Happened yesterday on a 2022 . 72000 miles. I cleaned the injector, cleared the code but, the msg was still there. Key on/ off several time. Msg still showing. After 10 or 15 miles msg cleared while runing. Thanks for this video. I was very helpful.
The injector is $245 from Oreilly’s. www.oreillyauto.com/detail/c/standard-ignition/engine-sensors---emissions/emissions---air-management/diesel-exhaust-fluid-injection-nozzle/547368154031/standard-ignition-diesel-exhaust-fluid-def-injection-nozzle/std0/dfi3/v/a/145144/automotive-truck-2018-ram-3500?q=diesel+exhaust+fluid+injection+nozzle&pos=1
Well anything would be better than whatever Ram used. Corrosion resistant was my main concern, not necessarily strength, so stainless made sense to me.
@@freerangejimboran into this today on my truck. The worst design from ram ever. On a place that has the most acidity they used bs bolts . I installed stainless on mine too. Not sure if I can get the code to delete after. How long did it take for the message to go away?
@@anthonykontos7931 Cleared the code with a code reader, cycled key on/off several times, engine on/off maybe twice…. Then drove about 5 miles and the dash message went away. Maybe I had to drive far enough for the DEF system to engage? I dunno.
Been telling everyone about those 8mm bolts on the injector nozzle for years…. .. nobody took me seriously!! Replaced mine with stainless steel.
Happened yesterday on a 2022 . 72000 miles.
I cleaned the injector, cleared the code but, the msg was still there.
Key on/ off several time. Msg still showing.
After 10 or 15 miles msg cleared while runing.
Thanks for this video.
I was very helpful.
JImbo... did you check to see if this would be covered under the exhaust warranty?
I did not. I bought it used with 74K miles, so I assumed all warranties were expired.
Hay what is the actuall size of the bolts I lost of them and really need
Sorry, since mine were destroyed, I really don’t know other than metric and smaller diameter than 1/4”.
Jimbo ... were you able to drill out without taking off your exhaust ??
were are having the exact same thing ...same vehicle ...
Yep. Exhaust stayed on the truck. Just lined up as best I could while using a hand drill under the truck.
Wonderful design, isn’t it.
I wonder if a 10-12 OHM resistor across those wires would work?
That is an excellent question. I’m assuming it wouldn’t, but that’d be a much cheaper solution if it did.
Good job!! What was the cost to replace it?
The injector is $245 from Oreilly’s.
@@freerangejimbo thank you for your response. 🙋♂️🙋♂️🙋♂️
Just got my hands on one and they officially announced major back ordering as of 2-27-23
I got mine from mopar online $405 and a few minutes of my time.
Is stainless steel the best option? Grade 8?
Well anything would be better than whatever Ram used. Corrosion resistant was my main concern, not necessarily strength, so stainless made sense to me.
@@freerangejimboran into this today on my truck. The worst design from ram ever. On a place that has the most acidity they used bs bolts . I installed stainless on mine too. Not sure if I can get the code to delete after. How long did it take for the message to go away?
@@anthonykontos7931 Cleared the code with a code reader, cycled key on/off several times, engine on/off maybe twice…. Then drove about 5 miles and the dash message went away. Maybe I had to drive far enough for the DEF system to engage? I dunno.