Bloody fascinating. It still boggles my mind that, not even that long ago, we walked along side another human species. I’d give anything to be able to see that first hand. Imagine being able to just watch, unnoticed. That’d be so incredible to see!!
Exploring the mysteries of the Neanderthals is like peering into the distant past and unraveling the story of our ancient relatives. This documentary promises to be a fascinating journey into the lives of these enigmatic beings. Thank you for shedding light on our shared history.
My Grandson and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Amazing how much he knew about them from just watching programs on RUclips himself.Was so proud of him as I know it was beyond the history he’s had at school so far.These programs inform,make you think,and give great topics to talk about too.As well as broaden your mind.Your never too old to learn new things.Great documentary 😀
Thanks a lot for watching and for your positive feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to comment and are glad you and your grandson like our content!
I can't even measure how much I learn from DW documentaries. They're remarkably high quality and complex information is presented in an accessible way. Bravo DW!
Fantastic presentation. I was delighted to hear one of the researchers suggest that the Neanderthals could have had dance and song. There's so much that suggests a complex people here. I'm personally convinced that the environment that they lived in would have demanded a complex spoken language. John Warner. Australia
@Matt Mann No one has ever said that people are 100% responsible for climate change, change has always happened, how fast and who is responsible for the majority is another matter, the only people who say that people are 100% responsible are those who use it to spread fear and misinformation, to discredit scientists and the public’s faith in science
I've already seen this episode once recently. And yet, there is so much valuable material to consider and sort thru, that it is a great pleasure to discover things that I'd missed the first time. Thank you for your high quality productions. You are making the world a more enlightened place.
@@TaurusHere True. My ancestors were definitely not Neanderthals but homosapiens. These documentaries want to make all humans were descendants from Neanderthals. That's simply not true.
Making episodes about their anti-science belief systems doesn't make it science or history. Science is about the repeatable portion of reality, not things like common descent evolution that contradict repeatable reality, can only be believed in, and they call reasons to believe in it 'evidence'. The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table. Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by, no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations", no matter how much "change in allele frequencies", no matter how much "development of new species", no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals", no matter how much "adaptation", no matter how much "mutation", no matter how much "speciation", no matter how much "migration", no matter how much "genetic drift", no matter how much "insert other claims here" no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of: fish remain fish amphibians remain amphibians, canines remain canines, felines remain felines, reptiles remain reptiles, birds remain birds, viruses remain viruses, animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes animals that never had brains do not evolve brains animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on. There are many more such groups. Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science. Evolutionist can never address these facts - many unfortunately just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're seem to be really about deception that's contrary to actual science. ===== Part TWO ===== Here are a few objections/claims they may bring up when they cannot address the above observable, repeatable and verifiable facts: *Evolutionists sometimes try to claim you're against science.* Science is fine and requires no belief. In the entire existence of the human race: Objects drop to the ground. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required. In the entire existence of the human race: Diseases spread. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required. In the entire existence of the human race: All populations of: canines remain canines, fish remain fish, reptiles remain reptiles, animals that never had hearts do not evolve hearts, animals that never had digestive systems do not evolve digestive systems (or brains, or eyes, or reproductive systems and many, many more cases like these). Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required. *Evolutionists sometimes try to say they don't claim that populations of 'animals turn into other animals' over generations* Quite the opposite. Evolutionists claim the first life form was a single cell. They claim that it is the ancestor of all living things today. That's "animals turning into other animal" over generations of mythological proportions. They claim humans, apes, rats, banana plants (50% DNA similarity to human beings) are all related - that's again "species turning into other species" of mythological proportions, claiming all life is related. At some point reptiles did not exist in their worldview. That means they claim over generations some populations animals that were never reptiles 'evolved' over generations eventually into reptiles - That's "animals turning into other animals" over generations to mythological degrees. At some point no animals had brains. This means they claim over generations some populations of animals that never had brains 'evolved' brains over generations. Yet when called out on this some evolutionists even try to say "evolution doesn't say species turn into other species", which again is just not honest. It shows they not only know they're wrong, but they show their intent to push this falsehood anyway. *If you point out evolutionists "populations over generations" claims, and some will dishonestly pretend you're claiming evolutionists are saying that one kind of animal 'gives birth' to another kind".* Which again is clearly deception. Science shows *populations over generations* do not do what they claim. *Evolutionists typically imply making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it,* which of course is false and is just circular reasoning. Making up beliefs ABOUT fossils or ABOUT DNA *that never happens* does not then make fossils or DNA 'evidence' or an 'observation of' of the belief you just made up about them. *Evolutionists also typically resort to the crime analogy.* For example, since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they ignore: the thing called a "crime" is already observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *MORE* possible crimes that no one is left alive to have observed it. By sharp contrast, what evolutionists do would be the same as giving 'evidence' for some strange new crime that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this crime that never happens actually happening (for example: a "crime" of turning someone into a tree). *Even some people factually observing something that's never happened is not science if it's not repeatable and also verifiable*. So for example, hundreds of people are witness to the fact Jesus Christ rose from the dead (or that He raised others from death), and they wrote about it. Direct observation. But it's still not science because it's *not repeatable* and not *verifiable.* There's also evidence He rose from the dead, and some have observed Him alive after the fact, but it's STILL not science that people can be raised from the dead, in spite of evidence, and in spite of it also being directly observed - because it's not *repeatable* and not *verifiable.* And so it goes with the belief of common descent from a first life form - not only is it not *repeatable,* not *verifiable,* it's not even *observable* either - which makes the resurrection far more likely to be called science before the belief of common descent from a first life form ever could. But neither of them can be called science of course. ===== Part Three ===== *Evolutionists almost always are against Christ but are teaching their religion* that goes along with their belief of common descent from a first life form - the belief of 'nothing did it - it all just happened on it's own, including life - you're just another animal related to all animals - so live how you want and you'll rest in peace when you die". But they also pass this religion off 'you are god' off as science as well. That in mind, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for ourselves and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ to live for Him instead. John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_* Live forever, friends!
Absolutely agree. They took the crown from vice. Vice used to be great but now they largely paddle nonsense and it's just not the same anymore. I'm happy DW stepped up and continue to output super high-quality documentaries on interesting topics. Thank you!!!
This is one of the most interesting documentaries I have observed about the Neanderthals. I enjoyed it so much I hope to get back to it at some time. Thank you ….love archeology.
Hello. Be not deceived - common descent evolution is an anti-science belief system. Hate for God is the motive for it it seems. Science is about the repeatable portion of reality, not things like common descent evolution that contradict repeatable reality, can only be believed in, and they call reasons to believe in it 'evidence'. The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table. Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by, no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations", no matter how much "change in allele frequencies", no matter how much "development of new species", no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals", no matter how much "adaptation", no matter how much "mutation", no matter how much "speciation", no matter how much "migration", no matter how much "genetic drift", no matter how much "insert other claims here" no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of: fish remain fish amphibians remain amphibians, canines remain canines, felines remain felines, reptiles remain reptiles, birds remain birds, viruses remain viruses, animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes animals that never had brains do not evolve brains animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on. There are many more such groups. Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science. Evolutionist can never address these facts - many unfortunately just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're seem to be really about deception that's contrary to actual science. ===== Part TWO ===== Here are a few objections/claims they may bring up when they cannot address the above observable, repeatable and verifiable facts: *Evolutionists sometimes try to claim you're against science.* Science is fine and requires no belief. In the entire existence of the human race: Objects drop to the ground. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required. In the entire existence of the human race: Diseases spread. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required. In the entire existence of the human race: All populations of: canines remain canines, fish remain fish, reptiles remain reptiles, animals that never had hearts do not evolve hearts, animals that never had digestive systems do not evolve digestive systems (or brains, or eyes, or reproductive systems and many, many more cases like these). Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required. *Evolutionists sometimes try to say they don't claim that populations of 'animals turn into other animals' over generations* Quite the opposite. Evolutionists claim the first life form was a single cell. They claim that it is the ancestor of all living things today. That's "animals turning into other animal" over generations of mythological proportions. They claim humans, apes, rats, banana plants (50% DNA similarity to human beings) are all related - that's again "species turning into other species" of mythological proportions, claiming all life is related. At some point reptiles did not exist in their worldview. That means they claim over generations some populations animals that were never reptiles 'evolved' over generations eventually into reptiles - That's "animals turning into other animals" over generations to mythological degrees. At some point no animals had brains. This means they claim over generations some populations of animals that never had brains 'evolved' brains over generations. Yet when called out on this some evolutionists even try to say "evolution doesn't say species turn into other species", which again is just not honest. It shows they not only know they're wrong, but they show their intent to push this falsehood anyway. *If you point out evolutionists "populations over generations" claims, and some will dishonestly pretend you're claiming evolutionists are saying that one kind of animal 'gives birth' to another kind".* Which again is clearly deception. Science shows *populations over generations* do not do what they claim. *Evolutionists typically imply making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it,* which of course is false and is just circular reasoning. Making up beliefs ABOUT fossils or ABOUT DNA *that never happens* does not then make fossils or DNA 'evidence' or an 'observation of' of the belief you just made up about them. *Evolutionists also typically resort to the crime analogy.* For example, since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they ignore: the thing called a "crime" is already observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *MORE* possible crimes that no one is left alive to have observed it. By sharp contrast, what evolutionists do would be the same as giving 'evidence' for some strange new crime that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this crime that never happens actually happening (for example: a "crime" of turning someone into a tree). *Even some people factually observing something that's never happened is not science if it's not repeatable and also verifiable.* So for example, hundreds of people are witness to the fact Jesus Christ rose from the dead (or that He raised others from death), and they wrote about it. Direct observation. But it's still not science because it's *not repeatable* and not *verifiable.* There's also evidence He rose from the dead, and some have observed Him alive after the fact, but it's STILL not science that people can be raised from the dead, in spite of evidence, and in spite of it also being directly observed - because it's not *repeatable* and not *verifiable.* And so it goes with the belief of common descent from a first life form - not only is it not *repeatable,* not *verifiable,* it's not even *observable* either - which makes the resurrection far more likely to be called science before the belief of common descent from a first life form ever could. But neither of them can be called science of course. ===== Part Three ===== *Evolutionists almost always are against Christ but are teaching their religion* that goes along with their belief of common descent from a first life form - the belief of 'nothing did it - it all just happened on it's own, including life - you're just another animal related to all animals - so live how you want and you'll rest in peace when you die". But they also pass this religion off 'you are god' off as science as well. That in mind, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for ourselves and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ to live for Him instead. John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_* Live forever, friends!
These are so educational and fascinating, we're fortunate enough to have the tools, technology and scientists/archeologists who dedicate their lives to research and test fossils.
Neanderthal: Still synonymous with brutishness, the first Neanderthal remains were found in France in 1908. Considered to be ignorant, ape-like, stooped and knuckle-dragging, much of the evidence now suggests that Neanderthal was just as human as us, and his stooped appearance was because of arthritis and rickets. Neanderthals are now recognized as skilled hunters, believers in an after-life, and even skilled surgeons, as seen in one skeleton whose withered right arm had been amputated above the elbow. (source: "Upgrading Neanderthal Man", Time Magazine, May 17, 1971, Vol. 97, No. 20) The religion of evolutionism is based upon lies. Get rid of the lies that are used to prop up evolution and evolution collapses.
Yeah its an absolute blessing we have people willing to spend their time and money on all forms of archeology. It's like having a black and white colouring book, and people colouring it in. That's one great thing about the modern world, the knowledge of the past that we have amassed
@@mikefisher4834 The sad thing is that those who promote evolutionism have been brainwashed into believing in evolutionism thus they interpret the fossils with that preconceived belief system...tainted. Science is not consensus and not biased.
I've always had a fascination with early man and watch and read all I can. I just discovered this DW program and am even more excited about my coming trip to France to see the Lascaux and Chauvet caves, and the others not as well known.
@Alice I'm not going into the original Lascaux and Chauvet, there are replicas. There are, however, others that allow a very limited number of people to see. I've wanted to see them for years.
Don't speak loud when your ears are hot you will scare the pride away the animals that are there so you speak in silence such as sign language cuz your voice is the high and low in the name of your vocals this is just something that I was thinking maybe I'm wrong but maybe I'm correction anyways as I do not speak all the time during a hunt
Fascinating! Thank you so much for wonderful documentaries! I have always loved documentaries, even as a very young child. How wonderful to have such quality on RUclips! Beautiful!
Ms Belle, how does this keep occuring ? Oh that's right our paths have been crossing /Intertwined longer than either one of us thought possible. I have been watching this channel for the past six months or more and I agree they DW makes great Documentaries, now if they just had one on treehouses ?
Really nice documentary, thank you. I would have liked to hear more about the interactions with homo-sapiens & extinction period - as well as the origins of the homosapiens and first contact.
Why don't these people just interview the Neanderthals living in the apartment down the block from me? I've never heard them actually speak, they are always dirty and shriek at each other and everyone that walks by. Not the Richardsons, the ones next door to them.
Neanderthals are constantly referred to as "primitive", but they were so ONLY in a technological sense. They knew every inch of their terrain, the animals, plants, patterns and flow of nature. They were nomadic because they understood that the environment had to regenerate, if they stayed too long in one place they would deplete the resources and ruin that area. They traveled from place to place when animals were in the area, and plants were ripe, making the most of what the world had to offer. I'm one of those people with a decent percent of my DNA being of Neanderthal origin (short, stocky frame, wide nose, ability to withstand cold far better than others, Robin Williams level fur, lol) and I love that these people are finally being given the respect they deserve. They survived some of the toughest times in human development, and were obviously considered worthy by the new homo sapiens to mate with, not the savage, dumb brutes they had been depicted as for so long. They had a very simple, straightforward way of living, they didn't have time or inclination for undue frippery, instead preferring utility over decoration, but still they appreciated beauty.
Neanderthal: Still synonymous with brutishness, the first Neanderthal remains were found in France in 1908. Considered to be ignorant, ape-like, stooped and knuckle-dragging, much of the evidence now suggests that Neanderthal was just as human as us, and his stooped appearance was because of arthritis and rickets. Neanderthals are now recognized as skilled hunters, believers in an after-life, and even skilled surgeons, as seen in one skeleton whose withered right arm had been amputated above the elbow. (source: "Upgrading Neanderthal Man", Time Magazine, May 17, 1971, Vol. 97, No. 20) The religion of evolutionism is based upon lies. Get rid of the lies that are used to prop up evolution and evolution collapses.
In essence they were the perfect apex mammal animals that humans evolved from. I wonder what other apex animal predators will look like in a million years .. what will we look like.. will we exist
Or, some few of us were considered worthy to mate with Neanderthals! As you say neither group was inherently superior to the other. And obviously Neanderthal are not extinct, as some of our ancestors are them.
I am reading Sapiens by Yuval Harari. It was so interesting to watch this movie since it matches a lot with what he says in his book. Brilliant job! Thank you so much for your time and effort!
They had to be smart, strong, athletic, have a good sense of smell, eyesight, hearing and have good verbal communication to survive in such a difficult environment. I think that the stereotype of them being dumb brutes is total nonsense. Think about the extreme difficulty involved with hunting very large game such as a woolly rhino or mammoth. That requires great skills.
@Mike dav I think that most Europeans have like 1-3% Neanderthal DNA, also everyone has Neanderthal dna including East Asians, Arabs, and anyone who isn’t purely African.... however, assuming the homo sapien(original Africans) were smarter, 99% of people would have those intelligence genes because everyone is still mostly homo sapien so..... also Europeans evolved into cro magnums and Asians have the highest average IQs, yet they bred with Denisovans and Neanderthals, which, according to you, are “dumb apes”
@Mike dav lol this guy is bitter about something. It’s not like your percentage of Neanderthal DNA accounts for anything drastic when it comes to intelligence or ability. In fact, it accounts for very little at all. It’s entirely negligible. Nobody should care about percentages.
Everytime I see an archeological excavation I think about how amazing our scientists are and how many evidence and information our cities have already destroyed. Amazing documentary
It is. Could ancient people be categorized by the ability to taunt humans and other species enough to provoke lethal violence? I have questioned this since I heard certain CANADIAN music from the late 60's and early 70's. SICKNESS AND BRUTALITY WAS OBVIOUS.
@@raysalmon6566 Well, aren't you Mr. Know it all! All those people methodically, painstakingly working in archaeological digs, doing the radio carbon dating to determine the age of the remains, they don't know s*** do they? But you (probably with a third grade education) have got it all figured out!
@@leeleeturn Well, aren't you Mr. Know it all! All those people methodically, painstakingly working in archaeological digs, doing the radio carbon dating to determine the age of the remains, they don't know s*** do they? But you (probably with a third grade education) have got it all figured out! well check out William Foxwell Albright Most involved in Biblical Archaeology are from secular Universities looks your dog ate your homework again
The Christian God is the True God and I am going to prove it right now: God has a Law called the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). These Laws include do not lie, do not steal, don’t put others gods before Him (Exodus 20) Have you ever broken any of these Laws? Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever lusted after someone? If we really went over God’s Laws in the Bible, every single one of them, it can really expose how much of a sinner we truly are and because we have all committed these acts our punishment is Hell because God’s standard is perfection. Our good works cannot get us into Heaven. That’s like you steal a soda from the store but you tell the judge, “hey judge I give to the orphanage, I do community service.” The judge will not care about what you did. You stole something that was not yours so therefore the Judge is going to find you guilty. God is the same way. But, this Judge is a loving Judge who does not want to sentence you for your crimes. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to come and take the punishment for your sins and if you Repent of your sins and accept jesus Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior then you will be saved from the sentence. Jesus loves you and is not willing that any should perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16) God bless
@@stellaeliza5317 There really are some unpleasant people about. Use your brain instead of vulgar language and name calling. ( I’m afraid, it does remind one of Trump followers).
@@barbaraseymour3437 Listen Barbara.. I am not american, even if I lived in USA I still would not be American, unless I am related with Native American! Surprisingly you called me vulgar when you don't know me and vice versa. I suggest to drop in the toilet your chip on your shoulder before starting write any comments.... I suggest you to mind your on business and focus about the video or videos ok? YOU ARE WASTE OF TIME
This isnt a "ancient form" just another specie they say. But for me its as most logic as saying black or Asian people are a different specie because of their characteristics.
Stunned to hear the man say their voices were high because the larynx was PROBABLY higher in the skull/neck area. The pitch of the sound is determined by the length of the vocal folds, length and thickness, NOT where they might be in the head. Sheeeesh!!
It might have helped blend in with wildlife in the environment. Grunting and growling would scare prey from area you habitate and you would have to travel further to gather or hunt food or low gutteral sounds may make it obvious to predators ( maneaters) that hairy meat clan is just over that hill and they have a few baby neanderthal to snack on. Maybe clicks, chirps, whistles...big nose air intake to master whistling. Perhaps it helped them succeed as part of the enviroment. Makes sense when I think about it but I agree, there goes our hollywood version . Big, robust, strong, hairy with the sweet voice of a bluebird! Lol
@@shellshock000 Wonderful! I agree with you, but I was talking about the idea that the voices were high BECAUSE of where the vocal folds were in the head. The length and thickness determine the general pitch, not where they are located. But, I realize that I wasn't there!!! Ha!
Yes, there are opposing views about Neanderthal speech capability which were not covered in the documentary. Some people think they did have complex language and did not have especially high voices. This subject is full of controversies, so the programme would be three times as long if it showed alternative opinions!
Thank you for the documentary DW, you guys are amazing as always. Honestly, if it's not your documentary I am hesitant to watch it. This is a topic I've been really fascinated about since I was young, it was interesting to hear that their voice might be more high pitch due to their voice box being higher, also hearing about how they made their weapons. I hope we get to learn more about them and the homo-sapien. One thing I have always wondered is why they look so similar to Apes and also how they communicated.
Did u tell him you neanderthal s were in caves in cold thousands of years before others cane to show u how things are done? Then later u became hostile on earth
It always amazes me that with the supposition if Darwin and his origin of species that many take that supposition as truth without absolute proof of measurement of time that these time frames these various findings were found in. At best I believe it to be an educated guess particularly avoiding the biblical account because the majority if many people would rather not retain anything godly in their knowledge. Many people are amazed that dinosaurs are no longer in existence today and many wonder what caused their demise and yet there is an apparent willful neglect perhaps of careful thought and research of some key elements that took place that perhaps have not been considered. As we examine the opening chapters of the Bible we trace the origin of evil and an almost immediate fall of mankind that resulted from the poor choices of our first parents Adam & Eve that bore their desire of the Promised One to be of their immediate offspring but instead their firstborn turned out to be the first murderer of his brother Abel simply because he disagreed and was willfully disobedient to the explicit direction to the requirements the Lord had directed in requirements in approaching God in worship. Cain deliberately disobeyed Gods strict directions and even condescended to reason with Cain about his wrongful attitude concerning his parents expulsion from eden and the young humans race and subsequent punishment resulting from the sinful choice of his parents that resulted in their expulsion from Eden. Even after Cain murdered his brother Abel God tried in vain to reason with a man that still held on to his own stubborn way even with the God of the universe trying to reason with him. God in His mercy did not destroy Cain just as He did not destroy Lucifer when he rebelled in heaven when Lucifer became jealous of his Creator and was jealous that he was not included or consulted in the upcoming plans to create a place called earth.
I found this documentary very interesting and informative. I searched on this subject because I had completed a recent DNA test, which found I have about two percent DNA linked to our Neanderthal ancestors (the database that completed the test concluded that I have more than seventy-three percent more Neanderthal ancestry DNA than other persons included in the database, which I assume is in the hundreds of thousands, if not the millions - interesting, and I get that this may be the same for an abundance of other people!). Neanderthals had a very tough environment to deal with, and their physical makeup developed and catered for that. They were intelligent, great hunters, had social skills, a form of communication, and a form of culture. Thank you for the upload.
@@contrarian8870 Neanderthal DNA's are common from Europe and the Middle East. That's probably why no racist intended as I am half white, the Caucasian features looks.
After reading Sapiens, I read Human Kindness. It was a nice palate cleanser after the former. As I recall, in Sapiens he spoke about the "superior species" being the victors and Neanderthals died out. Human Kindness had a different take on things, which I appreciated.
Great job. I love the way this documentary give the Neanderthals their respect by referring to them as 'people '. They are as much people as we are . It did a great job at showing the necessary skills they had to possess in order to survive . I have been interested in Neanderthals and felt prior to genetic confirmation that they were human as homo sapiens. 'The failed to adapt to a superior species' , said by one of the scientist is a stretch. We know little about the interaction. One strong point is Neanderthals met homo sapiens and interbred, according to DNA analysis . That says a lot .
They were probably genocided. We can hardly handle race relations within the same species, much less with a different species with a much larger contrast in behavior and personality.
the information is a little outdated in this documentary but still an amazing documentary!! they have discovered jewelry such as drilled carnivore teeth and beads also made from neanderthals recently and evidence some of them grew there own food like grains by planting seeds in selected places.
awesome research and dedication to solving the history of US amazing how, living in the UK we are so close to this hub of life. great video guys . thank you
I was raised young-earth creationist; it has been so refreshing as an adult to learn about these long-lost people from documentaries & lectures like this. I was taught they were nothing more than quadrupedal knuckle-walkers (which would make it somewhat awkward to share DNA with them...), it's great to learn the truth of what's actually known about them. Wish I could have met one.
Glad you are now having the chance to continue to learn. I love documentaries and museums on this subject, as to me it is fascinating to know where and how we as humans fit into the larger pattern of the universe. It's very humbling in some ways to know how small our role has been over the massive expanse of time, and in other ways it allows an appreciation of our uniqueness. Keep feeding your curiousity!
Seems somewhat ridiculous to report that early human-types had intelligence and high communicative abilities.... even ants have great communication skills. Humans today are too impressed with themselves!!!
@Joppa Kolla timeline: "extreme cold" relative for the time: talking about another species and well before Homo Sapiens had even spread and adapted to arctic regions: 120-40k ago vs 10k ago at most
Great documentary that gives a glimpse into the world in which Neanderthals lived. Recently I saw a documentary where they showed what had at one time a beach and you could see where the adults had the children in a safe area where the adults could keep an eye on them while going about their daily routine. I find the Neanderthals to be a very fascinating people--nothing like what was thought when I was a child almost 60 years ago.
They are getting closer to telling real true history at least closer than what we were talt in school they didn't do anything but dumb us down as best they could that's what I believe what about you
Neanderthal genes survive in most of us. East Asians & Europeans have upwards of 3% to 5% of Neanderthal genes, while even Africans were found to have 0.5%. Neanderthals, Homo sapiens, Denisovans were very similar genetically. They interbred & gave birth to healthy & fertile offspring. Empirical evidence shows that there is less difference between these homo sub species than there is between polar & brown bears, who are known to interbreed. Modern humans living in Europe around 40,000 years ago were found to have 10% of Neanderthal genes.
Awesome documentary! Thank you for making this available to watch for free. (Also, it was really nice to hear an Australian narrator. But I'm Australian, so am totally biased.)
I was actually searching for this presentation of research studies in which homo sapiens didn't actually exterminate the neanderthals. On the contrary they coexisted and even interbred. I wish I could meet both the groups in person and ask them what they thought of each other 😊 These kinds of deep dive into such interesting historical topics makes me appreciate it's makers. Great work DW 👍👍👍
The “Stonehenge” of Lake Michigan, USA is just ten meters below the surface. It’s the relief carving on one stone of a mammoth is what fascinates me. The landscape would have been covered with many small lakes through which the herds would move creating kill zones for the hunters which they marked
Most "humans" were nomadic until they learned agriculture/planting and to raise domestic animals. They had to follow their "food" herd migrations and do some hunter gathering along the way.
The Age of Taurus, The Bull, for roughly 2160 years we learned agriculture and more. Before the age of Taurus was The Age of Gemini, The Twins and potentially coming into being? Before Gemini was the Age of Cancer. Coming out of The Garden? Before Cancer, The Age of Leo. In the Garden? Purely to do with cycles in astronomy and not so much astrology but they are somewhat intertwined. All if these agea last roughly 2160 years. We are now at "The Cossing" of Ages between The Age of Pisces and Aquarius The retrograde motion is due to "The Procession of Equinox"
Anyone that doubts that Neanderthals and Modern Humans interbred needs to see many of the residents of Century Village in West Palm Beach, Florida. A study should really be done!
Check it out. Europeans have 1 to 3% Neanderthal DNA. Africans have none. There is much more but I will not look it up. Of interest... Berber and Basque have high rates of rare RH negative blood... Like 45% of the population.
It makes me proud to think I have very human link to the primitive past just as all our ancestors came out of Africa which is something we should all be proud of!
Modern people will never understand the lengths human beings went to survive and reproduce. Majority of their time involved hunting or foraging, however their senses, reflex, strength, hearing, eyesight, etc are all super human levels. It’s actually insane to think about
Fascinating documentary. How do you know that brothers swapped their sisters with other clans rather than sisters swapped brothers? What is your evidence? Thanks
Male dominated "society" , they were hunting very dangerous game in harsh conditions, you don't give your sons to strangers as it would jeopardize the survival of the group in extreme climatic conditions. It takes a few generations to notice that marrying your sister can cause issues to the offspring. Infant mortality was most likely very high and we do not know if they were as fertile as Sapiens . These elements would point to the fact that it is far more likely if not almost certain that if human exchanges took place, it would mostly be women exchanged. Over several hundred thousands of years of Neandertal history, it is likely that some groups fought each other at some point. The prize of the victors would be resources and women to strengthen the group since most defeated men would be dead or dying from their injuries shortly after.
@@SFDPSFDP If infant mortality is high and fertility might or might not be an issue, females are vital for the survival of the tribe. It would surely be safer to rely on your female relatives when giving birth and for child care, especially given there was no proof of paternity, but no doubt of the maternity of an infant. Also, although hunting is important, gathering is vital too.
@@isobelholland8552 Indeed, I respect your opinion however to me, what you just said implies that since female are also vital, you want to exchange them to guaranteee a healthy offspring instead of marrying your siblings . Gathering was not as important as hunting according to findings, there was not much to gather under such a cold weather anyway, besides it is not like males could not gather. This said it is known that hunting was their way of life and main occupation, massive meat slaughtering sites attest to this, they were particularly suited to this activity and as a consequence, male hunters were dominating these groups as the most valuable asset for survival. Hunting a mammooth is no small feat and requires a lot of experience, strength and bravery to do it without losing family members, you need powerful leaders and very skilled hunters, this is just a fact of life that also applies to prehistoric sapiens societies. Matrimonial societies like you find for instance in some Berbers tribes are very rare and came to be in very specific historical and social circumstances but there is no evidence that Neanderthals shared them so it is more logical to assume that they would behave in a similar way as the vast majority of human like societies, especially at these periods of time where physical strength and bestial vigor was so essential.
To get good ideas about how Neanderthal people might have lived you should read some of James Michener’s books (Poland, the Covenant, Centennial, Hawaii) and also the series by Jean Auel, starting with Clan of the Cave Bears. They’re stories which the authors combined research about how the early people might have lived, combining facts with fictional characters, and it’s great reading and learning in an interesting way. They include everything they’re describing here. You can learn how they made cooking pots out of animal skins, which herbs were used for cooking and medicine and lots of great stuff.
@@alexiaalcaraz1367 They are really good books, but she only gives Neanderthals a lifespan of about 25 years, and has girls reaching maturity at about 7.
Very fascinating to know we shared the planet with another human species. Some ancient cultures speak of human-type beings that were considered very different and their eventual elimination. May be they were referring to Neanderthals. The other thing is much of archeology is fiction written on he basis of many assumptions and some artifacts. I find it hard to believe that humans existed for millions of years and suddenly about less than ten thousand years ago developed language, built great architecture, developed religions and way more organized way of living....we are missing something here.
I have asked the same thing myself. There seems to be a period of lost time that is unexplainable and lacks any evidence. How were humans able to evolve into the beings we are and what allowed us to advance so rapidly. Advancing to say the wagon train days from what is considered primitive. Then wagon train days to extreme technological growth in an extremely short time.
Good point. IMHO religion and oral culture might have been highly developed for tens or hundreds of thousands of years. I´m judging by the fact that the most "primitive" tribes today have highly developed oral culture with amazing imagination and sense of humour, and by the fact that the oldest cultures we know of wrote and probably remembered incredibly complicated stories. Mahabharata, Gilgamesh, Béowulf, the Torah - those are hundreds of pages today, and yet they were written from memory, not by the creative process we use to write books today. IMHO the love for complicated stories like LOTR, Star Wars, the Game of Thrones or Harry Potter stems from these ancient times. It´s quite possible prehistoric hunters "played" incredible stories like these in their heads while waiting for the prey to show up.
For most people of European descent, they are still present in many of us. I find that marvellous and wonderful. Does anyone one else not find that kind of awesome'?
lmao. im glad you admitted it. i also know some people walking around that look like that as well. i dont think they are all your relatives. i think its weird cause i imagine what the parents must look like and if they know they look like 1st man. no judgement just curious.
There is currently kept skeleton of 9 year old Neanderthal boy in Tashkent museum in Uzbekistan and it is located in Central Asia. Would be great if you continue your archeological expedition here in Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
Bloody fascinating. It still boggles my mind that, not even that long ago, we walked along side another human species. I’d give anything to be able to see that first hand. Imagine being able to just watch, unnoticed. That’d be so incredible to see!!
Mana yang lebih tua? Budaya Israel dan Cina. Taoisme? Tidak ada orang Cina dalam Alkitab.??
@@andreashermanto9970 ok
Not only that, Eurasians also interbred with them.
there were others.......there was also Malaysian Man
Not that long ago? Try standing on one leg for 45 minutes and then imagine 45000 years passing lol
The original drawings, and artwork added a delightful
perspective that brought the documentary to life.
Well done, DW DOCS.
Reaching the age of 42 in such extreme circumstances is amazing! No healthcare, zero comfort or hygiene, and a hostile climate. Quite an achievement., being another plate on the Menu.
If they had global warming , they might still be with us.
Man no virus mutating that year
@@michaelcap9550 Look at The mirror! They still exists.
@@dkkaiai8795 There could have been. Not like viruses would get fossilized for us to find out.
can’t get enough of these kind of documentaries. 👍✌️
Exploring the mysteries of the Neanderthals is like peering into the distant past and unraveling the story of our ancient relatives. This documentary promises to be a fascinating journey into the lives of these enigmatic beings. Thank you for shedding light on our shared history.
Channel: German
Narrator: British
Archeologist: French
Hotel: Trivago
ok but commercial aside, clearly the narrator is australian
My Grandson and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Amazing how much he knew about them from just watching programs on RUclips himself.Was so proud of him as I know it was beyond the history he’s had at school so far.These programs inform,make you think,and give great topics to talk about too.As well as broaden your mind.Your never too old to learn new things.Great documentary 😀
Thanks a lot for watching and for your positive feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to comment and are glad you and your grandson like our content!
Proud grandpa 💯
Yes so true. Schools these days dont seem to challenge our kids. They even take away books.
@@sameerrana7016 yea, proud grandpa Christine 🤣🤣
What an amazing Documentary ❤
Isn't DW just amazing? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. With love from Slovakia🙏❤️
Watched it on TV a short while ago... It's beautifully done raising some amazing and genuine questions
@adam z awwww
I can't even measure how much I learn from DW documentaries. They're remarkably high quality and complex information is presented in an accessible way. Bravo DW!
Thanks for watching and for the positive feedback! :)
What is this a Paid shout out
Fantastic presentation. I was delighted to hear one of the researchers suggest that the Neanderthals could have had dance and song. There's so much that suggests a complex people here. I'm personally convinced that the environment that they lived in would have demanded a complex spoken language. John Warner. Australia
wow, DW on a roll lately... uploading super interesting stuff almost daily... keep them coming please.... loving it.. Love from India.
@Matt Mann No one has ever said that people are 100% responsible for climate change, change has always happened, how fast and who is responsible for the majority is another matter, the only people who say that people are 100% responsible are those who use it to spread fear and misinformation, to discredit scientists and the public’s faith in science
@Matt Mann But people are responsible for climate change, or if you prefer the speed at which it happens
@Matt Mann
Well, that’s msm for you, isn’t it?
I've already seen this episode once recently. And yet, there is so much valuable material to consider and sort thru, that it is a great pleasure to discover things that I'd missed the first time. Thank you for your high quality productions. You are making the world a more enlightened place.
@Noah's Ark EXACTLY! Maybe their Ancestors came from Animals which is the basis of the Lie about Evolution but MY ANCESTORS WERE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE
@@TaurusHere True. My ancestors were definitely not Neanderthals but homosapiens. These documentaries want to make all humans were descendants from Neanderthals. That's simply not true.
@@wilburmcbride8096 melanated people are the true and first hue-mans
Making episodes about their anti-science belief systems doesn't make it science or history. Science is about the repeatable portion of reality, not things like common descent evolution that contradict repeatable reality, can only be believed in, and they call reasons to believe in it 'evidence'.
The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table.
Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by,
no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations",
no matter how much "change in allele frequencies",
no matter how much "development of new species",
no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals",
no matter how much "adaptation",
no matter how much "mutation",
no matter how much "speciation",
no matter how much "migration",
no matter how much "genetic drift",
no matter how much "insert other claims here"
no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of:
fish remain fish
amphibians remain amphibians,
canines remain canines,
felines remain felines,
reptiles remain reptiles,
birds remain birds,
viruses remain viruses,
animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs
animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts
animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes
animals that never had brains do not evolve brains
animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths
living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system
animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on.
There are many more such groups.
Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science.
Evolutionist can never address these facts - many unfortunately just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're seem to be really about deception that's contrary to actual science.
===== Part TWO =====
Here are a few objections/claims they may bring up when they cannot address the above observable, repeatable and verifiable facts:
*Evolutionists sometimes try to claim you're against science.*
Science is fine and requires no belief.
In the entire existence of the human race: Objects drop to the ground. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required.
In the entire existence of the human race: Diseases spread. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required.
In the entire existence of the human race: All populations of: canines remain canines, fish remain fish, reptiles remain reptiles, animals that never had hearts do not evolve hearts, animals that never had digestive systems do not evolve digestive systems (or brains, or eyes, or reproductive systems and many, many more cases like these). Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required.
*Evolutionists sometimes try to say they don't claim that populations of 'animals turn into other animals' over generations*
Quite the opposite. Evolutionists claim the first life form was a single cell. They claim that it is the ancestor of all living things today. That's "animals turning into other animal" over generations of mythological proportions. They claim humans, apes, rats, banana plants (50% DNA similarity to human beings) are all related - that's again "species turning into other species" of mythological proportions, claiming all life is related.
At some point reptiles did not exist in their worldview. That means they claim over generations some populations animals that were never reptiles 'evolved' over generations eventually into reptiles - That's "animals turning into other animals" over generations to mythological degrees.
At some point no animals had brains. This means they claim over generations some populations of animals that never had brains 'evolved' brains over generations.
Yet when called out on this some evolutionists even try to say "evolution doesn't say species turn into other species", which again is just not honest. It shows they not only know they're wrong, but they show their intent to push this falsehood anyway.
*If you point out evolutionists "populations over generations" claims, and some will dishonestly pretend you're claiming evolutionists are saying that one kind of animal 'gives birth' to another kind".* Which again is clearly deception. Science shows *populations over generations* do not do what they claim.
*Evolutionists typically imply making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it,* which of course is false and is just circular reasoning. Making up beliefs ABOUT fossils or ABOUT DNA *that never happens* does not then make fossils or DNA 'evidence' or an 'observation of' of the belief you just made up about them.
*Evolutionists also typically resort to the crime analogy.* For example, since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they ignore: the thing called a "crime" is already observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *MORE* possible crimes that no one is left alive to have observed it. By sharp contrast, what evolutionists do would be the same as giving 'evidence' for some strange new crime that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this crime that never happens actually happening (for example: a "crime" of turning someone into a tree).
*Even some people factually observing something that's never happened is not science if it's not repeatable and also verifiable*. So for example, hundreds of people are witness to the fact Jesus Christ rose from the dead (or that He raised others from death), and they wrote about it. Direct observation. But it's still not science because it's *not repeatable* and not *verifiable.* There's also evidence He rose from the dead, and some have observed Him alive after the fact, but it's STILL not science that people can be raised from the dead, in spite of evidence, and in spite of it also being directly observed - because it's not *repeatable* and not *verifiable.* And so it goes with the belief of common descent from a first life form - not only is it not *repeatable,* not *verifiable,* it's not even *observable* either - which makes the resurrection far more likely to be called science before the belief of common descent from a first life form ever could. But neither of them can be called science of course.
===== Part Three =====
*Evolutionists almost always are against Christ but are teaching their religion* that goes along with their belief of common descent from a first life form - the belief of 'nothing did it - it all just happened on it's own, including life - you're just another animal related to all animals - so live how you want and you'll rest in peace when you die". But they also pass this religion off 'you are god' off as science as well.
That in mind, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for ourselves and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ to live for Him instead.
John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_*
Live forever, friends!
Glory to hanuman ,he was neendarthal.
2021 is to you DW Documentary, you guys deserve the best because you give us the best
Except for the climate change agenda.
Wish they would not use music
@@driver2909 yes they don't care about climate change, they only see profits in climate change 😀
Absolutely agree. They took the crown from vice. Vice used to be great but now they largely paddle nonsense and it's just not the same anymore. I'm happy DW stepped up and continue to output super high-quality documentaries on interesting topics. Thank you!!!
This is one of the most interesting documentaries I have observed about the Neanderthals. I enjoyed it so much I hope to get back to it at some time. Thank you ….love archeology.
Hello. Be not deceived - common descent evolution is an anti-science belief system. Hate for God is the motive for it it seems. Science is about the repeatable portion of reality, not things like common descent evolution that contradict repeatable reality, can only be believed in, and they call reasons to believe in it 'evidence'.
The bottom line is the topic of the origin of all biological diversity is beyond the scope of science as beliefs, and reasons to believe in it, are all anyone can bring to the table.
Here's what *is* science: A.k.a., well documented and published even in evolutionists' own papers (when they happen to include something that's actually observable, repeatable, verifiable biological, scientific fact when they're telling their common descent stories and why they believe in it) that demonstrates common descent from a first life form is anti-science. Science shows that it's observable, repeatable, verifiable scientific fact that, no matter how many generations go by,
no matter how much "change in genetic composition during successive generations",
no matter how much "change in allele frequencies",
no matter how much "development of new species",
no matter how much "natural selection acting on genetic variation among individuals",
no matter how much "adaptation",
no matter how much "mutation",
no matter how much "speciation",
no matter how much "migration",
no matter how much "genetic drift",
no matter how much "insert other claims here"
no matter how many generations go by, ALL populations of:
fish remain fish
amphibians remain amphibians,
canines remain canines,
felines remain felines,
reptiles remain reptiles,
birds remain birds,
viruses remain viruses,
animals that never had lungs to breath air do not evolve lungs
animals that never had hearts to pump blood do not evolve hearts
animals that never had eyes to see do not evolve eyes
animals that never had brains do not evolve brains
animals that never had mouths do not evolve mouths
living things that never had a reproductive system do not evolve a reproductive system
animals that never had (insert organ here) remain living things without that organ, and so on.
There are many more such groups.
Science shows that the "common descent from a first life form" evolution (some call Darwinian evolution, some call theory of common descent) is anti-science.
Evolutionist can never address these facts - many unfortunately just fall back on ad hominem, showing how they're seem to be really about deception that's contrary to actual science.
===== Part TWO =====
Here are a few objections/claims they may bring up when they cannot address the above observable, repeatable and verifiable facts:
*Evolutionists sometimes try to claim you're against science.*
Science is fine and requires no belief.
In the entire existence of the human race: Objects drop to the ground. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required.
In the entire existence of the human race: Diseases spread. Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required.
In the entire existence of the human race: All populations of: canines remain canines, fish remain fish, reptiles remain reptiles, animals that never had hearts do not evolve hearts, animals that never had digestive systems do not evolve digestive systems (or brains, or eyes, or reproductive systems and many, many more cases like these). Observable, repeatable, verifiable, no belief required.
*Evolutionists sometimes try to say they don't claim that populations of 'animals turn into other animals' over generations*
Quite the opposite. Evolutionists claim the first life form was a single cell. They claim that it is the ancestor of all living things today. That's "animals turning into other animal" over generations of mythological proportions. They claim humans, apes, rats, banana plants (50% DNA similarity to human beings) are all related - that's again "species turning into other species" of mythological proportions, claiming all life is related.
At some point reptiles did not exist in their worldview. That means they claim over generations some populations animals that were never reptiles 'evolved' over generations eventually into reptiles - That's "animals turning into other animals" over generations to mythological degrees.
At some point no animals had brains. This means they claim over generations some populations of animals that never had brains 'evolved' brains over generations.
Yet when called out on this some evolutionists even try to say "evolution doesn't say species turn into other species", which again is just not honest. It shows they not only know they're wrong, but they show their intent to push this falsehood anyway.
*If you point out evolutionists "populations over generations" claims, and some will dishonestly pretend you're claiming evolutionists are saying that one kind of animal 'gives birth' to another kind".* Which again is clearly deception. Science shows *populations over generations* do not do what they claim.
*Evolutionists typically imply making up reasons to believe in their common descent from a first life form belief system is the same as "observing" it,* which of course is false and is just circular reasoning. Making up beliefs ABOUT fossils or ABOUT DNA *that never happens* does not then make fossils or DNA 'evidence' or an 'observation of' of the belief you just made up about them.
*Evolutionists also typically resort to the crime analogy.* For example, since you cannot "observe" a certain crime, but can look at "evidence" for a crime, that shows we can know things happened without observing it. But what they ignore: the thing called a "crime" is already observable, repeatable, verifiable reality, so now we can look for forensic 'evidence' of some *MORE* possible crimes that no one is left alive to have observed it. By sharp contrast, what evolutionists do would be the same as giving 'evidence' for some strange new crime that's never been observed even once by the human race, and yet claim that's also an observation of this crime that never happens actually happening (for example: a "crime" of turning someone into a tree).
*Even some people factually observing something that's never happened is not science if it's not repeatable and also verifiable.* So for example, hundreds of people are witness to the fact Jesus Christ rose from the dead (or that He raised others from death), and they wrote about it. Direct observation. But it's still not science because it's *not repeatable* and not *verifiable.* There's also evidence He rose from the dead, and some have observed Him alive after the fact, but it's STILL not science that people can be raised from the dead, in spite of evidence, and in spite of it also being directly observed - because it's not *repeatable* and not *verifiable.* And so it goes with the belief of common descent from a first life form - not only is it not *repeatable,* not *verifiable,* it's not even *observable* either - which makes the resurrection far more likely to be called science before the belief of common descent from a first life form ever could. But neither of them can be called science of course.
===== Part Three =====
*Evolutionists almost always are against Christ but are teaching their religion* that goes along with their belief of common descent from a first life form - the belief of 'nothing did it - it all just happened on it's own, including life - you're just another animal related to all animals - so live how you want and you'll rest in peace when you die". But they also pass this religion off 'you are god' off as science as well.
That in mind, I implore people to re-read the gospels and forget what any church or any religion or anyone has claimed they say and sincerely consider yet again for ourselves. Judgment is coming for us all for our lifetime of sinning AND refusing God's offer to forgive and forget in the person of Jesus Christ. But religions also twist God's truth to make people think it's their religion and system of rules that makes them right with God when it's about a person: Jesus Christ, and choosing to have a relationship with Him, having a change of mind about living for ourselves and turning back towards God/ Jesus Christ to live for Him instead.
John 3 : 14-21 *_"[Jesus said] And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up [i.e., on the cross]: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved [exposed]. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."_*
Live forever, friends!
I would be fine without Netflix but not without DW documentaries.DW docus are simply the best.👍🏾
These are so educational and fascinating, we're fortunate enough to have the tools, technology and scientists/archeologists who dedicate their lives to research and test fossils.
Neanderthal: Still synonymous with brutishness, the first Neanderthal remains were found in France in 1908. Considered to be ignorant, ape-like, stooped and knuckle-dragging, much of the evidence now suggests that Neanderthal was just as human as us, and his stooped appearance was because of arthritis and rickets. Neanderthals are now recognized as skilled hunters, believers in an after-life, and even skilled surgeons, as seen in one skeleton whose withered right arm had been amputated above the elbow. (source: "Upgrading Neanderthal Man", Time Magazine, May 17, 1971, Vol. 97, No. 20)
The religion of evolutionism is based upon lies. Get rid of the lies that are used to prop up evolution and evolution collapses.
Yeah its an absolute blessing we have people willing to spend their time and money on all forms of archeology. It's like having a black and white colouring book, and people colouring it in. That's one great thing about the modern world, the knowledge of the past that we have amassed
It’s not just a job to the people who do this It’s a way of life Most of them have collections of fossils in their house💯
@@mikefisher4834 The sad thing is that those who promote evolutionism have been brainwashed into believing in evolutionism thus they interpret the fossils with that preconceived belief system...tainted. Science is not consensus and not biased.
In addition to the great documentary of information, I also appreciate the artwork used to illustrate. Great watercolors!
I've always had a fascination with early man and watch and read all I can. I just discovered this DW program and am even more excited about my coming trip to France to see the Lascaux and Chauvet caves, and the others not as well known.
@Alice I'm not going into the original Lascaux and Chauvet, there are replicas. There are, however, others that allow a very limited number of people to see. I've wanted to see them for years.
DW is the best Documentary Channel
It’s a real shame the history & discovery channels don’t produce shows like this anymore!
We want to see more of these kind of documentaries.
Don't speak loud when your ears are hot you will scare the pride away the animals that are there so you speak in silence such as sign language cuz your voice is the high and low in the name of your vocals this is just something that I was thinking maybe I'm wrong but maybe I'm correction anyways as I do not speak all the time during a hunt
@@garyball6986 po
Why just go outside and you will see them for real.... 😂
@1 think. You
@@skillz8107 its. Overseas
Thank you all for your amazing job.
Fascinating documentary.
Fascinating! Thank you so much for wonderful documentaries! I have always loved documentaries, even as a very young child. How wonderful to have such quality on RUclips! Beautiful!
Hi @Hells Belle! Thank you so much for watching, we're very happy to hear that you like our documentaries :)
Ms Belle, how does this keep occuring ? Oh that's right our paths have been crossing /Intertwined longer than either one of us thought possible. I have been watching this channel for the past six months or more and I agree they DW makes great Documentaries, now if they just had one on treehouses ?
Really nice documentary, thank you.
I would have liked to hear more about the interactions with homo-sapiens & extinction period - as well as the origins of the homosapiens and first contact.
ok nice
It’s crazy to think that it took so many of our ancestors to get modern humans here.
We’re not done evolving yet.
Why don't these people just interview the Neanderthals living in the apartment down the block from me? I've never heard them actually speak, they are always dirty and shriek at each other and everyone that walks by.
Not the Richardsons, the ones next door to them.
The actual humans have been here since the first man was made...the indigenious
@@cosmopolitanwonder9675 you believe in evolution? I suppose you think the neanderthal evolved from some animal?
@@louisejones5773 you suppose all you like I prefer science. Go and get educated. I have been I’m now on old wise woman.
Keep i up DW for bringing up topics, Educational documentary 🙏
Thanks for watching us!
Neanderthals are constantly referred to as "primitive", but they were so ONLY in a technological sense. They knew every inch of their terrain, the animals, plants, patterns and flow of nature. They were nomadic because they understood that the environment had to regenerate, if they stayed too long in one place they would deplete the resources and ruin that area. They traveled from place to place when animals were in the area, and plants were ripe, making the most of what the world had to offer. I'm one of those people with a decent percent of my DNA being of Neanderthal origin (short, stocky frame, wide nose, ability to withstand cold far better than others, Robin Williams level fur, lol) and I love that these people are finally being given the respect they deserve. They survived some of the toughest times in human development, and were obviously considered worthy by the new homo sapiens to mate with, not the savage, dumb brutes they had been depicted as for so long. They had a very simple, straightforward way of living, they didn't have time or inclination for undue frippery, instead preferring utility over decoration, but still they appreciated beauty.
Neanderthal: Still synonymous with brutishness, the first Neanderthal remains were found in France in 1908. Considered to be ignorant, ape-like, stooped and knuckle-dragging, much of the evidence now suggests that Neanderthal was just as human as us, and his stooped appearance was because of arthritis and rickets. Neanderthals are now recognized as skilled hunters, believers in an after-life, and even skilled surgeons, as seen in one skeleton whose withered right arm had been amputated above the elbow. (source: "Upgrading Neanderthal Man", Time Magazine, May 17, 1971, Vol. 97, No. 20)
The religion of evolutionism is based upon lies. Get rid of the lies that are used to prop up evolution and evolution collapses.
In essence they were the perfect apex mammal animals that humans evolved from. I wonder what other apex animal predators will look like in a million years .. what will we look like.. will we exist
Or, some few of us were considered worthy to mate with Neanderthals! As you say neither group was inherently superior to the other. And obviously Neanderthal are not extinct, as some of our ancestors are them.
They invented the first synthetic resin. THEY WERE HUMANS! I have ZERO DOUBT!
@@ColonelEmpire too right mate! 😀 Lies and errors.
Thank u for producing these types of videos which would help young research scholars on prehistory.
Hi @SRIDHAR BHAT K, we are glad you find our documentaries helpful :) thanks for watching!
I am reading Sapiens by Yuval Harari. It was so interesting to watch this movie since it matches a lot with what he says in his book. Brilliant job! Thank you so much for your time and effort!
I got the message that Harari thinks Homo Sapiens are a plague on the planet.
@@fidelogos7098 2wReeeerrr
Amazing content by DW lately! Keep up.
They had to be smart, strong, athletic, have a good sense of smell, eyesight, hearing and have good verbal communication to survive in such a difficult environment. I think that the stereotype of them being dumb brutes is total nonsense. Think about the extreme difficulty involved with hunting very large game such as a woolly rhino or mammoth. That requires great skills.
Ohh very smart… smarter than us
They had great intelligence in that particular field, but outside of that modern humans are a lot more intelligent
@Mike dav I think that most Europeans have like 1-3% Neanderthal DNA, also everyone has Neanderthal dna including East Asians, Arabs, and anyone who isn’t purely African.... however, assuming the homo sapien(original Africans) were smarter, 99% of people would have those intelligence genes because everyone is still mostly homo sapien so..... also Europeans evolved into cro magnums and Asians have the highest average IQs, yet they bred with Denisovans and Neanderthals, which, according to you, are “dumb apes”
@Mike dav lol this guy is bitter about something. It’s not like your percentage of Neanderthal DNA accounts for anything drastic when it comes to intelligence or ability. In fact, it accounts for very little at all. It’s entirely negligible. Nobody should care about percentages.
* aside from a passing fascination in heritage at most is what I mean
Thanks for uploading this one, DW. One of the best documentaries on this matter on RUclips. Or anywhere.
Hi @Sun Risings, thanks for watching! Glad you liked it. 🙂
Fantastic documentary, thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you. 😊
Everytime I see an archeological excavation I think about how amazing our scientists are and how many evidence and information our cities have already destroyed. Amazing documentary
It is. Could ancient people be categorized by the ability to taunt humans and other species enough to provoke lethal violence? I have questioned this since I heard certain CANADIAN music from the late 60's and early 70's. SICKNESS AND BRUTALITY WAS OBVIOUS.
Bones stuck in the ground in a semi circle against a wall. . . Stalactites stuck in the ground in a circle. . . Dude that’s a playpen for the babies
Haha clones. AI. You’ve been replaced hence COVID vaccine haha 😂
@@anaplane7520 where is the evidence that OP's a clone?
@@nuttynoah5342 I'm saying Rh positive blood types 85% of us can be cloned. You can't clone the negative blood
Bro i got that vibe instantly from playing too much ancestors, humankind odyssey
@@graylienz8317don't need to convince, diff anatomy too,
These kinds of documentary can help us develop our mentality .
@DATA on the PLANE right these are the people's who interbreed with esau
@DATA on the PLANE and you know who they are today right
@DATA on the PLANE I think u know the answer
@@nadie7113 I don't......enlighten me
Interesting! I ve learned alot from this amazing film. Thank you DW🙏
Another great video as always!
It’s pretty incredible to have actual footage of Neanderthals and mammoths walking side by side. Technology is awesome.
Joke, yeah?
@@iainmcallister4537 totally 100% serious
@@hoghs1 I agree as long as we have control over it not the other way around
@@416kam way to deep. It was just a joke. Kinda playful smart ass whimsically stupid type comment. Arguably hard to process for some I’m sure.
This was such a well made documentary! Loved it!👍🏻
9, , This was such a well made documentary! Loved it!👍🏻
no it is not, the documentary is a lie
@Liberty AboveAllElse
@ray salmon What's false about it?
Basically it didn't happen
@@raysalmon6566 Well, aren't you Mr. Know it all! All those people methodically, painstakingly working in archaeological digs, doing the radio carbon dating to determine the age of the remains, they don't know s*** do they? But you (probably with a third grade education) have got it all figured out!
Well, aren't you Mr. Know it all! All those people methodically, painstakingly working in archaeological digs, doing the radio carbon dating to determine the age of the remains, they don't know s*** do they? But you (probably with a third grade education) have got it all figured out!
well check out William Foxwell Albright
Most involved in Biblical Archaeology are from secular Universities
looks your dog ate your homework again
@@raysalmon6566 Nonsense response.
Well done, thank you! The speculation on creativity starting around 29:45 is fascinating.
Thank you for this doc DW! You're the real MVP!
DW does it again!! this channel.
The Christian God is the True God and I am going to prove it right now:
God has a Law called the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). These Laws include do not lie, do not steal, don’t put others gods before Him (Exodus 20)
Have you ever broken any of these Laws? Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever lusted after someone? If we really went over God’s Laws in the Bible, every single one of them, it can really expose how much of a sinner we truly are and because we have all committed these acts our punishment is Hell because God’s standard is perfection.
Our good works cannot get us into Heaven. That’s like you steal a soda from the store but you tell the judge, “hey judge I give to the orphanage, I do community service.” The judge will not care about what you did. You stole something that was not yours so therefore the Judge is going to find you guilty. God is the same way.
But, this Judge is a loving Judge who does not want to sentence you for your crimes. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to come and take the punishment for your sins and if you Repent of your sins and accept jesus Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior then you will be saved from the sentence. Jesus loves you and is not willing that any should perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16) God bless
I hope to see more documentaries much like this one: biology, evolution the theory of living things and the universe. Well done
Yes, I agreed. The more we know about evolution the better we understand how Mr. Trump failed to evolve
What has it got to do modern politics with this amazing ancient time documentary???
There really are some unpleasant people about. Use your brain instead of vulgar language and name calling. ( I’m afraid, it does remind one of Trump followers).
Listen Barbara.. I am not american, even if I lived in USA I still would not be American, unless I am related with Native American!
Surprisingly you called me vulgar when you don't know me and vice versa.
I suggest to drop in the toilet your chip on your shoulder before starting write any comments.... I suggest you to mind your on business and focus about the video or videos ok?
@@yoyohighness GFY
Fascinating really. I have always had curiosity about human ancient forms. The video is good and shows light on many things. Thanks and Regards.
This isnt a "ancient form" just another specie they say.
But for me its as most logic as saying black or Asian people are a different specie because of their characteristics.
Here we are again. Thank You DW Documentary.
Stunned to hear the man say their voices were high because the larynx was PROBABLY higher in the skull/neck area. The pitch of the sound is determined by the length of the vocal folds, length and thickness, NOT where they might be in the head. Sheeeesh!!
It might have helped blend in with wildlife in the environment. Grunting and growling would scare prey from area you habitate and you would have to travel further to gather or hunt food or low gutteral sounds may make it obvious to predators ( maneaters) that hairy meat clan is just over that hill and they have a few baby neanderthal to snack on. Maybe clicks, chirps, whistles...big nose air intake to master whistling. Perhaps it helped them succeed as part of the enviroment. Makes sense when I think about it but I agree, there goes our hollywood version . Big, robust, strong, hairy with the sweet voice of a bluebird! Lol
@@shellshock000 Wonderful! I agree with you, but I was talking about the idea that the voices were high BECAUSE of where the vocal folds were in the head. The length and thickness determine the general pitch, not where they are located. But, I realize that I wasn't there!!! Ha!
Yes, there are opposing views about Neanderthal speech capability which were not covered in the documentary. Some people think they did have complex language and did not have especially high voices. This subject is full of controversies, so the programme would be three times as long if it showed alternative opinions!
Thank you for the documentary DW, you guys are amazing as always. Honestly, if it's not your documentary I am hesitant to watch it. This is a topic I've been really fascinated about since I was young, it was interesting to hear that their voice might be more high pitch due to their voice box being higher, also hearing about how they made their weapons. I hope we get to learn more about them and the homo-sapien. One thing I have always wondered is why they look so similar to Apes and also how they communicated.
human belongs to the ape family. We ARE apes.
It's fascinating 😊😊, so I'm so thankful for the amount of the information.
I am excited to watch this! My husband and I were JUST talking about this topic the other day.
then watch
I think about this a lot
Did u tell him you neanderthal s were in caves in cold thousands of years before others cane to show u how things are done? Then later u became hostile on earth
@@decoloniz_afro after mixing with the new folk from the southern regions of the world....
So detailed and comprehensive. Keep it up
DW documentaries are always really high quality highly informative films. Hats off to them 👏
not really, but the heart goes to you
question: Famous German who liked expression of blind love?
It always amazes me that with the supposition if Darwin and his origin of species that many take that supposition as truth without absolute proof of measurement of time that these time frames these various findings were found in. At best I believe it to be an educated guess particularly avoiding the biblical account because the majority if many people would rather not retain anything godly in their knowledge.
Many people are amazed that dinosaurs are no longer in existence today and many wonder what caused their demise and yet there is an apparent willful neglect perhaps of careful thought and research of some key elements that took place that perhaps have not been considered.
As we examine the opening chapters of the Bible we trace the origin of evil and an almost immediate fall of mankind that resulted from the poor choices of our first parents Adam & Eve that bore their desire of the Promised One to be of their immediate offspring but instead their firstborn turned out to be the first murderer of his brother Abel simply because he disagreed and was willfully disobedient to the explicit direction to the requirements the Lord had directed in requirements in approaching God in worship. Cain deliberately disobeyed Gods strict directions and even condescended to reason with Cain about his wrongful attitude concerning his parents expulsion from eden and the young humans race and subsequent punishment resulting from the sinful choice of his parents that resulted in their expulsion from Eden.
Even after Cain murdered his brother Abel God tried in vain to reason with a man that still held on to his own stubborn way even with the God of the universe trying to reason with him. God in His mercy did not destroy Cain just as He did not destroy Lucifer when he rebelled in heaven when Lucifer became jealous of his Creator and was jealous that he was not included or consulted in the upcoming plans to create a place called earth.
Very informative, thanks!
Thanks for watching!
This was fascinating. Thank you
I found this documentary very interesting and informative. I searched on this subject because I had completed a recent DNA test, which found I have about two percent DNA linked to our Neanderthal ancestors (the database that completed the test concluded that I have more than seventy-three percent more Neanderthal ancestry DNA than other persons included in the database, which I assume is in the hundreds of thousands, if not the millions - interesting, and I get that this may be the same for an abundance of other people!). Neanderthals had a very tough environment to deal with, and their physical makeup developed and catered for that. They were intelligent, great hunters, had social skills, a form of communication, and a form of culture. Thank you for the upload.
Very interesting! I look like a neanderthal . Where did you get the test if I may ask?
It's hardly "news", everyone descended from Europe or Asia has 2-4% Neanderthal DNA. Only Africans have none, as Neanderthals didn't move into Africa.
@@contrarian8870 I’m from Central Asia and there’s a lot of Neanderthal caves found in the region.
@@contrarian8870 Neanderthal ancestors came from Africa as well, then evolved in Europe
@@contrarian8870 Neanderthal DNA's are common from Europe and the Middle East. That's probably why no racist intended as I am half white, the Caucasian features looks.
After reading Sapiens, I read Human Kindness. It was a nice palate cleanser after the former. As I recall, in Sapiens he spoke about the "superior species" being the victors and Neanderthals died out. Human Kindness had a different take on things, which I appreciated.
Thanks for those recommends…🙏🏻
Super gemacht. Danke aus bewölktem Wien, Scott
Immer wieder gerne! Beste Grüße
- Hey honey , how was work today? - - Oh , it was ok. Just dug up some ground with my popsicle stick again.
DW spoiling us during these cozy lockdown times
Great job. I love the way this documentary give the Neanderthals their respect by referring to them as 'people '. They are as much people as we are . It did a great job at showing the necessary skills they had to possess in order to survive . I have been interested in Neanderthals and felt prior to genetic confirmation that they were human as homo sapiens. 'The failed to adapt to a superior species' , said by one of the scientist is a stretch. We know little about the interaction. One strong point is Neanderthals met homo sapiens and interbred, according to DNA analysis . That says a lot .
They were probably genocided. We can hardly handle race relations within the same species, much less with a different species with a much larger contrast in behavior and personality.
According to 23 and me I have more neaderthal dna than most humans. They are still here in us.
Cool, it may end up being refined to more. They are us and we are them, all of us.
@@Mizmoon2020 Only 20% of their genome remains in us, so they only partially survived.
@@jorelldye4346 I guess we thought they were hot lol
Beautiful illustrations in this documentary.
the information is a little outdated in this documentary but still an amazing documentary!! they have discovered jewelry such as drilled carnivore teeth and beads also made from neanderthals recently and evidence some of them grew there own food like grains by planting seeds in selected places.
Ben Snyder Really, that's really interesting
@@sampuatisamuel9785 It's also been proven that they can speak.
Is there a documentation about it???
Excellent documentary. Thank you. What a joy it is to see science in action in the modern world.
@GRAPHENE IS IN THE MASKS, SWABS and PCR TESTS!!! Perhaps you would like to spend the day with a couple of Silverback gorillas 🙃
Interesting and informative presentation. I now better understand where the term "man cave" originated from 😊. Thanks for posting and stay safe.
awesome research and dedication to solving the history of US amazing how, living in the UK we are so close to this hub of life. great video guys . thank you
I was raised young-earth creationist; it has been so refreshing as an adult to learn about these long-lost people from documentaries & lectures like this. I was taught they were nothing more than quadrupedal knuckle-walkers (which would make it somewhat awkward to share DNA with them...), it's great to learn the truth of what's actually known about them. Wish I could have met one.
Glad you are now having the chance to continue to learn. I love documentaries and museums on this subject, as to me it is fascinating to know where and how we as humans fit into the larger pattern of the universe. It's very humbling in some ways to know how small our role has been over the massive expanse of time, and in other ways it allows an appreciation of our uniqueness. Keep feeding your curiousity!
I was raised a raging atheist and its finally nice to love Jesus and learn about lost humanoids
@@ouss That is exactly how I feel.
@@ouss Pahahah love seeing these opposite journey's collide into a similar, positive outcome.
These people are much closer than you think
I was scanning RUclips, and was wondering why they had a picture of my uncle Frank, as a caption for this video.
You too
Very Funny
@@wonderwoman3138 My uncle got hairy tail big forehead
U mean thumbnail?
27:56 "He died at an age of 42 years." That's pretty impressive to be able to determine age that precisely.
Seems somewhat ridiculous to report that early human-types had intelligence and high communicative abilities.... even ants have great communication skills. Humans today are too impressed with themselves!!!
@Joppa Kolla timeline: "extreme cold" relative for the time: talking about another species and well before Homo Sapiens had even spread and adapted to arctic regions: 120-40k ago vs 10k ago at most
Humans today go to university to get stupid... I've seen it up close. A very interesting phenomena.. these people need to be put out of their misery
I know some people that are worse than ants.
@@paulgoodman41 i don't know any such ants...
Sure, but who steps on who, 😆
Thanks for the push I needed I’m downloading ad blocker👍
Just run the video to the end and hit replay. Works most of the time.
Great research & thank you for an awesome documentary!
Kuddos to DW for searching informative such as geography, history, technology, biology and Agricultural informations.
Great documentary that gives a glimpse into the world in which Neanderthals lived. Recently I saw a documentary where they showed what had at one time a beach and you could see where the adults had the children in a safe area where the adults could keep an eye on them while going about their daily routine. I find the Neanderthals to be a very fascinating people--nothing like what was thought when I was a child almost 60 years ago.
They are getting closer to telling real true history at least closer than what we were talt in school they didn't do anything but dumb us down as best they could that's what I believe what about you
@@cantgetrite2904 Same here. And it's only gotten worse as time goes on. I'm glad to see Neanderthasls finally gettin their due.
Glory to hanuman ,he was neendarthal
@@nitinbull8720 How?... Do you have any proof?... I would love to hear it.
Neanderthal genes survive in most of us. East Asians & Europeans have upwards of 3% to 5% of Neanderthal genes, while even Africans were found to have 0.5%.
Neanderthals, Homo sapiens, Denisovans were very similar genetically.
They interbred & gave birth to healthy & fertile offspring.
Empirical evidence shows that there is less difference between these homo sub species than there is between polar & brown bears, who are known to interbreed.
Modern humans living in Europe around 40,000 years ago were found to have 10% of Neanderthal genes.
Awesome documentary! Thank you for making this available to watch for free. (Also, it was really nice to hear an Australian narrator. But I'm Australian, so am totally biased.)
I wouldn’t say it’s biased. It’s always good to root for your countrymen. The Olympics would suck if no one rooted for their home team.
I am not Australian, but I enjoyed the narrator's voice and ways.
Sounds more like English to me.
As an American I enjoy hearing how people from other countries speak. Also I agree with the other comment about rooting for your own country!
What makes you think his Australian?
This was actually really enlightening
I was actually searching for this presentation of research studies in which homo sapiens didn't actually exterminate the neanderthals.
On the contrary they coexisted and even interbred.
I wish I could meet both the groups in person and ask them what they thought of each other 😊
These kinds of deep dive into such interesting historical topics makes me appreciate it's makers. Great work DW 👍👍👍
Thanks for taking the time to comment and for watching us! We are glad you liked the documentary. ☺️
So glad I just found this excellent channel.
The “Stonehenge” of Lake Michigan, USA is just ten meters below the surface. It’s the relief carving on one stone of a mammoth is what fascinates me. The landscape would have been covered with many small lakes through which the herds would move creating kill zones for the hunters which they marked
Most "humans" were nomadic until they learned agriculture/planting and to raise domestic animals. They had to follow their "food" herd migrations and do some hunter gathering along the way.
The Age of Taurus, The Bull, for roughly 2160 years we learned agriculture and more.
Before the age of Taurus was The Age of Gemini, The Twins and potentially coming into being?
Before Gemini was the Age of Cancer. Coming out of The Garden?
Before Cancer, The Age of Leo. In the Garden?
Purely to do with cycles in astronomy and not so much astrology but they are somewhat intertwined. All if these agea last roughly 2160 years. We are now at "The Cossing" of Ages between The Age of Pisces and Aquarius
The retrograde motion is due to "The Procession of Equinox"
@@judaprinxbeatz.8008 bruh youre probably mixed
Excellent doco thanks 🙏
Thank you for watching and your positive feedback :)
Hey! DW team great work.... Please do more video on ancient cultures and human evolution.
Thank you for your wonderful educational videos. I learn so much. They must have been remarkable
I did my 23 and me test and have been wanting to learn about Neanderthals. Thank you ❤️
I have more neandertal dna than 97% of the population, according to 23 and me.
On my mother's side we have neanderthal genomes
@Beauty Queen reread it
What is the name of the test
@Genoy B Right?! 😂😂These people are clueless as to what that really means.
First rate CGI , excellent video, well done 👍
So, so interesting and well done. Thank you!
Anyone that doubts that Neanderthals and Modern Humans interbred needs to see many of the residents of Century Village in West Palm Beach, Florida. A study should really be done!
legion1a I think there's some descendants here in Australia too !
Check it out. Europeans have 1 to 3% Neanderthal DNA. Africans have none. There is much more but I will not look it up.
Of interest... Berber and Basque have high rates of rare RH negative blood... Like 45% of the population.
It makes me proud to think I have very human link to the primitive past just as all our ancestors came out of Africa which is something we should all be proud of!
Until I saw this thumbnail, I didn't know our oldest living relative was Tommy Lee Jones needing a haircut.
I had a good laugh!!!
Thought the v same myself instantly
I was taking a drink reading your comment and choked. 🤣
Modern people will never understand the lengths human beings went to survive and reproduce. Majority of their time involved hunting or foraging, however their senses, reflex, strength, hearing, eyesight, etc are all super human levels. It’s actually insane to think about
Fascinating documentary. How do you know that brothers swapped their sisters with other clans rather than sisters swapped brothers? What is your evidence? Thanks
Brock Lesnar, Shaquille O'Neil and Francis Ngannou
These guys are sprouting so much poop
Male dominated "society" , they were hunting very dangerous game in harsh conditions, you don't give your sons to strangers as it would jeopardize the survival of the group in extreme climatic conditions. It takes a few generations to notice that marrying your sister can cause issues to the offspring. Infant mortality was most likely very high and we do not know if they were as fertile as Sapiens . These elements would point to the fact that it is far more likely if not almost certain that if human exchanges took place, it would mostly be women exchanged. Over several hundred thousands of years of Neandertal history, it is likely that some groups fought each other at some point. The prize of the victors would be resources and women to strengthen the group since most defeated men would be dead or dying from their injuries shortly after.
@@SFDPSFDP If infant mortality is high and fertility might or might not be an issue, females are vital for the survival of the tribe. It would surely be safer to rely on your female relatives when giving birth and for child care, especially given there was no proof of paternity, but no doubt of the maternity of an infant. Also, although hunting is important, gathering is vital too.
@@isobelholland8552 Indeed, I respect your opinion however to me, what you just said implies that since female are also vital, you want to exchange them to guaranteee a healthy offspring instead of marrying your siblings . Gathering was not as important as hunting according to findings, there was not much to gather under such a cold weather anyway, besides it is not like males could not gather. This said it is known that hunting was their way of life and main occupation, massive meat slaughtering sites attest to this, they were particularly suited to this activity and as a consequence, male hunters were dominating these groups as the most valuable asset for survival. Hunting a mammooth is no small feat and requires a lot of experience, strength and bravery to do it without losing family members, you need powerful leaders and very skilled hunters, this is just a fact of life that also applies to prehistoric sapiens societies. Matrimonial societies like you find for instance in some Berbers tribes are very rare and came to be in very specific historical and social circumstances but there is no evidence that Neanderthals shared them so it is more logical to assume that they would behave in a similar way as the vast majority of human like societies, especially at these periods of time where physical strength and bestial vigor was so essential.
Using flint was literately a ground breaking technology.
Also a great american town for drinking water
"Literately" is illiterate for "literally" ....
And look what it sparked...
@@cillyhoney1892 ayyyyy
‘Stone breaking’, to be exact.
To get good ideas about how Neanderthal people might have lived you should read some of James Michener’s books (Poland, the Covenant, Centennial, Hawaii) and also the series by Jean Auel, starting with Clan of the Cave Bears. They’re stories which the authors combined research about how the early people might have lived, combining facts with fictional characters, and it’s great reading and learning in an interesting way. They include everything they’re describing here. You can learn how they made cooking pots out of animal skins, which herbs were used for cooking and medicine and lots of great stuff.
I'm obsessed with Clan of The Cave Bears! Great book and really made you think
You really be copying and pasting this to every ancient human video?😭
@@stephaniemaldonado830 He do be...
@@alexiaalcaraz1367 They are really good books, but she only gives Neanderthals a lifespan of about 25 years, and has girls reaching maturity at about 7.
Very fascinating to know we shared the planet with another human species. Some ancient cultures speak of human-type beings that were considered very different and their eventual elimination. May be they were referring to Neanderthals. The other thing is much of archeology is fiction written on he basis of many assumptions and some artifacts. I find it hard to believe that humans existed for millions of years and suddenly about less than ten thousand years ago developed language, built great architecture, developed religions and way more organized way of living....we are missing something here.
I have asked the same thing myself. There seems to be a period of lost time that is unexplainable and lacks any evidence. How were humans able to evolve into the beings we are and what allowed us to advance so rapidly. Advancing to say the wagon train days from what is considered primitive. Then wagon train days to extreme technological growth in an extremely short time.
There’s a general lack of funding for these types of major archaeological digs. It’s very unfortunate.
Good point. IMHO religion and oral culture might have been highly developed for tens or hundreds of thousands of years. I´m judging by the fact that the most "primitive" tribes today have highly developed oral culture with amazing imagination and sense of humour, and by the fact that the oldest cultures we know of wrote and probably remembered incredibly complicated stories. Mahabharata, Gilgamesh, Béowulf, the Torah - those are hundreds of pages today, and yet they were written from memory, not by the creative process we use to write books today. IMHO the love for complicated stories like LOTR, Star Wars, the Game of Thrones or Harry Potter stems from these ancient times. It´s quite possible prehistoric hunters "played" incredible stories like these in their heads while waiting for the prey to show up.
For most people of European descent, they are still present in many of us. I find that marvellous and wonderful. Does anyone one else not find that kind of awesome'?
I mean I’ve seen comments hating on Europeans for it. Calling them animals for it 🤣
I think it's awesome that most of us with the least amount of NEANDERTHAL DNA learned how to cook our bats to kill viruses. Then KUNG POW!😋🦇😷
Yes, but it's sad how people with higher levels of Neanderthal DNA are demonized and vilified in the media today.
Agree - - it's very cool to consider that they live on through some of us!
Yes I do! I always felt sad that they died out, but I'm glad I have Neanderthal DNA. I find them attractive.
I do have some relatives that look just like this guy!
We ALL do!
@@Mr.InbetweenFX not Africans
lmao. im glad you admitted it. i also know some people walking around that look like that as well. i dont think they are all your relatives. i think its weird cause i imagine what the parents must look like and if they know they look like 1st man. no judgement just curious.
@@Mr.InbetweenFX i dont. my relatives are all refined.
This is y’all true history right here 🎯🎯🎯
That part!
we wuz
Yes! All of that!
They wasn't kangz though they was slaves for actual kings in Egypt, dna doesn't lie.
@Jews Controlthemedia and *you* were Troglodytes
There is currently kept skeleton of 9 year old Neanderthal boy in Tashkent museum in Uzbekistan and it is located in Central Asia. Would be great if you continue your archeological expedition here in Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
Wow I LOVE this documentary. Amazing job.
Hi @Garett Wolff! Thanks for watching, we're happy to hear you liked the documentary :)