Hoping we go to Riis and Torobalt one day. Like, the Pale Heart and the Throne World are cool and all, but I want to see actual planets and moons again.
My main hope is that The Traveler follows us around to those planets to resuscitate them after The Witness and The Hive Gods shredded them. Would be a good segway into Eliksni and Cabal lightbearers
On your point about aesthetics, the moment you described your view of Riis as solarpunk it clicked that that is the way I've pictured Riis in my mind, where I've been struggling to put a name to it. Eliksni tech, even, tends to have smooth curves over sharp, geometric edges, and the idea of reuse and reverence for the natural process is repeatedly hinted at through what we get of Eliksni culture - The egg cloth being a way to reuse eggshells instead of them going to waste being an example of such a thing. Whether the Hatchling within is born or not, they still place an emphasis on being able to weave the cloth, as hinted at by Inaaks with her deliberating over crushing Misraaks' egg. There's also the fact that Scrapworking is so integral to them, they don't discard broken machinery unless they have no other option. Cyberpunk is a cool aesthetic but Solarpunk definitely seems more in line with what was going on.
@markricheard1870 They do, yeah, but you have to wonder how much of what we see is influenced by the Long Drift. We only really have one reference for the old Sacred Splicing and that is Misraaks, who never saw Riis.
I think Riis was solarpunk, the aesthetic definitely reads that way. But the Eliksni once they were severed from their homeworld/native flora and fauna transitioned to cyberpunk as all they had left was their tech and recycled materials.
Here's what I think: House of Kings: legislative and executive branch of government House of Judgment: judicial branch House of Stone: military/national defense House of Rain: Agriculture House of Weavers(later wolves): Artisans House of Dancers(later devils): Religious practitioners and possibly performative arts (dancing, music) Houses of Winter, Scar, and Exile: Unkown or founded post whirlwind Houses of Spider, Dusk, Light, Salvation, and Kell's Scourge: founded post Destiny 1
House of Rain were the original purple-colored house and they made various prophecies everyone took seriously like “Kell of Kells” so actually i think they were the FWC of the Eliksni. They used Vex tech to develop prophecies. And during the Dark Age they were on Mercury, why? Likely to find more vex tech. House Winter may have been explorers and settlement builders. House of Scar was almost definitely a Splicer-heavy House.
House exile is basically a rouge house of eliksni who seems like prisoners or one's kicked out of their house Dusk is f it screw order Devils/ dancers: the arts of entertainment Kings: ruling Stone: military Judgment: judicial Rain: agriculture Weavers: crafting/ Winter: scouting Scar: medical? Science Spiders: idk Light: obvious Salvation: darkness
Make no mistake, the modern Fallen Houses are much more savage, but i think it is a misrepresentation to act like they “had no culture or traditions and are just pirates” there are fallen groups like that, like Spiders Syndicate and Kells Scourge, but Destiny 1 made it clear that the Houses in Sol had a very clearly defined and strict social structure, with 3 prime leaders, their Kell, their Archon, and their Prime Servitors. In Destiny 1 Taken King a Ancient Prime Servitor of House of Wolves even tried to lead them on their own. If they have completely abandoned this structure now, it’s because we keep killing these figures :/
I wonder if 'House of Wolves' comes from 'House of Wolf-Spiders'. Wolf spiders are really well-known for carrying their hatchlings on their backs and taking fairly good care of them for arachnids. Ironically though they're active hunting spiders rather than spinning/weaving spiders.
The mention of the "Edge Wars" reminds me a lot of the mention of the "Clone Wars" in the original Star Wars. Something well known and tragic in universe, but almost completely unknown to the observer
So what you are saying is that we shave a Trilogy of films detailing the Edge Wars that are hardcore meme factories and a Edge Wars TV show that’s actually fire?
The way it’s described gives me notes of some kind of war with Riis’s off-world colonies. Ether is only native to Riis, meaning any colonies would no doubt be reliant on Servitors for their ether supply. If the supply lines dry up enough, any colonists would see their people starved of their lifeblood.
i may be wrong, but i think the slayer barons and their flasks were what elkisni light bearers were like, much like humanity has guardians, so seems the powers the traveler grants a race it lifts up or blesses have varied over it's ages of doing this
For the Houses, I def. think it was less of a caste system and more a group that you voluntarily joined/were born into that was responsible for a facet of society. Like, if you wished to be an artisan you would join the Weavers or Dancers, if you wanted to be a farmer you'd join Rain, etc. In this instance, then, being a drekh would be shameful because you are a being without a purpose, and that places you lower on the social ladder than others rather than the Houses themselves being part of a caste system Either way though I'm stoked for more Riis + Eliksni worldbuilding in the future, they're such a cool and tragic people, and I really want to know the full extent of what they lost to really drive that home. I'm personally getting the vibe that Riis (or at least, the areas the Eliksni occupied) was more of a subtropical waterworld, and I'm stoked to see how they might build on that (Also Chelchis big gentle milf reveal was the best part of the lorebook don't @ me. Unironically I love that the defender of Riis was a massive gentle kell, much like Sjur Eido)
Glad to see them delving more into Eliksni culture pre-Collapse. The way Eramis and Variks speak of it has made me curious. Glad to you are going into the lore books. Normally, I at least skim through them, but they seemed meatier than normal this time around so I never found the time.
Interesting point on Ether to the Eliksni, they can serve like a life source too but also as soul as there are cases likely Mithrax and definitely Winter Archon in HoW expansion where Ether was used to restore their souls as, for the former there are at least two records confirming Mithrax has died as some point (Likely if we chose to kill him in the Titan quest.
I could imagine that about the Solar / Cyberpunk thing, it either could have been a difference in time or difference in area. Could have started being more cyberpunk-ish, but transitioned to generally look more solar with the Traveller coming, or it could be split, be it because of culture or industry, or just enviormental based on the planets.
Nice to see you again been missing listening to you on my way to college. I really hope bungie takes this opportunity post final shape to bring the mystery feeling of d1 back, bew enemies ,new people, new topics
I hope you can do some more lore on Warframe. 1999 is coming out soon, and it seems to have a few major implications regarding Wally, Protoframes, Albrecht Entrati, and the Infested. Would like a lore catch up on those things with your format if thats not planned. Hopefully there is enough interest in it for it to be worth it.
Of all the things they’ve confirmed I am beyond glad to get confirmation wth was the average size scale for Eliksni. We can now say for sure they weren’t all just MASSIVE lads the size of raid bosses
Even if i am burnt out a bit, the story always holds me. I love the fallen's story, from our first enemy to our first allies, its been really cool. I hope they some how get blessed with light again someday.
From the parts I’ve read, it seems it ends with quite an omen and maybe some…Nezarec influence similar to what Misraaks is dealing with? Sounds as if the inevitable Whirlwind is coming and they don’t even know it yet.
I had also assumed Chelchis was male, but conversely, I assumed Irrha was female. Did I miss something in the lorebook that genders them? edit: also, the eliksni houses seem kind of like guilds? Wolves are weavers, Kings are rulers? Stone are soldiers, Judgement are civil servants
I remember in some lore SOMEWHERE about Ether rationing, certain eliksni would specifically gorge on ether in order to become the size of a captain faster, and those that would only get it in small amounts would have their growth stunted or stopped. I can't recall when exactly (definitely over a year ago) I read or heard this, but it was definitely in game. So ether definitely has, in some way, a direct impact or correlation on eliksni size/growth and can control the speed on which they do or don't grow.
I've also always been under the assumption that Chelchis had been male, so when i read "She" while reading through the books, it was a neat little surprise.
Great to hear your enthusiasm. I wish you well and hope you feel better soon. Many players still seem stuck in the negativity melaize and are missing some great stories. True, it's not as action-packed as recent years. We are entering a new era of content crafting. Our future is building slowly. About Destiny Rising. I'm looking forward to your thoughts. I'm thoughly enjoying their non canon lore. It's fun seeing the characters and the period of history. It will be better when the AI placeholder voices are replaced. It's fun.
Interesting fact about the word Ether: It was one of the words used (I believe by the Greeks) to mean light. Also, before the idea of space time and photons, physicists believed that light needed a medium to move through, like waves move on water or sound moves through air, and that medium was called luminiferous ether.
Anyone else immediately think of Divergent when Byf was describing the Eliksni cast system? The faction system in Divergent the House system on Riis sound eerily similar to each other...
Note that there is a lore entry (either a weapon or exotic from Beyond Light) where a Fallen tracker allied with a Guardian Fireteam get into a debate over the House of Wolves and its name. The conclusion is that its a misnomer in translation with the meaning being just as mysterious and lost to time as their original weaver role.
9:18 Although purely coincidental, I just realized that Wolves and Weaver have the same number of letters. So perhaps when humanity looked at Eliksni script for the first time, Weaver looked like Wolves to us.
I’d love to see you dive into Mass Effect lore or something, maybe even the new of that new game, Exodus, that’s basically an ME spiritual successor that looks soooo cool
Woooooo!!!! I get my dose of velvety, British narrated lore for more of the games I love!!! Seeing as Arcane just dropped today, maybe do a League of Legends lore vid? If you have, of course
So, does this mean that Riis was also destroyed by the Hive, as part of the Witnesses attack on the Traveler? Speaking of the Hive, i expect that at the end of episode 3, Caiatl's cabal will attack Savathun's forces and split from the alliance with the Vanguard.
Wait....wait.....I haven't gotten through the whole video yet but when he talks about dregs and the meaning behind the name being that you're houseless. Doesn't that imply that there is a "Houseless Kell" kinda like in the K Project there's a Colorless King. And onto of that its said that the Kell of Kells is to Unite all houses together. That can be worded to say that the Kell of Kells started out as a Dreg, someone who has no house.
Unrelated to the actual content of the video, but I just wanted to say how happy I am that despite everything that has been going on at Bungie, Byf is still able to hold onto hope for Destiny and continue bringing us lore videos. I often get upset and a bit aggravated when people give up on Destiny and Bungie so easily without so much of a thought that things can always get better. I understand, Lightfall was extremely missed potential, Echoes wasn't everybody's cup of tea, and the layoffs a few months back weren't excellent, but just know that Its not impossible for things to get better and improve at Bungie and with Destiny 2, much like with Nintendo, who too have had their extreme (And I do mean EXTREME) lows, (Ie. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Taking down fan projects, canceling smash tournaments and stealing a fan render of Mario) they have always managed to pick themselves up and improve... which is something i wish I could say about companies like Konami, Ubisoft and EA Games.
If this is the lore book you get from finishing up the seasonal quests (like with major field works and all that) then I’m afraid I haven’t even touched the new lore because I don’t wanna do the major field works and miss out on dialogue that’s supposed to play. I’m waiting until that issue has been fully resolved, even tho I know they supposed tried to fix it in the past, but I heard it didn’t work.
From personal experience, major fieldwork dialogues are fixed but the key fieldwork (the final big one) still has no audio, and Eramis is apparently still earsplittingly loud (another bug they said they'd fix), so yeah, it's kind of a crapshoot still. Which really fuckin sucks because the story has been really good so far, it's just all in the audio (which is bugged)
WOW Byf sounds like you have been cooking sorry that your under the weather but your voice sounded fine to me in the video but anyway hope you feel better soon
A... a Monster Hunter lore video? :O Fuck, not even those of us that are deep into the MH universe know all that the lorebits, because MH never had a centralized plot or story. There are bits and pieces there, but very very VERY few explanations about the past story of that world, so I'm really intrigued what you're gonna do with it :O
monster hunter isn't really about the lore. it's about the world as it is now and the people and creatures that live in it and how much they love living in it.
@@torpedopickle It was like that for the most part, at least until World. Now we get some semblance of stories too xD But there's always been bits and pieces of ruins and clues of some ancient civilization, topics very unexplored by the games.
You know byf, I would love for you to simply read off the lorebooks. I really want them in basically audio book form and don’t really need all of the explanations in between. I am sire it would be easier to record anyways with less scriptwriting except for maybe a brief intro
Don’t worry bout the audio, just focus on getting better, cause Sinus infections SUCK, I should know I get them every spring and fall, thank you body for seasonal allergies!!
I don't get it, the Whirlwind only affected Riis? Aren't there other Eliksini worlds? Our collapse got our entire solar system. What about theirs? Did they only stayed in their system as well?
Hoping we go to Riis and Torobalt one day. Like, the Pale Heart and the Throne World are cool and all, but I want to see actual planets and moons again.
Yessss tired of flying into just green space fog/pink portal juice
It’s name is TOROBATL
@@Forcer69 dude you’re never gonna believe this but Neptune was the destination we got last expansion, crazy I know
My main hope is that The Traveler follows us around to those planets to resuscitate them after The Witness and The Hive Gods shredded them. Would be a good segway into Eliksni and Cabal lightbearers
On your point about aesthetics, the moment you described your view of Riis as solarpunk it clicked that that is the way I've pictured Riis in my mind, where I've been struggling to put a name to it. Eliksni tech, even, tends to have smooth curves over sharp, geometric edges, and the idea of reuse and reverence for the natural process is repeatedly hinted at through what we get of Eliksni culture - The egg cloth being a way to reuse eggshells instead of them going to waste being an example of such a thing. Whether the Hatchling within is born or not, they still place an emphasis on being able to weave the cloth, as hinted at by Inaaks with her deliberating over crushing Misraaks' egg. There's also the fact that Scrapworking is so integral to them, they don't discard broken machinery unless they have no other option. Cyberpunk is a cool aesthetic but Solarpunk definitely seems more in line with what was going on.
@@hotsoup1339 don I didn’t know that you played this video game
Solarpunk is a great aesthetic
But they clearly have cyberpunkish elements too, with the Splicers.
@markricheard1870 They do, yeah, but you have to wonder how much of what we see is influenced by the Long Drift. We only really have one reference for the old Sacred Splicing and that is Misraaks, who never saw Riis.
I think Riis was solarpunk, the aesthetic definitely reads that way. But the Eliksni once they were severed from their homeworld/native flora and fauna transitioned to cyberpunk as all they had left was their tech and recycled materials.
Reading this lore book made me realize I want an Eliksni TV show set in Riis SO BADLY
The traveler watching the Eliksni priests cut off their bottom arms* “dope but what the fuck”
Also the “Doom of Coochie” is a far more fitting name now that we know Chelchis is female
Here's what I think:
House of Kings: legislative and executive branch of government
House of Judgment: judicial branch
House of Stone: military/national defense
House of Rain: Agriculture
House of Weavers(later wolves): Artisans
House of Dancers(later devils): Religious practitioners and possibly performative arts (dancing, music)
Houses of Winter, Scar, and Exile: Unkown or founded post whirlwind
Houses of Spider, Dusk, Light, Salvation, and Kell's Scourge: founded post Destiny 1
don't forget House of Iron = the military industrial complex
House of Rain were the original purple-colored house and they made various prophecies everyone took seriously like “Kell of Kells” so actually i think they were the FWC of the Eliksni. They used Vex tech to develop prophecies. And during the Dark Age they were on Mercury, why? Likely to find more vex tech.
House Winter may have been explorers and settlement builders.
House of Scar was almost definitely a Splicer-heavy House.
@@dynojackal1911house of iron?
@@markricheard1870 I assumed House of Rain was agriculture because the lore book mentions the farms of the house of rain.
House exile is basically a rouge house of eliksni who seems like prisoners or one's kicked out of their house
Dusk is f it screw order
Devils/ dancers: the arts of entertainment
Kings: ruling
Stone: military
Judgment: judicial
Rain: agriculture
Weavers: crafting/
Winter: scouting
Scar: medical? Science
Spiders: idk
Light: obvious
Salvation: darkness
Make no mistake, the modern Fallen Houses are much more savage, but i think it is a misrepresentation to act like they “had no culture or traditions and are just pirates” there are fallen groups like that, like Spiders Syndicate and Kells Scourge, but Destiny 1 made it clear that the Houses in Sol had a very clearly defined and strict social structure, with 3 prime leaders, their Kell, their Archon, and their Prime Servitors. In Destiny 1 Taken King a Ancient Prime Servitor of House of Wolves even tried to lead them on their own. If they have completely abandoned this structure now, it’s because we keep killing these figures :/
I lost the edge wars when I saw a new byf video dropped
the what?
I wonder if 'House of Wolves' comes from 'House of Wolf-Spiders'. Wolf spiders are really well-known for carrying their hatchlings on their backs and taking fairly good care of them for arachnids. Ironically though they're active hunting spiders rather than spinning/weaving spiders.
Reading that lorebook myself only cemented my idea that Slayer Barons are the Eliksni version of Witchers.
Hell yeah
The mention of the "Edge Wars" reminds me a lot of the mention of the "Clone Wars" in the original Star Wars. Something well known and tragic in universe, but almost completely unknown to the observer
So what you are saying is that we shave a Trilogy of films detailing the Edge Wars that are hardcore meme factories and a Edge Wars TV show that’s actually fire?
The way it’s described gives me notes of some kind of war with Riis’s off-world colonies. Ether is only native to Riis, meaning any colonies would no doubt be reliant on Servitors for their ether supply. If the supply lines dry up enough, any colonists would see their people starved of their lifeblood.
i may be wrong, but i think the slayer barons and their flasks were what elkisni light bearers were like, much like humanity has guardians, so seems the powers the traveler grants a race it lifts up or blesses have varied over it's ages of doing this
For the Houses, I def. think it was less of a caste system and more a group that you voluntarily joined/were born into that was responsible for a facet of society. Like, if you wished to be an artisan you would join the Weavers or Dancers, if you wanted to be a farmer you'd join Rain, etc. In this instance, then, being a drekh would be shameful because you are a being without a purpose, and that places you lower on the social ladder than others rather than the Houses themselves being part of a caste system
Either way though I'm stoked for more Riis + Eliksni worldbuilding in the future, they're such a cool and tragic people, and I really want to know the full extent of what they lost to really drive that home. I'm personally getting the vibe that Riis (or at least, the areas the Eliksni occupied) was more of a subtropical waterworld, and I'm stoked to see how they might build on that
(Also Chelchis big gentle milf reveal was the best part of the lorebook don't @ me. Unironically I love that the defender of Riis was a massive gentle kell, much like Sjur Eido)
Glad to see them delving more into Eliksni culture pre-Collapse. The way Eramis and Variks speak of it has made me curious. Glad to you are going into the lore books. Normally, I at least skim through them, but they seemed meatier than normal this time around so I never found the time.
14:10 Reminds me again how sad I was to find out that us upgrading the Eliksni ether tanks did not upgrade the ones staying with us into captains.
Interesting point on Ether to the Eliksni, they can serve like a life source too but also as soul as there are cases likely Mithrax and definitely Winter Archon in HoW expansion where Ether was used to restore their souls as, for the former there are at least two records confirming Mithrax has died as some point (Likely if we chose to kill him in the Titan quest.
Honestly the lorebook really feels like the opening to a fantasy "coming of age" adventure story and had a lot of fun reading it.
I could imagine that about the Solar / Cyberpunk thing, it either could have been a difference in time or difference in area.
Could have started being more cyberpunk-ish, but transitioned to generally look more solar with the Traveller coming, or it could be split, be it because of culture or industry, or just enviormental based on the planets.
I would pay good money for a AAA, standalone, open world RPG a la Tears Of The Kingdom, Horizon, etc, set on ancient Riis and playing as an Eliksni.
Nice to see you again been missing listening to you on my way to college. I really hope bungie takes this opportunity post final shape to bring the mystery feeling of d1 back, bew enemies ,new people, new topics
I hope you can do some more lore on Warframe. 1999 is coming out soon, and it seems to have a few major implications regarding Wally, Protoframes, Albrecht Entrati, and the Infested. Would like a lore catch up on those things with your format if thats not planned. Hopefully there is enough interest in it for it to be worth it.
Of all the things they’ve confirmed I am beyond glad to get confirmation wth was the average size scale for Eliksni. We can now say for sure they weren’t all just MASSIVE lads the size of raid bosses
good to see you back. Hope you start feeling better
Even if i am burnt out a bit, the story always holds me. I love the fallen's story, from our first enemy to our first allies, its been really cool. I hope they some how get blessed with light again someday.
From the parts I’ve read, it seems it ends with quite an omen and maybe some…Nezarec influence similar to what Misraaks is dealing with? Sounds as if the inevitable Whirlwind is coming and they don’t even know it yet.
I had also assumed Chelchis was male, but conversely, I assumed Irrha was female. Did I miss something in the lorebook that genders them?
edit: also, the eliksni houses seem kind of like guilds? Wolves are weavers, Kings are rulers? Stone are soldiers, Judgement are civil servants
Chelchis calls Irrha 'little brother' at the end of the lorebook!
So excited for your Dragon Age Video!!
I’m surprised you never talk about Mass Effect lore. The universe is just massive. Happy belated N7 Day btw.
i swear he's done mass effect videos before
Scrolling by quickly I read the thumbnail as “The Secret of Ribs” and thought I would get a good recipe.
Instead it’s just Destiny and I’m sad
I'm so excited to finally be experiencing the definitive Eliskni chapter of the story, and getting all this deep lore on Riis
I remember in some lore SOMEWHERE about Ether rationing, certain eliksni would specifically gorge on ether in order to become the size of a captain faster, and those that would only get it in small amounts would have their growth stunted or stopped. I can't recall when exactly (definitely over a year ago) I read or heard this, but it was definitely in game. So ether definitely has, in some way, a direct impact or correlation on eliksni size/growth and can control the speed on which they do or don't grow.
Sounds greate that you get sponsored so much
"Sorry for the mehhh voice". Bro sounded Godly as ever. Cant wait for the next video!
Right off the bat, you learn something new everyday.
This made me excited for the future of Fallen lore
I really want to go to riis I think it would be dope to see flashbacks to the golden age of riis would be awesome
Skip to 4:33 if you want to avoid a Khakis-level introduction 😂
The almost 6 minutes of preamble before the video starts its actually crazy
For real
I've also always been under the assumption that Chelchis had been male, so when i read "She" while reading through the books, it was a neat little surprise.
I'm so looking forward to that Dragon Age video. It's one of my favorite universes.
We've missed you, Byf!
I hope we get to go to Riis at some point; man I love Eliksni lore.
Great to hear your enthusiasm. I wish you well and hope you feel better soon. Many players still seem stuck in the negativity melaize and are missing some great stories. True, it's not as action-packed as recent years. We are entering a new era of content crafting. Our future is building slowly.
About Destiny Rising. I'm looking forward to your thoughts. I'm thoughly enjoying their non canon lore. It's fun seeing the characters and the period of history. It will be better when the AI placeholder voices are replaced. It's fun.
Interesting fact about the word Ether: It was one of the words used (I believe by the Greeks) to mean light. Also, before the idea of space time and photons, physicists believed that light needed a medium to move through, like waves move on water or sound moves through air, and that medium was called luminiferous ether.
Anyone else immediately think of Divergent when Byf was describing the Eliksni cast system? The faction system in Divergent the House system on Riis sound eerily similar to each other...
My interpretation of the garden-ways is a hybrid of rotating arable land and "nature highways" for wildlife to travel along.
Would be cool if they expanded the Pale Heart map down the line with places such as Riis and Torobatl.
Im probably one of the few but I appreciate your warhammer lore vids you have done 😊
Fingers crossed for more Warhammer lore loved those videos you Did
You’re doing a dragon age video!?! And I only have to wait a couple days?!? You have no idea how excited that makes me!
Note that there is a lore entry (either a weapon or exotic from Beyond Light) where a Fallen tracker allied with a Guardian Fireteam get into a debate over the House of Wolves and its name. The conclusion is that its a misnomer in translation with the meaning being just as mysterious and lost to time as their original weaver role.
9:18 Although purely coincidental, I just realized that Wolves and Weaver have the same number of letters. So perhaps when humanity looked at Eliksni script for the first time, Weaver looked like Wolves to us.
Very cool on all the sponsored work! 👍
Gooning to this rn
I’d love to see you dive into Mass Effect lore or something, maybe even the new of that new game, Exodus, that’s basically an ME spiritual successor that looks soooo cool
3:30 Lore Daddy hopping on the Monster Hunter train?! MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED
Studio: You, lore man, make words. Here's money.
Keep up the good work
Are we getting a follow up on the Dungeon lore soon?
“Irrha” is suspiciously one letter off from “Pirrha,” which has me intrigued, given the Missraks/Mithrax transliteration.
But we cannot forget, Taniks has no house, and kneels before no banner.
Get well soon Byf!
We honestly need Destiny games for each of the different races. That way all this lore can be more proactively displayed.
Feel better Byf! I just went through the last couple of days. It's not fun!
Woooooo!!!! I get my dose of velvety, British narrated lore for more of the games I love!!! Seeing as Arcane just dropped today, maybe do a League of Legends lore vid? If you have, of course
He’s back
When the world needed him most...!
ooooohh! I am so excited!
Give us MH lore and monster breakdowns! May the algorithm bless you.
Never heard of Solarpunk but it looks awesome
OMG Looking forward to monster hunter lore!
So, does this mean that Riis was also destroyed by the Hive, as part of the Witnesses attack on the Traveler?
Speaking of the Hive, i expect that at the end of episode 3, Caiatl's cabal will attack Savathun's forces and split from the alliance with the Vanguard.
I hope we have a riis season and the seasonal exotic is the gl from destiny rising
I hope you get better soon from your sinus infections.
You sound fine, get well soon!❤
I know when BG3 came out you were planning on doing doing lore with Dungeons & Dragons, would you thinking of doing that here?
As in Lore about Dungeons & Dragons about it settings and so on.
He should run a dungeons and destiny campaign.
9:50 they most likely change their name to show how they are no longer gentle weavers
Feel better lore master!
Wait....wait.....I haven't gotten through the whole video yet but when he talks about dregs and the meaning behind the name being that you're houseless. Doesn't that imply that there is a "Houseless Kell" kinda like in the K Project there's a Colorless King.
And onto of that its said that the Kell of Kells is to Unite all houses together. That can be worded to say that the Kell of Kells started out as a Dreg, someone who has no house.
Unrelated to the actual content of the video, but I just wanted to say how happy I am that despite everything that has been going on at Bungie, Byf is still able to hold onto hope for Destiny and continue bringing us lore videos. I often get upset and a bit aggravated when people give up on Destiny and Bungie so easily without so much of a thought that things can always get better. I understand, Lightfall was extremely missed potential, Echoes wasn't everybody's cup of tea, and the layoffs a few months back weren't excellent, but just know that Its not impossible for things to get better and improve at Bungie and with Destiny 2, much like with Nintendo, who too have had their extreme (And I do mean EXTREME) lows, (Ie. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Taking down fan projects, canceling smash tournaments and stealing a fan render of Mario) they have always managed to pick themselves up and improve... which is something i wish I could say about companies like Konami, Ubisoft and EA Games.
"House of Wolves"? Nah, "House of Wools".
(Ignore how this still doesn't make sense. I'm making a dumb joke.)
BYF you should have been on destiny rising yesterday bro, dragon age is a falling game now
Kind of makes sense that they are the House of Wool rather than Wolves. Perhaps some Guardian misheard. 9:30
monster hunter will be interesting since most of the lore speculation i get is from the Unnatural History Channel (which is largely spec evo)
If this is the lore book you get from finishing up the seasonal quests (like with major field works and all that) then I’m afraid I haven’t even touched the new lore because I don’t wanna do the major field works and miss out on dialogue that’s supposed to play. I’m waiting until that issue has been fully resolved, even tho I know they supposed tried to fix it in the past, but I heard it didn’t work.
From personal experience, major fieldwork dialogues are fixed but the key fieldwork (the final big one) still has no audio, and Eramis is apparently still earsplittingly loud (another bug they said they'd fix), so yeah, it's kind of a crapshoot still. Which really fuckin sucks because the story has been really good so far, it's just all in the audio (which is bugged)
WOW Byf sounds like you have been cooking sorry that your under the weather but your voice sounded fine to me in the video but anyway hope you feel better soon
Dang everyone is getting sinus stuff. Feel better man
What's the hc you're using in the introduction of the video?
Do anyone see a contrast with House of Dancers and House of Devils. Both sides worship something. Might be the same with the other house.
A... a Monster Hunter lore video? :O
Fuck, not even those of us that are deep into the MH universe know all that the lorebits, because MH never had a centralized plot or story. There are bits and pieces there, but very very VERY few explanations about the past story of that world, so I'm really intrigued what you're gonna do with it :O
monster hunter isn't really about the lore. it's about the world as it is now and the people and creatures that live in it and how much they love living in it.
@@torpedopickle It was like that for the most part, at least until World. Now we get some semblance of stories too xD
But there's always been bits and pieces of ruins and clues of some ancient civilization, topics very unexplored by the games.
@@RodrigoLeaf15 well story isn't lore
Eliksni pronunciations and naming conventions. We've heard Ikora referred to as "Ikorakel" and there's Marakel. Zavalakel...
fuck yeah, go get those sponsors!
You know byf, I would love for you to simply read off the lorebooks. I really want them in basically audio book form and don’t really need all of the explanations in between. I am sire it would be easier to record anyways with less scriptwriting except for maybe a brief intro
Don’t worry bout the audio, just focus on getting better, cause Sinus infections SUCK, I should know I get them every spring and fall, thank you body for seasonal allergies!!
Secrets of Rizz?
New Lore Daddy video
More dragon age content ? Yes
Please, for the love of God, no one tell Timothy Mark about the Ether Eaters 😂😂😂
And we thought Tanisk was the only 1 with no house
I don't get it, the Whirlwind only affected Riis? Aren't there other Eliksini worlds? Our collapse got our entire solar system. What about theirs? Did they only stayed in their system as well?