Flu Vac in the Pandemic

  • Опубликовано: 18 июн 2024
  • Seasonal Influenza
    Caused by influenza viruses
    Photo Credit: Cynthia Goldsmith Content Providers(s): CDC/ Dr. Terrence Tumpey. X 100,000
    UK, 2020 - 2021
    the national flu immunisation programme will be absolutely essential to protecting vulnerable people
    and supporting the resilience of the health and care system
    Mild to severe illness
    Higher viral doses, the more sick people became
    Old, young, co-morbidities
    Annually (US) since 2010
    9 million - 45 million illnesses
    140,000 - 810,000 hospitalizations
    12,000 - 61,000 deaths
    Clinical features in children
    Fever, which may be as high as 103°F (39.4°C) to 105°F (40.5°C)
    Body aches, which may be severe
    Sore throat
    Cough that gets worse
    Runny or stuffy nose
    Possible complications in children
    Salts (electrolytes)
    Worsening of long-term medical problems
    Brain dysfunction such as encephalopathy
    Sinus problems and ear infections
    In rare cases, death
    Initial concern
    Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2012)
    We were able to observe a statistically significant increased risk of confirmed noninfluenza respiratory virus infection among TIV recipients
    Covid-19: Risk of death more than doubled in people who also had flu, English data show
    Odds of death were 2.27 times higher than in people with SARS-CoV-2 alone
    possible synergistic effects in coinfected people
    Safety of Influenza Vaccine during COVID-19 (September 2020, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, Cleveland Clinic)
    The convergence with influenza season could result in significant morbidity and mortality
    Patients (n = 18,868) tested for COVID-19
    4,138 flu vac, 2019-2020
    9,082 not flu vaccinated
    Vaccinated group
    Higher BMI
    On more meds
    More co-morbidities
    Blood work
    Is someone had flu vac and tested positive for SARS-CoV-2
    Unadjusted analysis shows:
    Vaccinated individuals were less likely to test positive for SARS-CoV-2
    More likely to be hospitalized
    More likely to be admitted to the ICU and die during hospitalization
    But, once adjusted
    Influenza vaccination was unrelated to incidence of SARS- CoV-2 infection
    Increased risk for worse hospital outcomes was not related to influenza vaccination
    In people with COVID-19, influenza vaccination did not impact risk for hospitalization
    Or ICU admission
    Or hospital mortality
    Influenza vaccination does not increase the incidence of COVID-19
    or worsen the related morbidity or mortality
    Providing reassurance that the vaccination strategy for global influenza should proceed as planned during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Surveillance data needs to be prospectively collected in fall 2020
    Study the outcome of concurrent SARS-CoV-2 and influenza infection
    Assess any interaction between influenza vaccinations, a newly developed vaccine against coronavirus, influenza and COVID-19 infection
    Odds of death were 2.27 times higher than in people with SARS-CoV-2 alone

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @aprilapril2
    @aprilapril2 3 года назад +14

    I was the most ill I’ve ever been with flu age 21. My lungs were like bricks . I was taken home from work and I didn’t know why as I wasn’t quite right in the head. Luckily my flat mate brought me drinks as I lay in bed for four days and I remember nothing of those four days. Took weeks to recover

  • @philipdear224
    @philipdear224 3 года назад +30

    Send a message to Ian Duncan Smith about the benefits of vitamin D he has started making statements in the House of commons about Theraputics and preventions for covid You may not agree with all he says but a lot of what he says makes sense to get us out of the mess we are in and to reduce hospital admissions he could be a useful ally in getting the main players in this to start listening I am not sure how aware he is on the Spanish study but I have sent him rough details on it

    • @lludwick7039
      @lludwick7039 3 года назад

      Doctors & Nurses are taking VD3, zinc, CoQ10, Melatonin.in Texas. I was not told to take extra VD3 because they checked and said it was not low but continue what they had given me (50 mg ).

    • @daverok1113
      @daverok1113 3 года назад +4

      According to WHO Influenza Laboratory Surveillance Information, it appears that there has been virtually no Flu anywhere in the world since April.
      The levels from week 16 to date are tiny compared to similar periods over the previous 10 years.
      Source: who.int/influenza/gisrs_laboratory/flunet/en/

    • @karenkaren3189
      @karenkaren3189 3 года назад +1

      Retired RN here. I take a multivitamin cocktail with vitamin B,C, D. Also extra zinc and magnesium. I get weird dreams from melatonin, so don’t take that.

  • @kevinsmith3967
    @kevinsmith3967 3 года назад +13

    Every year around 78,000 people in the UK die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses....stay safe

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +1

      That's their problem. Saves in pension payouts

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +5

      @@snowbird6855 : My very last question to you (in reply to Gary Sutphin's comment) was this: _"Have you no heart or soul?"_
      Now you say: _"That's their problem. Saves in pension payouts"_
      At least here you have answered my question unequivocally, and it's a resounding *no.*

    • @andym9571
      @andym9571 3 года назад

      @@snowbird6855 unfortunately costs the NHS a fortune and takes up beds

  • @vicarious7858
    @vicarious7858 3 года назад +6

    I've had the proper flu before. It literally took months to get over it! I spent about three weeks in bed and every time I moved I was on the verge of passing out. Needless to say I haven't missed a flu jab since!!!

    • @shozi1799
      @shozi1799 3 года назад +2

      You can still get the flu though, I did after being vaccinated.

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 3 года назад +1

      How do you know that as been any remedy it's conjecture?

    • @HandsomeRob2008
      @HandsomeRob2008 Год назад

      You’re more likely to get the flu after the flu shot.

  • @chrisjones3901
    @chrisjones3901 3 года назад +21

    My doctors surgery not let anyone in main building but the doorway alley was packed with people no distance being kept,needless to say I went home

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад +1

      At our surgery we made an appointment, went in via back door, temperature taken, hands sanitised, jabbed behind a screen then out via front door. You were asked not to arrive until your appointment time. No queues at all.

    • @travelwell6049
      @travelwell6049 3 года назад +2

      Yeah, my GP surgery has done everything to protect themselves and don't seem to give a poop about the patients.
      I'd gone to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy to find it hadn't been sent over. Went to the GP and they had no knowledge because they'd changed their email address without bothering to notify me (or anyone) and I didn't get a bounce back. The door is cordoned off and there is a little table in the porch with all the paper forms and a pot of pens. No hand sanitizer (but that would be pointless, it would get stolen in a heartbeat -even if were bolted to the wall) but I had my own and was super conscious of what I was touching. The idea of these little paper forms and shared pens and lifting the lid to open the post box to put the forms, not very 2020 (my workplace went paperless 5 years ago). Having to shout over to the receptionist from the door, not very confidential. A staff member squeezed past me on her way in and out and there were no signs outside advising people not to all cram into the porch bit or to queue distancedly outside.

    • @wazuo8354
      @wazuo8354 3 года назад +2

      I've never had a flu vaccine, doctors are the worst place to go for picking up coughs and colds in my opinion, seems like a risky strategy in terms of spreading covid, particularly as I suspect covid is air borne. so could be lingering in the air from other people having the flu vac.

    • @chrisjones3901
      @chrisjones3901 3 года назад +1

      Travel well you could of been at my surgery that day as your experience is exactly the same.i had a flu jab a few years ago but from a large boots,no queue no appointment Brill.only went to the doctors to get a inhaler,could of potentially come out with more.

  • @greendeane1
    @greendeane1 3 года назад +45

    When I was 33 I was running 33 miles a week. I got sick on my birthday with the flu (1983.) I am now 70 and that flu was the worst sickness I have had in my life. When you said you got to the door and just laid on the floor I understand completely. I spent more time lying on the bathroom floor than in my bed. Shockingly after the worst of it I was extremely weak for several weeks. Walking a few hundred feet was exhausting. So, I have had a flu shot every year since which is 37 flu shots (not counting earlier shots in the military and a swine flu shot.)

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +8

      Glad to read you made it through that. I've been there once as well and it was the worst I've ever felt by far. I was almost sure I was a goner.

    • @007nadineL
      @007nadineL 3 года назад


    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад +5

      Thank you for explaining flu (for the benefit of all those who reckon they have it but can still carry on as normal lol!).

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj 3 года назад +2

      Had my worst flue ever in 1954,the Asiatic Flu,we called it at the time. Horrible.

    • @marylh914
      @marylh914 3 года назад +2

      Been there in 1984. For two weeks I was unable to get upright and walk and was crawling on all fours to get to the bathroom. Took months for me to get even remotely strong again. I have had many bouts of flu since, but that flu was the worst of anything I have ever had to deal with. I am almost 70, so it may be possible we had the same bad strain. Good luck to you.

  • @nightlymoth
    @nightlymoth 3 года назад +4

    I have slight asthma and usually get a text or a letter saying they recommend I have the vaccine. Not heard anything anything from them yet. (I don't think I have ever had the vaccine, and I don't think I've ever had influenza..unless it was very mild).. Is it possible to have got some level of Immunity to the different strains of influenza over the years, even though the virus mutates every year? I was considering getting the flu jab this year due to the risk of covid and flu at the same time. Chest infections are usually my thing, get a bad one every winter usually,. but didn't this winter.. I started taking vitamin d in early February, so maybe related. I wouldn't like to get a bad chest infection and covid at the same time. I suppose there are always antibiotics for the chest infection if it's bacterial.

    • @annoyedaussie3942
      @annoyedaussie3942 3 года назад

      I think everyone has had some type of flu but maybe mild in most cases and everyone would have some immunity I would think. If you are in a high risk area getting the flu shot will lower your risk of having both the flu and covid at the same time.

    • @petersimmons3654
      @petersimmons3654 3 года назад

      Vitamin D is of course related, as long as you mean D3 and in sufficient quantity [2,000 IU]. GP surgeries are coping with the pandemic and if they haven't sent you a reminder perhaps they are too busy. You should check with them and arrange an appointment for the flu vaccine. As Dr John says, it may protect against Sars-Cov-2 also. As long as your D3 is sufficent in your blood you'll make antibodies.

  • @kathrynrobertson7923
    @kathrynrobertson7923 3 года назад +22

    Currently researching reports that Fluzone High Dose Flu Shot (3 in 1) for Seniors (4 times as powerful compared to the regular flu shot) may put recipients at higher risk for a cytokine storm/immunity over-response should they contract COVID-19. Several papers on this, but none peer reviewed, so am considering at over age 70 getting the standard rather than High-Dose flu shot. In the meantime, concerned and holding off on flu shot---thoughts? I never hear this distinction discussed while governments are recommending charging ahead with flu shots, especially for the most at risk population? Trust is waning at this point, understandably!

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +6

      Shhhhhhh.. they want to sell their vaccines.
      I've never had a flu shot and I've never had flu. I'm 64.
      I take 5,000 iu D3, 4,000 mgs vit C and 30 mgs zinc.

    • @bidentity69
      @bidentity69 3 года назад +1

      Any links ?

    • @Noelbluesky
      @Noelbluesky 3 года назад +5

      I'm not getting any flu shot. If I am practicing distancing, mask wearing, hygiene, and am not out in public, for covid, it makes sense these protocols will work for flu. stay well.

    • @spex357
      @spex357 3 года назад +1

      Yes I have been following that research and we can easily see that it is worrying data. We can be sure it will be kept out of the MSM.

    • @spex357
      @spex357 3 года назад

      In late spring 2009, concern was raised in Canada that prior vaccination with the 2008-09 trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) was associated with increased risk of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) (pH1N1) illness. Danuta M. Skowronski is the author. There have been other warnings since, this was possibly the first.

  • @More-Space-In-Ear
    @More-Space-In-Ear 3 года назад +15

    A virus that is so small can cause so much heartache....amazing nature

    • @uberhoofenhoussen4186
      @uberhoofenhoussen4186 3 года назад +3

      Amazing you need a test to tell you have, it's so dangerous??

    • @More-Space-In-Ear
      @More-Space-In-Ear 3 года назад +2

      @@uberhoofenhoussen4186 I think it’s a case that we don’t listen to out bodies anymore, they try to cure you by increasing your body temperature and send in the armies of killer cells to get you fit again, in this day an age we are so mixed up in daily life that we don’t understand what our bodies are telling us, we’ve lost that communication....

    • @uberhoofenhoussen4186
      @uberhoofenhoussen4186 3 года назад +1

      @@More-Space-In-Ear The vaccines contain stem cells from human embryos and those tested early in the bogus covid plandemic, were found to have three, not two dna strands.
      Caffeine removes 23-27% of the blood from your head, try telling people they are less intelligent when they consume caffeinated drinks.
      You are right, my yoga teacher told me to listen to my body and I know when I haven't.

    • @More-Space-In-Ear
      @More-Space-In-Ear 3 года назад

      @@uberhoofenhoussen4186 now I know why, I drink a few cups of coffee per day....we all really need to drink at least 3 litres of water a day.....

    • @uberhoofenhoussen4186
      @uberhoofenhoussen4186 3 года назад +1

      @@More-Space-In-Ear I don't know about three litres, but if you live in a warm place yes and more. The caffeine triggers your fight or flight, which increase the heart rhythm and causes the heart..."what are you putting into my body"...........to fight with the brain........"coffee with sugar is delicious, give me more".
      Checkout Cardiac Coherence, sometimes known as "Heart Math".

  • @cmitchell6927
    @cmitchell6927 3 года назад +3

    I just got the flu vaccine (Canada). Booked my appointment online for the same day, walked in, confirmed my info, got the shot and out. Maybe ten minutes of total effort, no cost to me

  • @hannahgrace920
    @hannahgrace920 9 месяцев назад +2

    I got a flu shot a few days ago and now I’m more I’ll than I’ve been in years. I’ve had chills, fever, really sore throat, headache, nausea, fatigue and body aches. I’m 18 years old also and I feel like I got hit by a bus

    • @andrewyeager9786
      @andrewyeager9786 3 месяца назад

      I will never get the flu shot ever again or any type of vaccine, I don't care what the doctor says! The last time I got the flu shot was November 2020 and only got it because the doctor pressured me to get it when I was in the clinic. I shouldn't have gave in. I was sicker then a dog after that. I said "NEVER AGAIN!"

  • @anne-marie8018
    @anne-marie8018 3 года назад +8

    Don't you think the children going back to school could explain this increase in disease?

    • @decbony
      @decbony 3 года назад +2

      Defo. It happens every year after theyve been just six weeks a part. It will be worse this year after keeping them a part for 6 months.

    • @robertwhite3503
      @robertwhite3503 3 года назад

      There's no social distancing at school and many adults huddle together when it rains e.g. bus shelters.

    • @ghwk-phd2784
      @ghwk-phd2784 3 года назад +2

      Normal annual seasonal increase in viral spread, its been going on for as long as life has been in existence.

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад +1

      Yes but the government has committed to keeping schools open so are downplaying it in my opinion.

    • @robertwhite3503
      @robertwhite3503 3 года назад

      @@essanjay8604 I think you're right but people have always said "Think of the children." I think the benefits can justify the risk. But I never understood the rush to open pubs and bars. Pubs in particular have a long history of paying taxes so it should be easy for the Government to finance them a bit longer. I know we have to pay for them in our taxes. I also don't see why universities can't be based on remote learning for one year. I know that undergraduates will feel deprived and lecturers will be concerned about job security. But one year of remote lectures makes sense to me.

  • @andy-james-
    @andy-james- 3 года назад +24

    Thank you Dr Campbell for convincing me to take vit D3. I've had a cluster of huge boils on my, let's just say I couldn't sit down! 1 operation postponed and antibiotics haven't worked. I've been taking 3000 IU daily for a couple of weeks and my boils have shrunk. I've gone from being bed ridden and taking morphine, to now being mobile and reducing the pain relief. Thank you so much, I know my t-cells are thanking you too. Keep up the amazing work you do.

    • @DJRenee
      @DJRenee 3 года назад

      Maximum Vit D probably would have speeded that up. Probably black seed oil as well

    • @DJRenee
      @DJRenee 3 года назад

      maximumd3.com if you are in the states, you have to ask the pharmacist for it. The company also let's you order directly

    • @DJRenee
      @DJRenee 3 года назад +1

      Dr. Bronners peppermint soap would probably help you as well. Those boils would have popped either with a high dose of antibiotics or sitting in a tub of water hot as you can stand it. I'd personally put some epsom salt in the water as well.

    • @petersimmons3654
      @petersimmons3654 3 года назад

      Brilliant! Keep on healing, everyone needs to take responsibility for their own health as you have.

    • @GyacoYu
      @GyacoYu 2 года назад

      That would be great, but don't overtake it. More than 60000 IU of Vitamin D already gives serious liver problem. 3000IU looks quite a lot to me. Whenever I take 2000IU of Vitamin D I took a lot of water to avoid potential heavy liver load.

  • @kathleendoyle5795
    @kathleendoyle5795 3 года назад +11

    Had my flu vac two weeks ago dr john do you recommend shielding if vulnerable, taking extra vitamin d but I'm really scared at the moment

    • @bryan1234smith
      @bryan1234smith 3 года назад +11

      Don't be afraid, just be smart. Good luck.

    • @surfraptor
      @surfraptor 3 года назад +10

      You never walk alone Kathleen. Cheers from Dutch Liverpool fan.

    • @kathleendoyle5795
      @kathleendoyle5795 3 года назад +2

      @@surfraptor thank you 🙏🏻

    • @angelatester2471
      @angelatester2471 3 года назад +8

      Try not to be Kathleen. If you follow the safety guidlines- mask, hand washing, social distancing you should be fine.

    • @2eleven48
      @2eleven48 3 года назад +4

      Dr John makes it clear that following all the basic guidelines is still imperative for Covid19, whether you've had a flu jab or not. You need to stop getting your knickers in such a twist.

  • @eliveltonss4041
    @eliveltonss4041 3 года назад +1

    Do you know some sintome like high blood pressure? Related with COViD-19, or even insomnia, I was suffering with high blood pressure and now remains insomnia

  • @essanjay8604
    @essanjay8604 3 года назад +12

    I've had mine. It's never a very pleasant experience for me. I always get a local reaction - large bright red itchy patch around the site which lasts for about a week and cold symptoms. Not sure why this happens but I am an allergy prone individual. I agree that flu can make you feel very ill indeed even if young. I've only had it once to my knowledge aged 14!

    • @tinad8561
      @tinad8561 3 года назад +1

      Allergic to eggs or latex?

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад

      @@tinad8561 No. I asked the nurse about it and she just said it "sometimes happens". My OH never shows any signs of being jabbed at all. Incidentally he does have a latex allergy - is that relevant?

    • @pollyanna5354
      @pollyanna5354 3 года назад +1

      @@essanjay8604 I have an latex allergy was told the flu jab in northern Ireland doesn't have latex in it but the one in England does but always ask before you get it.just to be safe.

    • @alan4sure
      @alan4sure 3 года назад

      I've never had a reaction so far, 20 yrs getting it. Shingles vaccine made my arm hurt for 2 days.

    • @tinad8561
      @tinad8561 3 года назад

      @@essanjay8604 When I’ve gotten flu shots from the chemist rather than the doc, they’ve had warning notices about the standard vaccine possibly being problematic for people with those allergies. I gather the virus is cultured using eggs, but I have no idea how latex comes into it. Your OH is probably just fine, if he’s had the shot lots and never reacted, but it might also be worth inquiring, especially now that the mist is available and (I think) differently isolated. I have weird skin reactions to eggs, but no gastric or respiratory ones, so I wondered if that might be your issue.

  • @GA-1st
    @GA-1st 3 года назад +6

    Got my flu-shot two weeks ago. No side-effects. Plus vitamin D3 daily supplementation of 50 mcg daily. (2K IU). I hope I'm covered as much as possible!

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +2

      No side effects except for a weakend immune system

  • @kandamy1
    @kandamy1 3 года назад +5

    My parents, who are in their early eighties rang their doctors to enquire when they would be called for their flu shots, which they normally receive in August/September time and were told that the surgery was dealing with eligible patients alphabetically! I expect they will be finally called around springtime, given that our surname starts with an S. No effort at triage according to age or underlying conditions. This is in Yorkshire.

  • @thegrumblesquad4949
    @thegrumblesquad4949 3 года назад +4

    I had mine 3 days ago, my arm is sore , Thankyou for these videos Dr John. We watch them everyday , thankyou for explaining everything to us xxxxx

    • @summerjones4185
      @summerjones4185 3 года назад

      A few years ago the pharmacist who gave me my flu shot (Florida) told me that if I rubbed my arm where I got the shot a good bit it wouldn’t get sore. I did and it didn’t.

    • @thegrumblesquad4949
      @thegrumblesquad4949 3 года назад

      @@summerjones4185 I feel dizzy today, it's my first flu shot so it could be that, it's really weird x

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад

      I came up in a red itchy patch a few inches in diameter around the site of the jab and developed cold symptoms. Both settled in a week.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      My friend's father died from a flu shot, given in hospital of all things. I've never had a flu shot and not only have I never had flu, my arm doesn't hurt ... And I'm still alive 😉

    • @thegrumblesquad4949
      @thegrumblesquad4949 3 года назад

      @@snowbird6855 let's hope you don't get it 😘

  • @joanhyde1745
    @joanhyde1745 3 года назад +2

    Nice to know that influenza vaccines do not make it more probable one could become more ill if contracting COVID-19. So grateful for all your hard work.

  • @ladyginger1701
    @ladyginger1701 3 года назад +3

    I suspect that if people continue to wear masks, especially around seniors and other vulnerable people could reduce the spread of the flu. We should have been doing this years ago in flu season.

    • @nicolajb.mullertz3602
      @nicolajb.mullertz3602 3 года назад

      Hehe wtf ..

    • @uptick888
      @uptick888 3 года назад +1

      YES What Asian countries have been doing forever

    • @ladyginger1701
      @ladyginger1701 3 года назад +1

      @@uptick888 too bad, we never had the sense to ask, why? And then Listen.

  • @snowbird6855
    @snowbird6855 3 года назад +3

    The flu vaccine accounts for the highest amount of vaccine injury payouts in the US, over one billion USD to date! (see stats at the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program).

    • @Rob-fx2dw
      @Rob-fx2dw 3 года назад

      Ha. Ha. - If that is an arguemnt for not geting the vax then just a billion dollars it is nothing compared with the situation that would have prevailed if no a vaccine was available.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +2

      That statistic wasn't given as a cost comparison data point, it was intended to OPEN YOUR EYES AS TO THE HARM THE VACCINE DOES CAUSE.
      My friend's father died of his flu shot and he was in hospital at the time. His daughter didn't want him to have it but they told her it was hospital policy so they gave it. He had a bad reaction and died. Not even an apology from staff.. oh, and no compensation. In the US you sign wavers for medical procedures upon admission.
      But hospitals get bonuses from Pharma if they have a high percentage of both staff and patients vaccinated with the flu shot.
      Have you ever read one of those inserts?

    • @bipbip6626
      @bipbip6626 3 года назад

      What happens then, that bring such a payout ?

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      Look for the list of the adverse events on the vaccine insert, or ask your doctor for it. It includes death.
      My friend's father died from his flu shot, which was mandatory when he went into hospital for a routine procedure.

    • @bipbip6626
      @bipbip6626 3 года назад

      Christine P , so , what is your opinion on the flu vaccine , this winter?

  • @MrSdoubtfire975
    @MrSdoubtfire975 3 года назад +4

    What happened to the zinc video, it was taken down before I could watch it. Please give update about zinc🙏🏽

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      Dr. Campbell said it's back up now in another thread.

  • @damianowens5066
    @damianowens5066 3 года назад +9

    Thanks for clearing this issue up John I must admit this topic was a concern of mine! 😉👍

    • @damianowens5066
      @damianowens5066 3 года назад +3

      @@ghwk-phd2784 I will listen to this property later but I have already watched some of there videos and from what I can see they are just trying to push their own agenda, as for criticising Dr. John Campbell no chance the man is a 100% genuine human being and his only objective is to help people!!!!

    • @ghwk-phd2784
      @ghwk-phd2784 3 года назад +1

      For anyone that wants the actual facts and science behind the flu vaccine. Science actually coordinates with other countries around the world for this each year. Micro-chemists from the northern hemisphere analyse the flu strain that is currently active in the southern hemisphere and then develop a vaccine according to what appears to be the active virulent strain for that particular moment.
      Conversely the southern hemisphere does the same thing with the northern hemisphere strain during their active flu season.
      This is actually shows what science is capable of when everyone comes together and coordinated effort. However and it's a huge however. There is a 6 month time lapse from southern hemisphere flu season to northern hemisphere flu season and vise versa.

      Flu virus unfortunately have a notorious ability to break down the Ribosome's error correction transcribing molecular machinery inside the cells nucleus allowing for massive errors in the RNA code that alters the viruses genomic blueprint. (similar to a human computer programmers that have to go through thousands of lines of 1's and 0's of binary code and correct the spelling)
      This is well understood and documented, called antigenic shift or mutation and allows most flu strains to go completely undetected by the current vaccine that was just developed for a particular pure strain and not the altered version.
      The time lapse between the two opposing hemispheres and the time it takes to distribute the drug is usually far to large of a spread. Hence why there is such a poor effectiveness rate for annual flu vaccines, usually well within the statistical margin of error for an effective zero efficiency when all variables are considered into the mathematical probable factor .

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      @@ghwk-phd2784 : Thank you for adding pertinent information to the discussion.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +3

      @@damianowens5066 : I always say, trust those who have compassion for others. They have inspiration to tell the truth, whereas those without compassion for others do not have anywhere near as much inspiration for telling the truth. Dr. Campbell obviously cares about all his fellow Earthlings.

  • @earthangel2524
    @earthangel2524 3 года назад +3

    What happened to Dr. John's Zinc episode which disappeared from my screen this morning?

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      Sometimes he mentions he deleted a video on purpose, but not always. But I have never heard him say his video was blocked or deleted by youtube. But only he knows for sure.

  • @TheKogly
    @TheKogly 3 года назад +91

    I had the flu once when I was in my teens and it is awful. Now I am in my 70's I am thankful for the flu jab.

    • @christinemurphy8576
      @christinemurphy8576 3 года назад +8

      Same here in 1968 during Hong Kong flu outbreak. Never mind Covid 19, I wished I could have died then. That is the only time in my life I’ve experienced REAL flu!

    • @sidney4329
      @sidney4329 3 года назад +5

      @@shelleycharlesworth5177 Do more research. Amounts are minuscule and of a much less toxic type, easily cleared by the body. And btw, more is in the general environment anyway. Danger is exaggerated.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +9

      It's injected, not ingested mercury, so no, it's not easy to clear at all. Did you know that the aluminum in your vaccines cumulates in the brain and is associated with Alzheimer's?? And do you seriously think thimerisol is less deadly?🙄
      Mercury (thimerisol) is the second most deadly material on the planet.

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад +2

      @@christinemurphy8576 Oh that's interesting because that would have been the year I had real flu as a young teen.

    • @gustavmeyrink_2.0
      @gustavmeyrink_2.0 3 года назад +7

      @@snowbird6855 my daughter has a Masters degree in Pharmacology. I take her advice over any BS I see in YT comments like yours and Mrs Charlesworth any time.

  • @nightlymoth
    @nightlymoth 3 года назад

    Really good video that, thank you for making it. I enjoyed the email at the end too. I suspect there are many examples of your influence like this all over the world that you don't hear about.

  • @johnwang9914
    @johnwang9914 3 года назад +3

    They've been changing from three strains to four strains in the flu vaccine in Canada for a couple of years now so it's no longer the traditional three strains in Canada. I believe last year there were two vaccines circulated, one three strain and one four strain and you wouldn't know which you would get unless you asked though it would be on the vaccination certificate skip if you got one.

  • @StreakyP
    @StreakyP 3 года назад +30

    Had Flu jab last Thursday. No sore arm and no transient effects so seems like a fair punt to me.

    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 3 года назад

      I prefer to get sore arm but I didn’t get it this time. Odd to say but do you think it possible that if arm remains normal it hasn’t actually taken? I was forced due to high demand to have vac in afternoon I prefer morning as it’s supposed to be more effective. Maybe reason some flu vacs leave my arm sore is the type ie egg based etc etc I think they have a couple this year for my younger age group

    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 3 года назад

      Savantis Haman I don’t recall that certainly my arm wasn’t sore this time it usually does get sore. Hope it worked. 😊

    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 3 года назад

      Robbie S I’m as nutty as I was before flu vac 😜🤪😜🤪😜🤪😜🤪🤪😂😂😂😂

    • @yingyang1008
      @yingyang1008 3 года назад +2

      Have you seen the ingredients?

    • @lisadefries6718
      @lisadefries6718 3 года назад

      Ying Yang I was given a sheet saying what type of vac is was and asked if I’m allergic to eggs. But didn’t check it just chucked it in back of car as I was paranoid paper might have Covid19 onit 😂 I should find it and go check out what type it is.

  • @lbj2124
    @lbj2124 3 года назад +20

    Thank you for eplaning as I was
    frightened to have the injection thank you I can go ahead now as I am at risk

    • @bonniedunbar6717
      @bonniedunbar6717 3 года назад +3

      If you get the flu shot you are more susceptible to virus infections. Covid is a virus infection,

    • @alan4sure
      @alan4sure 3 года назад +4

      @@bonniedunbar6717 entirely incorrect. You are an antivaxxer, the least informed and most clueless people of society. Failures in logical thinking and science. Don't attempt to tell lies.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +3

      I've never had a flu vaccine and I'm 64.
      Why would I, I've never had flu!

    • @mrguy561
      @mrguy561 3 года назад +2

      @@snowbird6855 I’ve never had the flu either, but still get the vaccine to prevent spreading it to others (plus an added bonus if my luck is bad). If enough people got the vaccine we could wipe out the damn flu for good.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +2

      @@bonniedunbar6717 : 100% False. www.snopes.com/fact-check/flu-vaccine-covid-buttar/ The mass spreading of misinformation by trump (and his minions: you) is responsible for approximately 152,000 dead Americans. int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/evanega-et-al-coronavirus-misinformation-submitted-07-23-20-1/080839ac0c22bca8/full.pdf
      This is why you are wont to spread his lies. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18801995/

  • @libellula3313
    @libellula3313 3 года назад +1

    I stuck with it and have decided to get my flu vac this year! Thanks for the excellent information Doc.

  • @experiencedon-linetutor-si848
    @experiencedon-linetutor-si848 3 года назад +1

    Thank you, Dr Campbell. Your work is great. Thank you on behalf of us all. Warm regards.

  • @emmettturner9452
    @emmettturner9452 3 года назад +5

    Just got a "Oscillococcinum" commercial before this video which featured an animated dude with body aches, fever, and more just taking their homeopathic medicine and then going out with people. The commercial seems to predate the pandemic but the message is the exact wrong message for October 2020!

    • @James-zu1ij
      @James-zu1ij 3 года назад +2

      I've noticed a lot of scam type commercials on here. It's bizarre.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      Exactly. The flu vaccine is one of the biggest scams ever. It's only 40% effective in any given year per CDC stats.

    • @emmettturner9452
      @emmettturner9452 3 года назад +1

      @@snowbird6855 It wasn't a flu vaccine. It was a product encouraging symptomatic people to go out and infect others by giving them a homeopathic placebo.
      Also, "40% effective" means something entirely different for the influenza vaccine. The influenza vaccine doesn't even try to target every strain of human influenza that is circulating, and the targeted strains that are circulating keep changing and having antigenic shift events with the ones that aren't targeted, creating newer hybrids to evade the vaccine. They are closer to 100% effective for the specifics strains they target. Apples and oranges.

    • @danieledwards3376
      @danieledwards3376 3 года назад +2

      @@emmettturner9452 Christine is just an anti-vaxxer spouting nonsense.

    • @bidentity69
      @bidentity69 3 года назад

      @@snowbird6855 40% seems pretty good to me .

  • @stanleywoodison8699
    @stanleywoodison8699 3 года назад +11

    I had the flu last year despite having the flu jab.I was taken into hospital with a 40c tempreture and told i had a strain of flu with bronco pnuemonia..Strange thing is i was up and quite well within two days.

    • @shozi1799
      @shozi1799 3 года назад +3

      Yes, me too have never felt so ill and when you're ok with dying you know it's the real deal.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +4

      The flu vaccine is meant to cover the *common* flu virus on the opposite hemisphere for that year. It's the best prediction they can make since these viruses can and do change, and new strains always pop up. It sounds like you both got an *uncommon* flu or other virus the vaccine did not cover. I'm glad to see you both recovered though anyway. Stay healthy and happy all. ^-^

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj 3 года назад +4

      No vaccine is 100%sure.

  • @kadybee9649
    @kadybee9649 3 года назад +1

    Thanks. Since I am elderly and a school bus driver, I got the greater potency flu shot in late August so that if I became ill, the symptoms would be easier to sort out.

  • @walFX
    @walFX 3 года назад

    the study was done between March and April 2020.
    I was a little confused at first before reading the study.
    Always good to hear someone is listening, well done school with open windows :)

  • @ionariddle4823
    @ionariddle4823 3 года назад +7

    Thank you Dr John,. I would like more information about the raised risk of other viral infections in people who do have the vaccine. Presumably, going down with other respiratory type viruses at the same time as Covid would raise chance of bad outcome. I'm interested because for years my mother, now 84, has been going down with winter flu like illnesses, with fever, bad cough and chest infections. She has maintained that this tends to happen in the years when she DOES have a flu jab. I have been sceptical but your video has made me wonder if she may have a point.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      Short answer: *no.* For the details you can read the facts here..
      This sort of aggressive misinformation campaign is a staple of alt-right media, and has been going on since long before the pandemic. You can read about some of that here..

    • @angelamcnally6698
      @angelamcnally6698 3 года назад +1

      Snopes is not a reliable source for fake news labels. They need to be checked more than the facts they propose to check!

    • @shozi1799
      @shozi1799 3 года назад

      Happened to me as well so am hesitant to get jab.

  • @quendelf
    @quendelf 3 года назад +26

    I had covid a few weeks ago. I’m 26 and generally in good health but also take vitamin D daily with K2. At least 3000IU per day. My symptoms have mainly gone now after two weeks and they were all around mild. I’ve had colds that were worse personally but the fever and tiredness was distinctly worse. Also a cracking headache for the first 4 days at the base of my skull.

    • @tiffym.583
      @tiffym.583 3 года назад +11

      Thanks for sharing your experience.. I hope you continue to feel better

    • @djackson006
      @djackson006 3 года назад

      Happy days 🍻

      @AGNETHAFALTSK0G 3 года назад

      How do you know it was corona virus and not a cold?

    • @quendelf
      @quendelf 3 года назад

      @@AGNETHAFALTSK0G I had a test... as you're supposed to!

  • @Kiz552
    @Kiz552 2 года назад +2

    Hi Dr John, I'm 63 and decided to have my very first flu vaccine on the 10th November on the 15th November my hair slowly started to drop out. I paid a visit to my G.P. On Friday 3rd December to discuss the issue, he was quite amazed at what I said had happened, have you heard of this happening before.

  • @joanneandrekus7032
    @joanneandrekus7032 3 года назад +2

    I got my flu shot 2 days ago. You can get it from your Dr. Or any drug store. If its covered under your insurance use that. Or you can pay. Cost is $19-$25. Also some areas are offering it free, call your local health dept. Or community center, local news has been giving where it's free also. This is in the usa.

    • @Irishanels
      @Irishanels 3 года назад

      No thanks

    • @asdsad6
      @asdsad6 3 года назад

      @@Irishanels something like 15 dollars in brazil . I will take it...I have fear...but will be ok :)

  • @blinkcamlove
    @blinkcamlove 3 года назад +4

    Can you cover how Sweden is coping with the coronavirus? Death, cases etc compared to other European nations...Or is it too soon to tell as the Swedish epidemiologist has said?

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      Here's some of the information I found about the pandemic in Sweden (apologies for anything irrelevant to your question, it's copy pasted from a document I reply often with.
      The citizens took the advice of their government and they self isolated. The Swedes generally trust their governments advice, so there was no need for shutdowns. Also, gatherings of more than 50 were prohibited.
      Comparison of deaths per million in Scandanavian countries.
      Sweden 576
      Denmark 108
      Finland 61
      and Norway 49
      Of course trump’s (the guy who lied to his country about the severity of covid19)
      corona virus adviser, scott atlas, now recommends following Sweden’s example.
      But it's no surprise that *scott atlas has no background in infectious
      diseases or epidemiology, and trump found him on Fox News.*
      Also, the virus doesn't leave a person healthy after they've been sick.
      The doctors are recording that a growing number of covid19 patients have
      lasting heart damage and dangerous inflammation. It's not just the elderly
      either (as if that should matter). During the final week of June in the
      sunbelt states, nearly half the covid19 patients were ages 18 to 49.
      You may be inclined to think this is just all a democrat hoax still,
      but Europeans agree that Sweden has done poorly, and their system of
      what countries they allow free travel of quarantine from shows this
      as Sweden is always a red or orange color on the map (meaning they
      are either not allowed at all, or they must quarantine upon arrival.
      Also, Sweden is planning in tightening it's restrictions as they now
      also agree they should have done more.
      Here are more recent numbers for comparison.
      Compare Sweden to the rest of Scandanavia, and it's clear that they could and should have done multitudes of times better. Deaths from covid19 as of September 22..
      Sweden: 5,876 deaths. Population: 9,995,153
      Denmark: 643 deaths. Population: 5,748,769
      Finland: 343 deaths. Population: 5,474,083
      Norway: 267 deaths. Population: 5,258,317
      Population of each country as of June 2019.

  • @nicolapegg6429
    @nicolapegg6429 3 года назад +3

    Vitamin D, K2 and zinc taken for over a year now, flu vaccine complete a few weeks ago, done my bit as much as I can. Xx

    @AGRACUTA 3 года назад +2

    It's impossible to even get one right now in UK ive tried 3 times and had the 3 appointments cancelled on me from not having enough jabs to go around

    • @bipbip6626
      @bipbip6626 3 года назад

      I was booked 3 weeks in advance for a flu vaccine with Lloyds pharmacy
      The meeting went ahead, then they said:
      Sorry we have not received more vaccins
      Go back to book another one
      I am still waiting.....

  • @vrendus522
    @vrendus522 3 года назад

    Thanks for the share on how sick you had become, a little humility helps us all.

  • @surfraptor
    @surfraptor 3 года назад +4

    Thank YOU as always.

  • @emmabeeley8957
    @emmabeeley8957 3 года назад +13

    Got mine this past weekend. My doctors ran like a military exercise, very impressed!

    • @decbony
      @decbony 3 года назад +6

      Doc will be pleased with all the bonuses they receive per jab

    • @jacquistephens605
      @jacquistephens605 3 года назад +3

      More fool you Emma. If you did your research and knew what was in the vaccine, you would be horrified. Well I've done my research and one of the ingredients is aborted male fetuses. This is why I never have and never will have any of the governments poisonous vaccines. Xxx

    • @bidentity69
      @bidentity69 3 года назад +5

      Hi Emma , please ignore jacqui Stephens post.
      Anti vaxxers lie constantly . A few vaccines were developed using cell lines from two aborted foetuses in the 60s . Not influenza vaccines . Foetal cells are absolutely not "ingredients" in any vaccines .
      it's worth noting that the Catholic church approved the use of those few vaccines . This may help.
      The likes of Jacque disgust me .

    • @bidentity69
      @bidentity69 3 года назад +4

      @@jacquistephens605 Absolutely false . No human cell lines are used in influenza vaccines . A handful of vaccines are grown in human cell lines but NOT flu.

    • @bidentity69
      @bidentity69 3 года назад +3

      @@bonniedunbar6717 I'm not sure what you think is so funny . What I stated is plain , ordinary fact.

  • @kimberlyperrotis8962
    @kimberlyperrotis8962 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for the update. I wish I had complete trust in the math used for the “adjustments” made in the study; I will study the paper. I’m planning to go ahead with my flu shot, before the end of this month, in any case.

  • @debstayblessed9549
    @debstayblessed9549 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for the video. I had been sharing with others the initial study you presented with school children who became more vulnerable to covid19 if they were vaccinated for the flu. This current study does not refute or acknowledge the prior work. It's like saying one says it does make one more vulnerable; one says it doesn't. Both studies give scientifically statistically significant results. The flu vaccination is less than 40% efficacious. I think bottom line, they don't want hospitals overrun. Legitimate, but that's the priority and primary objective. I 🙏

  • @yvonnecoogan8287
    @yvonnecoogan8287 3 года назад +8

    My husband had his at the doctors at the end of September and I had a private one at Boots so we are both done.

    • @7YBzzz4nbyte
      @7YBzzz4nbyte 3 года назад +1

      Good for you! Here in Sweden we can't go until November 3, they don't open until then! ☹️ Neither the private alternatives or the health system "our NHS". ☹️☹️

    • @peterturner9941
      @peterturner9941 3 года назад +6

      Seems l am fortunate that l have never had the flu and therefore do not need a vaccine. I am 61 live a healthy lifestyle, walk at least 30 miles a week, get plenty of fresh country air and live on my own. I only wear a mask to visit the supermarket once a fortnight.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      Exactly, same for me and I'm 64.
      It's absolutely ridiculous to recommend a flu vaccine that is only 40% effective at best. With all these measures in use for covid, the probability of catching the flu is minimal. Australia had a 90% reduction in their numbers this season just completed for that reason.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      @@7YBzzz4nbyte : Well isn't that interesting? Sweden, the country that the anti-vaxxer trumpers here (falsely) claim has done so well by not taking any measures to stop the virus (also false) won't be able to get the flu vaccine until November 3rd. The same day as our presidential election in the U.S.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +3

      @@snowbird6855 : I understand that math is difficult for some, but a 40% increased success over 0% increased success is a massive improvement.
      Now, in your rural area, like mine, the chances of getting the flu are far less admittedly, but for those who live in more populated areas, that risk is obviously massively increased.
      You may find that the flu vaccine isn't as important for you personally, but that does absolutely nothing to discredit it's importance for those who are at far far greater risk because they come into contact with hundreds more potential carriers than you will.
      Please stop spreading misinformation, it is literally killing people. Do you really want that on your hands?
      Edit: _"Australia had a 90% reduction in their numbers this season just completed for that reason."_
      That reason being all the preventative measures they've taken against the spread of the corona virus. Things *you* keep arguing against. * lols
      Seriously, are you even paying any attention to the things you type?

  • @teresacoslett6536
    @teresacoslett6536 3 года назад +10

    Couldn't have mine. Mine was cancelled as they have run out of vaccine. I am over 65.

    • @Rob-fx2dw
      @Rob-fx2dw 3 года назад +1

      Try to get it soon as possible- I am over 65 and mad sure I had mine. I had a bad flu ten years or more ago and it flattened me for a week and it took many weeks to get back to normal. I dread ever getting it again so I get the vax every year.

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад +1

      In my surgery they seem to be doing it in order of age from oldest first. I jumped the queue because my other half is older and we objected to having to make two separate trips to the surgery.! They should restock quite quickly.

    • @yingyang1008
      @yingyang1008 3 года назад +3

      You're better off without it

    • @yingyang1008
      @yingyang1008 3 года назад +3

      @Noble Savage Remember to apply to the government compensation scheme if you're severely harmed by the vaccine

    • @badddkattt
      @badddkattt 3 года назад

      @Noble Savage your own deranged comment is maybe worse than Yang’s . Anti-Vaccine attitudes range from right to left to non-political. The most famous anti-vaccer is Robert Kennedy Jr environmental activist and Trump hater.
      The worst thing that could happen is if people feel that their general political identity should determine there willingness to accept vaccinations. I am probably more “right-wing” than anyone you know and I think that while modern medical care has many deficiencies and corruptions vaccinations represent the very best of medicine as a preventative of what would be and what once was enormous human suffering and death. I am in favour of mandatory Heath care employees flu vaccination and likewise when a Coronavirus vaccine is available mandatory vaccination for those workers and employees and students in state supported education facilities.

  • @SilvanaDil
    @SilvanaDil 3 года назад +1

    In the USA, I have always gotten my flu vaccine the last week of August. Might that be a bit too early? (It has appeared to be OK.)

    • @ghwk-phd2784
      @ghwk-phd2784 3 года назад

      For anyone that wants the actual facts and science behind the flu vaccine. Science actually coordinates with other countries around the world for this each year. Micro-chemists from the northern hemisphere analyse the flu strain that is currently active in the southern hemisphere and then develop a vaccine according to what appears to be the active virulent strain for that particular moment.
      Conversely the southern hemisphere does the same thing with the northern hemisphere strain during their active flu season.
      This is actually shows what science is capable of when everyone comes together and coordinated effort. However and it's a huge however. There is a 6 month time lapse from southern hemisphere flu season to northern hemisphere flu season and vise versa.

      Flu virus unfortunately have a notorious ability to break down the Ribosome's error correction transcribing molecular machinery inside the cells nucleus allowing for massive errors in the RNA code that alters the viruses genomic blueprint. (similar to a human computer programmers that have to go through thousands of lines of 1's and 0's of binary code and correct the spelling)
      This is well understood and documented, called antigenic shift or mutation and allows most flu strains to go completely undetected by the current vaccine that was just developed for a particular pure strain and not the altered version.
      The time lapse between the two opposing hemispheres and the time it takes to distribute the drug is usually far to large of a spread. Hence why there is such a poor effectiveness rate for annual flu vaccines (even with multi strain shots) usually well within the statistical margin of error for an effective zero efficiency when all variables are considered into the mathematical probable factor. Everyone must consider the possible side effects from the drug vs the possible benefits from the drug. For anyone willing to spend the time to research and verify, the answer seems quite clear.

  • @kash1111111
    @kash1111111 3 года назад

    john would the influenza season be at an all time low this year>? since when in your lifetime have ppl wore mask outside during the flu season? that should cut the numbers down or even have the flu slowed to a halt? how can we slow covid with mask but not be able to super slow down the simple flu?

  • @davec605
    @davec605 3 года назад +3

    Dear Dr Campbell. as soon as you mentioned adjusted data I felt oh dear this does not reassure me, I want to see research based on a better matched data population sample,

  • @Kangaroo_Caught
    @Kangaroo_Caught 3 года назад +15

    Australia - lack of international travel would contribute. Australians have to jump through very small hoops to leave the country.

    • @marylh914
      @marylh914 3 года назад

      Extremely valid point RE: Australia, at this point in time. Thank you for pointing this out.

  • @Zpycer
    @Zpycer 3 года назад +1

    I want to see your video on zinc. It is marked “private”. What is the key? Inquiring minds want to know!

    • @rosemaryreid8196
      @rosemaryreid8196 3 года назад

      Beverly Spicer .......Don't know what's going on with some of his videos, I can't access some of them anymore either. I don't think he's ever explained why that is.

    • @Zpycer
      @Zpycer 3 года назад

      It became available. Don’t know if it is a switch or setting.

  • @freedomdancerrj
    @freedomdancerrj 3 года назад

    Would you recommend Argentyn 23 for homeopathic treatment of viruses in general.

  • @markganson2180
    @markganson2180 3 года назад +10

    Hi John. Why are the government going to combine Flu and Covid 19 stats together from now on? The document stating this is on the PHE website. 8th October was the last report giving stats separately. Would be grateful for your thoughts please. Kind regards.

    • @stephenbetley9596
      @stephenbetley9596 3 года назад +5

      They're not combining the actual data, just that they're reported at the same time. Not in itself an issue as we go into seasonal flu season. It will be good to be able to do an easier real-time comparison.

    • @markganson2180
      @markganson2180 3 года назад +1

      @@stephenbetley9596 Thank you for clearing that up. It was very worrying!

  • @barryflash0270
    @barryflash0270 3 года назад +15

    Currently, in South Korea, in preparation for the simultaneous attack of coronavirus and flu during winter, the government vaccinates the flu vaccine to 19 million people - the elderly, all children, students, and pregnant women. This will compare with the world how the mass use of vaccines makes a difference. Of course, the outcome is expected to be an overwhelming victory for the vaccine.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +2

      ​@Blue Brigadier : Please stop pushing misinformation on others simply because conservatives are intrinsically fearful. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18801995/

    • @Justice4ALL.120
      @Justice4ALL.120 3 года назад +2

      @@aylbdrmadison1051 I am not a conservative. I do not need to read an article to know that the US government LIES to its people often, and trump has escalated the lying exponentially. Why would anyone believe anything at this point, esp in instances where money could be (and likely is) a/the motivating factor.

    • @nataliebutler
      @nataliebutler 3 года назад

      May be not www.bmj.com/content/360/bmj.k15/rr

  • @petercole3134
    @petercole3134 3 года назад +2

    Had mine done two weeks ago mum and dad done been encouraging others 👍

  • @MutualZebra0123
    @MutualZebra0123 3 года назад +2

    I still only know of 2 people fairly close to where i live that had it in march. The news says about 6 got it during the past 2 weeks where i live but i do not know who that might be. All junior sports teams and groups have a 2 week break right now. I'm on a few of days vacation. I hope work at least can continue like normal, online coffee breaks are much more boring.

  • @fraukatze3856
    @fraukatze3856 3 года назад +10

    Talk to your doctor if he’s still working... otherwise there’s a massive GP shortage here in BC, Canada. Makes sense that the Covid measures would work for flu too. Looking back, an illness I had in 2009 must have been flu. There was a pandemic that year. I felt very tired, missed a lot of time from work.

    • @DaveCompton5150
      @DaveCompton5150 3 года назад

      @@Cat_Lady Funny how all we hear about in the US mainstream press is how well the Canadian healthcare system works.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      I had no problem getting a new GP when mine recently retired, her office gave me a list of those taking patients in my area (north of Toronto).
      One strategy is to look for new Walk-In clinics and start going there as these often switch to regular practice once they have enough patients. I would ask a doctor you like at one of these clinics if they're taking patients or know one who is. There's always new graduate doctors every year.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      I've never had a flu vaccine and I'm 64. Why would I? I've never had flu!
      I have taken vitamin D for about 12 years now and as also enjoy the outdoors.

    • @fraukatze3856
      @fraukatze3856 3 года назад

      @@Cat_Lady That’s not good. My son doesn’t have a GP either, Of course he’s a lot younger. Have not had a smear in years. You don’t need to go a doctor to get the flu vaccine. But I’d to drive and I sold my car as I wasn’t using it often enough to keep the battery charged. I do have a cleaning / help lady who comes her husband doesn’t want anyone outside his family using their car. I can see his point. I’m sure I could figure out something...

    • @fraukatze3856
      @fraukatze3856 3 года назад

      @@snowbird6855 I know there’s new ones every year but I don’t how to find them. Anyway, mine has not quit year but he is only seeing for urgent things. He had phoned in some prescriptions I’ve been taking for years.

  • @PinkPieCatsLittlecatshorts
    @PinkPieCatsLittlecatshorts 3 года назад +4

    Like your new green shirt John 😁👍 good to mix it up a bit. My favourite is the black and red check one 😁

  • @kadin06
    @kadin06 3 года назад +1

    can we clarify how and why we have a flu season? and shouldn't the flu season be mitigated due to what we are doing for covid19?

  • @freebirdh604
    @freebirdh604 3 года назад

    Nice ending Dr C 🤗 you are making a difference all over the world but it’s really good to see a specific example 👍☮️ thank you

  • @steve1711
    @steve1711 3 года назад +19

    The last flu vac was only 10% effective for those over 60. Think this year's will be any better?

    • @jocelynstuff1947
      @jocelynstuff1947 3 года назад +1

      They have a new flu vac for those 60 and over, seen an advertisement for it on tv

    • @elizabethlibero1878
      @elizabethlibero1878 3 года назад +2

      Where is the documentation on that?

    • @carolcostello6792
      @carolcostello6792 3 года назад +3

      Well I suggest you find out the ingredients

    • @dgallagher55
      @dgallagher55 3 года назад +4

      I got my flu shot last year. I also got the flu. My doctor told me that the shot this year was only 10 percent effective.

    • @steve1711
      @steve1711 3 года назад +4

      @@jocelynstuff1947 You know why they think it is more effective? Because three times the normal amount of Aluminium is added to it. (Aluminium adjuvants increase effectiveness - shame about links to dementia in later life)

  • @anabelarainha9166
    @anabelarainha9166 3 года назад +3

    Many thanks Dr Campbell 🙏👉🇬🇧🙋

    • @ghwk-phd2784
      @ghwk-phd2784 3 года назад

      For anyone that wants the actual facts and science behind the flu vaccine. Science actually coordinates with other countries around the world for this each year. Micro-chemists from the northern hemisphere analyse the flu strain that is currently active in the southern hemisphere and then develop a vaccine according to what appears to be the active virulent strain for that particular moment.
      Conversely the southern hemisphere does the same thing with the northern hemisphere strain during their active flu season.
      This is actually shows what science is capable of when everyone comes together and coordinated effort. However and it's a huge however. There is a 6 month time lapse from southern hemisphere flu season to northern hemisphere flu season and vise versa.

      Flu virus unfortunately have a notorious ability to break down the Ribosome's error correction transcribing molecular machinery inside the cells nucleus allowing for massive errors in the RNA code that alters the viruses genomic blueprint. (similar to a human computer programmers that have to go through thousands of lines of 1's and 0's of binary code and correct the spelling)
      This is well understood and documented, called antigenic shift or mutation and allows most flu strains to go completely undetected by the current vaccine that was just developed for a particular pure strain and not the altered version.
      The time lapse between the two opposing hemispheres and the time it takes to distribute the drug is usually far to large of a spread. Hence why there is such a poor effectiveness rate for annual flu vaccines, usually well within the statistical margin of error for an effective zero efficiency when all variables are considered into the mathematical probable factor. Everyone must consider the possible side effects from the drug vs the possible benefits from the drug. For anyone willing to spend the time to research and verify, the answer seems quite clear.

  • @chowmikki
    @chowmikki 3 года назад +1

    I live in Ontario, Canada. I am 76 yrs old, I have a chronic lung disease and heart disease. My doctor isn't returning my calls to get the flu vaccine. Pharmacies do now do flu vacc. Some pharmacies have huge lineups for the ordinary flu vaccine. None have received the double vacc. for seniors. October 15.

  • @RikuLeppanen
    @RikuLeppanen 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for this information. I will get my flu shot once made available. One would also think that this year's flu season could be quite mild as international travel is nearly shut down. So, whatever is going on in Asia, might now find it difficult to find its way into Europe.

  • @MrkBO8
    @MrkBO8 3 года назад +10

    We had one influenza case that required hospitalization in Canberra, Australia this year, one! City of 350,000.

    • @originalkk882
      @originalkk882 3 года назад +6

      With everyone distancing and wearing masks due to Covid, the spread of other similar viruses should be way down. Of course, later on, we may get hit hard due to reduced immunity.

    • @task82
      @task82 3 года назад +3

      It doesn't surprise me our flu season infections this winter were so low. Hardly anyone from the northern hemisphere came to Australia lol...

    • @annoyedaussie3942
      @annoyedaussie3942 3 года назад

      My gosh , I hope the Queensland government is aware of this since the border now open apparently, as long as you fly over NSW.

  • @paultraynorbsc627
    @paultraynorbsc627 3 года назад +12

    Thanks Dr Campbell much appreciated 👍 now enjoy a Day off to allotment

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 3 года назад

      Don't be silly, he's in this for the money! You ought to have worked that one out by now?

  • @watcher9997
    @watcher9997 3 года назад

    My dental hygienist told me that a doctor friend of theirs told them that the covid-19 test doesn't differentiate between influenza and covid-19 and therefore, influenza rates were way down and covid-19 numbers were reported much higher than actually cases. That didn't seem correct to me.

  • @geonerd
    @geonerd 3 года назад

    As I remember, S. Korea enjoyed a VAST decrease in Flu early in 2020, relative to normal values at a given date.

  • @adriana7144
    @adriana7144 3 года назад +22

    I’d love to have one. I get one every year. I have asthma. But this year I haven’t been able to get one. I am on multiple waiting lists. Welcome to the U.K. where we have not ordered enough flu vaccine even though they knew they would need it. We’re about two steps away from being a third world country.

    • @just_chris1630
      @just_chris1630 3 года назад +3

      That’s just dumb, it’s a real shame that you can’t do the right thing.

    • @hunt4redoctober628
      @hunt4redoctober628 3 года назад +5

      I'm advised that you can buy a flu jab from Boots chemist for £14.50. My brother has just had one having giving up trying to get one from his local GP.

    • @yvonnegillman5095
      @yvonnegillman5095 3 года назад +5

      We got our flu jabs at Boots the chemist, free, and the local doctors have a walk in clinic on Saturday. Can't understand why you can't get one? Hope you get one soon.

    • @dianeshelton9592
      @dianeshelton9592 3 года назад +1

      Or my reality when I phoned up reminded by this video this morning , got a choice of appointments 4 days time. No shortage here.

    • @glassmuxxic
      @glassmuxxic 3 года назад +2

      I just this morning booked one with Boots with no issue - what ‘waiting lists’ are you talking about?

  • @nikiburton7659
    @nikiburton7659 3 года назад +4

    Iv had the flu jab but Iv now got a raging sore throat ☹️

    • @peterturner9941
      @peterturner9941 3 года назад +1

      Poor you!

    • @sheilasanderson9681
      @sheilasanderson9681 3 года назад

      I had the flu jab in September and it made my post viral fatigue worse for a week. I dread to think what the effect of actually getting the flu would be. Hope you feel better soon. Honey and lemon with a pinch of ground cloves will help.

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад

      Yes that's what I had for a week (with runny nose).

    • @peterturner9941
      @peterturner9941 3 года назад +6

      Life on this planet for good or ill is based on the survival of the fittest. No vaccine will eradicate this virus totally. The best option is that put forward by the Great Barrington Declaration.

    • @essanjay8604
      @essanjay8604 3 года назад

      @L C My other half had a reaction the first time he had it but has been fine since.

  • @sylviaoesterwinter8858
    @sylviaoesterwinter8858 3 года назад

    If you had GBS in the 80s, and have never taken a flu vaccine since, would you take one now?

  • @particleconfig.8935
    @particleconfig.8935 3 года назад +2

    Hey Dr Cambell, it seems your latest video has been taken from youtube?

  • @drc6940
    @drc6940 3 года назад +3

    Why do you avoid talking about Sweden, is it bad for business?

    • @Sofia-Lala
      @Sofia-Lala 3 года назад +3

      You mean because Sweden has the highest number of death's in Scandinavia do to their politics? You do know surrounding countries (again) have closed the borders to protect themselves? And why would he talk about Sweden? He lives in the UK🤦‍♀️

    • @drc6940
      @drc6940 3 года назад +1

      @@Sofia-Lala Your comment demonstrates a fundamental ignorance of the science. Also cherry picking "Scandinavia" as a comparison is tantamount to deception, when Sweden lags the UK, Italy, Belgium, US to name a few of the 15 countries it is behind for deaths per million. He should talk about Sweden because it is fully open now with no mask mandate when the rest of you bottom feeders are squabbling about meaningless positive PCR test results.

    • @Sofia-Lala
      @Sofia-Lala 3 года назад

      @@drc6940 The Scandinavian countries are neighbour's and share borders, therefore the most logic comparison, not cherry picking. Sweden's death toll is shocking compared to it's neighbour's.

    • @drc6940
      @drc6940 3 года назад

      @JohanMDK Why is there 1.9 years difference of life expectancy between Sweden and Denmark if they are so similar? You might want to look at the case graphs because what you're saying doesn't add up any more.

    • @drc6940
      @drc6940 3 года назад

      @@Sofia-Lala 550 per million is nothing, give me a break. Median age of death is 82. Get a grip. You've obviously never heard of the dry tinder hypothesis anyway.

  • @conkshell9445
    @conkshell9445 3 года назад +18

    (music) "I opened the window, and.. in flew Enza !"

    • @mistyliffey.ie-abe7
      @mistyliffey.ie-abe7 3 года назад +1


    • @JamesWalker-gq8gp
      @JamesWalker-gq8gp 3 года назад

      Send a message to Ian Duncan Smith about the benefits of vitamin D he has started making statements in the House of commons about Theraputics and preventions for covid You may not agree with all he says but a lot of what he says makes sense to get us out of the mess we are in and to reduce hospital admissions he could be a useful ally in getting the main players in this to start listening I am not sure how aware he is on the Spanish study but I have sent him rough details on it

  • @TheSimoncousins
    @TheSimoncousins 3 года назад +1

    I'd love to get one, but theres no jabs available unless you're over 65 or in an at risk group in my area.

  • @benrichards6087
    @benrichards6087 3 года назад

    hey Doc, "THEY" are now deleting your videos before i have a chance to watch or download for later viewing. Is there any reason why your last video that was posted 10:30 am pdt oct 15th was deleted and could you possibly let us know what it was pertaining to in the comments?

  • @mikepurdy1738
    @mikepurdy1738 3 года назад +8

    Had mine, 4 strain super duper

  • @kizzE17
    @kizzE17 3 года назад +11

    Do government health departments globally know of this study?Not everyone looks at RUclips and based on your past video about flu vaccines and other risks of respiratory infections,that would stick in peoples minds.If they miss this video the doubts would still be there and be a good enough reason not to want to get vaccinated against influenza.

    • @ghwk-phd2784
      @ghwk-phd2784 3 года назад

      The guidelines and data analysis being used here is severely flawed and non-scientific to perpetuate an ongoing good day bad day information cycle to keep people tuned in. The only narrative that should be talked about, is the fact the pandemic is all but over and is by definition, well into what is known in epidemiology as the pathogen endemic, equilibrium phase. (viral stasis)
      Any vaccines that are being developed right now, are already dated and ineffective due to two fundamental factors, antigenic shift (mutation) and virulence dilution.
      The high case counts with low casualty numbers are a normal predictable pattern of all Corona viral outbreaks. The virus has drastically weakened virulence from T-Cell antibody immune response to massive population infection spread and saturation, to the extent it becomes, to the vast majority, nothing more than another common cold like annoyance.
      Because the SARS-COV-2 virus is now at the epidemiological low level virulence phase, all future focus should be towards (MPIE) mass population immunization by exposure, (herd immunity) from the healthy population, as rapidly as possible in order to protect the most vulnerable health population.
      This is neither a guess nor a theory, but rather verifiable, empirical, biological law. Everyone must take the time to listen to this interview with prominent top scientists, with over 3,500 virologist, epidemiologist, scientists and infectious disease experts signing onto a Sweden approach policy declaration. This many scientists signing on, is not surprising however considering it was the exact worldwide infectious disease policy that has been implemented for every pandemic for the past century.
      ruclips.net/video/rz_Z7Gf1aRE/видео.html ruclips.net/video/DTBIcGyR4lI/видео.html ruclips.net/video/q6LB2Rp44zA/видео.html ruclips.net/video/013L9J7WhuU/видео.html

    • @esecallum
      @esecallum 3 года назад +1

      Another trick used by the drug industry involves foundations. A foundation is a nongovernmental entity that is typically established to make grants to institutions or individuals for scientific and other purposes. Donors often give money to foundations instead of to the university itself, in part, because foundations have a fiduciary responsibility to represent the donor’s interest.
      Money given to a foundation can be kept private in order to protect the donor’s identity and does not become public record.22 So, it provides the perfect opportunity for industry corporations to pay for research on their behalf without receiving any public scrutiny for doing so. Likewise, Thacker noted:23
      “Researchers have documented corporate influence skewing research in food, synthetic chemicals, risk analysis, pesticides, air pollution, genetic technology, and climate change.
      Unlike medicine, these areas of science do not have the same volume of peer reviewed literature documenting corporate influence on academics, journals, regulatory bodies, and research. But these scientific disciplines have an enormous impact on public health.”
      The BMJ is among those calling for a reduction in commercial influence in health care moving toward transparency and has launched a global initiative toward that end. In a press release, BMJ’s editor-in-chief, Dr. Fiona Godlee, said:24
      “Patients and the public deserve to have evidence they can trust. Commercial influence has no place in scientific research, nor in the education and guidance of clinicians, nor in decisions about diagnosis and treatment. We hope that people around the world support our call for fundamental reforms.”
      The journal plans to add more content to the collection to further understanding of the conflict of interest between commercial Industries and medical decisions.
      They brought together experts from eight nations in medicine, law and philosophy to propose fundamental cultural changes with the intention of moving away from commercial influence. Hopefully this will prompt an emerging and widespread trend toward independence.

    • @alan4sure
      @alan4sure 3 года назад +3

      @@ghwk-phd2784 you're always lurking around spreading misinformation. Try another field---maybe argue gravity doesn't exist or seatbelts don't save lives. Or go get a job.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      @@ghwk-phd2784 : Sourcing alt-right youtube videos is lame at best. I much prefer real doctors who have some sense of compassion for others, like Dr. Campbell here, over the intrinsic fear mongering of the conservative emotional disposition. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18801995/
      Flu vaccines are nowhere near as dangerous as the alt-right like to make them out to be.
      Please stop spreading misinformation. People are literally dying in the thousands because of the irresponsibility of those whose only political stance has become: "owning the libs" because they were raised to fear black people and those who support their freedom.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +2

      @@esecallum : _"A foundation is a nongovernmental entity that is typically established to make grants to institutions or individuals for scientific and other purposes. Donors often give money to foundations instead of to the university itself, in part, because foundations have a fiduciary responsibility to represent the donor’s interest."_ That describes perfectly how the alt-right are being mislead and cajoled into further spreading false information.
      You are right to instead put more trust in the information coming from universities in most cases. Although some like Prager University have a racist agenda to fulfill and therefore are intrinsically prone to making up their own "facts" to support their racist opinions. The reason being, racism is a delusion and therefore can *only* be supported by other delusions.
      For the truth, it's always far better to trust those with compassion. Because they actually care about others, they are far less inclined to have an agenda that promotes falsehoods. Whereas people who don't care about others and have a racist or political agenda are naturally far more inclined to lie and not be concerned with the potential damage they may cause.

  • @paulavandenbroeck1333
    @paulavandenbroeck1333 3 года назад

    UK residents in my age group are likely to be offered the flu jab in November - December, subject to national availability. It makes sense to prioritise vulnerable groups first. The protection will last about 6 months.

  • @junbug1029
    @junbug1029 3 года назад +1

    I got my flu shot 2 weeks ago and my one time pneumonia vaccine yesterday. I had H1N1 in May 2009 and it was horrible. Ended up in the ER with dehydration.

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 3 года назад

      I bet you glow in the dark Ha!

    • @pat9548
      @pat9548 3 года назад

      Pneumonia is renewable every 5 years

  • @Rob-fx2dw
    @Rob-fx2dw 3 года назад +5

    It seem likely the flu season in Australia was greatly minimised by the lock down and distancing of people in Australia this year particularly in the winter months. Those distancing practices included restrictions on public transport, public meetings, shopping, workplace distancing and bans on attending public sporting events as well as the emphasis on the need to sanitize. Added to that was the promotion of the flu vaccine.

  • @WillNewcomb
    @WillNewcomb 3 года назад +8

    Here in China I had my flu jab about a month ago (I'm 71). In previous years there were only a few people in the clinic getting the jabs and they were all elderlyl. This year there was a long queue and most people there were young, in their 30's is my guess. Interesting!

  • @sylviareddom5871
    @sylviareddom5871 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing this very important information. Hoping people will choose the right options with advice from their own medical professionals and follow comon sense. We support flu vaccinations and always get what we can. We have family who survived earlier (1950s) pandemics through isolation and later vaccinations, so beleive in it. (sadly also lost family and friends thru pneumonia and polio in the years prior to North American vaccinations.) Thanks again! Stay well & keep safe!

  • @lludwick7039
    @lludwick7039 3 года назад +1

    My PCP doctor had me get the flu shot earlier this year. I had no reactions except from sore spot where the injection was given. He also added Tetanus with p3. That was added because of my age. 84.
    My doctor thinks a lot like you. I am not going to Church,etc .

  • @dennisbaker5984
    @dennisbaker5984 3 года назад +6

    I can’t get to talk to my doctor here in Spain, for my repeat prescriptions I have to phone and then a doctor phones me back, it’s ridiculous, so actually seeing a doctor is near impossible.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +1

      Don't worry, you'll stay safer

  • @darkknight1957
    @darkknight1957 3 года назад +31

    Keep thos vids comeing best person out there

    • @ghwk-phd2784
      @ghwk-phd2784 3 года назад

      For anyone that wants the actual facts and science behind the flu vaccine. Science actually coordinates with other countries around the world for this each year. Micro-chemists from the northern hemisphere analyse the flu strain that is currently active in the southern hemisphere and then develop a vaccine according to what appears to be the active virulent strain for that particular moment.
      Conversely the southern hemisphere does the same thing with the northern hemisphere strain during their active flu season.
      This is actually shows what science is capable of when everyone comes together and coordinated effort. However and it's a huge however. There is a 6 month time lapse from southern hemisphere flu season to northern hemisphere flu season and vise versa.

      Flu virus unfortunately have a notorious ability to break down the Ribosome's error correction transcribing molecular machinery inside the cells nucleus allowing for massive errors in the RNA code that alters the viruses genomic blueprint. (similar to a human computer programmers that have to go through thousands of lines of 1's and 0's of binary code and correct the spelling)
      This is well understood and documented, called antigenic shift or mutation and allows most flu strains to go completely undetected by the current vaccine that was just developed for a particular pure strain and not the altered version.
      The time lapse between the two opposing hemispheres and the time it takes to distribute the drug is usually far to large of a spread. Hence why there is such a poor effectiveness rate for annual flu vaccines, usually well within the statistical margin of error for an effective zero efficiency when all variables are considered into the mathematical probable factor. Everyone must consider the possible side effects from the drug vs the possible benefits from the drug. For anyone willing to spend the time to research and verify, the answer seems quite clear.

  • @rogerscottcathey
    @rogerscottcathey 3 года назад

    Today's (15 Oct.) post on Zinc was pulled? Playback gets "This video is unavailable. (Playback ID: 6rdVok2C7XfWumc6) Tap to retry"
    And does it again.
    It says post was removed. By whom? You? Or yt?

  • @robertwhite3503
    @robertwhite3503 3 года назад

    I'm in the UK. Pharmacist said try again mid- November. GP said they had just had a cancellation could I get there in 15 minutes. So all done for me. Good luck to all of you that are trying to get the jab.

  • @Juls27989
    @Juls27989 3 года назад +5

    Bit surprised to hear its a good thing to have the flu vaccine as on one of your previous video's you did say there has been evidence that by having it makes you more prone to upper respiratory infections/virus's etc including covid19, and now you seem quite sure this is not the case, just wondering what is the main reason for your big change of heart please ? ?

    • @yingyang1008
      @yingyang1008 3 года назад +1


    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +1

      I seriously doubt that's what he said. But maybe you have a link or at least the name of the video? That you didn't bother to post either makes me more than just doubtful so far. Besides, I've just been fact checking that. lols
      Short answer: *no.* For the details you can read the facts here.. www.snopes.com/fact-check/flu-shot-avoidance/ This sort of aggressive misinformation campaign is a staple of alt-right media, and has been going on since long before the pandemic. You can read about some of that here.. www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-cdc-flu-shot-causing-outbreak/
      Also, here is the problem: The worlds single greatest spreader of misinformation about the corona virus..

    • @KidVll
      @KidVll 3 года назад

      For what it's worth never trust a fact checking site, the worst of which is Snopes

  • @JP-vc9ij
    @JP-vc9ij 3 года назад +20

    We can hope that all the mask wearing, hygiene, etc. not only will help with COVID, but it will help lessen the amount of people who get the flu as well.

    • @ljo642
      @ljo642 3 года назад +3

      Hygiene might. Read the evidence re masks. They're bits of Chinese paper - how can they be effective against a virus?

    • @FreeSpirited66
      @FreeSpirited66 3 года назад +1

      It doesn't with respect to masks, I'm afraid...that's one of pieces of evidence that shows masks have limited effectiveness in preventing transmission.

    • @FreeSpirited66
      @FreeSpirited66 3 года назад +2

      @@vicgarbutt3310 what a rude, ignorant bully you are Vic...do some research, you couldn't be more wrong!

    • @TheDudeway
      @TheDudeway 3 года назад

      @@vicgarbutt3310 R I G H T 👊

    • @dave3223
      @dave3223 3 года назад

      @@vicgarbutt3310 no they certainly are not..

  • @wizardatmath
    @wizardatmath 3 года назад

    I've got a q too: what's your take on mercury in flu shots? I've read that it sticks in the brain. Is it true?

    • @djackson006
      @djackson006 3 года назад +1

      And look what happens when it makes contact with aluminium.

  • @radioboxnews
    @radioboxnews 3 года назад

    Thanks for clearing this up DrJohn

  • @EggShensSixDemonBag
    @EggShensSixDemonBag 3 года назад +10

    Did anyone else see the "Zinc" video earlier? It's gone now. Did John just get consored by RUclips???

    • @lynnann96
      @lynnann96 3 года назад +3

      I asked the same thing. Says it’s private. I’d pay to watch it. I take zinc each fall and winter up here.

    • @EggShensSixDemonBag
      @EggShensSixDemonBag 3 года назад +6

      @@lynnann96 Not sure where "up here" is, but if you missed what looked to be the longest thread in the video's comment section before it went down, it was about zinc ionophores. I myself take 15 to 30 mg zinc, alternating days. Check out the OTC supplement quercetin. It helps zinc penetrate cell membranes, making it much more effective.

    • @lynnann96
      @lynnann96 3 года назад +1

      Northern WI. Mine is from Dr Mercola. Combo 15mg zinc with 200mg selenium from yeast and .25mg bisglycinate chelate-copper. Every other day starting October thru April when sun comes back. Also, 4000 units Vit D with calcium carbonate daily.

    • @Campbellteaching
      @Campbellteaching  3 года назад +11

      Its back now, sorry

    • @EggShensSixDemonBag
      @EggShensSixDemonBag 3 года назад +7

      @@Campbellteaching No apologies required, sir. Thank you for the response! I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say we're happy to see the content back up, along with all you've already done.

  • @wbriggs111
    @wbriggs111 3 года назад +8

    When I was in my 30s in the 80s, till I ever caught the flu. When I got it, I got really sick. I promised myself that I would get the flu shot. I have never got that sick again till Covid came along.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +2

      I'm 64, never had a flu shot.. and never had flu. I've been taking vitamin D3 for over 10 years.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 3 года назад +3

      @@snowbird6855 : It's obvious you live in a rural area. I do too now, and haven't had more than the sniffles in years. But before I was disabled and lived in a big city, I caught viruses often. Luckily for me I was always super healthy, but I still caught a flu once that made me fear for my life. This was during a time when I was extremely healthy, road a bicycle to work and for fun on weekends would ride in mountainous terrain for 20 miles a day on average and was extremely health conscious about what I ate.
      Like I keep saying, you may be fine. But that doesn't remotely even imply others will be. But your aggressive spreading of misinformation combined with the millions of other trumpers who are doing the same is literally killing many thousands of people.
      Please stop if you have any compassion for your fellow humans whatsoever.

    • @Irishanels
      @Irishanels 3 года назад

      I never ever get flue shot and got some flue but that is OK with me.

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад

      You're making a lot of incorrect assumptions Madison. I live in a town of 100,000 and worked for decades in an environment whereby I had extensive contact with the public in a major metropolis. I raised 3 children and my husband is a retired teacher. We've traveled twice a year until recently. Clearly we had significant exposure to every microbe imaginable. That's likely why I'm so healthy, it was all that exposure which probably strengthened my immune system.

  • @spicyroads
    @spicyroads 3 года назад +2

    Is there any data showing fewer flu cases in correlation with flu vaccination ?

    • @snowbird6855
      @snowbird6855 3 года назад +2


    • @danieledwards3376
      @danieledwards3376 3 года назад +2

      Yes, check out the Wikipedia page on Influenza Vaccine and the studies it references.

  • @nicoledburns82
    @nicoledburns82 3 года назад +1

    Taking my kids tonight for us all to get our flu shots. My parents went 2 weeks ago and had no issues at all.

    • @andrewlilley3660
      @andrewlilley3660 3 года назад +2

      Doesn't mean you or your kids will be safe? Blind faith and ignorance is no insurance!