Very nice series! I hope more beginner people watch your videos so they can learn how to properly take care of betta fish. I always see people throwing bettas into bowls and vases, so I'm hoping that trend will die down a bit. Thanks for the videos and good job :)
Honestly love this series and re-watching this series over an over! You can never learn too much, and refreshing your knowledge is always more fun in the long run!
I have just been watching as I plan on buying a Betta fish soon, so far I've added nearly 10 extra things I didn't know I needed and returned my 9l tank to get a 30l instead so it's big enough finding this series very well explained thank you so much when my tank is fully set up and water testing right plus temp right I will be purchasing no doubt a very happy fish
Love this series. Just wish I saw it when I first got my betta oh the mistakes I made! Great work and demonstrations too! And I've learned more in this thank you!
Those lids are great! I just have sheet plexiglass. Love the Nicrew lights, cheap and effective. The tank looks great!!! Quick tip, when gluing plants it can help to use a toothpick to push the roots into place. Loving this series, it's really well done!!!! You should be super proud. This will be helpful to so many people.
Yes,I do have the same lights for my Betta fish, Pretty sure,I am getting another tank for my Oranda ,Yes I do have Bettas and Goldfish in my home,The main focus of my channel is though Goldfish, Isn't hard to look after them,I mostly love ranchus and I upload Goldfish in my Balcony That's going to be sold or Sold Timings,Hough,Yeah I kept 5 rooms ,10 feet for all of my Goldfish,I have 45 tanks of Goldfish and More I am going to bought,I kept all types of Goldfish in my house building, Good,ZezA.... Basics routine,Basics Substrate ,Basics Plants or them all Basics of feeding , Handfeeding my GOLDFISHES,Have a Nice day..........
I saw this video and decided to try the LED light you show in it. WOW! I bought the Nicrew LED Aquarium light you have here in this video for my 20 gallon planted tank. I have to say it is so much better than the Aqueon florescent light I originally bought for the tank. This LED is at least 30% brighter. My tank now has a white look to it, a natural look. The Aqueon gave my tank a yellowish tint to the water. So happy with this LED light! I also must say that the price is very cheap in my opinion compare to others I saw on Amazon. I highly recommend this LED light.
You don't have to rinse Stratum if you don't want to. It just makes the tank cloudy for a bit if you don't rinse it. Also, you can get super glue in a gel formula. Much easier for using with plants than the liquid formula.
@lifewithpets i agree with the light! its much cheaper and works the same as the famous brand lights. i have both the expensive brand, finnex fugeray and the cheap one like you have but longer the nicrew light. both are bright and good for planted tanks.
Would you guys ever consider making and selling clear lids? I can't seem to find them anywhere, but the one you has seems perfect! Thank you for the videos! :)
The coupon code didn't work for me. probably from too long ago, but I ordered some plants. Thank you for presenting this information in a very clear and all inclusive way! :)
Hi Sheila! Thank you so much for making this series. I've wanted to add a betta to my family, but wanted to make sure I knew exactly how to care for them optimally. For the plants, would you add a root tab when you're setting up the tank or would you do this once the tank was cycled? Thank you!
I was finding it hard to follow the videos about cycling especially, but after listening to it a few times it is coming together a bit. I think there must be something wrong with me. My mind goes to jelly when trying to remember all PH & cycling steps & reasoning. I used your links on this video to purchase what I need with the aquarium kit I purchased today. I'm going slowly and trying to hold myself back on purchasing a betta and I'm succeeding. I have a 5 gal coming and the things you listed except for the sponge filter but I might go for it. I'll have to see how the one that comes with the "kit" . I saw it reviewed on YT and it was noted as having a little bit too high a flow even though it is adjustable. Thanks for these videos and links. One thing is that I think there is some kind of treatment that will eliminate the whole cycling procedure. Do you think this is a product that works?
lovely video! i have a question corresponding to your lid: i have a 5.5 planted betta tank that needs better lighting. i have one of those nicrew lights for my goldfish tank and love it, however, i've been struggling to find a nice glass or acrylic top that will allow me to use said light. do you have a tutorial? or would you ever sell them on your website? they're awesome! thank you!
I've been prepping myself to get a betta in the coming months, but I'm having problems finding a decent heater. Got any recommendations? The ones I keep looking at have mixed reviews and the last thing I want to do is cook my new fish when i get it.
I have a question about the NICREW light. Do you think I'd be alright buying the 11-19 version of it for my 10gal? I know it wouldn't fit but I think I'd be able to sit it on the lid of the tank or even secure it in another way due to the shelving my tank is on. It's just that the next version up is 30 dollars and I'm on a tight budget so if I could save that money that for plants and stuff that would be nice.
You were right! Got my light today and it does indeed fit the 10gal, wish those sliders didn't just pop right out of the light. little bit of a scary fit, will just have to be careful lol
How often should I replace the sponge on the filter and do you know where I can get replacements? I've been trying to look for some online with no luck.
Sponge filters shouldn’t need replacing often if they’re maintained. If you need new ones we sell them on our website.
I actually use the same substrate to set up a 10 gallon for a betta fish, right now the tank is going through fish less cycle now but I notice the PH starts getting very low (around 6.5). I currently have 2 decor and a bunch of plants. Do you have the same ph problem with PH? Right now the PH is very concerning.
I have pretty much the exact same filter kit you guys use (bought it from the life with pets website :D). So my questions are, is there such a thing as too low flow through the sponge filter (it does seem to make some weird gurgling sounds if I close the valve after a certain point)? If so, is there a way to know when I have "enough"? Should I be worried about it creating too much disturbance on the surface of water and stressin out my betta? Thanks again for this awesome series. I wish I'd seen it before buying my betta and tank but I make sure to link it to any of my friends that are thinkin of starting a betta tank (which I may have nudged them in the direction of doing haha). Edit: I should probably specify that I have a lightly planted 2.5 gallon tank and he's the only fish in there.
Thank you! I don't think you can go too low but you do need to make sure it's filtering. I don't think the water movement stresses them as long as it's not too strong.
Does it have to be a red check valve? I have one that says In;Out but not the red one. I also have NO clue how things connect and have no clue if I'm missing something. (I don't have the sponge filter yet but I tried to see if I could connect everything and I can't connect the airline tubing to the check valve I have nor the air pump.) The airline tubing could be too small but I got the small air pump and tubing. So shouldn't it fit?
I'm enjoying this series, but I have a dickens of a time keeping anacharis, which is supposed to be such an easy plant. I bunch I bought about a month ago recently went translucent and died. Have you experienced this with yours?
My tank has been trying to cycle all week. Today I have noticed a reddish/brown powdery stuff on the leaves of the plants and I also noticed tiny barely noticeable long white thing that looks like a worm moving on the glass and I saw a baby snail on the glass as well. Is this bad?
I figured out that I was not feeding my betta enough food. The biggest clue was his bones were starting to show some. I worked at it with the blood worms. He really wants to eat from my finger, but that is a little weird for me, because he goes at my finger full force and makes me jump every time he does it. So I put it in the water and make sure he sees my finger before I let the food into the water. I had to do that a few times to get him introduced to the blood worms. He didn't seem to understand what they were, but now that he has tried one he attacks anything that comes in at the top of the tank. He has decided that he loves blood worms. I got my Fluval Bug Bites in the mail today. When I put just a little bit in the top it was like watching a piranha fish eat, he went absolutely WILD over the Fluval Betta Bug Bites.
Hi! I've come from watching your diy sponge filter and it didn't mention anything about a check valve. Does it not apply to the homemade one or is it something that the air pump comes with? It also didn't mention a flow valve
Thank for watching! Yes, a check valve is needed so the water can't flow back into the air pump. The lever is only needed if you are adding two filters to an air pump or to adjust the flow if it's too strong.
I'd recommend using aquarium safe super glue (there are several brands you can choose, but it's probably best to look into it on forums). It also depends on what you're going to use the glue for. Using hot glue for plants isn't recommended because heating the roots can kill the plant, and with things like corals it would take time for the glue to dry before putting them back in the water.
I love these vids hopefully I can find a dumbo betta fish and are plastic plants ok for bettas but my fav guppy died he was acting wierd then the next day I woke up to feed them and he was dead😫
just a little note but make sure to get silk plants instead of plastic especially if you want a long finned betta! They easily tear their fins on plastic plants, had my veiltail get some serious tears in his fins :(
Would a hang on back filter that filters 30 gallons of water per hour stress a betta fish in a 10 gallon tank? I am planning on buying a filter later and I found the series and got confused if I should just choose a sponge filter and an air pump instead. Any advise is very much appreciated. Thanks!
Sheila could you tell me if its normal.for my betta to frequently go and hide under the sponge or suddenly freeze while.swimming and then continue swimming happily? I just bought him w days ago. I also wanted to ask if I should place a dead snail shell in the tank as a decor. Does it up the pH?
Hello! I'm about to get a Betta for the first time and I have been doing tons of research about them (the water conditioner, food, tank, decor, etc) and I was wondering if the flake food is fine for them to eat along with some other varieties?
Lifewithpets ok thank you! One last question, where should I get my Betta? Do you think I can get mine at petco/petsmart if I make sure they are healthy?
I noticed that your website is out of it. I really loved the look of it in the video you posted for setting up the tank and Nemo really needs something at the top for him to rest in. Hopefully it will be back in stock when I'm ready for it. I don't want to add anything to Nemo's tank until he is through with his medication. He ended up extremely stressed from the nerite snails and his tail tore. Petsmart said to put aquarium salt and treat him with Erythromycin. He is still extremely active and he is eating great. I will receive his Fluval Bug Bites (betta formula) next week. He really perked up when I added the aquarium salt. The videos you posted on treating the betta you saved have helped a lot too. Nemo doesn't appear to have velvet, thank the Lord. The hole in his tail healed really quickly. I would have thought it would have taken longer, but I'm glad it is healed, it can't have been comfortable for him. After talking with Fluval, the snails will not be going back in the tank. Now I have to either buy a little tank for the snails or find someone who wants and will take care of the snails. They are really pretty, one is striped and the other has black dots.
So I should be able to put my snails back in his tank after it is through the treatment with the erythromycin? He stays constantly stressed with the snails though. He really hates them and he will stay flared for very prolonged periods of time, more than 5 minutes. He constantly tries to bite them, it's a wonder he hasn't hurt his mouth, because he is extremely aggressive with them. My betta is a veil tailed, I don't know if that plays a role in how aggressive they are or not, but your's in the videos do not seem to be near as aggressive as Nemo is. It's a miracle that my snails still have their feelers, because Nemo was going after that too, but he was mostly attacking the middle of the hard shell very aggressively. Then he would flare and lean sideways to completely cover the snail. I put them in the tank before I put him in the tank. But for a whole week he was after the snails, until I came home from the store last Weds and he had started turning black on his body and he looked really ill and had slowed down and he had a hole in his tail and it looked like he had black spots in his tail. I took the snails out and everything but the plants and the gravel (wish I had picked better gravel but I didn't realize there was something better than just picking a pretty color) and added the aquarium salt and the started the erythromycin treatment. I thought I was really doing good, but as I watch the videos and talk to you and to Fluval I'm realizing that all I've done is make a lot of mistakes. Poor Nemo. He is looking really good though. His fin has healed and he is back to chasing what I'm guessing is his reflection in the glass again. Back and forth all day long. :)
If the snails cause that much stress I’d leave them out. The chasing his reflection is not a good thing. That is usually a stress indicator. It’s good he’s healing. Is the tank heavily planted? What size is the tank?
Hey I don't know if you're responding to comments anymore but I am trying to do a sponge filter and I have everything necessary except for the flow valve and check valve. I am trying to purchase it off of amazon however the comments are always saying how the check valve doesn't work or the flow valve isn't letting any air through. Long story short, where do you purchase yours and is it affordable for someone like me to purchase it? (I have seen your bundle pack but I just need the flow and check valve)
i set up a 30 gallon shrimp breeding tank with an aqua scape for about 80 dollars (not including the shrimp which cost me about 80 dollars) which would have cost me about 450 dollars if i got a new tank and went with the rocks not on sale and with the fluval stratum not on sale and i got the tank 40 dollars when a new one cost 384 dollars.
I have another question about my betta and my nerite snails. I want to introduce the snails back into the tank. I'm going to add some plants tomorrow afternoon. The snails have been living in a mason jar while Nemo has been undergoing his medicine treatments. Do I have to worry about the snails having any kind of bacteria on them that they would pass onto my betta or into the tank? If so, what do I do to address that issue?
Nemo is through his medication and yesterday I did the last water change after the medication and added some plants. I changed the gravel to a natural color rather than the bright blue and I put the nerite snails in first and then put Nemo (my veil tale betta back in). He was good for the first 24 hours, because he spent all that time chasing his reflection. He did swim through the plants quite a bit, he loves going through narrow spots and it almost looks like he is stuck, but he is not he just stops for a bit and then goes on through. He is never still for long periods, except when all the lights are off in the house and he sleeps. Anyway, today he attacked my spotted nerite visciously. I don't know if the snail is still alive. I moved him to another area and made sure he was not toppled over and the betta attacked again and had him rolled over and I don't know if he got the snail's body or not, I didn't see anything coming out of the snail. I put them in a little small carry tank for the time being. I guess I will not be able to have snails with him. I've never had a betta that was this viscious before, granted the last one I had was about 30 years ago or more. I've never seen a betta as active as him. If he is stressed out, he is now not alone, because I'm stressed out with him. I'm at a loss for what to do to help him. I'm wondering if adding Stress Coat would help him to calm down. He was started to calm down until I made the changes to his tank, but I put him in a carrying tank while I was changing his tank around. I'm not a big fan of netting a fish if I don't absolutely have to. They can get hurt so easily, so I like to avoid netting if possible. I pushed the little carry tank down in the water and he went right in with the water. I did however have to net him to put him in a bag to float him to the temperature, I was hoping not to have to do that, but the temperature after I did the water change was up by about 2 or 3 degrees and he is so small that I'm sure 2 or 3 degrees is huge for him. I don't know if he will go back to chasing his reflection tomorrow or not. I ordered the frogbit off your website. I thought I was on your website the other day and it said you were out of stock and I realized in one your videos today that h2o plants is not your website. So, I went to yours and sure enough you had a batch left and I purchased it today. I hope that my betta fish is healthy even though he runs the tank constantly. I feel really bad for my nerite snails and I don't know how to make the betta tolerate them. My beautiful little betta is very very aggressive. He even forced his way under the moss ball in a quick strike to get the snail. I didn't even know a betta could do those gyrations and not hurt himself. So removing the snails is for the safety of both my betta and the snails. :'(
Is there anything I can do if my country's climate is from 28°C (rainy days) to 35°C (Sunny days) to make my betta tank temperature like the usual expected temparature?
Did you rinse it before using it? Did you use something to pour on to so it didn’t stir up the fluval stratum? Your filter should clear the water but it may take 24 hours.
With a tank divider with holes one heater will work. It needs to be set at 80-82f and there will be a 1-2 degree difference on the side without the heater. Still a good temperature for a betta fish.
Hi my female betta as changed colour she was three shades of pink when i got her about 4 month ago now she is two shades of red. Is this normal she is lively eating well. Looks fit and well.
Thanks pixie is the first betta i have she follows my finger on the glass and eats out of my hand she is realy friendly. I have a empty 60 litre tank so i am thinking of getting 2 more female betta. But keep her tank . Is the tank big anoth for 3 female betta fish. She is in a 19 litre tank now. THANKS
Awesome tutorial! So when are you guys going to sell aquarium lids for standard 2.5 gallon rectangular tanks? Most standard 2.5 gallon tanks just come with one solid piece of glass with a handle, no hinge. Unless you know how to cut glass or pay someone to cut it for you, The glass top really doesn't sit right on the tank. Especially if you have a heater and/or HOB filter.
thank you so much you have helped me out so much with your channel as well as videos, I don't have the prettiest beta fish because I saw it at a fair when it had fin Rott and decided to take it home to help it out I was also wondering if I could use "beta - fix" but I'm not sure I've heard a lot of bad rumors saying is affects the way your fish breathes and if I can would I be able to dose it in a tank with a tory and some plecos in the same tank or should I just give it a salt bath, again thanks so much for the advice you have really helped me out and it would also be great if you could list some good tank mates with betas if you have a community tank
Water changes are the best thing for fin rot. Daily 50-60% water changes for a few weeks will make a huge difference. If it’s severe I would use something like Maracyn 2, but I would start with water changes first.
Anyone know why you spray aquarium plants with hydrogen peroxide? I see people spraying them while preparing them. Anyone know if i should use it and where could i find it?
Some people will hydrogen peroxide their plants if they're coming from a source they're not sure of. It kills algae on the plants and any bugs/pest that may have hitchiked.
Lifewithpets Im pretty sure my source is very safe. One of the biggest aquarium supplier or market in Canada and i have bought from them before. Thanks for the reply. I think a good wash will do me fine.
Very nice series! I hope more beginner people watch your videos so they can learn how to properly take care of betta fish. I always see people throwing bettas into bowls and vases, so I'm hoping that trend will die down a bit. Thanks for the videos and good job :)
thank you so much for showing the cycling process, no one does this on youtube they just talk about it. I found this so informative!!!
Thank you!
Honestly love this series and re-watching this series over an over! You can never learn too much, and refreshing your knowledge is always more fun in the long run!
Nice and thorough set up!
I have just been watching as I plan on buying a Betta fish soon, so far I've added nearly 10 extra things I didn't know I needed and returned my 9l tank to get a 30l instead so it's big enough finding this series very well explained thank you so much when my tank is fully set up and water testing right plus temp right I will be purchasing no doubt a very happy fish
Love this series. Just wish I saw it when I first got my betta oh the mistakes I made! Great work and demonstrations too! And I've learned more in this thank you!
Thank you. We all make mistakes, I've made many over the years and I'm sure I'll make many more!
Thank you for showing each step in videos. I did not know a few things on my first try and this would have helped so much!
Those lids are great! I just have sheet plexiglass. Love the Nicrew lights, cheap and effective. The tank looks great!!! Quick tip, when gluing plants it can help to use a toothpick to push the roots into place. Loving this series, it's really well done!!!! You should be super proud. This will be helpful to so many people.
Thank you, and that's a great tip!
Lifewithpets do you sell lids? I'm having a hard time finding a lid for a 20 gallon long tank
Hi, no I'm sorry we don't sell the lids.
Yes,I do have the same lights for my Betta fish, Pretty sure,I am getting another tank for my Oranda ,Yes I do have Bettas and Goldfish in my home,The main focus of my channel is though Goldfish, Isn't hard to look after them,I mostly love ranchus and I upload Goldfish in my Balcony That's going to be sold or Sold Timings,Hough,Yeah I kept 5 rooms ,10 feet for all of my Goldfish,I have 45 tanks of Goldfish and More I am going to bought,I kept all types of Goldfish in my house building, Good,ZezA.... Basics routine,Basics Substrate ,Basics Plants or them all Basics of feeding , Handfeeding my GOLDFISHES,Have a Nice day..........
Haodijam Romila That sounds lovely. I hand feed my fry but not my adults, they're way too rough.
I'm so glad I found this series.
What an amazing setup! This would be my dream setup for my Betta.
Very much enjoying this series! It'll come in handy when I can finally set up my own tank in the future.
Good luck :)
I saw this video and decided to try the LED light you show in it.
WOW! I bought the Nicrew LED Aquarium light you have here in this video for my 20 gallon planted tank. I have to say it is so much better than the Aqueon florescent light I originally bought for the tank. This LED is at least 30% brighter. My tank now has a white look to it, a natural look. The Aqueon gave my tank a yellowish tint to the water. So happy with this LED light!
I also must say that the price is very cheap in my opinion compare to others I saw on Amazon. I highly recommend this LED light.
That's good to hear. I really like those lights too.
Great video awesome tank setup! Can't wait to see next week.
Wow I have been keeping fish for a few years and have many Betta but even I am learning stuff for this video also great advice.
Love this series!
Really enjoying this series. Keep up the amazing work! :D
After several beta fish tank setup video came across this series of video. Was Soo meaningful and helpfull.thanks :)
Great video and setup. That's cool you make your own lids too.
Sheila is the best!!!
You don't have to rinse Stratum if you don't want to. It just makes the tank cloudy for a bit if you don't rinse it.
Also, you can get super glue in a gel formula. Much easier for using with plants than the liquid formula.
@lifewithpets i agree with the light! its much cheaper and works the same as the famous brand lights. i have both the expensive brand, finnex fugeray and the cheap one like you have but longer the nicrew light. both are bright and good for planted tanks.
I have also found that to be true.
Lifewithpets What is the name of the largest plant of this aquarium?
algerome28 have you guys seen the long and thin Nicrew light? I bough it and my plants are growing amazing!
I haven't, I will have to take a look at it.
God, I love your accent!
Great guide!
Would you guys ever consider making and selling clear lids? I can't seem to find them anywhere, but the one you has seems perfect! Thank you for the videos! :)
We have but it’s just not cost effective.
Very nice video
The coupon code didn't work for me. probably from too long ago, but I ordered some plants. Thank you for presenting this information in a very clear and all inclusive way! :)
I could listen to you read the phone book.
Loving your videos! :)
THANKYOU this video is sooooo helpful as I am getting my betta soon
Hi Sheila! Thank you so much for making this series. I've wanted to add a betta to my family, but wanted to make sure I knew exactly how to care for them optimally. For the plants, would you add a root tab when you're setting up the tank or would you do this once the tank was cycled? Thank you!
Thank you. Yes you can add root tabs for the plants while it’s cycling.
I have a 10 gallon split in 2 sections. Will I need 1 or 2 sponge filters for this tank?
We’ recommend a small sponge filter in each section.
What a good setting for the sponge filter? How do you know it’s at a good power level?
nice series
That tank looks beautiful........ I found that Marimo Moss balls cause a lot of extra alage and mess so u may want to reconsider that.
Thank you. We have them in all our tanks with no issues at all.
Are you using super glue to attach live plants to the little bridge?
I was finding it hard to follow the videos about cycling especially, but after listening to it a few times it is coming together a bit. I think there must be something wrong with me. My mind goes to jelly when trying to remember all PH & cycling steps & reasoning. I used your links on this video to purchase what I need with the aquarium kit I purchased today. I'm going slowly and trying to hold myself back on purchasing a betta and I'm succeeding. I have a 5 gal coming and the things you listed except for the sponge filter but I might go for it. I'll have to see how the one that comes with the "kit" . I saw it reviewed on YT and it was noted as having a little bit too high a flow even though it is adjustable. Thanks for these videos and links. One thing is that I think there is some kind of treatment that will eliminate the whole cycling procedure. Do you think this is a product that works?
very nice!
You should start selling some of those lids on your website! I'd love to buy one from you
Thanks, we did look into it but it's really expensive to make and ship them.
lovely video! i have a question corresponding to your lid: i have a 5.5 planted betta tank that needs better lighting. i have one of those nicrew lights for my goldfish tank and love it, however, i've been struggling to find a nice glass or acrylic top that will allow me to use said light. do you have a tutorial? or would you ever sell them on your website? they're awesome! thank you!
We do have a tutorial on making the lids in the "how to" playlist. We have no plans to sell them at the moment.
Thanks for sharing 😊. Did you say you sold the lids for tanks this size?
Hi Jena, no we don't sell the lids. They're easy to make if you or your hubby are handy. We have a video in our how to playlist.
Lifewithpets great! I will go there. 👍
I've been prepping myself to get a betta in the coming months, but I'm having problems finding a decent heater. Got any recommendations? The ones I keep looking at have mixed reviews and the last thing I want to do is cook my new fish when i get it.
I have a question about the NICREW light. Do you think I'd be alright buying the 11-19 version of it for my 10gal? I know it wouldn't fit but I think I'd be able to sit it on the lid of the tank or even secure it in another way due to the shelving my tank is on. It's just that the next version up is 30 dollars and I'm on a tight budget so if I could save that money that for plants and stuff that would be nice.
Yes it does fit the 10 gallon.
You were right! Got my light today and it does indeed fit the 10gal, wish those sliders didn't just pop right out of the light. little bit of a scary fit, will just have to be careful lol
How often should I replace the sponge on the filter and do you know where I can get replacements? I've been trying to look for some online with no luck.
Sponge filters shouldn’t need replacing often if they’re maintained. If you need new ones we sell them on our website.
Can I have some ideas for the stocking on a 10 gallon?
Arjy Bajy 5 neon tetra
Arjy Bajy tiger barbs, black skirt tetras, glo fish, hatchetfish, platies, mollies, Betta fish, guppies
Tetras, a Betta, Guppies, platys not tiger barbs they get too big.
Ottocinclus catfish, neon tetras, female betta fish, snails, guppies :)
Lifewithpets Thanks! Your videos are so satisfying
How do you clean this substrate?
siphons work very well for cleaning
Does the sponge filter come with all the like tubes and stuff?
No, they’re all bought separately. We do sell a full kit on our website. kink is in the description box.
Are you suppose to trim the parts of the plants that die? Or does it kind of fit itself over time?
It depends on the plant. You can trim them if needed.
nice video congratulations
I actually use the same substrate to set up a 10 gallon for a betta fish, right now the tank is going through fish less cycle now but I notice the PH starts getting very low (around 6.5). I currently have 2 decor and a bunch of plants. Do you have the same ph problem with PH?
Right now the PH is very concerning.
I’m getting a betta and I was only able to find hermit crab sand. Will this be okay for my betta?
I have pretty much the exact same filter kit you guys use (bought it from the life with pets website :D). So my questions are, is there such a thing as too low flow through the sponge filter (it does seem to make some weird gurgling sounds if I close the valve after a certain point)? If so, is there a way to know when I have "enough"? Should I be worried about it creating too much disturbance on the surface of water and stressin out my betta?
Thanks again for this awesome series. I wish I'd seen it before buying my betta and tank but I make sure to link it to any of my friends that are thinkin of starting a betta tank (which I may have nudged them in the direction of doing haha).
Edit: I should probably specify that I have a lightly planted 2.5 gallon tank and he's the only fish in there.
Thank you! I don't think you can go too low but you do need to make sure it's filtering. I don't think the water movement stresses them as long as it's not too strong.
Episode 3 watched😊
Does it have to be a red check valve? I have one that says In;Out but not the red one. I also have NO clue how things connect and have no clue if I'm missing something. (I don't have the sponge filter yet but I tried to see if I could connect everything and I can't connect the airline tubing to the check valve I have nor the air pump.) The airline tubing could be too small but I got the small air pump and tubing. So shouldn't it fit?
I'm enjoying this series, but I have a dickens of a time keeping anacharis, which is supposed to be such an easy plant. I bunch I bought about a month ago recently went translucent and died. Have you experienced this with yours?
No, this plant is growing like a weed!
Hola no sé si entiendas algo de español quiero felicitarte me gustan mucho tus videos saludos desde México soy nuevo suscriptor
Thank you! I had to put it in the translator to know what you said!
My tank has been trying to cycle all week. Today I have noticed a reddish/brown powdery stuff on the leaves of the plants and I also noticed tiny barely noticeable long white thing that looks like a worm moving on the glass and I saw a baby snail on the glass as well. Is this bad?
Where can I find the link for the light?
I figured out that I was not feeding my betta enough food. The biggest clue was his bones were starting to show some. I worked at it with the blood worms. He really wants to eat from my finger, but that is a little weird for me, because he goes at my finger full force and makes me jump every time he does it. So I put it in the water and make sure he sees my finger before I let the food into the water. I had to do that a few times to get him introduced to the blood worms. He didn't seem to understand what they were, but now that he has tried one he attacks anything that comes in at the top of the tank. He has decided that he loves blood worms. I got my Fluval Bug Bites in the mail today. When I put just a little bit in the top it was like watching a piranha fish eat, he went absolutely WILD over the Fluval Betta Bug Bites.
Hi! I've come from watching your diy sponge filter and it didn't mention anything about a check valve. Does it not apply to the homemade one or is it something that the air pump comes with? It also didn't mention a flow valve
Thank for watching! Yes, a check valve is needed so the water can't flow back into the air pump. The lever is only needed if you are adding two filters to an air pump or to adjust the flow if it's too strong.
After adding the water in, how long did it take for it to clear up?
Not long, an hour maybe.
Hey sheila, at my local thrift store they have loads of unused fairy garden decorations, are these unsafe for my fish??
You would have to seal them before using them. The paints and dyes could be toxic to your fish.
Is hot glue safe for an aquarium? Great video ❤️
Shana Batt Look at the package, if its non-toxic, it is safe. Just beware it does not hold well under water :)
I'd recommend using aquarium safe super glue (there are several brands you can choose, but it's probably best to look into it on forums). It also depends on what you're going to use the glue for. Using hot glue for plants isn't recommended because heating the roots can kill the plant, and with things like corals it would take time for the glue to dry before putting them back in the water.
Use silicone or aquarium-safe super glue. Hot glue will not hold well underwater.
Super glue is best, just make sure its aquarium safe.
What material do you make your lids out of?
It's acrylic.
What kind of lid is that? It looks very durable.
It's made out of acrylic.
I love these vids hopefully I can find a dumbo betta fish and are plastic plants ok for bettas but my fav guppy died he was acting wierd then the next day I woke up to feed them and he was dead😫
Thanks! As long as the product is fish safe then yes. I'm sorry your guppy died.
Big City Bettas I know I might be a kid but I know a lot about fish I study and read about them all the time
Lifewithpets thx
just a little note but make sure to get silk plants instead of plastic especially if you want a long finned betta! They easily tear their fins on plastic plants, had my veiltail get some serious tears in his fins :(
Make sure the fake plants are soft so it won't hurt your betta fish.
Would a hang on back filter that filters 30 gallons of water per hour stress a betta fish in a 10 gallon tank?
I am planning on buying a filter later and I found the series and got confused if I should just choose a sponge filter and an air pump instead. Any advise is very much appreciated. Thanks!
A 30 gallon filter would be too strong for a betta fish. I would go with a small hob or preferably a sponge filter.
I see. I'll go with a sponge filter then.
Thanks Sheila/Lifewithpets! More power to you guys.
Do you know any place where I can get Anacharis for a really good price?
Mark Cena I'm wondering this too...
Sheila could you tell me if its normal.for my betta to frequently go and hide under the sponge or suddenly freeze while.swimming and then continue swimming happily? I just bought him w days ago. I also wanted to ask if I should place a dead snail shell in the tank as a decor. Does it up the pH?
Hello! I'm about to get a Betta for the first time and I have been doing tons of research about them (the water conditioner, food, tank, decor, etc) and I was wondering if the flake food is fine for them to eat along with some other varieties?
Yes, flake food is fine.
Lifewithpets ok thank you! One last question, where should I get my Betta? Do you think I can get mine at petco/petsmart if I make sure they are healthy?
How long did it take for the water to clear up
A few hours.
You can pour water on sponge filter so that it won't disturb substrate and your filter won't float, it will get wet and heavy
What is the name of the plants that float and have roots coming down?
Frogbit, it’s one of my favorite plants!
I noticed that your website is out of it. I really loved the look of it in the video you posted for setting up the tank and Nemo really needs something at the top for him to rest in. Hopefully it will be back in stock when I'm ready for it. I don't want to add anything to Nemo's tank until he is through with his medication. He ended up extremely stressed from the nerite snails and his tail tore. Petsmart said to put aquarium salt and treat him with Erythromycin. He is still extremely active and he is eating great. I will receive his Fluval Bug Bites (betta formula) next week. He really perked up when I added the aquarium salt. The videos you posted on treating the betta you saved have helped a lot too. Nemo doesn't appear to have velvet, thank the Lord. The hole in his tail healed really quickly. I would have thought it would have taken longer, but I'm glad it is healed, it can't have been comfortable for him. After talking with Fluval, the snails will not be going back in the tank. Now I have to either buy a little tank for the snails or find someone who wants and will take care of the snails. They are really pretty, one is striped and the other has black dots.
The snails should have no effect on the Betta whatsoever. Yes we usually add the plants to the website each weekend.
So I should be able to put my snails back in his tank after it is through the treatment with the erythromycin? He stays constantly stressed with the snails though. He really hates them and he will stay flared for very prolonged periods of time, more than 5 minutes. He constantly tries to bite them, it's a wonder he hasn't hurt his mouth, because he is extremely aggressive with them. My betta is a veil tailed, I don't know if that plays a role in how aggressive they are or not, but your's in the videos do not seem to be near as aggressive as Nemo is. It's a miracle that my snails still have their feelers, because Nemo was going after that too, but he was mostly attacking the middle of the hard shell very aggressively. Then he would flare and lean sideways to completely cover the snail. I put them in the tank before I put him in the tank. But for a whole week he was after the snails, until I came home from the store last Weds and he had started turning black on his body and he looked really ill and had slowed down and he had a hole in his tail and it looked like he had black spots in his tail. I took the snails out and everything but the plants and the gravel (wish I had picked better gravel but I didn't realize there was something better than just picking a pretty color) and added the aquarium salt and the started the erythromycin treatment. I thought I was really doing good, but as I watch the videos and talk to you and to Fluval I'm realizing that all I've done is make a lot of mistakes. Poor Nemo. He is looking really good though. His fin has healed and he is back to chasing what I'm guessing is his reflection in the glass again. Back and forth all day long. :)
If the snails cause that much stress I’d leave them out. The chasing his reflection is not a good thing. That is usually a stress indicator. It’s good he’s healing. Is the tank heavily planted? What size is the tank?
Why is my water still cloudy after a few hours? My sponge filter is setup correct but it’s still cloudy?
I’m getting a 10 g tank in about 2 months when I move I want 2 Berta so I will get a divider so will I need 2 heaters and 2 filters?
One heater and two filters is recommended.
how long do you need to cycle your filter media for???
The video out tomorrow will show the cycling process. It took 3 weeks for it to fully cycle.
is the plant affected by the superglue?
No, it’s very common to use it in planed tanks, especially very aquascaped tanks which this is not.
Thanks 💞👩🎓💕💖😇🍀☯️🥰🐟
Hey I don't know if you're responding to comments anymore but I am trying to do a sponge filter and I have everything necessary except for the flow valve and check valve. I am trying to purchase it off of amazon however the comments are always saying how the check valve doesn't work or the flow valve isn't letting any air through. Long story short, where do you purchase yours and is it affordable for someone like me to purchase it? (I have seen your bundle pack but I just need the flow and check valve)
If you’d like to buy those email me and I can give you a price for just those. My email is gciinc@hotmail. com
Can you find fish tanks in good well and places like that?
Awesome series !!
How can I get good plants for cheap. My local pets store sells small plants for like 12 bucks each
Do you have 5.5 gallon hoods/lid? I bought a 5.5 gallon, and I can't find a lid or hood for it.
We make our own lids for the aquariums out of acrylic.
Superglue is not toxic to the fish?
i set up a 30 gallon shrimp breeding tank with an aqua scape for about 80 dollars (not including the shrimp which cost me about 80 dollars) which would have cost me about 450 dollars if i got a new tank and went with the rocks not on sale and with the fluval stratum not on sale and i got the tank 40 dollars when a new one cost 384 dollars.
Is super glue ok for tank?
Simon vlog yes
Simon vlog yes
They are safe as long as the main ingredient is cyanoacrylate.
I have another question about my betta and my nerite snails. I want to introduce the snails back into the tank. I'm going to add some plants tomorrow afternoon. The snails have been living in a mason jar while Nemo has been undergoing his medicine treatments. Do I have to worry about the snails having any kind of bacteria on them that they would pass onto my betta or into the tank? If so, what do I do to address that issue?
Snails shouldn’t cause any issues for your Betta.
Nemo is through his medication and yesterday I did the last water change after the medication and added some plants. I changed the gravel to a natural color rather than the bright blue and I put the nerite snails in first and then put Nemo (my veil tale betta back in). He was good for the first 24 hours, because he spent all that time chasing his reflection. He did swim through the plants quite a bit, he loves going through narrow spots and it almost looks like he is stuck, but he is not he just stops for a bit and then goes on through. He is never still for long periods, except when all the lights are off in the house and he sleeps. Anyway, today he attacked my spotted nerite visciously. I don't know if the snail is still alive. I moved him to another area and made sure he was not toppled over and the betta attacked again and had him rolled over and I don't know if he got the snail's body or not, I didn't see anything coming out of the snail. I put them in a little small carry tank for the time being. I guess I will not be able to have snails with him. I've never had a betta that was this viscious before, granted the last one I had was about 30 years ago or more. I've never seen a betta as active as him. If he is stressed out, he is now not alone, because I'm stressed out with him. I'm at a loss for what to do to help him. I'm wondering if adding Stress Coat would help him to calm down. He was started to calm down until I made the changes to his tank, but I put him in a carrying tank while I was changing his tank around. I'm not a big fan of netting a fish if I don't absolutely have to. They can get hurt so easily, so I like to avoid netting if possible. I pushed the little carry tank down in the water and he went right in with the water. I did however have to net him to put him in a bag to float him to the temperature, I was hoping not to have to do that, but the temperature after I did the water change was up by about 2 or 3 degrees and he is so small that I'm sure 2 or 3 degrees is huge for him. I don't know if he will go back to chasing his reflection tomorrow or not. I ordered the frogbit off your website. I thought I was on your website the other day and it said you were out of stock and I realized in one your videos today that h2o plants is not your website. So, I went to yours and sure enough you had a batch left and I purchased it today. I hope that my betta fish is healthy even though he runs the tank constantly. I feel really bad for my nerite snails and I don't know how to make the betta tolerate them. My beautiful little betta is very very aggressive. He even forced his way under the moss ball in a quick strike to get the snail. I didn't even know a betta could do those gyrations and not hurt himself. So removing the snails is for the safety of both my betta and the snails. :'(
Is there anything I can do if my country's climate is from 28°C (rainy days) to 35°C (Sunny days) to make my betta tank temperature like the usual expected temparature?
Btw 28°C is 82°F and 35°C is 95°F
(the Fahrenheit is rounded off)
I don’t sorry, I’ve not had any experience of that.
Lifewithpets it's okay, thanks for the reply 😊
Do I have to set my tank up before I cycle
Hi i have a question im confused what is an air stone for? i thought you needed an air stone for diy filters😵😕
Yes you do. We use one in our all diy filters.
Oh ye and do u need light ?
Kiki The hamster probably already know by now but yes,you should get a good,bright light for your tank
I am trying this but having a problem with the fluval. My tank water is black and won’t clear up. What now?
Did you rinse it before using it? Did you use something to pour on to so it didn’t stir up the fluval stratum? Your filter should clear the water but it may take 24 hours.
Can someone tell me how many heaters for a divided tank ? 10 gallons
With a tank divider with holes one heater will work. It needs to be set at 80-82f and there will be a 1-2 degree difference on the side without the heater. Still a good temperature for a betta fish.
Lifewithpets thank you!!!
Hi my female betta as changed colour she was three shades of pink when i got her about 4 month ago now she is two shades of red. Is this normal she is lively eating well. Looks fit and well.
Yes, Bettas do often change color.
Thanks pixie is the first betta i have she follows my finger on the glass and eats out of my hand she is realy friendly. I have a empty 60 litre tank so i am thinking of getting 2 more female betta. But keep her tank . Is the tank big anoth for 3 female betta fish. She is in a 19 litre tank now. THANKS
60 liters is big enough however I'd recommend 5 females minimum. Less than 5 rarely get on. Make sure the tank is very heavily planted.
Are angelfish also good companions for bettas or no
Not really. They will usually fight.
I want a betta fish but I'm scared I might fail 😔
no one succeeded from not failing
My friend got a betta when he was in 4th grade with no knowledge
But he got a big tank for it and some plants, and his betta fish survived for 4 years
Awesome tutorial!
So when are you guys going to sell aquarium lids for standard 2.5 gallon rectangular tanks?
Most standard 2.5 gallon tanks just come with one solid piece of glass with a handle, no hinge.
Unless you know how to cut glass or pay someone to cut it for you, The glass top really doesn't sit right on the tank. Especially if you have a heater and/or HOB filter.
Thank you. We have no plans at the moment but are looking into it for the future.
what do you think the easiest plants to care for are?
Funny enough I’ve just finished filming a video on this very subject which will be up next Friday. I think Anubias, Amazon sword and Anacharis.
thank you so much you have helped me out so much with your channel as well as videos, I don't have the prettiest beta fish because I saw it at a fair when it had fin Rott and decided to take it home to help it out I was also wondering if I could use "beta - fix" but I'm not sure I've heard a lot of bad rumors saying is affects the way your fish breathes and if I can would I be able to dose it in a tank with a tory and some plecos in the same tank or should I just give it a salt bath, again thanks so much for the advice you have really helped me out and it would also be great if you could list some good tank mates with betas if you have a community tank
Water changes are the best thing for fin rot. Daily 50-60% water changes for a few weeks will make a huge difference. If it’s severe I would use something like Maracyn 2, but I would start with water changes first.
How much substrate did u use?
I think it was one and a half bags of fluval stratum.
Lifewithpets what gallon tank are u using? I'm thinking of setting up a 5 gallon divided tank. Per inspiration of this series
The tank in the video is a 5.5 gallon.
Lifewithpets thank you!
Anyone know why you spray aquarium plants with hydrogen peroxide? I see people spraying them while preparing them. Anyone know if i should use it and where could i find it?
TheGolemHunter you can get peroxide at a .99 store. I think they use it to make sure there isn't any bacteria on the plant.
cynthia dameron Oh. Thanks :) so it cost just a few dollars? I live in Canada so i can only go to dollar tree or dollarama.
Some people will hydrogen peroxide their plants if they're coming from a source they're not sure of. It kills algae on the plants and any bugs/pest that may have hitchiked.
TheGolemHunter yes it's very inexpensive
Lifewithpets Im pretty sure my source is very safe. One of the biggest aquarium supplier or market in Canada and i have bought from them before. Thanks for the reply. I think a good wash will do me fine.
The Betta on the thumb nail looks like mine