Gary Taubes - Why We Get Fat

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 95

  • @felipearbustopotd
    @felipearbustopotd Год назад

    Thank you for uploading and sharing.

  • @newunderthesun7353
    @newunderthesun7353 6 лет назад +3

    Rock Star.

  • @carrollhoagland1053
    @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +12

    The Medical Community forgot Root Cause analysis ... they are poorly trained ... Obesity, is not a dirty word. Doctors look at it as Too many Calories In, Too little Exercise Out, when they should look at their own failure of not recognizing it as a "Fat Accumulation Disorder" and diagnose it as such. The AMA would then spend time training doctors and do the research that is needed in the field of Nutrition ... Evidence now shows that like any growth defect, obesity is primarily a "Response", not a "Cause". Obesity is a Hormonal/regulatory disorder, and an Addiction.
    70 Going On 100 … the Centenarian Diet … maybe 70 Going On 128 … the Hayflick Limit, … or if a fan of Ray Kurzweil … then this is all a Moot Point.

    • @backfru
      @backfru 7 лет назад

      obesity is stored energy from sustained overfeeding aka too much food.
      Sugar is not addictive.

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +5

      Just a stupid as every PresJo ... you have not read anything or even anything about Addiction = i.e Hyper-palatable foods ...
      Conclusions: Biology not Physics ...
      Obesity is a disorder of fat accumulation, not energy balance (not overeating and sedentary behaviour).
      Fat accumulation is regulated fundamentally by insulin and dietary carbohydrates - “carbohydrate is driving insulin is driving fat”.
      The only non-pharmaceutical remedy is to restrict or remove causative agent - i.e the carbohydrates.

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +1

      Baloney .... Obesity, is not a dirty word. Doctors look at it as Too many Calories In, Too little Exercise Out, when they should look at their own failure of not recognizing it as a Fat Accumulation Disorder and diagnose it as such. The AMA would then spend time training doctors and do the research that is needed in the field of Nutrition.
      Overfeeding is Stupid Thinking ... and does not recognize the "Root Causes"
      Evidence now shows that like any growth defect, obesity is primarily a Response, not a cause. Obesity is a Hormonal/regulatory disorder, and an Addiction. (Note 1)

    • @backfru
      @backfru 7 лет назад

      well, let's see some peer reviewed evidence showing people became obese by eating less food.

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +2

      Presjo your ignorance and ALL of your comments have done nothing but Prove your a Troll since you have never said anything Intelligent ...
      AGAIN ... "Thinking is not your strong suit"

  • @StotanEly
    @StotanEly 6 лет назад +1

    A year-long randomized clinical trial has found that a low-fat diet and a low-carb diet produced similar weight loss and improvements in metabolic health markers. Furthermore, insulin production and tested genes had no impact on predicting weight loss success or failure. Thus, you should choose your diet based on personal preferences, health goals, and sustainability.

  • @greensmoothieparty
    @greensmoothieparty 7 лет назад +3

    PlantPositive made some interesting videos on Taubes' writing. Isn't it odd that humans are so confused about what to eat? Perhaps unintended consequences of our ingenious ability to create hyper-palatable highly processed foods. Good luck people!

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +5

      Taubes is correct as have check refs ... But not matter what dietary lifestyle you are on ... Hyper-Palatable foods (Engineered Man-Made) = Sugar = Dopamine = Cocaine = Addition ... we love our Opioids ... Ref: Dr. Pamela Peeke on Hyper-Palatable foods and many others ... We Got what we Wanted ... how SAD ...
      Modern medicine has abandoned “Root Cause” investigations in favor of Diagnosis and Drugs … seems odd as metabolism is a “Response Mechanism” …
      70 Going On 100 … the Centenarian Diet … maybe 70 Going On 128 … the Hayflick Limit … or if a fan of Ray Kurzweil … then this is all a Moot Point.

    • @backfru
      @backfru 7 лет назад +1

      So, you're trying to connect hyper palatable foods to cocaine addiction now?

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +2

      Correct ... have you read anything ?? or just continue along in your "Dumb State" ref Dr. Pamela Peeke and many others ...

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +2

      Yes Presjo ... it is the same Dopamine pleasure pathway ... even you can google that ...

    • @backfru
      @backfru 7 лет назад

      eating fruit is the same as cocaine addiction?
      What makes a food hyper palatable anyway, usually a combo of fat, salt, sugar.
      aka processed foods
      in other words, fruit, potatoes and other whole food carbohydrates are perfectly fine and health promoting in the diet.
      aka you keep referencing the same handful of doctors who pop up at low carb conferences, and mercola., aswell as basically repeating the same comments over and over again.
      Do you even think for yourself?
      You have been suckered in by the low carb crowd, and believe carbohydrates are the reason for all health problems. Just like they did with fat previously.
      There are no fattening/dangerous foods, or macronutrients.
      A balanced diet is fine, its when you start down the low fat or low carb road , that problems start to arise.

  • @heatherbanks9086
    @heatherbanks9086 7 лет назад +5

    If you are more qualified you should give the speech .

    • @scarletpimpernel230
      @scarletpimpernel230 7 лет назад

      Lots of people have refuted Taubes. Check out the online posts of Anthony Colpo, for example, and Michael Fumento at Reason Magazine, both of whom thoroughly deconstruct Taubes's claims.....

    • @thalesnemo2841
      @thalesnemo2841 6 лет назад

      Scarlet Pimpernel
      No references posted ! Just your uninformed hit job !

  • @Gengh13
    @Gengh13 3 года назад

    I don't know why there are so many carboholics in the comments.

  • @stevediben7900
    @stevediben7900 7 лет назад +6

    Gary has been giving the same talk for almost a decade now.

    • @joeschmo5699
      @joeschmo5699 7 лет назад +13

      Yes, that's because any challenge to the current dogma and paradigm is met with silence and purposeful ignorance and suppression. There's a distinct possibility the same talk could be given for the next 50 years or more. It's insane, this psychopathic nature of the corporate and medical establishment.

    • @stevediben7900
      @stevediben7900 7 лет назад +2

      Because eating carbohydrates is a recent phenomenon simply propagated by corporations!
      Go listen to Gary Taubes less dogmatic peers like Chris Masterjohn, Chris Kresser, Denise Minger, and Mat Lalonde for a more nuanced perspective on this "macronutrient war".

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +11

      Right Stephen ... unfortunately it will continue as it take the AMA takes 17 years on average to change ... ref: H. Pylori ... but that only took 10 years ..
      When it comes to weight gain, the sugar industry and purveyors of sugary beverages still insist, a calorie is a calorie, regardless of its source, so guidelines that single out sugar as a dietary evil are not evidence-based ...
      This is Ludicrous, it does not take a Genius to know that there are no nutrients in sugar,

    • @scarletpimpernel230
      @scarletpimpernel230 7 лет назад +3

      Try listening to Denise Minger's talk at the same Icelandic Conference, where she cites famous studies showing that individuals lost weight and regained their health eating diets of up to 94 percent carbs and high sugar content...

    • @gabardjean-paul3779
      @gabardjean-paul3779 7 лет назад +3

      he knows it and acknowledges it at 47 min

  • @scarletpimpernel230
    @scarletpimpernel230 7 лет назад

    Imagine Gary Taubes: constantly tired and irritable because he forces himself to live on a low-carb diet-and who then spends decades preaching to others to do the same! What a brilliant unrivalled genius and benefactor of humanity!

    • @thalesnemo2841
      @thalesnemo2841 5 лет назад +2

      Scarlet Pimpernel
      It pays to listen so that your stupidity is not on display! He states that he is jet lagged ! DUH!

  • @backfru
    @backfru 7 лет назад +4

    How about getting someone more qualified to speak on this subject?
    This guy's work has been widely discredited and pulled apart.
    There are no 'fattening' macronutrients

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +11

      Completely Ignorant statement ... another Educational challenge moronic person ... did you graduate High School ... ? or pass biology ...
      Example: It’s not calories, it’s about the effects of the food on the hormones that regulate fat accumulation. this was known in 1965 ... and recently as 2005 “Carbohydrate is driving insulin is driving fat.” - George Cahill, 2005
      Get a Brain ... stop being stupid ...

    • @backfru
      @backfru 7 лет назад +2

      You don't have a clue, and are simply repeating the crap spouted by people like Gary.
      How about you either speak your own ideas, or better yet, provide some credible evidence for these claims about obesty, and addiction?
      Until then, you're just as brainwashed as everyone else on the LCHF bandwagon
      Obesity is primarily driven by excess nutrients. PERIOD.

    • @backfru
      @backfru 7 лет назад +4

      if obesity is caused by carbohydrates, then people who eat a lot of carbohydrates must be obese, according to that logic?
      There are lot of ancestral cultures around the globe who eat a lot of carbohydrates and are very healthy.
      There are also a lot of athletes who eat a lot of carbohydrates and are very lean and healthy
      There are also millions of ordinary people who eat a lot of fruit, veges, grains, legumes and are also in excellent health
      There are also the examples of people eating primarily ice cream, twinkies, mcdonalds, while eating in a caloric deficit.. and SURPRISE!
      They lose fat.
      Calories are king.
      Eat less, move more
      Problem solved.
      Maybe you should do some more research, instead of believing everything you hear by these low carbers.

    • @lordmidas6940
      @lordmidas6940 7 лет назад +8

      That's true. There are a lot of athletes who eat carbs and are fit and lean. Doesn't mean they are always healthy on the inside
      Sami Inkinen, ultra endurance athlete. He followed conventional performance nutrition which is carbs before during and after training and events. He ended up becoming prediabetic.
      Others who now do lowcarb/keto diets include
      * Doug Berlin, Owner of Golds Gym.
      * Andrea Hudy, Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Performance, University of Kansas.
      And they all experienced the benefit of cutting the carbs.
      I'd love to see the stories behind those who eat twinkies and shit and lose fat. Then again, twinkies are pure chemicals, they're probably dying on the inside :)

    • @carrollhoagland1053
      @carrollhoagland1053 7 лет назад +5

      Presjo ... spewing nonsense .. A calorie is a measurement of "Energy". basic physics, and again shows your ignorance. A Calorie is not a Calorie when comes to nutrition ... a calorie of sugar is not the same as a calorie of vegetables of fat. That nonsense is how we ended up where we are the last 40 years ... ''No Root Causes Analysis"'
      Obesity, is not a dirty word. Doctors look at it as Too many Calories In, Too little Exercise Out, when they should look at their own failure of not recognizing it as a Fat Accumulation Disorder and diagnose it as such. The AMA would then spend time training doctors and do the research that is needed in the field of Nutrition.

  • @reflectivewomanSD
    @reflectivewomanSD 6 лет назад

    Can’t stand to listen to him! He sounds winded all the time.

    • @RobertWadlow292
      @RobertWadlow292 3 года назад

      He's talking deep throat. He needs to get his voice up in the face

    • @theskyehiker
      @theskyehiker 7 месяцев назад

      Don’t listen. Problem solved.

  • @scarletpimpernel230
    @scarletpimpernel230 7 лет назад

    Sorry, Gary, you're preaching pseudo-science. And yes, you ARE tired because of your ketotic diet-which appears to be a criticism that you are hearing often, you feeling defensive enough about it that you feel you need to refute it in your very first sentences! Independent thinkers should check out Anthony Colpo's thorough debunkings of the the Atkins and Taubes idea that we get fat because we eat carbs...

    • @birgittabirgersdatter8082
      @birgittabirgersdatter8082 6 лет назад +1

      Scarlet Pimpernel he clearly said that for him it is 4am. He is jet lagged. IMO doing well despite that.