Sure, but the Objective of the game is more Moba than Shooter. If you go into a match expecting to team fight constantly, you'll quickly find yourself falling behind. There are Shooter mechanics, yes, but you use those to push objectives and keep yourself alive.
Although this video is supposed to be focused on Lash, it's funny how you mention the inherent problems with Sniper in TF2 without mentioning Vindicta from Deadlock. I love how Vindicta actually addresses the problems with Sniper in the form of her ultimate: when she's scoped in, *everyone* is aware of it. There's a beam of light that comes out from the barrel of her rifle that emanates a high pitched humming sound. A lot of the problems regarding Sniper from TF2 boil down to the fact that there's not much engagement with him in terms of visual or audio feedback. People like playing video games for the "responses" it gives to them in the form of interaction. For example, shooting a gun is expected to make a large and impactful sound, and landing shots on a player is expected to give you a visual cue in the form of blood and/or gibs splattering all over the level; missing a shot and having it land on a wall is expected to create a bullethole decal on the wall followed by a ricochet sound effect, and etc etc. The only real "engagement" you have with sniper is in the form of already having built the "common sense" that you should be avoiding obviously open sightlines. Apart from that, if you don't see the Sniper, there's a good chance that he can still see *you* without you even knowing about it. And at that point, instantly dying from a person halfway across the map you had no idea was even there isn't fun for a lot of people. It's why people generally don't like playing against a good Sniper main. But with Vindicta, even if the person playing as her is good, people are more likely to accept their deaths as their own fault, considering that there are plenty of in-built tell-tale signs for you to detect when she's going to use her ult on you. Side note: nice Lash vid btw. Didn't mean to go off course. 😅 As a Lash main, myself, it's nice seeing people get into him and discover just how mobile he is. I immediately gravitated towards him, since his movement reminds me a lot of the movement from TF2. He's one of, if not *the* best character, so far, to show off the true potential of both the movement and the overall verticality of this game. A lot of people new to Lash often underestimate his 2nd ability, and use it purely as a setup for his other abilities or as an escape. While those things are great, people forget that using his 2nd actually resets his double jumps and air dashes. So, using his 2nd to get up, shoot at people who are down on the ground, extending his airtime with a double jump and an air dash, followed by using another charge of his 2nd ability in order to reset everything, while still shooting, and then doing it all over again is a great way to force enemies to multitask in teamfights by forcing them to look up at you. You gotta love it. 😂
It also helps that her snipe isn't designed to be a one-tap, but rather a finisher. She can't delete you from full-HP with just a single bullet. She's definitely getting a video in the future
@@KyMiyu You're talking about when Valve nerfed Lash to get rid of him being able to earn an extra stamina bar after using his 2nd ability. He doesn't get a stamina bar refill anymore, but he is still able to reset his double jumps and air dashes after using his 2nd, which is different.
It helps that Deadlock has high (relatively) time to kill, so one shots in a single click don't really make sense in its design language. Plus you have items that can make you more resistant to whatever BS they're trying to cook.
There's also only a max of 1 Vindicta on the map at all times. Once you keep track of where she is, you know where you can't be sniped and keep that in mind once she comes out
played lash for like 15 or so hours and i was saying the same thing about how insanely balanced he is but overpowered he can get once you know the strings and situations to put yourself in. the conditions also feel right seeing as his toolkit is mostly altitude. i love that jerk so much i dont even think hes a asshole
Some tips for early trades. you can use brigdes in middle of the lane to gain extra height for your dive strikes, same with jumps on zipline. Zipline is great extra altitude becasue if you use your whip ability immediatly after jumping from it you can easily gain over 10-15 extra metres on your dive compared to using whip from the ground. Also about his ultimate. It has cylinder hitbox so it it better to use directly on top of the targets than sideways becasue it gives you more effective radius in prepartion part to catch enemies.
Thanks! The story of this video is I actually played a few games where I got one-shot by a Lash and this footage is from some of the first few games after playing against him--and subsequently learning he's actually incredibly difficult. Chazm videos have also been helping me too!
@@Acex2ron untill you get hang of his shmovement he is really bad hero for starters. Also for skill progression the most stable all round build is to take early 3rd skill instead of second cuz if you mange to hit 3 creeps pls hero it can give you up to 200 hp in 1 ability use even without items. It helps in bad match up a lot and give you good poke tool combined with dive strikes. Also never be afraid to run immediatly after your combo - use momentum to go around corners and you can use whip as soon as you land you dive strike to shake off enemy trying to gun you down. For defence items both armors and debuff remover are godsent to you almost in any match up with most point and click control being dispelable and yku need to be bulky to atay in fight more than 2 seconds. You can ignore your gun up untill late game where best options for lash are - Point blank, Pristine Emblem, Warp Stone (situational), Siphon bullets, Spiritual Overflow, Silencer.
lash on top... of you literarily. and as a lash main i really feel the need to point this out, his 1 was an uppercut but he grew as a person, meanwhile bebop is still out there throwing uppercuts because he sucks.
Picked up Lash after playing a lot of Warden, Lash is so much more fun. Warden is much more of a bully to deal with but his kit generally consists of walking up to people and shooting/flasking/rooting them for easy headshots. Its a bit boring. Lash is fucking spiderman, where is he? who fucking knows then he slams into a team fight and starts throwing people around. Even when he's not fed hes just so fun to play.
Yeah he high skill, fun to play, fun to play against (I never play lash but trying to catch him and counter him is satisfying and fun) and overall just kind of swag. Really cool
The enjoyable thing about lash is that even if he's a burst hero he has immense amounts of staying power in fights because his cooldowns are so low and his inherent mobility + sustain just allows him to remain in the fray basically forever as long as you're not caught out between all your cooldowns. also you can go majestic leap, use it again at the peak of the jump then cancel the descent with a double jump and you will retain horizontal momentum, couple this with a couple of ninja ropes and you can go like a third of the map without touching the ground
Interesting video. The hero design in deadlock is really top notch. The mobility and verticality factor really changes the game compared to other shooty mobas (Smite, Paragon etc).
Great video! Lash is probably my favorite and best hero atm. He's a very high skill hero and a noob stomper for sure. On high mmr matches people know how to deal with Lash, so you need to get creative. I am in the middle in terms of mmr right now so it feels easier to play. Almost no one plays one shot build at high mmr. Not to mention it is very difficult to one shot good players so you are more often than not play around either your ultimate, or burst + gun damage to chase and kill your victim. Nevertheless, it is incredibly fun to play especially if you have good movement. Feels very rewarding.
Lash's Ultimate sound effect is peak of peak, when that bell rings? You will fly, and DIE. Not even mention when he lands his enemey, there is a epic horn
lash main with about 30 games on him and i loved this video i feel like he perfectly encapsulates what a movement burst hero should be. next hero’s i would love to see are viscous, Yamato and infernus
in high rated gameplay lash plays around his 3 using the burst and lifesteal to slowly wear down the enemy before finishing them with a divekick when they try to run. His ulti can be good but is very situational as it has plenty of time for good players to react or build counterplay items. it still really fits his character design because he's a slippery asshole who wears you down while talking shit before diving on your corpse to finish the job. they build healing booster and double armors to make the effectiveness of his whip stronger while building his gun deathy has a great public build for it. amazing hero design none the less can't wait to see more hero interactions between my asshole and the deadlock world.
My only problem with Lash's current balancing is that good Lash players can remove over half of your health within a second of the game starting when you lane against him. They really need to reduce his slam's starting damage.
I'd say keep your distance for a while after coming to the lane and watch for Lash on the bridge, then he has to make a choice of zoning you and missing creeps, or getting back down and contesting last hits. It puts Lash at a disadvantage when you're on even ground, you can spam your abilities into his face, and his gun is really tough to micromanage between hitting creeps and shooting you back, especially because of rapid triple-shot bursts with fairly high delays between them, he gotta have really good aim to hit you.
this is why in the end dota and deadlock eventually gonna be harsh game for new ppl to get in and best game to watch proffesionally . the skill ceiling for the game is quite high but when ppl reach that point and beyond its a goodamn good game too watch or even play
Nice. Lash and krill were the 2 main ones that I gravitated towards as they seamed to have on paper incredible overpowered states and potential (randomly played a a lot of paradox too so those are my big 3). I personally don't subscribe to the Tesla or mystic shot approach. I also feel when I get resto shot or mystic shot I always miss the 1st shot. Perhaps I don't just s feeling I much prefer to focus on getting bullet shredder reach and CD. I do get melee options quite often as it makes 1v1 where you are worse better to sustain the melee secures on your hg. If you can snowball in the late game you will do 80% someone HP with a dive kick heavy punch with hunters aura too. Be as pesky as possible. Heavy mostly if they try to run, you match a stamina bar with charged melee so you can mix both for movement and have your grapple so there is really no way to escape. Don't be afraid to stop heavy and just light on the life strike CD for the hmpf and heal. It's easy to block heavies but not light specially if you are already rolling or grappling. I think his stamina replenish nerf was good, it avoided spamming it to get back Stam and just spam 5 bars back to back. and the minus charge on rapid charge feels bad because he doesn't get a +1 naturally. His weapon feels quite bad, one of the worse actually. Burst has some good things but for the most part they are the worst as you can lose damage if the magazine doesn't meet your burst divisor. Have little steroid, limited while grappling, hvs makes it better and if a game you can get headhunter you pack more that people expect. But don't really build around it it's a spell caster all the way. More than beep or seven. They have insane steroids for weapon. And while others can ignore weapon completely like kelvin beep and such you still like close quarters point blank kinetic dash melee charge for the rest and farm. Quite unique I love how he talks to beep bop too. While grinding games a tip is don't respect lash and parry after he dive kicks. You are airborne not stunned you can parry his heavy he wants to do. Priorities on his level up are unlocking the knock up. rank 1 on grapple, sometimes flog to keep pressure in losing hard lanes or winning hard lanes.nif you get one rank1 don't get the other until knock up. It's just changes how much threat you have. Also knock up stops enemy movement unlike stuns better to control vs good players
My favorite champion in league is sion but hes not a good ranked pick because hes too reliant on his team and has too many conditions to get the most out of his kit He litteraly doesnt have a passive unless he dies Every single abilitt he has, inclusing his passive, have a criteria to meet to get full value His q holds him in place and needs to charge His w gives him a shield that can explode but you need to wait 1.5 seconds before you can do so His e can potentially hit multiple targets if you launch a non champion target And his ult needs time to ramp up despite being easy to dodge to begin with He has great dmg despite being a tank. He can be incredibly tanky. He has a lot of cc and map presence but thats the issue, can, not is Lash is a good example of having abilities that require certain criterias while staying relevant
The degreaser+axe combo wasn't very good outside of pubs, you'd generally prefer to run the speed boost on the power jack and leave your burst to the shotgun/flare gun. Melee was too much of a liability and only really worked against bad players. In competitive, it was generally far below optimal because it was conditional on being in melee range. Pyro had few mobility options, getting into melee range was often just too much risk for a class that didn't have any escape options.
my problem with lash is that he can just gank and land on you out of nowhere and since u cant place wards around the map like smite theres really no way to know when bro is coming
Lash is a really mobile character and great for ganking opportunities. But he is by no means op. Although this game isn't exactly 100% balanced (no game is like that), that doesn't mean Lash is invincible. This game has a very "rock-paper-scissors" dynamic in that there are direct counters to nearly every situation in this game, both in the form of character's abilities and items. Knowing when a Lash could potentially gank comes with good game sense (which is built with time and experience). The lack of having wards in this game forces players to develop a natural intuition for positioning themselves well (taking care not to overextend; being forced to pay more attention to the minimap; being forced to pay more attention to the sound of footsteps within the immediate vicinity; etc etc). But in terms of direct counters, the item "Slowing Hex" immediately shuts down his best ability, and it's only $1,250 souls (at the time of writing this). Another item, "Knockdown", can completely negate his ultimate if timed correctly. I'm a Lash main, myself, and I've played enough of him to understand where his weaknesses lie. It's all about pattern recognition. Lash's 1st ability scales with height, and once you realize this, you can predict what Lash is going to do at nearly every given moment. He does best the higher up he is, and a good Lash player is more than likely going to gank you from the rooftops. So the next time you fight against a Lash, looking up at the sky more often will become muscle memory. Even when it comes to the most annoying of characters to deal with, everyone has their weaknesses. It's just a matter of finding them out, which honestly incentivizes item experimentation even more. You gotta love it haha.
There's no one character ive found that is annoying to fight. They all are easily countered. If you catch lash without his mobility, he literally cannot hurt you. You will melt him. And the best part is you dont need to rely on counter picks to counter a player. It's usually just one or two items and you're back on even ground given youre not way behind on food. There are definitely heros with kits that are better suited for taking down certain heroes (like shiv vs lash) but all of them are doable.
No people definitely complain about backstabs all the time. The hitboxes are janky and it's annoying when you instantly die to something you didn't even anticipate. Thank GOD spy sucks, because if he didn't, he'd be the most insufferable thing in the universe. And he is, when he gets to pubstomp.
@@Acex2ron if he was named after dev in the period where dev was considered good, then he was named after good person, and it doesn't matter that said dev later stopped being seen as that good person. Renaming a hero is killing a memory of a legit good image, not disassociating with sexual predator (that association never existing to begin with). So, McCree once, McCree always. Easier to remember, too.
@@parham1023 It's not a key, it's an invite. Anyone who's already in the game can recommend another user to be invited, and they usually receive this invite on their Steam client 48 hours after.
Then it's nice that the endgame areas are all with no roof, so you cant do shit at the end to use the map for cover. Remove Majestic Leap and he would be more comparable to what burst other heroes can do. He's dmg is WAY overtuned atm. Yes, there are one shot things in MOBA's but then why is he the only one here?
It’s actually interesting how Bebop contrasts with him. Simple kit, mostly damage/combo based, easy to get a hold of, but reliant on proactivity to wind up the power of his bombs as opposed to massive base damage. I personally think bebop has an easier subway or building fights, especially with controlling how far forward or back enemies and even allies are, as he lines up bombs and hyperbeams. Whereas Lash has one requirement and it’s an open sky, Bebop can manipulate several positions to get the optimal bomb damage with minimal investment as possible.
Bebops kit is not simple. He is full of combos. First, he can uppercut enemies, allies or creeps. And at different angles too, almost straight up 90°, just ahead 0° into heavy melee range or far away at 45°. Second, he can bomb enemies, allies, creeps or himself. Third, he can hook enemies or allies. So some, not all, of his combos include: Hook, bomb, uppercut into your team for kill. Hook, bomb, uppercut back into enemies for massive aoe. Hook, bomb, uppercut up for maximum stun. Hook, bumb, uppercut down into heavy melee. Bomb self and warp/majestic/phantom into the enemies. Bomb ally that chases/engages the enemy. Bomb minion and uppercut him into the enemies. Hook and uppercut an ally out in safety. Then there are a magnitude more combos after you get echo shard. So you can double bomb, double hook, double uppercut in different combinations. Bebop is actually very in depth hero.
To counter some of the points mentioned: 1 - need for verticality - he can perma camp on roofs/ramps or just use Majestic leap as crutch for easy damage boost. 2 - hungry for ability points - literally every hero is, Lash is no exception. 3 - countering - while everything is counterable, his downstrike is basically undodgable (massive hitbox), you can recast ulti to pull just after 0.3 seconds of channel time, barely any time to react, the bell sound just starts to sound by the time you can already pull, then add ping on top, imo it still needs some fixing.
@@Acex2ronand also subjective, right? I think he is overtuned and toxic for the game at the moment because of his OP gun I've never seen a hero everyone would like so it's fine to judge and ask for changes
Great video, but it's important to know the difference between Lash's burst and Pyro/Cass's burst is heavily influenced by the format. MOBAs force the entire burst to be gatekept behind time (given that farming is necessary to reach it), however TF2 and OW don't have this time-based format. There is now power-scaling within those games for any character, so of course the burst is way more noticeable in those. Not to say Lash is bad, he is GREAT design (can't think of any other interesting heels other than maybe spy from tf2? His design is just so good), but it feels a tad disingenuous to say X & Y are bad designs when Z's context is completely different. I do think the counterplay example is good, as there are items that help prevent obnoxious burst, but as you mention "tracking Lash's position on the map" the same is the case for any burst damage, especially sniper as you mentioned just before, or Hanzo. Tracking is inherent to any counterplay. But again, the counterplay is heavily founded upon its Moba roots, where you can just spec into counterplay items. Again, Lash is GREAT design, every part of his kit, even his personality, is just oozing with genius. However, I do think his kit plays well into the fact Deadlock is a MOBA first and hero-shooter second. MOBA's can offer more extreme designs since so much of the game is the choice into exactly how your character will stack up alongside the run-time of the game. In OW/TF2 there just simply is no scaling. Great video, though!
He should not have charges and it should not scale with distance, but I dont know charge up time or something. As already mentioned, late game areas highly favor him and kinda makes the point of hiding mute. And his shit abbility hits around corners..... Stupid hero design that should be reworked when compared to the others or the map should be changed so he cant just fuck you up from the get go.
good video but the sniper comparision is definately a reach lol. old doomfist woulda been a much better comparision, hell even spy if you wanna talk tf2.
@@dayytonaa Again, the purpose of me citing these characters is to cite examples of bad design. I never once compare Lash to anyone in terms of playstyle, so idk why you're talking about comparisons when they're not the purpose of me citing these characters. But I do agree that he plays a bit like Old Doomfist in terms of using verticality and also having one of his abilities be almost an exact replica. But I chose not to cite in my video as a bad design example because I don't have firsthand experience playing against him due to me dropping Overwatch shortly before his release. And while I understand that Doomfist was frustrating to play against (after they fixed the jank in his kit), I never played against him myself, thus I don't feel comfortable claiming he's badly designed when there are other examples that I'm more familiar with. It's also why I cite Cassidy's pre-nerf FTH and Scatter Arrow, because I have firsthand experience against these abilities thus I understand how frustrating they were to play against. It's also just, you know, my video.
I disagree. All-in bursty bruisers are usually designed with some sort of sustain tool to ensure that they don't die when going into the fight. This usually takes the form of a heal, a stats buff, or a shield.
it is annoying based of the fact that you point of what checks the character has for his CC, but then characters as with CC as brainless as wraiths ult which is even worse than the bad examples mentioned are in the game
But wraiths ult can be outrun by lash and viscous, has an audio que, and is distance based. I never get caught as visc, but get caught all the time as bepop because of this. It's balanced....
@@Acex2ron not talking about what it takes to counter, and even then, that is a 3k item which is not accessible or worth rushing to get mid game over the optimal build of your character so it isn't accessible mid to early game, all the while she just has to press a key and a guided projectile comes and hits you and places to in complete stun like state. The comment above made a better point of saying that some characters have a better time avoiding them than others but both miss the point, there really isn't must effort or set up she has to do for something that effective and powerful while only a few options are avaliable for some of the cast until late game.
@@araylaurence6220 Nah lil bro, this is just skill issue. How do you look at Ethereal Shift and say that it's not worth it to buy against Wraith? 3K gold to potentially render yourself completely immune to someone's ultimate ability for the rest of the game, and you're saying that that's not worth it? Deviating your build path to ensure that you don't die isn't worth it? Do you just blindly follow the build guide and refuse to deviate? 💀💀💀
@@Acex2ron still not acknowledging the main point i am saying of effort to reward ratio of her ult is mismatched. But about Ethereal Shift, it isn't a viable item to get at all pre 10-15 minute mark depending how behind or ahead you are, not to mention it takes up one of your slots when you could be flex slot limited. Regardless, this isn't the main point i am saying, you can read my reply and the original comment which talks about how easy and how few checks the ability requires to yield a massive advantage. Most CC in the game requires some sort of timing, tracking or just landing and doesn't last as long as her ult, valve even acknowledged this in a balance change by allowing unstoppable to be used while being lifted instead of havng to do it prior due to lasting longer than most stuns in the game.
Which Deadlock hero should I look at next?
I don't know what all there is, but anything else on Ivy or Kelvin maybe?
Paradox. I feel she is one of the best designed heroes in the game.
Jacob Lash is an asshole.
By order
I am tempted to say Abrams just for the meme
"jacob lash is an asshole"
Fun Fact: Lash is voiced by Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat. That's why his lines are peak.
That guy was made to voice lovable egotistical assholes
@@Acex2ron if deadlock gets taunts, we need him able to bust it down
"I'm coming baby"
His name is Andrew Bowen, very talented actor.
Valve watching thousands of hours of WWE to make a single character:
What's WWE
@@reverendnon5959quiet foreigner. We’re talking America here on our American website about our American game made by an American company.
@@reverendnon5959 Worldwide Wrestling E
Ok i admit im not american so idk either
@@AlgaeEater09 dude wtf
bebop in shambles rn
Common beebop L
He's literally made from piles of junk
He should be used to it
People say that Deadlock isn't a hero shooter, but that's stupid. You play as a set of heroes and you shoot. It's a hero shooter AND a MOBA.
It is, after all, attracting people from both crowds thus it needs to incorporate certain design elements from both genres.
Sure, but the Objective of the game is more Moba than Shooter. If you go into a match expecting to team fight constantly, you'll quickly find yourself falling behind. There are Shooter mechanics, yes, but you use those to push objectives and keep yourself alive.
The main gamemode is a MOBA, the game itself is a Hero Shooter.
@@Appletank8 youd could spend a whole game of push the payload in tf2 killing enemies but if you dont do the objective you dont win
Well I play as Lash. Ans Lash is not a hero. More of a anti hero. So your argument is inválid, because I dont play as a hero !
Although this video is supposed to be focused on Lash, it's funny how you mention the inherent problems with Sniper in TF2 without mentioning Vindicta from Deadlock. I love how Vindicta actually addresses the problems with Sniper in the form of her ultimate: when she's scoped in, *everyone* is aware of it. There's a beam of light that comes out from the barrel of her rifle that emanates a high pitched humming sound. A lot of the problems regarding Sniper from TF2 boil down to the fact that there's not much engagement with him in terms of visual or audio feedback.
People like playing video games for the "responses" it gives to them in the form of interaction. For example, shooting a gun is expected to make a large and impactful sound, and landing shots on a player is expected to give you a visual cue in the form of blood and/or gibs splattering all over the level; missing a shot and having it land on a wall is expected to create a bullethole decal on the wall followed by a ricochet sound effect, and etc etc.
The only real "engagement" you have with sniper is in the form of already having built the "common sense" that you should be avoiding obviously open sightlines. Apart from that, if you don't see the Sniper, there's a good chance that he can still see *you* without you even knowing about it. And at that point, instantly dying from a person halfway across the map you had no idea was even there isn't fun for a lot of people. It's why people generally don't like playing against a good Sniper main. But with Vindicta, even if the person playing as her is good, people are more likely to accept their deaths as their own fault, considering that there are plenty of in-built tell-tale signs for you to detect when she's going to use her ult on you.
Side note: nice Lash vid btw. Didn't mean to go off course. 😅 As a Lash main, myself, it's nice seeing people get into him and discover just how mobile he is. I immediately gravitated towards him, since his movement reminds me a lot of the movement from TF2. He's one of, if not *the* best character, so far, to show off the true potential of both the movement and the overall verticality of this game. A lot of people new to Lash often underestimate his 2nd ability, and use it purely as a setup for his other abilities or as an escape. While those things are great, people forget that using his 2nd actually resets his double jumps and air dashes. So, using his 2nd to get up, shoot at people who are down on the ground, extending his airtime with a double jump and an air dash, followed by using another charge of his 2nd ability in order to reset everything, while still shooting, and then doing it all over again is a great way to force enemies to multitask in teamfights by forcing them to look up at you. You gotta love it. 😂
It also helps that her snipe isn't designed to be a one-tap, but rather a finisher. She can't delete you from full-HP with just a single bullet. She's definitely getting a video in the future
Yeah except they got rid of the air dash and jump reset like a week and a half ago.
@@KyMiyu You're talking about when Valve nerfed Lash to get rid of him being able to earn an extra stamina bar after using his 2nd ability. He doesn't get a stamina bar refill anymore, but he is still able to reset his double jumps and air dashes after using his 2nd, which is different.
It helps that Deadlock has high (relatively) time to kill, so one shots in a single click don't really make sense in its design language. Plus you have items that can make you more resistant to whatever BS they're trying to cook.
There's also only a max of 1 Vindicta on the map at all times. Once you keep track of where she is, you know where you can't be sniped and keep that in mind once she comes out
played lash for like 15 or so hours and i was saying the same thing about how insanely balanced he is but overpowered he can get once you know the strings and situations to put yourself in. the conditions also feel right seeing as his toolkit is mostly altitude. i love that jerk so much i dont even think hes a asshole
Lash mains immediately out trying to prevent nerfs
Some tips for early trades. you can use brigdes in middle of the lane to gain extra height for your dive strikes, same with jumps on zipline. Zipline is great extra altitude becasue if you use your whip ability immediatly after jumping from it you can easily gain over 10-15 extra metres on your dive compared to using whip from the ground.
Also about his ultimate. It has cylinder hitbox so it it better to use directly on top of the targets than sideways becasue it gives you more effective radius in prepartion part to catch enemies.
i wanted to give this dude tips after watching this gameplay too lol. really rough watch
Thanks! The story of this video is I actually played a few games where I got one-shot by a Lash and this footage is from some of the first few games after playing against him--and subsequently learning he's actually incredibly difficult. Chazm videos have also been helping me too!
@@Acex2ron untill you get hang of his shmovement he is really bad hero for starters. Also for skill progression the most stable all round build is to take early 3rd skill instead of second cuz if you mange to hit 3 creeps pls hero it can give you up to 200 hp in 1 ability use even without items. It helps in bad match up a lot and give you good poke tool combined with dive strikes. Also never be afraid to run immediatly after your combo - use momentum to go around corners and you can use whip as soon as you land you dive strike to shake off enemy trying to gun you down.
For defence items both armors and debuff remover are godsent to you almost in any match up with most point and click control being dispelable and yku need to be bulky to atay in fight more than 2 seconds. You can ignore your gun up untill late game where best options for lash are - Point blank, Pristine Emblem, Warp Stone (situational), Siphon bullets, Spiritual Overflow, Silencer.
lash on top... of you literarily.
and as a lash main i really feel the need to point this out, his 1 was an uppercut but he grew as a person, meanwhile bebop is still out there throwing uppercuts because he sucks.
As someone who's seen Bebop uppercut... I know Lash's pain and sincerely hope no one else will have to experience that
Picked up Lash after playing a lot of Warden, Lash is so much more fun. Warden is much more of a bully to deal with but his kit generally consists of walking up to people and shooting/flasking/rooting them for easy headshots. Its a bit boring.
Lash is fucking spiderman, where is he? who fucking knows then he slams into a team fight and starts throwing people around. Even when he's not fed hes just so fun to play.
nahhhh brotha on the default lash build
psssst... you can just buy the items you want! you don't need to follow a build!
@@Paradockzz Easier to follow a build 99.9% of all times, no point going for each item individually.
He's not the best designed burst character, he's the best designed character period
King of the Ring and otherwise.
Yeah he high skill, fun to play, fun to play against (I never play lash but trying to catch him and counter him is satisfying and fun) and overall just kind of swag. Really cool
@@Taziod high skill kappa chungus deluxe maximus
I think he means compared to other burst characters in other games
please turn off motion blur
Why ? motion blur object is so good !
Some people like motion blur, nothing wrong with it
The enjoyable thing about lash is that even if he's a burst hero he has immense amounts of staying power in fights because his cooldowns are so low and his inherent mobility + sustain just allows him to remain in the fray basically forever as long as you're not caught out between all your cooldowns.
also you can go majestic leap, use it again at the peak of the jump then cancel the descent with a double jump and you will retain horizontal momentum, couple this with a couple of ninja ropes and you can go like a third of the map without touching the ground
Interesting video. The hero design in deadlock is really top notch. The mobility and verticality factor really changes the game compared to other shooty mobas (Smite, Paragon etc).
seeing a guy who punches and is a burst character instantly reminds me Loader from Risk of Rain... I may have to try Lash
I haven't watched the video but the title is correct.
Great video! Lash is probably my favorite and best hero atm. He's a very high skill hero and a noob stomper for sure. On high mmr matches people know how to deal with Lash, so you need to get creative. I am in the middle in terms of mmr right now so it feels easier to play. Almost no one plays one shot build at high mmr. Not to mention it is very difficult to one shot good players so you are more often than not play around either your ultimate, or burst + gun damage to chase and kill your victim. Nevertheless, it is incredibly fun to play especially if you have good movement. Feels very rewarding.
the game isnt even out yet BUT theres already a lot of good youtubers out there who make awesome content your videos are amazing
Lash's Ultimate sound effect is peak of peak, when that bell rings? You will fly, and DIE. Not even mention when he lands his enemey, there is a epic horn
lash main with about 30 games on him and i loved this video i feel like he perfectly encapsulates what a movement burst hero should be. next hero’s i would love to see are viscous, Yamato and infernus
in high rated gameplay lash plays around his 3 using the burst and lifesteal to slowly wear down the enemy before finishing them with a divekick when they try to run. His ulti can be good but is very situational as it has plenty of time for good players to react or build counterplay items. it still really fits his character design because he's a slippery asshole who wears you down while talking shit before diving on your corpse to finish the job.
they build healing booster and double armors to make the effectiveness of his whip stronger while building his gun deathy has a great public build for it. amazing hero design none the less can't wait to see more hero interactions between my asshole and the deadlock world.
My only problem with Lash's current balancing is that good Lash players can remove over half of your health within a second of the game starting when you lane against him. They really need to reduce his slam's starting damage.
You know it's gonna happen they always do the roll out just wait. It also requires him to fall straight into the face of the enemy
I'd say keep your distance for a while after coming to the lane and watch for Lash on the bridge, then he has to make a choice of zoning you and missing creeps, or getting back down and contesting last hits. It puts Lash at a disadvantage when you're on even ground, you can spam your abilities into his face, and his gun is really tough to micromanage between hitting creeps and shooting you back, especially because of rapid triple-shot bursts with fairly high delays between them, he gotta have really good aim to hit you.
Don’t walk up, don’t get hit. Simple.
9:09 or a Shiv just having bloodletting.
dashtank bros, we keep winnin'(even after the rage nerfs).
completely complemented Icefrog
Even though he can be annoying to fight I don’t mind cause every character insults calls him an asshole when they kill him and it’s perfect
Do bebop next! His scaling bombs and burst combos are interesting af. Also he has 2 distinct playstyles, either hook and brawl, or bomb harass.
this is why in the end dota and deadlock eventually gonna be harsh game for new ppl to get in and best game to watch proffesionally . the skill ceiling for the game is quite high but when ppl reach that point and beyond its a goodamn good game too watch or even play
Me playing Lash for the first time, building him off his Flog and ignoring upgrading Ground Strike.
Yeah he's still pretty good.
This video is named like Lash made it
Nice. Lash and krill were the 2 main ones that I gravitated towards as they seamed to have on paper incredible overpowered states and potential (randomly played a a lot of paradox too so those are my big 3). I personally don't subscribe to the Tesla or mystic shot approach. I also feel when I get resto shot or mystic shot I always miss the 1st shot. Perhaps I don't just s feeling I much prefer to focus on getting bullet shredder reach and CD.
I do get melee options quite often as it makes 1v1 where you are worse better to sustain the melee secures on your hg. If you can snowball in the late game you will do 80% someone HP with a dive kick heavy punch with hunters aura too. Be as pesky as possible. Heavy mostly if they try to run, you match a stamina bar with charged melee so you can mix both for movement and have your grapple so there is really no way to escape. Don't be afraid to stop heavy and just light on the life strike CD for the hmpf and heal. It's easy to block heavies but not light specially if you are already rolling or grappling.
I think his stamina replenish nerf was good, it avoided spamming it to get back Stam and just spam 5 bars back to back. and the minus charge on rapid charge feels bad because he doesn't get a +1 naturally.
His weapon feels quite bad, one of the worse actually. Burst has some good things but for the most part they are the worst as you can lose damage if the magazine doesn't meet your burst divisor. Have little steroid, limited while grappling, hvs makes it better and if a game you can get headhunter you pack more that people expect. But don't really build around it it's a spell caster all the way. More than beep or seven. They have insane steroids for weapon. And while others can ignore weapon completely like kelvin beep and such you still like close quarters point blank kinetic dash melee charge for the rest and farm.
Quite unique I love how he talks to beep bop too.
While grinding games a tip is don't respect lash and parry after he dive kicks. You are airborne not stunned you can parry his heavy he wants to do. Priorities on his level up are unlocking the knock up. rank 1 on grapple, sometimes flog to keep pressure in losing hard lanes or winning hard lanes.nif you get one rank1 don't get the other until knock up. It's just changes how much threat you have. Also knock up stops enemy movement unlike stuns better to control vs good players
My favorite champion in league is sion but hes not a good ranked pick because hes too reliant on his team and has too many conditions to get the most out of his kit
He litteraly doesnt have a passive unless he dies
Every single abilitt he has, inclusing his passive, have a criteria to meet to get full value
His q holds him in place and needs to charge
His w gives him a shield that can explode but you need to wait 1.5 seconds before you can do so
His e can potentially hit multiple targets if you launch a non champion target
And his ult needs time to ramp up despite being easy to dodge to begin with
He has great dmg despite being a tank. He can be incredibly tanky. He has a lot of cc and map presence but thats the issue, can, not is
Lash is a good example of having abilities that require certain criterias while staying relevant
i see you struggling to jump into the base shop without wasting stamina, you can do a walljump and an empowered punch to do it :3
he looks like dudley from street fighter
Lash is MJF if he was a deadlock character
The degreaser+axe combo wasn't very good outside of pubs, you'd generally prefer to run the speed boost on the power jack and leave your burst to the shotgun/flare gun. Melee was too much of a liability and only really worked against bad players. In competitive, it was generally far below optimal because it was conditional on being in melee range. Pyro had few mobility options, getting into melee range was often just too much risk for a class that didn't have any escape options.
my problem with lash is that he can just gank and land on you out of nowhere and since u cant place wards around the map like smite theres really no way to know when bro is coming
Lash is a really mobile character and great for ganking opportunities. But he is by no means op. Although this game isn't exactly 100% balanced (no game is like that), that doesn't mean Lash is invincible. This game has a very "rock-paper-scissors" dynamic in that there are direct counters to nearly every situation in this game, both in the form of character's abilities and items.
Knowing when a Lash could potentially gank comes with good game sense (which is built with time and experience). The lack of having wards in this game forces players to develop a natural intuition for positioning themselves well (taking care not to overextend; being forced to pay more attention to the minimap; being forced to pay more attention to the sound of footsteps within the immediate vicinity; etc etc). But in terms of direct counters, the item "Slowing Hex" immediately shuts down his best ability, and it's only $1,250 souls (at the time of writing this). Another item, "Knockdown", can completely negate his ultimate if timed correctly.
I'm a Lash main, myself, and I've played enough of him to understand where his weaknesses lie. It's all about pattern recognition. Lash's 1st ability scales with height, and once you realize this, you can predict what Lash is going to do at nearly every given moment. He does best the higher up he is, and a good Lash player is more than likely going to gank you from the rooftops. So the next time you fight against a Lash, looking up at the sky more often will become muscle memory. Even when it comes to the most annoying of characters to deal with, everyone has their weaknesses. It's just a matter of finding them out, which honestly incentivizes item experimentation even more. You gotta love it haha.
Not only that, you can dodge Lash's ground slam by double jumping from the ground.
The way ur supposed to know he’s coming is ur teammates saying “hey fellas lash is missing” but unfortunately no one wants to use their mic ever
when I played it I thought a lot about MvM because of the build..
There's no one character ive found that is annoying to fight. They all are easily countered. If you catch lash without his mobility, he literally cannot hurt you. You will melt him. And the best part is you dont need to rely on counter picks to counter a player. It's usually just one or two items and you're back on even ground given youre not way behind on food. There are definitely heros with kits that are better suited for taking down certain heroes (like shiv vs lash) but all of them are doable.
This dude really called McCree, ‘Cassidy’ lmao
I aint a fan of sexual predators
@@Acex2ron art from the artist type shit
You people are still crying about this in 2024?💀
Spy isn't subject of discussion because of his one shot, he's subject of discussion because he sucks
But it's because of his one-shot that he kinda has to suck
No people definitely complain about backstabs all the time. The hitboxes are janky and it's annoying when you instantly die to something you didn't even anticipate. Thank GOD spy sucks, because if he didn't, he'd be the most insufferable thing in the universe. And he is, when he gets to pubstomp.
If only his voice matched his design.
The removal of scatter arrow was BS; its as easy a limmiting the amount of arrow that can damage the same target, to either 1 or 2. instead of all.
3:44 who is "Cassidy" and why his name is mentioned in McCree's footage?
McCree’s new name bc it turns out the guy he was named after was a sexual predator
@@Acex2ron if he was named after dev in the period where dev was considered good, then he was named after good person, and it doesn't matter that said dev later stopped being seen as that good person. Renaming a hero is killing a memory of a legit good image, not disassociating with sexual predator (that association never existing to begin with). So, McCree once, McCree always. Easier to remember, too.
@@user-25352It’s almost 2025 and you losers are still typing paragraphs about this💀
Wait... how can many people play deadlock? The game isn't out yet, is it?
it is not public yet, but you can request a key from the official discord, and some people of the sub reddit.
100k+ get in here son, the game is so good
@@TheSfelex oh...then what? How do these keys work?
@@parham1023 It's not a key, it's an invite. Anyone who's already in the game can recommend another user to be invited, and they usually receive this invite on their Steam client 48 hours after.
@@parham1023if you have a friend that has access to the game they can send you an invite.
Then it's nice that the endgame areas are all with no roof, so you cant do shit at the end to use the map for cover. Remove Majestic Leap and he would be more comparable to what burst other heroes can do. He's dmg is WAY overtuned atm. Yes, there are one shot things in MOBA's but then why is he the only one here?
does debuff remover cut the rope?
nah because theres no debuff stat actually put onto the player being grappled
@@Mango-cp1im ty
It’s actually interesting how Bebop contrasts with him. Simple kit, mostly damage/combo based, easy to get a hold of, but reliant on proactivity to wind up the power of his bombs as opposed to massive base damage. I personally think bebop has an easier subway or building fights, especially with controlling how far forward or back enemies and even allies are, as he lines up bombs and hyperbeams. Whereas Lash has one requirement and it’s an open sky, Bebop can manipulate several positions to get the optimal bomb damage with minimal investment as possible.
bebop's double bomb combo violates the geneva convention ngl
Bebops kit is not simple. He is full of combos.
First, he can uppercut enemies, allies or creeps. And at different angles too, almost straight up 90°, just ahead 0° into heavy melee range or far away at 45°.
Second, he can bomb enemies, allies, creeps or himself.
Third, he can hook enemies or allies.
So some, not all, of his combos include:
Hook, bomb, uppercut into your team for kill.
Hook, bomb, uppercut back into enemies for massive aoe.
Hook, bomb, uppercut up for maximum stun.
Hook, bumb, uppercut down into heavy melee.
Bomb self and warp/majestic/phantom into the enemies.
Bomb ally that chases/engages the enemy.
Bomb minion and uppercut him into the enemies.
Hook and uppercut an ally out in safety.
Then there are a magnitude more combos after you get echo shard.
So you can double bomb, double hook, double uppercut in different combinations.
Bebop is actually very in depth hero.
Aye, way better than bebop!
Lash is a cool character but being nuked from a skyscraper at the speed of lash isnt as fun
Who the fuck is Cassidy?
McCree nowadays
Why the change
@@ainoakeisariBecause McCree was also the name of a sex pest and it made things awkward.
five nights freddy
To counter some of the points mentioned:
1 - need for verticality - he can perma camp on roofs/ramps or just use Majestic leap as crutch for easy damage boost.
2 - hungry for ability points - literally every hero is, Lash is no exception.
3 - countering - while everything is counterable, his downstrike is basically undodgable (massive hitbox), you can recast ulti to pull just after 0.3 seconds of channel time, barely any time to react, the bell sound just starts to sound by the time you can already pull, then add ping on top, imo it still needs some fixing.
...And that's why Bebop sucks and need to start doing dive kicks.
pretty sure that revolver guy's name is mccree?
Not anymore
Good point! He will be nerfed tho
Eh numbers and metas are temporary. Good design is timeless!
@@Acex2ronand also subjective, right? I think he is overtuned and toxic for the game at the moment because of his OP gun
I've never seen a hero everyone would like so it's fine to judge and ask for changes
can u make more dota videos like the one about all items?
cool video, the copyright free music had me stressing tho you couldve used the item shop theme like other deadlock vids do
Cassidy never had a stun + fan the hammer combo. McCree did.
Cassidy is his name nowadays. Why use his old name? Yes, he was called McCree back in the day. It doesn’t actually matter, though.
Great video, but it's important to know the difference between Lash's burst and Pyro/Cass's burst is heavily influenced by the format. MOBAs force the entire burst to be gatekept behind time (given that farming is necessary to reach it), however TF2 and OW don't have this time-based format. There is now power-scaling within those games for any character, so of course the burst is way more noticeable in those. Not to say Lash is bad, he is GREAT design (can't think of any other interesting heels other than maybe spy from tf2? His design is just so good), but it feels a tad disingenuous to say X & Y are bad designs when Z's context is completely different.
I do think the counterplay example is good, as there are items that help prevent obnoxious burst, but as you mention "tracking Lash's position on the map" the same is the case for any burst damage, especially sniper as you mentioned just before, or Hanzo. Tracking is inherent to any counterplay. But again, the counterplay is heavily founded upon its Moba roots, where you can just spec into counterplay items.
Again, Lash is GREAT design, every part of his kit, even his personality, is just oozing with genius. However, I do think his kit plays well into the fact Deadlock is a MOBA first and hero-shooter second. MOBA's can offer more extreme designs since so much of the game is the choice into exactly how your character will stack up alongside the run-time of the game. In OW/TF2 there just simply is no scaling.
Great video, though!
Use dota if you're gonna compare to any "moba"...
who let guy cook
He should not have charges and it should not scale with distance, but I dont know charge up time or something. As already mentioned, late game areas highly favor him and kinda makes the point of hiding mute. And his shit abbility hits around corners..... Stupid hero design that should be reworked when compared to the others or the map should be changed so he cant just fuck you up from the get go.
good video but the sniper comparision is definately a reach lol. old doomfist woulda been a much better comparision, hell even spy if you wanna talk tf2.
It's not a comparison, it's just an example of a poorly designed one-shot character
@@Acex2ron but why Mcree from OW and not old Doomfist tho? he plays so much more like Lash and people even hated him back then
@@dayytonaa Again, the purpose of me citing these characters is to cite examples of bad design. I never once compare Lash to anyone in terms of playstyle, so idk why you're talking about comparisons when they're not the purpose of me citing these characters.
But I do agree that he plays a bit like Old Doomfist in terms of using verticality and also having one of his abilities be almost an exact replica. But I chose not to cite in my video as a bad design example because I don't have firsthand experience playing against him due to me dropping Overwatch shortly before his release. And while I understand that Doomfist was frustrating to play against (after they fixed the jank in his kit), I never played against him myself, thus I don't feel comfortable claiming he's badly designed when there are other examples that I'm more familiar with.
It's also why I cite Cassidy's pre-nerf FTH and Scatter Arrow, because I have firsthand experience against these abilities thus I understand how frustrating they were to play against.
It's also just, you know, my video.
3rd spell is so out of the character loop , it should be completely redesigned. he doesn't need a aoe poke damage heal , no one does
I disagree. All-in bursty bruisers are usually designed with some sort of sustain tool to ensure that they don't die when going into the fight. This usually takes the form of a heal, a stats buff, or a shield.
but hes a man, and I only play wahmen
it is annoying based of the fact that you point of what checks the character has for his CC, but then characters as with CC as brainless as wraiths ult which is even worse than the bad examples mentioned are in the game
But wraiths ult can be outrun by lash and viscous, has an audio que, and is distance based. I never get caught as visc, but get caught all the time as bepop because of this. It's balanced....
“Brainless as wraith’s ult”
My guy do you not know Ethereal Shift exists and completely nullifies a slow projectile??
@@Acex2ron not talking about what it takes to counter, and even then, that is a 3k item which is not accessible or worth rushing to get mid game over the optimal build of your character so it isn't accessible mid to early game, all the while she just has to press a key and a guided projectile comes and hits you and places to in complete stun like state.
The comment above made a better point of saying that some characters have a better time avoiding them than others but both miss the point, there really isn't must effort or set up she has to do for something that effective and powerful while only a few options are avaliable for some of the cast until late game.
@@araylaurence6220 Nah lil bro, this is just skill issue. How do you look at Ethereal Shift and say that it's not worth it to buy against Wraith? 3K gold to potentially render yourself completely immune to someone's ultimate ability for the rest of the game, and you're saying that that's not worth it? Deviating your build path to ensure that you don't die isn't worth it? Do you just blindly follow the build guide and refuse to deviate? 💀💀💀
@@Acex2ron still not acknowledging the main point i am saying of effort to reward ratio of her ult is mismatched. But about Ethereal Shift, it isn't a viable item to get at all pre 10-15 minute mark depending how behind or ahead you are, not to mention it takes up one of your slots when you could be flex slot limited. Regardless, this isn't the main point i am saying, you can read my reply and the original comment which talks about how easy and how few checks the ability requires to yield a massive advantage. Most CC in the game requires some sort of timing, tracking or just landing and doesn't last as long as her ult, valve even acknowledged this in a balance change by allowing unstoppable to be used while being lifted instead of havng to do it prior due to lasting longer than most stuns in the game.
2:50 ahhh valve ragdolls
we gotta have killbinds
@@Appletank8 prob not death is far more important in this game
@@jkljosh7392 i mean, if you're already losing. Also, maybe we'll have more casual gamemodes or mods, where tossing your ragdoll around would be ok.