Why League Will Always Be Toxic

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @SkylentShoreqwert
    @SkylentShoreqwert  2 года назад +2

    Hey! This is that gaming browser mtchm.de/q7py6 video is sponsored by Opera GX and is a good pair with League of Legends; especially if you use a laptop.

  • @t.h.mcelroy6597
    @t.h.mcelroy6597 2 года назад +15

    As a team game, League's design is excellent and I love it...but the player base tends to be very selfish/self focused. There are elements of that which are necessary for personal growth and success. However, the vast amount of opportunity for communication and teamwork that is missed out on makes it hard to play for me at times.
    Communication really is the key. I've found that my most successful matches tend to be with teammates who are willing to interact in Champion Select.

    • @lackingxl
      @lackingxl Год назад

      @@mothmommay2k If you say this in my game I will bully you :)

  • @CrimsonTide001
    @CrimsonTide001 2 года назад +11

    The game is DESIGNED from the top down, to foster toxicity. It is the Jerry Spring of video games, toxic by design.

  • @adrikmotka
    @adrikmotka 2 года назад +18

    I left League because I got tired of being yelled at for "experimenting". Trying characters outside of their meta roles. Like playing Singed Support. I loved playing support even if the character I was playing wasn't typically designed for the role. I would try the character against bots first, then some custom matches against friends, If I worked out a system. I would try public with them if the team looked like they were able to handle it. But I found people were to report happy or people would just within the first minute of the match starting just dodging/going afk. Which ultimately was my fault or felt like my fault. If by some chance we got to play and still won, people would tell the other team to report me regardless. Thing is even if I did pick a typical support like Sona, I'd still get the team calling me a noob and have people report me for not picking a support who paired well with the carry. I couldn't seem to do anything right.

    • @alexmaganda5827
      @alexmaganda5827 2 года назад +1

      its so sad that ppl get mad everytime when its just whatever in normals

  • @ChaosYami
    @ChaosYami 2 года назад +12

    as a guy who doesnt have friends, who doesnt have a team to rely on, and one who prefers being cooperative. I dont think i will ever play League. This video Solidified my resolve to avoid it at all costs. I do apologize if you enjoy this game and see my comment as offensive but thats how i feel.

    • @Mr_Mistah
      @Mr_Mistah Год назад

      You can still have fun if you don't play ranked

  • @Pengguie
    @Pengguie 2 года назад +18

    if you have a 5 man team... league is a blast.

  • @FalcnPWNCH
    @FalcnPWNCH 2 года назад +7

    From someone whom has played the game for the almost entire decade of its lifetime *(started late s1 early s2)* I've grown up from a teenager to an adult playing this game, and during that time I grew a thick skin and numbness to the general toxicity and shit talk, as it unfortunately IMHO is to be expected with a highly competitive environment for such a popular widely played game - from my personal perspective one big notable problem with the competitive side of this game is the fact that as the game as evolved further, become more complex and demanding from where it began as *_"simplified /less demanding version of Dota"_* - the game becomes more and more demanding along with its regular patching so that if you miss a beat for even a couple weeks or so, you'll be really far behind the rest of the players who are on board regularly - and so due to this *returning to league after a long break can be really arduous and daunting,* and a lot of people just simply don't return because of how overwhelming the changes to the game are, not to mention how the much power creep the newer modernly designed champions are creating on regular bases - so what ends up happening due to all of this is that the game starts to fill up with these *long-lasting highly competitive entitled **_"Know-It-All-Players"_* who'll become really toxic and uncooperative because *everything in the match at hand doesn't go exactly picture-perfectly the way they want or expect to as they play or think they are playing on a completely different level than the rest of the team* - and so even the slightest mishaps will cause them to mental boom immediately which leads to trolling / inting / ragequit - oh and reporting them doesn't matter because they likely have a backlog of 3 to 5 accounts which they can swap between so they just keep playing as per usual - and so these gatekeeping *_"Know-It-All-Players"_* also end up *demoralizing any possible newcomers and returning players*

  • @chrispetersen4639
    @chrispetersen4639 2 года назад +1

    In terms of toxic gameplay, they should just remove the personal KDA from the actual game and list it in the post-game statistics, why?
    Because it's a major source of players not playing as a team, and it's a major source of 'hi my IQ is 25' grieving in chat.
    It doesn't matter if you win games with 0 - 50 or 50 - 0, winning is winning! Was asking for this even back when Riot had dedicated forums, of course it fell on deaf ears since it would lead to less banned accounts and less re-sale for Riot.

  • @fernandoantoniomusic8712
    @fernandoantoniomusic8712 2 года назад +2

    The surrender system is something that the majority of the community has hated since its inception. An old comment on the forums says it perfectly. “All the surrender system changed is that now I have to play with afk people and direct feeders or griefers who don’t want to be stuck there instead of just letting people leave so we can have a bot.”

    • @Mr_Mistah
      @Mr_Mistah Год назад

      A bot would just feed over and over again

    • @fernandoantoniomusic8712
      @fernandoantoniomusic8712 Год назад

      @@Mr_Mistah how is that different from a toxic teammate?

    • @MrJustinTGreene
      @MrJustinTGreene Год назад

      Lol that Bot wolf surely gaurantee the teams surrender. Win Win. Plus reports would go up cuz nobody wants to with it against a bot in games

  • @KnightofEkron
    @KnightofEkron 2 года назад +2

    You're right about the ff, I really wish they would let us ff when somebody leaves.

    • @Craydlin
      @Craydlin Год назад

      That's what made me quit: Being on a team that has clearly lost but refuses to surrender. Zero fun to be had in that scenario.

  • @r_______2699
    @r_______2699 2 года назад +1

    The toxicity will never end. From my experience it seems like I always get put with people that don't know how to play or don't know their position. That's all fine because it doesn't matter in norm or aram but why people play ranked and don't know how to play is something I see all the time. It seems they come in with the attitude of " no worries I'll be carried" instead of " I'll be the carry". Not saying I'm the best because I'm def am not but I know the position I Q for and I do my best to play my best and not feed. People always want to say maybe it's you but that's BS. It's a team game and if your team is bad you lose period. So often I see support doesn't use support item and light up the map or use a sweeper, jungler gives objectives for free uncontested, Adc can't last hit creeps, top split pushes when they should group, or mid never leaves lane, etc. It's a great game but people need to understand the game and the positions before you play ranked, because people care about their time spent in ranked and people want to have a gg. Win or lose I'd like to see everyone doing their best. If people do this I think it may help with the toxicity.

  • @physixtential
    @physixtential 2 года назад +1

    League is toxic is such a deep way that it is as if a huge portion of the players are not even a part of humanity. They are genuinely disturbing in their level of toxicity. It's honestly to the point where you either get dragged down by it, or do the smart thing and uninstall. I want to play this excellent game, but unless you have a group to play with, it's not worth the mental tax.

  • @JoeKozak
    @JoeKozak Год назад +1

    It's not, just you are and so it matches you with those kind of players.

  • @DaynZStudio
    @DaynZStudio 2 года назад +1

    Yes, they should enable player for quitting the match, at least on normal blindpick game, you can penalty player for quitting ranked game but normal game please let people quit, like what's the point to stay if your teammates inting and still decline ff. Like rainbow six siege, you can quit normal game anytime you want except for ranked game.

    • @DaynZStudio
      @DaynZStudio 2 года назад

      another thing you forgot to mention is, they need to fix the in queue chat when people want to call out their role in normal game, sometimes is just unfair when people have better internet or pc they have the better advantage to call it out first (not saying i have a bad pc or anything) and even sometimes you called it out first from your screen, but from others players perspective, they saw a different person called it first. And I'm so tired of arguing for the role I want I just end up filling whatever the role left. Some times people just fight over it and then start to grief because they didn't get their lane.

  • @sanjaanamsan2522
    @sanjaanamsan2522 2 года назад +4

    Me learning about how toxic i am:

  • @Nostromo2144
    @Nostromo2144 2 года назад +1

    Hey Sky, you ok mate? You've pretty much only posted a few Arcane/anime vids in the past couple months. What happened to the mmo craze? ;)

  • @sevuganmuthurajah3642
    @sevuganmuthurajah3642 2 года назад +1

    I just go one PVP game as a new player. As expected, my teammates started to trash talk and curse me. Is it wrong to play League Of Legends as a new player? I almost cry for what they said😔... Co-op VS AI is better

  • @avery0307
    @avery0307 2 года назад +4

    I'm not so sure I believe that, compared to League, DotA is more about teamwork, and strategy, and making picks, and all those other good things you mentioned. You just literally mentioned what peak League gaming is as well. I think both DotA and League are similar games from the same genre that suffer from the same communities. The difference, aside form aesthetics, is that DotA has a steeper learning curve than League does and League's matches are faster.
    Smashing your lane early doesn't always guarantee the win. I've had games where the team (not just one or two lanes, but the whole team in general) was ahead by miles but then because being fed got into people's heads they cost the match because they kept getting into 1v5 situations. So no, smashing your lane doesn't always guarantee a win.
    Majority of the time the people who rage quit or want the match to end early are the ones who are toxic. They're not doing so well and they allow themselves to get tilted and end up feeding the enemy. Most of the time they end up blaming teammates for their own failures (mostly the jungle). So, while you do have a point of just quitting a hopeless match to find a possibly better one, it's ridiculous to think that wanting to try and win the match is toxic. I've had matches where we were on the back foot and managed to win. I've also had matches where I was getting wrecked in my lane, but I tried to be positive about it and just focused on not giving any more kills to my lane opponent. Sure, I've still lost some of those matches but I've also won some of those as well. I've played a match where we had a 1-7 deficit even before the fist minion wave spawned and we won. That's more than a 2k gold lead for the enemy team within the first minute of the match, and we still won. Sure, we could have ff'ed at 15 but we decided to play it through and won.
    So, the problem isn't about not allowing people to rage quit. It's not the game's problem. It's how people deal with how badly they're getting beaten up. They have a choice to either do their best to contribute in whatever way they can to help their team or to be a toxic inting piece of trash.
    I do agree on more game modes. I personally think Solo Queue is trash and it's stupid that you can only have a Duo at most, and that they created a separate game mode for bigger teams (and how stupid it is for not allowing 4 players to queue up as a team). I miss the days when there was only one ladder to climb.
    If you think League's 40 minute matches are stressful, imagine being stuck in DotA games that go on for more than an hour each.
    The game itself isn't toxic. Yes, it is still an unbalanced POS game, but it's not toxic. It's the people that are toxic.

  • @TechSY730
    @TechSY730 2 года назад

    There is a "League-tuber", Vars, who went over this topic in a series of discussion videos. About why League has gotten less "fun" and more "toxic"
    To paraphrase the conclusions in Vars' videos:
    There are the obvious points like the normal online experience of being paired with "randos" and diffusion of responsibility.
    But one of his main thesis points to League's push to "faster matches", "more decisive abilities" and similar over the years, to appease spectators.
    This also has had the side effect of making matches "snowball" faster. It also, pulls focus from "strategic thinking" to "quick reactions" as now you have less time to plan a response in a skirmish.
    This makes:
    1. Errors hurt a lot more than they used too, due to harder snowballling
    2. Individual mistakes become easier to point to and single out, regardless of a possible wider scope team or strategy issue
    3. Reduced "comeback options"
    4. Balance becomes more "razor edge"; easier for something to become over or underpowered, with less space for anything in-between
    Hopefully it is obvious to see how these would foster a player base culture of a toxicity.

  • @spaceshiba4014
    @spaceshiba4014 Год назад

    League is a horrible experience in SoloQ, Dunkey was right 7 years ago, "the root of toxicity was players having no fun".
    Balancing the game around esports made it less fun to play and more boring to watch.

  • @cjwars2828
    @cjwars2828 2 года назад

    lol every game on pvp one cry's about someone else one is just farming lane or jg one just afk or drops first 5mins cuz they didnt get all fights feed only them its a joke any way look at

  • @christopherlormant8083
    @christopherlormant8083 2 года назад +1

    they should add voice chat and something to incentivize playing whit some people like in clash i think it's fun to be able to share information ecc whit your team. and they should do like in valorant, if u are toxic u get banned from the chat and can't rank queue for 4 days or soo

  • @That_Guy_0
    @That_Guy_0 2 года назад +1

    Yes bots, trolls, afks, bad players but when you meet that one cool player you forget about the 30 bad past players or games

  • @AresGod0fWar
    @AresGod0fWar 2 года назад

    Who remembers actually having to type MIA?

  • @darko1295
    @darko1295 2 года назад +3

    I personally don't think it's THAT toxic (I've been playing on and off since 2011). I've had way shittier experiences with Overwatch, Counter Strike and especially Dota

    • @tokimekidoll
      @tokimekidoll 2 года назад

      I was about to comment this. People calls League "The most toxic game" just because it's the most popular that everyone plays or have played at some point. But if you got to play Overwatch when it was still an "alive" game, whew man, League doesn't even come close.

    • @Mr_Mistah
      @Mr_Mistah 2 года назад +1

      That's a lie

    • @Mr_Mistah
      @Mr_Mistah 2 года назад +2

      @@tokimekidoll League is the most toxic video game.

    • @darko1295
      @darko1295 2 года назад

      @@Mr_Mistah I said it's my personal experience. Even then,. CS and Dota aren't controversial picks for the 'most toxic game' title at all. And Overwatch's VC was always hogged up by obnoxious aggressively racist kids back when I used to play

    • @Mr_Mistah
      @Mr_Mistah 2 года назад

      @@darko1295 You're just another person addicted to League of legends. League is literally your only happiness. That's why you create excuses. You are addicted.

  • @IvanTKlasnic
    @IvanTKlasnic 2 года назад +2

    As someone who has been playing League in Season 1 and 2, when there was barely any punishment for leaving, letting people leave whenever they want to is a terrible idea. It was the worst experience i ever had in any game, pretty much every game got decide by who was a man down, not by your skill at all.
    IMO the only think toxic i experience as a League play IS the people who want to surrender for no real reason. If someone behaves like a dick, i just mute them, and people who actively troll lose their account so fast, there are barely any around anymore.
    I'm fine with surrendering a game where you are a significant amount, but when your team is 1k gold down with better scaling, wanting to end the game is just toxic AF. I regulary have people trying to surrender games when they are 0/2 in lane, but the team is up 12/2. Yeah there is a place for surrenders but people in fighting game tournaments are also not surrendering if they are up.
    And hey If you wanna stop playing if you are down etc. That's fine IMO, but you shouldn't be playing Ranked than, play normal, IMO the punishments for leaving in a normal are way too hard, while the punishment for leaving in rankeds is not hard enough.
    I honestly couldn't care less about people in normals, but if you decide to queue up to a Ranked match, you sign yourself up, to try your best to win with your team. Sure if you are down 8k gold at 20 mins, go ahead and surrender, but if you are almost even, and refusing to try your best, you are just an unsportsmanlike cunt. An aspect of skill in this Game is not only carrying but also being able to be carried. If the enemy mid slapped you around in lane, keep your bot safe in teamfights and get carried by them.

  • @takahashiueda3332
    @takahashiueda3332 2 года назад

    for me the problem was that people inted very often on purpose, and champs are so unbalanced. most players ar silver and gold and champs get balanced for proplay. i have seen several 0/8 yis who kill 3 enemies after they got 2 items. just pure unfairness

    • @alexmaganda5827
      @alexmaganda5827 2 года назад

      see this comment right here is whats wrong with league just bc somone goes 0/6 a game does not mean they are inting sometimes you have bad games or some ppl are getting into the game ect stop being a toxic piece of sh..

  • @fine93
    @fine93 2 года назад

    apply ball growth

  • @alexmaganda5827
    @alexmaganda5827 2 года назад

    ppl rage in every gamemode its a joke at this point

  • @ryubaku
    @ryubaku 2 года назад

    most people who go into chat are not talking strats

  • @iLLya_
    @iLLya_ 2 года назад +2

    League can actually be very fun if y have chat off and u are with your mates in Aram or blindpick trying out dumb combos like zeri and kassadin with spellblade

  • @James-rx6dl
    @James-rx6dl 2 года назад

    If you think people in dota actively strategize, plan out picks and counterpicks, and communicate constructively through voice chat then you haven't played dota enough

  • @LifenKnight
    @LifenKnight 2 года назад

    if someone leaves and causes me to lose, they get reported
    Dude if its winnable just play, why leave.
    If they leave that makes its lost.
    Sure if they leave I should be able to since there no way I can make a comeback with it being 4 v 5
    But no don't let someone leave because they aren't having fun or they think its lost.

    • @-The-Golden-God-
      @-The-Golden-God- 2 года назад

      It's a game. It's there to entertaining. If someone isn't having fun OR has a real life issue they need to go and deal with, then they can (and should) leave.

  • @Nostromo2144
    @Nostromo2144 2 года назад

    But is it as toxic as Britney behind the wheel...?

  • @abdulwaduod11
    @abdulwaduod11 2 года назад

    play with your friends, its way more fun

  • @spompofleks
    @spompofleks Год назад +1

    i un-instaled Lol 6 years ago.
    Since then my hair grow back, got new gf, new job, new life !
    Uninstaling LoL was best decision i ever made

  • @CapitanDePlai
    @CapitanDePlai 2 года назад

    16:16 Love some Smite from time to time, fun moba

  • @Nostromo2144
    @Nostromo2144 2 года назад +1

    LOL indeed - just wasted an hour farking around with reconnecting this turd to Riot. I think I installed the game, played for less than a half hour (many years ago!) & promptly uninstalled it. I am now greeted with a permanent suspension message when I try to log into the game. Toxic indeed. Let's see what the Riot muppets have to say about the reason, not that I'm holding my breath. So it looks like the best part of the LoL experience will be uninstalling the game...again! :D
    Ok, because I'm a sucker for punishment, I created a new account, just for shit n giggles. After installing & patching installer, then installing & patching client again, eventually the game just starts (after you select your first hero) & throws you straight into the action via some sort of tutorial. I'm not ready to play just yet, so I try to exit. It tells me I could get banned for exiting the game without finishing the match. WTF? Am I playing against another human in the tutorial ffs??? I think this game is cancer on far more levels than my PvE carebear tolerance can withstand. Game over man, game over!

  • @sausageskin
    @sausageskin 2 года назад +2

    If you have problem with toxicity just turn of the chat and pings.

  • @jasonZoo123
    @jasonZoo123 2 года назад


  • @mspuff2828
    @mspuff2828 2 года назад

    Nice vid man !!

  • @RaxorX
    @RaxorX 2 года назад +1

    The one thing I have a problem with an FFing is when people get too used to it. I have friends who have gotten too used to the idea of surrendering a losing but winnable game. This occurring too much is very taxing on myself where I think “why queue up if when the moment the match isn’t easy to just surrender?”
    League of legends is one of the most rewarding competitive games for me and each match feels like it has so much at stake even when its just a normal game.

    • @SkylentShoreqwert
      @SkylentShoreqwert  2 года назад +2

      Fighting games tourns, speedrunning, and professional League players absolutely FF. Maintaining mental health for the next matches is more important.

    • @AresGod0fWar
      @AresGod0fWar 2 года назад +1

      @@SkylentShoreqwert I don’t agree with your take on the forfeiting. Mental IS important, and that’s why the person that wants to surrender shouldn’t have queued to begin with if they’re tilted. I am not saying never to surrender. BUT this “I lost my lane, now I don’t want to play the game” mentality needs to stop. They know what they signed up for. Some people need to learn how to swallow their pride and let the team carry. The tactic of forfeiting a match in a fighting game only effects one person where league it affects five. I don’t think it’s the best example to use as a comparison. Many GOOD players will instead utilize the character selection screen for what you mentioned to buy time. You have less time to make the adjustments that are needed to beat your opponent in a fighting game, where too many wrong moves means your out of the tournament. There is no playing for baron, elder, etc. That is the only reason one would forfeit is the limited time given to assess their play. Although, I didn’t agree with that aspect of it, I still think it was a well constructed video. 👍

  • @kinoshkiwa
    @kinoshkiwa 2 года назад +3

    It's toxic but bearable. Games with no voice chat cannot possibility be anymore toxic then ones with voice chat. Typing insults compare to yelling at their mics is a huge difference to me. People are overexaggerating about league of legends reputations.

    • @-The-Golden-God-
      @-The-Golden-God- 2 года назад

      Emphasis on 'to you'. People with mental health problems (of which there are a huge amount) can be easily affected by the written word.

    • @kinoshkiwa
      @kinoshkiwa 2 года назад +3

      @@-The-Golden-God- People with mental health should stay away from the internet in general. A simple opinion can get people in a nasty disagree towards them.

    • @-The-Golden-God-
      @-The-Golden-God- 2 года назад

      @@kinoshkiwa And with that comment, you've shown your colours. A troll. Touch grass.

    • @kinoshkiwa
      @kinoshkiwa 2 года назад +1

      @@-The-Golden-God- I think you just proven my point...This is exactly what I'm saying. My opinion and you don't like it. That's how the internet works... This response from you is what I meant. But in my perspective it's more of a fact than an opinion. Disagreements happens too often. You cannot deny that mental health just not safe here. No disrespecting the mental illness but it's for the best that they just shouldn't use social media or do any online gaming.
      EDIT: I reread my reply about mental people should stay away from the internet. I realize how unwelcoming it sounds. That was not my intention. I truly believe that it's better for their mental health to stay away from it. You should search up mental illnesses from social medias. People gain depressions or mental meltdown from using internet too much which is very common in modern day.

  • @lazynin545
    @lazynin545 2 года назад

    The game is toxic dont play on your own only play with friends. If you dont have friends go outside and make some and convince them to play the cesspit that is league of legends. Unless your money maker is league dont take the game too seriously its not good for your personal health
    Edit: they used to do pve events but they havent done it for years there is a rumor that there might be one coming out this year but doubtful

  • @bobbyclara2408
    @bobbyclara2408 2 года назад

    Lol league is not that toxic ☹️

  • @-The-Golden-God-
    @-The-Golden-God- 2 года назад

    My girlfriend was interested in LoL so she downloaded it and jumped in. Within a few minutes she had people telling her to kill herself, threatening rape and other awful stuff. She immediately uninstalled it.