Also the last trailer for Rise of Skywalker premiered on what would have been Carrie Fisher's birthday. So yeah. Star Wars knows that we love and miss Carrie.
@@RoKBottomStudios I disagree what the TLJ did to her character;we know that she's a child of Anakin Skywalker one of the most powerful Jedi and we've never seen her use the force before and her using the force to pull herself back to the ship is one of if not the the most beautiful scenes in SW history
@@emmakielty5552 I take it as less of a marketing strategy and more of a send-off. It's the last time she'll appear on screen, and they're reusing footage rather than digitally reconstructing her like James Dean. According to her brother, this was also supposed to be her movie with her becoming a Jedi (Han's send off was in TFA, Luke's in TLJ, and Leia's what would become TROS), and so they're doing their best to give her character and her legacy all the justice they can. But that's just my touchy-feely optimist take since these things are made by people, but I think the cynical take is completely valid with this being a product of a corporation in the capitalist hellscape we call the United States Economy.
Art: _"The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects."_ Movie trailers are art. The fact that Patrick recognizes how trailers can impact our emotions is further proof that trailers are art.
Patrick, calling BB-8 a "protocol droid" is unforgivable. He is an astromech droid and does not deserve this slander. Also yeah I agree trailers are dope.
"Did you know someone made a whole Skillshare course about how to do sponsor segues like you?" THAT WAS MEEEEE! Thanks for the shoutout. That was special.
Two corrections 1. The title card in the Rise of Skywalker teaser is quoting the title card in the Phantom Menace trailer (I realized this after the video was already done) 2. The music in the Solo trailer is actually the main title theme 3. I MEANT ASTROMECH DROID DAMN IT PATRICK YOU IDIOT
I just wanna say that the moment in the final Force Awakens trailer where we go from Poe screaming from Kylo torturing him to the forest getting destroyed by Starkiller Base to the Falcon blasting off is my pick for best trailer edit of all time. The instant momentum they create by splicing together bits from three scenes that had nothing to do with each other is insane. Paired with the music, insane goosebumps.
not every creative expression is art. A designer mostly does not produce art, but rather creates products beneficial to its user. not being art is not inherently bad or sad.
@@RisingSunfish I'd argue that "art as personal expression" actually very much includes art made by more than one person. People can work together to personally express something. Now whether that means the expression isn't as personal? To either the consumer or the artist? That's a different story.
Holy shit man, your Felicity-based Rise of Skywalker was very, very close. 100 percent right on Reylo, I’m going to say 80 percent right about her “ending up back on Jakku where she started” with her going into exile at the Lars homestead, and the time travel prediction being half-right with Palpatine being inexplicably alive.
I find the discussion of what is and isn’t art interesting nearly every time it’s brought up. I’d say all of the component parts of a trailer (Editing, scoring, arranging, writing, etc.) are art, or involve some level of artistry. I also don’t think that commercialism inherently negates artistry; great art has been made ‘merely’ for money many times. For these, and other reasons, I’d say that trailers can be art. Some of them certainly aren’t, but some of them are. Whats the difference between the ones that are and aren’t? I’m not totally sure. Off the cuff I’d say it seems like the differentiation would depend on the intent of the trailer, and who has creative control over it. I haven’t thought about it enough, though. Good video!!
I think his argument stems from the fact that trillers are manipulated for selling things and “art” is more of a catalyst for thought and a message than a tactic There are components that are artistic but they themselves are not. It’s a personal thing of course and you’re free to agree with it or not, the conversations is interesting and there’s no objective yes or no
Well its the same Patrick H Willems that said Star Wars is for children and about space wizards . If its for kids how can they sell nostalgia???? This guy is such a contradiction.
I agree. Trailers are art. I know some would say it is just the marketing team throwing clips from the movie together to illicit feelings. That's like saying a painter just tosses colors together on a canvas to illicit a feeling. While true, it underscores the talents required to pull it off successfully. Yes, trailers are art. And for some films, better than the movies they are promoting.
Art is generally defined as "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination… producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." While being extremely artistic, in some cases, the purpose of their creation disqualifies trailers from being art.
JaRW7 you just listed the reason they are are. They can be appreciated for their beauty and the emotions they evoke. If I see a Star Wars trailer, it isn’t selling me on seeing the film. A blank screen with the words Star Wars on it could do that. And who hasn’t watched a Star Wars trailer 20 times in a row just to savor that beauty and those emotions?
"These don't have the depth of actual movies, because again, they're just pieces of marketing designed to sell stuff" We're... Still just talking about the trailers, right?
@20:44 those two notes in that horn part present us with the same interval that's featured prominently in Kylo Ren's theme. You can hear it in the Last Jedi trailer on the closeup of Kylo's broken helmet. I think that's a stroke of genius on John Williams' part: keeping a harmonic continuity between a mother and her son's main themes. GENIUS
the Felicity video made me come up with my theory that Rey will, after being boinked by Ben, travel back in time, lose her memories and become Shmi Skywalker, preggo with Anakin.
The second teaser for The Force Awakens is one of my favorite trailers of all time. The climactic montage is designed with such laser precision, you can take each shot and explain why it’s there.
7:20 “and through it all there’s new music that is clearly by John Williams but it’s not using any familiar Star Wars themes” Except that’s clearly the music from RotJ when Luke’s about to be put into the Sarlacc Pit.
I first heard/saw the trailer for the Force Awakens trailer whilst driving in my car, the radio station played the whole trailers audio without commentary, it was that important. I was crying at the wheel. "where home" uncontrollable weeping.
Jennifer Rigsby Whatever this guy was saying just proved that trailers are indeed, art. The cognitive and emotional intelligence on behalf of the editors making it are absolutely artistic.
Tangent - when I was a kid I remember getting thrown off by the similarity of the opening bits of the trailers for A Bug's Life and Episode 1 because they featured tall figures stepping out of fog.
Ok, Now I'm gonna go and edit the final trailer to RISE OF SKYWALKER with "I will always love you" and "I want it that way" just to see the end result.
The smartest thing Disney/Lucasfilm can do with this franchise is to invoke nostalgia. Unlike other properties, the fans of this franchise are almost reverent with the original trilogy, but unusually vicious as to any new material, or changes. So leaning heavily on the images and "feelings" of the original trilogy, and blending those into the sequel trilogy characters and themes, is the best move here to make sure that they transfer the feelings and pedestal of the OT as much as possible to this new film, especially after the split of the last film.
So, seeing this for the first time three years after it was posted, I would say the Felicity theory proved to be relatively accurate- Abrams just flipped it a bit.
The Part of the trailer where threepio says:taking one last Look sir, at My friends. That made me actually cringe. It felt incredebly cheap to hear him say that, when in The two previous move they had pretty much zero interection between him and The new main cast
I reeeeally loved the lighting in this video! It’s very....60’s? I’m getting a real a Rod Serling vibe, I dig. Fantastic analysis! I love your Star Wars content, it’s always so thoughtful and insightful.
It's amazing how the episode IX prediction somewhat didn't aged so bad after all. They get somewhat together, Ray returns somewhat in someplace similar to where she begins. But no time travel. Thank god no time travel.
I don't know why but it triggers my ocd way harder than it should, so I need to say this: The legged vehicles from Star Wars are being pronounced by saying the letters individually. It's not Atat, it is A T A T.
The "and now back to the black backdrop" line at 26:01 combined with the superman arms and rolling out of frame is like the subtlest dad joke ever and I'm still laughing my ass off about it.
Whoa! The last thing I expected out of Patrick was him dictating that advertisements cannot be art. I've barely begun this video and im just shocked at this take. I don't agree at all!!
Having watched through the whole video, his continued reiteration of this point kind of gave off an... ashamed vibe? Like he was worried his professors or peers would see this and shake their heads at how he's "sold out" or is "wasting his potential" because he's not analyzing Real Art (TM). I mean, I don't know if that's what was going through his head, it's just how it came across. Same re: "space wizard story for children." Like, would literally anyone watching video essays on RUclips in 2019 actually say that??
@@starkingbiker IMO that indicates a significant insecurity on the part of the "pure" artist. "My life's passion is ruined because it's in the same philosophical category as something sullied by MONEY." Like, I know my ego's pretty fragile, but yeesh....
It's about _intent_, not craft. The intent of art is to express something from the artist and evoke a response in the audience (and not necessarily a predetermined one). The intent of marketing is to SELL a product by exploiting, not employing, the craft used for art. The expression is; we want your money, and the response they're after is a very specific manipulation designed to pry it from you. Marketing is not art, it is the subversion of art employed as a manipulation, and not a dialog between artist and audience.
Something I’ve found over the years is that trailer hype seems to have died down more recently, even for massive films. When trailers of years ago were released more than a year before the film was due to release, now, even for films like Spider-Man No Way Home, trailers have been released closer to the film’s release. Personally, I like that, there’s no real point getting people hyped for something when you don’t even know when you can give it to them. Also, I’m glad these kinds of trailers don’t always just bash you over the head with stuff, at least, it does, but they know how to market things in proportion to how much they are in the film. The Force Awakens trailer didn’t promise us anything from Luke Skywalker, and that’s pretty much what we got. Most people probably didn’t even realise he would be in the film until that ending.
Art is anything that makes you feel something so if a trailer makes you feel, you're looking at art. Not everything will be art to everyone and that's okay.
@@180_S patrick said marketing is automatically not art, yet Legacy had the reductionist view? art is not magic. it is not meta physical. trying to make it difficult to define is just gatekeeping
"'Member Chewbacca? 'Member AT-ATs? 'Member when marriage was just between a man and a woman? 'Member the Cantina? 'Member Star Destroyers? 'Member feeling safe? Member Tattooine? 'Member when there weren't so many Mexicans? 'Member Star Destroyers? 'Member Reagan? 'Member the Stormtroopers? 'Member the *_real_* Stormtroopers?" - The 'Memberberries weaponizing nostalgia for their own purposes
I don’t know, Norman Rockwell was largely a commercial illustrator. I think marketing is art, but it’s pop art. Art designed to make people want to buy things. The person behind these trailers is a skillful, creative individual (or maybe group of individuals) who happens to make ads for big faceless corporations. 🤔
The time travel in Felicity felt really weird when I watched it on its original run, but now I think it was my gateway drug into Lost. I'm super excited to see Keri Russell in Rise of the Skywalker.
"These don't have the depth of actual movies, because they're just pieces of marketing designed to sell stuff." That's exactly how I feel about the new Star Wars movies.
Trailers are art. The fact that they're trying to sell you a political message of commercialism does not cancel that. If the commercial intent of a trailer cancels it's artistic merit, then you could just as easily argue that other commercial "art", like the film itself that is only made to make money, are similarly "not art". Art is art whether you like it or not, whether it's good or not, regardless of what it has to say or not say.
Trailers are not art? I have to strongly disagree. Anything intended to make a person feel something is art. Marketing is art. Propaganda is art. If graphic design is art, why aren't trailers?
Are arrest warrants art? They person being arrested would certainly feel something. What about newspapers? Tax paperwork? You’re definition of art is lacking to say the least.
@@180_S I would say that the person who created the form for tax paperwork and arrest warrants is an artist. Layout and typesetting is an art. And newspapers are definitely art. Any writing is an art as long as it has intention behind it, and nearly all writing does.
Andrew Dyjach wholeheartedly disagree with everything you just said. There is such a thing as creative work that does not fall within the purview of art.
21:26 ...... **HEAD EXPLOSION** WOW!!!! his entire breakdown on the importance of the music?!? my brain is melting out of my ears right now. that was amazing!!!
_"Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days."_
~ Doug Larson
That is a brilliant quote.
last fucking jedi....
Nostalgia aint what it used to be.
Nostalgia is a sign of brain deterioration. Every nostalgic memory is a sign of brain cell death.
@@jenniferhunter4074 what?
Also the last trailer for Rise of Skywalker premiered on what would have been Carrie Fisher's birthday. So yeah. Star Wars knows that we love and miss Carrie.
@@emmakielty5552 I won't argue against that. But The Dark Knight did the same thing after Ledger's death so I think it's just Hollywood in general.
And she was originally going to be the titular Last Jedi. Carrie fools em again. She's probably cracking up the heavenly choir right now!
@@RoKBottomStudios I disagree what the TLJ did to her character;we know that she's a child of Anakin Skywalker one of the most powerful Jedi and we've never seen her use the force before and her using the force to pull herself back to the ship is one of if not the the most beautiful scenes in SW history
@@emmakielty5552 I take it as less of a marketing strategy and more of a send-off. It's the last time she'll appear on screen, and they're reusing footage rather than digitally reconstructing her like James Dean. According to her brother, this was also supposed to be her movie with her becoming a Jedi (Han's send off was in TFA, Luke's in TLJ, and Leia's what would become TROS), and so they're doing their best to give her character and her legacy all the justice they can. But that's just my touchy-feely optimist take since these things are made by people, but I think the cynical take is completely valid with this being a product of a corporation in the capitalist hellscape we call the United States Economy.
They know to cash in on that fact. The same reason why they always make a big PR show of showing a terminally ill fan the movie before it releases.
The most radical thing in this video is Patrick calling something not art.
@diamond dogs Usually more interesting cinema than the films they're made for.
deckarde This video has convinced me that these star wars trailers are definitely art!
@@deckarde4919 The Disney Star Wars trailers are definitely more interesting and emotionally resonant than the movies they're advertising in my book.
Art: _"The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects."_ Movie trailers are art. The fact that Patrick recognizes how trailers can impact our emotions is further proof that trailers are art.
TwentyPercentDash Well, that’s one definition of Art, but there are way way more definitions you can subscribe to.
Looks at the time: 3:15 am.
Looks at video length: 33:05.
I'm doing this for you Patrick. Only you.
Maybe don't. You're an adult. With adult things to do tomorrow. You should go to sleep instead. The fucking video willl be there tomorrow.
Sonnuva..... I was 27mins in before I read this and noticed the length!
Bitch please. I STARTED at 3:48.
I started at 2:42 am
I feel like that drugs declaration was there for the sake of reassuring Patrick's too-sweet-for-this-world parents
I was literally on acid when I watched the video and got this weird feeling like I was being called out lol
Patrick, calling BB-8 a "protocol droid" is unforgivable. He is an astromech droid and does not deserve this slander.
Also yeah I agree trailers are dope.
Brennan Dowd holy shit how did I not notice this. UNFORGIVABLE! But yeah pretty funny
had to stop and go to the comments right when I heard that
egdiroh dude he also says At-At wrong. Gotta love Star Wars fans ahah
To be fair to Patrick he did notice this mistake just after posting and mock himself for it on Twitter.
I came here to say this. Thank you!
I'm technically in a Patrick Willems video. I've made it. I am complete.
"Did you know someone made a whole Skillshare course about how to do sponsor segues like you?" THAT WAS MEEEEE! Thanks for the shoutout. That was special.
The fuck is a segue?
That's how you spell "segway"... Takes 5 seconds to look up.
I guess your canon in the Patrickverse.
Riley Wilson YES! This is an amazing thought. Thanks for that.
Skillshare asked us not to specifically recommend it (there’s an approved courses list) but it was too good not to get a mention.
Two corrections
1. The title card in the Rise of Skywalker teaser is quoting the title card in the Phantom Menace trailer (I realized this after the video was already done)
2. The music in the Solo trailer is actually the main title theme
Also you call bb8 a protocol Droid when he's an astromech.
How about your sun glasses showing the camera man
Every time "Star Wars" pops in my notification feed, I panic. But this is a Patrick Willems video, so we are safe.
So True...😏
Hello the fella soldier
Next video by Kings & Generals: The battle for Naboo
Wow I never would’ve expected you here!
True. #MayTheForceBeWithYou
I just wanna say that the moment in the final Force Awakens trailer where we go from Poe screaming from Kylo torturing him to the forest getting destroyed by Starkiller Base to the Falcon blasting off is my pick for best trailer edit of all time. The instant momentum they create by splicing together bits from three scenes that had nothing to do with each other is insane. Paired with the music, insane goosebumps.
Patrick willems: "Trailers aren't art"
People who work hard on movie trailers: :(
not every creative expression is art. A designer mostly does not produce art, but rather creates products beneficial to its user. not being art is not inherently bad or sad.
Just because paid people work hard on something doesn’t make it art.
@Miles Truss Would you say political smear campaigns can be art then?
@Miles Truss The "art as personal expression" definition also serves to exclude any pieces of art made by more than one person.
@@RisingSunfish I'd argue that "art as personal expression" actually very much includes art made by more than one person. People can work together to personally express something. Now whether that means the expression isn't as personal? To either the consumer or the artist? That's a different story.
Holy shit man, your Felicity-based Rise of Skywalker was very, very close. 100 percent right on Reylo, I’m going to say 80 percent right about her “ending up back on Jakku where she started” with her going into exile at the Lars homestead, and the time travel prediction being half-right with Palpatine being inexplicably alive.
dude the music theory part could've been it's own entire video, super interesting stuff
Check out 12tone
Sideways has a video with a similar premise. He’s got some great stuff so check it out
Me: *watches star wars trailer*
Star Wars trailer: *HEY REMEMBER STAR WARS!!!?*
alex johnson Looks terrible...horses galloping in space tells you everything you need to know.
@@emhu2594 especially when care bears come in and defeat the empire with sticks and stones
@@roam980 And they still haven't learned from their mistakes.
@@Arkanthrall just like how the emperor thought it was a good idea to build another death star and oversee it's construction in person
@@emhu2594 They aren't in space.
Never did I think I'd ever see a Star Wars trailer set to Whitney Houston music, however brief it may be hahahaha
And it fits perfectly!
“What are the odds that it will? Like very poor.” Sentences That Aged Like Milk
Lmao sitting on an Empire Strikes Back towel "I told you, I'm not thinking about Star Wars anymore"
Seeing Brad Pitt get hit by cars for the second time was worth the wait.
the giant alien cow thing that luke milks is one of my favourite new additions
I find the discussion of what is and isn’t art interesting nearly every time it’s brought up. I’d say all of the component parts of a trailer (Editing, scoring, arranging, writing, etc.) are art, or involve some level of artistry. I also don’t think that commercialism inherently negates artistry; great art has been made ‘merely’ for money many times. For these, and other reasons, I’d say that trailers can be art. Some of them certainly aren’t, but some of them are.
Whats the difference between the ones that are and aren’t?
I’m not totally sure. Off the cuff I’d say it seems like the differentiation would depend on the intent of the trailer, and who has creative control over it. I haven’t thought about it enough, though.
Good video!!
Christopher Sykora I thought a similar thing when he said they weren’t art. I believe the sure can be.
Exactly. Just because it is advertising material doesn't preclude it from being art. Human creation that evokes an emotion = art.
@James Davis I am in agreement! Adverts totally can be art.
I think his argument stems from the fact that trillers are manipulated for selling things and “art” is more of a catalyst for thought and a message than a tactic
There are components that are artistic but they themselves are not.
It’s a personal thing of course and you’re free to agree with it or not, the conversations is interesting and there’s no objective yes or no
People forget the Sistine Chapel was paid for
It's insane how even tho I've seen TFA and TLJ there's moments in those trailers that still hit me like an emotional gut punch.
I rarely disagree with Willems, but Trailers are absolutely art.
For sure. There's trailers that make even a turd movie look polished and exciting.
Well its the same Patrick H Willems that said Star Wars is for children and about space wizards
. If its for kids how can they sell nostalgia???? This guy is such a contradiction.
I agree. Trailers are art. I know some would say it is just the marketing team throwing clips from the movie together to illicit feelings. That's like saying a painter just tosses colors together on a canvas to illicit a feeling. While true, it underscores the talents required to pull it off successfully. Yes, trailers are art. And for some films, better than the movies they are promoting.
Art is generally defined as "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination… producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
While being extremely artistic, in some cases, the purpose of their creation disqualifies trailers from being art.
JaRW7 you just listed the reason they are are. They can be appreciated for their beauty and the emotions they evoke. If I see a Star Wars trailer, it isn’t selling me on seeing the film. A blank screen with the words Star Wars on it could do that. And who hasn’t watched a Star Wars trailer 20 times in a row just to savor that beauty and those emotions?
"These don't have the depth of actual movies, because again, they're just pieces of marketing designed to sell stuff"
We're... Still just talking about the trailers, right?
Nobody: "you can't make a 30 minute video about just trailers"
Patrick: "hold my beer"
0:15 I love the wall of RUclips channel icons, especially the shoutout to Polyphonic; that man has discerning taste!
Can we just go ahead and say John Williams is one of the greatest artists ever?
The hottest of takes.
The only reason people say the new trailer is good, it sure as hell not these boring new characters!
Yes. Let's.
Great composer? Yes
One of the greartest? No
I still get shivers when Han says "Chewie, we're home" 8)
@20:44 those two notes in that horn part present us with the same interval that's featured prominently in Kylo Ren's theme. You can hear it in the Last Jedi trailer on the closeup of Kylo's broken helmet. I think that's a stroke of genius on John Williams' part: keeping a harmonic continuity between a mother and her son's main themes. GENIUS
the Felicity video made me come up with my theory that Rey will, after being boinked by Ben, travel back in time, lose her memories and become Shmi Skywalker, preggo with Anakin.
Well that theory is definitely original
Ring Theory v2!
"Stick around until the end and I'll play that clip of Brad Pitt getting hit by cars again."
This guy knows how to get me to watch an entire video.
The second teaser for The Force Awakens is one of my favorite trailers of all time. The climactic montage is designed with such laser precision, you can take each shot and explain why it’s there.
I have too much to do today to watch this video, yet here I am giving it my 100%.
7:20 “and through it all there’s new music that is clearly by John Williams but it’s not using any familiar Star Wars themes”
Except that’s clearly the music from RotJ when Luke’s about to be put into the Sarlacc Pit.
Mike Stoklasa spoke first about time travel shenanigans in Rise of Skywalker.
I applauded because I know who that is!
And he did it based on Felicity. so shared inspiration.
SW Rebels did.
I first heard/saw the trailer for the Force Awakens trailer whilst driving in my car, the radio station played the whole trailers audio without commentary, it was that important. I was crying at the wheel. "where home" uncontrollable weeping.
I just need to say, "I'm helping Thomas Frank launch his music career" is one of the funniest jokes you've ever written. Well done.
Santiago Romero Oh just you wait.
"leia's theme without leia" what is this dude trying to do to us?? that was devastating.
Jennifer Rigsby Whatever this guy was saying just proved that trailers are indeed, art. The cognitive and emotional intelligence on behalf of the editors making it are absolutely artistic.
"I don't know anything about drugs. I'm an anxious nerd who's afraid of everything." Same, Patrick. Hard same.
I don’t know why, but seeing the montage of reactions to the 2nd teaser with solo and chewie makes me well up every single time
Tangent - when I was a kid I remember getting thrown off by the similarity of the opening bits of the trailers for A Bug's Life and Episode 1 because they featured tall figures stepping out of fog.
“Solo - the bastard stepchild of the Star Wars Franchise”
Ok, Now I'm gonna go and edit the final trailer to RISE OF SKYWALKER with "I will always love you" and "I want it that way" just to see the end result.
The smartest thing Disney/Lucasfilm can do with this franchise is to invoke nostalgia. Unlike other properties, the fans of this franchise are almost reverent with the original trilogy, but unusually vicious as to any new material, or changes. So leaning heavily on the images and "feelings" of the original trilogy, and blending those into the sequel trilogy characters and themes, is the best move here to make sure that they transfer the feelings and pedestal of the OT as much as possible to this new film, especially after the split of the last film.
The craziest thing is that he went to the beach in November.
In Florida and Texas, that's normal.
@@huaweilayhill9182 But he lives in New York
@@huaweilayhill9182 As a Texas boy born and raised, don't. It gets mighty windy down at the Gulf during the Fall.
@@Gemnist98I hear ya. But I still remember wearing shorts after Thanksgiving, while folks put up Xmas lights.
So, seeing this for the first time three years after it was posted, I would say the Felicity theory proved to be relatively accurate- Abrams just flipped it a bit.
So redlettermedia and Patrick are predicting time travel. Good enough for me
@Brer Fox Redlettermedia not channel awesome. Channel awesome sucks
Brer Fox
Shame on letter media has no affiliation with douglas walker lmao
During the buildup, I was highkey expecting the musical expert Patrick called in to be Sideways.
Patrick: Star Wars Trailers Weaponize Nostalgia
Internets: *star wars rage intesifies*
Patrick: See what I mean?
Star Wars trailers have nothing on Avengers trailers. Endgame and Infinity War trailers were events
I want him to analyse the teaser trailer for Logan (The trailer which used Hurt by Johnny Cash). As far as I'm concerned, that shit is art.
Yes, let the hate flow through you all...
Patrick is the Vsauce for film analysis.
The Part of the trailer where threepio says:taking one last Look sir, at My friends. That made me actually cringe. It
felt incredebly cheap to hear him say that, when in The two previous move they had pretty much zero interection between him and The new main cast
0:50 - "Helping Thomas Frank launch his music career"
I'm on the floor 😂😂😂
Was worth it all just to see the trailer cut with with "AND AAAAAAYYEEEEEEAAAIIIIIIIII"
I've never had so many goosebumps in half an hour.
"People have already forgotten your name"
The toxic brood never forgets Patrick :)
Aren't alot of movies just marketing? Star Wars films sell toys, Disney films sell theme park tickets, Marvel movies just sell future marvel movies.
I reeeeally loved the lighting in this video! It’s very....60’s? I’m getting a real a Rod Serling vibe, I dig. Fantastic analysis! I love your Star Wars content, it’s always so thoughtful and insightful.
It's amazing how the episode IX prediction somewhat didn't aged so bad after all.
They get somewhat together, Ray returns somewhat in someplace similar to where she begins.
But no time travel.
Thank god no time travel.
I was half expecting a sponsor push in that interlude, well played.
Im so glad you're back, hope the vacation was good!
Advertising isn't art? Alfons Mucha would like a word.
1:26 how star trailers wars weaponize nostalgia
someone who does drugs reporting in - your drug analogy was absolutely spot on.
reecord2 I did whip-it's while watching this video, and it was everything I dreamed it could be.
So I’m here a year later and your predictions weren’t too far off.
By showing scenes from Star Wars in them
“If this happens... you know who said it first!”
Yeah I love RLM too
All human endeavour is Art.
I'd love it if Brian Metolius started his own channel, just analyzing various movie scores.
"I don't know anything about drugs."
Ok, Patrick 😏😏😏
Thanks Patrick. Every time I see a notification from your channel, my day is instantly made.
You realize now, with that music analysis section, we’re gonna get TONS of Ep 9 trailer edits with those songs. Lmao.
i was litterarily saying "Will always love you" as he was. so good to now know the theory behind it. thx Patrick and Brian
16:01 We know who said it first, the guys from red letter media ;)
Kirrin Island OH MY GAWDDDDD
Hack Frauds!!
Regardless of the quality of these movies, everyone can agree all these trailers are fucking awesome
I don't know why but it triggers my ocd way harder than it should, so I need to say this: The legged vehicles from Star Wars are being pronounced by saying the letters individually.
It's not Atat, it is A T A T.
I don't really care but trying to pronounce AT-ST sounds silly so I end up spelling out both for consistency.
And a Tie fighter is named so because it looks like a bow tie. Pronunciation does not matter.
That's not OCD, you're just particular
@@umjackd According to actual lore from the making of STAR WARS, TIE stand for The Imperial Empire.
@@ChrisMaxfieldActs In the LucasArts games, TIE mean Twin Ion Engines, WIKI also says Twin Ion Engines.
Welcome back! Another awesome video, really love the analyzing of modern Star Wars trailers.
5:28 "We all saw the trailer"
The "and now back to the black backdrop" line at 26:01 combined with the superman arms and rolling out of frame is like the subtlest dad joke ever and I'm still laughing my ass off about it.
Okay, this video just made me want to go back and watch the Force Awakens again. Can't wait for Rise of Skywalker.
Amazing video, I really enjoyed it! Welcome back Patrick, many cheers from France!
Whoa! The last thing I expected out of Patrick was him dictating that advertisements cannot be art. I've barely begun this video and im just shocked at this take. I don't agree at all!!
Having watched through the whole video, his continued reiteration of this point kind of gave off an... ashamed vibe? Like he was worried his professors or peers would see this and shake their heads at how he's "sold out" or is "wasting his potential" because he's not analyzing Real Art (TM). I mean, I don't know if that's what was going through his head, it's just how it came across. Same re: "space wizard story for children." Like, would literally anyone watching video essays on RUclips in 2019 actually say that??
@@RisingSunfish Yeah I feel like he's totally out to lunch and/or resents his making this video...
To include an advertisement in the art discussion is kind of a middle finger to art whos main goal is to be pure art.
@@starkingbiker IMO that indicates a significant insecurity on the part of the
"pure" artist. "My life's passion is ruined because it's in the same philosophical category as something sullied by MONEY." Like, I know my ego's pretty fragile, but yeesh....
It's about _intent_, not craft. The intent of art is to express something from the artist and evoke a response in the audience (and not necessarily a predetermined one). The intent of marketing is to SELL a product by exploiting, not employing, the craft used for art. The expression is; we want your money, and the response they're after is a very specific manipulation designed to pry it from you.
Marketing is not art, it is the subversion of art employed as a manipulation, and not a dialog between artist and audience.
Something I’ve found over the years is that trailer hype seems to have died down more recently, even for massive films. When trailers of years ago were released more than a year before the film was due to release, now, even for films like Spider-Man No Way Home, trailers have been released closer to the film’s release. Personally, I like that, there’s no real point getting people hyped for something when you don’t even know when you can give it to them.
Also, I’m glad these kinds of trailers don’t always just bash you over the head with stuff, at least, it does, but they know how to market things in proportion to how much they are in the film. The Force Awakens trailer didn’t promise us anything from Luke Skywalker, and that’s pretty much what we got. Most people probably didn’t even realise he would be in the film until that ending.
Art is anything that makes you feel something so if a trailer makes you feel, you're looking at art. Not everything will be art to everyone and that's okay.
Such a simplistic and reductionist definition of art. Would watching a loved one die be considered art? It would certainly make you feel something.
@@180_S patrick said marketing is automatically not art, yet Legacy had the reductionist view? art is not magic. it is not meta physical. trying to make it difficult to define is just gatekeeping
I stubbed my toe the other day and it really hurt. This is what _true_ art is.
@@benl2140 Don't forget to make a trailer
Amazing video guys! Really loved the analysis of the trailer music! Keep up the good work.
Next video, can adverts be art?
My opinion, yes.
guys.... editing is wild
i felt that, patrick
"'Member Chewbacca? 'Member AT-ATs? 'Member when marriage was just between a man and a woman? 'Member the Cantina? 'Member Star Destroyers? 'Member feeling safe? Member Tattooine? 'Member when there weren't so many Mexicans? 'Member Star Destroyers? 'Member Reagan? 'Member the Stormtroopers? 'Member the *_real_* Stormtroopers?"
- The 'Memberberries weaponizing nostalgia for their own purposes
Pepperidge farm remembers
Good, good....
Rey's theme is beautiful
"I Will Always Love You" was not written by Whitney Houston. It's a Dolly Parton song.
I don’t know, Norman Rockwell was largely a commercial illustrator. I think marketing is art, but it’s pop art. Art designed to make people want to buy things. The person behind these trailers is a skillful, creative individual (or maybe group of individuals) who happens to make ads for big faceless corporations. 🤔
The time travel in Felicity felt really weird when I watched it on its original run, but now I think it was my gateway drug into Lost. I'm super excited to see Keri Russell in Rise of the Skywalker.
@@FluffyBunniesOnFire I hope he shows up again in Rise of the Skywalker.
Welcome back man. I've missed you. And bringing it back on some Star Wars stuff. Very nice.
"These don't have the depth of actual movies, because they're just pieces of marketing designed to sell stuff."
That's exactly how I feel about the new Star Wars movies.
Dear Patrick, thank you so much for sharing your genius and that of your musician friend. Love your work and saving up to become one of your patreons🤗
Trailers are art. The fact that they're trying to sell you a political message of commercialism does not cancel that. If the commercial intent of a trailer cancels it's artistic merit, then you could just as easily argue that other commercial "art", like the film itself that is only made to make money, are similarly "not art". Art is art whether you like it or not, whether it's good or not, regardless of what it has to say or not say.
You basically described how bands put together their set when on tour for their follow up albums.
Trailers are not art? I have to strongly disagree. Anything intended to make a person feel something is art. Marketing is art. Propaganda is art. If graphic design is art, why aren't trailers?
Are arrest warrants art? They person being arrested would certainly feel something. What about newspapers? Tax paperwork? You’re definition of art is lacking to say the least.
Are insults art? What about political speeches?
As long as they are done with intention, sure! Accidental insults are not art.
@@180_S I would say that the person who created the form for tax paperwork and arrest warrants is an artist. Layout and typesetting is an art. And newspapers are definitely art. Any writing is an art as long as it has intention behind it, and nearly all writing does.
Andrew Dyjach wholeheartedly disagree with everything you just said. There is such a thing as creative work that does not fall within the purview of art.
21:26 ......
WOW!!!! his entire breakdown on the importance of the music?!? my brain is melting out of my ears right now. that was amazing!!!
When I first saw the Millennium Falcon in that teaser, I completely lost it
Thank you for this video. It's exactly what I need right now!