Earth Hour Movie - Narrated by Jeremy Piven

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • On Saturday, March 29 at 8pm millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour - symbolizing the need to take action on climate change.

Комментарии • 463

  • @boobs2323
    @boobs2323 16 лет назад

    I think this is great and all ppl in the world should be aware and take action for future generations...

  • @ArtChick1982
    @ArtChick1982 16 лет назад

    My cell alarm is set, candles & matches are set out, crank-charge flashlights & crank-charge radio are ready to go! I may just take a good nap through the occasion:-) Wish I could be in a big city to witness it in person when the lights go out:-D That would be neat to see.

  • @Lost0Lost
    @Lost0Lost 15 лет назад

    One of the best hours in life just enjoyed the Silence. I hope next year the whole world joins and not only for an hour let the 60 be 120.

  • @Duchateau999
    @Duchateau999 16 лет назад

    I convinced my family to turn all electric appliances off for an hour. We had a chat in candle light and talked about things that really matter. We brainstormed to figure out on which things we could improve to use less water,electricity,fuel,etc..
    I hope initiatives like this will happen on a more frequent basis, to make sure the maximum amount of people is reached with this important message!
    Too bad I had to find out about this on youtube...
    All the best from Antwerp Belgium!!

  • @AmbrosiaK
    @AmbrosiaK 16 лет назад

    The whole world caring about the same thing at the same time (EARTH!!!). This is amazing.

  • @Depthhider
    @Depthhider 16 лет назад

    I live in Atlanta i remember doing this at the GM plant. At 8:00 we pulled the main breaker and shut down the plant for an hour it was pretty neat.

  • @91en
    @91en 16 лет назад

    congratulations city of Sidney to your step & contribution for the better climate

  • @NovaScene
    @NovaScene 16 лет назад

    Me and my friends took part in this act as I asked them to. It was nice to feel that something so little as turning the lights off for an hour can make a positive stain in the statistics.
    Candels make a nice source of light too. :)

  • @nonedooing
    @nonedooing 16 лет назад

    I'm from New York, and me and about 5 more families will turn off our lights..For Earth Hour 2008!

  • @slaveboy69
    @slaveboy69 16 лет назад

    As a Sydney sider I was so proud to be part of this last year, I defiantly will be doing it again this year, hopefully it will become an annual thing.
    I just wish he'd pronounced Brisbane correctly.

  • @energetic82
    @energetic82 16 лет назад

    it's not just the bunch of electricity that we save, it's making a statement, making a statement that we care! and that we are starting to take our first step!

  • @margott1
    @margott1 16 лет назад

    It's 8 pm your local time (at your city). So if you live in New York and I live in California, you'll turn off your lights 3 hours before I do. The idea is to save energy for an hour. So even if this is done at different time throughout the world (each person at their local time 8 pm), by having millions of people participating there will a tremendous amount of energy saved altogether.

  • @Mailaguai
    @Mailaguai 16 лет назад


  • @peebix
    @peebix 16 лет назад

    Eeveryone, please contribute. It's a very important issue. I encourage every one of you to send this video to all your contacts and urge them to pass it to all of there contacts. Pur world is dying, but we can help give it life once more, for our next generation to enjoy

  • @nkomadina
    @nkomadina 16 лет назад

    Attention all you Jeremy Piven fans:
    Jeremy will be at Rockit Bar & Grill in Chicago, IL this Saturday June 28 for the Annual Piven Theatre Workshop Benefit.
    Come check it out and support a great cause!

  • @margott1
    @margott1 16 лет назад

    The Earth Hour's website says you have to do it on your local time, so it would be 8 pm for you. That means that not everyone is doing it at the same time, but at their local time. It still works. The idea is to save energy for an hour.
    Solo hazlo en tu hora local a las 8 pm junto con tus vecinos. En el la pagina de internet the Earth Hour dice que lo hagamos en nuestra hora local. :)

  • @margott1
    @margott1 16 лет назад

    No. The Earth Hour's website says you have to do it on your local time, so it would be 8 pm for you. That means that not everyone is doing it at the same time, but at their local time. It still works. The idea is to save energy for an hour.
    Solo hazlo en tu hora local a las 8 pm junto con tus vecinos. En el la pagina de internet the Earth Hour dice que lo hagamos en nuestra hora local. :)

  • @bailarconmigo
    @bailarconmigo 16 лет назад

    i think this is a really postive movement that can make a difference and convince people that global warming is in fact, real

  • @royfielding
    @royfielding 16 лет назад

    Thanks Roy

  • @DerekNicolettoFun
    @DerekNicolettoFun 15 лет назад

    hi all! we're reallly happy to join earth hour as well. new video on our page.

  • @xXBottleFairyXx
    @xXBottleFairyXx 16 лет назад

    This is so great! I'm so touched! But when will we turn off the lights again? 'Cause the last time, I missed! =(

  • @jbx20
    @jbx20 16 лет назад

    The energy used to prepare, market, and get to and from Earth Hour events takes WAY more energy than is saved by the hour.
    And since people will feel good about themselves, they will be less likely to do any real change over the months after. This is a very damaging event and a great example of the law of unintended consequences.

  • @ValMar93
    @ValMar93 16 лет назад

    I'll be doing this...I'm italian and the Earth Hour is arrive to Italy too! We have to make something for the Earth!

  • @adsvert
    @adsvert 16 лет назад

    one person can increase political pressure for industry to decrease pollution and for countries like the US to sign Kyoto

  • @qwertypeanutbutter
    @qwertypeanutbutter 16 лет назад

    It's March 29, 9pm in New Zealand, the first country to complete the '08 earth hour challenge. We made a difference! You can too!!

  • @ttbinsanity
    @ttbinsanity 16 лет назад

    i did it for 1 hour straight i support this cause strongly no matter how little or how much it effects the earth as long as i know i contributed it is a cool thing to do

  • @arewethereyet
    @arewethereyet 16 лет назад

    i turned off everything, i think this is important for raising awareness... we're not fixing the world in one hour, but it is one step in the right direction

  • @margott1
    @margott1 16 лет назад

    The Earth Hour's website says you have to do it on your local time, so it would be 8 pm for you. That means that not everyone is doing it at the same time, but at their local time. It still works. The idea is to save energy for an hour.

  • @Raison_d-etre
    @Raison_d-etre 16 лет назад

    Colossians 3:22: Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. (see also Ephesians 6:5-9, Titus 2:9, and 1 Peter 2:18)

  • @RozarSmacco
    @RozarSmacco 16 лет назад

    How does one measure the Average temperature of an immensely complex system such as the earth? What average temp is the earth supposed to be? why is a slightly warmer earth inherently more undesirable than a colder one? Isn't Summer weather much more preferable to winter? Wouldn't a warmer earth reduce the number of freezing deaths? Wasn't there a media-induced global warming scare in the 1930's? Wast there a global freezing scare in the late 1960's? Am I being rhetorical or what?

  • @demonwx10
    @demonwx10 16 лет назад

    I've done my earth hour today :)

  • @lebesta
    @lebesta 16 лет назад

    I agree with you completely and entirely.

  • @margott1
    @margott1 16 лет назад

    No se necesita hacer cambios de horario. En la pagina web de Earh Hour dice que lo hagamos en nuestra hora local. Aunque pienso que si estas en Espana creo que este mensaje te esta llegando cerca de lo hora en que tienes que apagar tus luces. De 8 a 9 pm (tu hora local), es el momento en que uno utiliza mas luz y por eso se escogio esa hora. De nada sirve apagar las luces durante el dia o cuando uno este durmiendo. Por eso dicen que es en la hora local. :)

  • @windshadow333
    @windshadow333 16 лет назад

    Actually Helmut, the Earth does go through cycles of warming and cooling, and the last ice age was, just as the next one will be, caused by the Milankovitch Cycle which accounts for Orbital Procession (like a top's top which wobbles as it spins), Axial Tilt, and Orbital Eccentricity. Every 100,000 years or so, they line up so that the N. Hem. is tilted away at the max tilt when the orbit is most eccentric, and that is an ice age which we are just now coming out of.

  • @markuks
    @markuks 16 лет назад

    Here in Manila, Just now, we just finished Earth Hour. it was a good experience

  • @Danintravel
    @Danintravel 16 лет назад

    not sure if that really contributes for just one night, but that does sensibilise the citizens.

  • @alsingh0014
    @alsingh0014 16 лет назад

    MUMBAI was also a part of EARTH HOUR 2008

  • @musicdavid92
    @musicdavid92 16 лет назад

    Wow wonderfull,thats right
    very good video,peoples save the world

  • @holonat
    @holonat 16 лет назад

    Awseome! Great Idea!

  • @ausderek44
    @ausderek44 16 лет назад

    we can do something. we can reduce our impact on earth so that we dont use all the resources up instantly. we can prolong the presence of mankind on earth by sustainably using our resources

  • @lavbanka
    @lavbanka 16 лет назад

    right on!

  • @racevws
    @racevws 16 лет назад

    I am turning on all of mine to promote the building of new nuclear power plants. It is technology we have right now, its safe and clean and doesn't effect "global warming", which we have no control over.

  • @balisongman07
    @balisongman07 16 лет назад

    Sent to all my youtube contacts...

  • @bluedress74
    @bluedress74 16 лет назад

    It should be done on the first day of each month.

  • @Raison_d-etre
    @Raison_d-etre 16 лет назад

    Deuteronomy 23:2: No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of his descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, even down to the tenth generation.

  • @TataieTNR
    @TataieTNR 16 лет назад

    i am waiting for Las Vegas :))

  • @AmiTakeuchi
    @AmiTakeuchi 16 лет назад

    That may strain your eyes. Keep all your lights on. Good lighting is important.

  • @UnconcernedCitizen
    @UnconcernedCitizen 15 лет назад

    I refuse to turn out my lights tonight in support of "Earth Hour" because I refuse to be in the dark about Global Warming.

  • @NightLine19
    @NightLine19 16 лет назад

    we the people have to try to save the world

  • @UFOGlassHens
    @UFOGlassHens 16 лет назад

    You turn off the lights when the clock turns 8 where you are. The time difference doesn't matter, my family and I turned off our lights about 1½ hour ago, and stared to turn a few lights on again some minutes ago.

  • @AmbrosiaK
    @AmbrosiaK 16 лет назад

    For a moment in time we all remembered at once (ultimately speaking) the most important thing,(the planet that sustains us) that's a very powerful way to use the collective consciousness. What could be more promising ...

  • @vinskisiponen
    @vinskisiponen 15 лет назад

    Support earth hour!!! Turn your lights OFF at 8.30 pm, 28 March 2009... Where ever you are!

  • @Teis9574
    @Teis9574 16 лет назад

    You got a small point, saying that cow farts actually does alot. But eating more big mac will just higher the amount of cows produced to make big macs for you. More solutionary will be not eating any cow meat.
    Anyway: It should be done more often. Once a month maybe.

  • @FlyMe2Freedom
    @FlyMe2Freedom 16 лет назад

    We left our light off for like, 3 hours.
    Around 11, my mum's like "I guess we can turn 'em back on, right?"

  • @margott1
    @margott1 16 лет назад

    Update from ASIA:
    In Bangkok, WWF-Thailand said the lights out campaign saved 73.34 megawatts of electricity, which would have produced 45.8 tons of carbon dioxide.
    Reports from the Philippines say Manila's Earth Hour event was a success. The Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila City Hall, shopping malls, several streets and government buildings of the financial hub of Makati City and the Roxas Boulevard along the Manila Bay switched off for the hour.

  • @FishEx77
    @FishEx77 16 лет назад

    This is wonderful!

  • @AnalogX64
    @AnalogX64 16 лет назад

    American Politicians took action and changed when we change our clocks in Spring...the idea was that it was going to save money... it turns out it didnt make any difference.

  • @andrewinfrisco
    @andrewinfrisco 16 лет назад

    Interesting video -- but all of those office towers should have their lights off anyways at 8 pm on a Saturday!

  • @windshadow333
    @windshadow333 16 лет назад

    You are partly right, CO2 DOES follow temp increase, however, it is the increase in CO2 that starts the cycle: Increase in CO2 causes higher temps, higher temps melt permafrost. This permafrost is a LARGE CO2 container, and when it melts LOTS of CO2 is released, this is what causes another rise in CO2 concentration which FOLLOWS temp increase. Also, you throw around the word "natural," and I am wondering if you know some of the natural processes you speak of.

  • @LaurelArcher
    @LaurelArcher 14 лет назад

    Why point out what everyone is NOT doing - that just excuses you from doing SOMETHING. The point of this is to DO something rather than complain about everyone else. Don't give excuses, take ACTION!

  • @localfuckingized
    @localfuckingized 16 лет назад

    It's all those damn colors leaving all those damn lights on.

  • @ErikB1205
    @ErikB1205 16 лет назад

    WOo Jeremy Piven!!

  • @chwparker
    @chwparker 16 лет назад

    Thank you! I mean, are we also supposed to stop breathing for one hour, since we breathe out CO2? it is after all, now considered a pollutant. I spent the hour driving my gas guzzling V6 and exhaling plenty of CO2 in my suburb of one of those cities (Atlanta, love the way he put emphasis on it!)

  • @kalashnikow47
    @kalashnikow47 16 лет назад

    Nice vid., many people must see this.

  • @4yall
    @4yall 16 лет назад

    after watching this I am totally willing to cooperate with mother nature and turn off all my lights :)... although I think that we should do that for a whole day...that would be a feat!

  • @pianoem123
    @pianoem123 16 лет назад

    I take my "research" from my Universtiy Lectures on Atmospheric Chemistry. Turning off the lights for an hour isn't going to do anything. It's true without greenhouse gases we wouldn't survive on earth- but there is a direct correlation between carbon emissions and mean global temperature. It's true that preceding an ice age, the temperature of the Earth reaches a maximum and this could just be the case... but the temperature increase is rather significant and greater than the expected trend..

  • @WilnetteO
    @WilnetteO 16 лет назад

    I am so doing this if I am home at that time =D

  • @Vickywah
    @Vickywah 16 лет назад

    It's at 8PM for your own local time.

  • @3230607
    @3230607 16 лет назад

    There should be an earth hour each night........

  • @sk8freak3000
    @sk8freak3000 16 лет назад

    my aunt lives in atlanta but i'm belgian and yeah i'm in it too

  • @xmarquinhox09
    @xmarquinhox09 16 лет назад

    Muito bom a iniciativa !!!

  • @silvernitrate10
    @silvernitrate10 16 лет назад

    he also said, "Chicago, ATL, and SF"

  • @tabber87
    @tabber87 16 лет назад

    I made sure to turn all the lights in my house on at 8pm and turned my A/C to 50.

  • @hussi434
    @hussi434 14 лет назад

    Jeremy piven makes EVERYTHING BADASS

  • @TCrowfoot
    @TCrowfoot 16 лет назад

    I'm with you!

  • @rubenshou
    @rubenshou 16 лет назад

    i agree :D
    i'm from mexico
    so i'll start at 9pm

  • @saminatorff
    @saminatorff 16 лет назад

    we should have earth hour once a month if not more than that.

  • @Valerie581
    @Valerie581 16 лет назад

    I'm totally gonna do that!

  • @Alelysia
    @Alelysia 16 лет назад

    Well I did my part last night. Actually I turned off everything in the house besides fridge, subpump and furnace for nearly 2hours because I was playing monopoly by candle light with some friends. We didn't even notice when the hour was up. It was actually pretty fun.

  • @UFOGlassHens
    @UFOGlassHens 16 лет назад

    To the turning off the street lights comment, I would really have wished, that we had done that in Denmark. A lot of people are turning off the lights, but the street lights were still bruning =/

  • @saigonpunkid
    @saigonpunkid 16 лет назад

    Actually ozone depletion has been reverted since the 90s. Remember when the firsts coral reefs appeared, Co2 level were much higher than today. Remember Arctic ice cap didn't exist until 1 million year ago.

  • @joshv06
    @joshv06 16 лет назад

    I just found out about this whole earth day, I think it's an amazing idea. Everyone MAKE chain letters! I started a text msg chain letter, I sent it to like 100 people and that is going to multiply FAST. I also made some email chain letterr. If we all make chain letters then we can spread the word at fast rates.
    We all need to pitch in, it's only one hour.

  • @Mqueen
    @Mqueen 16 лет назад

    just did it. I live in Vancouver!

  • @Nourriture01
    @Nourriture01 16 лет назад


  • @BBurNeK36
    @BBurNeK36 16 лет назад

    im from philippines and im gonna do it too. go earth hour

  • @countrymusicplanet
    @countrymusicplanet 16 лет назад

    Ok. I will do it at 8 PM Eastern time. that is the time zone I am in.

  • @michaelnguyen4210
    @michaelnguyen4210 12 лет назад

    I am only here because of Mr. Piven!

  • @omgmt19
    @omgmt19 16 лет назад

    im up for it! but my parents not so much ..

  • @Xavier123s
    @Xavier123s 15 лет назад

    Happy Earth Hour!

  • @Skibble5150
    @Skibble5150 16 лет назад

    If too many people turn off their lights, the energy companies will have increase their rates to offset their lost revenue.
    If my electric bill goes up, I'll kick your asses!

  • @millertas
    @millertas 16 лет назад

    I did not become a part of Earth Hour, I was working. I feel so guilty? No. It was purely symbolic, in fact last year Sydney consumed more power as a result (add the premotion, travel to watch the black out, etc.). While I like the motives the real problem lies in the fact that there are too many people (1 Billion in 1804, 7 Billion by 2013) and green house gases have increased as a result.

  • @lucifelmartell
    @lucifelmartell 16 лет назад

    i switched off the main duh... but was sitting at the terrace with my laptop... was wondering how many across the globe would be doing the same.....

  • @Skibble5150
    @Skibble5150 16 лет назад

    all my lights are on...and all of my aplpiances.

  • @alys2080
    @alys2080 16 лет назад

    For the last part of LordTataraus comment, maybe the term "Global Warming" should be changed so that people realize it's not so much about the temperature, but the extravagent changes that are resulting. Hurricaine Katrina, the Tsunami that hit Sri Lanka, extreme snowstorms one year and none the isn't only through the consumption of electricity, but pollution of all sorts that are causing these "natural" disasters that are devastating cities and entire countries around the world

  • @greenrama
    @greenrama 16 лет назад

    re-read the post...use oil for transportation and nukes for electricity...that will cut back GHG about 20-20% (replace coal fired electricity generation plants with nukes and peaking plants can remain natural gas)

  • @AmiTakeuchi
    @AmiTakeuchi 16 лет назад

    I don't care, if idiots live around me, I'll be the brightest house on my block.

  • @Booom02
    @Booom02 16 лет назад

    It turns out Sydney is 18 hours ahead so I'll just do it @ 8:00 Pacific.

  • @kiohitita
    @kiohitita 16 лет назад

    Es tu decisión. Es tu responsabilidad

  • @Sirob972
    @Sirob972 16 лет назад

    ok i will do it ! :p I live in Martinica

  • @SkyFellowship
    @SkyFellowship 16 лет назад

    I can't wait for Hockey night in Canada. Toronto/Montreal should be a blinder, as Toronto hate Montreal and can no longer make the play offs, so they'll just be going ape whailing on them. And as an Avs fan, I need to watch EDM/CGY hoping that there's no overtime.
    So which do you support? The ditry Oilers (Torres) or the dirty Flames (Iginla, Phaenuff)?
    And before you say we're dirty, we're the least called team in the league :D
    At least VS said so anyway.