Victor Orban has the good sense to open trade talks with Russia.He alone would have steered Europe in the right direction, he would have brought this insane war to an end and he would have steered economies io Europe in the right direction directions and brought this terrible war to an end a long time ago.His actions in dealing with migration is also the way the people of Europe want.The EU doesn’t have the needs and views of the people of Europe to the fore we are not being listened to or never have, they have failed us on every count.🇮🇪
He will achieve nothing: on a global level he is a nobody and his country is nothing. Orban does not have the resources to make his plans into reality.
Thanks to everyone who organized this interview. As an American, I am angry and ashamed that my country is pushing the EU into its own destruction while European leaders enthusiastically allow it to happen.
The EU wasn't pushed, they willingly became an accomplice to their own destruction. The leadership deserves no sympathy and the people should have known better than to drink up all the propaganda.
EU has caused its' own destruction. It's the leftist liberals in the USA, and the EU, UK, who're responsible. Had their eye on Russia as well as Ukraine for their marxist globalist power take over. Putin stopped them. He's heaven sent.
The US war in Ukraine is as much against Europe than Russia. The goal is to separate Europe and Russia, so we are both target of the US. Do you think the destruction of NS 1 & 2 is a "fat finger" mistake ? Have a look to the speech of George Friedman in Chicago in 2015 (YT) : he explained why they started this war.
When Croatia joined the EU people were happy thinking we will finally become organized and prosperous like the EU, in the end the EU became just one more Balkan state 😂
I saw yesterday that the Croatian president has no intention of sending soldiers to train the Ukrainians.. let's hope that the other countries, including mine (Italy) will start thinking too
Srbin, Hrvat i Bosanci Svi smo mi oportunisti Kad nam treba smo blizanci, A kad ne - nacionalisti. Mesić, Slobo - komunjare Van-blokovski, nesvrstani? Političke kurve stare, Predsjednici - takozvani. Kad smo skupa sve jebemo, I sovjete i amere, Odvojeni se koljemo, Svaka zemlja na nas sere. Inferiorni simbolizam, Vic-valute: kuna, dinar, A u srcu dollar-izam, Zapad, S.A.D. je otadžbina. Heroj beše svaki čača, I kod kralja, domobrana, Pavelićevih koljača, I četnika, partizana. Napadaju "veterani", I svoj sabor i skupštinu, Svaki štapom svojim brani, "Zasluženu" mirovinu. Vi, jugonostalgičari! Sad plačete; kuku lele, Gdje ste bili vi žabari Kad dušmanin Jugu djele? Izgubiše svoju snagu, Hrvat, Srbin - pleme vraže, U Daytonu i Den Haagu Zajednički jezik traže... Trećesvjetske državice! Balkanska smo glupa stoka! Svi ukidaju granice, I gledaju nas spod oka... U anarhiji je najbolje - Mentalitet naš balkanski, Bilo tvoje - sad je moje, Lopovlučki rat varvarski. Slobo/Tuđman Bosnu jebe; Tko će Bihać - kome Mostar? To je moje, to za tebe. Tuđeg nikad nije dosta. Jedan drugom kuću krade, "Domovinskim ratom" zove, Šahovnice, čete, brade, Stara povjest - laži nove. Crna legija i škorpioni, Ratni su megalomani, Smrt i mržnju siju oni, Balkanski su talibani. Neće Slobo, niti Franjo, Slat' sinove da vid gube, Za to im je glupi narod, Miro/Marko cure ljube. Nove nacije caš stvarati, Srbin sad je Marsijanac, Iz Irana su Hrvati, Iz Mjeseca je Bosanac. Srbin, Hrvat, BH-borci Prave biznes usred rata, Čak i plavi UNPROFOR-ci Švercom, drogom našli brata. Krvlju crtaju granice, Preko sela, igrališta, Bračne dece i ložnice. Nisu ostavili ništa. Maršal Tuđman/Milošević, U balkanskom sede "raju", Politički su leševi, Leševima - šah igraju... Svjetski ugled ih ne brine. Srebrenice? Jasenovci? Karadžići ! Gotovine ! To su naši "nobelovci". Mrže sebe jer su slični, Isti Isus, jezik isti, U psovanju su odlični, To Balkanci pravi, čisti. Sličnog su mentaliteta. Oba neće Jugoslavije Ali hoće boljeg sveta, Novog bratstva : "Evroslavije !". Feral Tribune 1995
@@fede-maurofava-marchetti2952good to hear. I think Meloni will be reluctant also.She was angry with Macron, when he wanted to send troops to fight in Ukraine.
@@justmemimi7338 Don't believe what he says, his words are the opposite of what he does. Italy has been a NATO colony for years, and Meloni, before being elected, went to the USA to take instructions. Blackrock and Microsoft are arriving, Italy is on sale
Russia has been trying to negotiate and find an agreement with the Collective West for many years; in 1990 "not one inch eastward NATO", 2007, 2008, 2014, Minsk 1, Minsk 2, December 2021, April 2022. The collective West leaders behaved like shysters and racists. They are negotiation-incapable.
@@robertscott961 you prefer to live in a lie that is pleasant for you - and so you bear the consequences of reality. For living in a lie, reality hits very hard, and the West is now feeling these hits.
The eu was doomed when it tied its self to dollar in an attempt to prevent its collapse the dollar was curling the drain the rest jumped into its vortex . 🪂
Europe's politicians have been working to give us US standards for decades. And US standards means homelessness, healthcare only for the wealthy, privatization of people's assests, militarization of police and society, surveillance state, total sellout to the 0.1percenters... This is not a new developement, it's been going on ever since I was old enough to read news in the 90ies, maybe even earlier. Only, since a certain terror attack in 2001 and again after a certain epidemic in 2019, it is REALLY picking up pace.
What is the meaning of winning of Russia? More 600,0000 casualtiees in the part of Russia. What is the criteria of winning? For me Putin has lost. Ukraine without really military strength bought Putin to his knees.
I thought that as left-leaning, my opposition to the Ukraine military support was a natural left position to hold. How surprised I was to learn early on that I'm supporting the right, even far-right. Now I find out I'm not alone. Thank you.
By the way, the European Union has always been a Nazi structure: since 1991, the European Union has hosted annual SS marches, and Hitler's collaborators are called "heroes who fought for freedom".
The stupidity of modern politics where if you're left or right then apparently you have to have the same views on everything or you're suddenly a sell out.
@@damionkeeling3103 This framing of left and right is merely politicking. What it does is prevent effective political discourse from setting the foundation for genuine engagement. Actual politics is multi-dimensional, which can't be summed up by a mere one-dimensional spectrum.
The US war in Ukraine is as much against Europe than Russia. The goal is to separate Europe and Russia, so we are both target of the US. The destruction of NS 1 & 2 is not a "fat finger" mistake ! In 2015 in Chicago George Friedman explained why they started this war (YT). And his explanations matche the reality.
It seems it is also the plan of the Rand Corporation in its report "How to extend Russia" (2019). Never had the time to read it though. Just an overview :видео.html
А это и правда очень хороший вопрос: «Какой интерес Европы в конфликте с Россией?» А я вам отвечу: «Американский». ))) Вообще это очень забавно, как они не видят прямой выгоды США и даже не замечают, что самый большой ущерб получает Европа от этого конфликта. Просто надо понять одну простую истину: США, концепция их развития напрямую зависит от доминирования над остальным миром, и приход к власти сторонников полного доминирования делает из всех остальных потенциальных конкурентов США. Россию и Китай они открыто называют своими «врагами», но Европа для них точно такой же конкурент, просто снижение потенциала Европы связано с развитием отношений с Россией, Китаем и остальными странами континента. И только слепой не видит, что взаимовыгодное сотрудничество стран Евразии - это страшный сон США, поэтому они действуют по старому как мир правилу: «Разделяй и властвуй». Поймите уже, что потеря монопольного положения и доминирования сделает США в лучшем случае региональной державой, а сотрудничество таких стран, как Россия с ее неограниченными запасами ресурсов, Китая с ее самым большим в мире промышленным потенциалом и Европы с ее технологиями и финансовыми институтами, просто не оставит и доли значимости США для этих стран. Так что ответ на этот вопрос всё тот же: европейский интерес в этом конфликте - это американский интерес, и проблема Европы не в России, Китае или любой другой стране, а в отсутствии суверенитета на прагматичные решения ради процветания собственных стран. Также интересным показалась мысль о том, что европейские политики боятся, что Трамп выйдет из НАТО и они останутся беззащитны.)) А у меня вопрос: «От кого вы хотите защищаться?» Просто это настолько укоренившийся манипуляция, что мне даже смешно. Давайте посмотрим на то, что обе мировые войны устроила Европа. Ни в первой мировой, ни тем более во второй мировой войне на запад никто не нападал. Все остальные страны втянули в эти войны, как и Россию, точнее СССР. После второй мировой войны именно у западных стран, а точнее у Великобритании и США, был наготове план «Немыслимое» по нападению на СССР, просто аналитики того времени посчитали, что запад не выиграет этой войны, и тогда Черчилль опустил железный занавес, чем ознаменовал начало «холодной войны». И тогда и образовался этот «оборонительный» альянс НАТО, который был исключительно против СССР. Забавно в этой истории то, что за все время холодной войны НАТО не участвовал ни в одной военной операции. И вот наступила разрядка. Это тот самый «злой» СССР пошел на уступки и вышел из восточной Германии, чем позволил объединиться. Вот только США свои войска из западной Германии почему-то не вывел)) Потом в 1991 году распался СССР, и распустили Варшавский блок, но почему-то НАТО не перестал существовать. Иначе говоря, СССР и врага не было, а альянс против СССР остался, разве это не странно? А я объясню почему, потому что главными в этом альянсе США, и это позволяло и позволяет до сих пор оказывать влияние на Европу. Более того, НАТО из оборонительного альянса США превратили в проекцию силы и своих интересов, и за последние 30 лет НАТО участвовало в десятках военных операций. И когда Трамп говорит, что США выйдет из НАТО, то это очередная манипуляция, пугалка для Европы. На самом деле это именно США выгоден НАТО как рычаг давления, как проекция силы, как оправдание для наличия американских баз в Европе, как способ заработка, ведь самые большие поставки оружия в страны НАТО идет от американских производителей этого оружия, и всё, что реально хочет Трамп, это чтобы Европа платила больше и больше)) И по поводу BRICS и почему так много стран хотят вступить в него. Всё просто, это отличный показатель того, насколько миру надоела западная гегемония на основе доминирования. Мир хочет развития за счет взаимовыгодного сотрудничества, где их воспринимают равными партнерами, а не кормовой базой для западной элиты. Где их не будут принуждать к политическим изменениям себе в ущерб ради очередного кредита от запада, где нормы в торговле соблюдаются не по принципу «нам можно», а вам «нельзя», а в равных условиях. Где ресурсы государства - это их ресурсы, а не третьих стран, от продажи которых им достаются крошки со стола «господ». Ведь западные страны всю свою историю богатели и процветали за счет эксплуатации остального мира, и это должно когда-то закончиться, как закончилось рабство и колониализм. Россия, Китай, Индия, Бразилия, Иран и остальные страны участники BRICS просто дают возможность сотрудничества без дополнительных условий на равных, и только в этом простом «условии» и заключается привлекательность.
Коллега, это сикрет полишенеля, все всё прекрасно видят. Но не хотят отдовать себе отчёт в том, что для них это может быть фатальным исходом,И если честно, мне их не жалко, я ещё , не посчитайте меня за кровожадного человека, ради мира не нашей планете Земля, сбросил бы стул под ихними нагами !
I was from the beginning against these sanctions and the delivery of weapons to Ukraine. However, not only was the US against the success of the EU, but the Russians also didn't see this Union as positive. So, this war in Ukraine is in favor of both parties, Russia and the USA. The EU is blind to this fact, and the economy is now down in all EU member regions.
I agree entirely...trouble is people in England are so manipulated by America.. that they can't see how crafty and cunning the USA and England are.. we have all been manipulated against Russia by the bond films.. (The English men think they are true) . The bond films in the USA was to see Russia as a threat..and the English men can't see the truth!! 😢😮. I can see through the UK and USA dirty tricks ...But most can't ... And won't even listen to the truth...
Great interview - again - thank you for uploading, Pascal. Fantastically honest interview, too. The part where he mentions his salary compared to a Ukrainian father with a son in war. Seriously strong stuff! And he say it himself, peace will be incredibly expensive, so the criminal cynicism of the EU calculates that while nothing is gained by a destroyed Ukraine after a war, EU arms production is profitable to the member countries....on the expense of the Ukrainian father and his son.
Listening to this was hard to conceal a smile. Nigel Farage was telling the whole of Europe that those in charge at Brussels had lost , not just reality , but the feelings of the citizens. When an institution is founded on questionable principles , it can only continue to exist through lies and threats .
We Dutch voted NO to Corrupt Ukrain in the EU. But Rutte got an attachment. And pushed through. Crapping on a democratic referendum. All in that attachment was we dont have to do this or that. But suprise suprise now we do it all. Dont have but we can jam it.
what the freaking --- do the US/EU/Nato Expect Russia to do when the whole of Nato is waging War against them, do they expect Russia to fall flat on their back and ask for a belly rub.
Whole NATO is waging a war?? When Ukraine has got mostly older military equipment, 30 Abrams tanks and 10 Jets from thousands (and still wards Ruzzians succesfully back - from 2 days to 3 years).
LOL ... 3 days, western propaganda ... 2-3 years, 0,5 mio deaths, - 10 mio population, hundreds billion debt ... there is no Ukraine anymore ... you need to inform yourself
No empire in human history declined because it wanted to, but met that fate due to policies based on status, power and hubris of past glory rather than the reality they existed in.
@@Anttoinet The Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family etc are Zionists/ Globalists. Zionists want Ukraine with zero population (Israel 2.0) unlike Palestine with Palestinians. At the same time taking down Russia to its knees. Ukraine has 13 trillions of dollars in minerals resources. Zionists want Russia dismantled and split into pieces of states and take over their resources. Guess what? Its not going according to those evil Zionists who own and control USA, EU, NATO, IMF, Blackrock, UN etc
Zelenski and his shorts and shills dual citizenship holders in USA Congress are 🤑 same mob that has occupied Palestine land; the Great pretenders, Khazarian Ashkenazim international Zionists Mafia cabal blackmailing syndicate Khazarian Ashkenazim Mafia kleptocracy operators of most efficient money 🤑💰 laundering scams of your taxes 🤑 with dual citizenship Muppets politician in government.
It's not about insanity, I'm going to explain something that a lot of people don't know, many don't seem to know, and many don't want anyone to know, which is the fact that the EU is a satellite economic-political bloc of the US,. What this means, satellite, in geopolitics, means that it is a country or bloc that is politically and economically dependent on another country or bloc.. Consequently, we have seen that the EU has been self-destructing more or less slowly and acting against its own political and economic interests to align itself with the US. Which will greatly benefit the US, because the EU was there for a while to exert a lot of competition against the US, in international markets, and even in the financial area, since it was offering the Euro as an alternative to the dollar as an international currency, and in practice, it started the process called de-dollarization.And the US started this process to destroy the source of European economic progress, the cheap oil and gas that came from Russia, and the cheap mineral resources that came from there and fed European industry. But this only increased the power of China that is increasing the de-dollarization process, which will completely destroy the US. Since the dollar is not actually worth the paper it is printed on, and what is preventing its fall is the fact that the dollar is the international currency. for now. But the end is inevitable !
You a bit too harsh. It won't be easy to get rid of the dollar and this will be very long process in general. Perhaps your kids will see something out of it, but not you
@arostwocents What world and planet do you live in? 😂😂😂 Most of the world? Let me guess, you are West European or West European decant. So-called USA empire world is less than 11% of the world. I know you think the rest of the world are sub-humans, bit just because you feel like, doesn't make it like. As you feel like man can pregnant, doesn't make it like. 😂😂😂
NATO is a dangerous bungling cold war relic, a creeping cancer in Europe, greedy old men abroad mostly the US trying hard to provoke trouble everywhere to justify heir pathetic existence.
At 25 januari 2022 there was a document from Washington.. : That there must be put Sanctions on Russia. In order to weaken EU and Russia. (This document came from Washington inside members).. Redacted showed it.
Looks like the Europeans have completely forgotten the power they actually do have: the power of a General Strike. Amazing how such a thing focuses the minds of those who don't otherwise pay any attention to what we, mere ordinary people, think and want.
Stoltenberg, while prime minister of Norway, and when Norway droppoed almost 10% of the bombs in Lybia, to get rid of Gadafi, asked Sweeden if they did not want to join the fun, as it was a good exercise😢😢😢.
Norwegian leaders are the worst globalist/ traitors of them all. President nr 2 in WEF. Norway are not in the EU , but behave like they are. Norwegians are beeing sold out by the traitors
I think it's time to wrap up membership of this failed EU project. I have lost all belief with EU leaders. It's time to leave economics stupid and join BRICS.
The EU and USA (NATO) thought Russia was going to be a walkover. Very sad that Russia has defeated NATO. NATO is now in its rightful place. Reporting from Africa!
@@gintasvilkelis2544 just aiding with billions of dollars from EU taxpayers while the countries suffer economically , the economy is not growing anymore , people is feed up with inflation and hating EU pushover leaders that only work as US lapdogs , i wouldnt call that a win .
Here in the Netherlands we desperately need a party like the Wagenkecht list. I wish them great success as pioneers in a very bleak political landscape.
Helaas is `t politiek niveau in Nl bedroevend armzalig ; het gebrek aan geo-politiek inzicht is beschamend slecht ; slechts de Sp komt een beetje in de gode richting. Maar spijtig niemand met de allure van Sahra Wagenknecht !
The danger now is that Zelensky will stage some kind of false flag episode… as he becomes more and more desperate and will blame Russia as it happened few times since he walked away from negotiations. And, he has not canceled his ‘no negotiations with Russia’ law.
The EU is a massive bureaucracy. When this happens, people live in bubbles. The shift to the right in Europe, is because the EU has treated Europeans as an amorphous mass of people. It cares nothing for each country’s culture. Then there’s the type of cultural leftism that has swept across the collective west. It is supremely illogical and divisive. So citizens are being governed by bureaucrats who disregard them entirely. Democracy has evaporated. If the gentleman here feels voiceless and impotent, imagine how people who are not part of the ruling class must feel. They want their countries and familiar communities back. They want to feel at home in their countries, rather than being powerless, voiceless subjects of EU tyranny. As for the war, it should never have happened, and I hope relationships with Russia can be repaired, especially for Germany, who previously had a good relationship with Russia. Russia is part of Europe. It is time for war-mongering leaders to be shunned. Nobody wants war, except the very few for whom it yields land, resources and wealth. Humanity deserves better leaders than this. Sadly, the US, while a wonderful country, can’t be relied upon militarily. It’s foolish for the EU to think otherwise. The US has a pattern of walking away from wars. They have been treading water with Ukraine, waiting for the US elections to be over. Their reluctance to admit the war is lost and to pursue peace, is costing poor soldiers’ lives every day. That is evil, imo. Let us work towards peace, mutual respect and economic cooperation (the latter being the basis for the EU, long before it morphed into a bureaucratic behemoth). Excellent discussion, thank you.
Around 60,000 EU civil servants and other staff serve the 450 million Europeans (and countless others around the world). This is actually a relatively small number - the French Finance Ministry has around 140,000 staff for a population of only 67 million.
Angry black man in N.Y.C who stands with Russia from day 1 because they are on the right side of history, Russia marches to their own beat and I salute mr Putin and Russia.
Thanks for getting one of the Best reporting together. It's just so right. Left Wing or Right Wing we must do more to stop these wars 12/10/2024 the Black man
‘Project Ukraine’ Will in the future be viewed as the beginning of the end of NATO as a defensive alliance. The question the newest members:- Finland and Sweden-must be asking themselves (and if they haven’t done so should be doing so)with Ukraines unconditional surrender to Russia in months to come, what was the point of joining only to have this so called defensive alliance be dismantled by internal wrangling amongst its members. Both Hungary and Slovakia are not ok with introducing a volatile and unstable Ukraine into the alliance, and rightly so. But more to the point Russia will never allow this to happen in reality. So what was this conflict all about. (Those of you out there who have done your due diligence with research know the real reason why project Ukraine was a bust)know the answer to this question.
@@JanWaspI wish people understood Slovenians. Im 90% certain that my comment will be shadowbanne. Not in vain though. We will find these people, time is on our side. Dear americans watching this, please understand that your government is just a company.
High tuitions for education will hit hard as the future is created by knowledge. Every country on this planet offers tuition free phd's. Think about that. Healthcare. Aand im shadowed.
So glad to see a representative of the BSW (Sahra Wagenknecht's Antiwar Party) in the E.U. Parliament. So in the very first resolution, on 16 Jul, we see the E.U. Parliament demanding the "fastest possible" escalation of the war against Russia! Only one day to consider this "declaration of war", and only those who support the resolution are allowed to speak! This is the "Democracy" the U.S. has inflicted on Europe?! The resolution requires E.U. members to pay $127 billion Euros per year -- as much as the total spent over the last three years! -- to continue a war that the "West" has already lost. The war is over, but the resolution requires the E.U. to continue to fund it, at triple the current rate! With this resolution, the E.U. Parliament goes down the rabbit hole and ends up in Wonderland. Europe is condemning itself to financial, political and moral bankruptcy. It has become the new "Dark Continent" -- literally. When can we see you on Odysee?
It is promising to hear that in EU Parliament we can still hear common sense and loud rational voices, regardless of how rare they are. Great interview 👏
Germany sanctioned Russia who was supplying them with cheap energy and other resources. Now sanctioning Chinese evs so the Chinese said no more EU pork. Pig farmers in EU will go bankrupt. Russia now supplies China with pork 😂😂😂😂
Well, sir, you can in hindsight point out all the mistakes that the nato and Brussel sprouts have made since 2014 and earlier, but the fact remains that you cannot FIX Stupid… My best wishes and prayers for your party success.
The eu is an economic enterprise not a social or democratic one . The eu will speak in support of nato, nato does the bidding of the us . The eu also speaks as a second voce that is to say the same people in nato as the eu with few exceptions . The eu serves corporate interests .
well it looks like the EU is dead, it could have been different, with its subservience to Washington it no longer has a European heart and soul, merely an empty shell.
Many thanks to this chanel and to Hr Scholnburg for reportong what is happenind i The EU prlament and the wrong long standing blind support to Ukrania and to contining with sanctions to Rusia. Rusia will win and will go to Brics and Europe isolated and poorer.
Thank you for highlighting Michael von Der Schulenburg. I am encouraged by his understanding of the EU. Conversely, it is sad to understand how the majority of the EU act. The EU nurtures its own lack of logic and empathy for fellow humans. So sad...
Why did EU with all the most intelligent civilised people want to get involved in this senseless war??? They are a lot to loose from both sides not just human life.
Voting for nuclear war, which is what this vote was, is all the proof anyone needs that the EU is _not_ populated by people who are either intelligent or civilised. They must have been selected in the same way that MSM journalists are selected. We are lemmings being herded by a large animal which likes lemmings for breakfast and has invited us all to breakfast with them.
3 месяца назад
1) The EU was from its inception a USA project. The EU is 99% controlled by the USA. 2) The EU has been deliberately dumbed down and forced into moral degeneracy. Its populations replaced with foreigners (heathen barbarians). 3) The media, big tech, television, publishers and all our political parties has been completely captured by the "elites" (Neocon Zionists) and their henchmen. - The EU is fckude.
Meanwhile Sweden is 50 steps behind and NOW sends troops to lithuanian borders ...... I feel emberessed over the stupidity of my country, and im enraged by how powerless I am as a citizen to this foolish hypocracy. Imagine the reaction if Russian troops were sent to our borders? Here the fairytale of the Russian threat has been moulded into our brains since the times of soviet. We would go nuts, we would consider ourselves being attacked. Yet we do this to Russia now, as parts of Europe has finally started to grow some balls and at least started to slow down the escalation (although still contributing to escalation nontheless). Its insanity
@Runner-e9x russia is not a country most people would want to move to and surely no paradise. Their leader is a corrupt dictator, there are many bad things one could say. It's just in relation to the wicked world we live in today, the insane leaders and lies of media: that they are somewhat good and innocent. But not in and of its own, certainly no swedes are migrating to there. But from a moral standpoint, I see them as above any country in Europe and most of the western world
Arrogance & foolishness decisions have made E.U. manufacturing economically unviable. Without reasonably priced energy the European project is finished. European manufacturing will quickly be replaced by South East Asia, it’s too late now “Turn out the lights, the party’s over.”
Words change so they say ,the Slavic peoples speak Slavic languages yet we see Slavic peoples killing Slavic peoples at the bequest of a certain forgen power . I find the terms Slava Ukrain and slava Rus / Russia and the use of slava to mean glory , a statement to self defeat . 🤔 in a fight between slaves and slaves mostly slave kill and die on on both side . Am I missing something thing ?
Well, there is a sign of the times. It is the first time I have seen that written in the comments section, with likes too. I do not think that is good - Nationalism is a great way to turn people into useful idiots. If the OP is not Russian it is even more problematic.
@@l3eatalphal3eatalpha what do you find problematic ? And what would make it more problematic if said person was not a Slavic origin or decent ? That's two separate questions .
@@l3eatalphal3eatalpha oh you mean like the western mentality of my team right or wrong , might is right except when the other guy does it . I just stated the cold reality it's slaves killing fellow slave at the bequest and interest of none slaves . And those slave are Eastern Europeans who weather they like it or not share a common interest with Western Europeans .
Crippling debt... when has that happened before and what happened afterwards? Anyone below 50 who has the chance to flee Europe, flee to wherever else. You will never regret it.
Mr M von der Schulenberg is so right. I am only a normal citizen just interested in Politics. Spot on to Michael v d Schulenberg. Hope you can change something in Brussels and Europe
Victor Orban has the good sense to open trade talks with Russia.He alone would have steered Europe in the right direction, he would have brought this insane war to an end and he would have steered economies io Europe in the right direction directions and brought this terrible war to an end a long time ago.His actions in dealing with migration is also the way the people of Europe want.The EU doesn’t have the needs and views of the people of Europe to the fore we are not being listened to or never have, they have failed us on every count.🇮🇪
He will achieve nothing: on a global level he is a nobody and his country is nothing. Orban does not have the resources to make his plans into reality.
I couldn't agree more.
Victor Orban is the only one with common sense out of the whole of the EU
It’s a great shame the voters in Ireland turned against Claire Daly and Mick Wallace 😢
Thanks to everyone who organized this interview. As an American, I am angry and ashamed that my country is pushing the EU into its own destruction while European leaders enthusiastically allow it to happen.
He has tried several times
The EU wasn't pushed, they willingly became an accomplice to their own destruction. The leadership deserves no sympathy and the people should have known better than to drink up all the propaganda.
EU has caused its' own destruction. It's the leftist liberals in the USA, and the EU, UK, who're responsible. Had their eye on Russia as well as Ukraine for their marxist globalist power take over. Putin stopped them. He's heaven sent.
..... cheapest politicians on earth.
Thank you for your comment! I'm from Sweden! 🙏
Thank you for translating this into English.
I find it annoying and prefer to listen to this with the original voices. . There are captions in English that would do the trick.
@@mariadamen7886lazy me prefers dubbing.. also can listen then as a podcast
Definitely 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Grateful for the show & an EU perspective, I don't speak German ....but I have my opinions on the EU
@@mariadamen7886You do know that there are, in fact, captions in English. Feel free to lower the volume and read the captions
Good see there are still a few sane Germans in the EU concerning this American war against Russia in Ukraine. Respect from an Irishman. 🇮🇪☘️🇩🇪
The US war in Ukraine is as much against Europe than Russia.
The goal is to separate Europe and Russia, so we are both target of the US.
Do you think the destruction of NS 1 & 2 is a "fat finger" mistake ?
Have a look to the speech of George Friedman in Chicago in 2015 (YT) : he explained why they started this war.
@@KarlHonoreBrzezinsky's plan dates from 1996 .The EU 's shortsighted politicians should pass a test before being appointed.
hi is not sane! He is an insane idiot moving us closer to WW3. Learn history!
When Croatia joined the EU people were happy thinking we will finally become organized and prosperous like the EU, in the end the EU became just one more Balkan state 😂
I saw yesterday that the Croatian president has no intention of sending soldiers to train the Ukrainians.. let's hope that the other countries, including mine (Italy) will start thinking too
@@fede-maurofava-marchetti2952 I hope so too
Srbin, Hrvat i Bosanci
Svi smo mi oportunisti
Kad nam treba smo blizanci,
A kad ne - nacionalisti.
Mesić, Slobo - komunjare
Van-blokovski, nesvrstani?
Političke kurve stare,
Predsjednici - takozvani.
Kad smo skupa sve jebemo,
I sovjete i amere,
Odvojeni se koljemo,
Svaka zemlja na nas sere.
Inferiorni simbolizam,
Vic-valute: kuna, dinar,
A u srcu dollar-izam,
Zapad, S.A.D. je otadžbina.
Heroj beše svaki čača,
I kod kralja, domobrana,
Pavelićevih koljača,
I četnika, partizana.
Napadaju "veterani",
I svoj sabor i skupštinu,
Svaki štapom svojim brani,
"Zasluženu" mirovinu.
Vi, jugonostalgičari!
Sad plačete; kuku lele,
Gdje ste bili vi žabari
Kad dušmanin Jugu djele?
Izgubiše svoju snagu,
Hrvat, Srbin - pleme vraže,
U Daytonu i Den Haagu
Zajednički jezik traže...
Trećesvjetske državice!
Balkanska smo glupa stoka!
Svi ukidaju granice,
I gledaju nas spod oka...
U anarhiji je najbolje -
Mentalitet naš balkanski,
Bilo tvoje - sad je moje,
Lopovlučki rat varvarski.
Slobo/Tuđman Bosnu jebe;
Tko će Bihać - kome Mostar?
To je moje, to za tebe.
Tuđeg nikad nije dosta.
Jedan drugom kuću krade,
"Domovinskim ratom" zove,
Šahovnice, čete, brade,
Stara povjest - laži nove.
Crna legija i škorpioni,
Ratni su megalomani,
Smrt i mržnju siju oni,
Balkanski su talibani.
Neće Slobo, niti Franjo,
Slat' sinove da vid gube,
Za to im je glupi narod,
Miro/Marko cure ljube.
Nove nacije caš stvarati,
Srbin sad je Marsijanac,
Iz Irana su Hrvati,
Iz Mjeseca je Bosanac.
Srbin, Hrvat, BH-borci
Prave biznes usred rata,
Čak i plavi UNPROFOR-ci
Švercom, drogom našli brata.
Krvlju crtaju granice,
Preko sela, igrališta,
Bračne dece i ložnice.
Nisu ostavili ništa.
Maršal Tuđman/Milošević,
U balkanskom sede "raju",
Politički su leševi,
Leševima - šah igraju...
Svjetski ugled ih ne brine.
Srebrenice? Jasenovci?
Karadžići ! Gotovine !
To su naši "nobelovci".
Mrže sebe jer su slični,
Isti Isus, jezik isti,
U psovanju su odlični,
To Balkanci pravi, čisti.
Sličnog su mentaliteta.
Oba neće Jugoslavije
Ali hoće boljeg sveta,
Novog bratstva : "Evroslavije !".
Feral Tribune 1995
@@fede-maurofava-marchetti2952good to hear. I think Meloni will be reluctant also.She was angry with Macron, when he wanted to send troops to fight in Ukraine.
@@justmemimi7338 Don't believe what he says, his words are the opposite of what he does. Italy has been a NATO colony for years, and Meloni, before being elected, went to the USA to take instructions. Blackrock and Microsoft are arriving, Italy is on sale
Russia has been trying to negotiate and find an agreement with the Collective West for many years; in 1990 "not one inch eastward NATO", 2007, 2008, 2014, Minsk 1, Minsk 2, December 2021, April 2022. The collective West leaders behaved like shysters and racists. They are negotiation-incapable.
True, The collective West leaders are gangters, point
That agreement in 1990 was with the USSR so is no longer valid.... It was verbal only , Nothing was signed
Definitely 💯💯💯
@@robertscott961 Bullshit.
@@robertscott961 you prefer to live in a lie that is pleasant for you - and so you bear the consequences of reality. For living in a lie, reality hits very hard, and the West is now feeling these hits.
EU is already circling the drain.
The eu was doomed when it tied its self to dollar in an attempt to prevent its collapse the dollar was curling the drain the rest jumped into its vortex . 🪂
It feels like it, prices go up like mad, there is fewer good jobs, more homelessness and poverty
Europe's politicians have been working to give us US standards for decades. And US standards means homelessness, healthcare only for the wealthy, privatization of people's assests, militarization of police and society, surveillance state, total sellout to the 0.1percenters... This is not a new developement, it's been going on ever since I was old enough to read news in the 90ies, maybe even earlier. Only, since a certain terror attack in 2001 and again after a certain epidemic in 2019, it is REALLY picking up pace.
Ukraine is circling the drain
Never in doubt that Russia would win
Cant wait to see you repeat this 2, then 4, then 6 years from now 😂
@@honestlordcommissarbrighte7921the funniest thing is that your tax payer money is funding that crumbling Nazi state like Afghanistan 😂😂.
What is the meaning of winning of Russia? More 600,0000 casualtiees in the part of Russia. What is the criteria of winning? For me Putin has lost. Ukraine without really military strength bought Putin to his knees.
er okay
Great to know there is at least one sane person somewhere inside the EU.
Same and decent. He actually thinks about the people.
eu is finished
It's so refreshing to hear sane people having a dialogue.
Michael is a clear thinker. We need more & more of him & less VD Leyer types & sheep.
She is making money out of Ukraine,her support is not free
She is installed by foreign
I thought that as left-leaning, my opposition to the Ukraine military support was a natural left position to hold. How surprised I was to learn early on that I'm supporting the right, even far-right. Now I find out I'm not alone. Thank you.
The Nazi regime in Kyiv is supported by the left - of course! XD
By the way, the European Union has always been a Nazi structure: since 1991, the European Union has hosted annual SS marches, and Hitler's collaborators are called "heroes who fought for freedom".
The stupidity of modern politics where if you're left or right then apparently you have to have the same views on everything or you're suddenly a sell out.
@@damionkeeling3103 This framing of left and right is merely politicking. What it does is prevent effective political discourse from setting the foundation for genuine engagement. Actual politics is multi-dimensional, which can't be summed up by a mere one-dimensional spectrum.
Great point
Excellent! An actual realist!
Socialist.........yes a realist
Excellent speech, he made a lot of very clear and useful points.
The US war in Ukraine is as much against Europe than Russia.
The goal is to separate Europe and Russia, so we are both target of the US.
The destruction of NS 1 & 2 is not a "fat finger" mistake !
In 2015 in Chicago George Friedman explained why they started this war (YT).
And his explanations matche the reality.
This was Brzezinsky's plan drawed in ,,The Grand Chessboard" 1997.
@@catalincarceanu7991 Exactly.
It seems it is also the plan of the Rand Corporation in its report "How to extend Russia" (2019).
Never had the time to read it though.
Just an overview :видео.html
@@KarlHonore yea and point by point of the rand stuff have become reality
@@The80sWolf_ And when you bring it on the table, they starting to calling you russian bot or Putins troll.
An excellent conversation...Thanks for making it available!
Thank you for sharing, Pascal. Excellent listen.
А это и правда очень хороший вопрос: «Какой интерес Европы в конфликте с Россией?» А я вам отвечу: «Американский». ))) Вообще это очень забавно, как они не видят прямой выгоды США и даже не замечают, что самый большой ущерб получает Европа от этого конфликта. Просто надо понять одну простую истину: США, концепция их развития напрямую зависит от доминирования над остальным миром, и приход к власти сторонников полного доминирования делает из всех остальных потенциальных конкурентов США. Россию и Китай они открыто называют своими «врагами», но Европа для них точно такой же конкурент, просто снижение потенциала Европы связано с развитием отношений с Россией, Китаем и остальными странами континента. И только слепой не видит, что взаимовыгодное сотрудничество стран Евразии - это страшный сон США, поэтому они действуют по старому как мир правилу: «Разделяй и властвуй». Поймите уже, что потеря монопольного положения и доминирования сделает США в лучшем случае региональной державой, а сотрудничество таких стран, как Россия с ее неограниченными запасами ресурсов, Китая с ее самым большим в мире промышленным потенциалом и Европы с ее технологиями и финансовыми институтами, просто не оставит и доли значимости США для этих стран. Так что ответ на этот вопрос всё тот же: европейский интерес в этом конфликте - это американский интерес, и проблема Европы не в России, Китае или любой другой стране, а в отсутствии суверенитета на прагматичные решения ради процветания собственных стран.
Также интересным показалась мысль о том, что европейские политики боятся, что Трамп выйдет из НАТО и они останутся беззащитны.)) А у меня вопрос: «От кого вы хотите защищаться?» Просто это настолько укоренившийся манипуляция, что мне даже смешно. Давайте посмотрим на то, что обе мировые войны устроила Европа. Ни в первой мировой, ни тем более во второй мировой войне на запад никто не нападал. Все остальные страны втянули в эти войны, как и Россию, точнее СССР. После второй мировой войны именно у западных стран, а точнее у Великобритании и США, был наготове план «Немыслимое» по нападению на СССР, просто аналитики того времени посчитали, что запад не выиграет этой войны, и тогда Черчилль опустил железный занавес, чем ознаменовал начало «холодной войны». И тогда и образовался этот «оборонительный» альянс НАТО, который был исключительно против СССР. Забавно в этой истории то, что за все время холодной войны НАТО не участвовал ни в одной военной операции. И вот наступила разрядка. Это тот самый «злой» СССР пошел на уступки и вышел из восточной Германии, чем позволил объединиться. Вот только США свои войска из западной Германии почему-то не вывел)) Потом в 1991 году распался СССР, и распустили Варшавский блок, но почему-то НАТО не перестал существовать. Иначе говоря, СССР и врага не было, а альянс против СССР остался, разве это не странно? А я объясню почему, потому что главными в этом альянсе США, и это позволяло и позволяет до сих пор оказывать влияние на Европу. Более того, НАТО из оборонительного альянса США превратили в проекцию силы и своих интересов, и за последние 30 лет НАТО участвовало в десятках военных операций. И когда Трамп говорит, что США выйдет из НАТО, то это очередная манипуляция, пугалка для Европы. На самом деле это именно США выгоден НАТО как рычаг давления, как проекция силы, как оправдание для наличия американских баз в Европе, как способ заработка, ведь самые большие поставки оружия в страны НАТО идет от американских производителей этого оружия, и всё, что реально хочет Трамп, это чтобы Европа платила больше и больше))
И по поводу BRICS и почему так много стран хотят вступить в него. Всё просто, это отличный показатель того, насколько миру надоела западная гегемония на основе доминирования. Мир хочет развития за счет взаимовыгодного сотрудничества, где их воспринимают равными партнерами, а не кормовой базой для западной элиты. Где их не будут принуждать к политическим изменениям себе в ущерб ради очередного кредита от запада, где нормы в торговле соблюдаются не по принципу «нам можно», а вам «нельзя», а в равных условиях. Где ресурсы государства - это их ресурсы, а не третьих стран, от продажи которых им достаются крошки со стола «господ». Ведь западные страны всю свою историю богатели и процветали за счет эксплуатации остального мира, и это должно когда-то закончиться, как закончилось рабство и колониализм. Россия, Китай, Индия, Бразилия, Иран и остальные страны участники BRICS просто дают возможность сотрудничества без дополнительных условий на равных, и только в этом простом «условии» и заключается привлекательность.
Коллега, это сикрет полишенеля, все всё прекрасно видят. Но не хотят отдовать себе отчёт в том, что для них это может быть фатальным исходом,И если честно, мне их не жалко, я ещё , не посчитайте меня за кровожадного человека, ради мира не нашей планете Земля, сбросил бы стул под ихними нагами !
@Vit_Kon Thank you for this very good analysis and informative content.
Could not have said it better 👍
I was from the beginning against these sanctions and the delivery of weapons to Ukraine.
However, not only was the US against the success of the EU, but the Russians also didn't see this Union as positive.
So, this war in Ukraine is in favor of both parties, Russia and the USA.
The EU is blind to this fact, and the economy is now down in all EU member regions.
I agree entirely...trouble is people in England are so manipulated by America.. that they can't see how crafty and cunning the USA and England are.. we have all been manipulated against Russia by the bond films.. (The English men think they are true) . The bond films in the USA was to see Russia as a threat..and the English men can't see the truth!! 😢😮. I can see through the UK and USA dirty tricks ...But most can't ... And won't even listen to the truth...
Excellent interview, well worth listening to.
Thank you so much from Denmark for this interview
Great interview - again - thank you for uploading, Pascal. Fantastically honest interview, too. The part where he mentions his salary compared to a Ukrainian father with a son in war. Seriously strong stuff!
And he say it himself, peace will be incredibly expensive, so the criminal cynicism of the EU calculates that while nothing is gained by a destroyed Ukraine after a war, EU arms production is profitable to the member countries....on the expense of the Ukrainian father and his son.
The criminals are the EU leaders!
Listening to this was hard to conceal a smile. Nigel Farage was telling the whole of Europe that those in charge at Brussels had lost , not just reality , but the feelings of the citizens.
When an institution is founded on questionable principles , it can only continue to exist through lies and threats .
Yup, shake & roll the dice..!
Lies that cause corruption to prosper! 100% correct.
$adly many are installed by foreign
The EU is run by its members.
We Dutch voted NO to Corrupt Ukrain in the EU. But Rutte got an attachment. And pushed through. Crapping on a democratic referendum. All in that attachment was we dont have to do this or that. But suprise suprise now we do it all. Dont have but we can jam it.
what the freaking --- do the US/EU/Nato Expect Russia to do when the whole of Nato is waging War against them, do they expect Russia to fall flat on their back and ask for a belly rub.
Yes they expect that. Same as they expect Palestinians to roll over and die for israeli settlers.
Whole NATO is waging a war?? When Ukraine has got mostly older military equipment, 30 Abrams tanks and 10 Jets from thousands (and still wards Ruzzians succesfully back - from 2 days to 3 years).
LOL ... 3 days, western propaganda ... 2-3 years, 0,5 mio deaths, - 10 mio population, hundreds billion debt ... there is no Ukraine anymore ... you need to inform yourself
Ukraine is getting smaller every day
Well, Russia only has shovels and electronics recycled from second hand washing machines. What do you expect?
No empire in human history declined because it wanted to, but met that fate due to policies based on status, power and hubris of past glory rather than the reality they existed in.
napoleon couldn't conquer Russia. Hitler couldn't conquer Russia, why would you think, why would anyone think Ukraine could stand against Russia..
And WHY would the EU want to destroy Russia???? This is So insane.. You have to trade with Russia… Cheep oil..etc.. Russia have all the minerals….
@@Anttoinet They want to take it all away from Russia for free. Not realizing how expensive it would cost them to try to do it.
The Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family etc are Zionists/ Globalists.
Zionists want Ukraine with zero population (Israel 2.0) unlike Palestine with Palestinians.
At the same time taking down Russia to its knees.
Ukraine has 13 trillions of dollars in minerals resources.
Zionists want Russia dismantled and split into pieces of states and take over their resources.
Guess what? Its not going according to those evil Zionists who own and control USA, EU, NATO, IMF, Blackrock, UN etcвидео.htmlsi=76TtemmERemy4-xL
@@Anttoinetin order to colonise Siberia with Europeans ,as Brzezinsky dreamed.
Thank you for this. We need diplomacy and peace., not endless wars
A sane man ... thankyou
WE do KNOW NATO expantion IS to BLAME FOR.
TOTALLY AND completely .
Zelenski and his shorts and shills dual citizenship holders in USA Congress are 🤑 same mob that has occupied Palestine land; the Great pretenders, Khazarian Ashkenazim international Zionists Mafia cabal blackmailing syndicate
Khazarian Ashkenazim Mafia kleptocracy operators of most efficient money 🤑💰 laundering scams of your taxes 🤑 with dual citizenship Muppets politician in government.
Brilliant, Viv...❤
Thank you for your comment. We appreciate the comprehension.
From Russia ❤. We don't want the war.
Yes : in 2015 in Chicago George Friedman already explained why they started this war to separate Europe from Russia.
@@KarlHonorebesonders Deutschland! Wir sind mal wieder die Hauptverlierer!
It's not about insanity, I'm going to explain something that a lot of people don't know, many don't seem to know, and many don't want anyone to know, which is the fact that the EU is a satellite economic-political bloc of the US,. What this means, satellite, in geopolitics, means that it is a country or bloc that is politically and economically dependent on another country or bloc.. Consequently, we have seen that the EU has been self-destructing more or less slowly and acting against its own political and economic interests to align itself with the US. Which will greatly benefit the US, because the EU was there for a while to exert a lot of competition against the US, in international markets, and even in the financial area, since it was offering the Euro as an alternative to the dollar as an international currency, and in practice, it started the process called de-dollarization.And the US started this process to destroy the source of European economic progress, the cheap oil and gas that came from Russia, and the cheap mineral resources that came from there and fed European industry. But this only increased the power of China that is increasing the de-dollarization process, which will completely destroy the US. Since the dollar is not actually worth the paper it is printed on, and what is preventing its fall is the fact that the dollar is the international currency. for now. But the end is inevitable
You a bit too harsh. It won't be easy to get rid of the dollar and this will be very long process in general. Perhaps your kids will see something out of it, but not you
in the futur history books , Poutin will be presented as a hero who stopped colonialism 2.0
😂 most of the world is in the US empire and it's not stopping
@arostwocents What world and planet do you live in? 😂😂😂 Most of the world? Let me guess, you are West European or West European decant. So-called USA empire world is less than 11% of the world. I know you think the rest of the world are sub-humans, bit just because you feel like, doesn't make it like. As you feel like man can pregnant, doesn't make it like. 😂😂😂
EU is finished....
NATO is a dangerous bungling cold war relic, a creeping cancer in Europe, greedy old men abroad mostly the US trying hard to provoke trouble everywhere to justify heir pathetic existence.
Thank you. This interview needs to be on the news everywhere in Europe.
USs goal to weaken Europe is working out to be successful??
I’m not sure they wanted to weaken Europe. To weaken Russia? Certainly.
@@justmemimi7338 It's both
At 25 januari 2022 there was a document from Washington.. : That there must be put Sanctions on Russia. In order to weaken EU and Russia. (This document came from Washington inside members).. Redacted showed it.
Who needs enemy when having US as friend
You statement is correct it's not by accident the USA has conned NATO into a war for their benefit.
Many europeans don't agree with war politics. What can we do ? We vote, but still they just go on ahead with their agenda.
Looks like the Europeans have completely forgotten the power they actually do have: the power of a General Strike. Amazing how such a thing focuses the minds of those who don't otherwise pay any attention to what we, mere ordinary people, think and want.
@Charlemagne1367 Protest. Let them know.
the EU is not a democraty ... voting only give you the" illusion " of democraty.....
Stoltenberg, while prime minister of Norway, and when Norway droppoed almost 10% of the bombs in Lybia, to get rid of Gadafi, asked Sweeden if they did not want to join the fun, as it was a good exercise😢😢😢.
Norwegian leaders are the worst globalist/ traitors of them all. President nr 2 in WEF. Norway are not in the EU , but behave like they are. Norwegians are beeing sold out by the traitors
Thanks for sharing this with us.
The man seems sane and rational.
Great show Great thank you
Ursula should be put into prison or expelled to the us for treason
Excellent discussion
Thanks for this. Amazed you haven't been deplatformed yet.
Don't jinx it 😊👍👌
We need more people like him discussing this matter. He was absolutely on point and made a lot of sense.
Respect. Wir brauchen viel mehr Menschen gleich Du, die die Wahrheit jagen. So vielseitich.
I think it's time to wrap up membership of this failed EU project. I have lost all belief with EU leaders. It's time to leave economics stupid and join BRICS.
You got it right !
So reasonable voices that might save Europe...amazing politician.
One Of The Few Sane Person In The So Called Unelected EU Parliament.
The EU and USA (NATO) thought Russia was going to be a walkover. Very sad that Russia has defeated NATO. NATO is now in its rightful place. Reporting from Africa!
NATO is not fighting in this war, how could it have "lost already" then?
@@gintasvilkelis2544you delusional or what? Have you been living under a rock?
@@gintasvilkelis2544 just aiding with billions of dollars from EU taxpayers while the countries suffer economically , the economy is not growing anymore , people is feed up with inflation and hating EU pushover leaders that only work as US lapdogs , i wouldnt call that a win .
@@gintasvilkelis2544the same way that the USSR won in Vietnam. Come on you know this.
It is hopeless the major newspapers are perfectly programmed.
Here in the Netherlands we desperately need a party like the Wagenkecht list. I wish them great success as pioneers in a very bleak political landscape.
Helaas is `t politiek niveau in Nl bedroevend armzalig ; het gebrek aan geo-politiek inzicht is beschamend slecht ; slechts de Sp komt een beetje in de gode richting. Maar spijtig niemand met de allure van Sahra Wagenknecht !
Puppet EU already ruined itself 😅😅
The danger now is that Zelensky will stage some kind of false flag episode… as he becomes more and more desperate and will blame Russia as it happened few times since he walked away from negotiations. And, he has not canceled his ‘no negotiations with Russia’ law.
..... might look at his enablers..... the producers and executives of this tragedy. not the actor
@zaneenaz4962 💯 ‼️
he as all Ukrainians was lied by the west that NATO will do everything it takes and walked off the table. Biden lied, scholz lied, macron lied.
Thank you for the translation and sharimh it with us.
Well said. Absolutely agree with everything, we need a few more like this gentleman in the EU
Liebe dein Programm, so wichtig dass auch Widerstand von Links wieder entsteht. Danke
Thank you for the information . We in the UK don't hear news like this
The EU is a massive bureaucracy. When this happens, people live in bubbles.
The shift to the right in Europe, is because the EU has treated Europeans as an amorphous mass of people. It cares nothing for each country’s culture. Then there’s the type of cultural leftism that has swept across the collective west. It is supremely illogical and divisive.
So citizens are being governed by bureaucrats who disregard them entirely.
Democracy has evaporated.
If the gentleman here feels voiceless and impotent, imagine how people who are not part of the ruling class must feel.
They want their countries and familiar communities back. They want to feel at home in their countries, rather than being powerless, voiceless subjects of EU tyranny.
As for the war, it should never have happened, and I hope relationships with Russia can be repaired, especially for Germany, who previously had a good relationship with Russia. Russia is part of Europe. It is time for war-mongering leaders to be shunned. Nobody wants war, except the very few for whom it yields land, resources and wealth. Humanity deserves better leaders than this.
Sadly, the US, while a wonderful country, can’t be relied upon militarily. It’s foolish for the EU to think otherwise. The US has a pattern of walking away from wars. They have been treading water with Ukraine, waiting for the US elections to be over. Their reluctance to admit the war is lost and to pursue peace, is costing poor soldiers’ lives every day. That is evil, imo.
Let us work towards peace, mutual respect and economic cooperation (the latter being the basis for the EU, long before it morphed into a bureaucratic behemoth).
Excellent discussion, thank you.
Around 60,000 EU civil servants and other staff serve the 450 million Europeans (and countless others around the world). This is actually a relatively small number - the French Finance Ministry has around 140,000 staff for a population of only 67 million.
What Dystopian time's we are living in when sane intelligent people like these gentlemen who are calling for peace are ignored.
Angry black man in N.Y.C who stands with Russia from day 1 because they are on the right side of history, Russia marches to their own beat and I salute mr Putin and Russia.
Thanks for getting one of the Best reporting together. It's just so right. Left Wing or Right Wing we must do more to stop these wars 12/10/2024 the Black man
This was so interesting and enlightening! Needs to be all over the news
Very informative discussion, many thanks from Australia 🙏
‘Project Ukraine’ Will in the future be viewed as the beginning of the end of NATO as a defensive alliance. The question the newest members:- Finland and Sweden-must be asking themselves (and if they haven’t done so should be doing so)with Ukraines unconditional surrender to Russia in months to come, what was the point of joining only to have this so called defensive alliance be dismantled by internal wrangling amongst its members. Both Hungary and Slovakia are not ok with introducing a volatile and unstable Ukraine into the alliance, and rightly so. But more to the point Russia will never allow this to happen in reality. So what was this conflict all about. (Those of you out there who have done your due diligence with research know the real reason why project Ukraine was a bust)know the answer to this question.
Hungary and Slovakia should take the logical next step and leave NATO
Privatization of europe.
@@JanWaspI wish people understood Slovenians. Im 90% certain that my comment will be shadowbanne. Not in vain though. We will find these people, time is on our side. Dear americans watching this, please understand that your government is just a company.
High tuitions for education will hit hard as the future is created by knowledge. Every country on this planet offers tuition free phd's. Think about that. Healthcare. Aand im shadowed.
So glad to see a representative of the BSW (Sahra Wagenknecht's Antiwar Party) in the E.U. Parliament. So in the very first resolution, on 16 Jul, we see the E.U. Parliament demanding the "fastest possible" escalation of the war against Russia! Only one day to consider this "declaration of war", and only those who support the resolution are allowed to speak! This is the "Democracy" the U.S. has inflicted on Europe?!
The resolution requires E.U. members to pay $127 billion Euros per year -- as much as the total spent over the last three years! -- to continue a war that the "West" has already lost. The war is over, but the resolution requires the E.U. to continue to fund it, at triple the current rate! With this resolution, the E.U. Parliament goes down the rabbit hole and ends up in Wonderland. Europe is condemning itself to financial, political and moral bankruptcy. It has become the new "Dark Continent" -- literally.
When can we see you on Odysee?
Please share this, no one is aware..🤮🤦🏻
Excellent discussion!
Some of us were saying that 2 and a half years ago 😂😂
In light of these powerful criticisms, it seems the EU parliament has taken on the fully-bought character of the US Congress. God help the EU.
The EU is a CIA project. The American Committee on United Europe.
It is promising to hear that in EU Parliament we can still hear common sense and loud rational voices, regardless of how rare they are. Great interview 👏
Germany sanctioned Russia who was supplying them with cheap energy and other resources. Now sanctioning Chinese evs so the Chinese said no more EU pork. Pig farmers in EU will go bankrupt. Russia now supplies China with pork 😂😂😂😂
Slapping the feeding hand is obviously their motto. You'd think the politicians are at least in inch smart, but apparently it's not the case here
This Guy is so RAW, no beating around the bush. Respect!!
Well, sir, you can in hindsight point out all the mistakes that the nato and Brussel sprouts have made since 2014 and earlier, but the fact remains that you cannot FIX Stupid…
My best wishes and prayers for your party success.
Henry Kissinger said to be friend of the us is fatal.
And that America has no friends or enemies. Merely interests.
The eu is an economic enterprise not a social or democratic one . The eu will speak in support of nato, nato does the bidding of the us . The eu also speaks as a second voce that is to say the same people in nato as the eu with few exceptions . The eu serves corporate interests .
Thanks for the interview. When I hear (not only here and now) about the actions of the EU, I am so glad, that we in Switzerland have not joined (yet).
Emmm, Switzerland is independent from the EU just like Ukraine is independent from NATO
Great conversation
Very good interview.😊
Well explains, the problem of EU, is that the system is overstaff with officials and servants, that economically product nothings, except liars
Very informative, thank you.
Thank you, that's a wonderful job you are doing, both in the parliament ad here on the channel for us non German speakers.👍
Good show and so right, congratulation
Holy crap.. this is terrifying
Wonderful not to feel so alone after listening to this. This man represents even just a glimmer of hope for a future.
This man is old and jaded and hopes very little. Yes, negotiate, but he does not say how.
Thank you for this.
Great interview. Thank you fellas :)
well it looks like the EU is dead, it could have been different, with its subservience to Washington it no longer has a European heart and soul, merely an empty shell.
Europe hasn't since 1945.
*We've all known for at least a year*
Thank you excellent video
Many thanks to this chanel and to Hr Scholnburg for reportong what is happenind i The EU prlament and the wrong long standing blind support to Ukrania and to contining with sanctions to Rusia.
Rusia will win and will go to Brics and Europe isolated and poorer.
Anyone has the list of representatives who voted to appoint the warmonger Kallas or was it ”an executive” decision?😮
Thank you for highlighting Michael von Der Schulenburg. I am encouraged by his understanding of the EU. Conversely, it is sad to understand how the majority of the EU act. The EU nurtures its own lack of logic and empathy for fellow humans. So sad...
You should see the UK and how little all those who love the EU actually understand about it.
An honest politician. How refreshing.
Why did EU with all the most intelligent civilised people want to get involved in this senseless war??? They are a lot to loose from both sides not just human life.
Voting for nuclear war, which is what this vote was, is all the proof anyone needs that the EU is _not_ populated by people who are either intelligent or civilised. They must have been selected in the same way that MSM journalists are selected. We are lemmings being herded by a large animal which likes lemmings for breakfast and has invited us all to breakfast with them.
1) The EU was from its inception a USA project. The EU is 99% controlled by the USA.
2) The EU has been deliberately dumbed down and forced into moral degeneracy. Its populations replaced with foreigners (heathen barbarians).
3) The media, big tech, television, publishers and all our political parties has been completely captured by the "elites" (Neocon Zionists) and their henchmen.
- The EU is fckude.
Perhaps they are not as intelligent and civilised as you think ;) remember hitler or leopold 2
Because the EU political elites had been coopted by the US, either thru the dirty lucre or blackmail or both
A válalatok kartellbe állva irtanák a népességet! Teszik is oltásokkal háboruval!
Meanwhile Sweden is 50 steps behind and NOW sends troops to lithuanian borders ...... I feel emberessed over the stupidity of my country, and im enraged by how powerless I am as a citizen to this foolish hypocracy. Imagine the reaction if Russian troops were sent to our borders? Here the fairytale of the Russian threat has been moulded into our brains since the times of soviet. We would go nuts, we would consider ourselves being attacked. Yet we do this to Russia now, as parts of Europe has finally started to grow some balls and at least started to slow down the escalation (although still contributing to escalation nontheless). Its insanity
Which is silly because in soviet times there was a real threat and Lithuania was one of those potential threats.
Meanwhile many people from across the globe, including Swedishs, are wanting or already immigrated to Russia 😢
@Runner-e9x russia is not a country most people would want to move to and surely no paradise. Their leader is a corrupt dictator, there are many bad things one could say. It's just in relation to the wicked world we live in today, the insane leaders and lies of media: that they are somewhat good and innocent.
But not in and of its own, certainly no swedes are migrating to there. But from a moral standpoint, I see them as above any country in Europe and most of the western world
I have a number of swedish friends who completely lose their minds if I mention Russia is not your enemy.
Arrogance & foolishness decisions have made E.U.
manufacturing economically unviable. Without reasonably priced energy the European project is finished. European manufacturing will quickly be replaced by South East Asia, it’s too late now “Turn out the lights, the party’s over.”
USA meg átcuccolt távolkeletre mert a kinai kémfigyelés tettszik neki mindenkiről tudni a wc is mit csinál! Xarik!
What a relief to watch this interview from a German point of view, after watching DW.
Slava Rusiji!
Words change so they say ,the Slavic peoples speak Slavic languages yet we see Slavic peoples killing Slavic peoples at the bequest of a certain forgen power . I find the terms Slava Ukrain and slava Rus / Russia and the use of slava to mean glory , a statement to self defeat . 🤔 in a fight between slaves and slaves mostly slave kill and die on on both side . Am I missing something thing ?
Well, there is a sign of the times. It is the first time I have seen that written in the comments section, with likes too. I do not think that is good - Nationalism is a great way to turn people into useful idiots. If the OP is not Russian it is even more problematic.
@@l3eatalphal3eatalpha what do you find problematic ? And what would make it more problematic if said person was not a Slavic origin or decent ? That's two separate questions .
@@odinallfarther6038 Because people can treat nationalism like they are football teams, without understanding the cold reality of it.
@@l3eatalphal3eatalpha oh you mean like the western mentality of my team right or wrong , might is right except when the other guy does it . I just stated the cold reality it's slaves killing fellow slave at the bequest and interest of none slaves . And those slave are Eastern Europeans who weather they like it or not share a common interest with Western Europeans .
This is the famous democracy! With empress Ursula in the tron!
Crippling debt... when has that happened before and what happened afterwards?
Anyone below 50 who has the chance to flee Europe, flee to wherever else. You will never regret it.
Mr M von der Schulenberg is so right. I am only a normal citizen just interested in Politics. Spot on to Michael v d Schulenberg. Hope you can change something in Brussels and Europe
It's time for EU politicians to stand and be counted.
NATO is EU, the EU is NATO.