My Teacher FAILS ME cuz I OUTSMARTED his Test... so I Ruin His Life - Reddit Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 83

  • @blossomer8716
    @blossomer8716 Год назад +124

    “How dare you follow your beliefs and share your tickets???” - teacher who didn’t let someone eat even though it was for medical reasons

    • @brianarnold8666
      @brianarnold8666 Год назад +8

      Seems about right for that teacher

    • @dawn-clara1989
      @dawn-clara1989 Год назад +2

      One time, My French teacher didn’t let my classmate (who has asma) use his medicine (I forgot the name of it but it gives them air- im stupid)

    • @dawn-clara1989
      @dawn-clara1989 Год назад +1

      Don’t worry, he’s fine tho-

    • @brianarnold8666
      @brianarnold8666 Год назад +1

      @@dawn-clara1989 its an inhaler. Different medicine can be used by it depending on what the issue is, asthma, pneunonia etc

    • @blossomer8716
      @blossomer8716 Год назад +1

      @@dawn-clara1989 did the teacher get any punishment or was it looked over?

  • @FrostTheSaved
    @FrostTheSaved Год назад +50

    They could have went to the dean for the "no exemptions, even medical ones" part because if something happened the university would be in a heap of legal trouble.

  • @aster5035
    @aster5035 Год назад +88

    Story 1: Lawsuit waiting to happen since you cannot deny food to people with medical conditions

    • @SomeRaandomGuy
      @SomeRaandomGuy Год назад +5

      e x a c t l y

    • @firefly4f4
      @firefly4f4 Год назад +13

      I'd go even further than that by saying it's a lawsuit for denying ANY student food simply because of the artificial rules of a group project. The medical requirement just exacerbates the situation.

    • @Mutemenace
      @Mutemenace Год назад +1

      @@firefly4f4 I was just gonna say that

  • @Whytheads
    @Whytheads Год назад +27

    Story 2: there were soooo many labor laws broken. I hope they get shut down, fined to oblivion, and the employees get payed dividends

  • @ConnorPugs
    @ConnorPugs Год назад +29

    I hate terrible teachers so this is satisfying

  • @Nareimooncatt
    @Nareimooncatt Год назад +13

    Story 3: Situations like this is why I won't work a tipped job, much less a pooled tipped job. Be that as it may, I love my current job and company just as much as the OP loved their's, if not more. If I had a one off instance like this, I likely would've let it slide. I'm a dedicated worker and they bend over backwards to help out their employees. On the flip side, we often go above and beyond to help them out with picking up extra shifts and such if needed. Give and take. I may have a bad week here and there, but I know I can get time off almost any time I need. Sometimes it's about more than just the money, and I wouldn't want to risk upsetting the apple cart here.
    It's too late for the OP, though. I just hope things come to a satisfactory conclusion. I wonder now if the OP thinks it would've been better to just let it go. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

  • @khalidgoldston7002
    @khalidgoldston7002 Год назад +6

    4:38 I hate seeing others suffer and tend to be better off suffering as that was basically most of my childhood skipping out on dinner or eating less so my older siblings could eat more just because I was told my parents spend money on my medical expenses so I do deserve more so in that experiment I would give food away or not ask as it wouldn’t be needed for me.

  • @johnburnside7828
    @johnburnside7828 Год назад +3

    The professor(s) needed to be fired and barred from ever teaching again!

  • @sanddagger36
    @sanddagger36 Год назад +5

    if you know you need a coat and a magnifying glass to even be able to work, why are you trying to get other people in trouble?

    • @SenseiRaisen
      @SenseiRaisen Год назад

      Because she has to admit wrong for forget to bring that, and admit has bad eye sight too.

    • @sanddagger36
      @sanddagger36 Год назад

      @@SenseiRaisen she ended up admitting it 10 seconds after her tantrum failed. So now she is known as forgetful and a liar. And a baby

  • @Solesteam
    @Solesteam Год назад +6

    13:28 I was expecting this to be a "Everything is fine besides a minor gripe and I'm considering letting it go" kind of this but it's actually a "Your coworkers may have been mistreated without your knowing" kind of thing, that soured quick... Good thing he asked though..

  • @Rtrstormghost327
    @Rtrstormghost327 Год назад +4

    Not the jerk I hated group projects in school okay that’s actually messed up 🤦🏼‍♂️ heck getting up at 4:40 in the morning is rough as long i have my coffee in the morning

  • @ssnmg
    @ssnmg Год назад +1

    The company my dad had worked for gave him 6 weeks vacation a year and he would take 3 at the end of December and 3 at the beginning of January.

  • @xwilliams5135
    @xwilliams5135 Год назад

    dang thanos really be hitting those tricks + 10000 xp

  • @The-Rguy
    @The-Rguy Год назад +1

    The most exciting thing about Story 1 was they actually got a meeting with the dean you never see the dean hell the one time I had a meeting with the dean he didn't show up

  • @auburneytuckerson2959
    @auburneytuckerson2959 Год назад

    To deny ANYONE food is a sin!

  • @crimsonvoid1595
    @crimsonvoid1595 11 месяцев назад

    When I was in Community College my teacher in Career and Life Planning had us make a vision board for our ideal jobs and I asked if I could do a PowerPoint Presentation. My Teacher Loved it. He passed me with a C+ because of my project and because I took awhile to finish the Final because my teacher accidentally put the correct answers in Italics and I went through half the final before I realized this and also my Teacher told me that he would make PowerPoint Presentations as an option for the final project because he liked my idea.

  • @QuickManEXE
    @QuickManEXE Год назад +4

    Story 1: This is a big reason why i hate group projects. Never ever goes well.
    Story 2: Some people are just too stupid out there.... regardless of if they need thick glasses or magnifying glasses or whatever.
    Story 3: At first i though it could've been an oversight or brain fart, but this is certainly shady, and i'd be running for the hills big time here. Its a big reason why servers like this need a proper wage and not have to rely almost 100% on tips.
    Story 4: Dont you just love it when the higher-ups mess around with stuff like that?? I know i wouldve pushed ahead my vacation time, or be looking elsewhere.

    • @alakani
      @alakani Год назад

      Being too stupid to accomplish things that you need to do to survive is called intellectual disability. Mocking intellectual disability is called sociopathy, unless it was just an accident because you couldn't see what's going on *shrugs and wanders off*

    • @proxyhuman
      @proxyhuman Год назад

      Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Do you have Zero fucking empathy? Or is it your fucking brain? You think that the girl in story two is dumb? You should look in the mirror. If you fucking listen, the details explicitly tell you what was actually going on. That girl had shit poor eyesight. And she absolutely has suffered from whatever ailment it is for her entire life. How could you miss the fact that the poor girl was DESPERATELY trying to hide the fact that she couldn't fucking see well from her coworkers? She likely grew up with this condition and was absolutely ridiculed her entire life for it by sadistic fucking bloody dick stains like yourself. Empathy dude....fucking empathy.

  • @Dionysia6498
    @Dionysia6498 Год назад

    Yep there are my grandfather literally needed contacts and glasses to see anything not blurry and if he actually wanted to read anything in normal writing size (well 10 to 12 on computers) he needed a magnifying glass on top of that… sure the last part was only the last couple of years of his life but the rest was for about as long as I can remember…

  • @sarahtrusty6717
    @sarahtrusty6717 Год назад

    I work payroll. Always check your payslips every time you get one. Obviously there are some shady companies as described but sometimes we make mistakes. If I have made a mistake I would happily correct it.

  • @zero00044
    @zero00044 Год назад +1

    Inch thick glasses. That's legally blind. Woman needs to be considered disabled, learn braille and definitely not be driving if she can't see even with glasses.

  • @mittensthecatfurry
    @mittensthecatfurry Год назад


  • @Gamerboykididk
    @Gamerboykididk Год назад +3

    The best narrator is back

  • @zThinquinox
    @zThinquinox Год назад +2

    Aitj&Aitg uploaded at the same time

  • @jillianbetts4306
    @jillianbetts4306 Год назад

    I'm guessing the story about the tip pool is in California. But if that took place in Utah, you'd only be getting about $7.50 an hour. But if you're getting tips, it's $2.43 an hour, which I cannot fathom whatsoever. A whole month of 5 days per week and 8 hour shifts getting just that would not even pay my car payment and insurance, let alone a mortgage, electric, and other bills.

  • @ultraviolet2535
    @ultraviolet2535 Год назад

    My teacher failed me for outsmarting him, so I outsmarted his existence.

  • @XiRevsGD
    @XiRevsGD Год назад +1

    the first story shows how socialism is better than capitalism

  • @neilking4800
    @neilking4800 Год назад

    14.25 an hour minimum wage wtf my states minimum is 7.25

  • @lauramiller7690
    @lauramiller7690 Год назад

    What about diabetic students if they don't eat they pass out need to call an ambulance for them this project seems really stupid specially not to consider medical issues where people have to eat

  • @davidkermes376
    @davidkermes376 Год назад

    i hate went educators are replaced by party hacks who only indoctrinate.

  • @fernandorios474
    @fernandorios474 Год назад

    I would have a sweater on hand which the lowest temperature that I've gotten is +45°F wind chill factor & that's when I have shorts with short sleeve shirt which I'm normally hot around the first +50°F
    Yeah my body is weird!

  • @whywhy.1
    @whywhy.1 Год назад

    Same but never got failed

  • @zachcrawford5
    @zachcrawford5 Год назад

    I would be one of those people who would need almost inch thick glasses and still need more help to see things. Fortunately I have contacts instead that are made at a very specialized lab (they cost ~$400 a pair) that are just as good (actually better in some ways) as glasses that are that thick would be. Despite that, I still can't see too well (there is only so much corrective optics can do for me) I still can't drive and can't see things so well from a distance (still legally blind) but at least I don't bump into walls and can even read fairly small print if I am close enough (I'm about 20cm form my screen as I type this lol). When I was little, they tried giving me glasses, they were so thick and heavy that they were actually painful to wear and didn't even really help. Let's just say they went "missing" really quick lol.

  • @mykaelnyx8821
    @mykaelnyx8821 Год назад +1

    I don't think it's funny about the story where he was praising his company and then he turns out he was actually getting screwed over is funny. Unless you mean funny ironic and not funny haha. It's honestly just sad that people get screwed over like that and I'm pretty much been there too. I never worked for a job where you will get tips, I randomly did get a tip for helping carry somebody's groceries out to their car or something like that. But I never was a waiter or anything like that I remember one time I did work in a fast food restaurant and every week they would practically force you to work overtime, and then when your check came they would yell at you for getting overtime and threaten to fire you. And then that SAME day they would tell you they need you to stay late and work over. I worked that job from August of 2004 until March of 2005. Then I quit and got a new job because they started hassling people and cutting their hours to where our entire staff were getting about 3 hours a WEEK.

  • @puzb6974
    @puzb6974 Год назад

    at 9 21 he put to whats

  • @getoutofmyhead3300
    @getoutofmyhead3300 Год назад

    Am I the jerk for getting revenge on a Karen

  • @scp-173mememode6
    @scp-173mememode6 Год назад +1

    am i the jerk i miss your original voice :(

  • @Rockythelegend156
    @Rockythelegend156 Год назад

    Re visit it with druid

  • @themightyS_aep
    @themightyS_aep Год назад +1

    what happend to this guys voice?

    • @Why-un4td
      @Why-un4td Год назад +2

      New guy per rotation

  • @RenoRiley
    @RenoRiley Год назад

    Why is his voice changing

    • @RenoRiley
      @RenoRiley Год назад

      He used to have a more low tone

  • @gunasegaran7082
    @gunasegaran7082 Год назад

    why is your voice is diffrent

  • @mauzarium2066
    @mauzarium2066 Год назад

    Your voice is kinda different

  • @camdenmurray975
    @camdenmurray975 Год назад

    In this one,you were never the jerk,man. Why did the teacher doing this?

  • @monsterm1tch15
    @monsterm1tch15 Год назад +1


  • @djwolfita3613
    @djwolfita3613 Год назад

    Like the commenter worked 2k jobs

  • @cristiannegru9222
    @cristiannegru9222 Год назад

    Wish i could get 22 dollars a hour at 16. I'm 15 and I get 7 euro

  • @scew8342
    @scew8342 Год назад

    I am tempted to unsubscribe. Yes, there are people with thick glasses who still can’t see well. This is because the glasses only make the image sharp. How well one can see overall cannot be corrected by glasses.
    Someone with thick glasses and the same issue.

  • @joannagarcia2895
    @joannagarcia2895 Год назад

    I got 300 like

  • @josephkurdziolek4483
    @josephkurdziolek4483 Год назад

    You ruin his life he can ruin yours

  • @viviennemorgan7217
    @viviennemorgan7217 Год назад

    no you and your friends or classmates aren't jerks but the teacher or professor is.

  • @monsterm1tch15
    @monsterm1tch15 Год назад


  • @jakey6691
    @jakey6691 Год назад +1

    13th Comment 31st Like and in the 1st 3 Minutes

  • @conradbliffin3716
    @conradbliffin3716 Год назад

    Third comment and 10th to like

  • @mangomason38
    @mangomason38 Год назад

    4th pin pls

  • @ITriedDoingAThing
    @ITriedDoingAThing Год назад +1

    Claim your early ticket here👇