Can't Chill Out 8 | FINALLY! A proper LR Antenna for the DJI O3 AU

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Ruilo
    @Ruilo Год назад +3

    Love this vid! My Explorer is on my way and also the longer antena to avoid the battery when i fly slow .
    Please more videos of the flywoo ! ❤

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Will do! Thank you for watching!

  • @FlyTimeRC
    @FlyTimeRC 17 дней назад +1

    Beautiful video. I just ordered the 145mm for my o3 air unit! Ive gone up to 2.4 miles with mine on stock antenna but im sure i can more with testing more channels. This is on a plane i built.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  17 дней назад +1

      Thank you! Yeah the longer antennas going to help for sure. Cheers!

  • @calfolkionized
    @calfolkionized Год назад +5

    Thanks for the antenna suggestions! Just pushed my explorer beyond 5.2km today with more bandwidth to spare! The 145mm FlyFish RC antenna really made a difference!

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +2

      Yaaasss!! Glad it worked for you too!! 😆

    • @filipehenry4340
      @filipehenry4340 Год назад

      Please answer my question about the BIGGE battery we can use in this drone ! Thanks

    • @nickwithadrone
      @nickwithadrone 4 месяца назад +1

      I have same antenna, google v2 with crystal patch and can’t push longer than 1.2 km. What is the problem could you help me ?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  4 месяца назад +1

      @nick_fpv8710 the key is flying in an area that’s open, no obstructions (no tree or hills in your way, no metal objects etc. in front of you. Even a chain link fence, cars, can mess with your signal. and no other radio interference. If flying inside the city, it’s typical that you can’t get over 3-4km range. It’s just too noisy. Also make sure your goggles v2 is outputting 700mw and more. Good luck

    • @nickwithadrone
      @nickwithadrone 4 месяца назад

      @@PattyFlipz thanks

  • @jacobkeller29
    @jacobkeller29 10 месяцев назад +1

    What a great way to explore a mountain without breaking a sweat.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  10 месяцев назад

      Yup! And in between flights. Tim Horton coffee and donuts! 🍩

  • @BigKahunaFPV
    @BigKahunaFPV 5 месяцев назад +1

    Very nice flight and great shots. Best regards 😊

  • @JonFloFPV
    @JonFloFPV Год назад +1

    DAMN. What a view! Fantastic flying as always!!

  • @k4rol1981
    @k4rol1981 Год назад +2

    What a flight😮😮, I fired up the video before reading the description.I was sure that this flight was some 7 inch drone, and at the end, boom, a huge surprise I did not suppose that this little guy can make such long flights and in such wind.
    It so happens that I recently bought this antenna of flyfishrc for my 5 inch drone , but I think I have to buy another one for Explorer .

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +2

      For sure man!! I was surprised too! Thanks for watching 🙏

  • @ScoutFPV
    @ScoutFPV Год назад +1

    Awesome flight and edit!!

  • @pashaisthebest
    @pashaisthebest Год назад +1

    I pushed my Explorer LR to 8km -видео.html
    Goggles V2 + iFlight Crystal patch on top left + bottom right.
    O3 Air unit + FlyFishRC 145mm replacement long antenna.
    I love this antenna, it looks so much better then the OEM one.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Nice dude!! glad it worked!!

    • @NishaanAhmed
      @NishaanAhmed 3 месяца назад

      Can i know why u chose the patch at topleft and bottom right?

    • @pashaisthebest
      @pashaisthebest 3 месяца назад


  • @Mike-mk7qt
    @Mike-mk7qt Год назад +2

    Great video, all thumbs up for that 👍👍👍. Can I have some more, please.

  • @PattyFlipz
    @PattyFlipz  Год назад

    For the Goggles 2 people. Theres new aftermarket Linear Goggle antenna to go with the long antenna I promote in this video. Though I haven't tested it myself I'm sure they made it better than stockers. Look how phat they look! Good luck and let me know how it goes:
    NEW LINEAR Osprey FLIP G2 Dual Band Antenna For DJI Goggles 2

  • @moesi38
    @moesi38 Год назад +1

    Nice flight 👌🏼

  • @Huntmx24
    @Huntmx24 Месяц назад +1

    have you looked into the Upgrade Energy 4s 4000mah lion? only weighs 8 grams more than the 3000 mah flywoo battery. I have a Geprc Tern Lr40 fun little quads.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Месяц назад +1

      Oh I haven’t checked it out yet. I’ll take a look though. Thanks for letting me know

  • @msulkey
    @msulkey Год назад +4

    This drone got me back into FPV again and it’s one the best quads I’ve ever owned especially once you tweak a few things (thanks to you!)
    You should do a video on your GPS RTH setups.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Sounds good man!

    • @Ruilo
      @Ruilo Год назад +2

      I would like also to see the specifics gps rescie settings to this drone ( throtle , angle etc) . Nice vids btw

  • @publicname515
    @publicname515 Год назад +2

    Nice catch! I went 7.8km on the 145mm FlyFish RC (I modified it to about 125cm) with my Baby Crocodile 5. I almost lost her because of running out of juice but landed just in time! I felt it could hit 8km for sure, but I couldn't risk the battery. On the way back I was dipping down to 4mbps and 1 bar worse than on the way there, not sure why must be an angle or something. I was using the stock dji antennas on my Goggles Integra, and the Flyfish rc antenna. I bet I could get the full 10km with patch antennas if I put them on somehow.

  • @neilfeatherstone824
    @neilfeatherstone824 Год назад +2

    Please confirm the patch option for Goggle2 you mention

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      I took back what I said. Try the antenna with your standard goggles 2 antenna first! Since they are linear, should be a good match. Also try it in manual mode, not auto transmission settings.

  • @TheParadigmShiftTV
    @TheParadigmShiftTV Год назад +2

    Nice one! Made it to the top. Impressive that a sub 250 can do that.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Thanks man! you were also my inspiration! Cheers.

  • @hsynneva
    @hsynneva Год назад +1

    Well played! I loved my v1 flywoo explorer so much that I just bought a O3 version of it. Too bad it was DOA on arrival, FC wont power up when plugged in with USB-C 😟

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Ah crap sorry to hear that! Hope you guys resolve it soon!

  • @markuskoarmani1364
    @markuskoarmani1364 11 месяцев назад +1

    I changed my upper plate to PETG thaat I print out and helped with my range as the carbon is 100% signal blocker.

  • @Binkoro
    @Binkoro 10 месяцев назад +1

    Nice! Where is this?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  10 месяцев назад +1

      British Columbia Canada 🍁 👍

  • @flyingpudding
    @flyingpudding Год назад +1

    Wow impressive!

  • @Finnv893
    @Finnv893 Год назад +1

    How do you check that you are outside of park boundaries, they are everywhere and some of them are huge!

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +1

      Sorry, not entirely sure my friend. Can be from the road or the side of a parking lot. Among trying your best to follow all the drone regulations and bylaws of your city/country, sub250g does help, also flying low to the tree tops/ground or where there are less to no ppl frequent / no sensitive habitat or endangered species, and visually no aircraft can be heard or seen is definitely the perfect place to fly for ME. Essentially, just don't be dumb! XD I wouldn't stress out about it too much.

    • @FlyingHighfpv
      @FlyingHighfpv 3 месяца назад

      Dosnt mater. 'Can fly over' just can't take off or land in national parks.

  • @StealthFlightFPV
    @StealthFlightFPV 9 месяцев назад

    Nice flight. I'm curious as to what hover throttle setting you would use for gps rescue with the 4s lion pack?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  8 месяцев назад

      I forgot what I used, I don’t even think I tuned it right 😂 but basically just hover your quad and look down at your stick. If it looks like 40% then your hover throttle setting in betaflight should probably type in 1400

  • @gregdavidd
    @gregdavidd Год назад +1

    Hey great informative video. Just wondering what is the patch antenna you mention for Goggles 2? The Flyfish O3 Antenna you are using is Linear so to maximize range the patches would have to be Linear too no?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +1

      That's actually a really good question and I had to edit my description. You are correct, linear goggle antenna and linear patches may be the most optimized for the flyfish RC antenna. Unfortunately I have no info on this, nor tested it, so I retracted my initial comments in the description. The patches and stubbies I used on my goggles v2 are LHCP, but still works with full LOS of at least 5.5km as a real possibility (better than the stock goggle antenna anyway - goggles v2). If using linear type goggle antenna maybe further, but remains untested (for me at least). Thank you for your comment!

  • @YosepAliSaputra
    @YosepAliSaputra 7 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome dude 🔥🔥🤙🏽🤙🏽
    i like long range too

  • @baekinflight
    @baekinflight Год назад +1

    Great video and welcome back! Are you using crossfire or ELRS for your setup?

  • @AerialRCimagery
    @AerialRCimagery 9 месяцев назад +1

    Unreal footage! Hey how did to stabilise your footage so well. I run Walksnail in my Explorer lr with gyroflow and im still struggling to get smooth footage in post.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  9 месяцев назад

      Oh it was a challenge. I had to use Final Cut Pro stabilization and mess with the settings, slow it down, manually crop maybe.. and anything that couldn’t be stabilized I just didn’t show it at all.

  • @cebzzzzz
    @cebzzzzz 11 месяцев назад +1

    Are you using the dji controller 2? Plz let me know thanks.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  11 месяцев назад

      Hi I use the tbs tango 2 with nano rx pro receiver

  • @taytayfpv
    @taytayfpv 11 месяцев назад +1

    What would you prefer for antennas for the goggles 2?... i just ordered the flyfishRC antenna a few days ago im just getting into long range and doing a 03 build ...rad li ion and 2 6s lithium batteries.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  10 месяцев назад +1

      Hey! Sorry man, I'm not too sure because I don't have goggles 2. I used LHCP iFlight patches and stubbies on my V2 to get to that 5km distance and it was fine, but almost maxing out. So it still works with the flyfish RC antenna. Flyfish RC did release beefier looking flip up antenna for the goggles 2, but I saw a video someone testing it, distance didn't increase dramatically. Maybe half a KM over OEM. There should be quite a few videos out there with ppl testing different goggle 2 antennas. Some people are using True RC patches (but those are also LHCP) and I'm sure you can expect similar results I had. I heard this LHCP antenna is great too, but you would need two of them. Curious what the signal range would be: Let me know what you figure out as well.

  • @satvikgarg9945
    @satvikgarg9945 Год назад

    Hey, are you able to share the location that you flew at specifically? Might check it out some time when I am able to drive out.
    Amazing vid btw!

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Thanks man! Email me

  • @publicname515
    @publicname515 Год назад +1

    Which receiver are you using?

  • @danskinn
    @danskinn Год назад +1

    Actually watched this entire video. Very well framed, edited, and concise.
    At around 3:35-3:37 there is a larger quad top center, Is that one of your designs, soon to be released?
    BTW your Proto5 is hands down the sexiest frame i've seen. I would fly that thing from third person view LoL.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +1

      Thank you, hahaha, you spotted my Proto7. That project came to a screeching halt. I lost it in the mountains that day, along with a 2200mah lipo and DJI action 2.. Had a RX fail safe, and I used some dumb last minute gps rth settings I changed in BF the night before..Never should have changed them. Total noob mistake. It's in no time to be released. BUT... I'm working on a really sexy 6" right now. Really rushing to get it done :) :) :) Really happy to hear you like the look of Proto5! aaand you totally get it!!! That's actually one of the features, Proto5 you can film however you like with it's 4 zones of action camera mounting. I purposely made the top plate extra sexy in case someone wanted to fly 3rd person, then, you can safely mount your lipo under the quad instead so that's totally outta the way. I'm working on a build and features video for proto5 in the coming days, so keep an eye out for it. Thanks for watching!!

    • @danskinn
      @danskinn Год назад +1

      Sorry to hear aboot the proto 7. Your designs are well thought out, most likely several iterations deep. Reminds me of Shen Drones. Loved the fact he published his thought process and design iterations. Do you plan on selling just the 3D prints so we don't have to settle on one color? I can print my own of course. @@PattyFlipz

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      @@danskinn Thank you! I really don't want to release just anything, so whatever I'm putting out there is already V10 version LOL. But in my mind, its always going to be my baby prototype! You can actually just buy the TPU prints here, just need to write a note or email me the colour you want: OR if you want to buy the frame with the TPU prints, check out all the colours here, its just an additional $10 CAD for anything other than black. Thank you!

    @CRAGLORD Год назад

    this is amazing!!! where is it???

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Backyards of British Columbia Canada. :D

  • @Cameraartist1432
    @Cameraartist1432 Год назад +1

    Do you have a 3d print file for this antenna?? You can share

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Hi, yes, my antenna mount design is here:
      Remember to stuff the long antenna ALL the way down into the base, or it will cause vibrations. Thanks!

  • @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob
    @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob 7 месяцев назад

    I want to install it on my geprc lr tern40 but I don’t know how to install

  • @s.g.4349
    @s.g.4349 Год назад +1

    Impressive Flight :). Ordered the same FlyFishRC Antenna, and a longer tpu mount. But i am having problems getting the standard antenna tpu mount off. Dont wanna damage my new toy. Do you just pull those tpu mounts off, after the top plate is removed?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Hi after removing the top plate off the drone and bracing plate on the o3 au, you pop the two ufl off with your fingernail. Then just take your fingers and gently pry off the original tpu off the stand off posts. Tpu is very durable. Just takes some wiggling. Try to gently pull one ufl out at a time of the prints antenna hole (like a two car train one after the other) don’t pull both together it will get stuck and easily damaged. put everything back in reverse order

    • @s.g.4349
      @s.g.4349 Год назад

      Thanks for all the good content👍. Managed to get it off. Super happy with the 145mm antenna. RSI is strong😎. Also use your Rates and PID. Flys like a dream.

  • @dewhoop
    @dewhoop Год назад +1

    Amazing flight! One question, do i need to hack the air unit for 1200mw or this is achievable using stock settings?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Hi, I think it depends. What kind of air unit and goggles are you using?

    • @dewhoop
      @dewhoop Год назад

      @@PattyFlipz dji o3 and goggles v2

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      I believe you won’t need any sort of hack, as long as you are in North America.

  • @birdhz
    @birdhz 10 месяцев назад +1

    Where to buy lr anthenna

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  10 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, please check the description of the video. There is a link. 👍

  • @СергейП-щ2г
    @СергейП-щ2г Год назад +1

    why filmed in 4k30, not in 60?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Hi! I put into 30 timeline on purpose because I like the flying motion to not look super smooth like 60. This is different for everyone’s taste of course. also smaller file size is good. Also when you use slow motion, like cut 60 in half, looks best on a 30 timeline. I did that for the last waterfall in the scene. Thank you for watching

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Forgot to mention I slowed down the peak footage 50% and turning around. If rendered footage at 60 the program needs to recreate frames. Won’t look as good. 👍

  • @filipehenry4340
    @filipehenry4340 Год назад +1

    One more subscriber!!!
    So please answer the question:
    - Did you use a 3000 mah battery in this FLIGHT ?
    When i acessed your flywoo link, a only see 750mah and 1000 maximum! Could you please help me ?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Oh so strange! Yes I used 3000mah battery in video. This is the battery.

    • @filipehenry4340
      @filipehenry4340 Год назад

      @@PattyFlipz thank you so much!!! By the way …. What do you think? If i use a 750 or 1000 mah gaoneng .. the quad Will be more weightless and able to make some flips better ?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +1

      @@filipehenry4340 Yes! for sure it will be more responsive, also look for lipo that has higher C ratings.The quads set up best for smooth cruising, long battery life, and some light flips. If you want to have a more responsive, agile quad, you can explore other options in the future.

    • @filipehenry4340
      @filipehenry4340 Год назад +1

      @@PattyFlipz Thanks ! Since i have a NAZGUL Also… i really apreciate Explorer ! Diferents Proposes. BY THE WAY… your vídeo is so smooth! The drone shakes too much when you are about 1 km height ? Explorer supports ?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад +1

      @@filipehenry4340 Yes it does shake a lot unfortunately. I used some heavy stabilization in the editing software to try and make it smooth. LOL. You can try my tune for the O3 explorer, it's also on youtube. The nazgul is great! Super powerful.

  • @offaxisfpv
    @offaxisfpv Год назад +1

    glad you had a great flight there... respects. lets do a mission together soon!

  • @NishaanAhmed
    @NishaanAhmed 3 месяца назад

    Hi, i wanna buy the antenna. Should i buy the dual band one or 5.8 ghz one?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  3 месяца назад

      Hi the link to the antenna is in my description below. That one works great for the o3 air unit.

  • @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob
    @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob 7 месяцев назад

    Do you have a video on how to install it.

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  7 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, It’s pretty simple. Just remove the two screws on the air unit , pop the plate off. Pop the two ufl off. (Just pops off up and down) Replace with new antenna. This is all using just your fingers and one tiny Philips screwdriver.

    • @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob
      @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob 7 месяцев назад

      @@PattyFlipz thank you sir

    • @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob
      @CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@PattyFlipz got it done and im flying. Im only getting about 800 meters ona good day but im thinking because im in the city and there is a lot of interference

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  7 месяцев назад

      @@CarlosRodriguez-vg2ob Nice! Yes, best to find a day and try it out in the open. Make sure there is nothing between your goggles and the drone during flight .

  • @publicname515
    @publicname515 Год назад

    Did you use a gopro for this footage? Or where did you record it?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Dji O3 air unit :)

    • @publicname515
      @publicname515 Год назад

      @@PattyFlipz amazing edits. How did you make it look so good!? How do I use that software?

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      thanks! It was very difficult. I used Final Cut Pro on my Mac and used the stabilization feature and you can add colour to the video too by moving sliders etc.then add music! I recommend taking courses or watching RUclips how to use the software. I’m formally trained in the arts, 3d animation diploma and design degree so I just have decades of experience..haha

  • @WIL_FPV
    @WIL_FPV Год назад

    that’s cool! could u share this place? or maybe let’s fly together 🎉

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Email me bro

  • @saviourspiteriperegin51
    @saviourspiteriperegin51 Год назад +1

    Hi just got subscribed with your Chanel and thumbs up :) ,,amazing footage and fav, in fact I want to buy one ,if I buy googles integra which receiver I need. I sent you msg on messenger but you did not answer me :( . can you tell me if you did upgrades on this drone cause in couple of days I am going to buy one and wish to get more knowledge on fpv. I really wish you can help me to get the flywoo LR4 and what I need to buy extra to get this long range and battery flight time.thanks in advance :)

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  Год назад

      Messenger? Oh sorry about that, is it instagram? What kind of remote controller (transmitter) are you using? For me, I use TBS crossfire Nano RX pro receiver now paired with a TBS tango 2 controller. The Integra goggles are good, but may limit range a little bit up to 3.5km, as the antenna is not swappable. Best to get goggles 2 or goggles v2 if you want to push yourself, but integra is a good place to start and sell later.. Check the description in the video, you will see other links to stuff you need, such as longer antenna and the 3000mah lion battery for 20-25 min of flight time,. theres tons of other settings that all need to be aligned to ensure the best range such as ensuring all settings are correct on all your gear. It's actually quite a big subject but having the explorer and correct gears is a good place to start learning at least. Good luck.

  • @LovesM855A1
    @LovesM855A1 9 месяцев назад

    The Lumineer had one out long before that one….. so no its not first

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  9 месяцев назад

      Haha I thought it was the other way around actually 😂👍 few weeks after I had this lumineer launched a newsletter. Well anyway doesn’t matter 👍

    • @LovesM855A1
      @LovesM855A1 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@PattyFlipz no it doesn’t the main fact is you built and badazz mamajamma! Seriously great job I’m like 🤤🤤🤤🤤 lol

    • @PattyFlipz
      @PattyFlipz  9 месяцев назад

      Thx bro!! and thanks for watching 🙏

  • @pierangelobertaina1282
    @pierangelobertaina1282 Год назад +1
