We rarely get pollen bound here!! Once the nest gets going, a single box will have 6-8 frames of mixed brood. By using early pollen patties and triggering early rearing (early April) the nest gets filled with brood prior to the mid spring pollen flow.
your stands are not optimal for working hives from the long side . your stand config resembles mating nuc in row config. put 2 hives together on smaller 43 cm side and work two from the long 55 cm sides -- maybe put a 4-hive config you can work from all sides around it!
why? the way you handle the hive inspection from the small (back) side gives you less controll of frame handling and make s your bees in tendency more agressive- so you need thick gloves - so you have kless feel and controll so more aggressiveness - its a vicious cycle.
I typically just inspect from the back with no issues. My stands are fit for purpose for 8 months of the year where any colony not facing south will struggle (shade side temperatures are much cooler than ambient). I ran several experiments several years ago with different directions. All colonies that were facing east/west and north struggled. The south facing wall is also the preferred side for the bees during our long winters. The stand is designed to create a dead air space below the screen bottoms in winter to help drain out excessive condensation. The ground in the one location shifted and caused the middle legs to not touch the ground.
Good day. How strong is your pollen flow in your area? Our hives can become pollen bound from various sources when dandelions are in bloom.
We rarely get pollen bound here!! Once the nest gets going, a single box will have 6-8 frames of mixed brood. By using early pollen patties and triggering early rearing (early April) the nest gets filled with brood prior to the mid spring pollen flow.
your stands are not optimal for working hives from the long side . your stand config resembles mating nuc in row config. put 2 hives together on smaller 43 cm side and work two from the long 55 cm sides -- maybe put a 4-hive config you can work from all sides around it!
why? the way you handle the hive inspection from the small (back) side gives you less controll of frame handling and make s your bees in tendency more agressive- so you need thick gloves - so you have kless feel and controll so more aggressiveness - its a vicious cycle.
I typically just inspect from the back with no issues. My stands are fit for purpose for 8 months of the year where any colony not facing south will struggle (shade side temperatures are much cooler than ambient). I ran several experiments several years ago with different directions. All colonies that were facing east/west and north struggled. The south facing wall is also the preferred side for the bees during our long winters. The stand is designed to create a dead air space below the screen bottoms in winter to help drain out excessive condensation. The ground in the one location shifted and caused the middle legs to not touch the ground.
The reason I wear gloves now is that I started getting allergic reactions. I carry my Epi-pen now at all times. Like you said my bees are calm.