence mode with factions would be cool as hell if someone could code it into Source 2)

    • @mikaneous1140
      @mikaneous1140 4 года назад +10

      Humanoid Teams: HECU, Bulgarian Armed Forces, Combines, Conscripts.
      Alien Teams: Xen
      Special Characters: Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, Barney Calhoun, Cpl. Adrian Shepherd, Dog.

    • @veorangejuice733
      @veorangejuice733 4 года назад +2

      @@mikaneous1140 yes dog

    • @atomic8977
      @atomic8977 4 года назад

      Silta Thanks now I’m into lambda wars

    • @green_lettuce
      @green_lettuce 2 года назад +1

      @@mikaneous1140 I don’t care if this is 2 years ago I’m doing it anyways. So.. It really would be cool to start out as a HECU and go on to be freeman, the waves would be, Xombies, Zombies, Poison Zombies, Antlion (Guards), and so on, here’s a little menu I made every time you finish a level. Also, try and find out what the starting letters of each level spell out!
      This will be a key comment that I spent a lot of time on pls read!!

  • @Jack-cf7wm
    @Jack-cf7wm 4 года назад +265

    I really wished the Combine got flinged when they get hit by an antlion just like in HL2 and its episodes.

    • @Anonim-jc7vg
      @Anonim-jc7vg 4 года назад +11

      It's VR, the game is pretty detailed already

    • @iNorman01
      @iNorman01 4 года назад +12

      yeah exactly like in the previous HL2 and the episodes

  • @atrociousbean4096
    @atrociousbean4096 4 года назад +90

    2:42 Friendly fire: *ON*

  • @neofulcrum5013
    @neofulcrum5013 4 года назад +132

    A shame the resistance isn’t in it. That would be some fun battles to see them take on the combine.

    • @Thlormby
      @Thlormby 4 года назад +12

      Cyber Flame I know, right? I have a feeling they’re absent because they felt having friendly NPCs might be too buggy

    • @generalfeeessh7764
      @generalfeeessh7764 4 года назад +23

      @@Thlormby It just wouldn't have made sense because of the story, if there was a logical reason why they would deffinitely have done it.

    • @Thlormby
      @Thlormby 4 года назад +19

      General Feeessh The resistance always existed though, even before the uprising. It’s just that they didn’t start the war against the combine occupation until after Freeman blew up Nova Prospekt. Having like one or two buddy AI who help you out during some battles like Alyx did in HL2 would have been really fun.

    • @generalfeeessh7764
      @generalfeeessh7764 4 года назад +19

      @@Thlormby Non of the resistance would ever go into the quaranteen zone, they have no reason to since it's a death trap and a lot of people don't like escort quest like things just saying.

    • @alephkasai9384
      @alephkasai9384 4 года назад +5

      If they had the guns and men to spare I'm sure they would send someone to help Alyx. Though this was in what I think is the early stages of the resistance

  • @MouldyFrank
    @MouldyFrank 4 года назад +22

    3:3 was my favorite round, explosion, betrayal, suspense, can this become a new Roman coliseum.

  • @Antoxa13371ROBLOXStudios
    @Antoxa13371ROBLOXStudios 4 года назад +8

    2:42 - Amazing team work.
    CMB_Overwatch wants to call a vote:
    Kick player: npc_combine_grunt3?
    (accused of being traitor)
    Press F1 to vote YES
    [Press F2 to vote NO]
    Vote Count:
    ✔️ 2 ✖️ 1

  • @isaiahabraham1808
    @isaiahabraham1808 4 года назад +46

    For the combines 3 is the dream team

  • @qvasic
    @qvasic 4 года назад +36

    2:46, they shot the other's soldiers propane tank, lol

  • @F.B.I
    @F.B.I 4 года назад +10

    2:17 the combine said : Got a contact, Antlion

  • @masonstanford4187
    @masonstanford4187 4 года назад +9

    1:06 that soldier that threw the grenade is the best!

  • @AmBush2048
    @AmBush2048 4 года назад +89

    Kind of weird they call antlions antlions now instead of exogen

    • @Ozzditty
      @Ozzditty 4 года назад +26

      Well its due to them still being human and not full on synth

    • @SillyMakesVids
      @SillyMakesVids 4 года назад +51

      It's a regional dialect.

    • @AmBush2048
      @AmBush2048 4 года назад +13

      @@SillyMakesVids let's go with that

    • @auzabraar
      @auzabraar 4 года назад +18

      @@SillyMakesVids uh huh, what region?

    • @SillyMakesVids
      @SillyMakesVids 4 года назад +28

      @@auzabraar Uh, upstate New York.

  • @Madhijz
    @Madhijz 4 года назад +18

    the problem with the combine is that they where programmed to be crayon eating stormtroopers to compensate for VR mobility.

    • @SodaIceberg
      @SodaIceberg 4 года назад +6

      they weren't the brightest bunch in HL2 either

    • @charlsondemong4922
      @charlsondemong4922 Год назад +1

      @@SodaIceberg its mostly due to map design
      their ai just arent made for the maps on hl2

  • @tonger7018
    @tonger7018 4 года назад +34

    uh, I think antlions are programmed to kill all combine soldiers in 1 hit to make the nova prospekt more balanced, and this just carried over

  • @cloacky4409
    @cloacky4409 4 года назад +55

    Combine Soldiers vs Zombies
    Combine Soldiers vs Zombies vs Antlions
    Antlions vs Zombies

    • @Karou812
      @Karou812 4 года назад +16

      Jeff vs everyone

    • @cloacky4409
      @cloacky4409 4 года назад

      @@Karou812 YES

    • @James-oj6ru
      @James-oj6ru 4 года назад +4

      Jeff V.S the world

    • @Thfoxpz
      @Thfoxpz 4 года назад +4

      Cant remember if HL2 ever had more than 2 enemy "factions" fights. It would be absolute chaos seeing Soldiers v Rebels v Zombies v Antlions

  •  4 года назад +63

    2:42 Lfmao

  • @kunzt8155
    @kunzt8155 4 года назад +26

    6:03 "Que pasó, tío"

  • @nore5992
    @nore5992 4 года назад +12

    Antilion : I'm the most Annoying creature in this game
    Combines : *yeet* "Spam Alt-Grenade"

  • @corvus9490
    @corvus9490 4 года назад +7

    I've always wanted a game in which I could play as a combine soldier, there is just something about them that I love

    • @tigran010
      @tigran010 4 года назад

      G'mod roleplay servers?

    • @corvus9490
      @corvus9490 4 года назад

      @@tigran010 proper game, mods aren't enough

    • @ElliFong
      @ElliFong 4 года назад +2

      Ditto, I dream of a multiplayer spin off where you play as Civil Protection and Combine Troopers with customization in appearance and loadout, completing map objective, clear out Rebel bases and infestation area. Kinda like L4D but in HL universe.

    • @corvus9490
      @corvus9490 4 года назад +1

      @@ElliFong just add some kind of filter that makes you sound like you're talking through radio chatter and I'm bought

    • @LordVader1094
      @LordVader1094 4 года назад +1

      @@corvus9490 Look up the Entropy Zero mod for Half-Life 2, you actually play as a Metro Cop the whole time and it's quite fun! They're also working on Entropy Zero 2 where you'll play as a Combine Elite.

  • @TheRogueWolf
    @TheRogueWolf 4 месяца назад +2

    1:38- "Bro! BRO! Did you _see_ that shot? Did you _SEE_ it?!"
    "Yes, Paul, I saw it. I was right here."

  • @niroi2778
    @niroi2778 4 года назад +8

    Antlion: *in front of the Combine*
    Combine: *_yeet_*

  • @LyTran-oq2of
    @LyTran-oq2of 4 года назад +2

    This is kinda satisfying to see

  • @drifter1993
    @drifter1993 4 года назад +14

    1:37 That soldiers look too intimidated

  • @benbomb3205
    @benbomb3205 4 года назад +2

    PLEASE make another this video was so good!

  • @Oldboy_was_taken
    @Oldboy_was_taken 4 года назад +2

    4:38 I love how they actually retaliate from grenade blasts when they explode too close. Such a cool little feature

  • @maciejkamil
    @maciejkamil 4 года назад +1

    I waited for videos like that to appear.

  • @NDMO2468
    @NDMO2468 4 года назад +3

    You can tell the AI is much more simplified here in comparison to hl2, probably because if combine soldiers were more aggressive and more tactical, players would have a very difficult time facing off against them. So, they dumbed em down a little, which is still enough of a threat to the player in standard game play. I wonder if modders or valve will make the AI more mobile and resourceful?

    • @jacobshirley3457
      @jacobshirley3457 4 года назад

      The second big VR game (hopefully) wouldn't need to be as welcoming to newcomers.

  • @geeworm
    @geeworm 4 года назад +65

    Is it me or does the Antlion AI kinda suck since they got stuck and died off easily. It would have been really cool to see an Antlion Guard (imagine that destroying combine soldiers) and the Antlions are way too slow for what they originally were.

    • @elite_1322
      @elite_1322 4 года назад +46

      Probably if Antlion are fast It hard for VR player to fight against them.

    • @SapphiR3_
      @SapphiR3_ 4 года назад +32

      They made the Antliones slow on purpose, if they were as they were in HL2 the VR player wouldnt have enjoyed the outcome

    • @mjgII
      @mjgII 4 года назад +11

      Most of the AI seems dumbed down and lazy but the liberal use of nades makes things fun in vr

    • @MrDwarfpitcher
      @MrDwarfpitcher 4 года назад +4

      @@SapphiR3_ fighting the antlions when they try to swarm you?
      Oh god

    • @geeworm
      @geeworm 4 года назад +11

      @@mjgII The only real floppy AI in my opinion would be the Suppressor and Heavy Combine. They just seem to stand in place and fire, while the other two types actually moved around and threw grenades.

  • @ALEX-vc6qb
    @ALEX-vc6qb 4 года назад +2

    im surprised you still upload videos
    the last time i took a look at your channel is when i was oppsesed with Half-Life 2 Beta leaks

  • @polymike4550
    @polymike4550 4 года назад +2

    bro garry newman has gotta be thinking about gmod 2

  • @Jomster777
    @Jomster777 4 года назад +4

    Eventually, the Antlions evolved the Antlion Guards, which could tank Combine forces

  • @eternal7912
    @eternal7912 4 года назад +5

    Antlions seem to be a bit bigger than in HL2.

  • @twilightstruggle8390
    @twilightstruggle8390 4 года назад +1

    That's an epic teamkill

  • @comradeghost537
    @comradeghost537 4 года назад +3

    2:41 I like his cries before he dies he would say wtf what you did.

  • @andusensei
    @andusensei 4 года назад +17

    Also, how did you manage to record these if I may ask? I know some people have gotten Alyx working in 2D on the release version.

    • @TheOneEpicplayer
      @TheOneEpicplayer  4 года назад +13

      There's a console command to enable a non-vr flycam.

    • @LordVader1094
      @LordVader1094 4 года назад +9

      I think you might mean 3D, considering the game outside of VR still has 3 dimensions. Lol

  • @danielp.1594
    @danielp.1594 4 года назад +5

    Antlions in HL2: Run and fly at combine units and onehit them
    Antlions in Alyx:Just stanting there

  • @El-Burrito
    @El-Burrito 4 года назад +3

    That's really interesting how dominant a single antlion is until there's enough Combine to form a squad.

  • @typhoonn3478
    @typhoonn3478 4 года назад +4

    5:58 LMAO

  • @Mate-vn7vf
    @Mate-vn7vf 4 года назад

    CMB Grunt:I'm vibing, contact receiving.

  • @ebankoaka1902
    @ebankoaka1902 4 года назад +4

    1 combine soldier: I'm doomed
    1 combine soldier and 2 comrades: *and so i become Death, the destroyer of worlds*

  • @tenebriswoof8675
    @tenebriswoof8675 4 года назад +2

    In hl2 combines were "calculating" the distance between them and player, and grenade always landed close to the threat
    In hl alyx they seem to just toss it into the direction of threat, which means they are a bit more dumber than hl2 combines

    • @nore5992
      @nore5992 4 года назад +1

      Could you Imagine, when you get suppresed by Combine Suppresor and then some Grunt Toss an Live grenade in your Covering position while you get Suppresed by Combine Suppresor in VR when you know that Movement in VR is Sucks. That will be too much for a New Commer

  • @gort.4667
    @gort.4667 3 года назад

    *Bonus Round Starts*
    Combine Grunts: ITS GRENADE TIME!

  • @yoboikamil525
    @yoboikamil525 3 года назад +1

    1 : help
    2 : call an ambulance
    3 : *but not for me*

  • @toastsnumber1fan197
    @toastsnumber1fan197 4 года назад +1

    i adore the antlion music

  • @Mikalent
    @Mikalent 4 года назад +1

    After witnessing this, I get the feeling we will 100% see a Starship Troopers mod somewhere.

  • @ninjagamingxplayz6585
    @ninjagamingxplayz6585 2 года назад

    I like how the grunt at the start threw the grenade and completely missed.

  • @Monolith308
    @Monolith308 4 года назад +1

    The amount of Grenades these guys use would make HECU troopers shed a tear

  • @anzac407
    @anzac407 2 года назад

    2:42 my man really shot him in the back, damn

  • @enderzilla747orleomiranda8
    @enderzilla747orleomiranda8 4 года назад +8

    Can you spawn in a full squad of soldiers against some antlions or zombies or revivers? The grunts and suppressors and chargers I mean

  • @dardade3277
    @dardade3277 4 года назад

    In the earlier 1v2 and 1v2 rounds, it shows that the combine don't really aim for the weak spots, they just shoot the antlions in their centre-of-mass, which is armored. But when there's more combine, they can end up shooting the antlions from multiple angles, and they end up shooting the weak spots like that.
    Also, it seems like the antlions' targetting AI gets messed up against more combine. Probably they're switching targets each time they get hit by a bullet, and when they're switching between targets too frequently they just sorta freeze.

  • @Stimlake
    @Stimlake 4 года назад +2

    Combine grunts spam more grenades than a halo multiplayer game

  • @thevaldis1167
    @thevaldis1167 Год назад

    In overall:
    Combine soldiers are good in squads so that they can provide constant engaging without being forced to reload in the middle of the combat. Their cons are inconsistent cover that they sometimes are missing, making them vulnerable and easy for enemy to use as an advantage.
    Antlions are good in offense. Having no obstacles that can block their way to Combine soldiers is the key to break their defense. Their cons are slow attacks and Combines grenades.

  • @Quiver333_real
    @Quiver333_real 4 года назад +3

    Waiting for Gmod source 2

  • @tigran010
    @tigran010 3 года назад

    I love this startropper stuff

  • @darkborn3282
    @darkborn3282 4 года назад +5

    This looks very fire.

  • @MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive
    @MildMisanthropeMaybeMassive 4 года назад +1

    I’d like to see the Reviver Zombies fight Jeff or the Combine Suppressors.
    But I am betting Jeff is invincible to conventional weapons.

  • @mommyofjoey82707
    @mommyofjoey82707 Год назад +1

    The combine forcesVS aunt Lyons

  • @Bacho5
    @Bacho5 4 года назад +2

    Did that fool just explode his teammate? 2:42

  • @steevan
    @steevan 4 года назад

    5:58 GOD DAMN IT CARL !

  • @theunknown9557
    @theunknown9557 3 года назад +1

    5:11 that antlion got fcced up

  • @OneofInfinity.
    @OneofInfinity. 4 года назад

    That friendly fire at 2:43 😆

  • @eugenestephens85
    @eugenestephens85 4 года назад

    Oh that teamkill :D 02:42

  • @vadimkatrich7942
    @vadimkatrich7942 3 года назад

    2:42, look at the grunts, lmao

  • @Chicory-Cat69
    @Chicory-Cat69 3 года назад

    Combine1**kills combine**
    Combine2:OH SH-
    Combine1:I’m gonna pretend that never happened
    Combine3:I hear a boom
    Combine1:I accidentally killed combine2 and Fire was on his back and he boom
    Combine3:IM TELLING BOSS

  • @TobiasRieper047
    @TobiasRieper047 4 года назад +1

    Interesting how they respond, they clearly weren't scripted to handle that amount of AI enemies (the combine I'm speaking of) as they get one-hit killed with a melee attack but when they throw in grenades it seem to have a large affect on the antlions.
    Aside that the occasional friendly fire and attempt to shoot through objects occur, the Combine are certainly not badly scripted, it has its flaws and would need some work if Valve plans on a larger scale combat DLC or VR chapter for Alyx that would implement a perspective from the opposition.

  • @yarknark
    @yarknark 3 года назад

    (at 2:42)

  • @octodaddy877
    @octodaddy877 4 года назад +1

    These guys seem to only throw grenades in a huge arc, so they pretty much always miss their targets.

  • @SharkyVing
    @SharkyVing 4 года назад

    This kinda makes me think of RTS games like Starcraft

  • @VaciliNikoMavich
    @VaciliNikoMavich 4 года назад

    Excellent video, I'm happy yet surprised the combine won :)

  • @orlandoondiano32
    @orlandoondiano32 4 года назад

    Man starship trooper looks good

  • @jmlee737
    @jmlee737 4 года назад +2

    It’s more like
    Grenades vs Antlions

  • @Sillliestgoober497
    @Sillliestgoober497 4 года назад +4

    Nova prospekt in a nutshell

  • @Elijah-bj4vo
    @Elijah-bj4vo 4 года назад

    this is epic, basically gmod 2. Pls do more with diff combine types : )

  • @__soap__
    @__soap__ 4 года назад +1

    1, how do you make this? 2, zombies Vs combine next!

  • @stranzh
    @stranzh 4 года назад +1

    My team in online games:

  • @spamuraigranatabru1149
    @spamuraigranatabru1149 3 года назад

    Me and the Stabilization Team playing Alien Swarm

  • @AGrayPhantom
    @AGrayPhantom 4 года назад +1

    The antlions seem to get confused when there are 3 different targets.

  • @critrawkets
    @critrawkets 4 года назад

    3 combines is now everybody's dream team

  • @pymonodew
    @pymonodew 4 года назад +3

    It's sad that AI soo poor because of VR

    • @TheOneEpicplayer
      @TheOneEpicplayer  4 года назад


    • @nore5992
      @nore5992 4 года назад

      Bruh really?, You wanna gets f*ck by an Wave of Horde of Antilions in your VR playthrough? let alone minimun movement you have in VR?

  • @daTzaangor
    @daTzaangor 4 года назад

    I'm getting starship troopers vibes.

  • @AndrianPermana
    @AndrianPermana 4 года назад

    2:43 funny friendly fire

  • @tempest8882
    @tempest8882 3 года назад

    Who else wants to see a bonus round where there are some grunts but they also have an ordinal with them

  • @plmokm33
    @plmokm33 4 года назад

    "Your average arachnid warrior isn't too smart, but you can blow off a limb 4:04 and they are still 86% combat effective."

  • @SupaSonicFanboy
    @SupaSonicFanboy 4 года назад

    Still have that good old one hit kill.

  • @FilippNataraj
    @FilippNataraj 4 года назад

    That is pretty incredible 👌

  • @sir_duckington1245
    @sir_duckington1245 3 года назад

    2:39 CLOWNS

  • @alialatrach9788
    @alialatrach9788 3 года назад

    So in other words, if Valve ever released "Half-Life 3", all video games company gonna close because "3" will be the best game that was ever made in human history to the point no other can beat it up for eternity ... Everything makes sense now!

  • @blueshift8930
    @blueshift8930 4 года назад

    Good God it's like watching cod world at war on veteran So many grenades

  • @SteamSoftworks
    @SteamSoftworks 3 года назад

    Jeez the combine and other npcs in this game are so floaty or seemingly stupid. In HL:2 the antlions would have melted the combines faces; but in HL:A they just kinda sit there waiting to get shot or blown up.

  • @MichaelTheCelt
    @MichaelTheCelt 4 года назад +1

    Antlions need to be more aggressive

  • @bly9077
    @bly9077 3 года назад

    See those two grunts right there one of them shot the tank and killed his own guy Teamkill

  • @HunteeyVR
    @HunteeyVR 4 года назад

    i want this game so much as Gmod 2 ...

  • @thewolfgame2009
    @thewolfgame2009 4 года назад

    2:42 a normal day in cs:go

  • @gabinchorein-parisot3255
    @gabinchorein-parisot3255 4 года назад

    Another battle with headcrabs or headcrabs zombie agaist combine captain , tank , suppressor

  • @Humble_Merchant
    @Humble_Merchant 4 года назад +2

    Slow motion battle.

    • @ducreat
      @ducreat 4 года назад +2

      For a better VR experience they said.