*Zilliax* 0:46: No prediction. Good prediction: 3:49. *Beryllium Nullifier* 5:02: Weak prediction. *Upgradeable Framebot* 8:20: Good prediction. *Wargear* 8:39: Good prediction. *Menacing Nimbus* 10:45: Good prediction. *Stargazer Luna* 12:50: Just good prediction 13:00 is also bound to happen.
Hey farsight, when 13:00 actually happens, please link us back to your comment. We'll have forgotten about the prediction by then, and your purpose can be fulfilled.
StarGazer Luna has synergy with echo cards because they always re-appear at the right most in your hand. So if you can get a cheap echo card when low on cards you can potentially draw a good number of cards
Likewise with discover cards (glyph et al) - as I think the draw should resolve before the discover. Meaning the discovered discounted card is on the far right.
That's true Jamie, as provable with gadgetzan and the 1 mana rogue discover spell. You play the spell, select your card, gadgetzan/Luna draws a card, then the discover is added.
On the face of Dr. 7. That Zilliax thing is looking real juicy with corpsetaker. Just a shame it costs 5 mana so I can't slot it into my even corpsetaker pally. Please let it be OP so it'll get nerfed to 6 🙏
You are meant to play Stargazer Luna when you only have 2-3 cards in your hand after spamming everything on turn 4 with your enemy on 10 health, then keep spamming frost bolts, arcane missile, the 3 mana arcane missile, and ended up drawing the pyroblast for next turn
Lord Canti Yes, we can say that the reflection is making him green and thats a logical reason, but thats not as funny as saying he looks like a leper gnome. Tl;dr : It's a fucking joke
This is what's gonna happen: you're gonna be playing mage arena, 11-2 vs Rogue. Same situation you described but he goes hallucination, discovers stargazer Luna into backstab, prep, sprint, sap your big minion.
With Stargazer Luna, you are missing the echo synergy that will allow you to keep drawing cards with her. The echo cards always appears to the far right after you draw your card so you would essentially play a minion (murloc echo for instance) and draw a card after the initial play.
The Menacing Nimbus is also an elemental so it synergizes with elementals that have the "if you played an elemental last turn" text on them. Absolutely ridiculous.
Ok, so more BOOMSDAY PROJECT?! - Legendary Spell for Hunter: 9 Replay every Beast you played this game. N'zoth/Gul'dan treatment. Nice and not OP in Recruit Hunter. - 4 3/6 Mech Battlecry: Discover a minion, if your opponent guesses your choice he gets a copy. Inspired by few custom Cards, also a bulky mech to Magnetize. Also there'll be Mecha C'thun Holy Crap.
Custom Carderino Kripperino the 9 mana hunter spell might be a bit strong with Krush and Devilsaurs, like, with Gul'dan and Doomguards there was some RNG usually (since not many people played JUST Doomguards for demons), but you can certainly play Recruit-ish Hunter with Krush, 2 Devilsaurs, 2 Highmanes and even 2 Grizzlies and only be at the mercy of 8 or 7 less face damage, so idk.
Philerino I just stated that I don't think it's OP because it resummons only minions you actually played, and not Krushes recruited by Kathrena. But IDK, maybe still too strong.
If you have two mechs on the board and magnetic in hand, you can't play it as a minion in between of them (to avoid betrayal, meteor, etc.), so it has some drawbacks as well.
Menacing Nimbus is immediately going into both my Even Shaman deck and my Midrange Shaman deck. I was literally looking for a good 2 drop elemental, and this card is perfect.
Regarding Stargazer Luna, I think it's noteworthy that you can massage more draws out of it by using card creation effects. e.g. When you draw into something you can't/don't want to play with this card, you can play Firefly into Flame Elemental to eek out another draw.
When I saw stargazer luna I immediately thought of firefly as a potential synergy, as well as stonehill defender and other discover cards that can create cheap plays. I think it's a great card
It will fit right in Elemental Minion Mage. Igneous Elemental has a really good synergy with it too. On deathrattle you get two 1 cost cards just where you want them to be at.
A neet mechanic about stargazer Luna you did not mention is discovery effects and such. If you primordial glyph and get A spell it's added to your hand on the far right, meaning you can potentially play a 0 or 1 mana spell that you were going to play anyways, and draw a card off of it. This also works with cards like firefly, because the fire elemental added to your hand is 1 mana, and on the far right of your hand. Very good draw potential.
More than that elemental that you get as a random effect probably will be played on the next turn, so every effect "if you played elemental last turn" will be auto-satisfied, which is making that random 2/2 even more powerful
Things that I wanna know about Magnetic: What happens when you already have a Magnetic minion on board and you put a vanilla mech on the Right of it - will it still connect? What happens when you summon a Magnetic minion through random factors, like Unstable Evolution - will that still connect with another mech on the right of it? If not, then I guess this effect is only when you Play the card.
Really loved this review. Lots of ideas and synergies being talked about. I would also like a new series in these reviews: "Salt predictions": With some of the cards, think of the most stupid/broken thing that will almost never happen, but likely will happen to you, because you play so much. (Like you did with Luna)
The last legendary card can synergize with Echo cards since they reappear at the right side of your hand after you use them. A part of me thought that this would be another good addition to the minion mage because more card draw (As if it didn't have enough already) but I'm not sure if you can actually fit that card in there without removing something important.
Kripp is getting the Omega Project's leader I think. Or at least one of the omega cards. Check on the 30th 12pm on this link: www.hearthpwn.com/news/5665-the-boomsday-project-complete-card-reveal-schedule
Between Stargazer Luna and the minion drawing tome from the last expansion, Zoo Mage might become a thing. Maybe not for standard, but old mechmage might make a comeback in Wild.
3:57 this card is scary as hell! I’m excited to see what all can be done with it. If your opponent can’t remove it right away it will only get harder to remove as the game progresses because you can just keep buffing it with the magnetic effect. Imagine buffing this with taunt and life steal! It’s crazy because very few removal spells can kill this minion with deadly shot being the best. My advice is if you see this minion being played kill it immediately!!
I was talking to nejat. Perhaps there's a mech like mimiron that you can attach a ton of mechs to and still win, to avoid polymorph (because charge megawindfury)
Honestly... I think these magnetic cards are going to be busted. Combined with the mechs of old and the already powerful synergy that older mech decks contained... now they have cards that act both as buff-based spells and minions, depending on the situation. Now obviously, there are many cards left in this expansion, and maybe some of those cards counter magnetic mechs... but I doubt it, since Blizzard hates silence, and most classes lack polymorph effects. Just imagine turn 1, 2/1 mech, turn 2 1/5 mech, turn 3, 4, 5 etc. in comes the minion buffs while the other player frantically struggles to eliminate threat after threat, mech after mech. Every mech has soft taunt, as leaving any mech on the board is just asking for trouble. I really hope I'm wrong about this new mechanic, but only time will tell...
When Kripp said the average RNG result of Menacing Nimbus was very good, what did he mean? Does he mean among all the neutral and class elementals, are there more 'good' elementals than bad ones?
That was a fair assessment on Beryllium Nullifier👍 seems like it might be underestimated. Just thinking of trying to remove a 3/8 that can't be targeted by spells or hero powers seems pretty tough - if you really think about it - only specific cards can efficiently deal with it (if your minions are unable to kill it) and having those cards in hand isn't guaranteed or likely. Adding on, no class has a cheap single target removal for such a card. They'd always have to be paired with silence - meaning you need more then one card - so unless your Priest, almost guaranteed to be spending more mana. And this is all if you just drop it as a standalone minion! Having it in the right deck and you magnetic that shit? Shazam! You might just have your self a Meta Breaker!
What I'd like to know is if "magnetic" works as just a buff and can be silenced away, or if it actually mechanically works like merging two minions, like zombeasts.
Stargazer Luna plus top-deck echo seems nice. Also It seems it's not a battlecry so you can play your right-most card multiple times , and top deck stuff ? I don't think it's that bad, there's some potential there
I feel like Stargazer Luna would be way more interesting if you drew when you played the leftmost card in your hand. They you get some neat setup, maybe making some sub-optimal plays, so you can manipulate your hand to take full advantage of her draw ability.
Will Stargazer Luna work with Echo ? As I recall, when you play an echo card the next echo copy will always be the rightmost card in your hand. Could be an interesting mechanic.
I am thinking stargazer luna, aluneth with a lot of zoo type cards. Idk if that would work so much just because zoo mage hasn't been a huge thing it has always been a tempo or something like that, but this would be insane card draw with a zoo deck.
Upgradeable Framebot and Beryllium Nullifier make a 4/13 that's hard to target for 9, that's as good as a fair amount of dragons, though it takes two cards.
How does silence work on magnetized minions? Do they retain their combined stats and lose their text, or do they act the same as silencing a minion with, say, Blessing of Kings, and lose all the added stats? Because if it's the latter, Magnetic is just gonna bring back the double Spellbreaker tech that makes a lot of other decks useless as well.
I really hope they release a Dr Boom type card for this expansion. Maybe not as broken as the old one, but this expansion in based entirely around him, so he has to come back, right?
How will this affect minion placement? What if you want to put a magnetic minion to the left of another mech for better board positioning, but you can't because it will automatically magnetize if you do that
I know its a given, but you didn't mention the value in these being picked in ODD/EVEN decks. just a consideration with Wargear in particular and with each sets of ODD/EVEN mechs and magnets being released
The right-most card is not necessarily your draw. For example, Stargazer Luna is your draw, making the right-most card your previous draw, etc., or you killed a Hoarding Dragon after you have played Luna.
Rng cards has to be better on average than the guaranteed alternative to account for the risk. Given the choice between a 2/2 or a card that's a 1/1 if you flipped head and 3/3 if you flipped tails, you would always go for the 2/2.
Beryllium Nullboi is prolly a lot better than it seems. You play it, then stack all the other mechs on it. From playing magic I know that buffs are weak to targeted removal, because you get 2-for-1’d. But untargetable creatures with buffs are insane. In fact, there is a highly competitive deck that just plays 1 mana 1/1s with “cant be targetted” and good buffs. 7 mana cant be targetted is bad though. And slapping it on another mech is optimistic. Slapping other mechs onto it is the way to goi feel
That 7 mana mech is worthless because targetted removal from only spells is so useless in this modern game. Every deck has multiple non-targetting spells that can get rid of it, or just minion based removal which is super common now. I feel this 'cannot be targetted' effect should just be buffed to included minion effects.
Would it really be bad to have a few cards a week be useable in wild format, without the need for crafting? I think this might help those underrated or overlooked cards to shine, while showcasing cards to players to maybe buy packs to get said cards...
guys... I’m intentionally green. I’m part of the boom crew!
Kripparrian could you not tho
how disappointed are you that you had to explain that?
Are you getting enough iron?
This information will help in identifying your location. Don't worry kripp, we will bring you home.
Haha, I thought it was a hilarious idea!
Kripp has finally leveled up to a Tier 3 Vegan and unlocked a new skin.
greenerino kripperino
Kripp is looking great in this video. Don't know who the guy on the right is supposed to be though...
*Zilliax* 0:46: No prediction.
Good prediction: 3:49.
*Beryllium Nullifier* 5:02: Weak prediction.
*Upgradeable Framebot* 8:20: Good prediction.
*Wargear* 8:39: Good prediction.
*Menacing Nimbus* 10:45: Good prediction.
*Stargazer Luna* 12:50: Just good prediction 13:00 is also bound to happen.
i have farsight in golden. Just wanted you to know.
Hey farsight, when 13:00 actually happens, please link us back to your comment.
We'll have forgotten about the prediction by then, and your purpose can be fulfilled.
God bless you
"weak prediction" doesn't even begin to cover it. I really don't know what Kripp was thinking when he reviewed that piece of crap.
Green Kripp! The prophecy of the Lettuce King has finally been proven true. All Hail King Kripp
0:46 see cards
14:01 skip cards
what in the fuck
The fastest kripperino in the west
there is a new free card game out there called Caller's Bane that is in my opinion better than HS.
it's not
The ogre has left his swamp.
Kripp already salty about a game that hasn't even happened yet. We've reached new levels
Rania took Kripp to Boomtown.
Douglas Wardell nice, you got hearted
I think you took the vegan thing a little too far Kripp
StarGazer Luna has synergy with echo cards because they always re-appear at the right most in your hand. So if you can get a cheap echo card when low on cards you can potentially draw a good number of cards
Chaz Chartrand-Morin Damn you’re right
Likewise with discover cards (glyph et al) - as I think the draw should resolve before the discover. Meaning the discovered discounted card is on the far right.
That's true Jamie, as provable with gadgetzan and the 1 mana rogue discover spell.
You play the spell, select your card, gadgetzan/Luna draws a card, then the discover is added.
On the face of Dr. 7.
That Zilliax thing is looking real juicy with corpsetaker. Just a shame it costs 5 mana so I can't slot it into my even corpsetaker pally. Please let it be OP so it'll get nerfed to 6 🙏
WhereIsKripperinoInTheThumbnailerino Shadowboxer combo?
Corpse taker is NOT a Mech...
no its not... but zilliax in the deck helps enable corpsetakers abilities..
You are meant to play Stargazer Luna when you only have 2-3 cards in your hand after spamming everything on turn 4 with your enemy on 10 health, then keep spamming frost bolts, arcane missile, the 3 mana arcane missile, and ended up drawing the pyroblast for next turn
Shrekarino Ogreino Where you at?
Al'akir the Magnet Lord
"Electric currents, obbey my command!"
"Like swatting hover drones!"
can't wait for Mechstalker Rexxar
Straw Hat Luffy they should make mech alakir
Is it just me or is kripp green af?
NotCaptAmera 739 nah just you
Side effects of being Vegan
he is slowly but surely turning into what he eats... a broccoli!
all he needs now is that black and orange hood
rania editing is great
why does kripp look like a leper gnome ?
Albert Fish exactly my thought
Because he has a green screen behind him and it’s reflecting green light onto his face. The fact that you guys can’t figure this shit out is sad.
Lord Canti Yes, we can say that the reflection is making him green and thats a logical reason, but thats not as funny as saying he looks like a leper gnome.
Tl;dr : It's a fucking joke
at least he doesn't smell like one (I hope)
He learned a Way Of SMOrc
This is what's gonna happen: you're gonna be playing mage arena, 11-2 vs Rogue. Same situation you described but he goes hallucination, discovers stargazer Luna into backstab, prep, sprint, sap your big minion.
Rania! You did such a great job with this!
You won't like Kripp when he's angry.
Kripp's excitement for this expansion makes me suspicious
When your white balance is slightly off and that's all the comments care about.
Great review, Krip. I'm excited for this expansion.
You do know that was intentional most likely, right? He is green to look like a goblin.
This is clearly a side effect of veganism
With Stargazer Luna, you are missing the echo synergy that will allow you to keep drawing cards with her. The echo cards always appears to the far right after you draw your card so you would essentially play a minion (murloc echo for instance) and draw a card after the initial play.
Kripp outhere looking like Shrek.
The Menacing Nimbus is also an elemental so it synergizes with elementals that have the "if you played an elemental last turn" text on them. Absolutely ridiculous.
- Legendary Spell for Hunter: 9 Replay every Beast you played this game.
N'zoth/Gul'dan treatment. Nice and not OP in Recruit Hunter.
- 4 3/6 Mech Battlecry: Discover a minion, if your opponent guesses your choice he gets a copy.
Inspired by few custom Cards, also a bulky mech to Magnetize.
Also there'll be Mecha C'thun Holy Crap.
Custom Carderino Kripperino the 9 mana hunter spell might be a bit strong with Krush and Devilsaurs, like, with Gul'dan and Doomguards there was some RNG usually (since not many people played JUST Doomguards for demons), but you can certainly play Recruit-ish Hunter with Krush, 2 Devilsaurs, 2 Highmanes and even 2 Grizzlies and only be at the mercy of 8 or 7 less face damage, so idk.
Philerino I just stated that I don't think it's OP because it resummons only minions you actually played, and not Krushes recruited by Kathrena. But IDK, maybe still too strong.
Custom Carderino Kripperino You would just play them then lol devilsaur is okay defensive tool
The hunter spell is way too strong , just compare it to call of the wild . And it also makes bullshit op combo whith thundra rhino
I would like to see the minions that he is think of at moments like 10:56 props to Rania for the editing tho!
I'm glad to see mechs coming back. It'll make for some fun in wild too!
If you have two mechs on the board and magnetic in hand, you can't play it as a minion in between of them (to avoid betrayal, meteor, etc.), so it has some drawbacks as well.
Menacing Nimbus is immediately going into both my Even Shaman deck and my Midrange Shaman deck. I was literally looking for a good 2 drop elemental, and this card is perfect.
Regarding Stargazer Luna, I think it's noteworthy that you can massage more draws out of it by using card creation effects. e.g. When you draw into something you can't/don't want to play with this card, you can play Firefly into Flame Elemental to eek out another draw.
Nice to see Kripp getting some sun into this hot weather.
When I saw stargazer luna I immediately thought of firefly as a potential synergy, as well as stonehill defender and other discover cards that can create cheap plays. I think it's a great card
Oh wow you’re right. Maybe elemental mage will take off because of that? 🤔
It will fit right in Elemental Minion Mage. Igneous Elemental has a really good synergy with it too. On deathrattle you get two 1 cost cards just where you want them to be at.
A neet mechanic about stargazer Luna you did not mention is discovery effects and such.
If you primordial glyph and get A spell it's added to your hand on the far right, meaning you can potentially play a 0 or 1 mana spell that you were going to play anyways, and draw a card off of it. This also works with cards like firefly, because the fire elemental added to your hand is 1 mana, and on the far right of your hand.
Very good draw potential.
More than that elemental that you get as a random effect probably will be played on the next turn, so every effect "if you played elemental last turn" will be auto-satisfied, which is making that random 2/2 even more powerful
Things that I wanna know about Magnetic:
What happens when you already have a Magnetic minion on board and you put a vanilla mech on the Right of it - will it still connect?
What happens when you summon a Magnetic minion through random factors, like Unstable Evolution - will that still connect with another mech on the right of it?
If not, then I guess this effect is only when you Play the card.
Really loved this review. Lots of ideas and synergies being talked about. I would also like a new series in these reviews:
"Salt predictions": With some of the cards, think of the most stupid/broken thing that will almost never happen, but likely will happen to you, because you play so much. (Like you did with Luna)
The last legendary card can synergize with Echo cards since they reappear at the right side of your hand after you use them.
A part of me thought that this would be another good addition to the minion mage because more card draw (As if it didn't have enough already) but I'm not sure if you can actually fit that card in there without removing something important.
OH wow such good production, Raina.
Dr Boom is Green
Dr Boom is next to Kripp
Kripp is Green
Kripp will reveal the Doctor Boom hero card
Nope. Looks like Trump got the Dr. Boom card according to the released schedule. At least it kind of looks like Boom.
Kripp is getting the Omega Project's leader I think. Or at least one of the omega cards. Check on the 30th 12pm on this link: www.hearthpwn.com/news/5665-the-boomsday-project-complete-card-reveal-schedule
Dr boom shaman hero 4 mana battlecry: summon 7/7 boombots heropower 4 mana: summon a 7/7 flame wreathed faceless and overload for 2
Wait a second.
Is that, a mecanical C'thun?
Do I finally have a reason to come back into HS.
you scared me Rania i thought my screen broke...well played well played
Between Stargazer Luna and the minion drawing tome from the last expansion, Zoo Mage might become a thing. Maybe not for standard, but old mechmage might make a comeback in Wild.
Generated cards also appear on the right of your hand. So you could play cards like firefly or glyph as draw.
3:57 this card is scary as hell! I’m excited to see what all can be done with it. If your opponent can’t remove it right away it will only get harder to remove as the game progresses because you can just keep buffing it with the magnetic effect. Imagine buffing this with taunt and life steal! It’s crazy because very few removal spells can kill this minion with deadly shot being the best. My advice is if you see this minion being played kill it immediately!!
I challenge you to build a magnetic mech deck and build up only one Megaminion with all the magnetic effects, and win the game!
Not if it works like mimiron's head.
Especially if it counts magnetised mechs as mechs in play.
Scrint What are you talking about? That is literally not what Michael Ivanov said. Like, not even close.
I was talking to nejat.
Perhaps there's a mech like mimiron that you can attach a ton of mechs to and still win, to avoid polymorph (because charge megawindfury)
12:14 If Rogue gets there hands on this, pack your bags boys it’s game over.
Dat production value Kreygasm
They may not wind up being successful decks, but some of these card reveals make me want to try a new flavor rush and/or odd warrior.
I'm liking this magnetic stuff for wild. There's some fun old mechs.
most right card in hand is also all generated cards - glyph, spellstone, simmulacrun etc.
Can't wait to see how those new mechs work with old mechs in wild.
The Lettuce King reveals his true form.
You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch...
Ohhh, the FUN I shall have with Upgradable Framebot... *evil giggling*
Honestly... I think these magnetic cards are going to be busted. Combined with the mechs of old and the already powerful synergy that older mech decks contained... now they have cards that act both as buff-based spells and minions, depending on the situation.
Now obviously, there are many cards left in this expansion, and maybe some of those cards counter magnetic mechs... but I doubt it, since Blizzard hates silence, and most classes lack polymorph effects.
Just imagine turn 1, 2/1 mech, turn 2 1/5 mech, turn 3, 4, 5 etc. in comes the minion buffs while the other player frantically struggles to eliminate threat after threat, mech after mech. Every mech has soft taunt, as leaving any mech on the board is just asking for trouble.
I really hope I'm wrong about this new mechanic, but only time will tell...
I can't wait to play around the magnetic mechanic with my handbuff paladin deck.
Stargazer Luna - start mastering your topdecks.
When Kripp said the average RNG result of Menacing Nimbus was very good, what did he mean? Does he mean among all the neutral and class elementals, are there more 'good' elementals than bad ones?
That was a fair assessment on Beryllium Nullifier👍 seems like it might be underestimated.
Just thinking of trying to remove a 3/8 that can't be targeted by spells or hero powers seems pretty tough - if you really think about it - only specific cards can efficiently deal with it (if your minions are unable to kill it) and having those cards in hand isn't guaranteed or likely. Adding on, no class has a cheap single target removal for such a card. They'd always have to be paired with silence - meaning you need more then one card - so unless your Priest, almost guaranteed to be spending more mana.
And this is all if you just drop it as a standalone minion! Having it in the right deck and you magnetic that shit? Shazam! You might just have your self a Meta Breaker!
What I'd like to know is if "magnetic" works as just a buff and can be silenced away, or if it actually mechanically works like merging two minions, like zombeasts.
Stargazer Luna plus top-deck echo seems nice. Also It seems it's not a battlecry so you can play your right-most card multiple times , and top deck stuff ? I don't think it's that bad, there's some potential there
I feel like Stargazer Luna would be way more interesting if you drew when you played the leftmost card in your hand. They you get some neat setup, maybe making some sub-optimal plays, so you can manipulate your hand to take full advantage of her draw ability.
It would actually be too powerful.
Like a 3 mana sprint or even a hell of a lot more.
Will Stargazer Luna work with Echo ? As I recall, when you play an echo card the next echo copy will always be the rightmost card in your hand. Could be an interesting mechanic.
Also, to play to the loft of the mech you have to have a spot on board.
Will you be able to play a magnetic mech onto another mech if you have a full board? I assume not, but just wondering.
I like the design of Stargazer Luna,but there is a problem:it is another card that pushes burn mage.
I am thinking stargazer luna, aluneth with a lot of zoo type cards. Idk if that would work so much just because zoo mage hasn't been a huge thing it has always been a tempo or something like that, but this would be insane card draw with a zoo deck.
Upgradeable Framebot and Beryllium Nullifier make a 4/13 that's hard to target for 9, that's as good as a fair amount of dragons, though it takes two cards.
They already did Dr Boom as a legendary. Yet it would be weird if he didn't also appear in this one.
Professor Boom legendary, calling it now.
Rania, please take Kripp to the doctor, he has been bitten by a goblin.
Wargear, AKA solid body or even better blessing of kings.
That's gonna be an amazing card.
How does silence work on magnetized minions? Do they retain their combined stats and lose their text, or do they act the same as silencing a minion with, say, Blessing of Kings, and lose all the added stats? Because if it's the latter, Magnetic is just gonna bring back the double Spellbreaker tech that makes a lot of other decks useless as well.
I want to know if you silence a combined mech, will it just spit into to 2 minions or destroy the magnetic mech?
does playing a echo cards appear on the far right? if they do is that good with Luna ?
I really hope they release a Dr Boom type card for this expansion. Maybe not as broken as the old one, but this expansion in based entirely around him, so he has to come back, right?
How will this affect minion placement? What if you want to put a magnetic minion to the left of another mech for better board positioning, but you can't because it will automatically magnetize if you do that
I know its a given, but you didn't mention the value in these being picked in ODD/EVEN decks. just a consideration with Wargear in particular and with each sets of ODD/EVEN mechs and magnets being released
How is magnetize placement going to work against spells like meteor?
The right-most card is not necessarily your draw. For example, Stargazer Luna is your draw, making the right-most card your previous draw, etc., or you killed a Hoarding Dragon after you have played Luna.
If you play Luna right after drawing it, it draws you a card right?
Kripperino leppergnommino
Rng cards has to be better on average than the guaranteed alternative to account for the risk. Given the choice between a 2/2 or a card that's a 1/1 if you flipped head and 3/3 if you flipped tails, you would always go for the 2/2.
Im wondering if you play call to arms in a Pally deck Will the magnetic effect trigger ?
If your board is full can you still magnetic fuse tho?
But what happens if there is two mechs on the board and put magnetic minion between them?
Does Kripp also play other card games or only HS? There is a new free card game called Caller's Bane. I think it is better than HS.
Beryllium Nullboi is prolly a lot better than it seems. You play it, then stack all the other mechs on it.
From playing magic I know that buffs are weak to targeted removal, because you get 2-for-1’d. But untargetable creatures with buffs are insane. In fact, there is a highly competitive deck that just plays 1 mana 1/1s with “cant be targetted” and good buffs.
7 mana cant be targetted is bad though. And slapping it on another mech is optimistic. Slapping other mechs onto it is the way to goi feel
The first thing annoying 3 attack minions makes me think of is Oakheart
With all this magnetism, silence meta will probably return stronger than ever
That 7 mana mech is worthless because targetted removal from only spells is so useless in this modern game. Every deck has multiple non-targetting spells that can get rid of it, or just minion based removal which is super common now. I feel this 'cannot be targetted' effect should just be buffed to included minion effects.
Would it really be bad to have a few cards a week be useable in wild format, without the need for crafting? I think this might help those underrated or overlooked cards to shine, while showcasing cards to players to maybe buy packs to get said cards...
You know what you can also expect in the next expansion? Silences... lots of them.
And what happens if you silence a magnetic amplified mech, will it undo the stats to its original?
I somehow predicted Krip's thoughts about the elemental generator and the mage legendary :D
We get to know what gets Krip's mad !
Oh shit, Kripp the Hulkerrino!
menacing nimbus is just like a earthen might, I like it
MTG: Makes bestow mechanic
Hearthstone: Can I copy your homework
MTG: Sure, just don't make it too obvious
Hearthstone: Magnetic
how does star gazer luna work if you only have 1 card in your hand though?
Calling it right now, upgradable framebot is going to be the MVP of aggro decks and mech decks