Wow! President Oaks never fails to deliver. He is so clear in his presentation of the subject of this talk and can substantiate all that he says. He is indeed a wise and loving leader in our church. He always stands up for the right!
So glad to have His guidance, especially during these times. This talk made me feel at peace with where I stand. 1000% better than going to the news outlets for answers!
I hoped others could hear this wise council as well, and that's when I realized that I had to do my part and share this on social media. If you haven't already I would consider sharing it, because you never know who you might help.
What a relief because I've been very upset over this statement. I was trying to withhold judgement until I had a chance to hear the entire talk, but I needed to gear up for it. Thank you for your comment.
There's an elephant in the room, the church is not mentioning it own racist past.. I pray that the church gets the courage to deal with this delicate issue honestly. It seems a little weird to spotlight racism everywhere else in the world. Because of past Prophets the church became better , they lifted the priesthood ban , which was commanded because of the curse maybe someday the curse itself can be lifted. If you don't learn from history, you're bound to repeat it. This speech is the right direction , I have a dream for this church....
No, the organization does not stand for things we "don't support," a faction of it does, just like the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, a splintered group that doesn't represent us. We members should have known and now more than ever, (that it has been tripled confirmed by GOD's mouthpieces) that BLACK LIVES MATTER. The reason why this organization exists in the first place is precisely for the connotation of dismissal this comment and the ones following has. It's like the middle child that goes awry and acts out and as a non-perceptive parent only punishes the child for their misbehavior and never addresses the emotional neglect the child feels that is causing the ruckus . Anyone who was upset at GOD'S APOSTLE (and needed a further explanation) really needs to humble themselves. Don't forget they too had to be humble to receive the Priesthood and I'm sure they weren't waiting with pursed lips, hand-on-hip waiting for a further explanation on what God meant when he said "No" to them. The entitlement is real with unhumble people and lack of compassion.
Exact language: “Unfortunately, that persuasive banner was sometimes used or understood to stand for other things that do not command universal support. Examples include abolishing the police or seriously reducing their effectiveness or changing our constitutional government. ***All these are appropriate subjects for advocacy, but not under what we hope to be the universally acceptable message: Black lives matter.” He didn’t condemn the organization, instead he says that those topics ARE subjects for advocacy although they do not command universal support.
If this helped you then remember to share it on social media because you never know who you might help. We all needed to hear this message, especially from a trusted source. With all the different forms of media and disinformation in our world today it makes it difficult to know what to believe. Thank you, Elder Dallin H Oaks.
This was another great talk by President Oakes. Certainly much more should of been shared in KSLs most recent post. Every person across this world matters.
Whenever the general authorities speak it's ALWAYS easy to understand them. The spirit is strong with them and they speak the truth. He couldn't have said it any clearer! 😎 #hearhim #teamJesus
This is one reason why we have such great leadership in the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints! It looks like Elder Oaks laid it on the line for everyone to understand what's in jeopardy in our nation whether you believe it or not. There will always be people that do not believe truth even when they see it unfold. These are the people that have been Damned because of sin. And the people in the great and spacious building will always scream loud. You just have to ignore them and stand tall a rock solid foundation! I thank him for his words of wisdom!
It WAS given a hundred years ago, in a sense. The same principles have been taught consistently by the prophets and apostles since Joseph Smith. It's just that we don't heed their words, or in many cases listen at all, so they have to keep repeating them. Then, when we finally do start listening, we wonder why they never talked about it before. If we continue to search their words honestly and humbly, we eventually get to the point at which we feel kind of dumb for thinking that they had never talked about it before and wonder how we could have missed something so obvious. The Lord certainly has a lot of patience with us!
Thank you, I loved this message and couldn't agree more. President Oaks background of constitutional law was clearly in preparation to lead us in these days!
I wish I could meet you Sir Oaks. I did want to mention d racism against Armenians in 1915- more than 1.5 million were slaughtered. I am of Armenian American decent. I do thank you for your inspiration & faith.
I am sorry. It must be really hard for your that few people know about it. ❤️ Thank you for sharing, so now I have the opportunity to learn more. God loves you.
The whole world needs love right now. Many are turning to God more or turning to Him for the first time. Sad that some are turning away at a time where He and our Savior, Jesus Christ, are needed most.
Pride is the ground from which sin grows. Pride is the incorrect evaluation of self measured against God and His creation. The pride of the victim, the down-trodden, the oppressed, those in poverty is no less real and destructive than the pride of the oppressor, the bully, the covetous. Find one's true place in God's creation and sins fall away and peace follows.
If we eat the flesh of lust pride is developed. Lust is an unnaturally intense desire in work or sex. It makes us instantly happy and healthy so we think it is a good thing, but it robs us of spiritual power and makes us old , sin-sick. Lust can be minimised by faith in the seven spirits of God. Then we are like Adam and Eve, Genesis 29:20.
I do think, however, that we each must work on our own pride. Blaming the pride of others for their problems I think says more about us than them. But of course, I am probably as guilty of this as anyone.
The way I feel about it history is how we got here you can never change history or you can change the future to what it is today and it's not racist or politics it is God
We young black missionaries who get trained in provo mtc we face racism , i say it because it happened to me twice when i was there , the church has a big job to teach young white missionaries,
That's unfortunate and I'm sorry that happened to you. Many people are blinded by Satan and act racist and will swear to you that they are not. It's long ingrained beliefs and hate in our society that many fall victim to. I've been a victim of racism in my own family from members of the church. They'll say terrible things straight at the dinner table against my race and act like I'm not even there or even care to look my way while saying it. These are people who have been in the church their whole lives and I'm the convert. Many are being led astray in these last days. Hold fast to the iron rod and ignore the hate Satan throws at us.
While I agree it happens to us all, it is not their job to teach racism...rather it is within the walls of those racist kid’s homes. It all begins at home.
I wish more people took the time to stop and hear your story, because I believe many experience what you did. The biggest problem I see among Church members is that we see racism as something that other people have, failing to recognize that we are all pre-disposed to treat others differently because of their appearance. I disagree with others on this thread - racism is something that needs to be tackled both at home and at church. After all, the commandment to love others is something we work on in both places.
Does anyone know where I could find more statements from the Church about taking down statues? It seems like this devotional says we should not ignore our past by destroying statues, but I'm left a little unsure about what to do about them. Do we leave them as they are? Add plaques to them explaining why we don't want to emulate them? Take them down but put them in a museum instead of destroying them? Keep them up but add additional statues that represent people we can more easily support and emulate? Anyone know what the church has said on these issues? I would really like quotes and links please. Thank you for joining me in a sincere, faithful discussion about how to improve.
This is a great message and the doctrine is clear to me I wonder if the Church can do more to reconcile our past history with racism, too. President Oaks quoted an 1833 revelation that condemns racism, yet blacks were treated as inferior until 1978, in terms of gospel blessings and access to covenants I am an active member of the Church and sustain our leaders as people of God. I am simply wondering if we can do more to address the errors in our past so that our voice on moral matters carries more credibility within the world
As a menber of the church, i still feel not okay with Brigham Young. Ofcourse dont open the quarrell between the past and the future(winston churchill), but still! Somehow the way i feel about Brigham Young, is that he was a rascist first class. Taken away the priesthood for all blacks, doesnt make sense. Because god promised jospeh smith that the church would not be taken away from this earth. Jospeh Smith in my eyes, was a real strong leader and a honest one. I admire brigham young because of the trials they had to endure during hard times, like crossing the country. You need be a strong leader to move all saints to one direction. But once again, priesthood and black gods children doesnt make sense to me, even when i tried to look with my spirtual eyes. Who can help me with this one? Forgive me for my bad english grammar. I live in the Netherlands. Love and peace to all you brothers and sisters..
I loved President Oaks talk at conference on this issue. The only thing I wish his condemnation of racism included was the Racist attacks against Whites as well. Racism and prejudice is a 2 way street even a recent poll of whites and ethnic minority groups has shown that there is a terrible streak of it in minority communities as well. The difference is while we condemn white supremacy, it's racial counterparts largely get a pass or excused under the cloak of intersectionality, diversity(oh the irony), or racial pride. It doesn't matter what color it comes under racism is still evil and it can be found in ghettos, barrios, chinatown, on isles of the sea, the suburbs to the echelons of society. Labeling anyone you disagree with as racist because they disagree with you on political, moral, or historical points is shallow, unproductive and is filled with the spirit of contention which is of the devil. Whether it comes under the moniker of Jim Crow or fake white privilege or critical race theory which is just another version of the same racist garbage of the past. I reject it all. Another issue I take is with our false moral presentism which seeks to judge past generations by moral standards and cultural principles and concepts that didn't exist in their time or they were laying the foundation of and we stand on the fruit of their labor and sacrifice. Such a generation that would do such a thing can only be described as selfish, ignorant, and ungrateful and in my opinion is similar the same Jews who said had they been born in the times of the prophets they would have not stoned or slain them and the Savior denounced them as hypocrites who would have done the same thing. Case in point. I did not attend BYU but when I heard Brigham Young's statue had been defaced I am more angry at the cowardice of the members who are attending as students that let it happen. I can assure you If I had been a student I would have put myself between the mob and placed myself on guard duty 24/7 in front of that statue to protect it. Brigham Young was an imperfect man and had ideas relative to his time period and culture and for whatever reason he felt placed a ban which he said was temporary on the priesthood. This was an issue for me in my youth as I was born right before official declaration 2 was adopted and I was raised to see and treat others equally as I would want to be. Regardless of race. But I also know Brigham Young was a Prophet of GOD and his successors to Spencer W Kimball were as well. Whatever the reason the Lord allowed the ban to remain for whatever reasons cultural, political, or social within and without the church. The lord moves only as far and as fast as his children will allow him. Joseph Smith lamented this fact for years that he could reveal more to the members if they didn't fly apart like glass when something didn't jive with their current established beliefs or traditions. That is a warning we all should heed because many of our accepted cultural and social morals will doubtless be found lacking on the moral scales of judgement as well and our ancestors will have a few stones to rightfully cast at us as well for our own failings. Let us not go so far to denounce one form of racial injustice just to embrace another incarnation of it in critical race theory or the 1619 project falsehoods which completely are opposed to Article of Faith 2.
White people have not been second-class citizens for 400 years and been treated as not good enough simply because of the color of their skin. Nothing white people have dealt with is at all congruent with the systemic prejudice against people of color. Live as a person of color for a day, then talk about how underprivileged you feel.
Thank you for adding your thoughts. I completely agree. There is an anti-racist club now at BYU and they are quoting Ibram Kendi on BYU's Instagram with Critical Race Theory garbage. It's very disturbing to see members take the words of the Prophet and twist them to fit their own views.
I agree with you on most points. But I do not believe that white privilege is fake. It could almost be called socio-economic privilege, as in general white families are more affluent in the United States because of poor policy and a downward spiral of lack of opportunity. The truth is, and many studies show this, that if I apply to a job (I am white), and a black male applies to the same job and we have the same qualifications, the white boss will pick me most of the time. That is something we should all work on rooting out of ourselves. Whether or not the government should do something about it is another matter.
There was a time when I thought that racism existed against white people. However, as I have deeply studied and tried to understand and LISTEN to my brothers and sisters of color, I've come to understand that it can only be accurately labeled as prejudice. I know how hard it can be for white people to see how priveledge works- the sentiment, "my life is hard too," seems fitting. But when white people are the privileged race (white privilege is real), people cannot be racist to white people. White people hold power and privilege. People of color can hold prejudice, yes... In text everyone can hold prejudice. It's hard work to recognize and realize bias we all have in ourselves. It's also really important to work on improving ourselves rather than deflecting perceived attacks and attacking others. Please think of your brothers and sisters of color before posting defensive opinions. They are hurting.
It is sad that the term racism is used so often and so incorrectly, it has really blurred the true meaning. No one wants to be called a racist, especially just for having a difference of opinion. Our politicians and press can be thanked for that. God Bless America, we love you Pres. Nelson and Pres. Oaks. Thank you for reminding us what racism really means, we all can be better, I am trying. 😓 😌
@Megan Campbell It is used as a tool for personal gain, even when it isn't being perpetuated. Therefore it is watered down for when real cases take place as opposed to hoaxes. Racism was being eradicated but politicians know it's a way to control the people and use it as such
Simply not wanting to be called a racist is self-centered. Being called a racist is far less damaging or harmful than actually being on the receiving end of racism. Paying attention, listening to those who are different from you, and learning the ways in which your "difference of opinion" might negatively affect marginalized people is humble and Christlike.
@@alexmott507 lives have been ruined by being called racist when there was no racism.sometimes the judgement for racism can be just as quick and just as brutal as being on the receiving end of racism. I don’t agree with your statement.
I appreciated all the truths in this talk. I live in the Midwest and saw first hand the terrible looting, violence and destruction done in the name of “protest” these past months . I have a son who is a police officer in a large city and fear for him daily . Grew up believing we are all children of God . I don’t need to “virtual signal “ and use politically correct phrases . The best way to stop racism is to stop talking about it and just live the principles we know are true . Many are hurting and in pain right now for many reasons . It goes beyond race .
I think that is a valid question. I'm not a prophet, nor can I speak for God himself. I can only share what I have felt for myself. The Lord allows us the revelation, inspiration, and knowledge we are prepared for. This is the reason God had Moses give the children of Israel a lower law when initially He had offered them the higher law. He loves His broken, un-listening children enough to withhold truth and laws they couldn't abide. He gives all truth line upon line and precept upon precept. There has been, thankfully, more people willing and ready to accept truth regarding these issues, and therefore He has revealed truth we can now abide. But I'd venture to say we're not even close to finished. I think we still fall terribly short of His fullness, though it shall be revealed as we strive to repent and change our ways. I hope this helps. And I am sincerely sorry for any pain you may have felt because of these issues. May you feel God's love for you and mine, brother.
What made God choose the Israelites over the Egyptians? Are the Egyptians and Babylonians not His sons and daughters as well? Simple: the sons of Israel had entered into a previous covenant with Him. The latter had not, and had rejected every attempt previously to enter into those covenants. Sometimes you have to reach out first to God and ask. That's my humble opinion. The fact that we classify race to it is our own problem. If we found out there were more women than men who have been saved in Heaven would we call God a sexist next? Or taller people went to heaven more often, would we accuse God of having a bias of size? I certainly hope we aren't this imbecilic. If you're still with me on this, now look at the preaching of the Gospel to all the world after Christ. It was preached in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Only Europe seems to have accepted a form of the Church (that eventually went stale) but is it no surprise to you why the Lord would re-establish his church with the people that didn't utterly reject him when he came to save us 2000 years ago?
Christ cleared the temple. Not every action was conformity and conciliatory under the banner of universal love. I pray we all research the social events that led to these words and realize many prominent people lie, some "facts" get clarified and some are politically motivated. As our constitution hangs by a thread, pray to see motivations. We are losing so much.
A broken and contrite heart of repentence with sincerity in Jesus Christ is a start. It all sounds good, but God knows our hearts and thoughts. Its not bringing up the past if your admitting your wrongs, confessing sins, and correcting past errors of false doctrine in order to heal relationships.
Unfortunately, an organization called "Mormon Women for Ethical Government" is using selected parts of this great talk to further their political agenda.
2 Nephi 28:8 And there shall be many which will say... take the advantage of one because of his words, dig a fpit for thy neighbor; there is gno harm in this; and do all these things, for tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God. There will always be those who distort distort the truth and there work shall be in the dark. These individuals will eventually have to face the justice of God. I must also point out the importance of getting information directly from the source instead from those who would like to slant the truth.
Why would the church be neutral in politics all elections are religious (abortion socialism gender studies every Democrat talking point) good vs evil or doesn't the church have a opinion
Because the strength of the church is its members. The church doesn't tell us what to think - it teaches truth, and lets its members decide how to act. The old "teach a man to fish" technique.
The Church isn't "neutral in politics" per se. It is officially neutral when it comes to political parties and specific candidates. The Church has officially and consistently spoken out against abortion, socialism and other types of forced collectivism, the idea that a man can be a woman, etc., the dole (government welfare), etc. It teaches the principles, and it's the responsibility of the members to decide if they will adhere to those principles when voting. Do you vote for someone who accepts God's condemnation of abortion, socialism, etc., or someone who rejects God's counsel? Do you support a party that consistently promotes abortion, socialism, etc., or a party that has an official stance against those evils? Sometimes that creates a clear distinction between candidates, parties, forms of government, etc., and sometimes it does not. When it does, we have no excuse.
The Church isn't about politics, its about the Gospel. For many many years, the Prophets and Apostles have admonished us to vote for those whose policies and such are more in harmony with the Gospel.
Reed Peterson When was the last time the Church officially and legitimately came out with a very strong statement condemning abortion, socialism and transgenderism/homosexuality? Seems like they have been very quiet lately on those extremely important issues instead of addressing them at a time when we need to hear them the most.
Wow! President Oaks never fails to deliver. He is so clear in his presentation of the subject of this talk and can substantiate all that he says. He is indeed a wise and loving leader in our church. He always stands up for the right!
So glad to have His guidance, especially during these times. This talk made me feel at peace with where I stand. 1000% better than going to the news outlets for answers!
So true.
The world needs to hear this message so badly. I am so grateful for the leaders of Gods church!
So true.
Lack of knowledge destroys people.
This BYU address by President Oaks hits tbe ball out of the park! Loved every word of it! Every Young Adult of today's generations needs to hear this!
These words need to be heard and seriously taken to our hearts over and over. Racists do not deserve the name of Christians.
This message is so timely. I hope many others have the opportunity to hear this wise council.
I hoped others could hear this wise council as well, and that's when I realized that I had to do my part and share this on social media. If you haven't already I would consider sharing it, because you never know who you might help.
I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for inspiring our leaders to teach us the way Elder Oaks always does. Thank you Elder Oaks !
Glad he clarified the organization stands for things that don’t support what we believe but also clarifies that the phrase is an eternal truth.
What a relief because I've been very upset over this statement. I was trying to withhold judgement until I had a chance to hear the entire talk, but I needed to gear up for it. Thank you for your comment.
Yeah same. A lot of people were just taking this phrase and posting it without the rest if the quote.
There's an elephant in the room, the church is not mentioning it own racist past.. I pray that the church gets the courage to deal with this delicate issue honestly. It seems a little weird to spotlight racism everywhere else in the world. Because of past Prophets the church became better , they lifted the priesthood ban , which was commanded because of the curse maybe someday the curse itself can be lifted. If you don't learn from history, you're bound to repeat it. This speech is the right direction , I have a dream for this church....
No, the organization does not stand for things we "don't support," a faction of it does, just like the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, a splintered group that doesn't represent us. We members should have known and now more than ever, (that it has been tripled confirmed by GOD's mouthpieces) that BLACK LIVES MATTER. The reason why this organization exists in the first place is precisely for the connotation of dismissal this comment and the ones following has. It's like the middle child that goes awry and acts out and as a non-perceptive parent only punishes the child for their misbehavior and never addresses the emotional neglect the child feels that is causing the ruckus . Anyone who was upset at GOD'S APOSTLE (and needed a further explanation) really needs to humble themselves. Don't forget they too had to be humble to receive the Priesthood and I'm sure they weren't waiting with pursed lips, hand-on-hip waiting for a further explanation on what God meant when he said "No" to them. The entitlement is real with unhumble people and lack of compassion.
Exact language: “Unfortunately, that persuasive banner was sometimes used or understood to stand for other things that do not command universal support. Examples include abolishing the police or seriously reducing their effectiveness or changing our constitutional government. ***All these are appropriate subjects for advocacy, but not under what we hope to be the universally acceptable message: Black lives matter.” He didn’t condemn the organization, instead he says that those topics ARE subjects for advocacy although they do not command universal support.
If this helped you then remember to share it on social media because you never know who you might help. We all needed to hear this message, especially from a trusted source. With all the different forms of media and disinformation in our world today it makes it difficult to know what to believe. Thank you, Elder Dallin H Oaks.
This was another great talk by President Oakes. Certainly much more should of been shared in KSLs most recent post. Every person across this world matters.
Oh how he unmistakably reflects the compassion of Christ ~~~ truly among the chosen of God.
Whenever the general authorities speak it's ALWAYS easy to understand them. The spirit is strong with them and they speak the truth. He couldn't have said it any clearer! 😎 #hearhim #teamJesus
Truly divinely inspired! We are alright. God is guiding us through His living Prophets and Apostles. 😇
This is one reason why we have such great leadership in the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints! It looks like Elder Oaks laid it on the line for everyone to understand what's in jeopardy in our nation whether you believe it or not. There will always be people that do not believe truth even when they see it unfold. These are the people that have been Damned because of sin. And the people in the great and spacious building will always scream loud. You just have to ignore them and stand tall a rock solid foundation! I thank him for his words of wisdom!
Thank you, President Oaks! 🔥🔥🔥
Every Member of the church within the United States need to watch this. Such a shame this will barely hit over 10K views, if that.
It's averaging 9k views per day. Calm down, cheer up.
shoot every citizen in the country needs to see this!
It's at 36k right now
@@rockfordlines3547 Currently, 48k.
The quote from Mr Churchill rings true to my mind
this needs to be viewed more. Oaks is just superb!
Dallin H. Is a straight up spiritual unit of a man. Absolute spiritual giant.
Two years later and still love this address! This message still needs to be shared now in a woke culture we're in.
Hate destroys our world
Love heals everybody.
Pray to love everybody,
God's love is everywhere
Lots of Love from Sweden
I loved this talk! It should be translated to other languages! In my opinion this talk should have been given hundred years ago! But never too late!!!
It WAS given a hundred years ago, in a sense. The same principles have been taught consistently by the prophets and apostles since Joseph Smith. It's just that we don't heed their words, or in many cases listen at all, so they have to keep repeating them. Then, when we finally do start listening, we wonder why they never talked about it before. If we continue to search their words honestly and humbly, we eventually get to the point at which we feel kind of dumb for thinking that they had never talked about it before and wonder how we could have missed something so obvious. The Lord certainly has a lot of patience with us!
Thank you, President Oaks.
Thank you for uploading!
Thank you, I loved this message and couldn't agree more. President Oaks background of constitutional law was clearly in preparation to lead us in these days!
Very timely and powerful talk!
I wish I could meet you Sir Oaks.
I did want to mention d racism against Armenians in 1915- more than 1.5 million were slaughtered.
I am of Armenian American decent. I do thank you for your
inspiration & faith.
I am sorry. It must be really hard for your that few people know about it. ❤️ Thank you for sharing, so now I have the opportunity to learn more. God loves you.
Shared to my friends and family on Facebook
So right... god love us all....
That was amazing!! Thank you so much President Oaks ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The whole world needs love right now. Many are turning to God more or turning to Him for the first time. Sad that some are turning away at a time where He and our Savior, Jesus Christ, are needed most.
All people matter god love us all...
Pride is the ground from which sin grows. Pride is the incorrect evaluation of self measured against God and His creation. The pride of the victim, the down-trodden, the oppressed, those in poverty is no less real and destructive than the pride of the oppressor, the bully, the covetous. Find one's true place in God's creation and sins fall away and peace follows.
If we eat the flesh of lust pride is developed. Lust is an unnaturally intense desire in work or sex. It makes us instantly happy and healthy so we think it is a good thing, but it robs us of spiritual power and makes us old , sin-sick. Lust can be minimised by faith in the seven spirits of God.
Then we are like Adam and Eve, Genesis 29:20.
This is great! Is it a quote, or your own?
I do think, however, that we each must work on our own pride. Blaming the pride of others for their problems I think says more about us than them. But of course, I am probably as guilty of this as anyone.
Excelent speech !!! 👌👌👌
So very vital for everyone!!
Thank you 🙏🏽
Hooray this is badly needed council for our day & time, let us all apply it in our lives.
The way I feel about it history is how we got here you can never change history or you can change the future to what it is today and it's not racist or politics it is God
We young black missionaries who get trained in provo mtc we face racism , i say it because it happened to me twice when i was there , the church has a big job to teach young white missionaries,
That is the job of the parents not the Church.
That's unfortunate and I'm sorry that happened to you. Many people are blinded by Satan and act racist and will swear to you that they are not. It's long ingrained beliefs and hate in our society that many fall victim to. I've been a victim of racism in my own family from members of the church. They'll say terrible things straight at the dinner table against my race and act like I'm not even there or even care to look my way while saying it. These are people who have been in the church their whole lives and I'm the convert. Many are being led astray in these last days. Hold fast to the iron rod and ignore the hate Satan throws at us.
I am so sorry. As a white member of the Church, I know that I am repenting and learning, and I hope and pray that more people are as well.
While I agree it happens to us all, it is not their job to teach racism...rather it is within the walls of those racist kid’s homes. It all begins at home.
I wish more people took the time to stop and hear your story, because I believe many experience what you did. The biggest problem I see among Church members is that we see racism as something that other people have, failing to recognize that we are all pre-disposed to treat others differently because of their appearance. I disagree with others on this thread - racism is something that needs to be tackled both at home and at church. After all, the commandment to love others is something we work on in both places.
Does anyone know where I could find more statements from the Church about taking down statues? It seems like this devotional says we should not ignore our past by destroying statues, but I'm left a little unsure about what to do about them. Do we leave them as they are? Add plaques to them explaining why we don't want to emulate them? Take them down but put them in a museum instead of destroying them? Keep them up but add additional statues that represent people we can more easily support and emulate?
Anyone know what the church has said on these issues? I would really like quotes and links please. Thank you for joining me in a sincere, faithful discussion about how to improve.
Or, anything the church has said that isn't explicitly about statues but can be used as a general principle to apply to these questions? Any ideas?
This is a great message and the doctrine is clear to me
I wonder if the Church can do more to reconcile our past history with racism, too. President Oaks quoted an 1833 revelation that condemns racism, yet blacks were treated as inferior until 1978, in terms of gospel blessings and access to covenants
I am an active member of the Church and sustain our leaders as people of God. I am simply wondering if we can do more to address the errors in our past so that our voice on moral matters carries more credibility within the world
Beautiful truth.
As a menber of the church, i still feel not okay with Brigham Young. Ofcourse dont open the quarrell between the past and the future(winston churchill), but still! Somehow the way i feel about Brigham Young, is that he was a rascist first class. Taken away the priesthood for all blacks, doesnt make sense. Because god promised jospeh smith that the church would not be taken away from this earth. Jospeh Smith in my eyes, was a real strong leader and a honest one.
I admire brigham young because of the trials they had to endure during hard times, like crossing the country. You need be a strong leader to move all saints to one direction. But once again, priesthood and black gods children doesnt make sense to me, even when i tried to look with my spirtual eyes.
Who can help me with this one?
Forgive me for my bad english grammar.
I live in the Netherlands. Love and peace to all you brothers and sisters..
Thank you!
Amen! Faith in God's plan and not the world's plan.
I loved President Oaks talk at conference on this issue. The only thing I wish his condemnation of racism included was the Racist attacks against Whites as well. Racism and prejudice is a 2 way street even a recent poll of whites and ethnic minority groups has shown that there is a terrible streak of it in minority communities as well. The difference is while we condemn white supremacy, it's racial counterparts largely get a pass or excused under the cloak of intersectionality, diversity(oh the irony), or racial pride. It doesn't matter what color it comes under racism is still evil and it can be found in ghettos, barrios, chinatown, on isles of the sea, the suburbs to the echelons of society. Labeling anyone you disagree with as racist because they disagree with you on political, moral, or historical points is shallow, unproductive and is filled with the spirit of contention which is of the devil. Whether it comes under the moniker of Jim Crow or fake white privilege or critical race theory which is just another version of the same racist garbage of the past. I reject it all. Another issue I take is with our false moral presentism which seeks to judge past generations by moral standards and cultural principles and concepts that didn't exist in their time or they were laying the foundation of and we stand on the fruit of their labor and sacrifice. Such a generation that would do such a thing can only be described as selfish, ignorant, and ungrateful and in my opinion is similar the same Jews who said had they been born in the times of the prophets they would have not stoned or slain them and the Savior denounced them as hypocrites who would have done the same thing. Case in point. I did not attend BYU but when I heard Brigham Young's statue had been defaced I am more angry at the cowardice of the members who are attending as students that let it happen. I can assure you If I had been a student I would have put myself between the mob and placed myself on guard duty 24/7 in front of that statue to protect it. Brigham Young was an imperfect man and had ideas relative to his time period and culture and for whatever reason he felt placed a ban which he said was temporary on the priesthood. This was an issue for me in my youth as I was born right before official declaration 2 was adopted and I was raised to see and treat others equally as I would want to be. Regardless of race. But I also know Brigham Young was a Prophet of GOD and his successors to Spencer W Kimball were as well. Whatever the reason the Lord allowed the ban to remain for whatever reasons cultural, political, or social within and without the church. The lord moves only as far and as fast as his children will allow him. Joseph Smith lamented this fact for years that he could reveal more to the members if they didn't fly apart like glass when something didn't jive with their current established beliefs or traditions. That is a warning we all should heed because many of our accepted cultural and social morals will doubtless be found lacking on the moral scales of judgement as well and our ancestors will have a few stones to rightfully cast at us as well for our own failings. Let us not go so far to denounce one form of racial injustice just to embrace another incarnation of it in critical race theory or the 1619 project falsehoods which completely are opposed to Article of Faith 2.
White people have not been second-class citizens for 400 years and been treated as not good enough simply because of the color of their skin. Nothing white people have dealt with is at all congruent with the systemic prejudice against people of color. Live as a person of color for a day, then talk about how underprivileged you feel.
Thank you for adding your thoughts. I completely agree. There is an anti-racist club now at BYU and they are quoting Ibram Kendi on BYU's Instagram with Critical Race Theory garbage. It's very disturbing to see members take the words of the Prophet and twist them to fit their own views.
I agree with you on most points. But I do not believe that white privilege is fake. It could almost be called socio-economic privilege, as in general white families are more affluent in the United States because of poor policy and a downward spiral of lack of opportunity. The truth is, and many studies show this, that if I apply to a job (I am white), and a black male applies to the same job and we have the same qualifications, the white boss will pick me most of the time. That is something we should all work on rooting out of ourselves. Whether or not the government should do something about it is another matter.
Well said!
There was a time when I thought that racism existed against white people. However, as I have deeply studied and tried to understand and LISTEN to my brothers and sisters of color, I've come to understand that it can only be accurately labeled as prejudice.
I know how hard it can be for white people to see how priveledge works- the sentiment, "my life is hard too," seems fitting. But when white people are the privileged race (white privilege is real), people cannot be racist to white people. White people hold power and privilege. People of color can hold prejudice, yes... In text everyone can hold prejudice.
It's hard work to recognize and realize bias we all have in ourselves. It's also really important to work on improving ourselves rather than deflecting perceived attacks and attacking others.
Please think of your brothers and sisters of color before posting defensive opinions. They are hurting.
It is sad that the term racism is used so often and so incorrectly, it has really blurred the true meaning. No one wants to be called a racist, especially just for having a difference of opinion. Our politicians and press can be thanked for that. God Bless America, we love you Pres. Nelson and Pres. Oaks. Thank you for reminding us what racism really means, we all can be better, I am trying. 😓 😌
@Megan Campbell It is used as a tool for personal gain, even when it isn't being perpetuated. Therefore it is watered down for when real cases take place as opposed to hoaxes. Racism was being eradicated but politicians know it's a way to control the people and use it as such
Simply not wanting to be called a racist is self-centered. Being called a racist is far less damaging or harmful than actually being on the receiving end of racism.
Paying attention, listening to those who are different from you, and learning the ways in which your "difference of opinion" might negatively affect marginalized people is humble and Christlike.
@@alexmott507 lives have been ruined by being called racist when there was no racism.sometimes the judgement for racism can be just as quick and just as brutal as being on the receiving end of racism. I don’t agree with your statement.
I appreciated all the truths in this talk. I live in the Midwest and saw first hand the terrible looting, violence and destruction done in the name of “protest” these past months . I have a son who is a police officer in a large city and fear for him daily . Grew up believing we are all children of God . I don’t need to “virtual signal “ and use politically correct phrases . The best way to stop racism is to stop talking about it and just live the principles we know are true . Many are hurting and in pain right now for many reasons . It goes beyond race .
How is this man 88??? You mormons age really well
It's a blessing of obedience to God's laws.
Thank you for sharing this, “Black Lives Matter” no matter what. 👏👏🏽👏🏿
And also all the other races, that’s what I believe he meant.
Nailed it!
QUESSTION How can the same God support the BoM "no respecter of person" idea, then the curse then the ban on priesthood and racial equality?
I think that is a valid question. I'm not a prophet, nor can I speak for God himself. I can only share what I have felt for myself. The Lord allows us the revelation, inspiration, and knowledge we are prepared for. This is the reason God had Moses give the children of Israel a lower law when initially He had offered them the higher law. He loves His broken, un-listening children enough to withhold truth and laws they couldn't abide. He gives all truth line upon line and precept upon precept. There has been, thankfully, more people willing and ready to accept truth regarding these issues, and therefore He has revealed truth we can now abide. But I'd venture to say we're not even close to finished. I think we still fall terribly short of His fullness, though it shall be revealed as we strive to repent and change our ways. I hope this helps. And I am sincerely sorry for any pain you may have felt because of these issues. May you feel God's love for you and mine, brother.
What made God choose the Israelites over the Egyptians? Are the Egyptians and Babylonians not His sons and daughters as well?
Simple: the sons of Israel had entered into a previous covenant with Him. The latter had not, and had rejected every attempt previously to enter into those covenants. Sometimes you have to reach out first to God and ask. That's my humble opinion. The fact that we classify race to it is our own problem.
If we found out there were more women than men who have been saved in Heaven would we call God a sexist next? Or taller people went to heaven more often, would we accuse God of having a bias of size? I certainly hope we aren't this imbecilic.
If you're still with me on this, now look at the preaching of the Gospel to all the world after Christ. It was preached in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Only Europe seems to have accepted a form of the Church (that eventually went stale) but is it no surprise to you why the Lord would re-establish his church with the people that didn't utterly reject him when he came to save us 2000 years ago?
my left ear is loving this.
Nailed it
What if this fear factor is an evil way to cause anxiety that blocks the reception of the spirit
"So powerful is the light of unity that it can illumine the whole earth." Baha'u'llah (Nov. 12, 1817 - May 29, 1892)
Christ cleared the temple. Not every action was conformity and conciliatory under the banner of universal love. I pray we all research the social events that led to these words and realize many prominent people lie, some "facts" get clarified and some are politically motivated. As our constitution hangs by a thread, pray to see motivations. We are losing so much.
A broken and contrite heart of repentence with sincerity in Jesus Christ is a start. It all sounds good, but God knows our hearts and thoughts.
Its not bringing up the past if your admitting your wrongs, confessing sins, and correcting past errors of false doctrine in order to heal relationships.
So many thoughts and opinions that I could express, but this is not the forum.
Unfortunately, an organization called "Mormon Women for Ethical Government" is using selected parts of this great talk to further their political agenda.
Oh really? In a bag way?
2 Nephi 28:8 And there shall be many which will say... take the advantage of one because of his words, dig a fpit for thy neighbor; there is gno harm in this; and do all these things, for tomorrow we die; and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God.
There will always be those who distort distort the truth and there work shall be in the dark. These individuals will eventually have to face the justice of God. I must also point out the importance of getting information directly from the source instead from those who would like to slant the truth.
Why would the church be neutral in politics all elections are religious (abortion socialism gender studies every Democrat talking point) good vs evil or doesn't the church have a opinion
Because the strength of the church is its members. The church doesn't tell us what to think - it teaches truth, and lets its members decide how to act.
The old "teach a man to fish" technique.
The Church isn't "neutral in politics" per se. It is officially neutral when it comes to political parties and specific candidates. The Church has officially and consistently spoken out against abortion, socialism and other types of forced collectivism, the idea that a man can be a woman, etc., the dole (government welfare), etc. It teaches the principles, and it's the responsibility of the members to decide if they will adhere to those principles when voting. Do you vote for someone who accepts God's condemnation of abortion, socialism, etc., or someone who rejects God's counsel? Do you support a party that consistently promotes abortion, socialism, etc., or a party that has an official stance against those evils?
Sometimes that creates a clear distinction between candidates, parties, forms of government, etc., and sometimes it does not. When it does, we have no excuse.
The Church isn't about politics, its about the Gospel. For many many years, the Prophets and Apostles have admonished us to vote for those whose policies and such are more in harmony with the Gospel.
Reed Peterson When was the last time the Church officially and legitimately came out with a very strong statement condemning abortion, socialism and transgenderism/homosexuality? Seems like they have been very quiet lately on those extremely important issues instead of addressing them at a time when we need to hear them the most.
Terry Stewart What was Proposition 8 about then?
Thank you!