- Watch all my Japan Day in the Life videos - See my life in Tokyo behind the scenes on my 2nd Channel, Tokyo Zebra - Help Support the channel via my Toe-Kyo Merch - If you have questions about Japan or Japan travels, check out my Discord community
Yes Even in sequel of Naruto you can see after becoming Hokage which seems kinda office job now in show , he is not able to spend time with his family at all ..
Even kids in Japan don't have much freedom compared to other countries tbh. After school, they are forced to go to a club and stay there for an hour. Then after that, they have to go to a Juku until 9 because how they do in their final exams depends on what college they get into which determines the type of job they get for the rest of their life, not dissimilar to the Gao-Kao exam in China.
@@HughMyronBrah this is only the case in certain cultures. Some cultures (Chinese, Native American) honor their elders and take care of them willingly. It's all based on your societal values and upbringing.
I felt like that as well. What kinda life is that, when you've got barely 2-4 hours free per day? No wonder Japanese people are so depressed and have such high suicide rates.
@Cliff P Actually, loud chatter or other disturbances are considered rude in Japan. The norm tends to be to sit in silence. That also goes for phone calls and even watching videos/playing games without headphones.
@@CraigMitchell44 yeah i also kinda hate how all these videos just mask this behind "oh its just japanese culture guys" yeah.. nice culture 1 dude whos still most likely on minimum wage has to get in early, prepare office, make coffee, clean and shit, do after work stuff like HUH? ? ??? you want coffee in my office you go make one you lazy shit.
@@friendofzeus للعدد 7 تميز خاص، حيث أنه شائع أكثر من غيره ولا نعلم سبب أهمية هذا الرقم وشيوعه في العلوم والثقافة وحتى في الطلاسم والسحر والشعوذة والقصص الأسطورية والخيالية . وقد يرجع سبب ذلك إلى أصل الخليقة حيث خلق الله سبحانه وتعالى السموات والأرض في ستة أيام ثم استوى على العرش في اليوم السابع . وقد قال العلماء أخفى الله عنا سر العدد 7 لحكمة هو يعلمها فنجد العدد 7 يدخل في علم الذرة وفي علم المجرة وفي الموسيقى والآداب واللغات وفي السنة المطهرة والآيات القرآنية . وقد تطلق كلمة سبعة ويراد بها الكثرة في الآحاد ، ويطلق السبعون ويراد بها الكثرة في العشرات ، ويطلق السبعمائة ويرا د بها الكثرة في المئين . والعدد 7 عدد فريد حسابيا فهو لا يقبل القسمة وليس له جذر تربيعي ولا يقبل التحليل الحسابي فهو في ذاته وحدة حسابية . عدد السموات : 7 عدد الأراضين : 7 أعضاء السجود : 7 عجائب الدنيا : 7 أيام الأسبوع : 7 رؤيا ملك مصر : 7 ليالي الحسوم : 7 الطواف حول الكعبة : 7 السعي بين الصفا والمروة : 7 حصى رم الجمرات : 7 عدد آيات الفاتحة : 7 عدد أبواب جهنم : 7 عدد البحار : 7 عدد الموبقات : 7 عدد قارات العالم : 7 وفي القرآن الكريم نجد الرقم سبعة مرات عديدة ، أذكر منها : - ثم استوى إلى السماء فسوّاهن سبع سماوات . - وقال الملك إني أرى سبع بقرات سمان يأكلهن سبع عجاف ، وسبع سنبلات خضر وأُخر يابسات . - قال : تزرعون سبع سنين دأَباً . - ثم يأتي من بعد ذلك سبع شداد . - مثَل الذين ينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله كمثل حبة أنبتت سبع سنابل . - ولقد خلقنا فوقكم سبع طرائق . - لها سبعة أبواب ، لكل باب منهم جزء مقسوم. - سخرها عليهم سبع ليال . - ولقد آتيناك سبعاً من المثاني والقرآنَ العظيم . - ويقولون سبعة وثامنهم كلبهم . - والبحر يمده من بعده سبعة أبحر
@@samuelyanuar7297 work before in a japanese company which manufactures medical device... lots of sick people there in tokyo and high cancer rate too... japanese special the old ones wont stop work of the day till 12am by average. i left coz i still want my life back...
Makoto's life: Slave his life away for couple pennies. No wonder Japan's suicide and fertility rates. What a disgrace of society. I bet Makoto even feels fulfilled and accomplished.
I think part of the reason why he is seems fairly enthusiastic is the nature of his work. He spends a lot of his day travelling, going to different places, and meeting and talking to people. The places and people are certainly mundane, but the work is 100x more engaging than sitting in front of a pc screen for 8 hours straight.
I completely agree. I personally would prefer a job where I am going places and not just sitting in an office in front of a screen for all those hours.
Yeah, he's basically skirting work most of the day by taking unneccesarily long transportation to say hello in person vs. just....calling/texting/facetime? At some point you have to actually work during the day lol
That's the most beatiful thing, every individuals have is own importance and society will die without him, which means everyone useful has importance and has a duty!
@@parkyamato9450 I think Akina meant it more in terms of Japan's work culture... Could just be me. Regardless I do believe the nation needs a serious revision in how it treats overwork and work in general. Work is important, but so are enough sleep, family and friends. Moments of relaxation besides sleep.
@@parkyamato9450 Thats true, but employees may be more productive if they worked less. Whats the point of working if you arent being productive? Can humans even focus properly for such long hours? 65 to 80 hours a week is beyond most peoples capacity.
karoshi, a japanese term that means "death from overwork". japanese men and women suffer from that shit, in fact, it causes shut-ins as a side-effect. it is complex.
@@jorgenitales412 2019 hours worked per OECD 1. Mexico 2. Korea 3. Russian Federation 4. Greece 5. Chile . 21. Japan Not everyone works in the corporate towers of Shinjuku nor "burakku" (black) companies. Nor live in a big city you know... Unlike 30 years ago, most Japanese office workers now work 40 hour work weeks especially in the big corporations. Even in the big cities, why do the trains get packed the most around 6pm??? Restaurants and the bars were packed as well around that time. Japan is more like a country where people work hard and party hard creating continuously a new culture.
I run my Japan based business more western style and I can tell you the employees absolutely love it. They tell me their lives are so much more relaxed and happier. Productivity is increased as well. I’ll never forget the time the entire office pitched in and took me to a fancy restaurant for my birthday. Best team I ever had
mel pe, then what about me? im not american! might be a bit fat tho :P still 9,5h clocked but still working for "free" rest of the day. thats NOT common in norway. specialy this "mandatory pro-bono" work, thats not mandatory on paper but the culture demands it. dont think id ever get used to that.
If you work an office job, it's pretty universal like this video, except for the extracurricular activities he is doing. Your office coworkers help you get through the day by making it more enjoyable.
Except its a legitimate question, as it appears he only really does a few hours of actual productive work a week. The rest is really just wasted. I'm on a team of efficiency consultants for struggling businesses, and this entire business model is fundamentally flawed. For many industries, we are now in fact encouraging work from home programs utilizing telepresence technology, with only important necessary meetings between staff with a clear defined agenda illustrated by powerpoint presentations that are archived on the cloud for later reference and construction and maintenance of a knowledge-base that makes integrating newhires much more fluid. We've found that through proper management and business model, each employee's measured productivity increases an average of 3 times while the employees are also happier and less stressed because even though they feel like they are doing less, they are actually doing more because hours of commuting time, useless meetings, too many managers compared to subordinates, etc. is taken out of their schedules. We also encourage a 4-day workweek with 10 hour shifts, with clearly defined KPIs for defining and measuring an employees productivity so that they don't waste time "looking busy" for appearances sake, and just ensure they get their work done and are also competing with their peers on the quarterly KPI review to see how they rank.
@@BoopSnoot Do you not find too much for 10 hours? 10 hours would be here the maximum working time. In addition, overtime, which sometimes happen, push it back up. I think overtime has to be taken into account. Greetings from Germany
@@dk4529 Most employees are happier to have the extra day off, while still achieving a 40 hour productive work week. The ultimate goal after all is profitability for shareholders in a highly competitive global landscape, and you will have to compete with the Chinese and Koreans working 70+hours at lower wages. 10 hours is also not as much as you may think, as its 7AM to 6PM, which is early enough and late enough for peak congestion to die down for those unable to telework. For those that can telework which is the preference whenever possible, the average hour travel time to and from the office is replaced with actual productivity. In exchange, every weekend is a three day weekend allowing more fruitful passtimes like traveling. We encourage a "work hard, play hard" mentality, so employees can party hardy all day Friday and Saturday if desired and take Sunday as a day for relaxation and recovery.
@@thephaze3 I used to work 12x3 schedule and it was very good for me,I had perfect work--life balance.But @DumbDuck44 is right, Japanese companies are infamous for inefficiency. Its all about appearance 'to work hard' instead of actual work. I know Japanese refuse to use macros and templates while preparing documents for fear that would make their work too easy and they will lose reputation.
The part of his job that makes it bearable is when he is actively not working and instead using his phone? His job is obsolete, he isn't producing much value tbh.....but hey the firm keeps paying him.
This man Makoto is very generous. He's also a director of NGO called Seibo whose engaged in fundraising for school meals in Malawi while working at Mobal. I think that's why he's still working after arrived at home.
I guess it's just a part of him, not just his work. But on a side note, I also do notice that he's catholic. You can see the photos of the pope in his house, plus the presence of the catholic nun when he was volunteering for the after-school.
Yeah, those kids can starve so he can make his own. But no, he provides for inferior stock instead of his own. Idealistic young man like most of us were or are.
This is so soul crushing to watch, the guy wakes up at 7 am, and doesnt completely finish his work for the day until nearly 10 pm, leaving barely an hour for leisure.
I think the work is leisure. Iced coffee and train rides all day. Dude has got it made compared to chemical or heavy manual labor. He's clearly also saving and investing his way to the top. Why are people afraid of grinding like this?
Sleeps in a single bed, in a shared bedroom, in his parents house, doesn’t have a car, no mention of a romantic partner, hours and hours of commuting everyday, and the job still isn’t done when he gets home. Makoto seems like a nice enough dude, and he’s a mentor for school kids, so that’s cool, but when does he get time for himself? Reminds me how fortunate I actually am.
Mint & Cola .....humans are hardwired to kill each other, evolution means that all species compete for limited resources. It’s true that mass murder does appear to be more common in the USA, however taken as a whole, the murder rates in poorer countries are much much higher. The culture in Japan seems to be much more introverted and focused on honour, so instead of killing each other, they prefer to kill them selves.
@Mint & Cola but is it? When a psycho takes a gun and goes for mass shooting - it is a tragedy. But when socially approved abuse of the individual is leading him into killing himself - that's a whole another level of tragedy.
Jim D Well, a few things I should touch on. First of all a majority of Japanese live with their parents well into their late 20s as oppose to moving out at 18 which is common in the west. Don’t know the reason for them living with with their parents for that long especially since a lot of times their financially independent. Only about 50% of Japanese own cars. That’s due to the fact that japan is a public transportation heavy country. A big chunk of the budget goes into PT. So commuting to work via train is extremely common. When I went to study in Osaka, driving to Tokyo took about 5 hours as oppose to taking a train there which was about 3 hours. So pt is quicker in a lot of cases. Last point is a lot of Japanese are single. Having a love life just isn’t Japan’s ball game for some reason. It does correlate to their low birth rate. In fact it’s very common to be a virgin well into your twenty’s. I think about 25% of Japanese 30 year olds are virgins too. So all that correlates somewhat to maybe why Makoto doesn’t have a partner Don’t be mistaken. This is a very common lifestyle for id say about 3/4 of japan’s population
Since Makoto seems to constantly travel all over the city doing so many different tasks, I half expected him to show up during the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony carrying the torch or something
Can we have an update on Makoto? 3 years later I imagine he's moved up somewhat within the company! Maybe moved into his own place. Very curious to see how he's doing.
M. Baguette & M. Chopsticks yeah makes me think he’s just saying that since he works at the company. He wouldnt admit that he is not happy and plans to leave it in a few years after gaining some work experience
In Japan, it is not common to change jobs. If you have an employment contract with the company, the salary is guaranteed until the age of 60. Furthermore, if you work until you are 60 years old, you will be paid about $ 200,000.
If his boss was Japanese, I don't think it'd be much different than most other japanese workplaces. Their workplace laws are disgusting. But the fact that the boss is caucasian makes me even more disgusted. He should know better, likely coming from a western country with much more ethical workplace laws.
I'm very curious how the pandemic has changed the constant face to face meetings. Makoto is a wonderful asset to his company and I hope he does very well for them. It certainly appears that he does.
@@ACHVACTAB1 I'm guessing you don't work in America (unless it's a retail or restaurant). American Corporate offices don't waste nearly half of the amount of time that Japanese corporate offices do. Let's not forget the unpaid overtime from pretending to work for the sake of respect for the co-workers who are slow and grossly incompetent 😱
He probably has a free day in his week and also maybe one or two free days in the weekend. But Japan is seriously rough when it comes to working hours. In the city is where people come to make money, and its very competitive so you have to stay on top, but its also where people are sad because you dont feel the freedom so much as if u lived out in the woods.
Makoto's LinkedIn says he's still at Mobal, and is also now the Managing Director at a sister company ! Fascinating video. His windowless office is awful though, bad for mental health.
If you put this video on loop, you can truly experience his daily life. Absolute insanity.
5 лет назад+263
this is fucked up. Even working in Europe from 7 to 16 sometimes I get pissed off. Work time should be 5 hours per day. 4 days a week. In 8 hours work we do not work at least 3 hours anyways. So only 5 hours work, people will be extremely productive.
They have way too many people so the decline is beneficial in the long run. Japan has almost half the population of the USA but in an area smaller than the size of California. In the US California is the most populated state with 40 million people... well japan has 128 million and its smaller.
@@humpmasterflex22 not really beneficial the young people usually do the working part for the country and their young people population is declining , and goverment is trying to encourage japanese to have more childeren.
@@Mustafa_Wrya yes, for the short term it sucks for them. Hence why I said the long term. Old people will die off and everything will balance itself out.
@Ari C You are assuming that efficiency correlates with quality of life in some way which is far from true. Check out Japan's neighbors, I would say they have it a lot worse while having an unprecedented economy.
That's no way to live in my opinion long term. Especially as he said that he intends to stay with the company for the rest of his career. I mean how, how can you make a decision like that when you're still soo young. It would brake my heart if I had to do that. But if he's happy with it, then that it totally cool. Makes me wonder though... what do your average Japanese students think their lives were really going to be like when they thought about the future. Because surely it was more than this!?
I feel bad for Makoto if he is reading these comments. I was in the situation where I had to commute 5 hours every day and work literally took all time from 8.30 a.m to 7.30 pm without commute. I would come home just to sleep. In that situation, people telling how bad it is and making fun of him are the last thing needed.
As a total outsider it definitely seems like this crazy lifestyle is mostly from Tokyo and it gets more chill in the less populated areas. It’s such an expensive city you don’t have much choice
Idk why we keep glorifying America too. In fact, the average American works more than a Japanese. American work culture is somehow as bad, if not worse, than Japanese Work Culture the more you think about it
this is happening now in triple-A gaming companies today, which is finally getting exposure and hope it's get put a stop to. Let's not stop there tho; let's hit up other "careers," like the pharmacy retail industry and how shitty those employees are treated am i rite?
@Dana White's double chin one person still has to make a pot for everyone,and pouring it into cups and handing it to other employees isn't so hard,it's common courtesy in a workplace and can be done by anyone
Japanese people are big on etiquette and respect but they're aware of other cultures. They won't expect you to know everything, and what's interesting is that even though the culture is like 10x as nuanced I found they never really get grumpy at foreigners who don't know stuff. You're a guest after all. You might get a firm slap on the knee by an old Japanese grandma if you accidentally break a rule (learned that the hard way,) but that's just part of the experience! Number one tip I'd say is just don't be 'loud.' Like both in terms of volume and 'loud' actions. It's just not in keeping with the way society works. Oh and treat everything you touch like it's someone's prized possession.
@@shervinnasrin2829 I believe "insulting" was the right word? As in: doing something that might rub people the wrong way without even knowing because you don't know all the unwritten rules in the country you're visiting. Or was my grammar off?
@Aaron Smith - Like Paolo mentioned in the video: Makoto is the youngest one in his office, which happens to be small, meaning that he is responsible for mundane tasks like coffee/tea.
@mmdirtyworkz - Most of the time, yes they are the youngest. This is just a rare case of them being older, so Makoto would have been the first choice for simple things. I think it is messed up when society devalues young people by forcing them to respect their elders no matter what.
@@kimonokat1928 Thanks for the reply. I think the same, "automatic" respect is not something I would consider to be a good thing (kinda similar to US where you're supposed to tip no matter what was the quality of service).
No pet Goats, no workout before lunch, no toilet with sounds, no bakery or free restaurant in the basement. Makoto's going to be severely disappointed after seeing Emi's day.
Jesus this man's working his life away! I have a decent job in New Zealand Mon-Fri 9-5 and I sometimes get tired of that, when I do - I just watch these "day in a life japan" videos and it kinda makes me appreciate the life I have without having to work crazy 12 hour shifts..
@@Anonymous-ld7je since you’re a government employee, would you mind giving us some classified information? Nah, jk. Although how does it feel working for a government?
Work days arnt bad for me I work 9-5 but I only spend 4 hrs doing my work as I'm quite quick then spend 2hr on road doing arrends like getting food going to bank ect after that I just watch youtube till 5pm then go home and relax or hand out with my friends. Since the pay good I don't really complain
I work 16 hours Sunday and Thursday. It's a very tough 16 hours though. It's a hectic, fast paced environment. But I get alot of free time, pay is great and allowances for food.
@@Anonymous-ld7je a salaryman is just a term for a male with a stable job. Literally most people work like this 😂 imagine how long government workers work
Makoto if you're reading this I hope you are happy and if you're not, I hope someday you could find true happiness, have a family, have friends and enjoy your life. Sending love and support and please don't mind caring about these stupid comments!
@@sunnyla-bear8265 Japanese do not have the same concept of happiness as us western people. They usually understand it as being "content", which basically translates to doing your duty well (to your family, company, society, etc.)
Legit what I used to imagine japan as when I was a kid... Thought everybody had atleast a skyline but now realised that most people don't even have cars.
Heyyyyyy! I saw Makoto at the JET Program orientation. I was getting my sim from the Mobal table & he was there. I thought he looked familiar but it was only a day later when I realized where I saw him from--this video!!!
I think I learned a lot in this 'a day in the life' video than any other videos. I will have keep a mental note of these etiquettes in a Japanese corporate environment if I ever get a chance. Thanks 🙏
I left my wallet once on a cafe when I was in Hiroshima. I came back to the same spot an hour later and still my wallet was on the corner of the table.
Voenix i think we Japanese should take more rest. Most Japanese don’t work efficiently. because we tend to stick to traditional Japanese work style. however, Japan is very good place to live !
Yea. And probably cause his company doesn't have the "work from home" scheme. I have joined bigger company from UK whereby each of us have a laptop and an iPhone so we are able to work from home
Yeah I recently finished my contract with the military and am transitioning to a construction project manager job here in the US. The salary isn't near what I made in the Army, but compared to that, and compared to this dude's routine, it's a really easy schedule
He's gone for just over 13 hours a day and has more work to do once he gets home?? That's insane. His company seems relatively chill compared to other videos I've seen, and I can't imagine a much better job than small office worker + being out of the office on the train most days, but still. That's insane hours
In my country, Hungary is normal that by multies (multinational company) you work daily 10-12 hours. But this depends on the company. In public administration there is a fixed work hours from 8am to 4pm / 9am-5pm. But literally in an office at Fridays afternoon you find less persons to work.
Work is balance of having money and free time for your self. Given that your cant really enjoy all that money when you have broken your body and mind with amount of work required to get that amazing income, i much rather be poor than utterly destroyed physically and mentally. Of course each of us has different prioritys.
This proves how Japan isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. The workers are literally worked to breaking point. The problem is they are too polite and bottle up all that stress. Would love to see a Japanese company that allows a bit of overtime but doesn’t make staff go out drinking every night or doing extra unpaid tasks after work.
"too polite" too cuck that's what it is. That's why it's important to keep gun rights in America, we're fast tracking toward this kind of "CORPORATE UTOPIA" that the rich all love to see. This level of pressure where family time doesn't even exist in an average human life is down right satanic. There is no reason what so ever in the history of man kind does someone need to sacrifice their entire adult life to working 12 hours a day until the day they retired/die. This kind of cruelty is just going to exponentially add up generations after generations. As when the salaryman gets older and get to retired, he will become very disgruntled and seek out degeneracy to make up for the lost time during his youth....aka brothel, drugs, and domestic abuse. To the average sheep, this looks like "just another day in the life of" but to people like me, this is a serious problem. Wake the f up.
What's the purpose of living in a rich, interesting well-developed country if you can't enjoy it because you have no time to spend your money, no friends and no energy?
@@Financial_Mukbangs LMAO worker bees mentality. So let me guess you don't consider the people in the sales team working? Because while you clacking at your keyboard being a tech nerd or if you're blue collar blinding yourself and sniffing chemical from welding. That Sale guy is getting his gas, flights, and food expenses paid for because under tax all those expenses are considered writeoffs so by definitely all those "leasures" activities are considered work my guy. Do you also think your CEOs and superiors don't work as well? Because they do the same thing if not even worse because they get to write off strip clubs expenses as work related. "Muh real work" people like you are so narrowed minded, your boss can give 2 crap about your real physical labor when you are easily replace at any given moment. Your work doesn't bring the checks in dmummy, shaking client hands is what brings in the money.
dude you deserve a tv show on netflix for how good these are. you legit went from being a youtuber to being an anthropologist by doing these. keep it up man, you're doing important historical work by documenting the lives of japanese people in detail.
@@seppmaier3424 anthropology /ˌanθrəˈpɒlədʒi/ Learn to pronounce noun the study of human societies and cultures and their development. the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution. Either you don't know that word exists or you are crap at making jokes...
My man is working HARD. I just hope that he is being well compensated and gets enough days off to make up for his busy work day. Also hopefully he really enjoys his job and that's why he doesn't mind being there alot.
His days off probably consist of golden week at the start of may, whatever national holidays he's allowed to take off, and up to 2 weeks of paid vacation days a year, which often go unused in Japan.
Jay Anderson He doesn’t. Why do you think the suicide rates are so high in Japan? Or that he’s single at 27 years old? All for the same reason that 1/3 Japanese marriages have one or both of the partners cheating. Because they’re gruesomely overworked and barely get any free time. How can you enjoy your life or get a girlfriend when your life is made up of work and living with your family, all because of some stupid cultural traditions or high work demand?
I didn’t understand why my husband seemed dead inside when arriving home from work but when I finally got a job here in Tokyo, I understood. Literally a lot of people here just just wake up, work, sleep repeat. The happiest part of my day is when I’m going home and finally have about an hour train ride to listen to music 🎶 or play some games, after that there’s barely enough time for anything else
@@Hihi-fh1cq the technology is great sure, but their way of life is rather traditional, they're workaholic through and through, that's why I don't want to live in Japan, but I sure as hell want to visit it.
oh and dont forget your luxury bath time, when you re soaking in warm water bath while listening to some music for almost an hour after work, that was heaven - Watch all my Japan Day in the Life videos - See my life in Tokyo behind the scenes on my 2nd Channel, Tokyo Zebra - Help Support the channel via my Toe-Kyo Merch - If you have questions about Japan or Japan travels, check out my Discord community
Keep up the good work Paolo !! 👍
A Japanese doctor
Keep up the good work 👍
A teacher could be interesting
Day in the Life about I.T, tech, engineer, etc, please.
Now i understand why most anime is based on high school students. They are the last days of any kind of freedom.
Even in sequel of Naruto you can see after becoming Hokage which seems kinda office job now in show , he is not able to spend time with his family at all ..
Even kids in Japan don't have much freedom compared to other countries tbh. After school, they are forced to go to a club and stay there for an hour. Then after that, they have to go to a Juku until 9 because how they do in their final exams depends on what college they get into which determines the type of job they get for the rest of their life, not dissimilar to the Gao-Kao exam in China.
@@HughMyronBrah this is only the case in certain cultures. Some cultures (Chinese, Native American) honor their elders and take care of them willingly. It's all based on your societal values and upbringing.
@@HughMyronBrah jesus, that shits terrifying
@@HughMyronBrah great, this shit makes me feel even more depressed now
Is the tone in this video intentionally positive and upbeat while presenting the most soul-crushing and depressing content?
I felt like that as well. What kinda life is that, when you've got barely 2-4 hours free per day? No wonder Japanese people are so depressed and have such high suicide rates.
*Gets done at 6:00pm
"Oh that's not so bad."
Does after-work work.
Does after-work work after that.
Does after-work e-mails.
"Okay never mind."
@roger gerritsen why would you talk to random people on the train
@Cliff P Actually, loud chatter or other disturbances are considered rude in Japan. The norm tends to be to sit in silence. That also goes for phone calls and even watching videos/playing games without headphones.
@@CraigMitchell44 yeah i also kinda hate how all these videos just mask this behind "oh its just japanese culture guys" yeah.. nice culture 1 dude whos still most likely on minimum wage has to get in early, prepare office, make coffee, clean and shit, do after work stuff like HUH? ? ??? you want coffee in my office you go make one you lazy shit.
These ‘day in the life’ videos are totally unique and entertaining!
Thanks for watching Bryce Chapman!
I feel like crying sometimes, so much work and long hours. :(
I hope they're making mad cash though.
@@PaolofromTOKYO no, THANK YOU! 😁
@@strangeperson700 no mad cash usually. Depends on the job of course. But
watching this again after few years, my fav comment is missing : "You forgot to film makato crying himself to sleep"
I remember that comment too. 😂
Revisiting as well and god, that comment was so bad but so good 😂
I found it
He probably does😂!
What a fucking miserable existence!
I come here just for that comment 😂
“I can finally go home now”
You go buddy. You deserve the rest.
He deserves freedom and his humanity back.
And continue to work at home.
@@friendofzeus للعدد 7 تميز خاص، حيث أنه شائع أكثر من غيره ولا نعلم سبب أهمية هذا الرقم وشيوعه في العلوم والثقافة وحتى في الطلاسم والسحر والشعوذة والقصص الأسطورية والخيالية .
وقد يرجع سبب ذلك إلى أصل الخليقة حيث خلق الله سبحانه وتعالى السموات والأرض في ستة أيام ثم استوى على العرش في اليوم السابع .
وقد قال العلماء أخفى الله عنا سر العدد 7 لحكمة هو يعلمها فنجد العدد 7 يدخل في علم الذرة وفي علم المجرة وفي الموسيقى والآداب واللغات وفي السنة المطهرة والآيات القرآنية .
وقد تطلق كلمة سبعة ويراد بها الكثرة في الآحاد ، ويطلق السبعون ويراد بها الكثرة في العشرات ، ويطلق السبعمائة ويرا د بها الكثرة في المئين .
والعدد 7 عدد فريد حسابيا فهو لا يقبل القسمة وليس له جذر تربيعي ولا يقبل التحليل الحسابي فهو في ذاته وحدة حسابية .
عدد السموات : 7
عدد الأراضين : 7
أعضاء السجود : 7
عجائب الدنيا : 7
أيام الأسبوع : 7
رؤيا ملك مصر : 7
ليالي الحسوم : 7
الطواف حول الكعبة : 7
السعي بين الصفا والمروة : 7
حصى رم الجمرات : 7
عدد آيات الفاتحة : 7
عدد أبواب جهنم : 7
عدد البحار : 7
عدد الموبقات : 7
عدد قارات العالم : 7
وفي القرآن الكريم نجد الرقم سبعة مرات عديدة ، أذكر منها :
- ثم استوى إلى السماء فسوّاهن سبع سماوات .
- وقال الملك إني أرى سبع بقرات سمان يأكلهن سبع عجاف ، وسبع سنبلات خضر وأُخر يابسات .
- قال : تزرعون سبع سنين دأَباً .
- ثم يأتي من بعد ذلك سبع شداد .
- مثَل الذين ينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله كمثل حبة أنبتت سبع سنابل .
- ولقد خلقنا فوقكم سبع طرائق .
- لها سبعة أبواب ، لكل باب منهم جزء مقسوم.
- سخرها عليهم سبع ليال .
- ولقد آتيناك سبعاً من المثاني والقرآنَ العظيم .
- ويقولون سبعة وثامنهم كلبهم .
- والبحر يمده من بعده سبعة أبحر
@@stevethea5250 🤣🌮👌👈💋👍🍔🤟😂😘😷🍟🥙🌯🤙🤞👋👉😍🥰😁❣💕💞💝💘💗💓
and then he goes back into the pokeball.
Makotos diet
Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: Pastry
Dinner: Beer
he gonna die in 10 years
@@samuelyanuar7297 work before in a japanese company which manufactures medical device... lots of sick people there in tokyo and high cancer rate too... japanese special the old ones wont stop work of the day till 12am by average. i left coz i still want my life back...
Makoto's life: Slave his life away for couple pennies. No wonder Japan's suicide and fertility rates. What a disgrace of society. I bet Makoto even feels fulfilled and accomplished.
kemita This dude making some good money and looks confident and happy. Who are you to judge?
@@username-yn5yo u sure?
I’d be interested to see what a day in the life of a more rural person would be. Great videos by the way!
Right. he should make a video about rural people too
Maybe a farmer or a small business owner
Yes just like in Miyazaki movies. It’s very appealing to see people live in old more traditional houses in the rural area.
A Day In The Life Of A Japanese Drug Dealer 🤷🏼♀️
I think part of the reason why he is seems fairly enthusiastic is the nature of his work. He spends a lot of his day travelling, going to different places, and meeting and talking to people. The places and people are certainly mundane, but the work is 100x more engaging than sitting in front of a pc screen for 8 hours straight.
With the views and stuff his smile is like "dear goodness please don't fire me."
I completely agree. I personally would prefer a job where I am going places and not just sitting in an office in front of a screen for all those hours.
@@Flufferz626 Id prefer his work (minus being a slave to older staff). Try being an auditor or accountant. Gosh.. its way worse
That sounds so cool mate until you have a kid...or if you plan on to then how in the living f is going to work?
Yeah, he's basically skirting work most of the day by taking unneccesarily long transportation to say hello in person vs. just....calling/texting/facetime? At some point you have to actually work during the day lol
Everybody gangster till this man misses his train and the world economy crashes
The Creepiest Of Pasta darn
Seeing your profile picture i must tell you, did you know they made ‘red mist’ cannon in spongebob?
underrated comment
Felt like if Makoto arrive late at work Japan's whole economy will die.
That's the most beatiful thing, every individuals have is own importance and society will die without him, which means everyone useful has importance and has a duty!
@@parkyamato9450 I think Akina meant it more in terms of Japan's work culture... Could just be me.
Regardless I do believe the nation needs a serious revision in how it treats overwork and work in general. Work is important, but so are enough sleep, family and friends. Moments of relaxation besides sleep.
@@parkyamato9450 Thats true, but employees may be more productive if they worked less. Whats the point of working if you arent being productive? Can humans even focus properly for such long hours? 65 to 80 hours a week is beyond most peoples capacity.
Lol good point
😆🤣🤣 it probably true though
So basically he comes to his house only for sleep
😀😀 ya
and read some part of a book.
Only for a bath and some sleep.
karoshi, a japanese term that means "death from overwork".
japanese men and women suffer from that shit, in fact, it causes shut-ins as a side-effect.
it is complex.
2019 hours worked per OECD
1. Mexico
2. Korea
3. Russian Federation
4. Greece
5. Chile
21. Japan
Not everyone works in the corporate towers of Shinjuku nor "burakku" (black) companies. Nor live in a big city you know... Unlike 30 years ago, most Japanese office workers now work 40 hour work weeks especially in the big corporations.
Even in the big cities, why do the trains get packed the most around 6pm??? Restaurants and the bars were packed as well around that time.
Japan is more like a country where people work hard and party hard creating continuously a new culture.
I run my Japan based business more western style and I can tell you the employees absolutely love it. They tell me their lives are so much more relaxed and happier. Productivity is increased as well.
I’ll never forget the time the entire office pitched in and took me to a fancy restaurant for my birthday. Best team I ever had
Do you need another one employee?
I feel physically exhausted and defeated watching this
mel pe lol
mel pe, then what about me? im not american! might be a bit fat tho :P still 9,5h clocked but still working for "free" rest of the day. thats NOT common in norway. specialy this "mandatory pro-bono" work, thats not mandatory on paper but the culture demands it. dont think id ever get used to that.
Canadian_Bonbibonkers you’re a bot lmao foh
Shut up keep eating your donut
@Canadian_Bonbibonkers That'd require those people want to work. Looking at Europe, they mostly don't and would rather collect welfare.
So this is why japanese value their youth so much... life is literally over after entering work damn
Sad init?
Perritox you know now all jobs are not the same right dammm u dumb as shit no wonder American schools are like F tier on a list
King Hellverse what the fuck do you know? At least here in America karōshi doesn’t exist that much.
If you work an office job, it's pretty universal like this video, except for the extracurricular activities he is doing. Your office coworkers help you get through the day by making it more enjoyable.
Seneviseth Lasaath yeah but he seems to not chat with anyone in his office
Paolo: "How many hours a week do you really work?"
Japanese: "Yes"
Except its a legitimate question, as it appears he only really does a few hours of actual productive work a week. The rest is really just wasted. I'm on a team of efficiency consultants for struggling businesses, and this entire business model is fundamentally flawed. For many industries, we are now in fact encouraging work from home programs utilizing telepresence technology, with only important necessary meetings between staff with a clear defined agenda illustrated by powerpoint presentations that are archived on the cloud for later reference and construction and maintenance of a knowledge-base that makes integrating newhires much more fluid. We've found that through proper management and business model, each employee's measured productivity increases an average of 3 times while the employees are also happier and less stressed because even though they feel like they are doing less, they are actually doing more because hours of commuting time, useless meetings, too many managers compared to subordinates, etc. is taken out of their schedules. We also encourage a 4-day workweek with 10 hour shifts, with clearly defined KPIs for defining and measuring an employees productivity so that they don't waste time "looking busy" for appearances sake, and just ensure they get their work done and are also competing with their peers on the quarterly KPI review to see how they rank.
@@BoopSnoot Do you not find too much for 10 hours? 10 hours would be here the maximum working time. In addition, overtime, which sometimes happen, push it back up. I think overtime has to be taken into account.
Greetings from Germany
@@dk4529 Most employees are happier to have the extra day off, while still achieving a 40 hour productive work week. The ultimate goal after all is profitability for shareholders in a highly competitive global landscape, and you will have to compete with the Chinese and Koreans working 70+hours at lower wages. 10 hours is also not as much as you may think, as its 7AM to 6PM, which is early enough and late enough for peak congestion to die down for those unable to telework. For those that can telework which is the preference whenever possible, the average hour travel time to and from the office is replaced with actual productivity. In exchange, every weekend is a three day weekend allowing more fruitful passtimes like traveling. We encourage a "work hard, play hard" mentality, so employees can party hardy all day Friday and Saturday if desired and take Sunday as a day for relaxation and recovery.
@@dk4529 I've been working a 10x4 schedule for the last year, it's amazing
@@thephaze3 I used to work 12x3 schedule and it was very good for me,I had perfect work--life balance.But @DumbDuck44 is right, Japanese companies are infamous for inefficiency. Its all about appearance 'to work hard' instead of actual work. I know Japanese refuse to use macros and templates while preparing documents for fear that would make their work too easy and they will lose reputation.
I say those train rides are what makes his job bearable. Those 30 minute rides between stations, while listening to music, kinda eases your mind off.
The part of his job that makes it bearable is when he is actively not working and instead using his phone? His job is obsolete, he isn't producing much value tbh.....but hey the firm keeps paying him.
@@Financial_Mukbangs I don't get why he needs a college degree for that
Paolo's cheerfulness accents the soul crushing day quite well
He worked so much I'm tired just watching it
Same thoughts
Almost all the Japanese people work like that ... it’s crazy
@@ri6357 omg
西村博之 わろたwww
This man Makoto is very generous. He's also a director of NGO called Seibo whose engaged in fundraising for school meals in Malawi while working at Mobal. I think that's why he's still working after arrived at home.
I guess it's just a part of him, not just his work. But on a side note, I also do notice that he's catholic. You can see the photos of the pope in his house, plus the presence of the catholic nun when he was volunteering for the after-school.
@Maso Kat huh. Makes you think if he wouldve come home late if he didn't do any volunteer work
Yeah, those kids can starve so he can make his own. But no, he provides for inferior stock instead of his own. Idealistic young man like most of us were or are.
@@chrisjohnson6138 speak for yourself
This is so soul crushing to watch, the guy wakes up at 7 am, and doesnt completely finish his work for the day until nearly 10 pm, leaving barely an hour for leisure.
I think the work is leisure. Iced coffee and train rides all day. Dude has got it made compared to chemical or heavy manual labor. He's clearly also saving and investing his way to the top. Why are people afraid of grinding like this?
Sleeps in a single bed, in a shared bedroom, in his parents house, doesn’t have a car, no mention of a romantic partner, hours and hours of commuting everyday, and the job still isn’t done when he gets home. Makoto seems like a nice enough dude, and he’s a mentor for school kids, so that’s cool, but when does he get time for himself?
Reminds me how fortunate I actually am.
true true.. Imagining that he never tried some of the best drugs we have on our planet.. feels really bad
Makoto go live your life mate
Mint & Cola .....humans are hardwired to kill each other, evolution means that all species compete for limited resources.
It’s true that mass murder does appear to be more common in the USA, however taken as a whole, the murder rates in poorer countries are much much higher.
The culture in Japan seems to be much more introverted and focused on honour, so instead of killing each other, they prefer to kill them selves.
@ good to hear
@Mint & Cola but is it? When a psycho takes a gun and goes for mass shooting - it is a tragedy. But when socially approved abuse of the individual is leading him into killing himself - that's a whole another level of tragedy.
Jim D Well, a few things I should touch on. First of all a majority of Japanese live with their parents well into their late 20s as oppose to moving out at 18 which is common in the west. Don’t know the reason for them living with with their parents for that long especially since a lot of times their financially independent.
Only about 50% of Japanese own cars. That’s due to the fact that japan is a public transportation heavy country. A big chunk of the budget goes into PT. So commuting to work via train is extremely common. When I went to study in Osaka, driving to Tokyo took about 5 hours as oppose to taking a train there which was about 3 hours. So pt is quicker in a lot of cases.
Last point is a lot of Japanese are single. Having a love life just isn’t Japan’s ball game for some reason. It does correlate to their low birth rate. In fact it’s very common to be a virgin well into your twenty’s. I think about 25% of Japanese 30 year olds are virgins too. So all that correlates somewhat to maybe why Makoto doesn’t have a partner
Don’t be mistaken. This is a very common lifestyle for id say about 3/4 of japan’s population
It seems like the happiest I saw him in the video was when the cute intern who sits across from him arrived at the office
Probably the best part of his day other than going home
@bashmastuh: don't lie now. That was your happiest moment wasn't it?
She was cute!
I mean, she cute tho, can't blame a brother can u?
She was damn cute.
Since Makoto seems to constantly travel all over the city doing so many different tasks, I half expected him to show up during the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony carrying the torch or something
Bro my sides xD
@@RsKnDR0991 dude, same lol
Legendary comment
that's a nice one there haha!
Can we have an update on Makoto? 3 years later I imagine he's moved up somewhat within the company! Maybe moved into his own place. Very curious to see how he's doing.
Maybe you would also like an update of every person who does this job, it’s sad, but he’s not the only doing it, get over it, that’s life.
@@dax8245 Everythings going to be ok man I promise.
@@dax8245 honestly working all day like this is much better than being jobless and having no progress in life
@@yuritarded1527 Nope
@@theglowcloud2215 id rather be depressed but productive than depressed and unproductive
Now I know why there would never be japanese version of The Office
I mean there is aggretsuko .Funny but quite dark at times
"Asian Jim has pranked Asian Dwight again by coming in 2 hours early and doing all of his work for him"
There is oneвидео.html
fuuuck ahaha
They would all work like dwight in that episode jim was timing him
Me: I want to live in Japan
Video: No, you don't
weebs dont realize its only a dream for people with money, they do respect hard work and most have to work hard anyways.
it just doesn't seem that bad lmao
immediamal coccinello IKR?!
@@racingbeats1493 Its virtual slavery, these people have no free time or lives. Its horrible.
I honestly can't tell if he's genuinely happy with his work or forcing a big smile through the endless work grind
I'd rather pursue my passion, do what I like, for my pleasure. And that's the opposite.
But, can't you see how fast and and satisfied he is , I don't see him complaining after seeing that much.
Japanese like to be respectful, and so I’m sure he’s trying to look good for the camera. -inside I think he’s... dying
People adapt to their circumstances. Happiness can be quite relative.
@@js-hs8zv how? He is happy, let the man live
Love the day in the life series. Make it a permanent feature!
Now this is a more realistic depiction of an average worker in Japan. Thank you for doing another video.
The craziest thing is Makoto said he wanted to make his whole career in that company while working like that. Imagine that.
M. Baguette & M. Chopsticks yeah makes me think he’s just saying that since he works at the company. He wouldnt admit that he is not happy and plans to leave it in a few years after gaining some work experience
In Japan, it is not common to change jobs.
If you have an employment contract with the company, the salary is guaranteed until the age of 60.
Furthermore, if you work until you are 60 years old, you will be paid about $ 200,000.
BBC 200.000 in 60 years. That’s what your life worth. Let that sink in.
The salary paid by the age of 60 is about $ 2 million.
You will get an extra $ 200,000 when you retire.
BBC lol extra 200k after wasting 60 years of his life, Sounds like a good deal huh
makoto blink twice if you're held hostage at work
How many times people going to repeat this?
@@sammiller6631 cry kid
@tecno His boss looks decent, I have seen worse. (Tbh, I would rather be overworked under a good boss than working 1 hour for a bad one.)
If his boss was Japanese, I don't think it'd be much different than most other japanese workplaces. Their workplace laws are disgusting. But the fact that the boss is caucasian makes me even more disgusted. He should know better, likely coming from a western country with much more ethical workplace laws.
I'm very curious how the pandemic has changed the constant face to face meetings.
Makoto is a wonderful asset to his company and I hope he does very well for them. It certainly appears that he does.
Worst part of all: This was a Saturday
I’m crying laughing at these comments
Probably sunday
:D :D
When i have a bad day at job i look at makoto job and immediately feel better.
hes dying for our sins
Same fam
His job is probably considered easy mode in japan too
the japanese government asks why today's youth don't want to have children, and paolo tells us in 4K
"This is a day in Japanese salaryman Makoto's life."
"What does he do in his spare time?"
"I already said that he is a Japanese salaryman, didn't I?"
Eat, Sleep an Work: The USA, Eat, Sleep an Not so much the work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats gonna be the end result for the USA ???????????? Go Trump
@@ACHVACTAB1 I'm guessing you don't work in America (unless it's a retail or restaurant). American Corporate offices don't waste nearly half of the amount of time that Japanese corporate offices do. Let's not forget the unpaid overtime from pretending to work for the sake of respect for the co-workers who are slow and grossly incompetent 😱
He probably has a free day in his week and also maybe one or two free days in the weekend. But Japan is seriously rough when it comes to working hours. In the city is where people come to make money, and its very competitive so you have to stay on top, but its also where people are sad because you dont feel the freedom so much as if u lived out in the woods.
Makoto's LinkedIn says he's still at Mobal, and is also now the Managing Director at a sister company !
Fascinating video. His windowless office is awful though, bad for mental health.
at least he gets to go outside
If you put this video on loop, you can truly experience his daily life. Absolute insanity.
this is fucked up. Even working in Europe from 7 to 16 sometimes I get pissed off. Work time should be 5 hours per day. 4 days a week. In 8 hours work we do not work at least 3 hours anyways. So only 5 hours work, people will be extremely productive.
@ I totally agree with you!
Mi yep life can definitely be a hamster wheel
Grease quala Agreed, the 40 hour work week is becoming dated
@ Thats just mental. You cant build a reliable society with a safety net if People only work 20 hours a week.
Damn, if I ever go to Japan, I'm saving Makoto!
“Alright, which one of you clones is Makoto?”
Agent Squid *shadow clones
Tokyo must have like 10 Makotos per square meter. You better save them all 🙂
Too save your local Japanese Salaryman call 100-433-SAD
Please do
No wonder their population is in decline. Who has time for relations let alone actually raising your kids or family time. That's tough.
They have way too many people so the decline is beneficial in the long run. Japan has almost half the population of the USA but in an area smaller than the size of California. In the US California is the most populated state with 40 million people... well japan has 128 million and its smaller.
@@humpmasterflex22 not really beneficial the young people usually do the working part for the country and their young people population is declining , and goverment is trying to encourage japanese to have more childeren.
@@Mustafa_Wrya yes, for the short term it sucks for them. Hence why I said the long term. Old people will die off and everything will balance itself out.
@@eddiej7259 *Screams in Japanese student*
@@eddiej7259 you didnt get me, the problem isnt the old people the problem is lacking of young people , so it doesnt matter when old ones pass .
Major kudos to this dude. His life is actually worse than mine but he still has such a positive outlook. Well done Makoto.
can't look miserable for the camera😅
What a loser lol
That was his wife? I thought it was his mom
@@Der.Geschichtenerzahleryou misread life as wife lol
@@BigRiceEnergy true man lol
Japanese Salary Man's Objective:
J K I’m Japanese and yes, that’s true!
US worker's objective: Not be homeless and try to live past age 50.
after Paolo's last speech, he closed his book, set on his bicycle and went to work for the night shift
And then makoto died
@@Mikemike-gr6xt Hit by Truck-kun and went to Isekai world, reborn as Kirito
@@PsychoKern that actually not bad at all
@@PsychoKern actually as rimuru tempest
@@Mikemike-gr6xt and then nobody cares that he existed
Girls : omg billie eilish is so depressing
Makoto : hold my salary
Rayaan i laughed so much
Hold my
DYING 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Rayaan bruhhhhh
Makoto seems like a great person, would love to hear his life goals and perception of level of happiness
I will never ever EVER complain about my 8 hours work day with an hour lunch ever again.
Hour lunch? Mine's like a 30 minute lunch
Mine is 10 hours with 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch.
@Ari C You are assuming that efficiency correlates with quality of life in some way which is far from true. Check out Japan's neighbors, I would say they have it a lot worse while having an unprecedented economy.
China that is.
same but in my office we came to office at 10:30 and ends at 18:00.
This man is speedrunning his life while doing side quests
And not doing much of anything in the process
@@donpeace894 Man, it's not good to talk about yourself like that
@@ultimatedoge5990 yo you just roasted him like a barbecue chicken!!
This guy left at 8 am and returned at 9pm....he must get paid really well.
That's no way to live in my opinion long term. Especially as he said that he intends to stay with the company for the rest of his career. I mean how, how can you make a decision like that when you're still soo young. It would brake my heart if I had to do that. But if he's happy with it, then that it totally cool.
Makes me wonder though... what do your average Japanese students think their lives were really going to be like when they thought about the future. Because surely it was more than this!?
I feel bad for Makoto if he is reading these comments. I was in the situation where I had to commute 5 hours every day and work literally took all time from 8.30 a.m to 7.30 pm without commute. I would come home just to sleep. In that situation, people telling how bad it is and making fun of him are the last thing needed.
we work like that here in korea. we are migrant workers. Some of my friends work from 8AM to 9 PM daily.
right and i reckon makoto seems to know the english language.. the comments are not fun to read if i am makoto.
Yes, i was a reporter for magazine and it need a lot of mobility because i can't miss even an event. It's horribly tiring
@@koa.a he knows english. His boss is white man and his company main quater is in UK.
I used to commute 2 hours to work 2 hours home. I worked a state away and had to help my parents who were sickly. That was a rough year.
Japan seems like a rare country where retail actually seems more appealing than a "cushy" office job, those hours are insane
As a total outsider it definitely seems like this crazy lifestyle is mostly from Tokyo and it gets more chill in the less populated areas. It’s such an expensive city you don’t have much choice
Idk why we keep glorifying America too. In fact, the average American works more than a Japanese. American work culture is somehow as bad, if not worse, than Japanese Work Culture the more you think about it
@@ashishadhikari8434 Literally wrong on all counts. No Americans work from 7 am - 10 pm.
I work from 10am to midnight but then again sf grindset mindset
@@ashishadhikari8434Are you high?
Makoto seems like a really chill dude even though his life is so busy.
Its because hes not chill hes just so busy
Yeah, poor bastard has literally no time to be anything but a robot
Man I’m never gonna complain about my work life ever again
Keep complaining, is the only reason your work ain't the same like here.
damn right 😂
Liar 🤣
And life has determined That is a lie
9:05pm it is now time for the daily cry break very common with salarymen in Tokyo
homelessricegum lmao
this is happening now in triple-A gaming companies today, which is finally getting exposure and hope it's get put a stop to.
Let's not stop there tho; let's hit up other "careers," like the pharmacy retail industry and how shitty those employees are treated am i rite?
I love these videos. Thank you very much for making and posting them.
The interns actually learn at the job while the employee makes coffee for them. Only in Japan.
yes,and u dont want to be that intern
in the philippines the interns do that but not all
@Dana White's double chin one person still has to make a pot for everyone,and pouring it into cups and handing it to other employees isn't so hard,it's common courtesy in a workplace and can be done by anyone
@Dana White's double chin that aint how the Asians do it
I really want to experience Japan, but I feel like I would unintentionally insult 100 people simply walking through the airport...
Lol almost everything is considered rude
Lol, you mean “offending”?
Not ‘offending’. Basically make potential ‘murderers’ come after you.
Japanese people are big on etiquette and respect but they're aware of other cultures. They won't expect you to know everything, and what's interesting is that even though the culture is like 10x as nuanced I found they never really get grumpy at foreigners who don't know stuff. You're a guest after all.
You might get a firm slap on the knee by an old Japanese grandma if you accidentally break a rule (learned that the hard way,) but that's just part of the experience! Number one tip I'd say is just don't be 'loud.' Like both in terms of volume and 'loud' actions. It's just not in keeping with the way society works. Oh and treat everything you touch like it's someone's prized possession.
@@shervinnasrin2829 I believe "insulting" was the right word? As in: doing something that might rub people the wrong way without even knowing because you don't know all the unwritten rules in the country you're visiting. Or was my grammar off?
Why is my boy making the morning coffee when there's two interns?
@Aaron Smith - Like Paolo mentioned in the video: Makoto is the youngest one in his office, which happens to be small, meaning that he is responsible for mundane tasks like coffee/tea.
@@kimonokat1928 and interns aren't the youngest ones there?
@mmdirtyworkz - Most of the time, yes they are the youngest. This is just a rare case of them being older, so Makoto would have been the first choice for simple things. I think it is messed up when society devalues young people by forcing them to respect their elders no matter what.
@@kimonokat1928 Thanks for the reply. I think the same, "automatic" respect is not something I would consider to be a good thing (kinda similar to US where you're supposed to tip no matter what was the quality of service).
@mmdirtyworkz - It’s no problem, and I couldn’t agree more on the tipping scenario, as well as the automatic respect.
man its already for years !! I remember when this series started : best thing paolo did 😊
No pet Goats, no workout before lunch, no toilet with sounds, no bakery or free restaurant in the basement. Makoto's going to be severely disappointed after seeing Emi's day.
Unfortunately, Makoto doesn't work for a huge company in a huge modern building haha
Personally, I doubt he will be disappointed. They are proud of having their work knowhatimean
he seems like he's enjoying his job and it's a friendly comfortable environment for him.. I hope he is
@@Wra8h It better be, since the company is almost a non-profit. His earnings are def very limited.
@@indigo_died6910 at least he can wear short sleeve shirts!
Jesus this man's working his life away! I have a decent job in New Zealand Mon-Fri 9-5 and I sometimes get tired of that, when I do - I just watch these "day in a life japan" videos and it kinda makes me appreciate the life I have without having to work crazy 12 hour shifts..
@@Anonymous-ld7je since you’re a government employee, would you mind giving us some classified information?
Nah, jk. Although how does it feel working for a government?
Work days arnt bad for me I work 9-5 but I only spend 4 hrs doing my work as I'm quite quick then spend 2hr on road doing arrends like getting food going to bank ect after that I just watch youtube till 5pm then go home and relax or hand out with my friends. Since the pay good I don't really complain
Yeah in Scotland i'm also Mon-Fri 9-5 with a 1 hour lunch break away from my desk... This looks like living hell!
I work 16 hours Sunday and Thursday. It's a very tough 16 hours though. It's a hectic, fast paced environment. But I get alot of free time, pay is great and allowances for food.
@@Anonymous-ld7je a salaryman is just a term for a male with a stable job. Literally most people work like this 😂 imagine how long government workers work
Makoto if you're reading this I hope you are happy and if you're not, I hope someday you could find true happiness, have a family, have friends and enjoy your life. Sending love and support and please don't mind caring about these stupid comments!
A family? FRIENDS? LOL, nonsense there's communiting to do, clients to meet, emails to write!
I don't think he even knows English and he definitely doesn't have time for reading RUclips comments.
@@danielbaur5765 if you paid attention he works for a UK company and regularly emails them. He even greeted the other Japanese girl in English at 3:27
@@youngcitybandit didn't notice it was in English
There are hardly any stupid comments on here. Most of them are feeling sorry for him and have empathy.
I like this video the most out of the series!
I hope Makoto is happy.
Bro makoto is dope, I hope he finds a nice girl and takes a good two week vacation
Word! :) All the best to him. People can make fun of his kind of lifestyle, but isn't there also a lot of honour, humility, and veracity in it?
@@Zaitekno I just relate to him taking care of family and being immersed in his work. The whole video I never seen him talk about his happiness is all
For what
@@sunnyla-bear8265 Japanese do not have the same concept of happiness as us western people. They usually understand it as being "content", which basically translates to doing your duty well (to your family, company, society, etc.)
He starts his day at 7am and gets home at 10:30 PM. When would he find time to meet a partner, or date them?
What’s your wife’s name?
Japanese guy: Company
There were two cute interns he could throw some game at.
you nailed it man jajaj
I have the thousandth like.
They forgot to show everybody drifting in the garages of tokyo everynight
Best comment by far
Legit what I used to imagine japan as when I was a kid... Thought everybody had atleast a skyline but now realised that most people don't even have cars.
@@titang9878 why would everyone own a skyline there if skylines are common there?
That's like assuming everyone in America owns a mustang or a f150.
Seeing people hardworking around the world along with me makes me feel good ❤
This is the reason why nowadays there are so many light novel starting with salaryman having a new life in other world
and office lady too.
@@monicapetitebonita218 chill
@@kissshot4053 no 💓
Ah yes, the art of communication.
@@Amerplaygames wdym
Heyyyyyy! I saw Makoto at the JET Program orientation. I was getting my sim from the Mobal table & he was there. I thought he looked familiar but it was only a day later when I realized where I saw him from--this video!!!
How cute is he in real life?
@@talesbyciel hahaha, I didn't notice much but pretty cute I guess!
Honto desu ka?
@@8billionviews752 Honto desu! :D
hope my boy has a break during this pandemic. love from LA
Me too man
Hope he still has his job
I think I learned a lot in this 'a day in the life' video than any other videos. I will have keep a mental note of these etiquettes in a Japanese corporate environment if I ever get a chance. Thanks 🙏
Man, this "Day in the Life" series is really good, I enjoy every seconds of the video, and I hope you continue to make another one. Good job!
“That’s the true Japanese salaryman spirit! :D”
Makoto: **Secretly on the verge of a mental breakdown**
Did others get a really shit feeling when you heard his alarm at the start?
I want to poke my eardrums whenever I hear that sound (╥_╥)
yes it means i have to stop dreaming and start facing our shitty reality
iPhone users can relate ✋🏻
Legit triggering and rapidly searching for my phone.
very nice reallly feeled motivated by watching makotos dedication
Still trying to comprehend how an unlocked bike was still there at the end of the day.
everyone's too tired from overworking to steal it
I left my wallet once on a cafe when I was in Hiroshima. I came back to the same spot an hour later and still my wallet was on the corner of the table.
@@hilton.allaister empty wallet?
When I went to Japan, I heard that it’s actually umbrellas which get stolen the most
It is locked actually. The lock is under the seat near the wheel at the back
*me rushing late to work*
“As you can see, Jeremy is excited to get to work!”
don't forget the toast in your mouth
me before this video. "i want to live and work in Japan"
me after this video. "i'm so glad i'm not born in Japan"
red planet
me after reading your comment. “i’m actually born in japan and live in japan”
@@takuoka780 what do you think about working so hard
i think we Japanese should take more rest.
Most Japanese don’t work efficiently. because we tend to stick to traditional Japanese work style.
however, Japan is very good place to live !
@@takuoka780 I love japan.Such a beautiful country and culture.I wonder how life is like there
Jordi Contreras i’m glad to hear that. i hope you will come to Japan!
really great effort salute to all average salary man
- "Lets go for explore on this office!"
Turnaround 360°.
- "Done! "
It killed me when he continued working from home.
@@pulkitrastogi295 Haha bhai PTA ha hme
"Just one more email 😀"
I think all of my coworkers are doing that here in the US. Why not?
Everybody does that nowadays pretty often n most big corporations provide the employees with a cell phone and laptop and I prefer to do that at night
He’s not living. He’s simply... existing
I am wondering, can we have a "revisit" of the older episodes. I am highly interested in what happened to these people.
I noticed they were already well prepared having sanitary alcohol in front of the office!
nothing happened, they just repeat the same things everyday
@Gucci Chan ye I'd leave work and spend all my income living the best possible life for a year and then kill myself
@@Fraudkovic that's......not a bad idea...huh..
Haha he showed up at Narita Nikko to set us all up for Mobal service last week!
This is just fascinating. For him it's just his life, his day to day. I mean, he is probably doing all that right now. wow
Every time I hear that specific alarm, I want to die
Omg so true...
@1bigjohn11 Look at this idiot judging another person life through a computer.
This made me laugh because it's true. I fucking hate that alarm.
Same 😂😂😂
@1bigjohn11 They are. They are too dumb to let go of senseless old traditions.
Can't help but notice that this day could have lasted for 4 hours since all of his work could have easily been done from home
yes, but he is salary payed
@@Carrotcake00 So?
Yea. And probably cause his company doesn't have the "work from home" scheme. I have joined bigger company from UK whereby each of us have a laptop and an iPhone so we are able to work from home
@@Стрелок-ш7с he gets pay to commute and rarely have to actually work.
He has to meet clients in person
I always go back to this vid whenever I assume that my life is difficult.
Yeah I recently finished my contract with the military and am transitioning to a construction project manager job here in the US. The salary isn't near what I made in the Army, but compared to that, and compared to this dude's routine, it's a really easy schedule
@@carlitosmexican7469 officer, O-3
Same here
why is everyone in the comment section saying this seems terrible, id love to live a life like that
I really enjoy your "Day In The Life" videos!😊
“Makoto, do you ever have time to yourself?”
“Haha only when I cry myself to sleep Paolo”
Stolen comment
That's dark af
i don't think he's that sad. he's quite happy seeing his intern opposite him actually
i read that in paolos voice
He's gone for just over 13 hours a day and has more work to do once he gets home?? That's insane. His company seems relatively chill compared to other videos I've seen, and I can't imagine a much better job than small office worker + being out of the office on the train most days, but still. That's insane hours
Imagine cutting out the in-person meetings and making phone calls instead, they would have a 7 hour day.
It’s cause his boss is white
And that's a butthead's life.
@@hw664Nope, they would have more meetings :)
I admire Japan, but I must say I wouldn't live there ever.
Workaholic culture.
@@amursiberia I live in USA and I am tired of working 6-7 days more than 8hrs.
Korea is even worse. People there are literally working themselves to death.
In my country, Hungary is normal that by multies (multinational company) you work daily 10-12 hours. But this depends on the company. In public administration there is a fixed work hours from 8am to 4pm / 9am-5pm. But literally in an office at Fridays afternoon you find less persons to work.
Germany max 41h per week. Mostly saturday and sunday work free. 👌
India too. Especially private companies. 😣😔
Great work, Paolo! 👏
although exhausted, makoto's smile is very cute amd beaming, love him
such big smiles are only used for one thing - to cover deep depression and sadness inside
Primary reasons I will never live in Japan:
1 - Too many unspoken rules
2 - This video
Wait how many stupid old rules are there
for visiting, Japan is a great place, but for living... idk
@@synnnx Exactly how I feel. I loved visiting but I can't imagine living there
adam smith
You don’t have to be Japanese to live in Japan
adam smith The boss wasn’t Japanese dumbass.
christ the man only has 2 hours to himself
but at least he has food/shelter/dedicated job and income to support him, wish i could have that in the states
Work is balance of having money and free time for your self. Given that your cant really enjoy all that money when you have broken your body and mind with amount of work required to get that amazing income, i much rather be poor than utterly destroyed physically and mentally. Of course each of us has different prioritys.
Personally, I would relax on the train between meetings
If he does not get an email, there will always that *
@@techyin326 what do you mean you wish you could have it? you CAN.
This proves how Japan isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
The workers are literally worked to breaking point.
The problem is they are too polite and bottle up all that stress.
Would love to see a Japanese company that allows a bit of overtime but doesn’t make staff go out drinking every night or doing extra unpaid tasks after work.
"too polite"
too cuck that's what it is. That's why it's important to keep gun rights in America, we're fast tracking toward this kind of "CORPORATE UTOPIA" that the rich all love to see.
This level of pressure where family time doesn't even exist in an average human life is down right satanic. There is no reason what so ever in the history of man kind does someone need to sacrifice their entire adult life to working 12 hours a day until the day they retired/die.
This kind of cruelty is just going to exponentially add up generations after generations. As when the salaryman gets older and get to retired, he will become very disgruntled and seek out degeneracy to make up for the lost time during his youth....aka brothel, drugs, and domestic abuse. To the average sheep, this looks like "just another day in the life of" but to people like me, this is a serious problem. Wake the f up.
What's the purpose of living in a rich, interesting well-developed country if you can't enjoy it because you have no time to spend your money, no friends and no energy?
I work more than this in the US and when I work I'm actually working, not riding the train, wearing a phone suit, and chatting with interns.
@@Financial_Mukbangs LMAO worker bees mentality.
So let me guess you don't consider the people in the sales team working? Because while you clacking at your keyboard being a tech nerd or if you're blue collar blinding yourself and sniffing chemical from welding. That Sale guy is getting his gas, flights, and food expenses paid for because under tax all those expenses are considered writeoffs so by definitely all those "leasures" activities are considered work my guy. Do you also think your CEOs and superiors don't work as well? Because they do the same thing if not even worse because they get to write off strip clubs expenses as work related.
"Muh real work" people like you are so narrowed minded, your boss can give 2 crap about your real physical labor when you are easily replace at any given moment. Your work doesn't bring the checks in dmummy, shaking client hands is what brings in the money.
dude you deserve a tv show on netflix for how good these are. you legit went from being a youtuber to being an anthropologist by doing these. keep it up man, you're doing important historical work by documenting the lives of japanese people in detail.
TheloniusPoon 😂
Learn to pronounce
the study of human societies and cultures and their development.
the study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution.
Either you don't know that word exists or you are crap at making jokes...
or you can aggretsuko that is almost the same just that more in comical way
ivy i thought the same thing. Why
why wasn't the intern making the coffee????
@@neopotrebitel hes the youngest
@@dirtyjawa8353 but he has more work experience than them
@@CROAiva that doesnt matter, in japan seniority is always upheld
My man is working HARD. I just hope that he is being well compensated and gets enough days off to make up for his busy work day. Also hopefully he really enjoys his job and that's why he doesn't mind being there alot.
Jay Anderson I sincerely hope he loves his job as well.
Jay Anderson It's hardly possible to take a long vacation in Japan.
His days off probably consist of golden week at the start of may, whatever national holidays he's allowed to take off, and up to 2 weeks of paid vacation days a year, which often go unused in Japan.
Jay Anderson He doesn’t. Why do you think the suicide rates are so high in Japan? Or that he’s single at 27 years old?
All for the same reason that 1/3 Japanese marriages have one or both of the partners cheating. Because they’re gruesomely overworked and barely get any free time. How can you enjoy your life or get a girlfriend when your life is made up of work and living with your family, all because of some stupid cultural traditions or high work demand?
Im sure he doesn’t have a lot of free time :D
Japan is so beautiful thanks to people like makoto who put the long hrs in stay blessed mate god bless Japan 🇯🇵
I think the day they recorded this was Makoto's most exiting day of the last 4 years
I didn’t understand why my husband seemed dead inside when arriving home from work but when I finally got a job here in Tokyo, I understood. Literally a lot of people here just just wake up, work, sleep repeat. The happiest part of my day is when I’m going home and finally have about an hour train ride to listen to music 🎶 or play some games, after that there’s barely enough time for anything else
Oh my God 😔😔😔😔😔😔 in this comment section I am reading life changing comments 😊😊😊😊thanks for your comment
Could you please tell me your job title?
@@Hihi-fh1cq the technology is great sure, but their way of life is rather traditional, they're workaholic through and through, that's why I don't want to live in Japan, but I sure as hell want to visit it.
@@chachachaudhary8217 0
oh and dont forget your luxury bath time, when you re soaking in warm water bath while listening to some music for almost an hour after work, that was heaven
Somehow I really enjoy watching people being so hectic with their lives, while I spend most of my time holding my phone inside my bed room
Divo Galindra Lol im on my bed holding my phone horizontally as i watch this
@@banned3263 bitch vertical
Maxim van Dijk Lol you right i meant before i typed the comment
Bet that's not the only thing you are holding in your bedroom 😉