Questions and Answers: Do You Have to be Orthodox to be Saved?

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • This week’s “Ask Father” sermon is a follow up last week’s question, “If we believe that Orthodox is the true faith, ten why don’t we evangelize?” In the setting of the Sunday of All Saints, we discuss why it is important to be Orthodox and what it really means to live as an Orthodox Christian.

Комментарии • 323

  • @Looshmal
    @Looshmal 5 лет назад +36

    I've always looked at it this way:
    Attaining salvation is like climbing Mt. Everest. There are several paths to reach the summit. Orthodoxy provides the safest path, well marked out (History and traditions), resting and supply areas (the Sacrements) and knowledgeable guides (Priests, Fathers and the Saints).
    Other faiths may lead you to the summit, but they become increasingly dangerous. The Oriental and Romans have a clearer path, but still not as safe as Orthodoxy.
    Protestants have a still more difficult path because they've thrown away the map and eliminated all but 2 or 3 rest stops.
    Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are climbing some other mountain.
    God will determine our ultimate Fate. We must trust His Mercy and focus on our own path up the mountain of His Glory.

    • @FolkBoyify
      @FolkBoyify 5 лет назад +1

      Lucius Maleficent Thank you for this ☦️

    • @risingdawn5788
      @risingdawn5788 5 лет назад +5

      "How difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God!"
      For man to attain their own salvation is impossible!
      "Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able"
      With man it is impossible, but not with God.

    • @Looshmal
      @Looshmal 5 лет назад +5

      @@risingdawn5788 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to bring good tidings to the afflicted . . . to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound . . . to comfort all who mourn . . . to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning” (Is 61.1-3).
      For I want . . . that their hearts may be encouraged as they are knit together in love, to have all the riches of assured understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery in Christ, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2.1-3).
      . . . they shall all know me, from the least to the greatest, says the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more (Jer 31.34).
      It is Christ Jesus who died, yes, who was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us! Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? . . . For I am sure that neither death, not life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, not powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 8.34-39).

    • @risingdawn5788
      @risingdawn5788 5 лет назад +2

      Indeed, but I'm not sure why you've posted this specific collection of verses? The question I implore everyone who professes Christ to ask themselves is whether you know if you truly belong to Him. John writes that we may know we have eternal life.

    • @Looshmal
      @Looshmal 5 лет назад +2

      @@risingdawn5788 I have the same questions for you. Why did you post those verses. I was trying to show verses that speaks to God's Love, Mercy and Divine Compassion for all.
      No, not everyone will be saved, but to think that a loving God doesn't desire that all should be saved that CAN be saved, is Calvinistic hogwash.
      In the end, only God Himself will judge our hearts that cannot be hidden from Him and I trust His Divine Mercy, pray for myself and others and don't dare to abrogate to myself to Judge who goes where.

  • @seraphim_eternal
    @seraphim_eternal 3 года назад +15

    I thank God that He has guided me to the Orthodox Church. The Church Christ established at the day of Pentecost 2,000 years ago, the Church the Apostles spread, the Church fathers defended, and all the Saints that have gone before protecting and declaring the sacred and holy Orthodox faith since 33 A.D. ☦️🤍

  • @risingdawn5788
    @risingdawn5788 5 лет назад +13

    "We are the true church." "We have the true Jesus." "We have the truth about God". "We have the correct answer".
    Don't be deceived by vain words. Having the "original creed" is not what saves you. The unity of God is not founded upon a religious organisation. Unity does not come simply from us seeking unity, it comes from the children of God seeking the Lord, whereby unity follows. You don't compromise on truth for the sake of "unity", that's a false unity, and the "unity" which the world seeks.

    • @darkwaterrage
      @darkwaterrage 5 лет назад +2

      RisingDawn PREACH!!!! So true. Refreshing

    • @nickkerinklio8239
      @nickkerinklio8239 3 года назад +6

      I believe orthodoxy by definition is the truth. “Orthodox” by definition means “right teaching”. I do believe there is a proper way to understand and preach/practice the word of God.
      However I don’t think most Orthodox Christians understand that there are absolutely other Christian churches that practice right teaching. There are even apostolic churches like some Anglican churches that have very strict “Orthodox” doctrine and practice. Most Orthodox I know seem to think there are only 3 types of Christians:
      1. Crooked Catholics
      2. Ultra liberal protestants
      3. Perfect orthodox Master race
      And I don’t see how some can tell us that non-orthodox Christians are hell bound, despite being true servants and believers of Lord Jesus, without at least better arguments to back that up. I’m not about to get rebaptized in an Orthodox Church because of someones gut feeling. If there is some truth I’m missing, please God, guide me to it.

  • @rascalragdoll182
    @rascalragdoll182 6 лет назад +12

    I’m not sure how to start, but I wanted to kindly ask to be prayed for, because I’m struggling a great deal. I was baptized as an Orthodox Christian when I was little and it’s the only form of Christianity I believe in; but for almost all of my life we never lived near a church and so the times I got to visit I was scared and confused. Once I got older and things got rough between my parents I got lazy and stopped practicing, we all did. I got wrapped up in the world and have done many things I wouldn’t have if I didn’t stopped praying/caring.
    Recently I have felt an impending doom and worry about the world and what I’ve been doing. I’ve been watching a lot of videos to become more knowledgeable about the church. I’m still scared and greatly intimidated. I know I need to go back, but I’m in love with someone who doesn’t believe or understand that God is real. I can’t help but cry hysterically everyday over this. I’m scared of losing him and him being condemned. I want us both to go together, but I don’t think I could convince him.
    I’m going to go to church as soon as I can and will beg for God’s mercy for us all. I pray that I can get him interested, but I fear I will not succeed. I don’t know how I’m supposed to... please, can you pray for him too?
    Thank you. ❤️😭

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +1

      Sabina Fogal you will be in our prayers

    • @darkwaterrage
      @darkwaterrage 5 лет назад

      Rascal Ragdoll182 read the Bible, especially Romans and put your faith in the holy word of scripture. You don’t need a tradition, you need saving faith. But DO find a church that supports the authority of scripture :)

    • @mihajlocolic01
      @mihajlocolic01 2 года назад +2

      @@darkwaterrage Not anyone who says o God o God will be saved. The bible alone concept is from 15 century reformation. Many denominations and versions exist because of that, everyone interprets the bible their way. Orthodox church is Holy Catholic and Apostolic church.

    • @darkwaterrage
      @darkwaterrage 2 года назад

      @@mihajlocolic01 everyone including the early Orthodox Church fathers. The difference between writings of the orthodox tradition, and scripture, is that scripture was written by the infallible Holy Spirit, and the writings of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions were written by fallible men.

    • @mihajlocolic01
      @mihajlocolic01 2 года назад

      @@darkwaterrage Truly some church fathers had Holy Spirit within them. That statement is wrong.

  • @jaysoniii
    @jaysoniii Год назад +1

    I once heard, "One who is not in the Orthodox Church can still be saved by the Orthodox Church through prayer." I hope this is true, but what I do know is true is that everyone's soul is in God's hands

  • @OrthodoxInquirer
    @OrthodoxInquirer 2 года назад +6

    I have not converted yet, but I've come to understand that Orthodoxy emphasizes keeping all the truth and the traditions handed down from Christ Himself, the Apostles and Church Fathers. They are not going to point to another tradition or belief and say it's another way to God, because they are charged with keeping to the narrow path. God is gracious and merciful, so He can save whom He will, but why would a priest say another way is "safe" and right when he doesn't even say all his own Orthodox church members are saved? It's so different from Protestantism, where at funerals everyone says the person is with Jesus, when everyone there knows the person wasn't right with God. At Orthodox funerals for even the most holy people, they still pray for them to be saved. It's actually very humble. I will also say to Protestants who think Orthodox are "arrogant," that you probably think Jews and Muslims may not be saved except through some vision from God at their death. To turn turn around and say Orthodox are too exclusionary is hypocritical. People just want to "do" Christianity the easy way, where you say a few words, cry a bit, repent, and backslide, then repent again, etc, and wash away all the sayings of Jesus in the Gospels as if He were just exaggerating. As a Baptist, I was told He was just showing how
    we can't do anything good and just have to believe when He gave the beatitudes and all the other commandments in the Gospels. We don't try to defeat the passions in the Protestant church and even if we do, we have no knowledge of how to do it. Orthodoxy is filled with books of how to actually approach various passions and systematically work on them with God's grace. Orthodox just don't lie down and say, " I'll always be a sinner and I'm only saved by grace so I don't have to do anything". In fact, if a Protestant tries to "do" anything, that's "works" so it's bad. Can't you see how that's a lie of Satan and why the West is in such trouble? Holiness can't be achieved without the grace of God, and works are "fruit," but prayer, fasting, reading the Bible, communion, confession, alms, etc, are means of receiving grace. It's a cycle. Blessings!

  • @violetajanelidze1952
    @violetajanelidze1952 6 лет назад +15

    Yes, Praise the Lord!
    Orthodox Christianity is the true and right faith.

  • @YeenMage
    @YeenMage 3 года назад +13

    Yes, we need to be Orthodox to be saved, but we cannot limit the Love of God to just ourselves.
    St. Raphael of Brooklyn affirmed that God will have some degree of understanding to non-Orthodox who weren't given the opportunity to grow up and live Orthodoxy. And in the Parable of the Last Judgement (Matthew 25:31-56), the King will ask us about the hungry whom we fed, thirsty whom we gave water, the sick whom we visited etc., not our religion. May God, who wills all men to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4) find a way to save our souls.

    • @BasedIlokano
      @BasedIlokano 2 года назад

      Can you please send me the quote? been trying to search for it and cannot find it. Thank you

    • @SuperKripke
      @SuperKripke Год назад

      Wouldn't it make more sense for God to be as communicative with us as he was in the Bible? Wouldn't that make it more obvious that a particular religion got it right and will get first class treatment in the afterlife? More pertinently, does the belief that only the Orthodox enter heaven affect the way you treat people on earth?

  • @marcusee1234nation
    @marcusee1234nation 6 лет назад +22

    Quote from: St. Theophan the Recluse
    “You ask, will the heterodox be saved… Why do you worry about them? They have a Saviour Who desires the salvation of every human being. He will take care of them. You and I should not be burdened with such a concern. Study yourself and your own sins… I will tell you one thing, however: should you, being Orthodox and possessing the Truth in its fullness, betray Orthodoxy, and enter a different faith, you will lose your soul forever.”

    • @noblefriend7789
      @noblefriend7789 5 лет назад +4

      How arrogant! Let not the inner freedom in Christ be evil spoken of. This is why many are hesitant to step foot in the orthodox churches because of this arrogance.

    • @noblefriend7789
      @noblefriend7789 5 лет назад +2

      @@nicodemuseam Don't get carried away now. Please reread my response carefully. I, like you, also derive pleasure reading and getting guidance from the fathers of the church, however it is possible to be of the Truth outside of the church. Granted, it's not for everyone for it is a gift granted from on High. Once you reach a certain level of integration you will understand. Blessings!

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад +2

      @@noblefriend7789 Sir, there is no knowledge except that delivered by Christ and transmitted by the Apostles that we need to be saved and to be close to and live for God. There is no "integration" that we need to acquire or experience besides the original faith once delivered. You sound like a Gnostic, which is heresy.

    • @sovereigngrace9723
      @sovereigngrace9723 3 года назад +1

      That’s quite literally how a cult functions. “We alone have the truth, and if you leave you are damned!” This has been replayed over and over again in history. Who would want to leave orthodoxy if they are damned for doing so? Nobody. So there you go, you have successfully manipulated a whole group of people to never leave your building

    • @tfan2222
      @tfan2222 Год назад

      @@sovereigngrace9723 That’s one: not what the church really teaches and two: more than a few of us, church fathers, and saints believe in universal salvation.

  • @AgesofAges
    @AgesofAges 6 лет назад +6

    Father, I'd like to thank you for this very powerful and moving sermon. I was fully attentive on this one, which I admit, I am not always attentive, but this was very good. I totally get what you are saying here, that we must be Orthodox not in name only but in action (action meaning thought, word AND deed) and that this is only truly possible within the life of the Church. The Church is indeed the fullness of the Truth, so this action of being truly Orthodox reaches its fullest potential only within the sacramental and communal life of the Church. Entire books could be written about why this is, but I digress. We know where the Truth is, we don't know where it isn't. Once again, thank you for this.

  • @NepticChronicles
    @NepticChronicles 6 лет назад +3

    Any advise for a Protestant/evangelical married into a RC family that wants to convert to Orthodoxy? My wife and I met and were attending a non denominational church, but upon discovering orthodoxy, studying it and now wanting to convert I’m finding resistance from my wife. Currently we attend RC church bc it’s closer to orthodoxy than the non dem churches.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +1

      Initially I would say it is a joint journey. Contact your local Orthodox Priest and set up a conversation to get started with your family journey. Even if you wife chooses not to convert, your life will be different and she should be a part of that journey.

    • @Amanda23Priscilla
      @Amanda23Priscilla 5 лет назад +1

      Alex P ask your wife to just do the catchumen course the orthodox church holds, there is no obligation after the course but is very insightful and hard to see the truth after. You both will have the chance to ask as many questions as you wish.

  • @nickkerinklio8239
    @nickkerinklio8239 3 года назад +8

    I believe orthodoxy by definition is the truth. “Orthodox” by definition means “right teaching”. I do believe there is a proper way to understand and preach/practice the word of God.
    However I don’t think most Orthodox Christians understand that there are absolutely other Christian churches that practice right teaching. There are even apostolic churches like some Anglican churches that have very strict “Orthodox” doctrine and practice. Most Orthodox I know seem to think there are only 3 types of Christians:
    1. Crooked Catholics
    2. Ultra liberal protestants
    3. Perfect orthodox Master race
    And I don’t see how some can tell us that non-orthodox Christians are hell bound, despite being true servants and believers of Lord Jesus, without at least better arguments to back that up. I’m not about to get rebaptized in an Orthodox Church because of someones gut feeling. If there is some truth I’m missing, please God, guide me to it.

    • @nickkerinklio8239
      @nickkerinklio8239 3 года назад +1

      @@ryanjordan6724 ALL who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, until proven otherwise.
      If tribulation comes and Orthodox Christians are the only ones being persecuted, I will have to admit that they are the true Church.
      There was a time when all apostolic churches claimed they were the true church. Orthodox are the only ones who still do that, as far as I know.

    • @nickkerinklio8239
      @nickkerinklio8239 3 года назад

      @@ryanjordan6724 that’s true and any Christian can follow the commandments, but many still don’t. Your sect of Christianity doesn’t change your sins or your heart

    • @vincentfox4929
      @vincentfox4929 3 года назад

      Dont forget those oriental orthodox heretics XD
      Just jking

  • @ironicusername7465
    @ironicusername7465 4 года назад +2

    What about those of us who are hours away from an Orthodox church be saved? Even if we study and believe the Orthodox teachings, are we unable to be saved by circumstance?

    • @peepeepoopopolous2288
      @peepeepoopopolous2288 4 года назад +5

      Try to get baptized first and then take Holy Communion and have Confession as often as you can. I doubt that that circumstance will damn you. Live your Orthodox life the best you can.

    • @ironicusername7465
      @ironicusername7465 4 года назад +1

      @@peepeepoopopolous2288 thank you, I've reached out to the closest Orthodox church since then and am starting classes on Zoom and they offered help. Bless you for your reply

    • @traditionalfascists3303
      @traditionalfascists3303 3 года назад

      @@ironicusername7465 so glad to hear that brother/sister. God be praised!

  • @TriddlerDD
    @TriddlerDD 7 лет назад +9

    I am a new member to Orthodox and agree that we are the true Church, and please forgive me if I've missed the point or don't understand, but even the gentiles were a rule upon themselves. Its what is in the hearts of men. Romans 2:14 "for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves," . Only God can condemn and judge so I think the most that could be said is that we don't know. It's a very slippery slope to say we know who Jesus will judge worthy and who He will not. Emotional, a bit, after all you did just say all my family before me are condemned no matter how they lived, worshipped, or served others.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +7

      Here's what I didn't say....All others are condemned. Here's what I did have to BE Orthodox not in just words but life to be saved.

    • @TriddlerDD
      @TriddlerDD 7 лет назад +2

      Ok, I did miss the point. My apologies, please forgive me father. I see what your saying now... That those who live/be Orthodox are saved.

    • @darkwaterrage
      @darkwaterrage 5 лет назад +2

      Jason R keep reading the Bible for yourself Jason if you are new to Orthodox Church. Don’t let them tell you that you need the traditions of men to read, understand and apply it to your life. The word of God is enough 🙂

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад

      @@darkwaterrage From the Word of God: II Thess 2:15 "Hold the traditions which you were taught by us [the Apostles] whether by word or by letter"-St. Paul. The Orthodox Church has held the traditions and teaching of the Apostles for 2000 years, sir. Long before there was any Scripture to sola. In fact, the Orthodox Church formed and authorized the canon of the NT Scripture. The earliest Christians had no Scripture except the OT, and that was generally the Greek Septuagint.

    • @PaDutchRunner
      @PaDutchRunner 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries Paul never said this. John never said this. Peter never said this.

  • @LorenzoSleestak
    @LorenzoSleestak Год назад +1

    Father, with alll due respect, there's only tens of thousands of so-called denominations because the people counting denominations count the same religion as a separate denomination in each country it exists in. By that standard there are thousands of Orthodox 'denominations' yet they share the same doctrine. There are a great number of Orthodox 'denominations' (jurisdictions) in North America alone.
    That said, there are a number of types of Lutherans, types of Baptists, types of Calvinists, types of Pentecostals etc.

  • @kostaskladakis8938
    @kostaskladakis8938 4 года назад +9

    If you have to be orthodox to be saved heaven will be a place filled with greeks and slavs sorry no italians, no latins no chinese christians or turkish crypto christians who have trusted Christ as their Lord how insular is that. Was the thief on the cross Orthodox? If you are sooo right and everyone is so wrong why arent you sending missionaries everywhere like the protestants and catholics to save the heathens??

    • @johnnyd2383
      @johnnyd2383 4 года назад

      We know that salvation belongs to the Church alone, and that no one can partake of Christ nor be saved outside the Church...
      Nor do we offer even a part of that hope to the ungodly heretics, but we leave them completely outside of that hope indeed, for they have no share in Christ, rather they take that saving Name for themselves in vain. - St. John Chrysostom -

    • @kostaskladakis8938
      @kostaskladakis8938 4 года назад +1

      @@johnnyd2383 Orthodox Christians spend too much time listening to the priests who discourage the reading of the Bible as this will cause them to awaken to a lot of flaws within the church. After reading the Gospel you will have to relearn Christianity and what you say is a mantra used by the Orthodox to silence anyone who has opposing views to this religion. Christ is not about an organized religious institution but it is about a relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. Orthodox Christianity is ignorant of the Gospel truth and this is indicated by the fact that instead of citing scripture and JESUS SAYINGS they always reference the church fathers who are secondary. How many times have you heard the phrase 'BEING BORN AGAIN' in your religion never! Yet this essential in inheriting the kingdom of God according to Christ. If you are not born again and if you are not sealed by Christ's spirit you do not belong to God. Religion can not save you since the reality of eternity does not dwell within you. See Rom 8 15 and Gal 4 6. When was last time you were encouraged to read the scriptures? probably never.

    • @johnnyd2383
      @johnnyd2383 4 года назад +1

      @@kostaskladakis8938 Typical Protestant rubbish. I have Gospel "in my small finger" and have never heard of any priest telling to me or anybody else not to read the Bible. Quite contrary... It appears that you have quoted "manual for mocking Roman Catholics" forgetting that it does not work in a case of Orthodox. But speaking about being born again and sealed... It is about the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation... Both do not exist outside of The Church - hence there is no salvation outside The Church. Did you ever asked yourself why Simon wanted to buy "laying on of hands" gift from the Apostles? Think about it... ;o)

    • @pepehaydn7039
      @pepehaydn7039 3 года назад

      For sure. I am latin catholic and this is the only problem, real problem, that deters me from converting to the Orthodox Church, and this problem has a greek name, if you enjoy greek: FILETISM.

    • @lionofjudahlambofgod9132
      @lionofjudahlambofgod9132 3 года назад


  • @tesfaldetmedhanie7843
    @tesfaldetmedhanie7843 4 года назад +2

    orthodox Christian is medicine for all people world

  • @silverecho1201
    @silverecho1201 2 месяца назад

    So my great-grandmother who spent most her life loving God but never heard of orthodoxy because it had no presence in America in her time is in Hell? She at least loved God and read the Bible until her death at 91yr old

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 месяца назад

      You clearly did NOT watch this video. I clearly state salvation is about BEING Orthodox not what you call yourself. You can believe properly and be ignorant of the existence of the Orthodox Church. That is the point of this sermon.

  • @lasttrump6015
    @lasttrump6015 7 лет назад +7

    Please don't mix up the best way to Heaven verses the only way to Heaven. I understand it is incumbent for Orthodox ministers to fully promote their own faith - its totally normal.
    Changing a Creed doesn't affect ones personal salvation unless it affects Christ divinity and Godhead. If we miss some small points in the faith God will still accept us even though our rewards will be affected somewhat (Math 5:19). God wants to save all and will try and get them over the line instead of sending them to hell. The truth is that many Catholics will definitely be saved also and I am hopeful many protestants also...although many Protestants churches these days are heretical.
    I am from the Coptic Orthodox Church and love all Orthodox Churches including Greek Orthodox - God bless and keep evangelising. (I hope to see all Orthodox sharing truth in love together one day...)
    ps - We had a Coptic Bishop from Egypt come to Sydney some years back and say you must be Orthodox to be saved also, but most of the Priests disagreed with him - I tend to agree with the priests also as God's picture is often much bigger than our own.

    • @noblefriend7789
      @noblefriend7789 5 лет назад +2

      Structure and authority have importance but truth also resides within, not just in external forms of religion. So one must in all good conscience accept the Protestant as brethren. There are many whose spirituality are worthy to be emulated so let us be humble and not jump to hasty conclusions about them.

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад

      Last Trump: I have to say I believe you are speaking the truth in love. I like Coptic Orthodox Christians; God bless you.

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад

      @Hans S Why an unChristian attitude, brother?

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад

      @Hans S Well, not if they are speaking the truth in love, imo. However, since we are all sinners, we can have a Christian attitude in one area and not in another. I know I'm a sinner, anyway. And "heretic" simply means not the right doctrine, does it not? It doesn't mean the person doesn't love God and is sincere in their perhaps mistaken beliefs. I think a lot of people will be in the New Heaven and New Earth that we don't expect, and some people that we're sure will be there will be missing.

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад

      @Hans S well, imo the heresy of the Latin church is much more destructive than that of the Copts (I understand the differences in belief between Copts and Orthodox may be a matter of semantics). But I can't hate Catholic people. That wouldn't be right.

  • @digitalsublime
    @digitalsublime 3 года назад +3

    Well, what happens if the person lives in a country where there is no Orthodox Church? He can't be saved? Seems to me this is not scriptural.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      To reiterate what the sermon states. It is about believing the truth about God rather than what we call ourselves

    • @digitalsublime
      @digitalsublime 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries But what if we believe something that is a distorted truth, and we die, excuse me the hypothetical example, a Mormon that lived believing the book of Mormons, and dies in an accident. Would Christ judge him by what he believes or by the contents of his heart?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      That is between that person and God.

    • @digitalsublime
      @digitalsublime 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries Truth. Thanks for your kindness.

  • @pepehaydn7039
    @pepehaydn7039 3 года назад +1

    I would not say that the Catholic Church has changed the Creed. The question is that the Catholic Church USES the Filioque particle in the Creed (OK, I am catholic but I DO NOT USE it, because as St. Mark of Ephesus said: "Augustine is the problem"). Please read the Catecism of the Catholic Church, the modern one: qui ex Patre procedit and qui ex Patre Filioque procedit refers to the same Trinitarian Mistery from two complementary perspetives. No catholic can reject the Creed WITHOUT Filioque without falling in heresy, no catholic can deny that the Paraclete procees ONLY from the Father in some sense, and from the Father and the Son in some other complementary sense. However, I prefer the Creed without Filioque beceause it is what the Church has declared undoubtfully.
    Actually, the main problem that separates Orthodoxy and Catholic Church is Augustine, as St. Mark of Ephesus recognized after the Council of Florence. But, do not forget either that the Catholic Church has condemmned Augustine in the heresies of Bay and Jansenius. A non-official condemmation against Augustine is present both in the West and in the East, never forget: things are different, things have changed since the Council of Florence.

  • @pigetstuck
    @pigetstuck 2 года назад

    If I believe in Christ in the way scripture states, and am baptized into Christ, and walk in the Spirit, and my life looks like Christ's... I'm still out?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      That is not what the sermon says. Being saved means believing the truth about God. This sermon says nothing about in or out. It speaks about how we understand where we are. We WILL BE in God's loving embrace. If we believe that it was supposed to be something it isn't then we will not experience it as being saved, but as something other.

    • @pigetstuck
      @pigetstuck 2 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries I misunderstood?

  • @juanitadudley4788
    @juanitadudley4788 3 года назад +1

    I'd like to see an actual list of 40,000 denominations. I hear the number, but I've never seen a link to the list or any way to access the list. Without the list, that is just a number.
    And not every denomination claims to have the truth about Christ and salvation. The Orthodox project that onto Protestant denominations. I hear this from Roman Catholics also. I have been part of churches in 2 different Protestant denominations and no one from one ever told me that I wasn't saved when I was part of a church in the other. As a matter of fact, the church I was a part of in the 2nd denomination had peqople with backgrounds from many different denominations. Some denominations may claim to be the exclusive way to heaven, but the vast majority don't.

    • @juanitadudley4788
      @juanitadudley4788 2 года назад

      @@johnalexis8284 Bad news for who? What is the GOC?

    • @juanitadudley4788
      @juanitadudley4788 2 года назад

      @@johnalexis8284 You must mean the Greek Orthodox Church. I hate to break this to you, but I'm not, nor have I ever been Greek Orthodox.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      Not true. The Orthodox Church was established by Christ and Holy Apostles at Pentecost. This is a historical fact.

    • @juanitadudley4788
      @juanitadudley4788 2 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries I would disagree with that assertion, but how does that disprove anything I said even if it's true?

  • @jerven65
    @jerven65 7 лет назад +4

    I've been investigating the orthodox Church. Truly they believe correctly about CHRIST. Raised a Lutheran, I've been taught thru holy scripture that salvation is not a work of man. No one is righteous, no not one... Martin Luther believed that salvation can exist outside the church, but NEVER, is salvation found, OUTSIDE OF CHRIST.

    • @orthoglobus
      @orthoglobus 7 лет назад +4

      God gave us the Church as for our salvation the same way He gave the ark to Noah. God of course could have saved also some of those who weren't into the ark. But could we risk not to be inside?

  • @konstantinoschristou3701
    @konstantinoschristou3701 2 года назад

    Thank you for all
    May you be well.

  • @Sendo664
    @Sendo664 3 года назад +2

    I believe orthodoxy is the true church of christ but there is one thing i can complain about orthodoxy. The orthodox church let the other denominations too much space to spread their teachings. There are tons of people out there who are searching for jesus. If they see the orthodox church their impression is most of time bad because of the icons or whatever. It should be the job of the one and true church to answer the questions of these people and show them that their first impression is wrong. Instead nothing happens and many rejoin somewhere else, which is sad. The orthodox church need to evangelize more

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад

      This is one reason our ministry is so vital.

    • @Sendo664
      @Sendo664 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries i have the feeling in america you do something atleast but here in europe the situation is bad. For example i lost my cousin and my sister to an protestant sect and i dont know how to reach them. If orthodoxy would be more active and spread the faith here in europe, i wouldnt be so concered.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад

      Sometimes we must depend upon individual lives as the witness rather than the institutional Church. Remember the ancient Church Met in secret but STILL thousands came to Christ not because the Church was visible but because the people’s lives were noticeably different.

  • @AndreyKarlovich
    @AndreyKarlovich 7 лет назад +8

    Amen! Lord have mercy on the heretics and schismatics, may God show them home to the Church!

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 4 года назад

      by 'the Church' i take it you mean the Catholic Church

  • @D.Fletcher
    @D.Fletcher 3 года назад

    I agree Salvation come through the Orthodox Church however does that mean those outside will not go to heaven? I'm a convert to Orthodoxy from a Catholic upbringing, so the thought of all of my deceased relatives not being saved doesn't fill me with joy. Also my grandparents grew up in rural Ireland at a time dominated by the Catholic Church, and through their lifetimes had never seen or heard about Orthodoxy. Likewise many are born into Orthodox lands, baptised and take the faith completely for granted. As I have been blessed to discover The Orthodox Church, I also feel the responsibility and burden that brings. God will judge me more harshly than others as I know better and have seen the truth.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      I don't pretend to know who God will save as that is His decision. The point of this sermon is for us to understand that BEING Orthodox in faith, no matter what we call ourselves is what will matter in the end....

    • @david_porthouse
      @david_porthouse 2 года назад

      Well you now believe that all your relatives were filioquist heretics and none of them were validly baptised. Oliver Plunkett is not a Christian saint.

  • @grk70s
    @grk70s 7 лет назад +1

    Old Calendar VS New Calendar. Both Orthodox and many say that both say you have to be by them only and not the other.
    The popular radio/youtube show GreekVoice on wpso talks about many of these issues on Thursdays June 8th show talked about this church and so will next weeks talk more in debt. Also talked about a petition about this church which many Greek speaking seniors are up at arms in what happen. Some things MUST be in Greek which you can call up and ask researcher Panayoti Toulatos or another priest that comes on the show a question on air.

  • @david_porthouse
    @david_porthouse 2 года назад +1

    Well the other 42,999 denominations could also be claiming to have the correct answer, and one of them, the Roman Catholic Church which you mentioned, is as a matter of fact quite a bit bigger than your church. Huge numbers of Catholics are in the position is that if they happen to see the light on changing the Creed, there is nevertheless no local Orthodox Church for them to attend. The Catholic Church makes some effort to have a branch in every town. You don't.

  • @johnobeid67
    @johnobeid67 6 лет назад +3

    So mother Theresa of Calcutta is in hell because two headstrong patriarchs in 1054 decided to excommunicate each other rather than have dialogue? I don’t think so.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад

      If Mother Theresa does not understand God, like any of us, she too could be in hell.

    • @johnobeid67
      @johnobeid67 6 лет назад +4

      Be Transfigured Ministries I’m sorry you feel that way brother. A young woman decides to dedicate her whole life to God, serves other people selflessly at her own personal risk, speaks boldly against the evils of modern day society, believe in the one Triune God, observes all that her church taught her (probably because some useless bishop said, “don’t join the Orthodox, they are heretics”), goes to confession, receives the precious body and blood of our lord Jesus Christ, possibly intercedes for others in the way of some miracles such that the Catholic Church recognises her as a saint and you believe that she could be in hell, all because she says “filioque”? Really? As a Maronite Catholic I would like to say that I love my Orthodox brothers very much. None of you are heretics (except those who actively work against the unity of our churches). I honour Orthodox saints and know that when I step into an Orthodox Church I am in God’s house. I am in a continual state of sorrow over the ridiculous 1000 years of rupture in our brotherly unity. I consider myself both catholic and orthodox. May God bring unity to us again. This will require patriarchs on both sides who are willing to undo the horrors that their predecessors caused (and i realise it was mostly Rome’s fault) because unity won’t be restored by individuals leaving one church and joining another. It needs the patriarchs of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria , Moscow etc to come together in a spirit of brotherly love to work out what went wrong and fix it. May be it needs the pope to say, “oh I see what you mean now. We can sort this out”. But, one thing we must stop is the practice of calling each other heretics. That’s my take on it. Thanks for your videos by the way which as a Catholic I find very informative and interesting as they help me learn more about my brother Christians as I prepare for the day we are in full communion again.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +2

      I'm not sure you understand my answer. Any one of us is at risk of not recognizing God, and therefore not experiencing His love as heaven. Remember the loyal, obedient, never breaking any rules older brother of the prodigal was the one in hell because he could not recognize the father's love.

    • @johnobeid67
      @johnobeid67 5 лет назад

      @Baha Fnaïech God bless you brother. So glad to hear of your conversion to Christianity. Also glad to hear you are in an Apostolic church (Orthodox Church) rather than a protestant one as I think only the Catholic and Orthodox churches truly understand the nature of God. May your conversion bring many more to the true faith!

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 4 года назад +1

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries - i'm not sure you understand your answer Father, no one can 'understand' the Absolute God. only through the Holy Spirit guiding the Councils (man made institution) and the papacy (Divine institution).

  • @Panagia120
    @Panagia120 7 лет назад +1

    Father should we believe what the prophecies that the saints foretold?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +1

      I guess it depends on what prophecies you are referring to....

    • @Panagia120
      @Panagia120 7 лет назад +1

      the ones by saint Kosmas and Elder Saint Pasios

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +1

      Can you be more specific?

    • @Panagia120
      @Panagia120 7 лет назад +1

      okay. :)
      What I mean is should we Orthodox believe that those Saints foretold the coming days (by which I mean our end)?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +11

      That is what I thought, but I wanted to be sure. The Church has always looked at "future telling" with caution since it endangers our free will. I would suggest we are called to live vigilant lives prepared for Christ's return. If we are living as if He will return at any moment, who cares if the prophecies are correct or incorrect. We should be ready!

  • @natnalnegash9454
    @natnalnegash9454 4 года назад +1

    Yes this is the powerful message to us compliments to Lord for give us that truth orthodox the way of life.

  • @lexashontz
    @lexashontz 7 лет назад +5

    This sermon was very disconcerting to me on many levels. Could you please clarify your position Father: Are you saying that you believe only Orthodox Christians have a chance to be saved and go to heaven? What is our Church's official standing on this matter?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +26

      As I emphasized in the sermon it isn't about being right or wrong, but being healthy and being healed. BEING Orthodox is more than just the name you call yourself. We believe salvation is union with God AND wanting to be united with God. We believe it is possible to be united with God and not want to be united to God, which is hell. Therefore it is possible to be saved while not being called orthodox and it is possible to not be saved while being called Orthodox. What is important as I emphasized is to BE Orthodox by the way you believe AND live. I often say even the devil believes everything the Orthodox Church teaches but he is not saved because he hates what he knows about God. Hope this helps.

    • @williamdavidwallace3904
      @williamdavidwallace3904 7 лет назад +2

      I think many outside the Eastern Orthodox hold to Theosis as well. I do.

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад +1

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries Thanks a lot, Father, this statement helps me a lot. What a relief!

    • @nickkerinklio8239
      @nickkerinklio8239 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries that was well said. The sermon in the video did not make that clear at all

    • @PaDutchRunner
      @PaDutchRunner 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries Do you folks read and attempt to understand the book of Romans? How in the world are these statements consistent with Paul’s writings?

  • @georgeanastasi1676
    @georgeanastasi1676 4 года назад

    Hello Father, great talk, can you explain to me why the Greek Orthodox Church will not allow 2 brothers to marry 2 sisters, only if they all married on the same day it is acceptable. I've tried over the years to get a logical answer from Greek Orthodox priests here in London but have been spoken to in a rude and insulting manner. Even had the phone slammed down on me when I have explained my situation. I'm sure Jesus would not have treated me in this manner. Few priests I asked did not even know the answer why, they just said you can't! I will never let this affect my Greek Orthodox faith. I would be happy to get a logical response from you. Thanks

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  4 года назад

      The basic answer is once the "first set" marries, since they are now one, the "second set" is now related. That would be simplest way I could suggest, but I must admit this is my assessment.

    • @georgeanastasi1676
      @georgeanastasi1676 4 года назад

      Thanks for taking time to respond, I find this very confusing considering the Church marries real blood relatives like 2nd and 3rd cousins. Does it mention this law in the Bible or is it man made?
      Thanks again.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  4 года назад

      Actually the Church does not marry cousins. This is allowed ONLY by dispensation of the Bishop who can also grant dispensation for the "pairs" to marry.

    • @georgeanastasi1676
      @georgeanastasi1676 4 года назад

      With all due respect, how can they change the rules for some when the fact is that they are still remain blood relatives.

  • @annaraeellison3417
    @annaraeellison3417 3 года назад +1

    What was it that Mother Theresa believed about Jesus that keeps Orthodox Christians from calling her saint? You didn't explain that.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      She was Roman Catholic rather than Orthodox. She believed and taught as the Roman Catholic Church believes which is different than the Orthodox Church. This is why the two Churches do not share Holy Communion. If we believed the same, there would not be two Churches.

  • @cyberp0et
    @cyberp0et 5 лет назад +6

    Greetings from Romania.

  • @matthewkurt1433
    @matthewkurt1433 7 лет назад +2

    your Chanel is amazing, you're doing a good job, God Bless you

  • @1985LISS
    @1985LISS 5 лет назад


  • @austinwhite1268
    @austinwhite1268 Год назад

    Excellent Sermon.

  • @williamdavidwallace3904
    @williamdavidwallace3904 7 лет назад +1

    I wish I could see a written copy of this sermon as it is not clear if you are saying Orthodox or orthodox. It sounds like you are saying that even the Oriental Orthodox or the RCs are not eligible for salvation let alone heretics like Protestants.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +3

      It isn't what you call yourself, but what you actually believe that matters. That is why I emphasized the word BE throughout the sermon. If salvation depends upon how we understand Christ, and the proper understanding of Christ is Orthodox (the actual definition) then whether you call yourself Orthodox or not, you must have the proper understanding of God.

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 5 лет назад +1

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries Well, thank you. I am technically Catholic (raised Baptist) but have been studying Orthodoxy for the past year. I believe the Orthodox Church is the true, original Church, which is what I have always been seeking to find. However, I have no Orthodox Church to go to. I do miss the Eucharist but feel it wouldn't be right to take communion with them after they recite the Creed using the filioque. Also after studying Orthodoxy I don't believe in the Pope and Papal infallibility nor do I believe in St. Augustine's and Thomas Aquinas' legalistic doctrine of the wrath of God instead of reconciliation with God and deification as the reason why Christ voluntarily died for us.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 4 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries - and therefore accept the Filioque!!

    • @seraphim_eternal
      @seraphim_eternal 3 года назад +1

      @@karenbartlett1307 Praise God! I’m really happy to hear that. May the Holy Spirit guide you in your journey in the Orthodox Church. ☦️🤍

    • @karenbartlett1307
      @karenbartlett1307 3 года назад

      @@seraphim_eternal Thank you!

  • @brianmouse1268
    @brianmouse1268 6 лет назад

    I’m confused on the comment on Mother Theresa so in your eyes was she a saintly woman or not and how did she believe Jesus differently than the Orthodox?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +3

      As a Roman Catholic, by definition, she believed differently about God than Orthodox Christians. That is why she cannot be considered a Saint by the Orthodox Church.

    • @caribaez5711
      @caribaez5711 6 лет назад

      Be Transfigured Ministries who is God in regards to the orthodox Catholics?

    • @davidmaligo1020
      @davidmaligo1020 6 лет назад +1

      Being in communion with God is something you have to experience for yourself, it cannot be explained in words or with reasoning (like the Roman Catholics think). Roman Catholics wouldn't understand unless they converted to Orthodoxy.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 4 года назад

      @@davidmaligo1020 - yes we Catholics believe we should use reason but we do NOT believe our finite minds can fully grasp the Infinite

  • @perttisuorsa4678
    @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

    Does the Orthodox church teach that the righteous go to heaven immediately after they die and does it teach that the wicked also go to hell immediately after they die ?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      The Judgment is a future event in which the living and the dead shall be judged at the same time.

    • @perttisuorsa4678
      @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

      If I understood you correctly people do not go directly to heaven or hell immediately after they die. You teach that they go to the grave where they wait for the resurrection day. Did I get that right ? Do you teach that there will be two resurrections, the first one for the righteous and the second one ( a thousand years later ) for the wicked ?

    • @perttisuorsa4678
      @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

      I do not understand how the saints can be already in heaven and pray to God for us. Does not the Bible teach that there will be a resurrection day for the righteous ?
      If the righteous are already in heaven there is no need for a resurrection day for them.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      You’re forgetting that Christ ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven. “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven IS at hand.” It is not just some future time. The judgment is what is coming. The Kingdom of Heaven is already here.

    • @perttisuorsa4678
      @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

      Act 24:15
      "And I hope in God, which they themselves also hold, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust."
      I am talking about the bodily resurrection from the dead, both of the righteous and the wicked - when they are awakened from the dead to the Final Judgement.
      Does Orthodoxy teach that the righteous go directly to heaven when they die and the wicked go directly to hell ?

  • @rightsidecrossrev
    @rightsidecrossrev 2 года назад

    So, if the criteria is the person of Jesus, then you don’t have to follow all the “works” to be saved. You need to believe that He is one of three persons who is God. He came as the God-man to sacrifice himself to defeat sin and death. He was sent by the Father to reestablish a right relationship with us and for us to have right relationship with each other.
    None of that has to do, necessarily, with the orthodox liturgy.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      We commune with God in the Liturgy. We are fed by the Holy Spirit in the Liturgy. Christ said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you." Liturgy is important

  • @pasqualecandelora2878
    @pasqualecandelora2878 3 года назад

    So is it possible to accept Roman primacy while rejecting absolute jurisdictional supremacy?

  • @markrome9702
    @markrome9702 3 года назад

    Talk about unity. He just called the Catholic Church heretical. I find that, in my experience, Catholics are much more charitable towards the Orthodox than the Orthodox are towards Catholics. It is so because the Catholic Church, the Barque of Peter, has a higher responsibility.

    • @ICXC4033
      @ICXC4033 3 года назад +1

      No, it is because after Vatican 2 Catholics stopped saying that all other trinitarians are going to hell, and started having popes that kiss the Quran, go to Hindu and other religious service as "diplomacy" and endorse liberalism and gay "civil unions." Before that the ancestors of the Catholics today threatened eternal torment to heretics who didn't bow to the pope. I see it online still even under comment sections of mainstream channels like Church Militant. Now the Vatican gets people to bow to the infallible political figure by making divisions in the church and calling it rites, letting easterners keep their creed but they can't eat it too, because they have to accept that the Latin church's creed isn't heretical when it is literally opposing to their creed. In Acts, how did the Apostles select a new Apostle, did Peter unfallibly choose the start of a new line if Bishops, or did the Apostles gather and leave it to God? Why does the Pope appoint all Bishops now? Why do the canons of Nicea say that Bishops shall keep their privileges of power in their local areas? No Catholic apologist has explained how Vatican 1 is not just plain new revelatory departure from tradition, and then Vatican 2 makes it worse for them because they have to explain the contradictions away lol. Anyways I got off topic. Your point may be valid, I just haven't experienced that, it's all anecdotal. Coming from a Protestant converting to Orthodoxy.

    • @markrome9702
      @markrome9702 3 года назад

      @@ICXC4033 Thanks for illustrating my point so well. 🤪

    • @ICXC4033
      @ICXC4033 3 года назад

      @@markrome9702 My point is not hating you lol. My point is that it's not because Catholicism is the Barque of Peter, it's because of Vatican 2. Was Catholicism the Barque of Peter before then? It's undeniable that Catholicism taught everyone else is a heretic and heretics go to hell. Am I being rude or was Catholicism being rude?

  • @gregorylehr4944
    @gregorylehr4944 4 года назад +3

    All true Christians are saved...if you believe the Bible and except Jesus as your Lord and Savior Repent and follolw him...That he died on the cross for your sins and rose again and is in heaven...What Church you belong to will not get you to heaven!...Jesus does not say you have to be a Orthodox..Or member of any other church to be saved!...

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +2

      You may have missed the point of this sermon. What Church you belong to isn't' the issue. What you believe about Jesus Christ is the issue. There are more than 43,000 different denominations each having a different teaching about Christ. Salvation is all about Christ, but WHO do we believe Christ to BE? That makes a difference. The Orthodox Belief of Christ, by definition of the word, is the correct belief about Christ. Not everyone who attends the Orthodox Church believes according to the Orthodox Belief, and not everyone who attends somewhere else does not believe. We must BE Orthodox (BE TRUE BELIEVERS) of Christ to be saved. There is a difference.

    • @gregorylehr4944
      @gregorylehr4944 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries All believers in Jesus That take him at his word and by faith and repentance follow him and confess him as Lord and Savior will be saved....Like i said When we come before Christ he is not going to ask if you were a Orthodox...Baptist...Assembly of God..or etc... and.That is your ticket to heaven...he will ask if you if your believed in me as your Lord and Savior...He knows the heart and if we are truly believers or not. not by mouth but by heart!...Yes we have to take heed many churches now are misleading the flock...and not teaching the turths of the Bible and watering it down to fit and mold it into what they want it to say...Read your Bible..pray..Repent Believe in Christ and that he is the way the Truth and the life!..I have been attending a Orthodox Church but i was raised in mostly the Evangelical LCMC...but my mothers family was Assembly of God..And i have attended the Nazerene...Baptist and evangelical Bible Churches...and There are Christian believers in all of them...And when we get to heaven people from many different Christian backgrounds will be there .....

  • @brotherandrew3393
    @brotherandrew3393 3 года назад +1

    I seldom have heard such a strong contradiction. So, it is not about being right, but about love? And if someone is showing so much love as Mother Theresa did, she can not be a Saint because she was not right? And she also can not be saved because she was a Catholic? Come on, try to apply some logic here. When Jesus talked about the final judgement he never mentioned doctrine. But he did talk about the love of people; about their works of Faith and Love.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад

      Doctrine is about the TRUTH of God. The truth matters since Christ is the savior.

    • @brotherandrew3393
      @brotherandrew3393 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries TRUTH is a person, Jesus Christ.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад

      Correct! WHO He is matters! That’s doctrine.

    • @brotherandrew3393
      @brotherandrew3393 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries You can not describe Jesus Christ in the form of doctrine.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад

      I'm not sure you are understanding the point. Doctrine IS the description of the TRUTH of WHO God is. It is the explanation of how we understand God. Without doctrine, there is no dialogue about God, and that would mean we cannot share His Gospel with others.

  • @johnpalomo3193
    @johnpalomo3193 7 лет назад +3

    The Greek Rite Catholics recite the creed as we do.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +6

      Good point but they choose to remain separate. Christ desires unity.

    • @alduin69
      @alduin69 6 лет назад +4

      John Palomo
      They *recite* the Creed the same way, yes, but they are required to *believe* the Filioque. May God show them the path back to the Church.

    • @Tsalagi978
      @Tsalagi978 5 лет назад +1

      No. They are required to believe it is a valid Latin theological position. They can't say anything in the Latin Church is heretical. This position and the acceptance of the Papal Monarchy is what makes them heterodox.

    • @darkwaterrage
      @darkwaterrage 5 лет назад +1

      Be Transfigured Ministries this is ironic, “Christ desires unity” as I preach that most Christian denominations are hell bound and “my church is the real one” from the pulpit. 👌🏻

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 4 года назад

      @@alduin69 - may the Orthodox Church be guided by God to recognise the truth of the Filioque.

  • @shambhumaity6366
    @shambhumaity6366 2 года назад

    Why greek orthodox priest were black rasa ?

  • @feventefera8833
    @feventefera8833 3 года назад


  • @perttisuorsa4678
    @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

    If you are the only true church of God you should do much more than you are currently doing to reach outsiders with your message. You could arrange public talks on religious subjects and then invite people from the street to attend and ask questions on the talk and the Othodox religion. The strange thing is that you are not particularly interested in spreading your religion and saving souls.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      You have an extremely limited experience of Orthodox Christianity for you to say this.

    • @perttisuorsa4678
      @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

      What exactly do you mean ? The truth is that you are doing very little to reach outsiders with you message. Prove me wrong ! Tell me what you are doing !

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      For starters you are commenting on a ministry which solely exists as outreach.

    • @perttisuorsa4678
      @perttisuorsa4678 2 года назад

      So tell me what you do to reach outsiders with your message ! I am commenting on the passivity of the Orthodox Church. You do everything you can to avoid my question.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад

      I already gave you one example. This channel is one thing THIS ministry does to reach others. There are others. You seem to have a grudge against the Church. You are free to do that, but you should at least be honest with the fact you don't have an exhaustive exposure to the various efforts the Church uses. Feel free to check out our Be Transfigured Ministries website for more of what WE do. If all you want to do is argue, I won't engage in that in this format.

  • @briankristensen349
    @briankristensen349 3 года назад

    It is not a denomination there saves!
    It is Christ Jesus who is our salvation, it is the life death and resurrection believe He is our redeemer.
    It is not the saints there saves us they are have the light from God and they show us a beautiful life , it is Jesus Christ perfect life we look at as our savior.
    Sorry for my english.
    We have no orthodox church in our country, but i follow, but mostly i follow our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me sinner...

  • @deanaburnham9571
    @deanaburnham9571 5 лет назад

    R u saying Mo Teresa did not put others before herself? Did you ever make your point complete? No.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  5 лет назад +1

      I made my point crystal clear. If Mother Theresa believes in God in the proper way, she will be saved. That is what is means to BE Orthodox. It has nothing to do with whether or not she was nice to people.

    • @deanaburnham9571
      @deanaburnham9571 5 лет назад

      Thank you Father. Sincerely, please forgive my smallness and stupidity.

    • @marcokite
      @marcokite 4 года назад +1

      @@deanaburnham9571 - you weren't being stupid, not sure about Father's comments though!

    • @deanaburnham9571
      @deanaburnham9571 4 года назад

      @@marcokite thank you. One year later and I agree with you. LOL. His irreverence towards Mo Theresa is teetering on sacrilegious. Her love of God and her devotion to His work was lived out heroically in her tireless service to the poorest of the poor. She had her personal human flaws. But they do not detract from her heroic self sacrifice. All glory to God, and to God alone.

    • @deanaburnham9571
      @deanaburnham9571 4 года назад

      @@marcokite ❤ But, I might need to listen to this video again. Maybe there was a misunderstanding...

  • @d1427
    @d1427 6 лет назад

    this is religious bigotry. God does not belong to an organization or another. You have the wrong perspective [that of the organization] where one has to do certain things within the framework put together by the organization to get something from God, i.e. salvation. Salvation is not for the person but from the person and this can be reached only if you put God first, not you first. This is the right perspective- you are the one that exist in God, not the other way around. There is nothing in this universe that is not God's, that is not God, including the body you call 'mine'. Just look honestly and see that this is so- how can you call anything yours, even this body and mind you don't control other than in a limited, superficial way.

    • @FolkBoyify
      @FolkBoyify 5 лет назад +2

      daisilui You’ve missed the entire point of what he was saying. He’s not saying that God belongs only to Orthodoxy.

  • @brianmouse1268
    @brianmouse1268 6 лет назад +1

    The early Church Fathers said all patriarchal churches are supposed to be in union with Rome, so when the Orthodox broke away they broke union with the church that Christ established, now did the Roman church change the Creed? Yes they did but only to prevent heresy, the theology is correct but back then pride divided us, the patriarchy were all equal but Rome and the Chair of Peter is first among equals

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +6

      You need to go back and read Church history. The Orthodox Church didn't "break away" from Rome. There was a centuries long theological debate that eventually resulted in "The Great Schism" between East and West.

    • @brianmouse1268
      @brianmouse1268 6 лет назад +1

      Be Transfigured Ministries like I said it was mainly pride that we excommunicated each other and even when Constantinople wasn’t an original Patriarchy, I’ve read plenty of Church History, and what of the part of Church History that’s says all communities must be in Union with Rome do the Orthodox just ignore that like you said there’s plenty but back then it was a power struggle and not truly faith and building the Church as we are free to do so now and it’s still pride that keeps us apart because Rome and Orthodoxy teach the same teachings as Jesus

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад

      It most definitely was not "mainly pride" but a theological battle that continues to exist. To say Rome and Orthodoxy teach the same teachings as Jesus is over-simplified. The two do not teach the same as evidenced in the Creed.

    • @brianmouse1268
      @brianmouse1268 6 лет назад

      Be Transfigured Ministries now in your opinion is it wrong what the Catholic Church teaches in the Creed, theology wise?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +1

      Correct. The Orthodox Church does not accept the changes made by Rome.

  • @kennysmith15
    @kennysmith15 2 года назад

    If this is true then the words of Jesus and Paul are a lie which would then make Orthodoxy a lie. If we can’t believe the promise of Jesus, that those who believe will have everlasting life, we are all doomed.

  • @reneem7739
    @reneem7739 Год назад

    You would make a good Baptist. They also believe they are the only one going to heaven.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  Год назад

      You clearly have NOT watched this video.

    • @reneem7739
      @reneem7739 Год назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries Time stamp 1:45. You must be Orthodox to be saved.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  Год назад

      Go watch it again. I make it quite clear that BEING is not what you call yourself, but what you ARE.

    • @reneem7739
      @reneem7739 Год назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries I am not trying to be argumentative. I truly respect you and I want to understand. I have watched it twice now and I still think it tells me that I have to be a baptized in the Orthodox church to be saved. That scares me. There are no Orthodox churche near me. I will go watch it again. Please pray that I will receive understanding.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  Год назад

      Being Orthodox isn't about what we call ourselves. It is about what we believe. The Holy Apostles taught there was a correct belief, and often corrected others. One example can be found in Acts 18:22-28. I admit not all people who call themselves Orthodox ARE Orthodox in belief, but that reflects people, not the Church. Each denomination offers a slightly, sometimes drastically, different belief about God. BEING Orthodox is BEING loyal to the original and correct belief as taught by the Holy Apostles. I hope that helps understand the point of this video a bit better.

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 Год назад

    Wait...i thought jesus was the way to salvation....not a church.

    • @redneckpride4ever
      @redneckpride4ever Год назад

      He is: precisely why he started a Church.
      The only debatable issue is which Church is Christ's and which ones are schismatic.
      That leaves 4 options: Catholic (both Latin and Eastern), Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox and the Church of the East (currently split in 2).
      Study up and take your pick.

    • @redneckpride4ever
      @redneckpride4ever Год назад

      Also, despite the fact these 4 Churches disagree on what Our Lord meant when He told Peter he'd be the rock upon which He would build His Church, we all agree that He was founding a Church.
      Again, once you're done haggling over the details, decide which of the 4 I mentioned in my previous comment is the real deal. 😀

  • @corelogisticalsolutions6630
    @corelogisticalsolutions6630 3 года назад

    Was the thief on the cross an orthodox Christian? No. He was saved. Don’t put your church history and tradition too high.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      Yes the thief was Orthodox. If you actually watched the video then you would know the sermon is about BEING Orthodox in belief not name.

    • @corelogisticalsolutions6630
      @corelogisticalsolutions6630 3 года назад

      I did watch the video. But all the thief did was ask Jesus to remember him he didn’t practice the orthodox religion. Every Christian that asks Jesus to save him can be a member of an Orthodox Church without doing anything else? So the thief can be a member of the kingdom of heaven but would still have more steps to go though to be an official member of the Orthodox Church? How many members does the Orthodox Church accept as official members of the church on their death beds? It seems it’s being over thought. Jesus warned the Pharisees and Sadducees for how they were missing the point altogether by focusing too much on the “church”.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      You still don’t understand. Orthodox belief is not a name you call yourself. I’m sure you would agree what you believe about Jesus and Who He is matters otherwise asking Him for salvation wouldn’t matter. Even the scripture talks about a process of becoming.

    • @corelogisticalsolutions6630
      @corelogisticalsolutions6630 3 года назад +1

      1 Corinthians 9:19-23
      Serving All Men
      19 ¶ For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;
      20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law;
      21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christfn), that I might win those who are without law;
      22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
      23 Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.

  • @scottforesman7968
    @scottforesman7968 Год назад

    to believe that we are the only Church AND that we are the only Christians, AND that only WE will be saved is beyond ridiculous. Sorry, I reject your message.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  Год назад +1

      I am sorry you clearly did NOT watch the entire sermon. The sermon in fact rejects what you claim it claims.

  • @SocratesSavior
    @SocratesSavior 3 года назад

    There is only ONE mediator between god and man and its the lord jesus christ. 1 timothy 2:5

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад

      I hope then you don't offend God by praying for others.

    • @SocratesSavior
      @SocratesSavior 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries you dont get it. We should be praying to the father. Jesus was the perfect example. He even taught us how to pray starting with OUR FATHER who art in heaven. He never said to pray to anyone else. Praying FOR others is okay.

    • @SocratesSavior
      @SocratesSavior 3 года назад

      And i quoted the bible, not my own words so if that offends you, take it to the lord and he will show you the truth

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  3 года назад +1

      @@SocratesSavior It is you who doesn't "get it".....IF Christ is the only mediator then NOBODY should pray for ANYONE.

    • @SocratesSavior
      @SocratesSavior 3 года назад

      @@BeTransfiguredMinistries read what i said. Ask god to show you the truth and he will. We can’t say we have the true way and everyone else is wrong. I only quoted you 1 scripture and you got offended. If that offends you ask God, not me. I am directing you straight to the source. You dont have to believe me but im telling you to ask him. He loves you. If he showed me, he can show you. God bless you.

  • @rohag735
    @rohag735 7 лет назад +2

    And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  7 лет назад +2

      You said "My mother and father has passed on." You quote Matthew 23.9. Which is it? You called a man on earth your father.

    • @rohag735
      @rohag735 7 лет назад

      Be Transfigured Ministries Excuse me, I mean my Dad. Now if you believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, why is the clergy of the Church called Father?

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +2

      You can't get off that easily. CLEARLY every Christian uses the term "father" to mean the man on their birth certificate.

    • @rohag735
      @rohag735 6 лет назад

      Be Transfigured Ministries And neither do you. Why are the Reverend of the Church still called Father when Christ said not to. There's only one Father and he's in Heaven.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  6 лет назад +4

      Because He didn't mean call "NO" man father. This is and was the understanding of the ancient Church. You can't change the word to "dad" and claim to be obedient.

  • @frenkvortice3858
    @frenkvortice3858 Год назад

    Never believe someone who says. He has only truth.
    Read the bible for yourself.
    This pastor is a liar.

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  Год назад

      "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." John 16.13. You're the Bible and you will discover the CHURCH has the truth, and not one person. You are misleading readers by saying I claim to have the truth.

  • @hanagirma5722
    @hanagirma5722 2 года назад

    no eastern Orthodox Is Not The True Church. It Is A False Teaching
    Oriental Orthodox Is The One True Church Who Blievie On The True Existance Of Christ(christ One Nature.)
    christ Is Of Two Natures(Right)
    christ Is In Two Nature(wrong)

    • @BeTransfiguredMinistries
      @BeTransfiguredMinistries  2 года назад +1

      I'm sorry you feel this way. YOUR Church leaders agree that we are both teaching the same truth. We have been working on our unification for quite some time now.

    • @redneckpride4ever
      @redneckpride4ever Год назад

      A cake is made of flour and eggs.
      Flour and eggs are in the cake.
      Either way, the result is one cake. Same thing being said either way. The ingredients form into a single entity but each individual ingredient is there. No point in arguing over semantics.
      Unlike the cake comparison, Christ is 100% God and 100% man. Our brains can never fully grasp that sort of awesomeness. Seems the most we can do is argue over if the terms "person" and "nature" are interchangeable on some level.
      As you might guess, I am a member of one of the sacramental Churches claiming to be the one founded by Christ 2000 years ago. I will leave that a mystery is not relevant to my commentary.
      My commentary is to help bring about some unification and nothing more.