Fun fact: This course was actually meant to make it into the original game. They removed it after coming up with the idea of adding an A button that lets Mario jump, thus making this course too easy.
As someone who's been watching pannen's videos since i knew what a youtube was, it well and truly felt like completing my childhood, and with pannen making a return recently, it just shows that there's still so much tech in this game i have no knowledge of
Music comes from Bomberman 64, the last Rainbow Palace extra stage, if you were curious like me. And nice run, I never knew there were so many glitchy ways to maneuver without A.
ABC Concepts Used in Each Trial: (do correct me if I'm wrong or if I missed anything important) Trial 1 - Edge/Dive Grinding Trial 2 - 158 Unit Dive Recover Trial 3 - Misalignments Trial 4 - Edge/Dive Grinding Trial 5 - Just a well-timed dive recover to cross the gap Trial 6 - Just go around lmao Trial 7 - Framewalking Trial 8 - Dive Grinding up a Slope Trial 9 - Slide Kick with Conserved Speed from DR Trial 10 - Skeeter Luring Trial 11 - Goomba Knockback Trial 12 - Just a well-timed twirl to get up Trial 13 - Boo Manipulation Trial 14 - Goomba Knockback Bounce Trial 15 - Staying on the whomp as it gets back up Trial 16 - Goomba Chase Extension Trial 17 - Scuttlebug Manipulation Trial 18 - RNG Manipulation to align the 3 goombas Trial 19 - Pausing to keep the Snufit at max height Trial 20 - RNG Manip to make the goomba fall Trial 21 - Bloated Bob-omb + Hands Free Holding (or just Bob-omb Glide for short) Trial 22 - Pushing goombas using a bob-omb Trial 23 - RNG Manip to lure the chuckya into place Trial 24 - Edge/Dive Grinding Trial 25 - Light Chuckya to transport it to the higher floor Trial 26 - RNG Manip to make chuckya throw Mario past the wall Trial 27 - Heave-ho Manipulation Trial 28 - Bookend Manipulation Trial 29 - Repeated Monty Mole Bouncing Trial 30 - Swooper Manipulation to place each swooper onto different heights Trial 31 - Rapid Moneybag Duplication Trial 32 - RNG Manip to make the moving bars pop out in time Trial 33 - Cool movement + Pause-Buffered DR to get off the last rotating block with enough speed Trial 34 - Remote Squish Cancel Trial 35 - Cog Misalignments Trial 36 - Misalignment + Vertical Speed Conservation (punching Mario off a platform reactivates vertical speed) Trial 37 - More VSC (landing after a slide kick bounce conserves VS) Trial 38 - Framewalking + Super Extended Platform Trial 39 - Another VSC (pushing Mario off a platform using MIPS reactivates vertical speed) Trial 40 - Pole shenanigans Trial 41 - Even More VSC like in 36 Trial 42 - Hyperspeed Punching + Sliding Speed Conservation Trial 43 - Oh boy, another VSC, this time with a lava boost Trial 44 - Midair Walk + Bloated Bob-omb Trial 45 - Amp Clip Trial 46 - Misplaced Axle Hitbox Trial 47 - RNG Manip to climb up the spinners Trial 48 - Dive Grinding Trial 49 - Self-Explanatory Trial 50 - Self-Expalantory x2 Trial 51 - C-Up Slope Climb Trial 52 - C-Up Hyperspeed Trial 53 - Pedro Spot Trial 54 - Pause-Buffered DR to reach the shell with enough speed + Backwards Shell Hyperspeed Trial 55 - Cloning via Disappearing Corkbox + Overlapping Clone Hitboxes to stop Mario from interacting with the one he needs to bounce on + Instant Release Trial 56 - Indefinite Walking against a Corkbox Trial 57 - HOLP Preservation via Instant Release Trial 58 - HOLP Preservation via Pause Buffered Hitstun Trial 59 - Edge/Dive Grinding Trial 60 - Cap Switch Misalignment + VSC via disappearing floor + Misalignment (for the tilting platform) + Framewalking + HOLP Preservation via Hat-in-Hand + Corkbox Push into VSC Trial 61 - Breakdance to push the bob-omb + Recollecting the metal cap to end Hat-in-Hand + Sacrifice clone (explosion) to make use for later + Bob-omb Clip + Bloated Bob-omb + Cloning via Exploding Bob-omb + Clone Preservation via Knockback (getting hit by Mr. I prevents Mario from getting hit by the goomba clone) Trial 62 - Remote Bob-omb Explosion (the explosion clone makes the bob-omb explode when they collide, allowing the bob-omb to load into a new vacant slot) + Cloning via Disappearing Corkbox + Bob-omb Clip Trial 63 - Cloning via Exploding Bob-omb + Corkbox Push + Bob-omb Push Trial 64 - Misalignment + VSC + Cloning via Exploding Bob-omb + Overlapping Clone Hitboxes + Flame Bounce to make Mario jump higher + Star Dance Clip + Glitchy Ledge Grab via Wall Gap + One Final VSC
Thanks guys! I found both pannenkoek's channel and Bismuth's ABC history but couldn't find my comment here to update it. From both of their channels I feel like I learned everything there is to know. 👍
holy shit, this is super impressive dude! just goes to show sm64 is one of the surplus titles where people optimize the FUCK out of it just to see how wide it stretches before it bursts. gg! yes i wrote this entire comment without using the first letter of the english lexicon
It’s crazy how after so many years of Pannenkoek videos, tas speedruns and Simpleflips romhack compilations I actually have a decent understanding of all the different mechanics/glitches used here. Ending the stage with a star dance clip was a cherry on top.
Thanks! Getting that clip through trial 62 to work was quite tricky, most of the times I would either get clipped through the corner and die to the 1-Up, or clip without the bob-omb, or be unable to clip while taking the fake bob-omb with me with a low VS#. I also had backup plans that I think would have worked and avoided goomba clones as well, but I'm glad this strat worked out
@lemon9bug you outdone yourself. Great job now how were you able pull off intense TAS stunts like though this is 0xA as it says in the tittle...and again congratulations
Can I ask a really stupid question? I know nothing about TASing, but I thought a TAS could input a command every frame of the game. If so, then what's the need of pause buffering? I just play Mario 64 rom hacks, and pause buffering is usually done to make it possible to input commands faster, but a TAS can already do that. So what don't I understand about pause buffering?
Not a stupid question! There's basically two uses for pause buffering in this TAS: - The first application is to be able to perform a dive+dive recover in consecutive frames. Basically, if you dive and immediately land on the first possible frame, you are able to dive recover on that 2nd frame, if you can input a B or A press in that frame. Outside of the ABC, you can simply press B in the first frame to do the dive, and press A in the 2nd frame to perform the dive recover, but without the A Button, if you tried doing that with two B presses, the game sees that you are pressing B in two consecutive frames, and it interprets that as if you were holding the B button, and you don't dive recover. So the pause buffer here lets you input B to dive, then pause to interrupt the gameplay and release B, then unpause and press B again to dive recover, which the game interprets as two separate B presses. This is used through the TAS, for example in trials 1 and 5, where the space that you have to work with is so small that you need the precision of being able to dive and dive recover with no frames in between - otherwise you move too far forward. This particular use of pause buffering is useful outside of the ABC, for example to input BLJs in consecutive frames. - The other reason is for global timer manipulation. There's an in-game timer that increments by 1 every frame, regardless of whether the game is paused or not. A few enemies use this global timer in some way to affect their behaviour, for example the snuffit's oscillating height (trial 19) and the bats' target angle (trial 30, though I didn't need to pause there. here's an example of a TAS that needs pause buffering to manipulate the bats:видео.html). Additionally, when Mario is hurt and he flashes for a few seconds, his visibility is determined by the parity of the global timer. This can be exploited to prevent Mario from rendering and thus updating the HOLP, allowing him to release objects remotely (trial 58,видео.html). pannenkoek2012 has a good video about pause buffering here:видео.html. He explains both applications of pause buffering
@@lemon9bug Thank you so much for explaining this! I had no idea about either of these applications! Really appreciate the in-depth explanation. Do you think you'd ever do a commentated version of your recording of the ABC challenge? As someone who has never TASed anything, I'm super interested in watching the challenge, but literally have basically no idea what's going on for the vast majority of challenges. Oh, and thanks for the pannenkoek link; I didn't know he had made a video on pause buffering, but I guess that makes sense as he has made a video on everything :P
@@Confluence358 pannenkoek2012 is working on a video which will explain in-depth the intended (and unintended) solutions for each of the trials, as well as how the competitors did, so I don't see a reason to make a commentated video myself.
@@lemon9bug Oh, didn't think that was still happening! Good to hear it is though; I'm super interested in the "how" behind the solutions to these challenges.
Absurdly cool! Just a few questions though if it's not a bother lol... Trial 34- how in the what now?? My best guess is you timed it to get the floor properties of the pendulum but how in the world did you do that out of a dive-rollout? Trial 55- What was the purpose of the 2nd cloned head, and why did it not hurt you after throwing it? Trial 57 & 58- DA FUQ Trial 60- What was the purpose of the penguin? Trial 64- Again, how did the fire not hurt you when you threw it the second time? Regardless, goddamn mind-blowing lmao
Trial 34 uses a glitch called squish cancel:видео.html (summary: Mario enters a precise spot above the pendulum that causes him to get squished and then un-squished later in the same frame, which allows him to enter the freefall action in which he can grab ledges). When you clone an object, such as pokey's head, the object stops updating like regular objects do, and in this case it means you can only interact with the head once, so you can't use just one head because you get hurt by it as soon as you release it, and since you already interacted with it, you can't bounce on it later. A separate phenomenon, is that you can only interact with one object of a given type each frame, specifically the first one in the processing order (the oldest one), for example, if you touch two coins on the same frame, you will only collect one of them, and on the next frame you'll be able to collect the other one since the first one disappeared when you got it. So in trial 55 I can't bounce on the first head I cloned because I interacted with it, but what I can do is stand within its hurtbox and clone a second head, which won't immediately hurt me like the first time because the first head's hurtbox "shadows" the second one's, so then I can bounce on this second clone. Trial 57 uses instant release:видео.html. Trial 58 uses pause-buffered hitstun, I explained it in this comment:видео.html&lc=UgwRAKDFkyDBjclo-HF4AaABAg.9Mkbjg4DYsu9MkfChGGgnb. If you look closely at the end of trial 60, when Mario throws the box with the hat-in-hand glitch active, the box appears behind him. Specifically, it appears at the HOLP (Held Object's Last Position), which was set earlier by grabbing and releasing the penguin in a specific spot. As for the fire clones in trial 64, the explanation is the same as trial 55's.
fun fact: there is a game called Bomberman 64, in this game there is a secret final level called "Rainbow Palace" where you have to "jump" but Bomberman can't do that, making you do really crazy jumping tricks with the bombs. i guess this rom hack was meant to give it a reference (apart from the fact that the background music it has is from Bomberman 64, just from the level mentioned above)
im getting lost at 14:05 when the box gets picked up and trown with hat in hand glitch: was it just to push oneself to clear the gap?(but what is the baby for? what is the purpose of second metal cap block? and what is the eyeball shooter there for? intended 62 solution seemed building goomba bridge but i dont quite get how they are suposed to be released in the gap to bounce on later when crossing it
I'm pretty sure the box is needed to push Mario off the edge and give him horrizontal momentum to cross the gap with VSC (similar to how the old strat for WF to the top of the fortress 0xa used to work) The penguin i dont fully understand either, VSC probably? Another metal cap box at trial 61 to cancel HiH so Mario can grab the bob-omb normally again Mr eye i have no idea why
The pendulum is used for squish cancel, which is what allows mario to grab the ledge out of the dive recover. bad_boot has a video on that glitch. This is the intended solution
it requires precise tricks, I don't think you can, you need to use pause buffered hitstun (30 presses per second), someome got 31 presses per second, but that's very good you need to do that multiple times without fail.
bismuth explained why they do that on slopes in this clip and explained why they do it when grabbing objects in this
The explosion clone is necessary to make the bob-omb run into it and blow up later when I'm on trial 62, which is necessary so it can respawn after I've grabbed the cork box so I can clone it.
Fun fact: This course was actually meant to make it into the original game. They removed it after coming up with the idea of adding an A button that lets Mario jump, thus making this course too easy.
U can jump in this Rom Hack
Amazing comment, you got me good 😂😂😂
@@RoseQuartz692okay... and?
@@RoseQuartz692 thats why theres a counter that counts how many times you jumped
eheHM,nO! ThIs cOuRse WaS mAde bY PANneNkoEk tO TesT hiS vEiWeRs
writing that hurt
Pannen: ok so you need to build a bridge of transport clones here. You can't just clip through the wall.
Lemon: *how bout i do anyway*
Nice Bill Wurtz reference
When did he said that?
@@RoseQuartz692 History of Japan
@@goldenwarrior1186 moola que mas radiologist pioasdioeras
Piolasiomrrtioma dumas que. Die and Pukalani
Ppasuonan Mirada qiaslina Paqueruimas pong ostia
Pioasieruiss qjerioma iras piolasiomrrtioma 1ue
Pionatr8kna queruina asulimabasuokadunabilas huka
I felt like a student making their teacher proud watching this because I could name many of the strats used and I learned them all from pannen
As someone who's been watching pannen's videos since i knew what a youtube was, it well and truly felt like completing my childhood, and with pannen making a return recently, it just shows that there's still so much tech in this game i have no knowledge of
Same here
damn I was close with only 168 A presses. Let's call it a draw.
Yeah, but you did it much faster than they did 😎
Music comes from Bomberman 64, the last Rainbow Palace extra stage, if you were curious like me.
And nice run, I never knew there were so many glitchy ways to maneuver without A.
Thanks for tellin me the name of the song
I knew it had to be either Bomberman or Ape Escape. Thank you so much.
This feels like watching a 4d rubix cube being solved
ABC Concepts Used in Each Trial: (do correct me if I'm wrong or if I missed anything important)
Trial 1 - Edge/Dive Grinding
Trial 2 - 158 Unit Dive Recover
Trial 3 - Misalignments
Trial 4 - Edge/Dive Grinding
Trial 5 - Just a well-timed dive recover to cross the gap
Trial 6 - Just go around lmao
Trial 7 - Framewalking
Trial 8 - Dive Grinding up a Slope
Trial 9 - Slide Kick with Conserved Speed from DR
Trial 10 - Skeeter Luring
Trial 11 - Goomba Knockback
Trial 12 - Just a well-timed twirl to get up
Trial 13 - Boo Manipulation
Trial 14 - Goomba Knockback Bounce
Trial 15 - Staying on the whomp as it gets back up
Trial 16 - Goomba Chase Extension
Trial 17 - Scuttlebug Manipulation
Trial 18 - RNG Manipulation to align the 3 goombas
Trial 19 - Pausing to keep the Snufit at max height
Trial 20 - RNG Manip to make the goomba fall
Trial 21 - Bloated Bob-omb + Hands Free Holding (or just Bob-omb Glide for short)
Trial 22 - Pushing goombas using a bob-omb
Trial 23 - RNG Manip to lure the chuckya into place
Trial 24 - Edge/Dive Grinding
Trial 25 - Light Chuckya to transport it to the higher floor
Trial 26 - RNG Manip to make chuckya throw Mario past the wall
Trial 27 - Heave-ho Manipulation
Trial 28 - Bookend Manipulation
Trial 29 - Repeated Monty Mole Bouncing
Trial 30 - Swooper Manipulation to place each swooper onto different heights
Trial 31 - Rapid Moneybag Duplication
Trial 32 - RNG Manip to make the moving bars pop out in time
Trial 33 - Cool movement + Pause-Buffered DR to get off the last rotating block with enough speed
Trial 34 - Remote Squish Cancel
Trial 35 - Cog Misalignments
Trial 36 - Misalignment + Vertical Speed Conservation (punching Mario off a platform reactivates vertical speed)
Trial 37 - More VSC (landing after a slide kick bounce conserves VS)
Trial 38 - Framewalking + Super Extended Platform
Trial 39 - Another VSC (pushing Mario off a platform using MIPS reactivates vertical speed)
Trial 40 - Pole shenanigans
Trial 41 - Even More VSC like in 36
Trial 42 - Hyperspeed Punching + Sliding Speed Conservation
Trial 43 - Oh boy, another VSC, this time with a lava boost
Trial 44 - Midair Walk + Bloated Bob-omb
Trial 45 - Amp Clip
Trial 46 - Misplaced Axle Hitbox
Trial 47 - RNG Manip to climb up the spinners
Trial 48 - Dive Grinding
Trial 49 - Self-Explanatory
Trial 50 - Self-Expalantory x2
Trial 51 - C-Up Slope Climb
Trial 52 - C-Up Hyperspeed
Trial 53 - Pedro Spot
Trial 54 - Pause-Buffered DR to reach the shell with enough speed + Backwards Shell Hyperspeed
Trial 55 - Cloning via Disappearing Corkbox + Overlapping Clone Hitboxes to stop Mario from interacting with the one he needs to bounce on + Instant Release
Trial 56 - Indefinite Walking against a Corkbox
Trial 57 - HOLP Preservation via Instant Release
Trial 58 - HOLP Preservation via Pause Buffered Hitstun
Trial 59 - Edge/Dive Grinding
Trial 60 - Cap Switch Misalignment + VSC via disappearing floor + Misalignment (for the tilting platform) + Framewalking + HOLP Preservation via Hat-in-Hand + Corkbox Push into VSC
Trial 61 - Breakdance to push the bob-omb + Recollecting the metal cap to end Hat-in-Hand + Sacrifice clone (explosion) to make use for later + Bob-omb Clip + Bloated Bob-omb + Cloning via Exploding Bob-omb + Clone Preservation via Knockback (getting hit by Mr. I prevents Mario from getting hit by the goomba clone)
Trial 62 - Remote Bob-omb Explosion (the explosion clone makes the bob-omb explode when they collide, allowing the bob-omb to load into a new vacant slot) + Cloning via Disappearing Corkbox + Bob-omb Clip
Trial 63 - Cloning via Exploding Bob-omb + Corkbox Push + Bob-omb Push
Trial 64 - Misalignment + VSC + Cloning via Exploding Bob-omb + Overlapping Clone Hitboxes + Flame Bounce to make Mario jump higher + Star Dance Clip + Glitchy Ledge Grab via Wall Gap + One Final VSC
Say what? I hope I can find some videos explaining how this stuff works because I'm super curious
Yeah, watching Bismuth's "History of the A Button Challenge" should be sufficient to understand the majority of these
Thanks guys! I found both pannenkoek's channel and Bismuth's ABC history but couldn't find my comment here to update it.
From both of their channels I feel like I learned everything there is to know. 👍
The best comment on the video for sure
is that a Geometry Dash Refrance 🤯
(Yes, I know, it's not)
This is quite literally faster than my first rta attempt, great work!
as expected
holy shit, this is super impressive dude! just goes to show sm64 is one of the surplus titles where people optimize the FUCK out of it just to see how wide it stretches before it bursts. gg!
yes i wrote this entire comment without using the first letter of the english lexicon
Well done, did you do it to literally save A button presses on your keyboard?😂
technically, the abbreviation of sm64, super mario 64, has an A in it.
"☝️🤓" lol
@@mouse2621 no, the abbreviation does not have an A in it. The word it's abbreviating does, however.
@@awemowe2830an a press is an a press. you can't say it's only a abbreviation.
It’s crazy how after so many years of Pannenkoek videos, tas speedruns and Simpleflips romhack compilations I actually have a decent understanding of all the different mechanics/glitches used here. Ending the stage with a star dance clip was a cherry on top.
Holy geez that was cool, very well executed, nice & clean with fun strats all the way through!
Awesome! That corkbox cheese was really cool!
Thanks! Getting that clip through trial 62 to work was quite tricky, most of the times I would either get clipped through the corner and die to the 1-Up, or clip without the bob-omb, or be unable to clip while taking the fake bob-omb with me with a low VS#. I also had backup plans that I think would have worked and avoided goomba clones as well, but I'm glad this strat worked out
@@lemon9bug VS# BS is so hard to deal with!! lol
@@jongyon7192p Yeah..
@lemon9bug you outdone yourself. Great job now how were you able pull off intense TAS stunts like though this is 0xA as it says in the tittle...and again congratulations
This is officially my all time favorite sm64 vid
in a word, pog
Very impressive and a joy to watch :)
Nice pause-strat on the snuffit trial !
Wow, that clip through 62 was crazy :O
@@ThatCowGuy I thought you would like it :D
holy shit this is cool! absolutely amazingly done!!
Can I ask a really stupid question? I know nothing about TASing, but I thought a TAS could input a command every frame of the game. If so, then what's the need of pause buffering? I just play Mario 64 rom hacks, and pause buffering is usually done to make it possible to input commands faster, but a TAS can already do that. So what don't I understand about pause buffering?
Not a stupid question! There's basically two uses for pause buffering in this TAS:
- The first application is to be able to perform a dive+dive recover in consecutive frames. Basically, if you dive and immediately land on the first possible frame, you are able to dive recover on that 2nd frame, if you can input a B or A press in that frame. Outside of the ABC, you can simply press B in the first frame to do the dive, and press A in the 2nd frame to perform the dive recover, but without the A Button, if you tried doing that with two B presses, the game sees that you are pressing B in two consecutive frames, and it interprets that as if you were holding the B button, and you don't dive recover. So the pause buffer here lets you input B to dive, then pause to interrupt the gameplay and release B, then unpause and press B again to dive recover, which the game interprets as two separate B presses. This is used through the TAS, for example in trials 1 and 5, where the space that you have to work with is so small that you need the precision of being able to dive and dive recover with no frames in between - otherwise you move too far forward.
This particular use of pause buffering is useful outside of the ABC, for example to input BLJs in consecutive frames.
- The other reason is for global timer manipulation. There's an in-game timer that increments by 1 every frame, regardless of whether the game is paused or not. A few enemies use this global timer in some way to affect their behaviour, for example the snuffit's oscillating height (trial 19) and the bats' target angle (trial 30, though I didn't need to pause there. here's an example of a TAS that needs pause buffering to manipulate the bats:видео.html). Additionally, when Mario is hurt and he flashes for a few seconds, his visibility is determined by the parity of the global timer. This can be exploited to prevent Mario from rendering and thus updating the HOLP, allowing him to release objects remotely (trial 58,видео.html).
pannenkoek2012 has a good video about pause buffering here:видео.html. He explains both applications of pause buffering
@@lemon9bug Thank you so much for explaining this! I had no idea about either of these applications! Really appreciate the in-depth explanation. Do you think you'd ever do a commentated version of your recording of the ABC challenge? As someone who has never TASed anything, I'm super interested in watching the challenge, but literally have basically no idea what's going on for the vast majority of challenges. Oh, and thanks for the pannenkoek link; I didn't know he had made a video on pause buffering, but I guess that makes sense as he has made a video on everything :P
@@Confluence358 pannenkoek2012 is working on a video which will explain in-depth the intended (and unintended) solutions for each of the trials, as well as how the competitors did, so I don't see a reason to make a commentated video myself.
@@lemon9bug Oh, didn't think that was still happening! Good to hear it is though; I'm super interested in the "how" behind the solutions to these challenges.
@@lemon9bug How to play it, i didn't play it yet :< tutorial pls
Great run! Thanks for uploading!
This is such a great work!
Yo, that was really cool!
This music perfectly captures how this video makes me feel
Wow, very amazing and interesting TAS. Great job!
This is nuts. Good work.
6:21 when someone asks you the same question they have been asking you over and over yet again:
Here in ABC civilization, no one chooses to DR into a misalignment for the star. It's better to be safe and do the normal DR for the coin.
Can we all just appreciate the music in this level for a moment?
bomberman 64 ost is so good
Bomberman 64 - Rainbow Palace ✨️👌✨️
I love how the main track and the victory track are both from Bomberman 64 while the shell and metal cap are still the same lol
I am still impressed with these 0x A presses
wow that rocked!!
great speedrun you made!!!
Congrats for beating this while pressing the 0 button A times.😊
this video is the essence of this game
14:05 goes so hard
For sure it does
great work!
He's really four dimensions ahead of us 💪
You are absolutely insaneeeeeee
Damn! Without the "[TAS]" I'd just have thought the A button was broken.
clean af
Absurdly cool! Just a few questions though if it's not a bother lol...
Trial 34- how in the what now?? My best guess is you timed it to get the floor properties of the pendulum but how in the world did you do that out of a dive-rollout?
Trial 55- What was the purpose of the 2nd cloned head, and why did it not hurt you after throwing it?
Trial 57 & 58- DA FUQ
Trial 60- What was the purpose of the penguin?
Trial 64- Again, how did the fire not hurt you when you threw it the second time?
Regardless, goddamn mind-blowing lmao
Trial 34 uses a glitch called squish cancel:видео.html (summary: Mario enters a precise spot above the pendulum that causes him to get squished and then un-squished later in the same frame, which allows him to enter the freefall action in which he can grab ledges).
When you clone an object, such as pokey's head, the object stops updating like regular objects do, and in this case it means you can only interact with the head once, so you can't use just one head because you get hurt by it as soon as you release it, and since you already interacted with it, you can't bounce on it later. A separate phenomenon, is that you can only interact with one object of a given type each frame, specifically the first one in the processing order (the oldest one), for example, if you touch two coins on the same frame, you will only collect one of them, and on the next frame you'll be able to collect the other one since the first one disappeared when you got it. So in trial 55 I can't bounce on the first head I cloned because I interacted with it, but what I can do is stand within its hurtbox and clone a second head, which won't immediately hurt me like the first time because the first head's hurtbox "shadows" the second one's, so then I can bounce on this second clone.
Trial 57 uses instant release:видео.html.
Trial 58 uses pause-buffered hitstun, I explained it in this comment:видео.html&lc=UgwRAKDFkyDBjclo-HF4AaABAg.9Mkbjg4DYsu9MkfChGGgnb.
If you look closely at the end of trial 60, when Mario throws the box with the hat-in-hand glitch active, the box appears behind him. Specifically, it appears at the HOLP (Held Object's Last Position), which was set earlier by grabbing and releasing the penguin in a specific spot.
As for the fire clones in trial 64, the explanation is the same as trial 55's.
You should make a video explaining this run.
Awesome job!
fun fact: there is a game called Bomberman 64, in this game there is a secret final level called "Rainbow Palace" where you have to "jump" but Bomberman can't do that, making you do really crazy jumping tricks with the bombs.
i guess this rom hack was meant to give it a reference (apart from the fact that the background music it has is from Bomberman 64, just from the level mentioned above)
that was sick
that's amazing dud!
What's the purpose of the poisonous mushrooms? To prevent some kind of corner clipping/misalignment strategy from cheesing the challenge?
i love how the box turns into a bob-omb in trial 63
11:45 when you forget to feed the owls
this is dope
Dude how
Ignoring the rng manipulation ones im pretty sure i could do a decent chunk of this course. Thanks pannen
6:08 wtf? DR ledge grab?
It is a trick called squish cancel:видео.html
what's that ambient music playing the whole time? i really like the sound of it.
Its from Bomberman 64 from sky levels of world 6
@@SeltonXD120st thanks!
I swear youtube is stalking me, i just watched a video about the no A button challenge
Do you not know how the algorithm works?
1:36 to skip the goomba action
ok but why do i know what's going on most of the time?
So cool.
Alv que pro
Level 55 blew my fucking mind
wow, its almost like this course was designed for you not to use the A button
no way!
13:52 ここから鋼の錬金術師
Lucky he didn’t require anyone to travel through PUs and back.
Trial 11 really makes you appreciate how odd Mario’s voice is when he gets hit
Side note anyone know what the music is?
Is this a TAS or an RTA run? I honestly can't really tell.
it says TAS in the title
yea mate I did it real
im getting lost at 14:05 when the box gets picked up and trown with hat in hand glitch: was it just to push oneself to clear the gap?(but what is the baby for? what is the purpose of second metal cap block? and what is the eyeball shooter there for? intended 62 solution seemed building goomba bridge but i dont quite get how they are suposed to be released in the gap to bounce on later when crossing it
there is only 1 metal cap box? and the intended solution for 62 involves a glitch called transport cloning
I'm pretty sure the box is needed to push Mario off the edge and give him horrizontal momentum to cross the gap with VSC (similar to how the old strat for WF to the top of the fortress 0xa used to work)
The penguin i dont fully understand either, VSC probably?
Another metal cap box at trial 61 to cancel HiH so Mario can grab the bob-omb normally again
Mr eye i have no idea why
Anyways, I like this.
holy crap
would it have been possible to use BCA/see no evil to skip the metal cap?
Are you meant to use that pendulum on tiral 34/35?
The pendulum is used for squish cancel, which is what allows mario to grab the ledge out of the dive recover. bad_boot has a video on that glitch. This is the intended solution
Now you can unlock Luigi
And that’s why you are beating the game without pressing the A button, right Lemon?
Now these are BC trials
Did this contest ever declare a winner?
yeah check the description for that video
17 minutes?? lmaoooo nub taser
pro gamer dyllonstej beat this game in under three minutes
git gud
no but seriously I'm very hyped
8:19 what happened here ???!
Vertical Speed Conservation:видео.html
Thank you very much😁
I tried to do the 0xa challenge everyday but I kept failing! Can you help me do it?
it requires precise tricks, I don't think you can, you need to use pause buffered hitstun (30 presses per second), someome got 31 presses per second, but that's very good
you need to do that multiple times without fail.
@@marqimoth6987 i think he means hes doing it with the tas mechanics too
1:37 i feel like you could use VSC to jump up onto the next platform
That's actually a great question, because it may just work. I don't really have the tools to try this but I would if I could !
You don't have any VS left
I understand why the music. That level in bomberman is platform heavy but you cant jump.
Wtf I could barely get past the first jump *with* the A button
And I was just *actually* stumped by 7.
ok pannen
this would be very easy if ported to 3D All Stars due to the existence of a B button in that game
I have a small heart attack everytime the camera jitters.
I’m confused why TAS pause the game multiple times
bismuth explained why they do that on slopes in this clip
and explained why they do it when grabbing objects in this
pretty sure pause buffered hitstun is used when it pauses a lot
There's pause buffered hitstun, snuffit manipulation, and buffering of consecutive b presses for frame consecutive dive recovers.
@@ccgarciab I didn't even know that snuffit manipulation is
@@marqimoth6987 same ive heard of scuttlebug transportation, fly guy manipulation and pendulum manipulation but what is snuffit manipulation?
Looks like som form of drunken master technique.
Hey, lemon. Can I do that, too?
probably not, you have to do many frame perfect inputs
why clone an explosion before actually cloning the goomba at trial #61?
The explosion clone is necessary to make the bob-omb run into it and blow up later when I'm on trial 62, which is necessary so it can respawn after I've grabbed the cork box so I can clone it.
@@lemon9bug oh wow ok
Good TAS
The RUclips subtitle is cursed💀
Did you collect that bounty? Or did someone else beat you to it?
it was collected by jong
9:24 softlocked, unlucky
im waiting for someone to say "No ThaTAs A a pResedro SPOT!!!! I T cagets you!!! stuck in CEILKUBG!! and SPESDDD!!!!!!"
@@cyan1280 whut
@@cyan1280 Gaslight them all!
I really just be watching shit without a single fucking concept of what is even happening these days.
T: The
A: Asian
S: Standard
i want the map but .z64 file
@@R3YOnex_009T i aleardy got it its been a while
@@DadasTheAnimator ok
5:31 wtf
Cool. Now Beat Kaizo Mario 64 With 1.05c A Presses