To find out more about the Single Plane Swing, I have created a "Single Plane Pocket coach" that you can take to the range, or course, and learn the fundamentals of the swing. Find out more about the Pocket Coach here:
No and they won’t be playing in a few years. The modern swing ruins backs. Bryson will play without back injury. Mor hit lots of balls his entire life. Note that the dominant seniors on tour were not the dominant players of their eras with a fee exceptions. Play without pain the Moe way. And finally There is a generation of top amateurs now seining like Bryson. Its coming. Get ready.
Todd, I have been playing golf for about 30 years. I have been watching your single plane swing videos and I have to say you and Moe have changed my golf game so much. I can’t believe what this swing has done for my game. I was told by my golf coach to forget about Moe’s swing. He said it’s a gimmick and no one can duplicate his swing. I can’t wait to show him and tell him how wrong he is with the conventional golf swing. I’m 66 years old and this swing is so efficient and easy for me. I can’t believe how straight my ball goes now.
Long before I had ever heard of Moe Norman, out of desperation I started using a single-plane extension at address. As much as I tried, and as hard as my golfing buddies tried to help me, I’ve never been able to drop my arms at address, because at impact the club head always seemed to be farther away from my body-scary close to the hosel. That fear, which haunted my swing thoughts, always affected the accuracy and power of my golf swing. What I didn’t know-until this video-were the other components of Moe’s golf swing-which I will now take to the driving range. Thank you for breaking it down and putting it out there. I am now a new subscriber.
I just turned 55 and I have a bad back and a reconstructed knee. I have been ready to give up golf because it is so hard on my knee and back, and I just couldn't hit my irons any more. I started converting my swing to the single plane and it has taken so much stress and movement out of my swing that it is fun again. Thanks for keeping Moe around for us.
I bought one of your videos and the swing trainer. I've been hooking for years. I went out last night using your method and tried it basically on drives. Drive 1 - Straight Smash w/good height Drive 2 - awful and slice Drive 3 - Straight, but low Drive 4 - awful and slice Drive 5 - slice, but in play Drive 6 - Straight, but low After that concentrated on not rolling my left forearm on the backswing and keeping the club on plane. Drive 7 - Straight Smash w/good height Drive 8 -Straight Smash w/good height Drive 9 - Straight Smash w/good height Then it got dark and had to go in. Most fun I had driving in a long time. Stick with it. It works! Easy power! Great feel. I think I got "The Feeling of Greatness," on the last three drives.
This is excellent information. I'm not a pro, but I understand the game of golf better than most. I sought the most consistent way to make ball-divot contact, and arrived at this a year ago, notwithstanding Moe or Bryson's swing. I ended up with your "method" through testing ball contact alone, but it's RIGHT ON! Not that it matters, but I was a 5 handicap 30 years ago. I wish I had been as interested in golf at that time, as I am today. I'm much more "Ulnar" in my setup, and it's a blessing. I'm 67 and can still hit the ball about 300 yards. Thank you, sir. PS, I love your fascination with Moe as a human being, he was so interesting, and as "real" as a person can get, and greatly misunderstood outside of golf.
I'm a feel player and by adding single plane fundamentals in my set up, I find that I'm more consistent and hitting the ball straight. The combo of being a feel player with the correct fundamentals is working great.
I was off the golf course for 2 years due to surgery. Came back this year completely forgetting the Graves single plane swing and was all over the place. At the end of my season I remembered the Moe/Graves method and started to get good results. I was in Orlando in 2005 taking lessons which gave me a new outlook on golf. Now this next season I'm back to be swinging like Todd and Moe. TNX. 👏👏👏
I had to stop playing golf due to cancer, I had 5 opertains in 2017 but I'm okay and resuming my love for golf. I was hitting before stopping anywhere from low 80's to 90's. Of course inconsistent but playing was still fun. Pitching and chipping was the biggest weakness, old school handle ahead of ball, watching endless hours of youtube have corrected my mistakes. I haven't had time to thank you for teaching me Moe's feeling of greatness. I bought your book and seen every video, just can't log in at work to tell you. I could not hit my irons upon rehab at all! I felt like you before Moe, extremely frustrated. Like Moe said you need to put in a lot of hard work. Two things that you don't address much and I find extremely important for this swing is to have the hosel pointing at the ball. Your over head video was your best! The second point is the feet position depending on the club. I know you have your guide but I notice You and Moe sometimes with a driver your feet are straight and sometimes I notice Moe in a down the line view with his back foot in a slight draw, about half a shoe length. In one of your videos you state this. I found this extremely helpful, maybe more rotation is produced in my swing? I would love to see an over head view of address for the driver and the irons. Also how far back of the ball at address for the lower irons? How open are your feet or not. BTW I finally hit my irons ok and beat my brother with his artificial swing yesterday. Hit 44 on the back and can see the beauty of having a plan you can always return to. Thanks for forwarding Moe's gift to us hackers. Every time I have a long staight drive I think he is watching and smiling from above.
Great video. I first met Moe at the Earl Grey course in Calgary, Alberta by a mutual friend. I also got to play a couple practice round with him, and he let me tape him a bit practicing. Your channel explains the things you can take from Moe's swing better than any other. Keep up the great work!
I naturally swing like this but I didn't know any better about the technicality and effectiveness and almost change because of the common golf swing influence. I had some great moment that I felt great but didn't get it down until now. I'll keep up with my natural swing setup and more with this help will bring better consistency in my game. Thank you so much for the video.
exactly the same here...just one plane felt more simple and the only bad shot i have is left...everyone tellin me i play too much blocked or mechanical.blabla..gotta try this now!!
Started the year with real bad dequervains in my left thumb and wrist... what saved me from not playing is taking a strong grip and this lead arm its almost painless and my game is better and longer. Love it!!!
Great thing about having this position with the left wrist, is that it's locked in and set. Also if you swing with your left hand only, you'll find it's almost impossible to do it with the left hand low , in a traditional starting position. Do a single arm swing with your left hand and your wrist will automatically pronate to manage the weight of the club, and then notice how perfectly 'on plane' your swing is. Lock the left wrist in for clubface control and keep the right hand light for generating power.
I tell you what.. I started this about 2 weeks ago with my driver and I've been the most consistent with my hitting than years past. I had no idea where my ball was going back then and now I feel automatic. Started a little bit with my irons and thats coming around too. I had too much of a hit down which put me a little over the top. Now I feel more behind the ball and coming from the inside. That ulnar deviation does work wonders. Trust me. Golf is way more fun now.
I went to the single plane method after watching your channel last year. My golf game and fairways hit in regulation improved dramatically!! Thanks you
@@brandonbuss3224 I'm playing modified length, 7 thru 4 slightly longer on each club, lower clubs all standard length not the longer "same length":, So my longer irons are not all the same but not the "standard" graduated length. And shorter irons are standard (they get shorter as they go more loft).
@@FBRR2 thanks for sharing your set up! I think I’m gonna roll with the standard lengths for a season and go from there on adjustments once I get the fundamentals down pat on this “new” style.
I tried playing for a few years, but gave up because my body mechanics and golf just didn’t gel. I think it time to blow the dust off the clubs and try again. Great video. Thanks
Practising this yesterday in Perth Australia struggled for a life time with driver not anymore last January my handicap was 2 in 2019 up to 5 , put the driver back in the bag yesterday feel heaps of confidence since finding your methods of this swing ,I've always believed in the 1 piece take away people talked me out of by having lessons with certain coaches , I'm going back to my old swing one piece take away again .
Todd can you do some videos with irons and wedges. I am using the single plane swing and am lowering my score with it. I'm not going back to the traditional swing.
Great video. Moe Norman was one in a million. I think most PGA pros are familiar with Moe but as is plain to see, they've opted for the "conventional" swing. It doesn't mean they are right or wrong. It just means they play golf for a living and think their chances are better with the two-plane method. Bryson is awesome. He does things his way and is arguably the most analytical golfer out there today. Everything he does is with the intent of increasing hid odds of hitting good shots...and hitting them far. It always comes down to Ford or Chevy, rotary or piston and even red or blue. Everybody should try this method and if it works for them, go with it. When all is said and done, golf is nothing but a stick, a ball and hand eye coordination and who can get that stupid little ball into the hole in the fewest number of strokes.
I started golf 3 years ago and this was my natural swing . There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, I then went to lessons to improve on the game even further and all the coaches pushed me for weeks to try and go to that traditional swing - I couldn’t do it and it completely messed up my natural swing. I then found a coach who knew about this type of swing and he taught me how to use it too my advantage and my game has never been better. To this day, other golfers and people at pro shops attempt to correct my swing and how I address the ball and every time I try what they tell me my game and ball strike goes to shit. Lesson: every golfer is different and sometimes your most natural swing is the one that works best for you even if it isn’t the most conventional. Don’t doubt your game just because one guys says you don’t hit like he does.
I have never had 1 golf class. I recently started playing at least once every 2 weeks with some tips from friends. I really struggled with my driver. Yesterday I saw one of your videos, and decided to try it on the golf coarse today. I hit 300 yards straight as can be, time after time. This technique just made my golf SO MUCH MORE FUN! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
I've played golf for 40 years and never have heard this important distinction. This is major for me. Thank you so much...Maybe now, I will be able to break par for an entire 18 hole round and get in the 60's.
This really helped me not think i was a maniac lining the club far from the ball and stretching my wrist like that, i was trying to look all over to see if anyone else was doing it
Thanks, Mr. Graves. Brilliant. Last summer I began to switch over and scores lowered. I'm back again this summer having just played about 10 rounds so far, and I'm using more of a single plane now and it comes alive for me when I keep my feet planted. I just hammer the ball straight as an arrow hitting way more greens and fairways. The score has consistently come down. I'm not rushing anything. takes time to rebuild but I just shot an 81 yesterday, the lowest score ever.
Yehhhhh......super explanation coach👍🏌️♂️ I struggle with my left arm on the driver for more than 15 years. Motor cycle accident ruins my left knee and find difficulties with the driver. Now out of the bleu I tried to work with the straight left arm and eliminate the left retracted arm... and you know what? It works! Now I can hit my drive where I want,draw or problem at all. Thanks for the clear explanation
Moe once said the golf swing was "Sensation of positions". I've carried that with me for years and it's worked wonders for me. Moe's philosophy on the golf swing was second to none!
Thanks for taking your time. Been doing this for a while after putting in the practice. My games pretty consistent and i’m no longer chasing my ball all over place. My stroke range is dependent on my putter, especially lag putting. Thanks again.
I bought the Moe Book about oh 30 years ago i used it i loved it and a scratch player played in our group and change me you'll be a better player well it was good for many years seen Bryson went back to it i hit long again im 74 the trick is finding the right clubs especially the driver i went thru dozens till i found it
Here's a day #1 progress report. I've watched a bunch of you vids on the Moe Nelson single-plane style. Went to the range today. Hit a large bucket of balls using only a 5-iron. Every shot was straight except 3. Sure I was thick or thin on contact much of the time but the point is the ball went toward the target. Hope is wasn't a fluke. To be continued...
Todd... the key to me yesterday was what u call ulnar deviation... i was chunking every other shot while playing....[ i have toyed with single plane before ] i finally raised my wrist at address..[ almost accidentally ] . and immediately started to strike the ball so much better... the weak before 110... yesterday all i have to do is learn to keep my lead heal thank you for this video...
IMHO - Bryson needs to refocus and stop playing the blame game. He's won a Major and other tour events, so why not forget the negatives by revisiting, and adapting the winning components from past tournaments? KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid - this acronym should help Bryson...why try to fix what's not broken?
At the 5:21 mark you take the club to the inside and lose the WIDTH that keeps the wrists and club face square to the plane. This move voids the point you’re trying to make.
All these years trying to compress my Iron shots and here we have Bryson Dechambeau not compressing his irons at all and he is number one in the world.
Used to try and copy Moe, but the stance was too wide, distance from ball too far for me, keeping the trail foot down was very unnatural and I lost distance so I moved on to another coach who teaches very similar to what Bryson does. The results have been stunning. I doubt Moe’s swing works for many people, but Bryson’s is SO much easier as long as you do not get caught up in every detail of what he does. Except of the point of the left arm position there is almost no similarity to the two swings.
Thanks Todd I have been watching these videos for about a month now. My ball striking is improving. The positions feel more natural to me. I'm working to understand all of the bio mechanics stuff .
Hey Todd. What you are explaining makes sense, and it's validity must irritate the heck out of ’mainstream’ or ’conventional’ methodology golf instructors.
That lead knee is so important and so hard to achieve at impact when you are fighting 50 years of conventional training. Bryson "stands-up" to add extra oomph but he is a pro and spends his days practicing to his own specific model swing. Using Moe's (Todd's) simple and easy (but technically more bio-mechanically efficient) swing model gives a better chance of ball-striking success to dedicated but not professional golfers (ME !). After 3 weeks of working on it, that knee is a problem but when I get it right, what a feeling! The ball flies far, straight and high and that is worth all the effort. Thanks Todd.
What a great video; short, concise, informative. Keep up the good work!! Also, I personally believe Hogan used many of the same mechanics to his swing on a much smaller scale. Restriction= control
You don't "use the ground" to gain clubhead speed. However, Bryson talks about pushing back with the lead leg, i.e., pushing down in the backswing and to the rear in the follow-through.
I saw Bryson's video on this and have been playing around with the! Drastic improvements for being a beginner. I'm not sure how to apply it yet to the irons
Thank you! I was starting to swing this way and was straightening out my left arm and wrist to get an additional 30-60 yards and this helped explain it all to me. Secondly, I'm about eliminating variables too when it matters so I enjoyed hearing it. Going to the range now Man...when someone asks me who I swing like I'm adding Bryson to the list now hahaha (swing like, not play like)
Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! Square fundamentals from head position, body position, grip, stance. Square to square swing that builds power and crescendos at the ball. Be young and limber. And you're going to have the potential to play some really good golf from tee to green! It's an absolute! On the greens copy Jack Nicklaus' open stance, ball up front, head behind the ball, and make sure you hit up on the ball to get that great overhead spin that helps run the ball in the hole. Study. Prepare. Practice. Execute. You can't miss!
@@ToddGravesGolf Thanks Todd, I just received a copy of your book! I am trying to help my son (21 years old) handicap 4 to improve his swing. He use to compite here in Peru but we never got him in the correct technique I think. Maybe this time might work, He his commited to apply the changes...
@@andrescerdajullian1400 Hello Andres. I work with a great 21 year old player named Roberto Lebrija. He has improved greatly with the Single Plane Swing. Feel free to email me at to discuss you son if you would like my help. Thanks.
I just started playing golf and was actually doing a lot of these things. I thought to myself if i can eliminate as much movement as possible it should be more consistent.
Great video. I'm am still pretty new to the game (about 8 months in) and this was especially interesting to me because when I first started plauing, I naturally had a single plain swing...didn't know it then but after watching this video, now I know. Thanks to my all my personal RUclips instructors and other sources around the web, I started trying to learning the two plain swing. Funny thing is I felt more accurate with my driver with the single plain despite being even less experienced and now I have been struggling with the driver consistency ever since the change. I just thought I wasn't swinging the proper way but now I see that you can be successful with it. I'll think I'm going to give it a go again. Go with my natural swing tendency.
Todd, former student of yours here. What I always felt is that this method sacrificed distance. What is becoming abundantly clear with Bryson is the distance. What is he doing in additions to the similar bio mechanics that is allowing him to launch it.? Correct me if I am wrong on the distance I am stating for me not for your teaching.
There is nothing biomechanically in the Single Plane Swing of Moe that would cause a loss of distance. What I have seen, in many cases, is that too many people interpret the Single Plane swing as a Lateral movement and not a rotational one. They slide instead of turn. Bryson is proving that the Single Plane swing is powerful and accurate.
@@ToddGravesGolf I am guilty as charged. I think I focused far too much on the lateral move. I always enjoy watching your clips. I truly respect how you represent Moe.
Since reading 'The Feeling of Greatness' and with no a little sadness that Moe suffered from a lack of understanding by other folk, I've enjoyed watching all your presentations about him & his swing, and that he is getting some of the appreciation he deserved through them. Moe was famed for his accuracy, & hardly ever missed a fairway, and yet Bryson, who clearly sets up at address very much like Moe, when he won the US Open, only hit roughly half the fairways off the tee. Yet his short game is not dissimilar to Moe's. It would seem that Bryson has sacrificed accuracy for length, it seems he 'spins' on both feet with the effort of striking the driver. Just wondered if you had a take on this ?
Great breakdown. I admit that I never liked Moe's swing, but seeing how you break it down, it's starting to make sense... especially with the "variables". One thing I noticed, is that at the address with the driver, the lie angle now appears more correct, matching the design of the club. I have a question though, is the hip restriction adding to the transfer of energy into the upper body and arms more effectively? Like slamming brakes on a car thereby adding energy and torque to the top of the vehicle?
Bryson's right foot is not kept flat at and thru impact nor is his left knee kept flexed at impact. His left leg stiffens allowing him to get a full hip turn thru impact. The hips cannot open as easily with a flexed left knee. Moe was long but Bryson's 2 mechanical difference would have increased Moe's carry & distance. Moe's accuracy is from less variables which required less compensations, however Bryson developed the skill to incorporate his 2 differences into substantial clubhead and ball speed. Bryson is now working on a longer shaft on his Driver to gain another 10 to 20mph ball speed!!
I’m not sure he’s doing it bc he grew up admiring Moe Norman. Moe was a fantastic ball striker. But only certain people can use a single plane swing. I think Bryson was one of them and you all can compare, but I truly believe golfers develops specific traits as amateurs and they drift into or stay with what works
So, Ive been struggling with the dreaded pull hook. Ive been watching a lot of Bryson the last year, and i noted this position as well. I tried it at the range last week, and i was able to swing as hard as i wanted on every club and hit it straight to a slight fade. I generally strike the ball well, and have a good swing. But this feels like its removing that sweeping hook miss from the equation. Time will tell
Great Video..Question..>WHY then are so many people using two plane versus the single plane swing? I have yet to see anyone explain the actual drawbacks of using single plane swing? You'd think everyone would use it. I learned singe plane and lost my way but I'm back..I'm trying to figure out why think it's ok to create such a large angle with the wrists and forearms at addess.
Been watching your videos. So far with the putting it's been working wonders. Still figuring out the distance control part but the line is dead straight. As for the irons swing I'm heading out to the range today to test it out.
Todd Thanks for another great video. I want to attest to the single plane swing and its abilities. First off I have broken C 3, 4, & 5 as well as L4. I am sure you understand what that means when it comes to pain from swinging a normal swing. When I swung the normal swing I would not even be able to complete 9 holes with out extreme pain in my spine.Also I have a torn bicep as well as damaged rotator cuff which would lead to shoulder and arm pain from swinging the normal swing. I wont even mention what kind of hadicap it left me with or how I played as Moe calls it Army Golf. I then began watching your videos here and practicing the single plane swing. I also began to watch Bryson and learning about single length clubs. As soon as they opened up the courses here in Northern Michigan I went out on a course I have never played before and played 2 rounds of 18. My first round was +5 my second round was +3 not to mention I can daily hit over 100 shots in practice as well as 100+ putts and all with NO PAIN. I can not thank you enough for all your work in bringing the single plane swing to light. I believe if more people actually put the time into learning the single plane swing they would enjoy golf more and have far better scores at the end of their rounds. Also maybe you could touch on Moe's comment about SLINGING the ball to a DEFINED TARGET as that comment along with skipping a stone really put into my mind what a golf swing really is all about and why the tilt is also in the single plane swing. All the best to you and yours.
this theory is based on 2 players... the current best ball strikers (Rory, Shuffler, Scheffely, etc) don't use this motion... and as Bryson used very customized clubs and shaft length... interesting... but surely not for everybody. thanks anyway..
Thanks. the last few months my irons were way off, was hitting them short and if i tried to hit it harder i was all over the place. I had 2 rounds of 88 and 90 and i hit ZERO greens. From the last few videos i'm fixinf my irons, shot 83 yesterday hit 9 greens, even though i hit 4 drives way left. THIS video should correct that. I'll see tomorrow. I need to order some of your training aids, so i won't have to put so much thought everytime i set up. It will become a habit. Thanks Todd
I like the sensation of returning the club to the same (nearly) position at impact, but don't we go into radial deviation when we cock the wrists in the backswing. Don't get me wrong, this works for me mentally as a feel, but the argument could be made that you're increasing variablility by changing the wrists ulnar vs radial deviation twice as opposed to a conventional setup which begins in radial deviation. Just a thought.
Todd Graves: I’m in the process of rediscovering Norman’s single plane swing. As back story, in the 70s I started teaching myself golf at close to age 30. Probably hit millions on balls on the range that first year alone along with almost daily rounds, and arrived at what I understand now are some of the same conclusions, positions, etc as Moe Norman adopted. But I’d never heard of him until sometime years later when I saw an article in Golf Digest. I played with what essentially was my Norman style swing for about three years having gone from about a 27 handicap to single digit in the first year. After achieving my goal of scoring consistently in the mid 70s or better, like everyone on this crazy journey does, I started looking for ways to become better. After seeing photos of myself swinging, and noticing my positions in those photos, I realized my body positions were different than those of Tour players so I decided I needed to update my swing. Firstly to improve tee to green, secondly to get more distance (although I already was reasonably long routinely putting it out there 260-275 which in the days of balata and persimmon, wasn’t shabby). I believed at that time that I needed to change to more of a Greg Norman swing to reflect the modern swings I was seeing on tour (which all the top gurus were teaching). So I over many months, I got away from the single plane method I had taught myself, and pretty much forgot everything about my single plane swing accept that feeling I’d once known of standing at address having very high confidence of where the the ball would go. I also maintained this vision in my mind of the club shaft moving from takeaway, to the top, and down and though the ball on a single plane which when at the top, was on an axis that split my shoulders. I’m probably not explaining this well, but for about thirty years now, after going from a pretty draw to an out of control hook, to then playing a fade and enduring all manner of misses along the way, I realize that I’ve been trying to get the club on a plane that isn’t possible given the changes in set up, grip, alignment etc I’d adopted when trying to modernize my swing. I’m an old guy now, but still in good physical shape and not too old a dog to still try too improve. Having come across your videos, you’ve triggered memories from the recesses of my mind which I’m trying now to get back to full time. Being retired now, I have the time to really focus on it. I am making progress, am back to hitting tons of balls again, and really feel like I’m starting to get it back once more. Thanks so much, Todd! Your videos have really helped me!
does this swing have any consistent repeatable results other than straight flight? Meaning... low ball flight? High ball flight? no back spin etc etc. Even in a swing where variables are reduced can have side affects or consequences. Just wondering what might be at play here with this swing?
Loft on the face produces backspin - with every swing method. Trajectory is a function of effective loft at impact and can be adjusted if necessary with the Single Plane swing. You can produced side-spin with the Single Plane swing if you need to but it is rarely necessary. See my video vlogs about playing on the course here:
And all the nay sayers were saying you have no distance. Bryson is now number one on PGA for distance averaging 330 yds! 190mph ball speed surpassing DJ and Champ
To find out more about the Single Plane Swing, I have created a "Single Plane Pocket coach" that you can take to the range, or course, and learn the fundamentals of the swing. Find out more about the Pocket Coach here:
Is there a place in Atlanta yet
I purchased the course try to follow to the letter however I can’t stop topping the ball with this set up.
@@anthonycentoni Stance too wide. Ball position too far forward.
@@anthonycentoni I tee the ball high and don't lean forward too much, just stretch my arms out straight, works for me
No and they won’t be playing in a few years. The modern swing ruins backs. Bryson will play without back injury. Mor hit lots of balls his entire life. Note that the dominant seniors on tour were not the dominant players of their eras with a fee exceptions. Play without pain the Moe way.
And finally
There is a generation of top amateurs now seining like Bryson. Its coming. Get ready.
Todd, I have been playing golf for about 30 years. I have been watching your single plane swing videos and I have to say you and Moe have changed my golf game so much. I can’t believe what this swing has done for my game. I was told by my golf coach to forget about Moe’s swing. He said it’s a gimmick and no one can duplicate his swing. I can’t wait to show him and tell him how wrong he is with the conventional golf swing. I’m 66 years old and this swing is so efficient and easy for me. I can’t believe how straight my ball goes now.
👏 single plane is more logical than 2 planes what improvements you see so far?
Long before I had ever heard of Moe Norman, out of desperation I started using a single-plane extension at address. As much as I tried, and as hard as my golfing buddies tried to help me, I’ve never been able to drop my arms at address, because at impact the club head always seemed to be farther away from my body-scary close to the hosel. That fear, which haunted my swing thoughts, always affected the accuracy and power of my golf swing. What I didn’t know-until this video-were the other components of Moe’s golf swing-which I will now take to the driving range. Thank you for breaking it down and putting it out there. I am now a new subscriber.
I just turned 55 and I have a bad back and a reconstructed knee. I have been ready to give up golf because it is so hard on my knee and back, and I just couldn't hit my irons any more. I started converting my swing to the single plane and it has taken so much stress and movement out of my swing that it is fun again. Thanks for keeping Moe around for us.
God bless Moe Norman and his legacy! Let's Go, Bryson!!
Thanks for keeping Moe's memory alive and well, Scott! ⛳️
Is this why Bryson uses one Length clubs? Theory of being In the same positions and Distance from the ball every time no matter what club he’s using
Yes, he removes every variable he can to make his swing as repeatable and as intuitive as possible.
I bought one of your videos and the swing trainer. I've been hooking for years. I went out last night using your method and tried it basically on drives. Drive 1 - Straight Smash w/good height Drive 2 - awful and slice Drive 3 - Straight, but low Drive 4 - awful and slice Drive 5 - slice, but in play Drive 6 - Straight, but low After that concentrated on not rolling my left forearm on the backswing and keeping the club on plane. Drive 7 - Straight Smash w/good height Drive 8 -Straight Smash w/good height Drive 9 - Straight Smash w/good height Then it got dark and had to go in. Most fun I had driving in a long time. Stick with it. It works! Easy power! Great feel. I think I got "The Feeling of Greatness," on the last three drives.
This is excellent information. I'm not a pro, but I understand the game of golf better than most. I sought the most consistent way to make ball-divot contact, and arrived at this a year ago, notwithstanding Moe or Bryson's swing. I ended up with your "method" through testing ball contact alone, but it's RIGHT ON! Not that it matters, but I was a 5 handicap 30 years ago. I wish I had been as interested in golf at that time, as I am today.
I'm much more "Ulnar" in my setup, and it's a blessing. I'm 67 and can still hit the ball about 300 yards. Thank you, sir. PS, I love your fascination with Moe as a human being, he was so interesting, and as "real" as a person can get, and greatly misunderstood outside of golf.
I'm a feel player and by adding single plane fundamentals in my set up, I find that I'm more consistent and hitting the ball straight. The combo of being a feel player with the correct fundamentals is working great.
I was off the golf course for 2 years due to surgery. Came back this year completely forgetting the Graves single plane swing and was all over the place. At the end of my season I remembered the Moe/Graves method and started to get good results. I was in Orlando in 2005 taking lessons which gave me a new outlook on golf. Now this next season I'm back to be swinging like Todd and Moe. TNX. 👏👏👏
I had to stop playing golf due to cancer, I had 5 opertains in 2017 but I'm okay and resuming my love for golf. I was hitting before stopping anywhere from low 80's to 90's. Of course inconsistent but playing was still fun. Pitching and chipping was the biggest weakness, old school handle ahead of ball, watching endless hours of youtube have corrected my mistakes.
I haven't had time to thank you for teaching me Moe's feeling of greatness. I bought your book and seen every video, just can't log in at work to tell you.
I could not hit my irons upon rehab at all! I felt like you before Moe, extremely frustrated. Like Moe said you need to put in a lot of hard work. Two things that you don't address much and I find extremely important for this swing is to have the hosel pointing at the ball. Your over head video was your best!
The second point is the feet position depending on the club. I know you have your guide but I notice You and Moe sometimes with a driver your feet are straight and sometimes I notice Moe in a down the line view with his back foot in a slight draw, about half a shoe length. In one of your videos you state this. I found this extremely helpful, maybe more rotation is produced in my swing?
I would love to see an over head view of address for the driver and the irons. Also how far back of the ball at address for the lower irons? How open are your feet or not.
BTW I finally hit my irons ok and beat my brother with his artificial swing yesterday. Hit 44 on the back and can see the beauty of having a plan you can always return to.
Thanks for forwarding Moe's gift to us hackers. Every time I have a long staight drive I think he is watching and smiling from above.
Glad to hear of your recovery and improvement. Keep it up!
Great video. I first met Moe at the Earl Grey course in Calgary, Alberta by a mutual friend. I also got to play a couple practice round with him, and he let me tape him a bit practicing. Your channel explains the things you can take from Moe's swing better than any other. Keep up the great work!
You’re the best Todd!!! I think when your coaching career is over, you will have done more to help people in the sport of golf than any other teacher.
Hope so! Thanks..
Mr graves is the 🐐🐐
I naturally swing like this but I didn't know any better about the technicality and effectiveness and almost change because of the common golf swing influence. I had some great moment that I felt great but didn't get it down until now. I'll keep up with my natural swing setup and more with this help will bring better consistency in my game. Thank you so much for the video.
exactly the same here...just one plane felt more simple and the only bad shot i have is left...everyone tellin me i play too much blocked or mechanical.blabla..gotta try this now!!
And nothing ever hurts... A huge deal for golfers who love the sport and would like to play pain free golf...
You're the best buddy!!!
Started the year with real bad dequervains in my left thumb and wrist... what saved me from not playing is taking a strong grip and this lead arm its almost painless and my game is better and longer. Love it!!!
Great thing about having this position with the left wrist, is that it's locked in and set.
Also if you swing with your left hand only, you'll find it's almost impossible to do it with the left hand low , in a traditional starting position. Do a single arm swing with your left hand and your wrist will automatically pronate to manage the weight of the club, and then notice how perfectly 'on plane' your swing is.
Lock the left wrist in for clubface control and keep the right hand light for generating power.
Interesting - must try this
Very informative. I switch to this style of swing about a year ago. It has helped to drop my handicap. And also to put less stress on my back .
Tried this with my driver for the first time yesterday and instantly began hitting the longest drives of my career. Amazing, thanks.
Great to hear!
I tell you what.. I started this about 2 weeks ago with my driver and I've been the most consistent with my hitting than years past. I had no idea where my ball was going back then and now I feel automatic. Started a little bit with my irons and thats coming around too. I had too much of a hit down which put me a little over the top. Now I feel more behind the ball and coming from the inside. That ulnar deviation does work wonders. Trust me. Golf is way more fun now.
Did you do any particular drills?
I went to the single plane method after watching your channel last year. My golf game and fairways hit in regulation improved dramatically!! Thanks you
Are you playing same length irons or conventional lengths? Thanks
@@brandonbuss3224 I'm playing modified length, 7 thru 4 slightly longer on each club, lower clubs all standard length not the longer "same length":, So my longer irons are not all the same but not the "standard" graduated length. And shorter irons are standard (they get shorter as they go more loft).
@@FBRR2 thanks for sharing your set up! I think I’m gonna roll with the standard lengths for a season and go from there on adjustments once I get the fundamentals down pat on this “new” style.
Todd: I sincerely enjoyed your comparison of Bryson and Moe. Articulate, simple and concise. Well Done...
I tried playing for a few years, but gave up because my body mechanics and golf just didn’t gel. I think it time to blow the dust off the clubs and try again. Great video. Thanks
Practising this yesterday in Perth Australia struggled for a life time with driver not anymore last January my handicap was 2 in 2019 up to 5 , put the driver back in the bag yesterday feel heaps of confidence since finding your methods of this swing ,I've always believed in the 1 piece take away people talked me out of by having lessons with certain coaches , I'm going back to my old swing one piece take away again .
After 60 yrs. Playing golf I am hitting the ball constantly straight every time. This swing really makes a difference. Try it.
Todd can you do some videos with irons and wedges. I am using the single plane swing and am lowering my score with it. I'm not going back to the traditional swing.
Great video. Moe Norman was one in a million. I think most PGA pros are familiar with Moe but as is plain to see, they've opted for the "conventional" swing. It doesn't mean they are right or wrong. It just means they play golf for a living and think their chances are better with the two-plane method. Bryson is awesome. He does things his way and is arguably the most analytical golfer out there today. Everything he does is with the intent of increasing hid odds of hitting good shots...and hitting them far. It always comes down to Ford or Chevy, rotary or piston and even red or blue. Everybody should try this method and if it works for them, go with it. When all is said and done, golf is nothing but a stick, a ball and hand eye coordination and who can get that stupid little ball into the hole in the fewest number of strokes.
I started golf 3 years ago and this was my natural swing . There was absolutely nothing wrong with it, I then went to lessons to improve on the game even further and all the coaches pushed me for weeks to try and go to that traditional swing - I couldn’t do it and it completely messed up my natural swing.
I then found a coach who knew about this type of swing and he taught me how to use it too my advantage and my game has never been better.
To this day, other golfers and people at pro shops attempt to correct my swing and how I address the ball and every time I try what they tell me my game and ball strike goes to shit.
Lesson: every golfer is different and sometimes your most natural swing is the one that works best for you even if it isn’t the most conventional. Don’t doubt your game just because one guys says you don’t hit like he does.
Roger that!
I have never had 1 golf class. I recently started playing at least once every 2 weeks with some tips from friends. I really struggled with my driver. Yesterday I saw one of your videos, and decided to try it on the golf coarse today. I hit 300 yards straight as can be, time after time. This technique just made my golf SO MUCH MORE FUN! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
I've been fascinated with Moe Norman and his story since first hearing about him. I'm definitely going to give the single plane swing a try.
Absolutely spot on. This is the best explanation i have ever heard. Great Job!
Glad it was helpful!
I've played golf for 40 years and never have heard this important distinction. This is major for me. Thank you so much...Maybe now, I will be able to break par for an entire 18 hole round and get in the 60's.
This really helped me not think i was a maniac lining the club far from the ball and stretching my wrist like that, i was trying to look all over to see if anyone else was doing it
Amazing content, best single plane swing coach on RUclips. Thank you brother for making golf fun again!
Thanks, Mr. Graves. Brilliant. Last summer I began to switch over and scores lowered. I'm back again this summer having just played about 10 rounds so far, and I'm using more of a single plane now and it comes alive for me when I keep my feet planted. I just hammer the ball straight as an arrow hitting way more greens and fairways. The score has consistently come down. I'm not rushing anything. takes time to rebuild but I just shot an 81 yesterday, the lowest score ever.
Yehhhhh......super explanation coach👍🏌️♂️ I struggle with my left arm on the driver for more than 15 years. Motor cycle accident ruins my left knee and find difficulties with the driver. Now out of the bleu I tried to work with the straight left arm and eliminate the left retracted arm... and you know what? It works! Now I can hit my drive where I want,draw or problem at all. Thanks for the clear explanation
Moe once said the golf swing was "Sensation of positions". I've carried that with me for years and it's worked wonders for me. Moe's philosophy on the golf swing was second to none!
Thanks for taking your time. Been doing this for a while after putting in the practice. My games pretty consistent and i’m no longer chasing my ball all over place. My stroke range is dependent on my putter, especially lag putting. Thanks again.
I bought the Moe Book about oh 30 years ago i used it i loved it and a scratch player played in our group and change me you'll be a better player well it was good for many years seen Bryson went back to it i hit long again im 74 the trick is finding the right clubs especially the driver i went thru dozens till i found it
Here's a day #1 progress report. I've watched a bunch of you vids on the Moe Nelson single-plane style. Went to the range today. Hit a large bucket of balls using only a 5-iron. Every shot was straight except 3. Sure I was thick or thin on contact much of the time but the point is the ball went toward the target. Hope is wasn't a fluke. To be continued...
As a someone who has studies all methods - hogan 5 lessons etc this makes sense - my issue has always been the wrist position at impact....
Same, my shoulder rotates too far
Todd... the key to me yesterday was what u call ulnar deviation... i was chunking every other shot while playing....[ i have toyed with single plane before ] i finally raised my wrist at address..[ almost accidentally ]
. and immediately started to strike the ball so much better... the weak before 110... yesterday all i have to do is learn to keep my lead heal thank you for this video...
Very good mec hanics for the swing and its working well for me. Im glad l saw your video thank you for the lesson my dear good man .
The way Bryson played the Masters yesterday; perhaps you should be his coach.
IMHO - Bryson needs to refocus and stop playing the blame game. He's won a Major and other tour events, so why not forget the negatives by revisiting, and adapting the winning components from past tournaments? KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid - this acronym should help Bryson...why try to fix what's not broken?
At the 5:21 mark you take the club to the inside and lose the WIDTH that keeps the wrists and club face square to the plane. This move voids the point you’re trying to make.
You’re statement is so untrue. Your definition of width and going inside are not accurate.
All these years trying to compress my Iron shots and here we have Bryson Dechambeau not compressing his irons at all and he is number one in the world.
Yeah he just hit a 9 iron today 223 down wind at the PGA
🙏thank you..this video just answered SOOO many questions I had about my swing,grip & my motion .. I’m a subscriber Now..
At 1:41, like all great players, they are slotted and ready to fire. And Moe was no spring chicken in this video! Another great video Todd!
Used to try and copy Moe, but the stance was too wide, distance from ball too far for me, keeping the trail foot down was very unnatural and I lost distance so I moved on to another coach who teaches very similar to what Bryson does. The results have been stunning. I doubt Moe’s swing works for many people, but Bryson’s is SO much easier as long as you do not get caught up in every detail of what he does. Except of the point of the left arm position there is almost no similarity to the two swings.
I think it will help if your mobility isn't great as in older and having lack of consistent swing.
Yes it does.
Thanks Todd
I have been watching these videos for about a month now. My ball striking is improving. The positions feel more natural to me. I'm working to understand all of the bio mechanics stuff .
Hey Todd. What you are explaining makes sense, and it's validity must irritate the heck out of ’mainstream’ or ’conventional’ methodology golf instructors.
That lead knee is so important and so hard to achieve at impact when you are fighting 50 years of conventional training. Bryson "stands-up" to add extra oomph but he is a pro and spends his days practicing to his own specific model swing. Using Moe's (Todd's) simple and easy (but technically more bio-mechanically efficient) swing model gives a better chance of ball-striking success to dedicated but not professional golfers (ME !). After 3 weeks of working on it, that knee is a problem but when I get it right, what a feeling! The ball flies far, straight and high and that is worth all the effort. Thanks Todd.
You're Welcome.
What a great video; short, concise, informative. Keep up the good work!! Also, I personally believe Hogan used many of the same mechanics to his swing on a much smaller scale. Restriction= control
Thank you!
Todd Graves did hogan do that?
You don't "use the ground" to gain clubhead speed. However, Bryson talks about pushing back with the lead leg, i.e., pushing down in the backswing and to the rear in the follow-through.
hogan did this too in his back swing he pronated his left elbow. either you can preset it at setup or do it in the way back
I saw Bryson's video on this and have been playing around with the! Drastic improvements for being a beginner. I'm not sure how to apply it yet to the irons
Please make a video and talk about where Club head speed comes from and how to increase it.
Thank you! I was starting to swing this way and was straightening out my left arm and wrist to get an additional 30-60 yards and this helped explain it all to me. Secondly, I'm about eliminating variables too when it matters so I enjoyed hearing it. Going to the range now
Man...when someone asks me who I swing like I'm adding Bryson to the list now hahaha (swing like, not play like)
I noticed Brysons weird swing but didnt think much about it. I cannot wait to try this on the course. Great vid 👍
Thanks 👍
Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! Square fundamentals from head position, body position, grip, stance. Square to square swing that builds power and crescendos at the ball. Be young and limber. And you're going to have the potential to play some really good golf from tee to green! It's an absolute! On the greens copy Jack Nicklaus' open stance, ball up front, head behind the ball, and make sure you hit up on the ball to get that great overhead spin that helps run the ball in the hole. Study. Prepare. Practice. Execute. You can't miss!
Excellent, I found this out by myself and here you have explanation. Thanks a lot!! Great thing for Golf!!
Glad it helped!
@@ToddGravesGolf Thanks Todd, I just received a copy of your book! I am trying to help my son (21 years old) handicap 4 to improve his swing. He use to compite here in Peru but we never got him in the correct technique I think. Maybe this time might work, He his commited to apply the changes...
@@andrescerdajullian1400 Hello Andres. I work with a great 21 year old player named Roberto Lebrija. He has improved greatly with the Single Plane Swing. Feel free to email me at to discuss you son if you would like my help. Thanks.
@@ToddGravesGolf Thank you very much Todd, good to know you work with young adults also (very hard to fix I suppose ), just sent you an email.
I just started playing golf and was actually doing a lot of these things. I thought to myself if i can eliminate as much movement as possible it should be more consistent.
Natural Movement.
Same. Oddly, something similar works for putting. Eliminate the variables and simplify.
Great video. I'm am still pretty new to the game (about 8 months in) and this was especially interesting to me because when I first started plauing, I naturally had a single plain swing...didn't know it then but after watching this video, now I know. Thanks to my all my personal RUclips instructors and other sources around the web, I started trying to learning the two plain swing. Funny thing is I felt more accurate with my driver with the single plain despite being even less experienced and now I have been struggling with the driver consistency ever since the change. I just thought I wasn't swinging the proper way but now I see that you can be successful with it. I'll think I'm going to give it a go again. Go with my natural swing tendency.
Todd, former student of yours here. What I always felt is that this method sacrificed distance. What is becoming abundantly clear with Bryson is the distance. What is he doing in additions to the similar bio mechanics that is allowing him to launch it.? Correct me if I am wrong on the distance I am stating for me not for your teaching.
There is nothing biomechanically in the Single Plane Swing of Moe that would cause a loss of distance. What I have seen, in many cases, is that too many people interpret the Single Plane swing as a Lateral movement and not a rotational one. They slide instead of turn. Bryson is proving that the Single Plane swing is powerful and accurate.
@@ToddGravesGolf I am guilty as charged. I think I focused far too much on the lateral move. I always enjoy watching your clips. I truly respect how you represent Moe.
Is it the same set up when u pitch the golf ball?
Todd this is brilliant. Loved everybit of this video piece. Thanks for sharing
count 1 back swing , 2 impact. the down swing is the exact reverse of the back swing, same speed even.
Since reading 'The Feeling of Greatness' and with no a little sadness that Moe suffered from a lack of understanding by other folk, I've enjoyed watching all your presentations about him & his swing, and that he is getting some of the appreciation he deserved through them. Moe was famed for his accuracy, & hardly ever missed a fairway, and yet Bryson, who clearly sets up at address very much like Moe, when he won the US Open, only hit roughly half the fairways off the tee. Yet his short game is not dissimilar to Moe's. It would seem that Bryson has sacrificed accuracy for length, it seems he 'spins' on both feet with the effort of striking the driver. Just wondered if you had a take on this ?
Great breakdown. I admit that I never liked Moe's swing, but seeing how you break it down, it's starting to make sense... especially with the "variables". One thing I noticed, is that at the address with the driver, the lie angle now appears more correct, matching the design of the club. I have a question though, is the hip restriction adding to the transfer of energy into the upper body and arms more effectively? Like slamming brakes on a car thereby adding energy and torque to the top of the vehicle?
Fire, I’ve played my whole life and played collegiate, I’m
About to change my
Swing to this
Go for it. I can help.
THEE best example of a Moe Norman Physics swing ever!!!!
Todd you have a good message. Maybe with some forethought and planning you could convey it more concisely and effectively. Just a suggestion.
Always a work in progress. Thanks.
Bryson's right foot is not kept flat at and thru impact nor is his left knee kept flexed at impact. His left leg stiffens allowing him to get a full hip turn thru impact.
The hips cannot open as easily with a flexed left knee.
Moe was long but Bryson's 2 mechanical difference would have increased Moe's carry & distance.
Moe's accuracy is from less variables which required less compensations, however Bryson developed the skill to incorporate his 2 differences into substantial clubhead and ball speed. Bryson is now working on a longer shaft on his Driver to gain another 10 to 20mph ball speed!!
Well explained... thanks
I’m not sure he’s doing it bc he grew up admiring Moe Norman. Moe was a fantastic ball striker. But only certain people can use a single plane swing. I think Bryson was one of them and you all can compare, but I truly believe golfers develops specific traits as amateurs and they drift into or stay with what works
I literally just figured this out on the range today never heard or seen any videos on it so it’s pretty wild this popped up
Just bought your book. Cannot wait to get studying :)!
Great Doug. Focus heavily on the address position first. Makes the rest so much easier.
@@ToddGravesGolf Thank You!
thank you so much for this video. after going around looking for it for years. now just need to find one for iron lol
You stood up at 7:34 in the backswing, instead of maintaining posture. Was that accidental or on purpose?
Do you keep a wide stance of wedge shots or chips?
So, Ive been struggling with the dreaded pull hook. Ive been watching a lot of Bryson the last year, and i noted this position as well. I tried it at the range last week, and i was able to swing as hard as i wanted on every club and hit it straight to a slight fade. I generally strike the ball well, and have a good swing. But this feels like its removing that sweeping hook miss from the equation. Time will tell
Can this single-plane swing be used effectively with iron's also???
another great video. It really appeals to my need to understand the logic behind Moe's swing. So well explained :)
Great stuff. Going to try for sure!
Great Video..Question..>WHY then are so many people using two plane versus the single plane swing? I have yet to see anyone explain the actual drawbacks of using single plane swing? You'd think everyone would use it. I learned singe plane and lost my way but I'm back..I'm trying to figure out why think it's ok to create such a large angle with the wrists and forearms at addess.
Been watching your videos. So far with the putting it's been working wonders. Still figuring out the distance control part but the line is dead straight. As for the irons swing I'm heading out to the range today to test it out.
Thanks for another great video. I want to attest to the single plane swing and its abilities. First off I have broken C 3, 4, & 5 as well as L4. I am sure you understand what that means when it comes to pain from swinging a normal swing. When I swung the normal swing I would not even be able to complete 9 holes with out extreme pain in my spine.Also I have a torn bicep as well as damaged rotator cuff which would lead to shoulder and arm pain from swinging the normal swing. I wont even mention what kind of hadicap it left me with or how I played as Moe calls it Army Golf. I then began watching your videos here and practicing the single plane swing. I also began to watch Bryson and learning about single length clubs. As soon as they opened up the courses here in Northern Michigan I went out on a course I have never played before and played 2 rounds of 18. My first round was +5 my second round was +3 not to mention I can daily hit over 100 shots in practice as well as 100+ putts and all with NO PAIN. I can not thank you enough for all your work in bringing the single plane swing to light. I believe if more people actually put the time into learning the single plane swing they would enjoy golf more and have far better scores at the end of their rounds. Also maybe you could touch on Moe's comment about SLINGING the ball to a DEFINED TARGET as that comment along with skipping a stone really put into my mind what a golf swing really is all about and why the tilt is also in the single plane swing. All the best to you and yours.
Great Story and I agree with you regarding people taking the time to understand and learn the Single Plane Swing. Thanks!
this theory is based on 2 players... the current best ball strikers (Rory, Shuffler, Scheffely, etc) don't use this motion... and as Bryson used very customized clubs and shaft length... interesting... but surely not for everybody. thanks anyway..
Thanks. the last few months my irons were way off, was hitting them short and if i tried to hit it harder i was all over the place. I had 2 rounds of 88 and 90 and i hit ZERO greens. From the last few videos i'm fixinf my irons, shot 83 yesterday hit 9 greens, even though i hit 4 drives way left. THIS video should correct that. I'll see tomorrow. I need to order some of your training aids, so i won't have to put so much thought everytime i set up. It will become a habit. Thanks Todd
The great thing about getting this right is that now I can swing harder and still square the face. I like being able to swing hard on the golf course.
Great Video Todd - just wondering if it create tension on the left hand/shoulder since it looked very high level when eliminating the left hand bode
You want tension in lead side of body. Yes.
It makes so much sense especially with the longer clubs, but how do you use this approach on 8,9,PW, and wedges ? Thanks
I could definitely be wrong but I think that is why Bryson uses the one length clubs
I have the pocket coach is in my bag when I hit balls great ideas to have.Thanks Todd
Great idea!
I like the sensation of returning the club to the same (nearly) position at impact, but don't we go into radial deviation when we cock the wrists in the backswing. Don't get me wrong, this works for me mentally as a feel, but the argument could be made that you're increasing variablility by changing the wrists ulnar vs radial deviation twice as opposed to a conventional setup which begins in radial deviation. Just a thought.
I like this video and makes it simple about the sps
Todd Graves: I’m in the process of rediscovering Norman’s single plane swing. As back story, in the 70s I started teaching myself golf at close to age 30. Probably hit millions on balls on the range that first year alone along with almost daily rounds, and arrived at what I understand now are some of the same conclusions, positions, etc as Moe Norman adopted. But I’d never heard of him until sometime years later when I saw an article in Golf Digest. I played with what essentially was my Norman style swing for about three years having gone from about a 27 handicap to single digit in the first year. After achieving my goal of scoring consistently in the mid 70s or better, like everyone on this crazy journey does, I started looking for ways to become better. After seeing photos of myself swinging, and noticing my positions in those photos, I realized my body positions were different than those of Tour players so I decided I needed to update my swing. Firstly to improve tee to green, secondly to get more distance (although I already was reasonably long routinely putting it out there 260-275 which in the days of balata and persimmon, wasn’t shabby). I believed at that time that I needed to change to more of a Greg Norman swing to reflect the modern swings I was seeing on tour (which all the top gurus were teaching). So I over many months, I got away from the single plane method I had taught myself, and pretty much forgot everything about my single plane swing accept that feeling I’d once known of standing at address having very high confidence of where the the ball would go. I also maintained this vision in my mind of the club shaft moving from takeaway, to the top, and down and though the ball on a single plane which when at the top, was on an axis that split my shoulders. I’m probably not explaining this well, but for about thirty years now, after going from a pretty draw to an out of control hook, to then playing a fade and enduring all manner of misses along the way, I realize that I’ve been trying to get the club on a plane that isn’t possible given the changes in set up, grip, alignment etc I’d adopted when trying to modernize my swing. I’m an old guy now, but still in good physical shape and not too old a dog to still try too improve. Having come across your videos, you’ve triggered memories from the recesses of my mind which I’m trying now to get back to full time. Being retired now, I have the time to really focus on it. I am making progress, am back to hitting tons of balls again, and really feel like I’m starting to get it back once more. Thanks so much, Todd! Your videos have really helped me!
What about the tension placed on the body part that is being limited? Just curious not a criticism
Thank you for this.
does this swing have any consistent repeatable results other than straight flight? Meaning... low ball flight? High ball flight? no back spin etc etc. Even in a swing where variables are reduced can have side affects or consequences. Just wondering what might be at play here with this swing?
Loft on the face produces backspin - with every swing method. Trajectory is a function of effective loft at impact and can be adjusted if necessary with the Single Plane swing. You can produced side-spin with the Single Plane swing if you need to but it is rarely necessary. See my video vlogs about playing on the course here:
And all the nay sayers were saying you have no distance. Bryson is now number one on PGA for distance averaging 330 yds! 190mph ball speed surpassing DJ and Champ