The most important video on the internet. I knew this but hitting way too many irons lately and forgot how to drive 😂 thanks Chris i will get back on track now great stuff 🎉
Excellent explanation and demonstration Chris! I've struggled for years with a slice and have always focused on trying to release the wrist earlier in the swing which is very hard to make timing right. This is the answer. It has worked terrifically for me. So simple and has made me much more consistent with my drive! Genius....thanks Chris!
You have no idea how realizing this has helped my drive. It has never occurred to me I had a closed club face at address. No one ever told me and I would have never closed it knowingly. I feel as if I've won the lottery. Good by SLICE hello FAIRWAY. Thank you so much!
It is amazing how much I didn’t know about striking a ball. I am learning (trying to) so much watching your videos, thanks for all you do for the sport.
Thanks Chris. This is the first tip I have found regarding the correct handle position . You described my problem with my hands too far back and the club head too open. Enjoy all your tips. Hitting most of the fairways now rather than pushing or slicing my driver to the right. Stay safe.
This had me grinning from ear to ear, I can't wait to try this. All this time I've been setting up wrong. I went from a ugly slicer to a now terrible puller but must admit my pulls are very solid, hard and straight. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks
I finally fixed my "Toe Hits Plague" using these tips. I use impact tape. I built my set up as you advised. My first hits were not so much on the toe as usual. You said something about the head being six inches behind the ball, so I "Built" my setup around a spot about six inches behind the ball. I then proceeded to produce seven center strikes on my impact tape. I am 68 years old so I need every bit of an advantage against the 30 year olds I play against in league. Thank you so much from Bay City , Michigan USA
Where has this video been all my life! Makes absolute total sense with swing path and after watching hundreds of driver swing tutorial this is the only one that explains what causes a out to in swing path. Thanks Chris
Video was a life saver for me. I developed a slice out of nowhere and couldn't hit my driver more than 200 yards. I just could not figure out what was going on with my swing hitting driver. Adjusting my hands forward my swing speed speed jumped from 90 to 107 and I'm now back to averaging 280 yards with driver. Thanks Chris!
This is one of the finest tips I have gotten in a long long time. I did not realize that my hands were really that far behind the ball at address; for a long time I was always afraid to pull the trigger, my miss hits has been a pull, or hook now I know that I won't miss left at all, now I either hit a baby draw, a straight ball or a straight push. I am 58 years old and just today I stepped up to the tee on hole number 9 and hit a 343 yard drive. thank you so very much, now I play with unbelievable confidence, simply incredible!!!
Just to say thank you! Comfortable with my short game, but never been able to to hit a driver properly ever. This video gave me the cues to hit the driver better than I ever have.
wonderful info chris.. sometimes i stand at address with my driver and cant work out why the face looks closed. this leads to all sorts of strike problems..this tip has transformed my driving .. so so happy
This is gonna help me , suffering from some pull/hooks, and i set up exactly as you showed in the beginning, with the handle back. Clear, precise instruction with no waffle in between . cheers Chris, keep posting mate
Gave this a try this afternoon during a quick nine hole round , felt so much better and I hit the big stick so much better! Aint hit that many solid fairway finders in along time and not one dreaded slice/cut... Hopefully youve got the ball rolling for me here Thank you Chris for the super tip and cant wait to hunt down some more great tips on your channel
Thanks Chris, had a bad few months but this tip has sorted me right out. When playing you never realise how the handle position looks from a front angle. Keep up those videos mate, really good stuff :)
Great tip Chris. I play off 10 and thought I already had the handle position set up correctly for the driver, but on re-checking after watching your video, I saw that it was still too far back and the clubface was slightly closed. A couple of tweaks and I've immediately gained 20 to 25 yards in distance and because the club is now square and the ball is launching much higher, I'm hitting more consistently straight. Such a simple check but absolutely vital to make the most of your driver's capabilities.
Without doubt this has to be the greatest and simplest explanation I have come across. Once I understood this and the mechanics of what is going on its has been so much easier improving my drive. Really good video, thank you very much! SUBSCRIBED
Great explanation and an area I've NEVER thought of. Been trying to hit up on the Driver but couldn't understand why, despite my set up being correct ie spine tilt, ball position, often my tee peg would fly forwards. Tried this last week and my tee peg stayed in the ground and on one occasion it shot behind me. I had the handle too far back with trying to hit up rather than forward. Great video. This makes it easier to stay behind the ball and create a lower point in the arc further back in the swing
This was great, been searching for "why do golfers interlock their fingers?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across - Reyuhaffad Underlying Recognition - (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? It is a smashing one off guide for discovering how to revealing an effortless golf swing technique minus the hard work. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my neighbour got excellent results with it.
Chris, this is the first time this has been explained I have experimented in handle position bit it did not occur to me this I was encouraging a slice.. Great Video thanks
Best set up video I have seen yet, thank you Chris. I have been tending to try and close the driver head more to eradicate the slice but this shows how incorrect this is and definitely need to get my handle forward more.
Hi Chris, Great video!! - I tried it on a simulator a few days ago using flight scope and it made a big difference in stopping my persistent fade and added some distance. But the biggest difference was when I played on the course and kept every drive in play and most on the fairway - my best score in years - Thanks very much!
Great video Chris. It's funny when you watch someone show you a drill how to correct a fault in your swing, and say "that makes perfect sense and so easy!" Definitely will practice that on the range. Thanks Chris
Thanks for video.. was struggling for about 2 months w driver.. went out today, back to hitting it solid in middle of the face.. 285yd little draws all day long. thanks again
Wow, this is great stuff, Chris. I honestly had no idea, and this makes all the sense. Looking at videos of myself, I have the handle back and either have a big slice, or this past year, more commonly a really bad pull, and just overall poor contact no matter what. Looking at a video I took of Rory at the Memorial, you're spot on, his shaft is in the spot you talk about. I thought I was doing it right all this time. Will definiitely work on this. Thanks for the tip!
Great video Chris. I was falling in the same visual trap by having my hands too far behind the ball and I would push the ball unless I made an over the top move to pull the ball back on target. Thanks!!
Awesome video Chris! I've been struggling with this for the past few months. My miss was a terrible smother hook. You aren't kidding when you say moving the handle forward will feel "alien" but it certainly has helped me get off the tee with better success. Thanks again!
I've tried this recently after seeing Rory's setup from the front. I was hitting much more consistent, higher, longer drives and feeling like I was swinging much more in to out rather than over the top. Before when I had the shaft leaning back more, I was hooking and slicing it way more.
Best tip for hitting the driver somewhat where you want it and at least in play is to slow down your backswing and only swing it at about 70% of your max speed! Which means a balanced in control swing where you only have to worry about contact. Distance will come with skill and time so don’t let how far it flys destroy your accuracy
I didn’t realise how much handle position at setup and impact can have an impact on face angle and ultimately shot shape - a real eye opener. Cheers, Chris!
Fantastic instruction. I do exactly that....hands behind the ball and swing over the top sometimes hitting the ball into the ground inches away from the tee. Thanks I'll give this a go.
Just started following your channel recently Chris. Really impressed with your ability to explain the mechanics and subtle aspects of the swing. Good stuff - keep up the good work!
Making a handle adjustment really worked ball flight was consistent straight. Baby draw and sometimes baby fade but dispersion was very playable makes sense face open to target line and promotes more of a outside in swing. And seems to make a draw much simpler thanks cheers bill Mack
This is just superb, been searching for "do you hit a 3 wood like an iron?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Reyuhaffad Underlying Recognition - (do a google search ) ? It is an awesome one off guide for discovering how to revealing an effortless golf swing technique without the normal expense. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my brother in law got cool success with it.
good demo .. your left arm looks perfectly straight & aligned with the shaft when the handle is in the correct place .. i constantly fiddle with this & get it wrong most of the time..
Great lesson. The only thing I would add is that not all drivers are the same. That is the face is more or less closed in relation to the shaft. Most are designed so that when the face is square to the target line the shaft puts the grip slightly ahead of the ball. That's how I set up. Some drivers have less of a closed face, some more. Your advice is spot on. Thanks.
Good grief I think you have nailed my problem... I've always been told to lean the shaft away from the ball .. and yet when I see tony finau address his hands are definitely looking to be more forward .. thank you Chris it's down to the range later to experiment xx
I'm new to golfing, bout 3 weeks now. I believe I do exactly what your saying. I line myself up then line my club up. I more then often slice right(I'm right handed) and I've been closing the club and even trying to stand facing a bit towards my left to try and correct this. I just bought a Taylor made R15 460 driver so I think I'm also trying harder cause, I expect more out of the club. I'm gonna try what I seen in your video next week. Never ever was into even trying golf until a few guys from my work invite me and I enjoyed it. I am horrible to be honest which I expect being new to the sport but, I enjoy being on the course on a nice day, quiet and not a care of worry in the world, and no phone while I'm out there. Just hope to improve before I lose patience.
Stance 1) Align the club and then take the stance. Feet shoulder width apart or even slightly more. Head, neck, and the spine slightly tilted to your right. Your rear end should be pushed way back ( stretch your spine from the bottom. Once your butt is pushed back, bend the knees slightly. imagine playing baseball and ready to pounce on the ball. Your weight should be on the balls of the feet.) 2) The left thumb should be slightly on the right side of the marker on the grip. Now hold gently hold the club with the right-hand FINGERS. Gently close the right-hand grip so that the right-hand lifeline perfectly cuddles the thumb firmly, but does not go over. If you lift the club up without bending your arms at the elbow, you should be able to hinge it without any difficulty. 3) After some trial and error, you will get this right as I did. For the hands and the club to move freely and complete the arc, this posture is very critical. 4) Maintain the grip, spine angel, and swinging tempo. You should be able to SWING the club easily. The ball getting hit is the secondary benefit.5) Once you get the stance, keeping the left hand straight is critical. To improve this try to let the left shoulder slide under your chin without lifting up the left leg. This will allow an extension . 6) Once here, hinge the wrist, and rotate your left hip and try to bring your chest to face the target. The club most certainly will follow and do it's job. Very simply take away- BACK to the target. DOWN SWING- chest to the target. After a little of trial and error, you should be able to move your weight forward and on the right foot toes. This is the ultimate success. Club swung back and forth gently will give you more mileage than anything else. trying to hit hard, leads to tightening of the grip, and lack of club movement, spine angel loss and pulling, or pushing.
Great tip.!! Most of my drives are down the left side of fairway some O. B. And the handle is pointed at my belt buckle, when I try to adjust my swing I normally get a slice, will try this new setup on next round, thanks, my game is always under construction 👷
Great point seem to be my shot ..hand behind..and now I see why the slice is promotion..thanks i am playing tomorrow I will work on that and let you know what happens.! Thanks
Hi Chris great tip describes my set up exactly, A lot of my drives start left then curve further left and some hook pull hook sharply low left. take it because my face is aiming that way to start with its gonna be hard for it do much else! great channel thanks for all your tips and vlogs.
Really interesting video Chris. My bad drive isn't a slice but a destructive pull shot and I know I have a tendency to set my hands as you describe. Looking forward to making some changes next time I'm at the range. Cheers.
So glad someone else is awake to the fact that this is the correct way to position the hands with the Driver. I’ve been doing that for a good while. Great tip! Totally on point!
This was a great vid on a topic rarely covered by instructors...learned something here and it's going into my ever-growing stack of index cards !
I think you just fixed my slice...I'll have to try this next time out. I'm hitting well but slicing hard and I'm working on getting my hips and hands around quicker to compensate but the hands forward is so much more simple to do right off the bat! Thanks again!
Great video, Chris, I've been working on this very issue and was happy to have your input! Going to range tomorrow to try your suggestions. I especially like the idea of building the stance around the shaft position. As Monty Python would say, Brilliant! LOL!
Great video Chris. I do this fault but suffer most times from hooks and the odd high push. I do it only with long irons hybrid 3 wood and driver. Will try it out cheers
Brilliant!! Thanks for this simple yet very informative explanation! I now know why my drives always slice, as I exaggerate the position of the club face to point more to the left to compensate for the left to right flight of the ball! Thanks Chris!!
Great video totally pointed out the faults in my set up perfectly I've had a big problem with slicing the ball lately and have struggled to correct it. I've been practising this on the range for a few days and although it has defo helped I'm still slicing a few more than I would like to be also don't think my ball flight is what it should be even though I'm tilting back and hanging back through the shot the best I can.. Any more tips would be appreciated... Justin
I need to try this. I was wondering what the proper shaft position at address and impact was. This makes perfect sense. Great video! I'm guessing the shaft in the incorrect position might encourage excess loft as well.
I like the video, but it applies a little differently to me. I battle a hook, and have for a while. My path is generally about 9 degrees in-to-out, and I believe setting up with hands back a little should help. I appreciate the information, and keep up the good work!👍🏻
The most important video on the internet. I knew this but hitting way too many irons lately and forgot how to drive 😂 thanks Chris i will get back on track now great stuff 🎉
I can’t believe how good this topic is. I have been struggling with my driver (left and hook) for years! This is gold!
Excellent explanation and demonstration Chris! I've struggled for years with a slice and have always focused on trying to release the wrist earlier in the swing which is very hard to make timing right. This is the answer. It has worked terrifically for me. So simple and has made me much more consistent with my drive! Genius....thanks Chris!
...if you've struggled for years with a slice, then why would you ever trust yourself to know what the answer is?
For the first time ever, I can draw my tee shot with this tip, thanks mate, good job Chris.
You have no idea how realizing this has helped my drive. It has never occurred to me I had a closed club face at address. No one ever told me and I would have never closed it knowingly. I feel as if I've won the lottery. Good by SLICE hello FAIRWAY. Thank you so much!
It is amazing how much I didn’t know about striking a ball. I am learning (trying to) so much watching your videos, thanks for all you do for the sport.
Thanks Chris. This is the first tip I have found regarding the correct handle position . You described my problem with my hands too far back and the club head too open. Enjoy all your tips. Hitting most of the fairways now rather than pushing or slicing my driver to the right. Stay safe.
This had me grinning from ear to ear, I can't wait to try this. All this time I've been setting up wrong. I went from a ugly slicer to a now terrible puller but must admit my pulls are very solid, hard and straight. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks
Thanks Eugene Beattie
I finally fixed my "Toe Hits Plague" using these tips. I use impact tape. I built my set up as you advised. My first hits were not so much on the toe as usual. You said something about the head being six inches behind the ball, so I "Built" my setup around a spot about six inches behind the ball. I then proceeded to produce seven center strikes on my impact tape. I am 68 years old so I need every bit of an advantage against the 30 year olds I play against in league. Thank you so much from Bay City , Michigan USA
Where has this video been all my life!
Makes absolute total sense with swing path and after watching hundreds of driver swing tutorial this is the only one that explains what causes a out to in swing path.
Thanks Chris
Video was a life saver for me. I developed a slice out of nowhere and couldn't hit my driver more than 200 yards. I just could not figure out what was going on with my swing hitting driver. Adjusting my hands forward my swing speed speed jumped from 90 to 107 and I'm now back to averaging 280 yards with driver. Thanks Chris!
Wow. I have been struggling with high slice on bad drives. I tried this today and the results were instant and superb. Worked a treat. Thanks!
This is one of the finest tips I have gotten in a long long time. I did not realize that my hands were really that far behind the ball at address; for a long time I was always afraid to pull the trigger, my miss hits has been a pull, or hook now I know that I won't miss left at all, now I either hit a baby draw, a straight ball or a straight push. I am 58 years old and just today I stepped up to the tee on hole number 9 and hit a 343 yard drive. thank you so very much, now I play with unbelievable confidence, simply incredible!!!
Thanks Joe
Quite literally the most informative golf coach on youtube. You have a great way of presenting so we can easily understand the concepts.
New golfers like me really appreciate your expertise. Thanks a lot.
Just to say thank you! Comfortable with my short game, but never been able to to hit a driver properly ever. This video gave me the cues to hit the driver better than I ever have.
wonderful info chris.. sometimes i stand at address with my driver and cant work out why the face looks closed. this leads to all sorts of strike problems..this tip has transformed my driving .. so so happy
This has changed my game, a definite eureka moment, you a life saver Chris cheers 🥂
This is gonna help me , suffering from some pull/hooks, and i set up exactly as you showed in the beginning, with the handle back. Clear, precise instruction with no waffle in between . cheers Chris, keep posting mate
Gave this a try this afternoon during a quick nine hole round , felt so much better and I hit the big stick so much better! Aint hit that many solid fairway finders in along time and not one dreaded slice/cut... Hopefully youve got the ball rolling for me here
Thank you Chris for the super tip and cant wait to hunt down some more great tips on your channel
Is it still Working 7 year on 😂
Chris, this is brilliant, as with all your videos the delivery if flawless. Congratulations.
Thanks Chris, had a bad few months but this tip has sorted me right out. When playing you never realise how the handle position looks from a front angle. Keep up those videos mate, really good stuff :)
Great tip Chris. I play off 10 and thought I already had the handle position set up correctly for the driver, but on re-checking after watching your video, I saw that it was still too far back and the clubface was slightly closed. A couple of tweaks and I've immediately gained 20 to 25 yards in distance and because the club is now square and the ball is launching much higher, I'm hitting more consistently straight. Such a simple check but absolutely vital to make the most of your driver's capabilities.
Without doubt this has to be the greatest and simplest explanation I have come across. Once I understood this and the mechanics of what is going on its has been so much easier improving my drive. Really good video, thank you very much!
Hi Jack Jarvis thanks for the comments and glad you found the video helpful
Great explanation and an area I've NEVER thought of. Been trying to hit up on the Driver but couldn't understand why, despite my set up being correct ie spine tilt, ball position, often my tee peg would fly forwards. Tried this last week and my tee peg stayed in the ground and on one occasion it shot behind me.
I had the handle too far back with trying to hit up rather than forward. Great video. This makes it easier to stay behind the ball and create a lower point in the arc further back in the swing
I did this last week on a practice round and hit better drives, and I gained about 30 yards off the tee.
Many Thanks Chris 🏌️♂️👍
Awesome, great to hear Richard 👍
30 yards . I call BS . Lol
@@jeffreylockwood662 , if his ball is no longer peeling off hard right, he could be picking up 30 yards down the fairway.
@@jeffreylockwood662 Going from slicing it 180/190 yards to hitting it straight 210/220 yards is VERY plausible.
This was great, been searching for "why do golfers interlock their fingers?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across - Reyuhaffad Underlying Recognition - (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? It is a smashing one off guide for discovering how to revealing an effortless golf swing technique minus the hard work. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my neighbour got excellent results with it.
Chris, this is the first time this has been explained I have experimented in handle position bit it did not occur to me this I was encouraging a slice.. Great Video thanks
Chris, this tip worked wonders. I had lost confidence on my driver until trying this. I played today and hit the driver flush and straight every time.
Best set up video I have seen yet, thank you Chris. I have been tending to try and close the driver head more to eradicate the slice but this shows how incorrect this is and definitely need to get my handle forward more.
Thanks Mark Crook hope it helps
Hi Chris,
Great video!! - I tried it on a simulator a few days ago using flight scope and it made a big difference in stopping my persistent fade and added some distance. But the biggest difference was when I played on the course and kept every drive in play and most on the fairway - my best score in years - Thanks very much!
+Jamie and Ben (Pacific Craft) HI, thats great news, glad the vids are helping
Great video Chris. It's funny when you watch someone show you a drill how to correct a fault in your swing, and say "that makes perfect sense and so easy!" Definitely will practice that on the range. Thanks Chris
Thanks for video.. was struggling for about 2 months w driver.. went out today, back to hitting it solid in middle of the face.. 285yd little draws all day long. thanks again
hi chris u have completly changend my driver with this vidio,i drove every hole today straight 275 average 310 biggest thanks v much andy shack cleck
The most useful video ever. Thanks Chris.
Great tip! just tried this adjustment out on the range and it feels so much more comfortable. was driving it the best I have in a long time
Went out and did what you said and it made a huge difference in the direction of the ball, thanks so much for the advice!
Great video, took your advice down to the range and what a game changer.
Wow, this is great stuff, Chris. I honestly had no idea, and this makes all the sense. Looking at videos of myself, I have the handle back and either have a big slice, or this past year, more commonly a really bad pull, and just overall poor contact no matter what. Looking at a video I took of Rory at the Memorial, you're spot on, his shaft is in the spot you talk about. I thought I was doing it right all this time. Will definiitely work on this. Thanks for the tip!
Great video Chris. I was falling in the same visual trap by having my hands too far behind the ball and I would push the ball unless I made an over the top move to pull the ball back on target. Thanks!!
Awesome video Chris! I've been struggling with this for the past few months. My miss was a terrible smother hook. You aren't kidding when you say moving the handle forward will feel "alien" but it certainly has helped me get off the tee with better success. Thanks again!
Thanks Ryan 👍
I've tried this recently after seeing Rory's setup from the front. I was hitting much more consistent, higher, longer drives and feeling like I was swinging much more in to out rather than over the top. Before when I had the shaft leaning back more, I was hooking and slicing it way more.
Best tip for hitting the driver somewhat where you want it and at least in play is to slow down your backswing and only swing it at about 70% of your max speed! Which means a balanced in control swing where you only have to worry about contact. Distance will come with skill and time so don’t let how far it flys destroy your accuracy
that's like saying that the key to good drives is a pair of well-tied shoes
Always funny watching the old were given great instruction back the too!!👌👍
I didn’t realise how much handle position at setup and impact can have an impact on face angle and ultimately shot shape - a real eye opener. Cheers, Chris!
Fantastic instruction. I do exactly that....hands behind the ball and swing over the top sometimes hitting the ball into the ground inches away from the tee. Thanks I'll give this a go.
Just started following your channel recently Chris. Really impressed with your ability to explain the mechanics and subtle aspects of the swing. Good stuff - keep up the good work!
Thanks for you kind words Jon, glad you are enjoying the videos.
Making a handle adjustment really worked ball flight was consistent straight. Baby draw and sometimes baby fade but dispersion was very playable makes sense face open to target line and promotes more of a outside in swing. And seems to make a draw much simpler thanks cheers bill Mack
Finding some gems in your archive. Thanks Chris!
Looks a great tip, another one for the range!
This is just superb, been searching for "do you hit a 3 wood like an iron?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Reyuhaffad Underlying Recognition - (do a google search ) ? It is an awesome one off guide for discovering how to revealing an effortless golf swing technique without the normal expense. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my brother in law got cool success with it.
good demo .. your left arm looks perfectly straight & aligned with the shaft
when the handle is in the correct place .. i constantly fiddle with this & get it wrong most of the time..
Yep. That's how I do it. I imagine the shaft coming down the inside of my arm.
Great tip, no one talks about this and yet it was so important.
Love the video about where the handle is for irons. Now I cant wait to try this tomorrow with my driver thank you
Great lesson. The only thing I would add is that not all drivers are the same. That is the face is more or less closed in relation to the shaft. Most are designed so that when the face is square to the target line the shaft puts the grip slightly ahead of the ball. That's how I set up. Some drivers have less of a closed face, some more. Your advice is spot on. Thanks.
Good grief I think you have nailed my problem... I've always been told to lean the shaft away from the ball .. and yet when I see tony finau address his hands are definitely looking to be more forward .. thank you Chris it's down to the range later to experiment xx
Best instruction Vids I watch these days...others are very good as well, but yours WORK for me! ;)
a few great tips here. as somebody who could slice/block the ball right for fun ive started drawing the ball very nicely.
I'm new to golfing, bout 3 weeks now. I believe I do exactly what your saying. I line myself up then line my club up. I more then often slice right(I'm right handed) and I've been closing the club and even trying to stand facing a bit towards my left to try and correct this. I just bought a Taylor made R15 460 driver so I think I'm also trying harder cause, I expect more out of the club. I'm gonna try what I seen in your video next week. Never ever was into even trying golf until a few guys from my work invite me and I enjoyed it. I am horrible to be honest which I expect being new to the sport but, I enjoy being on the course on a nice day, quiet and not a care of worry in the world, and no phone while I'm out there. Just hope to improve before I lose patience.
1) Align the club and then take the stance. Feet shoulder width apart or even slightly more. Head, neck, and the spine slightly tilted to your right. Your rear end should be pushed way back ( stretch your spine from the bottom. Once your butt is pushed back, bend the knees slightly. imagine playing baseball and ready to pounce on the ball. Your weight should be on the balls of the feet.) 2) The left thumb should be slightly on the right side of the marker on the grip. Now hold gently hold the club with the right-hand FINGERS. Gently close the right-hand grip so that the right-hand lifeline perfectly cuddles the thumb firmly, but does not go over. If you lift the club up without bending your arms at the elbow, you should be able to hinge it without any difficulty. 3) After some trial and error, you will get this right as I did. For the hands and the club to move freely and complete the arc, this posture is very critical.
4) Maintain the grip, spine angel, and swinging tempo. You should be able to SWING the club easily. The ball getting hit is the secondary benefit.5) Once you get the stance, keeping the left hand straight is critical. To improve this try to let the left shoulder slide under your chin without lifting up the left leg. This will allow an extension . 6) Once here, hinge the wrist, and rotate your left hip and try to bring your chest to face the target. The club most certainly will follow and do it's job.
Very simply take away- BACK to the target.
DOWN SWING- chest to the target.
After a little of trial and error, you should be able to move your weight forward and on the right foot toes. This is the ultimate success. Club swung back and forth gently will give you more mileage than anything else. trying to hit hard, leads to tightening of the grip, and lack of club movement, spine angel loss and pulling, or pushing.
+Shailesh Shah stance is different for everybody. Look at the plate tour. So no. It's not crucial.
+hitdog042 *pga tour
Chris love your videos you make it simple to understand I am 70 and hitting my 3 wood 200m straight thank you 🙏
Great tip.!! Most of my drives are down the left side of fairway some O. B. And the handle is pointed at my belt buckle, when I try to adjust my swing I normally get a slice, will try this new setup on next round, thanks, my game is always under construction 👷
Great point seem to be my shot ..hand behind..and now I see why the slice is promotion..thanks i am playing tomorrow I will work on that and let you know what happens.! Thanks
Hi Chris great tip describes my set up exactly, A lot of my drives start left then curve further left and some hook pull hook sharply low left. take it because my face is aiming that way to start with its gonna be hard for it do much else! great channel thanks for all your tips and vlogs.
Handle forward works great, thanks Chris.
I used this tip today and had one my best days for driving. Thanks for the tip!
Great tip. Can't wait to put it into play. Thank you.
Really interesting video Chris. My bad drive isn't a slice but a destructive pull shot and I know I have a tendency to set my hands as you describe. Looking forward to making some changes next time I'm at the range. Cheers.
This is one of the best and over looked tips I have ever heard
So glad someone else is awake to the fact that this is the correct way to position the hands with the Driver. I’ve been doing that for a good while. Great tip! Totally on point!
Interesting information. I will go to the driving range and apply your technique to my driver approach. Thanks 😊
Setup has so many little check marks ✅ and that one is a very great one to add to the list. Thx for sharing Chris ! Nice swing btw 🏌️♂️
This was a great vid on a topic rarely covered by instructors...learned something here and it's going into my ever-growing stack of index cards !
Thanks FairwayJack can never have enough knowledge!
I know this is an oldie but it’s a goodie! It sure made a difference for me. Thanks Chris
This has help me out a lot. Now I just need to get my aim together. I'm hitting it a lot straighter and long. Thanks.
I think you just fixed my slice...I'll have to try this next time out. I'm hitting well but slicing hard and I'm working on getting my hips and hands around quicker to compensate but the hands forward is so much more simple to do right off the bat! Thanks again!
Thanks Ian Shepherd hope its helped
Excellent tip Chris clearly explained.
Makes sense. I'll try it out. I think the set up idea is great. Adjusting the stance instead of the club is probably what I need. We will see
I started doing this about a month ago and have added distance, consistency and even a little touch of draw.
It's absolutely spot on !
Good vid Chris.
Hi golfrichardvc, great news! Glad its helped
This is exactly what I needed! Thank you!
Great vid. I think you just exactly explained what I am doing wrong with the driver. Gonna give it a try.
This video is an excellent explanation for driver. Thank you. 😊
Super advice. I feel in control now with the driver. Thanks Chris. I owe you a few pints of Guiness.
Chris thanks again as this is something i do grrr will really work on this great advice as usual cheers Clint
This is a great video someone told me at the weekend that my shafts leaning back I address. I never noticed as it looks upright to me.
Great video, Chris, I've been working on this very issue and was happy to have your input! Going to range tomorrow to try your suggestions. I especially like the idea of building the stance around the shaft position. As Monty Python would say, Brilliant! LOL!
Thanks Dave, hope the range goes well tomorrow 👍
Needed this......slice came back into game a few weeks ago 😫.....cheers Chris
Your videos are awesome in a simple way!! TY
Excellent video, great explanation of what happens at address and what we should be trying to achieve..
It took a couple rounds but this literally fixed and saved my driver game. Ball goes further and straighter with more control.
Great video Chris. I do this fault but suffer most times from hooks and the odd high push. I do it only with long irons hybrid 3 wood and driver. Will try it out cheers
thanks Chris will take that into my round today, and let you know how it went..
I'm enjoying your videos chris, thank you
Thanks, glad you are enjoying them.
mr.chris that's a very good tips, thanks from Malaysia!
probably best advice ever. I actually learned about this from my golf pro but not many tips on youtube that actually talks about this.
Thanks jaynigz appreciate your comments
Superb, thank you for clarifying so well!
Now I know why I pull it sometimes with the driver. Except mine doesn't slice, it usually draws further left out of bounds.......great video.
Same here. Really pulling and sometimes pull hooking. Looking forward to trying on the range.
Brilliant!! Thanks for this simple yet very informative explanation! I now know why my drives always slice, as I exaggerate the position of the club face to point more to the left to compensate for the left to right flight of the ball! Thanks Chris!!
Great video totally pointed out the faults in my set up perfectly I've had a big problem with slicing the ball lately and have struggled to correct it. I've been practising this on the range for a few days and although it has defo helped I'm still slicing a few more than I would like to be also don't think my ball flight is what it should be even though I'm tilting back and hanging back through the shot the best I can.. Any more tips would be appreciated... Justin
I need to try this. I was wondering what the proper shaft position at address and impact was. This makes perfect sense. Great video! I'm guessing the shaft in the incorrect position might encourage excess loft as well.
Video of the year!!!!!! Awesome.
I like the video, but it applies a little differently to me. I battle a hook, and have for a while. My path is generally about 9 degrees in-to-out, and I believe setting up with hands back a little should help. I appreciate the information, and keep up the good work!👍🏻
Well done Chris! I get the leftsies with my set up (almost a dead pull sometimes) so this helped.
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