"should you play the tutorial? yes. Will it teach you the basics of the game? also yes. will it teach you well? no, that's what trupen is for" best line
For me it was Nilaus. I was intrigued by the game, got it for Christmas break, tried the Tutorial and couldn't figure out a damn thing. Found Nilaus via DSP, he taught me how to play Factorio and I'm now on an SEK2 run.
so i wasn't the only one:D Remember that besides Factorio Dosh has his Zachtronics games, to keep him under control in alternate factorioless universe simply spew more Zachtronics to properly cool his core ^^
Factorio was created to contain Dosh. A traveler from an alternate reality came to our world and made it purely to circumvent the disaster that fell upon his existence.
The part about the resources being yours reminds me of that joke in Subnautica where your PDA tells you that you must reimburse the corporation that owns the planet you're stranded on for all the resources you consume. "Your current balance stands at 5 million galactic credits"
@@CaptainTimo Germans have historically been a very industrious and productive people. A lot of great engineers also come from Germany. So I'm associating the German peoples with the Factorio engineer who is a seemingly magic beacon of productivity and efficiency. Also, German's are culturally a stoic people (not always but culture is culture) so me saying an almost smile is huge is poking fun at that stoic-ness. This is all said with a mix jest and respect, of course.
@@connorconquers very industrious and productive indeed. Just the reason, why my 3 months of final exam prep time went right into "JUST BUILD MOOORE" and "THE FACTORY MUST GROOOOOOOOWWWWWW" plus like 4 days of actual doing school stuff. Still passed by quite the long shot. In University by now. And... how can i put that lightly. And FURTHER EXPANDING THE FACTORY 😈😈😈
Well you see, as a train person, I never crash into an underground pipe full speed holding W after a... diplomatic expedition, and suddenly wonder why I have no plastic production
I only explore by building rail, with radar at the end. Why drive around every rock multiple times when you can just build it once and travel back even faster.
So, as someone with several thousand hours in Factorio... yeah - this is the Factorio experience in a nutshell. Like I can't even call this an exaggeration. Even the megalomaniacal part toward the end. ... Now, if you'll excuse me, the factory must grow!
There's only one non megalomaniac ending, and that's if you play without biters. Then the ending is just replacing all that ugly green nature stuff with beautiful and wholesome concrete.
Yeah, and corporations with hundreds to even thousands of engineers and millions or even billions of dollars in revenue and cash flow still can't keep up with our demands. The factory must grow, and we still need the hardware 5 generations from now, right now!
if you got the ratio’s correct BEFORE you added modules then if you added the same modules to every machine in the production line then the ratio never actually changed :)
One of the fun parts about Seablock is when you finish the game winning research, it gives you a question "Wanna do it again? With two options "Hell yeah" and "No I want my mommy" which is rather appropriate.
@@mikeydflyingtoaster exactly! =w= aaaaaaaand also it sounds more like "RAIN IS WET AND ANYBODY WHO TELLS YOU OTHERWISE IS AN UMBRELLA" like if you are an umbrella why in the name of king ludwig the fourteenth's colored striped trousers would you even consider making such a ridiculous counterclaim when your entire life experience is telling you the exact opposite of dat it just makes no sense. it makes no sense at all. =w=
the fucking quality of this video; the editing, the writing, the narration, choice of score, fucking everything made me assume this channel had at least 10 million subs. Extremely underrated creator. You've earned my sub.
watched up to "and to do this we're going to become more obsessed with belts than an anime protagonist, so that we can accomplish more insertions than a sounding enthusiast" and knew you were the one; brilliant writing (thus far; don't let me down from here)
Factorio, one of the few legal versions of crack. "Will it teach you well? No, that is what Trupen is for" 🤣 "You're now addicted." - "Inside you are two wolves. One smokes concrete. The other also smokes concrete. You're addicted to concrete." And now I want this but for Space Exploration and Krastorio 2. Just because the Factory must grow! Why stop at /one/ planet? I also feel like the 19:00 is the prelude to Helldivers 2...
@@connorconquers Helldivers? yea sure. What about accidental factorio lore though? Like, the respawn mechanism? Are you like doctor whos that reanimates themselves as a different self while still being the same character but retaining the memories of your past manifestations? Does that impair your memories of who you were and where you came from before? Who granted you that power? Is it the same thing that caused your ship to crash?
for trains you basically only need to know: 1, keep signals and trains on the same side/same direction ( you will need 2 lengths of tracks for a one way system ) 2, anytime there is a start of a split or merger in the tracks, add chain signal(s) 3, anytime there is the end of a split or merger add normal signal(s)
There is no better feeling then remembering that you have a hundreds of kilometres long wall lined with autoreloading artillery , a tool to tell them where to shoot, and a target rich environment
@@connorconquersthe atarter base experience " i will keep you so I can expand more easily, but not make dedicated new and sexy base with your produce"
I feel like walling in your base becomes much better once you have construction robots and blueprints, so you can easily pick up your wall and move it somewhere else for expansion. Tileable blueprints can be especially nice.
I also recommend Cities Skylines, Transport Fever 2 and Workers and Recources Soviet Republic, because notings more fun than to see a 80% population alcohol addiction
pro tip: every ratio is just the crafting times, with the ingredients’ multiplied by the amount required by the product. example: a green circuit requires 3 copper coils, both take 0.5 seconds to craft, multiply 0.5 by 3 you get 1.5, the ratio of green circuits to copper coils is 1:1.5, since you cant build half an assembly machine you round up to 2:3 red science requires one iron gear and one copper plate, you get the copper plate from smelting but iron gears you need to craft via assembly machine, iron gears take 0.5 seconds but red science takes 5 seconds, so ONE iron gear assembly machine will meet the demand of TEN red science assembly machines.
@@connorconquers took me 400 hours till i figured this one trick out and ive never seen anyone mention it anywhere else. most youtubers just say “once you get the ratios down” and don’t elaborate. this trick also is a life savor for mods like space exploration.
i feel like i poorly explained this trick and have edited it accordingly. looking back i found holes in the math and should point them out. originally i forgot to mention _how_ to multiply the crafting times, hope its more clear.
oh my god i love how it went from simple beginnings to chaotic scaling, it's funny how this is both informational and insanity, amazing video. makes me wanna play the game myself but it doesn't have the same addictive effect to me like others experienced, that rock and stone game on the other hand...
started with your noita vid (despite having hundreds of hours, the title got me) and immediately binged the rest of your channel. spot on humor and pretty infromative. very cool that you link other channels too, also good taste in music lol. keep it up 👍
In case you're curious, it contains: TES IV (Oblivion), Factorio, Helldivers 2, Magicraft, OTXO, Ravenswatch, Rollercoaster Tycoon Delux, Super Hexagon, Terraria, and Vtuber Studio. I have no idea why I've done this.
@@connorconquers I'll be genuinely impressed if you can manage to get good at those games. Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina is like if a management sim and a card battler had the depth and difficulty of a Zachtronics game.
8:51 wasn’t all too convinced until I watched you place down like 6 turrets directly in front of enemies and just manually load them up with ammunition to spit out in .5 seconds. I think I should play factorio
Average German here - can confirm: Eating and drinking is optional for us, but we do it anyways, because we really like beer Looking forward to grading your homework - I have... 'studied' the subject matter myself plenty... Looking forward to whatever comes next!
The train switcheroo was a masterpiece and it somehow only got better afterwards. I kinda wish you included a segment about some of the batshit mods like pyanodons and SE but I can see why you didn't. Great video mate, can't wait to see this channel explode into the stratosphere.
@@connorconquers I'm just imagining someone seeing you yell out "THE FACTORY MUST GROW" into the microphone and wondering "What the hell is this guy doing?" This must've looked hilarious
Do I detect a very specific alert siren in the background? I now expect the worst guide to Lobotomy Corp in the future. If this requirement won't be met I shall initiate Qliphoth meltdown.
As a long time factorio player, this is a piece of art that speaks an ineffable "WHAT AM FACTORIO?" into existence. And while it may not teach a new player how to to play the game, it baptizes them in the everlasting and unspeakable waters of THE RATIO. For whatsoever passes, one thing is known: The Factory. Must. Grow.
That's kinda what I go for with all my "guides" It's more, "you should play this game and here's some stuff you should know and how to get started." Basically an ad with extra steps lol
One thing I love about Factorio is that you don’t have to tryhard it. I have completed base game with my friend completely casually. Yeah, factory looked like a mess but hey, we had a ton of fun just experimenting and finding our ways to solve problems
Says it's the worst guide, actually pretty reasonable. Also re: that particular rant at the imprisoned biter nest: in the new expansion, you can enslave them and put them to work *in* your factory.
"I'm simply here to tickle your neurons and lure you into a life ruining addiction" - style videos are what this game needs. And you did a great job, got me to put this on my to play-list, after i finish satisfactory.
I love your narrative style. It really feels like how you would approach a game for the first time and improve on each iteration. Thanks for the new addiction
That's actually exactly how I approached this video. All the other ones were games I already had a ton of experience with. After the Noita video I realised how much better a narrative through line makes things. So since I had less experience with this game I tried to lean on the first time learning experience more and build on that. I wasn't sure if it worked well but it seems to be going well!
@@connorconquers It definitely makes the videos entertaining to watch and makes me want to play the games. Wish you all the success, you definitely deserve it
Genuinely one of the best RUclips videos I've seen in a long while. The title and premise don't do it justice, this was truly a journey to behold. Fantastic work. I know what video to go to when recommending Factorio henceforth.
as a seasoned player i really approve this guide. I've seen Trupen's films being way worser than this xD. In all seriousness you've covered everything to reflect what this game is. Ratios are especially neglected by authors of "how i built my starter base in 100hrs". A+ my friend
Thank you! I always try to capture that essence that makes a game special and this was a hard one because there's SO MUCH. Figuring out what NOT to cover was so damn tough.
This guy could script and publish a video around Zisteau cursing Factorio's autosave, and through sheer shock and awe cause youtube to triple in company profits over a fortnight. Spectacular video! You're incredibly lucky and absolutely the perfect person to have made this video at this space and time. I'm sorry that it'll all be downhill from now on though.
I love this series. Your editing style is perfect and it is clear how much work you put into these videos. Thanks for making these, I've beat Factorio a few times now but I HAD to watch this one after I saw the Noita one. Keep it up my friend, I see many many subscribers in your future!
Setting the unrestricted, uncontrolled growth of industrialization to the song Tenebre Rosso Sangue is a combo that is much more fitting than I had thought. Well edited, fine sir.
These videos are genius! you watch them for the first time and buy the game, then after playing the game for an unhealthy sum of time you watch it again and it’s even funnier
@@leakingamps2050 Tenebre Rosso Sangue - KEYGEN CHURCH Or, if you are an Ultrakill player, it's "The epic song that plays when you are about to get absolutely humbled"
So, some funny jokes throughout but the one at 15:56 made me literally laugh out loud so thanks for that. I've sort of bounced on the tutorial of all things. I don't know what it is, I want to get sucked into this game but don't while Satisfactory didn't let me go for over a year. Thanks for the video.
Hey man, just found your channel and watched every video you've uploaded to this point. Love your content, your humor and references are hilarious and I genuinely really enjoy the guides and analysis videos you bring to your channel. looking forward to the next videos to come.
@@connorconquers i probably played my first 1000 hrs without making trains, and now its the first thing i shoot for. now when i play multiplayer with my brother, we just text each other "TRAINS?"
This is a well-made guide guide to war crimes!
I learned from the best ❤️
hello factorio man. thank you for teaching us the game
It's The Guy
I don't remember the bugs being a signatory to the Geneva Conventions.
Why after you subbed to the same people as me?
imagine the helldiver going to the factorio planet and finding all the bugs under control by one measly engineer
Super Earth skill issue
And the bots are all working for the engineer too.
Bugmaxxing in the gooncave
At least oxygen is included this time around
Right? Easy game for babies.
don't start Space Exploration. don't start Space Exploration. don't
Try Pyanadons! Or bobs+angels if you're not too insane
RE: Space Exploration... notice how I never touched on multiplayer here? Part 2 isn't out of the question.......
@@sypeiterra7613 don't kill the poor man! Even factorio veterans are afraid of Py
'This planet is alive, and I'm going to teach it fear' thats metal af
Thanks, just channeling my inner Dethklok 🥰
"I joined the fight against climate change. On the side of pollution."
"should you play the tutorial? yes. Will it teach you the basics of the game? also yes. will it teach you well? no, that's what trupen is for"
best line
It's not even a joke, it's just a straight up fact lol
For me it was Nilaus. I was intrigued by the game, got it for Christmas break, tried the Tutorial and couldn't figure out a damn thing. Found Nilaus via DSP, he taught me how to play Factorio and I'm now on an SEK2 run.
Sometimes I wonder what Dosh Doshington would be capable of if Factorio didn't exist.
I think the world is safer this way.
P = NP would be solved by now
so i wasn't the only one:D Remember that besides Factorio Dosh has his Zachtronics games, to keep him under control in alternate factorioless universe simply spew more Zachtronics to properly cool his core ^^
Factorio was created to contain Dosh. A traveler from an alternate reality came to our world and made it purely to circumvent the disaster that fell upon his existence.
@@connorconquers Nah, he'd look at NP and just be like No Problem, P you are the Problem.
@@lis6502 Zachtronics are decent, but Turing Complete isn't bad either. I have Hard Chip on my waiting list.
You went from Minecraft, to Frostpunk, to Starship Troopers, to I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.
I literally based that segment on the last paragraph on IHNMAIMS 🤣
This video is a masterpiece
The part about the resources being yours reminds me of that joke in Subnautica where your PDA tells you that you must reimburse the corporation that owns the planet you're stranded on for all the resources you consume. "Your current balance stands at 5 million galactic credits"
The "just trying to survive" to "I am the megacorp" pipeline in this game is insane.
Well this is kinda surreal. Thanks for all the great videos. You're a massive inspiration for my cooking and editing. Stay safe out there Slav King 👑
this comment is the pinnacle of writing, symbolizes the agreement to the better opinion🔥
As a German I almost smiled at that joke 1:18 hilarious
An almost smile from a German is a huge compliment. Thank you!
I don't understand that joke, could you explain it to me ?
@@CaptainTimo Germans have historically been a very industrious and productive people. A lot of great engineers also come from Germany. So I'm associating the German peoples with the Factorio engineer who is a seemingly magic beacon of productivity and efficiency.
Also, German's are culturally a stoic people (not always but culture is culture) so me saying an almost smile is huge is poking fun at that stoic-ness.
This is all said with a mix jest and respect, of course.
@@connorconquers very industrious and productive indeed. Just the reason, why my 3 months of final exam prep time went right into "JUST BUILD MOOORE" and "THE FACTORY MUST GROOOOOOOOWWWWWW" plus like 4 days of actual doing school stuff. Still passed by quite the long shot. In University by now. And... how can i put that lightly. And FURTHER EXPANDING THE FACTORY 😈😈😈
As a (currently drunk) german I can say that tought the power of beer i slightly smiled
This is one of the best Factorio adverts that I've seen and it's not even subtle.
I really missed my calling as a drug dealer
@@connorconquers "Hey!...psst! Hey kid!...wanna build a factory? First warcrime is free"
@@SketchAndEtch LMAO!!!
@@SketchAndEtchIf you never stop the genocide it technically only counts as one Warcrime
3 minutes into the video and you deconstructed the space ship
prepare to be sacrificed to elder gods
I have fled the solar system. My crimes will go unpunished.
@@connorconquersthe Biters will bring justice
Leave him to be sacrificed to the Behemoths ;P aaand enjoy his content until then ^^
Well you see, as a train person, I never crash into an underground pipe full speed holding W after a... diplomatic expedition, and suddenly wonder why I have no plastic production
Damn that's so real, I hate it lol.
I only explore by building rail, with radar at the end. Why drive around every rock multiple times when you can just build it once and travel back even faster.
The use of the FTL soundtrack in the background has absolutely flabbergasted my entire brain
Time for another FTL run 😎
So, as someone with several thousand hours in Factorio... yeah - this is the Factorio experience in a nutshell. Like I can't even call this an exaggeration. Even the megalomaniacal part toward the end.
Now, if you'll excuse me, the factory must grow!
The villain arc is only a very slight exaggeration.
There's only one non megalomaniac ending, and that's if you play without biters. Then the ending is just replacing all that ugly green nature stuff with beautiful and wholesome concrete.
Yeah, and corporations with hundreds to even thousands of engineers and millions or even billions of dollars in revenue and cash flow still can't keep up with our demands. The factory must grow, and we still need the hardware 5 generations from now, right now!
If... of you need a more chill experience... try satisfactory
Hello, train fiend. We're so glad you could join us. Welcome home.
That bit is based on my actual early thoughts on trains. I have seen the light. I submit to train supremacy
@@connorconquers Yes, good, we gather another follower.
@@connorconquers And that's why I truly like Satisfactory as much as this game!
i like trains
There aren‘t many things better than factorio trains. Not even drugs compare
'Ratios are important'
My cursed production line that uses tier 3 prods so it's never truly raito'd; 🗿
Most of my builds were, "it works, moving on" lol
if you got the ratio’s correct BEFORE you added modules then if you added the same modules to every machine in the production line then the ratio never actually changed :)
@@HexenMeister06 Nope. Ratio for circuits before modules is 3:2 and after modules it's close to 1:1, for instance.
@@HexenMeister06 This applies for speed, but not productivity, They make alll the rations just broken
Don't tell that to Josh. Let's game it out would make a mess of your ratios and still find a way to get it to work.
3:47 "Thermodynamics can suck it"
Yeah, that's how fuel tends to work...
One of the fun parts about Seablock is when you finish the game winning research, it gives you a question "Wanna do it again? With two options "Hell yeah" and "No I want my mommy" which is rather appropriate.
Got me so good omg 😂
...i-i'm a bottom~ 👀👉👈
Hang on, wouldn’t a bottom have far more knowledge and experience, being the one most directly affected by the size or lack thereof?
@@mikeydflyingtoaster exactly! =w=
aaaaaaaand also it sounds more like
if you are an umbrella
why in the name of king ludwig the fourteenth's colored striped trousers would you even consider making such a ridiculous counterclaim
when your entire life experience is telling you the exact opposite of dat
it just makes no sense. it makes no sense at all. =w=
@@abcedefger4251 That's a lot of joke criticsim coming from someone within topping distance.
I'm pretty sure all the size queens are bottoms so I don't think this quite tracks.
Every so often I accidentally hit the alt key and wander around my factory wondering why I can’t see
Alt-D failed me again!!!
This is why I have that rebound to semicolon
hit that accidentally far less often.
I missed the word "accidentally" reading this and thought you were like those shortsighted guys who took off their glasses as a pastime
HBomberGuy Flashbang
the fucking quality of this video; the editing, the writing, the narration, choice of score, fucking everything made me assume this channel had at least 10 million subs. Extremely underrated creator. You've earned my sub.
"This planet is alive and I'm going to teach it fear" Goes SO fucking hard.
That train bit was incredible as well.
watched up to "and to do this we're going to become more obsessed with belts than an anime protagonist, so that we can accomplish more insertions than a sounding enthusiast" and knew you were the one; brilliant writing (thus far; don't let me down from here)
That's by far the most cursed sentence I've ever constructed. Hope you liked the rest of the vid!
@@connorconquers more cursed than "inflate harder than a furry trying to make rent"?
@@christoefur944 A close second lol
I learned a new word today.
Hah, I'm so sorry.
Factorio: A game where automation meets "I have no mouth and I must scream"
Factorio, one of the few legal versions of crack.
"Will it teach you well? No, that is what Trupen is for" 🤣
"You're now addicted." - "Inside you are two wolves. One smokes concrete. The other also smokes concrete. You're addicted to concrete."
And now I want this but for Space Exploration and Krastorio 2. Just because the Factory must grow! Why stop at /one/ planet?
I also feel like the 19:00 is the prelude to Helldivers 2...
Accidental Helldivers lore??? This is the planet the terminids started on 💀💀💀
@@connorconquers Considering the bugs used to drop Alien Science, this isn't far off...
For Democracy!
@@connorconquers Helldivers? yea sure. What about accidental factorio lore though? Like, the respawn mechanism? Are you like doctor whos that reanimates themselves as a different self while still being the same character but retaining the memories of your past manifestations? Does that impair your memories of who you were and where you came from before? Who granted you that power? Is it the same thing that caused your ship to crash?
The ironic part is the 'why stop at one planet' is exactly what the main Factorio devs are working on too.
for trains you basically only need to know:
1, keep signals and trains on the same side/same direction ( you will need 2 lengths of tracks for a one way system )
2, anytime there is a start of a split or merger in the tracks, add chain signal(s)
3, anytime there is the end of a split or merger add normal signal(s)
There is no better feeling then remembering that you have a hundreds of kilometres long wall lined with autoreloading artillery , a tool to tell them where to shoot, and a target rich environment
"Nothing is so permanent as a Starter base", Milton Friedman
ooft, right in the truth
@@connorconquersthe atarter base experience " i will keep you so I can expand more easily, but not make dedicated new and sexy base with your produce"
If it doesn’t have concrete and lamps its not a real base its a starter base - Doshdoshington
That slander against walling, UNCALLED FOR. I like fortresses and so should everyone else.
Well tbf I did wall in my entire base before I learned my lesson lol
I feel like walling in your base becomes much better once you have construction robots and blueprints, so you can easily pick up your wall and move it somewhere else for expansion. Tileable blueprints can be especially nice.
Oh 100%. Having to take them down manually is brutal.
@@connorconquersthe true answer is to make your wall huge to start out with.
They arent very functional but by good are they nice to look at
It's wild that endgame bases kinda look like circuit boards.
That seems to happen with every factory game after a while
It's all input-outputs with a slightly different flavor applied to it.
And then there is this: ruclips.net/video/Y9xi0V71G08/видео.html so not every factory game or playthrough results in looking like a circuit board.
All hail the mighty gradient. Time is flow, flow is change, change is existence.
Mine didn't - for the first time. Didn't watch any tutorials, didn't build main bus, it was all spaghetti and I launched the rocket :)
You managed to capture the entire factorio arc in 20 min. Well done! Definitely going to check out more of your stuff as this is extremely well made!
List of games that I'd love to see guides for:
Project Zomboid.
Vintage Story.
Love the content!
@@AaronC. I do love Terraria and I've thought about making a guide for it before. Glad to know there is interest!
I second that call for Rimworld!
I also recommend Cities Skylines, Transport Fever 2 and Workers and Recources Soviet Republic, because notings more fun than to see a 80% population alcohol addiction
rimworld is peak
pro tip: every ratio is just the crafting times, with the ingredients’ multiplied by the amount required by the product.
a green circuit requires 3 copper coils, both take 0.5 seconds to craft, multiply 0.5 by 3 you get 1.5, the ratio of green circuits to copper coils is 1:1.5, since you cant build half an assembly machine you round up to 2:3
red science requires one iron gear and one copper plate, you get the copper plate from smelting but iron gears you need to craft via assembly machine, iron gears take 0.5 seconds but red science takes 5 seconds, so ONE iron gear assembly machine will meet the demand of TEN red science assembly machines.
I'm tempted to pin this incase my subpar explanation scared anyone off lol
@@connorconquers took me 400 hours till i figured this one trick out and ive never seen anyone mention it anywhere else. most youtubers just say “once you get the ratios down” and don’t elaborate. this trick also is a life savor for mods like space exploration.
mother of god
i feel like i poorly explained this trick and have edited it accordingly. looking back i found holes in the math and should point them out. originally i forgot to mention _how_ to multiply the crafting times, hope its more clear.
Productivity module : allow me to introduce myself !
"I learned Lua out of spite and made a mod to be gay and select pronouns" thats just brilliant
This is what happens when I'm left alone with Visual Studio
Absolutely legendary.
Mega based
Infinitely more effective than parroting "hit that subscribe button".
in my experience, being fuelled by spite is the only way to get anything done in Lua
"anyone who tells you otherwise is a bottom" au contraire, my friend. have you never heard of a size queen?
They're not going to tell you that size doesn't matter though.
oh my god i love how it went from simple beginnings to chaotic scaling, it's funny how this is both informational and insanity, amazing video.
makes me wanna play the game myself but it doesn't have the same addictive effect to me like others experienced, that rock and stone game on the other hand...
Glad you liked it! I need to get back on DRG. Helldivers 2 got me hooked tho.
started with your noita vid (despite having hundreds of hours, the title got me) and immediately binged the rest of your channel.
spot on humor and pretty infromative. very cool that you link other channels too, also good taste in music lol.
keep it up 👍
21:02 The fact that you have catagorized some games in the folder uncatagorized made me burst out laughing.
In case you're curious, it contains: TES IV (Oblivion), Factorio, Helldivers 2, Magicraft, OTXO, Ravenswatch, Rollercoaster Tycoon Delux, Super Hexagon, Terraria, and Vtuber Studio.
I have no idea why I've done this.
@@connorconquers Clearly you suffer from an envious diversity of games to the point of putting Factorio and Terraria in the same 'misc' bin lmao
@@123890antonioj well I've been in the game industry for a while now and I'm kinda passionate about it lol 😅
Your inability to not laugh at "Get in the robot Engi" is part of why I love this series so much.
worst guide to lobotomy corporation when
The voices are getting louder
It's on my radar 👀
@@connorconquers I'll be genuinely impressed if you can manage to get good at those games. Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina is like if a management sim and a card battler had the depth and difficulty of a Zachtronics game.
@@KasseCoronet6556 Okay that sounds like exactly my shit. Also, when has being good at a game ever been a requirement for me making a video about it 😉
“It’s just my starter base” has got to be my favorite excuse for any horrendous design
I can justify so many design crimes with this
8:51 wasn’t all too convinced until I watched you place down like 6 turrets directly in front of enemies and just manually load them up with ammunition to spit out in .5 seconds. I think I should play factorio
oh my god a huniepop video would actually be hilarious
I have a script started for it 👀
@@connorconquers Do. It.
@@connorconquers OMG please do it!!
Ah, heavy drugs advertised in a plain sight, love it!
I feel like I missed my calling as a drug dealer
ambiguous amphibian led me down a dark path , the factorio pipeline , its mostly an underground pipeline with many others intersecting it .
"This planet is alive and I'm going to teach it fear" is genuinely one of the hardest quotes I've ever heard holy shit
Was not expecting Keygen Church, but man, does it work so well.
I pretty much came up with that segment and scripted the video around it lol
Good lord, that takes me back....
To when I was listening to Keygen Church a little while ago.
Average German here - can confirm: Eating and drinking is optional for us, but we do it anyways, because we really like beer
Looking forward to grading your homework - I have... 'studied' the subject matter myself plenty...
Looking forward to whatever comes next!
The train switcheroo was a masterpiece and it somehow only got better afterwards. I kinda wish you included a segment about some of the batshit mods like pyanodons and SE but I can see why you didn't. Great video mate, can't wait to see this channel explode into the stratosphere.
in the list where we showed a few mods, py was a few down.. so he may have at least tried it for funzies lol
I came for the factorio video. I stayed for the 'I have no mouth and I must scream' prequel that it became.
17:25 "Get in the robot Engi" is perfect
15:44 This is the hardest "The Factory Must GROW" I've ever heard
I had to record that part in my car in the middle of nowhere cuz I didn't want to yell in my apartment 😅
@@connorconquers I'm just imagining someone seeing you yell out "THE FACTORY MUST GROW" into the microphone and wondering "What the hell is this guy doing?" This must've looked hilarious
Oh I did the full monologue in there. And I took video of it cuz I knew I looked insane. It'll probably be in the "year in review" video lol
@@connorconquersmaster boot record/keygen church was an excellent choice for this bit.
@@connorconquers Hello from November, looking forward to this. Also Space Age exists now...
that ending is a nice reference of I have no mouth and i must scream, but this time you are AM.
I'm so happy so many people are getting the reference considering how much I curbed from the last paragraph of that story lol
Thank you Connor, now I can start my 173rd playthrough of the game.
lmao what have I done
Do I detect a very specific alert siren in the background? I now expect the worst guide to Lobotomy Corp in the future. If this requirement won't be met I shall initiate Qliphoth meltdown.
There might be something in the works 👀
As a long time factorio player, this is a piece of art that speaks an ineffable "WHAT AM FACTORIO?" into existence. And while it may not teach a new player how to to play the game, it baptizes them in the everlasting and unspeakable waters of THE RATIO. For whatsoever passes, one thing is known: The Factory. Must. Grow.
That's kinda what I go for with all my "guides"
It's more, "you should play this game and here's some stuff you should know and how to get started." Basically an ad with extra steps lol
One thing I love about Factorio is that you don’t have to tryhard it. I have completed base game with my friend completely casually.
Yeah, factory looked like a mess but hey, we had a ton of fun just experimenting and finding our ways to solve problems
The performance on 15:20 is very expressive, translates the desire to own this world colourfully, loved it
Re-listening it over an over, it’s mine, this masterpiece is mine!!
Did not expect to hear the word sounding in a Factorio video but it got a chuckle from me
One day I will be punished for my sins.
@@connorconquers Oh and thank you for linking your music choices in the description. I had forgotten the OTXO OST exists
From 14:50 up to 15:53 I ended up realizing I'm watching the same dude who convinced me to try Noita. Holy shit that feeling
"Oh shit its the time-sink game guy! I gotta get outta here!"
Says it's the worst guide, actually pretty reasonable.
Also re: that particular rant at the imprisoned biter nest: in the new expansion, you can enslave them and put them to work *in* your factory.
"I'm simply here to tickle your neurons and lure you into a life ruining addiction" - style videos are what this game needs.
And you did a great job, got me to put this on my to play-list, after i finish satisfactory.
I can't wait to get into Satisfactory. Will probably do a guide on it sometime next year.
I love your narrative style. It really feels like how you would approach a game for the first time and improve on each iteration. Thanks for the new addiction
That's actually exactly how I approached this video. All the other ones were games I already had a ton of experience with. After the Noita video I realised how much better a narrative through line makes things. So since I had less experience with this game I tried to lean on the first time learning experience more and build on that. I wasn't sure if it worked well but it seems to be going well!
@@connorconquers It definitely makes the videos entertaining to watch and makes me want to play the games. Wish you all the success, you definitely deserve it
19:15 I just discovered that i'm a sub, that's it
15:34 is just- beautiful. I was wondering where our catchphrase had been before then. Glad that you've seen the truth. Welcome to the factory
Had to give it the gravity it deserved. But wait... if we're here... who's growing our factories???
@@connorconquers oh I'm playing Factorio while typing :] it was very cathardic to hear you take up our warcry. I keep replaying it
Genuinely one of the best RUclips videos I've seen in a long while. The title and premise don't do it justice, this was truly a journey to behold. Fantastic work. I know what video to go to when recommending Factorio henceforth.
Thanks! Glad you liked it. Good luck getting other into this fantastic life-ruining addiction!
Man this was an amazing video, well edited, funny and engaging. Really surprised at the level of quality on display here, keep up the good work.
Thanks! I'm learning more with each one!
as a seasoned player i really approve this guide. I've seen Trupen's films being way worser than this xD. In all seriousness you've covered everything to reflect what this game is. Ratios are especially neglected by authors of "how i built my starter base in 100hrs". A+ my friend
Thank you! I always try to capture that essence that makes a game special and this was a hard one because there's SO MUCH. Figuring out what NOT to cover was so damn tough.
i discovered your channel today and watched all videos, please keep up the work. Love it
Thank! Glad you're enjoying. I think I'm doing Path of Exile next.
Ayo, its time for my favorite series
The Worst Guides by Connor Conquers!
This guy could script and publish a video around Zisteau cursing Factorio's autosave, and through sheer shock and awe cause youtube to triple in company profits over a fortnight.
Spectacular video! You're incredibly lucky and absolutely the perfect person to have made this video at this space and time.
I'm sorry that it'll all be downhill from now on though.
Lol thanks. I've got some big plans still so let's hope it's not downhill lol
I love this series. Your editing style is perfect and it is clear how much work you put into these videos. Thanks for making these, I've beat Factorio a few times now but I HAD to watch this one after I saw the Noita one. Keep it up my friend, I see many many subscribers in your future!
Thanks! I just finished the script for Path of Exile so look forward to that
@@connorconquers Wow another game I've played for 1000s of hours. Can't wait to hear your take on it!
0:43 - it's Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, I used to study there, lol ;)
Hah, I just used some random stock video for that. I love when stuff like this gets spotted.
Basically our Ukrainian place to teach new cracked people and prep them to be VERY EFFICIENT in their factories
Setting the unrestricted, uncontrolled growth of industrialization to the song Tenebre Rosso Sangue is a combo that is much more fitting than I had thought. Well edited, fine sir.
Not a single day has gone by where I don't see one of my fellow Germans building a gigantic factory.
You know, that ending where the biter nest is trapped is actually a mechanic in the space age dlc
I know. Part 2 of this guide is gonna be unhinged 👀
These videos are genius! you watch them for the first time and buy the game, then after playing the game for an unhealthy sum of time you watch it again and it’s even funnier
This really encapsulates the classic descent into madness in Factorio. Especially the use of Keygen Church at 15:27 works so well, I love it
I was so afraid it wasn't gonna work. So happy it seems to have!
which song was this?
Tenebre Rosso Sangue - KEYGEN CHURCH
Or, if you are an Ultrakill player, it's "The epic song that plays when you are about to get absolutely humbled"
1:13 „using this very average German“ had me dying 😂
I was so confused but I see you meant 1:18 lol
As a german i can relate
And i love being obcessed with eficciency (also my fave module)
The lobotomy corporation os5 goes unbelievably hard (incredible video as always)
I really should play that game. And thanks!
So, some funny jokes throughout but the one at 15:56 made me literally laugh out loud so thanks for that.
I've sort of bounced on the tutorial of all things. I don't know what it is, I want to get sucked into this game but don't while Satisfactory didn't let me go for over a year.
Thanks for the video.
Hey man, just found your channel and watched every video you've uploaded to this point. Love your content, your humor and references are hilarious and I genuinely really enjoy the guides and analysis videos you bring to your channel. looking forward to the next videos to come.
Thanks, I appreciate you saying that! I'm currently about 1/3 though the script for the next guide 👍
@@connorconquers Looking forward to it!
The first thing I notice is First Trumpet in the background.
I am now morally obliged to keep watching.
6:12 Most accurate description of channel yet.
It works... I now understand more about Finnish alchemy than I ever expected to learn.
I'm secretly an eldritch entity that consumes people's productivity 🥰
Man this guy just consistently keeps posting exactly my taste in games. I feel like we'd be good friends.
I just like games that are spreadsheets in disguise
"what if i just build one train" right into a fugue state.. totally relatable
The rate at which I actually went from "trains are dumb" to "how can I build my entire base around these divine creations" was startling even to me.
@@connorconquers i probably played my first 1000 hrs without making trains, and now its the first thing i shoot for. now when i play multiplayer with my brother, we just text each other "TRAINS?"
I'm a simple man, i saw the video, stopped everything, and clicked.
As long as you're not a surgeon it's okay
I am a simple man.
@@ElChocoLocoDeLaVega As long as it's not me flatlining...
"Foreshadowing is a literary device-" killed me
this is literally the "sell seashells on a seashore" meme luigi sings but the guide for factorio awesome
I've created biter scarcity. Buy now...
“Meth’d up Koch brother” is one of the funniest jokes I’ve heard in a long time, amazing video.
"Biblically accurate Detroit" is literally the perfect description of my first Factorio base
I grew up across from it so, in a way, it was my muse lol
Also Connor, you're awesome and keep up the good content, I'm willing to wait
Awww thanks. I'm slow with these scripts but I'm glad people think they are worth it
Conveyor belts, nukes, and an unhealthy amount of optimization? I think I should play factorio
you forgot to mention speedrun masters AntiElitz and Nefrums
great video :D
I'm trying to trick people into playing, not scare them away with peak gameplay. The un-factorio'ed mind can't handle that out the gate.
Playing Factorio for years, but still enjoyed this film. Well done!
Such an entertaining video. Encapsulates the Factorio experience quite exquisitely