Lebhafte und spannende live Aufführung dieser romantischen Meisterstücke im inspirierenden Tempo mit gut artikulierten Töne des Klaviers und sorgfältig kontrollierter Dynamik. Echt unvergleichlicher Virtuoso!
Richter still reigns Supreme in this wonderful piece (which seems to be problematic for most pianists--even Arrau and deLarrocha get a little heavy-handed). Richter alone succeeds in achieving Schumann's aus die ferne directions in the middle of the piece. Thanks so much!
Richter is something else. Not just a pianist.
Hell of a piece to study. But we are getting there. Schumann deserves much more attention. Great composer.
From whom do You know this???!!!
Lebhafte und spannende live Aufführung dieser romantischen Meisterstücke im inspirierenden Tempo mit gut artikulierten Töne des Klaviers und sorgfältig kontrollierter Dynamik. Echt unvergleichlicher Virtuoso!
Magnifique interprétation contrastée animée et pleine de surprises
Richter still reigns Supreme in this wonderful piece (which seems to be problematic for most pianists--even Arrau and deLarrocha get a little heavy-handed). Richter alone succeeds in achieving Schumann's aus die ferne directions in the middle of the piece. Thanks so much!
What about Dino Ciani's iconic recording?
Немецкая Романтика Святослава Теофиловичу особенно близка и понятна как по духу ,так и ментально..
гениальный Мятежный Дух воплощены в его игре
Only Richter does this Magnific pieces justice. That's probably why his name is the Judge - der Richter
Медленная часть первой новелетты - потрясающе красивая...
Those R japanese recitals rank amongst his best!!!!
Forget all other heavily advertised pianists throughout the ages: from RCA guys to DG and EMI guys, Richter dwarfs them ALL
All except Rubinstein
Don't forget Michelangeli, one of Richter's own favorite pianists.
l'esecuzione ? naturalmente Richter!
Novelette 2 takes me about 1:20 longer to play than Richter.
Just play the Intermezzo at double speed, problem solved!
Иногда не нужно торопиться. Возможно Ваш темп есть верное решение.