You would think if a pilot heard the word crosswinds he might have a heart attack. This looks very difficult and dangerous to be caught in one. Literally like a whole year or more of rigorous, incense training to learn how to land safely.
@@BiggyJimbo the problem is that the mechanics who work on these planes in the garages DO NOT get thousands and thousands of hours of training. they're people who did not go to college. the whole concept of flying is terrifying if you think about all of the parts that have to seamlessly come together from people who have absolutely nothing to do with operating the plane.
@@m.e.d.7997 I mean, kind of is. Every pilot goes through a whole lot more training and practice before taking on passengers than an average car driver. And theres a whole lot less to hit with an airplane in the air than a car. Its just statistics
This is scary, yes, but at the same time it makes me a bit more confident to get on the plane knowing that these wonderful pilots are trained to handle the worst conditions.
My stepbrother is a Captain with American. He flies the big 777s all over the world. He’s in his late-50s and he still has to go in every 3-4 months for physical exams and training in the simulator for worst-case scenarios. The piloting side of airline travel is VERY well run, a lot like being in a military combat unit. Constant training, re-training, strict evaluations, and no tolerance for poor performance or any health or behavioral issues.
and additionally, these commercial jets are designed to distribute weight in a way that landing these doesn't result in the plane flipping or anything like that.
I’m also a pilot, and I remembered the most challenging landing that I had done whilst typhoon ompong was at its peak, wind 300/ 45 gusting to 68 kts, no idea how I landed it.
george , watching these stuffs has been an addiction to me. as u said u are a pilot, i want to know from u where can i get full aircrash investigation episodes. i really struggle to find specific ones like us bangla fligh bs 211 crash full episode no where i found it.nay website u recommend? another thing i need to be answered from experts like you, that is , is these decissions to land fighting with crosswind in lieu of taking time turning around actually risky? may be u've been a busy man but one thing that can entice u to reply me is I am man who had a dream to be a pilot right from the childhood but couldn't fulfill it for financial issues.
@@Detailed_Education Don’t know if this will help you at all, but I watch The Flight Channel, Mini Air Crash Investigation, Probable Cause With Dan Gryder, & a few other channels I can’t think of right now. Good luck.
8 years on and this remains one of the best crosswind landing vids out there. 38mil views fantastic. What true professionals these pilots are showing amazing skills. Seeing the mighty GE90s wobble and shake @ 6:44 is something and shows how strong the winds were! Im sure this video is shown in ground schools all over the world!
It seems more uneven than it really is, it's a very very long runway, but looking at it from that perspective you see less of the length and more of the unevenness
@8:00: really cool to see the wingtip vortices being ripped away across the runway from the aircraft (those ripple lines that distort the scenery behind them)! Quite an interesting focal length that makes the runway look short and extremely hilly, and makes the planes look like they're barely moving forward at all! Thanks for sharing this awesome footage.
These are amazing. I was in a flight which landed in a bad crosswind while flying into Tampa and I had no idea what was going on at the time. All I knew was that the plane was rocking from side to side horribly and I was looking out the window and watching the wing miss the runway by what appeared to be just feet. I've never been more worried during a flight than that, I was certain we were going to clip the runway and cartwheel. Obviously we landed safely but it was definitely worse than the other minor frights on planes I've had.
Thumbs up for no stupid annotations, and for not setting the video to some stupid music like so many other airplane related vids I've watched! Greet footage!
btw, to the uploader or whoever shot this, nice lens and well done, crystal clear footage. Also pleasant audio. Finally, to my great surprise, watching this did the exact opposite of scaring me, I kind of saw how powerful these planes are and that they really are up to the task. As a white-knuckle flyer (but I do fly), I hope to remember this video next time I take off. Landings never bother me, even in stormy-as-hell conditions. It's take offs and the fear of CAT that drive me to near insanity lol. Silly take offs.
I love your comment ❤ I also a white knuckler lol I rarely fly. But next time I do I also think this is the type of video I should watch instead of air disasters😅 What is CAT btw?
@@evamz9584 CAT is clear air turbulence. I've never hit it, but I believe (if I remember correctly) it's one of the worst types of turbulence. It doesn't show up on radar, and it's the type that, well, wasn't there a plane recently where several flight attendants and people were thrown into the ceiling? Everyone's fine, but yeah, I don't want to go through that. btw, I *have* remembered a lot of the footage either from this video or elsewhere, so I kept my word haha! Thank you for the kind words! Fear of Flying Fliers Unite haha
A perfect video to help explain to passengers that complain sometimes of a, 'HARD', landing. Often, this is the reason why. When landing in crosswind senerios the pilot needs to plant it firmly on the ground, so to speak. It may feel a bit rough and sometimes it'll give ya a little fright. But it's controlled and planned, enabling you to be safely on the ground.
That landing at 8 minutes in this video was sooo buttery smooth. Especially compared to the other landings in this video. A lot of go arounds as well. Which don't happen very often.
I've made several crosswind take-offs and landings that I questioned myself on .....on a commercial flight you know to expect some "fun" when the pilot mentions the wind. I always watching the different crabbing angles! Great video, thank you!
I can imagine how scary these landings are for the passengers, but the the wonderful thing is the skilled pilots who can manage these strong cross winds.Great video , thanks much. At least I am less scared for mild cross winds landing.
Trevor Haley It's not the camera, it's the technique and stability of the image that I find brilliant. It really is very difficult to follow an aircraft with a long lens and keep it centred and steady.
Rod Williams That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't know what focal length he's using, but it looks pretty long, and the image is rock solid, even with panning in there. He must have a steady hand and a good tripod.
btw, that first pilot doing that first lainding did 1) a pretty amazing job getting it to land on the centerline, and two, aborted at about 5 feet off the ground and gently lifted off. He had precise control of that plane every second. Watch it again. And watch the nose vis a vis the rudder....he keeps the nose at the exact angle to the wind, but is moving the rudder to hell and back to make it so....
+flugsnug Interesting. This may just be an FAA/US regulation, or maybe it's different for each aircraft, but I thought 35kts was the max allowable crosswind to operate in. If it gets higher, they have to divert.
As a senior citizen I have LOVED airplanes. Watching these 'cross wind' landings just confirms my confidence in these 'experienced' pilots. I love this this video!!! I hope that viewers realize that this is not the norm. I have flown many, many times in my years and have never had to deal with a hair razing landing. I'm 69 and have been flying commercial flights since I was 6! But to have experienced a 'safe' landing under these conditions would have been a truly exciting experience!!!! Absolutely NO disrepect to landings that ended in disatrous endings with death to any family member. My excitement would be in surviving these types of scary landings! And, not that I wish this would happen to me. I LOVE AIRPLANES AND I LOVE FLYING! Even today when it is such a chaotic issue being 'crammed' into a smaller space than it used to be when it it was truly enjoyable.
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Let's be clear - this video was taken with a long focal length telephoto lens at a low angle, looking almost directly down the runway. This has the effect of massively compressing the apparent perspective, so that you can see almost the whole length of the runway in the frame. This hugely exaggerates the undulations in the runway (which in reality are practically imperceptible to the pilot or passenger) and gives the appearance that the planes are landing and taking off almost vertically, with barely any forward movement of the plane, which is similarly false. Yes, it was a very windy day and some of the passengers probably felt a bit queasy, but to suggest that any of these planes were in danger, or that the airport or runway is dangerous or badly designed, is laughable.
You stupid.. Then why on the earth those pilots who are trying to land, abort their landing and take off... yeah my asss planes were not in danger.. And If you perform the landing like above at your solo flight test you would be fucked for sure...
Jagath Ranaweera They weren't in danger because they aborted and went round again. Don't you think there'd be an airport with these conditions somewhere on the planet practically every day? When was the last time you heard about a plane crash because the airport was too windy? It's certainly never happened in the UK.
Jagath Ranaweera That airport does have ILS. I would guess that if it didn't then maybe they'd be more cautious. My point is that major airports, certainly in developed countries, would not let aircraft put themselves in danger and would close the airport or runway if conditions got bad enough.
Always big respect for the skill of the pilots who can handle this kind of situation let alone a significant emergency... How they can maneuver these planes coming down with extreme crosswinds and land is crazy. Also the skill to know when to abort just before rubber hits the tarmac. Amazing
John Kimberley Like I am gonna listen to you. You are either a troll or a cretin imbecile both of which merits absolutely nothing deserving respect so go fuck yourself. Humor is obviously beyond your primitive brain.
Thanks for the technically superb and really enjoyable footage--must have been hard work to capture. The close-up at 5:24 of a ?B767 with all control surfaces working hard is a brilliant, rare gem...
Yes, yes....Pure skill, & every time you may bitch about that one particular bumpy landing, just remember this one close-up vid of these airmen working hard to get your plane, your riding in, on the ground.
Is exaggerated by the camera, but there is an airport, Tension Hillary that has some pretty tall hills and it´s very dangerous, it all depends on the terrain availability
Screaming... Crying... Praying... Loss of bodily fluids... That's what I imagine was happening with the passengers of these flights! OMG!! Kudos to the crews ♥
+kentred studious "I" wasn't "acting". I'm saying for some of those landings it HAD to freak some of the passengers out. Especially any first time flyers. Main point... Kudos to the crews!
Because brits are insane and don't have the same tight aviation regulations as the U.S. - Hate on the U.S. all you want but they got the most scrutinized and legitimate operation when it comes to aviation.
LulzRoyce Oh...I don't hate on the U.S....I hate on the criminal corporations that have stolen our government. I love aircraft though...too cool. All that tonnage defying gravity at the hands of human ingenuity a talent to fly.
Blaise Gauba Yeah it makes my skin shiver just thinking about being in a tin can 35k ft above the ground, or even worse, ocean. Just flew back from a 5 hour overnight hawaii flight - UGH. Flying over hundreds of miles of ocean isn't comforting. At least on land they can emergency land somewhere.
I was on one of the Flybe Dash-400 flights shown, Inverness - Birmingham…being inside the cabin was like being on a small boat in very rough seas - the approach and landing seemed to go on for a long time & everyone clapped and cheered the pilots when we finally came to a stop! 😅
1:35. ATC: flight 123 you are cleared to land 1:37. Pilot: roger that cleared to land 123 1:47. ATC: flight 123 I just received word that your wife is waiting in the terminal with a rolling pin and what looks like a credit card bill 1:49. Pilot: FUCK ABORT ABORT!!!!!!!! 1:55. ATC: flight 123 perhaps you should land at your alternate 2:01. Pilot: Roger il hide there for a while 123 out
James Lowe So sometimes they've got wind coming from right, and sometimes from the left? Great...It's good to practice "almost-crashed" from both sides...
+Huxxy it's not always like this haha. Only when we have bad weather and it was the same at many other UK airports that day. I recorded a go around at Heathrow and there was one at London city too.
Remind me of a flight I toon into Las Vegas. Strong winds and sand blowing across the runway. The pilot made several landing attempts and circled the airport for what seemed like forever. We finally mad a sideways landing. When the pilot gets a Standing O……you know it was rough. Kudos to all of the pilot who get us home safely.
Wow scary stuff, very happy to see the great spotty M appear 3 times in this video, I am a former Monarch crew member from London Gatwick and extremely proud to have worked for such a wonderful airline . XX RIP MONARCH AIRLINES XXX
you wouldn't have said that, if you were IN the machine..believe me! I experienced these kind of landings in was a nightmare and everybody was screaming!
***** Between 6:56 and 6:57 slow the speed down to .25. As the pilot aborts and throttles up, you can see a flame out of the #2 starboard engine and possible one out of the #1 engine.
Showed this one to a friend's friend whos' a pilot, said those guys were earning every penny that day, and he said this, and I'll never forget it: you just get used to it. It looks scarier than it really is, you learn how to compensate for the weather. It's like driving in snow. Different, but you learn how to do it. REALLY????? I DON'T THINK SO!
Ok maybe like driving in the snow: in a bus full of women and children, with drop offs on both sides of the road, and bald tires! Still less scary, since you won't die by going too slow haha. Fuck eh?
these videos are fascinating! the skill these pilots have to land in these conditions are fantastic. the camera operator clearly took time and patience to get the proper sweet spot to capture these. kinda like watching trains pull into and leave the yard (yes there are videos and channels dedicated to just that).
the runway is 3km (2mi) long, it's hard to find perfect plateus for 3km; it's not a big worry either, since the "hills" are streched over a very long distance; what we see here is an uncompressed vertical scale and a milion times compression on the horizantal scale
It's much flatter than it appears. If you take a long range lens and stand at one end the "waves" seem more intense than they really are when stretched across the km long runway.
upublic Maybe Denver has 2 mile runways, but YVX definitely doesn't have no 2 mile runway! But I bow to your figures, I'm just going off my error prone memory.
Excellent camera work to eliminate most of the Z-axis motion so that we can see the X- and Y-axis motions isolated. Reminds me of the camera technique for baseball where we see the line of the pitch directly away from pitcher's mound to catcher.
Yes Birmingham does have a very uneven surface. I have often wondered can you feel it going over they slight Hill and the dip back down on takeoff or landing.
Don't you mean 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 people on earth...
Don't forget to check out this AMAZING video!
✈️ CROSSWIND CLOSE-UP ➜видео.html
the Last One Was Little Shit And He Made It 🤣😅😂😂😂😂
You would think if a pilot heard the word crosswinds he might have a heart attack. This looks very difficult and dangerous to be caught in one. Literally like a whole year or more of rigorous, incense training to learn how to land safely.
Which airport is this
HUGE respect to the pilots for their skills in handling these conditions.
they are small planes
@@kgedeongedon5933 not small mate
@@kgedeongedon5933 lol u clown
Yup. No doubt!
0:00 Thompson Airlines B757-200
0:34 Monarch A320-200
1:04 Turkish Airlines B737-800
1:34 FlyBe B-Dash 8 Q400
2:15 First Choice B757-300
2:38 FlyBe Emb-195
2:56 Monarch A320-200
3:49 Aer Lingus A320-200
4:08 Turkmenistan B757-200
4:19 United B757-300
4:49 FlyBe B-Dash 8 Q400
5:24 First Choice B767-300ER
5:44 Avro Business Jet BAE-146-200
6:23 Ryan Air B737-800
6:46 Emirates B777-300ER
7:10 Ryan Air B737-800
7:43 BMI ERJ-145
7:58 Emirates B777-300ER
8:25 Austrian A321-200
8:57 Ryan Air B737-800
9:14 Monarch A320-200
9:39Emirates B777-300ER
9:52 Austrian B-Dash 8 Q400
10:08 FlyBe B-Dash 8 Q400
10:28 *MYSTERY AIRLINE* Emb-110
Wheatley GLADOS 6:05 isn't a dash-8
ATR 72
Wheatley GLADOS somone likes planes a little to much ✈️
Thank you
ZingPlayz76 no one can like planes to much
though it's scary to watch, it gives me the confidence that both the pilots can handle circumstances like this and planes can withstand such winds
I'd like to think that commercial airline pilots go through pretty rigorous training before they get to fly a plane with 300+ passengers inside
@@BiggyJimbo you’d be thinking correctly. it is a lot.
This is all sheer luck, lol. Any of these could've resulted in failure.
@@BiggyJimbo the problem is that the mechanics who work on these planes in the garages DO NOT get thousands and thousands of hours of training. they're people who did not go to college. the whole concept of flying is terrifying if you think about all of the parts that have to seamlessly come together from people who have absolutely nothing to do with operating the plane.
@@darkwebgirl what a grossly inaccurate statement lmao
Amazing how the wind throws these planes around like toys. Would love to hear the conversation in the cockpit.
Sound of nothing but pure concentration
I know and love hey sayvairplnevtravel is safer than car travel
@@Fabio-ql5yf love when they say air travel safer than any other. Hope your
Recovery goes well. I bet it goes well. Smh
You can a few seconds past 4:00
@@m.e.d.7997 I mean, kind of is.
Every pilot goes through a whole lot more training and practice before taking on passengers than an average car driver.
And theres a whole lot less to hit with an airplane in the air than a car.
Its just statistics
This is scary, yes, but at the same time it makes me a bit more confident to get on the plane knowing that these wonderful pilots are trained to handle the worst conditions.
My stepbrother is a Captain with American. He flies the big 777s all over the world. He’s in his late-50s and he still has to go in every 3-4 months for physical exams and training in the simulator for worst-case scenarios.
The piloting side of airline travel is VERY well run, a lot like being in a military combat unit. Constant training, re-training, strict evaluations, and no tolerance for poor performance or any health or behavioral issues.
and additionally, these commercial jets are designed to distribute weight in a way that landing these doesn't result in the plane flipping or anything like that.
yeah I 100% agree, I said the same just last week
I feel sorry for the guy who had to clean the seats after those landings.
ORey619MYSterio Learning colour
I have no clue what you're trying to say.
cy a la tu ir
I’m also a pilot, and I remembered the most challenging landing that I had done whilst typhoon ompong was at its peak, wind 300/ 45 gusting to 68 kts, no idea how I landed it.
Good job
george , watching these stuffs has been an addiction to me. as u said u are a pilot, i want to know from u where can i get full aircrash investigation episodes. i really struggle to find specific ones like us bangla fligh bs 211 crash full episode no where i found it.nay website u recommend? another thing i need to be answered from experts like you, that is , is these decissions to land fighting with crosswind in lieu of taking time turning around actually risky? may be u've been a busy man but one thing that can entice u to reply me is I am man who had a dream to be a pilot right from the childhood but couldn't fulfill it for financial issues.
@@Detailed_Education Don’t know if this will help you at all, but I watch The Flight Channel, Mini Air Crash Investigation, Probable Cause With Dan Gryder, & a few other channels I can’t think of right now. Good luck.
oh dear thanks a lot !
Sending across all my love and respect
8 years on and this remains one of the best crosswind landing vids out there. 38mil views fantastic. What true professionals these pilots are showing amazing skills. Seeing the mighty GE90s wobble and shake @ 6:44 is something and shows how strong the winds were! Im sure this video is shown in ground schools all over the world!
I never realized how uneven a runway can be.
It seems more uneven than it really is, it's a very very long runway, but looking at it from that perspective you see less of the length and more of the unevenness
Frozen Lava butthurt much
@@iliaderry8212 how is he butthurt. Hes just explaining the runway dumbass
" Hang on mates, it's the damned New Zeal land drifting runway, SO Strap yourselves in tight!!!!."
@8:00: really cool to see the wingtip vortices being ripped away across the runway from the aircraft (those ripple lines that distort the scenery behind them)! Quite an interesting focal length that makes the runway look short and extremely hilly, and makes the planes look like they're barely moving forward at all!
Thanks for sharing this awesome footage.
hats go off to those pilots!!
Yea, just dont clap
@@yourbigfan1777 best pfp lol
These are amazing. I was in a flight which landed in a bad crosswind while flying into Tampa and I had no idea what was going on at the time. All I knew was that the plane was rocking from side to side horribly and I was looking out the window and watching the wing miss the runway by what appeared to be just feet. I've never been more worried during a flight than that, I was certain we were going to clip the runway and cartwheel. Obviously we landed safely but it was definitely worse than the other minor frights on planes I've had.
Thumbs up for no stupid annotations, and for not setting the video to some stupid music like so many other airplane related vids I've watched! Greet footage!
btw, to the uploader or whoever shot this, nice lens and well done, crystal clear footage. Also pleasant audio. Finally, to my great surprise, watching this did the exact opposite of scaring me, I kind of saw how powerful these planes are and that they really are up to the task. As a white-knuckle flyer (but I do fly), I hope to remember this video next time I take off. Landings never bother me, even in stormy-as-hell conditions. It's take offs and the fear of CAT that drive me to near insanity lol. Silly take offs.
I love your comment ❤ I also a white knuckler lol I rarely fly. But next time I do I also think this is the type of video I should watch instead of air disasters😅
What is CAT btw?
@@evamz9584 CAT is clear air turbulence. I've never hit it, but I believe (if I remember correctly) it's one of the worst types of turbulence. It doesn't show up on radar, and it's the type that, well, wasn't there a plane recently where several flight attendants and people were thrown into the ceiling? Everyone's fine, but yeah, I don't want to go through that. btw, I *have* remembered a lot of the footage either from this video or elsewhere, so I kept my word haha!
Thank you for the kind words! Fear of Flying Fliers Unite haha
If you’re in a hurry and can’t watch all 11 minutes of the clip, here are the highlights: 0:31, 1:34, 2:36, 4:19, 5:41, 7:14, 8:24, 8:58, 9:14, and 10:04.
Francis Stoddard I
LMAO imagine living your life in such a rush you need time stamps for an 11 minute video
@@jakebroz9116 thank you for your comment !!! lmao right
Turbulence alone makes me nervous and I'm sitting in an airport watching this. How comforting 🤣
Pilots are great
I don't understand why people would dislike this video. This video is AMAZING! I love it. :)
Ya you are correct..
Idk either people who disliked the video 🤡
6 years later when RUclips deleted the dislike number:
@JoaK I'm just surprised that not everyone has installed it yet. *smh*
Who cares? 59k likes
A perfect video to help explain to passengers that complain sometimes of a, 'HARD', landing. Often, this is the reason why.
When landing in crosswind senerios the pilot needs to plant it firmly on the ground, so to speak. It may feel a bit rough and sometimes it'll give ya a little fright. But it's controlled and planned, enabling you to be safely on the ground.
Absolutely amazing to see how these huge aircraft are pushed about like model [toy] planes when confronted with crosswind forces.
That landing at 8 minutes in this video was sooo buttery smooth. Especially compared to the other landings in this video. A lot of go arounds as well. Which don't happen very often.
I've made several crosswind take-offs and landings that I questioned myself on
.....on a commercial flight you know to expect some "fun" when the pilot mentions the wind. I always watching the different crabbing angles! Great video, thank you!
I can imagine how scary these landings are for the passengers, but the the wonderful thing is the skilled pilots who can manage these strong cross winds.Great video , thanks much. At least I am less scared for mild cross winds landing.
Absolutely brilliant work with the camera.
Trevor Haley It's not the camera, it's the technique and stability of the image that I find brilliant. It really is very difficult to follow an aircraft with a long lens and keep it centred and steady.
Rod Williams That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't know what focal length he's using, but it looks pretty long, and the image is rock solid, even with panning in there. He must have a steady hand and a good tripod.
Trevor Haley BHX (in the description) = Birmingham
Yep video stability can be fixed in post. Rolling the camera, on the other hand, is much harder.
Very impressed on the pilots but also the stress on the wings on these planes. Remarkable!
Exceptional views of crosswind landings, and brilliant piloting. A pleasure to watch this entire video.
bananamanuk TBP HYMAR i
Wich airport is this? Estoril - Portugal?
Aa a fearful flyer I shouldn’t have watched this. Lol
after watching 11 minutes of planes up close, i am beginning to realize how weird planes look
like giant metal birds
yeah, just a long tube with wheels & wings across
jikll nn
jikll nn
I reckon they all look varying levels of angry in relation to their engine configuration/placement. Lol. Weird.
I like your videos, especially the use of no observably loud annoying music in the back ground.
btw, that first pilot doing that first lainding did 1) a pretty amazing job getting it to land on the centerline, and two, aborted at about 5 feet off the ground and gently lifted off. He had precise control of that plane every second. Watch it again. And watch the nose vis a vis the rudder....he keeps the nose at the exact angle to the wind, but is moving the rudder to hell and back to make it so....
9:39 very nicely performed crosswind-landing. Smooth but correct inputs - no pilot induced "turbulence". This guy knew what he was doing.
does anybody know what the crosswind strength was in knots?
+sickgr33k I think it got upto around 41-43 knots.
damn the most ive laned in is 20 kts
+sickgr33k when they have the high crosswind they are subpost to manually land the airplane, so you have some shaky landings.
+flugsnug Interesting. This may just be an FAA/US regulation, or maybe it's different for each aircraft, but I thought 35kts was the max allowable crosswind to operate in. If it gets higher, they have to divert.
+TheZav88 That was the gust speed not the average
ATC at 1:46 be like : Sir, your ex wife is waiting at the terminal.
Pilot at 1:49 : NOPE.
XD That made my day.
+Ziggy85 “Ziggmanster” Gaming Me too! XD LOL
***** Sarcasm?
+ByteMe Go buy your own jokes.
mrwlbrex What?
Thanks for not adding any ridiculous comments or noise, or music.
looks like a simulator
@Kathaleen Lantgen bot
@Braylen Korbyn bot
Thought I was the only one stuck on the camera quality
3:23 - superb landing.
That is a skilled pilot! :)
and at 9:46
David Ekman 0:90
More like butter landing
More like a hover mode landing
5:54 the wings were waving goodbye
5:55 pause and look at the rear gears. They re showing smile )
@@SiriasisOFFICIAL uuh that was a bae systems
@@SiriasisOFFICIAL oh ok
As a senior citizen I have LOVED airplanes. Watching these 'cross wind' landings just confirms my confidence in these 'experienced' pilots. I love this this video!!! I hope that viewers realize that this is not the norm. I have flown many, many times in my years and have never had to deal with a hair razing landing. I'm 69 and have been flying commercial flights since I was 6! But to have experienced a 'safe' landing under these conditions would have been a truly exciting experience!!!! Absolutely NO disrepect to landings that ended in disatrous endings with death to any family member. My excitement would be in surviving these types of scary landings! And, not that I wish this would happen to me. I LOVE AIRPLANES AND I LOVE FLYING! Even today when it is such a chaotic issue being 'crammed' into a smaller space than it used to be when it it was truly enjoyable.
Why am I watching this right before a flight...
so you can appreciate the pilots.
I hate flying but I have to give it to the pilots, they know their shit :)
OMG you're just torturing yourself lol
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olla saab
Sven Schuster
better not click on those links
OK, who left their food tray down?!
Let's be clear - this video was taken with a long focal length telephoto lens at a low angle, looking almost directly down the runway. This has the effect of massively compressing the apparent perspective, so that you can see almost the whole length of the runway in the frame. This hugely exaggerates the undulations in the runway (which in reality are practically imperceptible to the pilot or passenger) and gives the appearance that the planes are landing and taking off almost vertically, with barely any forward movement of the plane, which is similarly false. Yes, it was a very windy day and some of the passengers probably felt a bit queasy, but to suggest that any of these planes were in danger, or that the airport or runway is dangerous or badly designed, is laughable.
Thank you for clarifying. I thought the conditions were just really bad! I thought: "Why would they have a runway with motocross whoops?" haha
You stupid.. Then why on the earth those pilots who are trying to land, abort their landing and take off... yeah my asss planes were not in danger.. And If you perform the landing like above at your solo flight test you would be fucked for sure...
Jagath Ranaweera
They weren't in danger because they aborted and went round again. Don't you think there'd be an airport with these conditions somewhere on the planet practically every day? When was the last time you heard about a plane crash because the airport was too windy? It's certainly never happened in the UK.
Russell Wade Yeah you are right but in extreme weather conditions airports without ILS or equivalent they would be in pretty i right
Jagath Ranaweera
That airport does have ILS. I would guess that if it didn't then maybe they'd be more cautious. My point is that major airports, certainly in developed countries, would not let aircraft put themselves in danger and would close the airport or runway if conditions got bad enough.
Always big respect for the skill of the pilots who can handle this kind of situation let alone a significant emergency... How they can maneuver these planes coming down with extreme crosswinds and land is crazy. Also the skill to know when to abort just before rubber hits the tarmac. Amazing
I am surprised ryan air includes landing at all...
+Marshall Smith™ Go away, idiot !
John Kimberley Like I am gonna listen to you. You are either a troll or a cretin imbecile both of which merits absolutely nothing deserving respect so go fuck yourself. Humor is obviously beyond your primitive brain.
+Marshall Smith™ The go-around did cost all 253 passengers an extra £75 each. They should have read the small print!
+John Kimberley You made a mistake Johnboy! Your signature (idiot in this case) should not be followed by an exclamation mark!
Thanks for the technically superb and really enjoyable footage--must have been hard work to capture. The close-up at 5:24 of a ?B767 with all control surfaces working hard is a brilliant, rare gem...
Yes, yes....Pure skill, & every time you may bitch about that one particular bumpy landing, just remember this one close-up vid of these airmen working hard to get your plane, your riding in, on the ground.
Ricardo Ellison Re: Are we sure there are no female pilots?
Nurse Grace Relax, Airman includes men and women. It's 2014.
Yep, that is sick!
@@RustySh4ckleford This didn't age well.
Some damn nice stick and rudder work by those pilots!, a few wet seats I would guess.
***** I think it's Birmingham.
***** BHX is Birmingham Airport :)
Adrian Helgesen el p
Amazing! The skill of these pilots gives me confidence in difficult conditions!
What airport is this? I want to avoid it.
BHX (Birmingham Intl. Airport)
I was thinking the exact same thing haha
even on calm days avoid this airport
Whoah Scoob, it's coming right at us!!!
8:00: Very proffesional!
Do runways really have all those hills & mounds?
sometimes yes. they don't matter much
+DreamChaser1366 They vary in height, but they are spread out over like 3 km. The zoom lens dramatically exaggerates the effect. They are very flat.
+DreamChaser1366 No. They should'nt have hills, very dangerous especially with a lot of people.
+Ross Calvary It's obviously not dangerous, otherwise airports wouldn't have them at all.
Is exaggerated by the camera, but there is an airport, Tension Hillary that has some pretty tall hills and it´s very dangerous, it all depends on the terrain availability
Great Pilot! At least not a downburst slamming them into the ground!
Screaming... Crying... Praying... Loss of bodily fluids... That's what I imagine was happening with the passengers of these flights! OMG!! Kudos to the crews ♥
Oh come on! Crying? Screaming? Its not that bad.
Plane Spotter You don't think some people cry when they think they are about to crash and die???
+Tracy Allen eh, it's just crosswind. I'm guaranteed almost all passengers knew they were in good hands.
+Tracy Allen lol you are so over acting.. its just crosswind.. you are not surrounded by tornadoes.. and crosswind are normal already.
+kentred studious "I" wasn't "acting". I'm saying for some of those landings it HAD to freak some of the passengers out. Especially any first time flyers. Main point... Kudos to the crews!
Why is that runway not FLAT? That's a crazy looking tarmac. And those cross winds are insane. Those are some amazing pilots.
Because brits are insane and don't have the same tight aviation regulations as the U.S. - Hate on the U.S. all you want but they got the most scrutinized and legitimate operation when it comes to aviation.
LulzRoyce Oh...I don't hate on the U.S....I hate on the criminal corporations that have stolen our government. I love aircraft though...too cool. All that tonnage defying gravity at the hands of human ingenuity a talent to fly.
Blaise Gauba Yeah it makes my skin shiver just thinking about being in a tin can 35k ft above the ground, or even worse, ocean. Just flew back from a 5 hour overnight hawaii flight - UGH. Flying over hundreds of miles of ocean isn't comforting. At least on land they can emergency land somewhere.
Hello Blaise. Fancy meeting you here...
Hello Milky...yes...fancy...isn't it?
Awesome video! Pilots are real heroes!
Sista Svennen in soviet russia heroes are pilots
I was on one of the Flybe Dash-400 flights shown, Inverness - Birmingham…being inside the cabin was like being on a small boat in very rough seas - the approach and landing seemed to go on for a long time & everyone clapped and cheered the pilots when we finally came to a stop! 😅
Nobody believes you
I always praise the pilots for their landing after a flight.
Now that is some truly spectacular footage!!
Says the dude with formation fighters as an avatar :D
WOW superb vid and outstanding pilot work!
Its amazing to see such a huge vehicle move and change direction so fast
power of winds :)
It's quite surreal. Such a large heavy machine, being tossed around by wind. It almost feels like watching toy planes
Watching this again March 22.
It’s still just as spectacular.
Great work FS. 👍
1:35. ATC: flight 123 you are cleared to land
1:37. Pilot: roger that cleared to land 123
1:47. ATC: flight 123 I just received word that your wife is waiting in the terminal with a rolling pin and what looks like a credit card bill
1:49. Pilot: FUCK ABORT ABORT!!!!!!!!
1:55. ATC: flight 123 perhaps you should land at your alternate
2:01. Pilot: Roger il hide there for a while 123 out
***** HAHAHa It's you :)
I wish
+mewantbrains Very good!
Which airport is this? I'll make sure I never visit...
It's Birmingham int
James Lowe Maybe it's time for them to add another runway path to account for the direction of the wind?
+Huxxy it's only a small airport and has only room for one runway. They swop ends sometimes depending on direction of wind.
James Lowe So sometimes they've got wind coming from right, and sometimes from the left? Great...It's good to practice "almost-crashed" from both sides...
+Huxxy it's not always like this haha. Only when we have bad weather and it was the same at many other UK airports that day. I recorded a go around at Heathrow and there was one at London city too.
Great Compilation as always! Which camera do you use?
Remind me of a flight I toon into Las Vegas. Strong winds and sand blowing across the runway. The pilot made several landing attempts and circled the airport for what seemed like forever. We finally mad a sideways landing. When the pilot gets a Standing O……you know it was rough. Kudos to all of the pilot who get us home safely.
292 people are envious of the piloting skills demonstrated in this video.
You're right, these pilots have guts
You can totally see the wake-force for the plane at 7:57... incredible. Great Pilots...
9:05 that's the coolest ryanair landing ive ever seen, in a 20° drift
What are they landing on, paved golf courses
awesome footage! Maximum respect to the pilots
4:03 it somehow looks like the right Aer Lingus pilot bumped his head against the cockpit window :D
Brickfreak79 hahahahaa
Brickfreak79 Totally!
Brickfreak79 He's just camera shy.
+Brickfreak79 Looks like his headset fell off and he tried to put it back on
Pilot "About to land honey"
Wife "Good, ill wait for you here, and who's Emily?"
Wow scary stuff, very happy to see the great spotty M appear 3 times in this video, I am a former Monarch crew member from London Gatwick and extremely proud to have worked for such a wonderful airline . XX RIP MONARCH AIRLINES XXX
who else is watchig this before going on a plane
I flew from Phoenix AZ. to Tulsa a few months ago, the night before my flight I was in my hotel room watching air crash investigation
+howie c same
+howie c shhhit why would u watch that.. I only watch these shows after flying
Sam I don't know but I was nervous as hell for the whole flight. I won't do that again
+Grizzly that's a long flight
it's amazing how you think the plane is going to smash into the ground, but pulls of a last minute manouvre to land the plane gently
actually makes me feel better about flying, seeing they really have a lot of control.
you wouldn't have said that, if you were IN the machine..believe me! I experienced these kind of landings in was a nightmare and everybody was screaming!
@@noworries12 LOL No I think I would feel the same actually. Makes me feel safer :D Thanks for your input however.
Thank you so much for sharing. I find these so mesmerizing to watch. Beautiful filming
this video makes me realize how much of a thrashing landing gear goes through. Crazy!
Nailed it! Those pilots are masters man!! Takes true skills to land a plane almost like a friggin' helicopter! LOL! Plane Drifting 2014! ;D
Pedro Madeira Just watch the action of the rudder, elevator and ailerons at 5:23! Wow, that pilot was a busy man.
bslaws one of the best and smooth landings, by the way, was worth working
***** Between 6:56 and 6:57 slow the speed down to .25. As the pilot aborts and throttles up, you can see a flame out of the #2 starboard engine and possible one out of the #1 engine.
Ahh...the 707
I’m guessing you didn’t get a wink of sleep?
Great Video. Impressive! Cheers from Hamburg
A brilliant display of piloting
What airport is that?
5:40 - Like a bird! Beating wings to take off!
Showed this one to a friend's friend whos' a pilot, said those guys were earning every penny that day, and he said this, and I'll never forget it: you just get used to it. It looks scarier than it really is, you learn how to compensate for the weather. It's like driving in snow. Different, but you learn how to do it. REALLY????? I DON'T THINK SO!
lol nice!
Ok maybe like driving in the snow: in a bus full of women and children, with drop offs on both sides of the road, and bald tires! Still less scary, since you won't die by going too slow haha. Fuck eh?
Driving in snow or flying is one thing
Being a passenger on rear seat of car on snow or near tail is another XD
Эффектная подборка сложнейших взлётов и посадок в BHX (Аэропорт города Бирмингем в Великобритании)
Always nice to be on a plane when everyone starts screaming
After the plane had landed and me disembarking of any of these flights as a passenger, I would have cried like a sniveling lil' baby for weeks...
Too scared to fly again…
The first legit looked like it wasnt moving just falling
these videos are fascinating! the skill these pilots have to land in these conditions are fantastic. the camera operator clearly took time and patience to get the proper sweet spot to capture these. kinda like watching trains pull into and leave the yard (yes there are videos and channels dedicated to just that).
Incredible and breathtaking compilation of extreme footages for airplane conditions
why does the runway have waves?
the runway is 3km (2mi) long, it's hard to find perfect plateus for 3km; it's not a big worry either, since the "hills" are streched over a very long distance; what we see here is an uncompressed vertical scale and a milion times compression on the horizantal scale
It's much flatter than it appears. If you take a long range lens and stand at one end the "waves" seem more intense than they really are when stretched across the km long runway.
upublic Maybe Denver has 2 mile runways, but YVX definitely doesn't have no 2 mile runway! But I bow to your figures, I'm just going off my error prone memory.
I hope that Ryanair pilot did`nt get fired for burning up extra fuel for going around...
you can go around two times but if you go after third time around instead alternative Airport then its the case for.
Holy crap! Those pilots are earning their salary that day!
Excellent camera work to eliminate most of the Z-axis motion so that we can see the X- and Y-axis motions isolated. Reminds me of the camera technique for baseball where we see the line of the pitch directly away from pitcher's mound to catcher.
Why did they build a runway on a roller coaster track?
I guess it's the lay of the land, and if you use a long telephoto lens you get a distorted image.
All runways have some crown to the them for water run off.
9:08 My favorite, I like the camera direction there.
I wonder if the Ryanair passengers had to pay more after arrival for the extra landing attempt!
I felt like I was getting air sick watching this. Crazy landings. Good video.
The winds is so strong that it bended the runway
Yes Birmingham does have a very uneven surface. I have often wondered can you feel it going over they slight Hill and the dip back down on takeoff or landing.
I normally don't comment on grammar or spelling but it's bent. Bended is not a word.
how can this video have over 12 million views when there's only 7 million people on the planet? o.O
uhhh.. 7 billion you mean?
Billion not million !!!!!
Don't you mean 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 people on earth...
There are over 7 Billion people on the planet, and people can watch it more than once.
Poo Dookie ok .. :(
Some people might need to change underwear seeing this video...Great video. Please produce a bunch more, I can watch this for hours. Great job.
Oh my gosh, amazing footage! My compliments!
The Captain has turned on the "Don't sh*t your pants" sign..,....
Rick Davis best comment ever!
Love how you can see the high pressure wave distorting light
How about you can see the pilots swaying back and forth! 0:40
BIG RESPECT to pilots ;)