you people really don't understand do you ? :Look at the THOUSANDS of videos on youtube of young people enjoying slaying each other in video games... they grow up to become the trouble you think you can prevent... The only solution is to ban computer games for the under 21 crowd. no more xbox, playstation, pc games for kids that contain any violence or any weapons. Kids should be playing outside, and doing their homework, and reading the Bible. But no shock that Bill Gate's Microsoft Xbox sells these types of games that kids should not play...
One man with no body armor, no law enforcement training, no backup and no "assault" weapons... did what all those cops in the hallway wouldnt. BALLS. Kid has solid tungsten carbide, ten ton balls. Give THAT kid a fucking badge.
Eh maybe on "no training" a 40 yard shot effective shot under the stress of that situation is no easy feat...... He definitely has a bit of time behind a gun.
That’s the thing it’s not unlawful to carry a gun in a gun free zone it’s just the place of business rules. And it’s only unlawful if someone sees him carrying it or know he is carrying it. And that place of business tells him to leave then he’s trespassing and it becomes unlawful. So he might have disobeyed the no gun sign but it wasn’t unlawful.
"He was carrying legally under the constitutional carry law" No. He was carrying legally under the constitution. "Constitutional carry" would not have to exist if politicians weren't violating the constitution.
@@brettholland7975 not really because if you carry per your constitutional right in a state that says you cannot carry without a permit, which is bullsh!t, you are breaking the law in that state's eyes, which is also bullsh!t. Constitutional right is a constitutional right but many people can't excercise without "constitutional carry" law.
@@riboflavinfolate3964 Yeah so rare are those instances of stopping the bad guy that it only happened 3 times this past weekend - and those are of the ones I know about. Many others I'm sure.
It’s not in there narrative . This goes against what there saying about guns. The only reason little is being said is because the guy went against mall rule about carrying a gun. The bad guy also went against mall rules but that’s not mentioned let alone how many were saved because of his action.
@Shep VanDelay Glocks tend to shoot low and left if you’re not really super experienced in shooting Glocks. It’s pretty easy to position your finger in the wrong way due to the trigger safety. If you compensate for that, usually you’ll notice a difference. Unless you have a used one, then it might just be the barrel harmonics. Although I’m not an expert, I do shoot Glocks a lot and have for almost two decades.
I only wish he was getting more publicity. We should never feel ashamed for doing the right thing. An they're tying to villianize this young man. TERRIBLE! He had the courage to put himself in harms way to keep others alive....
A school resource officer in AL shot and killed an armed man trying to get in an elementary school about a week after Uvalde. I bet a lot of people have never heard that story. The teachers had the doors locked too. They deserve an honorable mention.
Imagine being so delusional that you make the claim that a young man putting his life on the line to save not only himself but countless others is considered a bad thing…
8 shots out of 10 at 40 yards is skill not luck. This young man had training and because of that training was able to save lives. Get strapped, get trained.
True. I used to teach basic pistol marksmanship in the Army at one of my units. Majority of those I trained would have had problems at this range. The amount of work that goes into building this level of skill takes A LOT of work. Major props to this young warrior for getting the proper training and practicing the skills.
@@danielhaire6677 Perhaps we all have a new standard to reach for lol. I recently did the challenge and managed 7 of my 10 shots though I do not have a red dot on my handgun sadly. I hope people are reaching out to you for firearms training now.
Like I said on another video about this subject somewhere else he didnt have any real training, all he ever did was plink around with grandpappy. He was 40 yards away and sprinted 10 yards telling people to get behind him then he braced himself(pistol on something) then let all hell loose. I may be wrong on this but as far as I know he had zero formal training these gun control freaks think we should have which is actually more involved than what police actually get. Theres my copypasta
@@Bender_B._Rodriguez i was not saying that training should be required by law first off. Also plinking with grandpa at a young age could very well be training. I was not so fortunate so I had to start later in life. Anyone who owns a gun should get training. There is nothing wrong with being more prepared to defend yourself. In fact if you ask just about anyone that has ever been in a firefight they will tell you that you can never be good enough. I have done 100 yards with my 9mm all the way to 3 yards even 30 yards while hyped up on adrenaline is a tough shot for the average gun owner.
Under extreme stress, this kid put 8 out of 10 rounds from a pistol into a moving target 40-50 yards away that was shooting back, without hitting any innocent bystanders. All without any formal training. Damn fine job young man!🇺🇸😎👍🏻
He had the hand of God on him. 8 out of 10 at that range is beyond professional standards. Cops have hit ratios around 18% from 7 yards away when there’s return fire. That’s insane.
His grand dad needs his props for teaching him how to shoot. Nothing wrong with having “boomer” values. Those of us who are lucky enough to be taught by our grandparents and great grandparents have some valuable life skills early on.
Few people will understand just how incredible this was. The Hero was using a handgun, fired 10 rounds and was able to connect with the shooter 8 times, from a distance of 40 yards. He made those shots under stress, on an armed and mobile target and in an environment with perhaps hundreds of innocent people down range. He accomplished this Alll without any prior military or law enforcement training and did it all in less than 15 seconds. I've been in Law Enforcement, Military and Private Security for the last 29 years. I'm not confident I could do any better than this young man under those circumstances. Truly outstanding.
@@matt5415 Some people prefer only 9 rounds. Personally I don't like my AR Mags to be so tightly packed. I use 28 rds instead of 30 rds. It's also possible the pistol wasn't chambered at the time of the incident. May have racked one in when everything kicked off.
This guy is a Hero. This man was well trained and cool under fire. One armed citizen acted immediately and without hesitation. It took 376 law enforcement personnel an hour and 15 minutes to confront the school shooter in Texas. The brave mother who saved her children and many others and this man deserve National Recognition.
Agreed. The Dem (support Govt agenda) lost my Vote with the Uvalde Texas Shootings. Only You can defend yourself from in coming danger. CA 2nd Amendment Voter.
Does the mall have signage on all the doors stating it is a "weapons free zone"? I saw something that quoted the mall's "shopper's code of conduct" whatever the hell that is, saying weapons were prohibited.
I’m right there with you Pat. I’m near East Indy and carry everywhere, including that mall. Only place I have ever had an issue is Washington Square mall. The “armed” guard, open carrying, told me I couldn’t carry there. It was just recently bought by Simon Malls. I told him the signs were not enforceable by law. He asked me what statute says that. I showed him the law as written, and then I left because I was asked to leave. My car was subsequently attacked when leaving, my kids with me. Slammed it in park, got out, guy said Nevermind, I’m not fucking with your gun. I tend to open carry more often than concealed, and I have been carrying for years under the old law so I have my LTCH.
They live off the death, they will never want the deaths to stop, how else would they fundraise with irrational fear and propaganda. They are the most despicable of society.
Leftist here, planning get my ccw as soon as I turn 21. Already have my AR. It's a stay strapped or get clapped world, and I'm not trying to get clapped.
Most people don't even know Indiana exists believe me I've lived here on my life and I swear anybody I talk to you from out of state don't know where Indiana is
Right. Because it destroys their narrative entirely! They want the masses to continue looking at those "no guns allowed" stickers when entering an establishment and "feel safe" 🙄
The "gun control" lobby solely wants to ban guns. Since they cannot get support for that, they chip away at peoples rights. All their laws make zero difference for public safety. It's already illegal to shoot people. It's illegal to brandish a firearm. Tons of felons have illegal guns already. These people don't care, because they live in a bubble.
Quit diminishing the meaning of these terms. Someone was shooting. Possibly at him. He shot that guy to save his own life. Which is why he carried a firearm. A byproduct of that was other people didn't die. He isn't a "hero " or comitt "heroic" acts. Hes a human. Thats it.
Greenwood Park Mall has a “no guns” policy. Two men broke that policy last Sunday - one to murder, the other to protect. The murderer is dead because the defender ignored that policy. Policy, schmolicy ... Carry everywhere.
Learn the Law of Indiana, Constitutional Carry Law went into effect July 1 2022 so the gun free zone means NOTHING you must be upset more werent murdered
I live in Indiana, we are so proud of this young man. Not only did he save lives, but the politicians that endorsed our Constitutional Carry law saved lives too. So thank you for making Indiana safer.
Do these "activists" realize that constitutional carry literally makes it legal for good citizens to do what criminals already do? We live in bizarro world.
"Don't be weak when you're called upon to be strong." Nice comment. Affluence breeds comfort which breeds weakness, and we have created a society that allows too many weak people to have the loudest voices.
Same, I carry my gun regardless of what a stupid sign says I should do. Especially when I’m alone with my four boys. I even modified my dresses to be able to conceal carry properly.
Your steel knot safe, de gun men did ant tar get him, he shot him from far. If you are de first tar get,you don't have a chance width a gun ore width out one. Inn knee one width a Lee goal gun Kent snap at inn knee moan mint and killl a innocent purr sun. It happened two some one eye new. Amen snap and pulled out a gun and shoot him indie chest. He pull out hisses gun and fire back to run de guy off , but it was two late,de damage was isle red de done. He did ant make it. He was a second Amen mint gun lover and dyed buy de guns he bee leaved ever one should have.
“If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim”. -LtCol Jeff Cooper
I think it should be possible for someone Shot in a Gun free zone to Sue the Business responsible for the gun free zone for the lack of Security and Safety that such zone provides.
I think some of the victims of the Aurora CO theater shooting tried that and failed. "Their business, their rules" and all of that, but since when do we let businesses deny people their BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS in order to enter the business? Would we let a business say "no Christians/Muslims allowed"? How about "no blacks"? "No gays"? Bearing arms is just as much a right as religious rights and the right to not be discriminated against on the basis of religion and race.
It's extremely impressive someone that literally just started carrying a gun was able to pull off a 40 yard shot before the gunman could lock in on him. A true hero that was genuinely risking his life to save others!
I think I heard the officer in the press conference state that Eli "steadied himself behind a concrete pillar" which was smart on many levels - enabled him to steady his shot and provide protection against being shot. That was some situational preparedness ...
Just because he decided to carry via constitutional carry does not mean he has never shot a fire arm before. I am 57 and I was shooting my Dad's bb pistol when I was 5. My first and second .22 rifle at 14. But my first pistol at 28. He is a hero in my eyes as well as many others that have stood up to the evil in this land.
I was at the mall when this happened. I thank God for this hero! There were at least 60 people in the food court at that moment! We sadly lost 3 souls but dozens were saved that day because of constitutional carry. Stand up America 🇺🇸
A handgun? From 40 yards away without any collateral damage on his part? He should be given a marksmanship award in addition to the praise of everyone who ever meets him. His story is just one of many too. There are between an estimated 200,000-3 MILLION defensive uses of firearms in this country (it's impossible to get an accurate accounting of this since defensive uses are rarely reported to police unless shots are fired; often brandishing the gun at a would-be attacker is enough to diffuse the situation) which is (on the conservative end) a whole ORDER OF MAGNITUDE more than the number of people who die from gun violence.
My daughter has pulled her S&W .380 twice to prevent bodily harm to herself. She has known how to use them safely since she was 5 years old. She is known around here to be armed at all times, so nobody messed with her. She went back to our home state and thats where people tried things, not knowing she had a CPL and her own long distance hole punch. Thankfully she didn't have to give anyone additional ventilation, she only had to show it to them and they backed off and left. There is a reason why she did the paperwork and I paid for her to have a quality piece and the CC class. I wanted her to be safe.
@@SweatyFatGuy I've had to draw my pistol once before. MASSIVE dude, threatened to kill me for telling him to chill out, started rummaging in his pocket for a weapon. I drew, he laughed and kept looking. Only when I spoke over my shoulder for these two kids to get the cops that JUST walked around the corner did he turn to run across the street. Apparently, he was spoken to by those cops, decided this poor limo driver was the reason, shoved him up against the limo as I came around the corner, cocked his fist back, I said "HEY, KNOCK IT OFF" and that triggered him to threaten me at that point and start closing the distance while looking for what I can only assume was a weapon. It's downright unfortunate that we, the people, need to carry for reasons like that. But... I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. It's scary to think what what might happen if I, or your daughter for example, didn't have the means to protect ourselves, and these selfish pricks trying to ban everything are truly messed up in the head. They TRULY want victims, and it's despicable and disgusting, and I can't figure out why. The sad part is the people they've brainwashed into thinking the same thing...
With what the Democrats who are signed on to the world economic forum plan to do to Americans. You'll want to shoot them so they're not gonna stop trying to take our guns.
@@johncast9565 - People like this are never accountable for what they say or do. That apply only to other people, that they don't like. Check out how narsissist work.
He saved more lives in a few seconds than every gun free zone combined over the past 30 years… the simple truth is that the only people guaranteed to be there when this happens are the victims. ANY RESPONSE FROM OUTSIDE WILL BE TOO LITTLE AND TOO LATE! This attack and the sad outcome of Uvalde(people need to go to jail over that) once again re-enforce this simple fact.
I absolutely agree, people need to go to jail over the Uvalde incident. They let one child after another die. I certainly hope it never happens to one of their children while they are waiting outside and stopping people from going in and doing something about it. I have to wonder if those people are loyal enough to their narrative to sacrifice one of their own children?
@@robertramsey653 He had no right to shoot the alleged shooter. That “bad guy” deserved a fair trial and to be convicted, he was innocent until proven guilty. As stated, him and his girlfriend could have easily escaped, but he let her escape so he could administer “vigilante justice”
@@aprilecotton2060 Self-defense is a right recognized by all except the evil. I don't believe you understand the meaning of vigilante justice. Vigilante isn't shooting in self-defense. Vigilante is going after someone after the deed has been done, the perpetrator is long gone, and the wheels of justice have not yet turned, or have turned to your disliking. Quite frankly, shame on you.
@@annep.1905 well the deed had been done, and the shooter wasn’t engaging him. His girlfriend even ran away safely. He literally went back in, propped against a pillar, and shoot over 40 yards 10 times at a guy who was no threat, literally retreating to the bathroom. This is 1st degree meditated, because he planned it out, murder.
I wouldn't use Uvalde incident as proof of necessity, the police response there was within minutes it, and yeah they were ALL armed perhaps even body armor too it was just the cowardice of the chief of police and his men that caused that whole incident to go sideways.
Indiana here - I’ve noticed friends on my social media feed who were non-stop freaking out about the new carry law have been oddly quiet this past week…
At forty yards, with a handgun, this brave young man was able to perform with a successful 80% rounds on target. The entire world needs more people like this to aid in securing the lives and freedoms of those nearby.
@@simonsears5925 not really, id say average-ish, which kinda highlights how an OPTIC on a handgun completely changes its engagement envelope while i do shoot usually at 20m distance on range with irons i doubt i would be able to make hits at 40+ unless taking it unrealistically slow with red dot and braced - no issue really, all you have to know then is your bullet drop at the distance and all you have to do is not to jerk the trigger. If the dot is where it needs to be and you dont actively screw the shot it will go where you need it at sub 100m range.
True but Indiana native here. Our constitutional carry law literally just went into effect in the recent month or two. If that law haven't with through yet this man wouldn't have been armed, and instead of would have been a victim along with many more. This is all the proof states need to pass constitutional carry. What was the democrats saying about the vaccines? Oh ya... If it saves just one life...
@@adolpholiverbush5867 states cant override a federal law. the right to carry any weapon is in the constitution (federal law) and every state had to ratify the constitution to become a state.
Yes the Constitution just puts an inalienable right off limits to the federal, state, county, and shity governments. But feds and states have long ignored that fact on purpose. Therefore a law was needed to repeal the laws requiring one to jump through hoops and pay lots of money for the privilege of a carry permit. TN passed Constitutional Carry last year and I still renewed my permit, to lifetime. The fact they recognize it’s not necessary anymore, and optional means I’ll go on and keep it. What we need is national reciprocity or national constitutional carry that states can’t opt out of. No ammunition or magazine laws to stand. Shit holes including but not limited to DC, NY, Maryland and on and on outlaw the possession (even in storage in your hotel room) of guns by all non residents stuck going through there. If you don’t stop you’re allegedly protected by interstate transportation but if you get sleepy and decide to take a nap at a hotel for one night you get reclassified as a resident and felon. Illinois at least lets you leave them locked in a vehicle but every state should be out of the gun banning and restricting game.
correct! but most, and I mean even most that support the 2A, don't understand WHY the bill of rights was written.... not when... not who wrote it.... but WHY was the bill of rights written? most americans cannot answer that simple question.
I wouldn’t go that far. Uvalde is an anomaly. That is a woke police force. Unless they’re giving tickets during Covid to people attending church in their cars, we all know the woke are cowards deep down. It’s why they talk such a good game all the time.
"if guns made America safer, America would be the safest country in the world" In WW2 Japan literally didn't invade Hawaii because they thought there would be a gun behind every blade of grass, ask the Chinese what happened to their unarmed populace after Japan invaded them The fact that that happened and that a good guy with a gun stopped a mass shooter means it's clearly no myth and that the second amendment works as intended to protect us from threats both domestic and abroad.
I agree with you but I'd like to clarify there's other reasons why Japan never invaded us in ww2, including their technology and equipment, along with a thinly spread military, pearl harbor in Hawaii, And America's already impressive industrial capabilities. By the time they bombed pearl harbor and got us fully involved in ww2 the war situation from the Japanese perspective simply wouldn't allow it. Their best bet would be to land in Alaska which probably wouldn't have worked well for them either. Forget about trying to take the mainland. And as I said Hawaii had a naval base that needed to be dealt with first, and the Japanese barely managed to accomplish their goals there. The pacific fleet wasn't destroyed in the attack so they basically blew their only shot to fight an offensive war with the U.S But all that on top of the fact that there would be an armed population to contend with ensured that any invasion would be a waste of men, resources, and time.
Not to take away from what he did, but a red dot sight makes 40 yards way more doable with a pistol. It's still not easy, but a lot easier than it is with iron sights.
@@Sickadaaa active shooters wont be sprinting ... i bet that until the first hit the POS was basically standing still trying to aim for his next victim not running around
@@Asghaad Nope, per reports, shooter was exiting and moving from the restrooms and firing at the same time. From the first shot being fired by shooter, Eli responded and put an end to his rampage within 15 SECONDS. So basically go from, eating food with your girlfriend and in that mindset to pushing her to safety, getting your weapon out, evaluate for friendlies trying to escape, secure your position, overcoming adrenaline high and then put 10 rounds on a threat who outguns you and then land 8 of those shots....ALL in 15 Seconds. Without any prior military or law enforcement training. I am confident that most folks are not even understanding what Eli managed to pull off.
@George Jones That kind of doubt should lead everyone with a gun to go to a range and put in hours of practice time every week. If you want power of this magnitude, make sure you have done the basic things required to be worthy of said power and accept the responsibility that comes with it. Same for 1A as well.
I’m 21, I live an hour outside of indy, often work in indy, and go there with friends and family. This story hits incredibly close to home for me. I really hope this guy gets on the ASP Podcast or something. People need to hear these stories
I only live like 30 minutes away from there and in the most liberal town in Indiana aside from Indianapolis. I've always felt safe here because virtually everywhere you go is someone with a gun who has provided food, safety, and been fairly well trained with it. It's terrible that it happened so close to home and I'm just glad that he was there. Thanks for doing the story justice with this video! It's wild how unnoticed this story has gone where I live just because it doesn't fit a narrative.
@Guido De Based 1561 I agree!!! In indiana we are a gun state and most of us grew up shooting on farms or in ranges. It’s what we do and what we know. We don’t have much here to do
I’m from Indiana, stationed over seas currently. I live about 25 minutes away from Greenwood area. Sooooooo proud of our citizens under these horrible circumstances and I am so glad your covering this! I’m glad the news is covering the truth of a brave citizen LEGALY armed and stopping further violence. Love Indiana.
As a gun owner myself, I wish him the absolute best. He was another right place at the right time, which I'm very certain couldn't have been easy. It's time heroic actions are recognized nationwide instead of being scrutinized. But at the same time, he still deserves his privacy while he's taking the time to process the event that took place. Again, I wish him the absolute best.
To Everytown: As a former law enforcement officer, I can tell you without a doubt that I if I were surrounded by 100 people, 99 good people and one violent criminal, I would much rather have 99 armed good people and one armed bad guy with me than 99 unarmed good people and one armed bad guy.
It's funny that judges,district attorney's,and law enforcement don't realize that when they prosecute or enforce any gun control laws they don't know and realize that they are committing crimes. Title 18 U.S.C. section 241 conspiracy against rights, title 18 U.S.C. section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law,a policy is a custom, and title 5 U.S.C. sections 3331,3333,7311 perjury in violating oath of office/swearing false oath which is treason and a felony under the law.
Because they're traitors and want to use situations like this as bargaining chips against the American people. It's blatantly obvious what they're saying without saying.
I live literally one mile from this mall! Since this mass shooting happened there has be 2 other shooting attempts with no success! I appreciate the time you took in the breakdown of and honoring the hero in this matter! This situation is one very close to home and after what Eli went through that day, he needs more of this same feed back! This young man had to take someone's life that day because if he didn't others would've lost their lives! Thank you Colion for all you do for our 2nd amendment and thank you Eli for being you, the hero you were born to be!!
I'm a retired vet in New Jersey, and this young hero is an example of honor and duty that know no bounds. And Colion, good sir, your work is exemplary! Very well spoken and thought through, every word, and all supported by simple, readily available facts! Keep up the great work!!
I’m unfortunately from New Jersey as well. First I would like to say thank you for your service sir. Second let’s go concealed carry. Phil Murphy sucks and is an idiot
This is why us Law Abiding Citizens Carry every single day. You never know when you will need to save yourself, love ones, and others around you. This 22yr old is a hero. Great job young man
There is no point in having a discussion with people who are pro gun control. Because they are among the dumbest people who walked on this earth. What this young man did is a prime example why having a firearm is essential for the safety of his self and the innocent people around him. Thanks for posting this video Colion 👍
Funny story, got into a HUGE argument with people a few days before this happened about the good guy with the gun narrative. They (leftists) were adamant that a good guy with a gun doesn’t exist and has never stopped a mass shooting (despite me showing them multiple examples of where it has in the past, which they dismissed as propaganda) then a day or two later this happened. I posted a link and heard nothing from them again. They can’t even admit they are wrong or open their eyes and think for themselves the indoctrination is that strong.
I would disagree with you on one point. Pro gun control folks are not dumb. They think with their heart and not with their head. They dont use logic. I am a CC advocate and carry whenever I can.
@@josephlong7420 thinking with your heart and not your head is just another way of saying someones dumb. you also went so far as to say they don't use logic, once again you just said they were dumb lmao.
@@A_piece_of_broccoli In that case, I'm very glad my wife is dumb. I'm joking. She thinks with her heart far more than I do and I am very glad she does.
@@josephlong7420 if the hero thought with his head there is a good chance he would have just ran away at the first sign of trouble because the mind can easily fail you just as much as your heart, this is one of the rare instances where you have to think with both. Which in the end shows that he is incredibly smart.
Most police, military, and Civilians couldn't hit 8/10 shots at 25 yards. This dude is a legend. 8/10 at 40 yards on a moving target that's firing in a crowded place? This dude might as well have been sent from heaven to stop this POS. He deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Medals of Valor from GPD and IMPD. What a legend!
Uh? I know everyone around here trains to shoot at 10 to 50 yards all the time with handguns. It helps that we are in the country and ha e room to do it. We also have the state laws that back us up. Fact is we (civilians) train more than the police do which is sad when so many lives still depend on police. Here shoot one or more weekends a month. It does help I can just go out the back door and target shoot.
More stories like this need to hit the main stream to combat the 2A haters! Thank you Colion for your diligence and well done to that young man who saved lives!
That's a tactic of the left because normal logic and facts never fits their narrative. In general I note the far left is always more concerned with the perpetrator than the victim, in their way of viewing things I don't think they can even see the shooter got what he deserved and indeed part of their dislike for guns in the hands of law abiding citizens comes from the concept that no criminal deserves to die because there are always mitigating circumstances that justify even the vilest of crimes.
Oh yeah...not according to Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada...he says a person does not have a right to use a firearm for self defense even in a person's home...ROTFLMAO
NO MATTER WHAT GUN OWNERS DO THEY TELL US WERE WRONG! Absolutely ridiculous. Thank God this hero was armed, ready, and willing to take action. He saved countless lives, we need more people like him, and more to support his actions.
The 10 round magazine limit was already made law years back. They got it passed by agreeing to a sunset clause that said if it showed no evidence of being effective after 10 years it would no longer be law which is exactly what happened. Now they want it back? Great job Colion , you always nail it.
"Finding a place where there are a lot of people with guns ain't that hard in this country." It's dang easy here in Indiana. And the militia as defined by Indiana is all persons capable of bearing arms.
@A Mac What the country might be getting ready to realize is that the DemocRATs rule from a position ofpower. They don't have a governing or judicial philosophy except for that: Power. In contrast, the Republicans have a philosophy of limiting government power and a consistent (textual) judicial philosophy. That's a large part of why the current Supreme Court came to be.
The people that have a problem with the armed civilian carrying in the mall because it was "against policy" or because he was being a "vigilante" need to look within themselves and ask a serious question...would you rather have 3 dead or 23 dead. You can't say "none" because this incident was going to happen regardless. If the answer is 3 then you need to thank the "vigilante".
What they actually want dead is white people, conservatives, Trump voters, non-electric car owners, homeschooled children, people who understand economics...
@@souschef4489 NY is a definite cesspool filled with swampers or " republican politicians " so we need something like that bad, the other choice is to be treated on.
Almost like we need a document that covers all the United States that states our right to not only bear arms but that it'll can't be infringed on. That would be great to have.
@@TheDragonAzz Yeah, we had that until 1934, when some assholes in the Capitol decided that they didn't want to feel threatened, despite the fact that the government should ALWAYS feel threatened by its citizenry, to whom it must answer.
Responsible armed citizens carrying their firearms, particularly in places where it's frowned upon by most, is a modern and relevant form of Civil Disobedience that can be respected and appreciated ...
Colion you are totally head on, I love your message, I live in Arizona and we do not have to have any permit to carry open or concealed as long as we are over the age of 21 for concealed!! The guy that stopped the shooter is indeed a Hero, in fact being a veteran I could not put 8 rounds into someone at 120 feet with a handgun, I would need a long gun to do that and I am a military marksman. This young Man trained and practiced as he should, his family also deserves credit along with his girlfriend whom during the shooting acted in a triage fashion to save a woman's life!!! Two totally great examples of Heroes if i ever saw one. And as a veteran I would be perfectly okay with these two being given the highest military honor, the Medal of Honor though they never served!!! Criminals beware, as for my house, not only do we serve the Lord, but we carry and know how to use our firearms responsibly!!! Great job in calling out the opposition!!!!!
I saw the "statistic" they tried to throw out there that good guys with guns only stop like 5% of active shooters. The problem with this is that active shooters actively choose soft targets where they know they are unlikely to encounter armed resistance. This is why they choose schools or malls or churches. They want to surprise people in places they feel safe and unprepared to protect themselves. They aren't trying to break into a court room to shoot up the trial. And they aren't trying to get into sports arenas that have guards everywhere.
I can roughly sight a couple years ago a mad man opened fire in a church and was taken down by a true hero that happened to be an older gentleman in the corner of the church. All was caught on video. You honestly never know who is going to flip out and when "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it" take care.
We see case after case where responding officers engage the "Good guy with a gun." killing them. Would it be acceptable for me to engage the responding officers if I'm fired upon? If by some miracle I killed the cop trying to kill me am I going to be prosecuted? The mass shooting training says to rush in there and put an end to the threat they aren't going to wait to identify if you're the good guy.
This is the exact reason I NEVER leave home without my sidearm. I don't care if I'm just running to the gas station, grocery store or anywhere else. I will gladly give my life to save those around me. This man should be look at as a hero. 👏🙏🇺🇲
The only “law enforcement” that opposed the Indiana Constitutional carry law was the State Police that used the carry permit as a revenue stream... all others with the exception of IMPD backed it...
This is what happens when law abiding citizens are allowed to carry their handgun when they go out. This hero was able to stop a dangerous suspect before he was able to make things way worse. If it wasn't for this young man only God knows how many people could have lost their lives. This guy should be on every single Channel and everybody should know his name.
actually, the cops could know find the shooters pack with ammo/mags count how many bullets are left and that is the max amount of people he could have killed.
Dude is a bad ass. Deserves all the honor and respect. When you make unalienable rights a criminal act you make criminals. If you’re a good guy, carry everywhere. Because evil criminals are lurking. With guns, knives, cars, etc. They can use anything as a weapon. Be prepared to help those that can’t help themselves.
I live in Indiana and have had my lifetime permit now for almost 20 years. I was thankful that we went to constitutional carry. Thank you Eli you’re a hero.
Thanks for covering this! I'm sharing this video with many people. If this nation were rich with CCW holders mass shootings wouldn't occur. Stay educated, stay trained, and carry on.
Anti-gunners would rather have higher body counts and demonize hero's that actually saved people rather than help anyone. This is proof they simply don't care and want control, not safety.
@@Dorbz8 making the good guys gun illegal doesn’t stop the bad guy from having his. Bad people will always seek out efficient weapons. We can’t pretend they won’t just because it’s against the rules. That’s ridiculous.
This is number 3 at least. It was obvious AP and WaPo were lying when they were saying things like "only 10" or "only 13" out of 400 something in the last 2 decades. If I know of more than 1 per month off the top of my head how in the hell can there only be 1/20th that number?
It happens all the time. It doesn't get any news media attention so that's why these ignorant anti gunners say that. Plus those studies are cherry picked. Also a good majority of mass shootings happen in gun free zones where a law abiding armed citizen can't carry anyway so their logic is flawed.
In 2021, there is over 20,000 gun related deaths. Excluding suicide, in 2020 nearly 20,000 deaths. At this rate 2022 gun related deaths will pass 20,000 again. Makes sense, more guns in American hands more deaths and this number is only increasing.
Agreed, we've actually got gun owners here in Canada that support our governments idea to ban "assault style rifles" like the Mini-14, it just blows my mind; is there something in the water?
@@whitehorse4318 with all respect towards your opinion - and I really don't have any interest in starting a keyboard fight because I find them pointless and a waste of my time - I am just really curious - so your solution is taking guns away from law abiding citizens, so that the bad guys, which let me remind you don't ever respect the law, have the clear way to harm innocent people?
I am from Utah and we have constitutinal carry, and thousnds of us carry a weapon all the time! I am proud of this young man for saving lives, yes, saving lives!
I was very glad to learn that UT finally woke up and passed Contitutional Carry. It's about time. I had to pay for my CCW permit when I lived in Salt Lake County, UT. Never much liked that law abiding citizens had to apply for and pay a fee to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. I didn't want to open-carry without a round in the chamber. It's one of the reasons my family left UT years ago.
about 25 minutes ago I just asked a Polk County Sheriffs Deputy what his thoughts were about Eli’s brave actions to stop 🛑 the shooter at the Greenwood park mall and he said “That Lawfully carried concealed carry man DID the RIGHT THING”
Colion, you're the man. I've been schooling my fiance on gun facts since stumbling upon your channel. I've always been indifferent to 2A. I don't own a gun. But now that 2A is being threatened, I am no longer ambivalent. Thank you so much for arming me (haha) with such great facts and information! I may not own a gun but I'm a PROUD 2A supporter! Keep fighting the good fight sir!
when you buy your first gun, make sure to go take classes and be trained by professionals, ask your local gun range and im sure they have first time gun owners classes. training is a huge part of being pro 2a
@@Th3W4tchman Another good way is for friends with guns to share, where it's allowed. Some states like California now make that illegal, of course, since they like banning EVERYTHING related to the Second Amendment. Please take friends shooting, particularly ones without guns.
I applaud his grandfather for teaching him, these impressive skills!!! It was discovered that he DID in fact have a conceal carry permit prior to the July 1st, implementation of Constitutional Carry!!!
I keep telling all of my friends and family where is this young man or his granddaddy they are the only two people I want to teach me how to shoot a firearm I will drive where they live when I tell you he is a HERO🙏🤗
@@phebiewhite9557 don't believe his grandfather is still alive from rhe sounds of things but who knows for sure. Dickens lives about 35 miles south of me. To get the same type of training isn't difficult, but finding someone and the amount of time it would take is the issue. Each person is different and the amount of time to train them is different as well. And to get to a point you could do what he did at that distance could take a year or more training.
It is despicable yet predictable for the gun grabbers to argue he illegally carried in a gun free zone even though it's not illegal instead of seeing the value of carrying a firearm for self defense. These people are vile.
I am a Hoosier and applaud this young mans heroic actions and Gov. Holcomb's placing this man in a position to save lives by passing Constutional carry into law in Indiana Thank you Colion for making this video and calling it out for what it is a heroic act that saved lives!!!!!
“ Mass shooters don’t like shooting at people that are shooting back”. Absolutely brilliant Mr. Noir. That should be on a T shirt!
And this is why mass shooters go to places where people are not able to fight back.
Sad that mas shooters are a thing /:
Exactly it should be on t-shirt
Mass shooters don't shoot people with guns
you people really don't understand do you ?
:Look at the THOUSANDS of videos on youtube of young people enjoying slaying each other in video games... they grow up to become the trouble you think you can prevent... The only solution is to ban computer games for the under 21 crowd.
no more xbox, playstation, pc games for kids that contain any violence or any weapons.
Kids should be playing outside, and doing their homework, and reading the Bible.
But no shock that Bill Gate's Microsoft Xbox sells these types of games that kids should not play...
A fox will always choose easy pickings of a henhouse…until the farmer comes out with a piece. Lol.
One man with no body armor, no law enforcement training, no backup and no "assault" weapons... did what all those cops in the hallway wouldnt. BALLS. Kid has solid tungsten carbide, ten ton balls. Give THAT kid a fucking badge.
He is part of the special pants club.
Bet the guy drives a semi... he needs an 18 wheeler to carry them BALLS of his...
Don't give him a badge. We don't need him to become corrupted.
Give him a wheelbarrow to carry those massive balls he's got. Also, put him on a speaking tour.
Eh maybe on "no training" a 40 yard shot effective shot under the stress of that situation is no easy feat...... He definitely has a bit of time behind a gun.
This is a very good example of how having a "gun free zone" sign can actually be a liability for the business.
Gun Free Zones are the most stupidest signs they ever come out with and only get people killed 😒
Gun free zones should be held liable for fatalities caused by their negligence.
That’s the thing it’s not unlawful to carry a gun in a gun free zone it’s just the place of business rules. And it’s only unlawful if someone sees him carrying it or know he is carrying it. And that place of business tells him to leave then he’s trespassing and it becomes unlawful. So he might have disobeyed the no gun sign but it wasn’t unlawful.
@@russianwolf1 do you mean the business that puts it up or the state that makes those law... Or both?
Shark free zones
"He was carrying legally under the constitutional carry law"
No. He was carrying legally under the constitution. "Constitutional carry" would not have to exist if politicians weren't violating the constitution.
I admire the sentiment but that just means the same thing.
@@brettholland7975 not really because if you carry per your constitutional right in a state that says you cannot carry without a permit, which is bullsh!t, you are breaking the law in that state's eyes, which is also bullsh!t. Constitutional right is a constitutional right but many people can't excercise without "constitutional carry" law.
@@Hamrik_Oswald then why weren’t guns allowed at the NRA convention?
@@Dr_GraysGhost_420 Because LAW ABIDING people don't BREAK the law, you maroon.
@@karlrschneider Whew.. that’s just an ignorant statement.. don’t even know where to start 😂
…Explains why a large portion of the “media” has completely ignored this event.
Correct. Self-defense doesn't fit their anti-freedom agenda.
Yeah, I noticed they squeaked about it once or twice, also making sure to mention how "rare it is" for an armed civilian to stop a mass shooter.
@@riboflavinfolate3964 Yeah so rare are those instances of stopping the bad guy that it only happened 3 times this past weekend - and those are of the ones I know about. Many others I'm sure.
It’s not in there narrative . This goes against what there saying about guns. The only reason little is being said is because the guy went against mall rule about carrying a gun.
The bad guy also went against mall rules but that’s not mentioned let alone how many were saved because of his action.
@@j.fabela1748 I guess the mall would prefer that the sheep didn't bring their sheep dog with them. But it is ok to let the wolves into the mall.
The feds are going to be so infuriated that Eli interrupted the feds' activated assest.
For sure.
Wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly got detained for further "questioning" and went missing without a trace.
Conceal carry gun owners like this send the message"F*ck around and find out" Well done young man.
That should be the sign now at malls and schools. America needs to put down these monsters, train.
Don't let the democrats hear this. Lol
For real 🤣😂🤣😂😁
@Shep VanDelay Glocks tend to shoot low and left if you’re not really super experienced in shooting Glocks. It’s pretty easy to position your finger in the wrong way due to the trigger safety. If you compensate for that, usually you’ll notice a difference. Unless you have a used one, then it might just be the barrel harmonics. Although I’m not an expert, I do shoot Glocks a lot and have for almost two decades.
I've got a Holosun on my Glock 42. I can literally shoot hole on hole groupsвидео.html
40 yards away on a moving target that kid is more proficient than most law enforcement kudos to that 2nd amendment soldier
I'm glad this guy is actually getting publicity, because most stories like this are usually kept under wraps.
👆FACTS. And that's something that _needs_ to change.
I only wish he was getting more publicity. We should never feel ashamed for doing the right thing. An they're tying to villianize this young man. TERRIBLE! He had the courage to put himself in harms way to keep others alive....
Unfortunately he's getting criticized by anti gunners who are arguing because he broke a mall POLICY. Not an actual law. They are pathetic.
A school resource officer in AL shot and killed an armed man trying to get in an elementary school about a week after Uvalde. I bet a lot of people have never heard that story.
The teachers had the doors locked too. They deserve an honorable mention.
That's scary cause it's true
Imagine being so delusional that you make the claim that a young man putting his life on the line to save not only himself but countless others is considered a bad thing…
And hating the man because he broke a stupid mall policy. Not an actual state law. They are beyond pathetic.
We shouldn't live in a world where a young man has to shoot someone, regardless of the reason.
@@Spawny500 Well that's reality. It has been since the dawn of time. Violence and wrath.
Exactly. I couldn't find much logic in those tweets neither.
It is. That man took a man’s life with no authority to do so, he doesn’t even know if that other man was bad or even the shooter.
"Responsible armed citizen" is the perfect description of the hero of this saga. It's much better than "law abiding gun owner".
Well said!
Responsibly armed citizen using Judicial Marksmanship.
Righteous gun slinger is even better. Turn him into a folk hero.
@Hi There Hence why there is a difference between homelessness and vagrancy.
The mass-shooting in Greenwood is orchestration for the upcoming assault- weapons ban bill. Fortunately it was foiled by an American hero.
8 shots out of 10 at 40 yards is skill not luck. This young man had training and because of that training was able to save lives. Get strapped, get trained.
True. I used to teach basic pistol marksmanship in the Army at one of my units. Majority of those I trained would have had problems at this range. The amount of work that goes into building this level of skill takes A LOT of work. Major props to this young warrior for getting the proper training and practicing the skills.
@@danielhaire6677 Perhaps we all have a new standard to reach for lol. I recently did the challenge and managed 7 of my 10 shots though I do not have a red dot on my handgun sadly. I hope people are reaching out to you for firearms training now.
@@brandonandreski1709 remember he's under stress n at a shooting yiur amped up this is nothing but amazing
Like I said on another video about this subject somewhere else he didnt have any real training, all he ever did was plink around with grandpappy.
He was 40 yards away and sprinted 10 yards telling people to get behind him then he braced himself(pistol on something) then let all hell loose.
I may be wrong on this but as far as I know he had zero formal training these gun control freaks think we should have which is actually more involved than what police actually get.
Theres my copypasta
@@Bender_B._Rodriguez i was not saying that training should be required by law first off. Also plinking with grandpa at a young age could very well be training. I was not so fortunate so I had to start later in life. Anyone who owns a gun should get training. There is nothing wrong with being more prepared to defend yourself. In fact if you ask just about anyone that has ever been in a firefight they will tell you that you can never be good enough. I have done 100 yards with my 9mm all the way to 3 yards even 30 yards while hyped up on adrenaline is a tough shot for the average gun owner.
Imagine stopping a mass shooter with your legally acquired and carried firearm, saving lives, and yet still being called the bad guy
so true imagine wait it real people said they wanted the shooter to have a fair trial but he is the bad guy for saving people
The best part is the people who are calling him the bad guy also think its ok to kill at baby a moments before its born.
@@commonsense7057 yup
@@commonsense7057 A moment after, even.
Democrats live in the upside down world. Anything to keep their criminals safe from harm
Under extreme stress, this kid put 8 out of 10 rounds from a pistol into a moving target 40-50 yards away that was shooting back, without hitting any innocent bystanders. All without any formal training. Damn fine job young man!🇺🇸😎👍🏻
He had the hand of God on him. 8 out of 10 at that range is beyond professional standards.
Cops have hit ratios around 18% from 7 yards away when there’s return fire. That’s insane.
Some local ranges should give him a free pass for life, and some ammo companies need to sponsor him.
Got damn! That's shooting
His grand dad needs his props for teaching him how to shoot. Nothing wrong with having “boomer” values. Those of us who are lucky enough to be taught by our grandparents and great grandparents have some valuable life skills early on.
50yd, Vern? Attaboy! Can I hear 60?
Few people will understand just how incredible this was. The Hero was using a handgun, fired 10 rounds and was able to connect with the shooter 8 times, from a distance of 40 yards. He made those shots under stress, on an armed and mobile target and in an environment with perhaps hundreds of innocent people down range. He accomplished this Alll without any prior military or law enforcement training and did it all in less than 15 seconds.
I've been in Law Enforcement, Military and Private Security for the last 29 years. I'm not confident I could do any better than this young man under those circumstances.
Truly outstanding.
would like to know what type pistol this guy used. young man saved a lot of lives.
@@ou81271000 I’ll bet it was a Sig P365. 10 round mag. Maybe he didn’t top off.
@@ou81271000 9mm pistol was the only information released.
@@matt5415 Some people prefer only 9 rounds. Personally I don't like my AR Mags to be so tightly packed. I use 28 rds instead of 30 rds. It's also possible the pistol wasn't chambered at the time of the incident. May have racked one in when everything kicked off.
Amen. Approximately one minute elapsed between when the shooter opened fire and when he was stopped...
This guy is a Hero. This man was well trained and cool under fire. One armed citizen acted immediately and without hesitation. It took 376 law enforcement personnel an hour and 15 minutes to confront the school shooter in Texas. The brave mother who saved her children and many others and this man deserve National Recognition.
Agreed. The Dem (support Govt agenda) lost my Vote with the Uvalde Texas Shootings. Only You can defend yourself from in coming danger.
CA 2nd Amendment Voter.
I’m from Greenwood, and I’ve always carried when going to that mall. This guy while he violated mall policy, he broke no laws. He’s a hero.
I bet unfortunately they try to make it a law now.
Does the mall have signage on all the doors stating it is a "weapons free zone"? I saw something that quoted the mall's "shopper's code of conduct" whatever the hell that is, saying weapons were prohibited.
Yep. Difference between policy and law.
@@tomtruesdale6901 yes there is signage, but doesn’t carry the force of law.
I’m right there with you Pat. I’m near East Indy and carry everywhere, including that mall. Only place I have ever had an issue is Washington Square mall. The “armed” guard, open carrying, told me I couldn’t carry there. It was just recently bought by Simon Malls. I told him the signs were not enforceable by law. He asked me what statute says that. I showed him the law as written, and then I left because I was asked to leave. My car was subsequently attacked when leaving, my kids with me. Slammed it in park, got out, guy said Nevermind, I’m not fucking with your gun. I tend to open carry more often than concealed, and I have been carrying for years under the old law so I have my LTCH.
This 22 year old good samaritan with a gun has reduced the carnage. What ever will the anti-gun left do without their precious body count?
They live off the death, they will never want the deaths to stop, how else would they fundraise with irrational fear and propaganda. They are the most despicable of society.
They'd just create another cause they never quit.
Leftist here, planning get my ccw as soon as I turn 21. Already have my AR. It's a stay strapped or get clapped world, and I'm not trying to get clapped.
@@idkwhattohaveasausername5828 Good on ya, kid. Stay safe!
@@idkwhattohaveasausername5828 shame you still believe in leftism but one thing at a time
I gotta give him props for a 40 yard shot.
He didn't break the law, he just broke the rules lol, and by breaking teh rules he saved countless lifes.
The “TextToMe” is a scammer
Well worth it, in my opinion.
Honestly though 40 yards at the gun range is hard enough let alone in the heat of the moment
Bro especially with a handgun under pressure. Brody went ultra instinct 💯
@@ThatToast who the hell even trains at 40 yards with a handgun?? that's a long damned way for a handgun.
Colin i am glad you are talking about Eli doing this heroic thing of stopping this mass shooting.
Interesting how a lot of media didn't cover this. There are plenty of people unaware of this.
Most people don't even know Indiana exists believe me I've lived here on my life and I swear anybody I talk to you from out of state don't know where Indiana is
It's your duty to inform everyone about this. Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns
Literally every major news network covered this.
Right. Because it destroys their narrative entirely! They want the masses to continue looking at those "no guns allowed" stickers when entering an establishment and "feel safe" 🙄
The mass-shooting in Greenwood is an orchestration for the upcoming assault- weapons ban bill. Fortunately it was foiled by an American hero.
No military or police training, Constitutional carry like myself and was able to take out the threat. dude is a hero for sure.
and with constitutional carry, i think more people would be inclined to got out and practice, as evident by this incident. 10 shots at 40 yrds!
Hell yeah, he didn't even have a "permit". Shows you don't need one to be responsible and exercise your rights heroically.
The "gun control" lobby solely wants to ban guns. Since they cannot get support for that, they chip away at peoples rights.
All their laws make zero difference for public safety. It's already illegal to shoot people. It's illegal to brandish a firearm. Tons of felons have illegal guns already.
These people don't care, because they live in a bubble.
Permits are not required where constitutional carry is law.
@@TingTingalingy I'm aware. I'm making a point that everywhere in the US should be constitutional carry. Hence the name.
Quit diminishing the meaning of these terms. Someone was shooting. Possibly at him. He shot that guy to save his own life. Which is why he carried a firearm. A byproduct of that was other people didn't die. He isn't a "hero " or comitt "heroic" acts. Hes a human. Thats it.
@@FreedomInc hold this L, your comment is trash
You’re exactly right…criminals aren’t looking for a gun fight!
Greenwood Park Mall has a “no guns” policy.
Two men broke that policy last Sunday - one to murder, the other to protect.
The murderer is dead because the defender ignored that policy.
Policy, schmolicy ... Carry everywhere.
It’s not-so-good to obey a policy which gets you killed.
Policy doesn't overule constitutional rights!
Learn the Law of Indiana, Constitutional Carry Law went into effect July 1 2022 so the gun free zone means NOTHING you must be upset more werent murdered
I live in Indiana, we are so proud of this young man. Not only did he save lives, but the politicians that endorsed our Constitutional Carry law saved lives too. So thank you for making Indiana safer.
Well said!! Johnson County native here! Nice to meet you!:)
Yeah, so safe that a married couple ended up losing their lives. Such a safe place.
Indiana resident here too I and back everything you said. I'm so thankful I live in Indiana
@@ajmulenga2532 and that's tragic. More would've died if there hadn't been a good guy with a gun
@@jomess7879 AJ isnt gonna read the second sentence.
Do these "activists" realize that constitutional carry literally makes it legal for good citizens to do what criminals already do? We live in bizarro world.
They don't care
Wouldn't those gun-grabbers just say "well if there are no guns there wouldn't have been a mass shooter in the first place"?? 🤔
They don't care about the constitution. They are authoritarians.
@@EroticOnion23 Then I'll bring up the Boston bomber and his pressure cooker or the Paris truck attack that killed 84 people. Guns aren't the problem.
@@EroticOnion23 same thing goes, only law abiding citizens would be the ones without their guns
Yes sir I’m in Indianapolis and this kid is a hero, I’ve been carrying myself since our crime is only getting worse
"You don't stop mass shooters with laws, you stop them by removing their motivation."
You also remove them by stopping their heartbeat.
You also remove them by refusing their cash.
Amen! "Common Sense Gun Laws" do NOTHING to stop mass shooters, because, like Colion said: They don't OBEY gun laws!"
What does this response mean? Can you elaborate?
You also stop them by putting up limitations.
“It’s hard to kill a lot of people when those people are shooting back at you.”
Thanks for getting this out
Yup, this story made me feel perfectly comfortable carrying a gun, and never apologizing about it.
Don't be weak when you're called upon to be strong.
"Don't be weak when you're called upon to be strong."
Nice comment. Affluence breeds comfort which breeds weakness, and we have created a society that allows too many weak people to have the loudest voices.
@@gooble69 great first comment and excellent reply stay frosty my friends it's ugly out there now...bc of the LEFT!!! FJB!!! Let's go Brandon!!!
@@gooble69 Agree 100%
Same, I carry my gun regardless of what a stupid sign says I should do. Especially when I’m alone with my four boys. I even modified my dresses to be able to conceal carry properly.
Your steel knot safe, de gun men did ant tar get him, he shot him from far. If you are de first tar get,you don't have a chance width a gun ore width out one. Inn knee one width a Lee goal gun Kent snap at inn knee moan mint and killl a innocent purr sun. It happened two some one eye new.
Amen snap and pulled out a gun and shoot him indie chest. He pull out hisses gun and fire back to run de guy off , but it was two late,de damage was isle red de done. He did ant make it. He was a second Amen mint gun lover and dyed buy de guns he bee leaved ever one should have.
This is absolutely a ringing endorsement of the 2A
He's a hero and a damn good shot. 40 yards with a carry pistol under stress has to be hard for anyone, much less an ordinary citizen.
Especially under duress.
AND he got 2 hits.
yes sir i agree
“If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim”.
-LtCol Jeff Cooper
Truly a prolific statement.
God bless Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper ! I so miss " Cooper's Corner "............
Excellent 👍🏽👍🏽
I think it should be possible for someone Shot in a Gun free zone to Sue the Business responsible for the gun free zone for the lack of Security and Safety that such zone provides.
After that, sue the city, state that allows/forces the no-gun zones. That's dereliction of duty.
I mean, it is possible as a civil suit
I think some of the victims of the Aurora CO theater shooting tried that and failed. "Their business, their rules" and all of that, but since when do we let businesses deny people their BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS in order to enter the business? Would we let a business say "no Christians/Muslims allowed"? How about "no blacks"? "No gays"? Bearing arms is just as much a right as religious rights and the right to not be discriminated against on the basis of religion and race.
It's extremely impressive someone that literally just started carrying a gun was able to pull off a 40 yard shot before the gunman could lock in on him. A true hero that was genuinely risking his life to save others!
I think I heard the officer in the press conference state that Eli "steadied himself behind a concrete pillar" which was smart on many levels - enabled him to steady his shot and provide protection against being shot. That was some situational preparedness ...
Not just the distance but the timing and accuracy. 8 out of 10 rounds hit the shooter and ALL in 15 seconds of the shooting.
Just because he decided to carry via constitutional carry does not mean he has never shot a fire arm before. I am 57 and I was shooting my Dad's bb pistol when I was 5. My first and second .22 rifle at 14. But my first pistol at 28.
He is a hero in my eyes as well as many others that have stood up to the evil in this land.
Impressive in the heat of the moment, heart rate must have been skyrocketing
I was at the mall when this happened. I thank God for this hero! There were at least 60 people in the food court at that moment! We sadly lost 3 souls but dozens were saved that day because of constitutional carry. Stand up America 🇺🇸
Glad you are well, and I hope that if you are fit/able enough, you start to carry also!
Happy hear you are well, he is A Hero.
Concealed carry hell yes....ar15 or any weapons like it NO WAY ban them
@George Jones Radio Shack.
A handgun? From 40 yards away without any collateral damage on his part?
He should be given a marksmanship award in addition to the praise of everyone who ever meets him. His story is just one of many too. There are between an estimated 200,000-3 MILLION defensive uses of firearms in this country (it's impossible to get an accurate accounting of this since defensive uses are rarely reported to police unless shots are fired; often brandishing the gun at a would-be attacker is enough to diffuse the situation) which is (on the conservative end) a whole ORDER OF MAGNITUDE more than the number of people who die from gun violence.
My daughter has pulled her S&W .380 twice to prevent bodily harm to herself. She has known how to use them safely since she was 5 years old. She is known around here to be armed at all times, so nobody messed with her. She went back to our home state and thats where people tried things, not knowing she had a CPL and her own long distance hole punch. Thankfully she didn't have to give anyone additional ventilation, she only had to show it to them and they backed off and left. There is a reason why she did the paperwork and I paid for her to have a quality piece and the CC class. I wanted her to be safe.
@@SweatyFatGuy I've had to draw my pistol once before. MASSIVE dude, threatened to kill me for telling him to chill out, started rummaging in his pocket for a weapon. I drew, he laughed and kept looking. Only when I spoke over my shoulder for these two kids to get the cops that JUST walked around the corner did he turn to run across the street.
Apparently, he was spoken to by those cops, decided this poor limo driver was the reason, shoved him up against the limo as I came around the corner, cocked his fist back, I said "HEY, KNOCK IT OFF" and that triggered him to threaten me at that point and start closing the distance while looking for what I can only assume was a weapon.
It's downright unfortunate that we, the people, need to carry for reasons like that. But... I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. It's scary to think what what might happen if I, or your daughter for example, didn't have the means to protect ourselves, and these selfish pricks trying to ban everything are truly messed up in the head. They TRULY want victims, and it's despicable and disgusting, and I can't figure out why. The sad part is the people they've brainwashed into thinking the same thing...
Yeah that's impressive, do we know what gun he used? Even more impressive if it's a compact carry gun.
AND he hit 8 out of 10 shot! That is incredible marksmanship. But this young man needs to be in our thoughts, it can't be easy taking a life.
For real. I find it hard to keep a grouping at 25 feet with iron sights.
It frustrates me that the gun is always blamed despite the fact it’s actually the crazed gun owner.
Exactly. It's not a gun problem. It's a crazy people problem.
40 yards with a pistol?! Guys a well trained operator! We need these stories to get out there and they need to be seen and heard by all
40 yards that Great shoot, but I would have try close the range if possible.
@@MrMoses28 try to get close to someone with an AR-15
@@pedrorltrooper3964 when you're not 22 anymore and your eye sight isn't 20/ will probably need to close the distance...🍻
Brave guy for sure
@@MrMoses28 You can only close so much distance. You have to balance it with Tactics, Cover/Concealment, etc.
This just further proves that even with a happy ending, they expose themselves and show you it’s not about your safety but simply control
Also It shows how quickly just deleting a "tweet" automaticly makes them feel un accountable.
With what the Democrats who are signed on to the world economic forum plan to do to Americans. You'll want to shoot them so they're not gonna stop trying to take our guns.
@@johncast9565 - People like this are never accountable for what they say or do. That apply only to other people, that they don't like.
Check out how narsissist work.
He saved more lives in a few seconds than every gun free zone combined over the past 30 years… the simple truth is that the only people guaranteed to be there when this happens are the victims. ANY RESPONSE FROM OUTSIDE WILL BE TOO LITTLE AND TOO LATE! This attack and the sad outcome of Uvalde(people need to go to jail over that) once again re-enforce this simple fact.
I absolutely agree, people need to go to jail over the Uvalde incident. They let one child after another die. I certainly hope it never happens to one of their children while they are waiting outside and stopping people from going in and doing something about it. I have to wonder if those people are loyal enough to their narrative to sacrifice one of their own children?
@@robertramsey653 He had no right to shoot the alleged shooter. That “bad guy” deserved a fair trial and to be convicted, he was innocent until proven guilty. As stated, him and his girlfriend could have easily escaped, but he let her escape so he could administer “vigilante justice”
@@aprilecotton2060 Self-defense is a right recognized by all except the evil. I don't believe you understand the meaning of vigilante justice. Vigilante isn't shooting in self-defense. Vigilante is going after someone after the deed has been done, the perpetrator is long gone, and the wheels of justice have not yet turned, or have turned to your disliking.
Quite frankly, shame on you.
@@annep.1905 well the deed had been done, and the shooter wasn’t engaging him. His girlfriend even ran away safely. He literally went back in, propped against a pillar, and shoot over 40 yards 10 times at a guy who was no threat, literally retreating to the bathroom. This is 1st degree meditated, because he planned it out, murder.
I wouldn't use Uvalde incident as proof of necessity, the police response there was within minutes it, and yeah they were ALL armed perhaps even body armor too it was just the cowardice of the chief of police and his men that caused that whole incident to go sideways.
Indiana here - I’ve noticed friends on my social media feed who were non-stop freaking out about the new carry law have been oddly quiet this past week…
At forty yards, with a handgun, this brave young man was able to perform with a successful 80% rounds on target. The entire world needs more people like this to aid in securing the lives and freedoms of those nearby.
Yep. Most people couldn’t make that shot with zero stress. Even 1 out of 10 with a handgun. Truly heroic and a God thing.
@@simonsears5925 with zero stress i as an average shooter can land HEADSHOTS at 100 meters ... braced with a red dot on the gun its not that hard ...
@@Asghaad it sounds like you are a good shot
@@simonsears5925 not really, id say average-ish, which kinda highlights how an OPTIC on a handgun completely changes its engagement envelope
while i do shoot usually at 20m distance on range with irons i doubt i would be able to make hits at 40+ unless taking it unrealistically slow
with red dot and braced - no issue really, all you have to know then is your bullet drop at the distance and all you have to do is not to jerk the trigger. If the dot is where it needs to be and you dont actively screw the shot it will go where you need it at sub 100m range.
There is no "constitutional carry law". There is a natural right that is affirmed by the constitution however.
True but Indiana native here. Our constitutional carry law literally just went into effect in the recent month or two. If that law haven't with through yet this man wouldn't have been armed, and instead of would have been a victim along with many more. This is all the proof states need to pass constitutional carry. What was the democrats saying about the vaccines? Oh ya... If it saves just one life...
@@adolpholiverbush5867 states cant override a federal law. the right to carry any weapon is in the constitution (federal law) and every state had to ratify the constitution to become a state.
Yes the Constitution just puts an inalienable right off limits to the federal, state, county, and shity governments. But feds and states have long ignored that fact on purpose. Therefore a law was needed to repeal the laws requiring one to jump through hoops and pay lots of money for the privilege of a carry permit. TN passed Constitutional Carry last year and I still renewed my permit, to lifetime. The fact they recognize it’s not necessary anymore, and optional means I’ll go on and keep it. What we need is national reciprocity or national constitutional carry that states can’t opt out of. No ammunition or magazine laws to stand. Shit holes including but not limited to DC, NY, Maryland and on and on outlaw the possession (even in storage in your hotel room) of guns by all non residents stuck going through there. If you don’t stop you’re allegedly protected by interstate transportation but if you get sleepy and decide to take a nap at a hotel for one night you get reclassified as a resident and felon. Illinois at least lets you leave them locked in a vehicle but every state should be out of the gun banning and restricting game.
but most, and I mean even most that support the 2A, don't understand WHY the bill of rights was written....
not when...
not who wrote it....
but WHY was the bill of rights written?
most americans cannot answer that simple question.
That young man just proved that an armed and willing civilian is more effective than 70% of the police force in the country
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
And, he is more effective than 100% of those useless Uvalde police.
And 100% more than traitorous FBI that raid us W gun owners homes. 😆
I wouldn’t go that far. Uvalde is an anomaly. That is a woke police force. Unless they’re giving tickets during Covid to people attending church in their cars, we all know the woke are cowards deep down. It’s why they talk such a good game all the time.
"if guns made America safer, America would be the safest country in the world"
In WW2 Japan literally didn't invade Hawaii because they thought there would be a gun behind every blade of grass, ask the Chinese what happened to their unarmed populace after Japan invaded them
The fact that that happened and that a good guy with a gun stopped a mass shooter means it's clearly no myth and that the second amendment works as intended to protect us from threats both domestic and abroad.
For anyone not familiar- you literally cannot describe what happened to the Chinese citizens without getting your comment removed. It is _that_ bad.
How does it go when someone walks into an elementary school?
@@davyhoogy ask the off duty Border patrol agent who shot the last guy who did it with his barber's shotgun
I agree with you but I'd like to clarify there's other reasons why Japan never invaded us in ww2, including their technology and equipment, along with a thinly spread military, pearl harbor in Hawaii, And America's already impressive industrial capabilities. By the time they bombed pearl harbor and got us fully involved in ww2 the war situation from the Japanese perspective simply wouldn't allow it. Their best bet would be to land in Alaska which probably wouldn't have worked well for them either. Forget about trying to take the mainland. And as I said Hawaii had a naval base that needed to be dealt with first, and the Japanese barely managed to accomplish their goals there. The pacific fleet wasn't destroyed in the attack so they basically blew their only shot to fight an offensive war with the U.S
But all that on top of the fact that there would be an armed population to contend with ensured that any invasion would be a waste of men, resources, and time.
@@davyhoogy How's it gonna work out for you, when you call the police for help and you have no gun?
40 yards ain’t no joke with a pistol. Good job to this young hero.
Not to take away from what he did, but a red dot sight makes 40 yards way more doable with a pistol. It's still not easy, but a lot easier than it is with iron sights.
@@immikeurnot 40 yards on a relatively slim sprinting target with 80% accuracy under stress is absolutely nuts with a Glock red dot or not
@@Sickadaaa active shooters wont be sprinting ... i bet that until the first hit the POS was basically standing still trying to aim for his next victim not running around
@@Asghaad Nope, per reports, shooter was exiting and moving from the restrooms and firing at the same time. From the first shot being fired by shooter, Eli responded and put an end to his rampage within 15 SECONDS. So basically go from, eating food with your girlfriend and in that mindset to pushing her to safety, getting your weapon out, evaluate for friendlies trying to escape, secure your position, overcoming adrenaline high and then put 10 rounds on a threat who outguns you and then land 8 of those shots....ALL in 15 Seconds. Without any prior military or law enforcement training.
I am confident that most folks are not even understanding what Eli managed to pull off.
@George Jones That kind of doubt should lead everyone with a gun to go to a range and put in hours of practice time every week. If you want power of this magnitude, make sure you have done the basic things required to be worthy of said power and accept the responsibility that comes with it. Same for 1A as well.
I’m 21, I live an hour outside of indy, often work in indy, and go there with friends and family. This story hits incredibly close to home for me. I really hope this guy gets on the ASP Podcast or something. People need to hear these stories
When it's a mass shooting, there's criticism of the firearm. When it's someone stopping a mass shooter, there's criticism of the hero.
Really? In a mass shooting, the firearm does exactly what it's designed and built to do. How can anyone criticise that?
@@venusfooltrap7371 a lot of Twitter warriors apparently 😂😂
@@venusfooltrap7371 Wow, you totally missed the point....
or just next to no media coverage.
@@venusfooltrap7371 totally!?! Now get off your drugs have a rational train of thought.
I only live like 30 minutes away from there and in the most liberal town in Indiana aside from Indianapolis. I've always felt safe here because virtually everywhere you go is someone with a gun who has provided food, safety, and been fairly well trained with it. It's terrible that it happened so close to home and I'm just glad that he was there. Thanks for doing the story justice with this video! It's wild how unnoticed this story has gone where I live just because it doesn't fit a narrative.
Notice how this has Never happened since CA Dem Liberalism.
Spot on, Colin. Eli's choice to carry that day, obvious practice, and willingness to go into action that day saved lives.
No training either. Possible range time but no tactical training
@Guido De Based 1561 I agree!!! In indiana we are a gun state and most of us grew up shooting on farms or in ranges. It’s what we do and what we know. We don’t have much here to do
I’m from Indiana, stationed over seas currently. I live about 25 minutes away from Greenwood area. Sooooooo proud of our citizens under these horrible circumstances and I am so glad your covering this! I’m glad the news is covering the truth of a brave citizen LEGALY armed and stopping further violence. Love Indiana.
Im 45 min south of that mall and go there often and never empty holstered
@@realmattpcd this is a fine example of why. We have to fight this unconstitutional gun law nonsense. Indiana stand up 👊🏼
As a gun owner myself, I wish him the absolute best. He was another right place at the right time, which I'm very certain couldn't have been easy. It's time heroic actions are recognized nationwide instead of being scrutinized. But at the same time, he still deserves his privacy while he's taking the time to process the event that took place. Again, I wish him the absolute best.
Here in Indiana we are absolutely proud of our native son. A true hero.
To Everytown: As a former law enforcement officer, I can tell you without a doubt that I if I were surrounded by 100 people, 99 good people and one violent criminal, I would much rather have 99 armed good people and one armed bad guy with me than 99 unarmed good people and one armed bad guy.
I couldn't agree with you more than I do . You and every other thinking individual feel the same way
ouch, very well said...
You a real 1.
We just trying not to die out here
Preach my brother preach
It's funny that judges,district attorney's,and law enforcement don't realize that when they prosecute or enforce any gun control laws they don't know and realize that they are committing crimes. Title 18 U.S.C. section 241 conspiracy against rights, title 18 U.S.C. section 242 deprivation of rights under color of law,a policy is a custom, and title 5 U.S.C. sections 3331,3333,7311 perjury in violating oath of office/swearing false oath which is treason and a felony under the law.
This was my mall as a kid. I can’t explain how sad this is but at the same time proud of this young man. Absolute hero
Their argument is literally, “it’s really bad that he stopped this mass shooting.”🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Nobody ever said they were that bright.
Because they're traitors and want to use situations like this as bargaining chips against the American people. It's blatantly obvious what they're saying without saying.
I live literally one mile from this mall! Since this mass shooting happened there has be 2 other shooting attempts with no success! I appreciate the time you took in the breakdown of and honoring the hero in this matter! This situation is one very close to home and after what Eli went through that day, he needs more of this same feed back! This young man had to take someone's life that day because if he didn't others would've lost their lives! Thank you Colion for all you do for our 2nd amendment and thank you Eli for being you, the hero you were born to be!!
That is common sense gun control we all can live with. He hits what he's aiming at.
some damn fine control if you ask me
This is the way
Yes. This is how it is done.
@@Master_Wooo Hoooah!! Can only mean one possible thing. Thank you for your sacrifice and service. Desert storm, United States Army, 13M am I.
I'm a retired vet in New Jersey, and this young hero is an example of honor and duty that know no bounds. And Colion, good sir, your work is exemplary! Very well spoken and thought through, every word, and all supported by simple, readily available facts! Keep up the great work!!
military is for the unintelligent. thank you for being a gullible fool and serving our country :)
I’m unfortunately from New Jersey as well. First I would like to say thank you for your service sir. Second let’s go concealed carry. Phil Murphy sucks and is an idiot
Amen brother, and thank you for your service sir. Im glad u made it home safe.
This is why us Law Abiding Citizens Carry every single day. You never know when you will need to save yourself, love ones, and others around you. This 22yr old is a hero. Great job young man
Agree. The gun is the thing that better have but not need than need but don't have
thank you for saying this man i was there when it happened and i thank eli everyday for what he did and i pray for all the families of the victims 🙏
There is no point in having a discussion with people who are pro gun control. Because they are among the dumbest people who walked on this earth.
What this young man did is a prime example why having a firearm is essential for the safety of his self and the innocent people around him. Thanks for posting this video Colion 👍
Funny story, got into a HUGE argument with people a few days before this happened about the good guy with the gun narrative. They (leftists) were adamant that a good guy with a gun doesn’t exist and has never stopped a mass shooting (despite me showing them multiple examples of where it has in the past, which they dismissed as propaganda) then a day or two later this happened. I posted a link and heard nothing from them again. They can’t even admit they are wrong or open their eyes and think for themselves the indoctrination is that strong.
I would disagree with you on one point. Pro gun control folks are not dumb. They think with their heart and not with their head. They dont use logic. I am a CC advocate and carry whenever I can.
@@josephlong7420 thinking with your heart and not your head is just another way of saying someones dumb.
you also went so far as to say they don't use logic, once again you just said they were dumb lmao.
@@A_piece_of_broccoli In that case, I'm very glad my wife is dumb. I'm joking. She thinks with her heart far more than I do and I am very glad she does.
@@josephlong7420 if the hero thought with his head there is a good chance he would have just ran away at the first sign of trouble because the mind can easily fail you just as much as your heart, this is one of the rare instances where you have to think with both. Which in the end shows that he is incredibly smart.
Most police, military, and Civilians couldn't hit 8/10 shots at 25 yards. This dude is a legend. 8/10 at 40 yards on a moving target that's firing in a crowded place? This dude might as well have been sent from heaven to stop this POS. He deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Medals of Valor from GPD and IMPD. What a legend!
Absolutely, entirely impressive shooting. Stellar and beyond what most are capable of.
Careful, you're getting spittle all over yourself.
@@coffeeandbytes9854 Ok Karen
Uh? I know everyone around here trains to shoot at 10 to 50 yards all the time with handguns. It helps that we are in the country and ha e room to do it. We also have the state laws that back us up. Fact is we (civilians) train more than the police do which is sad when so many lives still depend on police. Here shoot one or more weekends a month. It does help I can just go out the back door and target shoot.
IMPD and ISP opposed constitutional carry... pretty funny this kid did better then could..
More stories like this need to hit the main stream to combat the 2A haters! Thank you Colion for your diligence and well done to that young man who saved lives!
No victims, no money for Shannon Watts. Pretty easy to understand.
Lol this shit rarely ever happens lol that’s why you don’t hear about it. You will hear more about unarmed men saving the day than armed.
You are spot on, 1st responders respond after the incident.
The way you read the Shannon Watts tweet had me in tears . Nice work Colion, these people are lunatics.
What’s really sad is that they do their best to try and incriminate and discredit the law abiding citizens when having to use self defense.
That's a tactic of the left because normal logic and facts never fits their narrative. In general I note the far left is always more concerned with the perpetrator than the victim, in their way of viewing things I don't think they can even see the shooter got what he deserved and indeed part of their dislike for guns in the hands of law abiding citizens comes from the concept that no criminal deserves to die because there are always mitigating circumstances that justify even the vilest of crimes.
Oh yeah...not according to Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada...he says a person does not have a right to use a firearm for self defense even in a person's home...ROTFLMAO
Crazy, never seen that happen one single time.
@@harrycallahan692 look at the uk guns are banned and their trying to ban knives because everyone using them instead of guns 😂🤣
@@checkthisout6072 Next they'll be arresting people for carrying a concealed butter knife.
Glad to see this story is in the mainstream and not only in “The Armed Citizen” articles in NRA publications.
That’s because Grandma called her local news station and people started sharing.
I love reading that section
You got that right👍👍👍
What channels have you seen it on?
It was reported by a local news agency, not the MSM.
NO MATTER WHAT GUN OWNERS DO THEY TELL US WERE WRONG! Absolutely ridiculous. Thank God this hero was armed, ready, and willing to take action. He saved countless lives, we need more people like him, and more to support his actions.
The 10 round magazine limit was already made law years back. They got it passed by agreeing to a sunset clause that said if it showed no evidence of being effective after 10 years it would no longer be law which is exactly what happened. Now they want it back? Great job Colion , you always nail it.
"Finding a place where there are a lot of people with guns ain't that hard in this country." It's dang easy here in Indiana.
And the militia as defined by Indiana is all persons capable of bearing arms.
Hoosier are in it to win it.
@A Mac What the country might be getting ready to realize is that the DemocRATs rule from a position ofpower. They don't have a governing or judicial philosophy except for that: Power.
In contrast, the Republicans have a philosophy of limiting government power and a consistent (textual) judicial philosophy. That's a large part of why the current Supreme Court came to be.
Article I, Section 32 that, “The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the defense of themselves and the State.”
Indiana Constitution
The people that have a problem with the armed civilian carrying in the mall because it was "against policy" or because he was being a "vigilante" need to look within themselves and ask a serious question...would you rather have 3 dead or 23 dead. You can't say "none" because this incident was going to happen regardless. If the answer is 3 then you need to thank the "vigilante".
What they actually want dead is white people, conservatives, Trump voters, non-electric car owners, homeschooled children, people who understand economics...
It is an argument between a freeman and a sheep. It will never end.
COP : Citizen On Patrol. We were the police.
Brings tears to my eyes on how many lives this young man saved! God bless him and I for one thank him!
We need Constitutional Carry throughout the entire nation, including in places like NY and California.
Get rid of the politicians in those states
@@souschef4489 NY is a definite cesspool filled with swampers or " republican politicians " so we need something like that bad, the other choice is to be treated on.
Almost like we need a document that covers all the United States that states our right to not only bear arms but that it'll can't be infringed on. That would be great to have.
@@TheDragonAzz Yeah, we had that until 1934, when some assholes in the Capitol decided that they didn't want to feel threatened, despite the fact that the government should ALWAYS feel threatened by its citizenry, to whom it must answer.
The concealed carry man is a hero. Saved lives and demonstrated why the 2A should not be infringed!
Responsible armed citizens carrying their firearms, particularly in places where it's frowned upon by most, is a modern and relevant form of Civil Disobedience that can be respected and appreciated ...
My wife and I do ... rather be caught with it than without it
Colion you are totally head on, I love your message, I live in Arizona and we do not have to have any permit to carry open or concealed as long as we are over the age of 21 for concealed!! The guy that stopped the shooter is indeed a Hero, in fact being a veteran I could not put 8 rounds into someone at 120 feet with a handgun, I would need a long gun to do that and I am a military marksman. This young Man trained and practiced as he should, his family also deserves credit along with his girlfriend whom during the shooting acted in a triage fashion to save a woman's life!!! Two totally great examples of Heroes if i ever saw one. And as a veteran I would be perfectly okay with these two being given the highest military honor, the Medal of Honor though they never served!!! Criminals beware, as for my house, not only do we serve the Lord, but we carry and know how to use our firearms responsibly!!! Great job in calling out the opposition!!!!!
He's a hero period!!! Shows we need to protect ourselves.
I saw the "statistic" they tried to throw out there that good guys with guns only stop like 5% of active shooters. The problem with this is that active shooters actively choose soft targets where they know they are unlikely to encounter armed resistance. This is why they choose schools or malls or churches. They want to surprise people in places they feel safe and unprepared to protect themselves. They aren't trying to break into a court room to shoot up the trial. And they aren't trying to get into sports arenas that have guards everywhere.
100% there all cowards that’s why they do this crap
These people are getting more belligerent and mad because they know everything is gonna come back at them
The psycho fantasy comes crashing to a halt when bullets start coming back at them. Straight to hell! Bon voyage!
I can roughly sight a couple years ago a mad man opened fire in a church and was taken down by a true hero that happened to be an older gentleman in the corner of the church. All was caught on video. You honestly never know who is going to flip out and when "better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it" take care.
We see case after case where responding officers engage the "Good guy with a gun." killing them. Would it be acceptable for me to engage the responding officers if I'm fired upon? If by some miracle I killed the cop trying to kill me am I going to be prosecuted? The mass shooting training says to rush in there and put an end to the threat they aren't going to wait to identify if you're the good guy.
This is the exact reason I NEVER leave home without my sidearm. I don't care if I'm just running to the gas station, grocery store or anywhere else. I will gladly give my life to save those around me. This man should be look at as a hero. 👏🙏🇺🇲
I'm right there with ya'.
What firearm is most water proof for concealed carry while swimming ?? X-D
Thanks for working to keep yourself and your community safer.
@@SeaJay_Oceans Sig P226 or p229 Nitride treated models.
Me too bro
The only “law enforcement” that opposed the Indiana Constitutional carry law was the State Police that used the carry permit as a revenue stream... all others with the exception of IMPD backed it...
Lafayette Police Department Chief Patrick Flannelly, the guy that hired a Nazi as a cop, spoke out against it.
This happened at my local shopping mall and I feel safer knowing others like myself carry in public places. Gov Holcomb gets my vote
This is what happens when law abiding citizens are allowed to carry their handgun when they go out. This hero was able to stop a dangerous suspect before he was able to make things way worse. If it wasn't for this young man only God knows how many people could have lost their lives. This guy should be on every single Channel and everybody should know his name.
actually, the cops could know find the shooters pack with ammo/mags count how many bullets are left and that is the max amount of people he could have killed.
His name is Eli Dicken.
This young man is a hero we live just 20 minutes from the mall and were there just 24 hours earlier
Dude is a bad ass. Deserves all the honor and respect. When you make unalienable rights a criminal act you make criminals. If you’re a good guy, carry everywhere. Because evil criminals are lurking. With guns, knives, cars, etc. They can use anything as a weapon. Be prepared to help those that can’t help themselves.
I live in Indiana and have had my lifetime permit now for almost 20 years. I was thankful that we went to constitutional carry. Thank you Eli you’re a hero.
Johnson County, IN native here! Nice to meet you!:)
Thanks for covering this! I'm sharing this video with many people. If this nation were rich with CCW holders mass shootings wouldn't occur.
Stay educated, stay trained, and carry on.
Anti-gunners would rather have higher body counts and demonize hero's that actually saved people rather than help anyone. This is proof they simply don't care and want control, not safety.
Anti-gunners would rather ZERO body count
@@Dorbz8 making the good guys gun illegal doesn’t stop the bad guy from having his. Bad people will always seek out efficient weapons. We can’t pretend they won’t just because it’s against the rules. That’s ridiculous.
@@tecumseh4095 stop lying to yourself.
@@Dorbz8 and how would you suppose that's gonna happen?
@@Dorbz8 how?
He's a hero. It's sad, the media isn't talking about this. Great video.
"This good guy with a gun stopping a shooting is super rare!"
Mean while we've seen it happen at least one or two times in the passed two months.
This is number 3 at least. It was obvious AP and WaPo were lying when they were saying things like "only 10" or "only 13" out of 400 something in the last 2 decades. If I know of more than 1 per month off the top of my head how in the hell can there only be 1/20th that number?
Only the ones they told us about. Bet there's thousands of examples by word of mouth that went completely ignored by the mainstream media
At least twice over last weekend.
It happens all the time. It doesn't get any news media attention so that's why these ignorant anti gunners say that. Plus those studies are cherry picked. Also a good majority of mass shootings happen in gun free zones where a law abiding armed citizen can't carry anyway so their logic is flawed.
150 mass shootings in the past two months lmao
I feel like some people just don't want to see even when the truth is brought right in front of their eyes, and there is nothing more frustrating.
In 2021, there is over 20,000 gun related deaths. Excluding suicide, in 2020 nearly 20,000 deaths. At this rate 2022 gun related deaths will pass 20,000 again. Makes sense, more guns in American hands more deaths and this number is only increasing.
Agreed, we've actually got gun owners here in Canada that support our governments idea to ban "assault style rifles" like the Mini-14, it just blows my mind; is there something in the water?
@@whitehorse4318 with all respect towards your opinion - and I really don't have any interest in starting a keyboard fight because I find them pointless and a waste of my time - I am just really curious - so your solution is taking guns away from law abiding citizens, so that the bad guys, which let me remind you don't ever respect the law, have the clear way to harm innocent people?
@@TheEleBianchi you know whats crazy? Drugs are illegal and lots of ppl have them
Yep. Ignorance by choice is a plague upon our nation.
I am from Utah and we have constitutinal carry, and thousnds of us carry a weapon all the time! I am proud of this young man for saving lives, yes, saving lives!
Same but not proud of what's going on in SLC
Same here in Idaho
I was very glad to learn that UT finally woke up and passed Contitutional Carry. It's about time. I had to pay for my CCW permit when I lived in Salt Lake County, UT. Never much liked that law abiding citizens had to apply for and pay a fee to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. I didn't want to open-carry without a round in the chamber. It's one of the reasons my family left UT years ago.
@@jpg_sig10 Also good luck if you ever want to live in Utah since it's getting expensive to live here.
about 25 minutes ago I just asked a Polk County Sheriffs Deputy what his thoughts were about Eli’s brave actions to stop 🛑 the shooter at the Greenwood park mall and he said “That Lawfully carried concealed carry man DID the RIGHT THING”
Colion, you're the man. I've been schooling my fiance on gun facts since stumbling upon your channel. I've always been indifferent to 2A. I don't own a gun. But now that 2A is being threatened, I am no longer ambivalent. Thank you so much for arming me (haha) with such great facts and information! I may not own a gun but I'm a PROUD 2A supporter! Keep fighting the good fight sir!
when you buy your first gun, make sure to go take classes and be trained by professionals, ask your local gun range and im sure they have first time gun owners classes. training is a huge part of being pro 2a
You can try before you buy. You can usually rent a gun and get some training at a gun range.
@@LoanwordEggcorn That's the best way to start
@@Th3W4tchman Another good way is for friends with guns to share, where it's allowed. Some states like California now make that illegal, of course, since they like banning EVERYTHING related to the Second Amendment.
Please take friends shooting, particularly ones without guns.
I applaud his grandfather for teaching him, these impressive skills!!!
It was discovered that he DID in fact have a conceal carry permit prior to the July 1st, implementation of Constitutional Carry!!!
Yeah, makes me wonder where GPD was looking. I am guessing they spelled Eli's name wrong as he does have an LTCH.
I keep telling all of my friends and family where is this young man or his granddaddy they are the only two people I want to teach me how to shoot a firearm I will drive where they live when I tell you he is a HERO🙏🤗
Skullbatt no one could have said it better
@@phebiewhite9557 don't believe his grandfather is still alive from rhe sounds of things but who knows for sure. Dickens lives about 35 miles south of me.
To get the same type of training isn't difficult, but finding someone and the amount of time it would take is the issue. Each person is different and the amount of time to train them is different as well. And to get to a point you could do what he did at that distance could take a year or more training.
It is despicable yet predictable for the gun grabbers to argue he illegally carried in a gun free zone even though it's not illegal instead of seeing the value of carrying a firearm for self defense. These people are vile.
These are all puppets to the true bad guy pulling the strings.
Speaking of gun grabbers... :20.... the irony of being right across the way from a Dick's Sporting Goods....
@@deuce8885 They also make a fat living lobbying for unconstitutional gun restrictions. They don't want their gravy-train disrupted.
Im convinced people who are against guns are the same people who will shoot up others.
The gun grabbers are upset that so few died. They wanted a high body count to justify more gun control.
Man, you ARE the smartest, best defender of our LOGICAL Second Amendment. Keep up the good work!
I am a Hoosier and applaud this young mans heroic actions and Gov. Holcomb's placing this man in a position to save lives by passing Constutional carry into law in Indiana Thank you Colion for making this video and calling it out for what it is a heroic act that saved lives!!!!!