Karen Manager Fires "Worthless Intern", He's The Company Owner & HER Boss!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 264

  • @nemo227
    @nemo227 Год назад +64

    The way Michel reacted to the firing, even after demonstrating good behavior, pretty much proved that her problem was more than a simple behavioral problem.

    • @sheilaolfieway1885
      @sheilaolfieway1885 Год назад +11

      She had One thing right, though he was paying for that out of his pocket, his companies pocket.... shame that's the ONLY thing she got right.

  • @Absaalookemensch
    @Absaalookemensch Год назад +78

    Wedding night. We had a slumber party with about a dozen family and friends who came in to town. We all slept on the living room floor of my in-laws house in sleeping bags. No wedding night "stuff" yet it was the best night. We played Uno, Yahtzee, Scrabble, had the great donuts and coffee until about 4 in the morning. Then slept in to about 10AM to the smell of fresh coffee and home made pancakes, bacon and eggs. Bless my in-laws, they were the absolute best. That was nearly 44 years ago.

  • @seraphimdagger
    @seraphimdagger Год назад +24

    As a black woman who keeps her hair in its natural texture, yes people ask for hair changes in interviews. Some are subtle, asking you to present yourself as “professional” and make customers “comfortable”, keep your hair “neat”. Some ask flat out to straighten my hair. It doesn’t matter what style I have my hair in, how illegal the discrimination is, it always happens in some form 😢

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +3

      The corporate interpretation of professional favours the Anglo Caucasian hair styles. African curls seem to go against the grain. Such a racist view of the world and it also discriminates against certain religions that have made it verboten to shave your face.

    • @ImpendingJoker
      @ImpendingJoker 11 месяцев назад +4

      Hate to tell you this but professional standards are the most NON-discriminatory things there is. You know what IS discriminatory? Affirmative Action, The United Negro College Fund, the NAACP. Could you imaging the backlash if there were things like that solely for whites? Like the NAAWP? or the United Caucasian College Fund? Blacks wouldn't be able to get to the courts fast enough to start yelling about discrimination all the while denying poor white students the very opportunity to even think about UNCF. So go check your own privilege.

    • @simmonsmichael317
      @simmonsmichael317 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@ImpendingJokerinteresting take maybe you should start a such organization

    • @ingamingpc1634
      @ingamingpc1634 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@ImpendingJoker those were created in response to how black people were treated by their own coworkers bosses Society in general did you pay attention to anything that was happening during the Civil Rights Movement or did you fail that class too after they were freed they were slaves they were treated like trash and afterwards they were treated like trash even after they were free you should check your own privilege as well

    • @surferdude4487
      @surferdude4487 4 месяца назад +1

      For context, I'm about as white as a person can get. Your hair is your hair. As long as you keep it clean, your boss shouldn't have anything to say about how you wear it.

  • @chrystalminor1422
    @chrystalminor1422 Год назад +116

    I remember being a young adult shopping for a new/used car. I was (and still am) dead set on driving a manual transmission because I believe they are more fun to drive. I told the sales man that I wanted to see cars with a manual tranny and was repeatedly told "oh, you don't want that.." for various reasons, and "let me show you this one." I ended up getting so angry I said "how dare you tell me what you think I want and not even attempt to show me the stick shift cars" and walked out. I had perused by myself before being greeted by a sales person so I know they had a few and he just refused to show them to me. I have also been looked at and spoken to very condescendingly when talking about cars, presumably because I am female.

    • @wd9dau
      @wd9dau Год назад +7

      Mos5 of the cars I have owned have been manual. MG Midjet, Datsun 240Z, 4 Mini Coopers!

    • @Galaxy1001D
      @Galaxy1001D Год назад +12

      Tell them, "The customer is always right in matters of taste. That means that if the customer wants to buy a ridiculous polka dotted bowtie, you sell them a ridiculous polka dotted bowtie, even if a black tie would suit them better. Now show me those manual transmission cars please."

    • @brkr78
      @brkr78 Год назад +7

      ​@@Galaxy1001DNah, she did the right thing. It's one thing if a salesperson gives you advice or asks you if you realy want something when they expect a negative reaction some time after the purchase, but it is entirely another thing if the salesperson feels entitled to let you know what you want or not. If I had told them that I want a manual, they tell me that I don't want a manual, then I ask them if they are willing to sell me said manual and they still insist that I don't want that, then I'd walk out of that dealership as well. Clearly they have no willingness to engage with their customer, and possess no willingness to understand the needs and wishes of them. It was a loss for the sales person as they no longer got the comission of the sales, and a loss for the dealership as well. And if that interaction is representative of that salespersons way to deal with potential customers then I'd say its only a matter of time until they no longer are employed in that role.

    • @brkr78
      @brkr78 Год назад +7

      Something similar happened some 30 years ago to my mother. She and my father went to a dealership of a certain french brand. She had the same brand before, and while the french cars of that time were somewhat infamous for having electrical issues she was, by and large, quite content with the brand. They entered the dealership, and the owner of the dealership immediately headed towards my father, asking what he can do for him. My father stated that my mother wanted to buy a new car, and that he should talk with her about it. Owner listened to my mother for two sentences or so before turning towards my father again, ignoring her and asking him what he thinks and some such. Again he deffered him to my mother, who got irritated by that behaviour. Dude looked towards her, then stated something along the lines of "Yeah, women have no idea about cars and what the want, let's talk about bussiness here.".
      The both left, never to return. Since then my mother has been a very loyal customer of a certain, very famous and very old american car brand that is also very prevalent in Europe.

    • @pamelalaub6204
      @pamelalaub6204 Год назад +5

      My husband and I always had manual shift cars until we moved to the Orlando FL area. Traffic is very heavy all the time and all lanes are full all the time. We live between a university and a college..There are over 130,000 students plus all the professors and support staff. After a year of stop and stop traffic we sold our cars and bought automatic ones. That was a necessary, but sad, change.

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Год назад +17

    Story two.... Report his car to the property owner for illegal parking. Here it's a $250 ticket.
    Story 2.5...... Fitting karma for the neighbor and his illegal fences. 😂

  • @jengsci8268
    @jengsci8268 Год назад +3

    My daughter was "profiled" at a car dealership. Her hair was not a natural color, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. They pretty much ignored her even when she was asking about a specific (new) vehicle. Probably thought she couldn't afford it. She left and went down the road to another dealer and they were happy to put her in a brand new car with more than half (20K USD) down and paid off within 3 years! Needless to say, she will not be going back to the car lot who ignored her. Their loss!

  • @SeanBZA
    @SeanBZA Год назад +24

    Last one definitely the salesman was reamed out, because the boss saw $10k of profit in cash walk out the door (he probably paid less than $20k for the trade in), plus he also would remember every day that this salesweasel, had cost him $10 k.

    • @cgi2002
      @cgi2002 Год назад

      Only part that surprised me there was OP told the cops he'd have a large amount of cash on him and they didn't seize it all using civil asset forfeiture. Never tell the police you have significant amounts of hard currency in the US, there are litterally laws on the books that let the police just take it from you without reason and you can't do FA about it, to get it back you need to sue them and even then its on you to prove your cash was not involved in any form of crime ever (and bank/irs statements/receipts don't count as evidence, nor does your pay check), they merely need to say "we suspect" and provide zero evidence. Its because your not suing the police, your money is, your just representing it, and money doesn't have rights, its a stupid law that was invented by the supreme court (most of the stupidest and most dangerous law were).
      Oh and it been in the bank, is not a gurantee its safe, they can seize it from them too (they literally raided a safe deposit box company, and keep pulling over armoured cars and seizing money, the court cases are still ongoing, they are likely to lose but those cases cost money, and they take your money so you can't afford the cases).

    • @knrdvmmlbkkn
      @knrdvmmlbkkn Год назад

      @@cgi2002"Never tell the police (...) provide zero evidence."
      That sounds like some... I don't know what to call it. Mafia, mobster, gangster system.

    • @swisstroll3
      @swisstroll3 7 дней назад

      While this is an annoyance, it is minor. Even a $10,000 profit does not keep a dealership going for very long. Also, cash deals are not great to a car dealer. They can make more on the financing than they make on the car. That is why, when you are going to buy a car for cash, it is recommended that you not mention that until after you have clearly negotiated the deal. Most people get loans, the dealership expects loans, and the salesman makes money on the loan, so the system is designed around loans. Dealerships have even made concessions on price, expecting to get the money back on a loan. While this is funny, and probably made an impression, and the dealership lost a little money wasting time on the deal, relatively it is the person who paid the policeman who lost the greater portion of his annual income.

  • @jonathansands3304
    @jonathansands3304 Год назад +42

    Ooof, telling the cops you will have a large amount of cash on you, and then asking them along on top of it? That’s Civil Asset Forfeiture bait right there. 🥵

    • @badkitty4922
      @badkitty4922 Год назад +3

      Depending on where OP lives. The cop can be hired on duty as a protective escort, and I think the fee goes towards the use of police resources. He still earns his pay for the day.
      Off duty, all money goes straight to the cop and he's acting as personal security.
      Depending on where that happens is whether cash or check payment is better for the cop in the long run.

    • @Legohaiden
      @Legohaiden Год назад +2

      No... because he took it directly out of the bank... the Officer would have seen that. The Officer would (if in the USA) also be considered "OFF DUTY" even if in uniform as he is not acting under City Direction. The Money would go Directly to the Officer for his time, and most likely you would need to reimburse the Station as well for use of city resources.
      For those that dont realize... Its not really hard to hire a police escort if you have the money. I live in Louisiana, and in New Orleans, you can go to the City's main office and have a Parade for whatever you want at nearly any time of any day for around 300 dollars base (for a very quick short parade that minimally impacts traffic) and they will allow you to hire Police Escorts for this Parade if you wish for an additional fee. You can also go all out if you got the money and have them block off streets for your parade and have the full suite of escort cars and bikes.... no idea how much that costs... but I bet its a lot.

    • @Legohaiden
      @Legohaiden Год назад +3

      Also the city has "Marching Bands" you can hire for your parade... again for an additional fee. (the bands are not employed by the city, rather the City knows of Marching bands who will sell their services and will give you the information)

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      @@Legohaiden A certain scene in _Family Guy_ comes to my mind.

  • @FleetwoodtheRegicide
    @FleetwoodtheRegicide Месяц назад +1

    The funeral one was amazing thank you for sharing that story

  • @franciscojaviermendezrinco1902
    @franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Год назад +15

    Third story: NTA. Is their wedding night, they can enjoy it as they want, not as the entitled member of the family wants just to have a chance to be the center of attention.

  • @sandrajohnson6810
    @sandrajohnson6810 Год назад +21

    The after wedding story: just tell them you already have plans for a secret out of town honeymoon so you absolutely won't be available. Make sure your house is locked up tight and go someplace private that no one knows.

  • @haroldbenton979
    @haroldbenton979 Год назад +37

    For the 3rd story I did something like this to a set of relatives that got to much in my face during the lead up to my wedding to my ex. I told them I was going to be spending the night with my ex wife with her flat on her back pounding her until I could not stand upright. They quickly left me alone after that day.

  • @chrisgrilley558
    @chrisgrilley558 Год назад +14

    Story 4 Car salesman story. It depends on the industry. Some have a standard for professional appearance, others like the food and restaurant industry might require the trimming or removal of facial hair or keeping hair short. Or in hair nets.

    • @limcolin6659
      @limcolin6659 Месяц назад

      Unfortunately, if he is already in compliance with the standards, then there should be no problem. If not getting hired due to hair, which he just does not like, that is just straight-up prejudice but no more issues, but he went further which made it worse...... so yeah legal but it shows how unprofessional you are(I mean this car salesman in the story, not anyone in the comments).

  • @sirxanthor
    @sirxanthor Год назад +4

    Old classmate I just found out changed her name a few years back from Karen. She got a job, quite difficulty, because other workers in the screening process mistook her name as a note she could be a troublemaker. Her performance luckily outweighed the Karen stigma, but once she saw her HR file, she spent Close to $1k in court papers, birth certificate, and ss# name changes. If you ever have a child that needs a name change, it's good to have it done before they hit 18 in the USA. This is because it's easier to get done, and a lot less money to do, even free in certain situations.
    I went through this with one of my own kids not to long ago. They decided to take on their grandfather's name after he passed away. My wife and I backed them up fully, even though there was that sad twinge of them giving up their birth name.
    Love your posts Ripe. ✨

  • @BadJimmiZ
    @BadJimmiZ Год назад +4

    A Little Disnii Kitty at the End,,, Outstanding,,,😻😻😻⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @franciscojaviermendezrinco1902
    @franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Год назад +39

    Second story: I can bet that contract had a clause saying OP was giving up to them part of his property. That's why I bet they were so pushy of signing without read it.

    • @KamiNoBaka1
      @KamiNoBaka1 Год назад

      Generally when people try to get someone to sign something without reading it it's because they're trying to sneak something past you. I mean to be fair, maybe they were just trying to cover their asses in case OP tried to sue for the drop in property value from now being directly next to a funeral home's parking lot, but considering the fence shenanigans, I doubt it.

  • @firefly4f4
    @firefly4f4 Год назад +17

    I want to know what happened to Michel's mother, as she hired Michel in the first place and somehow didn't know what her daughter was doing.

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад +2

      Probably nothing noteworthy.

    • @badkitty4922
      @badkitty4922 Год назад +2

      ​@@Kelle0284I'm thinking the same thing. Mom was probably mortified by her daughter's actions but I believe OP said she was a good employee.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +1

      That's what happens when nepotism becomes the norm.

  • @neko6803
    @neko6803 8 дней назад

    the second story is just GOOOOOOOOLD "He parked there for convenience and not because of having an accesibilityproblem... well he does now" AHJAHAHAHAHAHAHA im stealing that.

  • @Mrwillie95
    @Mrwillie95 Год назад +6

    Op needs to go no contact with his family before his wife get sick of this and leave op sooner or later

  • @allenluze364
    @allenluze364 Год назад +4

    Ripe, you asked about questions about changing hair styles at a job interview - surprisingly I've never been asked that. My hair has never been shorter than collar length on over 40 years. I was a hippie in the late 1970's until I joined the Marine Corps, and then after getting out I let it grow out again. I'm now 64 years old and I still wear my hair in a ponytail (and yes, my hair is getting thin in some places but I'm still comfortable with it). I've worked in factories, warehouses, long haul truck driver (I was once asked after 2 or 3 years there if I would consider cutting my hair - they wanted to enter me and my truck into a truck driving competition, but they wanted me to look more professional, but I wouldn't so I wasn't in the competition), law offices (legal assistant), elementary school classrooms, and at my current job in retail (everyone's favorite: Walmart!). The only time my hair became an issue was when I worked on a crew doing asbestos removal - for that job I did end up shaving my beard so my filtered mask could seal properly.

  • @nimisilverbird1239
    @nimisilverbird1239 Год назад +6

    Nta. Sounds like Michelle dressed for the job she wanted and not the one she has. However she doesnt have said job. Terminate her

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +3

      Treat employees with disrespect and act overbearing, be ready to lose that job.

  • @heru-deshet359
    @heru-deshet359 11 месяцев назад +1

    Every company needs a "No Psycho" hiring policy.

  • @snapsterlp1877
    @snapsterlp1877 Год назад +1

    Car salesman story : that's indeed a petty revenge for sure 🤣

  • @randystegemann9990
    @randystegemann9990 Год назад +18

    I have little patience for rude people, I just will not answer or block them instead of wasting any time arguing nonsense. Great stories, Ripe.

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад +1

      I would block them.

  • @amethystanne4586
    @amethystanne4586 Год назад +4

    About the after-wedding family get together……… in my parents generation, out in the country, it was a tradition that the neighbors would do a chivaree on the newlyweds. An example would be in the musical “Oklahoma”.

  • @tjoelfoster
    @tjoelfoster Год назад +6

    In South Carolina, Police Officers can write you a state ticket if they see the violation, but the ticket is written to the driver, not the car. The driver must be there in person. Otherwise, can't do a state ticket. A parking enforcement officer (in the past, a "meter maid") could write you a parking ticket, but that's nowhere as serious. It's akin to a parking meter violation.

  • @sparklejarret5825
    @sparklejarret5825 Год назад +6

    Giggidy…. Love the stories Ripe! ⭐️ 🌟 💫

  • @nardopolo7407
    @nardopolo7407 Год назад +4

    in many places in the U.S. you will find laws or regulations regarding how fences can be for the outside for instance the area I live at requires the "ugly" side be facing in the property as opposed towards the niedghbors that said the "ugly" side is generally if say a wooden fence be where theframe work is.

  • @CrochetIsLife54
    @CrochetIsLife54 Год назад +15

    Story about man with long hair. Ripe, wait until you learn about the grooming requirements to be hired at a Disney theme park! Men must be clean shaven (no mustache or beard with some exceptions) and have short hair. Women have similar standards. Plus no visible tattoos or piercings. There is a long list of BS terms the employees must adhere to. Let me just say that they referred to the iconic rodent as “Mickey Rat” and sang the the song which spells out “Mickey Mouse” as “M I C K E Y - O U S O B.” 😂

    • @s.h.6858
      @s.h.6858 Год назад +5

      Haven't been seeing that in some of the pictures coming out of the parks lately... Especially the bearded men in princess dresses at the shops.

    • @badkitty4922
      @badkitty4922 Год назад +1

      ​@@s.h.6858I love seeing Daddies dressing as princesses for their daughters! Hits me right in the feels. 💖💖💖

    • @2manybooks2littletime25
      @2manybooks2littletime25 Год назад


  • @wy100101
    @wy100101 2 месяца назад

    That first story is a fanfic for sure.

  • @shannonmoriarty945
    @shannonmoriarty945 Год назад +3

    This is on the Wedding Night Dinner. He is definitely not a ahole. It seems like the only family member that respects him and future wife is his Grandmother. Protecting his wife, also bodes well for his marriage. To the OP, "I wish you and future wife a long and happy marriage."

  • @brutusdeagon9816
    @brutusdeagon9816 Год назад +3

    The hair story. Discrimination about hair is illegal where I live

    • @nadinesharp9766
      @nadinesharp9766 3 месяца назад

      But it's not likely that will be given as the reason for not getting a job. They can just say they hired someone with experience instead or something similar.

  • @sadiehunt3970
    @sadiehunt3970 Год назад +3

    Story 3 op grandma sounds awesome spend the time with your wife

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd Год назад +2

    On the cutting of one's hair for the car sales job - this may have been maybe in the 80's or 90's when business's wouldn't hire men with long hair. So that may have been why they wanted him to cut his hair.

  • @Steampunkkids
    @Steampunkkids Год назад +3

    At the end of the video: Disney is soooooooooo cute!!!

  • @genesis9chaos
    @genesis9chaos Год назад +2

    For the 2nd story, it reminds me of so many stories that I have heard here from Reddit where a person has hidden or invisible disability, and then is harassed for parking in disabled parking (because disability is not obvious).

    • @endymionselene165
      @endymionselene165 Год назад +1

      You need to have the tag and or the mirror hanging thing that states you have a disability.

  • @Kati_P
    @Kati_P 3 месяца назад

    On our wedding night, after the reception, we went home. Cell phones weren't widely popular yet, so we only had our land line. We couldn't turn the ringer off because my son was with my dad. My mother-in-law called, no joke or exaggeration, 32 TIMES! My hubby kept track. The last time, he answered and said "Is someone dead? No? Is someone in the hospital? No? Is someone actively bleeding or dying? No? THEN STOP CALLING US!! IT'S OUR WEDDING NIGHT AND I'M TRYING TO GET BUSY!!", then he slammed the phone down and hung up on her, lol. Sometimes, MILs are PITAs, lol.

  • @franktuckwell196
    @franktuckwell196 Год назад +2

    Loved the fence story.

  • @scarletrhine4510
    @scarletrhine4510 Год назад +2

    Story 3: NTA. Your family are the AH.

  • @jennilynne1977
    @jennilynne1977 Год назад +5

    Some stars for Ripe: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and some kitty smileys for Disnii:
    😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸 😸😸😸😸
    I hope everyone is having a great day/afternoon/night! Peace ☮️, hugs 🤗 and love 😘!

  • @nadinesharp9766
    @nadinesharp9766 3 месяца назад

    Where I am, the police told me when I called to report multiple people in the same lot using handicap parking with no or expired (over three years out of date) placards, they said it was private property and they couldn't do anything unless called by the store owner or manager. So I went inside and asked them to call and request the ticketing, and they refused. It was because they didn't want to alienate paying customers. When I asked about the amount of business they're losing from handicapped people who go elsewhere because they can't get parking here, they had nothing to say.

  • @katherineliberto2978
    @katherineliberto2978 Год назад +3

    OMG did your cat have kittens? They are so pretty! I still love the stories but I love your cat too!

    • @RipeStories
      @RipeStories  Год назад +1

      She didn’t, this was at a cat show event 😅

  • @elzwindglenraven
    @elzwindglenraven Год назад +2

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  • @okiemale1589
    @okiemale1589 Год назад +3

    Big thumbs up for the channel...

  • @Loki-and-Thor
    @Loki-and-Thor Год назад +3

    ♾🌟s and 😻🤗s for Ripe, JB and Disney!

  • @suzannehester7796
    @suzannehester7796 7 дней назад

    W-4's are what you fill out when you get hired. W-2's are given to you yearly with your earnings, taxes deducted, etc.

  • @johnnymcneal5914
    @johnnymcneal5914 4 месяца назад

    I would have fired her right on the spot.
    He was being a lot more kinder than I would have been.

  • @garysprandel1817
    @garysprandel1817 Год назад +6

    Oh somebody's getting fired Karen it's just not me or any of the other people in this room, I'll let you do the math.
    Yes oh yes not giving someone time to read a legal document and demand it must be signed right now is a sign everything is on the level. That was epic malicious feck around find out.
    Having pizza sounds like euphemism when stated as a wedding night activity.
    Geeze as the hair goes I'm currently 61 years old and a widower. Had started going gray after I turned 40 and by 50 I was a lot salt than pepper. A few years after my wife passed I wanted to do something to lift my spirits and wanted to get rid of the gray but didn't want it to appear I was on the prowl for another woman so I dyed my hair Cubs blue ( month and a half before the Cubbies made their World Series win in 16 so I'm taking credit for breaking the curse) and my employer had no issues with me showing up with blue ( or purple or green, etc) hair.

    • @RoburDrake
      @RoburDrake 11 месяцев назад +1

      Having purple hair likely helped me get my previous job. My manager also had purple hair.

  • @PowerStruggle555
    @PowerStruggle555 Год назад +3

    i wouldve demoted michelle to intern.

    • @randywarren7101
      @randywarren7101 4 месяца назад

      Hell yeah! Put Karen in the exact position that she thought OP was in!

  • @chrisc6857
    @chrisc6857 4 месяца назад

    "To do what?" To... Do... What!?!? Dude it's their wedding night what the hell do you think they have plans to do!?

  • @millerlucerojames
    @millerlucerojames Год назад +5

    Pfffttt hahaha oh boy you guys wanna know what the punch line here is ? It's Karen who made a absolute fool of her self and has destroyed her own career before it even started oh my lord I bet even the joker would find this extremely funny

  • @KamiNoBaka1
    @KamiNoBaka1 Год назад

    Houstonian reporting in on the handicapped parking cop thing. Here, there's a either a city ordinance or departmental procedure where they'll only write tickets for unlawfully parking in a handicap space if the property owner or an agent for the property owner calls. This is not true for fire zones, but some people treat them like they are. Usually young rich people driving Teslas or luxury car brands.
    Also, as a dude who likes to keep his hair medium-long, yes, it's extremely common for employers to ask if you'd be willing to cut your hair, especially for customer-facing positions.

  • @mikejackson3564
    @mikejackson3564 Год назад +3

    ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

  • @BadJimmiZ
    @BadJimmiZ Год назад +6

    Greetings Ripe & Disnii,, love the stories & I want to work for the first Boss,,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @DisneyChar
    @DisneyChar Год назад

    I'd uninvite anyone who thinks the wedding is about them.

  • @mikaeljensen4399
    @mikaeljensen4399 9 дней назад

    About the first story. Let's not forget that the owner is ultimately responsible for her actions against the employees. He chose to be the "cool boss" and get people coffee, instead of doing his job and make sure the managers are not violating the law. In the end, his "fix" was to fire her. He never said anything about compensation for the affected employees. So yes the Karen was a massive AH, but he was even worse.

  • @greatgreyowl2583
    @greatgreyowl2583 Год назад +2

    On the wedding I might let is slip that we were planning to go to place X and then goto place Z.😀

  • @nadinesharp9766
    @nadinesharp9766 3 месяца назад

    It's just sad that the wannabe car salesman's feelings about themselves are related to their hair.

  • @lycanthis9963
    @lycanthis9963 Месяц назад

    S1: I can just imagine OP doing the J Jonah Jameson laugh after hearing her say "You're fired". Really any owner would do that if some power tripping Karen tried that.

  • @ParadoxumParadisus
    @ParadoxumParadisus Год назад

    Story 3: NTA its your after-wedding and you should spend it the way you and your wife want to.

  • @baldrian22
    @baldrian22 Год назад +4

    i can see why the cop and the security guard went out to check and was continiue watching op do that. what op was doing with the carts wasent illigal, but the police and security wanted to make sure op dident do anything illigal at some point like raming a couple of cars into it etc.

  • @MishaSims
    @MishaSims Год назад +3

    🌟🌟⭐⭐🌟🌟⭐⭐🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the funeral home story was fucking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🌟🌟⭐⭐🌟🌟⭐⭐

  • @nardopolo7407
    @nardopolo7407 Год назад +2

    Kansas does or did have rules stipulating police engagement and recently got in some mild hotwater when a judge ruled against the police in regards to initiating interaction with the police. (edit to elaborate ) one example in lieu of Kansas is the Kansas two step where a officer pulls you over walks up to the car then steps away leaving it upon the driver to begin interaction with the officer , this relinquishes your 4th amendment and this is precisely what the jkudge ruled against them doing. and ordered that they now have to record all traffic stops regardless comically the police defense was that literally doing this part of the job would make police work harder and more tedious.

  • @og_3rd_st_saint_gat
    @og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад +4

    4:47 i wouldnt let them excort me i would had distanced myself and showed them my id

    • @livingbygrace5501
      @livingbygrace5501 Год назад

      Yeah. He wasted the police time by even allowing her to call the police, just so he could humiliate her more. He should have identified himself before it got to that point.

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад

      @@livingbygrace5501 She should know who the company owner is. Even if she didn't, she shouldn't be lipping off to him and calling the police on him anyway. She should have been arrested for filing a false police report.

  • @aaronhill8315
    @aaronhill8315 Год назад

    NTA op has every right to enjoy a nice quiet evening with his wife

  • @kentkrueger6035
    @kentkrueger6035 Год назад +1

    Moral of the story,
    Watch out about who you treat like crap. It might just bite you in the but some day. Volvo's aren't that great anyway. Couldn't have happened to a nicer Sales Manager.

  • @thomaskirkpatrick4031
    @thomaskirkpatrick4031 Месяц назад

    Hey sometimes revenge is just about making you feel better. Not necessarily hurting someone else.

  • @andrewh.8403
    @andrewh.8403 11 месяцев назад

    I read this at a doctors waiting room in a Readers Digest.

  • @locke11216
    @locke11216 Год назад

    OMFG I can just imagine seeing the funeral people's expression seeing him in that Speedo

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +1

      When it's referred to as a style from _Borat_ it's a mankini, not a Speedo.

  • @Fireguy97
    @Fireguy97 Год назад

    Most banks now will require at least a week to have that amount of cash on hand for withdrawal.

  • @maryannweitzel5636
    @maryannweitzel5636 4 месяца назад

    Why would anyone of sound mind think you'd want an audience to share in your wedding night???

  • @seraglioborneo2803
    @seraglioborneo2803 4 месяца назад

    S4 When they go low, you go low/er and tell them why. I hope both sons of unwed mothers working in the dealership, were happy

  • @susanminer2088
    @susanminer2088 Год назад +4

    Apparently, I’m first. Funny, I don’t get the excitement out of it that others do.

  • @Legohaiden
    @Legohaiden Год назад

    The final story.... he really didnt need to hire an officer or bring 30k in cash into the store... could have just got them all excited, then state you would be back the next day, and just never show up. They would call you to find out where you are, and you could say "Oh im on my way!" Then when they call back again later state "Im pulling up right now!" Then when they call again a 3rd time simply state "Oh sorry I bought a vehicle at another dealership because Tommy is an asshole"
    They would have to pay the notary for their time, and still get no sale. And Tommy would still get bashed.

  • @robertsmelt6638
    @robertsmelt6638 Год назад +2

    Yay Herr Ripe, JB and Disney floof 😀⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Daschund on knee

  • @johnnymcneal5914
    @johnnymcneal5914 2 месяца назад

    You know, I would be more worried about whether he was okay. Then some food coffee only takes a few dollars to fix a photo camera.

  • @nardopolo7407
    @nardopolo7407 Год назад +3

    it depends on the hairstyle and the location and perhaps the year for instance in my younger days it was frowned upon for a fast food worker to have a beard (or well any facial stuble) in the past few decades this seems to have relaxed. That said Long hair is often seen in the U.S. as unprofessional looking in some places a sales jobn at most car lots would prefer you wear a suit and tie generally clean cut hair this may have changed lately that long hair is more acceptable . typically one could however receive a question along the line of would you be willing to shave ? would you be willing to cut your hair ?or if hair is dyed say an unnatural color. would you be willing to remove the dye.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      That is verboten to practitioners of certain religions such as Islam and Judaism. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

    • @nardopolo7407
      @nardopolo7407 Год назад

      @@JamesDavy2009 yes all my post is is ane example how myexperince of certain places have changed over the years on whatthey would deem acceptable. just like the jewelry rulesmen were permitted to wear a ring women could wear a ring ring necklace or i belive the term was plain earrings and studs?

  • @Kaylersick
    @Kaylersick Год назад +1

    9:45 is also harder for the guy to deny ownership if he outright tells the officer he did it.

  • @614BlueBerry
    @614BlueBerry Год назад +1

    How so you own a company, and not know what high rabking supervisors are hired? I get a normal worker, but someone that high up??

  • @draconicisha
    @draconicisha Месяц назад

    that last one wasnt even petty that was just... sad... I doubt anything came of it as even Bill agreed they had an image to keep, they most likely just shrugged him off as being an immature wannabe

  • @michaelsamuels8258
    @michaelsamuels8258 Год назад +1

    re: long hair - no sale on car story;.. That was not petty.. That was Nuclear !.. Tommy the sales guy would have been told off later by his boss- Bill for loosing such sale and in Cash !

  • @pandablair4226
    @pandablair4226 Год назад +2

    Car dealerships make money off of selling the debt you get from purchasing a new car. A cash offer is not something they like as they never make any profit from it

  • @WillowDancer
    @WillowDancer 11 месяцев назад

    27:36 Ooooh. Kitty cat. I think this is the first time I have seen her (him?) on a leash.

  • @GaiusMarius65
    @GaiusMarius65 Год назад +2

    Story 4: depending on the type of business and how they expect their employees to present themselves that is certainly possible.

  • @davidkrankjr.1280
    @davidkrankjr.1280 Год назад

    Drove a 16ft roller bed lumber delivery truck with a 2 speed rear axle and 4 on the floor.

  • @Rtrstormghost327
    @Rtrstormghost327 Год назад

    Don’t Fire the person that writes your paycheck or you will regret it

  • @itsmilan4069
    @itsmilan4069 Год назад

    Story 4
    Gotta say I have to pull similar type of stunt for last months interview
    I mean who's gonna see my hair at back office other than my coworkers

  • @astrofan1993
    @astrofan1993 Год назад +1

    I tend to wear my hair long lately as well. When it gets long enough, I get it chopped off and donate it to Wigs For Kids (not Locks of Love, as they are shady as heck).
    The reason being is that a nephew of my aunt (no relation to me) passed away from cancer at the ripe young age of 13 years old. So I donate it in his name.
    People who say, “We want a professional look” really have no idea the circumstances of some people, and shouldn’t discriminate based on appearances alone.
    The way I see it, as long as the hair is tied back or put up, there should be no trouble, even in a place like sales.
    But frankly, I would rather lose out on a job opportunity than deny a child with cancer or other disease that causes them to lose their hair their own opportunity to feel somewhat normal.

  • @lockwoan01
    @lockwoan01 Год назад +3

    Dun Dun Dun!
    Karen: Why do I hear Boss music?
    Boss: Because *I'm the Boss!*

  • @arcon980
    @arcon980 Месяц назад

    with jobs and being asked to change your hair, that is fairly common if you are a dude with long hair or a big beard especially in a sales / customer facing role. I am someone who would go full mountain man with a big burly beard and long head banging hair if fully left to my own devices, so I have dealt with this a lot. I was asked to cut my hair and beard down to something "smaller and more professional". Personally I just cut it back initially and slowly grow it back over a couple years so no one really notices and if they do eventually notice it doesn't matter because they are not going to fire a good hard working employee because of his slightly out of "regulation" hair and if they are willing to fire me over something like that, then it wasn't a company I would want to stay with long term anyway.

  • @cparle87
    @cparle87 Год назад

    Story 2. What's the point of even having disabled parking spaces in Texas if they can't be enforce them without a property owner complaint?

    • @knrdvmmlbkkn
      @knrdvmmlbkkn Год назад

      "if they can't be enforce them without a property owner complaint?"
      I suppose they can... if it's public property.

    • @cparle87
      @cparle87 Год назад

      @@knrdvmmlbkkn Besides places like city/county parks most parking lots would be private property. Like every shopping center ever.

  • @damonobsidianwolfheart1810
    @damonobsidianwolfheart1810 Год назад

    Chicago style deep-dish pizza is funny if you don't know what it looks like.

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад

      It's downright hilarious.

  • @heru-deshet359
    @heru-deshet359 11 месяцев назад

    The last story was a petty one.

  • @Skellitor301_VA
    @Skellitor301_VA Год назад

    To answer your question about the interview asking about changing hairstyles. Yes this is absolutely a thing especially in the food industry and in certain professional jobs. There tends to be strict rules for hygene and maintaining your appearance in these jobs, one for health and safety reasons and the other to maintain a professional and respectable look. The latter usually is for things like sales that require face to face interaction. It is important to keep clients and first impressions are big. If you walk up to a client with long hair or unkept facial hair, it can and likely will hurt your chances to secure a deal. Good grooming practices are essential in certain jobs

  • @timnorton1611
    @timnorton1611 Месяц назад

    The hair thing shouldn't matter in sales, especially if its kept neat. The only time I says its suggested is if you're working close with spinning machinery. But even at that there's ways to mitigate the danger of long hair in those situations too examples being hats bandana or hair nets.

  • @rowan5335
    @rowan5335 Год назад

    Where I live if you call the cops on someone taking handicap parking they definitely come and give them a ticket and nothing else is needed

    • @nadinesharp9766
      @nadinesharp9766 3 месяца назад

      Generally that will happen on public property, but not necessarily on private property.

  • @charleshines2142
    @charleshines2142 Год назад

    About story number 1, you can't fire the owner or boss at all. They have every legal right to be there every day!

  • @albertgongora6944
    @albertgongora6944 Год назад +1

    I really don't understand what people would call the original poster the asshole for I don't know wanting to spend his wedding night with his wife and not his family and in all honesty he really needs to tell them to screw off and actually block them and go no contact with them even the brother he cares about because I hate to say it he's just as bad as they are the only good person that the original poster has on his side is honestly his grandmother

  • @damien678
    @damien678 Год назад

    A lot of industries discriminate against black people for their hair, as well as men with long hair, women if their hair is too short, dyed hair, etc..
    It's honestly just terrible

    • @Kelle0284
      @Kelle0284 Год назад

      What happens with people who neither identify as male or female?

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      It's racist, sexist, antisemitic and Islamophobic.

  • @raven44012
    @raven44012 Год назад +3
