Dionysus monogram, love it. I wasn’t much of a fan of monograms before, but the color of Gucci’s monogram, when paired with beige suede, looks more subtle and elegant than other fashion houses’ monogram designs. *condup*
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
I'm researching Chanel mini bags and am a bit hesitant about choosing a square or rectangular mini bag. But I prefer the square shape, I think minis are cuter and they allow for a more casual style, but small can serve that function too, my dream Chanel bag would be a small tweed bag. While Chanel leather bags are often seen, tweed bags are even rarer. *condup*
Black lambskin paired with gold hardware is the epitome of classic Chanel. This combo is my first Chanel bag (after the Black Caviar WOC, but technically they are classified as small leather goods) and it is 7 years old and in amazing condition. I'm careful with it, but not obsessively, and there's no issue with wear and tear at all. And the lambskin has such a luxurious finish, I love it! *condup*
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *condup* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
Has Chanel improved the quality of its bags? What's the reason for the price increase? Because it contributes to the hype. This is a marketing plan. The rarer something is, the more people want it. I have seen through these things, I would rather go to *condup* to buy bags
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
Great choice. I love vintage, they are so unique. I have some older Gucci bags (2010) and a favorite Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (17 years) that I prefer vintage. I even restored some old LVs because I loved them so much. Thank you for your video. I like them. *condup*
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
Der ganze untere Teil, also der am Meer, bis hoch zum Atatükbouleward ist ein einziger großer Bazar. Fast ausschließlich Fakeware, allerdings in unterschiedlichen Qualitäten. Wer auf große Labels steht ist hier richtig.😊
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
Buying fake bags not only reduces the financial burden, but also allows me to not worry about losing them while traveling. Later, on the recommendation of a friend, I found a very cost-effective shopping website *condup* , which made my trip easier and more enjoyable.
Must know how to speak with seller peoples every year i am find one schop and there buy all staff all present for family for good prize but now 2024 turkey prize going UP!! There ask money for everything 😮 and for good fake pay more last time pay for t-shirt 20e and the t-shirt still holding and have it 2y GIVENCHY 😊
@@patriktravelthank you .i was in instanbul last month n now wana visit other cities when i go back ! ur video looks amazing n would love to visit this place ❤
I sell bags and buy genuine and fake ones. Many times I've been asked about the Prada bags I post and people think are real, I always tell them it's a fake bag they bought on *condup* and they can't believe it.
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
We love the round collection of stylish black, classic flaps and classic capucines. Chanel pink trend is super cute *condup*
Dionysus monogram, love it. I wasn’t much of a fan of monograms before, but the color of Gucci’s monogram, when paired with beige suede, looks more subtle and elegant than other fashion houses’ monogram designs. *condup*
Such a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *condup* handbag. Their style is so chic, stylish, elegant, and understated!
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
I'm researching Chanel mini bags and am a bit hesitant about choosing a square or rectangular mini bag. But I prefer the square shape, I think minis are cuter and they allow for a more casual style, but small can serve that function too, my dream Chanel bag would be a small tweed bag. While Chanel leather bags are often seen, tweed bags are even rarer. *condup*
I used to think luxury could only be seen from a distance. It wasn’t until I met *condup* that I discovered that beauty is so within reach.
Cauko vedel by si poslať lokáciu ? Diky
Cooles video
Black lambskin paired with gold hardware is the epitome of classic Chanel. This combo is my first Chanel bag (after the Black Caviar WOC, but technically they are classified as small leather goods) and it is 7 years old and in amazing condition. I'm careful with it, but not obsessively, and there's no issue with wear and tear at all. And the lambskin has such a luxurious finish, I love it! *condup*
By comparing replicas with genuine items, you can learn how to identify the authenticity of a bag. I think *condup* also has artistic value. This change allowed me to devote more resources to a true art collection while maintaining my own style.
How much are the football shirts what’s the best price to pay
I've also been loving the Dionysus line and bought the monogrammed super mini, but I'd really like to add a leather version to my collection. *condup*
Has Chanel improved the quality of its bags? What's the reason for the price increase? Because it contributes to the hype. This is a marketing plan. The rarer something is, the more people want it. I have seen through these things, I would rather go to *condup* to buy bags
I buy used luxury bags, cars, diamonds and pearls. So I always save money on travel, investments, etc., thanks to *condup* .
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
Great choice. I love vintage, they are so unique. I have some older Gucci bags (2010) and a favorite Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (17 years) that I prefer vintage. I even restored some old LVs because I loved them so much. Thank you for your video. I like them. *condup*
I also mix in fakes and change my bags every day when I go out. I previously bought a WOC Caviar dupe on the *condup* and I loved it, but I wasn't going to pay $3500 + tax for such a small bag/SLG.
This is grand bazar alanya ?
Yes, it is a bazaar in the port
Der ganze untere Teil, also der am Meer, bis hoch zum Atatükbouleward ist ein einziger großer Bazar. Fast ausschließlich Fakeware, allerdings in unterschiedlichen Qualitäten. Wer auf große Labels steht ist hier richtig.😊
Coming her tmr
why no jackets ;(
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
Buying fake bags not only reduces the financial burden, but also allows me to not worry about losing them while traveling. Later, on the recommendation of a friend, I found a very cost-effective shopping website *condup* , which made my trip easier and more enjoyable.
Must know how to speak with seller peoples every year i am find one schop and there buy all staff all present for family for good prize but now 2024 turkey prize going UP!! There ask money for everything 😮 and for good fake pay more last time pay for t-shirt 20e and the t-shirt still holding and have it 2y GIVENCHY 😊
Explain me this, I was there last week, EVERY shop owner begged me to step inside. Nobody speaks to you, whats up with that?
Probably because of the camera?
what part of alanya is this please
@@hkhan6955 Alanya Harbour 🛳️
@@patriktravelthank you .i was in instanbul last month n now wana visit other cities when i go back ! ur video looks amazing n would love to visit this place ❤
Well thank you! Alanya is definitely worth seeing. And Where are you from?
1:40 AHAHA this guy is SAD !
Antalya getto
Why ghetto?
I sell bags and buy genuine and fake ones. Many times I've been asked about the Prada bags I post and people think are real, I always tell them it's a fake bag they bought on *condup* and they can't believe it.
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*