Small Biz Millionaire Ep. 6: Website

  • Опубликовано: 21 апр 2021
  • Folks today I want to talk about websites, and the importance of websites.
    Here are the steps:
    1. Have one.
    You have to. In today's Internet, phone carrying world, if you don't have a website, you can't be found. You will be lost in the shuffle, and you will not make it in business.
    2. Concept of Website.
    You need to have an inspiration of what it is that you're looking for in your website. Take these ideas to a developer and have a website that not only looks good, looks refreshing when you see it, you know it's like a breath of fresh air.
    3. Easy Navigation
    Make it easy and navigable to go from one page to another. You have a nice landing page, and you make sure your next page goes to something that's real easy to find.
    4. Phone number at top.
    Also, make sure if they want to leave a note/message or something, they can do that. Let's say you're an auto mechanic or an AC guy or an electrician, whatever services you offer, you want to always leave the customer a way to leave you a message.
    5. Your Story
    You get to tell a little bit about your life, little bit about the business, and what you're trying to accomplish here in the service that you offer the customers.
    6. Review Page
    One thing I always did on my website is I put a review page, not only
    for our company, but our office staff and our employees. So that a customer can go and do a review.
    Also I put Yelp up here. Yelp is real big, It's a review service, and people love to put things on Yelp and leave reviews.
    7. Sales and Service
    A lot of B2B businesses, if you don't have a website, you can't set up credit cards, you can’t put on the materials that you're selling, your gym equipment, whatever you're selling.
    8. Blog
    We would do videos and we would put them into our website,
    and then we would blog on the web page for that RUclips video using our keywords and meta tags again,
    and also why we're doing the videos themselves I would use certain words.
    I would actually do a little research a lot of times so I could get good rankings with RUclips.
    Now I know from experience, I never really paid much on pay-per-click.
    What I've done is I would do my videos, I would do my blogging,
    and I would work on my website. I had a guy that helped me almost daily,
    and we had a lot of organic ranking and believe it or not 94% of the search engines are organic. They're not pay-per-click.
    Without a website you can't have credibility because people can't find you,
    they don't know where you're at, they don't know what services you offer, what you can do, what your hours of work are.
    Another reason you need a website is to let Google know that you exist. They'll put you up there and rank it so when people actually are looking for your company, Google will know you're there and they’ll take them to your page on their website. You want to actually use some keywords and meta tags for descriptions of what you're doing.
    That's specifically the niche to your job, whatever your profession is. If you do a good job with your website you can save yourself money. And I used to tell my customers that I'm going to do a good job on my website
    so I could send my customers money, and I didn't give it away for marketing or advertising.
    Facebook is huge, marketing is very reasonable there and you can promote your company and your employees. You can promote anything, what you sell, what you do, jobs that you've done. It’s a great platform.
    Twitter is very helpful. If you use Twitter you can always set up a social blog.
    LinkedIn, B2B business if you're looking for people in other parts of the country or even in your local zip code, you can go on LinkedIn and you can find a lot, if you're looking for help, employees, It's a great platform.
    Pinterest is something I didn't use personally, but I just like it because it's very handy to have.
    Telegram is something that you can use in business to text, video,or email your customers. It's all encrypted and it has to be deciphered before they can read it.
    But a website is something that you’ve got to have, if you don't have a website you will not be in business.
    I hope this video helped, I'll get back to this and we're going to really drill down on the website and I'll try to help you figure out how to design it, because I know when I sold my company, we had more than 3,000 Pages.
    That's how much blogging and information we put out over the years
    and we had aan uthoritative website.
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    Thank you.

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