Do Open Borders Benefit All? - Viv Regan

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Complete video at:
    NGO organizer Viv Regan argues against stricter immigration controls to Britain, on the claim that open borders and freedom of movement benefit all members of a society in the long run.
    A Debate: "This House Would Let in Fewer Immigrants."
    Two teams debate the proposition that immigration policy be changed to reduce the numbers of immigrants allowed into Great Britain. - Cambridge Union Society
    Viv Regan is Assistant Director of education charity, NGO, NVYO WORLDwrite which campaigns for global equality. She is also Producer of Chew on it productions and is a freelance assessor of youth programmes and co-director of the educational consultancy ME-WE.

Комментарии • 46

  • @bakersmileyface
    @bakersmileyface 6 лет назад +6

    Leave your front door open from now on and put a sign out front saying "All are Welcome"
    If you do that for a year and still come out of it without anything missing and the house still clean, I'll vote for open borders.

  • @blackiron60
    @blackiron60 16 лет назад +1

    This insightful lady highlights a fundamental truth: the humanity cannot be caged within frontiers and that any nation that attempts to either keep human beings out or lock human beings in will inevitably fail and suffer the consequences. Humanity is universal and without boundaries.

  • @kubush
    @kubush 15 лет назад

    @trigga1uk You need to realize that culture isn't a fixed state of things that needs protection. It is evolving and the intermingling of cultures is what got humanity this far in the first place. Diversity isn't something to fear but rather embrace.

  • @NAUresistance
    @NAUresistance 14 лет назад

    @bluecode320 National borders are considered a trade barrier to them in many ways. With Sovereign nation states able to define trade policy and standards on their own and enforce them at their borders, this creates the need for corporations to meet those different requirements in each 'market' causing them to have several inventories all slightly different depending on the country of destination- This cuts into their profitability and creates a perceived 'trade barrier'. Borders Slow them down.

  • @AutisticMexican
    @AutisticMexican 14 лет назад

    Open the borders, they sure as hell were open for all of your grandparents and such!

  • @lifter1204
    @lifter1204 16 лет назад

    Wow! I applaud Ms. Regan. That has been my point for a long time as well.

  • @blackiron60
    @blackiron60 15 лет назад

    Not really, he never really made it for me, and you caught me - I do lock my door, and not because I'm afraid of my neighbors who are all very nice people. So why do we do this? Why are we afraid that somehow "bad people" are going to come and get us in the night? In all my time living where I've lived there has not been a single break-in on my street and yet people lock the doors. Because from day one we're all trained to think that we have to look after ourselves because no one else will.

  • @NAUresistance
    @NAUresistance 14 лет назад

    @bluecode320 continued...
    Not only do they see physical borders as a trade barrier but they see us that way as well. We take up space and resources at the borders, slowing down their trucks, their business associates etc as they wait their turn to cross the borders. It's the reason why they are developing the inland port system with a trade corridor from Mexico to Canada with pre-clearance, so the trucks don't have to stop for multiple inspections as they cross several borders along the way.

  • @jasond6294
    @jasond6294 5 лет назад

    Such a simplistic outlook, firstly let's just establish that nations used to be lots of tribes fighting each other for dominance, eventually over time the tribes would unite....until you arrive at a large group or tribe all with common interests, language, cuisine, laws, morals, tradition, culture etc.....that's how we arrived at the various languages and ethnicities logically speaking it would be far better to now unite the large groups of nations by commonality....and eventually all the nation's or tribes will be may take some borders is showing that humans prefer their own groups and we're reverting back to tribes in a once United nation. It's a step backwards by trying to rush the natural order of progression.

  • @blackiron60
    @blackiron60 15 лет назад

    Our country is a community, not one house, and clearly you are afraid of your own neighbors. I pity you. Your world must be a fearful, alienating place and I hope that you have the strength of will to change your ways. Realize that there is humanity in us all and that we are all in this together whether we like it or not. In putting up walls you hurt no one but yourself. Let everyone come, live here, pay taxes, and co-exist in an inclusive community.

  • @NAUresistance
    @NAUresistance 14 лет назад

    @bluecode320 continued..
    Also, new joint projects such as ShipRider in Canada allow American authorities to make arrests in Canadian territory and Canadian authorities allowed to make arrests in American territory. In the United States their are reports that police are asking for citizenship information at roadside inspections up to 50 miles or more away from the physical borders. Really with the new ID system that they have been rolling out (see ICAO PKI) there will be no need for borders..

  • @NAUresistance
    @NAUresistance 14 лет назад

    @bluecode320 It's not what they did, it's what they wanted to do, what was their ultimate goal? The connection I was trying to make was originally between the ideas presented in this video with those who seek a One World Governmental System. They seek the end of Sovereign Nation States, The End Of National Borders, The Dissolution of Constitutions to adopt a "world charter" a world federation where we will all be global citizens on the new global plantation.
    The connection is, No Borders.

  • @blackiron60
    @blackiron60 15 лет назад

    So when it comes right down to it, I don't really live in a community and doubt you do either.

  • @FullAnarchyDotNet
    @FullAnarchyDotNet 16 лет назад


  • @EvidentialFaith
    @EvidentialFaith 16 лет назад

    Everything breaks down. Everything has a limit. If not, then your infinite and not really human. Therefore we are limited. Generally speaking the woman's argument is purely emotive and really ignores larger realities.

  • @NAUresistance
    @NAUresistance 14 лет назад

    @bluecode320 continued..
    Our Prime Minister also announced this summer that Canada no longer has an economy but rather is part of the Global economy, that we need his version of "enlightened sovereignty". Former Prime Minister Paul Martin just finished a tour where he informed Canadians that we must redefine our sovereignty to include duties and that we need a regulator to regulate the regulators aka a global governing body- world government. Traditional Borders between nations will be obsolete

  • @kubush
    @kubush 15 лет назад

    @trigga1uk It's not the natives that need the advice but rather the early americans. Instead of embracing their culture, they feared it and almost completely destroyed it (althought not entirely their fault since disease was unintentional), just as you fear Pakistanis.

  • @Infamous41
    @Infamous41 6 лет назад

    the brits are the first wall builders.

  • @NAUresistance
    @NAUresistance 14 лет назад

    @bluecode320 continued..
    With a global standard in Identification requirements such as those in the ICAO PKD/PKI (united Nations) the need for physical borders is no longer. With the technology contained in the new ID requirements, any police officer on the planet would be able to determine your place of origin, your threat assessment profile and positively identify you through biometrics- all compatible globally.
    Our Prime Minister announced this summer that Canada and Mexico are as one!

  • @kubush
    @kubush 15 лет назад

    @trigga1uk You know what we call that? Xenophobia. Your fear of being overrun with this "us versus them" mentality. You need to realize that on this planet it is just "us" and that those that want to come to your country, want to come because they share the values and principals of your country. Stop being afraid of other cultures and ethnicities.

  • @kubush
    @kubush 15 лет назад

    @trigga1uk This is the problem. You are conflating a relatively few radical fundamentalist terrorists with literally hundreds of millions of ethical people. You are stereotyping all middle eastern ppl just as Americans did after 9/11. This is ignorance at best and ludacris bigotry at worst. And just because your "civilization" is old doesnt mean it cant, wont and in fact hasn't changed.

  • @Greg260146
    @Greg260146 14 лет назад

    What a relief that such people grow up EVENTUALLY.
    More of everything in fact clearly not so much Right On as MorOn.
    Rata - like humans fight and kill eachother when there is insufficient space or too great a demand on resources - don't just think fuel and food - think water, sewage and building land out of the flood plains!

  • @TamBellyDadMomom
    @TamBellyDadMomom 15 лет назад

    Is she talking to 4th graders or just a poor communicator? :s

  • @superfisto
    @superfisto 16 лет назад

    More love affairs!

  • @enochpowelghost
    @enochpowelghost 16 лет назад

    utter crap